All Disparities, and Near Disparities, between the Robinson-Pierpont Text and Scrivener's Collations

Version 0.94.59, 30 September 2024

These verses are an excerpt from the FarAboveAll translation by Graham G. Thomason, available at See the Introduction to the translation for a definition of a “disparity”. All disparities can be found by searching the main translation files for “disparity”.

Matt 5:39 e0gw_ de\ le/gw u9mi=n mh\ a)ntisth=nai tw%~ ponhrw%~: a)ll' o3stij se r(api/sei e0pi\ th\n {RP-text P1904: decia_n} [RP-marg TR: decia&n sou] siago/na, stre/yon au0tw%~ kai\ th\n a!llhn: but I say to you, do not resist evil, but whoever strikes you on {RP-text P1904: the} [RP-marg TR: your] right cheek – turn also the other cheek to him, sou, your: absent in RP-text P1904 F1853=7/18 F1859=2/6 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1853=11/18 F1859=4/6. A disparity with RP-text, R=10:16.
Matt 5:45 o3pwj ge/nhsqe ui9oi\ tou= patro\j u9mw~n tou= e0n {RP-text: toi=j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] ou0ranoi=j, o3ti to\n h3lion au0tou= a)nate/llei e0pi\ ponhrou\j kai\ a)gaqou/j, kai\ bre/xei e0pi\ dikai/ouj kai\ a)di/kouj. so that you become sons of your father in {RP-text: the} [RP-marg P1904 TR: the] heavens, for he makes his sun rise on the wicked and the good, and he sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. toi=j, (in) the (heavens): present in RP-text F1853=10/19 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=9/19 F1859=3/6. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:14.
Matt 9:18 Tau=ta au0tou= lalou=ntoj au0toi=j, i0dou/, a!rxwn {RP P1904 S1894: ei[j} [S1550 E1624: - ] [MISC: tij] {RP TR: e0lqw_n} [P1904: proselqw_n] proseku/nei au0tw%~, le/gwn o3ti 879H quga&thr mou a!rti e0teleu/thsen: a)lla_ e0lqw_n e0pi/qej th\n xei=ra& sou e0p' au0th/n, kai\ zh/setai. While he was saying these things to them, it so happened that a certain governor came {RP TR: - } [P1904: up] and worshipped him and said, “My daughter has just died, but come and put your hand on her, and she will live.” ei[j, one (governor): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's dko) F1859=1/7 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's af**pu, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7 vs. tij, a certain (governor), F1853=12/20 F1859=5/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/7. A strong disparity with RP, R=6:17.

e0lqw_n, came, RP TR F1853=11/18 F1859=2/7 vs. proselqw_n, came to, P1904 F1853=7/18 F1859=4/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/18 F1859=1/7.

Ignoring diacritics and spaces (absent in early manuscripts), RP could also be read as ei0selqw_n, (a governor) entered.

it so happened that ← behold.

come: imperatival use of the participle.
Matt 9:27 Kai\ para&gonti e0kei=qen tw%~ 870Ihsou=, h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~ du/o tufloi/, kra&zontej kai\ le/gontej, 870Ele/hson h9ma~j, {RP-text P1904 TR: ui9e\} [RP-marg: ui9o\j] {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. Then as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, shouting and saying, “Have mercy on us, son of David.” ui9e\, son (vocative), RP-text P1904 TR F1853=8/19 F1859=4/6 vs. ui9o\j, son (nominative), RP-marg F1853=11/19 F1859=2/6. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=14:13.

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.
Matt 10:19 873Otan de\ {RP TR: paradidw~sin} [P1904: paradw&sousin] u9ma~j, mh\ merimnh/shte pw~j h2 ti/ {RP TR: lalh/shte} [P1904: lalh/sete]: doqh/setai ga_r u9mi=n e0n e0kei/nh| th|= w#ra% ti/ lalh/sete: But when they deliver you up, do not be anxious about how or what you {RP TR: are to} [P1904: will] say, because what you will say will be given to you in that hour, paradidw~sin, they deliver up (classical aorist subjunctive), RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=4/7 vs. paradw&sousin, they will deliver up (non-classical future), P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's s) F1859=1/7 vs. other readings, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's c) F1859=2/7.

lalh/shte, you should say (deliberative), RP TR F1853=7/21 F1859=5/6 vs. lalh/sete, you will say, P1904 F1853=12/21 F1859=1/6. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:14 vs. another reading, F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's cxonce) F1859=0/6.
Matt 10:28 Kai\ mh\ {RP: fobei=sqe} [P1904 TR: fobhqh=te] a)po\ tw~n {RP: a)pokteno/ntwn} [P1904: a)poktenno/ntwn] [TR: a)pokteino/ntwn] to\ sw~ma, th\n de\ yuxh\n mh\ duname/nwn a)poktei=nai: fobh/qhte de\ ma~llon to\n duna&menon kai\ {RP-text: th\n yuxh\n kai\ to\ sw~ma} [RP-marg P1904 TR: yuxh\n kai\ sw~ma] a)pole/sai e0n gee/nnh|. and do not fear those who kill the body, but who cannot kill the soul, but fear rather him who can destroy both {RP: the soul and the body} [P1904 TR: soul and body] in Gehenna. fobei=sqe, fear (present middle / passive), RP F1853=14/19 F1859=3/7 vs. fobhqh=te, fear (aorist passive), P1904 TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's uxy, u being very doubtful) F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's qr) F1859=1/7. No difference in our English.

a)pokteno/ntwn, RP F1853=14/19 F1859=4/6 vs. a)poktenno/ntwn, P1904 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's fhs) F1859=1/6 vs. a)pokteino/ntwn, TR F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6. All are present participles, those who kill.

th\n yuxh\n kai\ to\ sw~ma, the soul and the body, RP-text F1853=8/19 F1859=3/6 vs. yuxh\n kai\ sw~ma, soul and body, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/19 F1859=2/6 vs. other readings, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's h) F1859=1/6. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:14.

Gehenna: see Matt 5:22.
Matt 12:28 Ei0 de\ {RP: e0n pneu/mati qeou= e0gw_} [P1904 TR: e0gw_ e0n pneu/mati qeou=] e0kba&llw ta_ daimo/nia, a!ra e1fqasen e0f' u9ma~j h9 basilei/a tou= qeou=. But if I cast the demons out by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. e0n pneu/mati qeou= e0gw_, in spirit of God + I, RP F1853=9/19 F1859=3/6 vs. e0gw_ e0n pneu/mati qeou=, I + in spirit of God, P1904 TR F1853=10/19 F1859=3/6. A disparity with RP, R=12:15.

has come: this is a good example of an aorist in Greek (e1fqasen) requiring a perfect-with-have in English (has come). See Matt 2:2.
Matt 13:33 871Allhn parabolh\n e0la&lhsen au0toi=j, 879Omoi/a e0sti\n h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n zu/mh|, h4n labou=sa gunh\ {RP-text: e1kruyen} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0ne/kruyen] ei0j a)leu/rou sa&ta tri/a, e3wj ou[ e0zumw&qh o3lon. He told them another parable: “The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three sack measures of flour, until it was all leavened.” e1kruyen, hid, RP-text F1853=12/20 F1859=3/7 vs. e0ne/kruyen, in-hid, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=4/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=15:14.

sack measures ← pecks. 1 peck = 2 imperial gallons or 9 litres.
Matt 14:22 Kai\ eu0qe/wj h0na&gkasen o9 870Ihsou=j tou\j maqhta_j {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0tou=] e0mbh=nai ei0j to\ ploi=on, kai\ proa&gein au0to\n ei0j to\ pe/ran, e3wj ou[ a)polu/sh| tou\j o1xlouj. Then straightaway Jesus made {RP: his} [P1904 TR: his] disciples go on board the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. au0tou=, his: absent in RP F1853=11/22 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=11/22 F1859=3/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=15:16.

while ← until.
Matt 15:39 Kai\ a)polu/saj tou\j o1xlouj {RP-text P1904 TR: e0ne/bh} [RP-marg: a)ne/bh] ei0j to\ ploi=on, kai\ h]lqen ei0j ta_ o3ria Magdala&. Then he dismissed the crowds and went {RP-text P1904 TR: on board} [RP-marg: up into] the boat and went to the regions of Magdala. e0ne/bh, went in, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=10/20 F1859=1/6 vs. a)ne/bh, went up, RP-marg F1853=10/20 F1859=5/6. No difference in our English. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:15.
Matt 17:2 Kai\ metemorfw&qh e1mprosqen au0tw~n, kai\ e1lamyen to\ pro/swpon au0tou= w(j o9 h3lioj, ta_ de\ i9ma&tia au0tou= {RP-text: e0ge/nonto} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0ge/neto] leuka_ w(j to\ fw~j. and he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white like light. e0ge/nonto, became (non-classical form), RP-text F1853=9/19 F1859=4/6 vs. e0ge/neto, became (classical form), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/19 F1859=2/6. No difference in our translation. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:14.

transfigured: AV= transformed, but we keep to the accepted terminology of the transfiguration.

light ← the light. See Gen 22:9.
Matt 17:4 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 Pe/troj ei]pen tw%~ 870Ihsou=, ku/rie, kalo/n e0stin h9ma~j w{de ei]nai: ei0 qe/leij, poih/swmen w{de trei=j skhna&j, soi\ mi/an, kai\ {RP TR: Mwsh|=} [P1904: Mwsei=] mi/an, kai\ mi/an 870Hli/a%. and Peter reacted and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, let us make three booths here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” Mwsh|=, Moses (1), RP TR F1853=8/19 F1859=4/7 vs. Mwsei=, Moses (2), F1853=11/19 P1904 F1859=1/7 vs. Mwu+sei=, Moüses, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/7 vs. phrase absent, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=13:13.
Matt 17:12 le/gw de\ u9mi=n o3ti 870Hli/aj h1dh h]lqen, kai\ ou0k e0pe/gnwsan au0to/n, {RP: a)lla_} [P1904 TR: a)ll'] e0poi/hsan e0n au0tw%~ o3sa h0qe/lhsan: ou3twj kai\ o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou me/llei pa&sxein u9p' au0tw~n. but I say to you that Elijah has already come, but they did not recognize him but did to him what they wished. In this way the son of man is also going to suffer at their hands.” a)lla_, but (unapocopated form), RP F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's a) F1859=1/6 vs. a)ll', but (apocopated form), P1904 TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6. A strong disparity with RP (and HF), R=2:25.

at their hands ← by them.
Matt 19:26 870Emble/yaj de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Para_ a)nqrw&poij tou=to a)du/nato/n e0stin, para_ de\ qew%~ pa&nta dunata& {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0stin]. Then Jesus looked straight at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God everything {RP-text: is} [RP-marg P1904 TR: is] possible.” e0sti¨n©, is: absent in RP-text F1853=11/21 F1859=2/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/21 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=13:17.
Matt 20:5 Oi9 de\ a)ph=lqon. Pa&lin e0celqw_n peri\ e3kthn kai\ {RP P1904: e0na&thn} [TR: e0nna&thn] w#ran, e0poi/hsen w(sau/twj. So they went off. ¶ Again he went out, at about the sixth and ninth hour, and he did likewise. ¶ Verse division: in AV numbering, Matt 20:5 begins here.

e0na&thn, ninth (1), RP P1904 F1853=11/20 F1859=3/7 vs. e0nna&thn, ninth (2), TR F1853=9/20 F1859=4/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.

sixth and ninth hour: 12 noon and 3 p.m.
Matt 20:27 kai\ o4j e0a_n qe/lh| e0n u9mi=n ei]nai prw~toj {RP TR: e1stw} [P1904: e1stai] u9mw~n dou=loj: And whoever among you wishes to be first {RP TR: must} [P1904: will] be your servant, e1stw, must be, RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/7 vs. e1stai, will be, P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=4/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=14:15.
Matt 21:30 Kai\ proselqw_n tw%~ {RP-text P1904 TR: deute/rw%} [RP-marg: e9te/rw%] ei]pen w(sau/twj. 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, 870Egw&, ku/rie: kai\ ou0k a)ph=lqen. Then he went to the {RP-text P1904 TR: second} [RP-marg: other] and spoke similarly. Now he replied and said, ‘I will go, sir’, but he did not go there. deute/rw%, second, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=7/21 F1859=3/8 vs. e9te/rw%, other, RP-marg F1853=14/21 F1859=5/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:19.

go therego away.
Matt 22:9 Poreu/esqe ou]n e0pi\ ta_j dieco/douj tw~n o9dw~n, kai\ o3souj {RP-text TR: a@n} [RP-marg P1904: e0a_n] eu3rhte, kale/sate ei0j tou\j ga&mouj. So go to the arterial roads and invite whoever you find to the wedding.’ a@n, (who)ever (1), RP-text TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/8 vs. e0a_n, (who)ever (2), RP-marg P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=5/8. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=14:16.

arterial roads ← through-exits of the roads.

whoever ← as many as.
Matt 22:37 o9 de\ 870Ihsou=j {RP P1904: e1fh} [TR: ei]pen] au0tw%~, 870Agaph/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou, e0n o3lh| {RP: - } [P1904 TR: th|=] kardi/a% sou, kai\ e0n o3lh| {RP: - } [P1904 TR: th|=] yuxh|= sou, kai\ e0n o3lh| th|= dianoi/a% sou. And Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. e1fh, he said (1), RP P1904 F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. ei]pen, he said (2), TR F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.

1st th|=, the (heart of you): absent in RP F1853=12/22 F1859=6/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=10/22 F1859=1/7.

2nd th|=, the (soul of you): absent in RP F1853=8/23 F1859=3/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=15/23 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:21.

Deut 6:5.
Matt 22:39 Deute/ra de\ o9moi/a {RP-text P1904 TR: au0th|=} [RP-marg: au3th], 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto/n. {RP-text P1904 TR: And the second is like it} [RP-marg: And the second, which is similar, is this]: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. au0th|=, to it, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=9/20 F1859=0/7 vs. au3th, this, RP-marg F1853=9/20 F1859=6/7 vs. another reading, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ce) F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:15. This is only a matter of choice of diacritics by scribes and editors.

Lev 19:18.
Matt 23:5 Pa&nta de\ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n poiou=sin pro\j to\ qeaqh=nai toi=j a)nqrw&poij: platu/nousin {RP TR: de\} [P1904: ga_r] ta_ fulakth/ria au0tw~n, kai\ megalu/nousin ta_ kra&speda tw~n i9mati/wn au0tw~n: But they do all their works to be seen by men, {RP TR: and} [P1904: for] they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the fringes of their coats, de\, and, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=6/8 vs. ga_r, for, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/8. We correct here Scrivener's assumed erroneous interchange of de\ and ga_r. A disparity with F1853; F1859 is correct.

fringes: see Num 15:38; literally hems.
Matt 24:27 873Wsper ga_r h9 a)straph\ e0ce/rxetai a)po\ a)natolw~n kai\ fai/netai e3wj dusmw~n, ou3twj e1stai {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\} [RP-marg: - ] h9 parousi/a tou= ui9ou= tou= a)nqrw&pou. for as lightning comes out from the east and shines as far as the west, so {RP-text P1904 TR: also} [RP-marg: - ] shall the coming of the son of man be, kai\, also: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in RP-marg F1853=12/21 F1859=3/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=15:15.
Matt 26:9 870Hdu/nato ga_r tou=to to\ mu/ron praqh=nai pollou=, kai\ doqh=nai {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: toi=j] ptwxoi=j. For this ointment could have been sold for much money and the proceeds given to {RP-text TR: the} [RP-marg P1904: the] poor.” toi=j, to the: absent in RP-text TR F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1853=12/21 F1859=3/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=14:16.
Matt 26:11 {RP-text TR: Pa&ntote ga_r tou\j ptwxou\j} [RP-marg P1904: Tou\j ptwxou\j ga_r pa&ntote] e1xete meq' e9autw~n, e0me\ de\ ou0 pa&ntote e1xete. For you always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me. pa&ntote ga_r tou\j ptwxou\j, everywhere + for + the poor, RP-text TR F1853=12/21 F1859=1/7 vs. tou\j ptwxou\j ga_r pa&ntote, the poor + for + everywhere, RP-marg P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=6/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=14:16.
Matt 26:15 ei]pen, Ti/ qe/lete/ moi dou=nai, {RP-text TR: ka)gw_} [RP-marg P1904: kai\ e0gw_] u9mi=n paradw&sw au0to/n; Oi9 de\ e1sthsan au0tw%~ tria&konta a)rgu/ria. and he said, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him to you?” And they stipulated thirty pieces of silver for him. ka)gw_, and I (contracted, crasis), RP-text TR F1853=10/20 F1859=5/9 vs. kai\ e0gw_, and I (without crasis), RP-marg P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=4/9. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=16:15.

if: conditional use of kai/.

stipulated ← or weighed out; they either weighed the matter up in their minds, or they weighed out silver coins literally. The literal meaning is set up, made stand.
Matt 26:17 Th|= de\ prw&th| tw~n a)zu/mwn prosh=lqon oi9 maqhtai\ tw%~ 870Ihsou=, le/gontej au0tw%~, Pou= qe/leij {RP-text: e9toima&some/n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e9toima&swme/n] soi fagei=n to\ Pa&sxa; On the first day of the unleavened bread, the disciples came to Jesus and said to him, “Where do you wish us to prepare for you to eat the Passover?” e9toima&some/n, we will prepare (future indicative), RP-text F1853=9/21 F1859=1/7 vs. e9toima&swme/n, that we should prepare (subjunctive), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=6/7. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=10:20.
Matt 26:29 Le/gw de\ u9mi=n o3ti ou0 mh\ pi/w a)p' a!rti e0k tou/tou tou= {RP TR: gennh/matoj} [P1904: genh/matoj] th=j a)mpe/lou, e3wj th=j h9me/raj e0kei/nhj o3tan au0to\ pi/nw meq' u9mw~n kaino\n e0n th|= basilei/a% tou= patro/j mou. But I say to you, I will certainly not drink from this produce of the vine from now until that day when I drink it with you anew in the kingdom of my father.” gennh/matoj, produce (1), RP TR F1853=5/20 F1859=2/7 vs. genh/matoj, produce (2), P1904 F1853=15/20 F1859=5/7. A strong disparity with RP, R=8:21.
Matt 26:39 Kai\ {RP: proselqw_n} [P1904 TR: proelqw_n] mikro/n, e1pesen e0pi\ pro/swpon au0tou= proseuxo/menoj kai\ le/gwn, Pa&ter mou, ei0 dunato/n e0stin, parelqe/tw a)p' e0mou= to\ poth/rion tou=to: plh\n ou0x w(j e0gw_ qe/lw, a)ll' w(j su/. Then when he had {RP: come a little nearer} [P1904 TR: gone on ahead a little], he fell face down and prayed and said, “My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. But not as I wish, but as you do.” proselqw_n, having gone towards, RP F1853=10/20 F1859=6/9 vs. proelqw_n, having gone on ahead, P1904 TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/9. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=16:15.

Christ is not referring to the crucifixion! See Luke 22:42 and Heb 5:7. See also Mark 14:35, Mark 14:41.
Matt 26:75 Kai\ e0mnh/sqh o9 Pe/troj tou= r(h/matoj {RP TR: tou=} [P1904: - ] 870Ihsou= ei0rhko/toj au0tw%~ o3ti Pri\n a)le/ktora fwnh=sai, tri\j a)parnh/sh| me. Kai\ e0celqw_n e1cw e1klausen pikrw~j. And Peter remembered the words of Jesus, who had said to him: “Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly. tou=, the (Jesus): present in RP TR F1853=9/19 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=10/19 F1859=3/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.

words ← word.

who had said: our italicization here indicates the supplying of a finite verb, not a tense change, aorist to (plu-)perfect, as might be suspected. See the Introduction.
Matt 27:45 870Apo\ de\ e3kthj w#raj sko/toj e0ge/neto e0pi\ pa~san th\n gh=n e3wj w#raj {RP P1904: e0na&thj} [TR: e0nna&thj]: Now from the sixth hour, darkness came about on the whole earth until the ninth hour. e0na&thj, ninth (1), RP P1904 F1853=13/21 F1859=2/8 vs. e0nna&thj, ninth (2), TR F1853=8/21 F1859=6/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=16:15.

sixth hour: 12 noon.

earth: or land.

ninth hour: 3 p.m.
Matt 27:46 peri\ de\ th\n {RP P1904: e0na&thn} [TR: e0nna&thn] w#ran a)nebo/hsen o9 870Ihsou=j fwnh|= mega&lh|, le/gwn, 870Hli/, 870Hli/, {RP P1904: lima_} [TR: lama_] [MISC: leima_] sabaxqani/; Tou=t' e1stin, Qee/ mou, Qee/ mou, i3na ti/ me e0gkate/lipej; And at about the ninth hour, Jesus shouted out with a loud voice and said, “Eli, Eli, lima sabachthani?” This means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” e0na&thj, ninth (1), RP P1904 F1853=13/21 F1859=2/8 vs. e0nna&thj, ninth (2), TR F1853=8/21 F1859=6/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=16:15.

lima_, lima, why (1), RP P1904 F1853=16/21 F1859=5/8 vs. lama_, why (2), TR F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/8 vs. leima_, why (3), F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's bfox) F1859=3/8.

Ps 22:2MT (Ps 22:1AV).

ninth hour: 3 p.m.

sabachthani: see Mark 15:34.

means ← is.

have you forsaken ← did you forsake. See Matt 2:2.
Matt 27:65 871Efh {RP TR: de\} [P1904: - ] au0toi=j o9 Pila&toj, 871Exete koustwdi/an: u9pa&gete, a)sfali/sasqe w(j oi1date. {RP TR: Then} [P1904: - ] Pilate said to them, “You have your guard. Go and secure it as you know best.” de\, and / but: present in RP TR F1853=11/20 F1859=2/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=9/20 F1859=5/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=14:15.
Matt 28:10 To/te le/gei au0tai=j o9 870Ihsou=j: Mh\ fobei=sqe: u9pa&gete, a)paggei/late toi=j a)delfoi=j mou i3na a)pe/lqwsin ei0j th\n Galilai/an, {RP-text: kai\ e0kei=} [RP-marg P1904 TR: ka)kei=] me o1yontai. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to depart for Galilee, and that they will see me there.” kai\ e0kei=, and there (without crasis), RP-text F1853=8/20 F1859=5/7 vs. ka)kei=, and there (contracted, crasis), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=11/20 F1859=2/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's o) F1859=0/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:15.
Mark 1:9 Kai\ e0ge/neto e0n e0kei/naij tai=j h9me/raij, h]lqen {RP TR: - } [P1904: o9] 870Ihsou=j a)po\ {RP P1904 S1550: Nazare\t} [E1624 S1894: Nazare\q] th=j Galilai/aj, kai\ e0bapti/sqh u9po\ 870Iwa&nnou ei0j to\n 870Iorda&nhn. And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan, o9, the (Jesus): absent in RP TR F1853=11/21 F1859=2/8 vs. present in P1904 F1853=10/21 F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP, R=14:17.

Nazare/t, Nazaret, RP P1904 S1550 F1853=13/19 F1859=5/8 vs. Nazare/q, Nazareth, E1624 S1894 F1853=6/19 F1859=3/8.

in ← into. Pregnant use, compare Matt 18:6.
Mark 2:4 Kai\ mh\ duna&menoi proseggi/sai au0tw%~ dia_ to\n o1xlon, a)peste/gasan th\n ste/ghn o3pou h]n, kai\ e0coru/cantej xalw~sin to\n {RP-text TR: kra&bbaton} [RP-marg P1904: kra&batton] e0f' w%{ o9 paralutiko\j kate/keito. and not being able to approach him on account of the crowd, they opened up the roof where he was. And when they had broken it up, they lowered the stretcher on which the paralysed man was lying. kra&bbaton, stretcher (1), RP-text TR, F1853=11/21 F1859=2/7 vs. kra&batton, stretcher (2), RP-marg P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's v) F1859=1/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=14:14.

opened up ← unroofed.
Mark 2:9 Ti/ e0stin eu0kopw&teron, ei0pei=n tw%~ paralutikw%~, 870Afe/wntai/ {RP P1904: sou} [TR: soi] ai9 a(marti/ai, h2 ei0pei=n, {RP-text TR: 871Egeirai} [RP-marg P1904: 871Egeire], kai\ {RP-text TR: a}ro/n sou to\n kra&bbaton} [RP-marg: a}ro/n sou to\n kra&batton] [P1904: a}ron to\n kra&batto/n sou], kai\ peripa&tei; Which is easier, to say to the paralytic man, {RP P1904: ‘You have been forgiven your sins’,} [TR: ‘You have been forgiven your sins’,] or to say ‘Arise, and pick up your stretcher, and walk’? sou, your (sins have been forgiven), RP P1904 F1853=14/21 F1859=7/7 vs. soi, (sins have been forgiven) to you, TR F1853=7/21 F1859=0/7.

e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP-text TR F1853=11/21 F1859=3/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), RP-marg P1904 F1853=10/21 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7 Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=15:14.

sou to\n kra&bbaton, of you + the stretcher (1), RP-text TR F1853=14/21 F1859=3/7 vs. sou to\n kra&batton, of you + the stretcher (2), RP-marg F1853=0/21 F1859=0/7 vs. to\n kra&batto/n sou, the stretcher (2) + of you, P1904 F1853=0/21 F1859=2/7 vs. to\n kra&bbato/n sou, the stretcher (1) + of you, F1853=7/21 F1859=1/7 vs. to\n kra&bato/n sou, the stretcher (3) + of you, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7. A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).

you have been forgiven your sins ← {RP P1904: your sins have been forgiven} [TR: sins have been forgiven you].

walk ← walk around.
Mark 2:11 Soi\ le/gw, {RP-text TR: e1geirai} [RP-marg P1904: e1geire] kai\ a}ron to\n {RP-text TR: kra&bbato/n} [RP-marg P1904: kra&batto/n] sou, kai\ u3page ei0j to\n oi]ko/n sou. “I say to you, arise, and pick up your stretcher and go to your home.” e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP-text TR F1853=11/21 F1859=1/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), RP-marg P1904 F1853=10/21 F1859=5/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=13:16.

kra&bbaton, stretcher: as verse 9.
Mark 2:14 Kai\ para&gwn ei]den {RP-text: Leui+\} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Leui+\n] to\n tou= 870Alfai/ou kaqh/menon e0pi\ to\ telw&nion, kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, 870Akolou/qei moi. Kai\ a)nasta_j h0kolou/qhsen au0tw%~. And as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the tax office, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. Leui+\, Levi, RP-text F1853=7/22 F1859=1/7 vs. Leui+\n, Levi (in a separate accusative form), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=15/22 F1859=5/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=0/22 F1859=1/7. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=8:22.
Mark 3:3 Kai\ le/gei tw%~ a)nqrw&pw% tw%~ e0chramme/nhn e1xonti th\n xei=ra, {RP TR: 871Egeirai} [P1904: 871Egeire] ei0j to\ me/son. And he said to the man with the withered hand, “Come up to centre stage.” e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=12/21 F1859=1/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=6/7. . A weak disparity with RP, R=14:16.

with ← having.
Mark 3:27 {RP P1904: Ou0dei\j du/natai} [TR: Ou0 du/natai ou0dei\j] ta_ skeu/h tou= i0sxurou=, ei0selqw_n ei0j th\n oi0ki/an au0tou=, diarpa&sai, e0a_n mh\ prw~ton to\n i0sxuro\n dh/sh|, kai\ to/te th\n oi0ki/an au0tou= {RP-text: diarpa&sh|} [RP-marg P1904 TR: diarpa&sei]. No-one can plunder the goods of a strong man, after entering his house, unless he first binds the strong man, and then he can plunder his house. ou0dei\j du/natai, no-one + can, RP P1904 F1853=19/21 F1859=4/6 vs. ou0 du/natai ou0dei\j, not can + anyone, TR F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/6.

diarpa&sh|, may plunder, RP-text F1853=10/21 F1859=4/6 vs. diarpa&sei, will plunder, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/21 F1859=2/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/6. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=14:14.

can ← {RP-text P1904: will} [RP-marg TR: may], a Hebraism.
Mark 4:22 Ou0 ga&r {RP TR: e0sti/n ti} [P1904: e0sti] krupto/n, o4 e0a_n mh\ fanerwqh|=: ou0de\ e0ge/neto a)po/krufon, a)ll' i3na {RP TR: ei0j fanero\n e1lqh|} [P1904: e1lqh| ei0j fanero/n]. For there is nothing hidden whatever which will not be made manifest, nor has anything secret taken place but that it will come into the open. ti, (is no) thing: present in RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=3/6. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.

ei0j fanero\n e1lqh|, into open come, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=5/6 vs. e1lqh| ei0j fanero/n, come into open, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.
Mark 4:37 Kai\ gi/netai lai=lay a)ne/mou mega&lh: ta_ de\ ku/mata {RP-text P1904 TR: e0pe/ballen} [RP-marg: e0pe/balen] ei0j to\ ploi=on, w#ste {RP TR: au0to\ h1dh} [P1904: h1dh au0to\] {RP TR: gemi/zesqai} [P1904: buqi/zesqai]. And a severe windy storm arose, and the waves {RP-text P1904 TR: were breaking over} [RP-marg: broke over] into the boat, so that it was already {RP TR: filling up} [P1904: sinking]. e0pe/ballen, were breaking over, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's chux) F1859=5/8 vs. e0pe/balen, broke over, RP-marg F1853=14/20 F1859=2/8 vs. other readings, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ek) F1859=1/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:16.

au0to\ h1dh, it + already, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=5/6 vs. h1dh au0to\, already + it, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's g) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6.

gemi/zesqai, filling up, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=5/6 vs. buqi/zesqai, sinking, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's d) F1859=0/6.
Mark 6:11 Kai\ o3soi {RP TR: a@n} [P1904: e0a_n] mh\ de/cwntai u9ma~j, mhde\ a)kou/swsin u9mw~n, e0kporeuo/menoi e0kei=qen, e0ktina&cate to\n xou=n to\n u9poka&tw tw~n podw~n u9mw~n ei0j martu/rion au0toi=j. 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, a)nekto/teron e1stai Sodo/moij h2 Gomo/rroij e0n h9me/ra% kri/sewj, h2 th|= po/lei e0kei/nh|. And as for whoever does not receive you or hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet as a testimony to them. Truly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that city.” a@n, (who)ever (1), RP TR F1853=9/20 F1859=4/7 vs. e0a_n, (who)ever (2), P1904 F1853=11/20 F1859=3/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=14:15.
Mark 6:16 870Akou/saj de\ {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: o9] 879Hrw%&dhj ei]pen o3ti 874On e0gw_ a)pekefa&lisa 870Iwa&nnhn, ou[to/j e0stin: au0to\j h0ge/rqh e0k nekrw~n. But when Herod heard about it, he said, “John, whom I had beheaded – that's who it is. He has been raised from the dead.” o9, the (Herod): absent in RP-text F1853=9/21 F1859=2/8 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:20.

had beheaded ← beheaded, used causatively, gave command to be beheaded, compare Matt 2:16.

been raised: or risen.
Mark 6:27 Kai\ eu0qe/wj a)postei/laj o9 basileu\j {RP: spekoula&tora} [P1904 TR: spekoula&twra] e0pe/tacen e0nexqh=nai th\n kefalh\n au0tou=. So the king immediately sent an executioner with instruction that his head should be brought in. spekoula&tora, an executioner (1), RP F1853=10/20 F1859=5/7 vs. spekoula&twra, an executioner (2), P1904 TR F1853=10/20. F1859=2/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.

sent ... with instruction ← having sent ... ordered.
Mark 8:13 Kai\ a)fei\j au0tou/j, {RP TR: e0mba_j pa&lin} [P1904: - ] ei0j {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: to\] ploi=on, a)ph=lqen {RP TR: ei0j to\ pe/ran} [P1904: pa&lin]. Then he left them {RP TR: and again boarded} [P1904: and went into] {RP-text: a} [RP-marg P1904 TR: the] boat and departed {RP TR: to the other side} [P1904: again]. e0mba_j pa&lin, having boarded again: present in RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=0/7 vs. e0mba_j, having boarded, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's e) F1859=1/7 vs. other readings, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's dy) F1859=2/7.

to\, the: absent in RP-text F1853=10/20 F1859=2/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/20 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:17.

ei0j to\ pe/ran, to the other side, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=6/7 vs. pa&lin, again, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/7.
Mark 8:38 874Oj ga_r {RP-text P1904: e0a_n} [RP-marg TR: a@n] e0paisxunqh|= me kai\ tou\j e0mou\j lo/gouj e0n th|= genea%~ tau/th| th|= moixali/di kai\ a(martwlw%~, kai\ o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e0paisxunqh/setai au0to/n, o3tan e1lqh| e0n th|= do/ch| tou= patro\j au0tou= meta_ tw~n a)gge/lwn tw~n a(gi/wn. For as for whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the son of man will be in turn ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his father with the holy angels.” e0a_n, (who)ever (1), RP-text P1904 F1853=11/19 F1859=2/7 vs. a@n, (who)ever (2), RP-marg TR F1853=8/19 F1859=5/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=14:14.

in turn ← also.
Mark 9:2 Kai\ meq' h9me/raj e4c paralamba&nei o9 870Ihsou=j to\n Pe/tron kai\ to\n 870Ia&kwbon kai\ {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: to\n] 870Iwa&nnhn, kai\ a)nafe/rei au0tou\j ei0j o1roj u9yhlo\n kat' i0di/an mo/nouj: kai\ metemorfw&qh e1mprosqen au0tw~n: Then six days later, Jesus took Peter and James and John along and brought them up to a high mountain alone, privately. Then he was transfigured in front of them. to\n, the (John): absent in RP-text F1853=11/21 F1859=2/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/21 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=13:17.

transfigured ← transformed, but we keep to the accepted terminology of the transfiguration.
Mark 9:3 kai\ ta_ i9ma&tia au0tou= {RP-text: e0ge/nonto} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0ge/neto] sti/lbonta, leuka_ li/an w(j xiw&n, oi[a gnafeu\j e0pi\ th=j gh=j ou0 du/natai {RP TR: - } [P1904: ou3tw] leuka~nai. And his clothes became shining – very white like snow – clothes of a kind which no cloth dresser on earth can make shine {RP TR: like that} [P1904: in such a way]. e0ge/nonto, became (non-classical form), RP-text F1853=8/19 F1859=2/7 vs. e0ge/neto, became (classical form), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=11/19 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=10:18.

ou3tw¨j©, in such a way: absent in RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=6/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's c) F1859=1/7.

no cloth dresser ... can ← a cloth dresser ... cannot.
Mark 9:4 Kai\ w!fqh au0toi=j 870Hli/aj su\n {RP-text: Mwsh|=} [RP-marg TR: Mwsei=] [P1904: Mwu+sei=], kai\ h]san sullalou=ntej tw%~ 870Ihsou=. Moreover Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were speaking to Jesus, Mwsh|=, Moses (1), RP-text F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's gy) F1859=1/7 vs. Mwsei=, Moses (2), RP-marg TR F1853=6/19 F1859=5/7 vs. Mwu+sei=, Moses (3), P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's dp) F1859=1/7 vs. Mwu+sh|=, Moses (4), F1853=9/19 F1859=0/7. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:12. Note a very different distribution in F1853 for the next verse. We appreciate that the majority reading may best be decided in a wider scope than verse by verse.
Mark 9:5 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j o9 Pe/troj le/gei tw%~ 870Ihsou=, 879Rabbi/, kalo/n e0stin h9ma~j w{de ei]nai: kai\ poih/swmen skhna_j trei=j, soi\ mi/an, kai\ {RP-text: Mwsh|=} [RP-marg TR: Mwsei=] [P1904: Mwu+sei=] mi/an, kai\ 870Hli/a% mi/an. at which Peter responded and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. So let's make three booths: one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” Mwsh=, Moses (1), RP-text F1853=10/19 F1859=0/7 vs. Mwsei=, Moses (2), RP-marg TR F1853=9/19 F1859=5/7 vs. Mwu+sei=, Moses (3), P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=2/7. Note a very different distribution in F1853 for the previous verse. A disparity with RP-text, R=10:15.
Mark 9:25 870Idw_n de\ o9 870Ihsou=j o3ti e0pisuntre/xei {RP P1904 TR: - } [MISC: o9] o1xloj, e0peti/mhsen tw%~ pneu/mati tw%~ a)kaqa&rtw%, le/gwn au0tw%~, To\ pneu=ma to\ a!lalon kai\ kwfo/n, e0gw& soi e0pita&ssw, e1celqe e0c au0tou=, kai\ mhke/ti ei0se/lqh|j ei0j au0to/n. Then when Jesus saw that {RP P1904 TR: a} [MISC: the] crowd was converging, he rebuked the unclean spirit and said to it, “You mute and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him and do not go in to him any more.” o9, the (crowd): absent in RP P1904 TR F1853=7/20 F1859=2/7 vs. present in F1853=13/20 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:18.
Mark 9:38 870Apekri/qh {RP TR: de\} [P1904: - ] au0tw%~ {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: o9] 870Iwa&nnhj, le/gwn, Dida&skale, ei1dome/n tina {RP S1550: - } [P1904 E1624 S1894: e0n] tw%~ o0no/mati/ sou e0kba&llonta daimo/nia, o4j ou0k a)kolouqei= h9mi=n: kai\ e0kwlu/samen au0to/n, o3ti ou0k a)kolouqei= h9mi=n. {RP TR: Then} [P1904: - ] John answered him and said, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, someone who does not follow us, and we prevented him, because he does not follow us.” de\, and / but: present in RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=5/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/7.

o9, the (John): absent in RP-text F1853=13/20 F1859=4/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=7/20 F1859=3/7.

e0n, in (your name) (intensifying the dative): absent in RP S1550 F1853=0/20 F1859=3/7 vs. present in P1904 E1624 S1894 F1853=20/20 F1859=4/7. A strong disparity with RP, R=4:26. F1853 and F1859 are ↴
Mark 10:29 870Apokriqei\j {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: de\] o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, ou0dei/j e0stin o4j a)fh=ken oi0ki/an, h2 a)delfou/j, h2 a)delfa&j, h2 pate/ra, h2 mhte/ra, h2 gunai=ka, h2 te/kna, h2 a)grou/j, e3neken e0mou= kai\ {RP-text P1904: e3neken} [RP-marg TR: - ] tou= eu0aggeli/ou, {RP-text: But} [RP-marg P1904 TR: But] Jesus answered and said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no-one who has left home, or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields, for my sake and {RP-text P1904: for the sake of} [RP-marg TR: for that of] the gospel, de\, but: absent in RP-text F1853=7/21 F1859=3/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=14/21 F1859=4/7. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=10:20.

e3neken, for the sake of: present in RP-text P1904 F1853=11/20 (incl. one misspelled) F1859=6/7 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1853=9/20 F1859=1/7.
Mark 10:30 e0a_n mh\ la&bh| e9katontaplasi/ona nu=n e0n tw%~ kairw%~ tou/tw%, oi0ki/aj kai\ a)delfou\j kai\ a)delfa_j {RP TR: kai\ mhte/raj} [P1904: kai\ pate/ra kai\ mhte/ra] kai\ te/kna kai\ a)grou/j, meta_ diwgmw~n, kai\ e0n tw%~ ai0w~ni tw%~ e0rxome/nw% zwh\n ai0w&nion. who will not receive a hundredfold now, in this season – houses and brothers and sisters {RP TR: and mothers} [P1904: and father and mother] and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the age to come, age-abiding life. kai\ mhte/raj, and mothers, RP TR F1853=9/21 F1859=5/8 vs. kai\ pate/ra kai\ mhte/ra, and father and mother, P1904 F1853=11/21 F1859=2/8 vs. kai\ mhte/ra, and mother, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's d) F1859=1/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.

who will not ← if not, or except not.
Mark 11:4 870Aph=lqon de\ kai\ eu[ron {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: to\n] pw~lon dedeme/non pro\j th\n qu/ran e1cw e0pi\ tou= a)mfo/dou, kai\ lu/ousin au0to/n. So they went off and found {RP-text: a} [RP-marg P1904 TR: the] colt tied to the door outside in the street, and they untied it. to\n, the: absent in RP-text F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=3/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=13:17.
Mark 11:24 Dia_ tou=to le/gw u9mi=n, Pa&nta o3sa a@n proseuxo/menoi {RP-text: ai0th=sqe} [RP-marg P1904 TR: ai0tei=sqe], pisteu/ete o3ti lamba&nete, kai\ e1stai u9mi=n. Which is why I say to you, believe that you will receive everything that you ask for when praying, and it will come to pass for you. ai0th=sqe, you may ask for, RP-text F1853=11/22 F1859=2/8 vs. ai0tei=sqe, you ask for, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/22 F1859=5/8 vs. other readings, F1853=1/22 (Scrivener's c) F1859=1/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=13:17.

which is why ← on account of this.
Mark 11:29 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j, 870Eperwth/sw u9ma~j {RP: kai\ e0gw_} [P1904 TR: ka)gw_] e3na lo/gon, kai\ a)pokri/qhte/ moi, kai\ e0rw~ u9mi=n e0n poi/a% e0cousi/a% tau=ta poiw~. Then Jesus replied and said to them, “I for my part will ask you one thing, so answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things. kai\ e0gw_, I too (1), RP F1853=10/20 F1859=3/7 vs. ka)gw_, I too (2), P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=4/7 vs. absent, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's pq) F1859=0/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:14.

for my part ← also.
Mark 12:23 870En th|= {RP: - } [P1904 TR: ou]n] a)nasta&sei, o3tan a)nastw~sin, ti/noj au0tw~n e1stai gunh/; Oi9 ga_r e9pta_ e1sxon au0th\n gunai=ka. In the resurrection {RP: - } [P1904 TR: then], when they rise, whose wife will she be? For the seven had her as a wife.” ou]n, therefore: absent in RP F1853=9/21 F1859=2/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:19.

whose ← of whom of them.
Mark 12:25 873Otan ga_r e0k nekrw~n a)nastw~sin, ou1te gamou=sin, ou1te {RP TR: gami/skontai} [P1904: gami/zontai], a)ll' ei0si\n w(j a!ggeloi {RP P1904 TR: oi9} [MISC: - ] e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j. For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but they are like the angels in the heavens. gami/skontai, to be given in marriage (1), RP TR F1853=18/21 F1859=4/7 vs. gami/zontai, to be given in marriage (2), P1904 F1853=0/21 F1859=2/7 vs. other readings, F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's dq*r) F1859=1/7.

oi9, the (ones in): present in RP P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=5/7 vs. absent in F1853=12/20 F1859=2/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.
Mark 13:11 873Otan de\ a)ga&gwsin u9ma~j paradido/ntej, mh\ {RP P1904 TR: promerimna~te} [MISC: merimna~te] ti/ {RP P1904 TR: lalh/shte} [MISC: lalh/sete], mhde\ meleta~te: a)ll' o4 e0a_n doqh|= u9mi=n e0n e0kei/nh| th|= w#ra%, tou=to lalei=te: ou0 {RP TR: ga&r e0ste u9mei=j} [P1904: ga_r u9mei=j e0ste] oi9 lalou=ntej, a)lla_ to\ pneu=ma to\ a#gion. Then when they lead you and deliver you up, do not be worried {RP P1904 TR: beforehand} [MISC: - ] about what you {RP P1904 TR: are to} [MISC: will] say, and do not rehearse a script, but say whatever is given to you at that hour. For it is not you who will be speaking, but the holy spirit. promerimna~te, worry beforehand, RP P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=4/7 vs. merimna~te, worry, F1853=12/20 F1859=3/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=14:15.

lalh/shte, you are to say (deliberative), RP P1904 TR F1853=8/21 F1859=6/7 vs. lalh/sete, you will say, F1853=12/21 F1859=1/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/7.

e0ste u9mei=j, are + you, RP TR F1853=18/21 F1859=5/7 vs. u9mei=j e0ste, you + are, P1904 F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's cq*x) F1859=2/7.
Mark 13:21 {RP-text: To/te} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Kai\ to/te] e0a&n tij u9mi=n ei1ph|, 870Idou/, w{de o9 xristo/j, {RP TR: h2 870Idou/,} [P1904: i0dou\] e0kei=, mh\ {RP P1904: pisteu/ete} [TR: pisteu/shte]. {RP-text: Then} [RP-marg P1904 TR: And then] if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ’, {RP TR: or} [P1904: or], ‘Look there’, do not believe it. kai\, and (then): absent in RP-text F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's lmnq) F1859=0/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=16/20 F1859=7/7. A strong disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:25.

h2, or (look): present in RP TR F1853=14/20 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=6/20 F1859=3/7.

pisteu/ete, (do not) believe (present), RP P1904 F1853=5/22 F1859=3/7 vs. pisteu/shte, (do not) believe (aorist), TR F1853=15/22 F1859=3/7 vs. other readings, F1853=2/22 (Scrivener's cs) F1859=1/7. A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=9:19.
Mark 14:10 Kai\ {RP TR: o9} [P1904: - ] 870Iou/daj o9 870Iskariw&thj, ei[j tw~n dw&deka, a)ph=lqen pro\j tou\j a)rxierei=j, i3na paradw%~ au0to\n au0toi=j. Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went away to the senior priests in order to betray him to them. o9, the (Judas): present in RP TR F1853=11/20 F1859=2/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=9/20 F1859=4/6. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.
Mark 14:11 Oi9 de\ a)kou/santej e0xa&rhsan, kai\ e0phggei/lanto au0tw%~ {RP TR: a)rgu/rion} [P1904: a)rgu/ria] dou=nai: kai\ e0zh/tei pw~j eu0kai/rwj au0to\n paradw%~. And when they heard it, they were delighted and promised to give him money. Then he looked for a convenient way to betray him. a)rgu/rion, silver (singular noun), RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=4/8 vs. a)rgu/ria, silver (plural, so coins), P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=4/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:15.

a convenient way ← how opportunely.
Mark 14:15 Kai\ au0to\j u9mi=n dei/cei {RP-text TR: a)nw&geon} [RP-marg: a)na&gaion] [P1904: a)nw&gaion] me/ga e0strwme/non e3toimon: e0kei= e9toima&sate h9mi=n. Then he will show you a large upper room, laid out and prepared. Prepare for us there.” a)nw&geon, upper room (1), RP-text TR F1853=6/21 F1859=3/6 vs. a)na&gaion, upper room (2), RP-marg F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's o) F1859=0/6 vs. a)nw&gaion, upper room (3), P1904 F1853=7/21 F1859=1/6 vs. a)nw&gewn, upper room (4), F1853=5/21 F1859=0/6 vs. a)no/geon, upper room (5), F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's f) F1859=1/6 vs. a)na&geon, upper room (6), F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's k) F1859=0/6 vs. a)no/gaion, upper room (7), F1853=0/21 F1859=1/6. Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=10:9. A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).
Mark 14:31 879O de\ {RP TR: - } [P1904: Pe/troj] e0kperissou= e1legen ma~llon, 870Ea&n me de/h| sunapoqanei=n soi, ou0 mh/ se {RP: a)parnh/swmai} [P1904 TR: a)parnh/somai]. 879Wsau/twj de\ kai\ pa&ntej e1legon. But {RP TR: he} [P1904: Peter] all the more insistently kept saying, “Even if I need to die with you, I will definitely not deny you.” They all spoke similarly too. Pe/troj, Peter: absent in RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=3/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=2/6 vs. verse omitted, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.

a)parnh/swmai, (will not) deny (classical form), RP F1853=10/20 F1859=0/7 vs. a)parnh/somai, (will not) deny (non-classical form), P1904 TR F1853=9/20 F1859=5/7 vs. other readings, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's u) F1859=1/7 vs. verse omitted, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP, R=10:16.

kept saying: iterative imperfect, but not necessarily so – see Matt 5:2.
Mark 14:35 Kai\ {RP: proselqw_n} [P1904 TR: proelqw_n] mikro/n, e1pesen {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0pi\ pro/swpon] e0pi\ th=j gh=j, kai\ proshu/xeto i3na, ei0 dunato/n e0stin, pare/lqh| a)p' au0tou= h9 w#ra. Then he {RP: approached} [P1904 TR: went forward] a little and fell {RP TR: - } [P1904: face down] to the ground and prayed that, if it was possible, the hour should pass away from him, proselqw_n, having approached (as a worshipper), RP F1853=9/21 F1859=4/6 vs. proelqw_n, having gone forward, P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/6. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:15.

e0pi\ pro/swpon, on (his) face: absent in RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=3/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=3/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.2 PV=0.7%.

the hour: this is not a reference to the crucifixion! Prayer answered in Mark 14:41. See Luke 22:42 and Heb 5:7.
Mark 14:41 Kai\ e1rxetai to\ tri/ton, kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Kaqeu/dete {RP P1904: - } [TR: to\] loipo\n kai\ a)napau/esqe. 870Ape/xei: h]lqen h9 w#ra: i0dou/, paradi/dotai o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou ei0j ta_j xei=raj tw~n a(martwlw~n. Then he came for the third time and said to them, “Sleep from now on and rest. It has passed away. The hour has come. Behold, the son of man is about to be betrayed into the hands of sinners. to\, the (from now on): absent in RP P1904 F1853=12/22 F1859=2/6 vs. present in TR F1853=10/22 F1859=4/6. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:15.

has passed away ← is distant. AV differs (it is enough).
Mark 14:45 Kai\ e0lqw&n, eu0qe/wj proselqw_n au0tw%~ le/gei {RP: au0tw%~} [P1904 TR: - ], {RP TR: 879Rabbi/, r(abbi/} [P1904: Xai=re, r(abbi/]: kai\ katefi/lhsen au0to/n. So he went off, and straightaway he went up to him and said {RP: to him} [P1904 TR: - ], {RP TR: “Rabbi, rabbi”,} [P1904: “Hello, rabbi”,] and he kissed him profusely. au0tw%~, to him: present in RP F1853=12/20 F1859=2/6 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=4/6. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.

r(abbi/, r(abbi/, rabbi, rabbi, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=4/6 vs. xai=re, r(abbi/, hello, rabbi, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.
Mark 15:43 {RP TR: h]lqen} [P1904: e0lqw_n] 870Iwsh\f o9 a)po\ 870Arimaqai/aj, eu0sxh/mwn bouleuth/j, o4j kai\ au0to\j h]n prosdexo/menoj th\n basilei/an tou= qeou=: tolmh/saj ei0sh=lqen pro\j Pila&ton, kai\ h|0th/sato to\ sw~ma tou= 870Ihsou=. Joseph of Arimathea, an honourable councillor, who himself was awaiting the kingdom of God, came and ventured to go up to Pilate and asked for Jesus's body. h]lqen, he came, RP TR F1853=9/20 F1859=2/7 vs. e0lqw_n, having come, P1904 F1853=11/20 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:17.
Luke 1:15 871Estai ga_r me/gaj e0nw&pion {RP-text P1904 TR: tou=} [RP-marg: - ] kuri/ou, kai\ oi]non kai\ si/kera ou0 mh\ pi/h|, kai\ pneu/matoj a(gi/ou plhsqh/setai e1ti e0k koili/aj mhtro\j au0tou=. for he will be great in {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: the] Lord's sight, and he will not drink any wine or liquor at all, and he will be filled with holy spirit even from his mother's womb, tou=, of the (Lord): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=3/7 vs. absent in RP-marg F1853=12/20 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=13:16.

even ← still, yet.
Luke 2:21 Kai\ o3te e0plh/sqhsan {RP TR: - } [P1904: ai9] h9me/rai o0ktw_ tou= peritemei=n {RP: au0to/n} [P1904 TR: to\ paidi/on], kai\ e0klh/qh to\ o1noma au0tou= 870Ihsou=j, to\ klhqe\n u9po\ tou= a)gge/lou pro\ tou= sullhfqh=nai au0to\n e0n th|= koili/a%. Subsequently, when {RP TR: - } [P1904: the] eight days had passed for the circumcising of {RP: him} [P1904 TR: the child], he was given the name Jesus, which had been given by the angel before he had been conceived in the womb. ai9, the (eight days): absent in RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's de) F1859=3/7.

au0to\n, him, RP F1853=10/19 F1859=1/7 vs. to\ paidi/on, the child, P1904 TR F1853=9/19 F1859=6/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:17.

had passed ← were fulfilled.

he was given the name ← his name was called.

before he had been conceived ← before him being conceived.
Luke 2:39 Kai\ w(j e0te/lesan a#panta ta_ kata_ to\n no/mon kuri/ou, u9pe/streyan ei0j th\n Galilai/an, ei0j th\n po/lin {RP P1904: e9autw~n} [TR: au0tw~n] {RP P1904 S1550: Nazare/t} [E1624 S1894: Nazare/q]. Then when they had completed all the things according to the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to {RP P1904: their own} [TR: their] town, Nazareth. e9autw~n, their own, RP P1904 F1853=11/20 F1859=3/8 vs. au0tw~n, their, TR F1853=9/20 F1859=5/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:15.

Nazare/t, Nazaret, RP P1904 S1550 F1853=16/19 F1859=5/7 vs. Nazare/q, Nazareth, E1624 S1894 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's dhx) F1859=2/7.
Luke 3:10 Kai\ e0phrw&twn au0to\n oi9 o1xloi le/gontej, Ti/ ou]n {RP P1904 TR: poih/somen} [MISC: poih/swmen]; Then the crowds questioned him and said, “What {RP P1904 TR: shall we do} [MISC: are we to do], then?” poih/somen, shall we do, RP P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=2/7 vs. poih/swmen, are we to do, F1853=12/20 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:17.
Luke 3:12 87]Hlqon de\ kai\ telw~nai baptisqh=nai, kai\ ei]pon pro\j au0to/n, Dida&skale, ti/ {RP P1904 TR: poih/somen} [MISC: poih/swmen]; Then some tax collectors also came to be baptized, and they said to him, “Teacher, what {RP P1904 TR: shall we do?} [MISC: are we to do?] poih/somen, shall we do, RP P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=2/7 vs. poih/swmen, are we to do, F1853=12/20 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:17.
Luke 3:14 870Ephrw&twn de\ au0to\n kai\ strateuo/menoi, le/gontej, Kai\ h9mei=j ti/ {RP P1904 TR: poih/somen} [MISC: poih/swmen]; Kai\ ei]pen pro\j au0tou/j, Mhde/na {RP TR: diasei/shte, mhde\ sukofanth/shte} [P1904: sukofanth/shte, mhde\ diasei/shte]: kai\ a)rkei=sqe toi=j o0ywni/oij u9mw~n. Then some men on military service also questioned him, and they said, “And as for us, what {RP P1904 TR: shall we do?} [MISC: are we to do?]” At that he said to them, “Do not {RP TR: extort money from anyone or falsely accuse anyone} [P1904: falsely accuse anyone or extort money from anyone], and be satisfied with your pay.” poih/somen, shall we do, RP P1904 TR F1853=8/19 F1859=2/7 vs. poih/swmen, are we to do, F1853=11/19 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:16.

diasei/shte, mhde\ sukofanth/shte, extort + or falsely accuse, RP TR F1853=19/19 (incl. 2 other variations) F1859=7/7 vs. sukofanth/shte, mhde\ diasei/shte, falsely accuse + or extort, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/7.
Luke 3:24 tou= {RP TR: Matqa&t} [P1904: Matqa&n], tou= Leui+/, tou= Melxi/, tou= {RP TR: 870Ianna&} [P1904: 870Iwanna~], tou= 870Iwsh/f, who was the son of {RP TR: Mattath} [P1904: Matthan], who was the son of Levi, who was the son of Melchi, who was the son of {RP TR: Janna} [P1904: Joanna], who was the son of Joseph, Matqa&t, Matthat (but we Hebraize it), RP TR F1853=8/19 F1859=3/7 vs. Matqa&n, Matthan, P1904 F1853=9/19 F1859=3/7 vs. other spellings, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's cy) F1859=1/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=12:13.

870Ianna&, Janna, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=3/7 vs. 870Iwanna~, Joanna, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/7 vs. other spellings, F1853=0/19 F1859=2/7.
Luke 3:27 tou= {RP-text: 870Iwana&n} [P1904: 870Iwanna&n] [RP-marg TR: 870Iwanna~], tou= 879Rhsa&, tou= Zoroba&bel, tou= Salaqih/l, tou= Nhri/, who was the son of Johanan, who was the son of Resha, who was the son of Zerubbabel, who was the son of Shealtiel, who was the son of Neri, 870Iwana&n, Joana, RP-text F1853=5/19 F1859=3/7 vs. 870Iwanna&n, Joanna, P1904 F1853=8/19 F1859=1/7 vs. 870Iwanna~, Joannas, RP-marg TR F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's ax) F1859=2/7 vs. other spellings, F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's bhsy) F1859=1/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=8:10. We Hebraize to Johanan in all cases.
Luke 3:33 tou= 870Aminada&b, tou= 870Ara&m, {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: tou= 870Iwra&m,] tou= {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: 879Esrw&m} [E1624: 879Esrw&n], tou= Fare/j, tou= 870Iou/da, who was the son of Amminadab, who was the son of Ram, {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: who was the son of Joram,] who was the son of Hezron, who was the son of Perez, who was the son of Judah, tou= 870Iwra&m, (the son) of Joram: absent in RP-text TR F1853=6/19 F1859=2/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1853=13/19 (incl. one with a variant spelling) F1859=5/7. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=9:19.

879Esrw&m, Hesrom, RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1853=15/19 F1859=3/7 vs. 879Esrw&n, Hesron, E1624 F1853=0/19 F1859=3/7 vs. other spellings, F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's bkmy) F1859=1/7. We translate Hezron, as in the Old Testament.

Greek: Aminadab, Aram, Hezrom, Phares, Iouda.
Luke 3:34 tou= 870Iakw&b, tou= 870Isaa&k, tou= 870Abraa&m, tou= {RP-text P1904 TR: Qa&ra} [RP-marg: Qa&rra], tou= Naxw&r, who was the son of Jacob, who was the son of Isaac, who was the son of Abraham, who was the son of Terah, who was the son of Nahor, Qa&ra, Thara, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=5/17 F1859=4/7 vs. Qa&rra, Tharra, RP-marg F1853=12/17 F1859=3/7. We translate as Terah, as in the Old Testament. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:15.
Luke 3:35 tou= {RP P1904: Serou/x,} [TR: Sarou/x,] tou= 879Ragau=, tou= {RP-text: Fa&leg} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Fale/k], tou= 879Ebe/r, tou= Sala&, who was the son of Serug, who was the son of Reu, who was the son of Peleg, who was the son of Eber, who was the son of Salah, Serou/x, Serukh, RP P1904 F1853=16/19 F1859=6/7 vs. Sarou/x, Sarukh, TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's abx) F1859=1/7.

Fa&leg, Phaleg, RP-text F1853=6/19 F1859=5/7 vs. Fale/k, Phalek, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=13/19 F1859=2/7. We translate as Peleg, as in the Old Testament. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:17.

Greek: Ragau, Heber, Sala.
Luke 5:23 Ti/ e0stin eu0kopw&teron, ei0pei=n, 870Afe/wntai/ soi ai9 a(marti/ai sou, h2 ei0pei=n, {RP TR: 871Egeirai} [P1904: 871Egeire] kai\ peripa&tei; Which is easier, to say, ‘You have been forgiven your sins’, or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=8/17 F1859=2/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), P1904 F1853=9/17 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:15.

you have been forgiven your sins ← your sins have been forgiven you.

walk ← walk around, but no emphasis on around.
Luke 5:24 873Ina de\ ei0dh=te o3ti e0cousi/an e1xei o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e0pi\ th=j gh=j a)fie/nai a(marti/aj - ei]pen tw%~ paralelume/nw% - Soi\ le/gw, {RP TR: e1geirai} [P1904: e1geire], kai\ a!raj to\ klini/dio/n sou, poreu/ou ei0j to\n oi]ko/n sou. But in order that you may know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins” – he said to the paralysed man – “I say to you, get up, and pick up your bed and go to your home.” e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=9/17 F1859=2/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), P1904 F1853=8/17 F1859=5/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=12:14.
Luke 6:8 Au0to\j de\ h|1dei tou\j dialogismou\j au0tw~n, kai\ ei]pen tw%~ a)nqrw&pw% tw%~ chra_n e1xonti th\n xei=ra, {RP TR: 871Egeirai} [P1904: 871Egeire], kai\ sth=qi ei0j to\ me/son. 879O de\ a)nasta_j e1sth. But he knew their reasonings, and he said to the man who had a withered hand, “Get up and stand in full view.” And he got up and stood there. e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=9/18 F1859=2/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), P1904 F1853=9/18 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:15.

in full view ← into the midst.
Luke 6:26 Ou0ai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: u9mi=n] o3tan kalw~j u9ma~j ei1pwsin {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: pa&ntej] oi9 a!nqrwpoi: kata_ {RP TR: tau=ta} [P1904: ta_ au0ta_] ga_r e0poi/oun toi=j yeudoprofh/taij oi9 pate/rej au0tw~n.

Woe {RP P1904: - } [TR: to you] when {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: all] men speak well of you.

After all, their fathers acted along {RP TR: those} [P1904: the same] lines towards the false prophets.

u9mi=n, to you: absent in RP P1904 F1853=14/19 F1859=5/7 vs. present in TR F1853=5/19 F1859=2/7.

pa&ntej, all: absent in RP-text F1853=11/18 F1859=2/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=7/18 F1859=5/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:14.

tau=ta, these (things), RP TR F1853=17/18 F1859=4/7 vs. ta_ au0ta_, the same (things), P1904 F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's d) F1859=3/7.
Luke 6:27 {RP-text TR: 870All'} [RP-marg P1904: 870Alla_] u9mi=n le/gw toi=j a)kou/ousin, 870Agapa~te tou\j e0xqrou\j u9mw~n, kalw~j poiei=te toi=j misou=sin u9ma~j, But I say to you who are listening, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, a)ll', but (apocopated), RP-text TR F1853=4/18 (Scrivener's bfhs) F1859=1/7 vs. a)lla_ but (unapocopated), RP-marg P1904 F1853=14/18 F1859=6/7. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=6:21.
Luke 6:34 Kai\ e0a_n danei/zhte par' w{n {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: e0lpi/zete} [S1894: e0lpi/zhte] a)polabei=n, poi/a u9mi=n xa&rij e0sti/n; Kai\ ga_r {RP P1904: - } [TR: oi9] a(martwloi\ a(martwloi=j danei/zousin, i3na a)pola&bwsin ta_ i1sa. And if you lend things to those from whom you hope to get them back, what kind of graciousness is that to you? For even {RP P1904: - } [TR: the] sinners lend to sinners on terms that they get the same things back. e0lpi/zete, you hope / expect (indicative), RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=18/18 F1859=7/7 vs. e0lpi/zhte, you might hope / expect (subjunctive), S1894 F1853=0/18 F1859=0/7.

oi9, the (sinners): absent in RP P1904 F1853=10/19 F1859=3/7 vs. present in TR F1853=9/19 F1859=4/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.
Luke 7:6 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j e0poreu/eto su\n au0toi=j. 871Hdh de\ au0tou= ou0 makra_n a)pe/xontoj a)po\ th=j oi0ki/aj, e1pemyen pro\j au0to\n o9 e9kato/ntarxoj fi/louj, le/gwn au0tw%~, Ku/rie, mh\ sku/llou: ou0 ga&r ei0mi i9kano\j i3na {RP-text P1904 TR: u9po\ th\n ste/ghn mou} [RP-marg: mou u9po\ th\n ste/ghn] ei0se/lqh|j: So Jesus went with them, and by the time he was not far away from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, who said to him, “Lord, do not put yourself to trouble, for I am not worthy that you should come in under my roof, u9po\ th\n ste/ghn mou, under the roof + of me, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=8/18 F1859=4/7 vs. mou u9po\ th\n ste/ghn, of me + under the roof, RP-marg F1853=10/18 F1859=3/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=14:13.

by the time he was ← when he was already.

who said ← saying, singular, so perhaps referring to the original speaker, but we take it as a Hebraism for לֵאמֹר, so losing its grammatical number.

worthy ← sufficient. Compare 2 Cor 2:16.
Luke 7:9 870Akou/saj de\ tau=ta o9 870Ihsou=j e0qau/masen au0to/n, kai\ strafei\j tw%~ a)kolouqou=nti au0tw%~ o1xlw% ei]pen, Le/gw u9mi=n, {RP-text: ou1te} [RP-marg P1904 TR: ou0de\] e0n tw%~ 870Israh\l tosau/thn pi/stin eu[ron. When Jesus heard these things, he was astonished at him, and he turned and said to the crowd who were following him, “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found so much faith.” ou1te, and not, RP-text F1853=7/19 F1859=3/7 vs. ou0de\, not even; and not, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=12/19 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=10:18.

{RP: not even ← and not, but used loosely for ou0de\ (if ou1te is the true reading).}
Luke 7:11 Kai\ e0ge/neto e0n {RP-text P1904: tw%~} [RP-marg TR: th|=] e9ch=j, e0poreu/eto ei0j po/lin kaloume/nhn Nai+/n: kai\ suneporeu/onto au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= i9kanoi/, kai\ o1xloj polu/j. And it came to pass {RP-text P1904: soon afterwards} [RP-marg TR: the next day] that he went to a town called Nain, and a considerable number of his disciples went with him, and also a large crowd, tw%~, the (coming [time, xro/nw%]), RP-text P1904 F1853=4/18 (Scrivener's bfhk) F1859=3/7 vs. th|=, the (next [day, h9me/ra%]), RP-marg TR F1853=14/18 F1859=4/7. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=8:19. AV differs textually.
Luke 8:3 kai\ 870Iwa&nna gunh\ Xouza~ e0pitro/pou 879Hrw%&dou, kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: Sousa&nna} [RP-marg: Swsa&nna], kai\ e3terai pollai/, ai3tinej dihko/noun {RP: au0toi=j} [P1904 TR: au0tw%~] a)po\ tw~n u9parxo/ntwn au0tai=j. and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod's administrator, and Susanna and many others, and they attended to {RP: them} [P1904 TR: him] with their own resources. Sousa&nna, Susanna, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=7/18 F1859=6/7 vs. Swsa&nna, Sosanna, RP-marg F1853=10/18 F1859=0/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's p) F1859=1/7.

au0toi=j, to them, RP F1853=10/19 F1859=3/7 vs. au0tw%~, to him, P1904 TR F1853=9/19 F1859=4/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:15. AV differs textually.
Luke 8:15 To\ de\ e0n th|= kalh|= gh|=, ou[toi/ ei0sin oi3tinej e0n kardi/a% kalh|= kai\ a)gaqh|=, a)kou/santej to\n lo/gon kate/xousin, kai\ karpoforou=sin e0n u9pomonh|=. {RP P1904 TR: - } [MISC: Tau=ta le/gwn e0fw&nei, 879O e1xwn w}ta a)kou/ein a)koue/tw.] But that on the good ground is those with a noble and good heart who hear the word and hold on to it and bear fruit with patience {RP P1904 TR: .} [MISC: .” Having said these things, he called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.] tau=ta le/gwn .. a)koue/tw, Having said these (things) ... let him hear: absent in RP P1904 TR F1853=8/19 F1859=4/8 vs. present in F1853=11/19 F1859=4/8. A weak disparity with RP, R=14:15.

hear the word ← having heard the word, but the sequence is implicit in English.
Luke 9:10 Kai\ u9postre/yantej oi9 a)po/stoloi dihgh/santo au0tw%~ o3sa e0poi/hsan. Kai\ paralabw_n au0tou/j, u9pexw&rhsen kat' i0di/an ei0j to/pon e1rhmon po/lewj kaloume/nhj {RP: Bhqsai+da&n} [P1904 TR: Bhqsai+da&]. Meanwhile the apostles returned and described to him the things which they had done, at which he took them along and withdrew privately to a deserted place in the city called Bethsaida, Bhqsai+da&n, Bethsaida (1), RP F1853=7/18 F1859=1/7 vs. Bhqsai+da&, Bethsaida (2), P1904 TR F1853=10/18 F1859=4/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/7 vs. word absent, F1853=0/18 F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP, R=8:16.
Luke 9:20 Ei]pen de\ au0toi=j, 879Umei=j de\ ti/na me le/gete ei]nai; 870Apokriqei\j de\ {RP P1904 TR: o9} [MISC: - ] Pe/troj ei]pen, To\n xristo\n tou= qeou=. Then he said to them, “But who do you say I am?” Peter then answered and said, “The Christ of God.” o9, the (Peter): present in RP P1904 TR F1853=5/18 F1859=5/7 vs. absent in F1853=13/18 F1859=2/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:15.
Luke 9:22 ei0pw_n o3ti Dei= to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou polla_ paqei=n, kai\ a)podokimasqh=nai a)po\ tw~n presbute/rwn kai\ a)rxiere/wn kai\ grammate/wn, kai\ a)poktanqh=nai, kai\ th|= tri/th| h9me/ra% {RP-text: a)nasth=nai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0gerqh=nai]. and he said, “The son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and senior priests and scribes, and be killed, and rise on the third day.” a)nasth=nai, to rise (1), RP-text F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's p) F1859=2/8 vs. e0gerqh=nai, to rise / be raised, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=17/18 F1859=5/8 vs. phrase absent, F1853=0/18 F1859=1/8. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:24.
Luke 9:33 Kai\ e0ge/neto, e0n tw%~ diaxwri/zesqai au0tou\j a)p' au0tou=, ei]pen {RP: - } [P1904 TR: o9] Pe/troj pro\j to\n 870Ihsou=n, 870Epista&ta, kalo/n e0stin h9ma~j w{de ei]nai: kai\ poih/swmen skhna_j trei=j, mi/an soi/, kai\ {RP-text: mi/an Mwsh|=} [RP-marg: mi/an Mwsei=] [P1904: mi/an Mwu+sei=] [TR: Mwsei= mi/an], kai\ mi/an 870Hli/a%: mh\ ei0dw_j o4 le/gei. And it came to pass as they moved away from him that Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here, so let us make three booths, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah”, not knowing what he was saying. o9, the (Peter): absent in RP F1853=10/19 F1859=5/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=9/19 F1859=2/7.

mi/an Mwsh|=, one for Moses (1), RP-text F1853=7/20 F1859=4/7 vs. mi/an Mwsei=, one for Moses (2), RP-marg F1853=10/20 F1859=1/7 vs. mi/an Mwu+sei=, one for Moüses, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's P) F1859=1/7 vs. Mwsei= mi/an, for Moses (2) one, TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's f**y) F1859=1/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=11:11.
Luke 9:38 Kai\ i0dou/, a)nh\r a)po\ tou= o1xlou a)nebo/hsen, le/gwn, Dida&skale, de/omai/ sou, {RP-text: e0pible/yai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0pi/bleyon] e0pi\ to\n ui9o/n mou, o3ti monogenh/j {RP TR: e0sti/n moi} [P1904: moi/ e0sti]: And it so happened that a man from the crowd shouted out and said, “Teacher, I implore {RP-text: you to have an eye to} [RP-marg P1904 TR: you, have an eye to] my son, for he is my only-begotten child, e0pible/yai, to have an eye to (aorist active infinitive, or with a recessive accent, aorist middle imperative), RP-text F1853=8/19 F1859=3/7 vs. e0pi/bleyon, have an eye to (aorist active), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/19 F1859=4/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's g) F1859=0/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:16.

e0sti/n moi, is + to me, RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=5/7 vs. moi/ e0sti, to me + is, P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's sy) F1859=2/7.

it so happened that ← behold.
Luke 10:8 Kai\ ei0j h4n {RP P1904: - } [TR: d'] a@n po/lin ei0se/rxhsqe, kai\ de/xwntai u9ma~j, e0sqi/ete ta_ paratiqe/mena u9mi=n, So in whatever town you go into and they receive you, eat what is served to you, d', but: absent in RP P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.
Luke 10:27 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, 870Agaph/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou, e0c o3lhj th=j kardi/aj sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j yuxh=j sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j i0sxu/oj sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j dianoi/aj sou: kai\ to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP TR: seauto/n} [P1904: e9auto/n]. He then replied and said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.” seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP TR F1853=10/19 F1859=3/7 vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical form), P1904 F1853=9/19 F1859=4/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.

Lev 19:18, Deut 6:5.

soul: i.e. inner being, existence.
Luke 10:40 879H de\ Ma&rqa periespa~to peri\ pollh\n diakoni/an: e0pista~sa de\ ei]pen, Ku/rie, ou0 me/lei soi o3ti h9 a)delfh/ mou mo/nhn me {RP: kate/leipen} [P1904 TR: kate/lipe] diakonei=n; Ei0pe\ ou]n au0th|= i3na moi sunantila&bhtai. But Martha was distracted with a lot of serving. Then she came up and said, “Lord, are you not concerned that my sister has left me alone to do the serving? So tell her to assist me.” kate/leipe¨n©, was leaving, RP F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's cd*eo) F1859=4/8 vs. kate/lipe¨n©, left, P1904 TR F1853=14/20 F1859=2/8 vs. other readings, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's bk) F1859=2/8. A strong disparity with RP, R=8:18.

are you not concerned ← is it not a concern to you.
Luke 11:26 To/te poreu/etai kai\ paralamba&nei e9pta_ e3tera pneu/mata ponhro/tera e9autou=, kai\ {RP: e0lqo/nta} [P1904 TR: ei0selqo/nta] katoikei= e0kei=: kai\ gi/netai ta_ e1sxata tou= a)nqrw&pou e0kei/nou xei/rona tw~n prw&twn. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself along with it, and they {RP: go} [P1904 TR: go in] and dwell there, and the latter state of that man becomes worse than the first.” e0lqo/nta, having gone, RP F1853=12/20 F1859=1/7 vs. ei0selqo/nta, having entered, P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=6/7. A disparity with RP, R=13:16.

go ← having gone. See Matt 23:20.
Luke 11:31 Basi/lissa no/tou e0gerqh/setai e0n th|= kri/sei meta_ tw~n a)ndrw~n th=j genea~j tau/thj, kai\ katakrinei= au0tou/j: o3ti h]lqen e0k tw~n pera&twn th=j gh=j a)kou=sai th\n sofi/an {RP: Solomw~noj} [P1904 TR: Solomw~ntoj], kai\ i0dou/, plei=on {RP: Solomw~noj} [P1904 TR: Solomw~ntoj] w{de. The queen of the south will rise in the judgment with the men of this generation and will condemn them, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here. First occurrence in verse: Solomw~noj, of Solomon (1), RP F1853=10/19 F1859=2/7 vs. Solomw~ntoj, of Solomon (2), P1904 TR F1853=8/19 F1859=4/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's f*) F1859=1/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=12:14, but not so with the second occurrence, or combining the data.

Second occurrence in verse: Solomw~noj, of Solomon (1), RP F1853=12/19 F1859=3/7 vs. Solomw~ntoj, of Solomon (2), P1904 TR F1853=6/19 F1859=4/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's f*) F1859=0/7.
Luke 12:15 Ei]pen de\ pro\j au0tou/j, 879Ora~te kai\ fula&ssesqe a)po\ {RP TR: th=j} [P1904: pa&shj] pleoneci/aj: o3ti ou0k e0n tw%~ perisseu/ein tini\ h9 zwh\ {RP: au0tw%~} [P1904 TR: au0tou=] e0stin e0k tw~n u9parxo/ntwn au0tou=. And he said to them, “Watch out and guard yourselves against {RP TR: - } [P1904: all] greed. For it is not the abundance of a person's possessions which makes up his life.” th=j, (from) the (greed), RP TR F1853=16/18 F1859=2/7 vs. pa&shj, (from) all (greed), P1904 F1853=2/18 (Scrivener's cg) F1859=5/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=9.1 PV=0.26%.

au0tw%~, (life) to him, RP F1853=10/18 F1859=1/7 vs. au0tou=, his (life), P1904 TR F1853=8/18 F1859=6/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:16.

greed: or fraudulence. See 1 Cor 5:10.

the abundance of a person's possessions which makes up his life ← in the ↴
Luke 12:36 kai\ u9mei=j o3moioi a)nqrw&poij prosdexome/noij to\n ku/rion e9autw~n, po/te {RP: a)nalu/sh|} [P1904 TR: a)nalu/sei] e0k tw~n ga&mwn, i3na, e0lqo/ntoj kai\ krou/santoj, eu0qe/wj a)noi/cwsin au0tw%~. and you yourselves be like men awaiting their master when he returns from the wedding reception, so that when he comes and knocks, they open to him immediately. a)nalu/sh|, he returns (subjunctive, suggesting contingency), RP F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/7 vs. a)nalu/sei, he will return (future, foreseeing a definite event), P1904 TR F1853=17/18 F1859=6/7. A strong disparity with RP, R=2:25. In both cases, we translate by the English present tense.

comes and knocks ← having come and having knocked. See Matt 23:20.
Luke 12:47 870Ekei=noj de\ o9 dou=loj o9 gnou\j to\ qe/lhma tou= kuri/ou {RP P1904 TR: e9autou=} [MISC: au0tou=], kai\ mh\ e9toima&saj mhde\ poih/saj pro\j to\ qe/lhma au0tou=, darh/setai polla&j: And that servant, who knew his master's will but did not make preparations nor act in accordance with his will, will be flogged with many lashes. e9autou=, his own, RP P1904 TR F1853=5/18 F1859=3/7 vs. au0tou=, his, F1853=13/18 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=10:17.

flogged ← flayed.
Luke 12:56 879Upokritai/, to\ pro/swpon {RP S1550 E1624: th=j gh=j kai\ tou= ou0ranou=} [P1904 S1894: tou= ou0ranou= kai\ th=j gh=j] oi1date dokima&zein: to\n de\ kairo\n tou=ton pw~j ou0 dokima&zete; You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the condition of the {RP S1550 E1624: earth and the sky} [P1904 S1894: sky and the earth], but how come you cannot interpret this period of time? th=j gh=j kai\ tou= ou0ranou=, of the earth + and of the sky, RP S1550 E1624 F1853=9/19 F1859=3/7 vs. tou= ou0ranou= kai\ th=j gh=j, of the sky + and of the earth, P1904 S1894 F1853=10/19 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=13:16.

condition ← face.
Luke 12:59 Le/gw soi, ou0 mh\ e0ce/lqh|j e0kei=qen, e3wj ou[ kai\ {RP: to\n} [P1904 TR: to\] e1sxaton lepto\n a)podw%~j. I say to you, you will certainly not come out from there until you have paid the very last lepton.” to\n, the (lepton), from o9 lepto/j (masculine), RP F1853=9/19 F1859=3/7 vs. to\, the (lepton), from to\ lepto/n (neuter), P1904 TR F1853=10/19 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:16.

the very last ← even the last.

lepton: a coin of the lowest value; 1128 denary.
Luke 13:15 870Apekri/qh ou]n au0tw%~ o9 ku/rioj, kai\ ei]pen, {RP: 879Upokritai/} [P1904 TR: 879Upokrita&], e3kastoj u9mw~n tw%~ sabba&tw% ou0 lu/ei to\n bou=n au0tou= h2 to\n o1non a)po\ th=j fa&tnhj, kai\ a)pagagw_n poti/zei; Therefore the Lord answered him and said, “You {RP: hypocrites} [P1904 TR: hypocrite]! Does not each of you untie his ox or his donkey from the stall on the Sabbath and lead it away to give it drink? u9pokritai/, hypocrites, RP F1853=8/18 F1859=6/8 vs. u9pokrita&, hypocrite, P1904 TR F1853=9/18 F1859=2/8 vs. absent, F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:13.
Luke 13:21 879Omoi/a e0sti\n zu/mh|, h4n labou=sa gunh\ {RP TR: e0ne/kruyen} [P1904: e1kruyen] ei0j a)leu/rou sa&ta tri/a, e3wj ou[ e0zumw&qh o3lon. It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three satums of flour, until it was all leavened.” e0ne/kruyen, she in-hid (in), RP TR F1853=7/18 F1859=3/7 vs. e1kruyen, she hid (in), P1904 F1853=11/18 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:16.

satums: a satum is about 3.3 imperial gallons or 15 litres.
Luke 13:34 879Ierousalh/m, 879Ierousalh/m, h9 {RP-text: a)pokte/nousa} [RP-marg TR: a)poktei/nousa] [P1904: a)pokte/nnousa] tou\j profh/taj, kai\ liqobolou=sa tou\j a)pestalme/nouj pro\j au0th/n, posa&kij h0qe/lhsa e0pisuna&cai ta_ te/kna sou, o4n tro/pon o1rnij th\n e9auth=j nossia_n u9po\ ta_j pte/rugaj, kai\ ou0k h0qelh/sate. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I wished to gather your children in the way a bird gathers its own brood under its wings, but you were not willing! a)pokte/nousa, you who kill (present participle, variant 1), RP-text F1853=9/19 F1859=2/9 vs. a)poktei/nousa, you who kill (present participle, variant 2), RP-marg TR F1853=6/19 F1859=6/9 vs. a)pokte/nnousa, you who kill (present participle, variant 3), P1904 F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's dhks) F1859=1/9. All are present participles in various spellings. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=11:13.

you ← her. A change of grammatical person; compare Matt 18:19, Lev 1:3.
Luke 13:35 870Idou/, a)fi/etai u9mi=n o9 oi]koj u9mw~n e1rhmoj: {RP P1904: le/gw de\} [TR: a)mh\n de\ le/gw] u9mi=n o3ti ou0 mh/ me i1dhte e3wj a@n {RP: h3cei} [P1904 TR: h3ch|], o3te ei1phte, Eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou. See how your house is left to you desolate. And {RP P1904: - } [TR: truly,] I say to you that you will not see me at all until the time comes when you say,

‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ”

le/gw de\, but I say, RP P1904 F1853=17/19 F1859=6/7 vs. a)mh\n de\ le/gw, truly indeed I say, TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's o) F1859=1/7 vs. words absent F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's x) F1859=0/7. AV differs textually.

h3cei, comes (classical subjunctive), RP F1853=10/19 F1859=3/8 vs. h3ch|, will come (non-classical future indicative), P1904 TR F1853=8/19 F1859=4/8 vs. absent, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's g) F1859=1/8. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:14.

Ps 118:26.

see how ← behold.
Luke 14:27 Kai\ o3stij ou0 basta&zei to\n stauro\n {RP TR: au0tou=} [P1904: e9autou=] kai\ e1rxetai o0pi/sw mou, ou0 {RP P1904: du/natai ei]nai/ mou} [TR: du/natai/ mou ei]nai] maqhth/j. And whoever does not bear his {RP TR: - } [P1904: own] cross and follow me cannot be a disciple of mine. au0tou=, his, RP TR F1853=15/17 F1859=5/7 vs. e9autou=, his own, P1904 F1853=2/17 (Scrivener's cy) F1859=2/7.

ei]nai/ mou, be + my, RP P1904 F1853=9/17 F1859=3/7 vs. mou ei]nai, my + be, TR F1853=8/17 F1859=4/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=13:13.
Luke 14:28 Ti/j ga_r e0c u9mw~n, {RP: o9} [P1904 TR: - ] qe/lwn pu/rgon oi0kodomh=sai, ou0xi\ prw~ton kaqi/saj yhfi/zei th\n dapa&nhn, ei0 e1xei ta_ {RP-text: ei0j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: pro\j] a)partismo/n; For who among you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the expense, to see whether he has enough money for its completion, o9, the (one) → who: present in RP F1853=9/20 F1859=1/7 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=11/20 F1859=6/7. A disparity (#1) with RP, R=10:19.

ei0j, for (1) (its completion), RP-text F1853=6/19 F1859=3/7 vs. pro\j, for (2) (its completion), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=13/19 F1859=4/7. A strong disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=9:19.

among ← out of.
Luke 15:5 Kai\ eu9rw_n e0piti/qhsin e0pi\ tou\j w!mouj {RP TR: e9autou=} [P1904: au0tou=] xai/rwn, Then when he has found it, he puts it on his shoulders, rejoicing, e9autou=, his own, RP TR F1853=9/19 F1859=3/7 vs. au0tou=, his, P1904 F1853=10/19 F1859=4/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:15.
Luke 15:24 o3ti ou[toj o9 ui9o/j mou nekro\j h]n, kai\ a)ne/zhsen: kai\ {RP P1904 TR: a)polwlw_j} [MISC: a)polwlo\j] h]n, kai\ eu9re/qh. Kai\ h1rcanto eu0frai/nesqai. because this son of mine was dead, but he has come back to life, and he was lost, but he has been found.’ So they began to rejoice. a)polwlw_j, lost (classical form), RP P1904 TR F1853=6/20 F1859=2/8 vs. a)polwlo\j, lost (misspelled), F1853=14/20 F1859=6/8. A strong disparity with RP, R=10:20.
Luke 15:32 Eu0franqh=nai de\ kai\ xarh=nai e1dei: o3ti o9 a)delfo/j sou ou[toj nekro\j h]n, kai\ a)ne/zhsen: kai\ {RP P1904 TR: a)polwlw_j} [MISC: a)polwlo\j] h]n, kai\ eu9re/qh. But it was befitting to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead, but he has come back to life, and he was lost, but he has been found.’ ” a)polwlw_j, lost (classical form), RP P1904 TR F1853=7/21 F1859=2/8 vs. a)polwlo\j, lost (misspelled), F1853=14/21 F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP, R=11:20.

befitting ← necessary.
Luke 16:15 Kai\ ei]pen au0toi=j, 879Umei=j e0ste oi9 dikaiou=ntej e9autou\j e0nw&pion tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, o9 de\ qeo\j ginw&skei ta_j kardi/aj u9mw~n: o3ti to\ e0n a)nqrw&poij u9yhlo\n bde/lugma e0nw&pion tou= qeou= {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0stin]. Then he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men {RP P1904: is} [TR: is] an abomination in God's sight. e0stin, is: absent in RP P1904 F1853=12/19 F1859=2/8 vs. present in TR F1853=7/19 F1859=6/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.
Luke 17:6 Ei]pen de\ o9 ku/rioj, Ei0 {RP P1904: e1xete} [TR: ei1xete] pi/stin w(j ko/kkon sina&pewj, e0le/gete a@n th|= sukami/nw% tau/th|, 870Ekrizw&qhti, kai\ futeu/qhti e0n th|= qala&ssh|: kai\ u9ph/kousen a@n u9mi=n. To which the Lord said, “If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’, and it would have obeyed you. e1xete, you have (non-classical in an unreal condition), RP P1904 F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's abd) F1859=4/7 vs. ei1xete, you had (classical unreal condition), TR F1853=14/18 F1859=2/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's g) F1859=1/7. F1853 and F1859 are significantly disparate, X2=4.1 PV=4.3%. We have verified Scrivener's H, as it unusually deviates from P1904. A disparity with RP, R=8:17.

The sequence of tenses in the conditional clauses is unusual (would say ... be uprooted ... would have obeyed), which we retain in the English. Compare Luke 17:2.
Luke 17:10 Ou3twj kai\ u9mei=j, o3tan poih/shte pa&nta ta_ diataxqe/nta u9mi=n, le/gete o3ti Dou=loi a)xrei=oi/ e0smen: o3ti o4 {RP-text: o0fei/lomen} [RP-marg P1904 TR: w)fei/lomen] poih=sai pepoih/kamen. Likewise, you too, when you have done everything you were ordered, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants, for we have only done what we had to do.’ ” o0fei/lomen, we need to (present, as tense of implicit direct speech), RP-text F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's x) F1859=2/8 vs. w)fei/lomen, we needed to (imperfect), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=17/18 F1859=4/8 vs. other readings, F1853=0/18 F1859=2/8. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:23.

have done ← do.
Luke 18:1 871Elegen de\ kai\ parabolh\n au0toi=j pro\j to\ dei=n pa&ntote proseu/xesqai {RP TR: - } [P1904: au0tou\j], kai\ mh\ e0kkakei=n, He also told them a parable on the need {RP TR: - } [P1904: for them] always to pray and not to flag, au0tou\j, them: absent in RP TR F1853=9/19 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=10/19 F1859=3/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.
Luke 19:4 Kai\ prodramw_n e1mprosqen a)ne/bh e0pi\ {RP S1550 S1894: sukomwrai/an} [P1904 E1624: sukomore/an] i3na i1dh| au0to/n: o3ti {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: di'] e0kei/nhj {RP: e1mellen} [P1904 TR: h1mellen] die/rxesqai. So he ran on ahead and climbed up a fig-mulberry tree in order to see him, because it was by that way that he was going to cross through. sukomwrai/an, fig-mulberry (1), RP S1550 S1894 F1853=7/20 F1859=3/7 vs. sukomore/an, fig-mulberry (2), P1904 E1624 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's cs*) F1859=0/7 vs. sukomorai/an, fig-mulberry (3), F1853=8/20 F1859=2/7 vs. other spellings, F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's hkq) F1859=2/7. Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=11:10.

di', through: absent in RP-text P1904 F1853=16/20 F1859=4/8 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's df**gr) F1859=4/8.

e1melle¨n©, he was going to (1), RP F1853=9/20 F1859=2/7 vs. h1melle¨n©, he was going to (2), P1904 TR F1853=11/20 F1859=4/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. A disparity (#2) with RP, R=11:17.
Luke 19:48 kai\ ou0x eu3riskon to\ ti/ {RP TR: poih/swsin} [P1904: poih/sousin], o9 lao\j ga_r a#paj e0cekre/mato au0tou= a)kou/wn. but they did not find anything they could do, for all the people were completely enraptured listening to him. poih/swsin, they may do, RP TR F1853=8/19 F1859=4/6 vs. poih/sousin, they will do, P1904 F1853=11/19 F1859=2/6. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:14.

could do ← {RP TR: might do} [P1904: will do].

enraptured ← hung out.
Luke 20:28 le/gontej, Dida&skale, {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] e1grayen h9mi=n, e0a&n tinoj a)delfo\j a)poqa&nh| e1xwn gunai=ka, kai\ ou[toj a!teknoj a)poqa&nh|, i3na la&bh| o9 a)delfo\j au0tou= th\n gunai=ka, kai\ e0canasth/sh| spe/rma tw%~ a)delfw%~ au0tou=. and they said, “Teacher, Moses wrote to us, ‘If someone's brother dies, having a wife, and he dies without children, that his brother is to take the wife and raise up seed to his brother.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=8/18 F1859=1/6 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=10/18 F1859=5/6. A disparity with RP, R=10:16.

Deut 25:5.

he ← this (man).

seed: implying more continuity than just offspring.
Luke 20:31 Kai\ o9 tri/toj e1laben au0th\n {RP P1904: w(sau/twj} [TR: - ]. 879Wsau/twj de\ kai\ oi9 e9pta&: {RP P1904 S1550: - } [E1624 S1894: kai\] ou0 kate/lipon te/kna, kai\ a)pe/qanon. Then the third took her {RP P1904: likewise} [TR: - ], and like this indeed the seven of them. {RP P1904 S1550: They} [E1624 S1894: And they] did not leave any children, and they died. w(sau/twj, (took her) similarly: present in RP P1904 F1853=5/18 F1859=4/6 vs. absent in TR F1853=13/18 F1859=2/6. A disparity with RP, R=10:16.

kai\, and: absent in RP P1904 S1550 F1853=12/19 F1859=4/6 vs. present in E1624 S1894 F1853=7/19 F1859=2/6.
Luke 21:22 873Oti h9me/rai e0kdikh/sewj au[tai/ ei0sin, tou= {RP-text: plhsqh=nai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: plhrwqh=nai] pa&nta ta_ gegramme/na. For these are the days of vengeance, in order for all the things that stand written to be fulfilled. plhsqh=nai, to be fulfilled (1), RP-text F1853=9/22 F1859=3/7 vs. plhrwqh=nai, to be fulfilled (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=13/22 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/22 F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:18.

Isa 61:2, Isa 63:4, Hos 9:7. See Luke 4:19.
Luke 22:5 Kai\ e0xa&rhsan, kai\ sune/qento au0tw%~ {RP TR: a)rgu/rion} [P1904: a)rgu/ria] dou=nai. at which they were delighted, and they agreed to give him {RP TR: money} [P1904: silver coins]. a)rgu/rion, silver (singular noun), RP TR F1853=7/19 F1859=2/6 vs. a)rgu/ria, silver (plural, so coins), P1904 F1853=12/19 F1859=4/6. A disparity with RP, R=10:17.
Luke 22:9 Oi9 de\ ei]pon au0tw%~, Pou= qe/leij {RP-text: e9toima&somen} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e9toima&swmen]; Then they said to him, “Where do you want us to prepare it?” e9toima&somen, (that) we will prepare, RP-text F1853=8/21 F1859=0/6 vs. e9toima&swmen, (that) we should prepare, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=13/21 F1859=5/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/6. F1853 and F1859 are not significantly disparate, X2=3.2 PV=7.2%. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=8:20.
Luke 22:12 Ka)kei=noj u9mi=n dei/cei {RP TR: a)nw&geon} [P1904: a)nw&gaion] me/ga e0strwme/non: e0kei= e9toima&sate. And that man will show you a large upper room ready set up. Prepare it there.” a)nw&geon, upper room (1), RP TR F1853=6/19 F1859=2/8 vs. a)nw&gaion, upper room (2), P1904 F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's pqsy) F1859=3/8 vs. 5 other spellings, F1853=9/19 F1859=3/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=9:8.
Luke 22:30 i3na e0sqi/hte kai\ pi/nhte e0pi\ th=j trape/zhj mou {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0n th|= basilei/a% mou] kai\ {RP P1904: kaqi/sesqe} [TR: kaqi/shsqe] e0pi\ qro/nwn, kri/nontej ta_j dw&deka fula_j tou= 870Israh/l. so that you may eat and drink at my table {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: in my kingdom], and you {RP P1904: will} [TR: may] sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” e0n th|= basilei/a% mou, in my kingdom: absent in RP-text F1853=8/20 F1859=2/6 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=12/20 F1859=4/6. A disparity with RP-text, R=10:18. AV differs textually.

kaqi/sesqe, will sit (future), RP P1904 F1853=15/19 F1859=5/6 vs. kaqi/shsqe, that you may sit (aorist subjunctive), TR F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6 vs. kaqh/sesqe, will sit from ka&qhmai, F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's ckoy) F1859=1/6.
Luke 22:32 e0gw_ de\ e0deh/qhn peri\ sou=, i3na mh\ {RP-text P1904: e0kli/ph|} [RP-marg TR: e0klei/ph|] h9 pi/stij sou: kai\ su/ pote e0pistre/yaj sth/ricon tou\j a)delfou/j sou. But I have pleaded for you, that your faith might not fail, so once you have come to yourself, strengthen your brothers.” e0kli/ph|, might (not) fail (aorist subjunctive, so perfective aspect), RP-text P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=1/8 vs. e0klei/ph|, might (not) fail (present subjunctive, so imperfective aspect), RP-marg TR F1853=8/20 F1859=5/8 vs. other readings, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's dx) F1859=2/8. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=12:14.

you: singular (contrast previous verse).
Luke 22:35 Kai\ ei]pen au0toi=j, 873Ote a)pe/steila u9ma~j a!ter {RP TR: balanti/ou} [P1904: ballanti/ou] kai\ ph/raj kai\ u9podhma&twn, mh/ tinoj {RP TR: u9sterh/sate} [P1904: u9sterh/qhte]; Oi9 de\ ei]pon, {RP P1904: Ou0qeno/j} [TR: Ou0deno/j]. Furthermore, he said to them, “When I sent you out without wallet or purse or footwear, did you lack anything?” They then said, “No, nothing.” balanti/ou, wallet (1), RP TR F1853=16/20 F1859=4/7 vs. ballanti/ou, wallet (2), P1904 F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's ad**gk) F1859=3/7.

u9sterh/sate, you lacked (active form), RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=6/7 vs. u9sterh/qhte, you lacked (passive form), P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=1/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's x) F1859=0/7.

ou0qeno/j, not anything (1), RP P1904 F1853=7/19 F1859=6/6 vs. ou0deno/j, not anything (2), TR F1853=12/19 F1859=0/6. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:13.
Luke 22:47 871Eti de\ au0tou= lalou=ntoj, i0dou/, o1xloj, kai\ o9 lego/menoj 870Iou/daj, ei[j tw~n dw&deka, {RP TR: proh/rxeto} [P1904: proh=gen] {RP P1904: au0tou/j} [TR: au0tw~n], kai\ h1ggisen tw%~ 870Ihsou= filh=sai au0to/n {RP TR: - } [P1904: : tou=to ga_r shmei=on dedw&kei au0toi=j: o4n a@n filh/sw, au0to/j e0stin]. Now while he was still speaking, a crowd happened to come, and the one called Judas, one of the twelve, {RP TR: was going in front of them,} [P1904: was leading them,] and he approached Jesus to kiss him {RP TR: - } [P1904: , for he had given them this sign: he whom I kiss is the one]. proh/rxeto, was going in front of, RP TR F1853=16/20 F1859=3/6 vs. proh=gen, was leading, P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's dpx) F1859=3/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's f*) F1859=0/6.

au0tou/j, them (accusative), RP P1904 F1853=16/19 F1859=5/6 vs. au0tw~n, them (genitive), TR F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6 vs. another reading, F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's cfy) F1859=1/6.

tou=to ga_r shmei=on dedw&kei au0toi=j: o4n a@n filh/sw, au0to/j e0stin , for he had given them this sign: he whom I kiss is he: absent in RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=1/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=7/20 (incl. minor variations) F1859=6/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.

a crowd happened to come ← behold a crowd.
Luke 22:53 Kaq' h9me/ran o1ntoj mou meq' u9mw~n e0n tw%~ i9erw%~, ou0k e0cetei/nate ta_j xei=raj e0p' e0me/. {RP P1904 TR: 870All'} [MISC: 870Alla_] au3th {RP TR: u9mw~n e0stin} [P1904: e0sti\n u9mw~n] h9 w#ra, kai\ h9 e0cousi/a tou= sko/touj. When I was with you in the temple each day, you did not stretch out your hands against me. But this is your hour, and the authority of darkness.” a)ll', but (apocopated), RP P1904 TR F1853=8/19 F1859=3/6 vs. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), F1853=11/19 F1859=3/6. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:14.

u9mw~n e0sti¨n©, your + is, RP TR F1853=16/19 F1859=3/6 vs. e0sti\¨n© u9mw~n, is + your, P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's py) F1859=3/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/6.
Luke 23:2 871Hrcanto de\ kathgorei=n au0tou=, le/gontej, Tou=ton eu3romen diastre/fonta to\ e1qnoj {RP P1904 TR: - } [MISC: h9mw~n], kai\ kwlu/onta Kai/sari fo/rouj dido/nai, le/gonta e9auto\n xristo\n basile/a ei]nai. And they began to accuse him, and they said, “We found this man misleading {RP P1904 TR: the} [MISC: our] nation and forbidding them to pay taxes to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ, a king.” h9mw~n, our: absent in RP P1904 TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/8 vs. present in F1853=10/20 F1859=5/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:15.
Luke 24:1 Th|= de\ mia%~ tw~n sabba&twn, o1rqrou {RP-text P1904 TR: baqe/oj} [RP-marg: baqe/wj], h]lqon e0pi\ to\ mnh=ma, fe/rousai a$ h9toi/masan a)rw&mata, kai/ tinej su\n au0tai=j. Then on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they went to the tomb carrying the fragrances which they had prepared, and some others went with them, baqe/oj, deep (concordant genitive), RP-text P1904 TR F1853=13/22 F1859=1/7 vs. baqe/wj, deeply, RP-marg F1853=9/22 F1859=6/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=16:15.

week ← Sabbaths. See John 20:1.

very early in the morning ← during {RP-text TR: deep dawn} [RP-marg P1904: dawn deeply]. Not the same word for dawn / daybreak as in Luke 23:54.
John 1:29 Th|= e0pau/rion ble/pei {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: o9 870Iwa&nnhj] to\n 870Ihsou=n e0rxo/menon pro\j au0to/n, kai\ le/gei, 871Ide o9 a)mno\j tou= qeou=, o9 ai1rwn th\n a(marti/an tou= ko/smou. The next day, {RP-text: he} [RP-marg P1904 TR: John] saw Jesus coming to him, and he said, “Behold the lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world. o9 870Iwa&nnhj, John: absent in RP-text F1853=10/21 F1859=1/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=11/21 F1859=6/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:19.

behold ← see, but the solemnity of the utterance justifies behold.

which: our pronoun refers to the title / figure, as in John 1:5.
John 1:43 Th|= e0pau/rion h0qe/lhsen {RP: - } [P1904 TR: o9 870Ihsou=j] e0celqei=n ei0j th\n Galilai/an, kai\ eu9ri/skei Fi/lippon, kai\ le/gei au0tw%~ {RP-text: o9 870Ihsou=j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ], 870Akolou/qei moi. The next day, {RP: he} [P1904 TR: Jesus] wished to set out for Galilee, and he found Philip, and {RP-text: Jesus} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] said to him, “Follow me.” o9 870Ihsou=j, Jesus (wished): absent in RP F1853=13/22 F1859=2/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=9/22 F1859=5/7. A weak disparity (#1) with RP, R=15:16.

o9 870Ihsou=j, Jesus (said): present in RP-text F1853=14/23 F1859=2/7 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=9/23 F1859=5/7. Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=16:16. One disparity, as a reading, includes the other.
John 3:2 ou[toj h]lqen pro\j {RP-text P1904: au0to\n} [RP-marg TR: to\n 870Ihsou=n] nukto/j, kai\ ei]pen au0tw%~, 879Rabbi/, oi1damen o3ti a)po\ qeou= e0lh/luqaj dida&skaloj: ou0dei\j ga_r tau=ta ta_ shmei=a du/natai poiei=n a$ su\ poiei=j, e0a_n mh\ h|] o9 qeo\j met' au0tou=. This man came to {RP-text P1904: him} [RP-marg TR: Jesus] by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher, for no-one can do these signs which you do unless God is with him.” au0to\n, him, RP-text P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=1/7 vs. to\n 870Ihsou=n, Jesus, RP-marg TR F1853=10/20 F1859=6/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:17.
John 3:3 870Apekri/qh {RP TR: o9} [P1904: - ] 870Ihsou=j kai\ ei]pen au0tw%~, 870Amh\n a)mh\n le/gw soi, e0a_n mh/ tij gennhqh|= a!nwqen, ou0 du/natai i0dei=n th\n basilei/an tou= qeou=. Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a person is begotten from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” o9, the (Jesus): present in RP TR F1853=10/21 F1859=3/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=11/21 F1859=4/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=14:16.

begotten: or born (as in Matt 2:1 and some other verses), whereas begotten is consistent with the genealogy in Matt 1:2 - 1:18. We select a rendering as appropriate in the verses following.

from above: or again.
John 3:15 i3na pa~j o9 pisteu/wn ei0j au0to\n mh\ a)po/lhtai, a)ll' {RP P1904 TR: e1xh|} [MISC: e1xei] zwh\n ai0w&nion. so that everyone who believes in him should not be lost, but {RP P1904 TR: have} [MISC: he has] age-abiding life. e1xh|, may have, RP P1904 TR F1853=9/20 F1859=1/7 vs. e1xei, has, F1853=11/20 F1859=6/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:17.

be lost: see John 3:16.

age-abiding life: The adjective ai0w&nioj is associated with the noun ai0w&n in John 10:28. The noun ai0w&n is clearly age, epoch, aeon (so not “eternity”) in, e.g., 1 Cor 2:7, Eph 2:7, Eph 3:11, Heb 9:26, Heb 11:3. We bring out the sense of relating to the age with the adjective, where appropriate. However, the noun is sometimes used idiomatically in expressions such as ei0j to\n ai0w~na to mean ever. In such cases, the sense must be taken within the backdrop of the present age, not eternity.
John 3:16 Ou3twj ga_r h0ga&phsen o9 qeo\j to\n ko/smon, w#ste to\n ui9o\n au0tou= to\n monogenh= e1dwken, i3na pa~j o9 pisteu/wn ei0j au0to\n mh\ a)po/lhtai, a)ll' {RP P1904 TR: e1xh|} [MISC: e1xei] zwh\n ai0w&nion. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten son, so that everyone who believes in him should not be lost, but {RP P1904 TR: have} [MISC: he has] age-abiding life. e1xh|, may have, RP P1904 TR F1853=13/20 F1859=0/7 vs. e1xei, has, F1853=7/20 F1859=7/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.

so ← thus, like this, denoting the manner rather than the degree (so much). But perhaps degree could be justified by the strong conjunction of result, w#ste.

be lost: The active verb means to destroy in, e.g., Matt 2:13 (infant Jesus), Matt 10:28 (soul and body). ↴
John 3:28 Au0toi\ u9mei=j {RP: - } [P1904 TR: moi] marturei=te o3ti ei]pon, Ou0k ei0mi\ e0gw_ o9 xristo/j, a)ll' o3ti 870Apestalme/noj ei0mi\ e1mprosqen e0kei/nou. You yourselves testify {RP: - } [P1904 TR: to me] that I said, ‘I am not the Christ’, but said, ‘I have been sent ahead of him.’ moi, to me: absent in RP F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=3/7. A disparity with RP, R=13:17.

him ← that (man), the former.
John 3:36 879O pisteu/wn ei0j to\n ui9o\n e1xei zwh\n ai0w&nion: o9 de\ a)peiqw~n tw%~ ui9w%~, ou0k o1yetai {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: th\n] zwh/n, a)ll' h9 o0rgh\ tou= qeou= me/nei e0p' au0to/n. He who believes in the son has age-abiding life, but he who does not believe in the son will not see life, but God's anger remains on him.” th\n, the (life): absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1853=9/20 F1859=4/7 vs. present in RP-marg F1853=11/20 F1859=3/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=15:14.

life (second occurrence in verse): whether the word is determined by the definite article or not, which is a textual issue, we take the life referred to to be the age-abiding life of the first clause of the sentence.
John 4:15 Le/gei pro\j au0to\n h9 gunh/, Ku/rie, do/j moi tou=to to\ u3dwr, i3na mh\ diyw~, mhde\ {RP: e1rxomai} [P1904 TR: e1rxwmai] e0nqa&de a)ntlei=n. The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I don't thirst or have to come here to draw water.” e1rxomai, I come (indicative, non-classical), RP F1853=10/21 F1859=4/6 vs. e1rxwmai, I come (subjunctive, classical), P1904 TR F1853=10/21 F1859=2/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's x) F1859=0/6. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.
John 4:36 Kai\ o9 qeri/zwn misqo\n lamba&nei, kai\ suna&gei karpo\n ei0j zwh\n ai0w&nion: i3na kai\ o9 spei/rwn o9mou= {RP P1904 TR: xai/rh|} [MISC: xai/rei] kai\ o9 qeri/zwn. And the reaper receives wages and gathers fruit for age-abiding life, so that the sower and the reaper rejoice together. xai/rh|, may rejoice, RP P1904 TR F1853=10/22 F1859=3/6 vs. xai/rei, rejoice (non-classical indicative), F1853=12/22 F1859=3/6. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:15.

for: i.e. saved up for, with a goal of, fulfilled in the form of.
John 4:47 Ou[toj a)kou/saj o3ti 870Ihsou=j h3kei e0k th=j 870Ioudai/aj ei0j th\n Galilai/an, a)ph=lqen pro\j au0to/n, kai\ h0rw&ta au0to\n i3na katabh|= kai\ i0a&shtai au0tou= to\n ui9o/n: {RP-text: e1mellen} [RP-marg P1904 TR: h1mellen] ga_r a)poqnh|/skein. When he heard that Jesus had come from Judaea to Galilee, he went off to him and asked him to come down and heal his son, for he was on the point of dying. e1melle¨n©, he was about to (1), RP-text F1853=11/20 F1859=1/7 vs. h1melle¨n©, he was about to (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=9/20 F1859=5/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:16.

he ← this (man).
John 5:1 Meta_ tau=ta h]n {RP-text P1904: h9} [RP-marg TR: - ] e9orth\ tw~n 870Ioudai/wn, kai\ a)ne/bh o9 870Ihsou=j ei0j 879Ieroso/luma. After these things, it was {RP-text P1904: the Jews' festival} [RP-marg TR: a festival of the Jews], and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. h9, the (festival): present in RP-text P1904 F1853=10/21 F1859=3/7 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1853=11/21 F1859=4/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=14:16.
John 5:5 87]Hn de/ tij a!nqrwpoj e0kei= tria&konta {RP-text S1550 E1624: - } [RP-marg P1904 S1894: kai\] o0ktw_ e1th e1xwn e0n th|= a)sqenei/a% {RP TR: - } [P1904: au0tou=]. There was a certain man there who had been in {RP TR: an} [P1904: an] infirm condition for thirty-eight years. kai\, (thirty) and (eight): absent in RP-text S1550 E1624 F1853=8/21 F1859=3/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 S1894 F1853=13/21 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:19.

au0tou=, his (illness): absent in RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=7/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's s) F1859=0/7.

[P1904: an ← his.]
John 5:8 Le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, {RP TR: 871Egeirai} [P1904: 871Egeire], a}ron to\n {RP TR: kra&bbato/n} [P1904: kra&batto/n] sou, kai\ peripa&tei. Jesus said to him, “Get up, pick up your stretcher, and walk.” e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=2/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=5/7.

kra&bbato/n, stretcher (1), RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/7 vs. kra&batto/n, stretcher (2), P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=3/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.

walk ← walk around, but no emphasis on around. Similarly in John 5:9, John 5:11, John 5:12.
John 5:9 Kai\ eu0qe/wj e0ge/neto u9gih\j o9 a!nqrwpoj, kai\ h]ren to\n {RP TR: kra&bbaton} [P1904: kra&batton] au0tou= kai\ periepa&tei. 87]Hn de\ sa&bbaton e0n e0kei/nh| th|= h9me/ra%. And immediately the man was cured, and he picked up his stretcher and walked. However, it was the Sabbath on that day. kra&bbaton, stretcher (1), RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/7 vs. kra&batton, stretcher (2), P1904 F1853=9/20 F1859=3/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=1/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:13.

was cured ← became healthy.
John 5:10 871Elegon ou]n oi9 870Ioudai=oi tw%~ teqerapeume/nw%, Sa&bbato/n e0stin: ou0k e1cesti/n soi a}rai to\n {RP TR: kra&bbaton} [P1904: kra&batton]. So the Jews said to him who had been healed, “It is the Sabbath. It is not permitted for you to pick up the stretcher.” kra&bbaton, stretcher (1), RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/7 vs. kra&batton, stretcher (2), P1904 F1853=9/20 F1859=3/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=1/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:13.
John 5:11 870Apekri/qh au0toi=j, 879O poih/saj me u9gih=, e0kei=no/j moi ei]pen, 87]Aron to\n {RP TR: kra&bbato/n} [P1904: kra&batto/n] sou kai\ peripa&tei. He replied to them, “He who restored my healthhe said to me, ‘Pick up your stretcher and walk.’ ” kra&bbaton, stretcher (1), RP TR F1853=10/21 F1859=3/7 vs. kra&batton, stretcher (2), P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=3/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's cf*) F1859=1/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:13.

restored my health ← made me healthy.

he said ← that (man) said.
John 6:5 870Epa&raj ou]n o9 870Ihsou=j tou\j o0fqalmou/j, kai\ qeasa&menoj o3ti polu\j o1xloj e1rxetai pro\j au0to/n, le/gei pro\j to\n Fi/lippon, Po/qen {RP TR: a)gora&somen} [P1904: a)gora&swmen] a!rtouj, i3na fa&gwsin ou[toi; Then Jesus lifted up his eyes and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, and he said to Philip, “From where {RP TR: can we buy} [P1904: are we to buy] loaves of bread so that these may eat?” a)gora&somen, shall we buy, RP TR F1853=9/20 F1859=3/7 vs. a)gora&swmen, should we buy (deliberative sense), P1904 F1853=11/20 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=13:16.

{RP TR: can ← will, a Hebraism.}
John 6:39 Tou=to de/ e0stin to\ qe/lhma tou= pe/myanto/j me patro/j, i3na pa~n o4 de/dwke/n moi, mh\ a)pole/sw e0c au0tou=, a)lla_ a)nasth/sw {RP-text P1904 TR: au0to\} [RP-marg: au0to\n] {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0n] th|= e0sxa&th| h9me/ra%. And this is the will of the father who sent me, that I should not lose any part of anything that he has given me, but that I should raise {RP-text P1904 TR: it} [RP-marg: him] up on the last day. au0to\, it, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=14/20 F1859=4/7 vs. au0to\n, him, RP-marg F1853=6/20 F1859=3/7.

e0n, in (strengthening the dative of time when): absent in RP-text F1853=8/20 F1859=2/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=12/20 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=10:19.

I should not lose any part of anything that he has given me ← everything that he has given me, I should not lose (any) out of it.
John 8:2 871Orqrou de\ pa&lin parege/neto ei0j to\ i9ero/n, kai\ pa~j o9 lao\j h1rxeto {RP: - } [P1904 TR: pro\j au0to/n]: kai\ kaqi/saj e0di/dasken au0tou/j. Then at dawn he presented himself at the temple again. And all the people came {RP: - } [P1904 TR: to him], and he sat down and was teaching them, pro\j au0to/n, to him: absent in RP F1853=4/17 (Scrivener's acgp) F1859=2/6 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=13/17 F1859=4/6. A strong disparity with RP, R=6:19.

came ← were coming.
John 8:3 871Agousin de\ oi9 grammatei=j kai\ oi9 Farisai=oi {RP TR: pro\j au0to\n} [P1904: - ] gunai=ka {RP TR: e0n} [P1904: e0pi\] moixei/a% {RP: katalhfqei=san} [P1904 TR: kateilhmme/nhn]: kai\ sth/santej au0th\n e0n me/sw%, when the scribes and Pharisees brought {RP TR: to him} [P1904: - ] a woman who had been caught in adultery, and they placed her at the focus of attention, pro\j au0to\n, to him: present in RP TR F1853=14/21 (of which 3 readings from a second hand) F1859=3/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=7/21 F1859=3/6.

e0n, in, RP TR F1853=5/18 (Scrivener's a**cgpt) F1859=2/6 vs. e0pi\, at, P1904 F1853=13/18 F1859=4/6. A strong disparity (#1) with RP, R=8:18.

katalhfqei=san, caught (aorist participle passive), RP F1853=4/18 (Scrivener's egpt) F1859=2/6 vs. kateilhmme/nhn, having been caught (perfect participle passive), P1904 TR F1853=11/18 F1859=3/6 vs. other readings, F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's acf) F1859=1/6. A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=6:16.

at the focus of attentionin midst.
John 8:4 le/gousin au0tw%~, {RP: peira&zontej} [P1904 TR: - ], Dida&skale, au3th h9 gunh\ {RP: katelh/fqh} [P1904: katei/lhptai] [TR: kateilh/fqh] {RP-text: e0p' au0tofo/rw%} [RP-marg P1904: e0p' au0tofw&rw%] [TR: e0pautofw&rw%] moixeuome/nh. and they said to him, {RP: testing him,} [P1904 TR: - ] “Teacher, this woman {RP TR: was caught} [P1904: has been caught] in the act of committing adultery, peira&zontej, testing (him): present in RP F1853=8/19 F1859=2/6 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=11/19 F1859=4/6. A disparity (#1) with RP, R=10:17. AV differs textually.

katelh/fqh, she was caught (1), RP F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's gp) F1859=2/7 vs. katei/lhptai, she has been caught (1), P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=1/7 vs. kateilh/fqh, she was caught (2), TR F1853=9/19 F1859=0/7 vs. katelei/fqh, she was caught (3), F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's acf**t) F1859=0/7 vs. ei1lhptai, she was taken, F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's f*hko) F1859=2/7 vs. kath/lhptai, she has been caught (2), F1853=0/19 F1859=2/7. A disparity (#2) with RP, R=4:10.

e0p' au0tofo/rw%, RP-text F1853=6/18 (but as one word), e0pautofo/rw% F1859=5/6 vs. e0p' au0tofw&rw%, RP-marg P1904 F1853=0/18 (but lump this reading with the following one) F1859=1/6 vs. e0pautofw&rw%, TR F1853=11/18 F1859=0/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's f) F1859=0/6. All readings mean in the act. A weak disparity (#3) with RP-text, R=11:13.
John 8:5 {RP TR: 870En de\} [P1904: Kai\ e0n] tw%~ no/mw% {RP TR: - } [P1904: h9mw~n] {RP-text TR: Mwsh=j} [RP-marg P1904: Mwu+sh=j] {RP TR: h9mi=n} [P1904: - ] e0netei/lato ta_j toiau/taj {RP TR: liqobolei=sqai} [P1904: liqa&zein]: su\ ou]n ti/ le/geij; and in {RP TR: the} [P1904: our] law, Moses commanded {RP TR: us} [P1904: - ] {RP TR: that such people are to be stoned} [P1904: to stone such people]. ¶ So what do you say?” ¶ Verse division: in P1904 numbering, John 8:6 begins here.

e0n de\, in + and / but, RP TR F1853=18/18 F1859=5/6 vs. kai\ e0n, and + in, P1904 F1853=0/18 F1859=1/6.

h9mw~n, our (law): absent in RP TR F1853=11/19 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=8/19 F1859=3/7.

Mwsh=j, Moses, RP-text TR F1853=13/18 F1859=5/6 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, RP-marg P1904 F1853=5/18 F1859=1/6.

h9mi=n, (commanded) us: present in RP TR F1853=8/18 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=9/18 F1859=3/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's p) F1859=0/6. A weak disparity with RP, R=12:13.

liqobolei=sqai, to be stoned, RP TR F1853=11/19 F1859=2/6 vs. liqa&zein, to stone, P1904 F1853=8/19 F1859=3/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.

Deut 22:24, but applied to a betrothed virgin there. The “spirit of jealousy” procedure includes writing the curses in a book and blotting them out; see Num 5:14-31, especially Num 5:23.
John 8:6 Tou=to de\ {RP TR: e1legon} [P1904: ei]pon] {RP TR: peira&zontej} [P1904: e0kpeira&zontej] au0to/n, i3na {RP TR: e1xwsin} [P1904: sxw~si] {RP TR: kathgorei=n} [P1904: kathgori/an kat'] au0tou=. 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ka&tw ku/yaj, tw%~ daktu/lw% {RP-text P1904 TR: e1grafen} [RP-marg: kate/grafen] ei0j th\n gh=n, {RP S1894: mh\ prospoiou/menoj} [P1904 S1550 E1624: - ]. But they said this testing him, so that they might have {RP TR: something to accuse him with} [P1904: an accusation against him]. But Jesus stooped and {RP-text P1904 TR: wrote} [RP-marg: inscribed] on the ground with his finger {RP S1894: , not acting in pretence} [P1904 S1550 E1624: - ]. e1legon, they were saying, RP TR F1853=16/18 F1859=4/6 vs. ei]pon, they said, P1904 F1853=2/18 (Scrivener's fk) F1859=2/6.

peira&zontej, testing, tempting (1), RP TR F1853=17/18 F1859=4/6 vs. e0kpeira&zontej, testing, tempting (2), P1904 F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's k) F1859=2/6.

e1xwsin, that they might have (pres. subj.), RP TR F1853=16/18 F1859=5/6 vs. sxw~si, that they might have (aor. subj.), P1904 F1853=2/18 (Scrivener's kv) F1859=1/6.

kathgorei=n, (something) to accuse, RP TR F1853=7/18 F1859=4/6 vs. kathgori/an kat', an accusation against, P1904 F1853=11/18 F1859=2/6. A weak disparity with RP, R=12:14.

e1grafe¨n©, was writing, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=15/18 F1859=6/6 vs. kate/grafen, was inscribing, RP-marg F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's acg) F1859=0/6.

mh\ prospoiou/menoj, not acting in pretence: present in RP S1894 F1853=14/18 F1859=2/6 vs. absent in P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's eks) F1859=4/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's r) F1859=0/6. AV differs textually, but it supplies the RP reading italicized.

Compare Num 5:23.
John 8:7 879Wj de\ e0pe/menon e0rwtw~ntej au0to/n, {RP TR: a)naku/yaj} [P1904: a)ne/kuye kai\] ei]pen {RP TR: pro\j au0tou/j} [P1904: au0toi=j], 879O a)nama&rthtoj u9mw~n, {RP-text: prw~ton} [RP-marg P1904 TR: prw~toj] {RP-text: e0p' au0th\n to\n li/qon bale/tw} [RP-marg: e0p' au0th\n li/qon balle/tw] [P1904: bale/tw li/qon e0p' au0th/n] [TR: to\n li/qon e0p' au0th|= bale/tw]. And when they persisted in asking him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you cast a stone at her first.” a)naku/yaj, having straightened up, RP TR F1853=14/19 (incl. 1 misspelling) F1859=2/6 vs. a)ne/kuye¨n© kai\, he straightened up and, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=3/6 vs. a)nable/yaj, he looked up, F1853=5/19 F1859=1/6.

pro\j au0tou/j, to them (prepositional), RP TR F1853=14/20 F1859=2/6 vs. au0toi=j, to them (dative), P1904 F1853=6/20 F1859=4/6.

In any position: bale/tw, let him cast (aor.), RP-text P1904 TR F1853=16/19 F1859=5/6 vs. balle/tw, let him cast (pres.), RP-marg F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's adf*) F1859=1/6.

In any position: to\n, the (stone): present in RP-text TR F1853=10/19 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 F1853=9/19 F1859=3/6. Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=14:13.

In any position: e0p' au0th\n, onto her, RP P1904 F1853=12/19 F1859=5/6 vs. e0p' au0th|=, on her, TR F1853=7/19 F1859=1/6.

prw~ton, first (adverbial), RP-text F1853=10/18 F1859=0/6 vs. prw~toj, first (adjectival), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=8/18 (Scrivener's defhkoqt) F1859=6/6. A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=10:16.
John 8:9 Oi9 de/, a)kou/santej, {RP TR: kai\ u9po\ th=j suneidh/sewj e0legxo/menoi} [P1904: - ], e0ch/rxonto ei[j kaq' ei[j, a)rca&menoi a)po\ tw~n presbute/rwn {RP P1904: - } [TR: e3wj tw~n e0sxa&twn]: kai\ katelei/fqh {RP TR: mo/noj} [P1904: - ] o9 870Ihsou=j, kai\ h9 gunh\ e0n me/sw% {RP P1904: ou]sa} [TR: e9stw~sa]. And having heard it, {RP TR: and being convicted by their conscience,} [P1904: - ] they went out one by one, beginning with the elders {RP P1904: - } [TR: and going up to the last ones]. Then Jesus was left there {RP TR: alone} [P1904: - ] with the woman {RP P1904: - } [TR: standing] at the focal point. kai\ u9po\ th=j suneidh/sewj e0legxo/menoi, and being convicted by their conscience: present in RP TR F1853=15/18 F1859=4/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's ekq) F1859=2/6.

e3wj tw~n e0sxa&twn, up to the last (ones): absent in RP P1904 F1853=8/18 F1859=3/7 vs. present in TR F1853=10/18 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:15. AV differs textually.

mo/noj, alone: present in RP TR F1853=18/18 (though moved in 5 mss.) F1859=2/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/18 F1859=4/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=14.4 PV=0.015%.

ou]sa, being, RP P1904 F1853=18/18 F1859=6/6 vs. e9stw~sa, standing, TR F1853=0/18 F1859=0/6.

{RP P1904: at the focal point ← being in middle} [TR: at the focal point ← in middle].
John 8:10 870Anaku/yaj de\ o9 870Ihsou=j, {RP TR: kai\ mhde/na qeasa&menoj plh\n th=j gunaiko/j,} [P1904: - ] ei]pen au0th|=, {RP: Pou=} [P1904: Gu/nai, pou=] [TR: 879H gunh/, pou=] ei0sin {RP TR: e0kei=noi oi9 kath/goroi/ sou} [P1904: - ]; Ou0dei/j se kate/krinen; Then Jesus straightened himself up, {RP TR: and not seeing anyone except the woman,} [P1904: and] he said to her, {RP: “Where} [P1904 TR: “Madam, where] are {RP TR: those accusers of yours} [P1904: they]? Didn't anyone condemn you?” kai\ mhde/na qeasa&menoj plh\n th=j gunaiko/j, and not having seen anyone except the woman: present in RP TR F1853=14/19 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=5/19 F1859=3/6.

(words below absent), RP F1853=9/18 F1859=2/6 vs. gu/nai, madam (classical vocative), P1904 F1853=9/18 F1859=4/6 vs. h9 gunh/, madam (articular vocative, as in Hebrew), TR F1853=0/18 F1859=0/6. A disparity with RP, R=11:14.

e0kei=noi oi9 kath/goroi/ sou, those accusers of yours: present in RP TR F1853=11/18 F1859=2/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=2/18 (Scrivener's ek) F1859=1/6 vs. other readings, F1853=5/18 F1859=3/6.

{RP TR: seeing ← having seen. See Matt 23:20.}.
John 8:11 879H de\ ei]pen, Ou0dei/j, ku/rie. Ei]pen de\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: au0th|=] o9 870Ihsou=j, Ou0de\ e0gw& se {RP: kri/nw} [P1904 TR: katakri/nw]: poreu/ou kai\ {RP TR: - } [P1904: a)po\ tou= nu=n] mhke/ti a(ma&rtane. And she said, “No-one, Lord.” Jesus then said {RP P1904: - } [TR: to her], “Neither do I {RP: judge} [P1904 TR: condemn] you. Go and do not sin any more {RP TR: - } [P1904: from now on].” au0th|=, to her: absent in RP P1904 F1853=5/18 F1859=3/6 vs. present in TR F1853=13/18 F1859=3/6. A disparity (#1) with RP, R=9:17.

kri/nw, judge, RP F1853=6/19 (but accented krinw~, (neither) will I judge in 5 of these) F1859=2/6 vs. katakri/nw, condemn, P1904 TR F1853=13/19 F1859=4/6. A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=8:19. AV differs textually.

a)po\ tou= nu=n, from now (on): absent in RP TR F1853=13/19 F1859=3/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=6/19 F1859=3/6.
John 9:29 879Hmei=j oi1damen o3ti {RP TR: Mwsh|=} [P1904: Mwu+sei=] [MISC: Mwsei=] lela&lhken o9 qeo/j: tou=ton de\ ou0k oi1damen po/qen e0sti/n. We know that God spoke to Moses. But we do not know where this man is from.” Mwsh|=, to Moses, RP TR F1853=7/20 F1859=2/6 vs. Mwu+sei=, to Moüses, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6 vs. Mwsei=, to Moüses, F1853=13/20 F1859=3/6. A disparity with RP, R=10:16.
John 10:8 Pa&ntej o3soi {RP: h]lqon} [P1904: h]lqon pro\ e0mou=] [TR: pro\ e0mou= h]lqon] kle/ptai ei0si\n kai\ lh|stai/: a)ll' ou0k h1kousan au0tw~n ta_ pro/bata. All who {RP: have gone} [P1904 TR: went before me] are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. h]lqon, went, RP F1853=10/20 F1859=3/8 vs. h]lqon pro\ e0mou=, went + before me, P1904 F1853=9/20 F1859=4/8 vs. pro\ e0mou= h]lqon, before me + went, TR F1853=0/20 F1859=1/8 vs. verse missing, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's p*) F1859=0/8. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:14. AV differs textually.
John 11:9 870Apekri/qh {RP P1904: - } [TR: o9] 870Ihsou=j, Ou0xi\ {RP P1904 TR: dw&deka& ei0sin w{rai} [MISC: dw&deka w{rai/ ei0sin] th=j h9me/raj; 870Ea&n tij peripath|= e0n th|= h9me/ra%, ou0 prosko/ptei, o3ti to\ fw~j tou= ko/smou tou/tou ble/pei. Jesus replied, “Are there not twelve hours in a day? If a person goes around in the daytime, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. o9, the (Jesus): absent in RP P1904 F1853=15/18 F1859=7/7 vs. present in TR F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's fky) F1859=0/7.

ei0sin w{rai, hours + are, RP P1904 TR F1853=7/19 F1859=3/7 vs. w{rai ei0si\n, are + hours, F1853=12/19 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:16.
John 12:6 Ei]pen de\ tou=to, ou0x o3ti peri\ tw~n ptwxw~n {RP P1904 TR: e1melen} [MISC: e1mellen] au0tw%~, {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: a)ll'} [S1894: a)lla_] o3ti kle/pthj h]n, kai\ to\ glwsso/komon ei]xen, kai\ ta_ ballo/mena e0ba&stazen. But he said this, not because he was concerned for the poor, but because he was a thief, and he had the money-bag and carried the funds. e1melen, was a concern to, RP P1904 TR F1853=7/20 F1859=2/6 vs. e1mellen, was about to, or an alternative spelling or misspelling of e1melen, F1853=13/20 F1859=4/6. On me/llei as an alternative spelling to me/lei, see Acts 18:17. A disparity with RP, R=11:17.

a)ll', but (apocopated), RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=19/19 F1859=7/7 vs. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), S1894 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/7.

the funds ← the (things) put in.
John 12:16 Tau=ta de\ ou0k e1gnwsan oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= to\ prw~ton: a)ll' o3te e0doca&sqh {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: o9] 870Ihsou=j, to/te e0mnh/sqhsan o3ti tau=ta h]n e0p' au0tw%~ gegramme/na, kai\ tau=ta e0poi/hsan au0tw%~. But his disciples did not know these things at first, but when Jesus had been glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written about him, and that they had done these things for him. o9, the (Jesus): absent in RP-text F1853=7/20 F1859=3/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=13/20 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=10:19.
John 12:33 Tou=to de\ e1legen, shmai/nwn poi/w% qana&tw% {RP: e1mellen} [P1904 TR: h1mellen] a)poqnh|/skein. Now he said this indicating what kind of death he was going to die. e1mellen, he was going to (1), RP F1853=10/18 F1859=2/8 vs. h1mellen, he was going to (2), P1904 TR F1853=8/18 (incl. one misspelled) F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP, R=12:16.

what kind ← by what kind.
John 13:25 870Epipesw_n de\ e0kei=noj {RP: ou3twj} [P1904 TR: - ] e0pi\ to\ sth=qoj tou= 870Ihsou=, le/gei au0tw%~, Ku/rie, ti/j e0stin; Then he {RP: just} [P1904 TR: - ] sank onto Jesus's chest and said to him, “Lord, who is it?” ou3twj, thus, like this: present in RP F1853=10/19 (of which 1 misspelled) F1859=2/7 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=9/19 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:16. Burgon claims most cursives contain ou3twj, and he expounds it [JWB-CC] p.60. AV differs textually.

he ← that (one).

{RP: just ← thus, in this way.}
John 13:36 Le/gei au0tw%~ Si/mwn Pe/troj, Ku/rie, pou= u9pa&geij; 870Apekri/qh au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 873Opou {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0gw_] u9pa&gw, ou0 du/nasai/ moi nu=n a)kolouqh=sai, u3steron de\ a)kolouqh/seij moi. Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus replied to him, “Where am going, you cannot now follow me, but later you will follow me.” e0gw_, I (emphatic personal pronoun): absent in RP TR F1853=8/17 F1859=2/9 vs. present in P1904 F1853=9/17 F1859=7/9. A disparity with RP, R=11:17.
John 14:14 870Ea&n ti {RP-text: ai0th/shte/ me} [RP-marg P1904 TR: ai0th/shte] e0n tw%~ o0no/mati/ mou, e0gw_ poih/sw. If you ask anything {RP-text: of me} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] in my name, I will do it. me, (of) me: present in RP-text F1853=6/19 F1859=2/9 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=13/19 F1859=7/9. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=8:22.
John 14:20 870En e0kei/nh| th|= h9me/ra% gnw&sesqe u9mei=j o3ti e0gw_ e0n tw%~ patri/ mou, kai\ u9mei=j e0n e0moi/, {RP: kai\ e0gw_} [P1904 TR: ka)gw_] e0n u9mi=n. On that day, you will know that I am in my father, and you in me, and I in you. kai\ e0gw_, and I (uncontracted), RP F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's bxonce) F1859=2/8 vs. ka)gw_, and I (contracted, crasis), P1904 TR F1853=17/19 F1859=6/8. A strong disparity with RP, R=4:25.
John 15:16 Ou0x u9mei=j me e0cele/casqe, a)ll' e0gw_ e0celeca&mhn u9ma~j, kai\ e1qhka u9ma~j, i3na u9mei=j u9pa&ghte kai\ karpo\n fe/rhte, kai\ o9 karpo\j u9mw~n me/nh|: i3na o3 ti a@n ai0th/shte to\n pate/ra e0n tw%~ o0no/mati/ mou, {RP-text P1904 TR: dw%~} [RP-marg: dw%&h] u9mi=n. You did not choose me, but I chose you, and I appointed you to go and bear fruit, and for your fruit to remain, so that whatever you ask the father for in my name, he should give you. dw%~, (that) he give (aorist subjunctive, classical form), RP-text P1904 TR F1853=5/23 F1859=1/10 vs. dw%&h, (that) he give (aorist subjunctive, for dw&h|, or aorist optative), RP-marg F1853=13/23 F1859=3/10 vs. other readings, F1853=5/23 F1859=6/10. A disparity with RP-text, R=8:16.
John 17:24 Pa&ter, ou4j de/dwka&j moi, qe/lw i3na o3pou ei0mi\ e0gw&, ka)kei=noi w}sin met' e0mou=: i3na qewrw~sin th\n do/can th\n e0mh/n, h4n {RP-text TR: e1dwka&j} [RP-marg P1904: de/dwka&j] moi, o3ti h0ga&phsa&j me pro\ katabolh=j ko/smou. Father, I want those whom you have given me also to be with me where I am, so that they may see my glory which you {RP-text TR: gave} [RP-marg P1904: have given] me, because you loved me before the overthrow of the world. e1dwka&j, you gave, RP-text TR F1853=8/18 F1859=2/7 vs. de/dwka&j, you have given, RP-marg P1904 F1853=10/18 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=10:17.

also ← also those.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
John 18:11 Ei]pen ou]n o9 870Ihsou=j tw%~ Pe/trw%, Ba&le th\n {RP TR: ma&xaira&n sou} [P1904: ma&xairan] ei0j th\n qh/khn: to\ poth/rion o4 de/dwke/n moi o9 path/r, ou0 mh\ pi/w au0to/; Then Jesus said to Peter, “Put {RP TR: your} [P1904: your] sword in its sheath. Shall I in any way not drink the cup which the father has given me?” sou, your: present in RP TR F1853=8/18 F1859=3/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=10/18 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=12:15.

shall I in any way not drink the cup ← the cup, shall I not certainly drink it.
John 18:28 871Agousin ou]n to\n 870Ihsou=n a)po\ tou= Kai+a&fa ei0j to\ praitw&rion: h]n de\ {RP-text P1904: prwi+/} [RP-marg TR: prwi+/a], kai\ au0toi\ ou0k ei0sh=lqon ei0j to\ praitw&rion, i3na mh\ mianqw~sin, a)ll' i3na fa&gwsin to\ Pa&sxa. Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas to the governmental headquarters. Now it was early, but they themselves did not go into the governmental headquarters, so as not to be defiled, but rather to be able to eat the Passover meal. prwi+/, early (1), RP-text P1904 F1853=9/20 F1859=5/8 vs. prwi+/a, early (2), RP-marg TR F1853=11/20 F1859=3/8. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=15:15.

governmental headquarters (2x) ← the Roman praetorium.
John 18:32 i3na o9 lo/goj tou= 870Ihsou= plhrwqh|=, o4n ei]pen, shmai/nwn poi/w% qana&tw% {RP P1904 TR: h1mellen} [MISC: e1mellen] a)poqnh|/skein. This was so that the word of Jesus, which he spoke, might be fulfilled, indicating what kind of death he was going to die. h1mellen, he was about to (1), RP P1904 TR F1853=5/18 F1859=5/7 vs. e1mellen, he was about to (2), F1853=13/18 F1859=1/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=0/18 F1859=1/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=12:14.

what kind of death ← by what kind of death.
John 19:13 879O ou]n Pila&toj a)kou/saj {RP P1904 TR: tou=ton to\n lo/gon} [MISC: tou/twn tw~n lo/gwn] h1gagen e1cw to\n 870Ihsou=n, kai\ e0ka&qisen e0pi\ tou= bh/matoj, ei0j to/pon lego/menon Liqo/strwton, 879Ebrai+sti\ de\ Gabbaqa~: Then Pilate heeded {RP P1904 TR: this talk} [MISC: these words] and led Jesus out and sat at the tribunal at a place called The Pavement, which in Hebraic is Gabbatha. tou=ton to\n lo/gon, this word, RP P1904 TR F1853=7/17 F1859=3/7 vs. tou/twn tw~n lo/gwn, these words (irregular genitive of thing heard), F1853=10/17 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/17 F1859=1/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=12:13.

Hebraic ← Hebrew, but standing for what is now called Aramaic.

Gabbatha: i.e. bald forehead [Dalman].
John 19:17 kai\ basta&zwn to\n stauro\n au0tou= e0ch=lqen ei0j {RP: to/pon} [P1904 TR: to\n] lego/menon Krani/ou To/pon, o4j le/getai 879Ebrai+sti\ Golgoqa~: And carrying his cross, he went out {RP: to the place called The} [P1904 TR: to the so called] Place of the Skull, which is called in Hebraic Golgotha, to/pon, a place, RP F1853=9/18 F1859=2/7 vs. to\n, the, P1904 TR F1853=9/18 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:16.

Hebraic ← Hebrew, but standing for what is now called Aramaic.
John 19:28 Meta_ tou=to {RP: i0dw_n} [P1904 TR: ei0dw_j] o9 870Ihsou=j o3ti pa&nta h1dh tete/lestai, i3na teleiwqh|= h9 grafh/, le/gei, Diyw~. After this, {RP: Jesus saw} [P1904 TR: Jesus, knowing] that everything had already been completed, {RP: and} [P1904 TR: - ] in order that the scripture be fulfilled: {RP: he} [P1904 TR: - ] said, “I am thirsty.” i0dw_n, having seen, RP F1853=8/18 F1859=5/10 vs. ei0dw_j, knowing, P1904 TR F1853=10/18 F1859=5/10. A disparity with RP, R=13:17. AV differs textually.

Ps 69:22MT (Ps 69:21AV) (for my thirst).
John 19:35 Kai\ o9 e9wrakw_j memartu/rhken, kai\ {RP-text: a)lhqinh/ e0stin au0tou= h9 marturi/a} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)lhqinh\ au0tou= e0stin h9 marturi/a] [MISC: a)lhqinh/ e0stin h9 marturi/a au0tou=], ka)kei=noj oi]den o3ti a)lhqh= le/gei, i3na {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\] u9mei=j pisteu/shte. And he who saw it testified, and his testimony is true, and he knew that he spoke the truth, in order that you {RP TR: - } [P1904: too] might believe. e0stin au0tou= h9 marturi/a, is + his + testimony, RP-text F1853=8/20 F1859=2/9 vs. au0tou= e0stin h9 marturi/a, his + is + testimony, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's bdp) F1859=4/9 vs. e0stin h9 marturi/a au0tou=, is + testimony + his F1853=9/20 F1859=3/9. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=10:12.

kai\, also: absent in RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's pyonce) F1859=3/7.

knew ← knows.

the truth ← true (things).

he ← that (man).
John 19:36 870Ege/neto ga_r tau=ta i3na h9 grafh\ plhrwqh|=, 870Ostou=n ou0 suntribh/setai {RP: a)p'} [P1904 TR: - ] au0tou=. For these things took place in order that the scripture might be fulfilled: “Not a bone of him shall be crushed.” a)p', from (him): present in RP F1853=8/18 F1859=3/9 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=10/18 F1859=6/9. A disparity with RP, R=11:18.

Ex 12:46, Num 9:12 (of the Passover lamb, compare 1 Cor 5:7); Ps 34:21MT (Ps 34:20AV); Ps 22:18MT (Ps 22:17AV) (I can count my bones).
John 21:1 Meta_ tau=ta e0fane/rwsen e9auto\n pa&lin o9 870Ihsou=j toi=j maqhtai=j {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0tou=] e0pi\ th=j qala&sshj th=j Tiberia&doj: e0fane/rwsen de\ ou3twj. After these things, Jesus manifested himself to {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: his] disciples again, at the Sea of Tiberias, and he manifested himself in this way: au0tou=, his (disciples): absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1853=9/18 F1859=2/7 vs. present in RP-marg F1853=9/18 F1859=5/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:14.
Acts 3:1 870Epi\ to\ au0to\ de\ Pe/troj kai\ 870Iwa&nnhj a)ne/bainon ei0j to\ i9ero\n e0pi\ th\n w#ran th=j proseuxh=j th\n {RP P1904: e0na&thn} [TR: e0nna&thn]. Now Peter and John were going up together to the temple at the hour of prayer – the ninth hour, e0na&thn, ninth (1), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 vs. e0nna&thn, ninth (2), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's b*cefkop). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

ninth hour: 3 p.m.
Acts 3:20 kai\ a)postei/lh| to\n {RP P1904: prokexeirisme/non} [TR: prokekhrugme/non] u9mi=n {RP P1904: xristo\n 870Ihsou=n} [TR: 870Ihsou=n xristo/n]: and that he may send you {RP P1904: Christ Jesus} [TR: Jesus Christ] who was {RP P1904: taken in hand in advance for you} [TR: proclaimed beforehand to you], prokexeirisme/non, taken in hand beforehand, prepared beforehand, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. prokekhrugme/non, proclaimed beforehand, TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

xristo\n 870Ihsou=n, Christ + Jesus, RP P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's acghl) vs. 870Ihsou=n xristo/n, Jesus + Christ, TR F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's bdefkmop). A disparity with RP, R=6:9. AV differs textually.
Acts 3:22 {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] me\n ga_r pro\j tou\j pate/raj ei]pen o3ti Profh/thn u9mi=n a)nasth/sei ku/rioj o9 qeo\j {RP: h9mw~n} [P1904 TR: u9mw~n] e0k tw~n a)delfw~n u9mw~n w(j e0me/: au0tou= a)kou/sesqe kata_ pa&nta o3sa a@n lalh/sh| pro\j u9ma~j. For Moses said to the fathers, The Lord {RP: our} [P1904 TR: your] God will raise up a prophet to you from your brothers like me. You will hear him in regard to whatever he says to you. Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=6/14 (Scrivener's cefh**km) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=8/14 (Scrivener's abdgh*lop). A weak disparity (#1) with RP, R=7:9.

h9mw~n, our, RP F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's abcefhlo) vs. u9mw~n, your, P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's dgkmp). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP, R=8:7. AV differs textually.

Deut 18:15, Deut 18:18.
Acts 4:12 Kai\ ou0k e1stin e0n a!llw% ou0deni\ h9 swthri/a: {RP TR: ou1te} [P1904: ou0de\] ga_r o1noma& e0stin e3teron {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: u9po\ to\n ou0rano\n] to\ dedome/non e0n a)nqrw&poij, e0n w%{ dei= swqh=nai h9ma~j. And there is no salvation in any other, for neither is there any other name {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: under heaven] given among men by which we must be saved.” ou1te, and not, RP TR F1859=7/12 vs. ou0de\, not even; and not, P1904 F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's abhko).

u9po\ to\n ou0rano\n, under heaven: absent in RP-text F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bcglmo) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's adefhk). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:8. AV differs textually.
Acts 4:17 870All' i3na mh\ e0pi\ plei=on dianemhqh|= ei0j to\n lao/n, a)peilh|= {RP-text: a)peilhso/meqa} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)peilhsw&meqa] au0toi=j mhke/ti lalei=n e0pi\ tw%~ o0no/mati tou/tw% mhdeni\ a)nqrw&pwn. but in order that it does not spread any further throughout the people, {RP-text: we will threaten} [RP-marg P1904 TR: let us threaten] them strongly telling them not to speak any more in this name to any man.” a)peilhso/meqa, we will threaten, RP-text F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bdek**o) vs. a)peilhsw&meqa, let us threaten (cohortative subjunctive), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's acfghk*lm). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.

not ... any man ← no-one of men.
Acts 4:32 Tou= de\ plh/qouj tw~n pisteusa&ntwn h]n h9 kardi/a kai\ h9 yuxh\ mi/a: kai\ {RP P1904 S1550: ou0de\} [E1624 S1894: ou0d'] ei[j ti tw~n u9parxo/ntwn {RP-text: au0tw~n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: au0tw%~] e1legen i1dion ei]nai, a)ll' h]n au0toi=j a#panta koina&. And the heart and soul of the multitude of the believers was one, and not a single one said any of {RP-text: their} [RP-marg P1904 TR: his] possessions was his own, but they had everything in common. ou0de\, not even; and not (unapocopated), RP P1904 S1550 F1859=9/12 vs. ou0d', not even; and not (apocopated), E1624 S1894 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cel, though ce read, with the next word, ou0dei/j).

au0tw~n, of them, their, RP-text F1859=6/14 (Scrivener's b**fgkl*m) vs. au0tw%~, to him, his, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=8/14 (Scrivener's ab*cdehl**o). A disparity with RP-text, R=6:10.
Acts 4:36 870Iwsh=j de/, o9 e0piklhqei\j Barna&baj {RP P1904: a)po\} [TR: u9po\] tw~n a)posto/lwn - o3 e0stin, meqermhneuo/menon, ui9o\j paraklh/sewj - Leui+/thj, Ku/prioj tw%~ ge/nei, And Joses who was surnamed Barnabas by the apostles, which when translated is “Son of Consolation”, a Levite, a Cypriot by birth, a)po\, by (a less usual agent of the passive), RP P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's adghlm) vs. u9po\, by (a more usual agent of the passive), TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bcefko). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.

birth ← race, but he was a Levite by hereditary race, and this refers to his native land.
Acts 5:3 Ei]pen de\ Pe/troj, 870Anani/a, dia_ ti/ e0plh/rwsen o9 Satana~j th\n kardi/an sou, yeu/sasqai/ se to\ pneu=ma to\ a#gion, kai\ {RP: nosfi/sasqai/ se} [P1904 TR: nosfi/sasqai] a)po\ th=j timh=j tou= xwri/ou; But Peter said, “Ananias, why did Satan fill your heart, so that you lied to the holy spirit, and {RP: you} [P1904 TR: - ] put some of the proceeds of the land aside? se, you: present in RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abefghm) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cdklo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.
Acts 5:12 Dia_ de\ tw~n xeirw~n tw~n a)posto/lwn {RP-text P1904 E1624 S1894: e0gi/neto} [RP-marg S1550: e0ge/neto] shmei=a kai\ te/rata e0n tw%~ law%~ polla&: kai\ h]san o9moqumado\n a#pantej e0n th|= stoa%~ Solomw~ntoj. And many signs and miracles {RP-text P1904 E1624 S1894: were taking place} [RP-marg S1550: took place] among the people by the apostles, and all were of one mind in Solomon's Portico. e0gi/neto, were taking place, RP-text P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=11/12 (Scrivener's abcdefgklmo) vs. e0ge/neto, took place, RP-marg S1550 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

by ← through the hands of, idiom for the agent of the passive.
Acts 5:33 Oi9 de\ {RP-text: a)kou/ontej} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)kou/santej] diepri/onto, kai\ e0bouleu/onto a)nelei=n au0tou/j. Then those who heard it were cut to the quick and resolved to destroy them. a)kou/ontej, hearing, RP-text F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ch) vs. a)kou/santej, having heard, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=10/12. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=2:12.

were cut to the quick ← were being sawn through.
Acts 5:36 Pro\ ga_r tou/twn tw~n h9merw~n a)ne/sth Qeuda~j, le/gwn ei]nai/ tina e9auto/n, w%{ {RP: proseklh/qh} [P1904: prosekliqh] [TR: prosekollhqh] a)riqmo\j a)ndrw~n w(sei\ tetrakosi/wn: o4j a)nh|re/qh, kai\ pa&ntej o3soi e0pei/qonto au0tw%~ dielu/qhsan kai\ e0ge/nonto ei0j ou0de/n. For before these times Theudas stood up, saying he was someone, to whom a number of men {RP: were called} [P1904: were inclined] [TR: adhered] – about four hundred – and he was killed, and all who trusted him were disbanded and came to nothing. proseklh/qh, was called, RP F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's a*gl) vs. prosekliqh, was inclined, P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's a**bdhm) vs. prosekollhqh, adhered, TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fko) vs. other readings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ce), probably misspellings of the TR reading. A disparity with RP, R=3:6 (also R=3:4). AV differs textually.

times ← days.
Acts 5:38 Kai\ ta_ nu=n le/gw u9mi=n, a)po/sthte a)po\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn tou/twn, kai\ e0a&sate au0tou/j: o3ti e0a_n h|] e0c a)nqrw&pwn h9 boulh\ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au3th] h2 to\ e1rgon tou=to, kataluqh/setai: And as for the present matters, I say to you, do not get involved with these men, and leave them alone, for if {RP: this} [P1904 TR: this] counsel or this work is of men, it will be dissolved, au3th, this: absent in RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abcfghl) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's dekmo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7. AV differs textually.

do not get involved ← stand aloof from.

leave them aloneallow them.
Acts 5:41 Oi9 me\n ou]n e0poreu/onto xai/rontej a)po\ prosw&pou tou= sunedri/ou, o3ti u9pe\r tou= o0no/matoj {RP-text: tou= 870Ihsou=} [RP-marg P1904 TR: au0tou=] kathciw&qhsan a)timasqh=nai. So they went away from the encounter with the Sanhedrin council rejoicing because they had been deemed worthy to suffer ignominy for the sake of {RP-text: the name of Jesus} [RP-marg P1904 TR: his name]. tou= 870Ihsou=, of Jesus, RP-text F1859=0/13 vs. au0tou=, his, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's cdl*) vs. tou= xristou=, of Christ, F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's aehm) vs. tou= kuri/ou 870Ihsou=, of the Lord Jesus, F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's bfgl**) vs. 870Ihsou=, of Jesus, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ko). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=0:5, unless Scrivener intended the article tou= in manuscripts ko, but then still a disparity. However, manuscripts with tou= are in the majority (R=8:7) and there are 6 manuscripts with 870Ihsou= beating contenders au0tou=, xristou= and kuri/ou. AV differs textually.

the encounter with ← (the) presence, face, front of.
Acts 6:3 870Episke/yasqe ou]n, a)delfoi/, a!ndraj e0c u9mw~n marturoume/nouj e9pta&, plh/reij pneu/matoj a(gi/ou kai\ sofi/aj, ou4j {RP-text E1624: katasth/swmen} [RP-marg P1904 S1550 S1894: katasth/somen] e0pi\ th=j xrei/aj tau/thj. So, brothers, select seven well-attested men from your company, full of holy spirit and wisdom, {RP-text E1624: for us to appoint} [RP-marg P1904 S1550 S1894: whom we shall appoint] in this matter. katasth/swmen, let us appoint, or for us to appoint, reflecting purpose, RP-text E1624 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's e) vs. katasth/somen, we shall appoint, RP-marg P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=11/12 (incl. c(tacite)). A strong disparity (#1) with RP, R=2:12, and either way, the other reading is a disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).
Scrivener's remark tacite indicates that the collation was not done by Scrivener himself, and that it was not against E1624. The collator of c is silent, so (barring any oversight) the reading agrees with the collation reference, but not E1624.

select ← examine, oversee.

matter ← need.
Acts 6:5 Kai\ h1resen o9 lo/goj e0nw&pion panto\j tou= plh/qouj: kai\ e0cele/canto Ste/fanon, a!ndra {RP-text: plh/rhj} [RP-marg P1904 TR: plh/rh] pi/stewj kai\ pneu/matoj a(gi/ou, kai\ Fi/lippon, kai\ Pro/xoron, kai\ Nika&nora, kai\ Ti/mwna, kai\ Parmena~n, kai\ Niko/laon prosh/luton 870Antioxe/a, And the proposition found favour in the sight of the whole company, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and holy spirit, and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch. plh/rhj, full (non-classical nominative / indeclinable), RP-text F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's cdfkl*m) vs. plh/rh, full (classical accusative), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's abghl**o) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:8.

proposition ← word, assertion; reason, consideration. Not actually open to debate from the apostles' point of view.

company ← multitude.
Acts 6:11 To/te u9pe/balon a!ndraj le/gontaj o3ti 870Akhko/amen au0tou= lalou=ntoj r(h/mata bla&sfhma ei0j {RP TR: Mwsh=n} [P1904: Mwu+sh=n] kai\ to\n qeo/n. Then they incited some men who said, “We have heard him speaking blasphemous words against Moses and God.” Mwsh=n, Moses, RP TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's ab*cdghm) vs. Mwu+sh=n, Moüses, P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b**efklo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.
Acts 6:14 a)khko/amen ga_r au0tou= le/gontoj o3ti 870Ihsou=j o9 Nazwrai=oj ou[toj katalu/sei to\n to/pon tou=ton, kai\ a)lla&cei ta_ e1qh a$ pare/dwken h9mi=n {RP: Mwsh=j} [P1904 TR: Mwu+sh=j]. For we have heard him saying, ‘This Jesus the Nazarene will destroy this place and change the customs which Moses handed down to us.’ ” Mwsh=j, Moses, RP F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's acfhm) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 TR F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's bdegklo). A disparity with RP, R=5:9.
Acts 7:14 870Apostei/laj de\ 870Iwsh\f metekale/sato to\n pate/ra au0tou= 870Iakw&b, kai\ pa~san th\n sugge/neian {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: au0tou=], e0n yuxai=j e9bdomh/konta pe/nte. Then Joseph sent them off, calling for his father Jacob and all {RP-text: his} [RP-marg P1904 TR: his] kin – seventy-five people. au0tou=, his: absent in RP-text F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bfgmo + e?) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's achkl). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7. Scrivener's e is excluded, as it is doubtful.

calling ← he called, but contemporaneous with the participle, translated finitely, sent.

people ← in souls.
Acts 7:20 870En w%{ kairw%~ e0gennh/qh {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j], kai\ h]n a)stei=oj tw%~ qew%~: o4j a)netra&fh mh=naj trei=j e0n tw%~ oi1kw% tou= patro/j {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0tou=]. Now in this period Moses was born, and he was extremely good-looking, and he was brought up for three months in {RP: his} [P1904 TR: his] father's house. Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's gk*m) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's abcefhk**lop). A disparity with RP, R=4:11.

au0tou=, his: absent in RP F1859=9/12 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cko).

extremely good-looking ← town-bred to God or fair to God, as in Heb 11:23. The word אֱלֺהִים, Elohim, God, is used for extremes in the OT, e.g. Gen 23:6, Gen 30:8, Ex 9:28, Job 1:16, Song 8:6, Jonah 3:3. In the NT similarly at 2 Cor 10:4, 2 Cor 11:2.
Acts 7:21 870Ekteqe/nta de\ au0to/n, a)nei/leto {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0to\n] h9 quga&thr Faraw&, kai\ a)neqre/yato au0to\n e9auth|= ei0j ui9o/n. But when he had been put out in the open, Pharaoh's daughter adopted {RP: him} [P1904 TR: him] and brought him up as her own son. au0to\n, him (though pleonastic): absent in RP F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's acehko) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bfglmp). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:8.

as her own son ← to herself for a son.
Acts 7:22 Kai\ e0paideu/qh {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] pa&sh| sofi/a% Ai0gupti/wn: h]n de\ dunato\j e0n lo/goij kai\ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: e0n] e1rgoij. And Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was capable in words and {RP: - } [P1904 TR: in] deeds. Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's m) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=11/12. A strong disparity (#1) with RP, R=2:12.

e0n, in (deeds): absent in RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abefhop) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cgklm, though c and k have other variations in the phrase). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:7.

capable ← powerful.
Acts 7:31 879O de\ {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] i0dw_n {RP-text P1904: e0qau/mazen} [RP-marg TR: e0qau/masen] to\ o3rama: proserxome/nou de\ au0tou= katanoh=sai, e0ge/neto fwnh\ kuri/ou pro\j au0to/n, And Moses saw it and wondered at the sight. And as he approached to investigate, the voice of the Lord came to him and said, Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's abhm) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's cefgklop). A disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:9.

e0qau/maze¨n©, was wondering at, RP-text P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bfglmp) vs. e0qau/mase¨n©, wondered at, RP-marg TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's acehko). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=7:7.
Acts 7:32 870Egw_ o9 qeo\j tw~n pate/rwn sou, o9 qeo\j 870Abraa_m kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Isaa_k kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Iakw&b. 871Entromoj de\ geno/menoj {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] ou0k e0to/lma katanoh=sai. ‘I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.’ But Moses was trembling, and he did not dare investigate further. Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's bcm) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's aefghklop). A disparity with RP, R=4:10.

Ex 3:6.

was ← having become.
Acts 7:35 Tou=ton to\n {RP: Mwsh=n} [P1904 TR: Mwu+sh=n] o4n h0rnh/santo ei0po/ntej, Ti/j se kate/sthsen a!rxonta kai\ dikasth/n; tou=ton o9 qeo\j a!rxonta kai\ lutrwth\n a)pe/steilen e0n xeiri\ a)gge/lou tou= o0fqe/ntoj au0tw%~ e0n th|= ba&tw%. This Moses, whom they repudiated, saying, ‘Who appointed you a ruler and a judge?’ is whom God sent as a ruler and deliverer by the agency of the angel who appeared to him in the bush. Mwsh=n, Moses, RP F1859=3/14 (Scrivener's b*c**m) vs. Mwu+sh=n, Moüses, P1904 TR F1859=11/14 (Scrivener's ab**c*efghklop). A strong disparity with RP, R=3:13.

Ex 2:14.

is whom ← this (man).

agency ← hand.
Acts 7:36 Ou[toj e0ch/gagen au0tou/j, poih/saj te/rata kai\ shmei=a e0n gh|= {RP P1904: Ai0gu/ptw%} [TR: Ai0gu/ptou] kai\ e0n 870Eruqra%~ qala&ssh|, kai\ e0n th|= e0rh/mw% e1th tessara&konta. It is he who led them out, having performed miracles and signs in the land of Egypt and in the Red Sea and in the desert for forty years. Ai0gu/ptw%, Egyptian, RP P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's hklmop) vs. Ai0gu/ptou, of Egypt, TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abcefg). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.

he whothis (man).

{RP P1904: in the land of Egypt ← in Egyptian land.}
Acts 7:37 Ou[to/j e0stin {RP P1904 TR: o9} [MISC: - ] {RP: Mwsh=j} [P1904 TR: Mwu+sh=j] o9 ei0pw_n toi=j ui9oi=j 870Israh/l, Profh/thn u9mi=n a)nasth/sei ku/rioj o9 qeo\j {RP: h9mw~n} [P1904 TR: u9mw~n] e0k tw~n a)delfw~n u9mw~n w(j e0me/ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: : au0tou= a)kou/sesqe]. This is Moses who said to the sons of Israel, The Lord {RP: our} [P1904 TR: your] God will raise up a prophet to you from among your brothers like me. {RP: - } [P1904 TR: You will hear him.] o9, the (Moses): present in RP P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b*gklmp) vs. absent in F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's ab**cefho). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=8:7.

Mwsh=j, Moses, RP F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*m) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 TR F1859=11/13 (Scrivener's ab**cefghklop). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=2:13.

h9mw~n, our, RP F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's acfghklo) vs. u9mw~n, your, P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's bem) vs. word absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's p). AV differs textually.

au0tou= a)kou/sesqe, you will hear him: absent in RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's afghlmp) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's bceko). Nearly a disparity (#3) with RP, R=7:7. AV differs textually.

Deut 18:15, Deut 18:18.
Acts 7:38 Ou[to/j e0stin o9 geno/menoj e0n th|= e0kklhsi/a% e0n th|= e0rh/mw% meta_ tou= a)gge/lou tou= lalou=ntoj au0tw%~ e0n tw%~ o1rei Sina~ kai\ tw~n pate/rwn h9mw~n: o4j e0de/cato {RP-text: lo/gon} [RP-marg P1904 TR: lo/gia] zw~nta dou=nai h9mi=n: This is he who was in the assembly in the desert with the angel who spoke to him at Mount Sinai, and who was with our fathers, and he received {RP-text: a living word} [RP-marg P1904 TR: living oracles] to give to us, lo/gon, word, RP-text F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's elm) vs. lo/gia, oracles, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's abcfghkop). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:11.

assembly: the Greek word is usually translated church, but see Matt 16:18.
Acts 7:40 ei0po/ntej tw%~ 870Aarw&n, Poi/hson h9mi=n qeou\j oi4 proporeu/sontai h9mw~n: o9 ga_r {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] ou[toj, o4j e0ch/gagen h9ma~j e0k gh=j Ai0gu/ptou, ou0k oi1damen ti/ ge/gonen au0tw%~. as they said to Aaron, ‘Make us gods which will go before us. For as for this Moses – who led us out of Egypt – we do not know what has become of him.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*m) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=11/13 (Scrivener's ab**cefghklop). A strong disparity with RP, R=3:12.

Ex 32:1.
Acts 7:44 879H skhnh\ tou= marturi/ou h]n {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: e0n] toi=j patra&sin h9mw~n e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, kaqw_j dieta&cato o9 lalw~n tw%~ {RP TR: Mwsh|=} [P1904: Mwu+sh|=], poih=sai au0th\n kata_ to\n tu/pon o4n e9wra&kei. {RP P1904 S1894: Our fathers had the tent of the testimony} [S1550 E1624: The tent of the testimony was among our fathers] in the desert, as he who spoke to Moses commanded, to make it according to the model which he had seen. e0n, in, among: absent in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. present in S1550 E1624 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k**).

Mwsh|=, Moses, RP TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. Mwu+sh|=, Moüses, P1904 F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's acefghklop) vs. other spellings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*b**). A strong disparity with RP, R=2:11.

Ex 25:9, Ex 25:40, Ex 26:30.
Acts 7:58 kai\ e0kbalo/ntej e1cw th=j po/lewj, e0liqobo/loun: kai\ oi9 ma&rturej a)pe/qento ta_ i9ma&tia {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0tw~n] para_ tou\j po/daj neani/ou kaloume/nou Sau/lou. and they threw him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid {RP: the} [P1904 TR: their] clothes down at the feet of a young man called Saul. au0tw~n, their: absent in RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's ab*fghlm) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's b**ekop). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.
Acts 8:16 ou1pw ga_r h]n e0p' ou0deni\ au0tw~n e0pipeptwko/j, mo/non de\ bebaptisme/noi u9ph=rxon ei0j to\ o1noma tou= {RP: xristou=} [P1904 TR: kuri/ou] 870Ihsou=. for it had not yet fallen on any of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of {RP: Christ} [P1904 TR: the Lord] Jesus. xristou=, Christ, RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's adefghl) vs. kuri/ou, Lord, P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's bkmop). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7. AV differs textually.

in: or into.
Acts 8:19 le/gwn, Do/te ka)moi\ th\n e0cousi/an tau/thn, i3na w%{ {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e0a_n} [S1550: a@n] e0piqw~ ta_j xei=raj, lamba&nh| pneu=ma a#gion. and he said, “Give me this authority too, so that whoever I lay my hands on should receive holy spirit.” e0a_n, (on whom)ever (non-classical form), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b*defkp) vs. a@n, (on whom)ever (classical form), S1550 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's ab**ghlmo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:8.
Acts 9:7 Oi9 de\ a!ndrej oi9 sunodeu/ontej au0tw%~ ei9sth/keisan {RP-text P1904: e0neoi/} [RP-marg TR: e0nneoi/], a)kou/ontej me\n th=j fwnh=j, mhde/na de\ qewrou=ntej. But the men who were travelling with him stood dumbfounded, hearing the voice but not seeing anyone. e0neoi/, mute (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's ab*hmp) vs. e0nneoi/, mute (2), RP-marg TR F1859=9/14 (Scrivener's b**cdefgklo). Both spellings are classical. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:10.
Acts 9:17 870Aph=lqen de\ 870Anani/aj kai\ ei0sh=lqen ei0j th\n oi0ki/an, kai\ e0piqei\j e0p' au0to\n ta_j xei=raj ei]pen, Saou\l a)delfe/, o9 ku/rioj a)pe/stalke/n me, {RP: - } [P1904 TR: 870Ihsou=j] o9 o0fqei/j soi e0n th|= o9dw%~ h|[ h1rxou, o3pwj a)nable/yh|j kai\ plhsqh|=j pneu/matoj a(gi/ou. So Ananias departed and went into the house and put his hands on him and said, “Brother Saul, the Lord has sent me – {RP: the Lord} [P1904 TR: Jesus] who appeared to you on the road by which you came – so that you may recover your sight and be filled with holy spirit.” 870Ihsou=j, Jesus: absent in RP F1859=8/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's acfop). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7. AV differs textually.
Acts 9:18 Kai\ eu0qe/wj a)pe/peson a)po\ tw~n o0fqalmw~n au0tou= w(sei\ lepi/dej, a)ne/bleye/n te {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: paraxrh=ma,] kai\ a)nasta_j e0bapti/sqh, And straightaway it was as if scales fell from his eyes, and he {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: immediately] recovered his sight, and he rose up and was baptized, paraxrh=ma, immediately: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=6/14 (Scrivener's degl*mp) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=8/14 (Scrivener's abcfhkl**o). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=7:9. AV differs textually.
Acts 9:19 kai\ labw_n trofh\n e0ni/sxusen. 870Ege/neto de\ o9 Sau=loj meta_ tw~n {RP TR: - } [P1904: o1ntwn] e0n Damaskw%~ maqhtw~n h9me/raj tina&j. and he took food and gained strength. And Saul was with the disciples {RP TR: - } [P1904: who were] in Damascus for several days. o1ntwn, being: absent in RP TR F1859=7/13 vs. present in P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bdgkmo, though d with a rough breathing). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

was ← became.
Acts 9:26 Parageno/menoj de\ o9 Sau=loj {RP: e0n} [P1904 TR: ei0j] 879Ierousalh/m, e0peira~to kolla~sqai toi=j maqhtai=j: kai\ pa&ntej e0fobou=nto au0to/n, mh\ pisteu/ontej o3ti e0sti\n maqhth/j. Then when Saul arrived in Jerusalem, he tried to join up with the disciples, but they all feared him, not believing that he was a disciple. e0n, in, RP F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's bcehklm) vs. ei0j, to, in (pregnant use, compare Matt 18:6), P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's adfgop). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

but: adversative use of kai/.
Acts 9:28 Kai\ h]n met' au0tw~n ei0sporeuo/menoj {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: kai\ e0kporeuo/menoj] {RP-text: ei0j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0n] 879Ierousalh/m, kai\ parrhsiazo/menoj e0n tw%~ o0no/mati tou= kuri/ou 870Ihsou=, And he {RP-text: went with them into} [RP-marg P1904 TR: went about with them in] Jerusalem, ¶ speaking freely in the name of the Lord Jesus, ¶ Verse division: in AV numbering, Acts 9:29 begins here.

kai\ e0kporeuo/menoj, and going out: absent in RP-text F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bdflmo) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (incl. p in a different word order) vs. verse absent, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:8.

ei0j, into, RP-text F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's bcdfgklmop) vs. e0n, in, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ah) vs. verse absent, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e).

[RP-marg P1904 TR: went about with them in ← was going in and going out in.]
Acts 9:33 Eu[ren de\ e0kei= a!nqrwpo/n tina Ai0ne/an o0no/mati, e0c e0tw~n o0ktw_ katakei/menon e0pi\ {RP-text TR: krabba&tw%} [RP-marg: krabba&tou] [P1904: kraba&ttw%], o4j h]n paralelume/noj. And he found there a certain man by the name of Aeneas, who had lain on a bed for eight years, who was paralysed. krabba&tw%, stretcher (1, dative), RP-text TR F1859=11/13 vs. krabba&tou, stretcher (1, genitive), RP-marg F1859=0/13 vs. kraba&ttw%, stretcher (2, dative), P1904 F1859=0/13 vs. kraba&ttou, stretcher (2, genitive), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's p) vs. kraba&tw%, stretcher (3, dative), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m). A disparity with RP-marg (zero count).
Acts 9:35 Kai\ ei]don au0to\n pa&ntej oi9 katoikou=ntej Lu/ddan kai\ to\n {RP: 870Assa&rwna} [P1904 E1624 S1894: Sa&rwna] [S1550: Sa&rwnan], oi3tinej e0pe/streyan e0pi\ to\n ku/rion. And all those living in Lydda and Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord. 870Assa&rwna, Assaron - 3rd declension, RP F1859=6/14 (ab**ghlo) vs. 870Asa&rwna, Asaron - 3rd declension, F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's e) vs. 870Assa&rwnan, Assaron - 1st declension, F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's f) vs. Sa&rwna, Saron - 3rd declension, P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=2/14 (Scrivener's dm) vs. Sa&rwnan, Saron - 1st declension, S1550 F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's b*c(tacite)kp). We translate by the Hebrew name Sharon (Josh 12:18 etc.). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=6:5.
Acts 9:36 870En 870Io/pph| de/ tij h]n maqh/tria o0no/mati {RP: Tabhqa&} [P1904 TR: Tabiqa&], h4 diermhneuome/nh le/getai Dorka&j: au3th h]n plh/rhj a)gaqw~n e1rgwn kai\ e0lehmosunw~n w{n e0poi/ei. Now there was a certain disciple in Joppa by the name of Tabitha, which when translated is “Dorcas”. She was full of good works and alms which she gave. Tabhqa&, Tabetha, RP F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's adefghkp) vs. Tabiqa&, Tabitha, P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bclmo). Aramaic טְבִיתָא Tebitha [Dalman]; compare Hebrew צְבִי. Gazelle or deer in English. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

disciple ← female disciple (feminine form of the usual word).

Dorcas: gazelle.

she ← this (woman).

gave ← was doing.
Acts 9:38 870Eggu\j de\ ou1shj Lu/ddhj th|= 870Io/pph|, oi9 maqhtai\ a)kou/santej o3ti Pe/troj e0sti\n e0n au0th|=, a)pe/steilan {RP: - } [P1904 TR: du/o a!ndraj] pro\j au0to/n, parakalou=ntej mh\ o0knh=sai dielqei=n e3wj au0tw~n. With Lydda being near Joppa, when the disciples heard that Peter was in that place, they sent {RP: word} [P1904 TR: two men] to him, pleading with him not to hesitate in coming across to them. du/o a!ndraj, two men: absent in RP F1859=8/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's cekmp). The grammar of the sentence militates against the words (which are accusative), as they introduce a jarring discordance with parakalou=ntej, pleading (nominative), whereas otherwise parakalou=ntej can tolerably be referred to the disciples. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7. AV differs textually.

that placeit, feminine, the gender of Lydda.
Acts 9:40 870Ekbalw_n de\ e1cw pa&ntaj o9 Pe/troj qei\j ta_ go/nata proshu/cato: kai\ e0pistre/yaj pro\j to\ sw~ma, ei]pen, {RP: Tabhqa&} [P1904 TR: Tabiqa&], a)na&sthqi. 879H de\ h1noicen tou\j o0fqalmou\j au0th=j: kai\ i0dou=sa to\n Pe/tron, a)neka&qisen. Then Peter sent them all out and knelt and prayed, and he turned to the body and said, “Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes and saw Peter and sat up. Tabhqa&, Tabetha, RP F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's adefghk) vs. Tabiqa&, Tabitha, P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bclmop). Technically, nearly disparity with RP, R=7:8, but it is highly improbable that (1) there is a spelling change in the original compared to Acts 9:36, while (2) only one of the fifteen witnesses we consider (Scrivener's p) reflects the change. Over these two verses, the balance is even, R=15:15.
Acts 10:23 Ei0skalesa&menoj ou]n au0tou\j e0ce/nisen. Th|= de\ e0pau/rion {RP TR: - } [P1904: a)nasta_j] {RP TR: o9 Pe/troj} [P1904: - ] e0ch=lqen su\n au0toi=j, kai/ tinej tw~n a)delfw~n tw~n a)po\ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: th=j] 870Io/pphj sunh=lqon au0tw%~. So he invited them inside and put them up. Then on the next day {RP TR: Peter} [P1904: he] {RP TR: - } [P1904: arose and] went out with them, and some of the brothers from Joppa went with him. a)nasta_j, having arisen: absent in RP TR F1859=7/13 vs. present in P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's cdkm. In addition, Scrivener's op contain the word before e0ch=lqen). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

o9 Pe/troj, Peter: present in RP TR F1859=11/13 vs. absent in P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's dp).

th=j, the (Joppa): absent in RP F1859=13/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=0/13. A case of collusion between P1904 and TR?
Acts 11:26 kai\ eu9rw_n {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0to\n] h1gagen au0to\n ei0j 870Antio/xeian. 870Ege/neto de\ au0tou\j e0niauto\n o3lon sunaxqh=nai {RP: - } [P1904 TR: e0n] th|= e0kklhsi/a% kai\ dida&cai o1xlon i9kano/n, xrhmati/sai te prw~ton e0n 870Antioxei/a% tou\j maqhta_j Xristianou/j. and he found {RP: him} [P1904 TR: him] and brought him to Antioch. ¶ And it came to pass that they assembled together {RP: with} [P1904 TR: in] the church for a whole year and taught a considerable company, and that the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. ¶ Verse division: in Scrivener's Elzevir text numbering, Acts 11:26 begins here.

au0to\n, him: absent in RP F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's achp) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's bdefgklo). A disparity (#1) with RP, R=4:10. However, Scrivener's adfhkop omit the second au0to\n (Scrivener's bcegl don't) so the ratio of our witnesses with au0to\n absent-or-once (Scrivener's acdfhkop) to absent twice (Scrivener's begl + P1904 TR) is R=8:6.

e0n, in: absent in RP F1859=8/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's fkmop). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP, R=8:7.

church: see Matt 16:18.

company ← crowd.
Acts 11:29 Tw~n de\ maqhtw~n kaqw_j {RP: eu0porei=to/} [P1904 TR: hu0porei=to/] tij, w#risan e3kastoj au0tw~n ei0j diakoni/an pe/myai toi=j katoikou=sin e0n th|= 870Ioudai/a% a)delfoi=j: Then according to how any of the disciples prospered, each of them assigned money to send as relief to those brothers living in Judaea, eu0porei=to/, prospered (1), RP F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abegkl) vs. hu0porei=to/, prospered (2), P1904 TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cdfhop). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:8.
Acts 12:15 Oi9 de\ pro\j au0th\n ei]pon, Mai/nh|. 879H de\ dii+sxuri/zeto ou3twj e1xein. Oi9 {RP P1904: de\} [TR: d'] e1legon, 879O a!ggeloj au0tou= e0stin. But they said to her, “You're mad.” But she affirmed that it was so. Then they said, “It's his angel.” de\, but, then (unapocopated), RP P1904 F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's kl) vs. d', but, then (unapocopated), TR F1859=9/11. A strong disparity with RP, R=3:10.
Acts 12:22 879O de\ dh=moj e0pefw&nei, {RP-text: Fwnh\ qeou=} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Qeou= fwnh\] kai\ ou0k a)nqrw&pou. And the people shouted out, “It's the voice of God and not of a man!” fwnh\ qeou=, voice + of (a) god, RP-text F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's befglo) vs. qeou= fwnh\, of (a) god + voice, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's ahkp) vs. another reading, F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's c). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=6:6.

God: or a god.
Acts 12:25 Barna&baj de\ kai\ Sau=loj u9pe/streyan {RP-text: ei0j} [RP-marg: a)po\] [P1904 TR: e0c] 879Ierousalh/m, plhrw&santej th\n diakoni/an, sumparalabo/ntej kai\ 870Iwa&nnhn to\n e0piklhqe/nta Ma&rkon. Then Barnabas and Saul returned {RP-text: to} [RP-marg P1904 TR: from] Jerusalem, having fulfilled their mission, taking John surnamed Mark with them too. ei0j, to, RP-text F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's klp) vs. a)po\, from, RP-marg F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's bco) vs. e0c, out of, from, P1904 TR F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's aefgh) A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=3:7. A disparity (#2) with RP-marg, R=3:7, though the disparities share the same reading, so one excludes the other. Paul and Barnabas are in Antioch at Acts 11:26, Acts 13:1, but perhaps temporarily in Jerusalem at Acts 11:30. AV differs textually.
Acts 13:4 Ou[toi me\n ou]n, e0kpemfqe/ntej u9po\ tou= pneu/matoj tou= a(gi/ou, kath=lqon ei0j th\n Seleu/keian: {RP-text: e0kei=qen de\} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0kei=qe/n te] a)pe/pleusan ei0j th\n Ku/pron. So these men were sent out by the holy spirit, and they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed away to Cyprus. de\, but / and, RP-text F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's bdfglop) vs. te, and, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's acehk). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:7.
Acts 13:6 Dielqo/ntej de\ th\n nh=son a!xri Pa&fou, eu[ro/n tina ma&gon yeudoprofh/thn 870Ioudai=on, w%{ o1noma {RP-text P1904 TR: Bari+hsou=j} [RP-marg: Bari+hsou=n], When they had crossed the island as far as Paphos, they found a certain magician, a Jewish false prophet, who had the name Barjesus, Bari+hsou=j, Barjesus (nominative, as if supplying e0sti/n), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's b*co) vs. Bari+hsou=n, Barjesus (accusative, as if supplying o1nta), RP-marg F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's ab**defghklp). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.
Acts 13:23 Tou/tou o9 qeo\j a)po\ tou= spe/rmatoj kat' e0paggeli/an {RP P1904: h1gagen} [TR: h1geire] tw%~ 870Israh\l {RP P1904: swthri/an} [TR: swth=ra] {RP P1904: - } [TR: 870Ihsou=n], From the seed of this man God {RP P1904: brought} [TR: raised] {RP P1904: salvation} [TR: a saviour] to Israel according to his promise {RP P1904: - } [TR: , Jesus], h1gage¨n©, he led, RP P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's bglp) vs. h1geire¨n©, he raised up, TR F1859=8/12. A disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:9.

swthri/an, salvation, RP P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bdfghl) vs. swth=ra, a saviour, TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's acekop). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:7. But this issue must be taken with the next one, as the manuscripts align themselves almost identically.

870Ihsou=n, Jesus: absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's bdfghlp) vs. present in TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's aceko). AV differs textually.
Acts 13:24 prokhru/cantoj 870Iwa&nnou pro\ prosw&pou th=j ei0so/dou au0tou= ba&ptisma metanoi/aj {RP: tw%~} [P1904 TR: panti\ tw%~ law%~] 870Israh/l. John having proclaimed in advance of his coming the baptism of repentance to {RP: - } [P1904 TR: all the people of] Israel. tw%~, to, RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's defghlo) vs. panti\ tw%~ law%~, to all the people (of), P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's abckp). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.

in advance of his coming ← before (the) face of his entrance.
Acts 13:39 kai\ a)po\ pa&ntwn w{n ou0k h0dunh/qhte e0n tw%~ no/mw% {RP-text P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [RP-marg TR: Mwse/wj] dikaiwqh=nai, e0n tou/tw% pa~j o9 pisteu/wn dikaiou=tai. and that through this man everyone who believes is justified from all the things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses. Mwu+se/wj, Moüses, RP-text P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's p) vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, RP-marg TR F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's bcefgko) vs. Mwu+se/oj, Moüses, F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's adhl). A disparity with RP-text, R=2:8, though Mwu+- has 6 of our witnesses.

through this man: i.e. by means of this man, or, perhaps, reassociating, (everyone who believes) in this man.
Acts 13:42 870Ecio/ntwn de\ {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: au0tw~n] e0k th=j sunagwgh=j tw~n 870Ioudai/wn, pareka&loun ta_ e1qnh ei0j to\ metacu\ sa&bbaton lalhqh=nai au0toi=j ta_ r(h/mata {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: tau=ta]. And when {RP-text TR: the Jews had gone out of the synagogue} [RP-marg P1904: they had gone out of the synagogue of the Jews], the Gentiles pleaded with them for {RP-text: the} [RP-marg P1904 TR: these] words to be spoken to them on the intervening Sabbath. au0tw~n, they: absent in RP-text TR F1859=6/12 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abekop, but in ap they replace e0k th=j sunagwgh=j tw~n 870Ioudai/wn). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:7.

tau=ta, these: absent in RP-text F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's el) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR: F1859=10/12 (Scrivener's abcdfghkop). A strong disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=2:12.

intervening Sabbath: perhaps a midweek day (sa&bbaton also means week, e.g. Matt 28:1).
Acts 13:48 870Akou/onta de\ ta_ e1qnh {RP-text: e1xairen} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e1xairon], kai\ {RP TR: e0do/cazon} [P1904: e0de/canto] to\n lo/gon tou= kuri/ou, kai\ e0pi/steusan o3soi h]san tetagme/noi ei0j zwh\n ai0w&nion. And the Gentiles, hearing this, rejoiced and {RP TR: glorified} [P1904: received] the word of the Lord, and those who were appointed to age-abiding life believed. e1xaire¨n©, rejoiced (classical form), RP-text F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's efgklo) vs. e1xairon, rejoiced (non-classical form), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abcdhp). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:8.

e0do/cazon, they glorified, RP TR F1859=10/12 vs. e0de/canto, they received, P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's eg).
Acts 14:9 Ou[toj {RP-text P1904: h1kousen} [RP-marg TR: h1kouen] tou= Pau/lou lalou=ntoj: o4j a)teni/saj au0tw%~, kai\ i0dw_n o3ti pi/stin e1xei tou= swqh=nai, And he {RP-text P1904: heard} [RP-marg TR: was listening to] Paul speaking, who looked at him intently, and seeing that he had faith to be saved, h1kouse¨n©, heard, RP-text P1904 F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's bcep) vs. h1koue¨n©, was hearing, RP-marg TR F1859=7/11 (Scrivener's afghklo). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:8.

he ← this (man).

seeing ← having seen. See Matt 23:20.
Acts 14:10 ei]pen mega&lh| th|= fwnh|=, 870Ana&sthqi e0pi\ tou\j po/daj sou {RP-text: o0rqw~j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: o0rqo/j]. Kai\ {RP TR: h3lleto} [P1904: h3lato] kai\ periepa&tei. he said in a loud voice, “Stand up straight on your feet.” And he leapt and walked about. o0rqw~j, upright (adverb), RP-text F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's e) vs. o0rqo/j, upright (adjective), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=10/11 (incl. p with a rough breathing). A strong disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=1:12.

h3lleto, was leaping (imperfect, as is the verb following), RP TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's fl*) vs. h3lato, leapt (aorist, classical single lambda), P1904 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ep) vs. h3llato, leapt (aorist, non-classical double lambda), F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's abcghkl**o, though ac with smooth breathing). A disparity (#2) with RP, R=3:8.
Acts 14:17 Kai/toige ou0k a)ma&rturon e9auto\n a)fh=ken a)gaqopoiw~n, ou0rano/qen {RP P1904: u9mi=n} [TR: h9mi=n] u9etou\j didou\j kai\ kairou\j karpofo/rouj, e0mpiplw~n trofh=j kai\ eu0frosu/nhj ta_j kardi/aj {RP TR: h9mw~n} [P1904: u9mw~n]. And yet he did not leave himself without a witness, doing good, giving rains from the sky and fruit-bearing seasons to {RP P1904: you} [TR: us], filling {RP TR: our} [P1904: your] hearts with food and gladness.” u9mi=n, to you, RP P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. h9mi=n, to us, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ap). AV differs textually.

h9mw~n, our, RP TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's aeghm) vs. u9mw~n, your, P1904 F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's bcfklop). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:8.

the sky: or heaven.
Acts 14:19 {RP P1904 TR: 870Eph=lqon de\} [MISC: Diatribo/ntwn de\ au0tw~n kai\ didasko/ntwn e0ph=lqon] a)po\ 870Antioxei/aj kai\ 870Ikoni/ou 870Ioudai=oi, kai\ pei/santej tou\j o1xlouj, kai\ liqa&santej to\n Pau=lon, {RP TR: e1suron} [P1904: e1suran] e1cw th=j po/lewj, nomi/santej au0to\n teqna&nai. {RP P1904 TR: Then} [MISC: As they were spending time there and were teaching,] some Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium, and they persuaded the crowds otherwise, and they stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he had died. e0ph=lqon de\, and (Jews) arrived, RP P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's ceghl) vs. diatribo/ntwn de\ au0tw~n kai\ didasko/ntwn e0ph=lqon, as they were spending time and were teaching, (Jews) arrived, F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abfkmop, with a minor variation in p). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.

e1suron, they were dragging, RP TR F1859=9/12 vs. e1suran, they dragged, P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's bho).

thinking ← having thought. See Matt 23:20.
Acts 15:4 Parageno/menoi de\ ei0j 879Ierousalh/m, a)pede/xqhsan u9po\ th=j e0kklhsi/aj kai\ tw~n a)posto/lwn kai\ tw~n presbute/rwn, a)nh/ggeila&n te o3sa o9 qeo\j e0poi/hsen met' au0tw~n {RP TR: - } [P1904: , kai\ o3ti h1noice toi=j e1qnesi qu/ran pi/stewj]. And when they arrived in Jerusalem, they were received favourably by the church and the apostles and the elders, and they reported on all the things God had done with them {RP TR: - } [P1904: and the fact that he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles]. kai\ o3ti h1noice toi=j e1qnesi qu/ran pi/stewj, and that he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles: absent in RP TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's chklmop) vs. present in P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's abdefg). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

in ← to.

church: see Matt 16:18.
Acts 15:22 To/te e1docen toi=j a)posto/loij kai\ toi=j presbute/roij su\n o3lh| th|= e0kklhsi/a%, e0klecame/nouj a!ndraj e0c au0tw~n pe/myai ei0j 870Antio/xeian su\n {RP: - } [P1904 TR: tw%~] Pau/lw% kai\ Barna&ba%, 870Iou/dan to\n e0pikalou/menon {RP-text P1904: Barsabba~n} [RP-marg TR: Barsaba~n], kai\ Si/lan, a!ndraj h9goume/nouj e0n toi=j a)delfoi=j, Then the apostles and the elders with all the church decided to send some men selected from among them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas: Judas who is surnamed Barsabbas, and Silas – leading men among the brothers. tw%~, (to) the (Paul): absent in RP F1859=9/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's acep).

Barsabba~n, Barsabbas, RP-text P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's bemp) vs. Barsaba~n, Barsabas, RP-marg TR F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.

church: see Matt 16:18.

selected: middle voice for passive (otherwise, it is men who have selected). The middle voice may give a sense of voluntariness; compare 1 Cor 10:2.
Acts 15:34 {RP: - } [P1904 TR: 871Edoce de\ tw%~ Si/la% e0pimei=nai au0tou=.] {RP: - } [P1904 TR: But Silas decided to stay on there.] e1doce de\ tw%~ Si/la% e0pimei=nai au0tou=, But Silas decided to stay on there: absent in RP F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's cdghlmp) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's abefko). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8. AV differs textually.
Acts 16:11 870Anaxqe/ntej ou]n a)po\ th=j Trw%a&doj, eu0qudromh/samen ei0j Samoqra%&khn, th|= {RP TR: te} [P1904: de\] e0piou/sh| ei0j Nea&polin, So we set sail from Troas and had a straight voyage to Samothrace, and the next day to Neapolis. te, and, RP TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's defghl) vs. de\, and / but, P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abckmop). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.
Acts 16:12 e0kei=qe/n te ei0j Fili/ppouj, h3tij e0sti\n prw&th th=j meri/doj th=j Makedoni/aj po/lij, {RP: kolwnei/a} [P1904 TR: kolwni/a]: h]men de\ e0n {RP P1904: au0th|=} [TR: tau/th|] th|= po/lei diatri/bontej h9me/raj tina&j. And from there to Philippi, which is the first city of the district of Macedonia, a Roman colony, and we were in {RP P1904: the city itself} [TR: this city] spending time there for several days. kolwnei/a, colony (1), RP P1904 F1859=7/14 (Scrivener's bcdeghp**) vs. kolwni/a, colony (2), TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's flmo) vs. kwlwnei/a, colony (3), F1859=3/14 (Scrivener's akp*).

au0th|=, itself, RP F1859=8/13 vs. tau/th|, this, P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's abkop). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

Roman colony: the Greek is from the Latin word colonia.
Acts 16:37 879O de\ Pau=loj e1fh pro\j au0tou/j, Dei/rantej h9ma~j dhmosi/a%, a)katakri/touj, a)nqrw&pouj 879Rwmai/ouj u9pa&rxontaj, e1balon ei0j fulakh/n, kai\ nu=n la&qra% h9ma~j e0kba&llousin; Ou0 ga&r: a)lla_ e0lqo/ntej au0toi\ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: h9ma~j] e0cagage/twsan. Then Paul said to them, “They flogged us when we were uncondemned, in public, although we are Roman citizens, and they threw us in prison. And now, are they going to expel us in secret? Not likely! Rather, let them come and conduct {RP: us} [P1904 TR: us] out themselves.” h9ma~j, us: absent in RP F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's ghl) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=10/13. A strong disparity with RP, R=3:12.

flogged ← flayed.

although: concessive use of the participle.

citizens ← men.

going to expel us ← expelling us.

Not likely!: English idiom (the Greek being idiomatic) for Certainly not!

come: imperatival use of the participle.
Acts 17:2 kata_ de\ to\ ei0wqo\j tw%~ Pau/lw% ei0sh=lqen pro\j au0tou/j, kai\ e0pi\ sa&bbata tri/a {RP: diele/cato} [P1904 TR: diele/geto] au0toi=j a)po\ tw~n grafw~n, And in accordance with his custom, Paul went to them, and for three Sabbaths he debated with them from the scriptures, diele/cato, he discussed, RP F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's p) vs. diele/geto, he was discussing, P1904 TR F1859=11/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c). A strong disparity with RP, R=1:13.

in accordance with his custom, Paul ← in accordance with what was customary to Paul, he.
Acts 17:7 ou4j u9pode/dektai 870Ia&swn: kai\ ou[toi pa&ntej a)pe/nanti tw~n dogma&twn Kai/saroj {RP P1904: pra&ssousin} [TR: pra&ttousi], basile/a {RP TR: le/gontej e3teron} [P1904: e3teron le/gontej] ei]nai, 870Ihsou=n. whom Jason has received as guests. And all these are doing things contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king – Jesus.” pra&ssousi¨n©, they are doing (1), RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. pra&ttousi¨n©, they are doing (2), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

le/gontej e3teron, saying + (that there was) another, RP TR F1859=7/13 vs. e3teron le/gontej, another + saying (that there was), P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's acfhkp, p with smooth breathing). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.
Acts 17:18 Tine\j de\ {RP: kai\} [P1904 TR: - ] tw~n 870Epikourei/wn kai\ tw~n {RP-text P1904: Stoi+kw~n} [RP-marg TR: Stwi+kw~n] filoso/fwn sune/ballon au0tw%~. Kai/ tinej e1legon, Ti/ a@n qe/loi o9 spermolo/goj ou[toj le/gein; Oi9 de/, Ce/nwn daimoni/wn dokei= kataggeleu\j ei]nai: o3ti to\n 870Ihsou=n kai\ th\n a)na&stasin {RP: eu0hggeli/zeto} [P1904: eu0hggeli/zeto au0toi=j] [TR: au0toi=j eu0hggeli/zeto]. And {RP: also} [P1904 TR: - ] some of the Epicurean and the Stoic philosophers engaged him in conversation, and some said, “What could this amateur be getting at?” But others said, “He seems to be a propounder of foreign deities.” This was because he preached Jesus and the resurrection {RP: - } [P1904 TR: to them]. kai\, and; also: present in RP F1859=10/13 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's cfk).

Stoi+kw~n, Stoics (classically poetic), RP-text P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's acfk) vs. Stwi+kw~n, Stoics (classically standard), RP-marg TR F1859=9/13 (Scrivener's bdeghlmop). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:10.

eu0hggeli/zeto, he was preaching, RP F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bdghlo) vs. eu0hggeli/zeto au0toi=j, he was preaching + to them, P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's acfkmp) vs. au0toi=j eu0hggeli/zeto, to them + he was preaching, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=6:7.

amateur ← seed-picker.

be getting at ← mean to say.
Acts 18:2 Kai\ eu9rw&n tina 870Ioudai=on o0no/mati 870Aku/lan, Pontiko\n tw%~ ge/nei, prosfa&twj e0lhluqo/ta a)po\ th=j 870Itali/aj, kai\ Pri/skillan gunai=ka au0tou=, dia_ to\ {RP-text: tetaxe/nai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: diatetaxe/nai] Klau/dion xwri/zesqai pa&ntaj tou\j 870Ioudai/ouj {RP TR: e0k} [P1904: a)po\] th=j 879Rw&mhj, prosh=lqen au0toi=j: And he found a certain Jew by the name of Aquila, a Pontian by descent, who had just come from Italy, and Priscilla his wife (because Claudius had decreed that all the Jews must depart from Rome), and he went up to them, tetaxe/nai, to have decreed (1), RP-text F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's fkm) vs. diatetaxe/nai, to have decreed (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's bceghlo) vs. prostetaxe/nai, to have decreed (3), F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ad). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=3:9.

e0k, out of, RP TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cefhl) vs. a)po\, from, P1904 F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abdgkmo). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=6:8.

descent ← race, but as he was of the Jewish race, the sense here is of the region of his forebears.
Acts 18:21 {RP TR: a)ll'} [P1904: a)lla_] a)peta&cato au0toi=j ei0pw&n, Dei= me pa&ntwj th\n e9orth\n th\n e0rxome/nhn poih=sai ei0j 879Ieroso/luma: pa&lin de\ a)naka&myw pro\j u9ma~j, tou= qeou= qe/lontoj. {RP: 870Anh/xqh} [P1904 TR: Kai\ a)nh/xqh] a)po\ th=j 870Efe/sou, but he took his leave of them and said, “I must by all means keep the coming festival in Jerusalem, but I will come back to you again, God willing.” {RP: And} [P1904 TR: And] he set sail from Ephesus. a)ll', but (apocopated), RP TR F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's aehm) vs. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), P1904 F1859=6/10 (Scrivener's bcfgko). A weak disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:7.

kai\, and: absent in RP F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's a) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=9/10 (Scrivener's bcefghkmo). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=1:11.

again: interestingly, English accepts this pleonasm of pa&lin here (unlike the usage in Mark 12:4, John 4:54).
Acts 19:16 Kai\ e0fallo/menoj e0p' au0tou\j o9 a!nqrwpoj e0n w%{ h]n to\ pneu=ma to\ ponhro/n, kai\ {RP: katakurieu=san} [P1904 TR: katakurieu/saj] au0tw~n, i1sxusen kat' au0tw~n, w#ste gumnou\j kai\ tetraumatisme/nouj e0kfugei=n e0k tou= oi1kou e0kei/nou. And the man in whom the evil spirit was leapt on them and overpowered them, and he prevailed over them, with the result that they only escaped from that house naked and wounded. katakurieu=san, having overpowered (neuter), RP F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's dfghkm) vs. katakurieu/saj, having overpowered (masculine), P1904 TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's bceo) vs. another reading, F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's a). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=6:6.
Acts 19:27 Ou0 mo/non de\ tou=to kinduneu/ei h9mi=n to\ me/roj ei0j a)pelegmo\n e0lqei=n, a)lla_ kai\ to\ th=j mega&lhj qea~j {RP-text: i9ero\n 870Arte/midoj} [RP-marg P1904 TR: 870Arte/midoj i9ero\n] ei0j {RP P1904: ou0qe\n} [TR: ou0de\n] logisqh=nai, me/llein {RP S1550: de\} [P1904 E1624 S1894: te] kai\ kaqairei=sqai th\n megaleio/thta au0th=j, h4n o3lh h9 870Asi/a kai\ h9 oi0koume/nh se/betai. And not only is this line of business of ours in danger of coming into disrepute, but also the temple of the great goddess Artemis is in danger of being considered worthless, and also her magnificence of being destroyed – Artemis whom the whole of Asia and the world worships.” i9ero\n 870Arte/midoj, temple + of Artemis, RP-text F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's befgo, e misspelled) vs. 870Arte/midoj i9ero\n, of Artemis + temple, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's acdhkm). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:8.

ou0qe\n, nothing (1), RP P1904 F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's df) vs. ou0de\n, nothing (2), TR F1859=9/11 (Scrivener's abceghkmo). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=2:11.

de\, and / but, RP S1550 F1859=8/11 vs. te, and; both, P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's c) vs. word absent, F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's ae).

of ours: or to us, i.e. to our detriment (dative of disadvantage).

Artemis: see Acts 19:24.

worthless ← nothing.
Acts 19:33 870Ek de\ tou= o1xlou proebi/basan 870Ale/candron, {RP S1550: probalo/ntwn} [P1904 E1624 S1894: proballo/ntwn] au0to\n tw~n 870Ioudai/wn. 879O de\ 870Ale/candroj, katasei/saj th\n xei=ra, h1qelen a)pologei=sqai tw%~ dh/mw%. And they put Alexander forward from the crowd, the Jews {RP S1550: having proposed} [P1904 E1624 S1894: proposing] him. And Alexander motioned with his hand for quiet and wished to speak in defence to the people, probalo/ntwn, they having proposed, RP S1550 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's b**c(tacite)e(tacite)gmo) vs. proballo/ntwn, they proposing, P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's ab*dfhk). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.
Acts 19:40 Kai\ ga_r kinduneu/omen e0gkalei=sqai sta&sewj peri\ th=j sh/meron, mhdeno\j ai0ti/ou u9pa&rxontoj peri\ ou[ {RP: ou0} [P1904 TR: - ] dunhso/meqa {RP-text: dou=nai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)podou=nai] lo/gon th=j sustrofh=j tau/thj. For we are also in danger of being charged for today's rioting, {RP TR: although} [P1904: while] there is no cause concerning which we will {RP: not} [P1904 TR: - ] be able to give an account of this rally.” ou0, not: present in RP F1859=8/11 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's adk). AV differs textually.

dou=nai, to give, RP-text F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's bdego) vs. a)podou=nai, to give in return, render, report, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's acfhkm). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:8.

{RP TR: although: concessive} [P1904: while: contrastive] use of the participle.
Acts 20:1 Meta_ de\ to\ pau/sasqai to\n qo/rubon, proskalesa&menoj o9 Pau=loj tou\j maqhta&j, kai\ a)spasa&menoj, e0ch=lqen poreuqh=nai ei0j {RP TR: th\n} [P1904: - ] Makedoni/an. And after the uproar had ceased, Paul called for the disciples, and when he had wished them well, he departed to go to Macedonia. th\n, the (Macedonia): present in RP TR F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's defgh) vs. absent in P1904 F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's abckmo). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:7.

wished them well ← greeted, but also used for saying goodbye.
Acts 20:5 Ou[toi {RP: proselqo/ntej} [P1904 TR: proelqo/ntej] e1menon h9ma~j e0n Trw%a&di. These {RP: proceeded to,} [P1904 TR: went on ahead] and waited {RP: for,} [P1904 TR: for] us in Troas. proselqo/ntej, having approached, gone there, RP F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's fgkm) vs. proelqo/ntej, having gone on ahead, P1904 TR F1859=7/11 (Scrivener's abcdeho). A disparity with RP, R=4:9. Compare Acts 20:13.
Acts 20:15 Ka)kei=qen a)popleu/santej, th|= e0piou/sh| kathnth/samen a)ntikru\ Xi/ou: th|= de\ e9te/ra% pareba&lomen ei0j Sa&mon: kai\ mei/nantej e0n {RP TR: Trwgulli/w%} [P1904: Trwguli/w%], th|= e0xome/nh| h1lqomen ei0j Mi/lhton. And from there on the next day we sailed off and skirted round Chios, and on the day after we crossed over past Samos, and we stayed in Trogullium, and on the day after that we went to Miletus. Trwgulli/w%, Trogullium, RP TR F1859=0/12 vs. Trwguli/w%, Trogulium (but we retain the traditional English spelling our translation), P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h) vs. Troguli/w%, Trogulium, F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cefgk) vs. other spellings, F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's b,h,l,mo) vs. phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's a). A disparity with RP, R=1:5.

Punctuation: we associate on the next day with sailed off; RP TBS-TR AV with skirted around. So AV differs.

skirted round ← reached opposite.

past ← to.
Acts 20:21 diamarturo/menoj 870Ioudai/oij te kai\ 873Ellhsin th\n ei0j to\n qeo\n meta&noian, kai\ pi/stin th\n ei0j to\n ku/rion h9mw~n 870Ihsou=n {RP: - } [P1904 TR: xristo/n]. solemnly testifying to both Jews and Greeks repentance to God and faith in our Lord Jesus {RP: - } [P1904 TR: Christ]. xristo/n, Christ: absent in RP F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's bcegh) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's adfklmo). A disparity with RP, R=5:9. AV differs textually.
Acts 20:26 {RP-text: Dio/ti} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Dio\] martu/romai u9mi=n e0n th|= sh/meron h9me/ra%, o3ti kaqaro\j e0gw_ a)po\ tou= ai3matoj pa&ntwn. which is why I testify to you on this very day that I am clear of the blood of all people. dio/ti, on account of which (1), RP-text F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g) vs. dio\, on account of which (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=11/12. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=1:13.

clear ← clean.
Acts 21:1 879Wj de\ e0ge/neto a)naxqh=nai h9ma~j a)pospasqe/ntaj a)p' au0tw~n, eu0qudromh/santej h1lqomen ei0j th\n {RP TR: Kw~n} [P1904: Kw~], th|= de\ e9ch=j ei0j th\n 879Ro/don, ka)kei=qen ei0j Pa&tara: And when it came to pass that we set sail, after we had taken our leave of them, we sailed a straight course and went to Cos, and the next day to Rhodes, and from there we went to Patara, Kw~n, Cos (1), RP TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's lm, but with acute accent) vs. Kw~, Cos (2), P1904 F1859=10/12. A strong disparity with RP, R=3:11.

Cos: AV= Coos.

sailed ← ran.
Acts 21:8 Th|= de\ e0pau/rion e0celqo/ntej {RP-text TR: oi9 peri\ to\n Pau=lon} [RP-marg P1904: - ] {RP-text S1550: h]lqon} [RP-marg P1904 E1624 S1894: h1lqomen] ei0j Kaisa&reian: kai\ ei0selqo/ntej ei0j to\n oi]kon Fili/ppou tou= eu0aggelistou=, {RP P1904: - } [TR: tou=] o1ntoj e0k tw~n e9pta&, e0mei/namen par' au0tw%~. Then on the next day, {RP-text S1550: Paul and his company} [RP-marg P1904: we] [E1624 S1894: we, Paul and his company,] departed and came to Caesarea, and we went into the house of Philip the evangelist, {RP P1904: who} [TR: who] was one of the seven, and we stayed with him. oi9 peri\ to\n Pau=lon, those associated with Paul: present in RP-text TR F1859=8/12 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's cehk).

h]lqon, they went, RP-text S1550 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's glm) vs. h1lqomen, we went, RP-marg P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=9/12 (incl. k with rough breathing). A disparity with RP-text, R=4:11.

tou=, the (one): absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. present in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's a).

the seven: See Acts 6:3-6:6.
Acts 21:20 Oi9 de\ a)kou/santej e0do/cazon to\n ku/rion, {RP: ei0po/ntej} [P1904 TR: ei]po/n te] au0tw%~, Qewrei=j, a)delfe/, po/sai muria&dej ei0si\n 870Ioudai/wn tw~n pepisteuko/twn: kai\ pa&ntej zhlwtai\ tou= no/mou u9pa&rxousin: And those listening glorified the Lord, and they said to him, “You see, brother, how many tens of thousands of Jews there are who have believed, and they are all zealous of the law. ei0po/ntej, having said; saying, RP F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's ceghm) vs. ei]po/n te, and they said, P1904 TR F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abdfklo). A disparity with RP, R=5:9.

listening ← having heard. See Matt 23:20.

who have believed: our italicization here indicates the supplying of a finite verb, not a tense change, aorist to perfect, as might be suspected. See the Introduction.

zealous ← zealots.
Acts 21:21 kathxh/qhsan de\ peri\ sou=, o3ti a)postasi/an dida&skeij a)po\ {RP-text P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [RP-marg: Mwu+se/oj] [TR: Mwse/wj] tou\j kata_ ta_ e1qnh pa&ntaj 870Ioudai/ouj, le/gwn mh\ perite/mnein au0tou\j ta_ te/kna, mhde\ toi=j e1qesin peripatei=n. But they have been instructed concerning you that you teach all the Jews who are among the Gentiles defection from Moses, saying that they should not circumcise their children, or observe the customs. Mwu+se/wj, Moüses (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's cm) vs. Mwu+se/oj, Moüses (2), RP-marg F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's adfhl) vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's begko). A disparity with RP-text, R=3:6, but there is a majority reading Mwu+- and a majority reading ‑se/wj.

observe ← walk around in.
Acts 21:37 Me/llwn te ei0sa&gesqai ei0j th\n parembolh\n o9 Pau=loj le/gei tw%~ xilia&rxw%, Ei0 e1cesti/n moi ei0pei=n {RP: - } [P1904 TR: ti] pro/j se; 879O de\ e1fh, 879Ellhnisti\ ginw&skeij; And as Paul was about to be led into the camp, he said to the cohort commander, “Is it permitted for me to {RP: speak} [P1904 TR: say something] to you?” And he said, “Do you speak Greek? ti, something; anything: absent in RP F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's dfghl) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abcekmo). A disparity with RP, R=5:9.

speak ← know.
Acts 21:40 870Epitre/yantoj de\ au0tou=, o9 Pau=loj e9stw_j e0pi\ tw~n a)nabaqmw~n kate/seisen th|= xeiri\ tw%~ law%~: pollh=j de\ sigh=j genome/nhj, {RP: prosefw&nei} [P1904 TR: prosefw&nhse] th|= 879Ebrai+/di diale/ktw% le/gwn, And he permitted him, and Paul, standing on the steps, signalled to the people with his hand. And when it had gone very quiet, he addressed them in the Hebrew language and said, prosefw&nei, he was addressing, RP F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's egh) vs. prosefw&nhse, he addressed, P1904 TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's abcdfklmo). A strong disparity with RP, R=3:11.

Hebrew: the word can stand for, or include, Aramaic.
Acts 22:7 {RP-text: 871Epesa&} [RP-marg P1904 TR: 871Epeso/n] te ei0j to\ e1dafoj, kai\ h1kousa fwnh=j legou/shj moi, Saou/l, Saou/l, ti/ me diw&keij; And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’ e1pesa&, I fell (classical form), RP-text F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's dfm) vs. e1peso/n, I fell (non-classical form), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=9/12. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:11.
Acts 22:12 870Anani/aj de/ tij, a)nh\r {RP P1904 TR: eu0sebh\j} [MISC: eu0labh\j] kata_ to\n no/mon, marturou/menoj u9po\ pa&ntwn tw~n katoikou/ntwn {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0n Damaskw%~] 870Ioudai/wn, And a certain Ananias, a man who was devout according to the law, held in high regard by all the {RP TR: Jewish inhabitants} [P1904: Jews who were living in Damascus], eu0sebh\j, pious; religious, RP P1904 TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's fhlm) vs. eu0labh\j, devout; prudent, discreet, F1859=7/11 (Scrivener's abcegko). A weak disparity (#1) with RP, R=6:7.

e0n Damaskw%~, in Damascus: absent in RP TR F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's fg) vs. present in P1904 F1859=9/11 (Scrivener's abcehklmo). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=3:10.

held in high regard ← attested.
Acts 22:20 kai\ o3te e0cexei=to to\ ai[ma Stefa&nou tou= ma&rturo/j sou, kai\ au0to\j h1mhn e0festw_j kai\ suneudokw~n th|= a)naire/sei au0tou=, {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: kai\] fula&sswn ta_ i9ma&tia tw~n a)nairou/ntwn au0to/n. And when the blood of your witness Stephen was being shed, I myself was also standing by, approving of his elimination, {RP-text: while} [RP-marg P1904 TR: and] guarding the coats of those eliminating him.’ kai\, and: absent in RP-text F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's bceflo) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's aghkm). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:7.
Acts 22:23 {RP-text: Krazo/ntwn} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Kraugazo/ntwn] de\ au0tw~n, kai\ {RP TR: r(iptou/ntwn} [P1904: r(ipto/ntwn] ta_ i9ma&tia, kai\ koniorto\n ballo/ntwn ei0j to\n a)e/ra, And as they were shouting and throwing their coats off and throwing dust into the air, krazo/ntwn, shouting (1), RP-text F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's ceglo) vs. kraugazo/ntwn, shouting (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's abfhm) vs. another reading, F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's k). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.

r(iptou/ntwn, throwing (from r(ipte/w), RP TR F1859=8/11 vs. r(ipto/ntwn, throwing (from r(i/ptw), P1904 F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's abo).
Acts 22:25 879Wj de\ {RP-text S1550 E1624: proe/teinen} [RP-marg P1904 S1894: proe/teinan] au0to\n toi=j i9ma~sin, ei]pen pro\j to\n e9stw~ta e9kato/ntarxon o9 Pau=loj, Ei0 a!nqrwpon 879Rwmai=on kai\ a)kata&kriton e1cestin u9mi=n masti/zein; And when {RP-text S1550 E1624: he} [RP-marg P1904 S1894: they] had stretched him out, bound with thongs, Paul said to the centurion who was standing by, “Is it permitted for you to whip a man who is a Roman, and who has not been condemned?” proe/teinen, he (had) stretched out, RP-text S1550 E1624 F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's klmo) vs. proe/teinan, they (had) stretched out, RP-marg P1904 S1894 F1859=6/10 (Scrivener's abcegh). Scrivener's f is excluded, as it is doubtful, and not categorized by Scrivener. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:8.
Acts 23:7 {RP P1904c TR: Tou=to} [P1904u: Tou/tou] de\ au0tou= lalh/santoj, e0ge/neto sta&sij tw~n Farisai/wn {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: kai\ tw~n Saddoukai/wn], kai\ e0sxi/sqh to\ plh=qoj. And when he had said this, contention arose {RP-text: with the Pharisees} [RP-marg P1904 TR: between the Pharisees and the Sadducees], and the assembly was divided. kai\ tw~n Saddoukai/wn, and the Sadducees: absent in RP-text F1859=0/11 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=11/11, though cgm interchange Farisai/wn and Saddoukai/wn, and bcekmo have minor variations. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=0:13. AV differs textually.

{RP-text: with ← of.}

assembly ← multitude.
Acts 23:8 Saddoukai=oi me\n ga_r le/gousin mh\ ei]nai a)na&stasin, {RP TR: mhde\} [P1904: mh/te] a!ggelon, mh/te pneu=ma: Farisai=oi de\ o9mologou=sin ta_ a)mfo/tera. For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor {RP TR: even} [P1904: - ] angel, nor spirit, but the Pharisees confess all of these. mhde\, not even; nor, and not, RP TR F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's befgmo, though mo not so accented) vs. mh/te, nor, and not, P1904 F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's achkl). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:6.

all of theseboth.
Acts 23:20 Ei]pen de\ o3ti Oi9 870Ioudai=oi sune/qento tou= e0rwth=sai/ se, o3pwj au1rion ei0j to\ sune/drion kataga&gh|j to\n Pau=lon, w(j {RP-text: me/llonta&} [RP-marg TR: me/llonte/j] [P1904: mello/ntwn] ti a)kribe/steron punqa&nesqai peri\ au0tou=. And he said, “The Jews have agreed together to ask you to bring Paul down tomorrow to the Sanhedrin council, as if {RP-text: you} [RP-marg P1904 TR: they] intend to ascertain something more precisely about him. me/llonta&, (masculine singular accusative) being about to (apparently agreeing with “you”), RP-text F1859=2/14 (Scrivener's am) vs. me/llonte/j, they being about to, RP-marg TR F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's b**dchl) vs. mello/ntwn, they being about to (genitive absolute), P1904 F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's efgk) vs. me/llon, it (the Sanhedrin council) being about to, F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's b*) vs. me/llwn, he being about to, F1859=2/14 (Scrivener's op). A disparity with RP-text, R=2:6. AV differs textually. In ↴
Acts 23:29 o4n eu[ron e0gkalou/menon peri\ zhthma&twn tou= no/mou au0tw~n, mhde\n {RP: - } [P1904 TR: de\] a!cion qana&tou h2 desmw~n e1gklhma e1xonta. and I found that he was charged concerning inquiries into their law, {RP: but} [P1904 TR: but] not in any way under a charge worthy of death or bonds. de\, and / but: absent in RP F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's beghop) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's acdfklm). A disparity with RP, R=6:9.

under ← having, holding.
Acts 24:6 o4j kai\ to\ i9ero\n e0pei/rasen bebhlw~sai: o4n kai\ e0krath/samen {RP: :} [P1904 TR: kai\ kata_ to\n h9me/teron no/mon h0qelh/samen kri/nein.] and he attempted to defile the temple, and we for our part arrested him {RP: - } [P1904 TR: and we wished to judge him according to our law]. kai\ kata_ to\n h9me/teron no/mon h0qelh/samen kri/nein, and we wished ... our law: absent in RP F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's dg*hlp) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=9/14 (Scrivener's abcefg**kmo, some with a few minor variations). A disparity with RP, R=5:11. AV differs textually.

for our part ← also.
Acts 24:7 {RP: - } [P1904 TR: Parelqw_n de\ Lusi/aj o9 xili/arxoj meta_ pollh=j bi/aj e0k tw~n xeirw~n h9mw~n a)ph/gage,] {RP: - } [P1904 TR: But Lysias the cohort commander came and took him out of our hands with great force,] Parelqw_n ... a)ph/gage, But Lucius ... of our hands: As Acts 24:6 above. A disparity with RP, R=5:11. AV differs textually.

[P1904 TR: took ← led.]
Acts 24:8 {RP: - } [P1904 TR: keleu/saj tou\j kathgo/rouj au0tou= e1rxesqai e0pi\ se/:] par' ou[ dunh/sh|, au0to\j a)nakri/naj, peri\ pa&ntwn tou/twn e0pignw~nai w{n h9mei=j kathgorou=men au0tou=. {RP: And from him} [P1904 TR: and he ordered his accusers to come to you, from whom] you yourself, after questioning him concerning all these things, will be able to ascertain the matters of which we accuse him.” keleu/saj tou\j kathgo/rouj au0tou= e1rxesqai e0pi\ se/, and ordered ... to you: As Acts 24:6 above. A disparity with RP, R=5:11. AV differs textually.

Punctuation: we associate concerning these things differently from RP, AV. So AV differs.

[P1904 TR: whom: singular, refers to Paul.]

ascertain ← acknowledge, or, in a sense less biased against Paul, resolve, decide on. Papyri examples in [MM] include the meanings find out, learn, distinguish.
Acts 24:13 Ou1te {RP S1550: parasth=sai/ me} [P1904 E1624 S1894: parasth=sai] du/nantai peri\ w{n nu=n kathgorou=si/n mou. Nor can they {RP S1550: incriminate me concerning} [P1904 E1624 S1894: substantiate] the things of which they now accuse me. me, (incriminate) me: present in RP S1550 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's c(tacite)fglm) vs. absent in P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's abdehkop, aekop). A disparity with RP, R=6:10.

{RP S1550: incriminate ← set beside, prove, show.}
Acts 24:14 879Omologw~ de\ tou=to/ soi, o3ti kata_ th\n o9do\n h4n le/gousin ai3resin, ou3twj latreu/w tw%~ patrw%&w% qew%~, pisteu/wn pa~sin toi=j kata_ to\n no/mon kai\ {RP S1550 S1894: - } [P1904: toi=j e0n] [E1624: e0n] toi=j profh/taij gegramme/noij: But I confess this to you, that according to ‘the way’, which they call ‘sectarian’, so I serve the God of my forefathers, believing in all the things which are according to the law and {RP S1550 S1894: which stand written by} [P1904: which stand written in] [E1624: stand written in] the prophets, words below absent, RP S1550 S1894 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's adfghl) vs. toi=j e0n, the (things) in (the prophets), P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's bcekmop) vs. e0n, in (the prophets), E1624 F1859=0/13. A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

sectarian ← a sect.
Acts 24:16 870En tou/tw% {RP TR: de\} [P1904: de\ kai\] au0to\j a)skw~, a)pro/skopon sunei/dhsin {RP: e1xwn} [P1904 TR: e1xein] pro\j to\n qeo\n kai\ tou\j a)nqrw&pouj dia_ panto/j. And I myself {RP TR: - } [P1904: also] am at pains in respect of this, {RP: having} [P1904 TR: to have] an irreproachable conscience towards God and men at all times. de\, and / but, RP TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's aefhl) vs. de\ kai\, and / but also, P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's cg) vs. kai\, and, F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bdkop) vs. te kai\, and also, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m). One could argue that a majority of our witnesses have kai\, thus a disparity with RP, R=6:9, but RP has the best attested reading of the phrase. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=6:5.

e1xwn, having, RP F1859=11/13 vs. e1xein, to have, P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's dp).

am at pains ← practise (as a skill), train.
Acts 24:19 ou4j {RP S1550: dei=} [P1904 E1624 S1894: e1dei] e0pi\ sou= parei=nai kai\ kathgorei=n ei1 ti e1xoien pro/j me. who {RP S1550: ought to be present} [P1904 E1624 S1894: ought to have been present] before you and make their accusation if they should have anything against me, dei=, it is necessary, should, RP S1550 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's bfgklmo) vs. e1dei, it was necessary, should have, P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's acdehp, vid. Mill). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:8. AV differs textually.

[P1904 E1624 S1894: ought to have been present: the past time reference comes from the verb ought, not the infinitive following.]

should have ← were to have, taking the view that the charges are hypothetical.
Acts 24:24 Meta_ de\ h9me/raj tina&j, parageno/menoj o9 Fh=lic su\n Drousi/llh| th|= gunaiki\ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0tou=] ou1sh| 870Ioudai/a%, metepe/myato to\n Pau=lon, kai\ h1kousen au0tou= peri\ th=j ei0j xristo\n {RP P1904 TR: - } [MISC: 870Ihsou=n] pi/stewj. And after a certain number of days, Felix came with Drusilla {RP: his} [P1904 TR: his] wife, who was Jewish, and he sent for Paul and heard him about faith in Christ {RP P1904 TR: - } [MISC: Jesus]. au0tou=, his: absent in RP F1859=11/13, of which Scrivener's abkmo read th|= i0di/a% gunaiki\, his own wife vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's dp).

870Ihsou=n, Jesus: absent in RP P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's abcko) vs. present in F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's defghlmp). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.
Acts 25:5 Oi9 ou]n dunatoi\ e0n u9mi=n, fhsi/n, sugkataba&ntej, ei1 ti e0sti\n {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: - } [S1894: a!topon] e0n tw%~ a)ndri\ tou/tw%, kathgorei/twsan au0tou=. He said, “Well then, let the men of senior rank among you come down together and accuse him, if there is anything {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: - } [S1894: irregular] against this man.” a!topon, out of place: absent in RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's fg*hkl) vs. present in S1894 F1859=9/14 (Scrivener's beo in this position, acdg**mp before kathgorei/twsan). A disparity with RP, R=7:10, though the disparity is weakened by the positioning issue of a!topon. AV differs textually.

come down together: imperatival use of the participle. The ↴
Acts 25:7 Paragenome/nou de\ au0tou=, perie/sthsan oi9 a)po\ 879Ierosolu/mwn katabebhko/tej 870Ioudai=oi, polla_ kai\ bare/a {RP-text P1904: ai0tiw&mata} [RP-marg TR: ai0tia&mata] fe/rontej kata_ tou= Pau/lou, a$ ou0k i1sxuon a)podei=cai, And when he arrived, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood round about, bringing many serious charges against Paul, which they could not substantiate, ai0tiw&mata, charges (non-classical form), RP-text P1904 F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's a**dfmp, p with rough breathing) vs. ai0tia&mata, charges (classical form), RP-marg TR F1859=8/14 (Scrivener's a*bcegklo, but with minor variations in gk) vs. another reading, F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.
Acts 25:13 879Hmerw~n de\ diagenome/nwn tinw~n, 870Agri/ppaj o9 basileu\j kai\ Berni/kh kath/nthsan ei0j Kaisa&reian, {RP-text: a)spasa&menoi} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)spaso/menoi] to\n Fh=ston. Now when a number of days had passed, Agrippa the king and Bernice arrived in Caesarea {RP-text: and greeted} [RP-marg P1904 TR: to greet] Festus. a)spasa&menoi, having greeted, RP-text F1859=3/15 (Scrivener's k*l*m) vs. a)spaso/menoi, to greet (classical future participle denoting purpose), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=12/15 (Scrivener's abcdefghk**l**op). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:14.
Acts 25:14 879Wj de\ plei/ouj h9me/raj {RP-text: die/triben} [RP-marg P1904 TR: die/tribon] e0kei=, o9 Fh=stoj tw%~ basilei= a)ne/qeto ta_ kata_ to\n Pau=lon, le/gwn, 870Anh/r ti/j e0stin kataleleimme/noj u9po\ Fh/likoj de/smioj, And when {RP-text: he} [RP-marg P1904 TR: they] had spent several days there, Festus set Paul's case out to the king, and he said, “There is a certain man who has been left by Felix, a prisoner, die/triben, he spent time, RP-text F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's dfgkl) vs. die/tribon, they spent time, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.

Paul's casethe (case) against Paul, as alleged.
Acts 25:20 870Aporou/menoj de\ e0gw_ {RP P1904: - } [TR: ei0j] th\n peri\ tou/tou zh/thsin, e1legon, ei0 bou/loito poreu/esqai ei0j {RP TR: 879Ierousalh/m} [P1904: 879Ieroso/luma], ka)kei= kri/nesqai peri\ tou/twn. And as I was at a loss in the dispute concerning this man, I asked if he wished to go to Jerusalem and be judged there concerning these things. ei0j, into, in, but here reinforcing concerning: absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's bdeflop) vs. present in TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's acghkm). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

879Ierousalh/m, Jerusalem (1), RP TR F1859=9/13 vs. 879Ieroso/luma, Jerusalem (2), P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ckmp).

as I was at a loss: causal use of the participle.
Acts 26:3 ma&lista gnw&sthn o1nta se\ {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: - } [S1894: ei0dw_j] pa&ntwn tw~n kata_ 870Ioudai/ouj {RP-text: h0qw~n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0qw~n] te kai\ zhthma&twn: dio\ de/omai/ sou, makroqu/mwj a)kou=sai/ mou. especially as {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: - } [S1894: I know that] you are an expert in all the customs and disputes among the Jews. So I ask you to hear me patiently. ei0dw_j, knowing: absent in RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=12/13 vs. present in S1894 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m, though in a different word order).

h0qw~n, customs (lengthened form, also classical), RP-text F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's adfgm, d with rough breathing) vs. e0qw~n, customs (standard classical form), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's abcehklop). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.
Acts 26:10 o4 kai\ e0poi/hsa e0n 879Ierosolu/moij, kai\ pollou\j tw~n a(gi/wn e0gw_ {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0n] fulakai=j kate/kleisa, th\n para_ tw~n a)rxiere/wn e0cousi/an labw&n, a)nairoume/nwn te au0tw~n kath/negka yh=fon. which I duly did in Jerusalem, and I shut up many of the saints {RP TR: in} [P1904: in] prisons, having obtained authority from the senior priests, and when they were liable to be executed, I voted against them. e0n, in: absent in RP TR F1859=7/13 vs. present in P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bekmop). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

duly ← also.

saints: see Matt 27:52.

{RP TR: in ← to.}

when they were liable to be executed ← they being killed / eliminated.
Acts 26:18 a)noi=cai o0fqalmou\j au0tw~n, {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: tou=} [S1894: kai\] {RP-text: u9postre/yai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0pistre/yai] [MISC: a)postre/yai] a)po\ sko/touj ei0j fw~j kai\ th=j e0cousi/aj tou= Satana~ e0pi\ to\n qeo/n, tou= labei=n au0tou\j a!fesin a(martiw~n, kai\ klh=ron e0n toi=j h9giasme/noij pi/stei th|= ei0j e0me/. to open their eyes, {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: - } [S1894: and] to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those sanctified through faith in me.’ tou=, to (strengthening the infinitive), RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=13/13 vs. kai\, and, S1894 F1859=0/13.

u9postre/yai, to turn (about), return (1), RP-text F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's adfghk) vs. e0pistre/yai, to turn (about), return (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l) vs. a)postre/yai, to turn (back) (3), F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcemop). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=6:6.
Acts 26:20 a)lla_ toi=j e0n Damaskw%~ prw~ton kai\ 879Ierosolu/moij, ei0j pa~sa&n te th\n xw&ran th=j 870Ioudai/aj, kai\ toi=j e1qnesin, {RP S1550: a)pagge/llwn} [P1904: a)pagge/llw] [E1624 S1894: a)ph/ggellon] metanoei=n, kai\ e0pistre/fein e0pi\ to\n qeo/n, a!cia th=j metanoi/aj e1rga pra&ssontaj. but I preached to those in Damascus first, and then to those in Jerusalem, and in the whole region of Judaea, and to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, doing works worthy of repentance. a)pagge/llwn, preaching, RP S1550 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gm) vs. a)pagge/llw, I preach, P1904 F1859=9/13 (Scrivener's bcdefhklo) vs. a)ph/ggellon, I was preaching, E1624 S1894 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ap). A strong disparity with RP, R=3:10.
Acts 26:21 873Eneka tou/twn {RP-text: oi9 870Ioudai=oi/ me} [RP-marg P1904 TR: me oi9 870Ioudai=oi] sullabo/menoi e0n tw%~ i9erw%~ e0peirw~nto diaxeiri/sasqai. On account of these things the Jews arrested me in the temple and tried to do away with me. oi9 870Ioudai=oi/ me, the Jews + me, RP-text F1859=3/14 (Scrivener's a**mp, but mp lacking oi9) vs. me oi9 870Ioudai=oi, me + the Jews, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=9/14 (Scrivener's bdefghklo) vs. other readings, F1859=2/14 (Scrivener's a*c). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:11.
Acts 26:26 870Epi/statai ga_r peri\ tou/twn o9 basileu/j, pro\j o4n kai\ parrhsiazo/menoj lalw~: lanqa&nein ga_r au0to/n ti tou/twn ou0 pei/qomai ou0de/n: ou0 {RP: ga_r} [P1904 TR: ga&r e0stin] e0n gwni/a% pepragme/non tou=to. For the king has understanding of these things, and I speak freely to him. For I am not persuaded that any of these things escape his notice. For this {RP: has} [P1904 TR: has] not been done in a corner. e0stin, is: absent in RP F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fghl) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=9/13 (Scrivener's abcdekmop). A disparity with RP, R=4:11.
Acts 27:33 871Axri de\ ou[ {RP-text: h1mellen} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e1mellen] h9me/ra gi/nesqai, pareka&lei o9 Pau=loj a#pantaj metalabei=n trofh=j, le/gwn, Tessareskaideka&thn sh/meron h9me/ran prosdokw~ntej a!sitoi diatelei=te, mhde\n proslabo/menoi. Then while day was on the point of breaking, Paul encouraged everyone to partake of food, saying, “Today is the fourteenth day that you have been without food, waiting in suspense, not taking any. h1mellen, was about to (1), RP-text F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's clp) vs. e1mellen, was about to (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's abdfghkmo). Both forms are classical. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:11.

while ← up till when.

have been ← continue.

waiting in suspenseexpecting.
Acts 27:34 Dio\ parakalw~ u9ma~j {RP TR: proslabei=n} [P1904: metalabei=n] trofh=j: tou=to ga_r pro\j th=j u9mete/raj swthri/aj u9pa&rxei: ou0deno\j ga_r u9mw~n qri\c e0k th=j kefalh=j pesei=tai. So I encourage you to {RP TR: take some} [P1904: partake of] food, for this is for your salvation. For not a hair from anyone will fall from his head.” proslabei=n, to take (to oneself), RP TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's acfglm) vs. metalabei=n, to partake of, get a share of, P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bdhkop). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.
Acts 27:38 Koresqe/ntej de\ {RP-text: th=j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] trofh=j e0kou/fizon to\ ploi=on, e0kballo/menoi to\n si=ton ei0j th\n qa&lassan. And when they had had their fill of food, they lightened the ship by jettisoning the corn into the sea. th=j, the (food): present in RP-text F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's dglm) vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's abcfhkop). A disparity with RP-text, R=4:10.

when they had had their fill ← having been satiated.

by jettisoning: gerundial use of the participle.
Acts 27:40 Kai\ ta_j a)gku/raj perielo/ntej ei1wn ei0j th\n qa&lassan, a#ma a)ne/ntej ta_j zeukthri/aj tw~n phdali/wn: kai\ e0pa&rantej to\n {RP TR: a)rte/mona} [P1904: a)rte/mwna] th|= pneou/sh| katei=xon ei0j to\n ai0gialo/n. And they slipped anchors and committed everything to the sea, while at the same time they loosened the connections to the rudders and hoisted the foresail to the prevailing wind and brought the ship to the beach. a)rte/mona, foresail (1), RP TR F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's b*hkm*o) vs. a)rte/mwna, foresail (2), P1904 F1859=9/14 (Scrivener's ab**cdfglm**p). A disparity with RP, R=6:10.

they slipped anchors: i.e. they untied or disconnected the anchor lines from the ship and abandoned the anchors.

connections to ← yokings of. Or, with [CB], lashings of.

prevailing windblowing (breeze) (au1ra understood).
Acts 28:11 Meta_ de\ trei=j mh=naj {RP-text: h1xqhmen} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)nh/xqhmen] e0n ploi/w% parakexeimako/ti e0n th|= nh/sw%, 870Alecandri/nw%, parash/mw% Dioskou/roij. And after three months, we set sail in a ship which had wintered on the island – an Alexandrian one with the ensign of Castor and Pollux. h1xqhmen, we were transported, RP-text F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's ab*klmo) vs. a)nh/xqhmen, we set sail, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's b**cdfghp). No difference in our translation. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

Castor and Pollux ← Zeus-sons, the Roman Gemini (Twins).
Acts 28:23 Taca&menoi de\ au0tw%~ h9me/ran, h[kon pro\j au0to\n ei0j th\n ceni/an plei/onej: oi[j e0ceti/qeto diamarturo/menoj th\n basilei/an tou= qeou=, pei/qwn te au0tou\j ta_ peri\ tou= 870Ihsou=, a)po/ te tou= no/mou {RP P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [TR: Mwse/wj] kai\ tw~n profhtw~n, a)po\ prwi+\ e3wj e9spe/raj. And they appointed him a day, and very many came to him, to his lodging, to whom he expounded, testifying solemnly to the kingdom of God, persuading them of the things concerning Jesus from both the law of Moses and the prophets, from morning to evening. Mwu+se/wj, Moüses (1), RP P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's p) vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, TR F1859=8/12 vs. Mwu+se/oj, Moüses (2), F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's dhl). A strong disparity with RP, R=2:9.

very many ← more, the greater part, but comparatives can mean rather, quite, and [MM] gives an example. Compare 2 Cor 9:2. Also, in ↴
Acts 28:27 e0paxu/nqh ga_r h9 kardi/a tou= laou= tou/tou, kai\ toi=j w)si\n bare/wj h1kousan, kai\ tou\j o0fqalmou\j au0tw~n e0ka&mmusan: mh/pote i1dwsin toi=j o0fqalmoi=j, kai\ toi=j w)si\n a)kou/swsin, kai\ th|= kardi/a% sunw~sin, kai\ e0pistre/ywsin, kai\ {RP-text P1904: i0a&somai} [RP-marg TR: i0a&swmai] au0tou/j.

For the heart of this people has become obtuse,

And with their ears they hear in a dull way,

And they have closed their eyes,

Lest they should see with their eyes,

And hear with their ears,

And understand with their heart,

And repent,

And I {RP-text P1904: would} [RP-marg TR: should] heal them.» ’

i0a&somai, I will heal (future indicative), RP-text P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's g*l) vs. i0a&swmai, I should heal (aorist subjunctive), RP-marg TR F1859=11/13 (Scrivener's abcdfg**hkmop, although p misspelled). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:12.

Isa 6:10.

obtuse ← fattened.

in a dull way ← heavily.

{RP-text P1904: would ← will, the clause being conditional rather than of purpose.}
Rom 3:4 Mh\ ge/noito: gine/sqw de\ o9 qeo\j a)lhqh/j, pa~j de\ a!nqrwpoj yeu/sthj, kaqw_j ge/graptai, 873Opwj a@n dikaiwqh|=j e0n toi=j lo/goij sou, kai\ {RP-text TR: nikh/sh|j} [RP-marg P1904: nikh/seij] e0n tw%~ kri/nesqai/ se. May it not be so. But let God be true and every man a liar, as it stands written:

“In order that you may be justified with your words,

And {RP-text TR: that you may} [RP-marg P1904: you will] be vindicated

When you are judged.”

nikh/sh|j, you may conquer, be vindicated, RP-text TR F1859=11/12 vs. nikh/seij, you will conquer, be vindicated, RP-marg P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

Ps 51:6MT (Ps 51:4AV).

be vindicated ← conquer.
Rom 5:14 870All' e0basi/leusen o9 qa&natoj a)po\ 870Ada_m me/xri {RP-text P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [RP-marg TR: Mwse/wj] kai\ e0pi\ tou\j mh\ a(marth/santaj e0pi\ tw%~ o9moiw&mati th=j paraba&sewj 870Ada&m, o3j e0stin tu/poj tou= me/llontoj. But death reigned from Adam to Moses, including over those who had not sinned in a similar way to the transgression of Adam, who is a depiction of the one to come. Mwu+se/wj, Moüses (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's h**kmn) vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's bcdo) vs. Mwu+se/oj, Moüses (2), F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's afgh*l). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=5:5.

including ← also.

depiction: the AV's figure, and ↴
Rom 6:1 Ti/ ou]n e0rou=men; {RP-text: 870Epime/nomen} [RP-marg: 870Epime/nwmen] [RP-marg2 P1904 TR: 870Epimenou=men] th|= a(marti/a%, i3na h9 xa&rij pleona&sh|; What then shall we say? {RP-text: Do} [RP-marg: Should] [RP-marg2 P1904 TR: Shall] we continue in sin so that grace may abound? e0pime/nomen, do we continue, RP-text F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's dn) vs. e0pime/nwmen, should we continue (present subjunctive), RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's b*mo) vs. e0pimenou=men, shall we continue, RP-marg2 P1904 TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's ab**cfghl) vs. e0pimei/nwmen, should we continue (aorist subjunctive), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k). A strong disparity with RP, R=2:9.
Rom 7:23 ble/pw de\ e3teron no/mon e0n toi=j me/lesi/n mou a)ntistrateuo/menon tw%~ no/mw% tou= noo/j mou, kai\ ai0xmalwti/zonta& me {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0n] tw%~ no/mw% th=j a(marti/aj tw%~ o1nti e0n toi=j me/lesi/n mou. But I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and {RP-text TR: making me captive to} [RP-marg P1904: taking me captive in] the law of sin which is in my members. e0n, in (the law): absent in RP-text TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's ab**dfghl) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b*ckmno). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

which: the antecedent is law, not sin.
Rom 8:10 Ei0 de\ xristo\j e0n u9mi=n, to\ me\n sw~ma nekro\n {RP: dia_} [P1904 TR: di'] a(marti/an, to\ de\ pneu=ma zwh\ dia_ dikaiosu/nhn. But if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness. dia_, on account of (unapocopated), RP F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's dgn) vs. di', on account of (apocopated), P1904 TR F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's abcfhklo) vs. dia_, on account of (unapocopated), in another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's m). A strong disparity with RP, R=3:10.
Rom 8:36 Kaqw_j ge/graptai o3ti {RP: 873Eneke/n} [P1904 TR: 873Eneka&] sou qanatou/meqa o3lhn th\n h9me/ran: e0logi/sqhmen w(j pro/bata sfagh=j. As it stands written:

For your sake we are killed all day long.

We have been considered as sheep for slaughter.”

e3neke/n, for your sake (1), RP F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's mn) vs. e3neka&, for your sake (2), P1904 TR F1859=10/12 (Scrivener's abcdfghklo). A strong disparity with RP, R=2:12.

Ps 44:23MT (Ps 44:22AV).
Rom 9:3 {RP: Eu0xo/mhn} [P1904 TR: Hu0xo/mhn] ga_r au0to\j e0gw_ a)na&qema ei]nai a)po\ tou= xristou= u9pe\r tw~n a)delfw~n mou, tw~n suggenw~n mou kata_ sa&rka: For I could vow that I myself were accursed from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh, eu0xo/mhn, I could vow, RP F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's ckln) vs. hu0xo/mhn, I could vow, P1904 TR F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's abdfghmo). Both forms are imperfect without augment, for a present time frame potential clause, without the classical a!n. On the absence of a!n, compare Gal 4:20. A disparity with RP, R=4:10.

accursed ← an accursed thing; a curse.
Rom 9:12 {RP TR: e0rrh/qh} [P1904: e0rre/qh] au0th|= o3ti 879O mei/zwn douleu/sei tw%~ e0la&ssoni. it was said to her, “The elder will serve the younger.” e0rrh/qh, it was said (classical form), RP TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's acglm) vs. e0rre/qh, it was said (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's bdfhkno). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:8. But in Gal 3:16, a clear majority of our witnesses support the h spelling.

Gen 25:23.
Rom 9:15 Tw%~ ga_r {RP-text P1904: Mwu+sh|=} [RP-marg TR: Mwsh|=] le/gei, 870Eleh/sw o4n a@n e0lew~, kai\ oi0kteirh/sw o4n a@n oi0ktei/rw. For he says to Moses, “I will show mercy to whomever I will show mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” Mwu+sh|=, Moüses, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. Mwsh|=, Moses, RP-marg TR F1859=0/12 vs. Mwu+sei=, Moüses, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's cd) vs. Mwsei=, Moses, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). A disparity with RP-marg (low count) for the reading chosen.

Ex 33:19.
Rom 9:26 Kai\ e1stai, e0n tw%~ to/pw% ou[ {RP TR: e0rrh/qh} [P1904: e0rre/qh] au0toi=j, Ou0 lao/j mou u9mei=j, e0kei= klhqh/sontai ui9oi\ qeou= zw~ntoj.

And it will be the case

That in the place where it was said to them,

‘You are not my people’,

There they will be called

The sons of the living God.’ ”

e0rrh/qh, it was spoken (classical form), RP TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's abgmo) vs. e0rre/qh, it was spoken (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's dfhkl**n) vs. e0rh/qh, it was spoken (misspelled, but close to classical form), F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c). Scrivener's l*, apparently another reading, is excluded, as it is doubtful. A weak disparity with RP, R=6:7. Compare Rom 9:12.

Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV), Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV).
Rom 10:5 {RP P1904: Mwu+sh=j} [TR: Mwsh=j] ga_r gra&fei th\n dikaiosu/nhn th\n e0k tou= no/mou, o3ti o9 poih/saj au0ta_ a!nqrwpoj zh/setai e0n au0toi=j. For Moses describes the righteousness which is of the law, that the man who does the requirements will live by them. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bcfkmo) vs. Mwsh=j, Moses, TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's adghln). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.

Lev 18:5.

the requirementsthem (neuter).
Rom 11:23 Kai\ e0kei=noi de/, e0a_n mh\ e0pimei/nwsin th|= a)pisti/a%, e0gkentrisqh/sontai: dunato\j {RP P1904: ga_r o9 qeo/j e0stin} [TR: ga&r e0stin o9 qeo\j] pa&lin e0gkentri/sai au0tou/j. And they too, if they do not remain in unbelief, will be grafted in. For God is able to graft them in again. o9 qeo/j e0sti¨n©, God + is, RP P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's ahkl) vs. e0sti¨n© o9 qeo\j, is + God (not interrogative), TR F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's bcdfgmno). A disparity with RP, R=5:9.

they ← those.
Rom 12:2 kai\ mh\ {RP-text P1904: susxhmati/zesqai} [RP-marg TR: susxhmati/zesqe] tw%~ ai0w~ni tou/tw%, a)lla_ {RP-text P1904: metamorfou=sqai} [RP-marg TR: metamorfou=sqe] th|= a)nakainw&sei tou= noo\j u9mw~n, ei0j to\ dokima&zein u9ma~j ti/ to\ qe/lhma tou= qeou= to\ a)gaqo\n kai\ eu0a&reston kai\ te/leion. and {RP-text P1904: not to} [RP-marg TR: do not] be conformed to this age, but {RP-text P1904: to} [RP-marg TR: - ] be transformed by the renewal of your mind, in order to determine what the will of God is, what is good and pleasing and perfect. susxhmati/zesqai, (not) to be conformed, RP-text P1904 F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's gkn) vs. susxhmati/zesqe, (do not) be conformed, RP-marg TR F1859=9/13 (Scrivener's abcd**fhlmo) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's d*). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:110.

metamorfou=sqai, (but) to be transformed, RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgk + o*?) vs. metamorfou=sqe, (but) be transformed, RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's abdfhlmno**). Scrivener's o* is excluded as it is doubtful. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:10.
Rom 13:4 qeou= ga_r dia&kono/j e0sti/n soi ei0j to\ a)gaqo/n. 870Ea_n de\ to\ kako\n poih|=j, fobou=: ou0 ga_r ei0kh|= th\n ma&xairan forei=: qeou= ga_r dia&kono/j e0stin, {RP TR: e1kdikoj ei0j o0rgh\n} [P1904: ei0j o0rgh\n e1kdikoj] tw%~ to\ kako\n pra&ssonti. for it is an instrument of God which applies to you to good purpose. But if you do what is wrong, then fear, for it does not bear the sword for nothing, for it is an instrument of God {RP TR: , an avenger in wrath} [P1904: for wrath – an avenger] on him who does wrong. e1kdikoj ei0j o0rgh\n, an avenger + for / in wrath, RP TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's adghlm) vs. ei0j o0rgh\n e1kdikoj, for / in wrath + an avenger, P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bcfkno). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.

Punctuation: either our RP TR English or our English for P1904 is possible for both variants, our P1904 reading requiring moving RP's comma from after e0stin to after o0rgh\n.

instrument (2x)servant.
Rom 13:9 To\ ga&r, Ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 foneu/seij, ou0 kle/yeij, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij,] ou0k e0piqumh/seij, kai\ ei1 tij e9te/ra e0ntolh/, e0n tou/tw% tw%~ lo/gw% a)nakefalaiou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP P1904: seauto/n} [TR: e9auto/n]. For the injunctions are, “You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: You shall not give false testimony.] You shall not covet.” And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this formula: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ou0 yeudomarturh/seij, you shall not give false witness: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgl) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's adfhkmno). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:10. AV differs textually.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdg*ho, though g* reads sauto/n) vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical third person pronoun for second), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's afg**klmn). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:8.

Ex 20:13-15, {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: Ex 20:16,] Ex 20:17, Lev 19:18, Deut 5:17-19 {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: , Deut 5:20].
Rom 14:22 Su\ pi/stin e1xeij; Kata_ {RP P1904: seauto\n} [TR: sauto\n] e1xe e0nw&pion tou= qeou=. Maka&rioj o9 mh\ kri/nwn e9auto\n e0n w%{ dokima&zei. Do you have faith? Have it as your own in God's sight. Blessed is he who does not judge himself in what he approves of. seauto\n, your own (1), RP P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cgklno) vs. sauto\n, your own (2), TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abdfhm). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.

judge: AV differs somewhat (condemneth).
Rom 15:4 873Osa ga_r proegra&fh, ei0j th\n h9mete/ran didaskali/an proegra&fh, i3na dia_ th=j u9pomonh=j kai\ {RP: dia_} [P1904 TR: - ] th=j paraklh/sewj tw~n grafw~n th\n e0lpi/da e1xwmen. For all the things which were written beforehand were written for our instruction, in order that we might have hope through patience and {RP: through} [P1904 TR: - ] the encouragement of the scriptures. dia_, through: present in RP F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's bdfgn) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's achklmo). A disparity with RP, R=5:9.

all ← as many as.
Rom 15:7 Dio\ proslamba&nesqe a)llh/louj, kaqw_j kai\ o9 xristo\j prosela&beto {RP-text P1904: u9ma~j} [RP-marg TR: h9ma~j], ei0j do/can qeou=. On this account, receive each other as Christ also received {RP-text P1904: you} [RP-marg TR: us], with a view to God's glory. u9ma~j, you, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's bcgl**mno) vs. h9ma~j, us, RP-marg TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's adfhkl*). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7. AV differs textually.
Rom 16:3 870Aspa&sasqe {RP-text: Pri/skan} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Pri/skillan] kai\ 870Aku/lan tou\j sunergou/j mou e0n xristw%~ 870Ihsou=, Greet {RP-text: Prisca} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Priscilla] and Aquila my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, Pri/skan, Prisca, RP-text F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's dghmn) vs. Pri/skillan, Priscilla, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abcfklo). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9.
1 Cor 3:2 Ga&la u9ma~j e0po/tisa, kai\ ou0 brw~ma: ou1pw ga_r {RP: e0du/nasqe} [P1904 TR: h0du/nasqe], a)ll' ou1te e1ti nu=n du/nasqe: I have given you milk to drink rather than food, for you were not yet able to take it, and even now you still can't, e0du/nasqe, you were able (1), RP F1859=8/13 vs. h0du/nasqe, you were able (2), P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's acdkn, though k misspelled and n with rough breathing). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

rather than ← and not.
1 Cor 3:14 Ei1 tinoj to\ e1rgon me/nei o4 {RP: e0poikodo/mhsen} [P1904 TR: e0pw%kodo/mhse], misqo\n lh/yetai. If anyone's work which he has built on remains, he will receive a reward. e0poikodo/mhse¨n©, he built on (non-classical form), RP F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n, reading e0p' oi0kodo/mhse) vs. e0pw%kodo/mhse¨n©, he built on (classical form), P1904 TR F1859=12/13. A strong disparity with RP, R=1:14.

remains: perhaps better accented menei=, will remain, analogously to the future protasis of the conditional clauses in the next verse.
1 Cor 4:11 871Axri th=j a!rti w#raj kai\ peinw~men, kai\ diyw~men, kai\ gumnhteu/omen, kai\ kolafizo/meqa, kai\ a)statou=men, Up to the present hour we have been hungry and thirsty and been poorly clothed and have been knocked about and have been without a fixed address, we have been hungry and thirsty ← we both hunger and thirst, our translation being in accordance with English tense usage. This tense disparity applies throughout the sentence.

without a fixed address ← unstable, but in the papyri unsettled, vagabond [MM].
1 Cor 5:7 870Ekkaqa&rate {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: ou]n] th\n palaia_n zu/mhn, i3na h]te ne/on fu/rama, kaqw&j e0ste a!zumoi. Kai\ ga_r to\ Pa&sxa h9mw~n u9pe\r h9mw~n {RP P1904 S1550: e0tu/qh} [E1624 S1894: e0qu/qh] xristo/j: {RP-text: Clear} [RP-marg P1904 TR: So clear] out the old leaven, in order to be a new lump, since you are unleavened. For indeed, our Passover has been sacrificed for us – Christ – ou]n, therefore, so: absent in RP-text F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's l) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=11/12. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=1:13.

e0tu/qh, was sacrificed (classical form avoiding double aspiration), RP P1904 S1550 F1859=12/12 vs. e0qu/qh, was sacrificed (non-classical form with double aspiration), E1624 S1894 F1859=0/12.
1 Cor 5:11 {RP P1904: Nu=n} [TR: Nuni\] de\ e1graya u9mi=n mh\ sunanami/gnusqai, e0a&n tij a)delfo\j o0nomazo/menoj h|] po/rnoj, h2 pleone/kthj, h2 ei0dwlola&trhj, h2 loi/doroj, h2 me/qusoj, h2 a#rpac: tw%~ toiou/tw% mhde\ sunesqi/ein. And I have written to you now not to associate with anyone if he is called a brother, but who is a fornicator or a fraudster or an idolater or is abusive or drunk or rapacious, and not to eat with such a person. nu=n, now, RP P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's d**d(antiquior)kn) vs. nuni\, now (perhaps the less formal form), TR F1859=9/13 (incl. Scrivener's d recentior). Antiquior = older, recentior = more recent. A disparity with RP, R=5:10.

associate with anyone if he is called ← associate if anyone (is) called.

fraudster: or covetous person. See 1 Cor 5:10.
1 Cor 7:39 Gunh\ de/detai no/mw% e0f' o3son xro/non zh|= o9 a)nh\r au0th=j: e0a_n de\ {RP: kai\} [P1904 TR: - ] koimhqh|= o9 a)nh/r {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0th=j], e0leuqe/ra e0sti\n w%{ qe/lei gamhqh=nai, mo/non e0n kuri/w%. The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband is alive. But if {RP: her} [P1904 TR: her] husband falls asleep, she is free to marry whom she wishes, except that it must be in the Lord. kai\, and, also (but not necessarily translatable): present in RP F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abefhlo) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's cdgkmn). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

au0th=j, her: absent in RP F1859=11/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's am).

to marry ← to be married to.
1 Cor 8:5 Kai\ ga_r ei1per ei0si\n lego/menoi qeoi/, ei1te e0n ou0ranw%~ ei1te e0pi\ {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: th=j] gh=j: w#sper ei0si\n qeoi\ polloi/, kai\ ku/rioi polloi/: For indeed, although there are those called gods, whether in heaven or on {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: the] earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, th=j, the (earth): absent in RP-text F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's fgklmn) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abcdeho). A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.
1 Cor 9:9 870En ga_r tw%~ {RP-text: Mwu+se/wj} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Mwse/wj] no/mw% ge/graptai, Ou0 fimw&seij bou=n a)low~nta. Mh\ tw~n bow~n me/lei tw%~ qew%~; For in the law of Moses it stands written: “You shall not muzzle an ox which threshes.” Is God really concerned about oxen? Mwu+se/wj, of Moüses, RP-text F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. Mwse/wj, of Moses, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=9/12 vs. Mwu+se/oj, of Moses, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gl). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=1:11. But a reversal of the balance in 1 Cor 10:2.

Deut 25:4.

is God really concerned ← is it really a concern to God.
1 Cor 9:27 a)ll' {RP TR: u9pwpia&zw} [P1904: u9popia&zw] mou to\ sw~ma kai\ doulagwgw~, mh/pwj, a!lloij khru/caj, au0to\j a)do/kimoj ge/nwmai. but I deal severely with my body and bring it into subjection, in case, having proclaimed this to others, I myself become disqualified. u9pwpia&zw, I strike under the eye, deal severely (1), RP TR F1859=8/15 vs. u9popia&zw, I strike under the eye, deal severely (2), P1904 F1859=7/15 (Scrivener's ab*cfg**no). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=9:8.

deal severely with ← strike under the eye.

become disqualified: the context indicates for the prize.
1 Cor 10:14 Dio/per, a)gaphtoi/ mou, feu/gete a)po\ th=j {RP TR: ei0dwlolatrei/aj} [P1904: ei0dwlolatri/aj]. Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. ei0dwlolatrei/aj, idolatry (1), RP TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's h*mn) vs. ei0dwlolatri/aj, idolatry (2), P1904 F1859=9/13 (Scrivener's abcdfgh**lo) vs. another spelling, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k). A disparity with RP, R=4:10.
1 Cor 11:15 Gunh\ de\ e0a_n koma%~, do/ca au0th|= e0sti/n. 873Oti h9 ko/mh a)nti\ peribolai/ou de/dotai {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0th|=]. But that if a woman lets her hair grow, it is to her honour. For hair has been given {RP: - } [P1904 TR: to her] instead of a headdress. au0th|=, to her: absent in RP F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's efhl) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=9/13 (including Scrivener's adm which place the word before de/dotai). A disparity with RP, R=4:11 (or R=4:8 if Scrivener's adm are excluded).

Punctuation: P1904, but not RP TBS-TR, has a question: is it to her honour? Or that it is to her honour?

to her honour ← an honour to her.

headdress: or cloak.
1 Cor 11:27 873Wste o4j a@n e0sqi/h| to\n a!rton tou=ton h2 pi/nh| to\ poth/rion tou= kuri/ou a)naci/wj {RP: tou= kuri/ou} [P1904 TR: - ], e1noxoj e1stai tou= sw&matoj kai\ {RP: tou=} [P1904 TR: - ] ai3matoj tou= kuri/ou. So that whoever eats this bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily {RP: of the Lord} [P1904 TR: - ] will be guilty of the body and {RP: the} [P1904 TR: - ] blood of the Lord. tou= kuri/ou, of the Lord (after unworthily): present in RP F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's e) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=10/11. A strong disparity with RP, R=1:12. AV differs textually.

tou=, of the (blood): present in RP F1859=9/13 (Scrivener's a**bcefglmo) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's a*dhk).
1 Cor 12:25 i3na mh\ h|] {RP: sxi/smata} [P1904 TR: sxi/sma] e0n tw%~ sw&mati, a)lla_ to\ au0to\ u9pe\r a)llh/lwn merimnw~sin ta_ me/lh. in order that there should be no {RP: divisions} [P1904 TR: division] in the body, but that the parts should care for each other in the same way. sxi/smata, divisions, RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abcdegk) vs. sxi/sma, division, P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's fhlmo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.
1 Cor 13:3 Kai\ e0a_n {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: ywmi/sw} [E1624: ywmi/zw] pa&nta ta_ u9pa&rxonta& mou, kai\ e0a_n paradw~ to\ sw~ma& mou i3na {RP-text TR: kauqh/swmai} [RP-marg P1904: kauqh/somai], a)ga&phn de\ mh\ e1xw, ou0de\n w)felou=mai. And if I distribute food from the proceeds of all my belongings, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but I do not have love, I am not profited in any way. ywmi/sw, I dole out (aorist subjunctive or future indicative), RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=12/12 vs. ywmi/zw, I dole out (present subjunctive), E1624 F1859=0/12.

kauqh/swmai, I am burned (aorist subjunctive of new verb kauqe/w (?), or irregular form from kai/w), RP-text TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's ab*eglmo) vs. kauqh/somai, I am burned (future indicative), RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b**cdfhk). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.
1 Cor 14:33 Ou0 ga&r e0stin a)katastasi/aj o9 qeo/j, {RP P1904: a)lla_} [TR: a)ll'] ei0rh/nhj, w(j e0n pa&saij tai=j e0kklhsi/aij tw~n a(gi/wn. For God is not characterized by disorder, but peace, ¶ as in all the churches of the saints. ¶ Verse division: in P1904 numbering, 1 Cor 14:34 begins here.

a)lla_, but (unapocopated), RP P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's egk) vs. a)ll', but (apocopated), TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's abcdfhlmo). A disparity with RP, R=4:10.

churches: see Matt 16:18.

saints: see Matt 27:52.
2 Cor 1:11 sunupourgou/ntwn kai\ u9mw~n u9pe\r h9mw~n th|= deh/sei, i3na e0k pollw~n prosw&pwn to\ ei0j h9ma~j xa&risma dia_ pollw~n eu0xaristhqh|= u9pe\r {RP: u9mw~n} [P1904 TR: h9mw~n]. while you also support us by your supplication for us, so that thanks may be offered for the favour shown to us by many individuals, through many tribulations, on {RP: your} [P1904 TR: our] behalf. u9mw~n, (of) you, RP F1859=8/14 (Scrivener's ce**fghlmn) vs. h9mw~n, (of) us, P1904 TR F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's ade*ko) vs. another reading, F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's b, though we do not fully understand Scrivener here). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7. AV differs textually.

individuals ← faces.

tribulations(things), if neuter; or if masculine, (people), as AV; or if feminine, (journeys / ways). So AV differs.
2 Cor 2:17 Ou0 ga&r e0smen w(j oi9 {RP-text P1904: loipoi/} [RP-marg TR: polloi/], kaphleu/ontej to\n lo/gon tou= qeou=: a)ll' w(j e0c ei0likrinei/aj, a)ll' w(j e0k qeou=, katenw&pion tou= qeou=, e0n xristw%~ lalou=men. For we are not as {RP-text P1904: others} [RP-marg TR: many] who corrupt the word of God, but we are sincere, and we speak in Christ, as from God, in the presence of God. loipoi/, (the) rest, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's defghln) vs. polloi/, (the) many, RP-marg TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's abckmo). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7. AV differs textually.

{RP-text P1904: others ← the rest.}

corrupt: or make a trade of, or, with [CB], [MG], adulterate.

sincere ← as of sincerity.
2 Cor 3:3 fanerou/menoi o3ti e0ste\ e0pistolh\ xristou= diakonhqei=sa u9f' h9mw~n, e0ggegramme/nh ou0 me/lani, a)lla_ pneu/mati qeou= zw~ntoj, ou0k e0n placi\n liqi/naij, {RP S1550 S1894: a)ll'} [P1904 E1624: a)lla_] e0n placi\n {RP P1904: kardi/aij} [TR: kardi/aj] sarki/naij. You are manifested that you are an epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the spirit of the living God, not on stone tablets, but on {RP P1904: tablets which are fleshly hearts} [TR: fleshly tablets of the heart]. a)ll', but (apocopated), RP S1550 S1894 F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's adfklmno) vs. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), P1904 E1624 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bcegh).

kardi/aij, (on) hearts, RP P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's adfhlno) vs. kardi/aj, of a heart, TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcegkm). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7, but note the correspondence in Scrivener's witnesses with the previous variation (only h migrates).

ink ← black.
2 Cor 3:7 Ei0 de\ h9 diakoni/a tou= qana&tou e0n gra&mmasin, e0ntetupwme/nh e0n li/qoij, e0genh/qh e0n do/ch|, w#ste mh\ du/nasqai a)teni/sai tou\j ui9ou\j 870Israh\l ei0j to\ pro/swpon {RP P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [TR: Mwse/wj] dia_ th\n do/can tou= prosw&pou au0tou=, th\n katargoume/nhn, But if the ministry of death, engraved in letters on stones, was in glory, so that the sons of Israel could not look straight at Moses' face, because of the glory of his face – a glory to be abolished – Mwu+se/wj, of Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bekmn) vs. Mwse/wj, of Moses, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ac) vs. Mwu+se/oj, of Moses, F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's dfghlo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=6:6.

Punctuation: we, with AV, associate in letters with engraved, RP TBS-TR with ministry of death. P1904 leaves the question open.

to be abolished: or being abolished.
2 Cor 3:14 a)ll' e0pwrw&qh ta_ noh/mata au0tw~n: a!xri ga_r th=j sh/meron to\ au0to\ ka&lumma e0pi\ th|= a)nagnw&sei th=j palaia~j diaqh/khj me/nei mh\ a)nakalupto/menon, {RP TR: o3 ti} [P1904: o3ti] e0n xristw%~ katargei=tai. But their thoughts were hardened. For up to today the same covering remains unremoved at the reading of the old covenant, {RP TR: it being a covering which} [P1904: because it] is being abolished in Christ. o3 ti, (a thing) which, RP TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abcdefk) vs. o3ti, because, P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's ghlmno). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7. The distinction was probably not visible in the archetype, as spaces were scarcely employed (we presume). The combination o3 ti, when not followed by an indeterminate particle such as a!n, is rare (only here and John 8:25).
2 Cor 7:11 870Idou\ ga&r, au0to\ tou=to, to\ kata_ qeo\n luphqh=nai u9ma~j, po/shn kateirga&sato u9mi=n spoudh/n, a)lla_ a)pologi/an, a)lla_ a)gana&kthsin, a)lla_ fo/bon, a)lla_ e0pipo/qhsin, a)lla_ zh=lon, {RP P1904: a)lla_} [TR: a)ll'] e0kdi/khsin. 870En panti\ sunesth/sate e9autou\j a(gnou\j ei]nai e0n tw%~ pra&gmati. For as regards this very thing – your godly grieving – see how much eagerness it has engendered for you, and also defence of the case, and indignation, and fear, and longing, and zeal and vindication! In every respect you proved yourselves to be pure in the matter. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's abdfmo) vs. a)ll', but (apocopated), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's ceghkln). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

as regards ... see ← behold.

and (6x) ← but.
2 Cor 7:13 Dia_ tou=to parakeklh/meqa. 870Epi\ {RP-text P1904: de\} [RP-marg TR: - ] th|= paraklh/sei u9mw~n {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: :] perissote/rwj {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: de\] ma~llon e0xa&rhmen e0pi\ th|= xara%~ Ti/tou, o3ti a)nape/pautai to\ pneu=ma au0tou= a)po\ pa&ntwn u9mw~n. For this reason we have been comforted. {RP-text P1904: But we} [RP-marg TR: We] rejoiced at your encouragement {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: – but] all the more exuberantly at the joy of Titus, in that his spirit was refreshed by you all. First de\, but: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=0/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=12/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13. A strong disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=1:13.

Second de\, but: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=11/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13. A strong disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=2:12.

Punctuation: TBS-TR, AV, but not RP P1904, have no pause after parakeklh/meqa, we have been comforted, and associate at your encouragement with the preceding words. So AV differs.
2 Cor 11:25 Tri\j {RP: e0rabdi/sqhn} [P1904 TR: e0rrabdi/sqhn], a#pac e0liqa&sqhn, tri\j e0naua&ghsa, nuxqh/meron e0n tw%~ buqw%~ pepoi/hka: three times I was beaten with sticks, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, and I have spent a night and a day in the deep; e0rabdi/sqhn, I was beaten with sticks (without the classical doubling of the r after the augment), RP F1859=8/13 vs. e0rrabdi/sqhn, I was beaten with sticks (with the classical doubling of the r), P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's beghl). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.
2 Cor 11:31 879O qeo\j kai\ path\r tou= kuri/ou {RP: - } [P1904 TR: h9mw~n] 870Ihsou= xristou= oi]den, o9 w@n eu0loghto\j ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj, o3ti ou0 yeu/domai. The God and father of {RP: the} [P1904 TR: our] Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed throughout the ages, knows that I do not lie. h9mw~n, our: absent in RP F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's eghlmn) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abcdfko). A disparity with RP, R=6:9. AV differs textually.
2 Cor 12:14 870Idou/, tri/ton e9toi/mwj e1xw e0lqei=n pro\j u9ma~j, kai\ ou0 katanarkh/sw u9mw~n: ou0 ga_r zhtw~ ta_ u9mw~n, {RP P1904: a)lla_} [TR: a)ll'] u9ma~j: ou0 ga_r o0fei/lei ta_ te/kna toi=j goneu=sin qhsauri/zein, a)ll' oi9 gonei=j toi=j te/knoij. Look, I am prepared to come to you a third time, and I will not press heavily on you. For I do not seek what is yours, but you. For it is not that children ought to save up for their parents, but parents for their children. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), RP P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's adefkmn) vs. a)ll', but (apocopated), TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcghlo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.
2 Cor 12:21 mh\ pa&lin e0lqo/nta me {RP-text: tapeinw&sei} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tapeinw&sh|] o9 qeo/j mou pro\j u9ma~j, kai\ penqh/sw pollou\j tw~n prohmarthko/twn, kai\ mh\ metanohsa&ntwn e0pi\ th|= a)kaqarsi/a% kai\ pornei/a% kai\ a)selgei/a% h|[ e1pracan. {RP-text: surely my God will not humble me before you when I come again, and I shall not} [RP-marg P1904 TR: may my God not humble me before you when I come again, and I should] mourn many of those who sinned previously and have not repented of their uncleanness and fornication and debauchery which they have committed. tapeinw&sei, he will humble (future, non-classical if it is a conjunction after fobou=mai) RP-text F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's dfgkn + c?) vs. tapeinw&sh|, he will humble (classical aorist subjunctive), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abehlmo). Scrivener's c is excluded as it is doubtful. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9.

The word mh/ could be taken as a repeated conjunction after fobou=mai in the previous verse: (and) that my God will humble me ....
Gal 1:4 tou= do/ntoj e9auto\n {RP: peri\} [P1904 TR: u9pe\r] tw~n a(martiw~n h9mw~n, o3pwj e0ce/lhtai h9ma~j e0k tou= e0nestw~toj ai0w~noj ponhrou=, kata_ to\ qe/lhma tou= qeou= kai\ patro\j h9mw~n: who gave himself for our sins, in order to deliver us out of the present evil age, according to the will of our God and father, peri\, concerning, for, RP F1859=6/13 vs. u9pe\r, on behalf of, for, P1904 TR F1859=7/13. A disparity with RP, R=6:9.

for: the sense is as a propitiation for, as in 1 John 2:2 in full.
Gal 2:9 kai\ gno/ntej th\n xa&rin th\n doqei=sa&n moi, 870Ia&kwboj kai\ Khfa~j kai\ 870Iwa&nnhj, oi9 dokou=ntej stu/loi ei]nai, decia_j e1dwkan e0moi\ kai\ Barna&ba% koinwni/aj, i3na h9mei=j {RP-text: me\n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] ei0j ta_ e1qnh, au0toi\ de\ ei0j th\n peritomh/n: and when they knew the grace which had been given to me, of these people James and Cephas and John, who were considered to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, so that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcision, me\n, (we) on the one hand: present in RP-text F1859=6/14 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=8/14. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:10.

when they knew: we regard gno/ntej, as i0do/ntej in Gal 2:7, as referring back to all in Gal 2:6, not forward to just James and Cephas and John.

of these people: we supply this phrase as a clear clause divider in this long sentence, thus preventing misreading such as given to me, James and Cephas ....

right handright hands.
Gal 5:4 Kathrgh/qhte a)po\ tou= xristou=, oi3tinej e0n no/mw% dikaiou=sqe: th=j xa&ritoj {RP-text P1904 TR: e0cepe/sate} [RP-marg: e0cepe/sete]. You who are justified by the law have become disconnected from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. e0cepe/sate, you fell (non-classical weak aorist), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's b*lno) vs. e0cepe/sete, you fell (classical strong aorist), RP-marg F1859=10/14. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:10.
Gal 5:14 879O ga_r pa~j no/moj e0n e9ni\ lo/gw% plhrou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP TR: e9auto/n} [P1904: seauto/n]. For the whole law is fulfilled in one saying, in, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” e9auto/n, self (non-classical third person for second person reflexive pronoun), RP TR F1859=7/13 vs. seauto/n, yourself (classical second person), P1904 F1859=6/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

Lev 19:18.
Gal 5:20 {RP TR: ei0dwlolatrei/a} [P1904: ei0dwlolatri/a], farmakei/a, e1xqrai, e1reij, zh=loi, qumoi/, e0riqei=ai, dixostasi/ai, ai9re/seij, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strifes, rivalries, rage, contentions, dissensions, factions, ei0dwlolatrei/a, idolatry (1), RP TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's a*emn) vs. ei0dwlolatri/a, idolatry (2), P1904 F1859=10/14. A disparity with RP, R=5:11.
Eph 1:10 ei0j oi0konomi/an tou= plhrw&matoj tw~n kairw~n, a)nakefalaiw&sasqai ta_ pa&nta e0n tw%~ xristw%~, {RP P1904: ta_} [TR: ta& te] {RP P1904: e0pi\} [TR: e0n] toi=j ou0ranoi=j kai\ ta_ e0pi\ th=j gh=j: with a view to the dispensation of the fulness of times, to head up all things in Christ, {RP P1904: those} [TR: both those] {RP P1904: above} [TR: in] the heavens and those on the earth, te, both: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

e0pi\, on, in, over, above, RP P1904 F1859=7/13 vs. e0n, in, TR F1859=6/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7. AV differs textually.
Eph 1:20 h4n e0nh/rghsen e0n tw%~ xristw%~, e0gei/raj au0to\n e0k {RP: tw~n} [P1904 TR: - ] nekrw~n, kai\ e0ka&qisen e0n decia%~ au0tou= e0n toi=j e0pourani/oij, which he exerted in Christ, when he raised him from {RP: the} [P1904 TR: the] dead and seated him at his right hand in the upper-heavenly places, tw~n , the (dead): present in RP F1859=8/13 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's acfkm). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

when he raised ← having raised. See Matt 23:20.
Eph 5:14 Dio\ le/gei, {RP P1904: 871Egeire} [TR: 871Egeirai] o9 kaqeu/dwn kai\ a)na&sta e0k tw~n nekrw~n, kai\ e0pifau/sei soi o9 xristo/j. Therefore he says,

Awake, you who are asleep,

And arise from the dead,

And Christ will shine on you.”

e1geire, arise; awake (present active), RP P1904 HF F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's en) vs. e1geirai, arise; awake (aorist middle), TR F1859=10/12. A strong disparity with RP, R=3:11.

Isa 60:1, Isa 60:2 (allusion).

you: singular, from the verb.
Eph 5:21 u9potasso/menoi a)llh/loij e0n fo/bw% {RP-text P1904: xristou=} [RP-marg TR: qeou=]. submitting to each other in the fear {RP-text P1904: of Christ} [RP-marg TR: of God]. xristou=, of Christ, RP-text P1904 HF-Mpt-app SyrP VulgC VulgS F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's cfkm) vs. qeou=, of God, RP-marg TR HF-Mpt-text F1859=8/12. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9. AV differs textually.
Eph 6:6 mh\ kat' {RP TR: o0fqalmodoulei/an} [P1904: o0fqalmodouli/an] w(j a)nqrwpa&reskoi, a)ll' w(j dou=loi tou= xristou=, poiou=ntej to\ qe/lhma tou= qeou= e0k yuxh=j, not in the manner of eye-service as men-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, o0fqalmodoulei/an, eye-service (1), RP TR F1859=7/13 vs. o0fqalmodouli/an, eye-service (2), P1904 F1859=6/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

heart ← soul.
Eph 6:7 met' eu0noi/aj douleu/ontej {RP P1904 S1894: w(j} [S1550 E1624: - ] tw%~ kuri/w% kai\ ou0k a)nqrw&poij: serving with goodwill, {RP P1904 S1894: as} [S1550 E1624: - ] to the Lord and not to men, w(j, as: present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=5/13 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=8/13. A weak disparity with RP, R=7:9.
Phil 1:6 pepoiqw_j au0to\ tou=to, o3ti o9 e0narca&menoj e0n u9mi=n e1rgon a)gaqo\n e0pitele/sei a!xri h9me/raj {RP: xristou= 870Ihsou=} [P1904 TR: 870Ihsou= xristou=]: confident of this very thing, that he who started a good work in you will be completing it until the day of {RP: Christ Jesus} [P1904 TR: Jesus Christ], xristou= 870Ihsou=, Christ + Jesus, RP F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's cekn) VulgC VulgS vs. 870Ihsou= xristou=, Jesus + Christ, P1904 TR F1859=8/12 SyrP. A disparity with RP, R=4:10. AV differs textually.
Phil 2:21 Oi9 pa&ntej ga_r ta_ e9autw~n zhtou=sin, ou0 ta_ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tou=] xristou= 870Ihsou=. For all seek their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus. tou=, (of) the (Christ): absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/13 vs. present in TR F1859=6/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

Christ Jesus: AV differs in word order, Jesus Christ.
Phil 2:27 kai\ ga_r h0sqe/nhsen paraplh/sion {RP TR: qana&tw%} [P1904: qana&tou], {RP: a)lla_} [P1904 TR: a)ll'] o9 qeo\j au0to\n h0le/hsen, ou0k au0to\n de\ mo/non, a)lla_ kai\ e0me/, i3na mh\ lu/phn e0pi\ {RP P1904: lu/phn} [TR: lu/ph|] sxw~. for he did indeed fall so ill that he was near to death, but God had mercy on him, and not only him, but me also, so that I should not have grief upon grief, qana&tw%, to death, RP TR F1859=12/13 vs. qana&tou, of death, but treated as the genitive after the improper preposition paraplh/sion, P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). No difference in our English.

a)lla_, but (unapocopated form), RP F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's cen) vs. a)ll', but (apocopated form), P1904 TR F1859=10/13. A strong disparity with RP, R=3:12.

lu/phn, grief (accusative), RP P1904 F1859=8/14 vs. lu/ph|, grief (dative), TR F1859=6/14 (Scrivener's abckl**o).
Col 1:6 tou= paro/ntoj ei0j u9ma~j, kaqw_j kai\ e0n panti\ tw%~ ko/smw%, kai\ e1stin karpoforou/menon {RP-text P1904: kai\ au0cano/menon} [RP-marg TR: - ], kaqw_j kai\ e0n u9mi=n a)f' h[j h9me/raj h0kou/sate kai\ e0pe/gnwte th\n xa&rin tou= qeou= e0n a)lhqei/a%: which has come to you, as also in all the world, and is bearing fruit {RP-text P1904: and increasing} [RP-marg TR: - ], as it has been doing among you too, from the day when you heard and acknowledged the grace of God in truth, kai\ au0cano/menon, and increasing: present in RP-text P1904 VulgC VulgS SyrP F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ahmo) vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10. AV differs textually.

bearing fruit: middle voice (is bearing fruit for itself, has fruit borne). It agrees with gospel here. In Col 1:10 the voice of the same verb is active and the word agrees with you.
Col 1:14 e0n w%{ e1xomen th\n a)polu/trwsin {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: dia_ tou= ai3matoj au0tou=], th\n a!fesin tw~n a(martiw~n: in whom we have redemption {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: through his blood], the remission of sins, dia_ tou= ai3matoj au0tou=, (redemption) through his blood: absent in RP-text P1904 HF-Mpt-text VulgS SyrP F1859=6/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR HF-Mpt-app VulgC F1859=7/13. [WP] claims 60% of manuscripts support the reading. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=7:8. AV differs textually. The ↴
Col 1:20 kai\ di' au0tou= a)pokatalla&cai ta_ pa&nta ei0j au0to/n, ei0rhnopoih/saj dia_ tou= ai3matoj tou= staurou= au0tou=, di' au0tou=, ei1te ta_ e0pi\ th=j gh=j, ei1te ta_ {RP: e0pi\} [P1904 TR: e0n] toi=j ou0ranoi=j. and through him to reconcile all things to himself, having made peace through the blood of his cross, through him, whether they are things on earth or things in the heavens. e0pi\, on (though we translate in), RP F1859=5/13 vs. e0n, in, P1904 TR F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP, R=5:10.

reconcile: see Eph 2:16.
Col 1:24 {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: Nu=n} [S1894: 874Oj nu=n] xai/rw e0n toi=j {RP: paqh/masin} [P1904 TR: paqh/masi/ mou] u9pe\r u9mw~n, kai\ a)ntanaplhrw~ ta_ u9sterh/mata tw~n qli/yewn tou= xristou= e0n th|= sarki/ mou u9pe\r tou= sw&matoj au0tou=, o3 e0stin h9 e0kklhsi/a: I {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: - } [S1894: who] now rejoice in {RP: - } [P1904 TR: my] sufferings for your sakes, and I contribute my share to what is lacking among the tribulations of Christ, in my flesh, for the sake of his body, which is the church, o4j, (I) who: absent in RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=13/13 vs. present in S1894 F1859=0/13.

mou, my (sufferings): absent in RP F1859=7/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=6/13. A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

among ← of.

church: see Matt 16:18.
Col 1:27 oi[j h0qe/lhsen o9 qeo\j gnwri/sai {RP: ti/ to\} [P1904 TR: ti/j o9] plou=toj th=j do/chj tou= musthri/ou tou/tou e0n toi=j e1qnesin, o3j e0stin xristo\j e0n u9mi=n, h9 e0lpi\j th=j do/chj: to whom God wished to make known what the richness is of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory, ti/ to\, what the (richness is) (neuter), RP F1859=8/13 vs. ti/j o9, what the (richness is) (masculine), P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bfhko). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

among ... in: the Greek same word in each case. Compare Matt 2:6, e0n = among (the governmental towns). But compare also Eph 3:17 e0n = in (your hearts).

which: in RP the relative (o3j) does ↴
Col 2:14 e0calei/yaj to\ kaq' h9mw~n xeiro/grafon toi=j do/gmasin, o4 h]n u9penanti/on h9mi=n: kai\ au0to\ {RP TR: h]rken} [P1904: h]ren] e0k tou= me/sou, proshlw&saj au0to\ tw%~ staurw%~: having blotted out the writing attesting to ordinances, which was against us, which was in opposition to us and which he {RP TR: has removed} [P1904: removed] from our midst, having nailed it to the cross. ↳ Rom 6:2, Rom 6:11, Eph 2:1, Eph 2:5, we have e0n, in, here. It is present in RP P1904 TR VulgC VulgS SyrP F1859=8/13 vs. absent in F1859=5/13 [WP]. An examination of ↴

h]rken, has removed, RP TR F1859=6/13 vs. h]ren, removed, P1904 F1859=7/13. A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

writing ← handwriting.
Col 2:20 Ei0 {RP: - } [P1904 TR: ou]n] a)peqa&nete su\n {RP: - } [P1904 TR: tw%~] xristw%~, a)po\ tw~n stoixei/wn tou= ko/smou, ti/ w(j zw~ntej e0n ko/smw% dogmati/zesqe, {RP: If} [P1904 TR: If, therefore,] you have died with Christ to the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are you imposed upon with ordinances? ou]n, therefore: absent in RP VulgS F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's dk) vs. present in P1904 TR VulgC SyrP F1859=11/13. A strong disparity with RP, R=2:13.

tw%~, (died with) the (Christ): absent in RP F1859=12/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k). A case of collusion between P1904 and TR?

to ← away from.
Col 3:5 Nekrw&sate ou]n ta_ me/lh u9mw~n ta_ e0pi\ th=j gh=j, pornei/an, a)kaqarsi/an, pa&qoj, e0piqumi/an kakh/n, kai\ th\n pleoneci/an, h3tij e0sti\n {RP TR: ei0dwlolatrei/a} [P1904: ei0dwlolatri/a], So mortify your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and fraud, which is idolatry, ei0dwlolatrei/a, idolatry (1), RP TR F1859=6/14 vs. ei0dwlolatri/a, idolatry (2), P1904 F1859=7/14 vs. another spelling, F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's d*). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

fraud: or covetousness, greed. See 1 Cor 5:10.
Col 3:20 Ta_ te/kna, u9pakou/ete toi=j goneu=sin kata_ pa&nta: tou=to ga&r e0stin eu0a&reston {RP: e0n} [P1904 TR: tw%~] kuri/w%. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing {RP: with the} [P1904 TR: to the] Lord. e0n, in; with, RP F1859=7/13 vs. tw%~, to the, P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's acdhko). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.
Col 3:22 Oi9 dou=loi, u9pakou/ete kata_ pa&nta toi=j kata_ sa&rka kuri/oij, mh\ e0n {RP TR: o0fqalmodoulei/aij} [P1904: o0fqalmodouli/aij] w(j a)nqrwpa&reskoi, a)ll' e0n a(plo/thti kardi/aj, fobou/menoi to\n qeo/n: Servants, obey your masters according to the flesh in everything, not in eye-service, as men-pleasers, but in single-mindedness, fearing God, o0fqalmodoulei/aij, eye-service (1), RP TR F1859=7/14 vs. o0fqalmodouli/aij, eye-service (2), P1904 F1859=6/14 vs. o0fqalmodoulei/ai, F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's k). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

servants: or slaves.

single-mindedness ← singleness of heart.
Col 3:24 ei0do/tej o3ti a)po\ kuri/ou {RP: lh/yesqe} [P1904 TR: a)polh/yesqe] th\n a)ntapo/dosin th=j klhronomi/aj: tw%~ ga_r kuri/w% xristw%~ douleu/ete. knowing that you will {RP: receive} [P1904 TR: receive back] from the Lord the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ, lh/yesqe, you will receive, RP F1859=8/14 vs. a)polh/yesqe, you will receive back, P1904 TR F1859=5/14 vs. a)polh/yasqe, you will receive back (misspelled future?), F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's d). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.
Col 4:16 Kai\ o3tan a)nagnwsqh|= par' u9mi=n h9 e0pistolh/, poih/sate i3na kai\ e0n th|= {RP: Laodikai/wn} [P1904 TR: Laodike/wn] e0kklhsi/a% a)nagnwsqh|=, kai\ th\n e0k Laodikei/aj i3na kai\ u9mei=j a)nagnw~te. and when this epistle is read among you, arrange for it to be read in the church of the Laodiceans too and that you also read the one from Laodicea, Laodikai/wn, of the Laodiceans (1), RP F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fgn) vs. Laodike/wn, of the Laodiceans (2), P1904 TR F1859=10/13. A strong disparity with RP, R=3:12.

this ← the.

arrange ← do.

church: see Matt 16:18.
1 Thes 2:8 ou3twj, {RP P1904: o9meiro/menoi} [TR: i9meiro/menoi] u9mw~n, eu0dokou=men metadou=nai u9mi=n ou0 mo/non to\ eu0agge/lion tou= qeou=, a)lla_ kai\ ta_j e9autw~n yuxa&j, dio/ti a)gaphtoi\ h9mi=n gege/nhsqe. So, longing for you, we were glad to share with you not only the gospel of God, but also our own selves, because you had become dear to us. o9meiro/menoi, longing for (non-classical form), RP P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's demn) vs. i9meiro/menoi, longing for (classical form), TR F1859=6/13 vs. other spellings similar to o9meiro/menoi, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's kf) vs. other spellings similar to i9meiro/menoi, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c). A weak disparity with RP, R=5:7 (or, less rigorously, R=7:8).

selves ← souls.
1 Thes 2:19 Ti/j ga_r h9mw~n e0lpi\j h2 xara_ h2 ste/fanoj kauxh/sewj; 872H ou0xi\ kai\ u9mei=j, e1mprosqen tou= kuri/ou h9mw~n 870Ihsou= {RP: - } [P1904 TR: xristou=] e0n th|= au0tou= parousi/a%; For what is our hope or joy or crown of exultation? Is it anything but you in the presence of our Lord Jesus {RP: - } [P1904 TR: Christ] at his coming? xristou=, Christ: absent in RP F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's dehl) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP, R=4:11. AV differs textually.

is it anything but ← or not also.
1 Thes 4:1 {RP-text: Loipo\n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: To\ loipo\n] ou]n, a)delfoi/, e0rwtw~men u9ma~j kai\ parakalou=men e0n kuri/w% 870Ihsou= kaqw_j parela&bete par' h9mw~n to\ pw~j dei= u9ma~j peripatei=n kai\ a)re/skein qew%~, i3na perisseu/hte ma~llon. Finally, then, brothers, we ask you and encourage you in the Lord Jesus, to abound yet more in the way you received from us about how you need to walk and how to please God. to\, the (part of the idiom for finally): absent in RP-text F1859=8/13 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

finally ← (as for) the rest.
1 Thes 5:10 tou= a)poqano/ntoj u9pe\r h9mw~n, i3na, ei1te {RP-text P1904 TR: grhgorw~men} [RP-marg: grhgorou=men] ei1te {RP P1904 TR: kaqeu/dwmen} [MISC: kaqeu/domen], a#ma su\n au0tw%~ zh/swmen. who died for our sakes, to the intent that whether we are watchful or whether we sleep, we will live together with him. grhgorw~men, we are watchful (non-classical subjunctive), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's adefklmn) vs. grhgorou=men, we are watchful (classical indicative), RP-marg F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bcgho).

kaqeu/dwmen, we sleep (non-classical subjunctive), RP P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's aden) vs. kaqeu/domen, we sleep (classical indicative), F1859=9/13 (Scrivener's bcfghklmo). A disparity with RP, R=6:9.

Summary of verbs in ↴
1 Thes 5:13 kai\ {RP P1904 TR: h9gei=sqai} [MISC: h9gei=sqe] au0tou\j u9pe\r e0kperissou= e0n a)ga&ph| dia_ to\ e1rgon au0tw~n. Ei0rhneu/ete e0n e9autoi=j. and {RP P1904 TR: to} [MISC: - ] esteem them most exceedingly in love on account of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. h9gei=sqai, to esteem, RP P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's achno) vs. h9gei=sqe, esteem!, F1859=8/13. A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.
1 Thes 5:21 pa&nta {RP P1904: de\} [TR: - ] {RP-text P1904 TR: dokima&zete} [RP-marg: dokima&zontej]: to\ kalo\n kate/xete: {RP-text P1904: but test everything;} [RP-marg: but through testing everything,] [TR: test everything;] hold fast to that which is good. de\, but: present in RP P1904 F1859=9/14 vs. absent in TR F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's b*cfgk).

dokima&zete, test!, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/15 (Scrivener's d**ehl*mn) vs. dokima&zontej, testing, RP-marg F1859=8/15 vs. another reading, doubtful, F1859=1/15 (Scrivener's ?d*). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:8.
2 Thes 1:8 e0n puri\ flogo/j, dido/ntoj e0kdi/khsin toi=j mh\ ei0do/sin qeo/n, kai\ toi=j mh\ u9pakou/ousin tw%~ eu0aggeli/w% tou= kuri/ou h9mw~n 870Ihsou= {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: xristou=]: with flaming fire, taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: Christ], xristou=, (of) Christ: absent in RP-text F1859=7/13 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/13. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=7:8. AV differs textually.

flaming fire ← fire of flame, a Hebraic genitive.
1 Tim 1:9 ei0dw_j tou=to, o3ti dikai/w% no/moj ou0 kei=tai, a)no/moij de\ kai\ a)nupota&ktoij, a)sebe/sin kai\ a(martwloi=j, a)nosi/oij kai\ bebh/loij, {RP-text P1904: patrolw%&aij} [RP-marg TR: patralw%&aij] kai\ {RP-text P1904: mhtrolw%&aij} [RP-marg TR: mhtralw%&aij], a)ndrofo/noij, knowing this, that the law has not been instituted for a righteous person, but for the lawless and unruly, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the irreverent and profane, for those who commit patricide and matricide, for murderers, patrolw%&aij, for patricides (1a), RP-text P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's dfhkl) vs. patrolo/aij, for patricides (1b), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. patralw%&aij, for patricides (2a), RP-marg TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g) vs. patraloi/aij, for patricides (2b), F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's aben) vs. two similar, F1859=2/13.

mhtrolw%&aij, for matricides (1a), RP-text P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's dfghklo) vs. mhtrolo/aij, for matricides (1b), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. mhtroloi/aij, for matricides (1c), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. two similar, F1859=2/13. A disparity with RP-marg (low count).
1 Tim 3:2 Dei= ou]n to\n e0pi/skopon a)nepi/lhpton ei]nai, mia~j gunaiko\j a!ndra, {RP S1550: nhfa&leon} [P1904 E1624 S1894: nhfa&lion], sw&frona, ko/smion, filo/cenon, didaktiko/n: An overseer, then, must be unimpeachable, the husband of one wife, sober, temperate, well-behaved, hospitable, with aptitude for teaching, nhfa&leon, sober (1), RP S1550 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's aefn) vs. nhfa&lion, sober (2), P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcghkl) vs. nhfa&leion, sober (3), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. nhfa&laion, sober (4), F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's do). A disparity with RP, R=5:8.

overseer: etymologically bishop.
1 Tim 3:11 Gunai=kaj w(sau/twj semna&j, mh\ diabo/louj, {RP S1550: nhfale/ouj} [P1904 E1624 S1894: nhfali/ouj], pista_j e0n pa~sin. Similarly, their wives must be solemn, not slanderous, sober, faithful in everything. nhfale/ouj, sober (1), RP S1550 F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's el*mno) vs. nhfali/ouj, sober (2), P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=6/14 (Scrivener's bcghkl**) vs. nhfale/aj, sober (3), F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's a) vs. nhfalai/ouj, sober (4), F1859=2/14 (Scrivener's df). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:8.
1 Tim 4:8 h9 ga_r swmatikh\ gumnasi/a pro\j o0li/gon e0sti\n w)fe/limoj: h9 de\ eu0se/beia pro\j pa&nta w)fe/limo/j e0stin, {RP TR: e0paggeli/an} [P1904: e0paggeli/aj] e1xousa zwh=j th=j nu=n kai\ th=j mellou/shj. For physical exercise is beneficial in a minor matter, but godliness is beneficial in all respects, having the {RP TR: promise} [P1904: promises] of present and future life. e0paggeli/an, promise, RP TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's acfk) vs. e0paggeli/aj, promises, P1904 F1859=8/12. A disparity with RP, R=5:9.
1 Tim 6:12 870Agwni/zou to\n kalo\n a)gw~na th=j pi/stewj, e0pilabou= th=j ai0wni/ou zwh=j, ei0j h4n {RP: - } [P1904 TR: kai\] e0klh/qhj, kai\ w(molo/ghsaj th\n kalh\n o9mologi/an e0nw&pion pollw~n martu/rwn. Contend in the good contest of faith, take hold of age-abiding life, to which you were {RP: - } [P1904 TR: also] called, having also confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. kai\, also: absent in RP F1859=7/14 (Scrivener's abcefgk) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=7/14 (Scrivener's dhlmnoz). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:9.
1 Tim 6:20 87]W Timo/qee, th\n {RP: paraqh/khn} [P1904 TR: parakataqh/khn] fu/lacon, e0ktrepo/menoj ta_j bebh/louj kenofwni/aj kai\ a)ntiqe/seij th=j yeudwnu/mou gnw&sewj: Timothy, guard the deposit, avoiding profane vain talk and contradictions of science falsely so called, paraqh/khn, deposit, thing entrusted (1), RP F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's acdehmn) vs. parakataqh/khn, deposit, thing entrusted (2), P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bfgklo). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

science: or knowledge. VulgC VulgS have scientia, from which perhaps the AV's science, which seems so appropriate in our day too.
2 Tim 1:5 u9po/mnhsin lamba&nwn th=j e0n soi\ a)nupokri/tou pi/stewj, h3tij e0nw%&khsen prw~ton e0n th|= ma&mmh| sou Lwi+/di kai\ th|= mhtri/ sou {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: Eu0ni/kh|} [S1550: Eu0nei/kh|], pe/peismai de\ o3ti kai\ e0n soi/. as I recall the unfeigned faith which is in you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice, and, I am persuaded, also in you. Eu0ni/kh|, Eunice (1), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=5/13 vs. Eu0nei/kh|, Eunice (2), S1550 F1859=7/13 vs. Eu0nh/kh|, Eunice (3), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.
2 Tim 1:15 Oi]daj tou=to, o3ti a)pestra&fhsa&n me pa&ntej oi9 e0n th|= 870Asi/a%, w{n e0sti\n {RP: Fu/geloj} [P1904 TR: Fu/gelloj] kai\ 879Ermoge/nhj. You know this, that all those in Asia have turned away from me, among whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes. Fu/geloj, Phygelus, RP F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's cemn) vs. Fu/gelloj, Phygellus, P1904 TR F1859=8/14 vs. other spellings, F1859=2/14 (Scrivener's lo*). In our English, we retain the traditional spelling of the name, which also appears to have good manuscript support. A disparity with RP, R=4:10.
2 Tim 1:16 Dw%&h e1leoj o9 ku/rioj tw%~ 870Onhsifo/rou oi1kw%: o3ti polla&kij me a)ne/yucen, kai\ th\n a#lusi/n mou ou0k {RP P1904: e0paisxu/nqh} [TR: e0ph|sxu/nqh], May the Lord show mercy to the house of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain, e0paisxu/nqh, he was ashamed (non-classical aorist without augment), RP P1904 F1859=6/14 vs. e0ph|sxu/nqh, he was ashamed (classical aorist with augment), TR F1859=8/14. A weak disparity with RP, R=7:9.

show ← give.
2 Tim 4:13 To\n {RP-text E1624 S1894: felo/nhn} [RP-marg P1904 S1550: failo/nhn] o4n a)pe/lipon e0n Trw%a&di para_ Ka&rpw%, e0rxo/menoj fe/re, kai\ ta_ bibli/a, ma&lista ta_j membra&naj. When you come, bring the cloak with you which I left behind in Troas with Carpus, and the books, especially the parchments. felo/nhn, cloak (1), RP-text E1624 S1894 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's achkl**) vs. failo/nhn, cloak (2), RP-marg P1904 S1550 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's begl*o) vs. other spellings, F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fmn). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:7.
Titus 2:2 presbu/taj {RP-text: nhfale/ouj} [RP-marg P1904 TR: nhfali/ouj] ei]nai, semnou/j, sw&fronaj, u9giai/nontaj th|= pi/stei, th|= a)ga&ph|, th|= u9pomonh|=: that elderly men be sober, solemn, temperate, sound in the faith, in love, in patience. nhfale/ouj, sober (1), RP-text F1859=5/13 (Scivener's aelmn + b*?) vs. nhfali/ouj, sober (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's b**cghk) vs. nhfalai/ouj, sober (3), F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's dfo). Scrivener's b* is excluded as it is doubtful. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.
Titus 3:8 Pisto\j o9 lo/goj, kai\ peri\ tou/twn bou/lomai/ se diabebaiou=sqai, i3na fronti/zwsin kalw~n e1rgwn proi+/stasqai oi9 pepisteuko/tej {RP: - } [P1904 TR: tw%~] qew%~. Tau=ta& e0stin ta_ kala_ kai\ w)fe/lima toi=j a)nqrw&poij: The saying is faithful, and I want you to insist on these things: that those who have believed in God make a point of giving priority to good works. These are the good and beneficial things to men. tw%~, (in) the (God): absent in RP F1859=0/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=13/13. A strong disparity with RP, R=0:15. HF, NA26 agree with RP. Yet Scrivener is correct! We have verified all of Scrivener's manuscripts except the lectionary z: all have tw%~. But ↴
Heb 3:16 {RP-text TR: Tine\j} [RP-marg P1904: Ti/nej] ga_r a)kou/santej parepi/kranan, a)ll' ou0 pa&ntej oi9 e0celqo/ntej e0c Ai0gu/ptou dia_ {RP: Mwu+se/wj.} [P1904: Mwu+se/wj;] [TR: Mwse/wj.] {RP-text TR: For some on hearing it were provocative, but not all who came out of Egypt under Moses' leadership were.} [RP-marg: For who on hearing it were provocative? But not all who came out of Egypt under Moses' leadership were.] [P1904: For who on hearing it were provocative? Was it not all who came out of Egypt under Moses' leadership?] tine\j, some, RP-text TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's mno) vs. ti/nej, who?, RP-marg P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's o) vs. unmarked accent or unclear (we presume), F1859=9/13.

Mwu+se/wj, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's kn) vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's cdem) vs. Mwu+se/oj, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abfghlo). A disparity with RP, R=3:8.

Various punctuations make either clause a statement or question.
Heb 6:3 Kai\ tou=to {RP: poih/swmen} [P1904 TR: poih/somen], e0a&nper e0pitre/ph| o9 qeo/j. And {RP: let us do this} [P1904 TR: this we will do], if indeed God allows it. poih/swmen, let us do, RP F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's dlno) vs. poih/somen, we shall do, P1904 TR F1859=7/12 vs. verse absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's m). A disparity with RP, R=4:9.
Heb 6:9 Pepei/smeqa de\ peri\ u9mw~n, a)gaphtoi/, ta_ {RP: krei/ssona} [P1904 TR: krei/ttona] kai\ e0xo/mena swthri/aj, ei0 kai\ ou3twj lalou=men: But, beloved, we have been persuaded of better things concerning you, and things following on from salvation, even though we speak this way, krei/ssona, better (things) (1), RP F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's bfln) vs. krei/ttona, better (things) (2), P1904 TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's a*cdghkm) vs. other spellings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's a**o). A disparity with RP, R=4:9.

following on from ← clinging to, following closely.
Heb 8:6 Nuni\ de\ diaforwte/raj {RP: te/tuxen} [P1904 TR: te/teuxen] leitourgi/aj, o3sw% kai\ krei/ttono/j e0stin diaqh/khj mesi/thj, h3tij e0pi\ krei/ttosin e0paggeli/aij nenomoqe/thtai. But now he has obtained a more excellent ministry inasmuch as he is also a mediator of a better covenant, which has been drawn up on the basis of better promises. te/tuxen, he has obtained (non-classical form), RP F1859=0/12 vs. te/teuxen, he has obtained (late classical form), P1904 TR F1859=10/12 (Scrivener's b**cfghklmno) vs. te/tuxhke¨n©, he has obtained (classical form), F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ab*). A strong disparity with RP, R=0:12. We have verified Scrivener's cfhk.

inasmuch as ← by the same amount as.
Heb 9:1 Ei]xen me\n ou]n kai\ h9 prw&th {RP S1894: - } [P1904 S1550 E1624: skhnh\] dikaiw&mata latrei/aj, to/ te a#gion kosmiko/n. The first {RP S1894: one} [P1904 S1550 E1624: tabernacle] did indeed have ordinances of religious service and the worldly sanctuary. skhnh\, tent, tabernacle: absent in RP S1894 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's hln*) vs. present in P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=9/12 (incl. n**, a recent hand in the margin). A disparity with RP, R=4:11.

{RP S1894: one: there is no nearby noun connected with the word first, and a forward reference to tabernacle (Heb 9:2) is possible, as is covenant (Heb 8:10), implicitly resumed by the feminine new and first in Heb 8:13. But the word tabernacle could be in the original text.}

sanctuary ← holy (thing), here the neuter singular (though usually plural, as in Heb 8:2, Heb 9:2).
Heb 10:1 Skia_n ga_r e1xwn o9 no/moj tw~n mello/ntwn a)gaqw~n, ou0k au0th\n th\n ei0ko/na tw~n pragma&twn, kat' e0niauto\n tai=j au0tai=j qusi/aij a$j prosfe/rousin ei0j to\ dihneke/j, ou0de/pote {RP: du/nantai} [P1904 TR: du/natai] tou\j proserxome/nouj teleiw~sai. For {RP: seeing that the law has a shadow of the good things to come, but not the image itself of the things, they} [P1904 TR: the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, but not being the image itself of the things,] can never – with the same sacrifices which they offer every year perpetually – perfect those who draw near. du/nantai, they (the same sacrifices) can (not), RP F1859=8/16 (incl. a**) vs. du/natai, it (the law) can (not), P1904 TR F1859=7/16 (incl. b**l**) vs. word absent, F1859=1/16 (Scrivener's k). A weak disparity with RP, R=8:9. AV differs textually.

{RP: seeing that: causal use of the participle.}
Heb 10:28 870Aqeth/saj tij no/mon {RP-text P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [RP-marg TR: Mwse/wj] xwri\j oi0ktirmw~n e0pi\ dusi\n h2 trisi\n ma&rtusin a)poqnh|/skei: Anyone who lays aside the law of Moses on the testimony of two or three witnesses dies without mercy. Mwu+se/wj, Moüses, RP-text P1904 F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's demno) vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, RP-marg TR F1859=6/14 (Scrivener's abcgkz) vs. Mwu+se/oj, Moses, F1859=3/14 (Scrivener's fhl). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:7.

lays aside ← has laid aside.
Heb 11:8 Pi/stei kalou/menoj 870Abraa_m u9ph/kousen e0celqei=n ei0j to\n to/pon o4n {RP TR: h1mellen} [P1904: e1mellen] lamba&nein ei0j klhronomi/an, kai\ e0ch=lqen mh\ e0pista&menoj pou= e1rxetai. By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed in going out to the place which he was to receive as an inheritance, and he went out not knowing where he was going. h1melle¨n©, he was going to (1), RP TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's dhlmno) vs. e1melle¨n©, he was going to (2), P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abcefgk). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8, all the more of a disparity with the weaker manuscripts on the side of RP (hm weak?).
Heb 11:9 Pi/stei parw%&khsen ei0j {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: th\n] gh=n th=j e0paggeli/aj, w(j a)llotri/an, e0n skhnai=j katoikh/saj meta_ 870Isaa_k kai\ 870Iakw&b, tw~n sugklhrono/mwn th=j e0paggeli/aj th=j au0th=j: By faith he lived as an emigrant in {RP-text: the} [RP-marg P1904 TR: the] land of the promise as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the fellow heirs of the same promise. th\n, the: absent in RP-text F1859=8/15 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=7/15 (Scrivener's a**b**flmno). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=8:9.

living ← having lived. See Matt 23:20.
Heb 11:26 mei/zona plou=ton h9ghsa&menoj tw~n {RP P1904: Ai0gu/ptou} [TR: e0n Ai0gu/ptw%] qhsaurw~n to\n o0neidismo\n tou= xristou=: a)pe/blepen ga_r ei0j th\n misqapodosi/an. considering the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures {RP P1904: of} [TR: in] Egypt, for he had the reward in view. Ai0gu/ptou, of Egypt, RP P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's efhn) vs. e0n Ai0gu/ptw%, in Egypt, TR F1859=9/13 (incl. Ai9-, kmo). A disparity with RP, R=5:10.

considering ← having considered. See Matt 23:20.
Heb 12:7 {RP-text: Ei0j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Ei0] paidei/an u9pome/nete, w(j ui9oi=j u9mi=n prosfe/retai o9 qeo/j: ti/j ga&r e0stin ui9o\j o4n ou0 paideu/ei path/r; {RP-text: Be patient in being disciplined when} [RP-marg P1904 TR: If you are patient in being disciplined, then] God deals with you as with sons, for what kind of a son is it whom the father does not discipline? ei0j, in, for, RP-text F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's l*mo) vs. ei0, if, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's abcdefghkl**). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:12.

being disciplined (2x)discipline.
Heb 13:5 870Afila&rguroj o9 tro/poj, a)rkou/menoi toi=j parou=sin: au0to\j ga_r ei1rhken, Ou0 mh/ se a)nw~, ou0d' ou0 mh/ se {RP: e0gkatalei/pw} [P1904 TR: e0gkatali/pw]. Let your way of life not be avaricious, being content with what you have, for he himself said, “I will certainly not desert you nor forsake you.” e0gkatalei/pw, leave (present subjunctive, so imperfective aspect), RP F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's cdfkmo) vs. e0gkatali/pw, leave (aorist subjunctive, so perfective aspect), P1904 TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abeghjl). A disparity with RP, R=6:9.

Deut 31:6, Josh 1:5.

what you have ← (things) present.
James 1:5 Ei0 de/ tij u9mw~n lei/petai sofi/aj, ai0tei/tw para_ tou= dido/ntoj qeou= pa~sin a(plw~j, kai\ {RP P1904: ou0k} [TR: mh\] o0neidi/zontoj, kai\ doqh/setai au0tw%~. But if anyone among you lacks wisdom, let him ask from God, who gives generously to all, and not begrudgingly, and it will be given to him. ou0k, not (classical usage), RP P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's dfhjlm) vs. mh\, not (non-classical usage, common in NT), TR F1859=6/12. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7, the more of a disparity with the weaker manuscripts on the side of RP (hm weak?).

generously: classically, simply, plainly, openly, frankly [LS]. [MG] gives without discrimination, which ↴
James 2:11 879O ga_r ei0pw&n, Mh\ {RP: moixeu/seij} [P1904 TR: moixeu/sh|j], ei]pen kai/, Mh\ {RP: foneu/seij} [P1904 TR: foneu/sh|j]: ei0 de\ ou0 moixeu/seij, foneu/seij de/, ge/gonaj paraba&thj no/mou. For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery, also said, “You shall not commit murder.” And if you do not commit adultery, but you do commit murder, you become culpable of breaking the law. moixeu/seij, (do not) commit adultery (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. moixeu/sh|j, (do not) commit adultery (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. other readings, F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's acf). A strong disparity (#1) with RP, R=1:10.

foneu/seij, (do not) commit murder (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. foneu/sh|j, (do not) commit murder (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=9/12 vs. other readings, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ac). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=1:11.

Ex 20:13-14, Deut 5:17-18.

become ← have become.
James 4:2 870Epiqumei=te, kai\ ou0k e1xete: foneu/ete kai\ zhlou=te, kai\ ou0 du/nasqe e0pituxei=n: ma&xesqe kai\ polemei=te, {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\] ou0k e1xete {RP P1904: - } [TR: de\] dia_ to\ mh\ ai0tei=sqai u9ma~j: You have desires, but you don't obtain them. You kill and covet, but you cannot attain them. You fight and wage war, {RP: but} [P1904 TR: but] you do not obtain them, because you do not ask. kai\, and: absent in RP TR F1859=7/14 vs. present in P1904 F1859=7/14 (2 being from a second hand). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:8.

de\, but: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12.

you have desires, but you don't obtain themyou desire, but you do not have. The use of have here ↴
James 4:12 Ei[j e0sti\n o9 nomoqe/thj {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\ krith/j], o9 duna&menoj sw~sai kai\ a)pole/sai: su\ {RP P1904: de\} [TR: - ] ti/j ei] o4j kri/neij to\n e3teron; There is one lawgiver {RP TR: - } [P1904: and judge], who is able to save and destroy. {RP P1904: But who} [TR: Who] are you who judge another? kai\ krith/j, and judge: absent in RP TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cdfkl) vs. present in P1904 F1859=7/12 (with a variation in o). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:8.

de\, but: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=5/12.
James 4:14 oi3tinej ou0k e0pi/stasqe to\ th=j au1rion. Poi/a ga_r h9 zwh\ u9mw~n; 870Atmi\j {RP-text P1904: ga_r e1stai} [RP-marg TR: ga&r e0stin] h9 pro\j o0li/gon fainome/nh, e1peita de\ {RP P1904: kai\} [TR: - ] a)fanizome/nh. you who do not understand what “tomorrow” means. What kind of a life do you have, then? For it {RP-text P1904: will be} [RP-marg TR: is] a vapour which makes an appearance for a short time, but then {RP P1904: in turn} [TR: - ] it vanishes. e1stai, will be, RP-text P1904 F1859=6/12 (incl. d misspelled) vs. e0stin, is, RP-marg TR F1859=6/12. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:7.

kai\, also: present in RP P1904 F1859=8/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's achl).

{RP: in turn ← also.}
James 5:7 Makroqumh/sate ou]n, a)delfoi/, e3wj th=j parousi/aj tou= kuri/ou. 870Idou/, o9 gewrgo\j e0kde/xetai to\n ti/mion karpo\n th=j gh=j, makroqumw~n e0p' {RP: au0to/n} [P1904 TR: au0tw%~], e3wj {RP P1904: - } [TR: a@n] la&bh| u9eto\n prw&i+mon kai\ o1yimon. So be longsuffering, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Look, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the land, being longsuffering for it until he receives the early and late rain. au0to/n, (for) it (1 - accusative), RP F1859=6/12 vs. au0tw%~, (for) it (2 - dative), P1904 TR F1859=6/12. A weak disparity (#1) with RP, R=6:8.

a@n (particle indicating contingency, classical usage): absent in RP P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's djkl) vs. present in TR F1859=8/12. A disparity (#2) with RP, R=5:9.
James 5:11 870Idou/, makari/zomen tou\j u9pome/nontaj: th\n u9pomonh\n 870Iw_b h0kou/sate, kai\ to\ te/loj kuri/ou {RP-text: i1dete} [RP-marg P1904 TR: ei1dete], o3ti polu/splagxno/j e0stin {RP: - } [P1904 TR: o9 ku/rioj] kai\ oi0kti/rmwn. Look, we deem blessed those who endure. You have heard of the patience of Job, and {RP-text: look at} [RP-marg P1904 TR: have seen] the Lord's result: that {RP: he} [P1904 TR: the Lord] is of great pity and is compassionate. i1dete, see!, RP-text F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's jkm) vs. ei1dete, you saw, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=9/12. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:11. AV differs textually.

o9 ku/rioj, the Lord: absent in RP F1859=12/12 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=0/12. A case of collusion between P1904 and TR? AV differs textually, and with a translational difference (condemnation).

result ← end.
1 Pet 1:7 i3na to\ doki/mion u9mw~n th=j pi/stewj polu\ {RP TR: timiw&teron} [P1904: timo/teron] xrusi/ou tou= a)pollume/nou, dia_ puro\j de\ dokimazome/nou, eu9reqh|= ei0j e1painon kai\ timh\n kai\ {RP: ei0j} [P1904 TR: - ] do/can e0n a)pokalu/yei 870Ihsou= xristou=: in order that the tested character of your faith might be found to be much more precious than gold which perishes, even if tested by fire, for praise and honour and {RP: for} [P1904 TR: - ] glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, timiw&teron, more precious (classical form), RP TR F1859=6/12 vs. timo/teron, more precious (classical form when with polu\ adjoined), P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bdjkmo). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=7:7.

ei0j (preposition denoting apposition): present in RP F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's fgj) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=9/12. A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=3:11.

RP AV associate might be found with for praise and honour. So AV differs punctuationally.

if: conditional use of the participle.
1 Pet 1:16 dio/ti ge/graptai, 873Agioi {RP P1904: gi/nesqe} [TR: ge/nesqe], o3ti e0gw_ a#gio/j ei0mi. For it stands written: Be holy, for I am holy.” gi/nesqe, become (present, so imperfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's b**hjkm) vs. ge/nesqe, become (aorist, so perfective aspect), TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b*cfglo) vs. another reading, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ad). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:7.

Lev 11:44, Lev 11:45, Lev 19:2.
1 Pet 2:2 w(j a)rtige/nnhta bre/fh, to\ logiko\n a!dolon ga&la e0pipoqh/sate, i3na e0n au0tw%~ au0chqh=te {RP TR: - } [P1904: ei0j swthri/an], and, like new-born babies, long for the genuine word-based milk in order that you may increase by means of it {RP TR: - } [P1904: on the road to salvation], ei0j swthri/an, on the road to salvation: absent in RP TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cdfkl) vs. present in P1904 F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abghjmo). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:8, all the weaker with the weaker manuscripts against the side of RP (hm weak?).
1 Pet 2:14 ei1te h9gemo/sin, w(j di' au0tou= pempome/noij ei0j e0kdi/khsin {RP: - } [P1904 TR: me\n] kakopoiw~n, e1painon de\ a)gaqopoiw~n. or whether to leaders, who are sent by him for punishment {RP: - } [P1904 TR: - ] of evildoers, but for praise of welldoers, me\n, on the one hand: absent in RP F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's dgklm) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=7/12. We leave the word, where present, untranslated. A disparity with RP, R=5:9.

punishment: or vengeance.
1 Pet 2:17 Pa&ntaj timh/sate. Th\n a)delfo/thta {RP: a)gaph/sate} [P1904 TR: a)gapa~te]. To\n qeo\n fobei=sqe. To\n basile/a tima~te. Honour everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. a)gaph/sate, love! (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's ghklm) vs. a)gapa~te, love! (present, so imperfective aspect), P1904 TR F1859=7/12. A disparity with RP, R=5:9.
1 Pet 3:5 Ou3twj ga&r pote kai\ ai9 a#giai gunai=kej ai9 e0lpi/zousai e0pi\ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: to\n] qeo\n e0ko/smoun e9auta&j, u9potasso/menai toi=j i0di/oij a)ndra&sin: For in this way in the past also holy women – who put their hope in God – adorned themselves, being subject to their own husbands, to\n, the (God): absent in RP F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's bdmo) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=8/12. A disparity with RP, R=4:10.
1 Pet 3:7 Oi9 a!ndrej o9moi/wj, sunoikou=ntej kata_ gnw~sin, w(j a)sqeneste/rw% skeu/ei tw%~ gunaikei/w% a)pone/montej timh/n, w(j kai\ sugklhrono/moi xa&ritoj zwh=j, ei0j to\ mh\ {RP P1904: e0gko/ptesqai} [TR: e0kko/ptesqai] ta_j proseuxa_j u9mw~n. Husbands likewise, live with them in accordance with your knowledge, bestowing honour on the weaker feminine vessel, since you are also joint heirs to the gracious gift of life, so that your prayers may not be {RP P1904: impeded} [TR: cut off]. e0gko/ptesqai, be impeded, RP P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's djkl) vs. e0kko/ptesqai, be cut out, cut off, TR F1859=7/12 vs. e0nko/ptesqai, be impeded (misspelled), F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c). A disparity with RP, R=5:8, or a weak disparity, R=6:8 if the misspelling is counted.

bestowing ← as bestowing. See Luke 2:37 (redundant w(j).
1 Pet 3:16 sunei/dhsin e1xontej a)gaqh/n, i3na, e0n w%{ {RP-text P1904: katalalou=sin} [RP-marg TR: katalalw~sin] u9mw~n w(j kakopoiw~n, kataisxunqw~sin oi9 e0phrea&zontej u9mw~n th\n a)gaqh\n e0n xristw%~ a)nastrofh/n. having a clear conscience so that in the matter for which they {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: may] vilify you as an evildoer, those who treat you spitefully for your good conduct in Christ might be put to shame. katalalou=sin, they vilify, RP-text P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's b**dfh) vs. katalalw~sin, they may vilify (subjunctive, perhaps suggesting “whatever”, perhaps attracted by i3na), RP-marg TR F1859=6/13 vs. other readings, F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's acj). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.
1 Pet 3:18 873Oti kai\ xristo\j a#pac peri\ a(martiw~n e1paqen, di/kaioj u9pe\r a)di/kwn, i3na {RP: u9ma~j} [P1904 TR: h9ma~j] prosaga&gh| tw%~ qew%~, qanatwqei\j me\n sarki/, zw%opoihqei\j de\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tw%~] pneu/mati, For Christ also suffered for sins once, the just for the unjust, in order that he might bring {RP: you} [P1904 TR: us] to God, he having been put to death in the flesh but made alive by {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] spirit, u9ma~j, you, RP F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's abjmo) vs. h9ma~j, us, P1904 TR F1859=7/12. A disparity with RP, R=5:9. AV differs textually.

tw%~, the (spirit): absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. present in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

he having been put to death: the grammatical antecedent of he is Christ. AV differs, potentially, as the antecedent could be read as God or us.

by: or in.
1 Pet 4:3 870Arketo\j ga_r {RP-text TR: h9mi=n} [RP-marg P1904: u9mi=n] o9 parelhluqw_j xro/noj tou= bi/ou to\ qe/lhma tw~n e0qnw~n katerga&sasqai, peporeume/nouj e0n a)selgei/aij, e0piqumi/aij, oi0noflugi/aij, kw&moij, po/toij, kai\ a)qemi/toij {RP TR: ei0dwlolatrei/aij} [P1904: ei0dwlolatri/aij]: For the past phase of life is sufficient for {RP-text TR: us} [RP-marg P1904: you] in carrying out the will of the Gentiles, for {RP-text TR: us} [RP-marg P1904: you] to have walked in debaucheries, lusts, drunkenness with wine, orgies, drinking bouts and forbidden idolatries, h9mi=n, for us, RP-text TR F1859=6/12 vs. u9mi=n, for you, RP-marg P1904 F1859=5/12 vs. word absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:6.

ei0dwlolatrei/aij, (in) idolatries (1), RP TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*k) vs. ei0dwlolatri/aij, (in) idolatries (2), P1904 F1859=11/13. A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=3:12.

phase ← time.

forbidden ← not laid down (by law), with ↴
1 Pet 4:8 pro\ pa&ntwn de\ th\n ei0j e9autou\j a)ga&phn e0ktenh= e1xontej, o3ti {RP S1550: - } [P1904 E1624 S1894: h9] a)ga&ph kalu/yei plh=qoj a(martiw~n: And above all have intense love towards one another, because love will cover a multitude of sins. h9, the (love): absent in RP S1550 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cdjklo) vs. present in P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abfghm). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

Prov 10:12.

one another: reflexive pronoun for reciprocal.
1 Pet 4:11 ei1 tij lalei=, w(j lo/gia qeou=: ei1 tij diakonei=, w(j e0c i0sxu/oj {RP P1904: w(j} [TR: h[j] xorhgei= o9 qeo/j: i3na e0n pa~sin doca&zhtai o9 qeo\j dia_ 870Ihsou= xristou=, w%{ e0sti\n h9 do/ca kai\ to\ kra&toj ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. 870Amh/n. If anyone speaks, let it be as oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let it be as from {RP P1904: strength as} [TR: the strength which] God provides, in order that God should be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ, who has the glory and the power throughout the durations of the ages. Amen. w(j, as (God provides), RP P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's b*dfjlmo) vs. h[j, which (God provides), TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's ab**cghk). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.
1 Pet 5:3 {RP: mhde\} [P1904 TR: mhd'] w(j katakurieu/ontej tw~n klh/rwn, a)lla_ tu/poi gino/menoi tou= poimni/ou. and not lording it over those assigned to you, but being models for the flock. mhde\, and not (unapocopated), RP F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghl) vs. mhd', and not (apocopated), P1904 TR F1859=9/12. A strong disparity with RP, R=3:11.

those assigned ← the allotments. AV differs somewhat (heritage).

for ← of.
2 Pet 2:5 kai\ a)rxai/ou ko/smou ou0k e0fei/sato, {RP-text P1904: a)lla_} [RP-marg TR: a)ll'] o1gdoon Nw~e dikaiosu/nhj kh/ruka e0fu/lacen, kataklusmo\n ko/smw% a)sebw~n e0pa&caj: and he did not spare the old world, but he did preserve Noah in a company of eight, a preacher of righteousness, when he brought a flood onto a world of the ungodly, a)lla_, but (unapocopated), RP-text P1904 F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's gjl) vs. a)ll', but (apocopated), RP-marg TR F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's abcdfhkmno). A disparity with RP-text, R=4:11.

Noah in a company of eight ← Noah (as) eighth.

preacher: or herald.
2 Pet 3:10 873Hcei de\ h9 h9me/ra kuri/ou w(j kle/pthj e0n nukti/, e0n h|[ {RP TR: oi9} [P1904: - ] ou0ranoi\ r(oizhdo\n pareleu/sontai, stoixei=a de\ kausou/mena luqh/sontai, kai\ gh= kai\ ta_ e0n au0th|= e1rga katakah/setai. For the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, on which {RP TR: the} [P1904: the] heavens will pass away with a loud noise, the elements will burn up and will be dissolved, and the earth and the works in it will be thoroughly burnt up. oi9, the (heavens): present in RP TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcfgno) vs. absent in P1904 F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's adhjklm). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8, all the weaker with the weaker manuscripts against the side of RP (hm weak?).

the day of the Lord: See Rev 1:10.
1 John 4:3 kai\ pa~n pneu=ma o4 mh\ o9mologei= {RP: - } [P1904 TR: to\n] 870Ihsou=n xristo\n e0n sarki\ e0lhluqo/ta, e0k tou= qeou= ou0k e1stin: kai\ tou=to/ e0stin to\ tou= a)ntixri/stou, o4 a)khko/ate o3ti e1rxetai, kai\ nu=n e0n tw%~ ko/smw% e0sti\n h1dh. whereas every spirit which does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not from God. And such is the spirit of antichrist which you have heard is coming and is already in the world now. to\n, the (Jesus Christ): absent in RP F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bcdghl) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's afjkmo). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:8.

from ← out of. See 1 John 2:29.
1 John 4:16 Kai\ h9mei=j e0gnw&kamen kai\ pepisteu/kamen th\n a)ga&phn h4n e1xei o9 qeo\j e0n h9mi=n. 879O qeo\j a)ga&ph e0sti/n, kai\ o9 me/nwn e0n th|= a)ga&ph|, e0n tw%~ qew%~ me/nei, kai\ o9 qeo\j e0n au0tw%~ {RP-text: me/nei} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ]. And we have come to know and have believed the love which God has among us. God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God, and God {RP-text: remains} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] in him. me/nei, remains: present in RP-text F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's b*fgjklm) vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's ab**cdho). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=7:8.

among: or in.
1 John 5:10 879O pisteu/wn ei0j to\n ui9o\n tou= qeou= e1xei th\n marturi/an e0n {RP P1904: au0tw%~} [TR: e9autw%~]: o9 mh\ pisteu/wn tw%~ qew%~ yeu/sthn pepoi/hken au0to/n, o3ti ou0 pepi/steuken ei0j th\n marturi/an, h4n memartu/rhken o9 qeo\j peri\ tou= ui9ou= au0tou=. He who believes in the son of God has the testimony in {RP P1904: him} [TR: himself]. He who does not believe God has made him a liar because he has not believed in the testimony which God gave concerning his son. au0tw%~, (in) him, RP P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's dfgjkl) vs. e9autw%~, (in) himself, TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abchmo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.
1 John 5:20 Oi1damen de\ o3ti o9 ui9o\j tou= qeou= h3kei, kai\ de/dwken h9mi=n dia&noian i3na ginw&skwmen to\n a)lhqino/n: kai/ e0smen e0n tw%~ a)lhqinw%~, e0n tw%~ ui9w%~ au0tou= 870Ihsou= xristw%~. Ou[to/j e0stin o9 a)lhqino\j qeo/j, kai\ {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: h9] zwh\ {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: h9] ai0w&nioj. And we know that the son of God has come and has given us a mind so as to know the true one. And we are in the true one, in his son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and age-abiding life. h9 (before zwh\), the (age-abiding life): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's bdjo) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's acfghklm). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:9.

h9 (before ai0w&nioj), the, which (is): absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's abdjo) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's cfghklm). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=7:7.

he ← this (man).
1 John 5:21 Tekni/a, fula&cate {RP-text: e9auta_} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e9autou\j] a)po\ tw~n ei0dw&lwn. 870Amh/n. Little children, keep yourselves from the idols. Amen. e9auta_, yourselves (neuter, concordant), RP-text F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's cm) vs. e9autou\j, yourselves (masculine, according to sense), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=10/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's a*). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=2:12.
2 John 1:3 e1stai meq' {RP S1550: h9mw~n} [P1904 E1624 S1894: u9mw~n] xa&rij, e1leoj, ei0rh/nh para_ qeou= patro/j, kai\ para_ kuri/ou 870Ihsou= xristou= tou= ui9ou= tou= patro/j, e0n a)lhqei/a% kai\ a)ga&ph|. grace, mercy and peace will be with {RP S1550: us} [P1904 E1624 S1894: you], from God the father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the father, in truth and love. h9mw~n, (with) us, RP S1550 F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's g*kl) vs. u9mw~n, (with) you, P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's abcdfg**hjmo). A strong disparity with RP, R=4:12. AV differs textually.
2 John 1:12 Polla_ e1xwn u9mi=n gra&fein, ou0k {RP: e0boulh/qhn} [P1904 TR: h0boulh/qhn] dia_ xa&rtou kai\ me/lanoj: a)lla_ e0lpi/zw e0lqei=n pro\j u9ma~j, kai\ sto/ma pro\j sto/ma lalh=sai, i3na h9 xara_ h9mw~n h|] peplhrwme/nh. Although I have many things to write to you, I did not want to do it with paper and ink, but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, in order that our joy may be made full. e0boulh/qhn, I wanted (1), RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abghlmo) vs. h0boulh/qhn, I wanted (2), P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cdfjk). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.

although: concessive use of the participle.

you: plural (and so throughout this verse).

face to face ← mouth to mouth.
Jude 1:9 879O de\ Mixah\l o9 a)rxa&ggeloj, o3te tw%~ diabo/lw% diakrino/menoj diele/geto peri\ tou= {RP-text: Mwu+se/wj} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Mwse/wj] sw&matoj, ou0k e0to/lmhsen kri/sin e0penegkei=n blasfhmi/aj, a)ll' ei]pen, 870Epitimh/sai soi ku/rioj. And when Michael the archangel was contending with the devil and disputing about the body of Moses, he did not dare bring a charge of blasphemy but said, “May the Lord rebuke you.” Mwu+se/wj, Moüses, RP-text F1859=0/10 vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=9/10 vs. another spelling, F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's d). Questioning Scrivener, we find Mwse/wj in abcghklo and Mwu+se/wj in ep. A disparity with RP-text, R=2:8 by our observations.
Jude 1:13 ku/mata a!gria qala&sshj, e0pafri/zonta ta_j e9autw~n ai0sxu/naj: a)ste/rej planh=tai, oi[j o9 zo/foj tou= sko/touj ei0j {RP: - } [P1904 TR: to\n] ai0w~na teth/rhtai. wild waves of the sea, foaming with their own shameful deeds, wandering stars, for whom the underworld gloom of darkness has been reserved throughout {RP: the} [P1904 TR: the] age. ↳ extrapolating from autumn (o0pw&ra).

to\n, the (age): absent in RP F1859=6/10 (Scrivener's acdfhk) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's bglo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=6:6.
Jude 1:16 Ou[toi/ ei0sin goggustai/, memyi/moiroi, kata_ ta_j e0piqumi/aj {RP-text P1904 TR: au0tw~n} [RP-marg: e9autw~n] poreuo/menoi, kai\ to\ sto/ma au0tw~n lalei= u9pe/rogka, qauma&zontej pro/swpa w)felei/aj xa&rin. These individuals are murmurers, dissatisfied with their fate, who walk according to {RP-text P1904 TR: their} [RP-marg: their own] desires, while their mouth speaks bombastic words, showing partiality for the sake of gain. au0tw~n, their, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's bko) vs. e9autw~n, their own, RP-marg F1859=7/10 (Scrivener's acdfghl). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.

with their fate: this comes from the word moi=ra, fate, embedded in the verb.

showing ← marvelling, admiring, perhaps a ↴
Jude 1:23 ou4j de\ e0n fo/bw% sw%&zete, e0k {RP: - } [P1904 TR: tou=] puro\j a(rpa&zontej, misou=ntej kai\ to\n a)po\ th=j sarko\j e0spilwme/non xitw~na. and save another group with fear, snatching them out of {RP: the} [P1904 TR: the] fire, while you show revulsion even at the garment polluted by the flesh. tou=, the (fire): absent in RP F1859=6/10 (Scrivener's acghkl) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's bdfo). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=6:6.
Rev 1:17 Kai\ o3te ei]don au0to/n, {RP P1904 TR: e1pesa} [MISC: e1peson] pro\j tou\j po/daj au0tou= w(j nekro/j: kai\ {RP-text P1904: e1qhken} [RP-marg TR: e0pe/qhken] th\n decia_n au0tou= {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: xei=ra] e0p' e0me/, le/gwn {RP P1904: - } [TR: moi], Mh\ fobou=: e0gw& ei0mi o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as if dead, but he put his right {RP-text: hand} [RP-marg P1904 TR: hand] on me and said {RP P1904: - } [TR: to me], “Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last, e1pesa, I fell (non-classical form), RP P1904 TR F1859=6/13 vs. e1peson, I fell (classical form), F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

e1qhke¨n©, put, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/14 vs. e0pe/qhken, put (with on compounding the verb), RP-marg TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's ghl**n).

xei=ra, hand (but implicitly so if absent): absent in RP-text F1859=11/13 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

moi, to me: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

The direct speech started here ends at Rev 3:22.
Rev 1:20 to\ musth/rion tw~n e9pta_ a)ste/rwn w{n ei]dej e0pi\ th=j decia~j mou, kai\ ta_j e9pta_ luxni/aj ta_j xrusa~j. Oi9 e9pta_ a)ste/rej a!ggeloi tw~n e9pta_ e0kklhsiw~n ei0si/n: kai\ ai9 {RP-text P1904: luxni/ai ai9 e9pta_} [RP-marg TR: e9pta_ luxni/ai] {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: a$j ei]dej] e9pta_ e0kklhsi/ai ei0si/n. Record the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: which you saw] are the seven churches. luxni/ai ai9 e9pta_, lamps + the seven, RP-text P1904 F1859=6/13 vs. e9pta_ luxni/ai, seven lamps, RP-marg TR F1859=7/13. A weak disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:8.

a$j ei]dej, which you saw: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=7/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=6/13. Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=8:7. AV differs textually.

churches: see Matt 16:18.
Rev 2:7 879O e1xwn ou]j a)kousa&tw ti/ to\ pneu=ma le/gei tai=j e0kklhsi/aij. Tw%~ nikw~nti dw&sw au0tw%~ fagei=n e0k tou= cu/lou th=j zwh=j, o3 e0stin e0n {RP-text P1904: tw%~ paradei/sw%} [RP-marg TR: me/sw% tou= paradei/sou] tou= qeou= {RP P1904: mou} [TR: - ]. Let him who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the churches. I will allow him who overcomes to eat from the tree of life, which is in {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: the middle of] the paradise of {RP P1904: my} [TR: - ] God. tw%~ paradei/sw%, (in) the paradise, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/13 (with 1 minor variation) vs. me/sw% tou= paradei/sou, (in) the middle of the paradise, RP-marg TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hmn). Remark: Scrivener's hmn will often be seen in the minority of Scrivener's manuscripts. AV differs textually.

mou, my (God): present in RP P1904 F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fhm) vs. absent in TR F1859=10/13. A disparity with RP, R=4:11.

churches: see Matt 16:18.
Rev 2:10 Mhde\n fobou= a$ me/lleij {RP-text P1904: paqei=n} [RP-marg TR: pa&sxein]: i0dou\ {RP-text P1904: dh/} [RP-marg TR: - ], me/llei balei=n {RP P1904: o9 dia&boloj e0c u9mw~n} [TR: e0c u9mw~n o9 dia&boloj] ei0j fulakh/n, i3na peirasqh=te: kai\ e3cete qli/yin {RP-text TR: h9merw~n} [RP-marg P1904: h9me/raj] de/ka. Gi/nou pisto\j a!xri qana&tou, kai\ dw&sw soi to\n ste/fanon th=j zwh=j. Do not be afraid of any of the things which you are going to suffer. It will transpire that the devil will {RP-text P1904: indeed} [RP-marg TR: - ] throw some of you in prison, in order that you be put to the test, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful up to death, and I will give you the crown of life.’ paqei=n, to suffer (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 (though k, if we understand Scrivener correctly, also reads peiqa&nein) vs. pa&sxein, to suffer (present, so imperfective aspect), RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's hlmn).

dh/, indeed: present in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's flmn).

o9 dia&boloj e0c u9mw~n, the devil + (some) of you, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. e0c u9mw~n o9 dia&boloj, (some) of you + the devil, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k) vs. another word order, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g).

h9merw~n, days (non-classical genitive for time how long, classically of time within which), RP-text TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's hlmn) vs. h9me/raj, days (classical accusative of time how long), RP-marg P1904 F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.

it will transpire that ← behold.
Rev 2:13 Oi]da ta_ e1rga sou kai\ pou= katoikei=j, o3pou o9 qro/noj tou= Satana~: kai\ kratei=j to\ o1noma& mou, kai\ ou0k h0rnh/sw th\n pi/stin mou {RP: - } [P1904 TR: kai\] e0n tai=j h9me/raij {RP-text TR: e0n} [RP-marg P1904: - ] ai[j 870Anti/paj o9 ma&rtuj mou, o9 pisto/j, o4j a)pekta&nqh par' u9mi=n, o3pou {RP P1904: o9 Satana~j katoikei=} [TR: katoikei= o9 Satana~j]. I know your works and where you live: where Satan's throne is, but you are holding on to my name, and you did not deny my faith {RP: - } [P1904 TR: , not even] in the days when Antipas my faithful martyr was around, who was killed in your location, where Satan dwells. kai\, even (in the days): absent in RP F1859=12/12 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=0/12. A case of collusion between P1904 and TR? AV differs textually.

e0n, in (which) (strengthening the dative) → when: present in RP-text TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's hlmn) vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/12. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9.

o9 Satana~j katoikei=, Satan + dwells, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. katoikei= o9 Satana~j, dwells + Satan, TR F1859=0/12.

in your location ← alongside you, French chez vous.
Rev 2:14 {RP-text TR: 870All'} [RP-marg P1904: 870Alla_] e1xw kata_ sou= o0li/ga, o3ti e1xeij e0kei= kratou=ntaj th\n didaxh\n Balaa&m, o4j {RP P1904: e0di/dacen} [TR: e0di/daske] {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: to\n} [S1550: e0n tw%~] Bala_k balei=n ska&ndalon e0nw&pion tw~n ui9w~n 870Israh/l, {RP-text P1904: kai\} [RP-marg TR: - ] fagei=n ei0dwlo/quta kai\ porneu=sai. But I have a few things against you, in that you have some there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who {RP-text P1904: taught} [RP-marg TR: used to teach] {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: - } [S1550: quoting] Balak to put a snare in front of the sons of Israel {RP-text P1904: and to induce them} [RP-marg TR: ,] to eat things offered to idols and to commit fornication, a)ll', but (apocopated), RP-text TR F1859=5/12 vs. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), RP-marg P1904 F1859=7/12. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:8.

e0di/dacen, taught, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. e0di/daske¨n©, was teaching, TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n).

to\n, the (Balak), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=12/12 vs. e0n tw%~, in the (way of Balak), S1550 F1859=0/12.

kai\, and: present in RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn).

Num 22-24.
Rev 2:15 Ou3twj e1xeij kai\ su\ kratou=ntaj th\n didaxh\n {RP-text P1904 TR: tw~n} [RP-marg: - ] Nikolai+tw~n {RP P1904: o9moi/wj} [TR: o4 misw~]. just as you also have some who hold to the teaching of {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: the] Nicolaitanes {RP P1904: in a similar way} [TR: which I hate]. tw~n, of the (Nicolaitans): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's ghjln) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=7/12. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:7.

o9moi/wj, likewise, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. o4 misw~, which (thing) I hate, TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.
Rev 2:17 879O e1xwn ou]j a)kousa&tw ti/ to\ pneu=ma le/gei tai=j e0kklhsi/aij. Tw%~ nikw~nti dw&sw au0tw%~ {RP TR: fagei=n} [P1904: - ] {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: a)po\] tou= ma&nna tou= kekrumme/nou, kai\ dw&sw au0tw%~ yh=fon leukh/n, kai\ e0pi\ th\n yh=fon o1noma kaino\n gegramme/non, o4 ou0dei\j {RP P1904: oi]den} [TR: e1gnw] ei0 mh\ o9 lamba&nwn. Let him who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give {RP-text P1904: some} [RP-marg TR: some] hidden {RP TR: manna to eat,} [P1904: manna,] and I will give him a white pebble, and on the pebble a new name will be written which no-one {RP P1904: will know} [TR: will have known] except him who receives it. fagei=n, to eat: present in RP TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's hln, and in another ordering in f*f**m) vs. absent in P1904 F1859=7/13. A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

a)po\, from (the manna) → some: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hln).

oi]den, knows (intuitively), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. e1gnw, knew (by learning), TR F1859=0/12.

churches: see Matt 16:18.

a white pebble: used for voting in favour of someone.
Rev 2:20 {RP-text TR: 870All'} [RP-marg P1904: 870Alla_] e1xw kata_ sou= {RP: - } [P1904 TR: o0li/ga] o3ti {RP P1904: a)fei=j} [TR: e0a%~j] th\n {RP P1904: gunai=ka& sou} [TR: gunai=ka] {RP P1904: 870Ieza&bel} [TR: 870Iezabh/l], {RP P1904: h4 le/gei} [TR: th\n le/gousan] e9auth\n profh=tin, {RP P1904: kai\} [TR: - ] {RP P1904: dida&skei} [TR: dida&skein] kai\ {RP P1904: plana%~} [TR: plana~sqai] {RP P1904: tou\j} [TR: - ] e0mou\j dou/louj porneu=sai kai\ {RP P1904: fagei=n ei0dwlo/quta} [TR: ei0dwlo/quta fagei=n]. but I have {RP: some} [P1904 TR: a few] things against you, in that you condone {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] wife Jezebel, who says she is a prophetess, {RP P1904: and who teaches and leads} [TR: appointed to teach and lead] my servants astray into fornicating and eating things offered to idols. a)ll', but (apocopated), RP-text TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cefhln) vs. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), RP-marg P1904 F1859 F1859=6/12. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:7.

o0li/ga, a few (things): absent in RP F1859=11/12 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n). AV differs textually.

a)fei=j, permit, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. e0a%~j, allow, TR F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

sou, your (wife): present in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's l).

870Ieza&bel, Jezebel (1), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 (incl. mss. fm with rough breathing) vs. 870Iezabh/l, Jezebel (2), TR F1859=0/12.

h4 le/gei, who says, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. th\n le/gousan, the (one) saying, TR F1859=0/12.

kai\, (prophetess) and: present in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/12.

dida&skei, teaches, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. dida&skein, to teach, TR F1859=0/12.

plana%~, misleads (active), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. plana~sqai, to mislead (middle), TR F1859=0/12.

tou\j, the (+ my servants): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/12.

fagei=n ei0dwlo/quta, to eat + (things) sacrificed to idols, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 (incl. g with rough breathing) vs. ei0dwlo/quta fagei=n, (things) sacrificed to idols + to eat, TR F1859=0/12.

1 Ki 16:31, 2 Ki 9:7.
Rev 3:1 Kai\ tw%~ a)gge/lw% th=j e0n Sa&rdesin e0kklhsi/aj gra&yon, Ta&de le/gei o9 e1xwn ta_ {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e9pta_} [S1550: - ] pneu/mata tou= qeou= kai\ tou\j e9pta_ a)ste/raj: Oi]da& sou ta_ e1rga, o3ti {RP P1904: - } [TR: to\] o1noma e1xeij {RP-text P1904 TR: o3ti} [RP-marg: kai\] zh|=j, kai\ nekro\j ei]. And write to the angel of the church in Sardis, ‘He who has the {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: seven} [S1550: - ] spirits of God and the seven stars says this: I know your works, that you have {RP-text P1904 TR: fame for being alive} [RP-marg: fame and are alive], although you are dead. e9pta_, seven (spirits): present in RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in S1550 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

to\, the (name): absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

o3ti, that, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's hlmn) vs. kai\, and, RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

church: see Matt 16:18.

this ← these (things).

fame ← {RP P1904: a name} [TR: the name].

although: concessive use of kai/.
Rev 3:2 Gi/nou grhgorw~n, kai\ {RP-text P1904: sth/rison} [RP-marg TR: sth/ricon] [RP-marg2: th/rhson] ta_ loipa_ a$ {RP-text: e1mellej} [RP-marg P1904: e1mellon] [RP-marg2: h1mellej] [TR: mellei] {RP: a)poba&llein} [P1904: a)poqnh/skein] [TR: a)poqanei=n]: ou0 ga_r eu3rhka& sou ta_ e1rga peplhrwme/na e0nw&pion tou= qeou= {RP P1904: mou} [TR: - ]. Be watchful, and {RP P1904 TR: consolidate} [RP-marg2: guard] the remaining things which {RP-text RP-marg2: you were about to cast off} [RP-marg: they were about to cast off] [P1904: were about to die] [TR: are about to die]. For I have not found your works fulfilled before {RP P1904: my} [TR: - ] God. sth/rison, strengthen (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=5/15 (Scrivener's a*cdgh**) vs. sth/ricon, strengthen (2), RP-marg TR F1859=5/15 (Scrivener's a**f*jlm) vs. th/rhson, guard, RP-marg2 F1859=4/15 (Scrivener's bekn) vs. another reading, F1859=1/15 (Scrivener's h*). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=6:6.

e1mellej, you were about to (1), RP-text F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's cdefghk) vs. e1mellon, I was / they were about to, RP-marg P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. h1mellej, you were about to (2), RP-marg2 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's bj) vs. mellei, they are about to, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. two other readings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's al).

a)poba&llein, to cast away, RP F1859=9/13 (Scrivener's abcdefgjk) vs. a)poqnh/skein, to die (present, so imperfective aspect), P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. a)poqanei=n, to die (aorist, so perfective aspect), TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's lm) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h). AV differs textually.

mou, my: present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.
Rev 3:3 Mnhmo/neue ou]n pw~j ei1lhfaj {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\ h1kousaj, kai\ th/rei} [RP-marg: - ], kai\ metano/hson. 870Ea_n ou]n mh\ grhgorh/sh|j, h3cw e0pi/ se w(j kle/pthj, kai\ ou0 mh\ {RP-text TR: gnw%~j} [RP-marg P1904: gnw&sh|] poi/an w#ran h3cw e0pi/ se. So remember how you received {RP-text P1904 TR: and heard them, and guard them,} [RP-marg: - ] and repent. For if you are not watchful, I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not know at all at what hour I will come upon you. kai\ h1kousaj, kai\ th/rei, and you heard, and keep: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hlm) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:9.

gnw%~j, you (will not) know (classical aorist subjunctive), RP-text TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's achn) vs. gnw&sh|, you will (not) know (non-classical future indicative), RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:9.

for ← therefore.
Rev 3:12 879O nikw~n, poih/sw au0to\n stu/lon e0n tw%~ {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: naw%~} [E1624: law%~] tou= qeou= mou, kai\ e1cw ou0 mh\ e0ce/lqh| e1ti, kai\ gra&yw e0p' au0to\n to\ o1noma tou= qeou= mou, kai\ to\ o1noma th=j po/lewj tou= qeou= mou, th=j kainh=j 879Ierousalh/m, {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: h4 katabai/nei} [S1550: h9 katabai/nousa] {RP-text P1904 TR: e0k} [RP-marg: a)po\] tou= ou0ranou= a)po\ tou= qeou= mou, kai\ to\ {RP-text P1904 TR: o1noma& mou} [RP-marg: o1noma] to\ kaino/n. As for him who overcomes, I will make him a pillar {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: in the sanctuary} [E1624: among the people] of my God, and he will certainly not go out any longer, and I will write the name of my God on him, and the name of the city of my God – the New Jerusalem which descends {RP-text P1904 TR: out of} [RP-marg: from] heaven from my God – and {RP-text P1904 TR: my} [RP-marg: the] new name.’ naw%~, (in the) sanctuary, RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=11/13 vs. law%~, (among the) people, E1624 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k) vs. o0no/mati, (in the) name, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g).

katabai/nei, (which) descends, RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. katabai/nousa, (the one) descending, S1550 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

e0k, out of (heaven), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhjn) vs. a)po\, from (heaven), RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=6:9.

mou, my (name): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=10/13. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:10.
Rev 3:19 870Egw_ o3souj e0a_n filw~, e0le/gxw kai\ paideu/w: {RP-text TR: zh/lwson} [RP-marg P1904: zh/leue] ou]n kai\ metano/hson. As for me, all whom I love, I reprove and chasten. So be zealous and repent. zh/lwson, be zealous (aorist of zhlo/w), RP-text TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's dhln) vs. zh/leue, be zealous (present of zhleu/w), RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9.

Prov 3:12, adapted.

all ← as many as.
Rev 4:2 {RP-text P1904 TR: Kai\ eu0qe/wj} [RP-marg: Eu0qe/wj] e0geno/mhn e0n pneu/mati: kai\ i0dou/, qro/noj e1keito e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, kai\ e0pi\ {RP-text P1904: to\n qro/non} [RP-marg TR: tou= qro/nou] kaqh/menoj, {RP-text P1904 TR: And} [RP-marg: - ] I immediately came to be in the power of the spirit, and there was a throne standing in heaven, and on the throne a person was sitting, kai\, and: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's hlmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

to\n qro/non, the throne (accusative, classically, suggesting motion, the act of sitting, though not so here – compare Rev 4:4 on their heads), RP-text P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. tou= qro/nou, the throne (genitive, suggesting rest), RP-marg TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

came to be in the power of the spirit: see Rev 1:10.

there wasbehold.

standing ← lying, placed.
Rev 4:3 {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\ o9 kaqh/menoj h]n] o3moioj o9ra&sei li/qw% i0a&spidi kai\ {RP P1904: sardi/w%} [TR: sardi/nw%]: kai\ i]rij kuklo/qen tou= qro/nou {RP-text P1904: o9moi/wj} [RP-marg S1550: o3moioj] [RP-marg2 E1624 S1894: o9moi/a] {RP-text P1904: o3rasij} [RP-marg TR: o9ra&sei] {RP-text P1904: smaragdi/nwn} [RP-marg TR: smaragdi/nw%]. {RP P1904: resembling} [TR: and the person who was sitting resembled] a jasper gemstone in appearance, and a carnelian one, and around the throne was an iridescent sheen like the appearance of {RP-text P1904: emeralds} [RP-marg TR: an emerald], kai\ o9 kaqh/menoj h]n, and the sitting (one) was: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l, but without h]n).

sardi/w%, carnelian (1), RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. sardi/nw%, carnelian (2), TR F1859=0/13.

o9moi/wj, like (adverb), RP-text P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. o3moioj, like (masculine), RP-marg S1550 F1859=0/13 vs. o9moi/a, like (feminine, classical gender of i]rij), RP-marg2 E1624 S1894 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's chlm) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). A disparity with RP-marg (zero count).

o3rasij, appearance (nominative, apposition), RP-text P1904 F1859=7/13 vs. o9ra&sei, appearance (dative after resembling), RP-marg TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's chlmn) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

smaragdi/nwn, emeralds, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/13 (with one misspelled) vs. smaragdi/nw%, an emerald, RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's chln) vs. other readings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's fm).
Rev 4:4 {RP P1904 TR: Kai\ kuklo/qen} [MISC: Kuklo/qen] tou= qro/nou qro/noi {RP-text P1904: ei1kosi te/ssarej} [RP-marg: K6D6] [TR: ei1kosi kai\ te/ssarej]: kai\ e0pi\ tou\j qro/nouj {RP P1904: - } [TR: ei]don] tou\j {RP-text P1904: ei1kosi te/ssaraj} [RP-marg: K6D6] [TR: ei1kosi kai\ te/ssaraj] presbute/rouj kaqhme/nouj, peribeblhme/nouj e0n i9mati/oij leukoi=j, kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: e1sxon] e0pi\ ta_j kefala_j au0tw~n stefa&nouj xrusou=j. {RP P1904 TR: and around} [MISC: around] the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones {RP P1904: I saw} [TR: I saw] the twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and {RP P1904: I saw} [TR: they had] golden crowns on their heads. kai\, and (around): present in RP P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's chlmn) vs. absent in F1859=8/13. A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

ei1kosi te/ssarej, twenty-four, RP-text P1904 F1859=6/13 vs. K6D6, 24, RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's akg) vs. ei1kosi kai\ te/ssarej, twenty and four, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ln) vs. other spellings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's jm).

ei]don, I saw: absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. present in TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ah).

ei1kosi te/ssaraj, twenty-four, RP-text P1904 F1859=6/13 vs. K6D6, 24, RP-marg F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's akmn) vs. ei1kosi kai\ te/ssaraj, twenty and four, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hl) vs. another spelling, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's j).

e1sxon, they had: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.
Rev 5:8 Kai\ o3te e1laben to\ bibli/on, ta_ te/ssara zw%~a kai\ oi9 {RP-text P1904 TR: ei1kosi te/ssarej} [RP-marg: K6D6] presbu/teroi {RP TR: e1peson} [P1904: e1pesan] e0nw&pion tou= a)rni/ou, e1xontej e3kastoj {RP-text P1904: kiqa&ran} [RP-marg TR: kiqa&raj], kai\ fia&laj xrusa~j gemou/saj qumiama&twn, ai3 ei0sin {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: ai9] proseuxai\ tw~n a(gi/wn. and when he had taken the book, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the lamb, each having {RP-text P1904: a harp} [RP-marg TR: harps] and golden bowls full of incense, which are {RP-text: the} [RP-marg P1904 TR: the] prayers of the saints. ei1kosi te/ssarej, twenty-four, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/13 vs. K6D6, 24, RP-marg F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

e1peson, they fell (classical form), RP TR F1859=12/13 vs. e1pesan, they fell (post-classical form), P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l).

kiqa&ran, a harp, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. kiqa&raj, harps, RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ehjl). AV differs textually.

ai9, the (prayers): absent in RP-text F1859=11/13 (though 4 with a different word following) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

Ps 141:2.

saints: see Matt 27:52.
Rev 5:10 kai\ e0poi/hsaj {RP P1904: au0tou\j} [TR: h9ma~j] tw%~ qew%~ h9mw~n basilei=j kai\ i9erei=j, kai\ {RP P1904: basileu/sousin} [TR: basileu/somen] e0pi\ th=j gh=j. And

You made {RP P1904: them} [TR: us] kings and priests to our God,

And {RP P1904: they} [TR: we] will reign over the earth.”

au0tou\j, them, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. h9ma~j, us, TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

basileu/sousin, they will reign, RP P1904 F1859=6/13 vs. basileu/somen, we will reign, TR F1859=0/13 vs. basileu/ousin, they reign, F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7. AV differs textually.

Isa 61:6, Ex 19:6.
Rev 5:13 Kai\ pa~n kti/sma {RP-text P1904: o4} [RP-marg TR: o3 e0stin] e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, kai\ {RP P1904: e0pi\ th=j gh=j} [TR: e0n th|= gh|=], kai\ u9poka&tw th=j gh=j, kai\ e0pi\ th=j qala&sshj {RP-text P1904: e0sti/n} [RP-marg TR: a# e0stin], kai\ ta_ e0n au0toi=j, {RP: pa&ntaj} [P1904 TR: pa&nta] h1kousa le/gontaj, Tw%~ kaqhme/nw% e0pi\ tou= qro/nou kai\ tw%~ a)rni/w% h9 eu0logi/a kai\ h9 timh\ kai\ h9 do/ca kai\ to\ kra&toj ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. {RP: 870Amh/n.} [P1904 TR: - ] And I heard every creature {RP-text P1904: which is} [RP-marg TR: which is] in heaven and {RP P1904: on} [TR: in] the earth and below the earth, and {RP-text P1904: which is} [RP-marg TR: the creatures which are] on the sea, and {RP: the creatures in them, all saying,} [P1904 TR: all the creatures in them, and they said,]

“To him who sits on the throne

And to the lamb

Be blessing and honour

And glory and power

Throughout the durations of the {RP: ages.} [P1904 TR: ages.”]

{RP: Amen.”} [P1904 TR: - ]

e0stin, is (explicitly): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hmn). All editions have at least one e0stin, is, so that the word o3 is the relative pronoun (and not the article).

e0pi\ th=j gh=j, on the earth, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. e0n th|= gh|=, in the world or earth, TR F1859=0/13.

a#, which: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

pa&ntaj, all (masculine, accommodated to sense), RP F1859=8/13 vs. pa&nta, all (neuter, grammatically concordant), P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's cfgkm). The appositional le/gontaj, saying, is accommodated to the sense. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

a)mh/n, amen: present in RP F1859=10/13 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's blm).
Rev 6:10 kai\ {RP P1904: e1kracan} [TR: e1krazon] {RP-text P1904 TR: fwnh|= mega&lh|} [RP-marg: fwnh\n mega&lhn], le/gontej, 873Ewj po/te, o9 despo/thj, o9 a#gioj kai\ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: o9] a)lhqino/j, ou0 kri/neij kai\ e0kdikei=j to\ ai[ma h9mw~n {RP P1904: e0k} [TR: a)po\] tw~n katoikou/ntwn e0pi\ th=j gh=j; And they cried out in a loud voice and said, “How long, O holy and true master, will you not judge and take vengeance for our blood on those dwelling on the earth?” e1kracan, they shouted, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. e1krazon, they were shouting, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's cn).

fwnh|= mega&lh|, a loud + voice, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's ehjln) vs. fwnh\n mega&lhn, a voice + loud, RP-marg F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's abcdfgkm). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=7:8.

o9, the (true): absent in RP F1859=9/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's dfhm).

e0k, out of, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. a)po\, from, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ln).
Rev 6:11 Kai\ {RP P1904: e0do/qh} [TR: e0do/qhsan] {RP-text P1904: au0toi=j e9ka&stw%} [RP-marg: au0toi=j] [TR: e9ka&stoij] {RP P1904: stolh\ leukh/} [TR: stolai\ leukai\], kai\ e0rre/qh au0toi=j i3na a)napau/swntai e1ti xro/non {RP: - } [P1904 TR: mikro/n], e3wj {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou[] {RP P1904: plhrw&swsin} [TR: plhrw&sontai] kai\ oi9 su/ndouloi au0tw~n kai\ oi9 a)delfoi\ au0tw~n {RP-text: kai\} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] oi9 me/llontej {RP: a)pokte/nesqai} [P1904: a)pokte/nnesqai] [TR: a)poktei/nesqai] w(j kai\ au0toi/. And {RP-text P1904: to each of them was given a white robe,} [RP-marg: to them was given a white robe,] [TR: to each were given white robes,] and they were told that they should rest a {RP: - } [P1904 TR: little] while longer until their fellow servants and their brothers should also {RP P1904: fulfil their course} [TR: be fulfilled], {RP-text: and those who} [RP-marg P1904 TR: who] would be killed, as they for their part had been. e0do/qh, was given, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 (l misspelled) vs. e0do/qhsan, were given, TR F1859=0/13.

au0toi=j e9ka&stw%, to each of them, RP-text P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhlm) vs. au0toi=j, to them, RP-marg F1859=8/13 vs. e9ka&stoij, to each, TR F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:8.

stolh\ leukh/, a white robe, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. stolai\ leukai\, white clothes, TR F1859=0/13.

mikro/n, (a) little (while): absent in RP F1859=12/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

ou[, (until) when: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

plhrw&swsin, they fulfil, RP P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. plhrw&sontai, they will be fulfilled (middle in passive sense), TR F1859=0/13 vs. other readings, F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's cgen).

kai\, and (those who will be): present in RP-text F1859=8/13 vs. absent RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's hklmn). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=8:7.

a)pokte/nesqai, to be killed (1), RP F1859=10/13 vs. a)pokte/nnesqai, to be killed (2), P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's a) vs. a)poktei/nesqai, to be killed (3), TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's fj).

for their part ← also.
Rev 6:14 Kai\ {RP P1904: o9} [TR: - ] ou0rano\j a)pexwri/sqh w(j bibli/on {RP-text P1904: e9lisso/menon} [RP-marg: e9lisso/menoj] [TR: ei9lisso/menon], kai\ pa~n o1roj kai\ nh=soj e0k tw~n to/pwn au0tw~n e0kinh/qhsan. and {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] sky was parted asunder, like a rolled up scroll, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. o9, the (heaven): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k, but ou0rano\j is also absent).

e9lisso/menon, being rolled up (1) (agreeing with book), RP-text P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhlm) vs. e9lisso/menoj, being rolled up (1) (agreeing with heaven), RP-marg F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abcegjk) vs. ei9lisso/menon, being rolled up (2) (agreeing with book), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's d) We take Scrivener's, not Mill's, reading of d. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.

Isa 34:4.

sky: or heaven.

its place ← their places.
Rev 6:16 kai\ le/gousin toi=j o1resin kai\ tai=j pe/traij, {RP TR: Pe/sete} [P1904: Pe/sate] e0f' h9ma~j, kai\ kru/yate h9ma~j a)po\ prosw&pou tou= kaqhme/nou e0pi\ {RP-text P1904 TR: tou= qro/nou} [RP-marg: tw%~ qro/nw%], kai\ a)po\ th=j o0rgh=j tou= a)rni/ou: and they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the presence of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the lamb, pe/sete, fall (classical form), RP TR F1859=10/12 vs. pe/sate, fall (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ln).

tou= qro/nou, (on) the throne (1), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/13 vs. tw%~ qro/nw%, (on) the throne (2), RP-marg F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Hos 10:8.
Rev 7:4 Kai\ h1kousa to\n a)riqmo\n tw~n e0sfragisme/nwn, {RP: e9kato\n kai\ tessara&konta te/ssarej xilia&dej} [P1904: e9kato\n tessara&konta te/ssarej xilia&dej] [TR: R6M6D6 xilia&dej], {RP-text: e0sfragisme/nwn} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0sfragisme/noi] e0k pa&shj fulh=j ui9w~n 870Israh/l. Then I heard the number of those who had been sealed: one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed, from every tribe of the sons of Israel. In the following, we ignore spaces between words. e9kato\n kai\ tessara&konta te/ssarej xilia&dej, one hundred and forty-four thousand, RP F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's hlm, l with a misspelling) vs. e9kato\n tessara&konta te/ssarej xilia&dej, one hundred forty-four thousand, P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's b) vs. R6M6D6 xilia&dej, 144 thousand, TR F1859=0/12 vs. e9katontessarakontakaite/ssarej xilia&dej, one hundred forty and four thousand, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's f) vs. e9kato\n kai\ tessara&konta kai\ te/ssarej xilia&dej, one hundred and forty and four thousand, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's j) vs. words absent, F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's aegkn) vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c). A weak disparity (#1) with RP, R=3:5.

e0sfragisme/nwn, of sealed ones, RP-text F1859=6/12 vs. e0sfragisme/noi, sealed ones, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h) vs. words absent, F1859=5/12. Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=6:5.
Rev 7:5 870Ek fulh=j 870Iou/da, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP-text: e0sfragisme/nai} [RP-marg: - ] [RP-marg2 P1904 TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: e0k fulh=j {RP: 879Roubi/m} [P1904 TR: 879Roubh/n], {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: e0k fulh=j Ga&d, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: From the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand {RP-text RP-marg2 P1904 TR: sealed} [RP-marg: - ]; from the tribe of Reuben, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; from the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; Three occurrences: dw&deka, twelve (thousand), RP-text P1904 F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's bcefm) vs. I6B6, 12 (thousand), RP-marg TR F1859=7/12. A weak disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=6:8.

e0sfragisme/nai, sealed (feminine, agreeing with thousands), RP-text F1859=6/12 vs. word absent, RP-marg F1859=0/12 (but absent alibi, in other places, in Scrivener's abefghjkm) vs. e0sfragisme/noi, sealed (masculine), RP-marg2 P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's hmn) vs. another reading, F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's fkl). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=6:5. A disparity (#3) with RP-marg (zero count), though apparently with support after the first occurrence.

879Roubi/m, Roubim, RP F1859=0/12 vs. 879Roubh/n, Rouben (1), P1904 TR F1859=0/12 vs. 879Roubi/n, Rouben (2), F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abfgjln) vs. three other spellings, F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cekhm). We use the Hebrew names throughout the section, so here Reuben. A case of collusion between P1904 and TR? A strong disparity (#4) with RP, R=0:7.

Twice: e0sfragisme/noi, sealed: absent in RP P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. present in TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's cn, present in n for the first of these 2 occurrences only) vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's l).
Rev 7:6 e0k fulh=j 870Ash/r, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: e0k fulh=j Nefqalei/m, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: e0k fulh=j Manassh=, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: from the tribe of Asher, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; from the tribe of Naphtali, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; from the tribe of Manasseh, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; Three times: dw&deka, twelve (thousand), RP-text P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's bcef) vs. I6B6, 12 (thousand), RP-marg TR F1859=6/12 vs. word absent once, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's km). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.

Three times: e0sfragisme/noi, sealed: absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. present in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c).
Rev 7:7 e0k fulh=j Sumew&n, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: e0k fulh=j Leui+/, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: e0k fulh=j {RP S1550 S1894: 870Isaxa&r} [P1904: 870Issaxa&r] [E1624: 870Isasxa&r], {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: from the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; from the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; from the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; Three times: dw&deka, twelve (thousand), RP-text P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's bcef) vs. I6B6, 12 (thousand), RP-marg TR F1859=6/12 vs. word absent once, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's mn). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.

Three times: e0sfragisme/noi, sealed: absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. present in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c).

870Isaxa&r, Isachar, RP S1550 S1894 F1859=8/12 vs. 870Issaxa&r, Issachar, P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's aekl) vs. 870Isasxa&r, Isaschar, E1624 F1859=0/12. We use the Hebrew spelling Issachar.
Rev 7:8 e0k fulh=j Zaboulw&n, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: e0k fulh=j 870Iwsh/f, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0sfragisme/noi]: e0k fulh=j Beniami/n, {RP-text P1904: dw&deka} [RP-marg TR: I6B6] xilia&dej {RP-text: e0sfragisme/nai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0sfragisme/noi]. from the tribe of Zebulun, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; from the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand {RP P1904: - } [TR: sealed]; from the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand sealed. Three times: dw&deka, twelve (thousand), RP-text P1904 F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's bcem) vs. I6B6, 12 (thousand), RP-marg TR F1859=7/12 vs. word absent once, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's f). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:8.

Twice: e0sfragisme/noi, sealed: absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. present in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c).

e0sfragisme/nai, sealed (feminine), RP-text F1859=8/12 vs. e0sfragisme/noi, sealed (masculine), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's fhmn). See Rev 7:5.
Rev 7:11 Kai\ pa&ntej oi9 a!ggeloi {RP P1904: ei9sth/keisan} [TR: e9sth/kesan] ku/klw% tou= qro/nou kai\ tw~n presbute/rwn kai\ tw~n tessa&rwn zw%&wn, kai\ {RP TR: e1peson} [P1904: e1pesan] e0nw&pion tou= qro/nou {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0tou=] e0pi\ {RP P1904: ta_ pro/swpa} [TR: pro/swpon] au0tw~n, kai\ proseku/nhsan tw%~ qew%~, And all the angels were standing around the throne, and the elders and the four living beings, and they fell before {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: his] throne face down and worshipped God, ei9sth/keisan, they stood (1) , RP P1904 F1859=12/13 (4 with smooth breathing) vs. e9sth/kesan, they stood (2), TR F1859=0/13 vs. another spelling, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l**).

e1peson, they fell (1), RP TR F1859=12/12 vs. e1pesan, they fell (2), P1904 F1859=0/12.

au0tou=, his: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghn) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=9/12. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9.

ta_ pro/swpa, (their) faces, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. pro/swpon, (their) face, TR F1859=0/12.
Rev 8:3 Kai\ a!lloj a!ggeloj h]lqen, kai\ e0sta&qh e0pi\ {RP P1904: tou= qusiasthri/ou} [TR: to\ qusiasth/rion], e1xwn libanwto\n xrusou=n: kai\ e0do/qh au0tw%~ qumia&mata polla&, i3na {RP-text TR: dw&sh|} [RP-marg P1904: dw&sei] tai=j proseuxai=j tw~n a(gi/wn pa&ntwn e0pi\ to\ qusiasth/rion to\ xrusou=n to\ e0nw&pion tou= qro/nou. And another angel came and stood {RP P1904: at} [TR: on] the altar, holding a golden censer, and he was given much incense, in order that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar which was before the throne, tou= qusiasthri/ou, (on) the altar, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. to\ qusiasth/rion, (onto) the altar, TR F1859=0/13.

dw&sh|, he should give (classical aorist subjunctive), RP-text TR F1859=6/13 vs. dw&sei, he shall give (non-classical future indicative), RP-marg P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's acjkl) vs. other readings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's df). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:6.

he was given much incense ← much incense was given to him.

offer ← give.

saints: see Matt 27:52.
Rev 8:13 Kai\ ei]don, kai\ h1kousa e9no\j {RP P1904: a)etou=} [TR: a)gge/lou] {RP P1904: petome/nou} [TR: petwme/nou] e0n mesouranh/mati, le/gontoj fwnh|= mega&lh|, Ou0ai/, ou0ai/, ou0ai\ {RP-text TR: toi=j katoikou=sin} [RP-marg P1904: tou\j katoikou=ntaj] e0pi\ th=j gh=j, e0k tw~n loipw~n fwnw~n th=j sa&lpiggoj tw~n triw~n a)gge/lwn tw~n mello/ntwn salpi/zein. And I looked and heard an {RP P1904: eagle} [TR: angel] flying overhead, saying in a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth after the remaining soundings of the trumpet of the three angels who are going to sound the trumpet.” a)etou=, eagle, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. a(gge/lou, angel, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ln). AV differs textually.

petome/nou, flying (1), RP P1904 F1859=13/14 vs. petwme/nou, flying (2), TR F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's l*).

toi=j katoikou=sin, to those dwelling, RP-text TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hln) vs. tou\j katoikou=ntaj, (alas for) those dwelling (accusative, perhaps of respect), RP-marg P1904 F1859=10/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=4:11.

an ← one.
Rev 9:2 Kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: h1noicen to\ fre/ar th=j a)bu/ssou, kai\} [RP-marg: - ] a)ne/bh kapno\j e0k tou= fre/atoj w(j kapno\j kami/nou {RP P1904: kaiome/nhj} [TR: mega&lhj], kai\ e0skoti/sqh o9 h3lioj kai\ o9 a)h\r e0k tou= kapnou= tou= fre/atoj. and {RP-text P1904 TR: he opened the shaft of the abyss, and} [RP-marg: - ] smoke came up out of the shaft, like the smoke of a {RP P1904: burning} [TR: large] furnace, and the sun was darkened, as was the air, by the smoke of the shaft. h1noicen to\ fre/ar th=j a)bu/ssou, kai\, opened the shaft of the abyss, and: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's hlmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

kaiome/nhj, burning, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. mega&lhj, large, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). AV differs textually.

shaft (3x): AV differs somewhat, pit.
Rev 9:14 {RP-text TR: le/gousan} [RP-marg P1904: le/gontoj] tw%~ e3ktw% a)gge/lw% {RP P1904: o9 e1xwn} [TR: o4j ei]xe] th\n sa&lpigga, Lu=son tou\j te/ssaraj a)gge/louj tou\j dedeme/nouj e0pi\ tw%~ potamw%~ tw%~ mega&lw% Eu0fra&th|. say to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river, the Euphrates.” le/gousan, saying (agreeing with voice), RP-text TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's hlmn) vs. le/gontoj, saying (attracted to altar), RP-marg P1904 F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.

o9 e1xwn, he having, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. o4j ei]xe, who had, TR F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).
Rev 9:20 Kai\ oi9 loipoi\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, oi4 ou0k a)pekta&nqhsan e0n tai=j plhgai=j tau/taij, {RP P1904 S1894: ou0} [S1550 E1624: ou1te] meteno/hsan e0k tw~n e1rgwn tw~n xeirw~n au0tw~n, i3na mh\ proskunh/swsin ta_ daimo/nia, kai\ {RP P1904: ta_} [TR: - ] ei1dwla ta_ xrusa~ kai\ ta_ a)rgura~ {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\ ta_ xalka~} [RP-marg: - ] kai\ ta_ li/qina kai\ ta_ cu/lina, a$ ou1te ble/pein {RP-text P1904 TR: du/natai} [RP-marg: du/nantai], ou1te a)kou/ein, ou1te peripatei=n: But the rest of men, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: either] of the works of their hands, so as not to worship the demons and {RP P1904: the} [TR: - ] golden and silver {RP-text P1904 TR: and bronze} [RP-marg: - ] and stone and wooden idols, which can neither see nor hear nor walk around. ou0, (did) not, RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. ou1te, and (did) not, S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). As AV reads yet (from ou1te?), we have a challenge to S1894.

ta_, the (idols): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

kai\ ta_ xalka~, and the bronze: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

du/natai, can (classical singular with neuter plural subject), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=10/13 vs. du/nantai, can (non-classical plural form), RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's lmn).

Ps 115:4-5, Ps 115:7, Ps 135:15-16 (and elsewhere).
Rev 9:21 kai\ ou0 meteno/hsan e0k tw~n fo/nwn au0tw~n, ou1te e0k tw~n {RP-text P1904 TR: farmakeiw~n} [RP-marg: farma&kwn] au0tw~n, ou1te e0k th=j pornei/aj au0tw~n, ou1te e0k tw~n klemma&twn au0tw~n. And they did not repent of their murders, or of their sorceries, or of their fornication, or of their thefts. farmakeiw~n, spells, occultisms, potions (1), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ehjn) vs. farma&kwn, spells, occultisms, potions (2), RP-marg F1859=6/13 vs. phrase absent, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's dk) vs. another spelling, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=6:6.
Rev 11:1 Kai\ e0do/qh moi ka&lamoj o3moioj r(a&bdw%, {RP P1904 S1550: - } [E1624 S1894: kai\ o9 a!ggeloj ei9sth/kei,] le/gwn, {RP-text TR: 871Egeirai} [RP-marg P1904: 871Egeire], kai\ me/trhson to\n nao\n tou= qeou=, kai\ to\ qusiasth/rion, kai\ tou\j proskunou=ntaj e0n au0tw%~. And I was given a reed like a staff, {RP P1904 S1550: and he said} [E1624 S1894: and the angel was standing and said], “Arise and measure the sanctuary of God and the altar and those who worship in it, kai\ o9 a!ggeloj ei9sth/kei, and the angel was standing: absent in RP P1904 S1550 F1859=10/13 vs. present in E1624 S1894 F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fhm). AV differs textually.

e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP-text TR F1859=7/13 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/13. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Ezek 40-43 (measurements of the temple).

I was given ← to me was given.

and those: [CB] has and (record) those; others, and (count) those, by zeugma of me/trhson.
Rev 11:4 Ou[toi/ ei0sin ai9 du/o e0lai=ai, kai\ {RP P1904 S1894: ai9} [S1550 E1624: - ] du/o luxni/ai ai9 e0nw&pion tou= {RP P1904: kuri/ou} [TR: qeou=] th=j gh=j {RP-text P1904 TR: e9stw~sai} [RP-marg: e9stw~tej]. These are {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] two olive trees and the two lampstands which stand before the {RP P1904: Lord} [TR: God] of the earth. ai9, the (two lampstands): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13.

kuri/ou, Lord, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. qeou=, God, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). AV differs textually.

e9stw~sai, standing (feminine, agreeing with olive trees and lampstands), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's eghjln, but gln with smooth breathing) vs. e9stw~tej, standing (masculine, agreeing with these), RP-marg F1859=7/13 (dk with smooth breathing). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Zech 4:3.
Rev 11:13 {RP-text P1904 TR: Kai\ e0n} [RP-marg: 870En] e0kei/nh| th|= {RP P1904: h9me/ra%} [TR: w#ra%] e0ge/neto seismo\j me/gaj, kai\ to\ de/katon th=j po/lewj e1pesen, kai\ a)pekta&nqhsan e0n tw%~ seismw%~ o0no/mata a)nqrw&pwn, xilia&dej e9pta&: kai\ oi9 loipoi\ e1mfoboi e0ge/nonto, kai\ e1dwkan do/can tw%~ qew%~ tou= ou0ranou=. {RP-text P1904: And on that day} [RP-marg: On that day] [TR: And at that hour] a great earthquake took place, and a tenth of the city collapsed, and seven thousand people in the population were killed in the earthquake, while the remainder became fearful and gave glory to the God of heaven. kai\, and: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's ghlmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=8/13. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=7:8.

h9me/ra%, day, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. w#ra%, hour, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g). AV differs textually.

people in the population ← names of men.
Rev 11:16 Kai\ oi9 {RP-text P1904: ei1kosi te/ssarej} [RP-marg: K6D6] [TR: ei1kosi kai\ te/ssarej] presbu/teroi oi9 e0nw&pion {RP-text P1904: tou= qro/nou} [RP-marg TR: - ] tou= qeou= {RP-text TR: kaqh/menoi} [RP-marg P1904: oi4 ka&qhntai] e0pi\ tou\j qro/nouj au0tw~n, {RP: e1peson} [P1904 TR: e1pesan] e0pi\ ta_ pro/swpa au0tw~n, kai\ proseku/nhsan tw%~ qew%~, Then the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before {RP-text P1904: the throne of} [RP-marg TR: - ] God fell face down and worshipped God, ei1kosi te/ssarej, twenty-four, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/13 vs. K6D6, 24, RP-marg F1859=6/13 vs. ei1kosi kai\ te/ssarej, twenty and four, TR F1859=0/13.

tou= qro/nou, of the throne: present in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ghkn). AV differs textually.

kaqh/menoi, sitting, RP-text TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhln, f containing oi9) vs. oi4 ka&qhntai, who sit, RP-marg P1904 F1859=9/13 (incl. g which lacks oi9). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.

e1peson, they fell (classical form), RP F1859=10/13 vs. e1pesan, they fell (non-classical form), P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's djl).
Rev 11:19 Kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: h0noi/gh} [RP-marg: h0noi/xqh] o9 nao\j tou= qeou= {RP TR: - } [P1904: o9] e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, kai\ w!fqh h9 kibwto\j th=j diaqh/khj {RP-text: tou= kuri/ou} [RP-marg TR: au0tou=] [P1904: kuri/ou] e0n tw%~ naw%~ au0tou=: kai\ e0ge/nonto a)strapai\ kai\ fwnai\ kai\ brontai\ {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: kai\ seismo\j] kai\ xa&laza mega&lh. Then the sanctuary of God, {RP TR: which} [P1904: which] is in heaven, was opened, and the ark of {RP-text: the Lord's covenant} [RP-marg TR: his covenant] [P1904: the Lord's covenant] in his sanctuary appeared, and lightning flashes and voices and thunderclaps {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: and an earthquake] and a heavy hailstorm took place, h0noi/gh, was opened (1), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's fghlmn, gn with rough breathing) vs. h0noi/xqh, was opened (2), RP-marg F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

o9, the / which (going with in heaven): absent in RP TR F1859=10/13 vs. present in P1904 F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fgm).

tou= kuri/ou, of the Lord, RP-text F1859=8/13 vs. au0tou=, his, RP-marg TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's gmn) vs. kuri/ou, of (the) Lord, P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l) vs. tou= qeou=, of God, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's b). AV differs textually.

kai\ seismo\j, and an (earth)quake: absent in RP-text F1859=10/13 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's gmn, but m reading seismoi/, earthquakes). AV differs textually.

heavy hailstorm ← great hail.
Rev 12:3 Kai\ w!fqh a!llo shmei=on e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, kai\ i0dou/, dra&kwn {RP-text: puro\j me/gaj} [RP-marg: me/gaj puro/j] [RP-marg2 TR: me/gaj purro/j] [RP-marg3 P1904: purro\j me/gaj], e1xwn kefala_j e9pta_ kai\ ke/rata de/ka, kai\ e0pi\ ta_j kefala_j au0tou= {RP P1904: e9pta_ diadh/mata} [TR: diadh/mata e9pta&]. Then another sign appeared in the sky, and there was a large {RP-text RP-marg: fiery} [RP-marg2 RP-marg3 P1904 TR: flame-coloured] dragon which had seven heads and ten horns, with seven diadems on its heads. puro\j me/gaj, of fire + large, RP-text F1859=9/13 vs. me/gaj puro/j, large + of fire, RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's gmn) vs. me/gaj purro/j, large fire-coloured / red, RP-marg2 TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h) vs. purro\j me/gaj, fire-coloured / red + large, RP-marg3 P1904 F1859=0/13. A disparity with RP-marg2, RP-marg3 (low manuscript counts).

e9pta_ diadh/mata, seven + diadems, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. diadh/mata e9pta&, diadems + seven, TR F1859=0/13.

Dan 7:19-20.

there wasbehold.

which: the question arises as to whether to ↴
Rev 12:6 Kai\ h9 gunh\ e1fugen ei0j th\n e1rhmon, o3pou e1xei {RP P1904: e0kei=} [TR: - ] to/pon h9toimasme/non {RP-text: u9po\} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)po\] tou= qeou=, i3na e0kei= {RP-text: e0ktre/fwsin} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tre/fwsin] au0th\n h9me/raj xili/aj diakosi/aj e9ch/konta. And the woman fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God in order to feed her there for one thousand two hundred and sixty days. e0kei=, there → where: present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

u9po\, by, RP-text F1859=10/12 vs. a)po\, from → by, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gh).

e0ktre/fwsin, feed (strengthened by the prefix e0k), RP-text F1859=8/13 (incl. e0ktre/fousin k) vs. tre/fwsin, feed, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's efgmn). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).

to feed ← that they should feed.
Rev 13:4 kai\ proseku/nhsan {RP P1904: tw%~ dra&konti tw%~ dedwko/ti} [TR: to\n dra&konta o4j e1dwken] {RP P1904: th\n} [TR: - ] e0cousi/an tw%~ qhri/w%, kai\ proseku/nhsan {RP P1904: tw%~ qhri/w%} [TR: to\ qhri/on], le/gontej, Ti/j o3moioj tw%~ qhri/w%; {RP-text: Kai\ ti/j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Ti/j] {RP-text: dunato\j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: du/natai] polemh=sai met' au0tou=; And they worshipped the dragon who had given {RP P1904: the} [TR: - ] authority to the beast, and they worshipped the beast and said, “Who is like the beast? {RP-text: And who} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Who] can go to war against him?” tw%~ dra&konti tw%~ dedwko/ti, the dragon the (one who) had given (all dative), RP P1904 F1859=11/13 (with lesser variations in fgmn) vs. to\n dra&konta o4j e1dwken, the dragon (accusative) who gave, TR F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k) vs. words absent, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e).

th\n, the (authority): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13 vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e).

tw%~ qhri/w%, the beast (dative), RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. to\ qhri/on, the beast (accusative), TR F1859=0/13.

kai\, and (who): present in RP-text F1859=5/13 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.

dunato\j, (is) able, RP-text F1859=9/13 vs. du/natai, can, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's gjmn).

go to war against ← war with.
Rev 13:8 Kai\ proskunh/sousin {RP-text TR: au0tw%~} [RP-marg P1904: au0to\n] pa&ntej oi9 katoikou=ntej e0pi\ th=j gh=j, w{n ou0 ge/graptai {RP P1904: to\ o1noma} [TR: ta_ o0no/mata] e0n {RP P1904: tw%~ bibli/w%} [TR: th|= bi/blw%] th=j zwh=j tou= a)rni/ou {RP P1904: tou=} [TR: - ] e0sfagme/nou a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou. And all those who dwell on the earth will worship him, those whose {RP P1904: name is} [TR: names are] not written in the book of life of the lamb slain since the overthrow of the world. au0tw%~, him (dative), RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's eghlm) vs. au0to\n, him (accusative), RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

to\ o1noma, the name, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. ta_ o0no/mata, the names, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

tw%~ bibli/w%, the book (diminutive form but not emphatic), RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. th|= bi/blw%, the book, TR F1859=0/13.

tou=, the (one slaughtered): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Rev 13:10 Ei1 tij {RP-text: e1xei ai0xmalwsi/an, u9pa&gei} [RP-marg: ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an, u9pa&gei] [P1904: ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an a)pa&gei, ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an u9pa&gei] [TR: ai0xmalwsi/an suna&gei, ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an u9pa&gei]: ei1 tij e0n maxai/ra% {RP-text TR: a)poktenei=} [RP-marg: - ] [P1904: a)pokte/nnei], dei= au0to\n {RP-text P1904 TR: e0n maxai/ra%} [RP-marg: - ] a)poktanqh=nai. 87[Wde/ e0stin h9 u9pomonh\ kai\ h9 pi/stij tw~n a(gi/wn. If anyone {RP-text: confines to captivity, he will go the same way} [RP-marg: confines to captivity, he will go the same way] [P1904: leads into captivity, he will go into captivity] [TR: gathers into captivity, he will go into captivity]. If anyone {RP-text P1904 TR: kills by the sword, he must be killed by the sword} [RP-marg: kills by the sword, he must be killed by the sword]. This is the patience and the faith of the saints. e1xei ai0xmalwsi/an, u9pa&gei, has captivity, he goes away, RP-text F1859=7/14 vs. ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an, u9pa&gei, to captivity, he goes away, RP-marg F1859=2/14 (Scrivener's gn) vs. ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an a)pa&gei, ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an u9pa&gei, leads away to captivity, he goes away to captivity, P1904 F1859=0/14 vs. ai0xmalwsi/an suna&gei, ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an u9pa&gei, leads captivity, he goes to captivity, TR F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's b**) vs. four other readings, F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's fklm).

a)poktenei=, will kill, RP-text TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hlm but m accented a)pokte/nei, kills, compare Matt 10:28) vs. word absent, RP-marg F1859=8/13 vs. a)pokte/nnei, kills, P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:8.

e0n maxai/ra%, by (the) sword: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's ghlmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=8/13. A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=7:8.

Gen 9:6 (allusion).

{RP-text: confines to ← has, encloses, but also inhabits.}

this ← here.

saints: see Matt 27:52.
Rev 13:11 Kai\ ei]don a!llo qhri/on a)nabai=non e0k th=j gh=j, kai\ ei]xen ke/rata {RP P1904 TR: du/o} [MISC: - ] o3moia a)rni/w%, kai\ e0la&lei w(j dra&kwn. Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had {RP P1904 TR: two} [MISC: - ] horns like those of a lamb, and he spoke like a dragon, du/o, two: present in RP P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's fghlmn) vs. absent in F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.
Rev 13:14 Kai\ plana%~ {RP-text: tou\j e0mou\j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] tou\j katoikou=ntaj e0pi\ th=j gh=j dia_ ta_ shmei=a a$ e0do/qh au0tw%~ poih=sai e0nw&pion tou= qhri/ou, le/gwn toi=j katoikou=sin e0pi\ th=j gh=j poih=sai ei0ko/na tw%~ qhri/w% {RP TR: o4} [P1904: o4j] {RP P1904: ei]xen} [TR: e1xei] {RP-text P1904 TR: th\n} [RP-marg: - ] plhgh\n {RP-text: kai\ e1zhsen a)po\ th=j maxai/raj} [RP-marg P1904 TR: th=j maxai/raj kai\ e1zhsen]. And he led those {RP-text: of mine} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] who dwell on the earth astray by the signs which he was granted to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had received {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: a] strike {RP-text: but lived after the sword strike} [RP-marg P1904 TR: of the sword but lived]. tou\j e0mou\j, my → of mine: present in RP-text F1859=8/13 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's fglmn). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=8:7. AV differs textually.

o4, which, RP TR F1859=11/13 (explicitly) vs. o4j, who, P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's mn).

ei]xen, had, RP P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. e1xei, has, TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fgh).

th\n, the (strike): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=12/13 vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).

kai\ e1zhsen a)po\ th=j maxai/raj, and lived (having recovered) + from (or: after) the sword, RP-text F1859=8/13 (adl with minor variations) vs. th=j maxai/raj kai\ e1zhsen, (stroke) of the sword + and lived, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's fghmn). Nearly a disparity (#3) with RP-text, R=8:7.

led ← leads.

he was granted ← were granted to him.

[RP-text: after ← from, a Hebraism (מִן), as in Ezek 38:8.]
Rev 13:16 Kai\ poiei= pa&ntaj, tou\j mikrou\j kai\ tou\j mega&louj, kai\ tou\j plousi/ouj kai\ tou\j ptwxou/j, kai\ tou\j e0leuqe/rouj kai\ tou\j dou/louj, i3na {RP-text: dw&swsin} [RP-marg: dw~sin] [P1904: dw&sousin] [TR: dw&sh|] au0toi=j {RP-text: xara&gmata} [RP-marg P1904 TR: xa&ragma] e0pi\ th=j xeiro\j au0tw~n th=j decia~j, h2 e0pi\ {RP-text: to\ me/twpon} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tw~n metw&pwn] au0tw~n, And he forced everyone, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, the free and bond-servants, to be given {RP-text: marks} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a mark] on their right hand or on their {RP-text: forehead} [RP-marg P1904 TR: foreheads], dw&swsin, that they should give (non-classical form of the aorist subjunctive), RP-text F1859=5/12 vs. dw~sin, that they should give (classical aorist subjunctive), RP-marg F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's fhm) vs. dw&sousin, they will give, P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's bce) vs. dw&sh|, that he should give (non-classical form of the aorist subjunctive), TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:4.

xara&gmata, marks, RP-text F1859=8/13 vs. xa&ragma, a mark, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's gjkmn). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=8:7.

to\ me/twpon, (onto) the forehead, RP-text F1859=10/13 vs. tw~n metw&pwn, (on) the foreheads, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hjn, n misspelled).

forced everyone ... to be given ← made everyone ... that {RP P1904: they} [TR: he] should give them.
Rev 13:17 kai\ i3na mh/ tij {RP-text: du/natai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: du/nhtai] a)gora&sai h2 pwlh=sai, ei0 mh\ o9 e1xwn to\ xa&ragma, {RP P1904: - } [TR: h2] to\ o1noma tou= qhri/ou h2 to\n a)riqmo\n tou= o0no/matoj au0tou=. and he enforced that no-one should be able to buy or sell unless he has the mark, {RP P1904: - } [TR: either] the name of the beast, or the number of his name. du/natai, is able (non-classical indicative), RP-text F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bcfln) vs. du/nhtai, should be able (classical subjunctive), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:10.

h2, or: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12.

unless he has ← except him having.
Rev 13:18 87[Wde h9 sofi/a e0sti/n. 879O e1xwn {RP P1904: - } [TR: to\n] nou=n yhfisa&tw to\n a)riqmo\n tou= qhri/ou: a)riqmo\j ga_r a)nqrw&pou e0sti/n, {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\} [RP-marg: - ] o9 a)riqmo\j au0tou= {RP-text: e0sti\n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] {RP-text: e9cako/sia e9ch/konta e3c} [RP-marg P1904 TR: X6C6j6]. Here is wisdom. He who is sharp-witted, let him calculate the number of the beast. For it is the number of {RP-text P1904 TR: man, and his} [RP-marg: man. His] number {RP-text: is} [RP-marg P1904 TR: is] six hundred and sixty-six. to\n, the (mind, intelligence, wit): absent in RP P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. present in TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's dmn).

kai\, and (the number): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's ghn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=10/13. A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:10.

e0sti\n, (his number) is: present in RP-text F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's ghn) vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=10/13. A strong disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=3:12.

e9cako/sia e9ch/konta e3c, six hundred and sixty-six, RP-text F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's egl) vs. x6c6j6, 666, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hj) vs. Scrivener's reference, which is unclear to us (xcj', 666, with no overline? compare f at [ GA69_0210a.jpg]), F1859=6/13 vs. x6c6s6, 666 intended?, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. x6m6j6, 646, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's d). A strong disparity (#3) with RP-text, R=3:10?

is sharp-witted ← has intelligence.
Rev 14:1 Kai\ ei]don, kai\ i0dou/, {RP-text P1904: to\} [RP-marg TR: - ] a)rni/on e9sthko\j e0pi\ to\ o1roj Siw&n, kai\ met' au0tou= {RP-text: a)riqmo\j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] {RP-text P1904 TR: e9kato\n tessara&konta te/ssarej xilia&dej} [RP-marg: R6M6D6 xilia&dej], e1xousai {RP P1904: to\ o1noma au0tou= kai\} [TR: - ] to\ o1noma tou= patro\j au0tou= gegramme/non e0pi\ tw~n metw&pwn au0tw~n. Then I looked and there was {RP-text P1904: the} [RP-marg TR: the] lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him were one hundred and forty-four thousand {RP-text: in number} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] having {RP P1904: his name and} [TR: - ] the name of his father written on their foreheads. to\, the (lamb): present in RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn).

a)riqmo\j, number: present in RP-text F1859=7/12 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's fghkn). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:7.

e9kato\n tessara&konta te/ssarej xilia&dej, one hundred and forty-four thousand, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdegj, bc* having spelling variations, c counted once) vs. R6M6D6 xilia&dej, 144 thousand, RP-marg F1859=6/13 vs. another reading, for which the RP reading may well be intended, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l).

to\ o1noma au0tou= kai\, his name and: present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

there wasbehold.
Rev 14:2 Kai\ h1kousa fwnh\n e0k tou= ou0ranou=, w(j fwnh\n u9da&twn pollw~n, kai\ w(j fwnh\n bronth=j mega&lhj: kai\ {RP P1904: h9 fwnh\ h4n} [TR: fwnh\n] h1kousa {RP P1904: w(j} [TR: - ] kiqarw%dw~n kiqarizo/ntwn e0n tai=j kiqa&raij au0tw~n. And I heard a sound from heaven like the sound of much water, and like the sound of loud thunder. And {RP P1904: the sound which I heard was like} [TR: I heard a sound of] harpists playing their harps. h9 fwnh\ h4n, the voice which, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. fwnh\n, a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

w(j, like: present in RP P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. absent in TR F1859=12/13 (not enumerated, but rest with Elzev.). A strong disparity with RP, R=2:13. AV differs textually.
Rev 14:3 Kai\ a%!dousin {RP P1904: - } [TR: w(j] w%)dh\n kainh\n e0nw&pion tou= qro/nou, kai\ e0nw&pion tw~n tessa&rwn zw%&wn kai\ tw~n presbute/rwn: kai\ ou0dei\j {RP-text P1904: e0du/nato} [RP-marg TR: h0du/nato] maqei=n th\n w%)dh/n, ei0 mh\ ai9 {RP-text P1904 TR: e9kato\n tessara&konta te/ssarej xilia&dej} [RP-marg: R6M6D6 xilia&dej], oi9 h0gorasme/noi a)po\ th=j gh=j. And they sang {RP P1904: a new song} [TR: a new song] before the throne, and before the four living beings and the elders. And no-one could learn the song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth. w(j, like (with song): absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. present in TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

e0du/nato, could (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. h0du/nato, could (2), RP-marg TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's bgm).

e9kato\n tessara&konta te/ssarej xilia&dej, one hundred and forty-four thousand, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's bceg) vs. R6M6D6 xilia&dej, 144 thousand, RP-marg F1859=8/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:8.

[TR: a new song ← as a new song. Probably a case of a redundant w(j; see Luke 2:37.]
Rev 14:4 Ou[toi/ ei0sin oi4 meta_ gunaikw~n ou0k e0molu/nqhsan: parqe/noi ga&r ei0sin. Ou[toi/ ei0sin oi9 a)kolouqou=ntej tw%~ a)rni/w% o3pou {RP-text P1904 TR: a@n} [RP-marg: e0a_n] u9pa&gh|. Ou[toi {RP: u9po\ 870Ihsou=} [P1904 TR: - ] h0gora&sqhsan a)po\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, a)parxh\ tw%~ qew%~ kai\ tw%~ a)rni/w%. These are those who have not been defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are those who follow the lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed {RP: by Jesus} [P1904 TR: - ] from men as a firstfruit to God and the lamb. a@n, (where)ever (1), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ghmn) vs. e0a_n, (where)ever (2), RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9. Almost the same set of Scrivener's manuscripts that are for RP below are against RP-text here.

u9po\ 870Ihsou=, by Jesus: present in RP F1859=10/13 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's gmn). AV differs textually.
Rev 14:5 Kai\ {RP-text: ou0x eu9re/qh e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n yeu=doj} [RP-marg: e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n ou0x eu9re/qh yeu=doj] [P1904: ou0x eu9re/qh yeu=doj e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n] [TR: e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n ou0x eu9re/qh do/loj]: a!mwmoi ga&r ei0sin {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0nw&pion tou= qro/nou tou= qeou=]. And {RP-text P1904: no falsehood was found in their mouth} [RP-marg: in their mouth no falsehood was found] [TR: in their mouth no deceit was found], for they are without blemish {RP P1904: - } [TR: before the throne of God]. ou0x eu9re/qh e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n yeu=doj, not was found + in their mouth + falsehood, RP-text F1859=9/12 vs. e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n ou0x eu9re/qh yeu=doj, in their mouth + not was found + falsehood, RP-marg F1859=0/12 vs. ou0x eu9re/qh yeu=doj e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n, not was found + falsehood + in their mouth, P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n ou0x eu9re/qh do/loj, in their mouth + not was found + deceit, TR F1859=0/12 vs. ou0x eu9re/qh e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n do/loj, not was found + in their mouth + deceit, F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghn). A disparity with RP-marg (zero count).

e0nw&pion tou= qro/nou tou= qeou=, in the presence of the throne of God: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

Zeph 3:13.
Rev 14:15 Kai\ a!lloj a!ggeloj e0ch=lqen e0k tou= naou=, kra&zwn e0n {RP P1904: fwnh|= mega&lh|} [TR: mega&lh| fwnh|=] tw%~ kaqhme/nw% e0pi\ th=j nefe/lhj, Pe/myon to\ dre/pano/n sou kai\ qe/rison: o3ti {RP P1904: h]lqen} [TR: h]lqe/n soi] h9 w#ra {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: tou=] qeri/sai, o3ti e0chra&nqh o9 qerismo\j th=j gh=j. And another angel went out of the sanctuary, crying out in a loud voice to the one sitting on the cloud, “Thrust in your sickle and reap, because the time {RP P1904: of reaping} [TR: for you to reap] has come, because the harvest of the earth has become dry.” fwnh|= mega&lh|, a voice + loud, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. mega&lh| fwnh|=, a loud + voice, TR F1859=0/13.

soi, for / of you: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). AV differs textually.

tou=, (of) the (reaping): absent in RP-text F1859=8/13 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's aeghk). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Joel 4:13MT (Joel 3:13AV).

dry: AV differs somewhat (ripe).
Rev 14:18 Kai\ a!lloj a!ggeloj e0ch=lqen e0k tou= qusiasthri/ou, e1xwn e0cousi/an e0pi\ tou= puro/j, kai\ e0fw&nhsen {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: e0n] kraugh|= mega&lh| tw%~ e1xonti to\ dre/panon to\ o0cu/, le/gwn, Pe/myon sou to\ dre/panon to\ o0cu\ kai\ tru/ghson tou\j bo/truaj {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: th=j a)mpe/lou} [S1550: - ] th=j gh=j, o3ti {RP-text TR: h1kmasan ai9 stafulai\} [RP-marg P1904: h1kmasen h9 stafulh\] {RP-text TR: au0th=j} [RP-marg P1904: th=j gh=j]. And another angel went out of the altar, having authority over fire, and he called with a loud shout to the one who had the sharp sickle and said, “Thrust in your sharp sickle and harvest the grapes {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: of the vine} [S1550: - ] of the earth, because {RP-text TR: its grapes} [RP-marg P1904: the grapes of the earth] have ripened.” e0n, with (a loud shout): absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. present in RP-marg F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's ghjn).

th=j a)mpe/lou, of the vine: present in RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=12/12 vs. absent in S1550 F1859=0/12.

h1kmasan ai9 stafulai\, the bunches of grapes ripened, RP-text TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's ghn + l*?) vs. h1kmasen h9 stafulh\, the bunch of grapes ripened, RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/11. A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:9. Scrivener's l* is excluded as it is doubtful.

au0th=j, its, RP-text TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghn) vs. th=j gh=j, of the earth, RP-marg P1904 F1859=9/12. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:10.
Rev 14:19 Kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: e1balen} [RP-marg: e0ce/balen] o9 a!ggeloj to\ dre/panon au0tou= ei0j th\n gh=n, kai\ e0tru/ghsen th\n a!mpelon th=j gh=j, kai\ e1balen ei0j th\n lhno\n tou= qumou= tou= qeou= {RP: to\n me/gan} [P1904 TR: th\n mega&lhn]. So the angel {RP-text P1904 TR: thrust} [RP-marg: thrust out] his sickle into the earth and harvested the vine of the earth, and he put it in the great wine press of the wrath of God. e1balen, cast → thrust, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's fghn) vs. e0ce/balen, cast out, RP-marg F1859=8/12. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:8.

to\n me/gan, the great (masculine, as God and wrath, but accusative, as vat, which is feminine, so not strictly in agreement with any, but we take it with vat), RP F1859=8/12 vs. th\n mega&lhn, the great (accusative feminine, agrees with vat), P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's glmn).
Rev 15:2 Kai\ ei]don w(j qa&lassan u9ali/nhn memigme/nhn puri/, kai\ tou\j nikw~ntaj {RP-text P1904 TR: e0k tou= qhri/ou kai\ e0k th=j ei0ko/noj} [RP-marg: e0k th=j ei0ko/noj kai\ e0k tou= qhri/ou] au0tou= kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0k tou= xara&gmatoj au0tou=,] e0k tou= a)riqmou= tou= o0no/matoj au0tou=, e9stw~taj e0pi\ th\n qa&lassan th\n u9ali/nhn, e1xontaj {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: ta_j] kiqa&raj tou= qeou=. And I saw a kind of sea of glass mixed with fire, and I saw those who had been victorious {RP-text P1904 TR: over the beast and over his image} [RP-marg: over the image and over the beast on it] and {RP P1904: - } [TR: over his mark, and] over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: the] harps of God, e0k tou= qhri/ou kai\ e0k th=j ei0ko/noj, over the beast + and the image, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's hlmn) vs. e0k th=j ei0ko/noj kai\ e0k tou= qhri/ou, over the image + and the beast, RP-marg F1859=8/12 (but kl without second e0k). A weak disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=6:8.

e0k tou= xara&gmatoj au0tou=, and of his mark: absent in RP P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. present in TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's mn). AV differs textually.

ta_j, the (harps): absent in RP-text TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cfghkn) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bdejlm). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=7:7.

[TR: the beast on it ← the beast of it.]
Rev 15:3 Kai\ a%!dousin th\n w%)dh\n {RP P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [TR: Mwse/wj] {RP P1904 S1894: tou=} [S1550 E1624: - ] dou/lou tou= qeou=, kai\ th\n w%)dh\n tou= a)rni/ou, le/gontej, Mega&la kai\ qaumasta_ ta_ e1rga sou, ku/rie o9 qeo\j o9 pantokra&twr: di/kaiai kai\ a)lhqinai\ ai9 o9doi/ sou, o9 basileu\j tw~n {RP P1904: e0qnw~n} [TR: a(gi/wn]. and they sang the Song of Moses {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] servant of God, and the song of the lamb, which reads,

Great and wondrous are your works,

O Lord God Almighty.

Righteous and true are your ways,

O king of the {RP P1904: nations} [TR: saints].

Mwu+se/wj, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=5/12 vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gn) vs. another spelling, F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's behj) vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d).

tou=, of the (servant): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn) vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=9/12 vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d). A disparity with RP, R=4:10.

e0qnw~n, of nations, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. a(gi/wn, of saints, TR F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). AV differs textually.

Deut 32 (Song of Moses); Ps 86:9-11 (allusion); Ps 145:17.

which reads ← saying.

[TR: saints: see Matt 27:52.]
Rev 15:4 Ti/j ou0 mh\ fobhqh|= {RP TR: se} [P1904: - ], ku/rie, kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: doca&sh|} [RP-marg: doca&sei] to\ o1noma& sou; 873Oti mo/noj {RP: a#gioj} [P1904 TR: o3sioj]: o3ti {RP-text P1904 TR: pa&nta ta_ e1qnh} [RP-marg: pa&ntej] h3cousin kai\ proskunh/sousin e0nw&pio/n sou, o3ti ta_ dikaiw&mata& sou e0fanerw&qhsan.

Who can possibly not fear {RP TR: you} [P1904: you], O Lord,

And not glorify your name?

For you alone are {RP: holy} [P1904 TR: sacred],

For {RP-text P1904 TR: all the nations} [RP-marg: all] will come and worship before you,

For your righteous decrees have been made manifest.”

se, (fear) you: present in RP TR F1859=11/12 vs. absent in P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's f, also lacking ku/rie).

doca&sh|, glorify (aorist subjunctive, governed by ou0 mh\), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=9/12 vs. doca&sei, will glorify (future indicative), RP-marg F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's gmn).

a#gioj, holy, RP F1859=11/12 vs. o3sioj, sacred, P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n).

pa&nta ta_ e1qnh, all the nations, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's bhn) vs. pa&ntej, everyone, RP-marg F1859=7/11 vs. another reading, F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's g). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.

Jer 10:7.
Rev 15:8 Kai\ e0gemi/sqh o9 nao\j {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0k tou=] kapnou= e0k th=j do/chj tou= qeou=, kai\ e0k th=j duna&mewj au0tou=: kai\ ou0dei\j {RP-text P1904: e0du/nato} [RP-marg TR: h0du/nato] ei0selqei=n ei0j to\n nao/n, a!xri telesqw~sin ai9 e9pta_ plhgai\ tw~n e9pta_ a)gge/lwn. and the sanctuary was filled {RP-text TR: with smoke from} [RP-marg P1904: by the smoke of] the glory of God and from his power, and no-one could enter into the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed. e0k tou=, out of → with (smoke): absent in RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bghln) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

e0du/nato, could (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. h0du/nato, could (2), RP-marg TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's fghmn).

Ex 40:34, 1 Ki 8:10, Isa 6:4, 2 Chr 5:13.
Rev 16:1 Kai\ h1kousa {RP TR: fwnh=j mega&lhj} [P1904: mega&lhj fwnh=j] {RP-text P1904 TR: e0k tou= naou=} [RP-marg: - ], legou/shj toi=j e9pta_ a)gge/loij, 879Upa&gete, {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\} [RP-marg: - ] e0kxe/ate ta_j {RP P1904: e9pta_} [TR: - ] fia&laj tou= qumou= tou= qeou= ei0j th\n gh=n. Then I heard a loud voice {RP-text P1904 TR: from the sanctuary} [RP-marg: - ] saying to the seven angels, “Depart {RP-text P1904 TR: and} [RP-marg: ;] pour out the {RP P1904: seven} [TR: - ] vials of the wrath of God on the earth.” fwnh=j mega&lhj, voice + loud, RP TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's aehklmn) vs. mega&lhj fwnh=j, loud + voice, P1904 F1859=6/13. Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=7:6.

e0k tou= naou=, from the sanctuary: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ghmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=6:9.

kai\, and (pour): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=10/13 vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hln).

e9pta_, seven: present in RP P1904 F1859=11/13 (g using the symbol z) vs. absent in TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn). AV differs textually.
Rev 16:3 Kai\ o9 deu/teroj a!ggeloj e0ce/xeen th\n fia&lhn au0tou= ei0j th\n qa&lassan: kai\ e0ge/neto ai[ma w(j nekrou=, kai\ pa~sa yuxh\ {RP-text P1904 TR: zw~sa} [RP-marg: - ] a)pe/qanen e0n th|= qala&ssh|. Then the second angel poured his vial out on the sea, and it became blood as of someone dead, and every {RP-text P1904 TR: living} [RP-marg: - ] soul in the sea died. zw~sa, living: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hln) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9.

Ex 7:20.

soul: i.e. animal life-form. (The Latin for soul is anima.)

in the sea died ← died in the sea.
Rev 16:5 Kai\ h1kousa tou= a)gge/lou tw~n u9da&twn le/gontoj, Di/kaioj {RP P1904: - } [TR: , ku/rie,] ei], o9 w@n kai\ o9 h]n, {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] {RP-text P1904 TR: o9} [RP-marg: - ] {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: o3sioj} [S1894: e0so/menoj], o3ti tau=ta e1krinaj:

And I heard the angel of the waters say,

“You are righteous, {RP P1904: - } [TR: Lord,]

You who are and who {RP P1904: were,} [TR: were and] {RP-text P1904: you who are holy} [RP-marg: you who are holy] [S1550 E1624: who are holy] [S1894: who are to be],

Because you have executed judgment in respect of these things.

ku/rie, Lord: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

kai\, and (the sacred one) → who: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g).

o9, the (sacred one): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's bchn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

o3sioj, sacred, RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=13/13 vs. e0so/menoj, who will be (to come), S1894 F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.
Rev 16:8 Kai\ o9 te/tartoj {RP-text TR: a!ggeloj} [RP-marg P1904: - ] e0ce/xeen th\n fia&lhn au0tou= e0pi\ to\n h3lion: kai\ e0do/qh au0tw%~ kaumati/sai {RP-text P1904: e0n puri\ tou\j a)nqrw&pouj} [RP-marg TR: tou\j a)nqrw&pouj e0n puri/]. Then the fourth {RP-text TR: angel} [RP-marg P1904: one] poured his vial out on the sun, and he was granted to scorch men with fire, a!ggeloj, angel: present in RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bchmn) vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

e0n puri\ tou\j a)nqrw&pouj, with fire + men, RP-text P1904 F1859=8/12 vs. tou\j a)nqrw&pouj e0n puri\, men + with fire, RP-marg TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's fghn).

he was granted ← it was given to him.
Rev 16:16 Kai\ sunh/gagen au0tou\j ei0j to\n to/pon to\n kalou/menon 879Ebrai+sti\ {RP-text P1904: 879Armagedw&n} [RP-marg: Magedw&n] [TR: 879Armageddw&n]. And he gathered them in the place called in Hebraic {RP-text P1904 TR: Armageddon} [RP-marg: Megiddo]. 879Armagedw&n, Harmagedon, RP-text P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ghlm) vs. Magedw&n, Magedon, RP-marg F1859=7/13 vs. 879Armageddw&n, Harmageddon, TR F1859=0/13 vs. other spellings, Makeddw&n, Magidw&n, Makeddon, Magidon, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's fn respectively). AV and traditional English spelling: Armageddon. Ar- / Har- = Mount. The modern name is Megiddo. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.
Rev 16:21 Kai\ xa&laza mega&lh, w(j talantiai/a, katabai/nei e0k tou= ou0ranou= e0pi\ tou\j a)nqrw&pouj: kai\ e0blasfh/mhsan oi9 a!nqrwpoi to\n qeo\n e0k th=j plhgh=j th=j xala&zhj: o3ti mega&lh e0sti\n h9 plhgh\ {RP-text TR: au0th=j} [RP-marg P1904: au3th] sfo/dra. And a great hailstorm with stones weighing about a talent each came down from the sky on men. At this the men blasphemed God for the plague of the hail, because {RP-text TR: its impact} [RP-marg P1904: this plague] was very severe. au0th=j, its (impact / plague) (feminine), RP-text TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's adghkm) vs. au9th, this, RP-marg P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bcjln, but see f below) vs. au0th=, to it (but without iota subscript, so barring diacritics, as RP-marg), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f) vs. au0tou=, its (masculine), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:6.

talent: about 114 pounds (52 kg), according to [CB].

the sky: or heaven.

{RP: its impact ← its plague.}

severe ← great.
Rev 17:4 Kai\ h9 gunh\ {RP P1904 S1894: h]n} [S1550 E1624: h9] peribeblhme/nh {RP-text P1904: porfurou=n} [RP-marg: porfu/ran] [TR: porfu/ra%] kai\ {RP P1904: ko/kkinon} [TR: kokki/nw%], {RP: - } [P1904 TR: kai\] kexruswme/nh {RP-text P1904: xrusi/w%} [RP-marg TR: xrusw%~] kai\ li/qw% timi/w% kai\ margari/taij, e1xousa {RP-text P1904: poth/rion xrusou=n} [RP-marg TR: xrusou=n poth/rion] e0n th|= xeiri\ au0th=j, ge/mon bdelugma&twn kai\ {RP P1904: ta_ a)ka&qarta th=j} [TR: a)kaqa&rthtoj] pornei/aj {RP-text TR: au0th=j} [RP-marg P1904: th=j gh=j], Now the woman {RP P1904 S1894: was} [S1550 E1624: who was] clothed in purple and scarlet, {RP: - } [P1904 TR: and] gilded with gold and precious gemstones and pearls, holding a golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and {RP P1904: the unclean things} [TR: the uncleanness] of {RP-text TR: her fornication} [RP-marg P1904: the fornication of the earth], h]n, (the woman) was, RP P1904 S1894 F1859=13/13 vs. h9, (the woman) the ; who (was), S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13.

porfurou=n, purple (substantivized adjective), RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. porfu/ran, purple (noun, sc. raiment), RP-marg F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn + k?) vs. porfu/ra%, in purple (noun, sc. raiment), TR F1859=0/12. Scrivener's k? is excluded.

ko/kkinon, scarlet, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. kokki/nw%, in scarlet, TR F1859=0/13.

kai\, and (gilded): absent in RP F1859=12/13 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l).

xrusi/w%, in golden, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. xrusw%~, with gold, RP-marg TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's ghn).

poth/rion xrusou=n, cup + golden, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. xrusou=n poth/rion, golden + cup, RP-marg TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e).

ta_ a)ka&qarta th=j, the unclean (things) of the, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. a)kaqa&rthtoj, of uncleanness, TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

au0th=j, her (fornication), RP-text TR F1859=6/14 (Scrivener's c*ghlmn) vs. th=j gh=j, of the land, RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/14. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=7:9.

gemstones ← stone.
Rev 17:6 Kai\ ei]don th\n gunai=ka mequ/ousan {RP-text P1904 TR: e0k} [RP-marg: - ] tou= ai3matoj tw~n a(gi/wn {RP-text: ,} [RP-marg P1904 TR: kai\] e0k tou= ai3matoj tw~n martu/rwn 870Ihsou=. Kai\ e0qau/masa, i0dw_n au0th/n, qau=ma me/ga. And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints {RP-text: ,} [RP-marg P1904 TR: and] with the blood of the witnesses to Jesus, and I marvelled with great wonder as I saw her. e0k, out (of the blood) → with: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cghlm) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abdefjk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:7, the more so considering the reputation of hm; see Rev 2:7.

kai\, (saints) and: absent in RP-text F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abdejkm) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cfghl). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=7:7.

We note that almost the same set of ↴

saints: see Matt 27:52.

to Jesus: or of Jesus.

as I saw ← having seen. See Matt 23:20.
Rev 17:7 Kai\ ei]pe/n moi o9 a!ggeloj, Dia_ ti/ e0qau/masaj; {RP-text P1904: 870Egw_ e0rw~ soi} [RP-marg TR: 870Egw& soi e0rw~] to\ musth/rion th=j gunaiko/j, kai\ tou= qhri/ou tou= basta&zontoj au0th/n, tou= e1xontoj ta_j e9pta_ kefala_j kai\ ta_ de/ka ke/rata. Then the angel said to me, “Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast who is carrying her, who has the seven heads and the ten horns. ↳ manuscripts are against RP-text over e0k above, and with RP-text over kai\. This is a disparity (#3) in itself, militating that one disparity, as a reading, excludes the other.

e0rw~ soi, I will say + to you, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. soi e0rw~, to you + I will say, RP-marg TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's fh).

Dan 7:19-20.
Rev 17:8 {RP P1904 S1894: To\ qhri/on} [S1550 E1624: Qhri/on], o4 ei]dej, h]n, kai\ ou0k e1stin, kai\ me/llei a)nabai/nein e0k th=j a)bu/ssou, kai\ ei0j a)pw&leian u9pa&gein. Kai\ qauma&sontai oi9 katoikou=ntej {RP-text P1904 TR: e0pi\ th=j gh=j} [RP-marg: th\n gh=n], w{n ou0 ge/graptai {RP-text TR: ta_ o0no/mata} [RP-marg P1904c: to\ o1noma] [P1904u: ta_ o1noma] e0pi\ {RP-text P1904 TR: to\ bibli/on} [RP-marg: tou= bibli/ou] th=j zwh=j a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou, {RP P1904: blepo/ntwn} [TR: ble/pontej] {RP-text: o3ti h]n to\ qhri/on} [RP-marg P1904: to\ qhri/on o3ti h]n] [TR: to\ qhri/on o3, ti h]n], kai\ ou0k e1stin, {RP P1904: kai\ pare/stai} [TR: kai/per e1stin]. {RP P1904 S1894: The} [S1550 E1624: The] beast whom you saw was, but is not, but is about to ascend out of the abyss and go away to destruction. And those {RP-text P1904 TR: dwelling on} [RP-marg: who inhabit] the earth will marvel, those whose {RP-text TR: names have not been} [RP-marg P1904: name has not been] written in the book of life since the overthrow of the world, {RP P1904: when they see} [TR: who see] that the beast was, and is not, {RP P1904: but will be present} [TR: although he is]. to\, the (beast): present in RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in S1894 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k).

e0pi\ th=j gh=j, (dwelling) on the earth, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cdghl) vs. th\n gh=n, (inhabiting) the earth, RP-marg F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abefjkm). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:7.

ta_ o0no/mata, the names, RP-text TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. to\ o1noma, the name, RP-marg P1904 F1859=9/12. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:10.

to\ bibli/on, (into) the book, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ch) vs. tou= bibli/ou, (in) the book, RP-marg F1859=9/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). A disparity (#3) with RP-text, R=4:9.

blepo/ntwn, seeing (agreeing with w{n), RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. ble/pontej, seeing (agreeing with katoikou=ntej), TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n).

o3ti h]n to\ qhri/on, because + was + the beast, RP-text F1859=10/12 vs. to\ qhri/on, o3ti h]n, the beast + that / because it was, RP-marg P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. to\ qhri/on o3, ti h]n, the beast + which was, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gh). A disparity (#4) with RP-marg (zero count).

kai\ pare/stai, and will be present, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. kai/per e1stin, although it is, TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV); Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Rev 17:11 Kai\ to\ qhri/on o4 h]n, kai\ ou0k e1stin, kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: au0to\j} [RP-marg: ou[toj] o1gdoo/j e0stin, kai\ e0k tw~n e9pta& e0stin, kai\ ei0j a)pw&leian u9pa&gei. And the beast who was, but is not, {RP-text P1904 TR: is himself} [RP-marg: this is] both the eighth, and yet is of the seven, and he will go away to destruction. au0to\j, he, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cfh) vs. ou[toj, this one, this man, RP-marg F1859=9/12. A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9.

destruction: the word also means waste as in Matt 26:8, but destruction here in view of the context of Rev 20:10-15 and 1 Cor 15:26.

Despite many finite verbs, it is hard to find a suitable main verb in this sentence. We decide on (o1gdoo/j) e0stin.

There is an interesting change from neuter o4 to masculine {RP-text P1904 TR: au0to\j} [RP-marg: ou[toj] in this verse.
Rev 17:13 Ou[toi mi/an {RP-text: e1xousin gnw&mhn} [RP-marg P1904 TR: gnw&mhn e1xousin], kai\ th\n du/namin kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: th\n} [RP-marg: - ] e0cousi/an {RP P1904: au0tw~n} [TR: e9autw~n] tw%~ qhri/w% {RP P1904: dido/asin} [TR: diadidw&sousin]. These have one purpose, and they {RP P1904: give} [TR: will hand] their power and authority {RP P1904: - } [TR: over] to the beast. e1xousin gnw&mhn, they have + purpose, RP-text F1859=9/12 vs. gnw&mhn e1xousin, purpose + they have, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gh) vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k).

th\n, the (authority): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's behjm) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's acfgkl). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:6.

au0tw~n, their, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. e9autw~n, their own, TR F1859=0/12.

dido/asin, they give, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. diadidw&sousin, they will distribute, TR F1859=0/12 vs. didw&asin, they give (misspelled), F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's l).
Rev 17:17 879O ga_r qeo\j e1dwken ei0j ta_j kardi/aj au0tw~n poih=sai th\n gnw&mhn au0tou=, kai\ poih=sai {RP: gnw&mhn mi/an} [P1904 TR: mi/an gnw&mhn], kai\ dou=nai th\n basilei/an au0tw~n tw%~ qhri/w%, a!xri {RP-text P1904: telesqw~sin oi9 lo/goi} [RP-marg: telesqh/sontai oi9 lo/goi] [TR: telesqh|= ta_ r(h/mata] tou= qeou=. For God has put it in their hearts to carry out his purpose, and to make them unanimous, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. gnw&mhn mi/an, purpose + one, RP F1859=10/12 vs. mi/an gnw&mhn, one + purpose, P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g) vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's m).

telesqw~sin oi9 lo/goi, the words (1) are fulfilled (aorist subjunctive), RP-text P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. telesqh/sontai oi9 lo/goi, the words (1) will be fulfilled (future indicative), RP-marg F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h) vs. telesqh|= ta_ r(h/mata, the words (2) are fulfilled (aorist subjunctive), TR F1859=0/12. A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

fulfilled ← completed.

There may be a play on words in this ↴
Rev 18:3 873Oti e0k tou= {RP-text P1904 TR: oi1nou tou= qumou=} [RP-marg: qumou= tou= oi1nou] th=j pornei/aj au0th=j {RP: peptw&kasin} [P1904: pe/pwkan] [TR: pe/pwken] pa&nta ta_ e1qnh, kai\ oi9 basilei=j th=j gh=j met' au0th=j e0po/rneusan, kai\ oi9 e1mporoi th=j gh=j e0k th=j duna&mewj tou= strh/nouj au0th=j e0plou/thsan. because all the nations have {RP: fallen because of} [P1904 TR: drunk] {RP-text P1904 TR: the wine of the wrath} [RP-marg: the wrath of the wine] of her fornication. And the kings of the earth have fornicated with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich from the profitability of her wantonness.” oi1nou tou= qumou=, wine + of wrath, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=10/12 vs. qumou= tou= oi1nou, wrath + of wine, RP-marg F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hm).

peptw&kasi¨n©, they have fallen, RP F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bdefg**l) vs. pe/pwkan, they have drunk (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=0/13 vs. pe/pwken, they have drunk (classical form for neuter subject), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h) vs. pepw&kasi¨n©, they have drunk, F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ackm) vs. another reading from to drink, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's j) vs. another reading from to fall, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g*). Scrivener lists d twice; it reads peptw&kasin, fallen. A weak disparity with RP where spellings for the same sense are conglomerated, R=7:8. AV differs textually.

profitability ← power, for wealth by a Hebraism (חַיִל).

wantonness: AV differs somewhat, delicacies.
Rev 18:5 o3ti {RP P1904 S1894: e0kollh/qhsan} [S1550 E1624: h0kolou/qhsan] au0th=j ai9 a(marti/ai a!xri tou= ou0ranou=, kai\ e0mnhmo/neusen {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0th=j] o9 qeo\j ta_ a)dikh/mata au0th=j. because her sins have {RP P1904 S1894: amassed themselves} [S1550 E1624: followed along] up to heaven, and God has remembered {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: her for] her unrighteous deeds. e0kollh/qhsan, joined together, RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/12 vs. h0kolou/qhsan, followed, S1550 E1624 F1859=0/12.

au0th=j, her (for her unrighteous deeds): absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's cfgl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's adehjkm) vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's b). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:7.
Rev 18:6 870Apo/dote au0th|= w(j kai\ au0th\ a)pe/dwken {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: u9mi=n], kai\ diplw&sate au0th|= dipla~ kata_ ta_ e1rga au0th=j: e0n tw%~ pothri/w% {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0th=j] w%{ e0ke/rasen kera&sate au0th|= diplou=n. Requite her as she for her part requited {RP-text P1904: others} [RP-marg TR: you], and pay her back double according to her works. In {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: her] cup in which she made a mixture, mix her double. u9mi=n, to you (with requited): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's chm). AV differs textually.

We do not understand Scrivener's entry for kata_ ta_ e1rga, which is present in E1624 and Scrivener's ch. A challenge (#1) to F1859.

au0th=j, her (cup): absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=9/12. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:9.

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

for her part ← also.

pay her back double ← double her double.
Rev 18:7 873Osa e0do/casen {RP-text: au0th\n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e9auth\n] kai\ e0strhni/asen, tosou=ton do/te au0th|= basanismo\n kai\ pe/nqoj: o3ti e0n th|= kardi/a% au0th=j le/gei {RP P1904: o3ti} [TR: - ] Ka&qhmai {RP TR: - } [P1904: kaqw_j] basi/lissa, kai\ xh/ra ou0k ei0mi/, kai\ pe/nqoj ou0 mh\ i1dw. Give her the equivalent torment and mourning of the extent to which she glorified herself and lived voluptuously, for she says in her heart, ‘I sit {RP TR: as} [P1904: as] a queen, and I am not a widow, and I will never see mourning.’ au0th\n, her → herself, RP-text F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abejkl) vs. e9auth\n, herself (classically correct), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cdfghm). A weak disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=6:8.

o3ti, that (introducing direct speech): present in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's 1).

kaqw_j, (sit) as (1), absent in RP TR F1859=6/12 vs. present in P1904 F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's abdek) vs. w(j, as (2), F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's j). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:6.

Isa 47:8.

voluptuously: AV differs somewhat, deliciously.

never ← certainly not.
Rev 18:8 Dia_ tou=to e0n mia%~ h9me/ra% h3cousin ai9 plhgai\ au0th=j, qa&natoj {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\} [RP-marg: - ] pe/nqoj kai\ limo/j, kai\ e0n puri\ katakauqh/setai, o3ti i0sxuro\j ku/rioj o9 qeo\j o9 {RP P1904: kri/naj} [TR: kri/nwn] au0th/n. This is why her plagues will come in one day, death {RP-text P1904 TR: and} [RP-marg: ,] mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire, for mighty is the Lord God who {RP P1904: has judged} [TR: is judging] her. kai\, and (mourning): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cf[~MJW]ghl) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abdejkm). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:7.

kri/naj, having judged; judging, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. kri/nwn, judging, TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c). AV differs textually.

this is why ← on account of this.
Rev 18:13 kai\ {RP P1904 TR: kina&mwmon} [MISC: kinna&mwmon], {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\ a!mwmon,] kai\ qumia&mata, kai\ mu/ron, kai\ li/banon, kai\ oi]non, kai\ e1laion, kai\ semi/dalin, kai\ si=ton, kai\ {RP-text: pro/bata, kai\ kth/nh} [RP-marg P1904 TR: kth/nh, kai\ pro/bata]: kai\ i3ppwn, kai\ {RP-text: r(aidw~n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: r(edw~n], kai\ swma&twn, kai\ yuxa_j a)nqrw&pwn. and cinnamon {RP TR: - } [P1904: and amomum] and incense and ointment and frankincense, and wine and olive oil, and fine wheat flour and wheat, and {RP-text: sheep and cattle,} [RP-marg P1904 TR: cattle and sheep,] and horses and carriages, and slaves and trafficked people. kina&mwmon, cinnamon (1), RP P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's dhj*m) vs. kinna&mwmou, of cinnamon (2), F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's abcej**l) vs. kina&mwmou, of cinnamon (1), F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's kf[MJW]) vs. kinna&mwmon, cinnamon (2), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=6:6.

kai\ a!mwmon, and spice: absent in RP TR F1859=10/12 (incl. f[~MJW]) vs. present in P1904 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's cm).

pro/bata, kai\ kth/nh, sheep + and cattle, RP-text F1859=11/13 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. kth/nh, kai\ pro/bata, cattle + and sheep, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gh).

r(aidw~n, carriage (1), RP-text F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's bcghjl) vs. r(edw~n, carriage (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's aekm) vs. another spelling, F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's f[MJW]). From Latin raeda. Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=6:6.

Ezek 27:13.

incense ← incenses.

slaves ← bodies.

trafficked people ← souls of men.
Rev 18:14 Kai\ h9 o0pw&ra th=j e0piqumi/aj th=j yuxh=j sou {RP TR: a)ph=lqen} [P1904: a)pw&leto] a)po\ sou=, kai\ pa&nta ta_ lipara_ kai\ ta_ lampra_ {RP-text: a)pw&leto} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)ph=lqen] a)po\ sou=, kai\ ou0ke/ti {RP-text: au0ta_ ou0 mh\ eu3rh|j} [RP-marg: ou0 mh\ eu9rh/seij au0ta&] [TR: ou0 mh\ eu9rh/sh|j au0ta&] [RP-marg2: ou0 mh\ eu3rh|j au0ta&] [P1904: ou0 mh\ au0ta_ eu9rh/seij]. And the fruit which you longed for {RP TR: has become unavailable to you} [P1904: is lost to you], and all the luxurious and splendid things {RP-text: are lost to you} [RP-marg P1904 TR: have become unavailable to you], and you will certainly not find them any more. First variation: a)ph=lqen, departed, RP TR F1859=11/12 (incl. f) vs. a)pw&leto, perished, P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's l).

Second variation: a)pw&leto, perished (classical form), RP-text F1859=7/12 (incl. f) vs. a)ph=lqen, departed, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=0/12 vs. a)pw&lonto, perished (non-classical form), F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's dhlm) vs. clause absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's j). A case of collusion between P1904 and TR? A disparity (#1) with RP-marg (low count).

au0ta_ ou0 mh\ eu3rh|j, them + you certainly not will find (classical aor. subj.), RP-text F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abdefj, so not l) vs. ou0 mh\ eu9rh/seij au0ta&, certainly not you will find + them (non-class. fut. indic.), RP-marg F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h) vs. ou0 mh\ eu9rh/sh|j au0ta&, certainly not you will find + them (non-class. weak aor. subj.), TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's m) vs. ou0 mh\ eu3rh|j au0ta&, certainly not you will find + them (class. aor. subj.), RP-marg2 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c) vs. ou0 mh\ au0ta_ eu9rh/seij, certainly not + them + you will find (non-class. fut. indic.), P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. other readings, F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's gkl). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count). A disparity (#3) with RP-marg2 (low count). Scrivener is ambiguous on l; it reads au0ta_ ou0 mh\ eu3reij (irregular form).

which you longed for ← of the desire of your soul.

{RP: become unavailable to you ← departed from you.}

{RP P1904: lost to you ← perished from you.}
Rev 18:16 {RP-text TR: kai\} [RP-marg P1904: - ] le/gontej, Ou0ai/, {RP-text P1904 TR: ou0ai/,} [RP-marg: - ] h9 po/lij h9 mega&lh, h9 peribeblhme/nh bu/ssinon kai\ porfurou=n kai\ ko/kkinon, kai\ {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: kexruswme/nh} [E1624: kexruswme/noi] {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0n] {RP-text P1904: xrusi/w%} [RP-marg TR: xrusw%~] kai\ li/qw% timi/w% kai\ margari/taij: {RP-text TR: and they will say} [RP-marg P1904: saying], ‘Alas, {RP-text P1904 TR: alas} [RP-marg: - ] for the great city, clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: and gilded} [E1624: while they are gilded] in gold and precious gemstones and pearls, kai\, and (saying): present in RP-text TR F1859=6/12 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abcdf[MJW]j). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:7.

ou0ai/, woe (second occurrence in verse): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cghlm) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abdef[MJW]jk). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=7:7.

kexruswme/nh, gilded (agreeing with city), RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=11/12 (with a minor variation in g) vs. kexruswme/noi, gilded (masculine plural, referring to the merchants), E1624 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's f[~MJW]).

e0n, in (gold) (strengthening the dative): absent in RP-text F1859=11/12 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=0/12 vs. phrase missing, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h). A case of collusion between P1904 and TR?

xrusi/w%, in gold (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=11/12 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. xrusw%~, in gold (2), RP-marg TR F1859=0/12 vs. word missing, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h).

gemstones ← stone.
Rev 18:17 o3ti mia%~ w#ra% h0rhmw&qh o9 tosou=toj plou=toj. Kai\ pa~j kubernh/thj, kai\ pa~j {RP-text P1904: o9 e0pi\ to/pon ple/wn} [RP-marg: o9 e0pi\ tw~n ploi/wn ple/wn] [RP-marg2: e0pi\ tw~n ploi/wn ple/wn] [TR: e0pi\ tw~n ploi/wn o9 o3miloj], kai\ nau=tai, kai\ o3soi th\n qa&lassan e0rga&zontai, a)po\ makro/qen e1sthsan, for in one hour such great wealth was made valueless.’ And every helmsman and {RP-text P1904: every passenger} [RP-marg RP-marg2: everyone sailing in boats] [TR: all the crew on board boats], and sailors, and whoever has seafaring work, stood at a distance, o9 e0pi\ to/pon ple/wn, one who sails to a place, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 (incl. f) vs. o9 e0pi\ tw~n ploi/wn ple/wn, one who sails on the boats, RP-marg F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h) vs. e0pi\ tw~n ploi/wn ple/wn, on the boats sailing, RP-marg2 F1859=0/12 vs. e0pi\ tw~n ploi/wn o9 o3miloj, company on the boats, TR F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c). A disparity (#1) with RP-marg (low count). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg2 (low count). AV differs textually.

valueless ← desolate.

every passenger ← everyone sailing to a place.

has seafaring work ← works the sea.
Rev 19:4 Kai\ {RP-text E1624: e1peson} [RP-marg P1904 S1550 S1894: e1pesan] oi9 {RP-text: presbu/teroi oi9 ei1kosi te/ssarej} [RP-marg: presbu/teroi oi9 K6D6] [P1904: ei1kosi kai\ te/ssarej presbu/teroi] [TR: presbu/teroi oi9 ei1kosi kai\ te/ssarej], kai\ ta_ te/ssara zw%~a, kai\ proseku/nhsan tw%~ qew%~ tw%~ kaqhme/nw% e0pi\ {RP-text TR: tou= qro/nou} [RP-marg P1904: tw%~ qro/nw%], le/gontej, 870Amh/n: 879Allhlou/i+a. Then the twenty-four elders and the four living beings fell down and worshipped God, who was sitting on the throne, and they said, “Amen. Alleluia.” e1peson, they fell (classical form), RP-text E1624 F1859=9/11 (Scrivener's abcefgklm, d only perhaps, so excluded) vs. e1pesan, they fell (non-classical form), RP-marg P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's hj).

presbu/teroi oi9 ei1kosi te/ssarej, elders + the twenty-four, RP-text F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cdehm) vs. presbu/teroi oi9 K6D6, elders + the 24, RP-marg F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's agjkl) vs. ei1kosi kai\ te/ssarej presbu/teroi, twenty and four + elders, P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. presbu/teroi oi9 ei1kosi kai\ te/ssarej, elders + the twenty and four, TR F1859=0/12 vs. ei1kosi te/ssarej presbu/teroi, twenty-four + elders, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's bf). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:5.

tou= qro/nou, (on) the throne, RP-text TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's bhj) vs. tw%~ qro/nw%, (at, on) the throne, RP-marg P1904 F1859=9/12 (incl. f). A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:10.

alleluia: see Rev 19:1.
Rev 19:10 Kai\ {RP-text P1904: e1pesa} [RP-marg TR: e1peson] e1mprosqen tw~n podw~n au0tou= proskunh=sai au0tw%~: kai\ le/gei moi, 873Ora mh/: su/ndoulo/j sou ei0mi\ kai\ tw~n a)delfw~n sou tw~n e0xo/ntwn th\n marturi/an {RP P1904: - } [TR: tou=] 870Ihsou=: tw%~ qew%~ prosku/nhson: h9 ga_r marturi/a tou= 870Ihsou= e0sti\n to\ pneu=ma th=j profhtei/aj. And I fell down before his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “Watch out that you do not do that. I am your fellow servant, and I am one of your brothers who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” e1pesa, I fell (non-classical form), RP-text P1904 F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's bh*jlm) vs. e1peson, I fell (classical form), RP-marg TR F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's cefgh**k). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=6:7.

tou=, the (Jesus): absent in RP P1904 F1859=10/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in TR F1859=0/10.
Rev 19:13 kai\ peribeblhme/noj i9ma&tion bebamme/non {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0n] ai3mati: kai\ {RP-text TR: kalei=tai} [RP-marg P1904: ke/klhtai] to\ o1noma au0tou=, 879O lo/goj tou= qeou=. and he was clothed in a garment dipped in blood, and his name was The Word of God. e0n, in (blood): absent in RP TR F1859=10/11 (incl. f[~MJW]) vs. present in P1904 F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's c).

kalei=tai, is called → name was, RP-text TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's chl) vs. ke/klhtai, has been called, RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A disparity with RP-text, R=4:9.

We, with AV, but not RP P1904 TBS-TR, capitalize The Word.

Isa 63:1; juice / blood on the garments in Isa 63:3.

{RP-text TR: his name was ← his name is called.} [RP-marg P1904: his name was ← his name has been called.]
Rev 19:17 Kai\ ei]don {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e3na] a!ggelon e9stw~ta e0n tw%~ h9li/w%: kai\ e1kracen {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0n] fwnh|= mega&lh|, le/gwn pa~sin toi=j o0rne/oij toi=j {RP P1904: petome/noij} [TR: petwme/noij] e0n mesouranh/mati, Deu=te, {RP P1904: suna&xqhte} [TR: kai\ suna&gesqe] ei0j {RP-text P1904: to\ dei=pnon to\ me/ga} [RP-marg: to\n dei=pnon to\n me/gan] [RP-marg2 TR: to\ dei=pnon] tou= {RP P1904: - } [TR: mega&lou] qeou=, Then I saw {RP-text: an} [RP-marg P1904 TR: an] angel standing on the sun, and he cried out in a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly high overhead, “Come {RP P1904: and} [TR: and] congregate at the {RP-text RP-marg P1904: great supper of} [RP-marg2: the supper of] [TR: the supper of the great] God, e3na, one (angel): absent in RP-text F1859=7/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's ghlm). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:6.

e0n, in (a loud voice) (strengthening the dative): absent in RP TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. present in P1904 F1859=7/10 (incl. f[MJW]). Scrivener's d illegible. A disparity (#2) with RP, R=4:8.

petome/noij, flying (1), RP P1904 F1859=7/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. petwme/noij, flying (2), TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's ckl).

suna&xqhte, be gathered (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. kai\ suna&gesqe, be gathered (present, so imperfective aspect), TR F1859=0/11.

to\ dei=pnon to\ me/ga, the great supper (neuter), RP-text P1904 F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's f[MJW]jl) vs. to\n dei=pnon to\n me/gan, the great supper (masculine), RP-marg F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's bcm) vs. to\ dei=pnon, the supper, RP-marg2 TR F1859=0/11 vs. to\n dei=pnon to\ me/ga, the great supper (masculine and neuter), F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's degh) vs. to\n dei=pnon tou= me/ga, the great supper (mixed case), F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's k). Nearly a disparity (#3) with RP-text, R=4:4. A disparity (#4) with RP-marg2 (zero count). AV differs textually.

mega&lou, great (God): absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in TR F1859=0/11. AV differs textually.

Ezek 39:17 (take with Rev 19:18).

[RP-marg P1904 TR: an ← one.]

on ← in.
Rev 19:19 Kai\ ei]don to\ qhri/on, kai\ tou\j basilei=j th=j gh=j, kai\ ta_ strateu/mata au0tw~n sunhgme/na poih=sai {RP TR: - } [P1904: to\n] po/lemon meta_ tou= kaqhme/nou e0pi\ tou= i3ppou, kai\ meta_ tou= strateu/matoj au0tou=. And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to wage war on him who was sitting on the horse, and on his army. to\n, the (war): absent in RP TR F1859=6/11 vs. present in P1904 F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's def[MJW]kl). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:6.
Rev 19:20 Kai\ e0pia&sqh to\ qhri/on, kai\ {RP-text P1904: o9 met' au0tou=} [RP-marg: met' au0tou= o9] [TR: meta_ tou/tou o9] yeudoprofh/thj o9 poih/saj ta_ shmei=a e0nw&pion au0tou=, e0n oi[j e0pla&nhsen tou\j labo/ntaj to\ xa&ragma tou= qhri/ou, kai\ tou\j proskunou=ntaj th|= ei0ko/ni au0tou=: zw~ntej e0blh/qhsan oi9 du/o ei0j th\n li/mnhn tou= puro\j th\n kaiome/nhn e0n {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: tw%~] qei/w%: But the beast was seized, as was the false prophet with him, who performed the signs in his presence by which he deceived those who took the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image. The two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which was burning with sulphur. o9 met' au0tou=, the (false prophet) + with him, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/10 vs. met' au0tou= o9, with him + the, RP-marg F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's h) vs. meta_ tou/tou o9, with this (one) + the, TR F1859=0/10. The testimony of f[MJW] is inconsistent and is excluded. A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

tw%~, the (sulphur): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=8/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's cm, and perhaps d). We exclude d as it is doubtful.

Dan 7:11 (allusion).
Rev 20:2 Kai\ e0kra&thsen to\n dra&konta, to\n o1fin to\n a)rxai=on, o3j e0stin dia&boloj kai\ {RP-text P1904: o9} [RP-marg TR: - ] Satana~j, {RP: o9 planw~n th\n oi0koume/nhn o3lhn,} [P1904: o9 planw~n th\n oi0koume/nhn,] [TR: - ] kai\ e1dhsen au0to\n xi/lia e1th, And he took hold of the dragon, the old serpent, who is the devil and Satan, {RP: who leads the whole world astray,} [P1904: who leads the world astray,] [TR: - ] and he bound him for a thousand years, o9, the (Satan): present in RP-text P1904 F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's chjm) vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=7/11 (incl. f[~MJW]). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:8.

o9 planw~n th\n oi0koume/nhn o3lhn, who deceives the whole world, RP F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. o9 planw~n th\n oi0koume/nhn, who deceives the world, P1904 F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's e) vs. words absent, TR F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's cg). AV differs textually.
Rev 20:3 kai\ e1balen au0to\n ei0j th\n a!busson, kai\ e1kleisen {RP P1904: - } [TR: au0to\n] kai\ e0sfra&gisen e0pa&nw au0tou=, i3na mh\ {RP P1904: plana%~} [TR: planh/sh|] {RP P1904: e1ti ta_ e1qnh} [TR: ta_ e1qnh e1ti], a!xri telesqh|= ta_ xi/lia e1th: {RP-text TR: kai\} [RP-marg P1904: - ] meta_ tau=ta dei= {RP-text P1904 TR: au0to\n luqh=nai} [RP-marg: luqh=nai au0to\n] mikro\n xro/non. and he cast him into the abyss and shut {RP P1904: it} [TR: him in] and sealed it above him, so that he should not deceive the nations any more until the thousand years should be completed. {RP-text TR: Then after} [RP-marg P1904: After] these things he must be released for a short time. au0to\n, (shut) him: absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in TR F1859=0/11.

plana%~, cause to err (present subjunctive, so imperfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=10/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. planh/sh|, cause to err (aorist subjunctive, so perfective aspect), TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's g).

e1ti ta_ e1qnh, (no) more + the nations, RP P1904 F1859=10/10 vs. ta_ e1qnh e1ti, the nations + (no) more, TR F1859=0/10. The testimony of f[MJW] is inconsistent and is excluded.

kai\, and → then: present in RP-text TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's chkm) vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 F1859=7/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:8.

au0to\n luqh=nai, he + be released, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's ch) vs. luqh=nai au0to\n, be released + he, RP-marg F1859=9/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:9.
Rev 20:4 Kai\ ei]don qro/nouj, kai\ e0ka&qisan e0p' au0tou/j, kai\ kri/ma e0do/qh au0toi=j: kai\ ta_j yuxa_j tw~n pepelekisme/nwn dia_ th\n marturi/an 870Ihsou=, kai\ dia_ to\n lo/gon tou= qeou=, kai\ oi3tinej ou0 proseku/nhsan {RP-text P1904: to\ qhri/on} [RP-marg TR: tw%~ qhri/w%], {RP-text: ou0de\} [RP-marg P1904 TR: ou1te] {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: th\n ei0ko/na} [E1624: th|= ei0ko/ni] au0tou=, kai\ ou0k e1labon to\ xa&ragma e0pi\ to\ me/twpon {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: au0tw~n], kai\ e0pi\ th\n xei=ra au0tw~n: kai\ e1zhsan, kai\ e0basi/leusan meta_ {RP P1904 E1624: tou=} [S1550 S1894: - ] xristou= {RP-text S1550 E1624: ta_} [RP-marg P1904 S1894: - ] xi/lia e1th. Then I saw thrones, and people were sitting on them, and they were invested with judgment, and I saw the lives of those beheaded on account of the testimony of Jesus and on account of the word of God, and those who had not worshipped the beast {RP-text: or} [RP-marg P1904 TR: or] his image, and who had not taken the mark on {RP-text: their} [RP-marg P1904 TR: their] forehead or on their hand. Then they came to life and reigned with Christ for {RP-text S1550 E1624: the} [RP-marg P1904 S1894: a] thousand years. to\ qhri/on, the beast (accusative), RP-text P1904 F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's bdf[MJW]jkm) vs. tw%~ qhri/w%, the beast (dative), RP-marg TR F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's ceghl). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:6.

ou0de\, nor (his image), RP-text F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's ef[MJW]gl) vs. ou1te, and not, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=7/11. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:9.

th\n ei0ko/na, the image (accusative), RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's bdjkm) vs. th|= ei0ko/ni, the image (dative), E1624 F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's cef[~MJW]ghl). Nearly a disparity (#3) with RP, R=7:7; reading tied to the variation to\ qhri/on ¯ tw%~ qhri/w% above.

au0tw~n, their (forehead): absent in RP-text F1859=10/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's h).

tou=, (with) the (Christ): present in RP P1904 E1624 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW], who collate against S1550) vs. absent in S1550 S1894 F1859=0/11.

ta_, the (thousand years): present in RP-text S1550 E1624 F1859=10/11 (incl. f[~MJW]) vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 S1894 F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's h).

they were invested with judgment ← judgment was given to them.

lives ← soul. See Rev 6:9.

{RP-text: or ← or even, but often without that force in the New Testament.}
Rev 20:5 {RP P1904: Kai\ oi9} [TR: Oi9 de\] loipoi\ tw~n nekrw~n ou0k {RP P1904: e1zhsan} [TR: a)ne/zhsan] {RP: a!xri} [P1904 TR: e3wj] telesqh|= ta_ xi/lia e1th. Au3th h9 a)na&stasij h9 prw&th. But the rest of the dead did not {RP P1904: live} [TR: come back to life] {RP P1904: - } [TR: again] until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. Verse fully present in RP P1904 TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's cghm) vs. verse is absent as far as ta_ xi/lia e1th, the thousand years, in F1859=7/11 (Scrivener's bdef[MJW]jkl). A weak disparity (#1) with RP, R=6:7.

kai\ oi9, and the (rest), RP P1904 F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. oi9 de\, but, TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's m) vs. whole context absent, F1859=7/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A disparity (#2) with RP, R=4:7.

e1zhsan, live, RP P1904 F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's cghm) vs. a)ne/zhsan, come back to life, TR F1859=0/11 vs. whole context absent, F1859=7/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A weak disparity (#3) with RP, R=5:7.

a!xri, until (1), RP F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's cghm) vs. e3wj, until (2), P1904 TR F1859=0/11 vs. whole context absent, F1859=7/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A disparity (#4) with RP, R=4:7. A case of collusion between P1904 and TR?
Rev 20:8 kai\ e0celeu/setai planh=sai ta_ e1qnh ta_ e0n tai=j te/ssarsin gwni/aij th=j gh=j, to\n Gw_g kai\ to\n Magw&g, sunagagei=n au0tou\j ei0j {RP P1904: to\n} [TR: - ] po/lemon: w{n o9 a)riqmo\j {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: au0tw~n] w(j h9 a!mmoj th=j qala&sshj. and he will go out to lead astray the nations who are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them to {RP P1904: the} [TR: - ] war, whose number is as the sand of the sea. to\n, the (war): present in RP P1904 F1859=10/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. absent in TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's c).

au0tw~n, their (number) → whose: absent in RP-text TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's chj) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A disparity with RP-text, R=4:9.

Ezek 38:2.
Rev 20:9 Kai\ a)ne/bhsan e0pi\ to\ pla&toj th=j gh=j, kai\ {RP-text TR: e0ku/klwsan} [RP-marg P1904: e0ku/kleusan] th\n parembolh\n tw~n a(gi/wn kai\ th\n po/lin th\n h0gaphme/nhn: kai\ kate/bh pu=r {RP P1904: e0k tou= ou0ranou= a)po\ tou= qeou=} [TR: a)po\ tou= qeou= e0k tou= ou0ranou=], kai\ kate/fagen au0tou/j. And they went through the breadth of the land, and they surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. Then fire came down {RP P1904: out of heaven from God} [TR: from God out of heaven] and devoured them. e0ku/klwsan, they surrounded (1), RP-text TR F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's cf[~MJW]gjlm) vs. e0ku/kleusan, they surrounded (2), RP-marg P1904 F1859=5/11 (Scrivener's bdehk). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:6.

e0k tou= ou0ranou= a)po\ tou= qeou=, out of heaven + from God, RP P1904 F1859=9/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. a)po\ tou= qeou= e0k tou= ou0ranou=, from God + out of heaven, TR F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's gl).

through ← up to.

saints: see Matt 27:52.

heaven: or sky, but note from God. See also Rev 20:11.
Rev 20:12 Kai\ ei]don tou\j nekrou/j, {RP P1904: tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j} [TR: mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj], e9stw~taj e0nw&pion tou= {RP P1904: qro/nou} [TR: qeou=], kai\ bibli/a {RP-text TR: h0new%&xqhsan} [RP-marg: h1noican] [P1904: h0noi/xqhsan]: kai\ {RP P1904: a!llo bibli/on} [TR: bibli/on a!llo] {RP TR: h0new%&xqh} [P1904: h0noi/xqh], o3 e0stin th=j zwh=j: kai\ e0kri/qhsan oi9 nekroi\ e0k tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n toi=j bibli/oij, kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And I saw the dead, {RP P1904: the great and the small} [TR: small and great], standing before {RP P1904: the throne} [TR: God], and {RP-text P1904 TR: the books were opened} [RP-marg: they opened the books]. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by the things written in the books according to their works. tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j, the great + and the small, RP P1904 F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]hlm) vs. mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj, small + and great, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's c, with phrase moved) vs. words absent (but tou\j, the (ones standing) retained), F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:5.

qro/nou, throne, RP P1904 F1859=9/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. qeou=, God, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's k). AV differs textually.

h0new%&xqhsan, they were opened (triple augment), RP-text TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl) vs. h1noican, they opened, RP-marg F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. h0noi/xqhsan, they were opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]m). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:5.

a!llo bibli/on, another + book, RP P1904 F1859=7/10 (Scrivener's bdef[MJW]jkm) vs. bibli/on a!llo, book + another, TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl).

h0new%&xqh, was opened (triple augment), RP TR F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkl) vs. h0noi/xqh, was opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's em) vs. a)new%&xqh, was opened (double augment), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Rev 20:13 Kai\ e1dwken h9 qa&lassa tou\j {RP-text P1904: nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0th|=} [RP-marg TR: e0n au0th|= nekrou/j], kai\ o9 Qa&natoj kai\ o9 873A|dhj e1dwkan tou\j {RP-text P1904: nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0toi=j} [RP-marg TR: e0n au0toi=j nekrou/j]: kai\ e0kri/qhsan e3kastoj kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead in them, and each one was judged according to his works. nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0th|=, (the) dead the (ones) + in it, RP-text P1904 F1859=8/9 vs. e0n au0th|= nekrou/j, (the) in it + dead, RP-marg TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0toi=j, (the) dead + the (ones) + in them, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/9 vs. e0n au0toi=j nekrou/j, (the) in them + dead, RP-marg TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h) vs. another reading, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's l). The testimony of f[MJW] is very inconsistent and is excluded.

We, with AV P1904 TBS-TR, but not RP, do not capitalize death. But we do, with RP, but not AV P1904 TBS-TR, capitalize Hades.

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

Hades: the place of the dead.

his ← their.
Rev 20:14 Kai\ o9 Qa&natoj kai\ o9 873A|dhj e0blh/qhsan ei0j th\n li/mnhn tou= puro/j: {RP P1904: ou[toj o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/tero/j e0stin} [TR: ou[to/j e0stin o9 deu/teroj qa&natoj] {RP: , h9 li/mnh tou= puro/j} [P1904 TR: - ]. And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death {RP: , the lake of fire} [P1904 TR: - ]. The testimony of f[MJW] is inconsistent in this verse and is excluded.

ou[toj o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/tero/j e0stin, this + the second death + is, RP P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's dm) vs. ou[to/j e0stin o9 deu/teroj qa&natoj, this + is + the second death, TR F1859=0/9 vs. ou[toj o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/tero/j, this + the second death, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's l) vs. words absent, F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's bcj) vs. other readings, F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's ehk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=3:3, but RP also supported by similar readings.

h9 li/mnh tou= puro/j, the lake of the fire: present in RP F1859=5/9 (Scrivener's dehlm) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=4/9 (Scrivener's bcjk). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=5:6. AV differs textually.

Dan 7:11 (allusion).

Hades: the place of the dead.
Rev 21:3 Kai\ h1kousa fwnh=j mega&lhj e0k tou= ou0ranou=, legou/shj, 870Idou/, h9 skhnh\ tou= qeou= meta_ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, kai\ skhnw&sei met' au0tw~n, kai\ au0toi\ {RP P1904: lao\j} [TR: laoi\] au0tou= e1sontai, kai\ au0to\j o9 qeo\j {RP-text TR: e1stai met' au0tw~n} [RP-marg P1904: met' au0tw~n e1stai] {RP P1904: - } [TR: , qeo\j au0tw~n]: And I heard a loud voice from heaven say, “Behold, God's home is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and he will be God with them {RP P1904: - } [TR: – their God]. lao\j, people, RP P1904 F1859=9/9 vs. laoi\, peoples, TR F1859=0/9.

e1stai met' au0tw~n, (God) will be + with them, RP-text TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's ch) vs. met' au0tw~n e1stai, with them + will be, RP-marg P1904 F1859=7/9. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:8.

qeo\j au0tw~n, their God: absent in RP P1904 F1859=5/7 vs. present in TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's cj). AV differs textually.

Ezek 43:7, Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV).

home ← tent, tabernacle.

dwell ← dwell in a tent, tabernacle.
Rev 21:4 kai\ e0calei/yei {RP-text: - } [RP-marg: a)p' au0tw~n] [P1904: a)p' au0tw~n o9 qeo\j] [TR: o9 qeo\j] pa~n da&kruon a)po\ tw~n o0fqalmw~n au0tw~n, kai\ o9 qa&natoj ou0k e1stai e1ti: ou1te pe/nqoj, ou1te kraugh/, ou1te po/noj ou0k e1stai e1ti: o3ti ta_ prw~ta {RP-text P1904 TR: a)ph=lqon} [RP-marg: a)ph=lqen]. And {RP-text: he will wipe away} [RP-marg: he will wipe away from them] [P1904: God will wipe away from them] [TR: God will wipe away] every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, nor mourning, nor wailing, nor will there be any toil any more, for the former things will have passed away.” words below absent, RP-text F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's chl) vs. a)p' au0tw~n, from them, RP-marg F1859=4/9 (Scrivener's bejm) vs. a)p' au0tw~n o9 qeo\j, God + from them, P1904 F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's d) vs. o9 qeo\j, God, TR F1859=0/9 vs. e0c au0tw~n, out of them, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's k). A weak disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=3:4. AV differs textually.

a)ph=lqon, departed (non-classical form), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/8 (Scrivener's hlm) vs. a)ph=lqe¨n©, departed (classical form), RP-marg F1859=5/8 (Scrivener's bcejk). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:5.

Isa 25:8.
Rev 21:5 Kai\ ei]pen o9 kaqh/menoj e0pi\ {RP P1904: tw%~ qro/nw%} [TR: tou= qro/nou], 870Idou/, {RP-text: pa&nta kaina_ poiw~} [RP-marg P1904: kaina_ poiw~ pa&nta] [TR: kaina_ pa&nta poiw~]. Kai\ le/gei moi, Gra&yon: o3ti ou[toi oi9 lo/goi {RP-text TR: a)lhqinoi\ kai\ pistoi/} [RP-marg P1904: pistoi\ kai\ a)lhqinoi\] {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: tou= qeou=] ei0sin. And he who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I am making everything afresh.” And he said to me, “Write it down, for these words {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: of God] are {RP-text TR: true and faithful} [RP-marg P1904: faithful and true].” tw%~ qro/nw%, (at → on) the throne, RP P1904 F1859=8/9 (incl. m which is preceded by e0n, in) vs. tou= qro/nou, (on) the throne, TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h).

pa&nta kaina_ poiw~, everything + new + I make, RP-text F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdejl) vs. kaina_ poiw~ pa&nta, new + I make + everything, RP-marg P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's hm) vs. kaina_ pa&nta poiw~, new + everything + I make, TR F1859=0/9 vs. pa&nta kaina_ poih/sw, everything + new + I will make, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's k).

a)lhqinoi\ kai\ pistoi/, true + and faithful, RP-text TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's ch) vs. pistoi\ kai\ a)lhqinoi\, faithful + and true, RP-marg P1904 F1859=7/9 (Scrivener's bdejklm). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=3:8.

tou= qeou=, of God: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=8/9 (Scrivener's bcdejklm) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).

Isa 43:19.
Rev 21:6 Kai\ ei]pe/n moi, {RP: Ge/gona} [P1904 TR: Ge/gonen]: {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0gw_] [TR: e0gw& ei0mi] to\ {RP: 871Alfa} [P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj. 870Egw_ tw%~ diyw~nti dw&sw {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0tw%~] e0k th=j phgh=j tou= u3datoj th=j zwh=j dwrea&n. And he said to me, {RP: “I have become} [P1904: “It has come about. I am] [TR: “It has come about. I am] the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him who is thirsty drink from the source of the water of life, freely. ge/gona, I have become, RP F1859=8/9 vs. ge/gonen, it has taken place, P1904 TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's b). AV differs textually.

words below absent, RP-text F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bdehjk) vs. e0gw_, I, RP-marg P1904 F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's clm) vs. e0gw& ei0mi, I (emphatically) am, TR F1859=0/9.

872Alfa, Alpha, RP F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkm) vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), P1904 TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's ejl). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=6:5.

au0tw%~, to him: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's hkl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdejm). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:6.

Punctuation: we ignore the raised dot after Ge/gona of RP AV. So AV differs. A disparity (#3) with RP: the raised dot is appropriate to the marginal reading only.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6; Isa 55:1.

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]
Rev 21:7 879O nikw~n {RP-text TR: klhronomh/sei} [RP-marg: dw&sw au0tw%~] [P1904: e1stai au0tw%~] {RP P1904: tau=ta} [TR: pa&nta], kai\ e1somai au0tw%~ qeo/j, kai\ au0to\j e1stai moi {RP P1904: - } [TR: o9] ui9o/j. {RP-text: He who overcomes will inherit these} [RP-marg: As for him who overcomes, I will give him these] [P1904: He who overcomes will have these] [TR: He who overcomes will inherit all] things, and I will be God to him, and he will be {RP P1904: a} [TR: the] son to me. klhronomh/sei, he will inherit, RP-text TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h) vs. dw&sw au0tw%~, I will give him, RP-marg F1859=7/9 vs. e1stai au0tw%~, will be his, P1904 F1859=0/9 vs. klhronomh/sh ¯ klhronomh/sh|, he may / will inherit, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's l, perhaps a misspelling for klhronomh/sei). A disparity with RP-text, R=2:7.

tau=ta, these (things), RP P1904 F1859=8/9 vs. pa&nta, all (things), TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e). AV differs textually.

o9, the (son): absent in RP P1904 F1859=6/9 vs. present in TR F1859=0/9 vs. ¨e0©mou, my, F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's bdk).

Zech 8:8.
Rev 21:9 Kai\ h]lqen {RP P1904: - } [TR: pro/j me] ei[j {RP: e0k} [P1904 TR: - ] tw~n e9pta_ a)gge/lwn tw~n e0xo/ntwn ta_j e9pta_ fia&laj {RP: - } [P1904 TR: ta_j] gemou/saj {RP P1904 TR: tw~n} [MISC: - ] e9pta_ plhgw~n tw~n e0sxa&twn, kai\ e0la&lhsen met' e0mou=, le/gwn, Deu=ro, dei/cw soi th\n {RP: gunai=ka th\n nu/mfhn tou= a)rni/ou} [P1904: nu/mfhn th\n gunai=ka tou= a)rni/ou] [TR: nu/mfhn tou= a)rni/ou th\n gunai=ka]. Then one of the seven angels who had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues came {RP P1904: - } [TR: to me] and spoke with me and said, “Come, I will show you {RP: the wife, the bride of the lamb} [P1904: the bride, the wife of the lamb] [TR: the bride of the lamb, the wife].” pro/j me, to me: absent in RP P1904 F1859=9/9 vs. present in TR F1859=0/9.

e0k, out of (the seven): present in RP F1859=8/9 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's m).

ta_j, the (ones filled) → full: absent in RP F1859=7/9 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's lm).

tw~n, of the: present in RP P1904 TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's hlm) vs. absent in F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdejk). A weak disparity with RP, R=5:6.

gunai=ka th\n nu/mfhn tou= a)rni/ou, (the) wife + the bride + of the lamb, RP F1859=8/9 vs. nu/mfhn th\n gunai=ka tou= a)rni/ou, (the) bride + the wife + of the lamb, P1904 F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's m) vs. nu/mfhn tou= a)rni/ou th\n gunai=ka, (the) bride + of the lamb + the wife, TR F1859=0/9.

[TR: We associate of the lamb with the bride; AV with the wife, so AV differs from our TR rendering, but aligns itself with our RP rendering.]
Rev 21:10 Kai\ a)ph/negke/n me e0n pneu/mati e0p' o1roj me/ga kai\ u9yhlo/n, kai\ e1deice/n moi th\n po/lin {RP-text TR: th\n mega&lhn} [RP-marg P1904: - ], th\n a(gi/an 879Ierousalh/m, katabai/nousan e0k tou= ou0ranou= {RP P1904 TR: a)po\} [MISC: e0k] tou= qeou=, And he carried me away in the spirit to a great high mountain and showed me the {RP-text TR: great} [RP-marg P1904: - ] city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, th\n mega&lhn, the great (city): present in RP-text TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's ch) vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 F1859=7/9 (Scrivener's bdejklm). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=3:8.

a)po\, from, RP P1904 TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's hl) vs. e0k, out of, F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's cdejkm) vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's b). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=4:6.
Rev 21:11 e1xousan th\n do/can tou= qeou=: {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] o9 fwsth\r au0th=j o3moioj li/qw% timiwta&tw%, w(j li/qw% i0a&spidi {RP-text P1904 TR: krustalli/zonti} [RP-marg: krustali/zonti]: having the glory of God {RP P1904: . Its} [TR: , and its] brilliance was like a most precious gemstone, like a jasper gem, as clear as crystal, kai\, and (its brilliance): absent in RP P1904 F1859=6/9 vs. present in TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's klm).

krustalli/zonti, being crystal clear (1), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/9 (Scrivener's bchl) vs. krustali/zonti, being crystal clear (2), RP-marg F1859=5/9 (Scrivener's dejkm). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=6:5.
Rev 21:12 {RP P1904: e1xousa} [TR: e1xousa&n] {RP P1904: - } [TR: te] tei=xoj me/ga kai\ u9yhlo/n, {RP P1904: e1xousa} [TR: e1xousan] pulw~naj dw&deka, kai\ e0pi\ toi=j pulw~sin a)gge/louj dw&deka, kai\ o0no/mata e0pigegramme/na, a# e0stin {RP-text P1904: o0no/mata} [RP-marg TR: - ] tw~n dw&deka fulw~n {RP-text P1904 TR: tw~n} [RP-marg: - ] ui9w~n 870Israh/l. {RP P1904: having} [TR: and having] a great and high wall, having twelve gates, and on the gates twelve angels, with names inscribed which are {RP-text P1904: the names} [RP-marg TR: - ] of the twelve tribes of {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: the] sons of Israel. e1xousa, having (nominative, breaking with previous verse), RP P1904 F1859=7/9 (Scrivener's bcdehjl) vs. e1xousa&n te, and having (accusative, concordant with previous verse), TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's m) vs. phrase absent, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's k).

te, and (a wall): absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 (Scrivener's bcehjlm +d?) vs. present in TR F1859=0/8 vs. phrase absent, F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's k). Scrivener's d is excluded, as it is doubtful.

e1xousa, having (nominative), RP P1904 F1859=7/9 (Scrivener's bcdehjk) vs. e1xousan, having (accusative), TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's lm).

o0no/mata, names: present in RP-text P1904 F1859=8/9 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

tw~n, of the (sons): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/8 (Scrivener's cejkm) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl) vs. another reading, F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's b).

gates (2x)gateways, gate-houses. Similarly in the rest of Revelation.
Rev 21:15 Kai\ o9 lalw~n met' e0mou= ei]xen {RP P1904: me/tron} [TR: - ] ka&lamon xrusou=n, i3na metrh/sh| th\n po/lin, kai\ tou\j pulw~naj au0th=j {RP-text P1904 TR: , kai\ to\ tei=xoj au0th=j} [RP-marg: - ]. And he who spoke with me had a golden {RP P1904: measuring} [TR: - ] reed for him to measure the city and its gates {RP-text P1904 TR: and its wall} [RP-marg: - ]. me/tron, measure → measuring: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's k). AV differs textually.

kai\ to\ tei=xoj au0th=j, and its wall: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's c) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=7/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:7.

Zech 2:5MT (Zech 2:1AV).

{RP P1904: measuring ← measure.}
Rev 21:16 Kai\ h9 po/lij tetra&gwnoj kei=tai, kai\ to\ mh=koj au0th=j {RP P1904: - } [TR: tosou=to/n e0stin] o3son {RP: - } [P1904 TR: kai\] to\ pla&toj. Kai\ e0me/trhsen th\n po/lin {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0n] tw%~ kala&mw% e0pi\ {RP P1904 E1624: stadi/ouj} [S1550 S1894: stadi/w~n] {RP-text P1904 TR: dw&deka} [RP-marg: dekadu/o] xilia&dwn: {RP-text: dw&deka} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] to\ mh=koj kai\ to\ pla&toj kai\ to\ u3yoj au0th=j i1sa e0sti/n. And the city was laid out square, and the length of it {RP P1904: is} [TR: is as much] as the breadth. And he measured the city with the reed as twelve thousand {RP-text: and twelve} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] stades; the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. tosou=to/n e0stin, is as much: absent in RP P1904 F1859=8/8 vs. present in TR F1859=0/8.

kai\, also → as (the breadth): absent in RP F1859=8/8 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=0/8. A case of collusion between P1904 and TR?

e0n, with (the reed): absent in RP TR F1859=7/8 vs. present in P1904 F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's c).

stadi/ouj, stades (accusative) RP P1904 E1624 F1859=8/8 vs. stadi/w~n, stades (genitive), S1550 S1894 F1859=0/8.

dw&deka, twelve (1), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl) vs. dekadu/o, twelve (2), RP-marg F1859=6/8. A weak disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:6.

dw&deka (second occurrence in verse), twelve: present in RP-text F1859=7/8 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's l). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count). AV differs textually.

Punctuation: we regard the final dw&deka, twelve, as part of the numeral 12012. RP punctuate disjunctively so as to separate it. A punctuation divergence (#3) from RP. AV differs textually, omitting dw&deka.

was laid out ← is laid out.

{RP: 12012} [P1904 TR: 12000] stades: about 1500 miles (2500 km).
Rev 21:17 Kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: e0me/trhsen} [RP-marg: - ] to\ tei=xoj au0th=j {RP-text P1904 TR: e9kato\n tessara&konta tessa&rwn} [RP-marg: R6M6D6] phxw~n, me/tron a)nqrw&pou, o3 e0stin a)gge/lou. And {RP-text P1904 TR: he measured its wall as} [RP-marg: its wall was] one hundred and forty-four cubits, by the measure of a man, that is, of an angel. e0me/trhsen, he measured: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/8 vs. present in RP-marg F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl).

e9kato\n tessara&konta tessa&rwn, one hundred and forty-four, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/8 (Scrivener's bce) vs. R6M6D6, 144, RP-marg F1859=5/8 (Scrivener's dhjkl). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=5:5.

144 cubits: about 72 yards (66 m.).
Rev 21:18 Kai\ h]n h9 e0ndo/mhsij tou= tei/xouj au0th=j, i1aspij: kai\ h9 po/lij xrusi/on kaqaro/n, {RP P1904: o3moion} [TR: o9moi/a] {RP-text: u9e/lw%} [RP-marg P1904 TR: u9a&lw%] kaqarw%~. And the construction of its wall was of jasper, and the city was of pure gold, like pure glass. o3moion, like (agreeing with what follows), RP P1904 F1859=7/8 vs. o9moi/a, like (agreeing with what precedes), TR F1859=0/8 vs. another reading, F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's l).

u9e/lw%, glass (non-classical spelling), RP-text F1859=3/8 (Scrivener's bhk) vs. u9a&lw%, glass (classical spelling), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/8 (Scrivener's cdl) vs. u9e/llw%, glass (non-classical spelling), F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's ej). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=3:5 (unless u9e/llw% is regarded as partial support for u9e/lw%). But compare Rev 21:21, which has stronger support for u3eloj, which on grounds of consistency could apply here.
Rev 21:24 Kai\ {RP P1904: peripath/sousin ta_ e1qnh dia_ tou= fwto\j au0th=j} [TR: ta_ e1qnh tw~n swzome/nwn e0n tw%~ fwti\ au0th=j peripath/sousin]: kai\ oi9 basilei=j th=j gh=j fe/rousin {RP-text: au0tw%~} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] {RP-text: do/can kai\ timh\n} [RP-marg: th\n do/can] [RP-marg2 P1904 TR: th\n do/can kai\ th\n timh\n] {RP-text: tw~n e0qnw~n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: au0tw~n] ei0j au0th/n. And the nations {RP P1904: will walk through} [TR: of those who are saved will walk in] its light, and the kings of the earth will bring into it {RP-text: to him the glory and honour of the nations} [RP-marg: their glory] [RP-marg2 P1904 TR: their glory and their honour]. peripath/sousin ta_ e1qnh dia_ tou= fwto\j au0th=j, the nations will walk through its light, RP P1904 F1859=8/8 vs. ta_ e1qnh tw~n swzome/nwn e0n tw%~ fwti\ au0th=j peripath/sousin, the nations of those saved will walk in its light, TR F1859=0/8. AV differs textually.

au0tw%~, to him: present in RP-text F1859=6/8 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl).

do/can kai\ timh\n, glory and honour, RP-text F1859=6/8 vs. th\n do/can, the glory, RP-marg F1859=0/8 vs. th\n do/can kai\ th\n timh\n, the glory and the honour, RP-marg2 P1904 TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl). A disparity with RP-marg (zero count).

tw~n e0qnw~n, of the nations, RP-text F1859=6/8 vs. au0tw~n, their, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl). AV differs textually.

Isa 60:3.
Rev 21:26 kai\ oi1sousin th\n do/can kai\ th\n timh\n tw~n e0qnw~n ei0j {RP-text P1904 TR: au0th/n} [RP-marg: au0th\n i3na ei0se/lqwsin]: and they will bring the glory and honour of the nations to it {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: so that they may go in]. i3na ei0se/lqwsin, in order that they might enter: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=6/8. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=4:6.
Rev 21:27 kai\ ou0 mh\ ei0se/lqh| ei0j au0th\n pa~n {RP P1904: koino/n} [TR: koinou=n], kai\ {RP-text TR: poiou=n} [RP-marg P1904: o9 poiw~n] bde/lugma kai\ yeu=doj: ei0 mh\ oi9 gegramme/noi e0n tw%~ bibli/w% th=j zwh=j tou= a)rni/ou. And nothing {RP P1904: profane} [TR: that profanes] or anyone committing an abomination or lie will enter into it at all, but rather those written in the book of life of the lamb. koino/n, profane, RP P1904 F1859=8/8 vs. koinou=n, profaning, TR F1859=0/8.

poiou=n, committing, RP-text TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's ch) vs. o9 poiw~n, he who commits, RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:7.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.
Rev 22:1 Kai\ e1deice/n moi {RP-text: potamo\n kaqaro\n} [RP-marg P1904: potamo\n] [TR: kaqaro\n potamo\n] u3datoj zwh=j, lampro\n w(j kru/stallon, e0kporeuo/menon e0k tou= qro/nou tou= qeou= kai\ tou= a)rni/ou. And he showed me the {RP-text TR: pure} [RP-marg P1904: - ] river of water of life, as bright as crystal, issuing out of the throne of God ¶ and of the lamb. ¶ Verse division: in Scrivener's bcjkl, a new sentence begins here.

potamo\n kaqaro\n, a river + pure, RP-text F1859=3/8 (Scrivener's chl; l misspelled) vs. potamo\n, a river, RP-marg P1904 F1859=5/8 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. kaqaro\n potamo\n, a pure + river, TR F1859=0/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:6.

Ezek 47:1, Zech 14:8.
Rev 22:2 870En me/sw% th=j platei/aj au0th=j, kai\ tou= potamou= e0nteu=qen kai\ {RP-text P1904: e0kei=qen} [RP-marg TR: e0nteu=qen], cu/lon zwh=j, poiou=n karpou\j dw&deka, kata_ mh=na {RP P1904: - } [TR: e3na] {RP-text: e3kaston a)podidou\j} [RP-marg: a)podidou\j e3kaston] [P1904 TR: e3kaston a)podidou=n] to\n karpo\n au0tou=: kai\ ta_ fu/lla tou= cu/lou ei0j qerapei/an tw~n e0qnw~n. In the middle of its street, with the river on either side, was the tree of life, yielding twelve kinds of fruit every {RP P1904: - } [TR: individual] month, {RP: in} [P1904 TR: - ] each month yielding its fruit, whereas the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. e0kei=qen, from there, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/8 vs. e0nteu=qen, from here, RP-marg TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's h).

e3na, one (month): absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 vs. present in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's j).

e3kaston a)podidou\j, each + giving, RP-text F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's h) vs. a)podidou\j e3kaston, giving + each, RP-marg F1859=3/8 (Scrivener's jkl) vs. e3kaston a)podidou=n, each giving, P1904 TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's c) vs. a)podidou=n e3kaston, giving + each, F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's b) vs. a)podidou\j e3kastoj, giving + each, F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's d) vs. a)podido/nta e3kaston, giving + each, F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's e). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=1:3.

on either side ← from here and {RP-text P1904: there} [RP-marg TR: here]. We consider it more ↴

[TR: individual ← one.]
Rev 22:5 Kai\ nu\c ou0k e1stai {RP TR: e0kei=} [P1904: e1ti], kai\ {RP-text TR: xrei/an ou0k e1xousin} [RP-marg P1904: ou0 xrei/a] lu/xnou kai\ fwto\j h9li/ou, o3ti ku/rioj o9 qeo\j {RP P1904: fwtiei=} [TR: fwti/zei] au0tou/j: kai\ basileu/sousin ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. And there will not be any night {RP TR: there} [P1904: any more], and {RP-text TR: they will not need} [RP-marg P1904: there will not be any need of] a lamp or sunlight, because the Lord God {RP P1904: will} [TR: will] illuminate them, and they will reign throughout the durations of the ages. e0kei=, there, RP TR F1859=3/7 (Scrivener's chl) vs. e1ti, (not) any longer, P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. word absent, F1859=4/7 (Scrivener's bdjk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=4:4.

xrei/an ou0k e1xousin, they do not have need of, RP-text TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's ch) vs. ou0 xrei/a, no need, RP-marg P1904 F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdkjl). A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=3:6.

fwtiei=, will shine, RP P1904 F1859=6/7 vs. fwti/zei, shines, TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's c).

Isa 60:19.
Rev 22:8 {RP-text P1904: Ka)gw_} [RP-marg TR: Kai\ e0gw_] 870Iwa&nnhj o9 {RP-text P1904: a)kou/wn kai\ ble/pwn tau=ta} [RP-marg: ble/pwn kai\ a)kou/wn tau=ta] [TR: ble/pwn tau=ta kai\ a)kou/wn]. Kai\ o3te h1kousa kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: e1bleya} [RP-marg: ei]don], {RP E1624: e1peson} [P1904 S1550 S1894: e1pesa] proskunh=sai e1mprosqen tw~n podw~n tou= a)gge/lou tou= {RP-text P1904 TR: deiknu/onto/j} [RP-marg: deiknu/ntoj] moi tau=ta. And I John am the one who {RP-text P1904: heard and saw} [RP-marg TR: saw and heard] these things. And when I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who was showing me these things. ka)gw_, and I (crasis), RP-text P1904 F1859=5/7 vs. kai\ e0gw_, and I (without crasis), RP-marg TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's cl).

a)kou/wn kai\ ble/pwn tau=ta, hearing + and seeing these (things), RP-text P1904 F1859=6/7 vs. ble/pwn kai\ a)kou/wn tau=ta, seeing + and hearing these (things), RP-marg F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's c) vs. ble/pwn tau=ta kai\ a)kou/wn, seeing + these (things) + and hearing, TR F1859=0/7. A disparity (#1) with RP-marg (low count).

e1bleya, saw (1), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's ch) vs. ei]don, saw (2), RP-marg F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdjkl, but l misspelled). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:5.

e1peson, I fell (classical form), RP E1624 F1859=7/7 vs. e1pesa, I fell (non-classical form), P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=0/7.

deiknu/onto/j, showing (non-classical form, from deiknu/w), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/7 (Scrivener's bcdk) vs. deiknu/ntoj, showing (classical form, from dei/knumi), RP-marg F1859=3/7 (Scrivener's hjl).

{RP-text P1904: heard and saw ← hears and sees.} [RP-marg TR: saw and heard ← sees and hears.]
Rev 22:10 Kai\ le/gei moi, Mh\ sfragi/sh|j tou\j lo/gouj th=j profhtei/aj tou= bibli/ou tou/tou: {RP-text P1904: o9 kairo\j ga_r} [RP-marg TR: o3ti o9 kairo\j] e0ggu/j e0stin. And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, {RP-text P1904: for} [RP-marg TR: because] the time is near. o9 kairo\j ga_r, for the time, RP-text P1904 F1859=6/7 vs. o3ti o9 kairo\j, because the time, RP-marg TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

Dan 8:26, Dan 12:4 (allusions), where the books are sealed, but here in Revelation they are open.

the time is near: see James 5:3, Rev 1:3.
Rev 22:13 {RP P1904: 870Egw_} [TR: 870Egw& ei0mi] to\ {RP-text: 871Alfa} [RP-marg P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, {RP-text: o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj} [RP-marg TR: a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj] [P1904: o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj]. {RP P1904: I am} [TR: I am] the Alpha and the Omega, {RP-text: the first and the last, the beginning and the end} [RP-marg TR: the beginning and the end, the first and the last] [P1904: the first and the last, the beginning and the end]. ei0mi, I am (emphatic): absent in RP P1904 F1859=4/6 (Scrivener's hjkl) vs. present in TR F1859=2/6 (Scrivener's bc). AV differs textually.

871Alfa, Alpha, RP-text F1859=6/7 vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's k).

o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, RP-text F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdjkl) vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, RP-marg TR F1859=0/7 vs. o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, the first and the last, beginning and end, P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h) vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, prw~toj kai\ e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's d). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6, Isa 48:12.

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]
Rev 22:15 871Ecw {RP P1904: - } [TR: de\] oi9 ku/nej kai\ oi9 farmakoi\ kai\ oi9 po/rnoi kai\ oi9 fonei=j kai\ oi9 ei0dwlola&trai, kai\ pa~j {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: o9] filw~n kai\ poiw~n yeu=doj. {RP P1904: Outside} [TR: But outside] are the dogs and the sorcerers and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone {RP-text: who} [RP-marg P1904 TR: who] loves and perpetrates falsehood.” de\, but: absent in RP P1904 F1859=5/6 (Scrivener's bchjl +k?) vs. present in TR F1859=1/6 (Scrivener's d, though some doubt). Scrivener's k is excluded, as it is doubtful.

o9, the (one who): absent in RP-text F1859=5/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's cl). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=5:4.
Rev 22:18 {RP P1904: Marturw~ e0gw_} [TR: Summarturou=mai ga_r] panti\ {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] a)kou/onti tou\j lo/gouj th=j profhtei/aj tou= bibli/ou tou/tou, e0a&n tij {RP P1904: e0piqh|=} [TR: e0pitiqh|=] {RP: e0p' au0ta&} [P1904: e0pi\ tau=ta] [TR: pro\j tau=ta], {RP-text: e0piqh/sai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0piqh/sei] {RP-text P1904 TR: o9 qeo\j e0p' au0to\n} [RP-marg: e0p' au0to\n o9 qeo\j] ta_j {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: e9pta_] plhga_j ta_j gegramme/naj e0n {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] bibli/w% tou/tw%: {RP P1904: - } [TR: For] I testify to everyone {RP P1904: who} [TR: who] hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to {RP: them} [P1904 TR: these things], {RP-text: may God} [RP-marg P1904 TR: God will] add to him the {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: seven] plagues written in this book, marturw~ e0gw_, I (emphatic) testify (1), RP P1904 F1859=6/7 (Scrivener's bdhjkl, j with marturw%~) vs. summarturou=mai ga_r, for I (jointly → solemnly) testify, TR F1859=0/7 vs. martu/romai e0gw_, I (emphatic) testify (2), F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's c).

tw%~, to the (hearer): present in RP P1904 F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bcjkl) vs. absent in TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's dh).

e0piqh|=, adds (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=7/7 (Scrivener's bcdhjkl, misspelled in l) vs. e0pitiqh|=, adds (present, so imperfective aspect), TR F1859=0/7.

e0p' au0ta&, to (apocopated) these (things), RP F1859=6/7 vs. e0pi\ tau=ta, to these (things), P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. pro\j tau=ta, to these (things), TR F1859=0/7 vs. au0tw%~, to him / it, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's k).

e0piqh/sai, should add (irregular form, perhaps optative), RP-text F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdhjk) vs. e0piqh/sei, will add, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's cl). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:4.

o9 qeo\j e0p' au0to\n, God (will add) to him, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/7 vs. e0p' au0to\n o9 qeo\j, to him God (will add), RP-marg F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).

e9pta_, seven: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdjkl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's ch).

tw%~, the → this: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/7.

Deut 4:2, Deut 13:1MT (Deut 12:32AV), Deut 13:1, Prov 30:6.
Rev 22:19 kai\ e0a&n tij {RP P1904: a)fe/lh|} [TR: a)fairh|=] a)po\ tw~n lo/gwn {RP P1904: tou= bibli/ou} [TR: bi/blou] th=j profhtei/aj tau/thj, {RP-text: a)fe/loi} [RP-marg P1904: a)felei=] [TR: a)fairh/sei] o9 qeo\j to\ me/roj au0tou= a)po\ {RP P1904: tou= cu/lou} [TR: bi/blou] th=j zwh=j, kai\ e0k th=j po/lewj th=j a(gi/aj, {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] bibli/w% tou/tw%. and if anyone removes anything from the words of {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] book of this prophecy, {RP-text: may God} [RP-marg P1904 TR: God will] remove his part from {RP P1904: the tree} [TR: the book] of life and from the holy city {RP P1904: –} [TR: and] the things written in this book.” a)fe/lh|, takes away (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=8/8 (Scrivener's bcdehjkl) vs. a)fairh|=, takes away (present, so imperfective aspect), TR F1859=0/8.

tou= bibli/ou, of the book (diminutive force not emphatic), RP P1904 F1859=8/9 (Scrivener's bcde*hjkl) vs. bi/blou, of (the) book, TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e**).

a)fe/loi, may (God) take away (aorist optative), RP-text F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's bdh) vs. a)felei=, (God) will take away (first future), RP-marg P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's cl) vs. a)fairh/sei, (God) will take away (alternative future), TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e**) vs. a)felh|=, that (God) take away (subjunctive, or misspelled future), F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's e*k) vs. a)fe/lai, may (God) take away (non-classical optative), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=3:3. AV differs textually.

tou= cu/lou, (from) the tree, RP P1904 VulgS (ligno) F1859=8/9 (Scrivener's bcde*hjkl) vs. bi/blou, (from the) book, TR VulgC (libro) F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e**). AV differs textually.

kai\, and: absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 (Scrivener's bce*hjkl) vs. present in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's e**).

tw%~, the → this: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 (Scrivener's bce*hjkl) vs. absent in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's e**).

Deut 4:2, Deut 13:1MT (Deut 12:32AV), Deut 13:1.