The Far Above All Translation of the New Testament

Version 0.94.59, 30 September 2024


We offer a freely copyable translation of the New Testament based on the Robinson-Pierpont Byzantine Textform 2005 edition of the New Testament. We also cover New Testament variants for the Received Text and the Greek Orthodox Church Patriarchal Text of 1904. Our triple translation and the source Greek texts may be freely copied (see copyright notice below).


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The Greek text as starting material is the Robinson-Pierpont Byzantine Textform 2005, obtained from, and also available from

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Copyright © 2005 by Robinson and Pierpont. Anyone is permitted to copy and distribute this text or any portion of this text. It may be incorporated in a larger work, and/or quoted from, stored in a database retrieval system, photocopied, reprinted, or otherwise duplicated by anyone without prior notification, permission, compensation to the holder, or any other restrictions. All rights to this text are released to everyone and no one can reduce these rights at any time. Copyright is not claimed nor asserted for the new and revised form of the Greek NT text of this edition, nor for the original form of such as initially released into the public domain by the editors, first as printed textual notes in 1979 and in continuous-text electronic form in 1986. Likewise, we hereby release into the public domain the introduction and appendix which have been especially prepared for this edition. The permitted use or reproduction of the Greek text or other material contained within this volume (whether by print, electronic media, or other form) does not imply doctrinal or theological agreement by the present editors and publisher with whatever views may be maintained or promulgated by other publishers. For the purpose of assigning responsibility, it is requested that the present editors' names and the title associated with this text as well as this disclaimer be retained in any subsequent reproduction of this material.

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The Introduction, the English translation and notes (referred to as "this text" below) Copyright © 2009-2022 by Graham G. Thomason. Anyone is permitted to copy and distribute this text or any portion of this text. It may be incorporated in a larger work, and/or quoted from, stored in a database retrieval system, photocopied, reprinted, or otherwise duplicated by anyone without prior notification, permission, compensation to the holder, or any other restrictions. All rights to this text are released to everyone and no-one can reduce these rights at any time. The permitted use or reproduction of the above-mentioned text does not imply doctrinal or theological agreement by the present translator and publisher with whatever views may be maintained or promulgated by other publishers. For the purpose of assigning responsibility, it is requested that the present translator's name, and the title associated with this text, and its availability at, as well as this disclaimer, be retained in any subsequent reproduction of this material.


Please see the separate Introduction to this Greek text and translation.

Matt 1:1 Bi/bloj gene/sewj 870Ihsou= xristou=, ui9ou= {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], ui9ou= 870Abraa&m. The book of the lineage of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Daui/d (or, with dieresis, Daui+/d), Dauid, RP P1904 vs. Dabi/d, Dabid, TR HF. VulgC, VulgS = David. Since the manuscripts generally have d6a6d6, the unabbreviated spelling is unknown. Daui/d corresponds more closely to the Hebrew (דָּוִד), and Syriac (SyrP = ܕܘܝܕ). No difference in our English.

We avoid capitalization on son here and in other cases (such as holy spirit), to avoid placing any interpretation on the words used. See the Introduction.

lineage: or manner of birth. The genealogy is biologically of Joseph, but it gives the royal line and so Christ's legal right to the throne of David.

Greek: Iesous, Dauid, Abraam.

Christ ← Anointed; equivalent to Messiah (from Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, Mashiach).
Matt 1:2 870Abraa_m e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Isaa&k: 870Isaa_k de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iakw&b: 870Iakw_b de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iou/dan kai\ tou\j a)delfou\j au0tou=: Abraham begot Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers, begot: i.e. biologically fathered. Not used of Joseph, who was the legal, but not biological father of Christ (see verses 18 and 20).

Greek: Isaak, Iakob, Ioudas.
Matt 1:3 870Iou/daj de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n Fare\j kai\ to\n Zara_ e0k th=j Qa&mar: Fare\j de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 879Esrw&m: 879Esrw_m de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Ara&m: and Judah begot Perez and Zarah by Tamar, and Perez begot Hezron, and Hezron begot Ram, Greek: Phares, Ezrom (or, with rough breathing, Hezrom), Aram.

AV in OT: Pharez, Hezron, Ram. AV in NT: Phares, Esrom, Aram.
Matt 1:4 870Ara_m de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Aminada&b: 870Aminada_b de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n Naassw&n: Naassw_n de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n Salmw&n: and Ram begot Amminadab, and Amminadab begot Nahshon, and Nahshon begot Salmon, Greek: Aminadab, Naasson, Salmon.
Matt 1:5 Salmw_n de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n Boo\z e0k th=j 879Raxa&b: Boo\z de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Wbh\d e0k th=j 879Rou/q: 870Wbh\d de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iessai/: and Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, and Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, and Obed begot Jesse, Greek: Booz, Rachab, Iessai.
Matt 1:6 870Iessai\ de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] to\n basile/a. {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] de\ o9 basileu\j e0ge/nnhsen to\n {RP P1904: Solomw~na} [TR: Solomw~nta] e0k th=j tou= Ou0ri/ou: and Jesse begot David the king, and David the king begot Solomon by Uriah's wife, David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Solomw~na, Solomon (1), RP F1853=16/17 F1859=5/7 vs. Solomw~nta, Solomon (2), P1904 TR F1853=1/17 (Scrivener's c) F1859=2/7.

Greek: Dauid, Solomon, Ourias.
Matt 1:7 Solomw_n de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 879Roboa&m: 879Roboa_m de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Abia&: 870Abia_ de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Asa&: and Solomon begot Rehoboam, and Rehoboam begot Abijah, and Abijah begot Asa, Greek: Roboam, Abia, Asa.
Matt 1:8 870Asa_ de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iwsafa&t: 870Iwsafa_t de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iwra&m: 870Iwra_m de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Ozi/an: and Asa begot Jehoshaphat, and Jehoshaphat begot Jehoram, and Jehoram begot Uzziah, Greek: Iosaphat, Ioram, Ozias; Uzziah in OT also = Azariah.
Matt 1:9 870Ozi/aj de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iwa&qam: 870Iwa&qam de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 871Axaz: 871Axaz de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 879Ezeki/an: and Uzziah begot Jotham, and Jotham begot Ahaz, and Ahaz begot Hezekiah, Greek: Iotham, Achaz, Hezekias (or, with smooth breathing, as in P1904 and TBS-TR, Ezekias).
Matt 1:10 879Ezeki/aj de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n Manassh=: Manassh=j de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Amw&n: 870Amw_n de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iwsi/an: and Hezekiah begot Manasseh, and Manasseh begot Amon, and Amon begot Josiah, Greek: Manasses, Amon, Iosias.
Matt 1:11 870Iwsi/aj de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iexoni/an kai\ tou\j a)delfou\j au0tou=, e0pi\ th=j metoikesi/aj Babulw~noj. and Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the Babylonian deportation. Greek: Iechonias.
Matt 1:12 Meta_ de\ th\n metoikesi/an Babulw~noj, 870Iexoni/aj e0ge/nnhsen to\n Salaqih/l: Salaqih\l de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n Zoroba&bel: And after the Babylonian deportation, Jeconiah begot Shealtiel, and Shealtiel begot Zerubbabel, Greek: Salathiel, Zorobabel.
Matt 1:13 Zoroba&bel de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Abiou/d: 870Abiou\d de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Eliakei/m: 870Eliakei\m de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Azw&r: and Zerubbabel begot Abihud, and Abihud begot Eliakim, and Eliakim begot Azzur, Greek: Abioud, Eliakeim, Azor.
Matt 1:14 870Azw_r de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n Sadw&k: Sadw_k de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Axei/m: 870Axei\m de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Eliou/d: and Azzur begot Zadok, and Zadok begot Jachin, and Jachin begot Elihud, Greek: Sadok, Acheim, Elioud.
Matt 1:15 870Eliou\d de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Elea&zar: 870Elea&zar de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n Matqa&n: Matqa_n de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iakw&b: and Elihud begot Eleazar, and Eleazar begot Mattan, and Mattan begot Jacob, Greek: Eleazar, Matthan, Iakob.
Matt 1:16 870Iakw_b de\ e0ge/nnhsen to\n 870Iwsh\f to\n a!ndra Mari/aj, e0c h[j e0gennh/qh 870Ihsou=j, o9 lego/menoj xristo/j. and Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, by whom Jesus was conceived, who is called Christ. Greek: Ioseph, Maria (or: Mariam, as in Matt 1:20, Matt 13:55).

conceived: or born.
Matt 1:17 Pa~sai ou]n ai9 geneai\ a)po\ 870Abraa_m e3wj {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] geneai\ dekate/ssarej: kai\ a)po\ {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] e3wj th=j metoikesi/aj Babulw~noj, geneai\ dekate/ssarej: kai\ a)po\ th=j metoikesi/aj Babulw~noj e3wj tou= xristou=, geneai\ dekate/ssarej. So all the generations from Abraham to David amount to fourteen generations, and from David to the Babylonian deportation there are fourteen generations, and from the Babylonian deportation to Christ there are fourteen generations. David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.
Matt 1:18 Tou= de\ 870Ihsou= xristou= h9 ge/nnhsij ou3twj h]n. Mnhsteuqei/shj ga_r th=j mhtro\j au0tou= Mari/aj tw%~ 870Iwsh/f, pri\n h2 sunelqei=n au0tou/j, eu9re/qh e0n gastri\ e1xousa e0k pneu/matoj a(gi/ou. But the begetting of Jesus Christ was as follows. Now then, when his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child, by holy spirit. begetting: or, more loosely, birth.

to be with child ← having in belly.

by ← out of.

See Jer 22:30 and Luke 3:23 for how this genealogy fits in a broader picture.
Matt 1:19 870Iwsh\f de\ o9 a)nh\r au0th=j, di/kaioj w!n, kai\ mh\ qe/lwn au0th\n paradeigmati/sai, e0boulh/qh la&qra% a)polu=sai au0th/n. But Joseph, her husband-to-be, being righteous, and not wishing to make an example of her, wanted to divorce her secretly.
Matt 1:20 Tau=ta de\ au0tou= e0nqumhqe/ntoj, i0dou/, a!ggeloj kuri/ou kat' o1nar e0fa&nh au0tw%~, le/gwn, 870Iwsh/f, ui9o\j {RP P1904: Daui/d,} [TR: Dabi/d,] mh\ fobhqh|=j paralabei=n Maria_m th\n gunai=ka& sou: to\ ga_r e0n au0th|= gennhqe\n e0k pneu/mato/j e0stin a(gi/ou. But after he had reflected on these things, what should happen but the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary to be your wife, for that which has been conceived in her is so by holy spirit. David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

what should happen but ← behold.

by ← out of.
Matt 1:21 Te/cetai de\ ui9o/n, kai\ kale/seij to\ o1noma au0tou= 870Ihsou=n: au0to\j ga_r sw&sei to\n lao\n au0tou= a)po\ tw~n a(martiw~n au0tw~n. And she shall bear a son, and you will call him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” him ← his name, a Hebraism. We do not continue to remark on this idiom.
Matt 1:22 Tou=to de\ o3lon ge/gonen, i3na plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n u9po\ tou= kuri/ou dia_ tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Now all this took place in order that that which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet should be fulfilled, where he says,
Matt 1:23 870Idou/, h9 parqe/noj e0n gastri\ e3cei kai\ te/cetai ui9o/n, kai\ kale/sousin to\ o1noma au0tou= 870Emmanouh/l, o3 e0stin meqermhneuo/menon, Meq' h9mw~n o9 qeo/j. “Behold, a virgin will be with child and will bear a son, and they will call him Emmanuel, which when translated is ‘God with us.’ ” Isa 7:14.

a virgin ← the virgin. An unexpected definite article, a frequent phenomenon in Hebrew, including in Isa 7:14. See Gen 22:9.
Matt 1:24 Diegerqei\j de\ o9 870Iwsh\f a)po\ tou= u3pnou, e0poi/hsen w(j prose/tacen au0tw%~ o9 a!ggeloj kuri/ou: kai\ pare/laben th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, So when Joseph had woken up from the sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife,
Matt 1:25 kai\ ou0k e0gi/nwsken au0th\n e3wj ou[ e1teken to\n ui9o\n au0th=j to\n prwto/tokon: kai\ e0ka&lesen to\ o1noma au0tou= 870Ihsou=n. but he did not know her until she had borne her firstborn son, and he called him Jesus.
Matt 2:1 Tou= de\ 870Ihsou= gennhqe/ntoj e0n Bhqlee\m th=j 870Ioudai/aj, e0n h9me/raij 879Hrw%&dou tou= basile/wj, i0dou/, ma&goi a)po\ a)natolw~n parege/nonto ei0j 879Ieroso/luma, Now after Jesus had been born in Bethlehem of Judaea, in the days of Herod the king, it so happened that magi from the east came to Jerusalem, had been born ← was born.

it so happened that ← behold.
Matt 2:2 le/gontej, Pou= e0sti\n o9 texqei\j basileu\j tw~n 870Ioudai/wn; Ei1domen ga_r au0tou= to\n a)ste/ra e0n th|= a)natolh|=, kai\ h1lqomen proskunh=sai au0tw%~. and they said, “Where is the king of the Jews who has just been born? For we have seen his star in the east, and we have come to worship him.” have seen ← saw.

have come ← came.

We will not necessarily continue to remark on such tense accommodation (Greek aorist to English perfect-with-have). Other examples: Matt 12:28, Matt 22:4, Matt 27:46, Luke 2:30, John 13:31, Rev 19:7, Rev 21:4. The reverse case also occurs, especially in Hebrews and Revelation. See Heb 7:6. Another tense accommodation in Matt 23:20.
Matt 2:3 870Akou/saj de\ 879Hrw%&dhj o9 basileu\j e0tara&xqh, kai\ pa~sa 879Ieroso/luma met' au0tou=: But when Herod the king heard of it, he was disturbed, as was all of Jerusalem with him,
Matt 2:4 kai\ sunagagw_n pa&ntaj tou\j a)rxierei=j kai\ grammatei=j tou= laou=, e0punqa&neto par' au0tw~n pou= o9 xristo\j genna~tai. and when he had gathered all the senior priests and scribes of the people, he inquired from them where Christ was to be born. was to be born ← was born (but present tense in Greek, the tense of the direct speech).
Matt 2:5 Oi9 de\ ei]pon au0tw%~, 870En Bhqlee\m th=j 870Ioudai/aj: ou3twj ga_r ge/graptai dia_ tou= profh/tou, So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judaea. For it has been written as follows by the prophet: as follows ← thus.

by ← through.
Matt 2:6 Kai\ su\ Bhqlee/m, gh= 870Iou/da, ou0damw~j e0laxi/sth ei] e0n toi=j h9gemo/sin 870Iou/da: e0k sou= ga_r e0celeu/setai h9gou/menoj, o3stij poimanei= to\n lao/n mou to\n 870Israh/l.

‘And you, Bethlehem, of the land of Judah,

Are by no means the least among the governmental towns of Judah,

For from you will come a governor

Who will be shepherd to my people Israel.’ ”

Mic 5:1MT (Mic 5:2AV).
Matt 2:7 To/te 879Hrw%&dhj, la&qra% kale/saj tou\j ma&gouj, h0kri/bwsen par' au0tw~n to\n xro/non tou= fainome/nou a)ste/roj. Then Herod called the magi privately and assiduously inquired from them the time when the star appeared, the time when the star appeared ← the time of the appearing star.
Matt 2:8 Kai\ pe/myaj au0tou\j ei0j Bhqlee\m ei]pen, Poreuqe/ntej a)kribw~j e0ceta&sate peri\ tou= paidi/ou: e0pa_n de\ eu3rhte, a)paggei/late/ moi, o3pwj ka)gw_ e0lqw_n proskunh/sw au0tw%~. and he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and make careful inquiries about the child, and when you find him, report back to me so that I too may go and worship him.” go and (first occurrence in verse): imperatival use of the participle.

may go and worship ← having come may worship.
Matt 2:9 Oi9 de\ a)kou/santej tou= basile/wj e0poreu/qhsan: kai\ i0dou/, o9 a)sth/r, o4n ei]don e0n th|= a)natolh|=, proh=gen au0tou/j, e3wj e0lqw_n e1sth e0pa&nw ou[ h]n to\ paidi/on. So when they had heard the king, they went, and they saw that the star which they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it had arrived, when it remained above the place where the child was. they saw that ← behold.
Matt 2:10 870Ido/ntej de\ to\n a)ste/ra, e0xa&rhsan xara_n mega&lhn sfo/dra. Indeed, when they saw the star, they rejoiced with very great joy, when they saw ← having seen. See Matt 23:20.
Matt 2:11 Kai\ e0lqo/ntej ei0j th\n oi0ki/an, {RP P1904 S1894: ei]don} [S1550 E1624: eu3ron] to\ paidi/on meta_ Mari/aj th=j mhtro\j au0tou=, kai\ peso/ntej proseku/nhsan au0tw%~, kai\ a)noi/cantej tou\j qhsaurou\j au0tw~n prosh/negkan au0tw%~ dw~ra, xruso\n kai\ li/banon kai\ smu/rnan. and when they had come to the house, they {RP P1904 S1894: saw} [S1550 E1624: found] the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him, and they opened their treasure chests and offered him gifts: gold and frankincense and myrrh. ei]don, saw, RP P1904 S1894 F1853=16/19 F1859=5/6 vs. eu3ron, found, S1550 E1624 F1853=3/19 F1859=1/6. AV follows RP.
Matt 2:12 Kai\ xrhmatisqe/ntej kat' o1nar mh\ a)naka&myai pro\j 879Hrw%&dhn, di' a!llhj o9dou= a)nexw&rhsan ei0j th\n xw&ran au0tw~n. Then having been oracularly warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their country by another route.
Matt 2:13 870Anaxwrhsa&ntwn de\ au0tw~n, i0dou/, a!ggeloj kuri/ou fai/netai kat' o1nar tw%~ 870Iwsh/f, le/gwn, 870Egerqei\j para&labe to\ paidi/on kai\ th\n mhte/ra au0tou=, kai\ feu=ge ei0j Ai1gupton, kai\ i1sqi e0kei= e3wj a@n ei1pw soi/: me/llei ga_r 879Hrw%&dhj zhtei=n to\ paidi/on, tou= a)pole/sai au0to/. When they had gone back, this happened: the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said, “Get up and take the child and his mother with you, and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, for Herod intends to seek the child in order to destroy him.” this happened ← behold.

get up: imperatival use of the participle.

stay ← be.
Matt 2:14 879O de\ e0gerqei\j pare/laben to\ paidi/on kai\ th\n mhte/ra au0tou= nukto/j, kai\ a)nexw&rhsen ei0j Ai1gupton, So he got up and took the child and his mother with him by night, and he withdrew to Egypt,
Matt 2:15 kai\ h]n e0kei= e3wj th=j teleuth=j 879Hrw%&dou: i3na plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n u9po\ tou= kuri/ou dia_ tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, 870Ec Ai0gu/ptou e0ka&lesa to\n ui9o/n mou. and he stayed there until the death of Herod, in order that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, when he said, “I have called my son out of Egypt. Hos 11:1.

stayed ← was.
Matt 2:16 To/te 879Hrw%&dhj, i0dw_n o3ti e0nepai/xqh u9po\ tw~n ma&gwn, e0qumw&qh li/an, kai\ a)postei/laj a)nei=len pa&ntaj tou\j pai=daj tou\j e0n Bhqlee\m kai\ e0n pa~sin toi=j o9ri/oij au0th=j, a)po\ dietou=j kai\ katwte/rw, kata_ to\n xro/non o4n h0kri/bwsen para_ tw~n ma&gwn. Then when Herod saw that he had been fooled by the magi, he became very angry, and he sent troops, and he had all the children in Bethlehem and in all its districts killed, from two years and under, according to the time which he had assiduously inquired about from the magi. that: or, less literally, how.

had ... killed ← killed, eliminated. Causative use of such a verb also in Matt 14:3, Matt 14:10, Matt 18:30, Matt 27:26, Mark 14:10, Luke 9:9, John 3:22, John 19:1, John 19:10.
Matt 2:17 To/te e0plhrw&qh to\ r(hqe\n u9po\ 870Ieremi/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, where he says,
Matt 2:18 Fwnh\ e0n 879Rama~ h0kou/sqh, qrh=noj kai\ klauqmo\j kai\ o0durmo\j polu/j, 879Raxh\l klai/ousa ta_ te/kna au0th=j, kai\ ou0k h1qelen paraklhqh=nai, o3ti ou0k ei0si/n.

“A cry was heard in Ramah

– Lamentation and weeping and much mourning –

Rachel weeping for her children,

And she refused to be comforted,

For they were no more.”

Jer 31:15.

Ramah: AV= Rama, as the Greek, but we align it with the Hebrew name.

were no moreare not (in existence).
Matt 2:19 Teleuth/santoj de\ tou= 879Hrw%&dou, i0dou/, a!ggeloj kuri/ou kat' o1nar fai/netai tw%~ 870Iwsh\f e0n Ai0gu/ptw%, But when Herod had died, this is what happened: the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt this is what happened ← behold.
Matt 2:20 le/gwn, 870Egerqei\j para&labe to\ paidi/on kai\ th\n mhte/ra au0tou=, kai\ poreu/ou ei0j gh=n 870Israh/l: teqnh/kasin ga_r oi9 zhtou=ntej th\n yuxh\n tou= paidi/ou. and said, “Get up and take the child and his mother with you and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the life of the child have died.” sought ← are seeking.

life ← soul.
Matt 2:21 879O de\ e0gerqei\j pare/laben to\ paidi/on kai\ th\n mhte/ra au0tou=, kai\ h]lqen ei0j gh=n 870Israh/l. So he got up and took the child and his mother with him and went to the land of Israel.
Matt 2:22 870Akou/saj de\ o3ti 870Arxe/laoj basileu/ei e0pi\ th=j 870Ioudai/aj a)nti\ 879Hrw%&dou tou= patro\j au0tou=, e0fobh/qh e0kei= a)pelqei=n: xrhmatisqei\j de\ kat' o1nar, a)nexw&rhsen ei0j ta_ me/rh th=j Galilai/aj, But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judaea in place of Herod his father, he was afraid to set off back there, but after he had been oracularly informed in a dream, he went back to the regions of Galilee,
Matt 2:23 kai\ e0lqw_n katw%&khsen ei0j po/lin legome/nhn {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: Nazare/t} [S1894: Nazare/q]: o3pwj plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n dia_ tw~n profhtw~n, o3ti Nazwrai=oj klhqh/setai. and when he arrived, he settled in a town called Nazareth, in order that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, that he should be called a Nazarene. Nazare/t, Nazaret, RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=16/19 F1859=4/6 vs. Nazare/q, Nazareth, S1894 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's cdx) F1859=2/6.

In other verses, RP P1904 S1550 always read Nazare/t, S1894 always reads Nazare/q, and E1624 is variable. Our English is the traditional English name, though not an exact transliteration of RP.

Perhaps the references to Nazarene are to the branch, נֵצֶר, nezer, in Isa 11:1 and / or the ↴
Matt 3:1 870En de\ tai=j h9me/raij e0kei/naij paragi/netai 870Iwa&nnhj o9 baptisth/j, khru/sswn e0n th|= e0rh/mw% th=j 870Ioudai/aj, Now in those days John the Baptist appeared on the scene, preaching in the desert of Judaea, ↳ combined testimony of references to nazarite, נָזִיר, nazir, pointing to Christ as fulfilling the foreshadowing of one separate, in particular from sinners.

John ← Ioannes.

appeared on the scene ← becomes alongside (vivid present).
Matt 3:2 kai\ le/gwn, Metanoei=te: h1ggiken ga_r h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n. and he would say, “Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”
Matt 3:3 Ou[toj ga&r e0stin o9 r(hqei\j u9po\ 870Hsai+/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Fwnh\ bow~ntoj e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, 879Etoima&sate th\n o9do\n kuri/ou: eu0qei/aj poiei=te ta_j tri/bouj au0tou=. For this man is the one spoken of by Isaiah the prophet, who said,

The voice of one crying out in the desert,

‘Prepare the way of the Lord.

Make his paths straight.’ ”

Our punctuation agrees with RP P1904 TBS-TR AV, but not HF, who read: crying out, ‘In the desert prepare ...’

Isa 40:3.

Isaiah: Greek and AV, Esaias.
Matt 3:4 Au0to\j de\ o9 870Iwa&nnhj ei]xen to\ e1nduma au0tou= a)po\ trixw~n kamh/lou, kai\ zw&nhn dermati/nhn peri\ th\n o0sfu\n au0tou=: h9 de\ trofh\ au0tou= h]n a)kri/dej kai\ me/li a!grion. Now John himself wore clothing made from camels' hair and a leather belt around his loins, while his food was locusts and wild honey. wore clothing ← had his clothing.
Matt 3:5 To/te e0ceporeu/eto pro\j au0to\n 879Ieroso/luma kai\ pa~sa h9 870Ioudai/a kai\ pa~sa h9 peri/xwroj tou= 870Iorda&nou: Then Jerusalem and all of Judaea and all the region around Jordan came out to him,
Matt 3:6 kai\ e0bapti/zonto e0n tw%~ 870Iorda&nh| u9p' au0tou=, e0comologou/menoi ta_j a(marti/aj au0tw~n. and they were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins.
Matt 3:7 870Idw_n de\ pollou\j tw~n Farisai/wn kai\ Saddoukai/wn e0rxome/nouj e0pi\ to\ ba&ptisma au0tou=, ei]pen au0toi=j, Gennh/mata e0xidnw~n, ti/j u9pe/deicen u9mi=n fugei=n a)po\ th=j mellou/shj o0rgh=j; But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “You offspring of vipers, who has intimated to you to flee from the wrath to come?
Matt 3:8 Poih/sate ou]n {RP P1904: karpo\n a!cion} [TR: karpou\j a)ci/ouj] th=j metanoi/aj: So produce {RP P1904: fruit} [TR: fruits] worthy of repentance, karpo\n a!cion, fruit worthy, RP P1904 F1853=14/19 F1859=4/7 vs. karpou\j a)ci/ouj, fruits worthy, TR F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's bcxy) F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's u) F1859=0/7.
Matt 3:9 kai\ mh\ do/chte le/gein e0n e9autoi=j, Pate/ra e1xomen to\n 870Abraa&m: le/gw ga_r u9mi=n, o3ti du/natai o9 qeo\j e0k tw~n li/qwn tou/twn e0gei=rai te/kna tw%~ 870Abraa&m. and do not think you can say to yourselves, ‘We have our father Abraham.’ For I say to you that God can raise children to Abraham from these stones, to yourselves ← in yourselves.
Matt 3:10 871Hdh de\ kai\ h9 a)ci/nh pro\j th\n r(i/zan tw~n de/ndrwn kei=tai: pa~n ou]n de/ndron mh\ poiou=n karpo\n kalo\n e0kko/ptetai kai\ ei0j pu=r ba&lletai. and the axe has already been laid at the root of the trees. For every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and is thrown into fire. has already been laid ← already lies, but the verb kei=mai is used as the passive of to lay / put (ti/qhmi).
Matt 3:11 870Egw_ me\n bapti/zw u9ma~j e0n u3dati ei0j meta&noian: o9 de\ o0pi/sw mou e0rxo/menoj i0sxuro/tero/j mou e0sti/n, ou[ ou0k ei0mi\ i9kano\j ta_ u9podh/mata basta&sai: au0to\j u9ma~j bapti/sei e0n pneu/mati a(gi/w% {RP: - } [P1904 TR: kai\ puri/]. Now I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than me, whose shoes I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with holy spirit {RP: - } [P1904 TR: and fire] kai\ puri/, and fire: absent in RP F1853=11/19 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=8/19 F1859=2/6. AV differs textually.

than me: or, if the reader prefers, than I.
Matt 3:12 Ou[ to\ ptu/on e0n th|= xeiri\ au0tou=, kai\ diakaqariei= th\n a#lwna au0tou=, kai\ suna&cei to\n si=ton au0tou= ei0j th\n a)poqh/khn, to\ de\ a!xuron katakau/sei puri\ a)sbe/stw%. he whose winnowing fan is in his hand – and he will thoroughly clean his threshing floor, and he will gather his wheat into his storehouse, but he will burn up the chaff with inextinguishable fire.”
Matt 3:13 To/te paragi/netai o9 870Ihsou=j a)po\ th=j Galilai/aj e0pi\ to\n 870Iorda&nhn pro\j to\n 870Iwa&nnhn, tou= baptisqh=nai u9p' au0tou=. Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John in order to be baptized by him,
Matt 3:14 879O de\ 870Iwa&nnhj diekw&luen au0to/n, le/gwn, 870Egw_ xrei/an e1xw u9po\ sou= baptisqh=nai, kai\ su\ e1rxh| pro/j me; although John tried to prevent him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, yet do you come to me?” although: concessive use of de/.

tried to prevent: conative imperfect (diekw&luen).
Matt 3:15 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen pro\j au0to/n, 871Afej a!rti: ou3twj ga_r pre/pon e0sti\n h9mi=n plhrw~sai pa~san dikaiosu/nhn. To/te a)fi/hsin au0to/n. But Jesus answered by saying to him, “Allow it right now, for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness.” Then he allowed him.
Matt 3:16 Kai\ baptisqei\j o9 870Ihsou=j a)ne/bh eu0qu\j a)po\ tou= u3datoj: kai\ i0dou/, a)new%&xqhsan au0tw%~ oi9 ou0ranoi/, kai\ ei]den to\ pneu=ma tou= qeou= katabai=non w(sei\ peristera_n kai\ e0rxo/menon e0p' au0to/n. Then when Jesus had been baptized, straightaway he came up out of the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the spirit of God descending as a dove and alighting on him.
Matt 3:17 Kai\ i0dou/, fwnh\ e0k tw~n ou0ranw~n, le/gousa, Ou[to/j e0stin o9 ui9o/j mou o9 a)gaphto/j, e0n w%{ eu0do/khsa. And there was a voice from the heavens, which said, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am very pleased.” there wasbehold.
Matt 4:1 To/te o9 870Ihsou=j a)nh/xqh ei0j th\n e1rhmon u9po\ tou= pneu/matoj, peirasqh=nai u9po\ tou= diabo/lou. Next Jesus was led up to the desert by the spirit to be tempted by the devil,
Matt 4:2 Kai\ nhsteu/saj h9me/raj tessara&konta kai\ nu/ktaj tessara&konta, u3steron e0pei/nasen. and having fasted for forty days and forty nights – after all that – he was hungry.
Matt 4:3 Kai\ proselqw_n au0tw%~ o9 peira&zwn ei]pen, Ei0 ui9o\j ei] tou= qeou=, ei0pe\ i3na oi9 li/qoi ou[toi a!rtoi ge/nwntai. Then the tempter came to him and said, “If you are the son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.”
Matt 4:4 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, Ge/graptai, Ou0k e0p' a!rtw% mo/nw% zh/setai a!nqrwpoj, a)ll' e0pi\ panti\ r(h/mati e0kporeuome/nw% dia_ sto/matoj qeou=. But he answered and said, “It stands written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word issuing through the mouth of God.’ ” Deut 8:3.
Matt 4:5 To/te paralamba&nei au0to\n o9 dia&boloj ei0j th\n a(gi/an po/lin, kai\ i3sthsin au0to\n e0pi\ to\ pteru/gion tou= i9erou=, Then the devil took him along to the holy city, and he set him on the pinnacle of the temple, pinnacle: or wing.
Matt 4:6 kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, Ei0 ui9o\j ei] tou= qeou=, ba&le seauto\n ka&tw: ge/graptai ga_r o3ti Toi=j a)gge/loij au0tou= e0ntelei=tai peri\ sou=, kai\ e0pi\ xeirw~n a)rou=si/n se, mh/pote prosko/yh|j pro\j li/qon to\n po/da sou=. and he said to him, “If you are the son of God, throw yourself down. For it stands written:

‘He will command his angels concerning you,


They will lift you up in their hands

In case at any time

You should strike your foot against a stone.’ ”

Ps 91:11, Ps 91:12.

in ← on.
Matt 4:7 871Efh au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, Pa&lin ge/graptai, Ou0k e0kpeira&seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou. Jesus said to him, “Again, it stands written: ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ” Deut 6:16.
Matt 4:8 Pa&lin paralamba&nei au0to\n o9 dia&boloj ei0j o1roj u9yhlo\n li/an, kai\ dei/knusin au0tw%~ pa&saj ta_j basilei/aj tou= ko/smou kai\ th\n do/can au0tw~n, Again, the devil took him along to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory,
Matt 4:9 kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, Tau=ta pa&nta soi dw&sw, e0a_n pesw_n proskunh/sh|j moi. and he said to him, “I will give you all these if you fall down and worship me.” fall down ← having fallen down. See Matt 23:20.
Matt 4:10 To/te le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 873Upage {RP P1904: o0pi/sw mou} [TR: - ], Satana~: ge/graptai ga&r, Ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou proskunh/seij, kai\ au0tw%~ mo/nw% latreu/seij. Then Jesus said to him, “Be off {RP P1904: behind me} [TR: - ], Satan, for it stands written: ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and you shall serve him only.’ ” o0pi/sw mou, behind me: present in RP P1904 F1853=14/18 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=4/18 (Scrivener's bkou, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7 vs. o0pi/sw, behind, F1853=0/18 F1859=2/7.

Deut 6:13.
Matt 4:11 To/te a)fi/hsin au0to\n o9 dia&boloj: kai\ i0dou/, a!ggeloi prosh=lqon kai\ dihko/noun au0tw%~. Then the devil left him, and the next thing that happened was that angels came and took care of him. the next thing that happened was thatbehold.
Matt 4:12 870Akou/saj de\ o9 870Ihsou=j o3ti 870Iwa&nnhj paredo/qh, a)nexw&rhsen ei0j th\n Galilai/an: Now when Jesus had heard that John had been delivered up, he withdrew to Galilee, delivered up: or betrayed. AV differs (cast into prison), extrapolating somewhat.
Matt 4:13 kai\ katalipw_n th\n {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: Nazare/t} [S1894: Nazare/q], e0lqw_n katw%&khsen ei0j Kapernaou\m th\n paraqalassi/an, e0n o9ri/oij Zaboulw_n kai\ Nefqalei/m: and having left Nazareth, he came and settled in Capernaum, which is beside the sea in the territories of Zebulun and Naphtali, Nazare/t, Nazaret, RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=15/18 F1859=5/6 vs. Nazare/q, Nazareth, S1894 F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's dhx) F1859=1/6.

Greek: Zaboulon ... Nephthaleim.
Matt 4:14 i3na plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n dia_ 870Hsai+/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, in order that that which was spoken through the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled, where he says,
Matt 4:15 Gh= Zaboulw_n kai\ gh= Nefqalei/m, o9do\n qala&sshj, pe/ran tou= 870Iorda&nou, Galilai/a tw~n e0qnw~n,

The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,

The road to the sea,

Across the Jordan,

Galilee of the Gentiles –

Isa 8:23MT (Isa 9:1AV).

to ← of.
Matt 4:16 o9 lao\j o9 kaqh/menoj e0n sko/tei ei]den fw~j me/ga, kai\ toi=j kaqhme/noij e0n xw&ra% kai\ skia%~ qana&tou, fw~j a)ne/teilen au0toi=j.

The people who sat in darkness

Have seen a great light,

And on those who were dwelling in a region and shadow of death

A light has risen.”

Isa 9:1MT (Isa 9:2AV).

on ← to.

dwelling ← sitting, a Hebraism (יָשַׁב, yashav).
Matt 4:17 870Apo\ to/te h1rcato o9 870Ihsou=j khru/ssein kai\ le/gein, Metanoei=te: h1ggiken ga_r h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n. From then on Jesus began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”
Matt 4:18 Peripatw~n de\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: o9 870Ihsou=j] para_ th\n qa&lassan th=j Galilai/aj ei]den du/o a)delfou/j, Si/mwna to\n lego/menon Pe/tron, kai\ 870Andre/an to\n a)delfo\n au0tou=, ba&llontaj a)mfi/blhstron ei0j th\n qa&lassan: h]san ga_r a(liei=j. While walking by the Sea of Galilee, {RP P1904: he} [TR: Jesus] saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a round net into the sea, for they were fishermen, o9 870Ihsou=j, Jesus: absent in RP P1904 F1853=16/19 F1859=2/6 vs. present in TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's k**xy) F1859=4/6.
Matt 4:19 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Deu=te o0pi/sw mou, kai\ poih/sw u9ma~j a(liei=j a)nqrw&pwn. and he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishermen of men.”
Matt 4:20 Oi9 de\ eu0qe/wj a)fe/ntej ta_ di/ktua h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~. At this they immediately left their nets and followed him.
Matt 4:21 Kai\ proba_j e0kei=qen, ei]den a!llouj du/o a)delfou/j, 870Ia&kwbon to\n tou= Zebedai/ou kai\ 870Iwa&nnhn to\n a)delfo\n au0tou=, e0n tw%~ ploi/w% meta_ Zebedai/ou tou= patro\j au0tw~n, katarti/zontaj ta_ di/ktua au0tw~n: kai\ e0ka&lesen au0tou/j. Then going on from there, he saw another two brothers, James, the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in a boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them, James ← JacobIakobos (and throughout the New Testament).

a boat ← the boat. See Gen 22:9.
Matt 4:22 Oi9 de\ eu0qe/wj a)fe/ntej to\ ploi=on kai\ to\n pate/ra au0tw~n h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~. and they immediately left the boat and their father and followed him.
Matt 4:23 Kai\ perih=gen o3lhn th\n Galilai/an o9 870Ihsou=j, dida&skwn e0n tai=j sunagwgai=j au0tw~n, kai\ khru/sswn to\ eu0agge/lion th=j basilei/aj, kai\ qerapeu/wn pa~san no/son kai\ pa~san malaki/an e0n tw%~ law%~. Then Jesus would go round all of Galilee teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and curing every sickness and every ailment among the people,
Matt 4:24 Kai\ a)ph=lqen h9 a)koh\ au0tou= ei0j o3lhn th\n Suri/an: kai\ prosh/negkan au0tw%~ pa&ntaj tou\j kakw~j e1xontaj, poiki/laij no/soij kai\ basa&noij sunexome/nouj, kai\ daimonizome/nouj, kai\ selhniazome/nouj, kai\ paralutikou/j: kai\ e0qera&peusen au0tou/j. and his fame spread to the whole of Syria, and they brought to him all the sick with various diseases, and those afflicted with torments, and those possessed by a demon, and lunatics, and paralytics, and he cured them. spread ← went away.

with ← having.
Matt 4:25 Kai\ h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~ o1xloi polloi\ a)po\ th=j Galilai/aj kai\ Dekapo/lewj kai\ 879Ierosolu/mwn kai\ 870Ioudai/aj kai\ pe/ran tou= 870Iorda&nou. And large crowds followed him from Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judaea and beyond the Jordan. large ← many (but large justified here; AV= great).
Matt 5:1 870Idw_n de\ tou\j o1xlouj, a)ne/bh ei0j to\ o1roj: kai\ kaqi/santoj au0tou=, prosh=lqon au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou=: But when he saw the crowds, he went up a mountain, and when he had sat down, his disciples came to him, went up a mountain ← went up into the mountain, perhaps for a mountainous region, so went up into the hills.
Matt 5:2 kai\ a)noi/caj to\ sto/ma au0tou=, e0di/dasken au0tou/j, le/gwn, and he opened his mouth and taught them and said, taught ← was teaching. The imperfect could perhaps be justified by the length of the sermon, but it is common with verbs of saying and asking, e.g. Matt 9:34, Matt 12:23, Mark 3:30, Mark 5:31, Acts 1:6, Acts 26:1 (applying to most of the 110 occurrences of e1lege and e1legon). We do not necessarily remark on such instances.
Matt 5:3 Maka&rioi oi9 ptwxoi\ tw%~ pneu/mati: o3ti au0tw~n e0stin h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n.

Blessed are the poor in spirit,

For theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.

We feel that maka&rioj answers to אַשְׁרֵי, ashre, happy (compare Ps 1:1) and eu0loghto/j to בָּרוּךְ, barukh, blessed, as in Matt 21:9, quoting Ps 118:26, but happy is too weak here, and elsewhere, but English appears to lack an alternative. We also considered blissful.

The direct speech started here continues until Matt 7:27.
Matt 5:4 Maka&rioi oi9 penqou=ntej: o3ti au0toi\ paraklhqh/sontai.

Blessed are those who mourn,

For they shall be comforted.

Matt 5:5 Maka&rioi oi9 pra%ei=j: o3ti au0toi\ klhronomh/sousin th\n gh=n.

Blessed are the meek,

For they shall inherit the earth.

Ps 37:11.
Matt 5:6 Maka&rioi oi9 peinw~ntej kai\ diyw~ntej th\n dikaiosu/nhn: o3ti au0toi\ xortasqh/sontai.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

For they shall be satisfied.

Matt 5:7 Maka&rioi oi9 e0leh/monej: o3ti au0toi\ e0lehqh/sontai.

Blessed are the merciful,

For they shall be shown mercy.

Matt 5:8 Maka&rioi oi9 kaqaroi\ th|= kardi/a%: o3ti au0toi\ to\n qeo\n o1yontai.

Blessed are the pure in heart,

For they shall see God.

Matt 5:9 Maka&rioi oi9 ei0rhnopoioi/: o3ti au0toi\ ui9oi\ qeou= klhqh/sontai.

Blessed are the peacemakers,

For they shall be called sons of God.

Matt 5:10 Maka&rioi oi9 dediwgme/noi e3neken dikaiosu/nhj: o3ti au0tw~n e0stin h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n.

Blessed are those who have been persecuted on account of righteousness,

For theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.

Matt 5:11 Maka&rioi/ e0ste, o3tan o0neidi/swsin u9ma~j kai\ diw&cwsin, kai\ ei1pwsin pa~n ponhro\n r(h=ma kaq' u9mw~n yeudo/menoi, e3neken e0mou=. Blessed are you whenever they reproach you and persecute you, and they speak all kinds of offensive words and lie about you on account of me. all kinds of offensive words ← every evil word.

about you: one could take kaq' u9mw~n with offensive words, where the meaning would be against you.
Matt 5:12 Xai/rete kai\ a)gallia~sqe, o3ti o9 misqo\j u9mw~n polu\j e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j: ou3twj ga_r e0di/wcan tou\j profh/taj tou\j pro\ u9mw~n. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in the heavens is great, for it is like this that they persecuted the prophets who were before you. great ← much.
Matt 5:13 879Umei=j e0ste to\ a#laj th=j gh=j: e0a_n de\ to\ a#laj mwranqh|=, e0n ti/ni a(lisqh/setai; Ei0j ou0de\n i0sxu/ei e1ti, ei0 mh\ blhqh=nai e1cw kai\ katapatei=sqai u9po\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn. You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt becomes insipid, by what can it be salted? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled on by men. can ← will, a Hebraism.
Matt 5:14 879Umei=j e0ste to\ fw~j tou= ko/smou: ou0 du/natai po/lij krubh=nai e0pa&nw o1rouj keime/nh: You are the light of the world. A city cannot be hidden if it is located on a mountain, if: conditional use of the participle.

located ← lying, but kei=mai can be used as the passive of ti/qhmi, to set, put.
Matt 5:15 ou0de\ kai/ousin lu/xnon kai\ tiqe/asin au0to\n u9po\ to\n mo/dion, a)ll' e0pi\ th\n luxni/an, kai\ la&mpei pa~sin toi=j e0n th|= oi0ki/a%. nor does one light a lamp and put it under a bushel of corn, but one puts it on a lampstand, and it gives light to all those in the house. does one ← do they.

bushel ← peck, which, strictly speaking, is ¼ bushel, = 2 imperial gallons or 9 litres, e.g. of corn or hay. We retain bushel as it has acquired a metaphorical meaning.
Matt 5:16 Ou3twj lamya&tw to\ fw~j u9mw~n e1mprosqen tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, o3pwj i1dwsin u9mw~n ta_ kala_ e1rga, kai\ doca&swsin to\n pate/ra u9mw~n to\n e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j. Let your light shine like this before men, so that they see your fine works and glorify your father who is in the heavens.
Matt 5:17 Mh\ nomi/shte o3ti h]lqon katalu=sai to\n no/mon h2 tou\j profh/taj: ou0k h]lqon katalu=sai a)lla_ plhrw~sai. Do not think that I have come to annul the law or the prophets. I have not come to annul, but to fulfil,
Matt 5:18 870Amh\n ga_r le/gw u9mi=n, e3wj a@n pare/lqh| o9 ou0rano\j kai\ h9 gh=, i0w~ta e4n h2 mi/a kerai/a ou0 mh\ pare/lqh| a)po\ tou= no/mou, e3wj a@n pa&nta ge/nhtai. for truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle will pass away from the law at all, until all has taken place. one jot or one tittle: the jot is Greek letter iota (i), which may stand for the Hebrew letter yod (י), whereas the tittle is any other small stroke, such as a serif to the letter, or ornament, or punctuation mark.

has taken place ← takes place, perfective aspect.
Matt 5:19 874Oj e0a_n ou]n lu/sh| mi/an tw~n e0ntolw~n tou/twn tw~n e0laxi/stwn, kai\ dida&ch| ou3twj tou\j a)nqrw&pouj, e0la&xistoj klhqh/setai e0n th|= basilei/a% tw~n ou0ranw~n: o4j d' a@n poih/sh| kai\ dida&ch|, ou[toj me/gaj klhqh/setai e0n th|= basilei/a% tw~n ou0ranw~n. So whoever breaks any one of the least of these commandments, or who teaches men to do so, will be called the least in the kingdom of the heavens, whereas it is whoever carries out and teaches the commandments who will be called great in the kingdom of the heavens. or: disjunctive use of kai/; (kai/ can stand for and, or, but etc. as a Hebraism).

who ← this (one).
Matt 5:20 Le/gw ga_r u9mi=n o3ti e0a_n mh\ perisseu/sh| h9 dikaiosu/nh u9mw~n plei=on tw~n grammate/wn kai\ Farisai/wn, ou0 mh\ ei0se/lqhte ei0j th\n basilei/an tw~n ou0ranw~n. For I say to you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you certainly will not go into the kingdom of the heavens. exceeds ← exceeds more than.
Matt 5:21 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh toi=j a)rxai/oij, Ou0 foneu/seij: o4j d' a@n foneu/sh|, e1noxoj e1stai th|= kri/sei: You have heard that it was said by the ancients, ‘You shall not commit murder’, and whoever commits murder shall be liable to judgment, Ex 20:13, Deut 5:17.

by: or to (the dative, typically indirect object, can also be the agent of the passive, especially in past tenses).
Matt 5:22 e0gw_ de\ le/gw u9mi=n o3ti pa~j o9 o0rgizo/menoj tw%~ a)delfw%~ au0tou= ei0kh|= e1noxoj e1stai th|= kri/sei: o4j d' a@n ei1ph| tw%~ a)delfw%~ au0tou=, 879Raka&, e1noxoj e1stai tw%~ sunedri/w%: o4j d' a@n ei1ph|, Mwre/, e1noxoj e1stai ei0j th\n ge/ennan tou= puro/j. but I say to you that everyone who becomes angry with his brother without reason will be liable to judgment, and whoever says to his brother, ‘Raka’ shall be liable to the Sanhedrin council, and whoever says, ‘You fool’ will be liable to fiery Gehenna. Raka: cognate with Hebrew רֵיק, req, empty.

fiery Gehenna ← Gehenna of fire, a Hebraic genitive.

Gehenna: from Hebrew גֵי־הִנֹּם, Ge-Hinnom, Valley of Hinnom, a place where dead bodies were constantly burnt.
Matt 5:23 870Ea_n ou]n prosfe/rh|j to\ dw~ro/n sou e0pi\ to\ qusiasth/rion, {RP: kai\ e0kei=} [P1904 TR: ka)kei=] mnhsqh|=j o3ti o9 a)delfo/j sou e1xei ti kata_ sou=, So if you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother holds something against you, kai\ e0kei=, and there (two words), RP F1853=14/18 F1859=2/6 vs. ka)kei=, and there (one word by crasis), P1904 TR F1853=4/18 (Scrivener's fgux, u being very doubtful) F1859=4/6.
Matt 5:24 a!fej e0kei= to\ dw~ro/n sou e1mprosqen tou= qusiasthri/ou, kai\ u3page, prw~ton dialla&ghqi tw%~ a)delfw%~ sou, kai\ to/te e0lqw_n pro/sfere to\ dw~ro/n sou. leave your gift there in front of the altar and go away, and first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. come: imperatival use of the participle.
Matt 5:25 871Isqi eu0now~n tw%~ a)ntidi/kw% sou taxu/, e3wj o3tou ei] e0n th|= o9dw%~ met' au0tou=, mh/pote/ se paradw%~ o9 a)nti/dikoj tw%~ krith|=, kai\ o9 krith/j se paradw%~ tw%~ u9phre/th|, kai\ ei0j fulakh\n blhqh/sh|. Be well-disposed to your opponent quickly while you are on the way with him, in case your opponent delivers you to the judge, and the judge delivers you to the officer, and you are thrown in prison.
Matt 5:26 870Amh\n le/gw soi, ou0 mh\ e0ce/lqh|j e0kei=qen, e3wj {RP TR: a@n} [P1904: ou[] a)podw%~j to\n e1sxaton kodra&nthn. Truly, I say to you, you will certainly not come out of there until you have repaid the last quadrans. a@n, indefinite particle in until, RP TR F1853=15/18 F1859=4/6 vs. ou[, a more definite word in until (still followed by subjunctive), P1904 F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's bqr) F1859=1/6 vs. word absent, F1853=0/18 F1859=1/6.

have repaid ← repay.

quadrans: a small bronze coin; 1/64 denary.
Matt 5:27 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh {RP: - } [P1904 TR: toi=j a)rxai/oij], Ou0 moixeu/seij: You have heard that it has been said {RP: - } [P1904 TR: by the ancients], ‘You shall not commit adultery’, toi=j a)rxai/oij, by the ancients: absent in RP F1853=15/18 F1859=3/6 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's bsx) F1859=3/6. AV differs textually.

Ex 20:14, Deut 5:18.

by: or to, as in Matt 5:21.
Matt 5:28 e0gw_ de\ le/gw u9mi=n, o3ti pa~j o9 ble/pwn gunai=ka pro\j to\ e0piqumh=sai {RP P1904: au0th\n} [TR: au0th=j] h1dh e0moi/xeusen au0th\n e0n th|= kardi/a% au0tou=. but I say to you that everyone who looks at a married woman intent on lusting after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. au0th\n, her, accusative, RP P1904 F1853=16/19 F1859=6/6 vs. au0th=j, her, genitive, TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's r*sx) F1859=0/6.

married woman ← woman or wife.
Matt 5:29 Ei0 de\ o9 o0fqalmo/j sou o9 decio\j skandali/zei se, e1cele au0to\n kai\ ba&le a)po\ sou=: sumfe/rei ga&r soi i3na a)po/lhtai e4n tw~n melw~n sou, kai\ mh\ o3lon to\ sw~ma& sou blhqh|= ei0j ge/ennan. And if your right eye ensnares you, pluck it out and throw it away, for it is more profitable to you that one of your organs should perish than that your whole body should be thrown into Gehenna. away ← away from you.

than that ← and not.

Gehenna: see Matt 5:22.
Matt 5:30 Kai\ ei0 h9 decia& sou xei\r skandali/zei se, e1kkoyon au0th\n kai\ ba&le a)po\ sou=: sumfe/rei ga&r soi i3na a)po/lhtai e4n tw~n melw~n sou, kai\ mh\ o3lon to\ sw~ma& sou blhqh|= ei0j ge/ennan. And if your right hand ensnares you, cut it off and throw it away, for it is more profitable to you that one of your limbs should perish than that your whole body should be thrown into Gehenna. away ← away from you.

than that ← and not.

Gehenna: see Matt 5:22.
Matt 5:31 870Erre/qh de\ {RP TR: o3ti} [P1904: - ] 874Oj a@n a)polu/sh| th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, do/tw au0th|= a)posta&sion: And it has been said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a deed of divorce’, o3ti, (said) that (but simply introduces direct speech here): present in RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=5/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.

Deut 24:1.
Matt 5:32 e0gw_ de\ le/gw u9mi=n, o3ti o4j a@n a)polu/sh| th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, parekto\j lo/gou pornei/aj, poiei= au0th\n moixa~sqai: kai\ o4j e0a_n a)polelume/nhn gamh/sh| moixa~tai. but I say to you that whoever divorces his wife, apart from by reason of fornication, causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Matt 5:33 Pa&lin h0kou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh toi=j a)rxai/oij, Ou0k e0piorkh/seij, a)podw&seij de\ tw%~ kuri/w% tou\j o3rkouj sou: Again, you have heard that it was said by the ancients, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but you will perform your oaths to the Lord’, Ex 20:7, Lev 19:12, Num 30:3MT (Num 30:2AV), Deut 23:22MT (Deut 23:21AV).

by: or to, as in Matt 5:21, Matt 5:27.
Matt 5:34 e0gw_ de\ le/gw u9mi=n mh\ o0mo/sai o3lwj: mh/te e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, o3ti qro/noj e0sti\n tou= qeou=: but I say to you, do not swear at all, neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God, Isa 66:1.
Matt 5:35 mh/te e0n th|= gh|=, o3ti u9popo/dio/n e0stin tw~n podw~n au0tou=: mh/te ei0j 879Ieroso/luma, o3ti po/lij e0sti\n tou= mega&lou basile/wj: nor by the earth, for it is his footstool, nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king. Isa 66:1.

his footstool ← a footstool of his feet.
Matt 5:36 mh/te e0n th|= kefalh|= sou o0mo/sh|j, o3ti ou0 du/nasai mi/an tri/xa leukh\n h2 me/lainan poih=sai. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black,
Matt 5:37 871Estw de\ o9 lo/goj u9mw~n, nai\ nai/, ou2 ou1: to\ de\ perisso\n tou/twn e0k tou= ponhrou= e0stin. but let your speech be, ‘Yes, yes; no, no’, for any more than these is of evil. evil: or the evil one.
Matt 5:38 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh, 870Ofqalmo\n a)nti\ o0fqalmou=, kai/, 870Odo/nta a)nti\ o0do/ntoj: You have heard that it has been said, ‘An eye for an eye’ and, ‘A tooth for a tooth’, Ex 21:24.
Matt 5:39 e0gw_ de\ le/gw u9mi=n mh\ a)ntisth=nai tw%~ ponhrw%~: a)ll' o3stij se r(api/sei e0pi\ th\n {RP-text P1904: decia_n} [RP-marg TR: decia&n sou] siago/na, stre/yon au0tw%~ kai\ th\n a!llhn: but I say to you, do not resist evil, but whoever strikes you on {RP-text P1904: the} [RP-marg TR: your] right cheek – turn also the other cheek to him, sou, your: absent in RP-text P1904 F1853=7/18 F1859=2/6 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1853=11/18 F1859=4/6. A disparity with RP-text, R=10:16.
Matt 5:40 kai\ tw%~ qe/lonti/ soi kriqh=nai kai\ to\n xitw~na& sou labei=n, a!fej au0tw%~ kai\ to\ i9ma&tion: and as for him who wishes you to be judged and to take your tunic, let him have your coat as well,
Matt 5:41 kai\ o3stij se a)ggareu/sei mi/lion e3n, u3page met' au0tou= du/o. and whoever presses you to go one mile – go with him two.
Matt 5:42 Tw%~ ai0tou=nti/ se di/dou: kai\ to\n qe/lonta a)po\ sou= danei/sasqai mh\ a)postrafh|=j. Give to him who asks you, and do not turn away from him who wishes to borrow from you.
Matt 5:43 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou, kai/, Mish/seij to\n e0xqro/n sou: You have heard that it has been said, ‘You shall love your neighbour’, and, You shall hate your enemy, Lev 19:18.

you shall hate your enemy: there is the sense of this in, e.g., Ps 139:21, Ps 139:22.
Matt 5:44 e0gw_ de\ le/gw u9mi=n, 870Agapa~te tou\j e0xqrou\j u9mw~n, eu0logei=te tou\j katarwme/nouj u9ma~j, kalw~j poiei=te {RP P1904: toi=j misou=sin} [TR: tou\j misou=ntaj] u9ma~j, kai\ proseu/xesqe u9pe\r tw~n e0phreazo/ntwn u9ma~j, kai\ diwko/ntwn u9ma~j: but I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who treat you spitefully and persecute you, toi=j misou=sin, to those who hate, RP P1904 F1853=17/18 F1859=6/6 vs. touj misountaj, those who hate (a direct object of a transitive verb), TR F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's p) F1859=0/6.
Matt 5:45 o3pwj ge/nhsqe ui9oi\ tou= patro\j u9mw~n tou= e0n {RP-text: toi=j} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] ou0ranoi=j, o3ti to\n h3lion au0tou= a)nate/llei e0pi\ ponhrou\j kai\ a)gaqou/j, kai\ bre/xei e0pi\ dikai/ouj kai\ a)di/kouj. so that you become sons of your father in {RP-text: the} [RP-marg P1904 TR: the] heavens, for he makes his sun rise on the wicked and the good, and he sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. toi=j, (in) the (heavens): present in RP-text F1853=10/19 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=9/19 F1859=3/6. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:14.
Matt 5:46 870Ea_n ga_r a)gaph/shte tou\j a)gapw~ntaj u9ma~j, ti/na misqo\n e1xete; Ou0xi\ kai\ oi9 telw~nai to\ au0to\ poiou=sin; For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not the tax collectors also do the same?
Matt 5:47 Kai\ e0a_n a)spa&shsqe tou\j {RP P1904: fi/louj} [TR: a)delfou\j] u9mw~n mo/non, ti/ perisso\n poiei=te; Ou0xi\ kai\ oi9 telw~nai ou3twj poiou=sin; And if you only greet your {RP P1904: friends} [TR: brothers], what do you do that is exceptional? Do not the tax collectors act in this way? fi/louj, friends, RP P1904 F1853=17/18 F1859=6/6 vs. a)delfou\j, brothers, TR F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/6. AV differs textually.
Matt 5:48 871Esesqe ou]n u9mei=j te/leioi, w#sper o9 path\r u9mw~n o9 e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j te/leio/j e0stin. So be perfect, as your father in the heavens is perfect. perfect (2x): or complete.
Matt 6:1 Prose/xete th\n e0lehmosu/nhn u9mw~n mh\ poiei=n e1mprosqen tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, pro\j to\ qeaqh=nai au0toi=j: ei0 de\ mh/ge, misqo\n ou0k e1xete para_ tw%~ patri\ u9mw~n tw%~ e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j. And take care not to give your alms in the presence of men, so as to be seen by them. Otherwise, you do not have a reward from your father in the heavens. give ← do.

from your father ← with your father.
Matt 6:2 873Otan ou]n poih|=j e0lehmosu/nhn, mh\ salpi/sh|j e1mprosqe/n sou, w#sper oi9 u9pokritai\ poiou=sin e0n tai=j sunagwgai=j kai\ e0n tai=j r(u/maij, o3pwj docasqw~sin u9po\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn: a)mh\n le/gw u9mi=n, a)pe/xousin to\n misqo\n au0tw~n. So when you give alms, do not blow a trumpet in front of you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, in order to be glorified by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. give ← do.

have ← receive as due.
Matt 6:3 Sou= de\ poiou=ntoj e0lehmosu/nhn, mh\ gnw&tw h9 a)ristera& sou ti/ poiei= h9 decia& sou, But when you give alms, let your left hand not know what your right hand is doing, give ← do.
Matt 6:4 o3pwj h|] sou h9 e0lehmosu/nh e0n tw%~ kruptw%~: kai\ o9 path/r sou o9 ble/pwn e0n tw%~ kruptw%~ {RP TR: au0to\j} [P1904: - ] a)podw&sei soi e0n tw%~ fanerw%~. so that your alms are given in secret, and your father, who sees in secret, will reward you in public. au0to\j, he (will reward): present in RP TR F1853=15/18 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's asu), F1859=3/6.
Matt 6:5 Kai\ o3tan proseu/xh|, ou0k e1sh| w#sper oi9 u9pokritai/, o3ti filou=sin e0n tai=j sunagwgai=j kai\ e0n tai=j gwni/aij tw~n plateiw~n e9stw~tej proseu/xesqai, o3pwj a@n fanw~sin toi=j a)nqrw&poij: a)mh\n le/gw u9mi=n o3ti a)pe/xousin to\n misqo\n au0tw~n. And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, in order to be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. do not be ← you shall not be.

have ← receive as due.
Matt 6:6 Su\ de/, o3tan proseu/xh|, ei1selqe ei0j to\ tamiei=o/n sou, kai\ klei/saj th\n qu/ran sou, pro/seucai tw%~ patri/ sou tw%~ e0n tw%~ kruptw%~: kai\ o9 path/r sou o9 ble/pwn e0n tw%~ kruptw%~ a)podw&sei soi e0n tw%~ fanerw%~. But when you pray, go into your private room and shut the door and pray to your father who is hidden, and your father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you in public. shut: imperatival use of the participle.

the door ← your door.

who is hidden ← in the secret.
Matt 6:7 Proseuxo/menoi de\ mh\ battologh/shte, w#sper oi9 e0qnikoi/: dokou=sin ga_r o3ti e0n th|= polulogi/a% au0tw~n ei0sakousqh/sontai. And when you pray, do not gabble like the Gentiles, for they think that they will be heard in their loquacity. in: or because of.
Matt 6:8 Mh\ ou]n o9moiwqh=te au0toi=j: oi]den ga_r o9 path\r u9mw~n w{n xrei/an e1xete, pro\ tou= u9ma~j ai0th=sai au0to/n. So do not be like them. For your father knows what you need before you ask him.
Matt 6:9 Ou3twj ou]n proseu/xesqe u9mei=j: Pa&ter h9mw~n o9 e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j, a(giasqh/tw to\ o1noma& sou. So then, pray like this:

Our father in the heavens,

May your name be sanctified.

in ← who in.
Matt 6:10 870Elqe/tw h9 basilei/a sou. Genhqh/tw to\ qe/lhma& sou, w(j e0n ou0ranw%~, kai\ e0pi\ th=j gh=j.

May your kingdom come;

May your will be done,

As in heaven, so also on the earth.

Matt 6:11 To\n a!rton h9mw~n to\n e0piou/sion do\j h9mi=n sh/meron.

Give us our oncoming bread today,

oncoming ← A word only known from Matt 6:11 and Luke 11:3, apparently made up from epi = on and ousios, suggesting coming or being. Perhaps a reference to manna coming upon the earth from above. Consider also that Jesus is the bread of life from heaven: John 6:30-35.
Matt 6:12 Kai\ a!fej h9mi=n ta_ o0feilh/mata h9mw~n, w(j kai\ h9mei=j a)fi/emen toi=j o0feile/taij h9mw~n.

And cancel our debts,

As we also cancel the debts of our debtors.

and cancel our debts: or, as an Aramaism: forgive our sins.

cancel the debts of our debtors: or, as an Aramaism: forgive the sinners against us.
Matt 6:13 Kai\ mh\ ei0sene/gkh|j h9ma~j ei0j peirasmo/n, a)lla_ r(u=sai h9ma~j a)po\ tou= ponhrou=. 873Oti sou= e0stin h9 basilei/a kai\ h9 du/namij kai\ h9 do/ca ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj. 870Amh/n.

And do not lead us into temptation,

But rescue us from evil,

For yours is the kingdom,

And the power and the glory,

Throughout the ages. Amen.

evil: or the evil one.
Matt 6:14 870Ea_n ga_r a)fh=te toi=j a)nqrw&poij ta_ paraptw&mata au0tw~n, a)fh/sei kai\ u9mi=n o9 path\r u9mw~n o9 ou0ra&nioj: For if you forgive men their transgressions, so also will your heavenly father forgive you.
Matt 6:15 e0a_n de\ mh\ a)fh=te toi=j a)nqrw&poij ta_ paraptw&mata au0tw~n, ou0de\ o9 path\r u9mw~n a)fh/sei ta_ paraptw&mata u9mw~n. But if you do not forgive men their transgressions, neither will your father forgive your transgressions.
Matt 6:16 873Otan de\ nhsteu/hte, mh\ gi/nesqe w#sper oi9 u9pokritai\ skuqrwpoi/: a)fani/zousin ga_r ta_ pro/swpa au0tw~n, o3pwj fanw~sin toi=j a)nqrw&poij nhsteu/ontej: a)mh\n le/gw u9mi=n o3ti a)pe/xousin to\n misqo\n au0tw~n. Now whenever you fast, do not be like the sullen-looking hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces in order for it to be obvious to men that they are fasting. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. for it to be obvious ← that they may be obvious.

have ← receive as due.
Matt 6:17 Su\ de\ nhsteu/wn a!leiyai/ sou th\n kefalh/n, kai\ to\ pro/swpo/n sou ni/yai, But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face,
Matt 6:18 o3pwj mh\ fanh|=j toi=j a)nqrw&poij nhsteu/wn, a)lla_ tw%~ patri/ sou tw%~ e0n tw%~ kruptw%~: kai\ o9 path/r sou o9 ble/pwn e0n tw%~ kruptw%~ a)podw&sei soi {RP: - } [P1904 TR: e0n tw%~ fanerw%~]. so that it is not obvious to men that you are fasting, but it will be known to your father who is hidden, and your father who sees in secret will reward you {RP: - } [P1904 TR: in public]. e0n tw%~ fanerw%~, in public: absent in RP F1853=16/20 F1859=5/6 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's f**suy, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6. AV differs textually.

so that it is not obvious ← so that you are not obvious.

who is hidden ← in the secret.
Matt 6:19 Mh\ qhsauri/zete u9mi=n qhsaurou\j e0pi\ th=j gh=j, o3pou sh\j kai\ brw~sij a)fani/zei, kai\ o3pou kle/ptai dioru/ssousin kai\ kle/ptousin: Do not save up treasures for yourself on the earth, where the moth and corrosion cause ruin, and where thieves break in and steal, break in ← dig through.
Matt 6:20 qhsauri/zete de\ u9mi=n qhsaurou\j e0n ou0ranw%~, o3pou ou1te sh\j ou1te brw~sij a)fani/zei, kai\ o3pou kle/ptai ou0 dioru/ssousin ou0de\ kle/ptousin. but save up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor corrosion cause ruin, and where no robbers break in and steal. no robbers ← robbers do not, which in English would suggest that there are robbers, but they don't break in and steal.
Matt 6:21 873Opou ga&r e0stin o9 qhsauro\j u9mw~n, e0kei= e1stai kai\ h9 kardi/a u9mw~n. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be as well.
Matt 6:22 879O lu/xnoj tou= sw&mato/j e0stin o9 o0fqalmo/j: e0a_n ou]n o9 o0fqalmo/j sou a(plou=j h|], o3lon to\ sw~ma& sou fwteino\n e1stai: The light of the body is the eye. So if your eye is clear-sighted, the whole of your body will be bright. clear-sighted ← simple, unfolded.
Matt 6:23 e0a_n de\ o9 o0fqalmo/j sou ponhro\j h|], o3lon to\ sw~ma& sou skoteino\n e1stai. Ei0 ou]n to\ fw~j to\ e0n soi\ sko/toj e0sti/n, to\ sko/toj po/son; But if your eye is ill-disposed, the whole of your body will be dark. So if the light which is in you is darkness, how great the darkness is! We punctuate as an exclamation. RP P1904 TBS-TR punctuate as a question, How great is the darkness?

ill-disposed ← evil; in this context covetous or miserly.
Matt 6:24 Ou0dei\j du/natai dusi\n kuri/oij douleu/ein: h2 ga_r to\n e3na mish/sei, kai\ to\n e3teron a)gaph/sei: h2 e9no\j a)nqe/cetai, kai\ tou= e9te/rou katafronh/sei. Ou0 du/nasqe qew%~ douleu/ein kai\ {RP P1904: mamwna%~} [TR: mammwna%~]. No-one can serve two masters, for he will either hate one and love the other, or he will cling to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. mamwna%~, mamon, RP P1904 F1853=16/19 F1859=6/6 vs. mammwna%~, mammon, TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's cou, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/6. No difference in our English (though this traditional spelling is not as RP).

mammon ← Aramaic מָמוֹן, riches.
Matt 6:25 Dia_ tou=to le/gw u9mi=n, mh\ merimna~te th|= yuxh|= u9mw~n, ti/ fa&ghte kai\ ti/ pi/hte: mhde\ tw%~ sw&mati u9mw~n, ti/ e0ndu/shsqe. Ou0xi\ h9 yuxh\ plei=o/n e0stin th=j trofh=j, kai\ to\ sw~ma tou= e0ndu/matoj; On account of this I say to you, do not be anxious for your life, about what you will eat and what you will drink, nor for your body, about what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? life (2x)soul.
Matt 6:26 870Emble/yate ei0j ta_ peteina_ tou= ou0ranou=, o3ti ou0 spei/rousin, ou0de\ qeri/zousin, ou0de\ suna&gousin ei0j a)poqh/kaj, kai\ o9 path\r u9mw~n o9 ou0ra&nioj tre/fei au0ta&: ou0x u9mei=j ma~llon diafe/rete au0tw~n; Look at the birds of the sky, how they do not sow or reap or gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly father feeds them; surely you are worth much more than they are? yet: adversative use of kai/.
Matt 6:27 Ti/j de\ e0c u9mw~n merimnw~n du/natai prosqei=nai e0pi\ th\n h9liki/an au0tou= ph=xun e3na; And who of you can by being anxious add one cubit to his stature? by being anxious: gerundial use of the participle.

cubit: about 18 inches or 50 cm.
Matt 6:28 Kai\ peri\ e0ndu/matoj ti/ merimna~te; Katama&qete ta_ kri/na tou= a)grou=, pw~j au0ca&nei: ou0 kopia%~, ou0de\ nh/qei: And why are you anxious about clothing? Observe the wild lilies – how they grow. Yet they neither toil nor spin thread. wild lilies ← lilies of the field.

In the second sentence, we retain the Greek word order, with the lilies towards the head of their clause (prolepsis, common in Aramaic).
Matt 6:29 le/gw de\ u9mi=n o3ti ou0de\ Solomw_n e0n pa&sh| th|= do/ch| au0tou= perieba&leto w(j e4n tou/twn. But I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these. was clothed: aorist middle, so strictly neither passive nor reflexive, nor a habitual imperfect, but the form is used here loosely.
Matt 6:30 Ei0 de\ to\n xo/rton tou= a)grou=, sh/meron o1nta, kai\ au1rion ei0j kli/banon ballo/menon, o9 qeo\j ou3twj a)mfie/nnusin, ou0 pollw%~ ma~llon u9ma~j, o0ligo/pistoi; Now if God so clothes the wild vegetation, which exists today, and tomorrow is thrown into a furnace, will he not much more clothe you, you of little faith? wild vegetation ← grass / vegetation of the field.
Matt 6:31 Mh\ ou]n merimnh/shte, le/gontej, Ti/ fa&gwmen, h1, Ti/ pi/wmen, h1, Ti/ peribalw&meqa; So do not be anxious, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or, ‘What will we drink?’ or, ‘What will we wear?’
Matt 6:32 Pa&nta ga_r tau=ta ta_ e1qnh e0pizhtei=: oi]den ga_r o9 path\r u9mw~n o9 ou0ra&nioj o3ti xrh|/zete tou/twn a(pa&ntwn. For the Gentiles seek all these things. Well then, your heavenly father knows that you need all these things.
Matt 6:33 Zhtei=te de\ prw~ton th\n basilei/an tou= qeou= kai\ th\n dikaiosu/nhn au0tou=, kai\ tau=ta pa&nta prosteqh/setai u9mi=n. But first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matt 6:34 Mh\ ou]n {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: merimnh/shte} [E1624: merimnh/sete] ei0j th\n au1rion: h9 ga_r au1rion merimnh/sei ta_ e9auth=j. 870Arketo\n th|= h9me/ra% h9 kaki/a au0th=j. So do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious about its own affairs. Sufficient for the day is its own evil. merimnh/shte, be anxious (aorist subjunctive), RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1853=15/19 F1859=4/7 vs. merimnh/sete, be anxious (future indicative), E1624 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's uxy, u being very doubtful) F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's x) F1859=0/7.
Matt 7:1 Mh\ kri/nete, i3na mh\ kriqh=te: Do not judge, in order that you may not be judged,
Matt 7:2 e0n w%{ ga_r kri/mati kri/nete, kriqh/sesqe: kai\ e0n w%{ me/trw% metrei=te, {RP P1904: metrhqh/setai} [TR: a)ntimetrhqh/setai] u9mi=n. for you will be judged with the judgment with which you judge, and by whatever measure you measure, it will be {RP P1904: measured} [TR: measured back] to you. metrhqh/setai, measured, RP P1904 F1853=13/21 F1859=2/6 vs. a)ntimetrhqh/setai, measured back, TR, F1853=5/21 F1859=3/6 vs. other readings, F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's byx) F1859=1/6.
Matt 7:3 Ti/ de\ ble/peij to\ ka&rfoj to\ e0n tw%~ o0fqalmw%~ tou= a)delfou= sou, th\n de\ e0n tw%~ sw%~ o0fqalmw%~ doko\n ou0 katanoei=j; Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye but do not take notice of the joist in your own eye?
Matt 7:4 872H pw~j e0rei=j tw%~ a)delfw%~ sou, 871Afej e0kba&lw to\ ka&rfoj a)po\ tou= o0fqalmou= sou: kai\ i0dou/, h9 doko\j e0n tw%~ o0fqalmw%~ sou; Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’, when all along there is a joist in your eye? can ← will, a Hebraism.

when all along there isand behold.
Matt 7:5 879Upokrita&, e1kbale prw~ton th\n doko\n e0k tou= o0fqalmou= sou, kai\ to/te diable/yeij e0kbalei=n to\ ka&rfoj e0k tou= o0fqalmou= tou= a)delfou= sou. You hypocrite! First take the joist out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. to take the speck out ← to take out the speck out.
Matt 7:6 Mh\ dw~te to\ a#gion toi=j kusi/n: mhde\ ba&lhte tou\j margari/taj u9mw~n e1mprosqen tw~n xoi/rwn, mh/pote katapath/swsin au0tou\j e0n toi=j posi\n au0tw~n, kai\ strafe/ntej r(h/cwsin u9ma~j. Do not give anything sacred to dogs, and do not cast your pearls before swine, in case they trample them with their feet and turn and tear at you.
Matt 7:7 Ai0tei=te, kai\ doqh/setai {RP P1904c TR: u9mi=n} [P1904u: h9mi=n]: zhtei=te, kai\ eu9rh/sete: krou/ete, kai\ a)noigh/setai u9mi=n. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Matt 7:8 Pa~j ga_r o9 ai0tw~n lamba&nei, kai\ o9 zhtw~n eu9ri/skei, kai\ tw%~ krou/onti a)noigh/setai. For everyone who asks will receive, and he who seeks will find, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Matt 7:9 872H ti/j e0stin e0c u9mw~n a!nqrwpoj, o4n e0a_n ai0th/sh| o9 ui9o\j au0tou= a!rton, mh\ li/qon e0pidw&sei au0tw%~; Or what man is there among you, who, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? among you ← out of you.
Matt 7:10 Kai\ e0a_n i0xqu\n ai0th/sh|, mh\ o1fin e0pidw&sei au0tw%~; And if he asks for fish, surely he will not give him a serpent?
Matt 7:11 Ei0 ou]n u9mei=j, ponhroi\ o1ntej, oi1date do/mata a)gaqa_ dido/nai toi=j te/knoij u9mw~n, po/sw% ma~llon o9 path\r u9mw~n o9 e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j dw&sei a)gaqa_ toi=j ai0tou=sin au0to/n; So if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in the heavens give good things to those who ask him! We punctuate as an exclamation; RP P1904 TBS-TR as a question.
Matt 7:12 Pa&nta ou]n o3sa a@n qe/lhte i3na poiw~sin u9mi=n oi9 a!nqrwpoi, ou3twj kai\ u9mei=j poiei=te au0toi=j: ou[toj ga&r e0stin o9 no/moj kai\ oi9 profh=tai. Whatever you would like men to do to you, do the same to them. For this is the law and the prophets. whatever ← all as many as (things).

the same ← likewise.
Matt 7:13 Ei0se/lqete dia_ th=j stenh=j pu/lhj: o3ti platei=a h9 pu/lh, kai\ eu0ru/xwroj h9 o9do\j h9 a)pa&gousa ei0j th\n a)pw&leian, kai\ polloi/ ei0sin oi9 ei0serxo/menoi di' au0th=j: Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way which leads to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it. leads ← leads away.

destruction: or waste, as in Matt 26:8.
Matt 7:14 {RP P1904: ti/} [TR: o3ti] stenh\ h9 pu/lh, kai\ teqlimme/nh h9 o9do\j h9 a)pa&gousa ei0j th\n zwh/n, kai\ o0li/goi ei0si\n oi9 eu9ri/skontej au0th/n. {RP P1904: How narrow the gate is and confined the way is which leads to life, and how few they are who find it!} [TR: Because the gate is narrow and the way which leads to life is confined, and they are few who find it.] ti/, how, RP P1904 F1853=18/19 F1859=5/8 vs. o3ti, because, TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=3/8. AV differs textually.
Matt 7:15 Prose/xete de\ a)po\ tw~n yeudoprofhtw~n, oi3tinej e1rxontai pro\j u9ma~j e0n e0ndu/masin proba&twn, e1swqen de/ ei0sin lu/koi a#rpagej. But beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside are rapacious wolves.
Matt 7:16 870Apo\ tw~n karpw~n au0tw~n e0pignw&sesqe au0tou/j: mh/ti sulle/gousin a)po\ a)kanqw~n stafulh/n, h2 a)po\ tribo/lwn su=ka; By their fruit you will recognize them. Does one really gather a bunch of grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? fruit ← fruits, also in the next few verses.
Matt 7:17 Ou3twj pa~n de/ndron a)gaqo\n karpou\j kalou\j poiei=: to\ de\ sapro\n de/ndron karpou\j ponhrou\j poiei=. In this way every good tree produces fine fruit, but a rotten tree produces bad fruit.
Matt 7:18 Ou0 du/natai de/ndron a)gaqo\n karpou\j ponhrou\j poiei=n, ou0de\ de/ndron sapro\n karpou\j kalou\j poiei=n. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit.
Matt 7:19 Pa~n de/ndron mh\ poiou=n karpo\n kalo\n e0kko/ptetai kai\ ei0j pu=r ba&lletai. Every tree which does not produce fine fruit is cut down and thrown into fire.
Matt 7:20 871Ara ge a)po\ tw~n karpw~n au0tw~n e0pignw&sesqe au0tou/j. Therefore, by their fruit you will recognize them.
Matt 7:21 Ou0 pa~j o9 le/gwn moi, Ku/rie, ku/rie, ei0seleu/setai ei0j th\n basilei/an tw~n ou0ranw~n: a)ll' o9 poiw~n to\ qe/lhma tou= patro/j mou tou= e0n ou0ranoi=j. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will go into the kingdom of the heavens, but rather, he who does the will of my father in the heavens.
Matt 7:22 Polloi\ e0rou=si/n moi e0n e0kei/nh| th|= h9me/ra%, Ku/rie, ku/rie, ou0 tw%~ sw%~ o0no/mati proefhteu/samen, kai\ tw%~ sw%~ o0no/mati daimo/nia e0ceba&lomen, kai\ tw%~ sw%~ o0no/mati duna&meij polla_j e0poih/samen; Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and perform many deeds of power in your name?’
Matt 7:23 Kai\ to/te o9mologh/sw au0toi=j o3ti Ou0de/pote e1gnwn u9ma~j: a)poxwrei=te a)p' e0mou= oi9 e0rgazo/menoi th\n a)nomi/an. And then I will confess to them, ‘I never knew you. Go away from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Matt 7:24 Pa~j ou]n o3stij a)kou/ei mou tou\j lo/gouj tou/touj kai\ poiei= au0tou/j, o9moiw&sw au0to\n a)ndri\ froni/mw%, o3stij w%)kodo/mhsen th\n oi0ki/an au0tou= e0pi\ th\n pe/tran: So everyone who hears these words of mine and does them – I will liken him to a prudent man who built his house on rock, Prolepsis, as in Matt 6:28.
Matt 7:25 kai\ kate/bh h9 broxh\ kai\ h]lqon oi9 potamoi\ kai\ e1pneusan oi9 a!nemoi, kai\ prose/peson th|= oi0ki/a% e0kei/nh|, kai\ ou0k e1pesen: teqemeli/wto ga_r e0pi\ th\n pe/tran. and the rain came down and the torrents arrived, and the winds blew and beat against that house, but it did not fall, for it had been founded on rock. torrents ← rivers.
Matt 7:26 Kai\ pa~j o9 a)kou/wn mou tou\j lo/gouj tou/touj kai\ mh\ poiw~n au0tou/j, o9moiwqh/setai a)ndri\ mwrw%~, o3stij w%)kodo/mhsen th\n oi0ki/an au0tou= e0pi\ th\n a!mmon: But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be likened to a foolish man who built his house on sand, but: adversative use of kai/.
Matt 7:27 kai\ kate/bh h9 broxh\ kai\ h]lqon oi9 potamoi\ kai\ e1pneusan oi9 a!nemoi, kai\ prose/koyan th|= oi0ki/a% e0kei/nh|, kai\ e1pesen: kai\ h]n h9 ptw~sij au0th=j mega&lh. and the rain came down, and the torrents arrived, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell down, and its fall was great.” The direct speech which ends here started at Matt 5:3.
Matt 7:28 Kai\ e0ge/neto o3te sunete/lesen o9 870Ihsou=j tou\j lo/gouj tou/touj, e0ceplh/ssonto oi9 o1xloi e0pi\ th|= didaxh|= au0tou=: And it came to pass when Jesus had finished these words, that the crowds were astounded at his teaching,
Matt 7:29 h]n ga_r dida&skwn au0tou\j w(j e0cousi/an e1xwn, kai\ ou0x w(j oi9 grammatei=j. for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. taught ← was teaching.
Matt 8:1 Kataba&nti de\ au0tw%~ a)po\ tou= o1rouj, h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~ o1xloi polloi/: Then when he had come down from the mountain, large crowds followed him, large ← many.
Matt 8:2 kai\ i0dou/, lepro\j e0lqw_n proseku/nei au0tw%~, le/gwn, Ku/rie, e0a_n qe/lh|j, du/nasai/ me kaqari/sai. and it so happened that a leper came and worshipped him and said, “Lord, if you will, you can cleanse me.” it so happened that ← behold.
Matt 8:3 Kai\ e0ktei/naj th\n xei=ra, h3yato au0tou= o9 870Ihsou=j, le/gwn, Qe/lw, kaqari/sqhti. Kai\ eu0qe/wj e0kaqari/sqh au0tou= h9 le/pra. At this Jesus held out his hand and touched him and said, “I will; be cleansed.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
Matt 8:4 Kai\ le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 873Ora mhdeni\ ei1ph|j: {RP P1904 E1624: a)lla_} [S1550 S1894: a)ll'] u3page, seauto\n dei=con tw%~ i9erei=, kai\ prose/negke to\ dw~ron o4 prose/tacen Mwsh=j, ei0j martu/rion au0toi=j. Then Jesus said to him, “See to it that you tell no-one, but go and show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift which Moses commanded, as a witness to them.” a)ll', but (apocopated form), RP P1904 E1624 F1853=10/19 F1859=4/6 vs. a)lla_, but (unapocopated form), S1550 S1894 F1853=8/19 F1859=2/6 vs. another spelling, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's x) F1859=0/6.

priest: not a senior priest (a)rxiere/uj), which is the word used of the enemies of the Lord, e.g. in Matt 27:1, but an ordinary priest (i9ere/uj) doing his job in the temple.
Matt 8:5 Ei0selqo/nti de\ {RP P1904: au0tw%~} [TR: tw%~ 870Ihsou=] ei0j Kapernaou/m, prosh=lqen au0tw%~ e9kato/ntarxoj parakalw~n au0to/n, Subsequently, when {RP P1904: he} [TR: Jesus] had gone to Capernaum, a centurion approached him, appealing to him, au0tw%~, him, RP P1904 F1853=15/20 F1859=3/7 vs. tw%~ 870Ihsou=, Jesus, TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's bf**xy) F1859=4/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's b) F1859=0/7.
Matt 8:6 kai\ le/gwn, Ku/rie, o9 pai=j mou be/blhtai e0n th|= oi0ki/a% paralutiko/j, deinw~j basanizo/menoj. and saying, “Lord, my servant has become ill at home paralysed and is tormented terribly.” has become ill ← has been thrown.
Matt 8:7 Kai\ le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 870Egw_ e0lqw_n qerapeu/sw au0to/n. At this Jesus said to him, “I will go and cure him.”
Matt 8:8 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j o9 e9kato/ntarxoj e1fh, Ku/rie, ou0k ei0mi\ i9kano\j i3na mou u9po\ th\n ste/ghn ei0se/lqh|j: a)lla_ mo/non ei0pe\ {RP P1904: lo/gw%} [TR: lo/gon], kai\ i0aqh/setai o9 pai=j mou. Then the centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but just pronounce {RP P1904: with a word} [TR: a word] and my servant will be cured, lo/gw%, with a word, RP P1904 F1853=17/19 F1859=5/6 vs. lo/gon, a word, TR F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's uy, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6.
Matt 8:9 Kai\ ga_r e0gw_ a!nqrwpo/j ei0mi u9po\ e0cousi/an, e1xwn u9p' e0mauto\n stratiw&taj: kai\ le/gw tou/tw%, Poreu/qhti, kai\ poreu/etai: kai\ a!llw%, 871Erxou, kai\ e1rxetai: kai\ tw%~ dou/lw% mou, Poi/hson tou=to, kai\ poiei=. for I am also a man under a system of authority, having soldiers under me, and I say to this one, ‘Go’, and he goes, and to another, ‘Come’, and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this’, and he does it.”
Matt 8:10 870Akou/saj de\ o9 870Ihsou=j e0qau/masen, kai\ ei]pen toi=j a)kolouqou=sin, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, ou0de\ e0n tw%~ 870Israh\l tosau/thn pi/stin eu[ron. When Jesus heard that, he was amazed and said to those following, “Truly, I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith.
Matt 8:11 Le/gw de\ u9mi=n, o3ti polloi\ a)po\ a)natolw~n kai\ dusmw~n h3cousin, kai\ a)nakliqh/sontai meta_ 870Abraa_m kai\ 870Isaa_k kai\ 870Iakw_b e0n th|= basilei/a% tw~n ou0ranw~n: But I say to you that many will come from the east and from the west and will recline at table with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens,
Matt 8:12 oi9 de\ ui9oi\ th=j basilei/aj e0kblhqh/sontai ei0j to\ sko/toj to\ e0cw&teron: e0kei= e1stai o9 klauqmo\j kai\ o9 brugmo\j tw~n o0do/ntwn. whereas the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the outer darkness. There, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Matt 8:13 Kai\ ei]pen o9 870Ihsou=j tw%~ {RP: e9katonta&rxh|} [P1904 TR: e9katonta&rxw%], 873Upage, kai\ w(j e0pi/steusaj genhqh/tw soi. Kai\ i0a&qh o9 pai=j au0tou= e0n th|= w#ra% e0kei/nh|. Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way, and as you have believed, so be it to you.” And his servant was cured at that hour. e9katonta&rxh|, centurion (1), RP F1853=15/19 F1859=4/6 vs. e9katonta&rxw%, centurion (2), P1904 TR F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's lmnu, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/6. e9katonta&rxhj is the usual classical form, but e9kato/ntarxoj is used by Xenophon [LS].
Matt 8:14 Kai\ e0lqw_n o9 870Ihsou=j ei0j th\n oi0ki/an Pe/trou, ei]den th\n penqera_n au0tou= beblhme/nhn kai\ pure/ssousan, Then Jesus went to Peter's house, and he saw his mother-in-law lying ill with a fever, lying ill with a fever ← thrown and with a fever.
Matt 8:15 kai\ h3yato th=j xeiro\j au0th=j, kai\ a)fh=ken au0th\n o9 pureto/j: kai\ h0ge/rqh, kai\ dihko/nei {RP P1904: au0tw%~} [TR: au0toi=j]. and he touched her hand, at which the fever left her, and she rose and waited on {RP P1904: him} [TR: them]. au0tw%~, him, RP P1904 F1853=15/19 F1859=4/6 vs. au0toi=j, them, TR F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's pqru, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/6. AV differs textually.
Matt 8:16 870Oyi/aj de\ genome/nhj prosh/negkan au0tw%~ daimonizome/nouj pollou/j: kai\ e0ce/balen ta_ pneu/mata lo/gw%, kai\ pa&ntaj tou\j kakw~j e1xontaj e0qera&peusen: Then in the evening, they brought to him many who were possessed by demons, and he cast out the spirits by a word, and he cured all those who were ill, in the evening ← evening having become.
Matt 8:17 o3pwj plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n dia_ 870Hsai+/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Au0to\j ta_j a)sqenei/aj h9mw~n e1laben, kai\ ta_j no/souj e0ba&stasen. in order that that which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet should be fulfilled, where he says,

“He took our ailments

And bore our sicknesses.”

Isa 53:4.
Matt 8:18 870Idw_n de\ o9 870Ihsou=j pollou\j o1xlouj peri\ au0to/n, e0ke/leusen a)pelqei=n ei0j to\ pe/ran. But when Jesus saw large crowds around him, he ordered them to go further away, to go further away ← to go away to the beyond / to the other side.
Matt 8:19 Kai\ proselqw_n ei[j grammateu\j ei]pen au0tw%~, Dida&skale, a)kolouqh/sw soi o3pou e0a_n a)pe/rxh|. and a certain scribe came along and said to him, “Master, I will follow you wherever you go.” master ← teacher.
Matt 8:20 Kai\ le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, Ai9 a)lw&pekej fwleou\j e1xousin, kai\ ta_ peteina_ tou= ou0ranou= kataskhnw&seij: o9 de\ ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou ou0k e1xei pou= th\n kefalh\n kli/nh|. At this Jesus said to him, “The foxes have dens, and the birds of the sky have nests, but the son of man does not have anywhere to lay his head.” dens ← holes.

nests ← tent-(like)-dwellings.
Matt 8:21 873Eteroj de\ tw~n maqhtw~n au0tou= ei]pen au0tw%~, Ku/rie, e0pi/treyo/n moi prw~ton a)pelqei=n kai\ qa&yai to\n pate/ra mou. Then another of his disciples said to him, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.”
Matt 8:22 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0tw%~, 870Akolou/qei moi, kai\ a!fej tou\j nekrou\j qa&yai tou\j e9autw~n nekrou/j. But Jesus said to him, “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.”
Matt 8:23 Kai\ e0mba&nti au0tw%~ ei0j to\ ploi=on, h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou=. Then his disciples followed him when he went on board a boat, a boat ← the boat. See Gen 22:9.
Matt 8:24 Kai\ i0dou/, seismo\j me/gaj e0ge/neto e0n th|= qala&ssh|, w#ste to\ ploi=on kalu/ptesqai u9po\ tw~n kuma&twn: au0to\j de\ e0ka&qeuden. and what happened next was that a great storm arose in the sea, so that the boat was covered by the waves. But he was sleeping. what happened next was that ← behold.

storm: or earthquake; lit. shaking.
Matt 8:25 Kai\ proselqo/ntej oi9 maqhtai\ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0tou=] h1geiran au0to/n, le/gontej, Ku/rie, sw~son h9ma~j, a)pollu/meqa. Then {RP: his} [P1904 TR: his] disciples came to him, and they woke him up and said, “Lord, save us; we are not going to survive.” au0tou=, of him: absent in RP F1853=13/19 F1859=6/6 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=6/19 F1859=0/6.

not going to survive ← perishing.
Matt 8:26 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Ti/ deiloi/ e0ste, o0ligo/pistoi; To/te e0gerqei\j e0peti/mhsen toi=j a)ne/moij kai\ th|= qala&ssh|, kai\ e0ge/neto galh/nh mega&lh. But he said to them, “Why are you fearful, you of little faith?” Then he arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and a great calm came about.
Matt 8:27 Oi9 de\ a!nqrwpoi e0qau/masan, le/gontej, Potapo/j e0stin ou[toj, o3ti kai\ oi9 a!nemoi kai\ h9 qa&lassa u9pakou/ousin au0tw%~; But the men were amazed, and they said, “What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?”
Matt 8:28 Kai\ e0lqo/nti au0tw%~ ei0j to\ pe/ran ei0j th\n xw&ran tw~n Gergeshnw~n, u9ph/nthsan au0tw%~ du/o daimonizo/menoi e0k tw~n mnhmei/wn e0cerxo/menoi, xalepoi\ li/an, w#ste mh\ i0sxu/ein tina_ parelqei=n dia_ th=j o9dou= e0kei/nhj: Then when he had gone to the far side, to the region of the Gergesenes, two men possessed by demons met him, as they came out of the tombs. They were very dangerous, so that no-one could pass by that way. could ← was strong to.
Matt 8:29 kai\ i0dou/, e1kracan le/gontej, Ti/ h9mi=n kai\ soi/, 870Ihsou= ui9e\ tou= qeou=; 87]Hlqej w{de pro\ kairou= basani/sai h9ma~j; And in this case they shouted, and they said, “What have you got to do with us, Jesus the son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the due time?” in this case ← behold.

what have you got to do with us ← what to us and to you.
Matt 8:30 87]Hn de\ makra_n a)p' au0tw~n a)ge/lh xoi/rwn pollw~n boskome/nh. Now there was a herd of many pigs feeding at a distance from them,
Matt 8:31 Oi9 de\ dai/monej pareka&loun au0to/n, le/gontej, Ei0 e0kba&lleij h9ma~j, e0pi/treyon h9mi=n a)pelqei=n ei0j th\n a)ge/lhn tw~n xoi/rwn. so the demons pleaded with him and said, “If you cast us out, allow us to go off to the herd of pigs.”
Matt 8:32 Kai\ ei]pen au0toi=j, 879Upa&gete. Oi9 de\ e0celqo/ntej a)ph=lqon ei0j th\n a)ge/lhn tw~n xoi/rwn: kai\ i0dou/, w#rmhsen pa~sa h9 a)ge/lh tw~n xoi/rwn kata_ tou= krhmnou= ei0j th\n qa&lassan, kai\ a)pe/qanon e0n toi=j u3dasin. And he said to them, “Go.” So they came out and went into the herd of pigs. And at this point the whole herd of pigs rushed headlong down the cliff into the sea, and they died in the waters. at this point ← behold.
Matt 8:33 Oi9 de\ bo/skontej e1fugon, kai\ a)pelqo/ntej ei0j th\n po/lin a)ph/ggeilan pa&nta, kai\ ta_ tw~n daimonizome/nwn. But the herdsmen fled and went away to the city and reported everything, including the things concerning those possessed by demons.
Matt 8:34 Kai\ i0dou/, pa~sa h9 po/lij e0ch=lqen ei0j suna&nthsin tw%~ 870Ihsou=: kai\ i0do/ntej au0to/n, pareka&lesan o3pwj metabh|= a)po\ tw~n o9ri/wn au0tw~n. Then it ensued that the whole city came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him, they appealed to him to move from their districts. it ensued that ← behold.
Matt 9:1 Kai\ e0mba_j ei0j {RP TR: to\} [P1904: - ] ploi=on diepe/rasen kai\ h]lqen ei0j th\n i0di/an po/lin. Next he went on board {RP TR: the} [P1904: a] boat and crossed over and came to his own city, to\, the: present in RP TR Mred F1853=16/19 F1859=4/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's sxy) F1859=2/6.
Matt 9:2 Kai\ i0dou/, prose/feron au0tw%~ paralutiko\n e0pi\ kli/nhj beblhme/non: kai\ i0dw_n o9 870Ihsou=j th\n pi/stin au0tw~n ei]pen tw%~ paralutikw%~, Qa&rsei, te/knon: a)fe/wntai/ soi ai9 a(marti/ai sou. and along they came bringing a paralytic man to him lying on a bed. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic man, “Pluck up courage, my child. You have been forgiven your sins.” along they came bringing ← behold, they were bringing.

lying ← cast.

You have been forgiven your sins ← Your sins have been forgiven you.
Matt 9:3 Kai\ i0dou/, tine\j tw~n grammate/wn ei]pon e0n e9autoi=j, Ou[toj blasfhmei=. Then at this, some of the scribes said to themselves, “This man is blaspheming.” at this ← behold.
Matt 9:4 Kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: i0dw_n} [RP-marg: ei0dw_j] o9 870Ihsou=j ta_j e0nqumh/seij au0tw~n ei]pen, 873Ina ti/ u9mei=j e0nqumei=sqe ponhra_ e0n tai=j kardi/aij u9mw~n; Then Jesus, who {RP-text P1904 TR: had perceived} [RP-marg: knew] their thoughts, said, “Why do you have evil thoughts in your hearts? i0dw_n, having seen, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=14/20 F1859=5/6 vs. ei0dw_j, knowing, RP-marg F1853=6/20 F1859=1/6.

{RP-text P1904 TR: had perceived ← having seen, compare English saw through.}
Matt 9:5 Ti/ ga&r e0stin eu0kopw&teron, ei0pei=n, 870Afe/wntai/ {RP-text P1904: sou} [RP-marg TR: soi] ai9 a(marti/ai: h2 ei0pei=n, {RP TR: 871Egeirai} [P1904: 871Egeire] kai\ peripa&tei; For which is easier, to say, ‘You have been forgiven your sins’, or to say, ‘Arise and walk’? sou, of you, RP-text P1904 F1853=13/19 F1859=4/6 vs. soi, to you, RP-marg TR F1853=6/19 F1859=2/6. Matt 9:2 = soi. No difference in our English (see note below).

e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=12/19 F1859=3/6 vs. e1geire, rise (present active), P1904 F1853=7/19 F1859=3/6. No difference in our English.

you have been forgiven your sins ← {RP-text TR: your sins have been forgiven} [RP-marg P1904: the sins have been forgiven you].

walk ← walk around, but no emphasis on around.
Matt 9:6 873Ina de\ ei0dh=te, o3ti e0cousi/an e1xei o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e0pi\ th=j gh=j a)fie/nai a(marti/aj - to/te le/gei tw%~ paralutikw%~ - 870Egerqei\j a}ro/n sou th\n kli/nhn, kai\ u3page ei0j to\n oi]ko/n sou. But in order that you may know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins” – he then spoke to the paralytic man – “Arise, and pick up your bed and go to your home.” arise: imperatival use of the participle.
Matt 9:7 Kai\ e0gerqei\j a)ph=lqen ei0j to\n oi]kon au0tou=. And he rose and went off to his home.
Matt 9:8 870Ido/ntej de\ oi9 o1xloi e0qau/masan, kai\ e0do/casan to\n qeo/n, to\n do/nta e0cousi/an toiau/thn toi=j a)nqrw&poij. And when the crowds saw it, they were amazed, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to men.
Matt 9:9 Kai\ para&gwn o9 870Ihsou=j e0kei=qen ei]den a!nqrwpon kaqh/menon e0pi\ to\ telw&nion, Matqai=on lego/menon, kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, 870Akolou/qei moi. Kai\ a)nasta_j h0kolou/qhsen au0tw%~. Then as Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax desk, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him.
Matt 9:10 Kai\ e0ge/neto au0tou= a)nakeime/nou e0n th|= oi0ki/a%, kai\ i0dou/, polloi\ telw~nai kai\ a(martwloi\ e0lqo/ntej sunane/keinto tw%~ 870Ihsou= kai\ toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=. And it came to pass, as he was reclining in his house, that there were many tax collectors and sinners who had come and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples. that there were ← and behold.
Matt 9:11 Kai\ i0do/ntej oi9 Farisai=oi ei]pon toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=, Dia_ ti/ meta_ tw~n telwnw~n kai\ a(martwlw~n e0sqi/ei o9 dida&skaloj u9mw~n; And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to his disciples, “Why does your master eat with the tax collectors and sinners?” master ← teacher.
Matt 9:12 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j a)kou/saj ei]pen au0toi=j, Ou0 xrei/an e1xousin oi9 i0sxu/ontej i0atrou=, a)ll' oi9 kakw~j e1xontej. But Jesus heard it and said to them, “Those who are in sound health have no need of a doctor, but rather those who are ill.
Matt 9:13 Poreuqe/ntej de\ ma&qete ti/ e0stin, 871Eleon qe/lw, kai\ ou0 qusi/an: ou0 ga_r h]lqon kale/sai dikai/ouj, {RP P1904: a)lla_} [TR: a)ll'] a(martwlou\j ei0j meta&noian. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” a)lla_, but (unapocopated form), RP P1904 F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. a)ll', but (apocopated form), TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=1/6.

Hos 6:6.

go: imperatival use of the participle.

means ← is.
Matt 9:14 To/te prose/rxontai au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ 870Iwa&nnou, le/gontej, Dia_ ti/ h9mei=j kai\ oi9 Farisai=oi nhsteu/omen polla&, oi9 de\ maqhtai/ sou ou0 nhsteu/ousin; Then John's disciples came to him and said, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples don't fast?” often: or much. [LS] gives both meanings.
Matt 9:15 Kai\ ei]pen au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Mh\ du/nantai oi9 ui9oi\ tou= numfw~noj penqei=n, e0f' o3son {RP TR: - } [P1904: xro/non] met' au0tw~n e0stin o9 numfi/oj; 870Eleu/sontai de\ h9me/rai o3tan a)parqh|= a)p' au0tw~n o9 numfi/oj, kai\ to/te nhsteu/sousin. And Jesus said to them, “Surely the wedding guests cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. xro/non, (for as much) time (as): absent in RP TR F1853=14/19 F1859=5/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=5/19 (incl. 1 misspelled) F1859=1/6. No difference in our English, time being understood if absent.

wedding guests ← sons of the wedding venue / canopy (Hebrew חֻפָּה, huppah). We consider groom's close friends, where numfw~n is a seclusion room, less likely.
Matt 9:16 Ou0dei\j de\ e0piba&llei e0pi/blhma r(a&kouj a)gna&fou e0pi\ i9mati/w% palaiw%~: ai1rei ga_r to\ plh/rwma au0tou= a)po\ tou= i9mati/ou, kai\ xei=ron sxi/sma gi/netai. And no-one puts a patch of uncarded flannel on an old garment, for its piece added will pull strands from the garment, and the tear will become worse, piece added ← filling.
Matt 9:17 Ou0de\ ba&llousin oi]non ne/on ei0j a)skou\j palaiou/j: ei0 de\ mh/ge, r(h/gnuntai oi9 a)skoi/, kai\ o9 oi]noj e0kxei=tai, kai\ oi9 a)skoi\ a)polou=ntai: a)lla_ {RP TR: ba&llousin oi]non ne/on ei0j a)skou\j} [P1904: oi]non ne/on ei0j askouj ba&llousin] kainou/j, kai\ {RP P1904: a)mfo/teroi} [TR: a)mfo/tera] sunthrou=ntai. nor does one put new wine in old wineskins, or else the wineskins tear, and the wine leaks out, and the wineskins will be ruined. But one puts new wine in new wineskins, and both are preserved together.” ba&llousin oi]non ne/on ei0j a)skou\j, they put + wine new in flasks, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. oi]non ne/on ei0j askouj ba&llousin, wine new in flasks + they put, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.

a)mfo/teroi, both (masculine), RP P1904 F1853=17/19 F1859=5/6 vs. a)mfo/tera, both (neuter), TR F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6.
Matt 9:18 Tau=ta au0tou= lalou=ntoj au0toi=j, i0dou/, a!rxwn {RP P1904 S1894: ei[j} [S1550 E1624: - ] [MISC: tij] {RP TR: e0lqw_n} [P1904: proselqw_n] proseku/nei au0tw%~, le/gwn o3ti 879H quga&thr mou a!rti e0teleu/thsen: a)lla_ e0lqw_n e0pi/qej th\n xei=ra& sou e0p' au0th/n, kai\ zh/setai. While he was saying these things to them, it so happened that a certain governor came {RP TR: - } [P1904: up] and worshipped him and said, “My daughter has just died, but come and put your hand on her, and she will live.” ei[j, one (governor): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's dko) F1859=1/7 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's af**pu, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7 vs. tij, a certain (governor), F1853=12/20 F1859=5/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/7. A strong disparity with RP, R=6:17.

e0lqw_n, came, RP TR F1853=11/18 F1859=2/7 vs. proselqw_n, came to, P1904 F1853=7/18 F1859=4/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/18 F1859=1/7.

Ignoring diacritics and spaces (absent in early manuscripts), RP could also be read as ei0selqw_n, (a governor) entered.

it so happened that ← behold.

come: imperatival use of the participle.
Matt 9:19 Kai\ e0gerqei\j o9 870Ihsou=j h0kolou/qhsen au0tw%~ kai\ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou=. Then Jesus rose and followed him, as did his disciples,
Matt 9:20 Kai\ i0dou/, gunh\ ai9morroou=sa dw&deka e1th, proselqou=sa o1pisqen, h3yato tou= kraspe/dou tou= i9mati/ou au0tou=. and at this point a woman who had been suffering from haemorrhage for twelve years approached him from behind and touched the hem of his coat, at this point ← behold.
Matt 9:21 871Elegen ga_r e0n e9auth|=, 870Ea_n mo/non a#ywmai tou= i9mati/ou au0tou=, swqh/somai. for she said to herself, “If only I can touch his coat, I will be cured.” to herself ← in herself.

cured ← saved.
Matt 9:22 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j e0pistrafei\j kai\ i0dw_n au0th\n ei]pen, Qa&rsei, qu/gater: h9 pi/stij sou se/swke/n se. Kai\ e0sw&qh h9 gunh\ a)po\ th=j w#raj e0kei/nhj. But Jesus turned round and saw her and said, “Be of good courage, my daughter. Your faith has cured you.” And the woman was cured from that hour. cured (2x)saved.
Matt 9:23 Kai\ e0lqw_n o9 870Ihsou=j ei0j th\n oi0ki/an tou= a!rxontoj, kai\ i0dw_n tou\j au0lhta_j kai\ to\n o1xlon qorubou/menon, Then Jesus went to the house of the governor, and seeing the flute-players and the crowd wailing, seeing ← having seen. See Matt 23:20.
Matt 9:24 le/gei au0toi=j, 870Anaxwrei=te: ou0 ga_r a)pe/qanen to\ kora&sion, a)lla_ kaqeu/dei. Kai\ katege/lwn au0tou=. he said to them, “Leave the room. For the girl has not died but is asleep.” But they laughed at him. leave the roomwithdraw.
Matt 9:25 873Ote de\ e0ceblh/qh o9 o1xloj, ei0selqw_n e0kra&thsen th=j xeiro\j au0th=j, kai\ h0ge/rqh to\ kora&sion. Then when the crowd had been sent out, he went in and held her hand, and the girl arose.
Matt 9:26 Kai\ e0ch=lqen h9 fh/mh au3th ei0j o3lhn th\n gh=n e0kei/nhn. And the account of this went around in the whole of that district. the account of this ← this report.

went around ← went out.

district ← land.
Matt 9:27 Kai\ para&gonti e0kei=qen tw%~ 870Ihsou=, h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~ du/o tufloi/, kra&zontej kai\ le/gontej, 870Ele/hson h9ma~j, {RP-text P1904 TR: ui9e\} [RP-marg: ui9o\j] {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. Then as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, shouting and saying, “Have mercy on us, son of David.” ui9e\, son (vocative), RP-text P1904 TR F1853=8/19 F1859=4/6 vs. ui9o\j, son (nominative), RP-marg F1853=11/19 F1859=2/6. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=14:13.

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.
Matt 9:28 870Elqo/nti de\ ei0j th\n oi0ki/an, prosh=lqon au0tw%~ oi9 tufloi/, kai\ le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Pisteu/ete o3ti du/namai tou=to poih=sai; Le/gousin au0tw%~, Nai/, ku/rie. And when he had come to the house, the blind men approached him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.”
Matt 9:29 To/te h3yato tw~n o0fqalmw~n au0tw~n, le/gwn, Kata_ th\n pi/stin u9mw~n genhqh/tw u9mi=n. Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith, so let it be to you.” be ← become.
Matt 9:30 Kai\ a)new%&xqhsan au0tw~n oi9 o0fqalmoi/: kai\ e0nebrimh/sato au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, le/gwn, 879Ora~te mhdei\j ginwske/tw. And their eyes were opened, but Jesus admonished them sternly, and he said, “See that no-one gets to know of this.” but: adversative use of kai/.

admonished them sternly ← snorted at them.
Matt 9:31 Oi9 de\ e0celqo/ntej diefh/misan au0to\n e0n o3lh| th|= gh|= e0kei/nh|. But they went out and spread the account of him in all that district. district ← land.
Matt 9:32 Au0tw~n de\ e0cerxome/nwn, i0dou/, prosh/negkan au0tw%~ a!nqrwpon kwfo\n daimonizo/menon. However, while they were going out, it so happened that they brought to him a mute man possessed by a demon, it so happened that ← behold.

they: i.e. others.
Matt 9:33 Kai\ e0kblhqe/ntoj tou= daimoni/ou, e0la&lhsen o9 kwfo/j: kai\ e0qau/masan oi9 o1xloi, le/gontej, {RP S1894: - } [P1904 S1550 E1624: o3ti] Ou0de/pote e0fa&nh ou3twj e0n tw%~ 870Israh/l. and when the demon had been cast out, the mute man spoke, and the crowds were amazed and said, “Never before has anything like this been seen in Israel.” o3ti, (and said) that (also introducing direct speech): absent in RP S1894 F1853=15/19 F1859=6/6 vs. present in P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's lmnu, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/6.

like this ← thus.
Matt 9:34 Oi9 de\ Farisai=oi e1legon, 870En tw%~ a!rxonti tw~n daimoni/wn e0kba&llei ta_ daimo/nia. But the Pharisees said, “He casts out the demons by the ruler of demons.”
Matt 9:35 Kai\ perih=gen o9 870Ihsou=j ta_j po/leij pa&saj kai\ ta_j kw&maj, dida&skwn e0n tai=j sunagwgai=j au0tw~n, kai\ khru/sswn to\ eu0agge/lion th=j basilei/aj, kai\ qerapeu/wn pa~san no/son kai\ pa~san malaki/an e0n tw%~ law%~. Then Jesus went around all the cities and the villages teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and curing every sickness and every ailment among the people.
Matt 9:36 870Idw_n de\ tou\j o1xlouj, e0splagxni/sqh peri\ au0tw~n, o3ti h]san {RP: e0skulme/noi} [P1904 TR: e0klelume/noi] kai\ e0rrimme/noi {RP TR: w(sei\} [P1904: w(j] pro/bata mh\ e1xonta poime/na. But when he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were {RP: distressed} [P1904 TR: untended] and tossed about, like sheep not having a shepherd. e0skulme/noi, distressed, RP F1853=16/19 F1859=3/6 vs. e0klelume/noi, untended, P1904 TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's lxy) F1859=2/6 vs. skulme/noi, distressed (misspelled), F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6. AV differs textually.

w(sei\, as if, RP TR F1853=14/19 F1859=4/6 vs. w(j, as, P1904 F1853=5/19 F1859=2/6.

[P1904: untended ← loose, lit: having been loosed out, or enfeebled, faint.]
Matt 9:37 To/te le/gei toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=, 879O me\n qerismo\j polu/j, oi9 de\ e0rga&tai o0li/goi: Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few,
Matt 9:38 deh/qhte ou]n tou= kuri/ou tou= qerismou=, o3pwj e0kba&lh| e0rga&taj ei0j to\n qerismo\n au0tou=. so entreat the Lord of the harvest that he sends out workers to his harvest.”
Matt 10:1 Kai\ proskalesa&menoj tou\j dw&deka maqhta_j au0tou=, e1dwken au0toi=j e0cousi/an pneuma&twn a)kaqa&rtwn, w#ste e0kba&llein au0ta&, kai\ qerapeu/ein pa~san no/son kai\ pa~san malaki/an. And when he had called his twelve disciples, he gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out and to cure every sickness and every ailment. called ← summoned, called to (come).

to cast them out ← with a result to them out.
Matt 10:2 Tw~n de\ dw&deka a)posto/lwn ta_ o0no/mata& {RP TR: e0stin} [P1904: ei0si] tau=ta: prw~toj Si/mwn o9 lego/menoj Pe/troj, kai\ 870Andre/aj o9 a)delfo\j au0tou=: 870Ia&kwboj o9 tou= Zebedai/ou, kai\ 870Iwa&nnhj o9 a)delfo\j au0tou=: Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: first Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, e0sti¨n©, are (classical form for a neuter subject), RP TR F1853=15/19 F1859=4/6 vs. ei0si¨n©, are (non-classical form for a neuter subject), P1904 F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's mnsy) F1859=2/6.
Matt 10:3 Fi/lippoj, kai\ Barqolomai=oj: Qwma~j, kai\ Matqai=oj o9 telw&nhj: 870Ia&kwboj o9 tou= 870Alfai/ou, kai\ Lebbai=oj o9 e0piklhqei\j Qaddai=oj: Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the tax collector, James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus who is surnamed Thaddaeus,
Matt 10:4 Si/mwn o9 Kanani/thj, kai\ 870Iou/daj {RP S1550 S1894: - } [P1904 E1624: o9] 870Iskariw&thj o9 kai\ paradou\j au0to/n. Simon the Kananite, and Judas Iscariot who for his part betrayed him. o9, the (Iscariot): absent in RP S1550 S1894 F1853=14/19 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 E1624 F1853=5/19 F1859=2/6.

Kananite: AV differs (Canaanite). The word is from the Aramaic root qoph-nun-aleph, to be zealous, not kaph-nun-ayin, from which the ↴

for his part ← also.
Matt 10:5 Tou/touj tou\j dw&deka a)pe/steilen o9 870Ihsou=j, paraggei/laj au0toi=j, le/gwn, Ei0j o9do\n e0qnw~n mh\ a)pe/lqhte, kai\ ei0j po/lin Samareitw~n mh\ ei0se/lqhte: Jesus sent these twelve out, and he gave them orders and said, “Do not go off into the way of the Gentiles, and do not go into any city of the Samaritans, ↳ demonym Canaanite, as in Gen 10:18, Zech 14:21, Matt 15:22 (with a different Greek spelling to that of this verse). Luke 6:15 translates Simon's title, Zealot.

This direct speech ends at Matt 10:42.
Matt 10:6 poreu/esqe de\ ma~llon pro\j ta_ pro/bata ta_ a)polwlo/ta oi1kou 870Israh/l. but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Matt 10:7 Poreuo/menoi de\ khru/ssete, le/gontej o3ti 871Hggiken h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’
Matt 10:8 870Asqenou=ntaj qerapeu/ete, leprou\j kaqari/zete, {RP: - } [P1904 TR: nekrou\j e0gei/rete,] daimo/nia e0kba&llete: dwrea_n e0la&bete, dwrea_n do/te. Cure those who are ill, cleanse the {RP: lepers;} [P1904 TR: lepers, raise the dead;] cast out demons. You have received without charge; give without charge. nekrou\j e0gei/rete, raise the dead: absent in RP F1853=18/19 F1859=6/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's d) F1859=1/7. AV differs textually.
Matt 10:9 Mh\ kth/shsqe xruso/n, mhde\ a!rguron, mhde\ xalko\n ei0j ta_j zw&naj u9mw~n, Do not get gold or silver or bronze for your belts,
Matt 10:10 mh\ ph/ran ei0j o9do/n, mhde\ du/o xitw~naj, mhde\ u9podh/mata, mhde\ {RP S1894: r(a&bdouj} [P1904 S1550 E1624: r(a&bdon]: a!cioj {RP TR: ga_r} [P1904: ga&r e0stin] o9 e0rga&thj th=j trofh=j au0tou= {RP TR: e0stin} [P1904: - ]. nor a wallet for the way, nor two tunics, nor shoes, nor {RP S1894: staffs} [P1904 S1550 E1624: a staff], for the workman is worthy of his livelihood. r(a&bdouj, staffs, RP S1894 F1853=16/19 F1859=3/6 vs. r(a&bdon, staff, P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's sxy) F1859=3/6.

e0stin, is, at end of sentence, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=4/6 vs. e0stin, is, before o9 e0rga&thj, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6 vs. word absent, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.

livelihood ← nourishment.
Matt 10:11 Ei0j h4n d' a@n po/lin h2 kw&mhn ei0se/lqhte, e0ceta&sate ti/j e0n au0th|= a!cio/j e0stin: ka)kei= mei/nate, e3wj a@n e0ce/lqhte. And in whatever city or village you enter, make careful inquiries as to who is worthy in it, and stay there until you leave.
Matt 10:12 Ei0serxo/menoi de\ ei0j th\n oi0ki/an, a)spa&sasqe au0th/n {RP TR: - } [P1904: le/gontej: ei0rh/nh tw%~ oi1kw% tou/tw%]. And when you go into the house, greet those of it {RP TR: - } [P1904: and say, ‘Peace be to this house’], le/gontej: ei0rh/nh tw%~ oi1kw% tou/tw%, saying, “Peace to this house”: absent in RP TR F1853=13/19 F1859=5/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=6/19 F1859=2/7.
Matt 10:13 Kai\ e0a_n me\n h|] h9 oi0ki/a a)ci/a, e0lqe/tw h9 ei0rh/nh u9mw~n e0p' au0th/n: e0a_n de\ mh\ h|] a)ci/a, h9 ei0rh/nh u9mw~n pro\j u9ma~j e0pistrafh/tw. and if the household is worthy, let your peace come upon it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you.
Matt 10:14 Kai\ o4j e0a_n mh\ de/chtai u9ma~j mhde\ a)kou/sh| tou\j lo/gouj u9mw~n, e0cerxo/menoi {RP TR: - } [P1904: e1cw] th=j oi0ki/aj h2 th=j po/lewj e0kei/nhj, e0ktina&cate to\n koniorto\n tw~n podw~n u9mw~n. And as for whoever does not receive you or hear your words – come {RP TR: out} [P1904: outside of] of that house or city, and shake the dust off your feet. e1cw, outside of: absent in RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.
Matt 10:15 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, a)nekto/teron e1stai gh|= Sodo/mwn kai\ {RP TR: Gomo/rrwn} [P1904: Gomo/rraj] e0n h9me/ra% kri/sewj, h2 th|= po/lei e0kei/nh|. Truly, I say to you, it will be more bearable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that city. Gomo/rrwn, Gomorrah (as a plural noun, like Athens), RP TR F1853=15/19 F1859=4/6 vs. Gomo/rraj, Gomorrah (as a singular noun), P1904 F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's agpy) F1859=1/6 vs. Gomo/raj, Gomorah (as a singular noun), F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.
Matt 10:16 870Idou/, e0gw_ a)poste/llw u9ma~j w(j pro/bata e0n me/sw% lu/kwn: gi/nesqe ou]n fro/nimoi w(j oi9 o1feij, kai\ a)ke/raioi w(j ai9 peristerai/. You see, I am sending you as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be prudent like serpents and guileless like doves. you see ← behold.

guileless ← unmixed.
Matt 10:17 Prose/xete de\ a)po\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn: paradw&sousin ga_r u9ma~j ei0j sune/dria, kai\ e0n tai=j sunagwgai=j au0tw~n mastigw&sousin u9ma~j: But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to the Sanhedrin councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues,
Matt 10:18 kai\ e0pi\ h9gemo/naj de\ kai\ basilei=j a)xqh/sesqe e3neken e0mou=, ei0j martu/rion au0toi=j kai\ toi=j e1qnesin. and you will be led to rulers and kings on account of me as a witness to them and the Gentiles.
Matt 10:19 873Otan de\ {RP TR: paradidw~sin} [P1904: paradw&sousin] u9ma~j, mh\ merimnh/shte pw~j h2 ti/ {RP TR: lalh/shte} [P1904: lalh/sete]: doqh/setai ga_r u9mi=n e0n e0kei/nh| th|= w#ra% ti/ lalh/sete: But when they deliver you up, do not be anxious about how or what you {RP TR: are to} [P1904: will] say, because what you will say will be given to you in that hour, paradidw~sin, they deliver up (classical aorist subjunctive), RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=4/7 vs. paradw&sousin, they will deliver up (non-classical future), P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's s) F1859=1/7 vs. other readings, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's c) F1859=2/7.

lalh/shte, you should say (deliberative), RP TR F1853=7/21 F1859=5/6 vs. lalh/sete, you will say, P1904 F1853=12/21 F1859=1/6. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:14 vs. another reading, F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's cxonce) F1859=0/6.
Matt 10:20 ou0 ga_r u9mei=j e0ste\ oi9 lalou=ntej, a)lla_ to\ pneu=ma tou= patro\j u9mw~n to\ lalou=n e0n u9mi=n. for it is not you who speak, but the spirit of your father speaking in you.
Matt 10:21 Paradw&sei de\ a)delfo\j a)delfo\n ei0j qa&naton, kai\ path\r te/knon: kai\ e0panasth/sontai te/kna e0pi\ gonei=j, kai\ qanatw&sousin au0tou/j. Furthermore, brother will deliver up brother to death, and father a child, and children will rise up against parents and will have them put to death, have them put to death ← put them to death. Compare Matt 2:16.
Matt 10:22 Kai\ e1sesqe misou/menoi u9po\ pa&ntwn dia_ to\ o1noma& mou: o9 de\ u9pomei/naj ei0j te/loj, ou[toj swqh/setai. and you will be hated by everyone on account of my name, but it is he who endures to the end who will be saved. who ← this (one).
Matt 10:23 873Otan de\ diw&kwsin u9ma~j e0n th|= po/lei tau/th|, feu/gete ei0j th\n a!llhn: a)mh\n ga_r le/gw u9mi=n, ou0 mh\ tele/shte ta_j po/leij tou= 870Israh/l, e3wj a@n e1lqh| o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou. And when they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For truly, I say to you, you will certainly not have completed going round the cities of Israel until the son of man comes.
Matt 10:24 Ou0k e1stin maqhth\j u9pe\r to\n dida&skalon, ou0de\ dou=loj u9pe\r to\n ku/rion au0tou=. A pupil is not above the teacher, nor is a slave above his master. pupil: or disciple.

master: or lord.
Matt 10:25 870Arketo\n tw%~ maqhth|= i3na ge/nhtai w(j o9 dida&skaloj au0tou=, kai\ {RP TR: o9 dou=loj} [P1904: tw%~ dou/lw%] w(j o9 ku/rioj au0tou=. Ei0 to\n oi0kodespo/thn {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: Beelzebou\l} [S1894: Beelzebou\b] e0ka&lesan, po/sw% ma~llon tou\j {RP: oi0keiakou\j} [P1904 TR: oi0kiakou\j] au0tou=; It is sufficient for the pupil that he becomes like his teacher, and {RP TR: the servant} [P1904: for the servant to be] as his master. If they called the master of the house {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: Beelzebul} [S1894: Beelzebub], how much more the members of his household! o9 dou=loj, the servant, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. tw%~ dou/lw%, for the servant, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.

Beelzebou\l, Beelzeboul, RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. Beelzebou\b, Beelzeboub, S1894 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.

e0ka&lesan, called, RP P1904 TR F1853=7/19 F1859=3/6 vs. e0peka&lesan, surnamed; nicknamed, F1853=5/19 F1859=3/6 vs. a)peka&lesan, called (disparagingly), F1853=7/19 F1859=0/6.

oi0keiakou\j, members of the household (1), RP F1853=12/20 F1859=4/6 vs. oi0kiakou\j, members of the household (2), P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=2/6.

We punctuate as an exclamation; RP P1904 TBS-TR as a question.

pupil ... master (first occurrence in verse): see previous verse.

Beelzebul ← Beelzeboul, Greek being ↴
Matt 10:26 Mh\ ou]n fobhqh=te au0tou/j: ou0de\n ga&r e0stin kekalumme/non o4 ou0k a)pokalufqh/setai: kai\ krupto\n o4 ou0 gnwsqh/setai. So do not fear them. For nothing is hidden which will not be revealed, or secret which will not become known. ↳ averse to a noun ending in b, but the Hebrew is בַּעַל זְבוּב, Baal zebub, lord of the fly, from which the usual English Beelzebub, although we maintain the distinction Beelzebul / Beelzebub according to the Greek.
Matt 10:27 874O le/gw u9mi=n e0n th|= skoti/a%, ei1pate e0n tw%~ fwti/: kai\ o4 ei0j to\ ou]j a)kou/ete, khru/cate e0pi\ tw~n dwma&twn. What I tell you in darkness, speak in daylight, and what you hear in your ear, proclaim from the rooftops, from ← on.
Matt 10:28 Kai\ mh\ {RP: fobei=sqe} [P1904 TR: fobhqh=te] a)po\ tw~n {RP: a)pokteno/ntwn} [P1904: a)poktenno/ntwn] [TR: a)pokteino/ntwn] to\ sw~ma, th\n de\ yuxh\n mh\ duname/nwn a)poktei=nai: fobh/qhte de\ ma~llon to\n duna&menon kai\ {RP-text: th\n yuxh\n kai\ to\ sw~ma} [RP-marg P1904 TR: yuxh\n kai\ sw~ma] a)pole/sai e0n gee/nnh|. and do not fear those who kill the body, but who cannot kill the soul, but fear rather him who can destroy both {RP: the soul and the body} [P1904 TR: soul and body] in Gehenna. fobei=sqe, fear (present middle / passive), RP F1853=14/19 F1859=3/7 vs. fobhqh=te, fear (aorist passive), P1904 TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's uxy, u being very doubtful) F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's qr) F1859=1/7. No difference in our English.

a)pokteno/ntwn, RP F1853=14/19 F1859=4/6 vs. a)poktenno/ntwn, P1904 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's fhs) F1859=1/6 vs. a)pokteino/ntwn, TR F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6. All are present participles, those who kill.

th\n yuxh\n kai\ to\ sw~ma, the soul and the body, RP-text F1853=8/19 F1859=3/6 vs. yuxh\n kai\ sw~ma, soul and body, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/19 F1859=2/6 vs. other readings, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's h) F1859=1/6. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:14.

Gehenna: see Matt 5:22.
Matt 10:29 Ou0xi\ du/o strouqi/a a)ssari/ou pwlei=tai; Kai\ e4n e0c au0tw~n ou0 pesei=tai e0pi\ th\n gh=n a!neu tou= patro\j u9mw~n: Are not two sparrows sold for an assarion? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your father's control. assarion: a bronze or copper coin; 1/16 denary.
Matt 10:30 u9mw~n de\ kai\ ai9 tri/xej th=j kefalh=j pa~sai h0riqmhme/nai ei0si/n. But even all the hairs of your head are numbered. are numbered ← have been numbered.
Matt 10:31 Mh\ ou]n fobhqh=te: pollw~n strouqi/wn diafe/rete u9mei=j. So do not fear. You are worth more than many sparrows.
Matt 10:32 Pa~j ou]n o3stij o9mologh/sei e0n e0moi\ e1mprosqen tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, o9mologh/sw ka)gw_ e0n au0tw%~ e1mprosqen tou= patro/j mou tou= e0n ou0ranoi=j. So as for everyone who confesses me before men, I for my part will confess him before my father in the heavens. for my part ← also.
Matt 10:33 873Ostij d' a@n a)rnh/shtai/ me e1mprosqen tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, a)rnh/somai au0to\n ka)gw_ e1mprosqen tou= patro/j mou tou= e0n ou0ranoi=j. But as for whoever denies me before men, I in turn will deny him before my father in the heavens. in turn ← also.
Matt 10:34 Mh\ nomi/shte o3ti h]lqon balei=n ei0rh/nhn e0pi\ th\n gh=n: ou0k h]lqon balei=n ei0rh/nhn, a)lla_ ma&xairan. Do not think I have come to bring peace on earth. I have not come to bring peace, but the sword. bring (2x)cast.
Matt 10:35 87]Hlqon ga_r dixa&sai a!nqrwpon kata_ tou= patro\j au0tou=, kai\ qugate/ra kata_ th=j mhtro\j au0th=j, kai\ nu/mfhn kata_ th=j penqera~j au0th=j: For I have come to set a man apart against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, Mic 7:6.
Matt 10:36 kai\ e0xqroi\ tou= a)nqrw&pou oi9 {RP: oi0keiakoi\} [P1904 TR: oi0kiakoi\] au0tou=. and the enemies of the man will be those of his household. oi0keiakoi\, those of the household (1), RP F1853=13/19 F1859=4/6 vs. oi0kiakoi\, those of the household (2), P1904 TR F1853=6/19 F1859=2/6.

Mic 7:6.
Matt 10:37 879O filw~n pate/ra h2 mhte/ra u9pe\r e0me/, ou0k e1stin mou a!cioj: kai\ o9 filw~n ui9o\n h2 qugate/ra u9pe\r e0me/, ou0k e1stin mou a!cioj: He who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and he who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me,
Matt 10:38 kai\ o4j ou0 lamba&nei to\n stauro\n au0tou= kai\ a)kolouqei= o0pi/sw mou, ou0k e1stin mou a!cioj. and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. follow ← follow behind / after.
Matt 10:39 879O eu9rw_n th\n yuxh\n au0tou= a)pole/sei au0th/n: kai\ o9 a)pole/saj th\n yuxh\n au0tou= e3neken e0mou= eu9rh/sei au0th/n. He who finds his life shall lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it. life (2x)soul.
Matt 10:40 879O dexo/menoj u9ma~j e0me\ de/xetai: kai\ o9 e0me\ dexo/menoj de/xetai to\n a)postei/lanta& me. He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives him who sent me.
Matt 10:41 879O dexo/menoj profh/thn ei0j o1noma profh/tou misqo\n profh/tou lh/yetai: kai\ o9 dexo/menoj di/kaion ei0j o1noma dikai/ou misqo\n dikai/ou lh/yetai. He who receives a prophet on the grounds of his being a prophet will receive the reward of a prophet, and he who receives a righteous man on the grounds of his being righteous will receive the reward of a righteous man. on the grounds of (2x)to name of.
Matt 10:42 Kai\ o4j e0a_n poti/sh| e3na tw~n mikrw~n tou/twn poth/rion yuxrou= mo/non ei0j o1noma maqhtou=, a)mh\n le/gw u9mi=n, ou0 mh\ a)pole/sh| to\n misqo\n au0tou=. And whoever gives just a cup of cool water to drink to one of these little ones on the grounds of him being a disciple – truly, I say to you – he certainly will not lose his reward.” on the grounds of ← to name of.

him: refers to the little one, who is also a disciple.

The direct speech which ends here started at Matt 10:5.
Matt 11:1 Kai\ e0ge/neto o3te e0te/lesen o9 870Ihsou=j diata&sswn toi=j dw&deka maqhtai=j au0tou=, mete/bh e0kei=qen tou= dida&skein kai\ khru/ssein e0n tai=j po/lesin au0tw~n. And it came to pass when Jesus had finished giving instructions to his twelve disciples, that he moved on from there in order to teach and preach in their cities.
Matt 11:2 879O de\ 870Iwa&nnhj a)kou/saj e0n tw%~ desmwthri/w% ta_ e1rga tou= xristou=, pe/myaj du/o tw~n maqhtw~n au0tou=, But when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples
Matt 11:3 ei]pen au0tw%~, Su\ ei] o9 e0rxo/menoj, h2 e3teron prosdokw~men; to say to him, “Are you the one who is coming, or are we to expect another?” to say ← he said.
Matt 11:4 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Poreuqe/ntej a)paggei/late 870Iwa&nnh| a$ a)kou/ete kai\ ble/pete: And Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and report to John what you hear and see. go: imperatival use of the participle.
Matt 11:5 tufloi\ a)nable/pousin, kai\ xwloi\ peripatou=sin, leproi\ kaqari/zontai, kai\ kwfoi\ a)kou/ousin, nekroi\ e0gei/rontai, kai\ ptwxoi\ eu0aggeli/zontai: The blind see again and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor have the gospel preached to them, Allusions to Isa 35:5, Isa 35:6, Isa 61:1.
Matt 11:6 kai\ maka&rio/j e0stin, o4j e0a_n mh\ skandalisqh|= e0n e0moi/. and blessed is he who does not stumble because of me.” who does not stumble ← whoever is not caused to stumble, or: does not take offence.
Matt 11:7 Tou/twn de\ poreuome/nwn, h1rcato o9 870Ihsou=j le/gein toi=j o1xloij peri\ 870Iwa&nnou, Ti/ e0ch/lqete ei0j th\n e1rhmon qea&sasqai; Ka&lamon u9po\ a)ne/mou saleuo/menon; Then as these went, Jesus began to speak to the crowds concerning John and said, “What did you go out into the desert to see? A wind-swept reed? swept ← shaken.
Matt 11:8 870Alla_ ti/ e0ch/lqete i0dei=n; 871Anqrwpon e0n malakoi=j i9mati/oij h0mfiesme/non; 870Idou/, oi9 ta_ malaka_ forou=ntej e0n toi=j oi1koij tw~n {RP-text: basilei/wn} [RP-marg P1904 TR: basile/wn] ei0si/n. If not, what then did you go out to see? A man clothed in luxurious garments? Look, those who wear luxurious garments are in {RP-text: royal} [RP-marg P1904 TR: kings'] houses. basilei/wn, royal, RP-text F1853=13/20 F1859=5/6 vs. basile/wn, of kings, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=7/20 F1859=1/6.

if not ← but.

{RP-text: royal ← of royal (people).}
Matt 11:9 870Alla_ ti/ e0ch/lqete i0dei=n; Profh/thn; Nai/, le/gw u9mi=n, kai\ perisso/teron profh/tou: If not, what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and one greater than a prophet. if not ← but.
Matt 11:10 ou[toj ga&r e0stin peri\ ou[ ge/graptai, 870Idou/, e0gw_ a)poste/llw to\n a!ggelo/n mou pro\ prosw&pou sou, o4j kataskeua&sei th\n o9do/n sou e1mprosqe/n sou. For this man is he of whom it stands written:

See how I am sending my messenger in front of you,

Who will prepare your way ahead of you.’

Mal 3:1.

see how ← behold.
Matt 11:11 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, ou0k e0gh/gertai e0n gennhtoi=j gunaikw~n mei/zwn 870Iwa&nnou tou= baptistou=. 879O de\ mikro/teroj e0n th|= basilei/a% tw~n ou0ranw~n mei/zwn au0tou= e0stin. Truly, I say to you, there has not arisen among those born of women anyone greater than John the Baptist. But he who is least in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he. least ← lesser, Greek comparative for superlative.
Matt 11:12 870Apo\ de\ tw~n h9merw~n 870Iwa&nnou tou= baptistou= e3wj a!rti h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n bia&zetai, kai\ biastai\ a(rpa&zousin au0th/n. However, from the days of John the Baptist up to now the kingdom of the heavens has been suffering violence, and violent men are seizing it.
Matt 11:13 Pa&ntej ga_r oi9 profh=tai kai\ o9 no/moj e3wj 870Iwa&nnou proefh/teusan: For all the prophets and the law up to John have prophesied,
Matt 11:14 kai\ ei0 qe/lete de/casqai, au0to/j e0stin 870Hli/aj o9 me/llwn e1rxesqai. and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. Elijah ← Elias.
Matt 11:15 879O e1xwn w}ta a)kou/ein a)koue/tw. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Matt 11:16 Ti/ni de\ o9moiw&sw th\n genea_n tau/thn; 879Omoi/a e0sti\n {RP P1904: paidi/oij} [TR: paidari/oij] {RP-text TR: e0n a)gorai=j kaqhme/noij} [RP-marg: e0n a)gora%~ kaqhme/noij] [P1904: kaqhme/noij e0n a)gorai=j], {RP TR: kai\ prosfwnou=sin} [P1904: a$ prosfwnou=nta] toi=j {RP-text P1904 TR: e9tai/roij} [RP-marg: e9te/roij] au0tw~n, But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like {RP P1904: children} [TR: little children] {RP-text P1904 TR: sitting in the market places} [RP-marg: sitting in the market place] {RP TR: and calling} [P1904: who, calling] to {RP-text P1904 TR: their companions} [RP-marg: the others of their company], paidi/oij, children, RP P1904 F1853=16/19 F1859=5/6 vs. paidari/oij, little children, TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's uxy, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6.

e0n a)gorai=j kaqhme/noij, in market places + sitting, RP-text TR F1853=15/19 F1859=5/6 vs. e0n a)gora%~ kaqhme/noij, in market place + sitting, RP-marg F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's als) F1859=0/6 vs. kaqhme/noij e0n a)gorai=j, sitting + in market places, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.

kai\ prosfwnou=sin, and calling, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. a$ prosfwnou=nta, who calling, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.

e9tai/roij, companions, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=2/7 vs. e9te/roij, others, RP-marg F1853=9/21 F1859=5/7.
Matt 11:17 {RP TR: kai\} [P1904: - ] le/gousin, Hu0lh/samen u9mi=n, kai\ ou0k w)rxh/sasqe: e0qrhnh/samen u9mi=n, kai\ ou0k e0ko/yasqe. {RP TR: and} [P1904: - ] saying,

‘We have played the flute to you,

But you did not dance;

We have lamented to you,

But you did not mourn.’

kai\, and: present in RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.
Matt 11:18 87]Hlqen ga_r 870Iwa&nnhj mh/te e0sqi/wn mh/te pi/nwn, kai\ le/gousin, Daimo/nion e1xei. For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He is possessed by a demon.’ is possessed by ← has.
Matt 11:19 87]Hlqen o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e0sqi/wn kai\ pi/nwn, kai\ le/gousin, 870Idou/, a!nqrwpoj fa&goj kai\ oi0nopo/thj, telwnw~n fi/loj kai\ a(martwlw~n. Kai\ e0dikaiw&qh h9 sofi/a a)po\ tw~n te/knwn au0th=j. The son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is vindicated by its children.” but: adversative use of kai/.

The direct speech which ends here started at Matt 10:42.
Matt 11:20 To/te h1rcato o0neidi/zein ta_j po/leij e0n ai[j e0ge/nonto ai9 plei=stai duna&meij au0tou=, o3ti ou0 meteno/hsan. Then he began to reproach the cities in which the majority of his mighty deeds took place, because they did not repent.
Matt 11:21 Ou0ai/ soi, Xorazi/n, ou0ai/ soi, {RP-text P1904 S1894: Bhqsai+da&} [RP-marg S1550 E1624: Bhqsai+da&n], o3ti ei0 e0n Tu/rw% kai\ Sidw~ni {RP TR: e0ge/nonto} [P1904: e0genh/qhsan] ai9 duna&meij ai9 geno/menai e0n u9mi=n, pa&lai a@n e0n sa&kkw% kai\ spodw%~ {RP TR: - } [P1904: kaqh/menai] meteno/hsan. “Woe to you, Chorazin, woe to you, Bethsaida, for if the mighty works which took place in you had taken place in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago {RP TR: - } [P1904: sitting] in sackcloth and ashes. Bhqsai+da&, Bethsaida, RP-text P1904 S1894 F1853=11/20 F1859=4/6 vs. Bhqsai+da&n, Bethsaidan, RP-marg S1550 E1624 F1853=8/20 F1859=1/6 vs. other spellings, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's k) F1859=1/6.

e0ge/nonto, took place (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. e0genh/qhsan, took place (aorist passive), P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.

kaqh/menai, sitting: absent in RP TR F1853=15/19 F1859=5/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's hlqr) F1859=1/6.

Direct speech ends at Matt 11:30.
Matt 11:22 Plh\n le/gw u9mi=n, Tu/rw% kai\ Sidw~ni a)nekto/teron e1stai e0n h9me/ra% kri/sewj, h2 u9mi=n. However, I say to you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon than for you in the day of judgment.
Matt 11:23 Kai\ su/, Kapernaou/m, h9 e3wj tou= ou0ranou= {RP-text P1904 TR: u9ywqei=sa} [RP-marg: u9ywqh|=j], e3wj 873A|dou katabibasqh/sh|: o3ti ei0 e0n Sodo/moij {RP TR: e0ge/nonto} [P1904: e0genh/qhsan] ai9 duna&meij ai9 geno/menai e0n soi/, e1meinan a@n me/xri th=j sh/meron. And you, Capernaum, you which have been exalted up to heaven, you will be brought down to Hades, for if the mighty deeds which took place in you had taken place in Sodom, it would have remained intact up to this day. u9ywqei=sa, having been exalted, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=5/7 vs. u9ywqh|=j, you may be exalted, RP-marg F1853=9/21 F1859=1/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21, F1859=1/7.

e0ge/nonto, took place (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. e0genh/qhsan, took place (aorist passive), P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6. No difference in our English.

Hades: the place of the dead.
Matt 11:24 Plh\n le/gw u9mi=n, o3ti gh|= Sodo/mwn a)nekto/teron e1stai e0n h9me/ra% kri/sewj, h2 soi/. However, I say to you that it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom than for you.”
Matt 11:25 870En e0kei/nw% tw%~ kairw%~ a)pokriqei\j o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, 870Ecomologou=mai/ soi, pa&ter, ku/rie tou= ou0ranou= kai\ th=j gh=j, o3ti a)pe/kruyaj tau=ta a)po\ sofw~n kai\ sunetw~n, kai\ a)peka&luyaj au0ta_ nhpi/oij. At that time Jesus reacted and said, “I give thanks to you, father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from wise and intelligent men and have revealed them to infants. reacted ← answered, but no question was asked. Compare the Hebrew in 2 Ki 1:11.
Matt 11:26 Nai/, o9 path/r, o3ti ou3twj e0ge/neto eu0doki/a e1mprosqe/n sou. Indeed, father, because it was with good pleasure in your sight that it should be like this.
Matt 11:27 Pa&nta moi paredo/qh u9po\ tou= patro/j mou: kai\ ou0dei\j e0piginw&skei to\n ui9o/n, ei0 mh\ o9 path/r: ou0de\ to\n pate/ra tij e0piginw&skei, ei0 mh\ o9 ui9o/j, kai\ w%{ e0a_n bou/lhtai o9 ui9o\j a)pokalu/yai. Everything has been handed over to me by my father. And no-one knows the son except the father, and neither does anyone know the father except the son and whoever the son wishes to reveal him to. knows: or acknowledges.

know: or acknowledge.
Matt 11:28 Deu=te pro/j me pa&ntej oi9 kopiw~ntej kai\ pefortisme/noi, ka)gw_ a)napau/sw u9ma~j. Come to me, all you who are toiling and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matt 11:29 871Arate to\n zugo/n mou e0f' u9ma~j kai\ ma&qete a)p' e0mou=, o3ti pra%~o/j ei0mi kai\ tapeino\j th|= kardi/a%: kai\ eu9rh/sete a)na&pausin tai=j yuxai=j u9mw~n. Take my yoke upon yourselves, and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, souls: i.e. inner selves.
Matt 11:30 879O ga_r zugo/j mou xrhsto/j, kai\ to\ forti/on mou e0lafro/n e0stin. for my yoke is mild and my burden is light.” Direct speech started at Matt 11:21.
Matt 12:1 870En e0kei/nw% tw%~ kairw%~ e0poreu/qh o9 870Ihsou=j toi=j sa&bbasin dia_ tw~n spori/mwn: oi9 de\ maqhtai\ au0tou= e0pei/nasan, kai\ h1rcanto ti/llein sta&xuaj kai\ e0sqi/ein. At that time Jesus went through the cornfields on a Sabbath day, and his disciples were hungry, and they began to pluck ears of corn and eat them.
Matt 12:2 Oi9 de\ Farisai=oi i0do/ntej ei]pon au0tw%~, 870Idou/, oi9 maqhtai/ sou poiou=sin o4 ou0k e1cestin poiei=n e0n sabba&tw%. But when the Pharisees saw it, they said to him, “Look, your disciples are doing something which it is not permitted to do on a Sabbath.”
Matt 12:3 879O de\ ei]pen au0toi=j, Ou0k a)ne/gnwte ti/ e0poi/hsen {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], o3te e0pei/nasen au0to\j kai\ oi9 met' au0tou=: However, he said to them, “Have you not read what David did when he and those with him were hungry? David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.
Matt 12:4 pw~j ei0sh=lqen ei0j to\n oi]kon tou= qeou=, kai\ tou\j a!rtouj th=j proqe/sewj e1fagen, ou4j ou0k e0co\n h]n au0tw%~ fagei=n, ou0de\ toi=j met' au0tou=, ei0 mh\ {RP TR: toi=j i9ereu=sin mo/noij} [P1904: mo/noij toi=j i9ereu=si]; – how he went into the house of God and ate the showbread loaves, which were not permitted for him or those with him to eat, except for the priests alone? toi=j i9ereu=sin mo/noij, the priests + alone, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. mo/noij toi=j i9ereu=si, alone + the priests, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.

The reference is to 1 Sam 21:6MT (1 Sam 21:5AV).
Matt 12:5 872H ou0k a)ne/gnwte e0n tw%~ no/mw%, o3ti toi=j sa&bbasin oi9 i9erei=j e0n tw%~ i9erw%~ to\ sa&bbaton bebhlou=sin, kai\ a)nai/tioi/ ei0sin; Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath, yet are guiltless?
Matt 12:6 Le/gw de\ u9mi=n o3ti tou= i9erou= {RP P1904: mei=zo/n e0stin} [TR: mei/zwn e0sti\n] w{de. But I say to you that there is {RP P1904: something greater} [TR: someone greater] than the temple here. mei=zo/n, something greater, RP P1904 F1853=13/20 F1859=3/6 vs. mei/zwn, someone greater, TR F1853=7/20 F1859=3/6. AV differs textually.
Matt 12:7 Ei0 de\ e0gnw&keite ti/ e0stin, 871Eleon qe/lw kai\ ou0 qusi/an, ou0k a@n katedika&sate tou\j a)naiti/ouj. And if you had known what ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice’ means, you would not have condemned the innocent, Hos 6:6.

means ← is.
Matt 12:8 Ku/rioj ga&r e0stin {RP: tou= sabba&tou o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou} [P1904: o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou kai\ tou= sabba&tou] [TR: kai\ tou= sabba&tou o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou]. for the son of man is Lord of the Sabbath {RP: - } [P1904 TR: too].” tou= sabba&tou o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou, of the Sabbath + the son of man (is Lord), RP F1853=15/19 F1859=3/6 vs. o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou kai\ tou= sabba&tou, the son of man (is Lord) + also of the Sabbath, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's h) F1859=2/6 vs. kai\ tou= sabba&tou o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou, also of the Sabbath + the son of man (is Lord), TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's uxy, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6.
Matt 12:9 Kai\ metaba_j e0kei=qen h]lqen ei0j th\n sunagwgh\n au0tw~n. Then moving on from there, he came to their synagogue, moving on ← having moved on. See Matt 23:20.
Matt 12:10 Kai\ i0dou/, a!nqrwpoj h]n {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0kei=] th\n xei=ra e1xwn chra&n: kai\ e0phrw&thsan au0to/n, le/gontej, Ei0 e1cestin toi=j sa&bbasin qerapeu/ein; i3na kathgorh/swsin au0tou=. and it so happened that there was a man {RP TR: - } [P1904: there] with a withered hand, and they questioned him and asked, “Is it permitted to heal on a Sabbath?” in order to accuse him. e0kei=, there: absent in RP TR F1853=13/19 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=6/19 F1859=2/6.

it so happened that ← behold.

with ← having.

asked ← saying.
Matt 12:11 879O de\ ei]pen au0toi=j, Ti/j e1stai e0c u9mw~n a!nqrwpoj, o4j e3cei pro/baton e3n, kai\ e0a_n e0mpe/sh| tou=to toi=j sa&bbasin ei0j bo/qunon, ou0xi\ krath/sei au0to\ kai\ e0gerei=; But he said to them, “What man is there among you who has a sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, he will not get hold of it and lift it out? is ← will be.

among ← out of.

has ← will have.

a sheep ← one sheep.

it ← this.
Matt 12:12 Po/sw% ou]n diafe/rei a!nqrwpoj proba&tou. 873Wste e1cestin toi=j sa&bbasin kalw~j poiei=n. Well then, how much more a man is worth than a sheep! So it is permitted to do good on Sabbaths.”
Matt 12:13 To/te le/gei tw%~ a)nqrw&pw%, {RP TR: 871Ekteinon th\n xei=ra& sou} [P1904: 871Ekteino/n sou th\n xei=ra]. Kai\ e0ce/teinen, kai\ a)pokatesta&qh u9gih\j w(j h9 a!llh. Then he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand .” So he stretched it out, and it was restored as sound as the other one. th\n xei=ra& sou, the hand + of you, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. sou th\n xei=ra, of you + the hand, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.
Matt 12:14 {RP TR: Oi9 de\} [P1904: 870Ecelqo/ntej de\ oi9] Farisai=oi sumbou/lion e1labon kat' au0tou= {RP TR: e0celqo/ntej} [P1904: - ], o3pwj au0to\n a)pole/swsin. But the Pharisees went away and held a council against him, plotting how they might destroy him. oi9 de\ Farisai=oi ... au0tou= e0celqo/ntej, But the Pharisees ... against him went away, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=6/6 vs. e0celqo/ntej de\ oi9 Farisai=oi ... au0tou=, But the Pharisees went away ... against him, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6.

away ← out.
Matt 12:15 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j gnou\j a)nexw&rhsen e0kei=qen: kai\ h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~ o1xloi polloi/, kai\ e0qera&peusen au0tou\j pa&ntaj, However, Jesus, being aware of it, withdrew from there, and large crowds followed him, and he healed them all,
Matt 12:16 kai\ e0peti/mhsen au0toi=j, i3na mh\ fanero\n {RP TR: au0to\n poih/swsin} [P1904: poih/swsin au0to/n]: and he charged them not to make him publicly known, au0to\n poih/swsin, him + make, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=6/7 vs. poih/swsin au0to/n, make + him, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/7.

charged ← rebuked.

make him publicly known ← make him manifest.
Matt 12:17 o3pwj plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n dia_ 870Hsai+/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, in order that that which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, where he says,
Matt 12:18 870Idou/, o9 pai=j mou o4n h|9re/tisa: o9 a)gaphto/j mou ei0j o4n eu0do/khsen h9 yuxh/ mou: qh/sw to\ pneu=ma& mou e0p' au0to/n, kai\ kri/sin toi=j e1qnesin a)paggelei=.

“Behold my servant, whom I have chosen,

My beloved, with whom my being is very pleased.

I will put my spirit on him,

And he will announce judgment to the Gentiles.

Isa 41:8, Isa 42:1.

with ← in, into.

being ← soul.
Matt 12:19 Ou0k e0ri/sei, ou0de\ krauga&sei: ou0de\ a)kou/sei tij e0n tai=j platei/aij th\n fwnh\n au0tou=.

He will not strive or shout,

Nor will anyone in the streets hear his voice.

Isa 42:2.
Matt 12:20 Ka&lamon suntetrimme/non ou0 katea&cei, kai\ li/non tufo/menon ou0 sbe/sei: e3wj a@n e0kba&lh| ei0j ni=koj th\n kri/sin.

He will not break a buckled reed

Nor extinguish a smouldering wick

Until he brings judgment to a victory.

Isa 42:3.

wick ← flax.

brings ← casts out, throws to an issue.
Matt 12:21 Kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0n] tw%~ o0no/mati au0tou= e1qnh e0lpiou=sin.

And the Gentiles will set their hope in his name.”

Isa 11:10.

e0n, in (his name): absent (so plain dative) in RP P1904 F1853=18/19 F1859=6/6 vs. present (so with this preposition) in TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/6. No difference in our English.
Matt 12:22 To/te proshne/xqh au0tw%~ daimonizo/menoj, tuflo\j kai\ kwfo/j: kai\ e0qera&peusen au0to/n, w#ste to\n tuflo\n kai\ kwfo\n kai\ lalei=n kai\ ble/pein. Then a blind and mute man possessed by a demon was brought to him, and he healed him, so the blind and mute man could both speak and see,
Matt 12:23 Kai\ e0ci/stanto pa&ntej oi9 o1xloi kai\ e1legon, Mh/ti ou[to/j e0stin {RP TR: - } [P1904: o9 xristo\j] o9 ui9o\j {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]; and all the crowds were amazed and said, “Isn't this {RP TR: - } [P1904: the Christ,] the son of David?” o9 xristo\j, the Christ: absent in RP TR F1853=15/20 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=3/7.

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.
Matt 12:24 Oi9 de\ Farisai=oi a)kou/santej ei]pon, Ou[toj ou0k e0kba&llei ta_ daimo/nia, ei0 mh\ e0n tw%~ Beelzebou\l a!rxonti tw~n daimoni/wn. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “This man does not cast out demons except by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons.”
Matt 12:25 Ei0dw_j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ta_j e0nqumh/seij au0tw~n ei]pen au0toi=j, Pa~sa basilei/a merisqei=sa kaq' {RP TR: e9auth=j} [P1904: e9auth\n] e0rhmou=tai: kai\ pa~sa po/lij h2 oi0ki/a merisqei=sa kaq' {RP TR: e9auth=j} [P1904: e9auth\n] ou0 staqh/setai. But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom which is divided against itself is reduced to desolation, and no city or household which is divided against itself will stand . First occurrence in verse: e9auth=j, (against) itself, RP TR F1853=13/19 F1859=4/6 vs. e9auth\n, (in relation to) itself, P1904 F1853=5/19 F1859=2/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's p) F1859=0/6.

Second occurrence in verse: e9auth=j, (against) itself, RP TR F1853=13/19 F1859=4/6 vs. e9auth\n, (in relation to) itself, P1904 F1853=6/19 F1859=2/6.

no city or household which is divided against itself will stand ← every city or household which is divided against itself will not stand.
Matt 12:26 Kai\ ei0 o9 Satana~j to\n Satana~n e0kba&llei, e0f' e9auto\n e0meri/sqh: pw~j ou]n staqh/setai h9 basilei/a au0tou=; And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?
Matt 12:27 Kai\ ei0 e0gw_ e0n Beelzebou\l e0kba&llw ta_ daimo/nia, oi9 ui9oi\ u9mw~n e0n ti/ni {RP TR: e0kba&llousin} [P1904: e0kbalou=sin]; Dia_ tou=to au0toi\ {RP TR: u9mw~n e1sontai kritai/} [P1904: kritai\ e1sontai u9mw~n]. And if I cast out the demons by Beelzebul, by whom {RP TR: do} [P1904: will] your people cast them out? On account of this, they themselves will be judges over you. e0kba&llousin, they cast out, RP TR F1853=13/19 F1859=5/6 vs. e0kbalou=sin, they will cast out, P1904 F1853=6/19 F1859=1/6.

u9mw~n e1sontai kritai/, of you + they will be + judges, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. kritai\ e1sontai u9mw~n, judges + they will be + of you, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.

people ← sons.

over ← of.
Matt 12:28 Ei0 de\ {RP: e0n pneu/mati qeou= e0gw_} [P1904 TR: e0gw_ e0n pneu/mati qeou=] e0kba&llw ta_ daimo/nia, a!ra e1fqasen e0f' u9ma~j h9 basilei/a tou= qeou=. But if I cast the demons out by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. e0n pneu/mati qeou= e0gw_, in spirit of God + I, RP F1853=9/19 F1859=3/6 vs. e0gw_ e0n pneu/mati qeou=, I + in spirit of God, P1904 TR F1853=10/19 F1859=3/6. A disparity with RP, R=12:15.

has come: this is a good example of an aorist in Greek (e1fqasen) requiring a perfect-with-have in English (has come). See Matt 2:2.
Matt 12:29 872H pw~j du/natai/ tij ei0selqei=n ei0j th\n oi0ki/an tou= i0sxurou= kai\ ta_ skeu/h au0tou= {RP TR: diarpa&sai} [P1904: a(rpa&sai], e0a_n mh\ prw~ton dh/sh| to\n i0sxuro/n; Kai\ to/te th\n oi0ki/an au0tou= diarpa&sei. Or how can anyone go into a strong man's house and plunder his belongings, if he does not first bind the strong man, so that then he can plunder his house? diarpa&sai, plunder (1), RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. a(rpa&sai, plunder (2), P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.

a strong ← the strong. See Gen 22:9.

so that: purposive use of kai/; a Hebraism.

can ← will, a Hebraism.
Matt 12:30 879O mh\ w@n met' e0mou=, kat' e0mou= e0stin, kai\ o9 mh\ suna&gwn met' e0mou=, skorpi/zei. He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.
Matt 12:31 Dia_ tou=to le/gw u9mi=n, Pa~sa a(marti/a kai\ blasfhmi/a a)feqh/setai toi=j a)nqrw&poij: h9 de\ tou= pneu/matoj blasfhmi/a ou0k a)feqh/setai toi=j a)nqrw&poij. On account of this I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven men. blasphemy against ← the blasphemy of.

This sentence could be more naturally translated ... men will have every sin and blasphemy forgiven them, but men will not have blasphemy against the spirit forgiven them.
Matt 12:32 Kai\ o4j {RP P1904: e0a_n} [TR: a@n] ei1ph| lo/gon kata_ tou= ui9ou= tou= a)nqrw&pou, a)feqh/setai au0tw%~: o4j d' a@n ei1ph| kata_ tou= pneu/matoj tou= a(gi/ou, ou0k a)feqh/setai au0tw%~, ou1te e0n {RP P1904: tw%~ nu=n} [TR: tou/tw% tw%~] ai0w~ni ou1te e0n tw%~ me/llonti. And whoever speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either in {RP P1904: the present} [TR: this] age or in the one to come. e0a_n, (who)ever (1), RP P1904 F1853=15/19 F1859=5/7 vs. a@n, (who)ever (2), TR F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's gosu, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/7.

tw%~ nu=n, (in) the present (age), RP P1904 F1853=19/19 F1859=4/6 vs. tou/tw% tw%~, (in) this (age), TR F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.
Matt 12:33 872H poih/sate to\ de/ndron kalo/n, kai\ to\n karpo\n au0tou= kalo/n, h2 poih/sate to\ de/ndron sapro/n, kai\ to\n karpo\n au0tou= sapro/n: e0k ga_r tou= karpou= to\ de/ndron ginw&sketai. Either make the tree good, and its fruit good, or make the tree rotten, and its fruit rotten. For by the fruit the tree is known. make the tree good: i.e. impute me with being good.
Matt 12:34 Gennh/mata e0xidnw~n, pw~j du/nasqe a)gaqa_ lalei=n, ponhroi\ o1ntej; 870Ek ga_r tou= perisseu/matoj th=j kardi/aj to\ sto/ma lalei=. You offspring of vipers, how can you speak good things when you are evil? For the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.
Matt 12:35 879O a)gaqo\j a!nqrwpoj e0k tou= a)gaqou= qhsaurou= {RP P1904: - } [TR: th=j kardi/aj] e0kba&llei {RP P1904: - } [TR: ta_] a)gaqa&: kai\ o9 ponhro\j a!nqrwpoj e0k tou= ponhrou= qhsaurou= e0kba&llei ponhra&. A good man brings out {RP P1904: - } [TR: the] good things from his good treasure {RP P1904: - } [TR: of the heart], and an evil man brings out evil things from his evil treasure. th=j kardi/aj, of the heart: absent in RP P1904 F1853=19/19 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=0/19 F1859=1/7, after qhsaurou= (Scrivener's w** in margin). AV differs textually.

ta_, the: absent in RP P1904 F1853=13/19 F1859=5/7 vs. present in TR F1853=6/19 F1859=2/7.

a good man ... an evil man ← the good man ... the evil man. See Gen 22:9.
Matt 12:36 Le/gw de\ u9mi=n, o3ti pa~n r(h=ma a)rgo/n, o4 e0a_n lalh/swsin oi9 a!nqrwpoi, a)podw&sousin peri\ au0tou= lo/gon e0n h9me/ra% kri/sewj. But I say to you that for every idle word which men may speak, they will give an account of it on the day of judgment,
Matt 12:37 870Ek ga_r tw~n lo/gwn sou dikaiwqh/sh|, kai\ e0k tw~n lo/gwn sou katadikasqh/sh|. for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Matt 12:38 To/te a)pekri/qhsa&n tinej tw~n grammate/wn kai\ Farisai/wn, le/gontej, Dida&skale, qe/lomen a)po\ sou= shmei=on i0dei=n. Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered and said, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.”
Matt 12:39 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j, Genea_ ponhra_ kai\ moixali\j shmei=on e0pizhtei=: kai\ shmei=on ou0 doqh/setai au0th|=, ei0 mh\ to\ shmei=on 870Iwna~ tou= profh/tou. But he answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet.
Matt 12:40 873Wsper ga_r {RP TR: h]n} [P1904: e0ge/neto] 870Iwna~j {RP TR: - } [P1904: o9 profh/thj] e0n th|= koili/a% tou= kh/touj trei=j h9me/raj kai\ trei=j nu/ktaj, ou3twj e1stai {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\] o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e0n th|= kardi/a% th=j gh=j trei=j h9me/raj kai\ trei=j nu/ktaj. For as Jonah {RP TR: - } [P1904: the prophet] was in the stomach of the whale for three days and three nights, so {RP TR: - } [P1904: also] the son of man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. h]n, was, RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=6/6 vs. e0ge/neto, became, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/6.

o9 profh/thj, the prophet: absent in RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=6/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6.

kai\, also: absent in RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=2/6.

Jonah 2:1MT (Jonah 1:17AV). Greek: Jonas.

whale: or sea-monster.
Matt 12:41 871Andrej Nineui=tai a)nasth/sontai e0n th|= kri/sei meta_ th=j genea~j tau/thj kai\ katakrinou=sin au0th/n: o3ti meteno/hsan ei0j to\ kh/rugma 870Iwna~: kai\ i0dou/, plei=on 870Iwna~ w{de. The Ninevite men will rise in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it, because they repented at Jonah's preaching, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here. the judgment: we include the definite article, present in Greek, in English too, assuming this is a unique specific event, rather than just judgment, though this could be a general abstract noun. So also in the next verse.

greater ← more (neuter, so something).
Matt 12:42 Basi/lissa no/tou e0gerqh/setai e0n th|= kri/sei meta_ th=j genea~j tau/thj kai\ katakrinei= au0th/n: o3ti h]lqen e0k tw~n pera&twn th=j gh=j a)kou=sai th\n sofi/an {RP P1904: Solomw~noj} [TR: Solomw~ntoj]: kai\ i0dou/, plei=on {RP P1904: Solomw~noj} [TR: Solomw~ntoj] w{de. The queen of the south will rise in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here. (2x): Solomw~noj, Solomon (1), RP P1904 F1853=15/21 F1859=3/6 vs. Solomw~ntoj, Solomon (2), TR F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's uxy, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6 vs. other spellings or disparate, F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's b*c**c*) F1859=2/6. Compare Matt 1:6.

rise: or be raised up.

greater ← more (neuter, so something).
Matt 12:43 873Otan de\ to\ a)ka&qarton pneu=ma e0ce/lqh| a)po\ tou= a)nqrw&pou, die/rxetai di' a)nu/drwn to/pwn, zhtou=n a)na&pausin, kai\ ou0x eu9ri/skei. And whenever an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest, but it does not find it. an unclean spirit ← the unclean spirit. See Gen 22:9.

but: adversative use of kai/.
Matt 12:44 To/te le/gei, {RP TR: 870Epistre/yw ei0j to\n oi]ko/n mou} [P1904: Ei0j to\n oi]ko/n mou e0pistre/yw] o3qen e0ch=lqon: kai\ e0lqo\n eu9ri/skei sxola&zonta, {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\] sesarwme/non, kai\ kekosmhme/non. Then it says, ‘I will go back to my house, from where I came out.’ And when it has gone back, it finds it unoccupied {RP TR: and} [P1904: and] swept clean and tidied up. e0pistre/yw ei0j to\n oi]ko/n mou, I will return + to my house, RP TR F1853=16/19 F1859=6/6 vs. ei0j to\n oi]ko/n mou e0pistre/yw, to my house + I will return, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6 vs. another reading, F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's gqr) F1859=0/6.

kai\, and: absent in RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=5/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's ms) F1859=1/6.
Matt 12:45 To/te poreu/etai kai\ paralamba&nei meq' e9autou= e9pta_ e3tera pneu/mata ponhro/tera e9autou=, kai\ ei0selqo/nta katoikei= e0kei=: kai\ gi/netai ta_ e1sxata tou= a)nqrw&pou e0kei/nou xei/rona tw~n prw&twn. Ou3twj e1stai kai\ th|= genea%~ {RP TR: tau/th| th|= ponhra%~} [P1904: th|= ponhra%~ tau/th]. Then it goes out and takes seven other spirits more evil than itself with it, and when they have entered, they live there, and the last condition of that man becomes worse than the first. So it will be with this evil generation as well.” tau/th| th|= ponhra%~, with this + evil, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. th|= ponhra%~ tau/th|, with evil + this, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.
Matt 12:46 871Eti de\ au0tou= lalou=ntoj toi=j o1xloij, i0dou/, h9 mh/thr kai\ oi9 a)delfoi\ au0tou= ei9sth/keisan e1cw, zhtou=ntej {RP TR: au0tw%~ lalh=sai} [P1904: lalh=sai au0tw%~]. And while he was still speaking to the crowds, it so happened that his mother and his brothers were standing outside, wanting to speak to him. au0tw%~ lalh=sai, to him + to speak, RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=6/6 vs. lalh=sai au0tw%~, to speak + to him, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6 vs. other readings, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's uy) F1859=0/6.

it so happened that ← behold.

wanting ← seeking.
Matt 12:47 Ei]pen de/ tij au0tw%~, 870Idou/, h9 mh/thr sou kai\ oi9 a)delfoi/ sou {RP TR: e1cw e9sth/kasin} [P1904: e9sth/kasin e1cw], zhtou=nte/j {RP TR: soi lalh=sai} [P1904: se i0dei=n]. Then someone said to him, “Look, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting {RP TR: to speak to you} [P1904: to see you].” e1cw e9sth/kasin, outside + they are standing, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 with some other variations vs. e9sth/kasin e1cw, they are standing + outside, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.

soi lalh=sai, to speak to you, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. se i0dei=n, to see you, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.

wanting ← seeking.
Matt 12:48 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen tw%~ {RP TR: ei0po/nti} [P1904: le/gonti] au0tw%~, Ti/j e0stin h9 mh/thr mou; Kai\ ti/nej ei0si\n oi9 a)delfoi/ mou; But he answered and said to him who {RP TR: had spoken} [P1904: was speaking] to him, “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” ei0po/nti, had spoken, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. le/gonti was speaking, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.
Matt 12:49 Kai\ e0ktei/naj th\n xei=ra au0tou= e0pi\ tou\j maqhta_j au0tou= {RP TR: ei]pen} [P1904: e1fh], 870Idou/, h9 mh/thr mou kai\ oi9 a)delfoi/ mou. And stretching out his hand to his disciples, he said, “Behold my mother and my brothers. ei]pen, he said, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. e1fh, he said (different verb), P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6.

stretching ← having stretched. See Matt 23:20.
Matt 12:50 873Ostij ga_r a@n poih/sh| to\ qe/lhma tou= patro/j mou tou= e0n ou0ranoi=j, au0to/j mou a)delfo\j kai\ a)delfh\ kai\ mh/thr e0sti/n. For it is whoever does the will of my father in the heavens who is my brother and sister and mother.” who ← he himself.
Matt 13:1 870En de\ th|= h9me/ra% e0kei/nh| e0celqw_n o9 870Ihsou=j {RP TR: a)po\} [P1904: - ] th=j oi0ki/aj e0ka&qhto para_ th\n qa&lassan. And on that day, Jesus went out {RP TR: from} [P1904: of] the house and sat by the sea, a)po\, from, out of: present in RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=5/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.
Matt 13:2 Kai\ sunh/xqhsan pro\j au0to\n o1xloi polloi/, w#ste au0to\n ei0j {RP TR: to\} [P1904: - ] ploi=on e0mba&nta kaqh=sqai: kai\ pa~j o9 o1xloj e0pi\ to\n ai0gialo\n ei9sth/kei. and large crowds gathered together around him, so he went on board a boat and sat down, while the whole crowd was standing on the shore. to\, the: present in RP TR F1853=16/19 F1859=6/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's lmn) F1859=0/6. We nevertheless translate a boat.

large: see Matt 4:25.

around ← to.

so ← so that (result).
Matt 13:3 Kai\ e0la&lhsen au0toi=j polla_ e0n parabolai=j, le/gwn, 870Idou/, e0ch=lqen o9 spei/rwn tou= {RP-text TR: spei/rein} [RP-marg P1904: spei=rai]. And he told them many things in parables, and he said, “A sower once went out to sow, spei/rein, to sow (present, imperfective aspect), RP-text TR F1853=12/20 F1859=3/6 vs. spei=rai, to sow (aorist, perfective aspect), RP-marg P1904 F1853=8/20 F1859=3/6.

a sower once ← behold the sower.
Matt 13:4 Kai\ e0n tw%~ spei/rein au0to/n, a$ me\n e1pesen para_ th\n o9do/n: kai\ {RP TR: h]lqen ta_ peteina_ kai\} [P1904: e0lqo/nta ta_ peteina_] kate/fagen au0ta&. and as he was sowing, some seed fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate it up. h]lqen ta_ peteina_ kai\, the birds came and (ate it up), RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. e0lqo/nta ta_ peteina_, the birds having come (ate it up), P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.
Matt 13:5 871Alla de\ e1pesen e0pi\ ta_ petrw&dh, o3pou ou0k ei]xen gh=n pollh/n: kai\ eu0qe/wj e0cane/teilen, dia_ to\ mh\ e1xein ba&qoj gh=j: Other seed fell on stony ground, where it did not have much soil, and it quickly sprang up through not having depth of soil, quickly ← immediately.
Matt 13:6 h9li/ou de\ a)natei/lantoj e0kaumati/sqh, kai\ dia_ to\ mh\ e1xein r(i/zan, e0chra&nqh. but when the sun rose, it was scorched, and because it did not have a root, it withered.
Matt 13:7 871Alla de\ e1pesen e0pi\ ta_j a)ka&nqaj, kai\ a)ne/bhsan ai9 a!kanqai kai\ a)pe/pnican au0ta&. And other seed fell in the thorn bushes, and the thorn plants came up and smothered it.
Matt 13:8 871Alla de\ e1pesen e0pi\ th\n gh=n th\n kalh/n, kai\ e0di/dou karpo/n, o4 me\n e9kato/n, o4 de\ e9ch/konta, o4 de\ tria&konta. But other seed fell on good ground, and it yielded produce: some a hundredfold return, some a sixtyfold, and some a thirtyfold. good ground ← the good ground. See Gen 22:9.

produce ← fruit.
Matt 13:9 879O e1xwn w}ta a)kou/ein a)koue/tw. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” ears: no pun intended, and none in Greek, where to\ ou]j = ear (for hearing), o9 sta&xuj = ear (of corn).
Matt 13:10 Kai\ proselqo/ntej oi9 maqhtai\ ei]pon au0tw%~, Dia_ ti/ e0n parabolai=j lalei=j au0toi=j; Then the disciples came to him and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?”
Matt 13:11 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j o3ti 879Umi=n de/dotai gnw~nai ta_ musth/ria th=j basilei/aj tw~n ou0ranw~n, e0kei/noij de\ ou0 de/dotai. He answered and said to them, “To you it is granted to know the secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it is not granted. them ← those.
Matt 13:12 873Ostij ga_r e1xei, doqh/setai au0tw%~ kai\ perisseuqh/setai: o3stij de\ ou0k e1xei, kai\ o4 e1xei a)rqh/setai a)p' au0tou=. For whoever has something, to him will be given more, and it will be in abundance, but whoever does not have anything, even that which he has will be taken from him. be in abundance ← be made to abound.
Matt 13:13 Dia_ tou=to e0n parabolai=j au0toi=j lalw~, {RP TR: o3ti ble/pontej ou0 ble/pousin, kai\ a)kou/ontej ou0k a)kou/ousin, ou0de\ suniou=sin} [P1904: i3na ble/pontej mh\ ble/pwsi kai\ a)kou/ontej mh\ a)kou/wsin, mhde\ sunw~si] {RP TR: - } [P1904: mh/pote e0pistre/ywsi]. This is why I speak to them in parables, {RP TR: because} [P1904: so that] although seeing, they do not see, and although hearing, they do not hear, nor do they understand {RP TR: - } [P1904: lest they should repent]. o3ti ... suniou=sin, because ... understand, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=4/6 vs. i3na ... sunw~si, so that ... understand, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y, but only as far as ble/pwsi) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.

mh/pote e0pistre/ywsi, lest they should (at any time) repent: absent in RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=5/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.

this is why ← on account of this.

although (2x): concessive use of the participle.

repent ← return.
Matt 13:14 Kai\ {RP: a)naplhrou=tai} [P1904: to/te plhrwqh/setai] [TR: a)naplhrou=tai e0p'] au0toi=j h9 profhtei/a 870Hsai+/ou, h9 le/gousa, 870Akoh|= a)kou/sete, kai\ ou0 mh\ sunh=te: kai\ ble/pontej ble/yete, kai\ ou0 mh\ i1dhte. And {RP TR: - } [P1904: then] the prophecy of Isaiah {RP TR: is being} [P1904: will be] fulfilled in them, which says,

‘You will definitely hear

But certainly not understand,

And you will definitely see

But certainly not perceive,

a)naplhrou=tai, is being fulfilled, RP F1853=14/20 F1859=5/6 vs. to/te plhrwqh/setai, then will be fulfilled, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y, but without to/te) F1859=0/6 vs. a)naplhrou=tai e0p', is being fulfilled in, TR F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's cux) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's s*y) F1859=0/6.

Isa 6:9.
Matt 13:15 870Epaxu/nqh ga_r h9 kardi/a tou= laou= tou/tou, kai\ toi=j w)si\n bare/wj h1kousan, kai\ tou\j o0fqalmou\j au0tw~n e0ka&mmusan: mh/pote i1dwsin toi=j o0fqalmoi=j, kai\ toi=j w)si\n a)kou/swsin, kai\ th|= kardi/a% sunw~sin, kai\ e0pistre/ywsin, kai\ {RP-text P1904: i0a&somai} [RP-marg TR: i0a&swmai] au0tou/j.

For the heart of this people has become obtuse,

And with their ears they hear with difficulty,

And they have shut their eyes,

Lest they should see with their eyes,

And hear with their ears,

And understand with their heart,

And repent,

And I {RP-text P1904: would heal} [RP-marg TR: should heal] them.’

i0a&somai, will heal, RP-text P1904 F1853=9/19 F1859=5/6 vs. i0a&swmai, should heal, RP-marg TR F1853=10/19 F1859=1/6.

Isa 6:10.

obtuse ← fat.

repent ← return.

{RP: and I would heal: or but I will heal; kai/ can be adversative, as in Matt 13:17. The verb is not in the subjunctive, so apparently not governed by lest.}
Matt 13:16 879Umw~n de\ maka&rioi oi9 o0fqalmoi/, o3ti ble/pousin: kai\ ta_ w}ta u9mw~n, o3ti {RP TR: a)kou/ei} [P1904: a)kou/ousin]. But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear. a)kou/ei, they hear (classical form for neuter plural subject), RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=3/6 vs. a)kou/ousi¨n©, they hear (non-classical form), P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's cy) F1859=3/6.
Matt 13:17 870Amh\n ga_r le/gw u9mi=n o3ti polloi\ profh=tai kai\ di/kaioi e0pequ/mhsan i0dei=n a$ ble/pete, kai\ ou0k ei]don: kai\ a)kou=sai a$ a)kou/ete, kai\ ou0k h1kousan. For truly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, but they did not see, and to hear what you hear, but they did not hear.
Matt 13:18 879Umei=j ou]n a)kou/sate th\n parabolh\n tou= {RP TR: spei/rontoj} [P1904: spei/rantoj]. So hear the meaning of the parable of the sower. spei/rontoj, of him who sows, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=5/6 vs. spei/rantoj, of him who sowed, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6. No difference in our English.
Matt 13:19 Panto\j a)kou/ontoj to\n lo/gon th=j basilei/aj kai\ mh\ sunie/ntoj, e1rxetai o9 ponhro/j, kai\ {RP TR: a(rpa&zei} [P1904: ai1rei] to\ e0sparme/non e0n th|= kardi/a% au0tou=: ou[to/j e0stin o9 para_ th\n o9do\n sparei/j. When anyone hears the word of the kingdom but does not understand, the evil one comes and {RP TR: seizes} [P1904: takes away] what was sown in his heart. This is he who was sown by the wayside. a(rpa&zei, seizes, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. ai1rei, takes away, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y, misspelled) F1859=1/6.

anyone ← everyone.
Matt 13:20 879O de\ e0pi\ ta_ petrw&dh sparei/j, ou[to/j e0stin o9 to\n lo/gon a)kou/wn, kai\ {RP TR: eu0qu\j} [P1904: eu0qe/wj] meta_ xara~j {RP TR: - } [P1904: dexo/menoj kai\] lamba&nwn au0to/n: But he who was sown on the stony ground is he who, hearing the word immediately {RP TR: - } [P1904: accepts it and] receives it with joy, eu0qu\j, immediately (1), RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=5/6 vs. eu0qe/wj, immediately (2), P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.

dexo/menoj kai\, receives and: absent in RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=5/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.

is he who ← this is he.
Matt 13:21 ou0k e1xei de\ r(i/zan e0n e9autw%~, a)lla_ pro/skairo/j e0stin: genome/nhj de\ qli/yewj h2 diwgmou= dia_ to\n lo/gon, eu0qu\j skandali/zetai. but he does not have root in himself, but is for a season, and when tribulation or persecution comes on account of the word, he quickly stumbles. quickly ← immediately.
Matt 13:22 879O de\ ei0j ta_j a)ka&nqaj sparei/j, ou[to/j e0stin o9 to\n lo/gon a)kou/wn, kai\ h9 me/rimna tou= ai0w~noj tou/tou kai\ h9 a)pa&th tou= plou/tou sumpni/gei to\n lo/gon, kai\ a!karpoj gi/netai. And as for him who was sown in the thorn bushes, this is he who hears the word, but for whom the care of this age and the deceit of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful. age: AV differs somewhat (world).
Matt 13:23 879O de\ e0pi\ th\n gh=n th\n kalh\n sparei/j, ou[to/j e0stin o9 to\n lo/gon a)kou/wn kai\ suniw~n: o4j dh\ karpoforei=, kai\ poiei= o9 me\n e9kato/n, o9 de\ e9ch/konta, o9 de\ tria&konta. But he who was sown on the good ground is the one who hears the word and understands itone who indeed bears fruit – and one produces a hundredfold, while another sixtyfold, and another thirtyfold.” is the one whothis is who.
Matt 13:24 871Allhn parabolh\n pare/qhken au0toi=j, le/gwn, 879Wmoiw&qh h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n a)nqrw&pw% {RP S1550 E1624: spei/ronti} [P1904 S1894: spei/ranti] kalo\n spe/rma e0n tw%~ a)grw%~ au0tou=: He put another parable to them and said, “The kingdom of the heavens is comparable to a man who {RP S1550 E1624: sows} [P1904 S1894: sowed] good seed in his field. spei/ronti, who sows, RP S1550 E1624 F1853=14/19 F1859=6/6 vs. spei/ranti, who sowed, P1904 S1894 F1853=5/19 F1859=0/6.

comparable to ← was compared with.
Matt 13:25 e0n de\ tw%~ kaqeu/dein tou\j a)nqrw&pouj, h]lqen au0tou= o9 e0xqro\j kai\ e1speiren ziza&nia a)na_ me/son tou= si/tou, kai\ a)ph=lqen. But while the men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went away again, tares: probably what is known locally in our day as zewan [CB], i.e. darnel.
Matt 13:26 873Ote de\ e0bla&sthsen o9 xo/rtoj kai\ karpo\n e0poi/hsen, to/te e0fa&nh kai\ ta_ ziza&nia. and when the grains sprouted and produced fruit, then the tares appeared as well. grains ← grass, fodder.
Matt 13:27 Proselqo/ntej de\ oi9 dou=loi tou= oi0kodespo/tou ei]pon au0tw%~, Ku/rie, ou0xi\ kalo\n spe/rma e1speiraj e0n tw%~ sw%~ a)grw%~; Po/qen ou]n e1xei {RP P1904: - } [TR: ta_] ziza&nia; Then when the servants of the master of the house went to him, they said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? From where then is it infested with {RP P1904: - } [TR: the] tares?’ ta_, the (tares): absent in RP P1904 F1853=16/20 F1859=2/6 vs. present in TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's hkm*x) F1859=4/6.

is it infested with ← has it got.
Matt 13:28 879O de\ e1fh au0toi=j, 870Exqro\j a!nqrwpoj tou=to e0poi/hsen. Oi9 de\ dou=loi ei]pon au0tw%~, Qe/leij ou]n a)pelqo/ntej {RP-text: sulle/comen} [RP-marg P1904 TR: sulle/cwmen] au0ta&; So he said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ Then the servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go {RP-text: out, and we will} [RP-marg P1904 TR: out and] gather them up?’ sulle/comen, we will gather (indicative), RP-text F1853=11/20 F1859=5/6 vs. sulle/cwmen, we should gather (subjunctive), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=9/20 F1859=1/6.

enemy ← inimical man.
Matt 13:29 879O de\ e1fh, Ou1: mh/pote, sulle/gontej ta_ ziza&nia, e0krizw&shte a#ma au0toi=j to\n si=ton. But he said, ‘No, don't, in case when gathering the tares you uproot the wheat together with them.
Matt 13:30 871Afete sunauca&nesqai a)mfo/tera me/xri tou= qerismou=: kai\ e0n {RP P1904: - } [TR: tw%~] kairw%~ tou= qerismou= e0rw~ toi=j qeristai=j, Sulle/cate prw~ton ta_ ziza&nia, kai\ dh/sate au0ta_ ei0j de/smaj pro\j to\ katakau=sai au0ta&: to\n de\ si=ton sunaga&gete ei0j th\n a)poqh/khn mou. Leave both to grow up together until the harvest, and at {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, «Gather first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up, but gather the wheat into my storehouse.» ’ ” tw%~, the (time): absent in RP P1904 F1853=17/19 F1859=3/6 vs. present in TR F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=3/6.
Matt 13:31 871Allhn parabolh\n pare/qhken au0toi=j, le/gwn, 879Omoi/a e0sti\n h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n ko/kkw% sina&pewj, o4n labw_n a!nqrwpoj e1speiren e0n tw%~ a)grw%~ au0tou=: He put another parable to them and said, “The kingdom of the heavens is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field,
Matt 13:32 o4 mikro/teron me/n e0stin pa&ntwn tw~n sperma&twn: o3tan de\ au0chqh|=, mei=zon {RP TR: - } [P1904: pa&ntwn] tw~n laxa&nwn e0sti/n, kai\ gi/netai de/ndron, w#ste e0lqei=n ta_ peteina_ tou= ou0ranou= kai\ kataskhnou=n e0n toi=j kla&doij au0tou=. which is the smallest of all seeds, but when it grows, it is bigger than {RP TR: - } [P1904: all] other vegetables, and it becomes a tree, so that the birds of the sky come and settle on its branches.” pa&ntwn, all: absent in RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=5/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=2/7.

smallest ← smaller, Greek comparative for superlative.

Mustard seeds are about the same size as cabbage or carrot seeds, but were presumably the smallest of the seeds sown at the time (beans, cucumber, corn etc.).
Matt 13:33 871Allhn parabolh\n e0la&lhsen au0toi=j, 879Omoi/a e0sti\n h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n zu/mh|, h4n labou=sa gunh\ {RP-text: e1kruyen} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0ne/kruyen] ei0j a)leu/rou sa&ta tri/a, e3wj ou[ e0zumw&qh o3lon. He told them another parable: “The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three sack measures of flour, until it was all leavened.” e1kruyen, hid, RP-text F1853=12/20 F1859=3/7 vs. e0ne/kruyen, in-hid, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=4/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=15:14.

sack measures ← pecks. 1 peck = 2 imperial gallons or 9 litres.
Matt 13:34 Tau=ta pa&nta e0la&lhsen o9 870Ihsou=j e0n parabolai=j toi=j o1xloij, kai\ xwri\j parabolh=j {RP TR: ou0k} [P1904: ou0de\n] e0la&lei au0toi=j: Jesus spoke all these things in parables to the crowds, and he didn't {RP TR: speak} [P1904: say anything] to them without a parable, ou0k, not, RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. ou0de\n, nothing, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6 vs. word absent, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.
Matt 13:35 o3pwj plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n dia_ tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, 870Anoi/cw e0n parabolai=j to\ sto/ma mou, e0reu/comai kekrumme/na a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou. in order that that which was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled, when he said,

“I will open my mouth in parables;

I will utter things hidden

Since the overthrow of the world.”

Ps 78:2.

overthrow: AV differs. Classical (see kataba&llw in [LS]) and especially Septuagintal use of the word supports overthrow, rather than AV's foundation, which is qeme/lioj / qeme/lion. See our Translation Issues study, and [CB] Appendix 146. Christ undoes the works of the devil; see 1 John 3:8 and also Eph 2:2, John 12:31.
Matt 13:36 To/te a)fei\j tou\j o1xlouj h]lqen ei0j th\n oi0ki/an {RP TR: o9 870Ihsou=j} [P1904: au0tou=]: kai\ prosh=lqon au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou=, le/gontej, Fra&son h9mi=n th\n parabolh\n tw~n zizani/wn tou= a)grou=. Then {RP TR: Jesus} [P1904: he] left the crowds and went to {RP TR: the} [P1904: his] house. And his disciples came to him and said, “Explain the parable of the tares in the field to us.” o9 870Ihsou=j, Jesus: present in RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=6/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6.

au0tou=, his: absent in RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.

left: or sent away, but that is usually a)polu/w, as in Matt 14:15.
Matt 13:37 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j, 879O spei/rwn to\ kalo\n spe/rma e0sti\n o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou: So he answered and said to them, “The sower of the good seed is the son of man.
Matt 13:38 o9 de\ a)gro/j e0stin o9 ko/smoj: to\ de\ kalo\n spe/rma, ou[toi/ ei0sin oi9 ui9oi\ th=j basilei/aj: ta_ de\ ziza&nia& ei0sin oi9 ui9oi\ tou= ponhrou=: The field is the world; the good seed is what represents the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the evil one. is what represents ← these are.
Matt 13:39 o9 de\ e0xqro\j o9 spei/raj au0ta& e0stin o9 dia&boloj: o9 de\ qerismo\j sunte/leia tou= ai0w~no/j e0stin: oi9 de\ qeristai\ a!ggeloi/ ei0sin. The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the consummation of the age; the harvesters are the angels. the (2x): the definite article is omitted here in the Greek as the predicates precede the verb – compare John 1:1. In the next verse, where consummation is not the predicate, the article is present.
Matt 13:40 873Wsper ou]n sulle/getai ta_ ziza&nia kai\ puri\ {RP P1904: kai/etai} [TR: katakai/etai], ou3twj e1stai e0n th|= suntelei/a% tou= ai0w~noj tou/tou. So just as the tares are gathered and {RP P1904: burned} [TR: burned up] in a fire, so it will be at the consummation of this age. kai/etai, are burned, RP P1904 F1853=15/19 F1859=5/6 vs. katakai/etai, are burned up, TR F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's cuxy, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6.
Matt 13:41 870Apostelei= o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou tou\j a)gge/louj au0tou=, kai\ sulle/cousin e0k th=j basilei/aj au0tou= pa&nta ta_ ska&ndala kai\ tou\j poiou=ntaj th\n a)nomi/an, The son of man will send his angels, and they will gather up out of his kingdom all causes of offence, and those who commit iniquity,
Matt 13:42 kai\ balou=sin au0tou\j ei0j th\n ka&minon tou= puro/j: e0kei= e1stai o9 klauqmo\j kai\ o9 brugmo\j tw~n o0do/ntwn. and they will throw them into the fiery furnace. There, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. fiery furnace ← furnace of fire, a Hebraic genitive.
Matt 13:43 To/te oi9 di/kaioi e0kla&myousin w(j o9 h3lioj e0n th|= basilei/a% tou= patro\j au0tw~n. 879O e1xwn w}ta a)kou/ein a)koue/tw. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. shine ← shine out.

Compare Dan 12:3.
Matt 13:44 Pa&lin o9moi/a e0sti\n h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n qhsaurw%~ kekrumme/nw% e0n tw%~ a)grw%~, o4n eu9rw_n a!nqrwpoj e1kruyen: kai\ a)po\ th=j xara~j au0tou= u9pa&gei, kai\ pa&nta o3sa e1xei pwlei=, kai\ a)gora&zei to\n a)gro\n e0kei=non. Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid, and for the joy of it went away and sold everything he had and bought that field. Greek: hid is in the past tense (aorist), but went, sold, and bought are in the vivid present.
Matt 13:45 Pa&lin o9moi/a e0sti\n h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n a)nqrw&pw% e0mpo/rw% zhtou=nti kalou\j margari/taj: Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a merchant seeking good quality pearls, merchant ← merchant man.
Matt 13:46 o4j eu9rw_n e3na polu/timon margari/thn, a)pelqw_n pe/praken pa&nta o3sa ei]xen, kai\ h0go/rasen au0to/n. who, finding one very expensive pearl, went away and sold everything he had and bought it. sold ← has sold. See Matt 2:2, though the aorist of this verb (but not of pwle/w) is wanting.
Matt 13:47 Pa&lin o9moi/a e0sti\n h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n sagh/nh| blhqei/sh| ei0j th\n qa&lassan, kai\ e0k panto\j ge/nouj sunagagou/sh|: Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet which was cast in the sea and caught all sorts of species, all sorts of species ← out of every race.
Matt 13:48 h3n, o3te e0plhrw&qh, a)nabiba&santej {RP TR: - } [P1904: au0th\n] e0pi\ to\n ai0gialo/n, kai\ kaqi/santej, sune/lecan ta_ kala_ ei0j a)ggei=a, ta_ de\ sapra_ e1cw e1balon. which, when it was full, they brought to land on the shore and sat down and gathered the good fish into containers, but they threw the rotten fish out. au0th\n, (which ... they brought) it: absent in RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=6/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's s) F1859=0/6. The pleonastic au0th\n is a Hebraism.
Matt 13:49 Ou3twj e1stai e0n th|= suntelei/a% tou= ai0w~noj: e0celeu/sontai oi9 a!ggeloi, kai\ a)foriou=sin tou\j ponhrou\j e0k me/sou tw~n dikai/wn, So will it be in the consummation of the age. The angels will go out and separate the evil ones from the midst of the righteous, age: see Matt 13:22.
Matt 13:50 kai\ balou=sin au0tou\j ei0j th\n ka&minon tou= puro/j: e0kei= e1stai o9 klauqmo\j kai\ o9 brugmo\j tw~n o0do/ntwn. and they will throw them into the fiery furnace. There, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” fiery furnace ← furnace of fire, a Hebraic genitive.
Matt 13:51 Le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Sunh/kate tau=ta pa&nta; Le/gousin au0tw%~, Nai/, ku/rie. Jesus said to them, “Did you understand all these things?” And they said to him, “Yes, Lord.”
Matt 13:52 879O de\ ei]pen au0toi=j, Dia_ tou=to pa~j grammateu\j maqhteuqei\j ei0j th\n basilei/an tw~n ou0ranw~n o3moio/j e0stin a)nqrw&pw% oi0kodespo/th|, o3stij e0kba&llei e0k tou= qhsaurou= au0tou= kaina_ kai\ palaia&. But he said to them, “On account of this, every scribe who has been schooled in the kingdom of the heavens is like a master of a house who brings out of his storehouse new things and old.” brings out: classically, casts out, but, perhaps under Semitic influence (הוֹצִיא), also brings out.
Matt 13:53 Kai\ e0ge/neto o3te e0te/lesen o9 870Ihsou=j ta_j parabola_j tau/taj, meth=ren e0kei=qen: And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, that he moved on from there,
Matt 13:54 kai\ e0lqw_n ei0j th\n patri/da au0tou= e0di/dasken au0tou\j e0n th|= sunagwgh|= au0tw~n, w#ste e0kplh/ttesqai au0tou\j kai\ le/gein, Po/qen tou/tw% h9 sofi/a au3th kai\ ai9 duna&meij; and he came to his native district, and he taught them in their synagogue, in consequence of which they were amazed and said, “Where does this man get this wisdom and these powers from? does this man get ← to this (man).
Matt 13:55 Ou0x ou[to/j e0stin o9 tou= te/ktonoj ui9o/j; Ou0xi\ h9 mh/thr au0tou= le/getai Maria&m, kai\ oi9 a)delfoi\ au0tou= 870Ia&kwboj kai\ 870Iwsh=j kai\ Si/mwn kai\ 870Iou/daj; Isn't he the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother called Mary, and his brothers, James and Joses, Simon and Judas?
Matt 13:56 Kai\ ai9 a)delfai\ au0tou= ou0xi\ pa~sai pro\j h9ma~j ei0si/n; Po/qen ou]n tou/tw% tau=ta pa&nta; And are not his sisters all in our company? Where then does this man get all these things from?” in our company ← to us.

does this man get ← to this (man).
Matt 13:57 Kai\ e0skandali/zonto e0n au0tw%~. 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Ou0k e1stin profh/thj a!timoj, ei0 mh\ e0n th|= patri/di au0tou= kai\ e0n th|= oi0ki/a% au0tou=. And they were offended at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his native district and in his house”,
Matt 13:58 Kai\ ou0k e0poi/hsen e0kei= duna&meij polla&j, dia_ th\n a)pisti/an au0tw~n. and he did not perform many miracles there, because of their unbelief.
Matt 14:1 870En e0kei/nw% tw%~ kairw%~ h1kousen 879Hrw%&dhj o9 tetra&rxhj th\n a)koh\n 870Ihsou=, At that time, Herod the tetrarch heard of Jesus's fame,
Matt 14:2 kai\ ei]pen toi=j paisi\n au0tou=, Ou[to/j e0stin 870Iwa&nnhj o9 baptisth/j: au0to\j h0ge/rqh a)po\ tw~n nekrw~n, kai\ dia_ tou=to ai9 duna&meij e0nergou=sin e0n au0tw%~. and he said to his servants, “This is John the Baptist. He has risen from the dead, which is why there are powers at work in him.” risen: or has been raised.

which is why ← and on account of this.

there are powers at work ← the powers are at work.
Matt 14:3 879O ga_r 879Hrw%&dhj krath/saj to\n 870Iwa&nnhn e1dhsen au0to\n kai\ e1qeto e0n fulakh|=, dia_ 879Hrw%dia&da th\n gunai=ka Fili/ppou tou= a)delfou= au0tou=. For Herod had arrested John and bound him and put him in prison on account of Herodias the wife of Philip his brother, had arrested: i.e. had had arrested (causative).

put him: i.e. had had (him) put (causative).
Matt 14:4 871Elegen ga_r au0tw%~ o9 870Iwa&nnhj, Ou0k e1cesti/n soi e1xein au0th/n. because John had kept on saying to him, “It is not lawful for you to have her”, had kept on saying ← was saying, iterative imperfect, but not necessarily so – see Matt 5:2.
Matt 14:5 Kai\ qe/lwn au0to\n a)poktei=nai, e0fobh/qh to\n o1xlon, o3ti w(j profh/thn au0to\n ei]xon. and although he wished to kill him, he feared the crowd, because they regarded him as a prophet. although: concessive use of the participle.
Matt 14:6 Genesi/wn de\ a)gome/nwn tou= 879Hrw%&dou, w)rxh/sato h9 quga&thr th=j 879Hrw%dia&doj e0n tw%~ me/sw%, kai\ h1resen tw%~ 879Hrw%&dh|: Then when Herod's birthday was celebrated, Herodias's daughter danced in their presence and pleased Herod, in their presence ← in the midst.
Matt 14:7 o3qen meq' o3rkou w(molo/ghsen au0th|= dou=nai o4 e0a_n ai0th/shtai. with the result that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked for. with the result that ← whence, from where.
Matt 14:8 879H de/, probibasqei=sa u9po\ th=j mhtro\j au0th=j, Do/j moi, fhsi/n, w{de e0pi\ pi/naki th\n kefalh\n 870Iwa&nnou tou= baptistou=. But she, being so induced by her mother, said, “Give me here the head of John the Baptist on a dish.”
Matt 14:9 Kai\ e0luph/qh o9 basileu/j, dia_ de\ tou\j o3rkouj kai\ tou\j sunanakeime/nouj e0ke/leusen doqh=nai: At this the king was grieved, but on account of his oaths and those reclining with him, he ordered it to be given, at this: wider use of kai/.
Matt 14:10 kai\ pe/myaj a)pekefa&lisen to\n 870Iwa&nnhn e0n th|= fulakh|=. and he sent an executioner and had John beheaded in the prison. had John beheaded ← and he beheaded John. Compare Matt 2:16.
Matt 14:11 Kai\ h0ne/xqh h9 kefalh\ au0tou= e0pi\ pi/naki, kai\ e0do/qh tw%~ korasi/w%: kai\ h1negken th|= mhtri\ au0th=j. So his head was brought on a dish, and it was given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother.
Matt 14:12 Kai\ proselqo/ntej oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= h]ran to\ sw~ma, kai\ e1qayan au0to/: kai\ e0lqo/ntej a)ph/ggeilan tw%~ 870Ihsou=. Then his disciples came and took away the body and buried it, and they came and reported it to Jesus.
Matt 14:13 {RP TR: Kai\ a)kou/saj} [P1904: 870Akou/saj de\] o9 870Ihsou=j a)nexw&rhsen e0kei=qen e0n ploi/w% ei0j e1rhmon to/pon kat' i0di/an: kai\ a)kou/santej oi9 o1xloi h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~ pezh|= a)po\ tw~n po/lewn. But when Jesus heard it, he withdrew from there in a boat to a deserted place privately. Then when the crowds heard about it, they followed him on foot from the cities, kai\ a)kou/saj, and / but having heard, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/6 vs. a)kou/saj de\, but having heard, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.2 PV=0.7%. No difference in our English.
Matt 14:14 Kai\ e0celqw_n o9 870Ihsou=j ei]den polu\n o1xlon, kai\ e0splagxni/sqh e0p' {RP P1904: au0toi=j} [TR: au0tou/j], kai\ e0qera&peusen tou\j a)rrw&stouj au0tw~n. and when Jesus went out, he saw a large crowd, and he felt compassion for them and cured their infirm. au0toi=j, (for) them (dative), RP P1904 F1853=14/20 F1859=6/6 vs. au0tou/j, (for) them (accusative), TR F1853=6/20 F1859=0/6.
Matt 14:15 870Oyi/aj de\ genome/nhj, prosh=lqon au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou=, le/gontej, 871Erhmo/j e0stin o9 to/poj, kai\ h9 w#ra h1dh parh=lqen: a)po/luson tou\j o1xlouj, i3na a)pelqo/ntej ei0j ta_j kw&maj a)gora&swsin e9autoi=j brw&mata. When it was evening, his disciples came to him and said, “The place is desolate, and the hour has already passed. Dismiss the crowds, so that they can go back to their villages and buy food for themselves.”
Matt 14:16 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Ou0 xrei/an e1xousin a)pelqei=n: do/te au0toi=j u9mei=j fagei=n. But Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away. You give them food to eat.”
Matt 14:17 Oi9 de\ le/gousin au0tw%~, Ou0k e1xomen w{de ei0 mh\ pe/nte a!rtouj kai\ du/o i0xqu/aj. Then they said to him, “We haven't got anything here except five loaves and two fish.”
Matt 14:18 879O de\ ei]pen, Fe/rete/ moi au0tou\j w{de. But he said, “Bring them here to me.”
Matt 14:19 Kai\ keleu/saj tou\j o1xlouj a)nakliqh=nai e0pi\ tou\j xo/rtouj, {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] labw_n tou\j pe/nte a!rtouj kai\ tou\j du/o i0xqu/aj, a)nable/yaj ei0j to\n ou0rano/n, eu0lo/ghsen, kai\ kla&saj e1dwken toi=j maqhtai=j tou\j a!rtouj, oi9 de\ maqhtai\ toi=j o1xloij. Then he commanded the crowds to recline on the grass, and he took the five loaves and the two fish, and he looked up to heaven and offered a blessing, and he broke the bread and gave it to the disciples, while the disciples gave it to the crowds. kai\, and (having taken): absent in RP P1904 F1853=16/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's csuy) F1859=1/7.

broke the bread and gave ithaving broken gave the loaves.
Matt 14:20 Kai\ e1fagon pa&ntej, kai\ e0xorta&sqhsan: kai\ h]ran to\ perisseu=on tw~n klasma&twn, dw&deka kofi/nouj plh/reij. And they all ate and were filled, and they gathered up the excess pieces – twelve basketsful.
Matt 14:21 Oi9 de\ e0sqi/ontej h]san a!ndrej w(sei\ pentakisxi/lioi, xwri\j gunaikw~n kai\ paidi/wn. Now those who ate were about five thousand men, excluding women and children.
Matt 14:22 Kai\ eu0qe/wj h0na&gkasen o9 870Ihsou=j tou\j maqhta_j {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0tou=] e0mbh=nai ei0j to\ ploi=on, kai\ proa&gein au0to\n ei0j to\ pe/ran, e3wj ou[ a)polu/sh| tou\j o1xlouj. Then straightaway Jesus made {RP: his} [P1904 TR: his] disciples go on board the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. au0tou=, his: absent in RP F1853=11/22 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=11/22 F1859=3/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=15:16.

while ← until.
Matt 14:23 Kai\ a)polu/saj tou\j o1xlouj, a)ne/bh ei0j to\ o1roj kat' i0di/an proseu/casqai: o0yi/aj de\ genome/nhj, mo/noj h]n e0kei=. Then when he had dismissed the crowds, he went up a mountain privately to pray. It was evening, and he was there alone. a mountain ← the mountain. See Gen 22:9.
Matt 14:24 To\ de\ ploi=on h1dh me/son th=j qala&sshj h]n, basanizo/menon u9po\ tw~n kuma&twn: h]n ga_r e0nanti/oj o9 a!nemoj. But the boat was already in the middle of the sea, being buffeted by waves, for the wind was against them.
Matt 14:25 Teta&rth| de\ fulakh|= th=j nukto\j a)ph=lqen pro\j au0tou\j o9 870Ihsou=j, peripatw~n e0pi\ th=j qala&sshj. Now then, at the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea, the fourth watch: 3:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m.

came ← came away.
Matt 14:26 Kai\ i0do/ntej au0to\n oi9 maqhtai\ e0pi\ th\n qa&lassan peripatou=nta e0tara&xqhsan, le/gontej o3ti Fa&ntasma& e0stin: kai\ a)po\ tou= fo/bou e1kracan. and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were disturbed, saying, “It is a ghost”, and they shouted for fear.
Matt 14:27 Eu0qe/wj de\ e0la&lhsen au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, le/gwn, Qarsei=te: e0gw& ei0mi: mh\ fobei=sqe. But Jesus immediately spoke to them and said, “Be of good courage – it is me – do not be afraid.” it is me ← I am. See John 18:5-6. If the reader prefers, read it is I.
Matt 14:28 870Apokriqei\j de\ au0tw%~ o9 Pe/troj ei]pen, Ku/rie, ei0 su\ ei], ke/leuso/n me pro/j se e0lqei=n e0pi\ ta_ u3data. Then Peter replied to him and said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the waters.”
Matt 14:29 879O de\ ei]pen, 870Elqe/. Kai\ kataba_j a)po\ tou= ploi/ou o9 Pe/troj periepa&thsen e0pi\ ta_ u3data, e0lqei=n pro\j to\n 870Ihsou=n. And he said, “Come.” So Peter went down from the boat and walked on the water to go to Jesus.
Matt 14:30 Ble/pwn de\ to\n a!nemon i0sxuro\n e0fobh/qh: kai\ a)rca&menoj kataponti/zesqai e1kracen, le/gwn, Ku/rie, sw~so/n me. But when he saw that the wind was strong, he was afraid, and as he was beginning to sink, he called out and said, “Lord, save me.”
Matt 14:31 Eu0qe/wj de\ o9 870Ihsou=j e0ktei/naj th\n xei=ra e0pela&beto au0tou=, kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, 870Oligo/piste, ei0j ti/ e0di/stasaj; Then Jesus immediately stretched out his hand and held on to him, and he said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Matt 14:32 Kai\ e0mba&ntwn au0tw~n ei0j to\ ploi=on, e0ko/pasen o9 a!nemoj: Then when they had gone on board the boat, the wind abated,
Matt 14:33 oi9 de\ e0n tw%~ ploi/w% e0lqo/ntej proseku/nhsan au0tw%~, le/gontej, 870Alhqw~j qeou= ui9o\j ei]. and those in the boat came and worshipped him and said, “Truly, you are the son of God.”
Matt 14:34 Kai\ diapera&santej h]lqon ei0j th\n gh=n Gennhsare/t. Then when they had crossed over, they came to the district of Gennesaret,
Matt 14:35 Kai\ e0pigno/ntej au0to\n oi9 a!ndrej tou= to/pou e0kei/nou a)pe/steilan ei0j o3lhn th\n peri/xwron e0kei/nhn, kai\ prosh/negkan au0tw%~ pa&ntaj tou\j kakw~j e1xontaj: and when the men of that place recognized him, they sent word out to the whole of that region, and they brought all those who were unwell to him,
Matt 14:36 kai\ pareka&loun au0to/n, i3na {RP TR: - } [P1904: ka@n] mo/non a#ywntai tou= kraspe/dou tou= i9mati/ou au0tou=: kai\ o3soi h3yanto diesw&qhsan. and they pleaded with him that {RP TR: they might only} [P1904: if only they might] touch the hem of his coat. And any who touched it recovered. ka@n, even if: absent in RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=6/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's lmn) F1859=0/6.
Matt 15:1 To/te prose/rxontai tw%~ 870Ihsou= oi9 a)po\ 879Ierosolu/mwn grammatei=j kai\ Farisai=oi, le/gontej, Then the scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem came to Jesus and said,
Matt 15:2 Dia_ ti/ oi9 maqhtai/ sou parabai/nousin th\n para&dosin tw~n presbute/rwn; Ou0 ga_r ni/ptontai ta_j xei=raj au0tw~n, o3tan a!rton e0sqi/wsin. “Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.”
Matt 15:3 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j, Dia_ ti/ kai\ u9mei=j parabai/nete th\n e0ntolh\n tou= qeou= dia_ th\n para&dosin u9mw~n; But he replied saying to them, “Why do you for your part transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? for your part ← also.
Matt 15:4 879O ga_r qeo\j e0netei/lato, le/gwn, Ti/ma to\n pate/ra {RP P1904: - } [TR: sou] kai\ th\n mhte/ra: kai/, 879O kakologw~n pate/ra h2 mhte/ra qana&tw% teleuta&tw: For God gave commandment, saying, ‘Honour {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] father and your mother’, and, ‘He who speaks ill of his father or mother must certainly die.’ sou=, your (father): absent in RP P1904 F1853=14/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in TR F1853=6/20 F1859=2/6.

Ex 20:12, Ex 21:17, Deut 5:16.
Matt 15:5 u9mei=j de\ le/gete, 874Oj a@n ei1ph| tw%~ patri\ h2 th|= mhtri/, Dw~ron, o4 e0a_n e0c e0mou= w)felhqh|=j, kai\ ou0 mh\ timh/sh| to\n pate/ra au0tou= h2 th\n mhte/ra au0tou=: But you say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother, «That by which you might have been benefitted from me is a dedicatory gift», is acting correctly’, ¶ and he does not honour his father or his mother at all. ¶ Verse division: in AV numbering, Matt 15:6 begins here.

by which ← by whatever.
Matt 15:6 kai\ h0kurw&sate th\n e0ntolh\n tou= qeou= dia_ th\n para&dosin u9mw~n: So you invalidate the commandment of God by your tradition.
Matt 15:7 u9pokritai/, kalw~j proefh/teusen peri\ u9mw~n 870Hsai+/aj, le/gwn, You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied well concerning you, saying,
Matt 15:8 870Eggi/zei moi o9 lao\j ou[toj tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n, kai\ toi=j xei/lesi/n me tima%~: h9 de\ kardi/a au0tw~n po/rrw a)pe/xei a)p' e0mou=.

‘This people approaches me with their mouth,

And with their lips they honour me,

But their heart is far removed from me.

Isa 29:13.
Matt 15:9 Ma&thn de\ se/bontai/ me, dida&skontej didaskali/aj e0nta&lmata a)nqrw&pwn.

They worship me vainly,

Teaching as doctrines

The commandments of men.’ ”

Isa 29:13.
Matt 15:10 Kai\ proskalesa&menoj to\n o1xlon, ei]pen au0toi=j, 870Akou/ete kai\ suni/ete. Then he called the crowd and said to them, “Listen to this and understand:
Matt 15:11 Ou0 to\ ei0serxo/menon ei0j to\ sto/ma koinoi= to\n a!nqrwpon: a)lla_ to\ e0kporeuo/menon e0k tou= sto/matoj, tou=to koinoi= to\n a!nqrwpon. it is not that which goes into the mouth which defiles a man, but that which comes out of his mouth – that defiles a man.” that ← this.
Matt 15:12 To/te proselqo/ntej oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= ei]pon au0tw%~, Oi]daj o3ti oi9 Farisai=oi {RP TR: a)kou/santej to\n lo/gon e0skandali/sqhsan} [P1904: e0skandali/sqhsan a)kou/santej to\n lo/gon]; Then his disciples came to him and said to him, “Do you know that the Pharisees take offence when they hear the word?” a)kou/santej to\n lo/gon e0skandali/sqhsan, having heard the word + take offence, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/6 vs. e0skandali/sqhsan a)kou/santej to\n lo/gon, take offence + having heard the word, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.2 PV=0.7%.
Matt 15:13 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, Pa~sa futei/a, h4n ou0k e0fu/teusen o9 path/r mou o9 ou0ra&nioj, e0krizwqh/setai. But he answered and said, “Every plant which my heavenly father did not plant will be uprooted.
Matt 15:14 871Afete au0tou/j: o9dhgoi/ ei0sin tufloi\ tuflw~n: tuflo\j de\ tuflo\n e0a_n o9dhgh|=, a)mfo/teroi ei0j bo/qunon pesou=ntai. Leave them alone. They are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall in a pit.”
Matt 15:15 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 Pe/troj ei]pen au0tw%~, Fra&son h9mi=n th\n parabolh\n tau/thn. Then Peter responded and said to him, “Explain this parable to us.”
Matt 15:16 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, 870Akmh\n kai\ u9mei=j a)su/netoi/ e0ste; And Jesus said, “Are you too still lacking in understanding?
Matt 15:17 Ou1pw noei=te, o3ti pa~n to\ ei0sporeuo/menon ei0j to\ sto/ma ei0j th\n koili/an xwrei=, kai\ ei0j a)fedrw~na e0kba&lletai; Do you not yet understand that everything that goes into the mouth proceeds into the stomach and is discharged into the latrine?
Matt 15:18 Ta_ de\ e0kporeuo/mena e0k tou= sto/matoj e0k th=j kardi/aj e0ce/rxetai, ka)kei=na koinoi= to\n a!nqrwpon. But the things which come out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile a man.
Matt 15:19 870Ek ga_r th=j kardi/aj e0ce/rxontai dialogismoi\ ponhroi/, fo/noi, moixei=ai, pornei=ai, klopai/, yeudomarturi/ai, blasfhmi/ai: For out of the heart come evil reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies.
Matt 15:20 tau=ta& e0stin ta_ koinou=nta to\n a!nqrwpon: to\ de\ a)ni/ptoij xersi\n fagei=n ou0 koinoi= to\n a!nqrwpon. These are the things which defile a man. But eating with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”
Matt 15:21 Kai\ e0celqw_n e0kei=qen o9 870Ihsou=j a)nexw&rhsen ei0j ta_ me/rh Tu/rou kai\ Sidw~noj. Then Jesus went out from there and withdrew to the districts of Tyre and Sidon,
Matt 15:22 Kai\ i0dou/, gunh\ Xananai/a a)po\ tw~n o9ri/wn e0kei/nwn e0celqou=sa e0krau/gasen au0tw%~, le/gousa, 870Ele/hso/n me, ku/rie, ui9e\ {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]: h9 quga&thr mou kakw~j daimoni/zetai. and it so happened that a Canaanite woman from those territories came out and cried aloud to him saying, “Have mercy on me, Lord, son of David. My daughter is severely possessed by a demon.” David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

it so happened that ← behold.

This section shows the dispensational position of Gentiles at the time. Contrast Eph 2:11-19.
Matt 15:23 879O de\ ou0k a)pekri/qh au0th|= lo/gon. Kai\ proselqo/ntej oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= h0rw&twn au0to/n, le/gontej, 870Apo/luson au0th/n, o3ti kra&zei o1pisqen h9mw~n. But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and appealed to him and said, “Send her away, because she is shouting after us.” appealed to ← asked.
Matt 15:24 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, Ou0k a)pesta&lhn ei0 mh\ ei0j ta_ pro/bata ta_ a)polwlo/ta oi1kou 870Israh/l. But he answered and said, “I have not been sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” I have not been sent ← I was not sent, but see Matt 2:2 and Acts 28:28.
Matt 15:25 879H de\ e0lqou=sa {RP P1904: proseku/nhsen} [TR: proseku/nei] au0tw%~ le/gousa, Ku/rie, boh/qei moi. But she came and worshipped him and said, “Lord, help me.” proseku/nhsen, worshipped, RP P1904 F1853=16/20 F1859=6/6 vs. proseku/nei, was worshipping, TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's eqru, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/6. No difference in our English.
Matt 15:26 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, Ou0k e1stin kalo\n labei=n to\n a!rton tw~n te/knwn, kai\ balei=n toi=j kunari/oij. But he answered and said, “It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the dogs.” dogs ← little dogs, but the diminutive force need not be stressed [MZ] §485.
Matt 15:27 879H de\ ei]pen, Nai/, ku/rie: kai\ ga_r ta_ kuna&ria e0sqi/ei a)po\ tw~n yixi/wn tw~n pipto/ntwn a)po\ th=j trape/zhj tw~n kuri/wn au0tw~n. But she said, “Indeed, Lord. But even the dogs eat from the crumbs which fall from the table of their masters.”
Matt 15:28 To/te a)pokriqei\j o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0th|=, 87]W gu/nai, mega&lh sou h9 pi/stij: genhqh/tw soi w(j qe/leij. Kai\ i0a&qh h9 quga&thr au0th=j a)po\ th=j w#raj e0kei/nhj. Then Jesus answered and said to her, “Madam, great is your faith. Let it be to you as you wish.” And her daughter was cured from that hour.
Matt 15:29 Kai\ metaba_j e0kei=qen o9 870Ihsou=j h]lqen para_ th\n qa&lassan th=j Galilai/aj: kai\ a)naba_j ei0j to\ o1roj e0ka&qhto e0kei=. Then Jesus moved on from there and went beside the sea of Galilee, and he went up the mountain, and he sat there, the: perhaps a specific mountain. Compare Matt 14:23, where we think a specific mountain less likely.
Matt 15:30 Kai\ prosh=lqon au0tw%~ o1xloi polloi/, e1xontej meq' e9autw~n xwlou/j, tuflou/j, kwfou/j, kullou/j, kai\ e9te/rouj pollou/j, kai\ e1rriyan au0tou\j para_ tou\j po/daj tou= 870Ihsou= kai\ e0qera&peusen au0tou/j: and large crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed and many others, and they laid them down at the feet of Jesus, and he cured them, bringing ← having.

mute: not deaf here in RP TR; see next verse (kwfo/j can mean either), but P1904 requires deaf because of its text in the next verse.
Matt 15:31 w#ste tou\j o1xlouj qauma&sai, ble/pontaj kwfou\j {RP TR: - } [P1904: a)kou/ontaj, a)la&louj] lalou=ntaj, kullou\j u9giei=j, xwlou\j peripatou=ntaj, kai\ tuflou\j ble/pontaj: kai\ e0do/casan to\n qeo\n 870Israh/l. so that the crowds were amazed, seeing {RP TR: - } [P1904: the deaf hearing,] the mute speaking, the maimed restored, the lame walking and the blind seeing, and they glorified the God of Israel. a)kou/ontaj, a)la&louj, the deaf hearing: absent in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.2 PV=0.7%. Note how kwfou\j is the mute or the deaf according to the reading taken.

An allusion to Isa 35:5, Isa 35:6.

restored ← healthy.
Matt 15:32 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j proskalesa&menoj tou\j maqhta_j au0tou= ei]pen, Splagxni/zomai e0pi\ to\n o1xlon, o3ti h1dh {RP P1904: h9me/rai} [TR: h9me/raj] trei=j prosme/nousi/n moi, kai\ ou0k e1xousin ti/ fa&gwsin: kai\ a)polu=sai au0tou\j nh/steij ou0 qe/lw, mh/pote e0kluqw~sin e0n th|= o9dw%~. Then Jesus called his disciples and said, “I feel compassion for the crowd, because it has been three days already that they have stayed with me and have not had anything to eat. And I do not want to dismiss them fasting, in case they faint on the way.” h9me/rai, days (nominative), RP P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=5/6 vs. h9me/raj, days (accusative of time how long), TR F1853=10/20 F1859=1/6.
Matt 15:33 Kai\ le/gousin au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou=, Po/qen h9mi=n e0n e0rhmi/a% a!rtoi tosou=toi, w#ste xorta&sai o1xlon tosou=ton; Then the disciples said to him, “Where can we get enough loaves to feed so large a crowd in such a desolate place?” can we get ← to us.

enough ← so many.
Matt 15:34 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Po/souj a!rtouj e1xete; Oi9 de\ ei]pon, 879Epta&, kai\ o0li/ga i0xqu/dia. At this Jesus said to them, “How many loaves have you got?” Then they said, “Seven, and a few small fish.” at this: wider use of kai/.
Matt 15:35 Kai\ e0ke/leusen toi=j o1xloij a)napesei=n e0pi\ th\n gh=n: Then he ordered the crowds to recline on the ground,
Matt 15:36 kai\ labw_n tou\j e9pta_ a!rtouj kai\ tou\j i0xqu/aj, eu0xaristh/saj e1klasen, kai\ e1dwken toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=, oi9 de\ maqhtai\ {RP TR: tw%~ o1xlw%} [P1904: toi=j o1xloij]. and he took the seven loaves and the fish, and he gave thanks, and he broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, while the disciples gave it to the {RP TR: crowd} [P1904: crowds]. tw%~ o1xlw%, to the crowd, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=5/6 vs. toi=j o1xloij, to the crowds, P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's cy) F1859=1/6.
Matt 15:37 Kai\ e1fagon pa&ntej kai\ e0xorta&sqhsan: kai\ h]ran to\ perisseu=on tw~n klasma&twn, e9pta_ spuri/daj plh/reij. And they all ate and were filled, and they gathered up the excess pieces – seven hampers full.
Matt 15:38 Oi9 de\ e0sqi/ontej h]san tetrakisxi/lioi a!ndrej, xwri\j gunaikw~n kai\ paidi/wn. Now those who ate were four thousand men, excluding women and children.
Matt 15:39 Kai\ a)polu/saj tou\j o1xlouj {RP-text P1904 TR: e0ne/bh} [RP-marg: a)ne/bh] ei0j to\ ploi=on, kai\ h]lqen ei0j ta_ o3ria Magdala&. Then he dismissed the crowds and went {RP-text P1904 TR: on board} [RP-marg: up into] the boat and went to the regions of Magdala. e0ne/bh, went in, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=10/20 F1859=1/6 vs. a)ne/bh, went up, RP-marg F1853=10/20 F1859=5/6. No difference in our English. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:15.
Matt 16:1 Kai\ proselqo/ntej oi9 Farisai=oi kai\ Saddoukai=oi peira&zontej e0phrw&thsan au0to\n shmei=on e0k tou= ou0ranou= e0pidei=cai au0toi=j. Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, putting him to the test, and they asked him to show them a sign from heaven.
Matt 16:2 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j, 870Oyi/aj genome/nhj le/gete, Eu0di/a: purra&zei ga_r o9 ou0rano/j. But he answered and said to them, “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fine weather, for the sky is fiery red’,
Matt 16:3 Kai\ prwi+/, Sh/meron xeimw&n: purra&zei ga_r stugna&zwn o9 ou0rano/j. 879Upokritai/, to\ me\n pro/swpon tou= ou0ranou= ginw&skete diakri/nein, ta_ de\ shmei=a tw~n kairw~n ou0 du/nasqe {RP TR: - } [P1904: gnw~nai]; and in the morning, you say, ‘Today there will be a storm, for the sky is fiery red and overcast.’ You hypocrites! You know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but you are not able to {RP TR: discern} [P1904: recognize] the signs of the times. gnw~nai, to know: absent in RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=5/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's qr) F1859=2/7.

We punctuate as a statement; RP P1904 TBS-TR as a question: Do you know how to discern ...

[P1904: recognize ← know.]
Matt 16:4 Genea_ ponhra_ kai\ moixali\j shmei=on e0pizhtei=: kai\ shmei=on ou0 doqh/setai au0th|=, ei0 mh\ to\ shmei=on 870Iwna~ tou= profh/tou. Kai\ katalipw_n au0tou/j, a)ph=lqen. An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet.” Then he left them and went away.
Matt 16:5 Kai\ e0lqo/ntej oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= ei0j to\ pe/ran e0pela&qonto a!rtouj labei=n. Then his disciples came to the far side, but they had forgotten to take bread with them.
Matt 16:6 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, 879Ora~te kai\ prose/xete a)po\ th=j zu/mhj tw~n Farisai/wn kai\ Saddoukai/wn. However, Jesus said to them, “Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
Matt 16:7 Oi9 de\ dielogi/zonto e0n e9autoi=j, le/gontej o3ti 871Artouj ou0k e0la&bomen. But they reasoned among themselves and said, “It is because we have not taken any bread with us.”
Matt 16:8 Gnou\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Ti/ dialogi/zesqe e0n e9autoi=j, o0ligo/pistoi, o3ti a!rtouj ou0k e0la&bete; But Jesus knew about it and said, “Why do you reason among yourselves, you of little faith, in that you did not take bread with you?
Matt 16:9 Ou1pw noei=te, ou0de\ mnhmoneu/ete tou\j pe/nte a!rtouj tw~n pentakisxili/wn, kai\ po/souj kofi/nouj e0la&bete; Do you still not understand or remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many basketsful you picked up?
Matt 16:10 Ou0de\ tou\j e9pta_ a!rtouj tw~n tetrakisxili/wn, kai\ po/saj spuri/daj e0la&bete; Or the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many hampers full you picked up?
Matt 16:11 Pw~j ou0 noei=te, o3ti ou0 peri\ a!rtou ei]pon u9mi=n prose/xein a)po\ th=j zu/mhj tw~n Farisai/wn kai\ Saddoukai/wn; How come you do not understand that it was not about bread that I told you to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees?”
Matt 16:12 To/te sunh=kan o3ti ou0k ei]pen prose/xein a)po\ th=j zu/mhj tou= a!rtou, {RP: a)lla_} [P1904 TR: a)ll'] a)po\ th=j didaxh=j tw~n Farisai/wn kai\ Saddoukai/wn. Then they understood that he had not said to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. a)lla_, but (unapocopated form), RP F1853=12/20 F1859=4/6 vs. a)ll', but (apocopated form), P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=2/6.
Matt 16:13 870Elqw_n de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei0j ta_ me/rh Kaisarei/aj th=j Fili/ppou h0rw&ta tou\j maqhta_j au0tou=, le/gwn, Ti/na me le/gousin oi9 a!nqrwpoi ei]nai, to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou; Now when Jesus went to the districts of Caesarea Philippi, he questioned his disciples and said, “Who do men say that I, the son of man, am?”
Matt 16:14 Oi9 de\ ei]pon, Oi9 me\n 870Iwa&nnhn to\n baptisth/n: a!lloi de\ 870Hli/an: e3teroi de\ 870Ieremi/an, h2 e3na tw~n profhtw~n. And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
Matt 16:15 Le/gei au0toi=j, 879Umei=j de\ ti/na me le/gete ei]nai; Then he said to them, “But who do you say I am?”
Matt 16:16 870Apokriqei\j de\ Si/mwn Pe/troj ei]pen, Su\ ei] o9 xristo/j, o9 ui9o\j tou= qeou= tou= zw~ntoj. And Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.”
Matt 16:17 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0tw%~, Maka&rioj ei], Si/mwn {RP P1904: Bariwna~} [TR: Ba_r 870Iwna~], o3ti sa_rc kai\ ai[ma ou0k a)peka&luye/n soi, a)ll' o9 path/r mou o9 e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j. Then Jesus replied and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon {RP P1904: Barjonah} [TR: Bar Jonah], because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my father in the heavens. Bariwna~, Barjonah, RP P1904 vs. Ba_r 870Iwna~, Bar Jonah, TR. We do not normally regard one-word / two-word issues as significant, but as this affects the English rendering, we note the distinction here.
Matt 16:18 Ka)gw_ de/ soi le/gw, o3ti su\ ei] Pe/troj, kai\ e0pi\ tau/th| th|= pe/tra% oi0kodomh/sw mou th\n e0kklhsi/an, kai\ pu/lai 873A|dou ou0 katisxu/sousin au0th=j. And I say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail over it. church: literally, outcalling, which can be taken as our perpetual marginal reading. God defines who belongs to an outcalling, not man. In Acts 2:47, it is “those who became saved”.

Hades: the place of the dead.
Matt 16:19 Kai\ dw&sw soi\ ta_j klei=j th=j basilei/aj tw~n ou0ranw~n: kai\ o4 e0a_n dh/sh|j e0pi\ th=j gh=j, e1stai dedeme/non e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j: kai\ o4 e0a_n lu/sh|j e0pi\ th=j gh=j, e1stai lelume/non e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind on the earth will be bound in the heavens, and whatever you loosen on earth will be loosened in the heavens.” bind: i.e. restrict, forbid.

loosen: i.e. allow.
Matt 16:20 To/te diestei/lato toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou= i3na mhdeni\ ei1pwsin o3ti au0to/j e0stin 870Ihsou=j o9 xristo/j. Then he charged his disciples not to tell anyone he was Jesus the Christ.
Matt 16:21 870Apo\ to/te h1rcato o9 870Ihsou=j deiknu/ein toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou= o3ti dei= au0to\n a)pelqei=n ei0j 879Ieroso/luma, kai\ polla_ paqei=n a)po\ tw~n presbute/rwn kai\ a)rxiere/wn kai\ grammate/wn, kai\ a)poktanqh=nai, kai\ th|= tri/th| h9me/ra% e0gerqh=nai. From then Jesus began to show his disciples that he had to go away to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders and senior priests and scribes, and to be killed, and to rise on the third day. to rise: or to be raised.
Matt 16:22 Kai\ proslabo/menoj au0to\n o9 Pe/troj h1rcato e0pitima~n au0tw%~ le/gwn, 873Ilew&j soi, ku/rie: ou0 mh\ e1stai soi tou=to. At this Peter took him aside and began to reprove him saying, “Goodness gracious, Lord! This will certainly not happen to you.” to reprove: here, and elsewhere, we have removed RP's iota subscript in a&w verb infinitives, in accordance with standard and manuscript usage.

Goodness gracious ← graciously to you.

happen ← be.
Matt 16:23 879O de\ strafei\j ei]pen tw%~ Pe/trw%, 873Upage o0pi/sw mou, Satana~, ska&ndalo/n mou ei]: o3ti ou0 fronei=j ta_ tou= qeou=, a)lla_ ta_ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn. But he turned round and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan. You are a snare to me, because you do not set your mind on the affairs of God, but on the affairs of men.” a snare: or an offence.
Matt 16:24 To/te o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=, Ei1 tij qe/lei o0pi/sw mou e0lqei=n, a)parnhsa&sqw e9auto/n, kai\ a)ra&tw to\n stauro\n au0tou=, kai\ a)kolouqei/tw moi. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to follow me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”,
Matt 16:25 874Oj ga_r a@n qe/lh| th\n yuxh\n au0tou= sw~sai a)pole/sei au0th/n: o4j d' a@n a)pole/sh| th\n yuxh\n au0tou= e3neken e0mou= eu9rh/sei au0th/n: for whoever wishes to save his life will lose it. But whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. life (2x)soul.
Matt 16:26 ti/ ga_r w)felei=tai a!nqrwpoj e0a_n to\n ko/smon o3lon kerdh/sh|, th\n de\ yuxh\n au0tou= zhmiwqh|=; 872H ti/ dw&sei a!nqrwpoj a)nta&llagma th=j yuxh=j au0tou=; For in what way is a man profited if he gains the whole world but suffers the loss of his life? Or what will a man give in exchange for his life? life (2x)soul.
Matt 16:27 Me/llei ga_r o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e1rxesqai e0n th|= do/ch| tou= patro\j au0tou= meta_ tw~n a)gge/lwn au0tou=, kai\ to/te a)podw&sei e9ka&stw% kata_ th\n pra~cin au0tou=. For the son of man is going to enter into the glory of his father with his angels, and then he will render to each person according to his deeds. deeds ← deed, practice.
Matt 16:28 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, ei0si/n tinej {RP: - } [P1904 TR: tw~n] w{de {RP: e9stw~tej} [P1904 TR: e9sthko/twn], oi3tinej ou0 mh\ geu/swntai qana&tou, e3wj a@n i1dwsin to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou e0rxo/menon e0n th|= basilei/a% au0tou=. Truly, I say to you, there are some {RP: - } [P1904 TR: among those] standing here who will certainly not taste death until they see the son of man coming into his kingdom. tw~n, of those: absent in RP F1853=10/19 F1859=5/6 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=9/19 F1859=1/6.

e9stw~tej, standing (1), RP F1853=11/19 F1859=2/6 vs. e9sthko/twn, standing (3), P1904 TR F1853=6/19 F1859=3/6 vs. other readings, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's sy) F1859=1/6.
Matt 17:1 Kai\ meq' h9me/raj e4c paralamba&nei o9 870Ihsou=j to\n Pe/tron kai\ 870Ia&kwbon kai\ 870Iwa&nnhn to\n a)delfo\n au0tou=, kai\ a)nafe/rei au0tou\j ei0j o1roj u9yhlo\n kat' i0di/an. Then six days later Jesus took Peter and James and John his brother with him, and he took them up a high mountain privately,
Matt 17:2 Kai\ metemorfw&qh e1mprosqen au0tw~n, kai\ e1lamyen to\ pro/swpon au0tou= w(j o9 h3lioj, ta_ de\ i9ma&tia au0tou= {RP-text: e0ge/nonto} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0ge/neto] leuka_ w(j to\ fw~j. and he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white like light. e0ge/nonto, became (non-classical form), RP-text F1853=9/19 F1859=4/6 vs. e0ge/neto, became (classical form), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/19 F1859=2/6. No difference in our translation. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:14.

transfigured: AV= transformed, but we keep to the accepted terminology of the transfiguration.

light ← the light. See Gen 22:9.
Matt 17:3 Kai\ i0dou/, w!fqhsan au0toi=j Mwsh=j kai\ 870Hli/aj, met' au0tou= sullalou=ntej. Then the next thing that happened was that Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with him, the next thing that happened was thatbehold.
Matt 17:4 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 Pe/troj ei]pen tw%~ 870Ihsou=, ku/rie, kalo/n e0stin h9ma~j w{de ei]nai: ei0 qe/leij, poih/swmen w{de trei=j skhna&j, soi\ mi/an, kai\ {RP TR: Mwsh|=} [P1904: Mwsei=] mi/an, kai\ mi/an 870Hli/a%. and Peter reacted and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, let us make three booths here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” Mwsh|=, Moses (1), RP TR F1853=8/19 F1859=4/7 vs. Mwsei=, Moses (2), F1853=11/19 P1904 F1859=1/7 vs. Mwu+sei=, Moüses, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/7 vs. phrase absent, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=13:13.
Matt 17:5 871Eti au0tou= lalou=ntoj, i0dou/, nefe/lh fwteinh\ e0peski/asen au0tou/j: kai\ i0dou/, fwnh\ e0k th=j nefe/lhj, le/gousa, Ou[to/j e0stin o9 ui9o/j mou o9 a)gaphto/j, e0n w%{ eu0do/khsa: au0tou= a)kou/ete. While he was still speaking, behold, a shining cloud overshadowed them, and there was a voice from the cloud, which said, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am very pleased. Hear him.” there wasbehold (second occurrence in verse of i0dou/).
Matt 17:6 Kai\ a)kou/santej oi9 maqhtai\ e1peson e0pi\ pro/swpon au0tw~n, kai\ e0fobh/qhsan sfo/dra. And when the disciples heard it, they fell face down and were very afraid.
Matt 17:7 Kai\ proselqw_n o9 870Ihsou=j h3yato au0tw~n kai\ ei]pen, 870Ege/rqhte kai\ mh\ fobei=sqe. Then Jesus came and touched them, and he said, “Get up and do not be afraid.”
Matt 17:8 870Epa&rantej de\ tou\j o0fqalmou\j au0tw~n, ou0de/na ei]don, ei0 mh\ to\n 870Ihsou=n mo/non. But when they lifted up their eyes, they did not see anyone except Jesus alone.
Matt 17:9 Kai\ katabaino/ntwn au0tw~n {RP: e0k} [P1904 TR: a)po\] tou= o1rouj, e0netei/lato au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, le/gwn, Mhdeni\ ei1phte to\ o3rama, e3wj ou[ o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e0k nekrw~n a)nasth|=. Now as they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them and said, “Do not tell anyone about the vision until the son of man rises from the dead.” e0k, out of, RP F1853=19/20 F1859=5/6 vs. a)po\, away from, P1904 TR F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's h**) F1859=1/6. No difference in our English.
Matt 17:10 Kai\ e0phrw&thsan au0to\n oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= le/gontej, Ti/ ou]n oi9 grammatei=j le/gousin o3ti 870Hli/an dei= e0lqei=n prw~ton; Then his disciples questioned him and asked, “Why, then, do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” asked ← saying.
Matt 17:11 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j, 870Hli/aj me\n e1rxetai prw~ton, kai\ a)pokatasth/sei pa&nta: And Jesus answered and said to them, “Elijah comes first and will restore all things,
Matt 17:12 le/gw de\ u9mi=n o3ti 870Hli/aj h1dh h]lqen, kai\ ou0k e0pe/gnwsan au0to/n, {RP: a)lla_} [P1904 TR: a)ll'] e0poi/hsan e0n au0tw%~ o3sa h0qe/lhsan: ou3twj kai\ o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou me/llei pa&sxein u9p' au0tw~n. but I say to you that Elijah has already come, but they did not recognize him but did to him what they wished. In this way the son of man is also going to suffer at their hands.” a)lla_, but (unapocopated form), RP F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's a) F1859=1/6 vs. a)ll', but (apocopated form), P1904 TR F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6. A strong disparity with RP (and HF), R=2:25.

at their hands ← by them.
Matt 17:13 To/te sunh=kan oi9 maqhtai\ o3ti peri\ 870Iwa&nnou tou= baptistou= ei]pen au0toi=j. Then the disciples understood that it was about John the Baptist that he spoke to them.
Matt 17:14 Kai\ e0lqo/ntwn au0tw~n pro\j to\n o1xlon, prosh=lqen au0tw%~ a!nqrwpoj gonupetw~n {RP P1904: au0to\n} [TR: au0tw%~] Then when they went to the crowd, a man came to him kneeling to him, au0to\n, him (accusative), RP P1904 F1853=17/19 F1859=6/6 vs. au0tw%~, him (dative), TR F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's hu, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/6.
Matt 17:15 kai\ le/gwn, Ku/rie, e0le/hso/n mou to\n ui9o/n, o3ti selhnia&zetai kai\ kakw~j pa&sxei: polla&kij ga_r pi/ptei ei0j to\ pu=r, kai\ polla&kij ei0j to\ u3dwr. and saying, ¶ “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is epileptic and is suffering badly. For he often falls into fire, and often into water, ¶ Verse division: in AV numbering, Matt 17:15 begins here.

epileptic ← moonstruck.
Matt 17:16 Kai\ prosh/negka au0to\n toi=j maqhtai=j sou, kai\ ou0k h0dunh/qhsan au0to\n qerapeu=sai. and I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.”
Matt 17:17 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, 87]W genea_ a!pistoj kai\ diestramme/nh, e3wj po/te e1somai meq' u9mw~n; 873Ewj po/te a)ne/comai u9mw~n; Fe/rete/ moi au0to\n w{de. Then Jesus answered and said, “O faithless and perverted generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I put up with you? Bring him here to me.”
Matt 17:18 Kai\ e0peti/mhsen au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, kai\ e0ch=lqen a)p' au0tou= to\ daimo/nion, kai\ e0qerapeu/qh o9 pai=j a)po\ th=j w#raj e0kei/nhj. And Jesus rebuked it, and the demon came out of him, and the boy was healed from that hour.
Matt 17:19 To/te proselqo/ntej oi9 maqhtai\ tw%~ 870Ihsou= kat' i0di/an ei]pon, Dia_ ti/ h9mei=j ou0k h0dunh/qhmen e0kbalei=n au0to/; Then the disciples went to Jesus privately and said, “Why couldn't we cast it out?”
Matt 17:20 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Dia_ th\n a)pisti/an u9mw~n. 870Amh\n ga_r le/gw u9mi=n, e0a_n e1xhte pi/stin w(j ko/kkon sina&pewj, e0rei=te tw%~ o1rei tou/tw%, Meta&bhqi e0nteu=qen e0kei=, kai\ metabh/setai: kai\ ou0de\n a)dunath/sei u9mi=n. Jesus said to them, “On account of your unbelief. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will be able to say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.
Matt 17:21 Tou=to de\ to\ ge/noj ou0k e0kporeu/etai ei0 mh\ e0n proseuxh|= kai\ nhstei/a%. But this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting.”
Matt 17:22 870Anastrefome/nwn de\ au0tw~n {RP TR: e0n th|= Galilai/a%} [P1904: ei0j th\n Galilai/an], ei]pen au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Me/llei o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou paradi/dosqai ei0j xei=raj a)nqrw&pwn, And as they turned back to Galilee, Jesus said to them, “The son of man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, e0n th|= Galilai/a%, in Galilee, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=6/6 vs. ei0j th\n Galilai/an, to Galilee, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=0/6. No difference in our English.
Matt 17:23 kai\ a)poktenou=sin au0to/n, kai\ th|= tri/th| h9me/ra% e0gerqh/setai. Kai\ e0luph/qhsan sfo/dra. and they will kill him, and on the third day, he will be raised.” At this they were greatly grieved.
Matt 17:24 870Elqo/ntwn de\ au0tw~n ei0j Kapernaou/m, prosh=lqon oi9 ta_ di/draxma lamba&nontej tw%~ Pe/trw% kai\ ei]pon, 879O dida&skaloj u9mw~n ou0 telei= ta_ di/draxma; Then when they came to Capernaum, those who receive the two drachmas tax came to Peter and said, “Your teacher does not pay the two drachmas.” We punctuate as a statement; RP P1904 TBS-TR as a question.

two drachmas (2x): referring to a two drachma coin, which was a medium-sized silver coin.
Matt 17:25 Le/gei, Nai/. Kai\ o3te ei0sh=lqen ei0j th\n oi0ki/an, proe/fqasen au0to\n o9 870Ihsou=j, le/gwn, Ti/ soi dokei=, Si/mwn; Oi9 basilei=j th=j gh=j a)po\ ti/nwn lamba&nousin te/lh h2 kh=nson; 870Apo\ tw~n ui9w~n au0tw~n, h2 a)po\ tw~n a)llotri/wn; He said, “Indeed.” And when he went into his house, Jesus had got there before him, and he said, “What do you think, Simon? The kings of the earth – from whom do they take tax or registration duty? From their sons or from outsiders?” had got there before him: or pre-empted him.

registration duty ← census.
Matt 17:26 Le/gei au0tw%~ o9 Pe/troj, 870Apo\ tw~n a)llotri/wn. 871Efh au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 871Ara ge e0leu/qeroi/ ei0sin oi9 ui9oi/. Peter said to him, “From outsiders.” Jesus said to him, “Consequently then, the sons are exempt. exempt ← free.
Matt 17:27 873Ina de\ mh\ skandali/swmen au0tou/j, poreuqei\j ei0j th\n qa&lassan ba&le a!gkistron, kai\ to\n {RP-text: a)nabai/nonta} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)naba&nta] prw~ton i0xqu\n a}ron: kai\ a)noi/caj to\ sto/ma au0tou=, eu9rh/seij stath=ra: e0kei=non labw_n do\j au0toi=j a)nti\ e0mou= kai\ sou=. But in order that we do not cause them offence, go to the sea and cast a fish-hook, and take the first fish which comes up, and open its mouth, and you will find a stater. Take that and give it to them for me and you.” a)nabai/nonta, comes up (present, so imperfective aspect), RP-text F1853=12/20 F1859=4/6 vs. a)naba&nta, comes up (aorist with present sense, so perfective aspect), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=7/20 F1859=2/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/6.

stater: a large silver coin worth 4 drachmas.
Matt 18:1 870En e0kei/nh| th|= w#ra% prosh=lqon oi9 maqhtai\ tw%~ 870Ihsou=, le/gontej, Ti/j a!ra mei/zwn e0sti\n e0n th|= basilei/a% tw~n ou0ranw~n; At that time, the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens?” greatest ← greater, Greek comparative for superlative.
Matt 18:2 Kai\ proskalesa&menoj o9 870Ihsou=j paidi/on e1sthsen au0to\ e0n me/sw% au0tw~n, Then Jesus called a child to himself and placed him at the focus of their attention, at the focus of their attention ← in the midst of them.
Matt 18:3 kai\ ei]pen, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, e0a_n mh\ strafh=te kai\ ge/nhsqe w(j ta_ paidi/a, ou0 mh\ ei0se/lqhte ei0j th\n basilei/an tw~n ou0ranw~n. and he said, ¶ “Truly, I say to you, unless you change your ways and become like children, you certainly will not enter into the kingdom of the heavens. ¶ Verse division: in P1904 numbering, Matt 18:3 begins here.

change your ways ← are turned around.
Matt 18:4 873Ostij ou]n {RP P1904: tapeinw&sei} [TR: tapeinw&sh|] e9auto\n w(j to\ paidi/on tou=to, ou[to/j e0stin o9 mei/zwn e0n th|= basilei/a% tw~n ou0ranw~n. So it is whoever humbles himself like this child who is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens, tapeinw&sei, will humble (indicative), RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=5/6 vs. tapeinw&sh|, humbles (subjunctive), TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's pu, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6.

who ← this (one).

greatest ← greater, Greek comparative for superlative.
Matt 18:5 Kai\ o4j e0a_n de/chtai paidi/on toiou=ton e4n e0pi\ tw%~ o0no/mati/ mou, e0me\ de/xetai: and whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.
Matt 18:6 o4j d' a@n skandali/sh| e3na tw~n mikrw~n tou/twn tw~n pisteuo/ntwn ei0j e0me/, sumfe/rei au0tw%~ i3na kremasqh|= mu/loj o0niko\j {RP P1904: ei0j} [TR: e0pi\] to\n tra&xhlon au0tou=, kai\ katapontisqh|= e0n tw%~ pela&gei th=j qala&sshj. But whoever causes offence to one of these little ones who believe in me – it would be more profitable for him for an ass-driven millstone to be hung around his neck and for him to be drowned in the wide open sea. ei0j, onto, RP P1904 F1853=15/20 F1859=3/6 vs. e0pi\, on, TR F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's hqx) F1859=3/6 vs. other readings, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's py) F1859=0/6. Greek prepositions are often used pregnantly, i.e. a preposition of motion is used where English prefers a preposition for the rest which follows.

the wide open sea ← the high-sea of the sea.
Matt 18:7 Ou0ai\ tw%~ ko/smw% a)po\ tw~n skanda&lwn: a)na&gkh ga&r e0stin e0lqei=n ta_ ska&ndala: plh\n ou0ai\ tw%~ a)nqrw&pw% e0kei/nw%, di' ou[ to\ ska&ndalon e1rxetai. Woe to the world because of its snares! For it is necessary that snares come, but woe to that man through whom the snare comes. snares ... snares ... snare: or offences etc.
Matt 18:8 Ei0 de\ h9 xei/r sou h2 o9 pou/j sou skandali/zei se, e1kkoyon au0ta_ kai\ ba&le a)po\ sou=: kalo/n soi e0sti\n ei0selqei=n ei0j th\n zwh\n xwlo\n h2 kullo/n, h2 du/o xei=raj h2 du/o po/daj e1xonta blhqh=nai ei0j to\ pu=r to\ ai0w&nion. But if your hand or your foot ensnares you, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into the age-abiding fire. cut it ← cut them. A plural form for singular after a disjunction, a Hebraism, as in Lev 18:9, Deut 17:5.

away ← from you.

better ← good, positive for comparative, a Hebraism.
Matt 18:9 Kai\ ei0 o9 o0fqalmo/j sou skandali/zei se, e1cele au0to\n kai\ ba&le a)po\ sou=: kalo/n soi e0sti\n mono/fqalmon ei0j th\n zwh\n ei0selqei=n, h2 du/o o0fqalmou\j e1xonta blhqh=nai ei0j th\n ge/ennan tou= puro/j. And if your eye ensnares you, pluck it out and throw it away. It is better to enter into life with one eye than to have two eyes and to be thrown into fiery Gehenna. away ← from you.

better ← good, positive for comparative, a Hebraism.

Gehenna: see Matt 5:22.
Matt 18:10 879Ora~te mh\ katafronh/shte e9no\j tw~n mikrw~n tou/twn, le/gw ga_r u9mi=n o3ti oi9 a!ggeloi au0tw~n e0n ou0ranoi=j dia_ panto\j ble/pousin to\ pro/swpon tou= patro/j mou tou= e0n ou0ranoi=j. See that you don't despise one of these little ones. For I say to you that their angels in the heavens continuously see the face of my father in the heavens. angels: or messengers, informants.
Matt 18:11 87]Hlqen ga_r o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou sw~sai to\ a)polwlo/j. For the son of man came to save that which was lost.
Matt 18:12 Ti/ u9mi=n dokei=; 870Ea_n ge/nhtai/ tini a)nqrw&pw% e9kato\n pro/bata, kai\ planhqh|= e4n e0c au0tw~n: ou0xi\ a)fei\j ta_ {RP P1904: e0nenh/konta e0nne/a} [TR: e0nnenh/konta e0nne/a], e0pi\ ta_ o1rh poreuqei\j zhtei= to\ planw&menon; What do you think? If a certain man has one hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine and go into the mountains and seek the one which is going astray? e0nenh/konta e0nne/a, ninety-nine (1), RP P1904 F1853=17/20 (ignoring whether 1 word or 2) F1859=4/6 vs. e0nnenh/konta e0nne/a, ninety-nine (2), TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's cu, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/6 vs. other spellings, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=2/6.

P1904 punctuates so as to read will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and seek the one which is lost?
Matt 18:13 Kai\ e0a_n ge/nhtai eu9rei=n au0to/, a)mh\n le/gw u9mi=n o3ti xai/rei e0p' au0tw%~ ma~llon, h2 e0pi\ toi=j {RP P1904: e0nenh/konta e0nne/a} [TR: e0nnenh/konta e0nne/a] toi=j mh\ peplanhme/noij. And if it should happen that he finds it, truly, I say to you that he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which did not go astray. e0nenh/konta e0nne/a, ninety-nine (1), RP P1904 F1853=17/20 (ignoring whether 1 word or 2) F1859=4/6 vs. e0nnenh/konta e0nne/a, ninety-nine (2), TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's cu, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/6 vs. other spellings, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=2/6.
Matt 18:14 Ou3twj ou0k e1stin qe/lhma e1mprosqen tou= patro\j u9mw~n tou= e0n ou0ranoi=j, i3na a)po/lhtai ei[j tw~n mikrw~n tou/twn. In this way it is not the will of your father in the heavens that one of these little ones should be lost. of ← before.
Matt 18:15 870Ea_n de\ a(marth/sh| ei0j se\ o9 a)delfo/j sou, u3page kai\ e1legcon au0to\n metacu\ sou= kai\ au0tou= mo/nou. 870Ea&n sou a)kou/sh|, e0ke/rdhsaj to\n a)delfo/n sou: But if your brother sins against you, go and remonstrate with him as a matter between you and him alone. If he heeds you, you have won your brother over.
Matt 18:16 e0a_n de\ mh\ a)kou/sh|, para&labe meta_ sou= e1ti e3na h2 du/o, i3na e0pi\ sto/matoj du/o martu/rwn h2 triw~n staqh|= pa~n r(h=ma: But if he does not heed you, take one or two people with you in order that by the attestation of two or three witnesses, every matter may be established. Deut 19:15.

one or two ← one or two more.

attestation ← mouth.
Matt 18:17 e0a_n de\ parakou/sh| au0tw~n, ei0pe\ th|= e0kklhsi/a%: e0a_n de\ kai\ th=j e0kklhsi/aj parakou/sh|, e1stw soi w#sper o9 e0qniko\j kai\ o9 telw&nhj. And if he refuses to heed them, tell the assembly. And if he refuses to heed the assembly, let him be to you like the Gentile and the tax collector. assembly (2x)church. See Matt 16:18.
Matt 18:18 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, o3sa e0a_n dh/shte e0pi\ th=j gh=j, e1stai dedeme/na e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~: kai\ o3sa e0a_n lu/shte e0pi\ th=j gh=j, e1stai lelume/na e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~. Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loosen on earth will be loosened in heaven. bind: i.e. restrict, forbid.

loosen: i.e. allow.
Matt 18:19 Pa&lin {RP P1904: a)mh\n} [TR: - ] le/gw u9mi=n, o3ti e0a_n du/o u9mw~n sumfwnh/swsin e0pi\ th=j gh=j peri\ panto\j pra&gmatoj ou[ e0a_n ai0th/swntai, genh/setai au0toi=j para_ tou= patro/j mou tou= e0n ou0ranoi=j. Again, {RP P1904: truly,} [TR: - ] I say to you that if two of you agree on earth about any matter which they ask about, it will be done for them by my father in the heavens. a)mh\n, amen: present in RP P1904 F1853=19/20 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=1/7. AV differs textually.

you ... them: perhaps a Hebraism. An unexpected change of grammatical person is not uncommon in Hebrew; compare Lev 1:3.

any ← every.
Matt 18:20 Ou[ ga&r ei0sin du/o h2 trei=j sunhgme/noi ei0j to\ e0mo\n o1noma, e0kei= ei0mi\ e0n me/sw% au0tw~n. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst.”
Matt 18:21 To/te proselqw_n au0tw%~ o9 Pe/troj ei]pen, Ku/rie, posa&kij a(marth/sei ei0j e0me\ o9 a)delfo/j mou, kai\ a)fh/sw au0tw%~; 873Ewj e9pta&kij; Then Peter came to him and said, “Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother if he sins against me? Up to seven times?” how many times should I forgive my brother if he sins against me ← how many times will my brother sin against me, and I will forgive him.
Matt 18:22 Le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, Ou0 le/gw soi e3wj e9pta&kij, a)ll' e3wj e9bdomhkonta&kij e9pta&. Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you up to seven times, but up to seventy times, seven times over.
Matt 18:23 Dia_ tou=to w(moiw&qh h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n a)nqrw&pw% basilei=, o4j h0qe/lhsen suna~rai lo/gon meta_ tw~n dou/lwn au0tou=. This is why the kingdom of the heavens is like a man who was a king, who wished to settle accounts with his servants. this is why ← on account of this.
Matt 18:24 870Arcame/nou de\ au0tou= sunai/rein, proshne/xqh au0tw%~ ei[j o0feile/thj muri/wn tala&ntwn. As he started to settle them, a certain debtor of ten thousand talents was brought to him. a certain ← one.

talents: 1 talent = 6000 drachmas; a drachma was a silver coin. Total debt 60 million drachmas.
Matt 18:25 Mh\ e1xontoj de\ au0tou= a)podou=nai e0ke/leusen au0to\n o9 ku/rioj au0tou= praqh=nai, kai\ th\n gunai=ka au0tou= kai\ ta_ te/kna, kai\ pa&nta o3sa ei]xen, kai\ a)podoqh=nai. But as he did not have the means to repay, his master ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and everything he had, and for repayment to be made.
Matt 18:26 Pesw_n ou]n o9 dou=loj proseku/nei au0tw%~, le/gwn, Ku/rie, Makroqu/mhson e0p' e0moi/, kai\ pa&nta soi a)podw&sw. So the servant fell down and prostrated himself before him, and he said, ‘My lord, have patience with me, and I will repay you everything.’ prostrated himself before: or worshipped or paid homage to.
Matt 18:27 Splagxnisqei\j de\ o9 ku/rioj tou= dou/lou e0kei/nou a)pe/lusen au0to/n, kai\ to\ da&neion a)fh=ken au0tw%~. At this, that servant's master had compassion on him, and he released him and cancelled his debt. his debt ← the loan to (or for) him.
Matt 18:28 870Ecelqw_n de\ o9 dou=loj e0kei=noj eu[ren e3na tw~n sundou/lwn au0tou=, o4j w!feilen au0tw%~ e9kato\n dhna&ria, kai\ krath/saj au0to\n e1pnigen, le/gwn, 870Apo/doj moi {RP P1904: ei1} [TR: o9] ti o0fei/leij. But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants, who owed him one hundred denaries, and when he had seized him, he choked him and said, ‘Repay me what you owe.’ ei1, if, RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=7/7 vs. o3, that (which), TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's uy, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/7.

{RP P1904: ei1 = if, but presumably standing for o3 ... a!n, whatever. We translate as what.}

denaries: a denary was a silver coin.
Matt 18:29 Pesw_n ou]n o9 su/ndouloj au0tou= ei0j tou\j po/daj au0tou= pareka&lei au0to/n, le/gwn, Makroqu/mhson e0p' e0moi/, kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: pa&nta] a)podw&sw soi. So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and pleaded with him and said, ‘Be patient with me, and I will repay you {RP P1904: - } [TR: everything].’ pa&nta, everything: absent in RP P1904 F1853=16/20 F1859=5/7 vs. present in TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's efpy) F1859=2/7.
Matt 18:30 879O de\ ou0k h1qelen, {RP P1904 S1550: a)lla_} [E1624 S1894: a)ll'] a)pelqw_n e1balen au0to\n ei0j fulakh/n, e3wj ou[ a)podw%~ to\ o0feilo/menon. But he refused and instead went away, and he had him thrown him in prison until he should pay what was owed. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), RP P1904 S1550 F1853=16/21 F1859=7/7 vs. a)ll', but (apocopated), E1624 S1894 F1853=5/21 F1859=0/7.

and insteadbut.

had him thrown ← threw; compare Matt 2:16.
Matt 18:31 870Ido/ntej de\ oi9 su/ndouloi au0tou= ta_ geno/mena e0luph/qhsan sfo/dra: kai\ e0lqo/ntej diesa&fhsan tw%~ kuri/w% {RP P1904: e9autw~n} [TR: au0tw~n] pa&nta ta_ geno/mena. But when his fellow servants saw what had happened, they were very grieved, and they went and explained to their master everything that had happened. e9autw~n, their own (but 'own' not emphasized), RP P1904 F1853=14/20 F1859=5/8 vs. au0tw~n, their, or au9tw~n, their own, a classical contracted form, TR F1853=6/20 F1859=3/8. No difference in our English.
Matt 18:32 To/te proskalesa&menoj au0to\n o9 ku/rioj au0tou= le/gei au0tw%~, Dou=le ponhre/, pa~san th\n o0feilh\n e0kei/nhn a)fh=ka& soi, e0pei\ pareka&lesa&j me: Then his master called for him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant, I cancelled all that debt for you, since you appealed to me.
Matt 18:33 ou0k e1dei kai\ se\ e0leh=sai to\n su/ndoulo/n sou, w(j kai\ e0gw& se h0le/hsa; Should not you too have shown your fellow servant mercy, as I for my part showed you mercy?’ for my part ← also.
Matt 18:34 Kai\ o0rgisqei\j o9 ku/rioj au0tou= pare/dwken au0to\n toi=j basanistai=j, e3wj ou[ a)podw%~ pa~n to\ o0feilo/menon au0tw%~. And his master became angry and delivered him to the torturers until he should repay everything owed to him.
Matt 18:35 Ou3twj kai\ o9 path/r mou o9 e0poura&nioj poih/sei u9mi=n, e0a_n mh\ a)fh=te e3kastoj tw%~ a)delfw%~ au0tou= a)po\ tw~n kardiw~n u9mw~n ta_ paraptw&mata au0tw~n. In this manner my upper-heavenly father will also deal with you, if you do not all forgive your brother his trespasses from your hearts.” you do not all forgive your brother ← each one, you (plural) do not forgive his brother.

his trespasses ← their trespasses. Perhaps a Hebraism. A discordant grammatical number is not uncommon in Hebrew; compare Josh 17:18.
Matt 19:1 Kai\ e0ge/neto o3te e0te/lesen o9 870Ihsou=j tou\j lo/gouj tou/touj, meth=ren a)po\ {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: th=j} [E1624: - ] Galilai/aj, kai\ h]lqen ei0j ta_ o3ria th=j 870Ioudai/aj pe/ran tou= 870Iorda&nou. Now it came to pass when Jesus had finished these words that he moved on from Galilee and went to the territories of Judaea beyond the Jordan, th=j, the (Galilee): present in RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1853=14/20 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in E1624 F1853=6/20 F1859=1/7.
Matt 19:2 Kai\ h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~ o1xloi polloi/, kai\ e0qera&peusen au0tou\j e0kei=. and large crowds followed him, and he healed them there.
Matt 19:3 Kai\ prosh=lqon au0tw%~ oi9 Farisai=oi peira&zontej au0to/n, kai\ le/gontej au0tw%~, Ei0 e1cestin a)nqrw&pw% a)polu=sai th\n gunai=ka au0tou= kata_ pa~san ai0ti/an; Then the Pharisees came to him, testing him and saying to him, “Is it permitted for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?” any ← every.
Matt 19:4 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j, Ou0k a)ne/gnwte o3ti o9 poih/saj a)p' a)rxh=j a!rsen kai\ qh=lu e0poi/hsen au0tou/j, But he answered and said to them, “Have you not read that he who made them from the beginning, made them male and female,
Matt 19:5 kai\ ei]pen, 873Eneken tou/tou katalei/yei a!nqrwpoj to\n pate/ra {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: au0tou=] kai\ th\n mhte/ra, kai\ {RP-text TR: proskollhqh/setai} [RP-marg P1904: kollhqh/setai] th|= gunaiki\ au0tou=, kai\ e1sontai oi9 du/o ei0j sa&rka mi/an; and he said, ‘On account of this a man will leave {RP-text TR: his} [RP-marg P1904: his] father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? au0tou=, his (father): absent in RP-text TR F1853=13/20 F1859=4/8 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=4/8.

proskollhqh/setai, will cleave to, RP-text TR F1853=15/20 F1859=3/7 vs. kollhqh/setai, will cleave, RP-marg P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. Both verbs given are followed by the dative, meaning to (his wife).

Gen 2:24.
Matt 19:6 873Wste ou0ke/ti ei0si\n du/o, a)lla_ sa_rc mi/a: o4 ou]n o9 qeo\j sune/zeucen, a!nqrwpoj mh\ xwrize/tw. Consequently, they are no longer two, but one flesh. What God has paired together, therefore, let no man separate.” paired together ← yoked together.

let no man separate ← let a man not separate.
Matt 19:7 Le/gousin au0tw%~, Ti/ ou]n Mwsh=j e0netei/lato dou=nai bibli/on a)postasi/ou, kai\ a)polu=sai au0th/n; Then they said to him, “Why, then, did Moses give commandment to give a deed of divorce and to divorce her?” Deut 24:1.

deed ← book.
Matt 19:8 Le/gei au0toi=j o3ti Mwsh=j pro\j th\n sklhrokardi/an u9mw~n e0pe/treyen u9mi=n a)polu=sai ta_j gunai=kaj u9mw~n: a)p' a)rxh=j de\ ou0 ge/gonen ou3twj. He said to them, “Moses, in view of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives. But from the beginning it was not so, the hardness of your hearts: or your hardness of heart.
Matt 19:9 Le/gw de\ u9mi=n o3ti o4j a@n a)polu/sh| th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, {RP P1904: - } [TR: ei0] mh\ e0pi\ pornei/a%, kai\ gamh/sh| a!llhn, moixa~tai: kai\ o9 a)polelume/nhn gamh/saj moixa~tai. and I say to you that whoever divorces his wife, {RP P1904: it not being for} [TR: except for] fornication, and marries another, commits adultery. And he who marries her who is divorced commits adultery.” ei0 whether, but giving except here: absent in RP P1904 F1853=19/20 F1859=6/8 vs. present in TR F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=2/8. AV differs textually.
Matt 19:10 Le/gousin au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou=, Ei0 ou3twj e0sti\n h9 ai0ti/a tou= a)nqrw&pou meta_ th=j gunaiko/j, ou0 sumfe/rei gamh=sai. His disciples said to him, “If this is the situation of a man with a woman, it is not expedient to marry.”
Matt 19:11 879O de\ ei]pen au0toi=j, Ou0 pa&ntej xwrou=sin to\n lo/gon tou=ton, a)ll' oi[j de/dotai. But he said to them, “Not all can accept this saying; only those to whom it is given. can ← do, a Hebraism.

accept ← hold, contain.

only ← but.
Matt 19:12 Ei0si\n ga_r eu0nou=xoi, oi3tinej e0k koili/aj mhtro\j e0gennh/qhsan ou3twj: kai/ ei0sin eu0nou=xoi, oi3tinej eu0nouxi/sqhsan u9po\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn: kai/ ei0sin eu0nou=xoi, oi3tinej eu0nou/xisan e9autou\j dia_ th\n basilei/an tw~n ou0ranw~n. 879O duna&menoj xwrei=n xwrei/tw. For there are eunuchs who were born as such from their mother's womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of the heavens. He who can accept it, let him accept it.” born ← begotten, but also born.
Matt 19:13 To/te proshne/xqh au0tw%~ paidi/a, i3na {RP TR: ta_j xei=raj e0piqh|= au0toi=j} [P1904: e0piqh|= au0toi=j ta_j xei=raj], kai\ proseu/chtai: oi9 de\ maqhtai\ e0peti/mhsan au0toi=j. Then some children were brought to him, in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray. But the disciples rebuked them. ta_j xei=raj e0piqh|= au0toi=j, his hands + he might lay on them, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=5/7 vs. e0piqh|= au0toi=j ta_j xei=raj, he might lay on them + his hands, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/7.
Matt 19:14 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, 871Afete ta_ paidi/a, kai\ mh\ kwlu/ete au0ta_ e0lqei=n pro/j me: tw~n ga_r toiou/twn e0sti\n h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n. However, Jesus said, “Leave the children alone and do not prevent them from coming to me. For the kingdom of the heavens consists of such ones.” consists ← is.
Matt 19:15 Kai\ e0piqei\j {RP TR: au0toi=j ta_j xei=raj} [P1904: ta_j xei=raj au0toi=j], e0poreu/qh e0kei=qen. Then he laid his hands on them and moved on from there. au0toi=j ta_j xei=raj, on them + the hands, RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=5/7 vs. ta_j xei=raj au0toi=j, the hands + on them, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/7 vs. other readings, F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's qrd) F1859=0/7.
Matt 19:16 Kai\ i0dou/, ei[j proselqw_n ei]pen au0tw%~, Dida&skale a)gaqe/, ti/ a)gaqo\n poih/sw, i3na e1xw zwh\n ai0w&nion; And the next thing that happened was that a certain person came up and said to him, “Good teacher, what good thing am I to do in order that I may have age-abiding life?” the next thing that happened was thatbehold.

a certain ← one.
Matt 19:17 879O de\ ei]pen au0tw%~, Ti/ me le/geij a)gaqo/n; Ou0dei\j a)gaqo/j, ei0 mh\ ei[j, o9 qeo/j. Ei0 de\ qe/leij ei0selqei=n ei0j th\n zwh/n, th/rhson ta_j e0ntola&j. And he said to him, “Why do you call me good? No-one is good except one: God. But if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
Matt 19:18 Le/gei au0tw%~, Poi/aj; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, To\ Ou0 foneu/seij: ou0 moixeu/seij: ou0 kle/yeij: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij: He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “I quote, ‘You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Ex 20:13-16, Deut 5:17-20.

I quote: the article (to\) is used to introduce a quote.
Matt 19:19 ti/ma to\n pate/ra {RP P1904: - } [TR: sou] kai\ th\n mhte/ra: kai/, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto/n. Honour {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] father and your mother’, and, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ ” sou, your: absent in RP P1904 F1853=15/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=6/21 F1859=3/7. Compare Matt 15:4.

Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16, Lev 19:18.
Matt 19:20 Le/gei au0tw%~ o9 neani/skoj, Pa&nta tau=ta e0fulaca&mhn e0k neo/thto/j mou: ti/ e1ti u9sterw~; The young man said to him, “I have observed all these things from my youth. In what respect do I still come short?”
Matt 19:21 871Efh au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, Ei0 qe/leij te/leioj ei]nai, u3page, pw&lhso/n sou ta_ u9pa&rxonta kai\ do\j ptwxoi=j, kai\ e3ceij qhsauro\n e0n ou0ranw%~: kai\ deu=ro, a)kolou/qei moi. Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go and sell your belongings and give the proceeds to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come and follow me.”
Matt 19:22 870Akou/saj de\ o9 neani/skoj to\n lo/gon a)ph=lqen lupou/menoj: h]n ga_r e1xwn kth/mata polla&. But when the young man heard those words, he went away grieving, for he had many possessions. those words ← the word.
Matt 19:23 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n o3ti dusko/lwj plou/sioj ei0seleu/setai ei0j th\n basilei/an tw~n ou0ranw~n. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you that it is with difficulty that a rich man can enter into the kingdom of the heavens. can ← will, a Hebraism.
Matt 19:24 Pa&lin de\ le/gw u9mi=n, eu0kopw&tero/n e0stin ka&mhlon dia_ truph/matoj r(afi/doj dielqei=n, h2 plou/sion ei0j th\n basilei/an tou= qeou= ei0selqei=n. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
Matt 19:25 870Akou/santej de\ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= e0ceplh/ssonto sfo/dra, le/gontej, Ti/j a!ra du/natai swqh=nai; When his disciples heard this, they were exceedingly amazed, and they said, “Who, then, can be saved?”
Matt 19:26 870Emble/yaj de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Para_ a)nqrw&poij tou=to a)du/nato/n e0stin, para_ de\ qew%~ pa&nta dunata& {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0stin]. Then Jesus looked straight at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God everything {RP-text: is} [RP-marg P1904 TR: is] possible.” e0sti¨n©, is: absent in RP-text F1853=11/21 F1859=2/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/21 F1859=5/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=13:17.
Matt 19:27 To/te a)pokriqei\j o9 Pe/troj ei]pen au0tw%~, 870Idou/, h9mei=j a)fh/kamen pa&nta kai\ h0kolouqh/same/n soi: ti/ a!ra e1stai h9mi=n; Then Peter replied and said to him, “Look, we have abandoned everything and followed you. What then will we have?”
Matt 19:28 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n o3ti u9mei=j oi9 a)kolouqh/sante/j moi, e0n th|= paliggenesi/a% o3tan kaqi/sh| o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e0pi\ qro/nou do/chj au0tou=, kaqi/sesqe kai\ u9mei=j e0pi\ dw&deka qro/nouj, kri/nontej ta_j dw&deka fula_j tou= 870Israh/l. Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you that you who have followed me, in the regeneration, when the son of man sits on his glorious throne, you too will be seated on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel, glorious throne ← throne of glory, a Hebraic genitive.
Matt 19:29 Kai\ pa~j o4j a)fh=ken oi0ki/aj, h2 a)delfou/j, h2 a)delfa&j, h2 pate/ra, h2 mhte/ra, h2 gunai=ka, h2 te/kna, h2 a)grou/j, e3neken tou= o0no/mato/j mou, e9katontaplasi/ona lh/yetai, kai\ zwh\n ai0w&nion klhronomh/sei. and everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my name's sake will receive a hundredfold and will inherit age-abiding life.
Matt 19:30 Polloi\ de\ e1sontai prw~toi e1sxatoi, kai\ e1sxatoi prw~toi. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.
Matt 20:1 879Omoi/a ga&r e0stin h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n a)nqrw&pw% oi0kodespo/th|, o3stij e0ch=lqen a#ma prwi+\ misqw&sasqai e0rga&taj ei0j to\n a)mpelw~na au0tou=. For the kingdom of the heavens is like a man who is a master of a household who went out at dawn to hire workers for his vineyard,
Matt 20:2 {RP P1904: Kai\ sumfwnh/saj} [TR: Sumfwnh/saj de\] meta_ tw~n e0rgatw~n e0k dhnari/ou th\n h9me/ran, a)pe/steilen au0tou\j ei0j to\n a)mpelw~na au0tou=. and after agreeing with the workers a rate of a denary a day, he sent them into his vineyard. kai\ sumfwnh/saj, and having agreed, RP P1904 F1853=12/21 F1859=5/8 vs. sumfwnh/saj de\, having agreed and / but, TR F1853=9/21 F1859=2/8 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/8.

denary: a silver coin.
Matt 20:3 Kai\ e0celqw_n peri\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: th\n] tri/thn w#ran, ei]den a!llouj e9stw~taj e0n th|= a)gora%~ a)rgou/j: Then he went out at about {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] third hour and saw some other men standing idle in the market place, th\n, the (third hour): absent in RP P1904 F1853=14/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=6/20 F1859=1/7.

third hour: 9 a.m.
Matt 20:4 {RP P1904: kai\ e0kei/noij} [TR: ka)kei/noij] ei]pen, 879Upa&gete kai\ u9mei=j ei0j to\n a)mpelw~na, kai\ o4 e0a_n h|] di/kaion dw&sw u9mi=n. and he said to those, ‘You too, go to the vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ kai\ e0kei/noij, and ... to those (1), RP P1904 F1853=14/20 F1859=4/7 vs. ka)kei/noij, and ... to those (2), TR F1853=6/20 F1859=2/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.

pay ← give.
Matt 20:5 Oi9 de\ a)ph=lqon. Pa&lin e0celqw_n peri\ e3kthn kai\ {RP P1904: e0na&thn} [TR: e0nna&thn] w#ran, e0poi/hsen w(sau/twj. So they went off. ¶ Again he went out, at about the sixth and ninth hour, and he did likewise. ¶ Verse division: in AV numbering, Matt 20:5 begins here.

e0na&thn, ninth (1), RP P1904 F1853=11/20 F1859=3/7 vs. e0nna&thn, ninth (2), TR F1853=9/20 F1859=4/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.

sixth and ninth hour: 12 noon and 3 p.m.
Matt 20:6 Peri\ de\ th\n e9ndeka&thn w#ran e0celqw&n, eu[ren a!llouj e9stw~taj a)rgou/j, kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Ti/ w{de e9sth/kate o3lhn th\n h9me/ran a)rgoi/; And at about the eleventh hour he went out and found some more men standing idle, and he said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here the whole day idle?’ the eleventh hour: 5 p.m.

some more ← other.
Matt 20:7 Le/gousin au0tw%~, 873Oti ou0dei\j h9ma~j e0misqw&sato. Le/gei au0toi=j, 879Upa&gete kai\ u9mei=j ei0j to\n a)mpelw~na, kai\ o4 e0a_n h|] di/kaion lh/yesqe. They said to him, ‘Because no-one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You too, go to the vineyard, and you will receive whatever is right.’
Matt 20:8 870Oyi/aj de\ genome/nhj le/gei o9 ku/rioj tou= a)mpelw~noj tw%~ e0pitro/pw% au0tou=, Ka&leson tou\j e0rga&taj, kai\ a)po/doj au0toi=j to\n misqo/n, a)rca&menoj a)po\ tw~n e0sxa&twn e3wj tw~n prw&twn. Then when evening came, the landlord of the vineyard said to his estate manager, ‘Call the workers and give them their wages, beginning with the last, working towards the first.’ came ← became.
Matt 20:9 Kai\ e0lqo/ntej oi9 peri\ th\n e9ndeka&thn w#ran e1labon a)na_ dhna&rion. And those of the eleventh hour came, and they received a denary each. denary: a silver coin.
Matt 20:10 870Elqo/ntej de\ oi9 prw~toi e0no/misan o3ti plei/ona lh/yontai: kai\ e1labon kai\ au0toi\ a)na_ dhna&rion. And when those who were first came, they thought they would receive more, but they too received a denary each. denary: a silver coin.
Matt 20:11 Labo/ntej de\ e0go/gguzon kata_ tou= oi0kodespo/tou, And when they had received it, they complained to the proprietor, complained to ← were grumbling against, or perhaps kept complaining to, iterative imperfect, but not necessarily so – see Matt 5:2.
Matt 20:12 le/gontej o3ti Ou[toi oi9 e1sxatoi mi/an w#ran e0poi/hsan, kai\ i1souj h9mi=n au0tou\j e0poi/hsaj, toi=j basta&sasin to\ ba&roj th=j h9me/raj kai\ to\n kau/swna. saying, ‘These last ones worked for one hour, and you treated them as equal to us who bore the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’
Matt 20:13 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen e9ni\ au0tw~n, 879Etai=re, ou0k a)dikw~ se: ou0xi\ dhnari/ou sunefw&nhsa&j moi; But he replied and said to one of them, ‘My friend, I am not doing you any wrong. Did you not agree a denary with me? denary: a silver coin.
Matt 20:14 87]Aron to\ so\n kai\ u3page: qe/lw de\ tou/tw% tw%~ e0sxa&tw% dou=nai w(j kai\ soi/. Take what is yours and go. But I wish to give to this last one the same as you. the same as ← as also.
Matt 20:15 872H ou0k e1cesti/n moi poih=sai o4 qe/lw e0n toi=j e0moi=j; {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: Ei0} [E1624: 872H] o9 o0fqalmo/j sou ponhro/j e0stin, o3ti e0gw_ a)gaqo/j ei0mi; Or is it not permitted for me to do what I want with my own money? {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: Are you jealous} [E1624: Or are you jealous] because I am good?’ ei0, if, RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1853=15/20 F1859=6/7 vs. h2, or, E1624 F1853=5/20 F1859=1/7.

are you jealous ← is your eye evil. The word ei0 represents the Hebrew אִם, which can be an interrogative particle.
Matt 20:16 Ou3twj e1sontai oi9 e1sxatoi prw~toi, kai\ oi9 prw~toi e1sxatoi: polloi\ ga&r ei0sin klhtoi/, o0li/goi de\ e0klektoi/. In this way the last will be first and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Matt 20:17 Kai\ a)nabai/nwn o9 870Ihsou=j ei0j 879Ieroso/luma pare/laben tou\j dw&deka maqhta_j kat' i0di/an e0n th|= o9dw%~, kai\ ei]pen au0toi=j, Then as Jesus went up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside privately on the way, and he said to them,
Matt 20:18 870Idou/, a)nabai/nomen ei0j 879Ieroso/luma, kai\ o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou paradoqh/setai toi=j a)rxiereu=sin kai\ grammateu=sin: kai\ katakrinou=sin au0to\n qana&tw%, “Look, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the son of man will be delivered to the senior priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death,
Matt 20:19 kai\ paradw&sousin au0to\n toi=j e1qnesin ei0j to\ e0mpai=cai kai\ mastigw~sai kai\ staurw~sai: kai\ th|= tri/th| h9me/ra% a)nasth/setai. and they will deliver him to the Gentiles to mock and scourge and crucify him, and on the third day he will rise again.” crucify ← impale in the sense of fixing on a stake (not piercing with a stake), but the word is used of Roman crucifixion, the Greeks taking the verb from the vertical stake, the Romans from the cross(crux)-bar. Compare the English telegraph pole, where the word ignores the cross-bars. However, crux is also used of a carriage pole [LS2], so impale is a possibility.

rise again: rise rather than be raised here, the verb a)nasth/setai being an intransitive ↴
Matt 20:20 To/te prosh=lqen au0tw%~ h9 mh/thr tw~n ui9w~n Zebedai/ou meta_ tw~n ui9w~n au0th=j, proskunou=sa kai\ ai0tou=sa& ti par' au0tou=. Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to him with her sons, worshipping him and asking him for a certain thing. ↳ form (and more specifically associated with resurrection than e0gei/rw). In compound verbs, a)na& can mean again [LS] E.3.

worshipping him and asking him: or to worship him and ask him, where the present participles replace classical future participles of purpose. Similarly in John 4:23, John 6:6, John 20:18, Acts 15:27. Perhaps Acts 6:11.
Matt 20:21 879O de\ ei]pen au0th|=, Ti/ qe/leij; Le/gei au0tw%~, Ei0pe\ i3na kaqi/swsin ou[toi oi9 du/o ui9oi/ mou, ei[j e0k deciw~n sou, kai\ ei[j e0c eu0wnu/mwn {RP P1904: sou} [TR: - ], e0n th|= basilei/a% sou. So he said to her, “What is it that you want?” She said to him, “Say that these two sons of mine will sit one on your right hand side and one on {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] left hand side in your kingdom.” sou, your: present in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=5/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/7.
Matt 20:22 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, Ou0k oi1date ti/ ai0tei=sqe. Du/nasqe piei=n to\ poth/rion o4 e0gw_ me/llw pi/nein, {RP P1904: h2} [TR: kai\] to\ ba&ptisma o4 e0gw_ bapti/zomai baptisqh=nai; Le/gousin au0tw%~, Duna&meqa. But Jesus answered and said, “You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink from the cup which I am about to drink from {RP P1904: or} [TR: and] be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” They said to him, “We can.” h2, or, RP P1904 F1853=15/20 F1859=5/7 vs. kai\, and, TR F1853=5/20 F1859=2/7. AV differs textually.
Matt 20:23 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, To\ me\n poth/rio/n mou pi/esqe, kai\ to\ ba&ptisma o4 e0gw_ bapti/zomai baptisqh/sesqe: to\ de\ kaqi/sai e0k deciw~n mou kai\ e0c eu0wnu/mwn mou, ou0k e1stin e0mo\n dou=nai, a)ll' oi[j h9toi/mastai u9po\ tou= patro/j mou. Then he said to them, “You can drink from my cup and be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized, but to sit on my right hand side and on my left hand side is not for me to give, but is for those for whom it has been prepared by my father.” can ← will, a Hebraism, but in v.22, the word for can is explicit.

for me ← mine.
Matt 20:24 Kai\ a)kou/santej oi9 de/ka h0gana&kthsan peri\ tw~n du/o a)delfw~n. And when the ten heard it, they were annoyed about the two brothers.
Matt 20:25 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j proskalesa&menoj au0tou\j ei]pen, Oi1date o3ti oi9 a!rxontej tw~n e0qnw~n katakurieu/ousin au0tw~n, kai\ oi9 mega&loi katecousia&zousin au0tw~n. But Jesus called them to himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and the high-ranking people exercise authority over them,
Matt 20:26 Ou0x ou3twj {RP TR: de\} [P1904: - ] e1stai e0n u9mi=n: a)ll' o4j e0a_n qe/lh| e0n u9mi=n me/gaj gene/sqai {RP P1904: e1stai} [TR: e1stw] u9mw~n dia&konoj: {RP TR: but} [P1904: - ] it will not be like this among you; rather, whoever among you wishes to be great {RP P1904: will} [TR: must] be your servant. de\, but: present in RP TR F1853=15/20 F1859=5/8 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=3/8.

e1stai, will be, RP P1904 F1853=16/21 F1859=3/7 vs. e1stw, must be, TR F1853=5/21 F1859=4/7.
Matt 20:27 kai\ o4j e0a_n qe/lh| e0n u9mi=n ei]nai prw~toj {RP TR: e1stw} [P1904: e1stai] u9mw~n dou=loj: And whoever among you wishes to be first {RP TR: must} [P1904: will] be your servant, e1stw, must be, RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/7 vs. e1stai, will be, P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=4/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=14:15.
Matt 20:28 w#sper o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou ou0k h]lqen diakonhqh=nai, a)lla_ diakonh=sai, kai\ dou=nai th\n yuxh\n au0tou= lu/tron a)nti\ pollw~n. just as the son of man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister and give his life as a ransom for many.” life ← soul.
Matt 20:29 Kai\ e0kporeuome/nwn au0tw~n a)po\ 870Ierixw&, h0kolou/qhsen au0tw%~ o1xloj polu/j. Then as they left Jericho, a large crowd followed him.
Matt 20:30 Kai\ i0dou/, du/o tufloi\ kaqh/menoi para_ th\n o9do/n, a)kou/santej o3ti 870Ihsou=j para&gei, e1kracan, le/gontej, 870Ele/hson h9ma~j, ku/rie, ui9o\j {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. And they came across two blind men sitting at the side of the road, who having heard that Jesus was passing by, cried out and said, “Have mercy on us, Lord, son of David.” David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

they came across ← behold.
Matt 20:31 879O de\ o1xloj e0peti/mhsen au0toi=j i3na siwph/swsin. Oi9 de\ mei=zon e1krazon, le/gontej, 870Ele/hson h9ma~j, ku/rie, ui9o\j {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. But the crowd rebuked them, telling them to be silent, but they cried out all the more, and they said, “Have mercy on us, Lord, son of David.” David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.
Matt 20:32 Kai\ sta_j o9 870Ihsou=j e0fw&nhsen au0tou/j, kai\ ei]pen, Ti/ qe/lete poih/sw u9mi=n; And Jesus stood still and called them and said, “What do you want me to do for you?”
Matt 20:33 Le/gousin au0tw%~, Ku/rie, i3na a)noixqw~sin h9mw~n oi9 o0fqalmoi/. They said to him, “Lord, that our eyes be opened.”
Matt 20:34 Splagxnisqei\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j h3yato tw~n o0fqalmw~n au0tw~n: kai\ eu0qe/wj a)ne/bleyan au0tw~n oi9 o0fqalmoi/, kai\ h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~. And Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes, and immediately their eyes recovered their sight, and they followed him.
Matt 21:1 Kai\ o3te h1ggisan ei0j 879Ieroso/luma, kai\ h]lqon ei0j {RP-text P1904: Bhqsfagh\} [RP-marg TR: Bhqfagh=] pro\j to\ o1roj tw~n 870Elaiw~n, to/te o9 870Ihsou=j a)pe/steilen du/o maqhta&j, Then when they approached Jerusalem and had gone to {RP-text P1904: Bethsphagé} [RP-marg TR: Bethphagé], at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, Bhqsfagh=¨n©, Bethsphagé, RP-text P1904 F1853=16/21 F1859=7/8 vs. Bhqfagh=¨n©, Bethphagé, RP-marg TR F1853=5/21 F1859=0/8 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/8.

at ← towards, but also with pregnant use (rest rather than motion). Compare Matt 3:10 (at the root).

Jesus ← then Jesus.
Matt 21:2 le/gwn au0toi=j, Poreu/qhte ei0j th\n kw&mhn th\n a)pe/nanti u9mw~n, kai\ eu0qe/wj eu9rh/sete o1non dedeme/nhn, kai\ pw~lon met' au0th=j: lu/santej a)ga&gete/ moi. and he said to them, “Go to the village opposite you, and straightaway you will find a female donkey bound and a foal with her. Untie them and bring them to me,
Matt 21:3 Kai\ e0a&n tij u9mi=n ei1ph| ti, e0rei=te o3ti 879O ku/rioj au0tw~n xrei/an e1xei: eu0qe/wj de\ {RP P1904: a)poste/llei} [TR: a)postelei=] au0tou/j. and if anyone says anything to you, say, ‘The Lord needs them’, and straightaway he {RP P1904: will} [TR: will] despatch them.” a)poste/llei, he sends, RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=4/8 vs. a)postelei=, he will send, TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's gu, u being very doubtful – here rejected by Scrivener) F1859=4/8.

he: i.e. the person talking to the two disciples, rather than the Lord. Compare [JWB-RR] pp.56-58.

despatch: the verb a)poste/llw is send, or send off, and ↴
Matt 21:4 Tou=to de\ o3lon ge/gonen, i3na plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n dia_ tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Now all of this took place in order that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled, where he says, ↳ also, from [LS], despatch, a sense perhaps reinforced by Hebrew usage of שָׁלַח, shalach.
Matt 21:5 Ei1pate th|= qugatri\ Siw&n, 870Idou/, o9 basileu/j sou e1rxetai/ soi, pra%u+\j kai\ e0pibebhkw_j e0pi\ o1non kai\ pw~lon ui9o\n u9pozugi/ou. “Say to the daughter of Zion,

‘Behold, your king is coming to you,

Meek and riding on a donkey

And a foal,

The young of a beast of burden.’ ”

Zech 9:9.

riding ← having mounted.

young ← son.
Matt 21:6 Poreuqe/ntej de\ oi9 maqhtai/, kai\ poih/santej kaqw_j prose/tacen au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Then the disciples went off and did what Jesus had commanded them,
Matt 21:7 h1gagon th\n o1non kai\ to\n pw~lon, kai\ e0pe/qhkan e0pa&nw au0tw~n ta_ i9ma&tia au0tw~n, kai\ {RP P1904 S1550: e0peka&qisen} [E1624 S1894: e0peka&qisan] e0pa&nw au0tw~n. and they brought the donkey and the foal, and they put their coats on them, and {RP P1904 S1550: he sat} [E1624 S1894: they set him] on them. e0peka&qisen, he sat, RP P1904 S1550 F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7 vs. e0peka&qisan, they set (him), E1624 S1894 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/7 vs. various other readings, F1853=9/21 F1859=3/7 vs. phrase absent, F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's cs) F1859=0/7. AV differs textually.
Matt 21:8 879O de\ plei=stoj o1xloj e1strwsan e9autw~n ta_ i9ma&tia e0n th|= o9dw%~: a!lloi de\ e1kopton kla&douj a)po\ tw~n de/ndrwn, kai\ e0strw&nnuon e0n th|= o9dw%~. And a very large crowd strewed their own clothes in the way, whereas others would cut branches from the trees and strew them in the way. a very large crowd: the sense of AV and [JWB-RR] p.145, unlike RV (the most part of the multitude).

would cut ... strew: iterative imperfects.
Matt 21:9 Oi9 de\ o1xloi oi9 proa&gontej kai\ oi9 a)kolouqou=ntej e1krazon, le/gontej, 879Wsanna_ tw%~ ui9w%~ {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. Eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou. 879Wsanna_ e0n toi=j u9yi/stoij. And the crowds which went in front and those following kept shouting and saying,

Hosanna to the son of David.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest realms!”

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 118:25, Ps 118:26.

kept shouting and saying: iterative imperfects, but not necessarily so – see Matt 5:2.

Hosanna (2x)w(sanna&הוֹשִׁיעָה נָא = save, please; see Ps 118:25.
Matt 21:10 Kai\ ei0selqo/ntoj au0tou= ei0j 879Ieroso/luma, e0sei/sqh pa~sa h9 po/lij, le/gousa, Ti/j e0stin ou[toj; Then when he had entered Jerusalem, the whole city became agitated, saying, “Who is this?” agitated ← shaken.
Matt 21:11 Oi9 de\ o1xloi e1legon, Ou[to/j e0stin 870Ihsou=j o9 profh/thj, o9 a)po\ {RP P1904 S1550: Nazare\t} [E1624 S1894: Nazare\q] th=j Galilai/aj. And the crowds would say, “This is Jesus the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” Nazare/t, Nazaret, RP P1904 S1550 F1853=14/20 F1859=6/7 vs. Nazare/q, Nazareth, E1624 S1894 F1853=6/20 F1859=1/7.

would say: iterative imperfect, but not necessarily so – see Matt 5:2.
Matt 21:12 Kai\ ei0sh=lqen o9 870Ihsou=j ei0j to\ i9ero\n tou= qeou=, kai\ e0ce/balen pa&ntaj tou\j pwlou=ntaj kai\ a)gora&zontaj e0n tw%~ i9erw%~, kai\ ta_j trape/zaj tw~n kollubistw~n kate/streyen, kai\ ta_j kaqe/draj tw~n pwlou/ntwn ta_j peristera&j. Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers, and the chairs of those selling doves, drove ← cast.
Matt 21:13 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Ge/graptai, 879O oi]ko/j mou oi]koj proseuxh=j klhqh/setai: u9mei=j de\ au0to\n e0poih/sate sph/laion lh|stw~n. and he said to them, “It stands written:

‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,

But you have made it a den of thieves.’ ”

Isa 56:7, Jer 7:11.

den of thieves ← cave of plunderers.
Matt 21:14 Kai\ prosh=lqon au0tw%~ {RP P1904: xwloi\ kai\ tufloi\} [TR: tufloi\ kai\ xwloi\] e0n tw%~ i9erw%~: kai\ e0qera&peusen au0tou/j. Then the {RP P1904: lame and blind} [TR: blind and lame] came to him in the temple, and he healed them, xwloi\ kai\ tufloi\, lame + and blind, RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=5/7 vs. tufloi\ kai\ xwloi\, blind + and lame, TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/7.
Matt 21:15 870Ido/ntej de\ oi9 a)rxierei=j kai\ oi9 grammatei=j ta_ qauma&sia a$ e0poi/hsen, kai\ tou\j pai=daj kra&zontaj e0n tw%~ i9erw%~, kai\ le/gontaj, 879Wsanna_ tw%~ ui9w%~ {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], h0gana&kthsan, but when the senior priests and the scribes saw the wonders which he performed, and the children in the temple shouting and saying, Hosanna to the son of David!”, they were indignant, David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 118:25.

Hosanna: see Matt 21:9.
Matt 21:16 kai\ ei]pon au0tw%~, 870Akou/eij ti/ ou[toi le/gousin; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j le/gei au0toi=j, Nai/: ou0de/pote a)ne/gnwte o3ti 870Ek sto/matoj nhpi/wn kai\ qhlazo/ntwn kathrti/sw ai]non; and they said to him, “Do you hear what these people are saying?” Then Jesus said to them, “Yes. Have you never read that

‘Out of the mouth of infants and babies

You have furnished praise’?”

Ps 8:3MT (Ps 8:2AV).

babies ← sucklings.

furnished: or prepared for yourself (middle voice).
Matt 21:17 Kai\ katalipw_n au0tou\j e0ch=lqen e1cw th=j po/lewj ei0j Bhqani/an, kai\ hu0li/sqh e0kei=. Then when he had left them, he went out of the city to Bethany and passed the night there, passed the night: literally, courtyarded, but perhaps indoors, lodged.
Matt 21:18 Prwi+/aj de\ e0pana&gwn ei0j th\n po/lin, e0pei/nasen: and early in the morning as he returned to the city, he was hungry,
Matt 21:19 kai\ i0dw_n sukh=n mi/an e0pi\ th=j o9dou=, h]lqen e0p' au0th/n, kai\ ou0de\n eu[ren e0n au0th|= ei0 mh\ fu/lla mo/non: kai\ le/gei au0th|=, Mhke/ti e0k sou= karpo\j ge/nhtai ei0j to\n ai0w~na. Kai\ e0chra&nqh paraxrh=ma h9 sukh=. and when he saw a certain fig tree on the way, he went to it, but he did not find anything on it except just leaves. And he said to it, “Let no fruit ever be produced from you any more.” And immediately the fig tree dried up. a certain ← one.

ever ← up to the age.
Matt 21:20 Kai\ i0do/ntej oi9 maqhtai\ e0qau/masan, le/gontej, Pw~j paraxrh=ma e0chra&nqh h9 sukh=; Then when the disciples saw it, they were amazed, and they said, “How quickly the fig tree dried up!” quickly ← immediately.
Matt 21:21 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, e0a_n e1xhte pi/stin, kai\ mh\ diakriqh=te, ou0 mo/non to\ th=j sukh=j poih/sete, a)lla_ ka@n tw%~ o1rei tou/tw% ei1phte, 871Arqhti kai\ blh/qhti ei0j th\n qa&lassan, genh/setai. But Jesus answered and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will be able to perform not only the feat of the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and deposited into the sea’, it will take place,
Matt 21:22 Kai\ pa&nta o3sa {RP-text P1904: e0a_n} [RP-marg TR: a@n] ai0th/shte e0n th|= proseuxh|=, pisteu/ontej, lh/yesqe. and everything you ask for in prayer, believing, you will receive.” e0a_n, (what)ever (1), RP-text P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=5/7 vs. a@n, (what)ever (2), RP-marg TR F1853=10/20 F1859=2/7.
Matt 21:23 Kai\ e0lqo/nti au0tw%~ ei0j to\ i9ero/n, prosh=lqon au0tw%~ dida&skonti oi9 a)rxierei=j kai\ oi9 presbu/teroi tou= laou=, le/gontej, 870En poi/a% e0cousi/a% tau=ta poiei=j; Kai\ ti/j soi e1dwken th\n e0cousi/an tau/thn; Then when he had come to the temple, as he was teaching, the senior priests and elders of the people came to him, and they said, “By what authority do you do these things? And who gave you this authority?”
Matt 21:24 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, 870Erwth/sw u9ma~j ka)gw_ lo/gon e3na, o4n e0a_n ei1phte/ moi, ka)gw_ u9mi=n e0rw~ e0n poi/a% e0cousi/a% tau=ta poiw~. But Jesus replied and said to them, “I for my part will ask you one thing, and if you tell me, I in turn will tell you by what authority I do these things. for my part ← also.

thing: Greek lo/goj, word, thing, not just a neuter pronoun.

and if ← which if.

in turn ← also.
Matt 21:25 To\ ba&ptisma 870Iwa&nnou po/qen h]n; 870Ec ou0ranou= h2 e0c a)nqrw&pwn; Oi9 de\ dielogi/zonto par' e9autoi=j, le/gontej, 870Ea_n ei1pwmen, 870Ec ou0ranou=, e0rei= h9mi=n, Dia_ ti/ ou]n ou0k e0pisteu/sate au0tw%~; From where was the baptism of John? From heaven, or from men?” Then they debated among themselves, and they said, “If we say, ‘From heaven’, he will say to us, ‘Why, then, did you not believe him?’
Matt 21:26 870Ea_n de\ ei1pwmen, 870Ec a)nqrw&pwn, fobou/meqa to\n o1xlon: pa&ntej ga_r e1xousin to\n 870Iwa&nnhn w(j profh/thn. But if we say, ‘From men’, we fear the crowd, for all hold John to be a prophet.” a prophet ← as a prophet, but w(j is rather a marker of the predicate.
Matt 21:27 Kai\ a)pokriqe/ntej tw%~ 870Ihsou= ei]pon, Ou0k oi1damen. 871Efh au0toi=j kai\ au0to/j, Ou0de\ e0gw_ le/gw u9mi=n e0n poi/a% e0cousi/a% tau=ta poiw~. So they replied and said to Jesus, “We do not know.” He in turn said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things. in turn ← himself too.
Matt 21:28 Ti/ de\ u9mi=n dokei=; {RP TR: 871Anqrwpoj} [P1904: 871Anqrwpo/j tij] ei]xen te/kna du/o, kai\ proselqw_n tw%~ prw&tw% ei]pen, Te/knon, u3page, sh/meron e0rga&zou e0n tw%~ a)mpelw~ni/ mou. But what do you think of this? A {RP TR: - } [P1904: certain] man had two children, and he went to the first and said, ‘My child, go and work in my vineyard today.’ tij, a certain: absent in RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=7/10 vs. present in P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=3/10.

first: or elder.
Matt 21:29 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, Ou0 qe/lw: u3steron de\ metamelhqei/j, a)ph=lqen. But he replied and said, ‘I refuse.’ But later, he had a change of heart and went. I refuse ← I don't wish (to), but this is a common expression for I refuse.
Matt 21:30 Kai\ proselqw_n tw%~ {RP-text P1904 TR: deute/rw%} [RP-marg: e9te/rw%] ei]pen w(sau/twj. 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, 870Egw&, ku/rie: kai\ ou0k a)ph=lqen. Then he went to the {RP-text P1904 TR: second} [RP-marg: other] and spoke similarly. Now he replied and said, ‘I will go, sir’, but he did not go there. deute/rw%, second, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=7/21 F1859=3/8 vs. e9te/rw%, other, RP-marg F1853=14/21 F1859=5/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:19.

go therego away.
Matt 21:31 Ti/j e0k tw~n du/o e0poi/hsen to\ qe/lhma tou= patro/j; Le/gousin au0tw%~, 879O prw~toj. Le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, o3ti oi9 telw~nai kai\ ai9 po/rnai proa&gousin u9ma~j ei0j th\n basilei/an tou= qeou=. Which of the two did the will of the father?” They said to him, “The first.” Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you that the tax collectors and prostitutes go before you into the kingdom of God.
Matt 21:32 87]Hlqen ga_r pro\j u9ma~j 870Iwa&nnhj e0n o9dw%~ dikaiosu/nhj, kai\ ou0k e0pisteu/sate au0tw%~: oi9 de\ telw~nai kai\ ai9 po/rnai e0pi/steusan au0tw%~: u9mei=j de\ i0do/ntej ou0 metemelh/qhte u3steron tou= pisteu=sai au0tw%~. For John came to you in the way of righteousness, but you did not believe him. However, the tax collectors and prostitutes believed him. But when you had seen him, you did not repent later so as to believe him.
Matt 21:33 871Allhn parabolh\n a)kou/sate. {RP-text P1904 TR: 871Anqrwpo/j tij} [RP-marg: 871Anqrwpoj] h]n oi0kodespo/thj, o3stij e0fu/teusen a)mpelw~na, kai\ fragmo\n au0tw%~ perie/qhken, kai\ w!rucen e0n au0tw%~ lhno/n, kai\ w%)kodo/mhsen pu/rgon, kai\ e0ce/doto au0to\n gewrgoi=j, kai\ a)pedh/mhsen. Listen to another parable. A {RP-text P1904 TR: certain} [RP-marg: - ] man was a landlord who planted a vineyard and erected a fence round it, and he dug a wine vat in it and built a tower, and he put it under hired labour with farmers and went abroad. tij, a certain: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1853=15/20 F1859=7/9 vs. absent in RP-marg F1853=5/20 F1859=2/9.

put it under hired labour with ← let it out for hire to, but the literal meaning does not fit the context, because the owner claims the produce. Alternatively, the hire the farmers pay could be part of the produce.
Matt 21:34 873Ote de\ h1ggisen o9 kairo\j tw~n karpw~n, a)pe/steilen tou\j dou/louj au0tou= pro\j tou\j gewrgou/j, labei=n tou\j karpou\j au0tou=: But when the time of the fruit-harvest approached, he sent his servants to the farmers to receive its fruit. its: or his.
Matt 21:35 kai\ labo/ntej oi9 gewrgoi\ tou\j dou/louj au0tou=, o4n me\n e1deiran, o4n de\ a)pe/kteinan, o4n de\ e0liqobo/lhsan. But the farmers took his servants, and they flogged one, and they killed another, and they stoned another. but: adversative use of kai/.

flogged ← flayed.
Matt 21:36 Pa&lin a)pe/steilen a!llouj dou/louj plei/onaj tw~n prw&twn: kai\ e0poi/hsan au0toi=j w(sau/twj. Next he sent more servants, more numerous than the first, and they did likewise to them. next ← again.

more servants ← other servants.

more numerous: perhaps of higher rank.
Matt 21:37 873Usteron de\ a)pe/steilen pro\j au0tou\j to\n ui9o\n au0tou=, le/gwn, 870Entraph/sontai to\n ui9o/n mou. And lastly he sent his son to them, and he said, ‘They will respect my son.’
Matt 21:38 Oi9 de\ gewrgoi\ i0do/ntej to\n ui9o\n ei]pon e0n e9autoi=j, Ou[to/j e0stin o9 klhrono/moj: deu=te, a)poktei/nwmen au0to/n, kai\ kata&sxwmen th\n klhronomi/an au0tou=. But when the farmers saw the son, they said to themselves, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance.’
Matt 21:39 Kai\ labo/ntej au0to\n e0ce/balon e1cw tou= a)mpelw~noj kai\ a)pe/kteinan. And they took him, and they threw him out of the vineyard, and they killed him.
Matt 21:40 873Otan ou]n e1lqh| o9 ku/rioj tou= a)mpelw~noj, ti/ poih/sei toi=j gewrgoi=j e0kei/noij; Now when the landlord of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those farmers?”
Matt 21:41 Le/gousin au0tw%~, Kakou\j kakw~j a)pole/sei au0tou/j, kai\ to\n a)mpelw~na {RP P1904: e0kdw&setai} [TR: e0kdo/setai] a!lloij gewrgoi=j, oi3tinej a)podw&sousin au0tw%~ tou\j karpou\j e0n toi=j kairoi=j au0tw~n. They said to him, “He will put such bad men to a bad kind of death, and he will put the vineyard out under hired labour with other farmers, who will give him the fruits in their seasons.” e0kdw&setai, will put out under hired labour (classical spelling), RP P1904 F1853=17/22 F1859=4/7 vs. e0kdo/setai, will put out under hired labour (variant spelling), TR F1853=5/22 F1859=3/7.

put the vineyard out under hired labour: see v.33.
Matt 21:42 Le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Ou0de/pote a)ne/gnwte e0n tai=j grafai=j, Li/qon o4n a)pedoki/masan oi9 oi0kodomou=ntej, ou[toj e0genh/qh ei0j kefalh\n gwni/aj: para_ kuri/ou e0ge/neto au3th, kai\ e1stin qaumasth\ e0n o0fqalmoi=j h9mw~n; Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the scriptures:

The stone which the builders rejected

Is what has become the keystone.

This came about from the Lord,

And it is wondrous in our eyes’?

Ps 118:22, Ps 118:23.

is what ← this.

keystone ← head of (the) corner / angle.
Matt 21:43 Dia_ tou=to le/gw u9mi=n o3ti a)rqh/setai a)f' u9mw~n h9 basilei/a tou= qeou=, kai\ doqh/setai e1qnei poiou=nti tou\j karpou\j au0th=j. Therefore I say to you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing its fruits. a nation: as noted in [CB], this is the New Israel, as prophesied in Isa 66:7-14. Not a Gentile nation. For distinct Gentile-specific blessings, see Paul's prison ministry (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and 2 Timothy).
Matt 21:44 Kai\ o9 pesw_n e0pi\ to\n li/qon tou=ton sunqlasqh/setai: e0f' o4n d' a@n pe/sh|, likmh/sei au0to/n. And whoever falls on this stone will be shattered. But on whomever it falls, it will crush to powder.” whoever ← he who.

falls ← has fallen. See Matt 23:20.

crush to powder ← the original meaning of this verb is to winnow away.
Matt 21:45 Kai\ a)kou/santej oi9 a)rxierei=j kai\ oi9 Farisai=oi ta_j parabola_j au0tou= e1gnwsan o3ti peri\ au0tw~n le/gei. And when the senior priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they knew that he was speaking about them,
Matt 21:46 Kai\ zhtou=ntej au0to\n krath=sai, e0fobh/qhsan tou\j o1xlouj, e0peidh\ w(j profh/thn au0to\n ei]xon. and although they looked for a way to lay hold of him, they feared the crowds, because they held him to be a prophet. although: concessive use of the participle.

to be ← as.
Matt 22:1 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j o9 870Ihsou=j pa&lin ei]pen au0toi=j e0n parabolai=j, le/gwn, Then Jesus reacted and spoke to them again in parables, and he said, reacted ← answered, but no question was asked. Compare Matt 11:25.
Matt 22:2 879Wmoiw&qh h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n a)nqrw&pw% basilei=, o3stij e0poi/hsen ga&mouj tw%~ ui9w%~ au0tou=: “The kingdom of the heavens is like a man who is a king who arranged a wedding reception for his son.
Matt 22:3 kai\ a)pe/steilen tou\j dou/louj au0tou= kale/sai tou\j keklhme/nouj ei0j tou\j ga&mouj, kai\ ou0k h1qelon e0lqei=n. And he sent out his servants to invite the guests to the wedding, but they would not come.
Matt 22:4 Pa&lin a)pe/steilen a!llouj dou/louj, le/gwn, Ei1pate toi=j keklhme/noij, 870Idou/, to\ a!risto/n mou h9toi/masa, oi9 tau=roi/ mou kai\ ta_ sitista_ tequme/na, kai\ pa&nta e3toima: deu=te ei0j tou\j ga&mouj. Again, he sent out some more servants, and he said, ‘Say to the guests, «Look, I have prepared my banquet-meal. My bulls and fatted cattle have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding.» ’ some more ← other.
Matt 22:5 Oi9 de\ a)melh/santej a)ph=lqon, o9 me\n ei0j to\n i1dion a)gro/n, o9 de\ ei0j th\n e0mpori/an au0tou=: But they did not care for it and went off, one to his own field, another to his merchant business, merchant business: or merchandise.
Matt 22:6 oi9 de\ loipoi\ krath/santej tou\j dou/louj au0tou= u3brisan kai\ a)pe/kteinan. and the remainder seized his servants and dealt with them spitefully, and they killed them.
Matt 22:7 {RP: Kai\ a)kou/saj} [P1904 TR: 870Akou/saj de\] o9 basileu\j {RP P1904: e0kei=noj} [TR: - ] w)rgi/sqh, kai\ pe/myaj ta_ strateu/mata au0tou= a)pw&lesen tou\j fonei=j e0kei/nouj, kai\ th\n po/lin au0tw~n e0ne/prhsen. {RP: And} [P1904 TR: But] when {RP P1904: that} [TR: the] king heard it, he became angry, and he sent his army, and he destroyed those murderers and burned their city. kai\ a)kou/saj, and having heard, RP F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. a)kou/saj de\, but having heard, P1904 TR F1853=0/20 F1859=0/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. A case of collusion between P1904 and TR?

e0kei=noj, that: present in RP P1904 F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.
Matt 22:8 To/te le/gei toi=j dou/loij au0tou=, 879O me\n ga&moj e3toimo/j e0stin, oi9 de\ keklhme/noi ou0k h]san a!cioi. Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but the guests were not worthy.
Matt 22:9 Poreu/esqe ou]n e0pi\ ta_j dieco/douj tw~n o9dw~n, kai\ o3souj {RP-text TR: a@n} [RP-marg P1904: e0a_n] eu3rhte, kale/sate ei0j tou\j ga&mouj. So go to the arterial roads and invite whoever you find to the wedding.’ a@n, (who)ever (1), RP-text TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/8 vs. e0a_n, (who)ever (2), RP-marg P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=5/8. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=14:16.

arterial roads ← through-exits of the roads.

whoever ← as many as.
Matt 22:10 Kai\ e0celqo/ntej oi9 dou=loi e0kei=noi ei0j ta_j o9dou\j sunh/gagon pa&ntaj o3souj eu[ron, ponhrou/j te kai\ a)gaqou/j: kai\ e0plh/sqh o9 ga&moj a)nakeime/nwn. So those servants went out to the roads and gathered everyone they found, both bad and good, and the wedding was furnished with diners. diners ← recliners.
Matt 22:11 Ei0selqw_n de\ o9 basileu\j qea&sasqai tou\j a)nakeime/nouj ei]den e0kei= a!nqrwpon ou0k e0ndedume/non e1nduma ga&mou: Then the king came to see the diners and saw there a man not dressed in wedding clothes,
Matt 22:12 kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, 879Etai=re, pw~j ei0sh=lqej w{de mh\ e1xwn e1nduma ga&mou; 879O de\ e0fimw&qh. and he said to him, ‘My friend, how is it that you have come here not having wedding dress?’ And he was speechless. speechless ← muzzled.
Matt 22:13 To/te ei]pen o9 basileu\j toi=j diako/noij, Dh/santej au0tou= {RP-text P1904 TR: po/daj kai\ xei=raj} [RP-marg: xei=raj kai\ po/daj], a!rate au0to\n kai\ e0kba&lete ei0j to\ sko/toj to\ e0cw&teron: e0kei= e1stai o9 klauqmo\j kai\ o9 brugmo\j tw~n o0do/ntwn. Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him by the {RP-text P1904 TR: feet and hands} [RP-marg: hands and feet] and remove him and cast him into the outer darkness. There, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ po/daj kai\ xei=raj, feet + and hands, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=6/7 vs. xei=raj kai\ po/daj, hands + and feet, RP-marg F1853=12/20 F1859=1/7. AV differs textually, but not following TR.
Matt 22:14 Polloi\ ga&r ei0sin klhtoi/, o0li/goi de\ e0klektoi/. For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Matt 22:15 To/te poreuqe/ntej oi9 Farisai=oi sumbou/lion e1labon o3pwj au0to\n pagideu/swsin e0n lo/gw%. Then the Pharisees went and took counsel as to how to trap him in his speech,
Matt 22:16 Kai\ a)poste/llousin au0tw%~ tou\j maqhta_j au0tw~n meta_ tw~n 879Hrw%dianw~n, le/gontej, Dida&skale, oi1damen o3ti a)lhqh\j ei], kai\ th\n o9do\n tou= qeou= e0n a)lhqei/a% dida&skeij, kai\ ou0 me/lei soi peri\ ou0deno/j, ou0 ga_r ble/peij ei0j pro/swpon a)nqrw&pwn. and they sent their disciples to him with the Herodians, who said, “Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God in truth, and you do not concern yourself with the opinion of anyone, for you do not regard the status of men. you do not concern yourself ← it is not of concern to you.

status ← face.
Matt 22:17 Ei0pe\ ou]n h9mi=n, ti/ soi dokei=; 871Ecestin dou=nai kh=nson Kai/sari, h2 ou1; So tell us, what do you think? Is it permitted to pay census-tax to Caesar or not?” what do you think ← what does it seem to you.
Matt 22:18 Gnou\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j th\n ponhri/an au0tw~n ei]pen, Ti/ me peira&zete, u9pokritai/; But Jesus, having become aware of their wickedness, said, “Why do you test me, you hypocrites?
Matt 22:19 870Epidei/cate/ moi to\ no/misma tou= kh/nsou. Oi9 de\ prosh/negkan au0tw%~ dhna&rion. Show me the official coin of the census-tax.” So they brought a denary to him. denary: a silver coin.
Matt 22:20 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Ti/noj h9 ei0kw_n au3th kai\ h9 e0pigrafh/; Then he said to them, “Whose is this image and inscription?”
Matt 22:21 Le/gousin au0tw%~, Kai/saroj. To/te le/gei au0toi=j, 870Apo/dote ou]n ta_ Kai/saroj Kai/sari: kai\ ta_ tou= qeou= tw%~ qew%~. They said to him, “Caesar's.” Then he said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are of Caesar, and to God the things that are of God.”
Matt 22:22 Kai\ a)kou/santej e0qau/masan: kai\ a)fe/ntej au0to\n a)ph=lqon. And when they heard this, they were amazed, and they left him and departed.
Matt 22:23 870En e0kei/nh| th|= h9me/ra% prosh=lqon au0tw%~ Saddoukai=oi, {RP-text P1904 TR: oi9} [RP-marg: - ] le/gontej mh\ ei]nai a)na&stasin, kai\ e0phrw&thsan au0to/n, On that day the Sadducees, {RP-text P1904 TR: who say} [RP-marg: saying that] there is no resurrection, came to him and questioned him, oi9, who (say): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1853=13/21 F1859=6/8 vs. absent in RP-marg F1853=8/21 F1859=2/8.
Matt 22:24 le/gontej, Dida&skale, Mwsh=j ei]pen, 870Ea&n tij a)poqa&nh| mh\ e1xwn te/kna, e0pigambreu/sei o9 a)delfo\j au0tou= th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, kai\ a)nasth/sei spe/rma tw%~ a)delfw%~ au0tou=. saying, “Teacher, Moses said, ‘If someone dies, not having children, his brother shall marry his wife in the capacity of the deceased's brother and raise seed to his brother.’ Deut 25:5.

marry ... in the capacity of the deceased's brother: all one word in Greek.

seed: implying more continuity than just offspring.
Matt 22:25 87]Hsan de\ par' h9mi=n e9pta_ a)delfoi/: kai\ o9 prw~toj gamh/saj e0teleu/thsen: kai\ mh\ e1xwn spe/rma, a)fh=ken th\n gunai=ka au0tou= tw%~ a)delfw%~ au0tou=. Now there were seven brothers in our community. And the first married, and he died, and not having any seed, he left his wife to his brother. in our community ← with us.

seed: see Matt 22:24.
Matt 22:26 879Omoi/wj kai\ o9 deu/teroj, kai\ o9 tri/toj, e3wj tw~n e9pta&. Likewise also the second, and the third, up to the seventh. seventh ← seven.
Matt 22:27 873Usteron de\ pa&ntwn a)pe/qanen kai\ h9 gunh/. And last of all, the woman died too.
Matt 22:28 870En th|= ou]n a)nasta&sei, ti/noj tw~n e9pta_ e1stai {RP TR: - } [P1904: h9] gunh/; Pa&ntej ga_r e1sxon au0th/n. In the resurrection then, to whom of the seven will she be {RP TR: - } [P1904: the] wife? For all of them had her.” h9, the (wife): absent in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=7/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=0/7.
Matt 22:29 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Plana~sqe, mh\ ei0do/tej ta_j grafa&j, mhde\ th\n du/namin tou= qeou=. Then Jesus answered and said to them, “You are going astray, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
Matt 22:30 870En ga_r th|= a)nasta&sei ou1te gamou=sin, ou1te e0kgami/zontai, a)ll' w(j a!ggeloi {RP TR: tou=} [P1904: - ] qeou= e0n ou0ranw%~ ei0sin. For in the resurrection, they do not marry nor are given in marriage, but they are as the angels of God in heaven. tou=, the (God): present in RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's s) F1859=3/7.
Matt 22:31 Peri\ de\ th=j a)nasta&sewj tw~n nekrw~n, ou0k a)ne/gnwte to\ r(hqe\n u9mi=n u9po\ tou= qeou=, le/gontoj, And concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read that which was spoken to you by God, where he says,
Matt 22:32 870Egw& ei0mi o9 qeo\j 870Abraa&m, kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Isaa&k, kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Iakw&b; Ou0k e1stin o9 qeo\j qeo\j nekrw~n, a)lla_ zw&ntwn. ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not a God of the dead, but of the living.” Ex 3:6.

God: we retain a capital G, because although it would be a god of the dead, the reference is also to the God of the living.
Matt 22:33 Kai\ a)kou/santej oi9 o1xloi e0ceplh/ssonto e0pi\ th|= didaxh|= au0tou=. And when the crowds heard it, they were astounded at his teaching.
Matt 22:34 Oi9 de\ Farisai=oi, a)kou/santej o3ti e0fi/mwsen tou\j Saddoukai/ouj, sunh/xqhsan e0pi\ to\ au0to/. But the Pharisees, having heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, gathered right there together, silenced ← muzzled.
Matt 22:35 Kai\ e0phrw&thsen ei[j e0c au0tw~n nomiko/j, peira&zwn au0to/n, kai\ le/gwn, and one of them, a scholar in the law, asked him a question, testing him, and he said,
Matt 22:36 Dida&skale, poi/a e0ntolh\ mega&lh e0n tw%~ no/mw%; “Teacher, which commandment is the greatest in the law?” the greatest ← great, positive degree for superlative; Hebraistic – Hebrew only uses the article to denote the superlative, but in the Greek it is necessarily absent, as it is the complement of the verb to be, understood.
Matt 22:37 o9 de\ 870Ihsou=j {RP P1904: e1fh} [TR: ei]pen] au0tw%~, 870Agaph/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou, e0n o3lh| {RP: - } [P1904 TR: th|=] kardi/a% sou, kai\ e0n o3lh| {RP: - } [P1904 TR: th|=] yuxh|= sou, kai\ e0n o3lh| th|= dianoi/a% sou. And Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. e1fh, he said (1), RP P1904 F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. ei]pen, he said (2), TR F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.

1st th|=, the (heart of you): absent in RP F1853=12/22 F1859=6/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=10/22 F1859=1/7.

2nd th|=, the (soul of you): absent in RP F1853=8/23 F1859=3/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=15/23 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:21.

Deut 6:5.
Matt 22:38 Au3th e0sti\n prw&th kai\ mega&lh e0ntolh/. This is the first and greatest commandment. greatest ← great. Positive degree for superlative.
Matt 22:39 Deute/ra de\ o9moi/a {RP-text P1904 TR: au0th|=} [RP-marg: au3th], 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto/n. {RP-text P1904 TR: And the second is like it} [RP-marg: And the second, which is similar, is this]: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. au0th|=, to it, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=9/20 F1859=0/7 vs. au3th, this, RP-marg F1853=9/20 F1859=6/7 vs. another reading, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ce) F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:15. This is only a matter of choice of diacritics by scribes and editors.

Lev 19:18.
Matt 22:40 870En tau/taij tai=j dusi\n e0ntolai=j o3loj o9 no/moj kai\ oi9 profh=tai kre/mantai. In these two commandments hang the whole of the law and the prophets.”
Matt 22:41 Sunhgme/nwn de\ tw~n Farisai/wn, e0phrw&thsen au0tou\j o9 870Ihsou=j, Then when the Pharisees had gathered together, Jesus questioned them,
Matt 22:42 le/gwn, Ti/ u9mi=n dokei= peri\ tou= xristou=; Ti/noj ui9o/j e0stin; Le/gousin au0tw%~, Tou= {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. and he said, “What do you think about Christ? Whose son is he?” They said to him, “David's.” David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Christ ← the Christ.
Matt 22:43 Le/gei au0toi=j, Pw~j ou]n {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] e0n pneu/mati ku/rion au0to\n kalei=, le/gwn, He said to them, “How come then David calls him Lord in the spirit, saying, David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.
Matt 22:44 Ei]pen o9 ku/rioj tw%~ kuri/w% mou, Ka&qou e0k deciw~n mou, e3wj a@n qw~ tou\j e0xqrou/j sou u9popo/dion tw~n podw~n sou;

‘The Lord said to my Lord,

«Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool» ’?

Ps 110:1.

your footstool ← a footstool of your feet.
Matt 22:45 Ei0 ou]n {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] kalei= au0to\n ku/rion, pw~j ui9o\j au0tou= e0stin; If, then, David calls him Lord, how is it that he is his son?” David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.
Matt 22:46 Kai\ ou0dei\j e0du/nato au0tw%~ a)pokriqh=nai lo/gon: ou0de\ e0to/lmhse/n tij a)p' e0kei/nhj th=j h9me/raj e0perwth=sai au0to\n ou0ke/ti. And no-one was able to answer him a word, nor did anyone dare to question him any longer from that day.
Matt 23:1 To/te o9 870Ihsou=j e0la&lhsen toi=j o1xloij kai\ toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=, Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples,
Matt 23:2 le/gwn, 870Epi\ th=j Mwse/wj kaqe/draj e0ka&qisan oi9 grammatei=j kai\ oi9 Farisai=oi: and he said, “The scribes and Pharisees have sat down on Moses' seat,
Matt 23:3 pa&nta ou]n o3sa {RP P1904: e0a_n} [TR: a@n] ei1pwsin u9mi=n threi=n, threi=te kai\ poiei=te: kata_ de\ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n mh\ poiei=te, le/gousin ga_r kai\ ou0 poiou=sin. so whatever they tell you to keep, you are keeping to and doing, but do not do according to their works, for they say things, but they do not do them. e0a_n, (what)ever (1), RP P1904 F1853=16/21 F1859=7/8 vs. a@n, (what)ever (2), TR F1853=5/21 F1859=1/8.

whatever ← everything whatever.

you are keeping to and doing: AV differs, translating these ↴
Matt 23:4 Desmeu/ousin ga_r forti/a bare/a kai\ dusba&stakta, kai\ e0pitiqe/asin e0pi\ tou\j w!mouj tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, tw%~ de\ daktu/lw% au0tw~n ou0 qe/lousin kinh=sai au0ta&. For they bind heavy burdens and things hard to bear, and they put them on the shoulders of men, but they are not willing to move them with their finger. ↳ verbs as imperatives, which is grammatically equally possible, but they fit the context (v.4) better as indicatives. It is clear that both their works and their sayings are wrong.
Matt 23:5 Pa&nta de\ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n poiou=sin pro\j to\ qeaqh=nai toi=j a)nqrw&poij: platu/nousin {RP TR: de\} [P1904: ga_r] ta_ fulakth/ria au0tw~n, kai\ megalu/nousin ta_ kra&speda tw~n i9mati/wn au0tw~n: But they do all their works to be seen by men, {RP TR: and} [P1904: for] they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the fringes of their coats, de\, and, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=6/8 vs. ga_r, for, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/8. We correct here Scrivener's assumed erroneous interchange of de\ and ga_r. A disparity with F1853; F1859 is correct.

fringes: see Num 15:38; literally hems.
Matt 23:6 {RP TR: filou=si/n te} [P1904: filou=sin de\] th\n prwtoklisi/an e0n toi=j dei/pnoij, kai\ ta_j prwtokaqedri/aj e0n tai=j sunagwgai=j, and they love the privileged couches at dinners and the prime seats in the synagogues, te, and (conjunctive), RP TR F1853=16/22 F1859=5/7 vs. de\, and (slightly adversative), P1904 F1853=5/22 (Scrivener's acgpxonce) F1859=2/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/22 (Scrivener's yonce) F1859=0/7. Manuscripts x and y have the reading more than once, and inconsistently.
Matt 23:7 kai\ tou\j a)spasmou\j e0n tai=j a)gorai=j, kai\ kalei=sqai u9po\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, 879Rabbi/, r(abbi/: and the greetings in the markets, and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, rabbi.’
Matt 23:8 u9mei=j de\ mh\ klhqh=te 879Rabbi/: ei[j {RP TR: ga&r e0stin u9mw~n} [P1904: ga_r u9mw~n e0stin] o9 {RP TR: kaqhghth/j} [P1904: dida&skaloj], o9 xristo/j: pa&ntej de\ u9mei=j a)delfoi/ e0ste. But do not you be called ‘rabbi’. For you have one {RP TR: guide} [P1904: teacher]: Christ. And you are all brothers. e0stin u9mw~n, is + of yours, RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=7/8 vs. u9mw~n e0stin, of yours + is, P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's xonce) F1859=0/8 vs. phrase absent, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/8.

kaqhghth/j, guide, RP TR F1853=16/20 F1859=6/7 vs. dida&skaloj, teacher, P1904 F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's dlmn) F1859=1/7.

you have one ← one is your.
Matt 23:9 Kai\ pate/ra mh\ kale/shte u9mw~n e0pi\ th=j gh=j: ei[j ga&r e0stin o9 path\r u9mw~n, o9 e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j. And do not call anyone your ‘father’ on earth, for you have one father, who is in the heavens.
Matt 23:10 Mhde\ klhqh=te kaqhghtai/: ei[j ga_r u9mw~n e0stin o9 kaqhghth/j, o9 xristo/j. And do not be called ‘guides’. For you have one guide: Christ.
Matt 23:11 879O de\ mei/zwn u9mw~n e1stai u9mw~n dia&konoj. And the greatest among you will be your servant. greatest ← greater, Greek comparative for superlative.

among you ← of you.
Matt 23:12 873Ostij de\ u9yw&sei e9auto/n, tapeinwqh/setai: kai\ o3stij tapeinw&sei e9auto/n, u9ywqh/setai. And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. exalts ← will exalt.

humbles ← will humble.
Matt 23:13 Ou0ai\ de\ u9mi=n, grammatei=j kai\ Farisai=oi, u9pokritai/, {RP P1904 S1550: o3ti katesqi/ete ta_j oi0ki/aj tw~n xhrw~n, kai\ profa&sei makra_ proseuxo/menoi: dia_ tou=to lh/yesqe perisso/teron kri/ma} [E1624 S1894: o3ti klei/ete th\n basilei/an tw~n ou0ranw~n e1mprosqen tw~n a)nqrw&pwn: u9mei=j ga_r ou0k ei0se/rxesqe, ou0de\ tou\j ei0serxome/nouj a)fi/ete ei0selqei=n]. But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, ¶ {RP P1904 S1550: because you devour widows' houses, and for a pretence you say long prayers. On account of this you will receive greater judgment} [E1624 S1894: because you shut up the kingdom of the heavens in front of men, for you do not go in, nor do you let those who are on the road to going in actually go in]. ¶ Verse order: E1624 S1894, but not RP P1904 S1550 F1853=20/20 F1859=7/7 AV, transpose the part of verses 13 and 14 from the marker (¶) to the end of the verse.
Matt 23:14 Ou0ai\ u9mi=n, grammatei=j kai\ Farisai=oi, u9pokritai/, {RP P1904 S1550: o3ti klei/ete th\n basilei/an tw~n ou0ranw~n e1mprosqen tw~n a)nqrw&pwn: u9mei=j ga_r ou0k ei0se/rxesqe, ou0de\ tou\j ei0serxome/nouj a)fi/ete ei0selqei=n} [E1624 S1894: o3ti katesqi/ete ta_j oi0ki/aj tw~n xhrw~n, kai\ profa&sei makra_ proseuxo/menoi: dia_ tou=to lh/yesqe perisso/teron kri/ma]. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, ¶ {RP P1904 S1550: because you shut up the kingdom of the heavens in front of men, for you do not go in, nor do you let those who are on the road to going in actually go in} [E1624 S1894: because you devour widows' houses and for a pretence you say long prayers. On account of this you will receive greater judgment]. ¶ Verse order: see above verse.
Matt 23:15 Ou0ai\ u9mi=n, grammatei=j kai\ Farisai=oi, u9pokritai/, o3ti peria&gete th\n qa&lassan kai\ th\n chra_n poih=sai e3na prosh/luton, kai\ o3tan ge/nhtai, poiei=te au0to\n ui9o\n gee/nnhj diplo/teron u9mw~n. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you go round sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when it has taken place, you make him a son of Gehenna twofold more than yourselves. has taken place ← takes place.

Gehenna: see Matt 5:22.
Matt 23:16 Ou0ai\ u9mi=n, o9dhgoi\ tufloi/, oi9 le/gontej, 874Oj a@n o0mo/sh| e0n tw%~ naw%~, ou0de/n e0stin: o4j d' a@n o0mo/sh| e0n tw%~ xrusw%~ tou= naou=, o0fei/lei. Woe to you, you blind guides, who say, ‘Whoever swears by the sanctuary, it is nothing, but whoever swears by the gold of the sanctuary is a debtor.’
Matt 23:17 Mwroi\ kai\ tufloi/: ti/j ga_r mei/zwn e0sti/n, o9 xruso/j, h2 o9 nao\j o9 a(gia&zwn to\n xruso/n; Fools and blind men, for which is greater, the gold, or the sanctuary which sanctifies the gold?
Matt 23:18 Kai/, 874Oj {RP TR: e0a_n} [P1904: a@n] o0mo/sh| e0n tw%~ qusiasthri/w%, ou0de/n e0stin: o4j d' a@n o0mo/sh| e0n tw%~ dw&rw% tw%~ e0pa&nw au0tou=, o0fei/lei. And: ‘Whoever swears by the altar, it is nothing, but whoever swears by the gift which is on it is a debtor.’ e0a_n, (who)ever (1), RP TR F1853=15/21 F1859=3/7 vs. a@n, (who)ever (2), P1904 F1853=6/21 F1859=4/7.

on ← above.
Matt 23:19 Mwroi\ kai\ tufloi/: ti/ ga_r mei=zon, to\ dw~ron, h2 to\ qusiasth/rion to\ a(gia&zon to\ dw~ron; Fools and blind men, for which is greater, the gift, or the altar which sanctifies the gift?
Matt 23:20 879O ou]n o0mo/saj e0n tw%~ qusiasthri/w% o0mnu/ei e0n au0tw%~ kai\ e0n pa~sin toi=j e0pa&nw au0tou=: So he who swears by the altar swears by it and everything on it, swears ← swore, but the aorist participle can be contemporaneous with the main verb, including classically (“coincident use”), and it may represent the perfective aspect rather than the past tense here, or even be equivalent to the present participle. The second swears is present indicative. Compare Acts 13:46, Gal 2:1, 1 Tim 3:13.

on ← above.
Matt 23:21 kai\ o9 o0mo/saj e0n tw%~ naw%~ o0mnu/ei e0n au0tw%~ kai\ e0n tw%~ {RP P1904: katoikh/santi} [TR: katoikou=nti] au0to/n: and he who swears by the sanctuary swears by it and by him who {RP P1904: dwells} [TR: dwells] in it, katoikh/santi, dwells / dwelt, RP P1904 F1853=15/21 F1859=4/7 vs. katoikou=nti, dwells, TR F1853=6/21 F1859=3/7.

swears: see v.20.

{RP: dwells: a similar argument to that of swears applies. See above.}
Matt 23:22 kai\ o9 o0mo/saj e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~ o0mnu/ei e0n tw%~ qro/nw% tou= qeou= kai\ e0n tw%~ kaqhme/nw% e0pa&nw au0tou=. and he who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by him who sits on it. swears: see v.20.

on ← above.
Matt 23:23 Ou0ai\ u9mi=n, grammatei=j kai\ Farisai=oi, u9pokritai/, o3ti a)podekatou=te to\ h9du/osmon kai\ to\ a!nhqon kai\ to\ ku/minon, kai\ a)fh/kate ta_ baru/tera tou= no/mou, th\n kri/sin kai\ to\n e1leon kai\ th\n pi/stin: tau=ta {RP TR: - } [P1904: de\] e1dei poih=sai, ka)kei=na mh\ a)fie/nai. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you pay the tithe of mint and dill and cumin but have omitted the weightier aspects of the law: judgment and mercy and faith. {RP TR: You} [P1904: And you] should have done these things, while not omitting the former things. de\, and: absent in RP TRF1853=16/20 F1859=7/8 vs. present in P1904 F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's efgx) F1859=1/8.

pay: or take.
Matt 23:24 879Odhgoi\ tufloi/, oi9 diu+li/zontej to\n kw&nwpa, th\n de\ ka&mhlon katapi/nontej. You blind guides, you strain off a gnat, but you swallow a camel. you ← who.

a camel ← the camel. See Gen 22:9.
Matt 23:25 Ou0ai\ u9mi=n, grammatei=j kai\ Farisai=oi, u9pokritai/, o3ti kaqari/zete to\ e1cwqen tou= pothri/ou kai\ th=j paroyi/doj, e1swqen de\ ge/mousin e0c a(rpagh=j kai\ {RP P1904: a)diki/aj} [TR: a)krasi/aj]. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites, because you clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of plunder and {RP P1904: injustice} [TR: excess]. a)diki/aj, injustice, RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=4/7 vs. a)krasi/aj, bad mixture, intemperance, excess, TR F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's d) F1859=3/7 vs. a)kaqarsi/aj, uncleanness, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's g) F1859=0/7. AV differs textually.
Matt 23:26 Farisai=e tufle/, kaqa&rison prw~ton to\ e0nto\j tou= pothri/ou kai\ th=j paroyi/doj, i3na ge/nhtai kai\ to\ e0kto\j au0tw~n kaqaro/n. You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and the dish, so that the outside of them may also become clean.
Matt 23:27 Ou0ai\ u9mi=n, grammatei=j kai\ Farisai=oi, u9pokritai/, o3ti paromoia&zete ta&foij kekoniame/noij, oi3tinej e1cwqen me\n fai/nontai w(rai=oi, e1swqen de\ ge/mousin o0ste/wn nekrw~n kai\ pa&shj a)kaqarsi/aj. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you are like whitewashed sepulchres, which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside are full of bones of the dead and all uncleanness.
Matt 23:28 Ou3twj kai\ u9mei=j e1cwqen me\n fai/nesqe toi=j a)nqrw&poij di/kaioi, e1swqen de\ mestoi/ e0ste u9pokri/sewj kai\ a)nomi/aj. In this way, you for your part appear righteous to men on the outside, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. for your part ← also.
Matt 23:29 Ou0ai\ u9mi=n, grammatei=j kai\ Farisai=oi, u9pokritai/, o3ti oi0kodomei=te tou\j ta&fouj tw~n profhtw~n, kai\ kosmei=te ta_ mnhmei=a tw~n dikai/wn, Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you build the tombs of the prophets, and you adorn the sepulchres of the righteous, sepulchres ← memorials.
Matt 23:30 kai\ le/gete, Ei0 h]men e0n tai=j h9me/raij tw~n pate/rwn h9mw~n, ou0k a@n h]men koinwnoi\ au0tw~n e0n tw%~ ai3mati tw~n profhtw~n. and you say, ‘If we had been around in the days of our fathers, we would not have been party with them to the shed blood of the prophets.’
Matt 23:31 873Wste marturei=te e9autoi=j o3ti ui9oi/ e0ste tw~n foneusa&ntwn tou\j profh/taj: So you witness to yourselves that you are sons of those who killed the prophets.
Matt 23:32 kai\ u9mei=j plhrw&sate to\ me/tron tw~n pate/rwn u9mw~n. You too, fill up the measure of your fathers.
Matt 23:33 871Ofeij, gennh/mata e0xidnw~n, pw~j fu/ghte a)po\ th=j kri/sewj th=j gee/nnhj; Serpents, offspring of vipers, how can you flee from the judgment of Gehenna? can you ← are you to, rhetorical deliberative subjunctive.

Gehenna: see Matt 5:22.
Matt 23:34 Dia_ tou=to, i0dou/, e0gw_ a)poste/llw pro\j u9ma~j profh/taj kai\ sofou\j kai\ grammatei=j: kai\ e0c au0tw~n a)poktenei=te kai\ staurw&sete, kai\ e0c au0tw~n mastigw&sete e0n tai=j sunagwgai=j u9mw~n kai\ diw&cete a)po\ po/lewj ei0j po/lin: On account of this, look, I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, and some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from city to city,
Matt 23:35 o3pwj e1lqh| e0f' u9ma~j pa~n ai[ma di/kaion e0kxuno/menon e0pi\ th=j gh=j, a)po\ tou= ai3matoj 871Abel tou= dikai/ou, e3wj tou= ai3matoj Zaxari/ou ui9ou= Baraxi/ou, o4n e0foneu/sate metacu\ tou= naou= kai\ tou= qusiasthri/ou. so that all righteous blood shed on earth should come upon you from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Berechiah whom you killed between the sanctuary and the altar. so that: the classical meaning is in order that. We do not entirely exclude the possibility of a purpose clause here.

Berechiah ← Barachias, but we conform it to Zech 1:1.
Matt 23:36 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, {RP P1904: o3ti} [TR: - ] h3cei {RP-text: pa&nta tau=ta} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tau=ta pa&nta] e0pi\ th\n genea_n tau/thn. Truly, I say to you {RP P1904: that} [TR: that] all this will come upon this generation. o3ti, that: present in RP P1904 F1853=20/21 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's xonce) F1859=1/7.

pa&nta tau=ta, all + these (things), RP-text F1853=14/20 F1859=3/7 vs. tau=ta pa&nta, these (things) + all, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=6/20 F1859=4/7.
Matt 23:37 879Ierousalh/m, 879Ierousalh/m, h9 {RP-text: a)pokte/nousa} [P1904: a)pokte/nnousa] [RP-marg TR: a)poktei/nousa] tou\j profh/taj kai\ liqobolou=sa tou\j a)pestalme/nouj pro\j au0th/n, posa&kij h0qe/lhsa e0pisunagagei=n ta_ te/kna sou, o4n tro/pon e0pisuna&gei o1rnij ta_ nossi/a e9auth=j u9po\ ta_j pte/rugaj, kai\ ou0k h0qelh/sate. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I wished to gather your children in the way a bird gathers her nestlings under her wings, but you have not been willing. a)pokte/nousa, RP-text F1853=10/21 F1859=4/8 vs. a)pokte/nnousa, P1904, F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's hky) F1859=1/8 vs. a)poktei/nousa, RP-marg TR F1853=6/21 F1859=3/8 vs. other readings, F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's a*d) F1859=0/8. All forms listed are a present participle, killing, and we ignore accentuation, but the alternative accentuation a)poktenou=sa would be future.

you ← her, third person used after vocative.
Matt 23:38 870Idou/, a)fi/etai u9mi=n o9 oi]koj u9mw~n e1rhmoj. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate.
Matt 23:39 Le/gw ga_r u9mi=n, ou0 mh/ me {RP TR: i1dhte} [P1904: i1dete] a)p' a!rti, e3wj a@n ei1phte, Eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou. For I say to you, you certainly will not see me from now until you say,

‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ”

i1dhte, see (classical subjunctive), RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=7/7 vs. i1dete, see (non-classical imperative), P1904 F1853=0/21 F1859=0/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's xonce) F1859=0/7.

Ps 118:26.
Matt 24:1 Kai\ e0celqw_n o9 870Ihsou=j e0poreu/eto a)po\ tou= i9erou=: kai\ prosh=lqon oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= e0pidei=cai au0tw%~ ta_j oi0kodoma_j tou= i9erou=. Then Jesus went out and left the temple, and his disciples came to him to point out to him the buildings of the temple.
Matt 24:2 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Ou0 ble/pete {RP-text TR: pa&nta tau=ta} [RP-marg P1904: tau=ta pa&nta]; 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, ou0 mh\ a)feqh|= w{de li/qoj e0pi\ li/qon, o4j {RP P1904: ou0} [TR: ou0 mh\] kataluqh/setai. But Jesus said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Truly, I say to you, there {RP P1904: - } [TR: certainly] will not be a stone left on a stone here, which will not be demolished.” pa&nta tau=ta, all + these (things), RP-text TR F1853=12/21 F1859=3/7 vs. tau=ta pa&nta, these (things) + all, RP-marg P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7.

ou0, not, RP P1904 F1853=17/22 F1859=6/7 vs. ou0 mh\, certainly not, TR F1853=5/22 F1859=1/7.
Matt 24:3 Kaqhme/nou de\ au0tou= e0pi\ tou= o1rouj tw~n 870Elaiw~n, prosh=lqon au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ kat' i0di/an, le/gontej, Ei0pe\ h9mi=n, po/te tau=ta e1stai; Kai\ ti/ to\ shmei=on th=j sh=j parousi/aj, kai\ th=j suntelei/aj tou= ai0w~noj; And as he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately and said, “Tell us when these things will be, and what the sign of your coming is, and of the consummation of the age.”
Matt 24:4 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Ble/pete, mh/ tij u9ma~j planh/sh|. Then Jesus replied and said to them, “See that no-one leads you astray,
Matt 24:5 Polloi\ ga_r e0leu/sontai e0pi\ tw%~ o0no/mati/ mou, le/gontej, 870Egw& ei0mi o9 xristo/j: kai\ pollou\j planh/sousin. for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ’, and they will lead many astray.
Matt 24:6 Mellh/sete de\ a)kou/ein pole/mouj kai\ a)koa_j pole/mwn: o9ra~te, mh\ qroei=sqe: dei= ga_r pa&nta gene/sqai: a)ll' ou1pw e0sti\n to\ te/loj. But you will hear of wars and rumours of wars. Watch out and do not be troubled, for all things must take place, but the end is not yet. do not be troubled: or see that you are not troubled.
Matt 24:7 870Egerqh/setai ga_r e1qnoj e0pi\ e1qnoj, kai\ basilei/a e0pi\ basilei/an: kai\ e1sontai limoi\ kai\ loimoi\ kai\ seismoi\ kata_ to/pouj. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in various places. Isa 19:2, loosely.
Matt 24:8 Pa&nta de\ tau=ta a)rxh\ w)di/nwn. But all these things are the beginning of birth pains.
Matt 24:9 To/te paradw&sousin u9ma~j ei0j qli/yin, kai\ a)poktenou=sin u9ma~j: kai\ e1sesqe misou/menoi u9po\ pa&ntwn {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: tw~n} [E1624: - ] e0qnw~n dia_ to\ o1noma& mou. Then they will deliver you into tribulation and will kill you, and you will be hated by all {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: the} [E1624: the] nations on account of my name. tw~n, the: present in RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1853=16/21 F1859=7/7 vs. absent in E1624 F1853=5/21 F1859=0/7.
Matt 24:10 Kai\ to/te skandalisqh/sontai polloi/, kai\ a)llh/louj paradw&sousin, kai\ mish/sousin a)llh/louj. And then many will stumble and will deliver each other up and will hate each other. Isa 8:15.

stumble: or be offended. The Hebrew in Isa 8:15 is כָּשַׁל, kashal, stumble.
Matt 24:11 Kai\ polloi\ yeudoprofh=tai e0gerqh/sontai, kai\ planh/sousin pollou/j. And many false prophets will arise and will lead many astray. arise: or be raised up.
Matt 24:12 Kai\ dia_ to\ plhqunqh=nai th\n a)nomi/an, yugh/setai h9 a)ga&ph tw~n pollw~n: And on account of lawlessness being increased, the love of many will go cold.
Matt 24:13 o9 de\ u9pomei/naj ei0j te/loj, ou[toj swqh/setai. But it is he who remains until the end who will be saved. remains ← remained. See Matt 23:20.

who ← this (one).
Matt 24:14 Kai\ khruxqh/setai tou=to to\ eu0agge/lion th=j basilei/aj e0n o3lh| th|= oi0koume/nh| ei0j martu/rion pa~sin toi=j e1qnesin: kai\ to/te h3cei to\ te/loj. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Matt 24:15 873Otan ou]n i1dhte to\ bde/lugma th=j e0rhmw&sewj, to\ r(hqe\n dia_ Danih\l tou= profh/tou, {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e9stw_j} [S1550: e9sto\j] e0n to/pw% a(gi/w% - o9 a)naginw&skwn noei/tw - So when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place – may the reader understand – e9stw_j, standing (masculine), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1853=18/21 F1859=4/7 vs. e9sto\j, standing (neuter, agreeing with abomination), S1550 F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's gks) F1859=3/7. Scrivener appears to have collated in F1859 (but not F1853) against S1550, since he ↴

Dan 9:27, Dan 11:31, Dan 12:11.
Matt 24:16 to/te oi9 e0n th|= 870Ioudai/a% feuge/twsan e0pi\ ta_ o1rh: then let those in Judaea flee to the mountains. ↳ gives e9stw_j as the variant. We have seen that wLHP read e9stw_j.
Matt 24:17 o9 e0pi\ tou= dw&matoj mh\ katabaine/tw {RP P1904: a}rai ta_} [TR: a}rai/ ti] e0k th=j oi0ki/aj au0tou=: Let him who is on the roof not come down to take {RP P1904: his belongings} [TR: anything] out of his house. a}rai ta_, take the (things of his), RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=7/9 vs. a}rai/ ti, take anything, TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's uy, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/9 vs. phrase absent, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/9.
Matt 24:18 kai\ o9 e0n tw%~ a)grw%~ mh\ e0pistreya&tw o0pi/sw a}rai ta_ i9ma&tia au0tou=. And let him who is in the field not turn back to take his clothes.
Matt 24:19 Ou0ai\ de\ tai=j e0n gastri\ e0xou/saij kai\ tai=j qhlazou/saij e0n e0kei/naij tai=j h9me/raij. But woe to those with child and to those breastfeeding in those days. with child ← having in belly.
Matt 24:20 Proseu/xesqe de\ i3na mh\ ge/nhtai h9 fugh\ u9mw~n xeimw~noj, mhde\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0n] sabba&tw%. And pray that your flight may not take place in winter or on a Sabbath, e0n, on (a preposition strengthening the dative): absent in RP P1904 F1853=16/21 F1859=5/7 vs. present in TR F1853=5/21 F1859=2/7.
Matt 24:21 871Estai ga_r to/te qli/yij mega&lh, oi3a ou0 ge/gonen a)p' a)rxh=j ko/smou e3wj tou= nu=n, ou0d' ou0 mh\ ge/nhtai. for then there will be a great tribulation, the like of which has not taken place since the beginning of the world up until now, nor ever will take place, Dan 12:1.

ever: this sense is present in ou0 mh\.
Matt 24:22 Kai\ ei0 mh\ e0kolobw&qhsan ai9 h9me/rai e0kei=nai, ou0k a@n e0sw&qh pa~sa sa&rc: dia_ de\ tou\j e0klektou\j kolobwqh/sontai ai9 h9me/rai e0kei=nai. and if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved. But for the sake of the chosen, those days will be shortened. no flesh would be saved ← not all flesh would have been saved or all flesh would not have been saved, a Hebraism.
Matt 24:23 To/te e0a&n tij u9mi=n ei1ph|, 870Idou/, w{de o9 xristo/j, h1, 87[Wde, mh\ pisteu/shte. Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ’, or, ‘There’, do not believe it, there ← here.
Matt 24:24 870Egerqh/sontai ga_r yeudo/xristoi kai\ yeudoprofh=tai, kai\ dw&sousin shmei=a mega&la kai\ te/rata, w#ste planh=sai, ei0 dunato/n, kai\ tou\j e0klektou/j. for false Christs will arise, and false prophets, and they will produce great signs and miracles, so as to lead astray, if it is possible, even those chosen. arise: or be raised up.

produce ← give.
Matt 24:25 870Idou/, proei/rhka u9mi=n. Behold, I have foretold you.
Matt 24:26 870Ea_n ou]n ei1pwsin u9mi=n, 870Idou/, e0n th|= e0rh/mw% e0sti/n, mh\ e0ce/lqhte: 870Idou/, e0n toi=j tamei/oij, mh\ pisteu/shte. So if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the desert’, do not go out, or, ‘Look, he is in the private offices’, do not believe it,
Matt 24:27 873Wsper ga_r h9 a)straph\ e0ce/rxetai a)po\ a)natolw~n kai\ fai/netai e3wj dusmw~n, ou3twj e1stai {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\} [RP-marg: - ] h9 parousi/a tou= ui9ou= tou= a)nqrw&pou. for as lightning comes out from the east and shines as far as the west, so {RP-text P1904 TR: also} [RP-marg: - ] shall the coming of the son of man be, kai\, also: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in RP-marg F1853=12/21 F1859=3/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=15:15.
Matt 24:28 873Opou ga_r e0a_n h|] to\ ptw~ma, e0kei= sunaxqh/sontai oi9 a)etoi/. for wherever the carcase is, there the eagles will be gathered.
Matt 24:29 Eu0qe/wj de\ meta_ th\n qli/yin tw~n h9merw~n e0kei/nwn, o9 h3lioj skotisqh/setai, kai\ h9 selh/nh ou0 dw&sei to\ fe/ggoj au0th=j, kai\ oi9 a)ste/rej pesou=ntai a)po\ tou= ou0ranou=, kai\ ai9 duna&meij tw~n ou0ranw~n saleuqh/sontai. But immediately after the tribulation of those days,

The sun will be darkened,

And the moon will not give its lustre,

And the stars will fall from the sky,

And the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Isa 13:10, Isa 34:4.

sky ← heaven, but the word is used of the sky in the next verse too and elsewhere, e.g. Matt 13:32 (birds of the sky).
Matt 24:30 Kai\ to/te fanh/setai to\ shmei=on tou= ui9ou= tou= a)nqrw&pou e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~: kai\ to/te ko/yontai pa~sai ai9 fulai\ th=j gh=j, kai\ o1yontai to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou e0rxo/menon e0pi\ tw~n nefelw~n tou= ou0ranou= meta_ duna&mewj kai\ do/chj pollh=j. And then the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Dan 7:13, Zech 12:12.

the sky: or heaven.

heaven: or the sky.

great ← much.
Matt 24:31 Kai\ a)postelei= tou\j a)gge/louj au0tou= meta_ sa&lpiggoj fwnh=j mega&lhj, kai\ e0pisuna&cousin tou\j e0klektou\j au0tou= e0k tw~n tessa&rwn a)ne/mwn, a)p' a!krwn ou0ranw~n e3wj a!krwn au0tw~n. And he will send his angels, with a loud sound of a trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of the skies to the other. Deut 30:4.

from one end of the skies to the other ← from ends of heaven up to ends of them.
Matt 24:32 870Apo\ de\ th=j sukh=j ma&qete th\n parabolh/n: o3tan h1dh o9 kla&doj au0th=j ge/nhtai a(palo/j, kai\ ta_ fu/lla e0kfu/h|, ginw&skete o3ti e0ggu\j to\ qe/roj: But learn the parable from the fig tree. When its branches become supple and it produces leaves, know that the harvest is near. branches ← branch.

harvest: or summer. Figs can ripen quickly. Harvest fits the context of Matt 13:30, Matt 21:34, Matt 24:3.
Matt 24:33 ou3twj kai\ u9mei=j, o3tan i1dhte {RP-text P1904: tau=ta pa&nta} [RP-marg TR: pa&nta tau=ta], ginw&skete o3ti e0ggu/j e0stin e0pi\ qu/raij. In this way, you too, when you see all these things, know that it is near, at the doors even. tau=ta pa&nta, these (things) + all, RP-text P1904 F1853=11/20 F1859=6/8 vs. pa&nta tau=ta, all + these (things), RP-marg TR F1853=9/20 F1859=2/8.
Matt 24:34 870Amh\n {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: le/gw} [E1624: le/gwn] u9mi=n, ou0 mh\ pare/lqh| h9 genea_ au3th, e3wj a@n pa&nta tau=ta ge/nhtai. Truly, {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: I} [E1624: I] say to you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things take place. le/gw, I say, RP P1904 S1550 S1894 vs. le/gwn, saying, E1624. No variations from Scrivener (in F1853 or F1859); we presume he understood E1624 to read le/gw, but it ↴
Matt 24:35 879O ou0rano\j kai\ h9 gh= pareleu/sontai, oi9 de\ lo/goi mou ou0 mh\ pare/lqwsin. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will certainly not pass away. ↳ certainly reads le/gwn (which we take to be an error in E1624). We have verified that aiwL read le/gw.
Matt 24:36 Peri\ de\ th=j h9me/raj e0kei/nhj kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: th=j] w#raj ou0dei\j oi]den, ou0de\ oi9 a!ggeloi tw~n ou0ranw~n, ei0 mh\ o9 path/r mou mo/noj. But concerning that day and {RP P1904: - } [TR: the] hour, no-one knows it – not even the angels of the heavens – except my father alone. th=j, the : absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/21 F1859=7/9 vs. present in TR F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's q*ru, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/9.
Matt 24:37 873Wsper de\ ai9 h9me/rai tou= Nw~e, ou3twj e1stai kai\ h9 parousi/a tou= ui9ou= tou= a)nqrw&pou. But as the days of Noah were, so also the coming of the son of man will be. Noah ← Noe, conformed to Gen 5:29.
Matt 24:38 873Wsper ga_r h]san e0n tai=j h9me/raij tai=j pro\ tou= kataklusmou= trw&gontej kai\ pi/nontej, gamou=ntej kai\ e0kgami/zontej, a!xri h[j h9me/raj ei0sh=lqen Nw~e ei0j th\n kibwto/n, For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah went into the ark,
Matt 24:39 kai\ ou0k e1gnwsan, e3wj h]lqen o9 kataklusmo\j kai\ h]ren a#pantaj, ou3twj e1stai kai\ h9 parousi/a tou= ui9ou= tou= a)nqrw&pou. and they did not know until the flood came and eliminated them all – so the coming of the son of man will be too.
Matt 24:40 To/te du/o e1sontai e0n tw%~ a)grw%~: o9 ei[j paralamba&netai, kai\ o9 ei[j a)fi/etai. At that time there will be two men in the field; one will be taken aside and one will be left behind. men: the gender is indicated in the Greek, and the masculine can be generic, but see the next verse.
Matt 24:41 Du/o a)lh/qousai e0n tw%~ mu/lwni: mi/a paralamba&netai, kai\ mi/a a)fi/etai. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken aside and one will be left behind. women: the gender is indicated in the Greek.
Matt 24:42 Grhgorei=te ou]n, o3ti ou0k oi1date poi/a% w#ra% o9 ku/rioj u9mw~n e1rxetai. So be watchful, for you do not know at what time your Lord will come. time ← hour.

will come ← comes.
Matt 24:43 870Ekei=no de\ ginw&skete, o3ti ei0 h|1dei o9 oi0kodespo/thj poi/a% fulakh|= o9 kle/pthj e1rxetai, e0grhgo/rhsen a!n, kai\ ou0k a@n ei1asen diorugh=nai th\n oi0ki/an au0tou=. But know this, that if the master of a house had known in which watch the thief would come, he would have been on guard and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. broken into ← dug through.
Matt 24:44 Dia_ tou=to kai\ u9mei=j gi/nesqe e3toimoi: o3ti h|[ w#ra% ou0 dokei=te, o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e1rxetai. On account of this, you too, be prepared, because at a time when you do not expect it, the son of man will come. time ← hour.

will come ← comes.
Matt 24:45 Ti/j a!ra e0sti\n o9 pisto\j dou=loj kai\ fro/nimoj, o4n kate/sthsen o9 ku/rioj au0tou= e0pi\ th=j qerapei/aj au0tou=, tou= dido/nai au0toi=j th\n trofh\n e0n kairw%~; Who then is the faithful and prudent servant, whom his master appointed over his domestic staff to give them food at the proper time? master ← lord (and so up to 25:40).
Matt 24:46 Maka&rioj o9 dou=loj e0kei=noj, o4n e0lqw_n o9 ku/rioj au0tou= eu9rh/sei poiou=nta ou3twj. Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. comes ← having come. See Matt 23:20.
Matt 24:47 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, o3ti e0pi\ pa~sin toi=j u9pa&rxousin au0tou= katasth/sei au0to/n. Truly, I say to you that he will appoint him over all his property.
Matt 24:48 870Ea_n de\ ei1ph| o9 kako\j dou=loj e0kei=noj e0n th|= kardi/a% au0tou=, Xroni/zei o9 ku/rio/j mou e0lqei=n, And if that bad servant should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying in coming’,
Matt 24:49 kai\ a!rchtai tu/ptein tou\j sundou/louj {RP TR: - } [P1904: au0tou=], {RP TR: e0sqi/ein de\ kai\ pi/nein} [P1904: e0sqi/h| de\ kai\ pi/nh|] meta_ tw~n mequo/ntwn, and he begins to strike {RP TR: his} [P1904: his] fellow servants and {RP TR: to eat and drink} [P1904: eats and drinks] with those who get drunk, au0tou=, his: absent in RP TR F1853=13/21 F1859=4/8 vs. present in P1904 F1853=8/21 F1859=4/8.

e0sqi/ein de\ kai\ pi/nein, to eat and drink, RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=2/7 vs. e0sqi/h| de\ kai\ pi/nh|, (if he) eats and drinks, P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=1/7 vs. other readings, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's bx) F1859=4/7.
Matt 24:50 h3cei o9 ku/rioj tou= dou/lou e0kei/nou e0n h9me/ra% h|[ ou0 prosdoka%~, kai\ e0n w#ra% h|[ ou0 ginw&skei, then that servant's master will come on a day when he does not expect it and at an hour which he is unaware of,
Matt 24:51 kai\ dixotomh/sei au0to/n, kai\ to\ me/roj au0tou= meta_ tw~n u9pokritw~n qh/sei: e0kei= e1stai o9 klauqmo\j kai\ o9 brugmo\j tw~n o0do/ntwn. and he will cut him in two and will consign his portion with the hypocrites. There, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Matt 25:1 To/te o9moiwqh/setai h9 basilei/a tw~n ou0ranw~n de/ka parqe/noij, ai3tinej labou=sai ta_j lampa&daj au0tw~n e0ch=lqon ei0j a)pa&nthsin tou= numfi/ou. Then the kingdom of the heavens will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. will be like ← will be likened to (which in English suggests that the likening does not take place until that time).
Matt 25:2 Pe/nte de\ h]san e0c au0tw~n fro/nimoi, kai\ {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: ai9} [E1624: - ] pe/nte mwrai/. Now five of them were prudent and five foolish, ai9, the (five): present in RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1853=16/19 F1859=7/8 vs. absent in E1624 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's csp) F1859=1/8.
Matt 25:3 Ai3tinej mwrai/, labou=sai ta_j lampa&daj {RP: au0tw~n} [P1904 TR: e9autw~n], ou0k e1labon meq' e9autw~n e1laion: and the foolish ones took {RP: their} [P1904 TR: their own] lamps but did not take any oil with them, au0tw~n, their, RP F1853=17/19 F1859=7/7 vs. e9autw~n, their own, P1904 TR F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's pu, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/7.
Matt 25:4 ai9 de\ fro/nimoi e1labon e1laion e0n toi=j a)ggei/oij au0tw~n meta_ tw~n lampa&dwn au0tw~n. but the prudent ones took oil in their flasks with their lamps.
Matt 25:5 Xroni/zontoj de\ tou= numfi/ou, e0nu/stacan pa~sai kai\ e0ka&qeudon. But when the bridegroom took a long time, they all dozed off and were asleep.
Matt 25:6 Me/shj de\ nukto\j kraugh\ ge/gonen, 870Idou/, o9 numfi/oj e1rxetai, e0ce/rxesqe ei0j a)pa&nthsin au0tou=. Then in the middle of the night there was a shout: ‘Look, the bridegroom is coming. Come out and meet him.’ there was ← has taken place, has become.
Matt 25:7 To/te h0ge/rqhsan pa~sai ai9 parqe/noi e0kei=nai, kai\ e0ko/smhsan ta_j lampa&daj au0tw~n. Then all those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps.
Matt 25:8 Ai9 de\ mwrai\ tai=j froni/moij ei]pon, Do/te h9mi=n e0k tou= e0lai/ou u9mw~n, o3ti ai9 lampa&dej h9mw~n sbe/nnuntai. Then the foolish ones said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps keep going out.’ keep going out: present tense, imperfective, iterative duty.
Matt 25:9 870Apekri/qhsan de\ ai9 fro/nimoi, le/gousai, Mh/pote ou0k {RP TR: a)rke/sh|} [P1904: a)rke/sei] h9mi=n kai\ u9mi=n: poreu/esqe de\ ma~llon pro\j tou\j pwlou=ntaj kai\ a)gora&sate e9autai=j. But the prudent ones answered and said, ‘No, in case there is not sufficient for us and you. Go rather to those who sell, and buy some for yourselves.’ a)rke/sh|, is sufficient (classical subjunctive), RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=7/9 vs. a)rke/sei, is sufficient (non-classical future), P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's syonce) F1859=2/9.
Matt 25:10 870Aperxome/nwn de\ au0tw~n a)gora&sai, h]lqen o9 numfi/oj: kai\ ai9 e3toimoi ei0sh=lqon met' au0tou= ei0j tou\j ga&mouj, kai\ e0klei/sqh h9 qu/ra. But while they were going off to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went with him to the wedding, and the door was closed.
Matt 25:11 873Usteron de\ e1rxontai kai\ ai9 loipai\ parqe/noi, le/gousai, Ku/rie, ku/rie, a!noicon h9mi=n. Then later the other virgins also came and said, ‘Lord, lord, open up to us.’
Matt 25:12 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, ou0k oi]da u9ma~j. But he answered and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’
Matt 25:13 Grhgorei=te ou]n, o3ti ou0k oi1date th\n h9me/ran ou0de\ th\n w#ran, e0n h|[ o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e1rxetai. So be watchful, because you do not know the day or the hour when the son of man will come. or ← or even, but sometimes just or (also classically).
Matt 25:14 873Wsper ga_r a!nqrwpoj a)podhmw~n e0ka&lesen tou\j i0di/ouj dou/louj, kai\ pare/dwken au0toi=j ta_ u9pa&rxonta au0tou=: For these things are like a man who went abroad and called his personal servants and handed over his property to them,
Matt 25:15 kai\ w%{ me\n e1dwken pe/nte ta&lanta, w%{ de\ du/o, w%{ de\ e3n, e9ka&stw% kata_ th\n i0di/an du/namin: kai\ a)pedh/mhsen eu0qe/wj. and to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one – to each according to his own capacity – and straightaway went off abroad. talents: 1 talent = 6000 drachmas; a drachma was a silver coin.
Matt 25:16 Poreuqei\j de\ o9 ta_ pe/nte ta&lanta labw_n ei0rga&sato e0n au0toi=j, kai\ e0poi/hsen a!lla pe/nte ta&lanta. Now the one who had received five talents went and did business with them and made another five talents. talents (2x): see Matt 25:15.
Matt 25:17 879Wsau/twj kai\ o9 ta_ du/o e0ke/rdhsen kai\ au0to\j a!lla du/o. Similarly, he who had two talents also gained another two. similarly ← similarly also (otiose kai/).

talents: see Matt 25:15.
Matt 25:18 879O de\ to\ e4n labw_n a)pelqw_n w!rucen e0n th|= gh|=, kai\ a)pe/kruyen to\ a)rgu/rion tou= kuri/ou au0tou=. But he who had received one went away and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.
Matt 25:19 Meta_ de\ xro/non polu\n e1rxetai o9 ku/rioj tw~n dou/lwn e0kei/nwn, kai\ sunai/rei met' au0tw~n lo/gon. After a long time the master of those servants came back and settled his accounts with them. accounts ← account, word.
Matt 25:20 Kai\ proselqw_n o9 ta_ pe/nte ta&lanta labw_n prosh/negken a!lla pe/nte ta&lanta, le/gwn, Ku/rie, pe/nte ta&lanta& moi pare/dwkaj: i1de, a!lla pe/nte ta&lanta e0ke/rdhsa e0p' au0toi=j. And the one who had received five talents came and brought another five talents and said, ‘Master, you handed me five talents. Look, I have gained another five talents in addition to them.’ talents (4x): see Matt 25:15.
Matt 25:21 871Efh {RP TR: de\} [P1904: - ] au0tw%~ o9 ku/rioj au0tou=, Eu], dou=le a)gaqe\ kai\ piste/, e0pi\ o0li/ga h]j pisto/j, e0pi\ pollw~n se katasth/sw: ei1selqe ei0j th\n xara_n tou= kuri/ou sou. {RP TR: And his} [P1904: His] master said to him, ‘Well done, you good and faithful servant. You were faithful over a little, so I will appoint you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ de\, and: present in RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=5/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=2/7.

a little ← few.

much ← many.
Matt 25:22 Proselqw_n de\ kai\ o9 ta_ du/o ta&lanta labw_n ei]pen, Ku/rie, du/o ta&lanta& moi pare/dwkaj: i1de, a!lla du/o ta&lanta e0ke/rdhsa e0p' au0toi=j. Then the one who had received two talents also came and said, ‘Master, you gave me two talents. Look, I have gained another two in addition to them.’ talents (2x): see Matt 25:15.
Matt 25:23 871Efh au0tw%~ o9 ku/rioj au0tou=, Eu], dou=le a)gaqe\ kai\ piste/, e0pi\ o0li/ga h]j pisto/j, e0pi\ pollw~n se katasth/sw: ei1selqe ei0j th\n xara_n tou= kuri/ou sou. His master said to him, ‘Well done, you good and faithful servant. You were faithful over a little, so I will appoint you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ a little ← few.

much ← many.
Matt 25:24 Proselqw_n de\ kai\ o9 to\ e4n ta&lanton ei0lhfw_j ei]pen, Ku/rie, e1gnwn se o3ti sklhro\j ei] a!nqrwpoj, qeri/zwn o3pou ou0k e1speiraj, kai\ suna&gwn o3qen ou0 diesko/rpisaj: Then the one who had received one talent also came and said, ‘Master, I know that you are a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering from where you did not scatter. talent: see Matt 25:15.

I know that you ← I know you that you.
Matt 25:25 kai\ fobhqei/j, a)pelqw_n e1kruya to\ ta&lanto/n sou e0n th|= gh|=: i1de, e1xeij to\ so/n. And, being afraid, I went away and hid your talent in the ground. Look, here you have what is yours.’ talent: see Matt 25:15.
Matt 25:26 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 ku/rioj au0tou= ei]pen au0tw%~, Ponhre\ dou=le kai\ o0knhre/, h|1deij o3ti qeri/zw o3pou ou0k e1speira, kai\ suna&gw o3qen ou0 diesko/rpisa: But his master answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I did not scatter.
Matt 25:27 e1dei ou]n se balei=n to\ a)rgu/rio/n mou toi=j trapezi/taij, kai\ e0lqw_n e0gw_ e0komisa&mhn a@n to\ e0mo\n su\n to/kw%. Therefore you should have placed my money with the bankers so that when I came, I would have received what was mine with interest. so that: purposive use of kai/; a Hebraism.
Matt 25:28 871Arate ou]n a)p' au0tou= to\ ta&lanton, kai\ do/te tw%~ e1xonti ta_ de/ka ta&lanta. So take the talent from him and give it to the one who has ten talents. talent (2x): see Matt 25:15.
Matt 25:29 Tw%~ ga_r e1xonti panti\ doqh/setai, kai\ perisseuqh/setai: a)po\ de\ tou= mh\ e1xontoj, kai\ o4 e1xei, a)rqh/setai a)p' au0tou=. For to everyone who has, more will be given, and it will be made to abound, but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken. it: or he.
Matt 25:30 Kai\ to\n a)xrei=on dou=lon {RP P1904: e0kba&lete} [TR: e0kba&llete] ei0j to\ sko/toj to\ e0cw&teron. 870Ekei= e1stai o9 klauqmo\j kai\ o9 brugmo\j tw~n o0do/ntwn. And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ e0kba&lete, cast out (aorist), RP P1904 F1853=12/21 F1859=4/10 vs. e0kba&llete, cast out (present continuous), TR F1853=7/21 F1859=3/10 vs. other readings, F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's cg) F1859=3/10.
Matt 25:31 873Otan de\ e1lqh| o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e0n th|= do/ch| au0tou=, kai\ pa&ntej oi9 a#gioi a!ggeloi met' au0tou=, to/te kaqi/sei e0pi\ qro/nou do/chj au0tou=, But when the son of man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne, glorious throne ← throne of glory, a Hebraic genitive.
Matt 25:32 kai\ sunaxqh/setai e1mprosqen au0tou= pa&nta ta_ e1qnh, kai\ a)foriei= au0tou\j a)p' a)llh/lwn, w#sper o9 poimh\n a)fori/zei ta_ pro/bata a)po\ tw~n e0ri/fwn: and all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate them from one another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
Matt 25:33 kai\ sth/sei ta_ me\n pro/bata e0k deciw~n au0tou=, ta_ de\ e0ri/fia e0c eu0wnu/mwn. And he will place the sheep on his right hand side, but the goats on his left hand side. goats ← goat kids.
Matt 25:34 To/te e0rei= o9 basileu\j toi=j e0k deciw~n au0tou=, Deu=te, oi9 eu0loghme/noi tou= patro/j mou, klhronomh/sate th\n h9toimasme/nhn u9mi=n basilei/an a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou. Then the king will say to those on his right hand side, ‘Come, my father's blessed ones, inherit the kingdom prepared for you after the overthrow of the world. overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Matt 25:35 870Epei/nasa ga&r, kai\ e0dw&kate/ moi fagei=n: e0di/yhsa, kai\ e0poti/sate/ me: ce/noj h1mhn, kai\ sunhga&gete/ me: For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in;
Matt 25:36 gumno/j, kai\ perieba&lete/ me: h0sqe/nhsa, kai\ e0peske/yasqe/ me: e0n fulakh|= h1mhn, kai\ h1lqete pro/j me. naked, and you clothed me; ill, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.’
Matt 25:37 To/te a)pokriqh/sontai au0tw%~ oi9 di/kaioi, le/gontej, Ku/rie, po/te se\ ei1domen peinw~nta, kai\ e0qre/yamen; 872H diyw~nta, kai\ e0poti/samen; Then the righteous will reply to him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you drink?
Matt 25:38 Po/te de/ se ei1domen ce/non, kai\ sunhga&gomen; 872H gumno/n, kai\ perieba&lomen; And when did we see you a stranger and take you in? Or naked and clothe you?
Matt 25:39 Po/te de/ se ei1domen a)sqenh=, h2 e0n fulakh|=, kai\ h1lqomen pro/j se; When did we see you ill or in prison and come to you?’
Matt 25:40 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j o9 basileu\j e0rei= au0toi=j, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, e0f' o3son e0poih/sate e9ni\ tou/twn tw~n a)delfw~n mou tw~n e0laxi/stwn, e0moi\ e0poih/sate. And the king will reply and say to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, inasmuch as you have done this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you have done it to me.’
Matt 25:41 To/te e0rei= kai\ toi=j e0c eu0wnu/mwn, Poreu/esqe a)p' e0mou=, oi9 kathrame/noi, ei0j to\ pu=r to\ ai0w&nion, to\ h9toimasme/non tw%~ diabo/lw% kai\ toi=j a)gge/loij au0tou=. Then he will say in turn to those on the left hand side, ‘Depart from me, you cursed people, to the age-abiding fire prepared for the devil and his angels. in turn ← also.
Matt 25:42 870Epei/nasa ga&r, kai\ ou0k e0dw&kate/ moi fagei=n: e0di/yhsa, kai\ ou0k e0poti/sate/ me: For I was hungry, but you did not give me anything to eat; I was thirsty, but you did not give me anything to drink;
Matt 25:43 ce/noj h1mhn, kai\ ou0 sunhga&gete/ me: gumno/j, kai\ ou0 perieba&lete/ me: a)sqenh/j, kai\ e0n fulakh|=, kai\ ou0k e0peske/yasqe/ me. I was a stranger, but you did not take me in; naked, but you did not clothe me; ill, and in prison, but you did not visit me.’
Matt 25:44 To/te a)pokriqh/sontai {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0tw%~] kai\ au0toi/, le/gontej, Ku/rie, po/te se\ ei1domen peinw~nta, h2 diyw~nta, h2 ce/non, h2 gumno/n, h2 a)sqenh=, h2 e0n fulakh|=, kai\ ou0 dihkonh/same/n soi; Then they too will reply {RP: - } [P1904 TR: to him] and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, or a stranger or naked, or ill or in prison, and did not take care of you?’ au0tw%~, to him: absent in RP F1853=18/20 F1859=7/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ou, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/7.
Matt 25:45 To/te a)pokriqh/setai au0toi=j, le/gwn, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, e0f' o3son ou0k e0poih/sate e9ni\ tou/twn tw~n e0laxi/stwn, ou0de\ e0moi\ e0poih/sate. Then he will answer them and say, ‘Truly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, neither did you do it to me.’
Matt 25:46 Kai\ a)peleu/sontai ou[toi ei0j ko/lasin ai0w&nion: oi9 de\ di/kaioi ei0j zwh\n ai0w&nion. And these will go away to age-abiding punishment, but the righteous to age-abiding life.”
Matt 26:1 Kai\ e0ge/neto o3te e0te/lesen o9 870Ihsou=j pa&ntaj tou\j lo/gouj tou/touj, ei]pen toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=, And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all these words, that he said to his disciples,
Matt 26:2 Oi1date o3ti meta_ du/o h9me/raj to\ Pa&sxa gi/netai, kai\ o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou paradi/dotai ei0j to\ staurwqh=nai. “You know that in two days' time the Passover takes place, and the son of man will be handed over to be crucified.” will be handed over ← is handed over.
Matt 26:3 To/te sunh/xqhsan oi9 a)rxierei=j kai\ oi9 grammatei=j kai\ oi9 presbu/teroi tou= laou= ei0j th\n au0lh\n tou= a)rxiere/wj tou= legome/nou Kai+a&fa, Then the senior priests and the scribes and the elders of the people gathered together in the hall of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas,
Matt 26:4 kai\ sunebouleu/santo i3na to\n 870Ihsou=n {RP P1904: do/lw% krath/swsin} [TR: krath/swsin do/lw%] kai\ a)poktei/nwsin. and they took counsel as to how to lay hold of Jesus by trickery and kill him. do/lw% krath/swsi¨n©, by trickery + that they lay hold of, RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=7/7 vs. krath/swsi¨n© do/lw%, that they lay hold of + by trickery, TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ou, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/7.

as to how to ← in order to.
Matt 26:5 871Elegon de/, Mh\ e0n th|= e9orth|=, i3na mh\ qo/ruboj ge/nhtai e0n tw%~ law%~. But they said, “Not during the festival, so that no uproar takes place among the people.”
Matt 26:6 Tou= de\ 870Ihsou= genome/nou e0n Bhqani/a% e0n oi0ki/a% Si/mwnoj tou= leprou=, Now when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, was: or had arrived.
Matt 26:7 prosh=lqen au0tw%~ gunh\ a)la&bastron mu/rou e1xousa baruti/mou, kai\ kate/xeen e0pi\ th\n kefalh\n au0tou= a)nakeime/nou. a woman came to him with an alabaster box of very costly ointment, and she poured it over his head as he reclined. with ← having.
Matt 26:8 870Ido/ntej de\ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= h0gana&kthsan, le/gontej, Ei0j ti/ h9 a)pw&leia au3th; But when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, and they said, “For what purpose is this waste?
Matt 26:9 870Hdu/nato ga_r tou=to to\ mu/ron praqh=nai pollou=, kai\ doqh=nai {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: toi=j] ptwxoi=j. For this ointment could have been sold for much money and the proceeds given to {RP-text TR: the} [RP-marg P1904: the] poor.” toi=j, to the: absent in RP-text TR F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1853=12/21 F1859=3/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=14:16.
Matt 26:10 Gnou\j de\ o9 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0toi=j, Ti/ ko/pouj pare/xete th|= gunaiki/; 871Ergon ga_r kalo\n ei0rga&sato ei0j e0me/. But Jesus was aware of it, and he said to them, “Why do you give the woman trouble? For she has done me a good deed.
Matt 26:11 {RP-text TR: Pa&ntote ga_r tou\j ptwxou\j} [RP-marg P1904: Tou\j ptwxou\j ga_r pa&ntote] e1xete meq' e9autw~n, e0me\ de\ ou0 pa&ntote e1xete. For you always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me. pa&ntote ga_r tou\j ptwxou\j, everywhere + for + the poor, RP-text TR F1853=12/21 F1859=1/7 vs. tou\j ptwxou\j ga_r pa&ntote, the poor + for + everywhere, RP-marg P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=6/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=14:16.
Matt 26:12 Balou=sa ga_r au3th to\ mu/ron tou=to e0pi\ tou= sw&mato/j mou, pro\j to\ e0ntafia&sai me e0poi/hsen. For when she poured this ointment on my body, she did it with my embalming in view. my embalming: objective genitive in our English, objective accusative in Greek (subjective accusative also grammatically possible).
Matt 26:13 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, o3pou e0a_n khruxqh|= to\ eu0agge/lion tou=to e0n o3lw% tw%~ ko/smw%, lalhqh/setai kai\ o4 e0poi/hsen au3th, ei0j mnhmo/sunon au0th=j. Truly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be recounted as a memorial to her.” to her ← of her, objective genitive (people remember her).
Matt 26:14 To/te poreuqei\j ei[j tw~n dw&deka, o9 lego/menoj 870Iou/daj 870Iskariw&thj, pro\j tou\j a)rxierei=j, Then one of the twelve, the one called Judas Iscariot, went to the senior priests,
Matt 26:15 ei]pen, Ti/ qe/lete/ moi dou=nai, {RP-text TR: ka)gw_} [RP-marg P1904: kai\ e0gw_] u9mi=n paradw&sw au0to/n; Oi9 de\ e1sthsan au0tw%~ tria&konta a)rgu/ria. and he said, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him to you?” And they stipulated thirty pieces of silver for him. ka)gw_, and I (contracted, crasis), RP-text TR F1853=10/20 F1859=5/9 vs. kai\ e0gw_, and I (without crasis), RP-marg P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=4/9. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=16:15.

if: conditional use of kai/.

stipulated ← or weighed out; they either weighed the matter up in their minds, or they weighed out silver coins literally. The literal meaning is set up, made stand.
Matt 26:16 Kai\ a)po\ to/te e0zh/tei eu0kairi/an i3na au0to\n paradw%~. So from then on he sought a good opportunity to betray him.
Matt 26:17 Th|= de\ prw&th| tw~n a)zu/mwn prosh=lqon oi9 maqhtai\ tw%~ 870Ihsou=, le/gontej au0tw%~, Pou= qe/leij {RP-text: e9toima&some/n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e9toima&swme/n] soi fagei=n to\ Pa&sxa; On the first day of the unleavened bread, the disciples came to Jesus and said to him, “Where do you wish us to prepare for you to eat the Passover?” e9toima&some/n, we will prepare (future indicative), RP-text F1853=9/21 F1859=1/7 vs. e9toima&swme/n, that we should prepare (subjunctive), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=6/7. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=10:20.
Matt 26:18 879O de\ ei]pen, 879Upa&gete ei0j th\n po/lin pro\j to\n dei=na, kai\ ei1pate au0tw%~, 879O dida&skaloj le/gei, 879O kairo/j mou e0ggu/j e0stin: pro\j se\ poiw~ to\ Pa&sxa meta_ tw~n maqhtw~n mou. And he said, “Go to the city, and to our good friend, and say to him, ‘The teacher says, «My time is near. At your house I will celebrate the Passover with my disciples.» ’ ” our good friend ← [LS] gives whom one cannot or will not name. Perhaps like you know who.

celebrate ← do.
Matt 26:19 Kai\ e0poi/hsan oi9 maqhtai\ w(j sune/tacen au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, kai\ h9toi/masan to\ Pa&sxa. So the disciples did as Jesus commanded them, and they prepared the Passover.
Matt 26:20 870Oyi/aj de\ genome/nhj a)ne/keito meta_ tw~n dw&deka. By the time evening had come, he was reclining at table with the twelve, By the time evening had come ← evening having become.
Matt 26:21 Kai\ e0sqio/ntwn au0tw~n ei]pen, 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n o3ti ei[j e0c u9mw~n paradw&sei me. and while they were eating, he said, “Truly, I say to you that one of you will betray me.”
Matt 26:22 Kai\ lupou/menoi sfo/dra h1rcanto le/gein au0tw%~ e3kastoj au0tw~n, Mh/ti e0gw& ei0mi, ku/rie; Then being very grieved, each one of them went on to say to him, “Surely I am not the one, Lord?” went on to say ← began to say, but used here for mere transition.
Matt 26:23 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, 879O e0mba&yaj met' e0mou= e0n tw%~ trubli/w% th\n xei=ra, ou[to/j me paradw&sei. And he replied and said, “It is the one who dips his hand with me in the bowl who will betray me. who ← this (one).
Matt 26:24 879O me\n ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou u9pa&gei, kaqw_j ge/graptai peri\ au0tou=: ou0ai\ de\ tw%~ a)nqrw&pw% e0kei/nw%, di' ou[ o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou paradi/dotai: kalo\n h]n au0tw%~ ei0 ou0k e0gennh/qh o9 a!nqrwpoj e0kei=noj. The son of man goes as it stands written about him, but woe to that man through whom the son of man is betrayed. It would have been better for him if that man had not been begotten.” better ← good, a Hebraism.
Matt 26:25 870Apokriqei\j de\ 870Iou/daj o9 paradidou\j au0to\n ei]pen, Mh/ti e0gw& ei0mi, r(abbi/; Le/gei au0tw%~, Su\ ei]paj. And Judas, who would betray him, responded and said, “Surely I am not the one, Master?” He said to him, “You have said it.”
Matt 26:26 870Esqio/ntwn de\ au0tw~n, labw_n o9 870Ihsou=j to\n a!rton, kai\ {RP P1904: eu0xaristh/saj} [TR: eu0logh/saj], e1klasen kai\ e0di/dou toi=j maqhtai=j, kai\ ei]pen, La&bete, fa&gete: tou=to/ e0stin to\ sw~ma& mou. As they ate, Jesus took the bread, and he {RP P1904: gave thanks} [TR: blessed it], and he broke it and gave some to the disciples and said, “Take it and eat it. This is my body.” eu0xaristh/saj, gave thanks, RP P1904 F1853=16/21 F1859=7/7 vs. eu0logh/saj, blessed, TR F1853=5/21 F1859=0/7. AV differs textually.

is: i.e. represents.
Matt 26:27 Kai\ labw_n to\ poth/rion, kai\ eu0xaristh/saj, e1dwken au0toi=j, le/gwn, Pi/ete e0c au0tou= pa&ntej: And he took a cup and gave thanks and gave it to them, and he said, “Drink from it, all of you, a cup ← the cup. See Gen 22:9.
Matt 26:28 tou=to ga&r e0stin to\ ai[ma& mou, to\ th=j kainh=j diaqh/khj, to\ peri\ pollw~n e0kxuno/menon ei0j a!fesin a(martiw~n. for this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for many, for the forgiveness of sins. is: i.e. represents.
Matt 26:29 Le/gw de\ u9mi=n o3ti ou0 mh\ pi/w a)p' a!rti e0k tou/tou tou= {RP TR: gennh/matoj} [P1904: genh/matoj] th=j a)mpe/lou, e3wj th=j h9me/raj e0kei/nhj o3tan au0to\ pi/nw meq' u9mw~n kaino\n e0n th|= basilei/a% tou= patro/j mou. But I say to you, I will certainly not drink from this produce of the vine from now until that day when I drink it with you anew in the kingdom of my father.” gennh/matoj, produce (1), RP TR F1853=5/20 F1859=2/7 vs. genh/matoj, produce (2), P1904 F1853=15/20 F1859=5/7. A strong disparity with RP, R=8:21.
Matt 26:30 Kai\ u9mnh/santej e0ch=lqon ei0j to\ o1roj tw~n 870Elaiw~n. Then they sang hymns and went away to the Mount of Olives. sang hymns ← hymn-sang, not necessarily more than one.
Matt 26:31 To/te le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Pa&ntej u9mei=j skandalisqh/sesqe e0n e0moi\ e0n th|= nukti\ tau/th|: ge/graptai ga&r, Pata&cw to\n poime/na, kai\ {RP TR: diaskorpisqh/setai} [P1904: diaskorpisqh/sontai] ta_ pro/bata th=j poi/mnhj. Then Jesus said to them, “All of you will stumble at me this very night. For it stands written:

‘I will strike the shepherd,

And the sheep of the flock will be scattered’,

diaskorpisqh/setai, will be scattered (classical form), RP TR F1853=15/20 F1859=5/8 vs. diaskorpisqh/sontai, will be scattered (non-classical form), P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=3/8.

Zech 13:7.

stumble: or be offended.
Matt 26:32 Meta_ de\ to\ e0gerqh=nai/ me, proa&cw u9ma~j ei0j th\n Galilai/an. but after I have been raised up, I will go on ahead of you to Galilee.” been raised up: or risen.

go on ahead of you ← lead you onward, but lead can be weakened to go.
Matt 26:33 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 Pe/troj ei]pen au0tw%~, Ei0 {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] pa&ntej skandalisqh/sontai e0n soi/, e0gw_ {RP-text P1904: de\} [RP-marg TR: - ] ou0de/pote skandalisqh/somai. However, Peter answered and said to him, “{RP P1904: Even} [TR: Even] if all stumble at you, {RP-text P1904: nevertheless} [RP-marg TR: - ] I will never stumble at you.” kai\, even: absent in RP P1904 F1853=14/21 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=7/21 F1859=1/7.

de\, nevertheless: present in RP-text P1904 F1853=12/21 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1853=9/21 F1859=1/7.

stumble (2x): or be offended.
Matt 26:34 871Efh au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 870Amh\n le/gw soi o3ti e0n tau/th| th|= nukti/, pri\n a)le/ktora fwnh=sai, tri\j a)parnh/sh| me. Jesus said to him, “Truly, I say to you that tonight before the cock crows you will deny me three times.”
Matt 26:35 Le/gei au0tw%~ o9 Pe/troj, Ka@n de/h| me su\n soi\ a)poqanei=n, ou0 mh/ se {RP-text: a)parnh/swmai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)parnh/somai]. 879Omoi/wj {RP P1904: de\} [TR: - ] kai\ pa&ntej oi9 maqhtai\ ei]pon. Peter said to him, “Even if I must die with you, I certainly will not deny you.” And all the disciples {RP P1904: also} [TR: - ] spoke likewise. a)parnh/swmai, will (not) deny (classical subjunctive), RP-text F1853=12/21 F1859=4/7 vs. a)parnh/somai, will (not) deny (non-classical future indicative), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=9/21 F1859=3/7.

de\, and (reinforcing the kai\): present in RP P1904 F1853=19/20 F1859=7/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/7.
Matt 26:36 To/te e1rxetai met' au0tw~n o9 870Ihsou=j ei0j xwri/on lego/menon Geqshmanh=, kai\ le/gei toi=j maqhtai=j, Kaqi/sate au0tou=, e3wj ou[ a)pelqw_n {RP P1904 TR: proseu/cwmai} [MISC: proseu/comai] e0kei=. Then Jesus went with them to a locality called Gethsemané, and he said to the disciples, “Sit here while I go away and pray over there.” proseu/cwmai, that I may pray, RP P1904 TR F1853=10/22 F1859=4/7 vs. proseu/comai, I will pray, F1853=11/22 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/22 (Scrivener's x) F1859=0/7.
Matt 26:37 Kai\ paralabw_n to\n Pe/tron kai\ tou\j du/o ui9ou\j Zebedai/ou, h1rcato lupei=sqai kai\ a)dhmonei=n. And he took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee with him, and he began to be grieved and sorely troubled.
Matt 26:38 To/te le/gei au0toi=j {RP P1904: o9 870Ihsou=j} [TR: - ], Peri/lupo/j e0stin h9 yuxh/ mou e3wj qana&tou: mei/nate w{de kai\ grhgorei=te met' e0mou=. Then {RP P1904: Jesus} [TR: he] said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, even to death. Remain here and be watchful with me.” o9 870Ihsou=j, Jesus: present in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's au, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7.

be watchful: or stay awake.
Matt 26:39 Kai\ {RP: proselqw_n} [P1904 TR: proelqw_n] mikro/n, e1pesen e0pi\ pro/swpon au0tou= proseuxo/menoj kai\ le/gwn, Pa&ter mou, ei0 dunato/n e0stin, parelqe/tw a)p' e0mou= to\ poth/rion tou=to: plh\n ou0x w(j e0gw_ qe/lw, a)ll' w(j su/. Then when he had {RP: come a little nearer} [P1904 TR: gone on ahead a little], he fell face down and prayed and said, “My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. But not as I wish, but as you do.” proselqw_n, having gone towards, RP F1853=10/20 F1859=6/9 vs. proelqw_n, having gone on ahead, P1904 TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/9. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=16:15.

Christ is not referring to the crucifixion! See Luke 22:42 and Heb 5:7. See also Mark 14:35, Mark 14:41.
Matt 26:40 Kai\ e1rxetai pro\j tou\j maqhta&j, kai\ eu9ri/skei au0tou\j kaqeu/dontaj, kai\ le/gei tw%~ Pe/trw%, Ou3twj ou0k i0sxu/sate mi/an w#ran grhgorh=sai met' e0mou=; And he went to the disciples and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, “So did you not have strength to be on the watch for one hour with me?
Matt 26:41 Grhgorei=te kai\ proseu/xesqe, i3na mh\ ei0se/lqhte ei0j peirasmo/n: to\ me\n pneu=ma pro/qumon, h9 de\ sa_rc a)sqenh/j. Be watchful and pray that you do not enter into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Matt 26:42 Pa&lin e0k deute/rou a)pelqw_n proshu/cato, le/gwn, Pa&ter mou, ei0 ou0 du/natai tou=to to\ poth/rion parelqei=n a)p' e0mou=, e0a_n mh\ au0to\ pi/w, genhqh/tw to\ qe/lhma& sou. Again, he went a second time and prayed, and he said, “My father, if this cup cannot pass from me, unless I drink it, your will be done.”
Matt 26:43 Kai\ e0lqw_n eu9ri/skei au0tou\j pa&lin kaqeu/dontaj, h]san ga_r au0tw~n oi9 o0fqalmoi\ bebarhme/noi. Then he came back and found them sleeping again, for their eyes were weighed down.
Matt 26:44 Kai\ a)fei\j au0tou\j a)pelqw_n pa&lin proshu/cato e0k tri/tou, to\n au0to\n lo/gon ei0pw&n. And he left them and went away again and prayed for a third time, saying the same thing. thing ← word, speech, but probably under Hebrew influence (דָּבָר, word, thing).
Matt 26:45 To/te e1rxetai pro\j tou\j maqhta_j au0tou=, kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Kaqeu/dete to\ loipo\n kai\ a)napau/esqe: i0dou/, h1ggiken h9 w#ra, kai\ o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou paradi/dotai ei0j xei=raj a(martwlw~n. Then he went to his disciples and said to them, “Sleep from now on and have a rest. Behold, the hour has drawn near when the son of man will be delivered into the hands of sinners.
Matt 26:46 870Egei/resqe, a!gwmen. 870Idou/, h1ggiken o9 paradidou/j me. Get up and let's go. Look, he who will betray me has made his way here.” made his way here ← approached.
Matt 26:47 Kai\ e1ti au0tou= lalou=ntoj, i0dou/, 870Iou/daj ei[j tw~n dw&deka h]lqen, kai\ met' au0tou= o1xloj polu\j meta_ maxairw~n kai\ cu/lwn, a)po\ tw~n a)rxiere/wn kai\ presbute/rwn tou= laou=. And while he was still speaking, along came Judas, one of the twelve, and with him there was a large crowd with swords and sticks, coming from the senior priests and elders of the people. along came ← behold. The word also occurs in the two previous verses.

sticks: or clubs; if improvised weapons, sticks is more appropriate.
Matt 26:48 879O de\ paradidou\j au0to\n e1dwken au0toi=j shmei=on, le/gwn, 874On a@n filh/sw, au0to/j e0stin: krath/sate au0to/n. Now he who would betray him had given them a sign and had said, “He whom I kiss is the one. Lay hold of him.”
Matt 26:49 Kai\ eu0qe/wj proselqw_n tw%~ 870Ihsou= ei]pen, Xai=re, r(abbi/: kai\ katefi/lhsen au0to/n. And immediately he went to Jesus and said, “Hello, master”, and he kissed him profusely. master ← rabbi.
Matt 26:50 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0tw%~, 879Etai=re, e0f' w%{ pa&rei; To/te proselqo/ntej e0pe/balon ta_j xei=raj e0pi\ to\n 870Ihsou=n, kai\ e0kra&thsan au0to/n. But Jesus said to him, “My friend, what are you here for?” Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him.
Matt 26:51 Kai\ i0dou/, ei[j tw~n meta_ 870Ihsou=, e0ktei/naj th\n xei=ra, a)pe/spasen th\n ma&xairan au0tou=, kai\ pata&caj to\n dou=lon tou= a)rxiere/wj a)fei=len au0tou= to\ w)ti/on. And what happened next was that one of those with Jesus stretched out his hand and unsheathed his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and took off his ear. what happened next was that ← behold.
Matt 26:52 To/te le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 870Apo/streyo/n sou th\n ma&xairan ei0j to\n to/pon au0th=j: pa&ntej ga_r oi9 labo/ntej ma&xairan e0n maxai/ra% {RP P1904: a)poqanou=ntai} [TR: a)polou=ntai]. Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back in its holder. For all who take up the sword will {RP P1904: die} [TR: perish] by the sword. a)poqanou=ntai, die, RP P1904 F1853=16/20 F1859=6/7 vs. a)polou=ntai, perish, TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's egpu, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7.

holder ← place.
Matt 26:53 872H dokei=j o3ti ou0 du/namai a!rti parakale/sai to\n pate/ra mou, kai\ parasth/sei moi plei/ouj h2 dw&deka legew~naj a)gge/lwn; Or do you think that I could not now call on my father to supply me with more than twelve legions of angels? could not ← can not.

to supply ← and he will supply.
Matt 26:54 Pw~j ou]n plhrwqw~sin ai9 grafai/, o3ti ou3twj dei= gene/sqai; But how then are the scriptures to be fulfilled if that is the way it must come about?” if ← that.
Matt 26:55 870En e0kei/nh| th|= w#ra% ei]pen o9 870Ihsou=j toi=j o1xloij, 879Wj e0pi\ lh|sth\n e0ch/lqete meta_ maxairw~n kai\ cu/lwn sullabei=n me; Kaq' h9me/ran pro\j u9ma~j e0kaqezo/mhn dida&skwn e0n tw%~ i9erw%~, kai\ ou0k e0krath/sate/ me. At that hour, Jesus said to the crowds, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and sticks, to lay hold of me? I used to sit with you every day, teaching in the temple, but you did not seize me.” have you come out...: We, with RP TBS-TR punctuate as a question; P1904 punctuates as a statement.
Matt 26:56 Tou=to de\ o3lon ge/gonen, i3na plhrwqw~sin ai9 grafai\ tw~n profhtw~n. To/te oi9 maqhtai\ pa&ntej a)fe/ntej au0to\n e1fugon. But all this took place so that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples left him and fled.
Matt 26:57 Oi9 de\ krath/santej to\n 870Ihsou=n a)ph/gagon pro\j Kai+a&fan to\n a)rxiere/a, o3pou oi9 grammatei=j kai\ oi9 presbu/teroi sunh/xqhsan. But those who had seized Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and elders were gathered.
Matt 26:58 879O de\ Pe/troj h0kolou/qei au0tw%~ a)po\ makro/qen, e3wj th=j au0lh=j tou= a)rxiere/wj, kai\ ei0selqw_n e1sw e0ka&qhto meta_ tw~n u9phretw~n, i0dei=n to\ te/loj. However, Peter followed him from a distance, as far as the hall of the high priest, and he went in and sat with the attendants to see how this would end. followed ← was following.

how this would end ← the end.
Matt 26:59 Oi9 de\ a)rxierei=j kai\ oi9 presbu/teroi kai\ to\ sune/drion o3lon e0zh/toun yeudomarturi/an kata_ tou= 870Ihsou=, o3pwj {RP P1904: qanatw&swsin au0to/n} [TR: au0to\n qanatw&swsin]. Now the senior priests and elders and the whole of the Sanhedrin council were looking for a false testimony against Jesus so that they might put him to death. qanatw&swsin au0to/n, they might put to death + him, RP P1904 F1853=18/21 F1859=4/8 vs. au0to\n qanatw&swsin, him + they might put to death, TR F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's ay) F1859=0/8 vs. other readings, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's u) F1859=4/8.
Matt 26:60 Kai\ ou0x eu[ron: kai\ pollw~n yeudomartu/rwn proselqo/ntwn, ou0x eu[ron. But they did not find any. Even with many false witnesses coming forward, they did not find any.
Matt 26:61 873Usteron de\ proselqo/ntej du/o yeudoma&rturej ei]pon, Ou[toj e1fh, Du/namai katalu=sai to\n nao\n tou= qeou=, kai\ dia_ triw~n h9merw~n oi0kodomh=sai au0to/n. But eventually two false witnesses came forward ¶ and said, “He said, ‘I can demolish the sanctuary of God and build it within three days.’ ” ¶ Verse division: in P1904 and AV numbering, Matt 26:61 begins here.

he ← this (man).
Matt 26:62 Kai\ a)nasta_j o9 a)rxiereu\j ei]pen au0tw%~, Ou0de\n a)pokri/nh|; Ti/ ou[toi/ sou katamarturou=sin; And the high priest stood up and said to him, “Do you not give any answer? What is it that these men testify against you?”
Matt 26:63 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j e0siw&pa. Kai\ a)pokriqei\j o9 a)rxiereu\j ei]pen au0tw%~, 870Ecorki/zw se kata_ tou= qeou= tou= zw~ntoj, i3na h9mi=n ei1ph|j ei0 su\ ei] o9 xristo/j, o9 ui9o\j tou= qeou=. But Jesus remained silent. Then the high priest reacted and said to him, “I adjure you by the living God to tell us if you are the Christ, the son of God.”
Matt 26:64 Le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, Su\ ei]paj. Plh\n le/gw u9mi=n, a)p' a!rti o1yesqe to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou kaqh/menon e0k deciw~n th=j duna&mewj kai\ e0rxo/menon e0pi\ tw~n nefelw~n tou= ou0ranou=. Jesus said to him, “It is as you have stated. But I say to you, in the future you will see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven. Ps 110:1, Dan 7:13.

in the future ← from now.

heaven: or the sky.
Matt 26:65 To/te o9 a)rxiereu\j die/rrhcen ta_ i9ma&tia au0tou=, le/gwn o3ti 870Eblasfh/mhsen: ti/ e1ti xrei/an e1xomen martu/rwn; 871Ide, nu=n h0kou/sate th\n blasfhmi/an au0tou=. Then the high priest tore his coat apart and said, “He has blasphemed. Why do we still need witnesses? Look, you have now heard his blasphemy.
Matt 26:66 Ti/ u9mi=n dokei=; Oi9 de\ a)pokriqe/ntej ei]pon, 871Enoxoj qana&tou e0sti/n. What do you think?” They answered and said, “He is liable to the death penalty.”
Matt 26:67 To/te e0ne/ptusan ei0j to\ pro/swpon au0tou= kai\ e0kola&fisan au0to/n: oi9 de\ e0rra&pisan, Then they spat in his face and beat him, and some struck him on the face,
Matt 26:68 le/gontej, Profh/teuson h9mi=n, xriste/, ti/j e0stin o9 pai/saj se; and they said, “Prophesy to us, O Christ, who is it that struck you?”
Matt 26:69 879O de\ Pe/troj e1cw e0ka&qhto e0n th|= au0lh|=: kai\ prosh=lqen au0tw%~ mi/a paidi/skh, le/gousa, Kai\ su\ h]sqa meta_ 870Ihsou= tou= Galilai/ou. But Peter was sitting outside in the hall, and a certain maidservant came up to him and said, “You too were with Jesus of Galilee.” a certain ← one.
Matt 26:70 879O de\ h0rnh/sato e1mprosqen {RP P1904: au0tw~n} [TR: - ] pa&ntwn, le/gwn, Ou0k oi]da ti/ le/geij. But he denied it in the presence of all {RP P1904: of them} [TR: of them] and said, “I don't know what you are saying.” au0tw~n, of them: present in RP P1904 F1853=15/21 F1859=5/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=6/21 F1859=2/7.
Matt 26:71 870Ecelqo/nta de\ au0to\n ei0j to\n pulw~na, ei]den au0to\n a!llh, kai\ le/gei {RP P1904: au0toi=j} [TR: toi=j] {RP TR: e0kei=, Kai\} [P1904: : 870Ekei= kai\] ou[toj h]n meta_ 870Ihsou= tou= Nazwrai/ou. And when he had gone out to the gate, another maidservant saw him and said {RP TR: to those who were there, “This man was also} [P1904: to them, “This man was also there] with Jesus the Nazarene.” au0toi=j, to them (but we translate to those), RP P1904 F1853=16/20 F1859=6/7 vs. toi=j, to those, TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's c*suy) F1859=1/7.

P1904 and some manuscripts put e0kei= in the direct speech. We consider this as a less likely possibility. The P1904 reading could be repunctuated to agree with RP TR, and it is not strictly a textual variant on this point.

gate ← gateway, gate-house.
Matt 26:72 Kai\ pa&lin h0rnh/sato meq' o3rkou o3ti Ou0k oi]da to\n a!nqrwpon. And again he denied it under an oath and said, “I do not know the man.” under ← with.
Matt 26:73 Meta_ mikro\n de\ proselqo/ntej oi9 e9stw~tej ei]pon tw%~ Pe/trw%, 870Alhqw~j kai\ su\ e0c au0tw~n ei]: kai\ ga_r h9 lalia& sou dh=lo/n se poiei=. And after a short while, those who were standing around came forward and said to Peter, “Truly, you too are one of them. For even your dialect gives you away.” gives you away ← makes you evident.
Matt 26:74 To/te h1rcato {RP P1904: kataqemati/zein} [TR: katanaqemati/zein] kai\ o0mnu/ein o3ti Ou0k oi]da to\n a!nqrwpon. Kai\ eu0qe/wj a)le/ktwr e0fw&nhsen. Then he began to curse and swear, saying, “I do not know the man.” And immediately the cock crowed. kataqemati/zein, to curse (1), RP P1904 F1853=18/19 F1859=7/8 vs. katanaqemati/zein, to curse (2), TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=1/8.
Matt 26:75 Kai\ e0mnh/sqh o9 Pe/troj tou= r(h/matoj {RP TR: tou=} [P1904: - ] 870Ihsou= ei0rhko/toj au0tw%~ o3ti Pri\n a)le/ktora fwnh=sai, tri\j a)parnh/sh| me. Kai\ e0celqw_n e1cw e1klausen pikrw~j. And Peter remembered the words of Jesus, who had said to him: “Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly. tou=, the (Jesus): present in RP TR F1853=9/19 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=10/19 F1859=3/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.

words ← word.

who had said: our italicization here indicates the supplying of a finite verb, not a tense change, aorist to (plu-)perfect, as might be suspected. See the Introduction.
Matt 27:1 Prwi+/aj de\ genome/nhj, sumbou/lion e1labon pa&ntej oi9 a)rxierei=j kai\ oi9 presbu/teroi tou= laou= kata_ tou= 870Ihsou=, w#ste qanatw~sai au0to/n: When it was early morning, all the senior priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus, so as to have him put to death.
Matt 27:2 kai\ dh/santej au0to\n a)ph/gagon kai\ pare/dwkan au0to\n Ponti/w% Pila&tw% tw%~ h9gemo/ni. And they bound him and led him away and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor.
Matt 27:3 To/te i0dw_n 870Iou/daj o9 paradidou\j au0to\n o3ti katekri/qh, metamelhqei\j a)pe/streyen ta_ tria&konta a)rgu/ria toi=j a)rxiereu=sin kai\ toi=j presbute/roij, Then Judas, who betrayed him, saw that he had been condemned, and he felt regret, and he returned the thirty pieces of silver to the senior priests and the elders,
Matt 27:4 le/gwn, 873Hmarton paradou\j ai[ma a)qw%~on. Oi9 de\ ei]pon, Ti/ pro\j h9ma~j; Su\ o1yei. and he said, “I have sinned, betraying innocent blood.” But they said, “What is that to us? You see to it.” betraying ← having betrayed. See Matt 23:20.

see ← will see.
Matt 27:5 Kai\ r(i/yaj ta_ a)rgu/ria e0n tw%~ naw%~, a)nexw&rhsen: kai\ a)pelqw_n a)ph/gcato. Then he threw the silver coins into the sanctuary, and he departed and went away and hanged himself. See Acts 1:18 for a suggested scenario fitting that verse and this.
Matt 27:6 Oi9 de\ a)rxierei=j labo/ntej ta_ a)rgu/ria ei]pon, Ou0k e1cestin balei=n au0ta_ ei0j to\n korbana~n, e0pei\ timh\ ai3mato/j e0stin. But the senior priests took the silver coins and said, “It is not permitted to put them in the temple treasury, because they are the price of blood.”
Matt 27:7 Sumbou/lion de\ labo/ntej h0go/rasan e0c au0tw~n to\n a)gro\n tou= kerame/wj, ei0j tafh\n toi=j ce/noij. So they took counsel and bought the potter's field with them, as a cemetery for foreigners,
Matt 27:8 Dio\ e0klh/qh o9 a)gro\j e0kei=noj 870Agro\j Ai3matoj, e3wj th=j sh/meron. which is why that field is calledThe Field of Blood” up to this day. which is why ← on account of which.

is called ← was called.
Matt 27:9 To/te e0plhrw&qh to\ r(hqe\n dia_ 870Ieremi/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Kai\ e1labon ta_ tria&konta a)rgu/ria, th\n timh\n tou= {RP P1904c TR: tetimhme/nou} [P1904u: tetimhmhme/nou], o4n e0timh/santo a)po\ ui9w~n 870Israh/l: Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, where he says, “And they took thirty silver coins, the price of him who was valuedhim from the sons of Israel whom they valued. Jer 32:25 (You have said to my Lord the Lord, “Buy yourself the field for silver”).

Jer 32:44 (they will buy fields for silver).

Zech 11:12-13 (So they weighed for my price thirty silver coins. And I took the thirty silver coins, and I cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord).

[CB] proposes that the words were spoken, but not written, by Jeremiah.
Matt 27:10 kai\ e1dwkan au0ta_ ei0j to\n a)gro\n tou= kerame/wj, kaqa_ sune/tace/n moi ku/rioj. And they gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord commanded me.” potter's: Zech 11:13 uses the word יוֹצֵר, yotser, = fashioner, applicable to a silversmith or potter.
Matt 27:11 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j e1sth e1mprosqen tou= h9gemo/noj: kai\ e0phrw&thsen au0to\n o9 h9gemw&n, le/gwn, Su\ ei] o9 basileu\j tw~n 870Ioudai/wn; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j e1fh au0tw%~, Su\ le/geij. And Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor questioned him and asked, “Are you the king of the Jews?” And Jesus said to him, “It is as you say.” asked ← saying.
Matt 27:12 Kai\ e0n tw%~ kathgorei=sqai au0to\n u9po\ tw~n a)rxiere/wn kai\ tw~n presbute/rwn, ou0de\n a)pekri/nato. And while he was being accused by the senior priests and elders, he did not answer anything.
Matt 27:13 To/te le/gei au0tw%~ o9 Pila&toj, Ou0k a)kou/eij po/sa sou= katamarturou=sin; Then Pilate said to him, “Do you not hear how many things they testify against you?”
Matt 27:14 Kai\ ou0k a)pekri/qh au0tw%~ pro\j ou0de\ e4n r(h=ma, w#ste qauma&zein to\n h9gemo/na li/an. But he did not even answer him as much as one word, so that the governor was very surprised.
Matt 27:15 Kata_ de\ e9orth\n ei0w&qei o9 h9gemw_n a)polu/ein e3na tw%~ o1xlw% de/smion, o4n h1qelon. Now at each festival the governor had a custom of releasing one prisoner to the crowd, whomever they wished.
Matt 27:16 Ei]xon de\ to/te de/smion e0pi/shmon, lego/menon Barabba~n. And they had at that time a notorious prisoner called Barabbas.
Matt 27:17 Sunhgme/nwn ou]n au0tw~n, ei]pen au0toi=j o9 Pila&toj, Ti/na qe/lete a)polu/sw u9mi=n; Barabba~n, h2 870Ihsou=n to\n lego/menon xristo/n; So when they were gathered together, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release to you, Barabbas or Jesus, who is called Christ?”
Matt 27:18 871H|dei ga_r o3ti dia_ fqo/non pare/dwkan au0to/n. For he knew that it was through envy that they had delivered him up.
Matt 27:19 Kaqhme/nou de\ au0tou= e0pi\ tou= bh/matoj, a)pe/steilen pro\j au0to\n h9 gunh\ au0tou=, le/gousa, Mhde/n soi kai\ tw%~ dikai/w% e0kei/nw%: polla_ ga_r e1paqon sh/meron kat' o1nar di' au0to/n. And while he was sitting on the podium, his wife sent word to him, as follows: “Have nothing to do with that just man. For I have suffered a lot today in a dream on account of him.” on the podium, or at the court.

as follows ← saying.

have nothing to do with ← (let there be) nothing to you and.
Matt 27:20 Oi9 de\ a)rxierei=j kai\ oi9 presbu/teroi e1peisan tou\j o1xlouj i3na ai0th/swntai to\n Barabba~n, to\n de\ 870Ihsou=n a)pole/swsin. But the senior priests and elders persuaded the crowds that they should ask for Barabbas, whereas they should have Jesus put to death.
Matt 27:21 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 h9gemw_n ei]pen au0toi=j, Ti/na qe/lete a)po\ tw~n du/o a)polu/sw u9mi=n; Oi9 de\ ei]pon, Barabba~n. And the governor responded and said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” And they said, “Barabbas.”
Matt 27:22 Le/gei au0toi=j o9 Pila&toj, Ti/ ou]n poih/sw 870Ihsou=n to\n lego/menon xristo/n; Le/gousin au0tw%~ pa&ntej, Staurwqh/tw. Pilate said to them, “What should I do with Jesus, who is called Christ?” They all said to him, “Have him crucified.” have him crucified ← let him be crucified.
Matt 27:23 879O de\ h9gemw_n e1fh, Ti/ ga_r kako\n e0poi/hsen; Oi9 de\ perissw~j e1krazon, le/gontej, Staurwqh/tw. However, the governor said, “But what wrong has he done?” But they shouted all the more and said, “Have him crucified.” have him crucified ← let him be crucified.
Matt 27:24 870Idw_n de\ o9 Pila&toj o3ti ou0de\n w)felei=, a)lla_ ma~llon qo/ruboj gi/netai, labw_n u3dwr, a)peni/yato ta_j xei=raj a)pe/nanti tou= o1xlou, le/gwn, 870Aqw%~o/j ei0mi a)po\ tou= ai3matoj tou= dikai/ou tou/tou: u9mei=j o1yesqe. And when Pilate saw that it was to no avail, but rather a tumult was arising, he took some water and washed his hands facing the crowd, and he said, “I am innocent of the blood of this just man. You see to it.” see ← will see, future for imperative.
Matt 27:25 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j pa~j o9 lao\j ei]pen, To\ ai[ma au0tou= e0f' h9ma~j kai\ e0pi\ ta_ te/kna h9mw~n. And all the people answered and said, “Let his blood be on us and on our children.”
Matt 27:26 To/te a)pe/lusen au0toi=j to\n Barabba~n: to\n de\ 870Ihsou=n fragellw&saj pare/dwken i3na staurwqh|=. Then he released Barabbas to them, but he had Jesus flogged and handed him over to be crucified. had Jesus flogged ← flogged Jesus. Compare Matt 2:16, and see also Num 19:3, Judg 18:27.
Matt 27:27 To/te oi9 stratiw~tai tou= h9gemo/noj, paralabo/ntej to\n 870Ihsou=n ei0j to\ praitw&rion, sunh/gagon e0p' au0to\n o3lhn th\n spei=ran: Then the governor's soldiers took Jesus with them to the governor's residence, and they gathered the whole cohort against him, governor's residence ← praetorium.

cohort: 200 (Roman maniple), or 600 (Roman cohort) men.
Matt 27:28 kai\ e0kdu/santej au0to/n, perie/qhkan au0tw%~ xlamu/da kokki/nhn. and they stripped him and put a scarlet cloak on him,
Matt 27:29 Kai\ ple/cantej ste/fanon e0c a)kanqw~n, e0pe/qhkan e0pi\ th\n kefalh\n au0tou=, kai\ ka&lamon e0pi\ th\n decia_n au0tou=: kai\ gonupeth/santej e1mprosqen au0tou= e0ne/paizon au0tw%~, le/gontej, Xai=re, o9 basileu\j tw~n 870Ioudai/wn: and they plaited a crown from thorns and put it on his head, and they put a reed in his right hand, and they knelt before him, and they kept mocking him, saying, “Hail, king of the Jews.” kept mocking ← were mocking, iterative imperfect.
Matt 27:30 kai\ e0mptu/santej ei0j au0to/n, e1labon to\n ka&lamon, kai\ e1tupton ei0j th\n kefalh\n au0tou=. And they spat at him, and they took the reed, and they kept striking his head. kept striking: iterative imperfect.
Matt 27:31 Kai\ o3te e0ne/paican au0tw%~, e0ce/dusan au0to\n th\n xlamu/da, kai\ e0ne/dusan au0to\n ta_ i9ma&tia au0tou=, kai\ a)ph/gagon au0to\n ei0j to\ staurw~sai. And when they had mocked him, they took the cloak off him and put his clothes on him, and they led him away to crucify him.
Matt 27:32 870Ecerxo/menoi de\ eu[ron a!nqrwpon Kurhnai=on, o0no/mati Si/mwna: tou=ton h0gga&reusan i3na a!rh| to\n stauro\n au0tou=. Then as they were going out, they came across a Cyrenian man by name of Simon, and they pressed him into carrying his cross. him ← this (man).

into carrying ← that he should carry.
Matt 27:33 Kai\ e0lqo/ntej ei0j to/pon lego/menon Golgoqa~, {RP P1904: o3} [TR: o3j] e0stin lego/menoj Krani/ou To/poj, And they went to a place called Golgotha, which means “The Place of the Skull”, o3, which (neuter), RP P1904 F1853=15/21 F1859=6/7 vs. o3j, which (masculine), TR F1853=6/21 F1859=1/7.
Matt 27:34 e1dwkan au0tw%~ piei=n o1coj meta_ xolh=j memigme/non: kai\ geusa&menoj ou0k h1qelen piei=n. where they gave him vinegar mixed with gall to drink. But when he had tasted it, he refused to drink it.
Matt 27:35 Staurw&santej de\ au0to/n, diemeri/santo ta_ i9ma&tia au0tou=, {RP TR: ba&llontej} [P1904: balo/ntej] klh=ron {RP P1904: - } [TR: i3na plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n u9po\ tou= profh/tou: Diemeri/santo ta_ i9ma&tia& mou e9autoi=j, kai\ e0pi\ to\n i9matismo/n mou e1balon klh=ron]. And when they had started the crucifixion, they shared out his clothes,
{RP: casting a lot.} [P1904: having cast a lot.] [TR: casting a lot,]
{RP P1904: - }
[TR: in order that that which was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled:

They shared out my clothes among themselves

And cast a lot for my garment.

ba&llontej, throwing, RP TR F1853=16/22 F1859=7/9 vs. balo/ntej, having thrown, P1904 F1853=6/22 F1859=2/9.

i3na plhrwqh|= ... klh=ron., in order ... be fulfilled: absent in RP P1904 F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. John 19:24 contains a fully attested statement very similar to this one. AV differs textually.

Ps 22:19MT (Ps 22:18AV).

started the crucifixion: inceptive aorist. This ↴
Matt 27:36 Kai\ kaqh/menoi e0th/roun au0to\n e0kei=. Then they sat down and guarded him there, ↳ seems reasonable given that Christ was still alive at this time, the English word crucify implying a process taken through to death.

sat down ← being seated.
Matt 27:37 Kai\ e0pe/qhkan e0pa&nw th=j kefalh=j au0tou= th\n ai0ti/an au0tou= gegramme/nhn, Ou[to/j e0stin 870Ihsou=j o9 basileu\j tw~n 870Ioudai/wn. and they put above his head the accusation against him, which read,

“This is Jesus

The king of the Jews.”

accusation against ← accusation of. Objective genitive.

which read ← having been written.
Matt 27:38 To/te staurou=ntai su\n au0tw%~ du/o lh|stai/, ei[j e0k deciw~n kai\ ei[j e0c eu0wnu/mwn. Then two robbers were crucified with him, one on the right and one on the left.
Matt 27:39 Oi9 de\ paraporeuo/menoi e0blasfh/moun au0to/n, kinou=ntej ta_j kefala_j au0tw~n, But those who passed by blasphemed against him, shaking their heads,
Matt 27:40 kai\ le/gontej, 879O katalu/wn to\n nao\n kai\ e0n trisi\n h9me/raij oi0kodomw~n, sw~son seauto/n: ei0 ui9o\j ei] tou= qeou=, kata&bhqi a)po\ tou= staurou=. and saying, “You who would destroy the sanctuary and rebuild it in three days, save yourself. If you are the son of God, come down from the cross.” rebuild ← build.

cross: see Matt 20:19.
Matt 27:41 879Omoi/wj de\ kai\ oi9 a)rxierei=j e0mpai/zontej meta_ tw~n grammate/wn kai\ presbute/rwn {RP P1904: kai\ Farisai/wn} [TR: - ] e1legon, And the senior priests mocked him similarly, together with the scribes and {RP P1904: elders and Pharisees,} [TR: elders,] and they kept saying, kai\ Farisai/wn, and Pharisees: present in RP P1904 F1853=19/20 F1859=6/9 vs. absent in TR F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=3/9. AV differs textually.

kept saying: iterative imperfect, but not necessarily so – see Matt 5:2.
Matt 27:42 871Allouj e1swsen, e9auto\n ou0 du/natai sw~sai. Ei0 basileu\j 870Israh/l e0stin, kataba&tw nu=n a)po\ tou= staurou=, kai\ {RP TR: pisteu/somen} [P1904: pisteu/swmen] {RP P1904: e0p'} [TR: - ] au0tw%~. “Others he saved, but himself he cannot save. If he is the king of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and {RP TR: we will believe} [P1904: let us believe] in him. pisteu/somen, we will believe, RP TR F1853=13/21 F1859=4/8 vs. pisteu/swmen, let us believe, P1904 F1853=7/21 F1859=4/8 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/8.

e0p', in: present in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=7/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's cu, u being very doubtful). F1859=0/7. No difference in our English, as the meaning is the same whether the dative is strengthened by the preposition or not.

cross: see Matt 20:19.
Matt 27:43 Pe/poiqen e0pi\ to\n qeo/n: r(usa&sqw nu=n au0to/n, ei0 qe/lei au0to/n. Ei]pen ga_r o3ti qeou= ei0mi ui9o/j. He trusts in God; let him now rescue him, if he wants him. For he said, ‘I am the son of God.’ ”
Matt 27:44 To\ d' au0to\ kai\ oi9 lh|stai\ oi9 sustaurwqe/ntej au0tw%~ w)nei/dizon {RP P1904: au0to/n} [TR: au0tw%~]. In the same way, the robbers crucified with him kept reproaching him. au0to/n, him (accusative), RP P1904 F1853=18/21 F1859=7/7 vs. au0tw%~, him (dative), TR F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's cuyonce, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/7.

kept reproaching: iterative imperfect, but not necessarily so – see Matt 5:2.
Matt 27:45 870Apo\ de\ e3kthj w#raj sko/toj e0ge/neto e0pi\ pa~san th\n gh=n e3wj w#raj {RP P1904: e0na&thj} [TR: e0nna&thj]: Now from the sixth hour, darkness came about on the whole earth until the ninth hour. e0na&thj, ninth (1), RP P1904 F1853=13/21 F1859=2/8 vs. e0nna&thj, ninth (2), TR F1853=8/21 F1859=6/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=16:15.

sixth hour: 12 noon.

earth: or land.

ninth hour: 3 p.m.
Matt 27:46 peri\ de\ th\n {RP P1904: e0na&thn} [TR: e0nna&thn] w#ran a)nebo/hsen o9 870Ihsou=j fwnh|= mega&lh|, le/gwn, 870Hli/, 870Hli/, {RP P1904: lima_} [TR: lama_] [MISC: leima_] sabaxqani/; Tou=t' e1stin, Qee/ mou, Qee/ mou, i3na ti/ me e0gkate/lipej; And at about the ninth hour, Jesus shouted out with a loud voice and said, “Eli, Eli, lima sabachthani?” This means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” e0na&thj, ninth (1), RP P1904 F1853=13/21 F1859=2/8 vs. e0nna&thj, ninth (2), TR F1853=8/21 F1859=6/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=16:15.

lima_, lima, why (1), RP P1904 F1853=16/21 F1859=5/8 vs. lama_, why (2), TR F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/8 vs. leima_, why (3), F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's bfox) F1859=3/8.

Ps 22:2MT (Ps 22:1AV).

ninth hour: 3 p.m.

sabachthani: see Mark 15:34.

means ← is.

have you forsaken ← did you forsake. See Matt 2:2.
Matt 27:47 Tine\j de\ tw~n e0kei= e9stw&twn a)kou/santej e1legon o3ti 870Hli/an fwnei= ou[toj. Some of those standing there who heard it said, “This man is calling Elijah.” some ← but some.
Matt 27:48 Kai\ eu0qe/wj dramw_n ei[j e0c au0tw~n, kai\ labw_n spo/ggon, plh/saj te o1couj, kai\ periqei\j kala&mw%, e0po/tizen au0to/n. Then immediately one of them ran and took a sponge and filled it with vinegar and put it on a reed and offered it to him to drink from. on ← round.

offered ← was giving, tried to give, conative imperfect.
Matt 27:49 Oi9 de\ loipoi\ e1legon, 871Afej, i1dwmen ei0 e1rxetai 870Hli/aj sw&swn au0to/n. But the rest said, “Stop doing that; let us see whether Elijah comes to save him.” stop ← leave alone.

to save ← going to save, a classical future participle of purpose.
Matt 27:50 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j pa&lin kra&caj fwnh|= mega&lh| a)fh=ken to\ pneu=ma. Then Jesus shouted again in a loud voice and gave up the ghost. gave up the ghost ← gave up the spirit.
Matt 27:51 Kai\ i0dou/, to\ katape/tasma tou= naou= e0sxi/sqh ei0j du/o a)po\ a!nwqen e3wj ka&tw: kai\ h9 gh= e0sei/sqh: kai\ ai9 pe/trai e0sxi/sqhsan: And behold, the veil of the sanctuary split in half from top to bottom, and the earth suffered an earthquake, and the rocks were split, in half ← in two.

suffered an earthquake ← was shaken, which is standard idiom for an earthquake [LS].
Matt 27:52 kai\ ta_ mnhmei=a a)new%&xqhsan: kai\ polla_ sw&mata tw~n kekoimhme/nwn a(gi/wn h0ge/rqh: and tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints fallen asleep were raised, saints ← holy ones. All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are saints, as is evident from the opening verses of many epistles, e.g. Rom 1:7, Eph 1:1, Col 1:2. From 1 Cor 1:2 it is clear that sanctification is in Christ Jesus.

were raised: or rose.
Matt 27:53 kai\ e0celqo/ntej e0k tw~n mnhmei/wn meta_ th\n e1gersin au0tou= ei0sh=lqon ei0j th\n a(gi/an po/lin, kai\ e0nefani/sqhsan polloi=j. and they came out of the tombs, after his resurrection, and they went to the holy city, and they appeared to many. resurrection ← arousing, waking, not the usual word for resurrection (a)na&stasij).
Matt 27:54 879O de\ e9kato/ntarxoj kai\ oi9 met' au0tou= throu=ntej to\n 870Ihsou=n, i0do/ntej to\n seismo\n kai\ ta_ geno/mena, e0fobh/qhsan sfo/dra, le/gontej, 870Alhqw~j qeou= ui9o\j h]n ou[toj. Meanwhile the centurion and those with him guarding Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things which had taken place, were very afraid, and they said, “Truly, this was the son of God.”
Matt 27:55 87]Hsan de\ e0kei= {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\] gunai=kej pollai\ a)po\ makro/qen qewrou=sai, ai3tinej h0kolou/qhsan tw%~ 870Ihsou= a)po\ th=j Galilai/aj, diakonou=sai au0tw%~: Now there were {RP TR: - } [P1904: also] many women there, looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, looking after him, kai\, also: absent in RP TR F1853=14/21 F1859=5/8 vs. present in P1904 F1853=7/21 F1859=3/8.
Matt 27:56 e0n ai[j h]n Mari/a h9 Magdalhnh/, kai\ Mari/a h9 tou= 870Iakw&bou kai\ 870Iwsh= mh/thr, kai\ h9 mh/thr tw~n ui9w~n Zebedai/ou. among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons.
Matt 27:57 870Oyi/aj de\ genome/nhj, h]lqen a!nqrwpoj plou/sioj a)po\ 870Arimaqai/aj, tou1noma 870Iwsh/f, o4j kai\ au0to\j e0maqh/teusen tw%~ 870Ihsou=: And when it was late, a rich man came from Arimathea, named Joseph, who also had himself been a disciple of Jesus. named ← the name.

of ← to.
Matt 27:58 ou[toj proselqw_n tw%~ Pila&tw%, h|0th/sato to\ sw~ma tou= 870Ihsou=. To/te o9 Pila&toj e0ke/leusen a)podoqh=nai to\ sw~ma. He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered the body to be handed over, he ← this (man).
Matt 27:59 Kai\ labw_n to\ sw~ma o9 870Iwsh\f e0netu/licen au0to\ sindo/ni kaqara%~, and Joseph took the body and wrapped it up in clean fine linen,
Matt 27:60 kai\ e1qhken au0to\ e0n tw%~ kainw%~ au0tou= mnhmei/w%, o4 e0lato/mhsen e0n th|= pe/tra%: kai\ proskuli/saj li/qon me/gan th|= qu/ra% tou= mnhmei/ou, a)ph=lqen. and he put it in his new tomb which he had hewn out in the rock, and he rolled a large stone to the entrance of the tomb and went away. entrance ← door.
Matt 27:61 87]Hn de\ e0kei= Mari/a h9 Magdalhnh/, kai\ h9 a!llh Mari/a, kaqh/menai a)pe/nanti tou= ta&fou. And Mary Magdalene was there, as was the other Mary, sitting opposite the tomb.
Matt 27:62 Th|= de\ e0pau/rion, h3tij e0sti\n meta_ th\n Paraskeuh/n, sunh/xqhsan oi9 a)rxierei=j kai\ oi9 Farisai=oi pro\j Pila&ton, And the next day, which was after the Preparation Day, the senior priests and Pharisees held a meeting with Pilate, was ← is.
Matt 27:63 le/gontej, Ku/rie, e0mnh/sqhmen o3ti e0kei=noj o9 pla&noj ei]pen e1ti zw~n, Meta_ trei=j h9me/raj e0gei/romai. and they said, “Your Excellency, we remember that that deceiver said, when he was still alive, ‘In three days time I will rise again.’ Your Excellency ← Lord.
Matt 27:64 Ke/leuson ou]n a)sfalisqh=nai to\n ta&fon e3wj th=j tri/thj h9me/raj: mh/pote e0lqo/ntej oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= nukto\j kle/ywsin au0to/n, kai\ ei1pwsin tw%~ law%~, 870Hge/rqh a)po\ tw~n nekrw~n: kai\ e1stai h9 e0sxa&th pla&nh xei/rwn th=j prw&thj. So order the tomb to be secured until the third day, so that his disciples cannot go by night and steal him and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead’, whereby the latter deception would be worse than the former.” cannot ← will not, a Hebraism.

risen: or been raised.

would ← will.
Matt 27:65 871Efh {RP TR: de\} [P1904: - ] au0toi=j o9 Pila&toj, 871Exete koustwdi/an: u9pa&gete, a)sfali/sasqe w(j oi1date. {RP TR: Then} [P1904: - ] Pilate said to them, “You have your guard. Go and secure it as you know best.” de\, and / but: present in RP TR F1853=11/20 F1859=2/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=9/20 F1859=5/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=14:15.
Matt 27:66 Oi9 de\ poreuqe/ntej h0sfali/santo to\n ta&fon, sfragi/santej to\n li/qon, meta_ th=j koustwdi/aj. So they went and secured the tomb, and they sealed the stone with the guard present.
Matt 28:1 870Oye\ de\ sabba&twn, th|= e0pifwskou/sh| ei0j mi/an sabba&twn, h]lqen Mari/a h9 Magdalhnh/, kai\ h9 a!llh Mari/a, qewrh=sai to\n ta&fon. Late in the night after the Sabbath, as dawn drew on to the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene came with the other Mary to take a look at the tomb. late in the night after the Sabbath ← late of the Sabbaths.

week ← Sabbaths. See the comment on John 20:1.
Matt 28:2 Kai\ i0dou/, seismo\j e0ge/neto me/gaj: a!ggeloj ga_r kuri/ou kataba_j e0c ou0ranou=, proselqw_n a)peku/lisen to\n li/qon a)po\ th=j qu/raj, kai\ e0ka&qhto e0pa&nw au0tou=. And behold, a severe earthquake took place, for the angel of the Lord had come down from heaven and had come and rolled back the stone from the entrance, and he was sitting on it, entrance ← door.
Matt 28:3 87]Hn de\ h9 i0de/a au0tou= w(j a)straph/, kai\ to\ e1nduma au0tou= leuko\n w(sei\ xiw&n. and his appearance was like lightning, and his clothing was white like snow.
Matt 28:4 870Apo\ de\ tou= fo/bou au0tou= e0sei/sqhsan oi9 throu=ntej kai\ e0ge/nonto w(sei\ nekroi/. But those on guard shook with fear of him and became as if dead. shook ← were shaken.
Matt 28:5 870Apokriqei\j de\ o9 a!ggeloj ei]pen tai=j gunaici/n, Mh\ fobei=sqe u9mei=j: oi]da ga_r o3ti 870Ihsou=n to\n e0staurwme/non zhtei=te. However, the angel reacted and said to the women, “Don't you fear, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who has been crucified.
Matt 28:6 Ou0k e1stin w{de: h0ge/rqh ga&r, kaqw_j ei]pen. Deu=te, i1dete to\n to/pon o3pou e1keito o9 ku/rioj. He is not here, for he has risen as he said. Come and see the place where the Lord lay. has risen: or has been raised.
Matt 28:7 Kai\ taxu\ poreuqei=sai ei1pate toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou= o3ti 870Hge/rqh a)po\ tw~n nekrw~n: kai\ i0dou/, proa&gei u9ma~j ei0j th\n Galilai/an: e0kei= au0to\n o1yesqe: i0dou/, ei]pon u9mi=n. And go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and look, he will go on ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there. There you are, I have told you.” We, with P1904, punctuate as indirect speech; RP TBS-TR as direct speech.

go: imperatival use of the participle.

has risen: or has been raised.

will go on ahead of you ← leads you onward; see Matt 26:32.

there you arebehold.
Matt 28:8 Kai\ e0celqou=sai taxu\ a)po\ tou= mnhmei/ou meta_ fo/bou kai\ xara~j mega&lhj, e1dramon a)paggei=lai toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=. So they went out from the tomb quickly, with fear and great joy, and they ran to report it to his disciples.
Matt 28:9 879Wj de\ e0poreu/onto a)paggei=lai toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=, kai\ i0dou/, {RP P1904: - } [TR: o9] 870Ihsou=j a)ph/nthsen au0tai=j, le/gwn, Xai/rete. Ai9 de\ proselqou=sai e0kra&thsan au0tou= tou\j po/daj, kai\ proseku/nhsan au0tw%~. But as they were going to report it to his disciples, behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings.” And they went up to him and took hold of him by the feet and worshipped him. o9, the (Jesus): absent in RP P1904 F1853=11/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=10/21 F1859=3/7.
Matt 28:10 To/te le/gei au0tai=j o9 870Ihsou=j: Mh\ fobei=sqe: u9pa&gete, a)paggei/late toi=j a)delfoi=j mou i3na a)pe/lqwsin ei0j th\n Galilai/an, {RP-text: kai\ e0kei=} [RP-marg P1904 TR: ka)kei=] me o1yontai. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to depart for Galilee, and that they will see me there.” kai\ e0kei=, and there (without crasis), RP-text F1853=8/20 F1859=5/7 vs. ka)kei=, and there (contracted, crasis), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=11/20 F1859=2/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's o) F1859=0/7. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=13:15.
Matt 28:11 Poreuome/nwn de\ au0tw~n, i0dou/, tine\j th=j koustwdi/aj e0lqo/ntej ei0j th\n po/lin a)ph/ggeilan toi=j a)rxiereu=sin a#panta ta_ geno/mena. Now as they went, what happened was that some members of the guard went to the city and reported to the senior priests everything that had happened. what happened was thatbehold.
Matt 28:12 Kai\ sunaxqe/ntej meta_ tw~n presbute/rwn, sumbou/lio/n te labo/ntej, a)rgu/ria i9kana_ e1dwkan toi=j stratiw&taij, And they gathered with the elders and held counsel, and they gave the soldiers a good sum of money, a good sum of money ← sufficient silver.
Matt 28:13 le/gontej, Ei1pate o3ti Oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= nukto\j e0lqo/ntej e1kleyan au0to\n h9mw~n koimwme/nwn. and they said, “Say, ‘His disciples came at night and stole him while we were sleeping.’
Matt 28:14 Kai\ e0a_n a)kousqh|= tou=to e0pi\ tou= h9gemo/noj, h9mei=j pei/somen au0to/n, kai\ u9ma~j a)meri/mnouj poih/somen. And if this should catch the ear of the governor, we will persuade him and ensure you are not in trouble.” catch the ear of ← be heard by.

ensure you are not in trouble ← make you carefree.
Matt 28:15 Oi9 de\ labo/ntej ta_ a)rgu/ria e0poi/hsan w(j e0dida&xqhsan. Kai\ diefhmi/sqh o9 lo/goj ou[toj para_ 870Ioudai/oij me/xri th=j sh/meron. And they took the money, and they did as they had been instructed. And this account has spread about among the Jews up to the present day. instructed ← taught.
Matt 28:16 Oi9 de\ e3ndeka maqhtai\ e0poreu/qhsan ei0j th\n Galilai/an, ei0j to\ o1roj ou[ e0ta&cato au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j. Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had commanded them.
Matt 28:17 Kai\ i0do/ntej au0to\n proseku/nhsan au0tw%~: oi9 de\ e0di/stasan. And when they saw him, they worshipped him, but some doubted.
Matt 28:18 Kai\ proselqw_n o9 870Ihsou=j e0la&lhsen au0toi=j, le/gwn, 870Edo/qh moi pa~sa e0cousi/a e0n ou0ranw%~ kai\ e0pi\ gh=j. Then Jesus went up to them, and he spoke to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on the earth is given to me.
Matt 28:19 Poreuqe/ntej {RP P1904: - } [TR: ou]n] maqhteu/sate pa&nta ta_ e1qnh, bapti/zontej au0tou\j ei0j to\ o1noma tou= Patro\j kai\ tou= Ui9ou= kai\ tou= 879Agi/ou Pneu/matoj: Go {RP P1904: - } [TR: then,] and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, ou]n, therefore: absent in RP P1904 F1853=19/20 א F1859=6/8 vs. present in TR F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/8.

go: imperatival use of the participle.
Matt 28:20 dida&skontej au0tou\j threi=n pa&nta o3sa e0neteila&mhn u9mi=n: kai\ i0dou/, e0gw_ meq' u9mw~n ei0mi pa&saj ta_j h9me/raj e3wj th=j suntelei/aj tou= ai0w~noj. 870Amh/n. teaching them to keep everything I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you every day until the consummation of the age.” Amen. age: AV differs somewhat (world).
Mark 1:1 870Arxh\ tou= eu0aggeli/ou 870Ihsou= xristou=, ui9ou= tou= qeou=: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God,
Mark 1:2 w(j ge/graptai e0n toi=j profh/taij, 870Idou/, e0gw_ a)poste/llw to\n a!ggelo/n mou pro\ prosw&pou sou, o4j kataskeua&sei th\n o9do/n sou e1mprosqe/n sou. as it stands written in the prophets:

See how I am sending my messenger in front of you,

Who will prepare your way ahead of you.

Isa 40:3, Mal 3:1.

See how ← behold.
Mark 1:3 Fwnh\ bow~ntoj e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, 879Etoima&sate th\n o9do\n kuri/ou: eu0qei/aj poiei=te ta_j tri/bouj au0tou=.

The voice of one crying out in the desert,

‘Prepare the way of the Lord;

Make his paths straight.’ ”

Our punctuation agrees with RP P1904 TBS-TR AV, but not HF, who read: crying out, ‘In the desert prepare ...’

Isa 40:3.
Mark 1:4 870Ege/neto 870Iwa&nnhj bapti/zwn e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, kai\ khru/sswn ba&ptisma metanoi/aj ei0j a!fesin a(martiw~n. It was the case that John was baptizing in the desert and preaching the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins, John ← Ioannes.
Mark 1:5 Kai\ e0ceporeu/eto pro\j au0to\n pa~sa h9 870Ioudai/a xw&ra, kai\ oi9 879Ierosolumi=tai, kai\ e0bapti/zonto pa&ntej e0n tw%~ 870Iorda&nh| potamw%~ u9p' au0tou=, e0comologou/menoi ta_j a(marti/aj au0tw~n. and all the region of Judaea would go out to him, as would the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and they were all baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
Mark 1:6 87]Hn de\ {RP P1904: o9} [TR: - ] 870Iwa&nnhj e0ndedume/noj tri/xaj kamh/lou, kai\ zw&nhn dermati/nhn peri\ th\n o0sfu\n au0tou=, kai\ e0sqi/wn a)kri/daj kai\ me/li a!grion. Now John was clothed in camel hair and a leather girdle around his loins, and he ate locusts and wild honey. o9, the (John): present in RP P1904 F1853=19/21 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's ou, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7.
Mark 1:7 Kai\ e0kh/russen, le/gwn, 871Erxetai o9 i0sxuro/tero/j mou o0pi/sw mou, ou[ ou0k ei0mi\ i9kano\j ku/yaj lu=sai to\n i9ma&nta tw~n u9podhma&twn au0tou=. And he would preach and say, “He who is more powerful than me is coming after me, the buckle of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop to loosen. than me: or, if the reader prefers, than I.

the buckle of whose sandals ← whose buckle of his sandals.
Mark 1:8 870Egw_ me\n e0ba&ptisa u9ma~j e0n u3dati: au0to\j de\ bapti/sei u9ma~j e0n pneu/mati a(gi/w%. I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with holy spirit.”
Mark 1:9 Kai\ e0ge/neto e0n e0kei/naij tai=j h9me/raij, h]lqen {RP TR: - } [P1904: o9] 870Ihsou=j a)po\ {RP P1904 S1550: Nazare\t} [E1624 S1894: Nazare\q] th=j Galilai/aj, kai\ e0bapti/sqh u9po\ 870Iwa&nnou ei0j to\n 870Iorda&nhn. And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan, o9, the (Jesus): absent in RP TR F1853=11/21 F1859=2/8 vs. present in P1904 F1853=10/21 F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP, R=14:17.

Nazare/t, Nazaret, RP P1904 S1550 F1853=13/19 F1859=5/8 vs. Nazare/q, Nazareth, E1624 S1894 F1853=6/19 F1859=3/8.

in ← into. Pregnant use, compare Matt 18:6.
Mark 1:10 Kai\ eu0qe/wj a)nabai/nwn a)po\ tou= u3datoj, ei]den sxizome/nouj tou\j ou0ranou/j, kai\ to\ pneu=ma {RP-text TR: w(sei\} [RP-marg P1904: w(j] peristera_n katabai=non e0p' au0to/n: and immediately as he came up out of the water, he saw the heavens splitting apart and the spirit descending like a dove on him, w(sei\, like (1), RP-text TR F1853=16/21 F1859=5/7 vs. w(j, like (2), RP-marg P1904 F1853=5/21 F1859=2/7.
Mark 1:11 kai\ fwnh\ e0ge/neto e0k tw~n ou0ranw~n, Su\ ei] o9 ui9o/j mou o9 a)gaphto/j, e0n {RP TR: w%{} [P1904: soi\] {RP TR: eu0do/khsa} [P1904: hu0do/khsa]. and a voice came out of the heavens: “You are my beloved {RP TR: son, with whom I am very pleased.”} [P1904: son. I am very pleased with you.”] w%{, (in) whom, RP TR F1853=20/22 F1859=5/7 vs. soi\, in you, P1904 F1853=2/22 (Scrivener's uyonce) F1859=2/7.

eu0do/khsa, I was pleased (1), RP TR F1853=18/21 F1859=6/7 vs. hu0do/khsa, I was pleased (2), P1904 F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's hoy) F1859=1/7.

am very pleased ← was very pleased, aorist for perfect tense, have taken pleasure.
Mark 1:12 Kai\ {RP TR: eu0qu\j} [P1904: eu0qe/wj] to\ pneu=ma au0to\n e0kba&llei ei0j th\n e1rhmon. And immediately the spirit drove him out into the desert. eu0qu\j, immediately (1), RP TR F1853=12/21 F1859=5/8 vs. eu0qe/wj, immediately (2), P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=3/8.

drove him out ← casts him out.
Mark 1:13 Kai\ h]n e0kei= e0n th|= e0rh/mw% h9me/raj tessara&konta peirazo/menoj u9po\ tou= Satana~, kai\ h]n meta_ tw~n qhri/wn, kai\ oi9 a!ggeloi dihko/noun au0tw%~. And he was there in the desert for forty days, being tempted by Satan, and he was with the wild animals, while the angels would take care of him.
Mark 1:14 Meta_ de\ to\ paradoqh=nai {RP TR: to\n} [P1904: - ] 870Iwa&nnhn, h]lqen o9 870Ihsou=j ei0j th\n Galilai/an, khru/sswn to\ eu0agge/lion th=j basilei/aj tou= qeou=, Then after John had been arrested, Jesus went to Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of God, to\n, the (John): present in RP TR F1853=14/21 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=7/21 F1859=3/7.

arrested ← delivered up, but also of sending to prison without betrayal; see [MG], [MM], AV.
Mark 1:15 kai\ le/gwn o3ti Peplh/rwtai o9 kairo/j, kai\ h1ggiken h9 basilei/a tou= qeou=: metanoei=te, kai\ pisteu/ete e0n tw%~ eu0aggeli/w%. and saying, “The time has been completed, and the kingdom of God has drawn near. Repent and believe in the gospel.”
Mark 1:16 Peripatw~n de\ para_ th\n qa&lassan th=j Galilai/aj ei]den Si/mwna kai\ 870Andre/an to\n a)delfo\n au0tou=, {RP P1904: tou= Si/mwnoj} [TR: - ] ba&llontaj a)mfi/blhstron e0n th|= qala&ssh|: h]san ga_r a(liei=j. Then as he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother, {RP P1904: Simon's,} [TR: - ] casting a round net in the sea. After all, they were fishermen. tou= Si/mwnoj, Simon's: present in RP P1904 F1853=19/21 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7.
Mark 1:17 Kai\ ei]pen au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Deu=te o0pi/sw mou, kai\ poih/sw u9ma~j gene/sqai a(liei=j a)nqrw&pwn. And Jesus said to them, “Come and follow me, and I will make you fishermen of men.” make you ← make you become.
Mark 1:18 Kai\ eu0qe/wj a)fe/ntej ta_ di/ktua au0tw~n, h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~. And they immediately left their nets and followed him.
Mark 1:19 Kai\ proba_j e0kei=qen o0li/gon, ei]den 870Ia&kwbon to\n tou= Zebedai/ou, kai\ 870Iwa&nnhn to\n a)delfo\n au0tou=, kai\ au0tou\j e0n tw%~ ploi/w% katarti/zontaj ta_ di/ktua. Then when he had moved on a little from there, he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, while they were in a boat mending their nets, while they were in a boat ← and them in the boat.
Mark 1:20 Kai\ eu0qe/wj e0ka&lesen au0tou/j: kai\ a)fe/ntej to\n pate/ra au0tw~n Zebedai=on e0n tw%~ ploi/w% meta_ tw~n misqwtw~n a)ph=lqon o0pi/sw au0tou=. and he immediately called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and they went away following him.
Mark 1:21 Kai\ ei0sporeu/ontai ei0j Kapernaou/m: kai\ eu0qe/wj toi=j sa&bbasin ei0selqw_n ei0j {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: th\n} [E1624: - ] sunagwgh/n, e0di/dasken. Then they went into Capernaum, and on the Sabbath he immediately went into {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: the} [E1624: a] synagogue and gave some teaching. th\n, the (synagogue): present in RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1853=12/21 F1859=5/7 vs. absent in E1624 F1853=9/21 F1859=2/7.

gave some teaching ← was teaching.
Mark 1:22 Kai\ e0ceplh/ssonto e0pi\ th|= didaxh|= au0tou=: h]n ga_r dida&skwn au0tou\j w(j e0cousi/an e1xwn, kai\ ou0x w(j oi9 grammatei=j. And they were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
Mark 1:23 Kai\ h]n e0n th|= sunagwgh|= au0tw~n a!nqrwpoj e0n pneu/mati a)kaqa&rtw%, kai\ a)ne/kracen, And there was a man with an unclean spirit in their synagogue, and he shouted out, he: the participle in agreement in the next verse is masculine.
Mark 1:24 le/gwn, 871Ea, ti/ h9mi=n kai\ soi/, 870Ihsou= Nazarhne/; 87]Hlqej a)pole/sai h9ma~j; Oi]da& se ti/j ei], o9 a#gioj tou= qeou=. and he said, “Hey, what have you to do with us, Jesus the Nazarene? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the holy one of God.”
Mark 1:25 Kai\ e0peti/mhsen au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, le/gwn, Fimw&qhti, kai\ e1celqe e0c au0tou=. At this Jesus rebuked it and said, “Be silent and come out of him.” silent ← muzzled.
Mark 1:26 Kai\ spara&can au0to\n to\ pneu=ma to\ a)ka&qarton kai\ kra&can fwnh|= mega&lh|, e0ch=lqen e0c au0tou=. Then the unclean spirit convulsed him and shouted in a loud voice and came out of him.
Mark 1:27 Kai\ e0qambh/qhsan pa&ntej, w#ste suzhtei=n pro\j {RP P1904: e9autou/j} [TR: au0tou/j], le/gontaj, Ti/ e0stin tou=to; Ti/j h9 didaxh\ h9 kainh\ au3th, o3ti kat' e0cousi/an kai\ toi=j pneu/masin toi=j a)kaqa&rtoij e0pita&ssei, kai\ u9pakou/ousin au0tw%~; And they were all astounded, so much so that they debated among themselves and said, “What does this mean? What is this new doctrine, where he even commands the unclean spirits with authority, and they obey him?” e9autou\j, (among) themselves (reflexive), RP P1904 F1853=19/21 F1859=5/7 vs. au0tou\j, (to) them, TR F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/7. No difference in our English (AV translates similarly).

what does this mean ← what is this.
Mark 1:28 {RP TR: 870Ech=lqen de\} [P1904: Kai\ e0ch=lqen] h9 a)koh\ au0tou= eu0qu\j ei0j o3lhn th\n peri/xwron th=j Galilai/aj. And his fame immediately spread into the whole country area of Galilee. e0ch=lqen de\, but (his fame) went out, RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=5/7 vs. kai\ e0ch=lqen, and (his fame) went out, P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/7.

spread ← went out.
Mark 1:29 Kai\ eu0qe/wj e0k th=j sunagwgh=j e0celqo/ntej, h]lqon ei0j th\n oi0ki/an Si/mwnoj kai\ 870Andre/ou, meta_ 870Iakw&bou kai\ 870Iwa&nnou. Then immediately when they had come out of the synagogue, they went to the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. James ← Jacob (and throughout the New Testament).
Mark 1:30 879H de\ penqera_ Si/mwnoj kate/keito pure/ssousa, kai\ eu0qe/wj le/gousin au0tw%~ peri\ au0th=j: Now Simon's mother-in-law was laid up ill with a fever, and they told him about her straightaway.
Mark 1:31 kai\ proselqw_n h1geiren au0th/n, krath/saj th=j xeiro\j au0th=j: kai\ a)fh=ken au0th\n o9 pureto\j eu0qe/wj, kai\ dihko/nei au0toi=j. And he came over and took hold of her by the hand and lifted her up, and the fever left her immediately, and she looked after them. of her by the hand and lifted her up ← of her hand and raised her up.
Mark 1:32 870Oyi/aj de\ genome/nhj, o3te e1du o9 h3lioj, e1feron pro\j au0to\n pa&ntaj tou\j kakw~j e1xontaj kai\ tou\j daimonizome/nouj: When evening had come, when the sun had set, they brought to him all those with ailments and those possessed by a demon, with ← having.
Mark 1:33 kai\ {RP TR: h9 po/lij o3lh e0pisunhgme/nh h]n} [P1904: h]n h9 po/lij o3lh e0pisunhgme/nh] pro\j th\n qu/ran. and the whole city was congregated at the door, h9 po/lij o3lh e0pisunhgme/nh h]n, the city + whole + congregated + was, RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=4/7 vs. h]n h9 po/lij o3lh e0pisunhgme/nh, was + the city + whole + congregated, P1904 F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7 vs. other readings, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/7.
Mark 1:34 Kai\ e0qera&peusen pollou\j kakw~j e1xontaj poiki/laij no/soij, kai\ daimo/nia polla_ e0ce/balen, kai\ ou0k h1fien lalei=n ta_ daimo/nia, o3ti h|1deisan {RP-text TR: au0to/n} [RP-marg P1904: au0to\n xristo\n ei]nai]. and he cured many who were ailing with various diseases, and he cast out many demons, and he did not permit the demons to speak, because they knew {RP-text TR: him} [RP-marg P1904: that he was the Christ]. xristo\n ei]nai, to be Christ: absent in RP-text TR F1853=14/22 F1859=5/8 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1853=8/22 F1859=3/8 (both sets including a few small variations).
Mark 1:35 Kai\ prwi+\ {RP TR: e1nnuxon} [P1904: e1nnuxa] li/an a)nasta_j e0ch=lqen, kai\ a)ph=lqen ei0j e1rhmon to/pon, ka)kei= proshu/xeto. Then he got up early, while it was still very much night, and he went out and went to a deserted place, and he prayed there. e1nnuxon, in the night (1), RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=6/7 vs. e1nnuxa, in the night (2), P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/7.

prayed ← was praying.
Mark 1:36 Kai\ katedi/wcan au0to\n o9 Si/mwn kai\ oi9 met' au0tou=: Meanwhile Simon and those with him went after him,
Mark 1:37 kai\ eu9ro/ntej au0to\n le/gousin au0tw%~ o3ti Pa&ntej {RP P1904: se zhtou=sin} [TR: zhtou=si/ se]. and when they had found him, they said to him, “Everyone is looking for you.” se zhtou=si¨n©, you + they seek, RP P1904 F1853=20/21 F1859=6/7 vs. zhtou=si/¨n© se, they seek + you, TR F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/7 vs. zhtou=si¨n©, they seek, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7.
Mark 1:38 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, 871Agwmen ei0j ta_j e0xome/naj kwmopo/leij, i3na {RP P1904: kai\ e0kei=} [TR: ka)kei=] khru/cw: ei0j tou=to ga_r e0celh/luqa. And he said to them, “Let us go to the nearby towns, so that I may preach there too. For I have come out for this very purpose.” kai\ e0kei=, there too (uncontracted), RP P1904 F1853=16/21 F1859=7/7 vs. ka)kei=, there too (contracted), TR F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's ou, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/7 vs. e0kei=, there, F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's cvy) F1859=0/7.
Mark 1:39 Kai\ h]n khru/sswn e0n tai=j sunagwgai=j au0tw~n ei0j o3lhn th\n Galilai/an, kai\ ta_ daimo/nia e0kba&llwn. And he preached in their synagogues in the whole of Galilee, while he also cast out the demons.
Mark 1:40 Kai\ e1rxetai pro\j au0to\n lepro/j, parakalw~n au0to\n kai\ gonupetw~n au0to/n, kai\ le/gwn au0tw%~ o3ti 870Ea_n qe/lh|j, du/nasai/ me kaqari/sai. Then a leper came to him pleading with him, and kneeling down to him, and he said to him, “If you are willing, you are able to cleanse me.”
Mark 1:41 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j splagxnisqei/j, e0ktei/naj th\n xei=ra, h3yato au0tou=, kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, Qe/lw, kaqari/sqhti. At this, Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched his hand out and touched him, and he said to him, “I am willing, be cleansed.”
Mark 1:42 Kai\ ei0po/ntoj au0tou= eu0qe/wj a)ph=lqen a)p' au0tou= h9 le/pra, kai\ e0kaqari/sqh. And as soon as he had spoken, the leprosy went from him, and he was cleansed.
Mark 1:43 Kai\ e0mbrimhsa&menoj au0tw%~, eu0qe/wj e0ce/balen au0to/n, Then he vehemently admonished him and straightaway dismissed him, vehemently admonished ← snorted at.
Mark 1:44 kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, 873Ora, mhdeni\ mhde\n ei1ph|j: a)ll' u3page, seauto\n dei=con tw%~ i9erei=, kai\ prose/negke peri\ tou= kaqarismou= sou a$ prose/tacen {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j], ei0j martu/rion au0toi=j. and he said to him, “See to it that you don't say anything to anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed, as a testimony to them.” Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=21/21 F1859=7/8 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=0/21 F1859=1/8.
Mark 1:45 879O de\ e0celqw_n h1rcato khru/ssein polla_ kai\ diafhmi/zein to\n lo/gon, w#ste mhke/ti au0to\n du/nasqai fanerw~j ei0j po/lin ei0selqei=n, a)ll' e1cw e0n e0rh/moij to/poij h]n: kai\ h1rxonto pro\j au0to\n pantaxo/qen. But he went out and began to publicize it widely and to blaze the matter abroad, so that he could no longer go openly into a city, but was outside in desolate places. And they kept coming to him from all sides. widely ← (in respect of) many (things).

blaze ... abroad ← noise ... abroad.

so that he: i.e. so that Jesus; compare pronoun use in Gen 41:13.

openly ← manifestly.

kept coming: iterative imperfect.
Mark 2:1 Kai\ {RP P1904: ei0sh=lqen pa&lin} [TR: pa&lin ei0sh=lqen] ei0j Kapernaou\m di' h9merw~n: kai\ h0kou/sqh o3ti ei0j oi]ko/n e0stin. Then some days later he went to Capernaum again, and it was reported that he was at someone's home, ei0sh=lqe¨n© pa&lin, went + again, RP P1904 F1853=10/21 F1859=2/7 vs. pa&lin ei0sh=lqe¨n©, again + went, TR F1853=6/21 F1859=0/7 vs. other readings, F1853=5/21 (Scrivener's bcfps) F1859=5/7.

reported ← heard.
Mark 2:2 Kai\ eu0qe/wj sunh/xqhsan polloi/, w#ste mhke/ti xwrei=n mhde\ ta_ pro\j th\n qu/ran: kai\ e0la&lei au0toi=j to\n lo/gon. and immediately many gathered together, to the point that there was no room any more, not even space at the door. And while he was speaking the word to them, spacethe (things).

while: from the opening kai\ of the next verse.
Mark 2:3 Kai\ e1rxontai pro\j au0to/n, paralutiko\n fe/rontej, ai0ro/menon u9po\ tessa&rwn. some people carrying a paralysed man came to him, the man being carried by four people,
Mark 2:4 Kai\ mh\ duna&menoi proseggi/sai au0tw%~ dia_ to\n o1xlon, a)peste/gasan th\n ste/ghn o3pou h]n, kai\ e0coru/cantej xalw~sin to\n {RP-text TR: kra&bbaton} [RP-marg P1904: kra&batton] e0f' w%{ o9 paralutiko\j kate/keito. and not being able to approach him on account of the crowd, they opened up the roof where he was. And when they had broken it up, they lowered the stretcher on which the paralysed man was lying. kra&bbaton, stretcher (1), RP-text TR, F1853=11/21 F1859=2/7 vs. kra&batton, stretcher (2), RP-marg P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's v) F1859=1/7. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=14:14.

opened up ← unroofed.
Mark 2:5 870Idw_n de\ o9 870Ihsou=j th\n pi/stin au0tw~n le/gei tw%~ paralutikw%~, Te/knon, a)fe/wntai/ soi ai9 a(marti/ai sou. Then when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralysed man, “My child, you have been forgiven your sins.” you have been forgiven your sins ← your sins have been forgiven you.
Mark 2:6 87]Hsan de/ tinej tw~n grammate/wn e0kei= kaqh/menoi, kai\ dialogizo/menoi e0n tai=j kardi/aij au0tw~n, Now some of the scribes were sitting there, while reasoning in their hearts as follows:
Mark 2:7 Ti/ ou[toj ou3twj lalei= blasfhmi/aj; Ti/j du/natai a)fie/nai a(marti/aj ei0 mh\ ei[j, o9 qeo/j; “Why does this man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins but one, that is, God?”
Mark 2:8 Kai\ eu0qe/wj e0pignou\j o9 870Ihsou=j tw%~ pneu/mati au0tou= o3ti ou3twj {RP P1904: au0toi\} [TR: - ] dialogi/zontai e0n e9autoi=j, ei]pen au0toi=j, Ti/ tau=ta dialogi/zesqe e0n tai=j kardi/aij u9mw~n; And immediately Jesus, having perceived in his spirit that they were reasoning inwardly like this, said to them, “Why are you reasoning about these matters in your hearts? au0toi, they (themselves): present in RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=7/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's suvy, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/7. No difference in our English.
Mark 2:9 Ti/ e0stin eu0kopw&teron, ei0pei=n tw%~ paralutikw%~, 870Afe/wntai/ {RP P1904: sou} [TR: soi] ai9 a(marti/ai, h2 ei0pei=n, {RP-text TR: 871Egeirai} [RP-marg P1904: 871Egeire], kai\ {RP-text TR: a}ro/n sou to\n kra&bbaton} [RP-marg: a}ro/n sou to\n kra&batton] [P1904: a}ron to\n kra&batto/n sou], kai\ peripa&tei; Which is easier, to say to the paralytic man, {RP P1904: ‘You have been forgiven your sins’,} [TR: ‘You have been forgiven your sins’,] or to say ‘Arise, and pick up your stretcher, and walk’? sou, your (sins have been forgiven), RP P1904 F1853=14/21 F1859=7/7 vs. soi, (sins have been forgiven) to you, TR F1853=7/21 F1859=0/7.

e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP-text TR F1853=11/21 F1859=3/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), RP-marg P1904 F1853=10/21 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7 Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=15:14.

sou to\n kra&bbaton, of you + the stretcher (1), RP-text TR F1853=14/21 F1859=3/7 vs. sou to\n kra&batton, of you + the stretcher (2), RP-marg F1853=0/21 F1859=0/7 vs. to\n kra&batto/n sou, the stretcher (2) + of you, P1904 F1853=0/21 F1859=2/7 vs. to\n kra&bbato/n sou, the stretcher (1) + of you, F1853=7/21 F1859=1/7 vs. to\n kra&bato/n sou, the stretcher (3) + of you, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7. A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).

you have been forgiven your sins ← {RP P1904: your sins have been forgiven} [TR: sins have been forgiven you].

walk ← walk around.
Mark 2:10 873Ina de\ ei0dh=te o3ti e0cousi/an e1xei o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou {RP-text P1904 TR: a)fie/nai e0pi\ th=j gh=j} [RP-marg: e0pi\ th=j gh=j a)fie/nai] a(marti/aj - le/gei tw%~ paralutikw%~ - But in order that you may know that the son of man has authority to forgive sins on earth ...” – he said to the paralytic man – a)fie/nai e0pi\ th=j gh=j, to forgive + on earth, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=13/21 F1859=5/7 vs. e0pi\ th=j gh=j a)fie/nai, on earth + to forgive, RP-marg F1853=8/21 F1859=2/7.
Mark 2:11 Soi\ le/gw, {RP-text TR: e1geirai} [RP-marg P1904: e1geire] kai\ a}ron to\n {RP-text TR: kra&bbato/n} [RP-marg P1904: kra&batto/n] sou, kai\ u3page ei0j to\n oi]ko/n sou. “I say to you, arise, and pick up your stretcher and go to your home.” e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP-text TR F1853=11/21 F1859=1/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), RP-marg P1904 F1853=10/21 F1859=5/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=13:16.

kra&bbaton, stretcher: as verse 9.
Mark 2:12 Kai\ h0ge/rqh eu0qe/wj, kai\ a!raj to\n {RP-text TR: kra&bbaton} [RP-marg P1904: kra&batton], e0ch=lqen e0nanti/on pa&ntwn: w#ste e0ci/stasqai pa&ntaj, kai\ doca&zein to\n qeo/n, le/gontaj o3ti Ou0de/pote ou3twj ei1domen. And he arose immediately and picked up his stretcher, and he went out in the presence of all, so that they were all astounded, and they glorified God, saying, “Never have we seen anything like this.” kra&bbaton, stretcher: as verse 9.

anything like this ← thus.
Mark 2:13 Kai\ e0ch=lqen pa&lin para_ th\n qa&lassan: kai\ pa~j o9 o1xloj h1rxeto pro\j au0to/n, kai\ e0di/dasken au0tou/j. Then he went out again, by the sea. And the whole crowd would come to him, and he would teach them.
Mark 2:14 Kai\ para&gwn ei]den {RP-text: Leui+\} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Leui+\n] to\n tou= 870Alfai/ou kaqh/menon e0pi\ to\ telw&nion, kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, 870Akolou/qei moi. Kai\ a)nasta_j h0kolou/qhsen au0tw%~. And as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the tax office, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. Leui+\, Levi, RP-text F1853=7/22 F1859=1/7 vs. Leui+\n, Levi (in a separate accusative form), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=15/22 F1859=5/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=0/22 F1859=1/7. A strong disparity with RP-text, R=8:22.
Mark 2:15 Kai\ e0ge/neto e0n tw%~ katakei=sqai au0to\n e0n th|= oi0ki/a% au0tou=, kai\ polloi\ telw~nai kai\ a(martwloi\ sunane/keinto tw%~ 870Ihsou= kai\ toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=: h]san ga_r polloi/, kai\ h0kolou/qhsan au0tw%~. And it came to pass as he was reclining at table in his house that many tax collectors and sinners reclined with Jesus and his disciples. For there were many, and they followed him.
Mark 2:16 Kai\ oi9 grammatei=j kai\ oi9 Farisai=oi, i0do/ntej au0to\n e0sqi/onta meta_ tw~n telwnw~n kai\ a(martwlw~n, e1legon toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou=, Ti/ o3ti meta_ tw~n telwnw~n kai\ a(martwlw~n e0sqi/ei kai\ pi/nei; However, when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eating with the tax collectors and sinners, they said to his disciples, “What is this that he eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?”
Mark 2:17 Kai\ a)kou/saj o9 870Ihsou=j le/gei au0toi=j, Ou0 xrei/an e1xousin oi9 i0sxu/ontej i0atrou=, a)ll' oi9 kakw~j e1xontej. Ou0k h]lqon kale/sai dikai/ouj, a)lla_ a(martwlou\j ei0j meta&noian. At which Jesus, having heard it, said to them, “It is not those who are in sound health who need a doctor, but those who are ailing. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
Mark 2:18 Kai\ h]san oi9 maqhtai\ 870Iwa&nnou kai\ oi9 tw~n Farisai/wn nhsteu/ontej: kai\ e1rxontai kai\ le/gousin au0tw%~, Dia_ ti/ oi9 maqhtai\ 870Iwa&nnou kai\ oi9 tw~n Farisai/wn nhsteu/ousin, oi9 de\ soi\ maqhtai\ ou0 nhsteu/ousin; Meanwhile John's disciples, and those of the Pharisees, were fasting, and people came and said to him, “Why do John's disciples and those of the Pharisees fast, whereas your disciples do not fast?”
Mark 2:19 Kai\ ei]pen au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Mh\ du/nantai oi9 ui9oi\ tou= numfw~noj, e0n w%{ o9 numfi/oj met' au0tw~n e0stin, nhsteu/ein; 873Oson xro/non meq' e9autw~n e1xousin to\n numfi/on, ou0 du/nantai nhsteu/ein: And Jesus said to them, “Surely the wedding guests cannot be fasting while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast, wedding guests ← sons of the wedding venue. See Matt 9:15.
Mark 2:20 e0leu/sontai de\ h9me/rai o3tan a)parqh|= a)p' au0tw~n o9 numfi/oj, kai\ to/te nhsteu/sousin e0n e0kei/naij tai=j h9me/raij. but the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them, and then, in those days, they will fast.
Mark 2:21 {RP TR: Kai\ ou0dei\j} [P1904: Ou0dei\j] e0pi/blhma r(a&kouj a)gna&fou e0pirra&ptei e0pi\ i9mati/w% palaiw%~: ei0 de\ {RP TR: mh/} [P1904: mh/ge], ai1rei to\ plh/rwma au0tou= to\ kaino\n tou= palaiou=, kai\ xei=ron sxi/sma gi/netai. {RP TR: And no-one} [P1904: No-one] sews a patch of uncarded flannel onto an old garment, or else the piece added to it pulls on it – the new on the old – and the tear becomes worse. kai\, and (no-one): present in RP TR F1853=16/21 F1859=4/8 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=5/21 F1859=4/8.

mh/, (if) not, RP TR F1853=18/21 F1859=5/7 vs. mh/ge, (if) not at any rate, P1904 F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's dey) F1859=2/7.

piece added ← filler, fulness.

pulls onraises.
Mark 2:22 Kai\ ou0dei\j ba&llei oi]non ne/on ei0j a)skou\j palaiou/j: ei0 de\ mh/, r(h/ssei o9 oi]noj o9 ne/oj tou\j a)skou/j, kai\ o9 oi]noj e0kxei=tai kai\ oi9 a)skoi\ a)polou=ntai: a)lla_ oi]non ne/on ei0j a)skou\j kainou\j blhte/on. And no-one puts new wine in old wineskins, or else the new wine tears the wineskins, and the wine leaks out, and the wineskins are ruined. Rather, new wine needs to be put in new wineskins.” new wine: the object of the impersonal neuter singular verbal adjective blhte/on, needing to put.
Mark 2:23 Kai\ e0ge/neto paraporeu/esqai au0to\n e0n toi=j sa&bbasin dia_ tw~n spori/mwn, kai\ h1rcanto oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= o9do\n poiei=n ti/llontej tou\j sta&xuaj. Then it came to pass that he was passing by on the Sabbath through the cornfields, and his disciples had begun to make a way through, while plucking the ears of corn, Sabbath ← Sabbaths, which can stand for High Sabbath (feast).
Mark 2:24 Kai\ oi9 Farisai=oi e1legon au0tw%~, 871Ide, ti/ poiou=sin e0n toi=j sa&bbasin o4 ou0k e1cestin; and the Pharisees said to him, “Look at what they are doing on the Sabbath, which is not permitted”, We and P1904 punctuate as a statement: look at what they are doing, which ... RP and TBS-TR punctuate as a question: look, why are they doing what ...?
Mark 2:25 Kai\ au0to\j e1legen au0toi=j, Ou0de/pote a)ne/gnwte ti/ e0poi/hsen {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], o3te xrei/an e1sxen kai\ e0pei/nasen au0to\j kai\ oi9 met' au0tou=; at which he said to them, “Have you never read what David did when he was in need and was hungry, he and those with him? David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

at which: wider use of kai/.
Mark 2:26 Pw~j ei0sh=lqen ei0j to\n oi]kon tou= qeou= e0pi\ 870Abia&qar {RP P1904: - } [TR: tou=] a)rxiere/wj, kai\ tou\j a!rtouj th=j proqe/sewj e1fagen, ou4j ou0k e1cestin fagei=n ei0 mh\ toi=j i9ereu=sin, kai\ e1dwken kai\ toi=j su\n au0tw%~ ou]sin; – how he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] high priest and ate the showbread, which it is not permitted to eat, except for the priests, and how he also gave some to those who were with him?” tou=, the: absent in RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's cdsv) F1859=3/7. No difference in our English (italicization excepted).
Mark 2:27 Kai\ e1legen au0toi=j, To\ sa&bbaton dia_ to\n a!nqrwpon e0ge/neto, ou0x o9 a!nqrwpoj dia_ to\ sa&bbaton: Then he said to them, “The Sabbath came about on account of man, not man on account of the Sabbath.
Mark 2:28 w#ste ku/rio/j e0stin o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou kai\ tou= sabba&tou. Consequently, the son of man is Lord of the Sabbath as well.”
Mark 3:1 Kai\ ei0sh=lqen pa&lin ei0j th\n sunagwgh/n, kai\ h]n e0kei= a!nqrwpoj e0chramme/nhn e1xwn th\n xei=ra. Then he went into the synagogue again, and there was a man with a withered hand there. with ← having.
Mark 3:2 Kai\ {RP P1904c TR: pareth/roun} [P1904u: parethth/roun] au0to\n ei0 toi=j sa&bbasin qerapeu/sei au0to/n, i3na kathgorh/swsin au0tou=. Now they watched him closely, to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath, in order to accuse him. Sabbath: plural; see Mark 2:23.
Mark 3:3 Kai\ le/gei tw%~ a)nqrw&pw% tw%~ e0chramme/nhn e1xonti th\n xei=ra, {RP TR: 871Egeirai} [P1904: 871Egeire] ei0j to\ me/son. And he said to the man with the withered hand, “Come up to centre stage.” e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=12/21 F1859=1/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=6/7. . A weak disparity with RP, R=14:16.

with ← having.
Mark 3:4 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, 871Ecestin toi=j sa&bbasin a)gaqopoih=sai, h2 kakopoih=sai; Yuxh\n sw~sai, h2 a)poktei=nai; Oi9 de\ e0siw&pwn. And he said to them, “Is it permitted to do good or evil on the Sabbath? To save a life or to kill?” But they remained silent. life ← soul.
Mark 3:5 Kai\ peribleya&menoj au0tou\j met' o0rgh=j, sullupou/menoj e0pi\ th|= pwrw&sei th=j kardi/aj au0tw~n, le/gei tw%~ a)nqrw&pw%, 871Ekteinon th\n xei=ra& sou. Kai\ e0ce/teinen, kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: a)pokatesta&qh} [RP-marg: a)pekatesta&qh] h9 xei\r au0tou= u9gih\j w(j h9 a!llh. Then he looked around at them with anger, thoroughly grieved at the hardness of their heart, and he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored, healthy like the other one. a)pokatesta&qh, was restored (aorist passive with single augment), RP-text P1904 TR F1853=13/21 F1859=2/7 vs. a)pekatesta&qh, was restored (aorist passive with double augment), RP-marg F1853=8/21 F1859=4/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7.
Mark 3:6 Kai\ e0celqo/ntej oi9 Farisai=oi eu0qe/wj meta_ tw~n 879Hrw%dianw~n sumbou/lion e0poi/oun kat' au0tou=, o3pwj au0to\n a)pole/swsin. Then the Pharisees immediately went out with the Herodians and took counsel against him, as to how they might destroy him. as to how they might (deliberative on the manner): or in order to (final).
Mark 3:7 Kai\ o9 870Ihsou=j a)nexw&rhsen meta_ tw~n maqhtw~n au0tou= pro\j th\n qa&lassan: kai\ polu\ plh=qoj a)po\ th=j Galilai/aj {RP-text P1904 TR: h0kolou/qhsan} [RP-marg: h0kolou/qhsen] au0tw%~, kai\ a)po\ th=j 870Ioudai/aj, Meanwhile Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea, and a very large number of people followed him, from Galilee and from Judaea, h0kolou/qhsan, (they) followed, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=17/21 F1859=4/6 vs. h0kolou/qhsen, (it) followed, RP-marg F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's lmnv) F1859=2/6.

We suspect a hiatus in Scrivener's P in F1859 from Mark 3:6 - Mark 5:23, and base our figures on that.
Mark 3:8 kai\ a)po\ 879Ierosolu/mwn, kai\ a)po\ th=j 870Idoumai/aj, kai\ pe/ran tou= 870Iorda&nou, kai\ oi9 peri\ Tu/ron kai\ Sidw~na, plh=qoj polu/, a)kou/santej o3sa e0poi/ei, h]lqon pro\j au0to/n. and from Jerusalem and from Idumaea and across the Jordan, while those from around Tyre and Sidon – a large community who had heard everything he was doing – came to him. community ← multitude.

everything ← as many (things) as.
Mark 3:9 Kai\ ei]pen toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou= i3na ploia&rion proskarterh|= au0tw%~ dia_ to\n o1xlon, i3na mh\ qli/bwsin au0to/n. So he told his disciples that a small boat should remain at hand for him on account of the crowd, so that they should not press on him,
Mark 3:10 Pollou\j ga_r e0qera&peusen, w#ste e0pipi/ptein au0tw%~, i3na au0tou= a#ywntai, o3soi ei]xon ma&stigaj. for he had healed many people, and as a result they converged on him in order that whoever had infirmities might touch him.
Mark 3:11 Kai\ ta_ pneu/mata ta_ a)ka&qarta, o3tan au0to\n {RP TR: e0qew&rei} [P1904: e0qew&roun], {RP TR: prose/pipten} [P1904: prose/pipton] au0tw%~, kai\ {RP TR: e1krazen} [P1904: e1krazon], le/gonta o3ti Su\ ei] o9 ui9o\j tou= qeou=. Also whenever the unclean spirits saw him, they would fall down before him and shout out saying, “You are the son of God”, e0qew&rei, were seeing (classical singular verb), RP TR F1853=19/21 F1859=3/6 vs. e0qew&roun, were seeing (non-classical plural verb), P1904 F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's cy) F1859=3/6.

prose/pipten, were falling down (classical singular verb), RP TR F1853=13/21 F1859=2/6 vs. prose/pipton, were falling down (non-classical plural verb), P1904 F1853=8/21 F1859=4/6.

e1krazen, were shouting out (classical singular verb), RP TR F1853=13/21 F1859=2/6 vs. e1krazon, were shouting out (non-classical plural verb), P1904 F1853=7/21 F1859=4/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's g) F1859=0/6.
Mark 3:12 Kai\ polla_ e0peti/ma au0toi=j i3na mh\ {RP P1904: fanero\n au0to\n} [TR: au0to\n fanero\n] poih/swsin. and he would rebuke them sharply so that they should not make him manifest. fanero\n au0to\n, (make) manifest + him, RP P1904 F1853=19/21 F1859=5/6 vs. au0to\n fanero\n, (make) him + manifest, TR F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's x) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's g) F1859=0/6.

sharply ← (in respect of) many (things).
Mark 3:13 Kai\ a)nabai/nei ei0j to\ o1roj, kai\ proskalei=tai ou4j h1qelen au0to/j: kai\ a)ph=lqon pro\j au0to/n. Then he went up into a mountain and called along those whom he himself wanted, and they went off to him, a mountain ← the mountain, or perhaps the mountain range. But see Gen 22:9.
Mark 3:14 Kai\ e0poi/hsen dw&deka, i3na w}sin met' au0tou=, kai\ i3na a)poste/llh| au0tou\j khru/ssein, and he appointed twelve, for them to be with him, and to send them to preach,
Mark 3:15 kai\ e1xein e0cousi/an qerapeu/ein ta_j no/souj, kai\ e0kba&llein ta_ daimo/nia: and to have authority to cure sicknesses and to cast out demons.
Mark 3:16 kai\ e0pe/qhken {RP TR: tw%~ Si/mwni o1noma} [P1904: o1noma tw%~ Si/mwni] Pe/tron: And he gave an additional name to Simon: Peter. tw%~ Si/mwni o1noma, to Simon + a name, RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=5/6 vs. o1noma tw%~ Si/mwni, a name + to Simon, P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.
Mark 3:17 kai\ 870Ia&kwbon to\n tou= Zebedai/ou, kai\ 870Iwa&nnhn to\n a)delfo\n tou= 870Iakw&bou: kai\ e0pe/qhken au0toi=j o0no/mata Boanerge/j, o3 e0stin, Ui9oi\ Bronth=j: Furthermore he appointed James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James, and he gave them additional names: Boanerges, which means “sons of thunder”, means ← is.
Mark 3:18 kai\ 870Andre/an, kai\ Fi/lippon, kai\ Barqolomai=on, kai\ Matqai=on, kai\ Qwma~n, kai\ 870Ia&kwbon to\n tou= 870Alfai/ou, kai\ Qaddai=on, kai\ Si/mwna to\n Kanani/thn, and Andrew and Philip and Bartholomew and Matthew and Thomas and James the son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus and Simon the Kananite, Kananite: AV differs (Canaanite). The word here is from the Aramaic root qoph-nun-aleph, to be zealous, not kaph-nun-ayin, from which the demonym Canaanite, as in Gen 10:18, Zech 14:21, Matt 15:22 (with a different Greek spelling to that of this verse). Luke 6:15 translates Simon's title, Zealot.
Mark 3:19 kai\ 870Iou/dan 870Iskariw&thn, o4j kai\ pare/dwken au0to/n. Kai\ e1rxontai ei0j oi]kon: and Judas Iscariot, who for his part betrayed him. ¶ Then they went into a house, ¶ Verse division: in P1904 numbering, Mark 3:20 begins here.

for his part ← also.
Mark 3:20 kai\ sune/rxetai pa&lin o1xloj, w#ste mh\ du/nasqai au0tou\j {RP TR: mh/te} [P1904: mhde\] a!rton fagei=n. and again a crowd gathered, so that they could not even eat bread. mh/te, neither (but standing for mhde\), RP TR F1853=13/21 F1859=5/7 vs. mhde\, not even, P1904 F1853=7/21 F1859=2/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/7. No difference in our English.
Mark 3:21 Kai\ a)kou/santej oi9 par' au0tou= e0ch=lqon krath=sai au0to/n: e1legon ga_r o3ti 870Ece/sth. And when those close to him heard about it, they went out to take charge of him, for people were saying that he had gone out of his senses. that: we punctuate as indirect speech. RP and TBS-TR punctuate as direct speech: saying, “He has gone out of his senses.” The AV even translates in the present tense.

take charge ← take hold, control, but apparently not in a hostile sense here.
Mark 3:22 Kai\ oi9 grammatei=j oi9 a)po\ 879Ierosolu/mwn kataba&ntej e1legon o3ti Beelzebou\l e1xei, kai\ o3ti 870En tw%~ a!rxonti tw~n daimoni/wn e0kba&llei ta_ daimo/nia. Now the scribes who had come down from Jerusalem said that he was possessed by Beelzebul, and that he cast out the demons by the ruler of the demons. that (2x): we punctuate as indirect speech. RP and TBS-TR punctuate as direct speech: saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul, and he casts out ...”

was possessed by ← had.
Mark 3:23 Kai\ proskalesa&menoj au0tou/j, e0n parabolai=j e1legen au0toi=j, Pw~j du/natai Satana~j Satana~n e0kba&llein; So he called them to himself and spoke to them in parables: “How can Satan cast out Satan?
Mark 3:24 Kai\ e0a_n basilei/a e0f' e9auth\n merisqh|=, ou0 du/natai staqh=nai h9 basilei/a e0kei/nh. And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
Mark 3:25 Kai\ e0a_n oi0ki/a e0f' e9auth\n merisqh|=, ou0 du/natai staqh=nai h9 oi0ki/a e0kei/nh. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Mark 3:26 Kai\ ei0 o9 Satana~j a)ne/sth e0f' e9auto\n kai\ meme/ristai, ou0 du/natai staqh=nai, a)lla_ te/loj e1xei. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is finished. is finished ← has an end.
Mark 3:27 {RP P1904: Ou0dei\j du/natai} [TR: Ou0 du/natai ou0dei\j] ta_ skeu/h tou= i0sxurou=, ei0selqw_n ei0j th\n oi0ki/an au0tou=, diarpa&sai, e0a_n mh\ prw~ton to\n i0sxuro\n dh/sh|, kai\ to/te th\n oi0ki/an au0tou= {RP-text: diarpa&sh|} [RP-marg P1904 TR: diarpa&sei]. No-one can plunder the goods of a strong man, after entering his house, unless he first binds the strong man, and then he can plunder his house. ou0dei\j du/natai, no-one + can, RP P1904 F1853=19/21 F1859=4/6 vs. ou0 du/natai ou0dei\j, not can + anyone, TR F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/6.

diarpa&sh|, may plunder, RP-text F1853=10/21 F1859=4/6 vs. diarpa&sei, will plunder, RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=10/21 F1859=2/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/6. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=14:14.

can ← {RP-text P1904: will} [RP-marg TR: may], a Hebraism.
Mark 3:28 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, o3ti pa&nta a)feqh/setai {RP TR: ta_ a(marth/mata toi=j ui9oi=j tw~n a)nqrw&pwn} [P1904: toi=j ui9oi=j tw~n a)nqrw&pwn ta_ a(marth/mata], kai\ {RP TR: - } [P1904: ai9] blasfhmi/ai o3saj {RP TR: a@n} [P1904: e0a_n] blasfhmh/swsin: Truly, I say to you that the sons of men will be forgiven all their sins and whatever blasphemies they perpetrate, ta_ a(marth/mata toi=j ui9oi=j tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, the sins + to the sons of men, RP TR F1853=19/21 F1859=4/6 vs. toi=j ui9oi=j tw~n a)nqrw&pwn ta_ a(marth/mata, to the sons of men + the sins, P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/6.

ai9, the (blasphemies): absent in RP TR F1853=19/21 F1859=2/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's sy) F1859=4/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=8.8 PV=0.3%.

a@n, (what)ever (1), RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=5/6 vs. e0a_n, (what)ever (2), P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.

will be forgiven all their sins (etc.) ← all their sins (etc.) will be forgiven them.
Mark 3:29 o4j d' a@n blasfhmh/sh| ei0j to\ pneu=ma to\ a#gion, ou0k e1xei a!fesin ei0j to\n ai0w~na, a)ll' e1noxo/j e0stin ai0wni/ou kri/sewj. but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit does not have forgiveness throughout the age, but is liable to age-abiding judgment.” throughout the age: we typically take this to refer to the great Messianic age.
Mark 3:30 873Oti e1legon, Pneu=ma a)ka&qarton e1xei. He said this because they said, “He is possessed by an unclean spirit.” is possessed by ← has.
Mark 3:31 871Erxontai ou]n {RP TR: oi9 a)delfoi\ kai\ h9 mh/thr au0tou=} [P1904: h9 mh/thr au0tou= kai\ oi9 a)delfoi\ au0tou=], kai\ e1cw e9stw~tej a)pe/steilan pro\j au0to/n, fwnou=ntej au0to/n. Then {RP TR: his brothers and mother} [P1904: his mother and his brothers] came and stood outside and sent men to him, calling him. oi9 a)delfoi\ kai\ h9 mh/thr au0tou=, the brothers + and the mother of him, RP TR F1853=16/21 F1859=4/6 vs. h9 mh/thr au0tou= kai\ oi9 a)delfoi\ au0tou=, the mother of him + and the brothers of him, P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6 vs. other readings, F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's ceqp) F1859=1/6.
Mark 3:32 Kai\ e0ka&qhto {RP TR: o1xloj peri\ au0to/n} [P1904: peri\ au0to\n o1xloj]: ei]pon de\ au0tw%~, 870Idou/, h9 mh/thr sou kai\ oi9 a)delfoi/ sou {RP: kai\ ai9 a)delfai/ sou} [P1904 TR: - ] e1cw zhtou=si/n se. Meanwhile a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, “Excuse us, but your mother and your brothers {RP: and your sisters} [P1904 TR: - ] outside are looking for you.” o1xloj peri\ au0to/n, a crowd + around him, RP TR F1853=16/21 F1859=2/6 vs. peri\ au0to\n o1xloj, around him + a crowd, P1904 F1853=5/21 F1859=4/6.

kai\ ai9 a)delfai/ sou, and your sisters: present in RP F1853=15/21 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=6/21 VulgC VulgS SyrP F1859=3/6. AV differs textually.

Excuse us, but ← behold.
Mark 3:33 Kai\ a)pekri/qh au0toi=j le/gwn, Ti/j e0stin h9 mh/thr mou h2 oi9 a)delfoi/ mou; Then he replied to them and said, “Who is my mother or my brothers?”
Mark 3:34 Kai\ peribleya&menoj ku/klw% tou\j peri\ au0to\n kaqhme/nouj, le/gei, 871Ide, h9 mh/thr mou kai\ oi9 a)delfoi/ mou. Then after he had looked around at those sitting around him, he said, “Behold my mother and my brothers.
Mark 3:35 874Oj ga_r a@n poih/sh| to\ qe/lhma tou= qeou=, ou[toj a)delfo/j mou kai\ a)delfh/ mou kai\ mh/thr e0sti/n. For it is whoever does the will of God who is my brother, and my sister, and my mother.” who ← this (one).
Mark 4:1 Kai\ pa&lin h1rcato dida&skein para_ th\n qa&lassan. Kai\ sunh/xqh pro\j au0to\n o1xloj polu/j, w#ste au0to\n e0mba&nta ei0j to\ ploi=on kaqh=sqai e0n th|= qala&ssh|: kai\ pa~j o9 o1xloj pro\j th\n qa&lassan e0pi\ th=j gh=j {RP TR: h]n} [P1904: h]san]. Next he began to teach again by the sea, and a large crowd gathered around him, so that he went on board a boat to sit in on the sea, while the whole crowd was by the sea on land. h]n, was, RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=5/6 vs. h]san, were, P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6. No difference in our English.

gathered around ← gathered to.
Mark 4:2 Kai\ e0di/dasken au0tou\j e0n parabolai=j polla&, kai\ e1legen au0toi=j e0n th|= didaxh|= au0tou=, And he taught them many things in parables, and he said to them in the course of his teaching,
Mark 4:3 870Akou/ete: i0dou/, e0ch=lqen o9 spei/rwn tou= spei=rai: “Listen. A sower once went out to sow seed. once ← behold, here drawing the reader's attention to a story.
Mark 4:4 kai\ e0ge/neto e0n tw%~ spei/rein, o4 me\n e1pesen {RP TR: para_} [P1904: e0pi\] th\n o9do/n, kai\ {RP TR: h]lqen} [P1904: h]lqon] ta_ peteina_ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tou= ou0ranou=] kai\ kate/fagen au0to/. And it so happened that as he sowed, some seed fell {RP TR: beside} [P1904: on] the road, and the birds {RP P1904: - } [TR: of the sky] came and ate it up. para_, to alongside, RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=5/6 vs. e0pi\, onto, P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.

h]lqe¨n©, came (classical singular verb), RP TR F1853=19/21 F1859=6/6 vs. h]lqon, came (non-classical plural verb), P1904 F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's py) F1859=0/6.

tou= ou0ranou=, of the sky: absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/21 F1859=5/6 vs. present in TR F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's cux, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6.
Mark 4:5 {RP TR: 871Allo de\} [P1904: Kai\ a!llo] e1pesen e0pi\ to\ petrw~dej, o3pou ou0k ei]xen gh=n pollh/n: kai\ eu0qe/wj e0cane/teilen, dia_ to\ mh\ e1xein ba&qoj gh=j: {RP TR: But} [P1904: And] some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much soil, and it immediately sprang up through not having depth of soil, a!llo de\, but other, RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=4/6 vs. kai\ a!llo, and other, P1904 F1853=0/21 F1859=1/6 vs. kai\ a!llo de\, and also other, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.
Mark 4:6 h9li/ou de\ a)natei/lantoj e0kaumati/sqh, kai\ dia_ to\ mh\ e1xein r(i/zan e0chra&nqh. but when the sun rose, it was scorched, and because it did not have a root, it withered.
Mark 4:7 Kai\ a!llo e1pesen ei0j ta_j a)ka&nqaj, kai\ a)ne/bhsan ai9 a!kanqai, kai\ sune/pnican au0to/, kai\ karpo\n ou0k e1dwken. And some fell into the thorn bushes, and the thorn plants came up and choked it, and it did not yield any fruit.
Mark 4:8 Kai\ a!llo e1pesen ei0j th\n gh=n th\n kalh/n: kai\ e0di/dou karpo\n a)nabai/nonta kai\ au0ca&nonta, kai\ e1feren {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: e4n] tria&konta, kai\ {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: e4n] e9ch/konta, kai\ {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: e4n] e9kato/n. And other seed fell onto good ground, and while it sprang up and grew, it yielded produce, and some produced a thirtyfold return, and some a sixtyfold, and some a hundredfold.” e0n (3x), in, RP P1904 F1859=5/6 vs. e4n, (the) one, TBS-TR F1859=1/6. There was (presumably) no indication of the breathing in the original; it is the choice of a scribe or modern editor. No remarks in F1853. Our English is not affected.

produce ← fruit.
Mark 4:9 Kai\ e1legen {RP: - } [P1904 TR: au0toi=j], 879O e1xwn w}ta a)kou/ein a)koue/tw. And he said {RP: - } [P1904 TR: to them], “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” au0toi=j, to them: absent in RP F1853=18/21 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's uxy, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/6.
Mark 4:10 873Ote de\ e0ge/neto katamo/naj, h0rw&thsan au0to\n oi9 peri\ au0to\n su\n toi=j dw&deka th\n parabolh/n. Then when he was alone, those around him with the twelve asked him the meaning of the parable,
Mark 4:11 Kai\ e1legen au0toi=j, 879Umi=n de/dotai gnw~nai {RP TR: to\ musth/rion} [P1904: ta_ musth/ria] th=j basilei/aj tou= qeou=: e0kei/noij de\ toi=j e1cw, e0n parabolai=j ta_ pa&nta gi/netai: and he said to them, “To you it has been granted to know the {RP TR: mystery} [P1904: mysteries] of the kingdom of God, but to those outside, everything comes in parables, to\ musth/rion, the mystery, RP TR F1853=19/21 F1859=4/6 vs. ta_ musth/ria, the mysteries, P1904 F1853=2/21 (Scrivener's my) F1859=2/6.

comes ← becomes.
Mark 4:12 i3na ble/pontej ble/pwsin, kai\ mh\ i1dwsin: kai\ a)kou/ontej a)kou/wsin, kai\ mh\ suniw~sin: mh/pote e0pistre/ywsin, kai\ a)feqh|= au0toi=j ta_ a(marth/mata.

In order that they should definitely see

But not perceive,

And they will definitely hear

But not understand,

Lest they should repent,

And they should be forgiven their sins.”

Isa 6:9, Isa 6:10.

definitely see ← looking look.

definitely hear ← hearing hear.

repent ← return.

they should be forgiven their sins ← their sins should be forgiven them.
Mark 4:13 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Ou0k oi1date th\n parabolh\n tau/thn; Kai\ pw~j pa&saj ta_j parabola_j gnw&sesqe; And he said to them, “Do you not know the meaning of this parable? How then can you know the meaning of any parable? can ← will, a Hebraism.

any parable ← all the parables. In Hebrew and Aramaic (e.g. Dan 2:10) after a negative, all is used for any. We have a virtual negative here you do not know ... .
Mark 4:14 879O spei/rwn to\n lo/gon spei/rei. The sower sows the word.
Mark 4:15 Ou[toi de/ ei0sin oi9 para_ th\n o9do/n, o3pou spei/retai o9 lo/goj, kai\ o3tan a)kou/swsin, {RP TR: eu0qe/wj} [P1904: eu0qu\j] e1rxetai o9 Satana~j kai\ ai1rei to\n lo/gon to\n e0sparme/non e0n tai=j kardi/aij au0tw~n. One group are those alongside the road where the word is sown, but when they hear it, Satan immediately comes and removes the word sown in their hearts. eu0qe/wj, immediately (1), RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=4/6 vs. eu0qu\j, immediately (2), P1904 F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/6.

one group ... another group ← these ... these. The other groups are in verses 16,18,20.
Mark 4:16 Kai\ {RP TR: ou[toi/ ei0sin o9moi/wj} [P1904: ou[toi o9moi/wj ei0si\n] oi9 e0pi\ ta_ petrw&dh speiro/menoi, oi3, o3tan a)kou/swsin to\n lo/gon, {RP TR: eu0qe/wj} [P1904: eu0qu\j] meta_ xara~j lamba&nousin au0to/n, And another group are like those sown on the stony ground, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy, ei0sin o9moi/wj, are + like, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/6 vs. o9moi/wj ei0si\n, like + are, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6 vs. ei0si\n, are, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.

eu0qe/wj, immediately (1), RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=6/6 vs. eu0qu\j, immediately (2), P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=0/6 vs. absent, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's u) F1859=0/6.
Mark 4:17 kai\ ou0k e1xousin r(i/zan e0n e9autoi=j, a)lla_ pro/skairoi/ ei0sin: ei]ta genome/nhj qli/yewj h2 diwgmou= dia_ to\n lo/gon, {RP TR: eu0qe/wj} [P1904: eu0qu\j] skandali/zontai. but they do not have an inward root, but rather are for a season. Then when affliction or persecution comes on account of the word, they immediately stumble. eu0qe/wj, immediately (1), RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=6/6 vs. eu0qu\j, immediately (2), P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6.
Mark 4:18 Kai\ ou[toi/ ei0sin oi9 ei0j ta_j a)ka&nqaj speiro/menoi, {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: ou[toi/ ei0sin] oi9 to\n lo/gon a)kou/ontej, And another group are those sown in the thorn {RP P1904 S1894: bushes,} [S1550 E1624: bushes. These are those] who hear the word, Second occurrence in verse: ou[toi/ ei0sin, these are they: absent in RP P1904 S1894 F1853=17/20 F1859=5/6 vs. present in S1550 E1624 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's oux, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6.
Mark 4:19 kai\ ai9 me/rimnai tou= ai0w~noj tou/tou, kai\ h9 a)pa&th tou= plou/tou, kai\ ai9 peri\ ta_ loipa_ e0piqumi/ai ei0sporeuo/menai sumpni/gousin to\n lo/gon, kai\ a!karpoj gi/netai. but the cares of this age and the deceit of riches and the desires in regard to other matters, when they come in, choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. but: adversative use of kai/.

other ← remaining.
Mark 4:20 Kai\ ou[toi/ ei0sin oi9 e0pi\ th\n gh=n th\n kalh\n spare/ntej, oi3tinej a)kou/ousin to\n lo/gon, kai\ parade/xontai, kai\ karpoforou=sin, {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: e4n] tria&konta, kai\ {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: e4n] e9ch/konta, kai\ {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: e4n] e9kato/n. And another group are those sown on the good ground, who hear the word and receive it and bear fruit, some a thirtyfold return, and some a sixtyfold, and some a hundredfold.” e0n (3x), in, RP P1904 F1859=6/6 vs. e4n, (the) one, TBS-TR F1859=0/6. No remarks on the issue in F1853. Compare Mark 4:8.
Mark 4:21 Kai\ e1legen au0toi=j, Mh/ti {RP TR: o9 lu/xnoj e1rxetai} [P1904: e1rxetai o9 lu/xnoj] i3na u9po\ to\n mo/dion teqh|= h2 u9po\ th\n kli/nhn; Ou0x i3na e0pi\ th\n luxni/an e0piteqh|=; Furthermore he said to them, “A lamp isn't brought to be put under a bushel of corn or under a bed, is it? It is to be put on a lampstand, isn't it? o9 lu/xnoj e1rxetai, the lamp + comes, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=5/6 vs. e1rxetai o9 lu/xnoj, comes + the lamp, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.

isn't brought ← does not come.

bushel ← peck, 2 imperial gallons or 9 litres, e.g. of corn or hay. See Matt 5:15.
Mark 4:22 Ou0 ga&r {RP TR: e0sti/n ti} [P1904: e0sti] krupto/n, o4 e0a_n mh\ fanerwqh|=: ou0de\ e0ge/neto a)po/krufon, a)ll' i3na {RP TR: ei0j fanero\n e1lqh|} [P1904: e1lqh| ei0j fanero/n]. For there is nothing hidden whatever which will not be made manifest, nor has anything secret taken place but that it will come into the open. ti, (is no) thing: present in RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=3/6. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.

ei0j fanero\n e1lqh|, into open come, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=5/6 vs. e1lqh| ei0j fanero/n, come into open, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6.
Mark 4:23 Ei1 tij e1xei w}ta a)kou/ein a)koue/tw. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Mark 4:24 Kai\ e1legen au0toi=j, Ble/pete ti/ a)kou/ete. 870En w%{ me/trw% metrei=te metrhqh/setai u9mi=n, kai\ prosteqh/setai u9mi=n toi=j a)kou/ousin. And he said to them, “Watch out with what you hear. By the same measure by which you measure, it will be meted out to you. And to you who hear, the measure will be increased. the measure will be increased ← it will be added to.
Mark 4:25 874Oj ga_r a@n e1xh|, doqh/setai au0tw%~: kai\ o4j ou0k e1xei, kai\ o4 e1xei a)rqh/setai a)p' au0tou=. For to whoever has, more will be given. But from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.”
Mark 4:26 Kai\ e1legen, Ou3twj e0sti\n h9 basilei/a tou= qeou=, w(j {RP TR: e0a_n} [P1904: a@n] a!nqrwpoj ba&lh| to\n spo/ron e0pi\ th=j gh=j, And he said, “So is the kingdom of God, as if a man were casting seed on the ground, e0a_n, (as) if (1), RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=6/7 vs. a@n, (as) if (2), P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's dh) F1859=1/7.
Mark 4:27 kai\ kaqeu/dh| kai\ e0gei/rhtai nu/kta kai\ h9me/ran, kai\ o9 spo/roj blasta&nh| kai\ mhku/nhtai w(j ou0k oi]den au0to/j. and should sleep and get up night and day, and the seed should sprout and grow long in a way he is unaware of,
Mark 4:28 Au0toma&th ga_r h9 gh= karpoforei=, prw~ton xo/rton, ei]ta sta&xun, ei]ta plh/rh si=ton e0n tw%~ sta&xui+. for the land produces fruit spontaneously: first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear.
Mark 4:29 873Otan de\ paradw%~ o9 karpo/j, eu0qe/wj a)poste/llei to\ dre/panon, o3ti pare/sthken o9 qerismo/j. But when the fruit yields itself, he immediately sends out the sickle, because the harvest is at hand.”
Mark 4:30 Kai\ e1legen, {RP TR: Ti/ni} [P1904: Pw~j] {RP-text P1904 TR: o9moiw&swmen} [RP-marg: o9moiw&somen] th\n basilei/an tou= qeou=; 872H e0n {RP TR: poi/a%} [P1904: ti/ni] parabolh|= paraba&lwmen au0th/n; And he said, {RP TR: “To what} [P1904: “How] {RP-text P1904 TR: should} [RP-marg: shall] we liken the kingdom of God? Or {RP TR: with what kind of} [P1904: with what] parable should we represent it? ti/ni, to what, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=4/6 vs. pw~j, how, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/6.

o9moiw&swmen, should we liken (deliberative subjunctive), RP-text P1904 TR F1853=11/21 F1859=4/6 vs. o9moiw&somen, shall we liken (future indicative), RP-marg F1853=10/21 F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/21, F1859=1/6.

poi/a%, to what kind, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=4/6 vs. ti/ni, to what, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/6.

should we represent ← are we to represent (in a parable), deliberative subjunctive.
Mark 4:31 879Wj {RP P1904: ko/kkon} [TR: ko/kkw%] sina&pewj, o3j, o3tan sparh|= e0pi\ th=j gh=j, mikro/teroj pa&ntwn tw~n sperma&twn e0sti\n tw~n e0pi\ th=j gh=j: It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown on the ground is the smallest of all the seeds which are on the earth, ko/kkon, a grain, RP P1904 F1853=17/20 F1859=4/6 vs. ko/kkw%, (to) a grain, TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/6. No difference in our English.

mustard seed: see Matt 13:32.

smallest ← smaller, Greek comparative for superlative.
Mark 4:32 kai\ o3tan sparh|=, a)nabai/nei, kai\ gi/netai {RP TR: pa&ntwn tw~n laxa&nwn mei/zwn} [P1904: mei/zwn pa&ntwn tw~n laxa&nwn], kai\ poiei= kla&douj mega&louj, w#ste du/nasqai u9po\ th\n skia_n au0tou= ta_ peteina_ tou= ou0ranou= kataskhnou=n. but when it is sown, it comes up and becomes bigger than all the other vegetables and puts out big branches, so that the birds of the sky can settle in its shade.” pa&ntwn tw~n laxa&nwn mei/zwn, than all the vegetables + bigger, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=4/6 vs. mei/zwn pa&ntwn tw~n laxa&nwn, bigger + than all the vegetables, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/6.
Mark 4:33 Kai\ toiau/taij parabolai=j pollai=j e0la&lei au0toi=j to\n lo/gon, kaqw_j {RP: e0du/nanto} [P1904 TR: h0du/nanto] a)kou/ein: And he spoke the word to them in many such parables, inasmuch as they were able to give them a hearing. e0du/nanto, they were able (1), RP F1853=15/20 F1859=4/6 vs. h0du/nanto, they were able (2), P1904 TR F1853=5/20 F1859=2/6.
Mark 4:34 xwri\j de\ parabolh=j ou0k e0la&lei au0toi=j {RP TR: - } [P1904: to\n lo/gon]: kat' i0di/an de\ toi=j maqhtai=j au0tou= e0pe/luen pa&nta. Indeed he did not speak {RP TR: - } [P1904: the word] to them without using a parable. But he did explain everything privately to his disciples. to\n lo/gon, the word: absent in RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/6.

explain ← release.
Mark 4:35 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j e0n e0kei/nh| th|= h9me/ra%, o0yi/aj genome/nhj, Die/lqwmen ei0j to\ pe/ran. And he said to them on that day when evening had come, “Let's go across to the other side.”
Mark 4:36 Kai\ a)fe/ntej to\n o1xlon, paralamba&nousin au0to\n w(j h]n e0n tw%~ ploi/w%. Kai\ a!lla de\ {RP TR: ploia&ria} [P1904: ploi=a] h]n met' au0tou=. Then when they had sent the crowd away, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. And there were other {RP TR: small boats} [P1904: boats] with him. ploia&ria, small boats, RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=2/6 vs. ploi=a, boats, P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's eoy) F1859=4/6.
Mark 4:37 Kai\ gi/netai lai=lay a)ne/mou mega&lh: ta_ de\ ku/mata {RP-text P1904 TR: e0pe/ballen} [RP-marg: e0pe/balen] ei0j to\ ploi=on, w#ste {RP TR: au0to\ h1dh} [P1904: h1dh au0to\] {RP TR: gemi/zesqai} [P1904: buqi/zesqai]. And a severe windy storm arose, and the waves {RP-text P1904 TR: were breaking over} [RP-marg: broke over] into the boat, so that it was already {RP TR: filling up} [P1904: sinking]. e0pe/ballen, were breaking over, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's chux) F1859=5/8 vs. e0pe/balen, broke over, RP-marg F1853=14/20 F1859=2/8 vs. other readings, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ek) F1859=1/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:16.

au0to\ h1dh, it + already, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=5/6 vs. h1dh au0to\, already + it, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's g) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6.

gemi/zesqai, filling up, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=5/6 vs. buqi/zesqai, sinking, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's d) F1859=0/6.
Mark 4:38 Kai\ h]n au0to\j e0pi\ th|= pru/mnh| e0pi\ to\ proskefa&laion kaqeu/dwn: kai\ diegei/rousin au0to/n, kai\ le/gousin au0tw%~, Dida&skale, ou0 me/lei soi o3ti a)pollu/meqa; And he was at the stern, sleeping on a pillow, and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, is it not of concern to you that we are in mortal danger?” in mortal danger ← perishing.
Mark 4:39 Kai\ diegerqei\j e0peti/mhsen tw%~ a)ne/mw%, kai\ ei]pen th|= qala&ssh|, Siw&pa, pefi/mwso. Kai\ e0ko/pasen o9 a!nemoj, kai\ e0ge/neto galh/nh mega&lh. And when he woke up, he rebuked the wind, and he said to the sea, “Be quiet; be silenced.” And the wind abated, and a great calm came. silenced ← muzzled. A perfect tense imperative. Another in Acts 23:30.
Mark 4:40 Kai\ ei]pen au0toi=j, Ti/ deiloi/ e0ste ou3twj; Pw~j ou0k e1xete pi/stin; Then he said to them, “Why are you fearful like this? How come you do not have faith?”
Mark 4:41 Kai\ e0fobh/qhsan fo/bon me/gan, kai\ e1legon pro\j a)llh/louj, Ti/j a!ra ou[to/j e0stin, o3ti kai\ o9 a!nemoj kai\ h9 qa&lassa u9pakou/ousin au0tw%~; And they were very afraid, and they said to each other, “Who can this be then, seeing both the wind and sea obey him?” were very afraid ← feared a great fear.
Mark 5:1 Kai\ h]lqon ei0j to\ pe/ran th=j qala&sshj, ei0j th\n xw&ran tw~n {RP TR: Gadarhnw~n} [P1904: Gergeshnw~n]. Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the district of the {RP TR: Gadarenes} [P1904: Gergesenes], Gadarhnw~n, Gadarenes, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=4/6 vs. Gergeshnw~n, Gergesenes, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20, F1859=1/6.
Mark 5:2 Kai\ {RP TR: e0celqo/nti au0tw%~} [P1904: e0celqo/ntoj au0tou=] e0k tou= ploi/ou, eu0qe/wj a)ph/nthsen au0tw%~ e0k tw~n mnhmei/wn a!nqrwpoj e0n pneu/mati a)kaqa&rtw%, and when he had disembarked from the boat, a man from the tombs who was possessed by an unclean spirit immediately went to meet him. e0celqo/nti au0tw%~, him having disembarked (concordant participle), RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=4/6 vs. e0celqo/ntoj au0tou=, him having disembarked (genitive absolute), P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/6.

who was possessed by ← in.
Mark 5:3 o4j th\n katoi/khsin ei]xen e0n toi=j {RP P1904: mnh/masin} [TR: mnhmei/oij]: kai\ ou1te a(lu/sesin ou0dei\j {RP: e0du/nato} [P1904 TR: h0du/nato] au0to\n dh=sai, He had his dwelling in the tombs, and no-one could bind him even with chains, mnh/masi¨n©, tombs (1), RP P1904 F1853=19/20 F1859=6/7 vs. mnhmei/oij, tombs (2), TR F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's x) F1859=1/7.

e0du/nanto, they were able (1), RP F1853=12/20 F1859=6/6 vs. h0du/nanto, they were able (2), P1904 TR F1853=8/20 F1859=0/6.
Mark 5:4 dia_ to\ au0to\n polla&kij pe/daij kai\ a(lu/sesin dede/sqai, kai\ diespa~sqai u9p' au0tou= ta_j a(lu/seij, kai\ ta_j pe/daj suntetri/fqai: kai\ ou0dei\j {RP TR: au0to\n i1sxuen} [P1904: i1sxuen au0to\n] dama&sai: because he had often been bound in shackles and chains, but the chains had been torn apart by him and the shackles broken, and no-one was able to tame him. au0to\n i1sxuen, him (no-one) + could, RP TR F1853=14/20 F1859=1/6 vs. i1sxuen au0to\n, could + (tame) him, P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ey) F1859=4/6 vs. another reading, F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's clmn) F1859=1/6.
Mark 5:5 kai\ dia_ panto/j, nukto\j kai\ h9me/raj, e0n toi=j {RP TR: o1resin kai\ e0n toi=j mnh/masin} [P1904: mnh/masi kai\ e0n toi=j o1resin] h]n kra&zwn kai\ katako/ptwn e9auto\n li/qoij. And he was always in the {RP TR: mountains and the tombs} [P1904: tombs and the mountains], night and day, shouting and lacerating himself with stones. o1resi¨n© kai\ e0n toi=j mnh/masi¨n©, (in the) mountains + and in the tombs, RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=2/6 vs. mnh/masi¨n© kai\ e0n toi=j o1resi¨n©, (in the) tombs + and in the mountains, P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=4/6.
Mark 5:6 870Idw_n de\ to\n 870Ihsou=n a)po\ makro/qen, e1dramen kai\ proseku/nhsen {RP TR: au0tw%~} [P1904: au0to/n], Then when he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and worshipped him, au0tw%~, him (dative), RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=5/6 vs. au0to/n, him (accusative), P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's py) F1859=1/6.

worshipped: or bowed down to.
Mark 5:7 kai\ kra&caj fwnh|= mega&lh| {RP TR: ei]pen} [P1904: le/gei], Ti/ e0moi\ kai\ soi/, 870Ihsou=, ui9e\ tou= qeou= tou= u9yi/stou; 879Orki/zw se to\n qeo/n, mh/ me basani/sh|j. and he cried out in a loud voice and said, “What have I to do with you, Jesus, son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God not to torment me.” ei]pen, said, RP TR F1853=16/20 F1859=3/6 vs. le/gei, says (vivid present for past), P1904 F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's deoy) F1859=3/6.

what have I to do with you ← what to you and to me.
Mark 5:8 871Elegen ga_r au0tw%~, 871Ecelqe, to\ pneu=ma to\ a)ka&qarton, e0k tou= a)nqrw&pou. For he had been saying to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit.”
Mark 5:9 Kai\ e0phrw&ta au0to/n, Ti/ {RP TR: soi o1noma} [P1904: o1noma& soi]; Kai\ a)pekri/qh, le/gwn, Legew_n o1noma& moi, o3ti polloi/ e0smen. And he had asked him, “What is your name?” And he had answered and said, “My name is Legion, for we are many.” soi o1noma, to you + a name, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=4/6 vs. o1noma& soi, a name + to you, P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's oy) F1859=2/6.
Mark 5:10 Kai\ pareka&lei au0to\n polla&, i3na mh\ {RP TR: au0tou\j a)postei/lh|} [P1904: a)postei/lh| au0tou\j] e1cw th=j xw&raj. And he pleaded with him earnestly that he should not send them out of the district. au0tou\j a)postei/lh|, them + he should send, RP TR F1853=14/20 F1859=2/6 vs. a)postei/lh| au0tou\j, he should send + them, P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=2/6 vs. other readings, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's o) F1859=2/6.

earnestly ← many (things).
Mark 5:11 87]Hn de\ e0kei= {RP: pro\j tw%~ o1rei} [P1904: - ] [TR: pro\j ta_ o1rh] a)ge/lh xoi/rwn mega&lh boskome/nh {RP TR: - } [P1904: pro\j tw%~ o1rei]: Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there near the {RP P1904: mountain} [TR: mountains], pro\j tw%~ o1rei, near the mountain, RP F1853=14/20 F1859=2/6 vs. pro\j tw%~ o1rei moved to end of verse: P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=3/6 vs. pro\j ta_ o1rh, near the mountains, TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/6 vs. other readings, F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's efs) F1859=1/6.
Mark 5:12 kai\ pareka&lesan au0to\n pa&ntej oi9 dai/monej, le/gontej, Pe/myon h9ma~j ei0j tou\j xoi/rouj, i3na ei0j au0tou\j ei0se/lqwmen. and all the demons pleaded with him and said, “Send us into the pigs, so that we can go into them.”
Mark 5:13 Kai\ e0pe/treyen au0toi=j eu0qe/wj o9 870Ihsou=j. Kai\ e0celqo/nta ta_ pneu/mata ta_ a)ka&qarta ei0sh=lqon ei0j tou\j xoi/rouj: kai\ w#rmhsen h9 a)ge/lh kata_ tou= krhmnou= ei0j th\n qa&lassan: h]san de\ w(j disxi/lioi: kai\ e0pni/gonto e0n th|= qala&ssh|. At this Jesus immediately permitted them. So the unclean spirits came out and entered into the pigs, at which the herd rushed headlong down the cliff into the sea. There were about two thousand of them, and they drowned in the sea. there were ← and there were.

drowned ← were being suffocated, but also used for drowning [LS].
Mark 5:14 {RP TR: Oi9 de\} [P1904: Kai\ oi9] bo/skontej tou\j xoi/rouj e1fugon, kai\ {RP TR: a)nh/ggeilan} [P1904: a)ph/ggeilan] ei0j th\n po/lin kai\ ei0j tou\j a)grou/j. Kai\ e0ch=lqon i0dei=n ti/ e0stin to\ gegono/j: And those tending the pigs fled and reported it in the city and in the fields. Then they went out to see what it was that had happened, oi9 de\, and / but they, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=3/6 vs. kai\ oi9, and they, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=3/6.

a)nh/ggeilan, report (back), RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=3/6 vs. a)ph/ggeilan , report, bring tidings, P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's doy) F1859=3/6.
Mark 5:15 kai\ e1rxontai pro\j to\n 870Ihsou=n, kai\ qewrou=sin to\n daimonizo/menon kaqh/menon kai\ i9matisme/non kai\ swfronou=nta, to\n e0sxhko/ta to\n Legew~na: kai\ e0fobh/qhsan. and they came to Jesus and saw the man possessed by a demon sitting, and clothed, and in his senses – the one who had been possessed by Legion – and they were afraid. had been possessed by ← having had.
Mark 5:16 {RP: Dihgh/santo de\} [P1904 TR: Kai\ dihgh/santo] au0toi=j oi9 i0do/ntej pw~j e0ge/neto tw%~ daimonizome/nw%, kai\ peri\ tw~n xoi/rwn. And those who had seen how it happened to the man possessed by a demon described it to them, and the matter of the pigs. dihgh/santo de\, and / but / then they described, RP F1853=16/20 F1859=2/6 vs. kai\ dihgh/santo, and / then they described, P1904 TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's euxy, u being very doubtful) F1859=4/6.
Mark 5:17 Kai\ h1rcanto parakalei=n au0to\n a)pelqei=n a)po\ tw~n o9ri/wn au0tw~n. Then they went on to ask him to depart from their district. went on to ask ← began to ask, but used here for mere transition.
Mark 5:18 Kai\ {RP TR: e0mba&ntoj} [P1904: e0mbai/nontoj] au0tou= ei0j to\ ploi=on, pareka&lei au0to\n o9 daimonisqei/j, i3na {RP TR: h|] met' au0tou=} [P1904: met' au0tou= h|]]. But {RP TR: when he had embarked} [P1904: while he was embarking] on a boat, the one who had been possessed by a demon asked him if he could stay with him. e0mba&ntoj, when (he) had embarked, RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=3/6 vs. e0mbai/nontoj, while (he) was embarking, P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's eoy) F1859=3/6.

h|] met' au0tou=, might be + with him, RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=2/6 vs. met' au0tou= h|], with him + might be, P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's eoy) F1859=4/6.

a boat ← the boat. See Gen 22:9.

stay ← be.
Mark 5:19 {RP TR: 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j} [P1904: Kai\] ou0k a)fh=ken au0to/n, a)lla_ le/gei au0tw%~, 873Upage ei0j to\n oi]ko/n sou pro\j tou\j sou/j, kai\ a)na&ggeilon au0toi=j o3sa soi o9 ku/rioj {RP P1904: pepoi/hken} [TR: e0poi/hse], kai\ h0le/hse/n se. {RP TR: However, Jesus} [P1904: But he] did not permit him but said to him, “Go to your home, to your family, and tell them everything that the Lord {RP P1904: has done} [TR: did] for you and how he had mercy on you.” o9 de\ 870Ihsou=j, but Jesus, RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=3/6 vs. kai\, and, P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's eoy) F1859=3/6.

pepoi/hke¨n©, has done, RP P1904 F1853=17/20 F1859=5/7 vs. e0poi/hse¨n©, did, TR F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's pux, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.

your family ← yours.
Mark 5:20 Kai\ a)ph=lqen kai\ h1rcato khru/ssein e0n th|= Dekapo/lei o3sa e0poi/hsen au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j: kai\ pa&ntej e0qau/mazon. And he went off, and he began to proclaim in Decapolis everything that Jesus had done for him, and everyone was amazed.
Mark 5:21 Kai\ diapera&santoj tou= 870Ihsou= e0n tw%~ ploi/w% pa&lin ei0j to\ pe/ran, sunh/xqh o1xloj polu\j e0p' au0to/n, kai\ h]n para_ th\n qa&lassan. Meanwhile, when Jesus had again crossed to the other side in the boat, a large crowd gathered around him, and he was by the sea, gathered around ← gathered to.
Mark 5:22 Kai\ {RP TR: i0dou/,} [P1904: - ] e1rxetai ei[j tw~n a)rxisunagw&gwn, o0no/mati 870Ia&eiroj, kai\ i0dw_n au0to/n, pi/ptei pro\j tou\j po/daj au0tou=, and {RP TR: it so happened that} [P1904: - ] one of the officials of the synagogue came, Jairus by name, and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, i0dou/, behold: present in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=6/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=0/6.

{RP TR: it so happened that ← behold.}
Mark 5:23 kai\ pareka&lei au0to\n polla&, le/gwn o3ti To\ quga&trio/n mou e0sxa&twj e1xei: i3na e0lqw_n e0piqh|=j au0th|= ta_j xei=raj, o3pwj swqh|= kai\ zh/setai. and he pleaded with him earnestly saying, “My little daughter is at death's door. I ask you to come and lay your hands on her, so that she should be saved and will live.” earnestly ← many (things).

is at death's door ← has endingly.

come: imperatival use of the participle.
Mark 5:24 Kai\ a)ph=lqen met' au0tou=: kai\ h0kolou/qei au0tw%~ o1xloj polu/j, kai\ sune/qlibon au0to/n. So he went with him, and a large crowd followed him, and they were thronging him,
Mark 5:25 Kai\ gunh/ tij ou]sa e0n r(u/sei ai3matoj e1th dw&deka, when a certain woman who had had a haemorrhage for twelve years when: temporal use of kai/.
Mark 5:26 kai\ polla_ paqou=sa u9po\ pollw~n i0atrw~n, kai\ dapanh/sasa ta_ par' {RP: au0th=j} [P1904 TR: e9auth=j] pa&nta, kai\ mhde\n w)felhqei=sa, a)lla_ ma~llon ei0j to\ xei=ron e0lqou=sa, – and who had suffered much at the hands of many doctors, and who had spent everything she had but had not been benefitted in any way and had rather become worse – au0th=j, (with) her, RP F1853=17/20 F1859=4/7 vs. e9auth=j, (with) herself, P1904 TR F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's oux, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7 No difference in our English.
Mark 5:27 a)kou/sasa peri\ tou= 870Ihsou=, e0lqou=sa e0n tw%~ o1xlw% o1pisqen, h3yato tou= i9mati/ou au0tou=: having heard about Jesus, came in the crowd from behind and touched his cloak,
Mark 5:28 e1legen ga_r {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0n e9auth|=] o3ti {RP TR: Ka@n tw~n i9mati/wn au0tou= a#ywmai} [P1904: 870Ea_n a#ywmai ka@n tw~n i9mati/wn au0tou=], swqh/somai. for she said {RP TR: - } [P1904: inwardly], “If I can just touch his clothes, I will be saved.” e0n e9auth|=, in herself: absent in RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=5/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's eos) F1859=2/7.

ka@n tw~n i9mati/wn au0tou= a#ywmai, just if his clothes + I touch, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=7/7 vs. e0a_n a#ywmai ka@n tw~n i9mati/wn au0tou=, if I touch just if + his clothes, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=0/7.
Mark 5:29 Kai\ eu0qe/wj e0chra&nqh h9 phgh\ tou= ai3matoj au0th=j, kai\ e1gnw tw%~ sw&mati o3ti i1atai a)po\ th=j ma&stigoj. And immediately her issue of blood dried up, and she knew in her body that she had been cured of her infirmity.
Mark 5:30 Kai\ eu0qe/wj o9 870Ihsou=j e0pignou\j e0n e9autw%~ th\n e0c au0tou= du/namin e0celqou=san, e0pistrafei\j e0n tw%~ o1xlw%, e1legen, Ti/j mou h3yato tw~n i9mati/wn; Then Jesus, having become inwardly aware of the power which had gone out of him, immediately turned to the crowd and said, “Who touched my clothes?”
Mark 5:31 Kai\ e1legon au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou=, Ble/peij to\n o1xlon sunqli/bonta& se, kai\ le/geij, Ti/j mou h3yato; At this the disciples said to him, “You see the crowd thronging you, yet you say, ‘Who touched me?’ ”
Mark 5:32 Kai\ perieble/peto i0dei=n th\n tou=to poih/sasan. Then he looked round to see her who had done this.
Mark 5:33 879H de\ gunh\ fobhqei=sa kai\ tre/mousa, ei0dui=a o4 ge/gonen e0p' au0th|=, h]lqen kai\ prose/pesen au0tw%~, kai\ ei]pen au0tw%~ pa~san th\n a)lh/qeian. And the woman, in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down at him and told him all the truth.
Mark 5:34 879O de\ ei]pen au0th|=, Qu/gater, h9 pi/stij sou se/swke/n se: u3page ei0j ei0rh/nhn, kai\ i1sqi u9gih\j a)po\ th=j ma&stigo/j sou. But he said to her, “My daughter, your faith has cured you. Go off in peace and be free of your infirmity.” cured ← saved.

free ← healthy.
Mark 5:35 871Eti au0tou= lalou=ntoj, e1rxontai a)po\ tou= a)rxisunagw&gou, le/gontej o3ti 879H quga&thr sou a)pe/qanen: ti/ e1ti sku/lleij to\n dida&skalon; While he was still speaking, men came from the house of the synagogue official and said, “Your daughter has died. Why are you still troubling the teacher?”
Mark 5:36 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j eu0qe/wj a)kou/saj to\n lo/gon lalou/menon le/gei tw%~ a)rxisunagw&gw%, Mh\ fobou=, mo/non pi/steue. But when Jesus heard what was said, he immediately said to the synagogue official, “Don't be afraid; just believe.” what was said ← the word being spoken.
Mark 5:37 Kai\ ou0k a)fh=ken {RP TR: ou0de/na au0tw%~} [P1904: au0tw%~ ou0de/na] sunakolouqh=sai, ei0 mh\ Pe/tron kai\ 870Ia&kwbon kai\ 870Iwa&nnhn to\n a)delfo\n 870Iakw&bou. And he did not permit anyone to go along with him except Peter and James and John the brother of James, ou0de/na au0tw%~, anyone + with him, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=7/7 vs. au0tw%~ ou0de/na, with him + anyone, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/7.

go along with ← follow with.
Mark 5:38 Kai\ e1rxetai ei0j to\n oi]kon tou= a)rxisunagw&gou, kai\ qewrei= qo/rubon, {RP S1550 E1624: - } [P1904 S1894: kai\] klai/ontaj kai\ a)lala&zontaj polla&. and he came to the house of the synagogue official and saw a tumult {RP S1550 E1624: of} [P1904 S1894: and] people weeping and lamenting greatly, kai\, and (people weeping): absent in RP S1550 E1624 F1853=17/21 F1859=3/7 vs. present in P1904 S1894 F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's d*euy) F1859=4/7.

greatly ← (in respect of) many (things).
Mark 5:39 Kai\ ei0selqw_n le/gei au0toi=j, Ti/ qorubei=sqe kai\ klai/ete; To\ paidi/on ou0k a)pe/qanen, a)lla_ kaqeu/dei. and he went in and said to them, “Why are you making a commotion and weeping? The child has not died, but is asleep.”
Mark 5:40 Kai\ katege/lwn au0tou=. 879O de/, e0kbalw_n {RP P1904: pa&ntaj} [TR: a#pantaj], paralamba&nei to\n pate/ra tou= paidi/ou kai\ th\n mhte/ra kai\ tou\j met' au0tou=, kai\ ei0sporeu/etai o3pou h]n to\ paidi/on a)nakei/menon. And they laughed at him. ¶ But he sent them all out and took the father of the child with him, and the mother and those with him, and he went into the room where the child was lying. ¶ Verse division: in P1904 numbering, Mark 5:40 begins here.

pa&ntaj, all (1), RP P1904 F1853=17/20 F1859=6/7 vs. a#pantaj, all (2), TR F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's lux, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7.
Mark 5:41 Kai\ krath/saj th=j xeiro\j tou= paidi/ou, le/gei au0th|=, Taliqa&, kou=mi: o3 e0stin meqermhneuo/menon, To\ kora&sion, soi\ le/gw, {RP TR: e1geirai} [P1904: e1geire]. Then he took hold of the child's hand and said to her, “Talitha cumi”, which, being translated, means, “Young girl (I say to you), ‘Arise.’ ” e1geirai, arise (aorist middle), RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=4/7 vs. e1geire, arise (present active), P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=3/7. Compare Mark 2:11.

means ← is.
Mark 5:42 Kai\ eu0qe/wj a)ne/sth to\ kora&sion kai\ periepa&tei, h]n ga_r e0tw~n dw&deka: kai\ e0ce/sthsan e0ksta&sei mega&lh|. And immediately the young girl arose and walked around. Now she was twelve years old. And they were astonished with great astonishment.
Mark 5:43 Kai\ diestei/lato au0toi=j polla_ i3na mhdei\j gnw%~ tou=to: kai\ ei]pen doqh=nai au0th|= fagei=n. Then he ordered them strictly that no-one should get to know this. He also said that something should be given to her to eat. strictly ← many (things).
Mark 6:1 Kai\ e0ch=lqen e0kei=qen, kai\ h]lqen ei0j th\n patri/da {RP TR: au0tou=} [P1904: e9autou=]: kai\ a)kolouqou=sin au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou=. Then he went out from there and came to his {RP TR: - } [P1904: own] native country, and his disciples followed him. au0tou=, his, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=7/8 vs. e9autou=, his own, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/8.
Mark 6:2 Kai\ genome/nou sabba&tou, h1rcato e0n th|= sunagwgh|= dida&skein: kai\ polloi\ a)kou/ontej e0ceplh/ssonto, le/gontej, Po/qen tou/tw% tau=ta; Kai\ ti/j h9 sofi/a h9 doqei=sa au0tw%~, {RP P1904: - } [TR: o3ti] kai\ duna&meij toiau=tai dia_ tw~n xeirw~n au0tou= gi/nontai; Then, when the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue. And many who heard him were astounded, and they said, “Where does this man get these things from? And what is this wisdom which has been given to him, {RP P1904: so that} [TR: so that even] such deeds of power take place at his hands? o3ti, so that: absent in RP P1904 F1853=12/20 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=6/20 F1859=2/7 vs. another reading, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's do) F1859=1/7.

{RP P1904: so that: purposive or consecutive (result) use of kai/.}
Mark 6:3 Ou0x ou[to/j e0stin o9 te/ktwn, o9 ui9o\j {RP TR: - } [P1904: th=j] Mari/aj, a)delfo\j de\ 870Iakw&bou kai\ 870Iwsh= kai\ 870Iou/da kai\ Si/mwnoj; Kai\ ou0k ei0si\n ai9 a)delfai\ au0tou= w{de pro\j h9ma~j; Kai\ e0skandali/zonto e0n au0tw%~. Isn't this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judah and Simon? And aren't his sisters here with us?” And they were offended because of him. th=j, (of) the (Mary): absent in RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y, which also reads the son of the carpenter) F1859=1/7.

Greek: Maria, Iakobos, Ioses, Ioudas, Simon.
Mark 6:4 871Elegen de\ au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j o3ti Ou0k e1stin profh/thj a!timoj, ei0 mh\ e0n th|= patri/di au0tou=, kai\ e0n toi=j suggene/sin kai\ e0n th|= oi0ki/a% au0tou=. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his native land and among his kinsmen and in his own house.”
Mark 6:5 Kai\ ou0k h0du/nato e0kei= ou0demi/an du/namin poih=sai, ei0 mh\ o0li/goij a)rrw&stoij e0piqei\j ta_j xei=raj, e0qera&peusen. And he could not do any deeds of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few invalids and healed them. deeds ← deeds.
Mark 6:6 Kai\ e0qau/mazen dia_ th\n a)pisti/an au0tw~n. Kai\ perih=gen ta_j kw&maj ku/klw% dida&skwn. Indeed he was astonished on account of their unbelief. And he would go round the neighbouring villages teaching. neighbouring ← surrounding.
Mark 6:7 Kai\ proskalei=tai tou\j dw&deka, kai\ h1rcato au0tou\j a)poste/llein du/o du/o, kai\ e0di/dou au0toi=j e0cousi/an tw~n pneuma&twn tw~n a)kaqa&rtwn. Then he called the twelve to himself and began to send them out two at a time, and he gave them authority over the unclean spirits, two at a time ← two two.
Mark 6:8 Kai\ parh/ggeilen au0toi=j i3na mhde\n ai1rwsin ei0j o9do/n, ei0 mh\ r(a&bdon mo/non: mh\ ph/ran, mh\ a!rton, mh\ ei0j th\n zw&nhn xalko/n: and he commanded them not to take anything for the journey except just a staff: neither a wallet, nor bread, nor bronze money for their money belt,
Mark 6:9 a)ll' u9podedeme/nouj sanda&lia: kai\ mh\ {RP S1550: e0ndu/shsqe} [P1904: e0ndedu/sqai] [E1624 S1894: e0ndu/sasqai] du/o xitw~naj. but to be shod with sandals, and not to wear two tunics. e0ndu/shsqe, that you wear (aorist subjunctive middle), RP S1550 F1853=15/20 F1859=4/7 vs. e0ndedu/sqai, to wear (perfect infinitive middle / passive), P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/7 vs. e0ndu/sasqai, to wear (aorist infinitive middle), E1624 S1894 F1853=5/20 (incl. 1 misspelled) F1859=1/7. No difference in our English.
Mark 6:10 Kai\ e1legen au0toi=j, 873Opou e0a_n ei0se/lqhte ei0j oi0ki/an, e0kei= me/nete e3wj a@n e0ce/lqhte e0kei=qen. And he said to them, “Wherever you enter into a house, remain there until you go out from that place. from that place ← from there.
Mark 6:11 Kai\ o3soi {RP TR: a@n} [P1904: e0a_n] mh\ de/cwntai u9ma~j, mhde\ a)kou/swsin u9mw~n, e0kporeuo/menoi e0kei=qen, e0ktina&cate to\n xou=n to\n u9poka&tw tw~n podw~n u9mw~n ei0j martu/rion au0toi=j. 870Amh\n le/gw u9mi=n, a)nekto/teron e1stai Sodo/moij h2 Gomo/rroij e0n h9me/ra% kri/sewj, h2 th|= po/lei e0kei/nh|. And as for whoever does not receive you or hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet as a testimony to them. Truly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that city.” a@n, (who)ever (1), RP TR F1853=9/20 F1859=4/7 vs. e0a_n, (who)ever (2), P1904 F1853=11/20 F1859=3/7. A weak disparity with RP, R=14:15.
Mark 6:12 Kai\ e0celqo/ntej e0kh/russon i3na metanoh/swsin: Then they went out and preached that one should repent. one ← they.
Mark 6:13 kai\ daimo/nia polla_ e0ce/ballon, kai\ h1leifon e0lai/w% pollou\j a)rrw&stouj kai\ e0qera&peuon. And they cast out many demons, and they anointed many infirm with olive oil and cured them.
Mark 6:14 Kai\ h1kousen o9 basileu\j 879Hrw%&dhj, fanero\n ga_r e0ge/neto to\ o1noma au0tou=, kai\ e1legen o3ti 870Iwa&nnhj o9 bapti/zwn e0k nekrw~n h0ge/rqh, kai\ dia_ tou=to e0nergou=sin ai9 duna&meij e0n au0tw%~. And King Herod heard about it, for his fame had become well-known, and he said, “John the Baptist has been raised from the dead, and that is why deeds of power are at work in him.” fame ← name.

been raised: or risen.

that is why ← on account of this.
Mark 6:15 871Alloi e1legon o3ti 870Hli/aj e0sti/n: a!lloi de\ e1legon o3ti Profh/thj e0sti/n, {RP P1904: - } [TR: h2] w(j ei[j tw~n profhtw~n. Others said, “He is Elijah”, whereas yet others said, {RP P1904: “He is a prophet, like one of the prophets.”} [TR: “He is a prophet”, or, “He is like one of the prophets.”] h2, or: absent in RP P1904 F1853=19/20 F1859=7/7 vs. present in TR F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/7.

Elijah ← Elias.
Mark 6:16 870Akou/saj de\ {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: o9] 879Hrw%&dhj ei]pen o3ti 874On e0gw_ a)pekefa&lisa 870Iwa&nnhn, ou[to/j e0stin: au0to\j h0ge/rqh e0k nekrw~n. But when Herod heard about it, he said, “John, whom I had beheaded – that's who it is. He has been raised from the dead.” o9, the (Herod): absent in RP-text F1853=9/21 F1859=2/8 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=12/21 F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:20.

had beheaded ← beheaded, used causatively, gave command to be beheaded, compare Matt 2:16.

been raised: or risen.
Mark 6:17 Au0to\j ga_r o9 879Hrw%&dhj a)postei/laj e0kra&thsen to\n 870Iwa&nnhn, kai\ e1dhsen au0to\n e0n {RP P1904: - } [TR: th|=] fulakh|=, dia_ 879Hrw%dia&da th\n gunai=ka Fili/ppou tou= a)delfou= au0tou=, o3ti au0th\n e0ga&mhsen. For Herod himself had had John arrested and bound him in prison on account of Herodias, the wife of Philip his brother, because he had married her. th|=, the (prison): absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's pu, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7.

had had John arrested ← had sent and laid hold of John.
Mark 6:18 871Elegen ga_r o9 870Iwa&nnhj tw%~ 879Hrw%&dh| o3ti Ou0k e1cesti/n soi e1xein th\n gunai=ka tou= a)delfou= sou. For John had said to Herod, “It is not permitted for you to have the wife of your brother”,
Mark 6:19 879H de\ 879Hrw%dia_j e0nei=xen au0tw%~, kai\ h1qelen au0to\n a)poktei=nai: kai\ ou0k h0du/nato: and Herodias bore him a grudge, and she wanted to kill him, but she could not.
Mark 6:20 o9 ga_r 879Hrw%&dhj e0fobei=to to\n 870Iwa&nnhn, ei0dw_j au0to\n a!ndra di/kaion kai\ a#gion, kai\ suneth/rei au0to/n: kai\ a)kou/saj au0tou=, polla_ e0poi/ei, kai\ h9de/wj au0tou= h1kouen. For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and he protected him, and when he had heard him, he would do many things, and he used to listen to him with pleasure.
Mark 6:21 Kai\ genome/nhj h9me/raj eu0kai/rou, o3te 879Hrw%&dhj toi=j genesi/oij au0tou= dei=pnon e0poi/ei toi=j megista~sin au0tou= kai\ toi=j xilia&rxoij kai\ toi=j prw&toij th=j Galilai/aj, But when an opportune day came – when Herod held a dinner on his birthday for his nobles, and the cohort commanders, and the prominent men of Galilee,
Mark 6:22 kai\ ei0selqou/shj th=j qugatro\j au0th=j th=j 879Hrw%dia&doj kai\ o0rxhsame/nhj, kai\ a)resa&shj tw%~ 879Hrw%&dh| kai\ toi=j sunanakeime/noij, ei]pen o9 basileu\j tw%~ korasi/w%, Ai1thso/n me o4 e0a_n qe/lh|j, kai\ dw&sw soi/: and the daughter of Herodias herself had come and danced, and she had pleased Herod and those reclining at table with him – the king said to the young girl, “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”
Mark 6:23 kai\ w!mosen au0th|= o3ti 874O e0a&n me ai0th/sh|j, dw&sw soi/, e3wj h9mi/souj th=j basilei/aj mou. And he swore to her, “Whatever you ask me, I will give you, up to half of my kingdom.”
Mark 6:24 879H de\ e0celqou=sa ei]pen th|= mhtri\ au0th=j, Ti/ ai0th/somai; 879H de\ ei]pen, Th\n kefalh\n 870Iwa&nnou tou= baptistou=. Then she went out and said to her mother, “What shall I ask for?” And she said, “The head of John the Baptist.”
Mark 6:25 Kai\ ei0selqou=sa eu0qe/wj meta_ spoudh=j pro\j to\n basile/a, h|0th/sato, le/gousa, Qe/lw i3na moi dw%~j e0cauth=j e0pi\ pi/naki th\n kefalh\n 870Iwa&nnou tou= baptistou=. Then straightaway she came in with haste to the king and made her request, saying, “I want you to give me the head of John the Baptist on a dish at once.”
Mark 6:26 Kai\ peri/lupoj geno/menoj o9 basileu/j, dia_ tou\j o3rkouj kai\ tou\j sunanakeime/nouj ou0k h0qe/lhsen au0th\n a)qeth=sai. Now the king, who had become greatly grieved, because of the oaths and the guests at table, did not want to deny her the request.
Mark 6:27 Kai\ eu0qe/wj a)postei/laj o9 basileu\j {RP: spekoula&tora} [P1904 TR: spekoula&twra] e0pe/tacen e0nexqh=nai th\n kefalh\n au0tou=. So the king immediately sent an executioner with instruction that his head should be brought in. spekoula&tora, an executioner (1), RP F1853=10/20 F1859=5/7 vs. spekoula&twra, an executioner (2), P1904 TR F1853=10/20. F1859=2/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=15:14.

sent ... with instruction ← having sent ... ordered.
Mark 6:28 879O de\ a)pelqw_n a)pekefa&lisen au0to\n e0n th|= fulakh|=, kai\ h1negken th\n kefalh\n au0tou= e0pi\ pi/naki, kai\ e1dwken au0th\n tw%~ korasi/w%: kai\ to\ kora&sion e1dwken au0th\n th|= mhtri\ au0th=j. And he went off and beheaded him in the prison ¶ and brought his head on a dish and gave it to the young girl, and the young girl gave it to her mother. ¶ Verse division: in AV numbering, Mark 6:28 begins here.
Mark 6:29 Kai\ a)kou/santej oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= h]lqon, kai\ h]ran to\ ptw~ma au0tou=, kai\ e1qhkan au0to\ e0n {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: - } [S1550: tw%~] mnhmei/w%. Then when his disciples heard about it, they came and removed his corpse and put it in {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: a} [S1550: the] tomb. tw%~, (in) the (tomb): absent in RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1853=20/20 F1859=7/7 vs. present in S1550 F1853=0/20 F1859=0/7.
Mark 6:30 Kai\ suna&gontai oi9 a)po/stoloi pro\j to\n 870Ihsou=n, kai\ a)ph/ggeilan au0tw%~ pa&nta, kai\ o3sa e0poi/hsan kai\ o3sa e0di/dacan. And the apostles gathered around Jesus and reported everything to him, both what they had done, and what they had taught. gathered around ← gathered to.
Mark 6:31 Kai\ ei]pen au0toi=j, Deu=te u9mei=j au0toi\ kat' i0di/an ei0j e1rhmon to/pon, kai\ a)napau/esqe o0li/gon. 87]Hsan ga_r oi9 e0rxo/menoi kai\ oi9 u9pa&gontej polloi/, kai\ ou0de\ fagei=n {RP P1904: eu0kai/roun} [TR: hu0kai/roun]. And he said to them, “You yourselves come privately to a desolate place, and rest a short while.” For those who came and went were many, and they did not even have an opportunity to eat. eu0kai/roun, had an opportunity (1), RP P1904 F1853=13/20 F1859=4/6 vs. hu0kai/roun, had an opportunity (2), TR F1853=7/20 F1859=2/6.
Mark 6:32 Kai\ a)ph=lqon ei0j e1rhmon to/pon {RP TR: tw%~} [P1904: e0n] ploi/w% kat' i0di/an. So they went to a desolate place {RP TR: by} [P1904: in a] boat privately. tw%~, by the (boat), RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=5/6 vs. e0n, in (a boat), P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6 vs. e0n tw%~, in the (boat), F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's e) F1859=0/6 vs. word(s) absent, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6.
Mark 6:33 Kai\ ei]don au0tou\j u9pa&gontaj {RP P1904: - } [TR: oi9 o1xloi] kai\ e0pe/gnwsan {RP TR: au0to\n} [P1904: au0tou\j] polloi/, kai\ pezh|= a)po\ pasw~n tw~n po/lewn sune/dramon e0kei=, kai\ proh=lqon au0tou/j, kai\ sunh=lqon pro\j au0to/n. And {RP P1904: people} [TR: the crowds] saw them departing, and many recognized {RP TR: him} [P1904: them], and they were quick to converge there on foot from all the cities, and they arrived before them and gathered round him. oi9 o1xloi, the crowds: absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=2/6.

au0to\n, him, RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=5/6 vs. au0tou\j, them, P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=1/6.

were quick to converge there ← ran there together.

round ← to.
Mark 6:34 Kai\ e0celqw_n {RP TR: ei]den o9 870Ihsou=j} [P1904: o9 870Ihsou=j ei]de] polu\n o1xlon, kai\ e0splagxni/sqh e0p' au0toi=j, o3ti h]san w(j pro/bata mh\ e1xonta poime/na: kai\ h1rcato dida&skein au0tou\j polla&. Then when Jesus went out, he saw a large crowd and felt compassion for them, because they were like sheep which had no shepherd, and he began to teach them many things, ei]de¨n© o9 870Ihsou=j, saw + Jesus ( = Jesus saw), RP TR F1853=15/20 F1859=3/6 vs. o9 870Ihsou=j ei]de¨n©, Jesus + saw, P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=2/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.
Mark 6:35 Kai\ h1dh w#raj pollh=j genome/nhj, proselqo/ntej au0tw%~ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= le/gousin o3ti 871Erhmo/j e0stin o9 to/poj, kai\ h1dh w#ra pollh/: and with it already being a late hour, his disciples came up to him and said, “The place is desolate and it is already a late hour. being ← having become.

late ← much, great.
Mark 6:36 a)po/luson au0tou/j, i3na a)pelqo/ntej ei0j tou\j ku/klw% a)grou\j kai\ kw&maj a)gora&swsin e9autoi=j a!rtouj. Ti/ ga_r fa&gwsin ou0k e1xousin. Send them away so that they can go off into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves loaves of bread, for they do not have anything to eat.”
Mark 6:37 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j, Do/te au0toi=j u9mei=j fagei=n. Kai\ le/gousin au0tw%~, 870Apelqo/ntej a)gora&swmen {RP P1904: dhnari/wn diakosi/wn} [TR: diakosi/wn dhnari/wn] a!rtouj, kai\ dw~men au0toi=j fagei=n; But he answered and said to them, “You give them something to eat.” Then they said to him, “Should we go off and buy bread for two hundred denaries and give it to them to eat?” dhnari/wn diakosi/wn, denaries + 200, RP P1904 F1853=15/20 F1859=6/6 vs. diakosi/wn dhnari/wn, 200 + denaries, TR F1853=5/20 F1859=0/6.

denaries: a denary was a silver coin.
Mark 6:38 879O de\ le/gei au0toi=j, Po/souj a!rtouj e1xete; 879Upa&gete kai\ i1dete. Kai\ gno/ntej le/gousin, Pe/nte, kai\ du/o i0xqu/aj. At this he said to them, “How many loaves do you have? Go and see.” Then when they had found out, they said, “Five, and two fish.”
Mark 6:39 Kai\ e0pe/tacen au0toi=j a)nakli=nai pa&ntaj sumpo/sia sumpo/sia e0pi\ tw%~ xlwrw%~ xo/rtw%. Then he ordered them to have them all recline in groups on the green grass. groups ← drinking parties.
Mark 6:40 Kai\ a)ne/peson prasiai\ prasiai/, a)na_ e9kato\n kai\ a)na_ penth/konta. And they reclined in groups of a hundred, and of fifty. groups ← (garden) plotsbeds of leeks.
Mark 6:41 Kai\ labw_n tou\j pe/nte a!rtouj kai\ tou\j du/o i0xqu/aj, a)nable/yaj ei0j to\n ou0rano/n, eu0lo/ghsen, kai\ kate/klasen tou\j a!rtouj, kai\ e0di/dou toi=j maqhtai=j {RP TR: au0tou=} [P1904: - ] i3na paraqw~sin au0toi=j: kai\ tou\j du/o i0xqu/aj e0me/risen pa~sin. Then he took the five loaves and the two fish, and he looked up to heaven and blessed them, and he broke the bread and kept giving it to {RP TR: his} [P1904: the] disciples to serve to them, and he shared out the two fish for everyone. au0tou=, his (disciples): present in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=5/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.

kept giving: iterative imperfect.
Mark 6:42 Kai\ e1fagon pa&ntej, kai\ e0xorta&sqhsan: And they all ate and were satisfied.
Mark 6:43 kai\ h]ran klasma&twn dw&deka kofi/nouj plh/reij, kai\ a)po\ tw~n i0xqu/wn. Then they picked up twelve basketsful of pieces, and bits of the fish.
Mark 6:44 Kai\ h]san oi9 fago/ntej tou\j a!rtouj {RP P1904: - } [TR: w(sei\] pentakisxi/lioi a!ndrej. Now those who had eaten the bread amounted to {RP P1904: - } [TR: about] five thousand men. w(sei\, about: absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=6/6 vs. present in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/6. AV differs textually.

amounted to ← were.
Mark 6:45 Kai\ eu0qe/wj h0na&gkasen tou\j maqhta_j au0tou= e0mbh=nai ei0j to\ ploi=on, kai\ proa&gein ei0j to\ pe/ran pro\j {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: Bhqsai+da&n} [S1894: Bhqsai+da&], e3wj au0to\j a)polu/sh| to\n o1xlon. Then straightaway he made his disciples board the boat and go on ahead, to the far side, to Bethsaida, while he himself sent the crowd away. Bhqsai+da&n, Bethsaida (with an accusative ending), RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=17/20 F1859=5/7 vs. Bhqsai+da&, Bethsaida (indeclinable), S1894 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's kps) F1859=1/7 vs. word absent, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.
Mark 6:46 Kai\ a)potaca&menoj au0toi=j, a)ph=lqen ei0j to\ o1roj proseu/casqai. And having bidden them farewell, he went away to a mountain to pray. a mountain ← the mountain. See Gen 22:9.
Mark 6:47 Kai\ o0yi/aj genome/nhj, h]n to\ ploi=on e0n me/sw% th=j qala&sshj, kai\ au0to\j mo/noj e0pi\ th=j gh=j. Then, when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea, and he was alone on land.
Mark 6:48 Kai\ {RP TR: ei]den} [P1904: i0dw_n] au0tou\j basanizome/nouj e0n tw%~ e0lau/nein, h]n ga_r o9 a!nemoj e0nanti/oj au0toi=j, kai\ peri\ teta&rthn fulakh\n th=j nukto\j e1rxetai pro\j au0tou/j, peripatw~n e0pi\ th=j qala&sshj: kai\ h1qelen parelqei=n au0tou/j. And {RP TR: when} [P1904: when] he saw them being harrowed while rowing (for the wind was against them), he then at about the fourth watch of the night came to them walking on the sea, and he intended to pass by them, ei]den, he saw, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/6 vs. i0dw_n, having seen, or, less classically, seeing, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.

fourth watch: 3.00 a.m. - 6.00 a.m.
Mark 6:49 Oi9 de/, i0do/ntej au0to\n peripatou=nta e0pi\ th=j qala&sshj, e1docan fa&ntasma ei]nai, kai\ a)ne/kracan: but when they saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a phantom, and they shouted out.
Mark 6:50 pa&ntej ga_r au0to\n ei]don, kai\ e0tara&xqhsan. Kai\ eu0qe/wj e0la&lhsen met' au0tw~n, kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Qarsei=te: e0gw& ei0mi, mh\ fobei=sqe. For all of them saw him and were alarmed. Then straightaway he spoke with them and said to them, “Take heart, it is me. Don't be afraid.” it is me ← I am. See John 18:5-6. If the reader prefers, read it is I.
Mark 6:51 Kai\ a)ne/bh {RP TR: pro\j au0tou\j ei0j to\ ploi=on} [P1904: ei0j to\ ploi=on pro\j au0tou\j], kai\ e0ko/pasen o9 a!nemoj: kai\ li/an e0kperissou= e0n e9autoi=j e0ci/stanto, kai\ e0qau/mazon. And he climbed up into the boat with them, and the wind abated, and they were most exceedingly amazed and astounded within themselves. pro\j au0tou\j ei0j to\ ploi=on, to them + into the boat, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=6/6 vs. ei0j to\ ploi=on pro\j au0tou\j, into the boat + to them, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=0/6.

with ← to.
Mark 6:52 Ou0 ga_r sunh=kan e0pi\ toi=j a!rtoij: {RP TR: h]n ga_r} [P1904: a)ll' h]n] {RP P1904: au0tw~n h9 kardi/a} [TR: h9 kardi/a au0tw~n] pepwrwme/nh. For they had not understood about the bread, {RP TR: for} [P1904: but] their heart was hardened. h]n ga_r, for (their heart) was, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/6 vs. a)ll' h]n, but (their heart) was, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.2 PV=0.7%.

au0tw~n h9 kardi/a, of them + the heart, RP P1904 F1853=16/20 F1859=5/6 vs. h9 kardi/a au0tw~n, the heart + of them, TR F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's cgux, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/6.
Mark 6:53 Kai\ diapera&santej {RP TR: h]lqon} [P1904: a)ph=lqon] e0pi\ th\n gh=n {RP P1904 S1894: Gennhsare/t} [S1550 E1624: Genhsare/t], kai\ proswrmi/sqhsan. Then when they had crossed over, {RP TR: they came to} [P1904: they went off to] the land of Gennesaret and moored there. h]lqon, they went, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=5/6 vs. a)ph=lqon, they went way, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.

Gennhsare\t, Gennesaret, RP P1904 S1894 F1853=6/20 F1859=5/7 vs. Genhsare\t, Genesaret, S1550 E1624 F1853=9/20 F1859=1/7 vs. other readings, F1853=5/20 F1859=1/7. No difference in our English (AV= Gennesaret, as S1894).
Mark 6:54 Kai\ e0celqo/ntwn au0tw~n e0k tou= ploi/ou, eu0qe/wj e0pigno/ntej au0to/n, And when they had disembarked from the boat, they immediately recognized him,
Mark 6:55 {RP TR: peridramo/ntej} [P1904: perie/dramon] o3lhn th\n peri/xwron e0kei/nhn, {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\] h1rcanto e0pi\ toi=j {RP TR: krabba&toij} [P1904: kraba&ttoij] tou\j kakw~j e1xontaj perife/rein, o3pou h1kouon o3ti e0kei= e0stin. and they ran round the whole of that neighbouring region {RP TR: and} [P1904: and] began to bring those who were ill round on stretchers to where they heard that he was. peridramo/ntej, having run round, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=3/6 vs. perie/dramon, they ran around, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20, F1859=1/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=11.3 PV=0.1%.

kai\, and (but not required, and implied, after a participle): absent in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.22 PV=0.7%.

krabba&toij, stretchers (1), RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=2/6 vs. kraba&ttoij, stretchers (2), P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=4/6.

neighbouring ← surrounding.
Mark 6:56 Kai\ o3pou a@n ei0seporeu/eto ei0j kw&maj h2 po/leij h2 a)grou/j, e0n tai=j a)gorai=j {RP TR: e0ti/qoun} [P1904: e0ti/qesan] tou\j a)sqenou=ntaj, kai\ pareka&loun au0to\n i3na ka@n tou= kraspe/dou tou= i9mati/ou au0tou= a#ywntai: kai\ o3soi a@n h3ptonto au0tou= e0sw%&zonto. And wherever he went – to villages or cities or country places – they placed the sick in the market places, and they pleaded with him to just touch the hem of his cloak. And whoever touched him was cured. e0ti/qoun, they were placing (1), RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=5/6 vs. e0ti/qesan, they were placing (2), P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.

was cured ← they were saved.
Mark 7:1 Kai\ suna&gontai pro\j au0to\n oi9 Farisai=oi, kai/ tinej tw~n grammate/wn, e0lqo/ntej a)po\ 879Ierosolu/mwn: Then the Pharisees gathered round him, as did some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem, gathered round ← gathered to.
Mark 7:2 kai\ i0do/ntej tina_j tw~n maqhtw~n au0tou= koinai=j xersi/n, tou=t' e1stin a)ni/ptoij, e0sqi/ontaj a!rtouj e0me/myanto. and seeing some of his disciples with unclean hands (that is, unwashed) eating bread, they found fault. seeing ← having seen. See Matt 23:20.
Mark 7:3 Oi9 ga_r Farisai=oi kai\ pa&ntej oi9 870Ioudai=oi, e0a_n mh\ pugmh|= ni/ywntai ta_j xei=raj, ou0k e0sqi/ousin, kratou=ntej th\n para&dosin tw~n presbute/rwn: For neither the Pharisees nor any Jews eat unless they have washed their hands with the fist, holding to the tradition of the elders, any ← all.

with the fist: AV differs (oft), as VulgC VulgS (crebropukna&). SyrP renders diligently (ܕܒܛܝܠܐܝܬpu/ka).
Mark 7:4 kai\ a)po\ a)gora~j, e0a_n mh\ bapti/swntai, ou0k e0sqi/ousin: kai\ a!lla polla& e0stin a$ pare/labon kratei=n, baptismou\j pothri/wn kai\ cestw~n kai\ xalki/wn kai\ klinw~n. and on return from the market, unless they dip themselves, they do not eat. And there are many other things which they have received to keep to: washings of chalices and pots and copper vessels and beds. washings ← dippings, baptisms.

beds: AV differs (tables).
Mark 7:5 871Epeita e0perwtw~sin au0to\n oi9 Farisai=oi kai\ oi9 grammatei=j, Dia_ ti/ {RP TR: oi9 maqhtai/ sou ou0 peripatou=sin} [P1904: ou0 peripatou=sin oi9 maqhtai/ sou] kata_ th\n para&dosin tw~n presbute/rwn, {RP TR: a)lla_} [P1904: a)ll'] a)ni/ptoij xersi\n e0sqi/ousin to\n a!rton; Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, “Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?” oi9 maqhtai/ sou ou0 peripatou=sin, your disciples + not walk, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=5/6 vs. ou0 peripatou=sin oi9 maqhtai/ sou, not walk + your disciples, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.

a)lla_, but (apocopated), RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=6/6 vs. a)ll', but (unapocopated), P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=0/6.
Mark 7:6 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j o3ti Kalw~j proefh/teusen 870Hsai+/aj peri\ u9mw~n tw~n u9pokritw~n, w(j ge/graptai, Ou[toj o9 lao\j toi=j xei/lesi/n me tima%~, h9 de\ kardi/a au0tw~n po/rrw a)pe/xei a)p' e0mou=. To which he answered and said to them, “Isaiah prophesied well about you, you hypocrites, as it stands written:

‘This people honours me with their lips,

But their heart is far removed from me.

Isa 29:13.
Mark 7:7 Ma&thn de\ se/bontai/ me, dida&skontej didaskali/aj e0nta&lmata a)nqrw&pwn.

And they worship me vainly,

Teaching as doctrines

The commandments of men.’

Isa 29:13.
Mark 7:8 870Afe/ntej ga_r th\n e0ntolh\n tou= qeou=, kratei=te th\n para&dosin tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, baptismou\j cestw~n kai\ pothri/wn: kai\ a!lla paro/moia toiau=ta polla_ poiei=te. For having abandoned the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men: washings of pots and chalices, and you do many other similar things.” washings: see Mark 7:4.

thingssuchlike (things).
Mark 7:9 Kai\ e1legen au0toi=j, Kalw~j a)qetei=te th\n e0ntolh\n tou= qeou=, i3na th\n para&dosin u9mw~n thrh/shte. And he said to them, “How finely you set aside the commandment of God so as to keep your own tradition! how finely: ironic.
Mark 7:10 {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] ga_r ei]pen, Ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou: kai/, 879O kakologw~n pate/ra h2 mhte/ra qana&tw% teleuta&tw: For Moses said, ‘Honour your father and your mother’, and, ‘He who speaks ill of his father or mother must certainly die.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=2/6 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's de) F1859=4/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=8.3 PV=0.4%.

Ex 20:12, Ex 21:17, Deut 5:16.
Mark 7:11 u9mei=j de\ le/gete, 870Ea_n ei1ph| a!nqrwpoj tw%~ patri\ h2 th|= mhtri/, Korba~n, o3 e0stin, dw~ron, o4 e0a_n e0c e0mou= w)felhqh|=j: But you approve if a man says to his father or mother, ‘What you might have been benefitted by from me is corban’, which means ‘a gift offering’. We punctuate differently to RP, who begin direct speech at ‘If a man ...’ Our translation conveys the same general sense as the AV, but it is rather differently formulated.

approve ← say, propose.

means ← is.
Mark 7:12 kai\ ou0ke/ti a)fi/ete au0to\n ou0de\n poih=sai tw%~ patri\ au0tou= h2 th|= mhtri\ au0tou=, And you don't permit him to do anything any more for his father or his mother,
Mark 7:13 a)kurou=ntej to\n lo/gon tou= qeou= th|= parado/sei u9mw~n h|[ paredw&kate: kai\ paro/moia toiau=ta polla_ poiei=te. so you invalidate the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down. And you do many similar things.” thingssuchlike (things).
Mark 7:14 Kai\ proskalesa&menoj pa&nta to\n o1xlon, e1legen au0toi=j, 870Akou/ete/ mou pa&ntej, kai\ suni/ete. Then when he had called all the crowd to himself, he said to them, “Listen to me, everyone, and understand:
Mark 7:15 Ou0de/n e0stin e1cwqen tou= a)nqrw&pou ei0sporeuo/menon ei0j au0to/n, o4 du/natai au0to\n koinw~sai: a)lla_ ta_ e0kporeuo/mena {RP TR: a)p' au0tou=, e0kei=na&} [P1904: - ] e0stin ta_ koinou=nta to\n a!nqrwpon. there is nothing on the outside of man which can defile him, if it goes into him, but {RP TR: it is the things that come out of him – those are the things which} [P1904: the things that come out are what] defile {RP P1904-text TR: man.} [P1904-marg: man.”] a)p' au0tou=, e0kei=na&, (out) from him – those (things): present in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=5/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/6.

if: conditional use of the participle.
Mark 7:16 {RP TR: Ei1 tij e1xei w}ta a)kou/ein a)koue/tw.} [P1904: - ] {RP TR: If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”} [P1904: - ] This verse is absent in P1904, but it is present in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=7/7.
Mark 7:17 Kai\ o3te ei0sh=lqen ei0j oi]kon a)po\ tou= o1xlou, e0phrw&twn au0to\n oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= peri\ th=j parabolh=j. Then when he went into a house away from the crowd, his disciples asked him about the parable.
Mark 7:18 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Ou3twj kai\ u9mei=j a)su/netoi/ e0ste; {RP TR: Ou0} [P1904: Ou1pw] noei=te o3ti pa~n to\ e1cwqen ei0sporeuo/menon ei0j to\n a!nqrwpon ou0 du/natai au0to\n koinw~sai, And he said to them, “Are you also witless in this way? Do you {RP TR: - } [P1904: still] not understand that nothing from outside which goes into a man can defile him? ou0, not, RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=5/6 vs. ou1pw, not yet, P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's cgy) F1859=1/6.

We and P1904 punctuate as a question: Do you not understand ... ? RP and TBS-TR punctuate as a statement: You do not understand ... .
Mark 7:19 o3ti ou0k ei0sporeu/etai au0tou= ei0j th\n kardi/an, a)ll' ei0j th\n koili/an: kai\ ei0j to\n a)fedrw~na e0kporeu/etai, kaqari/zon pa&nta ta_ brw&mata. Because it does not go into his heart, but into his belly, and it goes out into the latrine, a system which makes all foodstuffs clean.”
Mark 7:20 871Elegen de\ o3ti To\ e0k tou= a)nqrw&pou e0kporeuo/menon, e0kei=no koinoi= to\n a!nqrwpon. And he said, “Now what comes out of a man – that is what defiles man.
Mark 7:21 871Eswqen ga&r, e0k th=j kardi/aj tw~n a)nqrw&pwn oi9 dialogismoi\ oi9 kakoi\ e0kporeu/ontai, moixei=ai, pornei=ai, fo/noi, For from inside, out of the heart of men, come ill-natured disputes, adulteries, fornications, murders,
Mark 7:22 klopai/, pleoneci/ai, ponhri/ai, do/loj, a)se/lgeia, o0fqalmo\j ponhro/j, blasfhmi/a, u9perhfani/a, a)frosu/nh: thefts, frauds, wicked acts, deceit, licentiousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, arrogance, foolishness. frauds: or covetousness. See 1 Cor 5:10.

an evil eye: i.e. envy.
Mark 7:23 pa&nta tau=ta ta_ ponhra_ e1swqen e0kporeu/etai, kai\ koinoi= to\n a!nqrwpon. All these wicked things come out from the inside and defile man.”
Mark 7:24 Kai\ e0kei=qen a)nasta_j a)ph=lqen ei0j ta_ meqo/ria Tu/rou kai\ Sidw~noj. Kai\ ei0selqw_n ei0j {RP P1904: - } [TR: th\n] oi0ki/an, ou0de/na h1qelen gnw~nai, kai\ ou0k h0dunh/qh laqei=n. Then he got up and departed from there to the regions between Tyre and Sidon, and he went into a house, not wanting anyone to know, but he could not escape notice. th\n, the (house): absent in RP P1904 F1853=14/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=6/20 F1859=1/7. No difference in our English.

but: adversative use of kai/.
Mark 7:25 870Akou/sasa ga_r gunh\ peri\ au0tou=, h[j ei]xen to\ quga&trion au0th=j pneu=ma a)ka&qarton, e0lqou=sa prose/pesen pro\j tou\j po/daj au0tou=: For a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an unclean spirit had heard about him, and she came and fell down at his feet. was possessed by ← had.
Mark 7:26 {RP TR: h]n de\ h9 gunh\} [P1904: h9 de\ gunh\ h]n] 879Ellhni/j, {RP: Surafoini/kissa} [P1904: Surofoini/kissa] [TR: Surofoini/ssa] tw%~ ge/nei: kai\ h0rw&ta au0to\n i3na to\ daimo/nion {RP P1904: e0kba&lh|} [TR: e0kba&llh|] e0k th=j qugatro\j au0th=j. Now the woman was a Greek, a Syro-phoenician by race. And she asked him to cast out the demon from her daughter. h]n de\ h9 gunh\, was + but + the woman, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/7 vs. h9 de\ gunh\ h]n, the + but + woman + was, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=3/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=9.6 PV=0.2%.

Surafoini/kissa, Syro-phoenician (1), RP F1853=12/21 (1 or 2 words) F1859=3/7 vs. Surofoini/kissa, Syro-phoenician (2), P1904 F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's a*eo) F1859=2/7 vs. Surofoini/ssa, Syro-phoenician (3), TR F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's a**ux, u being very doubtful) F1859=0/7 vs. other readings, F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's cfy) F1859=2/7.

e0kba&lh|, cast out (aorist), RP P1904 F1853=10/20 F1859=4/7 vs. e0kba&llh|, cast out (present), TR F1853=10/20 F1859=1/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=2/7. No difference in our English.
Mark 7:27 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen au0th|=, 871Afej prw~ton xortasqh=nai ta_ te/kna: ou0 {RP TR: ga_r kalo/n e0stin} [P1904: ga&r e0sti kalo\n] labei=n to\n a!rton tw~n te/knwn kai\ {RP TR: balei=n toi=j kunari/oij} [P1904: toi=j kunari/oij balei=n]. But Jesus said to her, “Let the children be fed first. For it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.” ga_r kalo/n e0stin, for + (not) right it is, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=5/7 vs. ga&r e0sti kalo\n, for it is + (not) right, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/7.

balei=n toi=j kunari/oij, to throw + to the dogs, RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. toi=j kunari/oij balei=n, to the dogs + to throw, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.
Mark 7:28 879H de\ a)pekri/qh kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, Nai/, ku/rie: kai\ {RP TR: ga_r} [P1904: - ] ta_ kuna&ria u9poka&tw th=j trape/zhj {RP TR: e0sqi/ei} [P1904: e0sqi/ousin] a)po\ tw~n yixi/wn tw~n paidi/wn. Then she answered and said to him, “Yes, Lord. But {RP TR: even} [P1904: - ] the dogs under the table eat from the children's crumbs.” ga_r, for; indeed: present in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=3/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=9.6 PV=0.19%.

e0sqi/ei, eat (classical form), RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=3/7 vs. e0sqi/ousin, eat (non-classical form), P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's c) F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=9.3 PV=0.2%.
Mark 7:29 Kai\ ei]pen au0th|=, Dia_ tou=ton to\n lo/gon u3page: e0celh/luqen to\ daimo/nion e0k th=j qugatro/j sou. Then he said to her, “You may go because of that remark. The demon has gone out of your daughter.” that remark ← this word. The remark showed she accepted her dispensational position as a Gentile at the time. Contrast Eph 2:11-19.
Mark 7:30 Kai\ a)pelqou=sa ei0j to\n oi]kon au0th=j, eu[ren to\ {RP TR: daimo/nion e0celhluqo/j, kai\ th\n qugate/ra beblhme/nhn e0pi\ th=j kli/nhj} [P1904: paidi/on beblhme/non e0pi\ th\n kli/nhn kai\ to\ daimo/nion e0celhluqo/j]. And she went off to her house, and she found that {RP TR: the demon had come out and that her daughter had been laid on a bed} [P1904: the child had been laid on a bed and that the demon had come out]. daimo/nion e0celhluqo/j, kai\ th\n qugate/ra beblhme/nhn e0pi\ th=j kli/nhj, demon having come out + and the daughter laid on a bed, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=6/7 vs. paidi/on beblhme/non e0pi\ th\n kli/nhn kai\ to\ daimo/nion e0celhluqo/j, child laid on a bed + and the demon having come out, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=1/7.

laid: or thrown. No suggestion of lack of care here.
Mark 7:31 Kai\ pa&lin e0celqw_n e0k tw~n o9ri/wn Tu/rou kai\ Sidw~noj, h]lqen pro\j th\n qa&lassan th=j Galilai/aj, a)na_ me/son tw~n o9ri/wn Dekapo/lewj. And again he left the borders of Tyre and Sidon and came to the Sea of Galilee in the middle of the districts of Decapolis.
Mark 7:32 Kai\ fe/rousin au0tw%~ kwfo\n {RP-text: moggila&lon} [RP-marg P1904 TR: mogila&lon], kai\ parakalou=sin au0to\n i3na e0piqh|= au0tw%~ th\n xei=ra. And they brought him a man deaf and hardly able to speak, and they pleaded with him to put his hand on him. moggila&lon, hardly able to speak (1), RP-text F1853=14/20 F1859=4/7 vs. mogila&lon, hardly able to speak (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=6/20 F1859=2/7 vs. another spelling, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.
Mark 7:33 Kai\ a)polabo/menoj au0to\n a)po\ tou= o1xlou kat' i0di/an, e1balen tou\j daktu/louj au0tou= ei0j ta_ w}ta au0tou=, kai\ ptu/saj h3yato th=j glw&sshj au0tou=, Then he took him away from the crowd privately and put his fingers in his ears and spat and touched his tongue,
Mark 7:34 kai\ a)nable/yaj ei0j to\n ou0rano/n, e0ste/nacen, kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, 870Effaqa&, o3 e0stin, Dianoi/xqhti. and he looked up to heaven, and he sighed and said to him, “Ephphatha”, which means “be opened.” means ← is.
Mark 7:35 Kai\ eu0qe/wj dihnoi/xqhsan au0tou= ai9 a)koai/: kai\ e0lu/qh o9 desmo\j th=j glw&sshj au0tou=, kai\ e0la&lei o0rqw~j. And immediately his sense of hearing was opened and the impediment of his tongue was released, and he spoke properly. impediment ← bond.
Mark 7:36 Kai\ diestei/lato au0toi=j i3na mhdeni\ ei1pwsin: o3son de\ au0to\j au0toi=j dieste/lleto, ma~llon perisso/teron e0kh/russon. Then he commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he commanded them, the more profusely they publicized it.
Mark 7:37 Kai\ u9perperissw~j e0ceplh/ssonto, le/gontej, Kalw~j pa&nta pepoi/hken: kai\ tou\j kwfou\j poiei= a)kou/ein, kai\ tou\j a)la&louj lalei=n. And they were astounded in the extreme, and they said, “He has done everything well – he enables both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.”
Mark 8:1 870En e0kei/naij tai=j h9me/raij, {RP TR: pampo/llou} [P1904: pa&lin pollou=] o1xlou o1ntoj, kai\ mh\ e0xo/ntwn ti/ fa&gwsin, proskalesa&menoj o9 870Ihsou=j tou\j maqhta_j au0tou= le/gei au0toi=j, In those days when there was {RP TR: a very large} [P1904: again a large] crowd, and they didn't have anything to eat, Jesus called his disciples to himself and said to them, pampo/llou, a very great, RP TR F1853=20/21 (but 4 misspelled) F1859=4/7 vs. pa&lin pollou=, again a great, P1904 F1853=0/21 F1859=1/7 vs. pa&lin pampo/llou, again a very great, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/7 vs. po/llou