OT - NT Cross-references from the FarAboveAll Translation

WLC Book Order

Selected on 28 May 2024 at 10:38:42
from OT version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024
 and NT version 0.94.55, 11 November 2023

Gen 1:1 ‫בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃‬ In the beginning God created heaven and the earth. Rev 14:7.

the beginning ← a beginning.

God created: a plural noun with a singular verb. It is very rare for a plural verb to be used with Elohim, God, unless the word means (other) gods. Exceptions in Gen 20:13, Gen 35:7, 2 Sam 7:23, Ps 58:12 (Ps 58:11AV).

heaven: or the heavens, or the sky. It has a Hebrew dual ending.
Rev 14:7 {RP P1904: le/gwn} [TR: le/gonta] e0n fwnh|= mega&lh|, Fobh/qhte to\n {RP-text P1904: ku/rion} [RP-marg TR: qeo/n], kai\ do/te au0tw%~ do/can, o3ti h]lqen h9 w#ra th=j kri/sewj au0tou=, kai\ proskunh/sate {RP-text: au0to\n to\n poih/santa} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tw%~ poih/santi] to\n ou0rano\n kai\ th\n gh=n kai\ {RP P1904 S1894: th\n} [S1550 E1624: - ] qa&lassan kai\ phga_j u9da&twn. saying in a loud voice, “Fear {RP-text P1904: the Lord} [RP-marg TR: God] and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come. And worship him {RP-text: who} [RP-marg P1904 TR: who] made heaven and earth and {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] sea and the sources of water.” le/gwn, saying (nominative), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. le/gonta, saying (accusative, concordant with the angel of the previous verse), TR F1859=0/12.

ku/rion, Lord, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. qeo/n, God, RP-marg TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghn). AV differs textually.

au0to\n to\n poih/santa, him who made, RP-text F1859=9/12 vs. tw%~ poih/santi, the (one) who made, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghl).

th\n, the (sea): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

Gen 1:1, Ps 33:6, Ps 124:8.
Gen 1:27 ‫וַיִּבְרָ֨א אֱלֹהִ֤ים ׀ אֶת־הָֽאָדָם֙ בְּצַלְמ֔וֹ בְּצֶ֥לֶם אֱלֹהִ֖ים בָּרָ֣א אֹת֑וֹ זָכָ֥ר וּנְקֵבָ֖ה בָּרָ֥א אֹתָֽם׃‬ So God created man in his image. He created him in the image of God. Male and female he created them. Mark 10:6.

|| 1 Chr 1:1 (Adam).

man ← the Adam.
Mark 10:6 a)po\ de\ a)rxh=j kti/sewj, a!rsen kai\ qh=lu e0poi/hsen au0tou\j o9 qeo/j. But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. Gen 1:27.
Gen 2:2 ‫וַיְכַ֤ל אֱלֹהִים֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י מְלַאכְתּ֖וֹ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֑ה וַיִּשְׁבֹּת֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י מִכָּל־מְלַאכְתּ֖וֹ אֲשֶׁ֥ר עָשָֽׂה׃‬ And on the seventh day God had finished his workmanship which he executed. Now he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done, Heb 4:4. Heb 4:4 Ei1rhken ga&r pou peri\ th=j e9bdo/mhj ou3twj, Kai\ kate/pausen o9 qeo\j e0n th|= h9me/ra% th|= e9bdo/mh| a)po\ pa&ntwn tw~n e1rgwn au0tou=: For he has spoken in a certain place concerning the seventh day as follows: “And God rested on the seventh day from all his works.” Gen 2:2.

as follows ← thus.
Gen 2:7 ‫וַיִּיצֶר֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהִ֜ים אֶת־הָֽאָדָ֗ם עָפָר֙ מִן־הָ֣אֲדָמָ֔ה וַיִּפַּ֥ח בְּאַפָּ֖יו נִשְׁמַ֣ת חַיִּ֑ים וַֽיְהִ֥י הָֽאָדָ֖ם לְנֶ֥פֶשׁ חַיָּֽה׃‬ So the Lord God formed man from the dust from the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living soul. 1 Cor 15:45.

man (2x)Adam.

soul: or being. Adam did not have a soul; he was soul, and he died. The scriptural soul is not immortal, see Ezek 18:4, Ezek 18:20.
1 Cor 15:45 Ou3twj kai\ ge/graptai, 870Ege/neto o9 prw~toj a!nqrwpoj 870Ada_m ei0j yuxh\n zw~san. 879O e1sxatoj 870Ada_m ei0j pneu=ma zw%opoiou=n. So it also stands written: “The first man Adam became a living soul.” The last Adam – a life-giving spirit. Gen 2:7.

soul: or being. Adam did not have a soul; he was a soul, and he died. The scriptural soul is not immortal; see Ezek 18:4, Ezek 18:20.
Gen 2:24 ‫עַל־כֵּן֙ יַֽעֲזָב־אִ֔ישׁ אֶת־אָבִ֖יו וְאֶת־אִמּ֑וֹ וְדָבַ֣ק בְּאִשְׁתּ֔וֹ וְהָי֖וּ לְבָשָׂ֥ר אֶחָֽד׃‬ On account of this a man will leave his father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Matt 19:5, Mark 10:7-8, 1 Cor 6:16, Eph 5:31. Matt 19:5 kai\ ei]pen, 873Eneken tou/tou katalei/yei a!nqrwpoj to\n pate/ra {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: au0tou=] kai\ th\n mhte/ra, kai\ {RP-text TR: proskollhqh/setai} [RP-marg P1904: kollhqh/setai] th|= gunaiki\ au0tou=, kai\ e1sontai oi9 du/o ei0j sa&rka mi/an; and he said, ‘On account of this a man will leave {RP-text TR: his} [RP-marg P1904: his] father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? au0tou=, his (father): absent in RP-text TR F1853=13/20 F1859=4/8 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=4/8.

proskollhqh/setai, will cleave to, RP-text TR F1853=15/20 F1859=3/7 vs. kollhqh/setai, will cleave, RP-marg P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. Both verbs given are followed by the dative, meaning to (his wife).

Gen 2:24.
Gen 2:24 ‫עַל־כֵּן֙ יַֽעֲזָב־אִ֔ישׁ אֶת־אָבִ֖יו וְאֶת־אִמּ֑וֹ וְדָבַ֣ק בְּאִשְׁתּ֔וֹ וְהָי֖וּ לְבָשָׂ֥ר אֶחָֽד׃‬ On account of this a man will leave his father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Matt 19:5, Mark 10:7-8, 1 Cor 6:16, Eph 5:31. Mark 10:7 873Eneken tou/tou katalei/yei a!nqrwpoj to\n pate/ra au0tou= kai\ th\n mhte/ra: kai\ proskollhqh/setai pro\j th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, On account of this, a man will leave his father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, Gen 2:24.

cleave to ← be cleaved to.
Gen 2:24 ‫עַל־כֵּן֙ יַֽעֲזָב־אִ֔ישׁ אֶת־אָבִ֖יו וְאֶת־אִמּ֑וֹ וְדָבַ֣ק בְּאִשְׁתּ֔וֹ וְהָי֖וּ לְבָשָׂ֥ר אֶחָֽד׃‬ On account of this a man will leave his father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Matt 19:5, Mark 10:7-8, 1 Cor 6:16, Eph 5:31. Mark 10:8 kai\ e1sontai oi9 du/o ei0j sa&rka mi/an. 873Wste ou0ke/ti ei0si\n du/o, a)lla_ mi/a sa&rc. and the two will be one flesh, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Gen 2:24.
Gen 2:24 ‫עַל־כֵּן֙ יַֽעֲזָב־אִ֔ישׁ אֶת־אָבִ֖יו וְאֶת־אִמּ֑וֹ וְדָבַ֣ק בְּאִשְׁתּ֔וֹ וְהָי֖וּ לְבָשָׂ֥ר אֶחָֽד׃‬ On account of this a man will leave his father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Matt 19:5, Mark 10:7-8, 1 Cor 6:16, Eph 5:31. 1 Cor 6:16 {RP-text: Ou0k} [RP-marg P1904 TR: 872H ou0k] oi1date o3ti o9 kollw&menoj th|= po/rnh| e4n sw~ma& e0stin; 871Esontai ga&r, fhsi/n, oi9 du/o ei0j sa&rka mi/an. {RP-text: Do} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Or do] you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute is one body? “For the two”, he says, “will be one flesh.” h2, or: absent in RP-text F1859=11/14 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/14 (Scrivener's a*hm).

Gen 2:24.
Gen 2:24 ‫עַל־כֵּן֙ יַֽעֲזָב־אִ֔ישׁ אֶת־אָבִ֖יו וְאֶת־אִמּ֑וֹ וְדָבַ֣ק בְּאִשְׁתּ֔וֹ וְהָי֖וּ לְבָשָׂ֥ר אֶחָֽד׃‬ On account of this a man will leave his father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Matt 19:5, Mark 10:7-8, 1 Cor 6:16, Eph 5:31. Eph 5:31 870Anti\ tou/tou katalei/yei a!nqrwpoj to\n pate/ra au0tou= kai\ th\n mhte/ra, kai\ proskollhqh/setai pro\j th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, kai\ e1sontai oi9 du/o ei0j sa&rka mi/an. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and the two will be one flesh. Gen 2:24.
Gen 3:16 ‫אֶֽל־הָאִשָּׁ֣ה אָמַ֗ר הַרְבָּ֤ה אַרְבֶּה֙ עִצְּבוֹנֵ֣ךְ וְהֵֽרֹנֵ֔ךְ בְּעֶ֖צֶב תֵּֽלְדִ֣י בָנִ֑ים וְאֶל־אִישֵׁךְ֙ תְּשׁ֣וּקָתֵ֔ךְ וְה֖וּא יִמְשָׁל־בָּֽךְ׃ ס‬ To the woman he said,

I will greatly increase your labour pains

And your childbirth.

In pain you will give birth to sons,

And your desire will be to your husband,

And he will rule over you.”

Allusions to this verse in 1 Cor 14:34, 1 Tim 2:15.

I will greatly increase: or I will certainly increase, infinitive absolute.

childbirth ← pregnancy, conception, standing for the outcome of it.
1 Cor 14:34 Ai9 gunai=kej u9mw~n e0n tai=j e0kklhsi/aij siga&twsan: ou0 ga_r e0pite/traptai au0tai=j lalei=n, a)ll' u9pota&ssesqai, kaqw_j kai\ o9 no/moj le/gei. Let your women in the churches be silent. For it is not permitted for them to speak, but to be in subjection, as the law also says. churches: see Matt 16:18.

it is not permitted ← it has not been permitted.

The reference to being in subjection is Gen 3:16.
Gen 3:16 ‫אֶֽל־הָאִשָּׁ֣ה אָמַ֗ר הַרְבָּ֤ה אַרְבֶּה֙ עִצְּבוֹנֵ֣ךְ וְהֵֽרֹנֵ֔ךְ בְּעֶ֖צֶב תֵּֽלְדִ֣י בָנִ֑ים וְאֶל־אִישֵׁךְ֙ תְּשׁ֣וּקָתֵ֔ךְ וְה֖וּא יִמְשָׁל־בָּֽךְ׃ ס‬ To the woman he said,

I will greatly increase your labour pains

And your childbirth.

In pain you will give birth to sons,

And your desire will be to your husband,

And he will rule over you.”

Allusions to this verse in 1 Cor 14:34, 1 Tim 2:15.

I will greatly increase: or I will certainly increase, infinitive absolute.

childbirth ← pregnancy, conception, standing for the outcome of it.
1 Tim 2:15 swqh/setai de\ dia_ th=j teknogoni/aj, e0a_n mei/nwsin e0n pi/stei kai\ a)ga&ph| kai\ a(giasmw%~ meta_ swfrosu/nhj. but she will be saved throughout childbearing, if they remain in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety. throughout: or by means of. An allusion to Gen 3:16.
Gen 4:8 ‫וַיֹּ֥אמֶר קַ֖יִן אֶל־הֶ֣בֶל אָחִ֑יו וַֽיְהִי֙ בִּהְיוֹתָ֣ם בַּשָּׂדֶ֔ה וַיָּ֥קָם קַ֛יִן אֶל־הֶ֥בֶל אָחִ֖יו וַיַּהַרְגֵֽהוּ׃‬ Then Cain spoke to Abel his brother, and it came to pass while they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. Abel (2x): see Gen 4:2.

The murder is referred to in 1 John 3:12. Consider that Cain is of the wicked one and that there are two births in Gen 4:1-2, with no mention of twins, and only one “knowing” by Adam.
1 John 3:12 ou0 kaqw_j Ka&i+n e0k tou= ponhrou= h]n, kai\ e1sfacen to\n a)delfo\n au0tou=. Kai\ xa&rin ti/noj e1sfacen au0to/n; 873Oti ta_ e1rga au0tou= ponhra_ h]n, ta_ de\ tou= a)delfou= au0tou= di/kaia. not as Cain, stemming from the wicked one, was, who killed his brother. And for what reason did he kill him? Because his works were evil, but those of his brother were good. The event is described in Gen 4:8.

stemming from ← out of. See 1 John 2:29.

killed ... kill ← slaughtered ... slaughter.
Gen 6:5 ‫וַיַּ֣רְא יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֥י רַבָּ֛ה רָעַ֥ת הָאָדָ֖ם בָּאָ֑רֶץ וְכָל־יֵ֙צֶר֙ מַחְשְׁבֹ֣ת לִבּ֔וֹ רַ֥ק רַ֖ע כָּל־הַיּֽוֹם׃‬ And the Lord saw that man's evil on the earth was great, and that every conception of the thoughts of his heart was nothing but evil all day long. ↳ also 2 Pet 2:10 linking spirits not from God and false prophets.

See note on James 4:5, where this verse may be alluded to.

nothing but ← only.
James 4:5 872H dokei=te o3ti kenw~j h9 grafh\ le/gei; Pro\j fqo/non e0pipoqei= to\ pneu=ma o4 katw%&khsen e0n h9mi=n. Or do you think that the scripture speaks vacuously? The spirit which dwells in us yearns with proneness to envy. RP punctuates differently to TBS-TR P1904 AV, which read Or do you think that the scripture vacuously says, “...” In any case, as [CB] comments, the general testimony of scripture supports the assertion. See Gen 6:5, Gen 8:21, Jer 17:9, John 2:25.

dwells ← dwelt. A gnomic aorist.
Gen 8:21 ‫וַיָּ֣רַח יְהוָה֮ אֶת־רֵ֣יחַ הַנִּיחֹחַ֒ וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה אֶל־לִבּ֗וֹ לֹֽא־אֹ֠סִף לְקַלֵּ֨ל ע֤וֹד אֶת־הָֽאֲדָמָה֙ בַּעֲב֣וּר הָֽאָדָ֔ם כִּ֠י יֵ֣צֶר לֵ֧ב הָאָדָ֛ם רַ֖ע מִנְּעֻרָ֑יו וְלֹֽא־אֹסִ֥ף ע֛וֹד לְהַכּ֥וֹת אֶת־כָּל־חַ֖י כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֥ר עָשִֽׂיתִי׃‬ And the Lord smelled the sweet fragrance, and the Lord said in his heart,

“I will not curse the ground again because of man,

For the imagination of the heart of man is evil from his youth on,

And I will not strike everything living again,

As I have done,

See note on James 4:5, where this verse may be alluded to.

again ← yet again.
James 4:5 872H dokei=te o3ti kenw~j h9 grafh\ le/gei; Pro\j fqo/non e0pipoqei= to\ pneu=ma o4 katw%&khsen e0n h9mi=n. Or do you think that the scripture speaks vacuously? The spirit which dwells in us yearns with proneness to envy. RP punctuates differently to TBS-TR P1904 AV, which read Or do you think that the scripture vacuously says, “...” In any case, as [CB] comments, the general testimony of scripture supports the assertion. See Gen 6:5, Gen 8:21, Jer 17:9, John 2:25.

dwells ← dwelt. A gnomic aorist.
Gen 9:6 ‫שֹׁפֵךְ֙ דַּ֣ם הָֽאָדָ֔ם בָּֽאָדָ֖ם דָּמ֣וֹ יִשָּׁפֵ֑ךְ כִּ֚י בְּצֶ֣לֶם אֱלֹהִ֔ים עָשָׂ֖ה אֶת־הָאָדָֽם׃‬

As for him who sheds the blood of man,

By man his blood will be shed,

For in the image of God

He made man.

Rev 13:10 (allusion). Rev 13:10 Ei1 tij {RP-text: e1xei ai0xmalwsi/an, u9pa&gei} [RP-marg: ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an, u9pa&gei] [P1904: ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an a)pa&gei, ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an u9pa&gei] [TR: ai0xmalwsi/an suna&gei, ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an u9pa&gei]: ei1 tij e0n maxai/ra% {RP-text TR: a)poktenei=} [RP-marg: - ] [P1904: a)pokte/nnei], dei= au0to\n {RP-text P1904 TR: e0n maxai/ra%} [RP-marg: - ] a)poktanqh=nai. 87[Wde/ e0stin h9 u9pomonh\ kai\ h9 pi/stij tw~n a(gi/wn. If anyone {RP-text: confines to captivity, he will go the same way} [RP-marg: confines to captivity, he will go the same way] [P1904: leads into captivity, he will go into captivity] [TR: gathers into captivity, he will go into captivity]. If anyone {RP-text P1904 TR: kills by the sword, he must be killed by the sword} [RP-marg: kills by the sword, he must be killed by the sword]. This is the patience and the faith of the saints. e1xei ai0xmalwsi/an, u9pa&gei, has captivity, he goes away, RP-text F1859=7/14 vs. ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an, u9pa&gei, to captivity, he goes away, RP-marg F1859=2/14 (Scrivener's gn) vs. ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an a)pa&gei, ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an u9pa&gei, leads away to captivity, he goes away to captivity, P1904 F1859=0/14 vs. ai0xmalwsi/an suna&gei, ei0j ai0xmalwsi/an u9pa&gei, leads captivity, he goes to captivity, TR F1859=1/14 (Scrivener's b**) vs. four other readings, F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's fklm).

a)poktenei=, will kill, RP-text TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hlm but m accented a)pokte/nei, kills, compare Matt 10:28) vs. word absent, RP-marg F1859=8/13 vs. a)pokte/nnei, kills, P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:8.

e0n maxai/ra%, by (the) sword: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's ghlmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=8/13. A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=7:8.

Gen 9:6 (allusion).

{RP-text: confines to ← has, encloses, but also inhabits.}

this ← here.

saints: see Matt 27:52.
Gen 11:31 ‫וַיִּקַּ֨ח תֶּ֜רַח אֶת־אַבְרָ֣ם בְּנ֗וֹ וְאֶת־ל֤וֹט בֶּן־הָרָן֙ בֶּן־בְּנ֔וֹ וְאֵת֙ שָׂרַ֣י כַּלָּת֔וֹ אֵ֖שֶׁת אַבְרָ֣ם בְּנ֑וֹ וַיֵּצְא֨וּ אִתָּ֜ם מֵא֣וּר כַּשְׂדִּ֗ים לָלֶ֙כֶת֙ אַ֣רְצָה כְּנַ֔עַן וַיָּבֹ֥אוּ עַד־חָרָ֖ן וַיֵּ֥שְׁבוּ שָֽׁם׃‬ And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot Haran's son, his grandson, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, the wife of Abram his son, and they went out together from Ur of the Chaldees to go to the land of Canaan, and they went as far as Haran and dwelt there. Haran ... Haran: the person is spelled with a ; the place with a heth. There is no connection between them. The place is mentioned in Acts 7:2.

together ← with them.
Acts 7:2 879O de\ e1fh, 871Andrej a)delfoi\ kai\ pate/rej, a)kou/sate. 879O qeo\j th=j do/chj w!fqh tw%~ patri\ h9mw~n 870Abraa_m o1nti e0n th|= Mesopotami/a%, pri\n h2 katoikh=sai au0to\n e0n Xarra&n, At this he said, “Men, brothers, and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia before he lived in Haran. Haran: AV= Charran. The person and place, which are different Hebrew words, are mentioned in Gen 11:31.
Gen 12:1 ‫וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהוָה֙ אֶל־אַבְרָ֔ם לֶךְ־לְךָ֛ מֵאַרְצְךָ֥ וּמִמּֽוֹלַדְתְּךָ֖ וּמִבֵּ֣ית אָבִ֑יךָ אֶל־הָאָ֖רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר אַרְאֶֽךָּ׃‬ Then the Lord said to Abram,

Get going out of your land

And from your native country

And from your father's house

To the land which I will show you.

Acts 7:3.

get going ← go for yourself.
Acts 7:3 kai\ ei]pen pro\j au0to/n, 871Ecelqe e0k th=j gh=j sou kai\ e0k th=j suggenei/aj sou, kai\ deu=ro ei0j gh=n h4n a!n soi dei/cw. And he said to him, ‘Go out of your country and away from your wider family, and come to the land which I will show you.’ Gen 12:1.

wider family ← kinsmen.
Gen 12:3 ‫וַאֲבָֽרֲכָה֙ מְבָ֣רְכֶ֔יךָ וּמְקַלֶּלְךָ֖ אָאֹ֑ר וְנִבְרְכ֣וּ בְךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל מִשְׁפְּחֹ֥ת הָאֲדָמָֽה׃‬

And I will bless those who bless you,

But I will curse him who reviles you.

But all the families of the earth

Will be blessed through you.”

Acts 3:25, Gal 3:8.

earth ← ground.
Acts 3:25 879Umei=j e0ste ui9oi\ tw~n profhtw~n, kai\ th=j diaqh/khj h[j die/qeto o9 qeo\j pro\j tou\j pate/raj h9mw~n, le/gwn pro\j 870Abraa&m, Kai\ {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: - ] tw%~ spe/rmati/ sou e0neuloghqh/sontai pa~sai ai9 patriai\ th=j gh=j. You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And through your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed.’ e0n, in, by, here through (strengthening the dative): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 (k being by a later hand) vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

Gen 12:3, Gen 22:18, Gen 26:4, Gen 28:14.
Gen 12:3 ‫וַאֲבָֽרֲכָה֙ מְבָ֣רְכֶ֔יךָ וּמְקַלֶּלְךָ֖ אָאֹ֑ר וְנִבְרְכ֣וּ בְךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל מִשְׁפְּחֹ֥ת הָאֲדָמָֽה׃‬

And I will bless those who bless you,

But I will curse him who reviles you.

But all the families of the earth

Will be blessed through you.”

Acts 3:25, Gal 3:8.

earth ← ground.
Gal 3:8 Proi+dou=sa de\ h9 grafh\ o3ti e0k pi/stewj dikaioi= ta_ e1qnh o9 qeo/j, proeuhggeli/sato tw%~ 870Abraa_m o3ti {RP P1904 S1550: 870Eneuloghqh/sontai} [E1624 S1894: 870Euloghqh/sontai] e0n soi\ pa&nta ta_ e1qnh. and the scripture, having foreseen that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, proclaimed the gospel beforehand to Abraham and said, “All the Gentiles will be blessed through you”, e0neuloghqh/sontai, would be blessed in (compound verb in addition to preposition), RP P1904 S1550 F1859=11/13 (incl. c(tacite)) vs. eu0loghqh/sontai, would be blessed, E1624 S1894 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

Gen 12:3, Gen 22:18.

through ← in.
Gen 13:15 ‫כִּ֧י אֶת־כָּל־הָאָ֛רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּ֥ה רֹאֶ֖ה לְךָ֣ אֶתְּנֶ֑נָּה וּֽלְזַרְעֲךָ֖ עַד־עוֹלָֽם׃‬ For all the land which you see I will give to you, and to your seed, age-abidingly. Acts 7:5. Acts 7:5 kai\ ou0k e1dwken au0tw%~ klhronomi/an e0n au0th|=, ou0de\ bh=ma podo/j: kai\ e0phggei/lato {RP-text P1904: dou=nai au0tw%~} [RP-marg TR: au0tw%~ dou=nai] ei0j kata&sxesin au0th/n, kai\ tw%~ spe/rmati au0tou= met' au0to/n, ou0k o1ntoj au0tw%~ te/knou. And he did not give him an inheritance in it, not even a footstep, but he promised to give it him as a possession, and to his seed after him, while he still had no child. dou=nai au0tw%~, to give + to him, RP-text P1904 F1859=8/11 vs. au0tw%~ dou=nai, to him + to give, RP-marg TR F1859=0/11 vs. another reading, F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's ahk).

Gen 13:15.

but: adversative use of kai/.
Gen 14:18 ‫וּמַלְכִּי־צֶ֙דֶק֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ שָׁלֵ֔ם הוֹצִ֖יא לֶ֣חֶם וָיָ֑יִן וְה֥וּא כֹהֵ֖ן לְאֵ֥ל עֶלְיֽוֹן׃‬ And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. Now he is a priest to the Most High God. Ps 110:4, Heb 5:6, Heb 7:1, Heb 7:17, Heb 7:21.

Melchizedek ← Malchi-Zedek, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.

Salem ← Shalem, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.
Heb 5:6 Kaqw_j kai\ e0n e9te/rw% le/gei, Su\ i9ereu\j ei0j to\n ai0w~na kata_ th\n ta&cin Melxisede/k. As he also says in another place,

“You are a priest throughout the age

According to the order of Melchizedek.”

Ps 110:4. Melchizedek also mentioned in Gen 14:18. In the NT, the AV spelling is Melchisedec, following the Greek.
Gen 14:18 ‫וּמַלְכִּי־צֶ֙דֶק֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ שָׁלֵ֔ם הוֹצִ֖יא לֶ֣חֶם וָיָ֑יִן וְה֥וּא כֹהֵ֖ן לְאֵ֥ל עֶלְיֽוֹן׃‬ And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. Now he is a priest to the Most High God. Ps 110:4, Heb 5:6, Heb 7:1, Heb 7:17, Heb 7:21.

Melchizedek ← Malchi-Zedek, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.

Salem ← Shalem, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.
Heb 7:1 Ou[toj ga_r o9 Melxisede/k, basileu\j Salh/m, i9ereu\j tou= qeou= {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: tou=} [E1624: - ] u9yi/stou, o9 sunanth/saj 870Abraa_m u9postre/fonti a)po\ th=j koph=j tw~n basile/wn kai\ eu0logh/saj au0to/n, For this Melchizedek – king of Salem, a priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, tou=, the: present in RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=12/12 (incl. c(tacite)) vs. absent in E1624 F1859=0/12.

Gen 14:18. See also Heb 5:6.
Gen 14:18 ‫וּמַלְכִּי־צֶ֙דֶק֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ שָׁלֵ֔ם הוֹצִ֖יא לֶ֣חֶם וָיָ֑יִן וְה֥וּא כֹהֵ֖ן לְאֵ֥ל עֶלְיֽוֹן׃‬ And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. Now he is a priest to the Most High God. Ps 110:4, Heb 5:6, Heb 7:1, Heb 7:17, Heb 7:21.

Melchizedek ← Malchi-Zedek, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.

Salem ← Shalem, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.
Heb 7:17 marturei= ga_r o3ti Su\ i9ereu\j ei0j to\n ai0w~na kata_ th\n ta&cin Melxisede/k. For he testifies,

“You are a priest throughout the age

According to the order of Melchizedek.”

Ps 110:4. Melchizedek also mentioned in Gen 14:18. See also Heb 5:6.
Gen 14:18 ‫וּמַלְכִּי־צֶ֙דֶק֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ שָׁלֵ֔ם הוֹצִ֖יא לֶ֣חֶם וָיָ֑יִן וְה֥וּא כֹהֵ֖ן לְאֵ֥ל עֶלְיֽוֹן׃‬ And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. Now he is a priest to the Most High God. Ps 110:4, Heb 5:6, Heb 7:1, Heb 7:17, Heb 7:21.

Melchizedek ← Malchi-Zedek, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.

Salem ← Shalem, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.
Heb 7:21 o9 de\ meta_ o9rkwmosi/aj, dia_ tou= le/gontoj pro\j au0to/n, 871Wmosen ku/rioj kai\ ou0 metamelhqh/setai, Su\ i9ereu\j ei0j to\n ai0w~na kata_ th\n ta&cin Melxisede/k - but he was appointed with the swearing of an oath, by saying to him,

The Lord has sworn

And will not change his mind,

‘You are a priest throughout the age

According to the order of Melchizedek’ ” –

Ps 110:4. Melchizedek also mentioned in Gen 14:18. See also Heb 5:6.

by saying ← by the (one) saying.
Gen 15:5 ‫וַיּוֹצֵ֨א אֹת֜וֹ הַח֗וּצָה וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ הַבֶּט־נָ֣א הַשָּׁמַ֗יְמָה וּסְפֹר֙ הַכּ֣וֹכָבִ֔ים אִם־תּוּכַ֖ל לִסְפֹּ֣ר אֹתָ֑ם וַיֹּ֣אמֶר ל֔וֹ כֹּ֥ה יִהְיֶ֖ה זַרְעֶֽךָ׃‬ And he brought him outside and said, “Just look up to the sky and count the stars, if you can count them.” And he said to him, “So shall your seed be.” Rom 4:18, Heb 11:12.

This verse shows that the seed has a plural meaning “in the flesh”, as well as being the seed “as speaking of one” leading to Christ (Gal 3:16).
Rom 4:18 874Oj par' e0lpi/da e0p' e0lpi/di e0pi/steusen, ei0j to\ gene/sqai au0to\n pate/ra pollw~n e0qnw~n, kata_ to\ ei0rhme/non, Ou3twj e1stai to\ spe/rma sou. And he against hope but in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations according to what had been spoken: “So shall your seed be.” Gen 15:5.
Gen 15:5 ‫וַיּוֹצֵ֨א אֹת֜וֹ הַח֗וּצָה וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ הַבֶּט־נָ֣א הַשָּׁמַ֗יְמָה וּסְפֹר֙ הַכּ֣וֹכָבִ֔ים אִם־תּוּכַ֖ל לִסְפֹּ֣ר אֹתָ֑ם וַיֹּ֣אמֶר ל֔וֹ כֹּ֥ה יִהְיֶ֖ה זַרְעֶֽךָ׃‬ And he brought him outside and said, “Just look up to the sky and count the stars, if you can count them.” And he said to him, “So shall your seed be.” Rom 4:18, Heb 11:12.

This verse shows that the seed has a plural meaning “in the flesh”, as well as being the seed “as speaking of one” leading to Christ (Gal 3:16).
Heb 11:12 Dio\ kai\ a)f' e9no\j e0gennh/qhsan, kai\ tau=ta nenekrwme/nou, kaqw_j ta_ a!stra tou= ou0ranou= tw%~ plh/qei, kai\ {RP P1904: w(j} [TR: w(sei\] {RP P1904: h9} [TR: - ] a!mmoj h9 para_ to\ xei=loj th=j qala&sshj h9 a)nari/qmhtoj. which is also why there were begotten from one – who was in these respects considered dead – as many as the stars of the sky in abundance and as {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] sand of the sea-shore which is uncountable. w(j, as (1), RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. w(sei\, as (2), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

h9, the (sand): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

Gen 15:5, Gen 22:17, Gen 26:4, Ex 32:13.

which is also why ← on account of which also.
Gen 15:6 ‫וְהֶאֱמִ֖ן בַּֽיהוָ֑ה וַיַּחְשְׁבֶ֥הָ לּ֖וֹ צְדָקָֽה׃‬ And he believed the Lord, and he imputed it to him as righteousness. Rom 4:3, Rom 4:22, Gal 3:6, James 2:23.

believed: constructed with the preposition בְּ, often in, but the verb for believe is ↴
Rom 4:3 Ti/ ga_r h9 grafh\ le/gei; 870Epi/steusen de\ 870Abraa_m tw%~ qew%~, kai\ e0logi/sqh au0tw%~ ei0j dikaiosu/nhn. For what does the scripture say? “Now Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him as righteousness.” Gen 15:6.
Gen 15:6 ‫וְהֶאֱמִ֖ן בַּֽיהוָ֑ה וַיַּחְשְׁבֶ֥הָ לּ֖וֹ צְדָקָֽה׃‬ And he believed the Lord, and he imputed it to him as righteousness. Rom 4:3, Rom 4:22, Gal 3:6, James 2:23.

believed: constructed with the preposition בְּ, often in, but the verb for believe is ↴
Rom 4:22 Dio\ kai\ e0logi/sqh au0tw%~ ei0j dikaiosu/nhn. which is also why it was imputed to him as righteousness. Gen 15:6.

which is also why ← on account of which also.
Gen 15:6 ‫וְהֶאֱמִ֖ן בַּֽיהוָ֑ה וַיַּחְשְׁבֶ֥הָ לּ֖וֹ צְדָקָֽה׃‬ And he believed the Lord, and he imputed it to him as righteousness. Rom 4:3, Rom 4:22, Gal 3:6, James 2:23.

believed: constructed with the preposition בְּ, often in, but the verb for believe is ↴
Gal 3:6 Kaqw_j 870Abraa_m e0pi/steusen tw%~ qew%~, kai\ e0logi/sqh au0tw%~ ei0j dikaiosu/nhn. Just as Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him as righteousness, Gen 15:6.
Gen 15:6 ‫וְהֶאֱמִ֖ן בַּֽיהוָ֑ה וַיַּחְשְׁבֶ֥הָ לּ֖וֹ צְדָקָֽה׃‬ And he believed the Lord, and he imputed it to him as righteousness. Rom 4:3, Rom 4:22, Gal 3:6, James 2:23.

believed: constructed with the preposition בְּ, often in, but the verb for believe is ↴
James 2:23 Kai\ e0plhrw&qh h9 grafh\ h9 le/gousa, 870Epi/steusen de\ 870Abraa_m tw%~ qew%~, kai\ e0logi/sqh au0tw%~ ei0j dikaiosu/nhn, kai\ fi/loj qeou= e0klh/qh. And the scripture was fulfilled which says, “And Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him as righteousness”, and he was called the friend of God. Gen 15:6, 2 Chr 20:7, Isa 41:8.
Gen 15:13 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר לְאַבְרָ֗ם יָדֹ֨עַ תֵּדַ֜ע כִּי־גֵ֣ר ׀ יִהְיֶ֣ה זַרְעֲךָ֗ בְּאֶ֙רֶץ֙ לֹ֣א לָהֶ֔ם וַעֲבָד֖וּם וְעִנּ֣וּ אֹתָ֑ם אַרְבַּ֥ע מֵא֖וֹת שָׁנָֽה׃‬ And he said to Abram, “Know with certainty that your seed will be outsiders in a land which is not theirs, and they will serve them; and they will be afflicted for four hundred years. Acts 7:6.

know with certainty: infinitive absolute.

outsiders ← a (temporary) resident. Collective usage.

they will be afflicted ← they will afflict them. Avoidance ↴
Acts 7:6 870Ela&lhsen de\ ou3twj o9 qeo/j, o3ti e1stai to\ spe/rma au0tou= pa&roikon e0n gh|= a)llotri/a%, kai\ doulw&sousin au0to\ kai\ kakw&sousin, e1th tetrako/sia. And God spoke as follows, that his seed would be foreigners in another country, and they would enslave them and treat them badly for four hundred years. Gen 15:13.

foreigners ... them ← dwellers-alongside ... it (it being singular, agreeing with seed), but treated as plural in Greek in the next verse.
Gen 15:14 ‫וְגַ֧ם אֶת־הַגּ֛וֹי אֲשֶׁ֥ר יַעֲבֹ֖דוּ דָּ֣ן אָנֹ֑כִי וְאַחֲרֵי־כֵ֥ן יֵצְא֖וּ בִּרְכֻ֥שׁ גָּדֽוֹל׃‬ But also that I will judge the people whom they serve, and after that they will go out with considerable property. ↳ of the passive.

Acts 7:7.
Acts 7:7 Kai\ to\ e1qnoj, w%{ e0a_n douleu/swsin, krinw~ e0gw&, ei]pen o9 qeo/j: kai\ meta_ tau=ta e0celeu/sontai, kai\ latreu/sousi/n moi e0n tw%~ to/pw% tou/tw%. ‘And the nation which they will serve I will judge’, said God, ‘and after that they will come out and serve me in this place.’ Gen 15:14, Ex 3:12.

that ← these (things).
Gen 17:5 ‫וְלֹא־יִקָּרֵ֥א ע֛וֹד אֶת־שִׁמְךָ֖ אַבְרָ֑ם וְהָיָ֤ה שִׁמְךָ֙ אַבְרָהָ֔ם כִּ֛י אַב־הֲמ֥וֹן גּוֹיִ֖ם נְתַתִּֽיךָ׃‬ And you will no longer be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham, for I will make you the father of a multitude of nations. Rom 4:17.

you ← your name.

Abraham ← father of a multitude.
Rom 4:17 kaqw_j ge/graptai o3ti Pate/ra pollw~n e0qnw~n te/qeika& se - kate/nanti ou[ e0pi/steusen qeou=, tou= zw%opoiou=ntoj tou\j nekrou/j, kai\ kalou=ntoj ta_ mh\ o1nta w(j o1nta. as it stands written: “I have appointed you a father of many nations”, in the sight of God, whom he believed, who makes the dead alive and calls the things not in existence to exist. Gen 17:5.

in existence ← being, existing.

to exist ← as being, existing.
Gen 18:14 ‫הֲיִפָּלֵ֥א מֵיְהוָ֖ה דָּבָ֑ר לַמּוֹעֵ֞ד אָשׁ֥וּב אֵלֶ֛יךָ כָּעֵ֥ת חַיָּ֖ה וּלְשָׂרָ֥ה בֵֽן׃‬ Is anything too stupendous for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” Rom 9:9.

at this time next year: see Gen 18:10. AV differs (according to the time of life), more literal and also possible.
Rom 9:9 870Epaggeli/aj ga_r o9 lo/goj ou[toj, Kata_ to\n kairo\n tou=ton e0leu/somai, kai\ e1stai th|= Sa&rra% ui9o/j. For this is the word of promise: “At this time I will come, and Sarah will have a son.” Gen 18:14.
Gen 21:10 ‫וַתֹּ֙אמֶר֙ לְאַבְרָהָ֔ם גָּרֵ֛שׁ הָאָמָ֥ה הַזֹּ֖את וְאֶת־בְּנָ֑הּ כִּ֣י לֹ֤א יִירַשׁ֙ בֶּן־הָאָמָ֣ה הַזֹּ֔את עִם־בְּנִ֖י עִם־יִצְחָֽק׃‬ and she said to Abraham, “Drive this maidservant and her son out, for the son of this maidservant will not have any inheritance with my son – with Isaac.” Gal 4:30. Gal 4:30 870Alla_ ti/ le/gei h9 grafh/; 871Ekbale th\n paidi/skhn kai\ to\n ui9o\n au0th=j, ou0 {RP TR: ga_r mh\} [P1904: mh\ ga_r] {RP TR: klhronomh/sh|} [P1904: klhronomh/sei] o9 ui9o\j th=j paidi/skhj meta_ tou= ui9ou= th=j e0leuqe/raj. But what does the scripture say? “Cast out the maidservant and her son. For the son of the maidservant will certainly not have any inheritance with the son of the free woman.” ga_r mh\, for + not, RP TR F1859=12/13 vs. mh\ ga_r, not + for, P1904 F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

klhronomh/sh|, will inherit (classical subjunctive), RP TR F1859=11/14 vs. klhronomh/sei, will inherit (non-classical future indicative), P1904 F1859=3/14 (Scrivener's k*mn).

Gen 21:10.
Gen 21:12 ‫וַיֹּ֨אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֜ים אֶל־אַבְרָהָ֗ם אַל־יֵרַ֤ע בְּעֵינֶ֙יךָ֙ עַל־הַנַּ֣עַר וְעַל־אֲמָתֶ֔ךָ כֹּל֩ אֲשֶׁ֨ר תֹּאמַ֥ר אֵלֶ֛יךָ שָׂרָ֖ה שְׁמַ֣ע בְּקֹלָ֑הּ כִּ֣י בְיִצְחָ֔ק יִקָּרֵ֥א לְךָ֖ זָֽרַע׃‬ But God said to Abraham, “Don't let it be hurtful in your eyes concerning the lad or your maidservant. As for everything that Sarah says to you, heed her, for your seed will be called in Isaac. Rom 9:7, Gal 3:16, Heb 11:18.

heed her ← hear her voice.

called: i.e. acknowledged.
Rom 9:7 ou0d' o3ti ei0si\n spe/rma 870Abraa&m, pa&ntej te/kna: a)ll' 870En 870Isaa_k klhqh/setai/ soi spe/rma. nor is it so that because they are the seed of Abraham, they are all children, but, “In the line of Isaac your seed will be called.” Gen 21:12.

called: i.e. acknowledged.
Gen 21:12 ‫וַיֹּ֨אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֜ים אֶל־אַבְרָהָ֗ם אַל־יֵרַ֤ע בְּעֵינֶ֙יךָ֙ עַל־הַנַּ֣עַר וְעַל־אֲמָתֶ֔ךָ כֹּל֩ אֲשֶׁ֨ר תֹּאמַ֥ר אֵלֶ֛יךָ שָׂרָ֖ה שְׁמַ֣ע בְּקֹלָ֑הּ כִּ֣י בְיִצְחָ֔ק יִקָּרֵ֥א לְךָ֖ זָֽרַע׃‬ But God said to Abraham, “Don't let it be hurtful in your eyes concerning the lad or your maidservant. As for everything that Sarah says to you, heed her, for your seed will be called in Isaac. Rom 9:7, Gal 3:16, Heb 11:18.

heed her ← hear her voice.

called: i.e. acknowledged.
Gal 3:16 Tw%~ de\ 870Abraa_m {RP TR: e0rrh/qhsan} [P1904: e0rre/qhsan] ai9 e0paggeli/ai, kai\ tw%~ spe/rmati au0tou=. Ou0 le/gei, Kai\ toi=j spe/rmasin, w(j e0pi\ pollw~n, a)ll' w(j e0f' e9no/j, Kai\ tw%~ spe/rmati/ sou, o3j e0stin xristo/j. Now the promises were made to Abraham and his seed. It does not say, “And to the seeds”, as speaking of many, but as speaking of one, “And to your seed”, which is Christ. e0rrh/qhsan, were spoken (classical spelling), RP TR F1859=8/13 vs. e0rre/qhsan, were spoken (non-classical spelling), P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's cefh) vs. another spelling, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's d).

Gen 21:12.

promises: note the plural. The promise expounded by Paul here does not exclude other promises, which ↴

which ← who.
Gen 21:12 ‫וַיֹּ֨אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֜ים אֶל־אַבְרָהָ֗ם אַל־יֵרַ֤ע בְּעֵינֶ֙יךָ֙ עַל־הַנַּ֣עַר וְעַל־אֲמָתֶ֔ךָ כֹּל֩ אֲשֶׁ֨ר תֹּאמַ֥ר אֵלֶ֛יךָ שָׂרָ֖ה שְׁמַ֣ע בְּקֹלָ֑הּ כִּ֣י בְיִצְחָ֔ק יִקָּרֵ֥א לְךָ֖ זָֽרַע׃‬ But God said to Abraham, “Don't let it be hurtful in your eyes concerning the lad or your maidservant. As for everything that Sarah says to you, heed her, for your seed will be called in Isaac. Rom 9:7, Gal 3:16, Heb 11:18.

heed her ← hear her voice.

called: i.e. acknowledged.
Heb 11:18 pro\j o4n e0lalh/qh, o3ti 870En 870Isaa_k klhqh/setai/ soi spe/rma: to whom it had been said, “Your seed will be called in the line of Isaac.” Gen 21:12.

called: i.e. acknowledged.
Gen 22:10 ‫וַיִּשְׁלַ֤ח אַבְרָהָם֙ אֶת־יָד֔וֹ וַיִּקַּ֖ח אֶת־הַֽמַּאֲכֶ֑לֶת לִשְׁחֹ֖ט אֶת־בְּנֽוֹ׃‬ And Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. See note on Heb 11:17. Heb 11:17 Pi/stei prosenh/noxen 870Abraa_m to\n 870Isaa_k peirazo/menoj, kai\ to\n monogenh= prose/feren o9 ta_j e0paggeli/aj a)nadeca&menoj, By faith Abraham offered Isaac when he was tested, and having received the promises, he was in the process of offering his only-begotten son, offered ← has offered, perhaps conveying the notion of stands as having offered, but the perfect for the aorist occurs elsewhere in this epistle (e.g. Heb 7:6, Heb 10:9, Heb 11:28).

in the process of offering: imperfect tense, with a flavour of the conative imperfect was trying to offer, or was ready to offer. Abraham had already drawn the knife, Gen 22:10.
Gen 22:17 ‫כִּֽי־בָרֵ֣ךְ אֲבָרֶכְךָ֗ וְהַרְבָּ֨ה אַרְבֶּ֤ה אֶֽת־זַרְעֲךָ֙ כְּכוֹכְבֵ֣י הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְכַח֕וֹל אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־שְׂפַ֣ת הַיָּ֑ם וְיִרַ֣שׁ זַרְעֲךָ֔ אֵ֖ת שַׁ֥עַר אֹיְבָֽיו׃‬ that I will greatly bless you and greatly increase your seed, like the stars of the sky and like the sand which is on the sea-shore, and your seed will inherit the gate of its enemies. Heb 6:14, Heb 11:12.

greatly bless ... greatly increase: both infinitive absolute.

inherit ... its enemies: singular verb and possessive pronoun (seed treated as grammatically singular).
Heb 6:14 le/gwn, 87]H mh\n eu0logw~n eu0logh/sw se, kai\ plhqu/nwn plhqunw~ se. and he said, “I will truly greatly bless you and greatly multiply you.” Gen 22:17.

greatly bless ← blessing I will bless.

greatly multiply ← multiplying I will multiply.
Gen 22:17 ‫כִּֽי־בָרֵ֣ךְ אֲבָרֶכְךָ֗ וְהַרְבָּ֨ה אַרְבֶּ֤ה אֶֽת־זַרְעֲךָ֙ כְּכוֹכְבֵ֣י הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְכַח֕וֹל אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־שְׂפַ֣ת הַיָּ֑ם וְיִרַ֣שׁ זַרְעֲךָ֔ אֵ֖ת שַׁ֥עַר אֹיְבָֽיו׃‬ that I will greatly bless you and greatly increase your seed, like the stars of the sky and like the sand which is on the sea-shore, and your seed will inherit the gate of its enemies. Heb 6:14, Heb 11:12.

greatly bless ... greatly increase: both infinitive absolute.

inherit ... its enemies: singular verb and possessive pronoun (seed treated as grammatically singular).
Heb 11:12 Dio\ kai\ a)f' e9no\j e0gennh/qhsan, kai\ tau=ta nenekrwme/nou, kaqw_j ta_ a!stra tou= ou0ranou= tw%~ plh/qei, kai\ {RP P1904: w(j} [TR: w(sei\] {RP P1904: h9} [TR: - ] a!mmoj h9 para_ to\ xei=loj th=j qala&sshj h9 a)nari/qmhtoj. which is also why there were begotten from one – who was in these respects considered dead – as many as the stars of the sky in abundance and as {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] sand of the sea-shore which is uncountable. w(j, as (1), RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. w(sei\, as (2), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

h9, the (sand): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

Gen 15:5, Gen 22:17, Gen 26:4, Ex 32:13.

which is also why ← on account of which also.
Gen 22:18 ‫וְהִתְבָּרֲכ֣וּ בְזַרְעֲךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל גּוֹיֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ עֵ֕קֶב אֲשֶׁ֥ר שָׁמַ֖עְתָּ בְּקֹלִֽי׃‬ And all the nations of the earth will be blessed through your seed, because you have obeyed me.” Acts 3:25, Gal 3:8.

obeyed me ← heard my voice.
Acts 3:25 879Umei=j e0ste ui9oi\ tw~n profhtw~n, kai\ th=j diaqh/khj h[j die/qeto o9 qeo\j pro\j tou\j pate/raj h9mw~n, le/gwn pro\j 870Abraa&m, Kai\ {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: - ] tw%~ spe/rmati/ sou e0neuloghqh/sontai pa~sai ai9 patriai\ th=j gh=j. You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And through your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed.’ e0n, in, by, here through (strengthening the dative): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 (k being by a later hand) vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

Gen 12:3, Gen 22:18, Gen 26:4, Gen 28:14.
Gen 22:18 ‫וְהִתְבָּרֲכ֣וּ בְזַרְעֲךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל גּוֹיֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ עֵ֕קֶב אֲשֶׁ֥ר שָׁמַ֖עְתָּ בְּקֹלִֽי׃‬ And all the nations of the earth will be blessed through your seed, because you have obeyed me.” Acts 3:25, Gal 3:8.

obeyed me ← heard my voice.
Gal 3:8 Proi+dou=sa de\ h9 grafh\ o3ti e0k pi/stewj dikaioi= ta_ e1qnh o9 qeo/j, proeuhggeli/sato tw%~ 870Abraa_m o3ti {RP P1904 S1550: 870Eneuloghqh/sontai} [E1624 S1894: 870Euloghqh/sontai] e0n soi\ pa&nta ta_ e1qnh. and the scripture, having foreseen that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, proclaimed the gospel beforehand to Abraham and said, “All the Gentiles will be blessed through you”, e0neuloghqh/sontai, would be blessed in (compound verb in addition to preposition), RP P1904 S1550 F1859=11/13 (incl. c(tacite)) vs. eu0loghqh/sontai, would be blessed, E1624 S1894 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

Gen 12:3, Gen 22:18.

through ← in.
Gen 23:4 ‫גֵּר־וְתוֹשָׁ֥ב אָנֹכִ֖י עִמָּכֶ֑ם תְּנ֨וּ לִ֤י אֲחֻזַּת־קֶ֙בֶר֙ עִמָּכֶ֔ם וְאֶקְבְּרָ֥ה מֵתִ֖י מִלְּפָנָֽי׃‬ I am an outsider and a temporary resident with you. Give me a burial plot amid you so that I may bury my dead out of my sight.” Heb 11:13.

plot ← possession.

so that: purposive use of the vav.
Heb 11:13 Kata_ pi/stin a)pe/qanon ou[toi pa&ntej, mh\ labo/ntej ta_j e0paggeli/aj, a)lla_ po/rrwqen au0ta_j i0do/ntej, {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\ peisqe/ntej,] kai\ a)spasa&menoi, kai\ o9mologh/santej o3ti ce/noi kai\ parepi/dhmoi/ ei0sin e0pi\ th=j gh=j. In faith these all died, not having received the promises, but having seen them from afar, {RP P1904: - } [TR: and having been persuaded of them,] and having embraced them, and they confessed that they were foreigners and outsiders on the earth. kai\ peisqe/ntej, and having been persuaded: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c). AV differs textually.

Gen 23:4, Ex 2:22, Ps 39:13MT (Ps 39:12AV), 1 Chr 29:15.
Gen 25:23 ‫וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה לָ֗הּ שְׁנֵ֤י *גיים **גוֹיִם֙ בְּבִטְנֵ֔ךְ וּשְׁנֵ֣י לְאֻמִּ֔ים מִמֵּעַ֖יִךְ יִפָּרֵ֑דוּ וּלְאֹם֙ מִלְאֹ֣ם יֶֽאֱמָ֔ץ וְרַ֖ב יַעֲבֹ֥ד צָעִֽיר׃‬ And the Lord said to her,

There are two nations in your womb,

And two peoples will be separated from your belly.

And one people will prevail over the other people,

And the elder will serve the younger.”

nations: the ketiv is apparently an alternative spelling or a misspelling with a yod in place of a vav.

Rom 9:12.
Rom 9:12 {RP TR: e0rrh/qh} [P1904: e0rre/qh] au0th|= o3ti 879O mei/zwn douleu/sei tw%~ e0la&ssoni. it was said to her, “The elder will serve the younger.” e0rrh/qh, it was said (classical form), RP TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's acglm) vs. e0rre/qh, it was said (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's bdfhkno). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:8. But in Gal 3:16, a clear majority of our witnesses support the h spelling.

Gen 25:23.
Gen 25:33 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר יַעֲקֹ֗ב הִשָּׁ֤בְעָה לִּי֙ כַּיּ֔וֹם וַיִּשָּׁבַ֖ע ל֑וֹ וַיִּמְכֹּ֥ר אֶת־בְּכֹרָת֖וֹ לְיַעֲקֹֽב׃‬ And Jacob said, “Swear to me this day.” And he swore to him, and he sold his birthright to Jacob. Heb 12:16. Heb 12:16 mh/ tij po/rnoj, h2 be/bhloj, w(j 870Hsau=, o4j a)nti\ brw&sewj mia~j a)pe/doto ta_ prwtoto/kia au0tou=. and that there is no fornicator, or profane person like Esau who for one meal sold his birthright. Gen 25:33.

birthright ← birthrights.
Gen 26:4 ‫וְהִרְבֵּיתִ֤י אֶֽת־זַרְעֲךָ֙ כְּכוֹכְבֵ֣י הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְנָתַתִּ֣י לְזַרְעֲךָ֔ אֵ֥ת כָּל־הָאֲרָצֹ֖ת הָאֵ֑ל וְהִתְבָּרֲכ֣וּ בְזַרְעֲךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל גּוֹיֵ֥י הָאָֽרֶץ׃‬ And I will make your seed numerous like the stars of the sky, and I will give your seed all these lands, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed through your seed, Acts 3:25, Heb 11:12. Acts 3:25 879Umei=j e0ste ui9oi\ tw~n profhtw~n, kai\ th=j diaqh/khj h[j die/qeto o9 qeo\j pro\j tou\j pate/raj h9mw~n, le/gwn pro\j 870Abraa&m, Kai\ {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: - ] tw%~ spe/rmati/ sou e0neuloghqh/sontai pa~sai ai9 patriai\ th=j gh=j. You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And through your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed.’ e0n, in, by, here through (strengthening the dative): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 (k being by a later hand) vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

Gen 12:3, Gen 22:18, Gen 26:4, Gen 28:14.
Gen 26:4 ‫וְהִרְבֵּיתִ֤י אֶֽת־זַרְעֲךָ֙ כְּכוֹכְבֵ֣י הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְנָתַתִּ֣י לְזַרְעֲךָ֔ אֵ֥ת כָּל־הָאֲרָצֹ֖ת הָאֵ֑ל וְהִתְבָּרֲכ֣וּ בְזַרְעֲךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל גּוֹיֵ֥י הָאָֽרֶץ׃‬ And I will make your seed numerous like the stars of the sky, and I will give your seed all these lands, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed through your seed, Acts 3:25, Heb 11:12. Heb 11:12 Dio\ kai\ a)f' e9no\j e0gennh/qhsan, kai\ tau=ta nenekrwme/nou, kaqw_j ta_ a!stra tou= ou0ranou= tw%~ plh/qei, kai\ {RP P1904: w(j} [TR: w(sei\] {RP P1904: h9} [TR: - ] a!mmoj h9 para_ to\ xei=loj th=j qala&sshj h9 a)nari/qmhtoj. which is also why there were begotten from one – who was in these respects considered dead – as many as the stars of the sky in abundance and as {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] sand of the sea-shore which is uncountable. w(j, as (1), RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. w(sei\, as (2), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

h9, the (sand): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

Gen 15:5, Gen 22:17, Gen 26:4, Ex 32:13.

which is also why ← on account of which also.
Gen 28:14 ‫וְהָיָ֤ה זַרְעֲךָ֙ כַּעֲפַ֣ר הָאָ֔רֶץ וּפָרַצְתָּ֛ יָ֥מָּה וָקֵ֖דְמָה וְצָפֹ֣נָה וָנֶ֑גְבָּה וְנִבְרֲכ֥וּ בְךָ֛ כָּל־מִשְׁפְּחֹ֥ת הָאֲדָמָ֖ה וּבְזַרְעֶֽךָ׃‬ And your seed will become as the dust of the earth, and you will forge your way westwards and eastwards, and northwards and southwards, and through you all the families of the earth will be blessed, and through your seed. Acts 3:25.

earth ← ground.
Acts 3:25 879Umei=j e0ste ui9oi\ tw~n profhtw~n, kai\ th=j diaqh/khj h[j die/qeto o9 qeo\j pro\j tou\j pate/raj h9mw~n, le/gwn pro\j 870Abraa&m, Kai\ {RP P1904: e0n} [TR: - ] tw%~ spe/rmati/ sou e0neuloghqh/sontai pa~sai ai9 patriai\ th=j gh=j. You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And through your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed.’ e0n, in, by, here through (strengthening the dative): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 (k being by a later hand) vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

Gen 12:3, Gen 22:18, Gen 26:4, Gen 28:14.
Gen 33:19 ‫וַיִּ֜קֶן אֶת־חֶלְקַ֣ת הַשָּׂדֶ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר נָֽטָה־שָׁם֙ אָהֳל֔וֹ מִיַּ֥ד בְּנֵֽי־חֲמ֖וֹר אֲבִ֣י שְׁכֶ֑ם בְּמֵאָ֖ה קְשִׂיטָֽה׃‬ And he bought a parcel of land where he had pitched his tent, from the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem, for one hundred kesitahs. land ← field; countryside.

from ← from the hand of.

Hamor the father of Shechem: see note on Acts 7:16.

kesitahs: a kesitah was a coin ↴
Acts 7:16 kai\ metete/qhsan ei0j {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: Suxe/m} [S1894: Sixe/m], kai\ e0te/qhsan e0n tw%~ mnh/mati {RP TR: o4} [P1904: w%{] w)nh/sato 870Abraa_m timh=j a)rguri/ou para_ tw~n ui9w~n {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: 870Emmo\r} [S1894: 870Emo\r] tou= {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: Suxe/m} [S1894: Sixe/m]. And they were transferred to Shechem, and they were put in the tomb which Abraham had bought for a sum of money from the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem. Suxe/m (1), Sychem, RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=11/11 vs. Sixe/m, Sichem, S1894 F1859=0/11.

o4, which (classical form), RP TR F1859=7/11 vs. w%{, which (less classical, attracted to dative), P1904 F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's cglm).

870Emmo\r, Emmor, RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's bgko, k with rough breathing) vs. 870Emo\r, Emor, S1894 F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's efl) vs. other spellings, F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's achm).

Suxe/m (2), Sychem, RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=11/11 vs. Sixe/m, Sichem, S1894 F1859=0/11.

they: i.e. those who had died.

Hamor: Greek Emmor.

father: usually the word son is supplied in this kind of context, but Gen 33:19 shows ↴
Gen 49:9 ‫גּ֤וּר אַרְיֵה֙ יְהוּדָ֔ה מִטֶּ֖רֶף בְּנִ֣י עָלִ֑יתָ כָּרַ֨ע רָבַ֧ץ כְּאַרְיֵ֛ה וּכְלָבִ֖יא מִ֥י יְקִימֶֽנּוּ׃‬

Judah is a lion's cub.

From the prey, my son, you went up.

He crouched,

He lay like a lion,

And like a great lion

– Who dares to arouse him?

Rev 5:5.

he crouched (etc.): compare Num 24:9.

dares to ← will, but the form admits other modal meanings.
Rev 5:5 Kai\ ei[j e0k tw~n presbute/rwn le/gei moi, Mh\ klai=e: i0dou/, e0ni/khsen o9 le/wn o9 {RP P1904: - } [TR: w@n] e0k th=j fulh=j 870Iou/da, h9 r(i/za {RP-text P1904: Daui/d} [RP-marg: D6A6D6] [TR: Dabi/d], {RP-text: o9 a)noi/gwn} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)noi=cai] to\ bibli/on kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: lu=sai] ta_j e9pta_ sfragi=daj au0tou=. Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion {RP P1904: - } [TR: which is] of the tribe of Judah – the root of David – has been victorious {RP-text: and is opening} [RP-marg P1904 TR: in opening] the book and {RP P1904: - } [TR: breaking] its seven seals.” w_n, being: absent in RP P1904 F1859=14/14 vs. present in TR F1859=0/14.

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1. Here we also have the RP-marg reading D6A6D6, D̅A̅D̅, an abbreviation for David. Scrivener does not give variants here.

o9 a)noi/gwn, the one opening, RP-text F1859=10/14 vs. a)noi=cai, to open, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's hlnn2).

lu=sai, to loosen: absent in RP P1904 F1859=14/14 vs. present in TR F1859=0/14.

Gen 49:9, Isa 11:10 (Jesse being David's father).

[TR: breaking ← loosening.]
Ex 2:14 ‫וַ֠יֹּאמֶר מִ֣י שָֽׂמְךָ֞ לְאִ֨ישׁ שַׂ֤ר וְשֹׁפֵט֙ עָלֵ֔ינוּ הַלְהָרְגֵ֙נִי֙ אַתָּ֣ה אֹמֵ֔ר כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר הָרַ֖גְתָּ אֶת־הַמִּצְרִ֑י וַיִּירָ֤א מֹשֶׁה֙ וַיֹּאמַ֔ר אָכֵ֖ן נוֹדַ֥ע הַדָּבָֽר׃‬ To which he said, “Who appointed you a commander and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian?” At this Moses was afraid, and he said to himself, “Obviously, the incident has become well-known.” Acts 7:27, Acts 7:28, Acts 7:35.

a commander ← a man commanding.

intend ← say.
Acts 7:27 879O de\ a)dikw~n to\n plhsi/on a)pw&sato au0to/n, ei0pw&n, Ti/j se kate/sthsen a!rxonta kai\ dikasth\n e0f' {RP-text TR: h9ma~j} [RP-marg P1904: h9mw~n]; But the one who was doing wrong to his neighbour pushed him away from himself and said, ‘Who appointed you a ruler and a judge over us? h9ma~j, (over) us (1), RP-text TR F1859=11/13 vs. h9mw~n, (over) us (2), RP-marg P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's m**p).

Ex 2:14.

from himself: this comes from the middle voice of the verb.
Ex 2:14 ‫וַ֠יֹּאמֶר מִ֣י שָֽׂמְךָ֞ לְאִ֨ישׁ שַׂ֤ר וְשֹׁפֵט֙ עָלֵ֔ינוּ הַלְהָרְגֵ֙נִי֙ אַתָּ֣ה אֹמֵ֔ר כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר הָרַ֖גְתָּ אֶת־הַמִּצְרִ֑י וַיִּירָ֤א מֹשֶׁה֙ וַיֹּאמַ֔ר אָכֵ֖ן נוֹדַ֥ע הַדָּבָֽר׃‬ To which he said, “Who appointed you a commander and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian?” At this Moses was afraid, and he said to himself, “Obviously, the incident has become well-known.” Acts 7:27, Acts 7:28, Acts 7:35.

a commander ← a man commanding.

intend ← say.
Acts 7:28 Mh\ a)nelei=n me su\ qe/leij, o4n tro/pon a)nei=lej xqe\j to\n Ai0gu/ption; You don't want to kill me in the way you killed the Egyptian yesterday, do you?’ Ex 2:14.
Ex 2:14 ‫וַ֠יֹּאמֶר מִ֣י שָֽׂמְךָ֞ לְאִ֨ישׁ שַׂ֤ר וְשֹׁפֵט֙ עָלֵ֔ינוּ הַלְהָרְגֵ֙נִי֙ אַתָּ֣ה אֹמֵ֔ר כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר הָרַ֖גְתָּ אֶת־הַמִּצְרִ֑י וַיִּירָ֤א מֹשֶׁה֙ וַיֹּאמַ֔ר אָכֵ֖ן נוֹדַ֥ע הַדָּבָֽר׃‬ To which he said, “Who appointed you a commander and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian?” At this Moses was afraid, and he said to himself, “Obviously, the incident has become well-known.” Acts 7:27, Acts 7:28, Acts 7:35.

a commander ← a man commanding.

intend ← say.
Acts 7:35 Tou=ton to\n {RP: Mwsh=n} [P1904 TR: Mwu+sh=n] o4n h0rnh/santo ei0po/ntej, Ti/j se kate/sthsen a!rxonta kai\ dikasth/n; tou=ton o9 qeo\j a!rxonta kai\ lutrwth\n a)pe/steilen e0n xeiri\ a)gge/lou tou= o0fqe/ntoj au0tw%~ e0n th|= ba&tw%. This Moses, whom they repudiated, saying, ‘Who appointed you a ruler and a judge?’ is whom God sent as a ruler and deliverer by the agency of the angel who appeared to him in the bush. Mwsh=n, Moses, RP F1859=3/14 (Scrivener's b*c**m) vs. Mwu+sh=n, Moüses, P1904 TR F1859=11/14 (Scrivener's ab**c*efghklop). A strong disparity with RP, R=3:13.

Ex 2:14.

is whom ← this (man).

agency ← hand.
Ex 2:22 ‫וַתֵּ֣לֶד בֵּ֔ן וַיִּקְרָ֥א אֶת־שְׁמ֖וֹ גֵּרְשֹׁ֑ם כִּ֣י אָמַ֔ר גֵּ֣ר הָיִ֔יתִי בְּאֶ֖רֶץ נָכְרִיָּֽה׃ פ‬ And she bore him a son, and he called him Gershom, for he said, “I was a foreigner in a foreign land.” Heb 11:13.

Gershom ← a foreigner there.
Heb 11:13 Kata_ pi/stin a)pe/qanon ou[toi pa&ntej, mh\ labo/ntej ta_j e0paggeli/aj, a)lla_ po/rrwqen au0ta_j i0do/ntej, {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\ peisqe/ntej,] kai\ a)spasa&menoi, kai\ o9mologh/santej o3ti ce/noi kai\ parepi/dhmoi/ ei0sin e0pi\ th=j gh=j. In faith these all died, not having received the promises, but having seen them from afar, {RP P1904: - } [TR: and having been persuaded of them,] and having embraced them, and they confessed that they were foreigners and outsiders on the earth. kai\ peisqe/ntej, and having been persuaded: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c). AV differs textually.

Gen 23:4, Ex 2:22, Ps 39:13MT (Ps 39:12AV), 1 Chr 29:15.
Ex 3:5 ‫וַיֹּ֖אמֶר אַל־תִּקְרַ֣ב הֲלֹ֑ם שַׁל־נְעָלֶ֙יךָ֙ מֵעַ֣ל רַגְלֶ֔יךָ כִּ֣י הַמָּק֗וֹם אֲשֶׁ֤ר אַתָּה֙ עוֹמֵ֣ד עָלָ֔יו אַדְמַת־קֹ֖דֶשׁ הֽוּא׃‬ Then he said, “Do not come near here. Take your shoes off your feet, for the place which you are standing on is holy ground.” Acts 7:33. Acts 7:33 Ei]pen de\ au0tw%~ o9 ku/rioj, Lu=son to\ u9po/dhma tw~n podw~n sou: o9 ga_r to/poj e0n w%{ e3sthkaj gh= a(gi/a e0sti/n. But the Lord said to him, ‘Unfasten the sandals on your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground. Ex 3:5.

sandals on ← underbinding of.
Ex 3:6 ‫וַיֹּ֗אמֶר אָנֹכִי֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י אָבִ֔יךָ אֱלֹהֵ֧י אַבְרָהָ֛ם אֱלֹהֵ֥י יִצְחָ֖ק וֵאלֹהֵ֣י יַעֲקֹ֑ב וַיַּסְתֵּ֤ר מֹשֶׁה֙ פָּנָ֔יו כִּ֣י יָרֵ֔א מֵהַבִּ֖יט אֶל־הָאֱלֹהִֽים׃‬ And he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” Then Moses hid his face, for he was afraid of looking at God. Matt 22:32, Mark 12:26, Luke 20:37, Acts 7:32. Matt 22:32 870Egw& ei0mi o9 qeo\j 870Abraa&m, kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Isaa&k, kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Iakw&b; Ou0k e1stin o9 qeo\j qeo\j nekrw~n, a)lla_ zw&ntwn. ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not a God of the dead, but of the living.” Ex 3:6.

God: we retain a capital G, because although it would be a god of the dead, the reference is also to the God of the living.
Ex 3:6 ‫וַיֹּ֗אמֶר אָנֹכִי֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י אָבִ֔יךָ אֱלֹהֵ֧י אַבְרָהָ֛ם אֱלֹהֵ֥י יִצְחָ֖ק וֵאלֹהֵ֣י יַעֲקֹ֑ב וַיַּסְתֵּ֤ר מֹשֶׁה֙ פָּנָ֔יו כִּ֣י יָרֵ֔א מֵהַבִּ֖יט אֶל־הָאֱלֹהִֽים׃‬ And he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” Then Moses hid his face, for he was afraid of looking at God. Matt 22:32, Mark 12:26, Luke 20:37, Acts 7:32. Mark 12:26 Peri\ de\ tw~n nekrw~n, o3ti e0gei/rontai, ou0k a)ne/gnwte e0n th|= bi/blw% {RP-text TR: Mwse/wj} [RP-marg P1904: Mwu+se/wj], e0pi\ {RP P1904: tou=} [TR: th=j] ba&tou, {RP TR: w(j} [P1904: pw~j] ei]pen au0tw%~ o9 qeo/j, le/gwn, 870Egw_ o9 qeo\j 870Abraa&m, kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Isaa&k, kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Iakw&b; And concerning the dead – the fact that they are raised – have you not read in the book of Moses, at the passage about the bush, {RP TR: when} [P1904: how] God spoke to him and said, ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? Mwse/wj, of Moses, RP-text TR HF F1853=14/20 F1859=4/7 vs. Mwu+se/wj, of Moüses, RP-marg P1904 F1853=6/20 F1859=3/7.

tou=, the (feminine) (bush), RP P1904 F1853=13/20 F1859=5/7 vs. th=j, the (masculine) (bush), TR F1853=7/20 F1859=2/7.

w(j, when (or how), RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=6/7 vs. pw~j, how, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's d) F1859=1/7.

Ex 3:6.
Ex 3:6 ‫וַיֹּ֗אמֶר אָנֹכִי֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י אָבִ֔יךָ אֱלֹהֵ֧י אַבְרָהָ֛ם אֱלֹהֵ֥י יִצְחָ֖ק וֵאלֹהֵ֣י יַעֲקֹ֑ב וַיַּסְתֵּ֤ר מֹשֶׁה֙ פָּנָ֔יו כִּ֣י יָרֵ֔א מֵהַבִּ֖יט אֶל־הָאֱלֹהִֽים׃‬ And he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” Then Moses hid his face, for he was afraid of looking at God. Matt 22:32, Mark 12:26, Luke 20:37, Acts 7:32. Luke 20:37 873Oti de\ e0gei/rontai oi9 nekroi/, kai\ {RP-text TR: Mwsh=j} [RP-marg P1904: Mwu+sh=j] e0mh/nusen e0pi\ th=j ba&tou, w(j le/gei, Ku/rion to\n qeo\n 870Abraa_m kai\ to\n qeo\n 870Isaa_k kai\ to\n qeo\n 870Iakw&b. Now that the dead are raised, even Moses disclosed, at the passage about the bush, where he says, ‘The Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP-text TR F1853=11/18 F1859=3/6 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, RP-marg P1904 F1853=7/18 F1859=3/6.

Ex 3:6.
Ex 3:6 ‫וַיֹּ֗אמֶר אָנֹכִי֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י אָבִ֔יךָ אֱלֹהֵ֧י אַבְרָהָ֛ם אֱלֹהֵ֥י יִצְחָ֖ק וֵאלֹהֵ֣י יַעֲקֹ֑ב וַיַּסְתֵּ֤ר מֹשֶׁה֙ פָּנָ֔יו כִּ֣י יָרֵ֔א מֵהַבִּ֖יט אֶל־הָאֱלֹהִֽים׃‬ And he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” Then Moses hid his face, for he was afraid of looking at God. Matt 22:32, Mark 12:26, Luke 20:37, Acts 7:32. Acts 7:32 870Egw_ o9 qeo\j tw~n pate/rwn sou, o9 qeo\j 870Abraa_m kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Isaa_k kai\ o9 qeo\j 870Iakw&b. 871Entromoj de\ geno/menoj {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] ou0k e0to/lma katanoh=sai. ‘I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.’ But Moses was trembling, and he did not dare investigate further. Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's bcm) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's aefghklop). A disparity with RP, R=4:10.

Ex 3:6.

was ← having become.
Ex 3:7 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר יְהוָ֔ה רָאֹ֥ה רָאִ֛יתִי אֶת־עֳנִ֥י עַמִּ֖י אֲשֶׁ֣ר בְּמִצְרָ֑יִם וְאֶת־צַעֲקָתָ֤ם שָׁמַ֙עְתִּי֙ מִפְּנֵ֣י נֹֽגְשָׂ֔יו כִּ֥י יָדַ֖עְתִּי אֶת־מַכְאֹבָֽיו׃‬ And the Lord said, “I have clearly seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and heard their cry on account of their taskmasters, for I know their pains. Acts 7:34.

clearly seen: infinitive absolute.

their ... their ... their ← its ... its ... its referring to the singular people.
Acts 7:34 870Idw_n ei]don th\n ka&kwsin tou= laou= mou tou= e0n Ai0gu/ptw%, kai\ tou= stenagmou= au0tw~n h1kousa: kai\ kate/bhn e0cele/sqai au0tou/j: kai\ nu=n deu=ro, a)postelw~ se ei0j Ai1gupton. I have clearly seen the ill-treatment of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and I have come down to deliver them. So come on now, I am going to send you to Egypt.’ Ex 3:7, Ex 3:8, Ex 3:10.

I have clearly seen ← seeing I have seen.
Ex 3:8 ‫וָאֵרֵ֞ד לְהַצִּיל֣וֹ ׀ מִיַּ֣ד מִצְרַ֗יִם וּֽלְהַעֲלֹתוֹ֮ מִן־הָאָ֣רֶץ הַהִוא֒ אֶל־אֶ֤רֶץ טוֹבָה֙ וּרְחָבָ֔ה אֶל־אֶ֛רֶץ זָבַ֥ת חָלָ֖ב וּדְבָ֑שׁ אֶל־מְק֤וֹם הַֽכְּנַעֲנִי֙ וְהַ֣חִתִּ֔י וְהָֽאֱמֹרִי֙ וְהַפְּרִזִּ֔י וְהַחִוִּ֖י וְהַיְבוּסִֽי׃‬ And I have come down to deliver them from Egypt's grip, to bring them up from that land to a good and wide land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite. Acts 7:34.

them (2x)it; compare the previous verse.

grip ← hand.

flowing with ← flowing of. Wider use of the construct state.

Amorite: see Gen 10:16.
Acts 7:34 870Idw_n ei]don th\n ka&kwsin tou= laou= mou tou= e0n Ai0gu/ptw%, kai\ tou= stenagmou= au0tw~n h1kousa: kai\ kate/bhn e0cele/sqai au0tou/j: kai\ nu=n deu=ro, a)postelw~ se ei0j Ai1gupton. I have clearly seen the ill-treatment of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and I have come down to deliver them. So come on now, I am going to send you to Egypt.’ Ex 3:7, Ex 3:8, Ex 3:10.

I have clearly seen ← seeing I have seen.
Ex 3:10 ‫וְעַתָּ֣ה לְכָ֔ה וְאֶֽשְׁלָחֲךָ֖ אֶל־פַּרְעֹ֑ה וְהוֹצֵ֛א אֶת־עַמִּ֥י בְנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל מִמִּצְרָֽיִם׃‬ So now, go, and I will send you to Pharaoh, and bring my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” Acts 7:34. Acts 7:34 870Idw_n ei]don th\n ka&kwsin tou= laou= mou tou= e0n Ai0gu/ptw%, kai\ tou= stenagmou= au0tw~n h1kousa: kai\ kate/bhn e0cele/sqai au0tou/j: kai\ nu=n deu=ro, a)postelw~ se ei0j Ai1gupton. I have clearly seen the ill-treatment of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and I have come down to deliver them. So come on now, I am going to send you to Egypt.’ Ex 3:7, Ex 3:8, Ex 3:10.

I have clearly seen ← seeing I have seen.
Ex 3:12 ‫וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ כִּֽי־אֶֽהְיֶ֣ה עִמָּ֔ךְ וְזֶה־לְּךָ֣ הָא֔וֹת כִּ֥י אָנֹכִ֖י שְׁלַחְתִּ֑יךָ בְּהוֹצִֽיאֲךָ֤ אֶת־הָעָם֙ מִמִּצְרַ֔יִם תַּֽעַבְדוּן֙ אֶת־הָ֣אֱלֹהִ֔ים עַ֖ל הָהָ֥ר הַזֶּֽה׃‬ And he said, “Be assured that I will be with you, and this will be a sign to you, that I have sent you: when you bring the people out of Egypt, you will serve God on this mountain.” Acts 7:7.

that I will be with you: or for “I am” (is) with you. See Ex 3:14.

when you bring: you-singular.

you will serve: you-plural.
Acts 7:7 Kai\ to\ e1qnoj, w%{ e0a_n douleu/swsin, krinw~ e0gw&, ei]pen o9 qeo/j: kai\ meta_ tau=ta e0celeu/sontai, kai\ latreu/sousi/n moi e0n tw%~ to/pw% tou/tw%. ‘And the nation which they will serve I will judge’, said God, ‘and after that they will come out and serve me in this place.’ Gen 15:14, Ex 3:12.

that ← these (things).
Ex 3:14 ‫וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃‬ And God said to Moses, “I am what I am”, and he said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” The verse is alluded to in Luke 22:70, John 4:26, John 6:20, John 18:5, Rev 1:4, Rev 1:8.

I am (3x): or I will be.

this is whatthus.
Luke 22:70 Ei]pon de\ pa&ntej, Su\ ou]n ei] o9 ui9o\j tou= qeou=; 879O de\ pro\j au0tou\j e1fh, 879Umei=j le/gete o3ti e0gw& ei0mi. Then they all said, “So you are the son of God, then?” And he said to them, “You say I am.” You say I am: This probably means, As you say, I am, perhaps with reference to Ex 3:14.
Ex 3:14 ‫וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃‬ And God said to Moses, “I am what I am”, and he said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” The verse is alluded to in Luke 22:70, John 4:26, John 6:20, John 18:5, Rev 1:4, Rev 1:8.

I am (3x): or I will be.

this is whatthus.
John 4:26 Le/gei au0th|= o9 870Ihsou=j, 870Egw& ei0mi, o9 lalw~n soi. Jesus said to her, “I am the one, I who am speaking to you.” I am: one of the many occurrences of I am in this gospel, referring to Ex 3:14. See John 18:5, John 18:6.
Ex 3:14 ‫וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃‬ And God said to Moses, “I am what I am”, and he said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” The verse is alluded to in Luke 22:70, John 4:26, John 6:20, John 18:5, Rev 1:4, Rev 1:8.

I am (3x): or I will be.

this is whatthus.
John 6:20 879O de\ le/gei au0toi=j, 870Egw& ei0mi: mh\ fobei=sqe. But he said to them, “I am; do not be afraid.” I am: we keep this idiom, rather than the more natural It's me, because it is an allusion to Ex 3:14. Compare John 18:5, John 18:6, and see the examples in the notes.
Ex 3:14 ‫וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃‬ And God said to Moses, “I am what I am”, and he said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” The verse is alluded to in Luke 22:70, John 4:26, John 6:20, John 18:5, Rev 1:4, Rev 1:8.

I am (3x): or I will be.

this is whatthus.
John 18:5 870Apekri/qhsan au0tw%~, 870Ihsou=n to\n Nazwrai=on. Le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, 870Egw& ei0mi. Ei9sth/kei de\ kai\ 870Iou/daj o9 paradidou\j au0to\n met' au0tw~n. They answered him, “Jesus the Nazarene.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.” And Judas, who would betray him, was also standing with them. I am he: we keep this idiom, rather than the more natural that's me, because it is an allusion to Ex 3:14, which explains the reaction of the hearers in the next verse. Other examples of I am given below.
Ex 3:14 ‫וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃‬ And God said to Moses, “I am what I am”, and he said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” The verse is alluded to in Luke 22:70, John 4:26, John 6:20, John 18:5, Rev 1:4, Rev 1:8.

I am (3x): or I will be.

this is whatthus.
Rev 1:4 870Iwa&nnhj tai=j e9pta_ e0kklhsi/aij tai=j e0n th|= 870Asi/a%: xa&rij u9mi=n kai\ ei0rh/nh a)po\ {RP-text P1904: qeou=} [RP-marg: - ] [TR: tou=] o9 w@n kai\ o9 h]n kai\ o9 e0rxo/menoj: kai\ a)po\ tw~n e9pta_ pneuma&twn {RP-text P1904: a$} [RP-marg TR: a# e0stin] e0nw&pion tou= qro/nou au0tou=: From John to the seven churches in Asia, grace to you and peace from {RP-text P1904: God,} [RP-marg: the one] [TR: the one] who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits which {RP-text P1904: are} [RP-marg TR: are] before his throne, qeou=, (from) God, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. word absent, RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hln) vs. tou=, (from) the (one), TR F1859=0/13 vs. kuri/ou, (from the) Lord, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c). AV differs textually.

e0stin, are (explicitly): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hln).

Ex 3:14, an allusion to I am. The following words, and who was, and who is to come accord with the I am of John 8:58 – the one who transcends time. Similarly elsewhere in this book.

churches: see Matt 16:18.

is to come ← is coming.
Ex 3:14 ‫וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃‬ And God said to Moses, “I am what I am”, and he said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” The verse is alluded to in Luke 22:70, John 4:26, John 6:20, John 18:5, Rev 1:4, Rev 1:8.

I am (3x): or I will be.

this is whatthus.
Rev 1:8 870Egw& ei0mi to\ {RP: 871Alfa} [P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, {RP P1904: - } [TR: a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj,] le/gei {RP P1904: ku/rioj o9 qeo/j} [TR: o9 ku/rioj], o9 w@n kai\ o9 h]n kai\ o9 e0rxo/menoj, o9 pantokra&twr. I am the Alpha and the Omega, {RP P1904: - } [TR: the beginning and the ending,] says {RP P1904: the Lord God} [TR: the Lord], who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty. 871Alfa, Alpha, RP F1859=11/13 vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's el).

a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, beginning and end: absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. present in TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's mn). AV differs textually.

ku/rioj o9 qeo/j, (the) Lord God, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. o9 ku/rioj, the Lord, TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.

I am: referring to Ex 3:14. See also Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

is to come ← is coming.
Ex 7:20 ‫וַיַּֽעֲשׂוּ־כֵן֩ מֹשֶׁ֨ה וְאַהֲרֹ֜ן כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר ׀ צִוָּ֣ה יְהוָ֗ה וַיָּ֤רֶם בַּמַּטֶּה֙ וַיַּ֤ךְ אֶת־הַמַּ֙יִם֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בַּיְאֹ֔ר לְעֵינֵ֣י פַרְעֹ֔ה וּלְעֵינֵ֖י עֲבָדָ֑יו וַיֵּהָֽפְכ֛וּ כָּל־הַמַּ֥יִם אֲשֶׁר־בַּיְאֹ֖ר לְדָֽם׃‬ And Moses and Aaron did so, as the Lord had commanded, and he raised his rod and struck the water which was in the river, in Pharaoh's sight, and his servants' sight, and all the water which was in the river turned to blood. Rev 16:3.

raised ← raised with.
Rev 16:3 Kai\ o9 deu/teroj a!ggeloj e0ce/xeen th\n fia&lhn au0tou= ei0j th\n qa&lassan: kai\ e0ge/neto ai[ma w(j nekrou=, kai\ pa~sa yuxh\ {RP-text P1904 TR: zw~sa} [RP-marg: - ] a)pe/qanen e0n th|= qala&ssh|. Then the second angel poured his vial out on the sea, and it became blood as of someone dead, and every {RP-text P1904 TR: living} [RP-marg: - ] soul in the sea died. zw~sa, living: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's hln) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9.

Ex 7:20.

soul: i.e. animal life-form. (The Latin for soul is anima.)

in the sea died ← died in the sea.
Ex 9:9 ‫וְהָיָ֣ה לְאָבָ֔ק עַ֖ל כָּל־אֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם וְהָיָ֨ה עַל־הָאָדָ֜ם וְעַל־הַבְּהֵמָ֗ה לִשְׁחִ֥ין פֹּרֵ֛חַ אֲבַעְבֻּעֹ֖ת בְּכָל־אֶ֥רֶץ מִצְרָֽיִם׃‬ And it will become fine dust over all the land of Egypt, and it will become festering boil pustules on man and on the cattle in all the land of Egypt.” Rev 16:2. Rev 16:2 Kai\ a)ph=lqen o9 prw~toj, kai\ e0ce/xeen th\n fia&lhn au0tou= {RP-text P1904: ei0j} [RP-marg TR: e0pi\] th\n gh=n: kai\ e0ge/neto e3lkoj kako\n kai\ ponhro\n {RP P1904: e0pi\} [TR: ei0j] tou\j a)nqrw&pouj tou\j e1xontaj to\ xa&ragma tou= qhri/ou, kai\ tou\j {RP P1904: proskunou=ntaj th|= ei0ko/ni au0tou=} [TR: th|= ei0ko/ni au0tou= proskunou=ntaj]. And the first one departed and poured his vial out on the earth. Then a noxious and troublesome ulcer plague came on those men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image. ei0j, onto (the earth), RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. e0pi\, on, RP-marg TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn).

e0pi\, on (those men), RP P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. ei0j, onto, over, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn).

proskunou=ntaj th|= ei0ko/ni au0tou=, who had worshipped + his image, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 (with minor variations in ekln) vs. th|= ei0ko/ni au0tou= proskunou=ntaj, his image + who had worshipped, TR F1859=0/13.

Ex 9:9.
Ex 9:16 ‫וְאוּלָ֗ם בַּעֲב֥וּר זֹאת֙ הֶעֱמַדְתִּ֔יךָ בַּעֲב֖וּר הַרְאֹתְךָ֣ אֶת־כֹּחִ֑י וּלְמַ֛עַן סַפֵּ֥ר שְׁמִ֖י בְּכָל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃‬ But it is for this purpose that I have put you in place, in order to show you my power, and in order to declare my name in all the earth. Rom 9:17. Rom 9:17 Le/gei ga_r h9 grafh\ tw%~ Faraw_ o3ti Ei0j au0to\ tou=to e0ch/geira& se, o3pwj e0ndei/cwmai e0n soi\ th\n du/nami/n mou, kai\ o3pwj diaggelh|= to\ o1noma& mou e0n pa&sh| th|= gh|=. For the scripture says to Pharaoh, “I raised you up for this very thing: that I might show my power by means of you, and so that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Ex 9:16.

earth: or land.
Ex 12:46 ‫בְּבַ֤יִת אֶחָד֙ יֵאָכֵ֔ל לֹא־תוֹצִ֧יא מִן־הַבַּ֛יִת מִן־הַבָּשָׂ֖ר ח֑וּצָה וְעֶ֖צֶם לֹ֥א תִשְׁבְּרוּ־בֽוֹ׃‬ It will be eaten in one house. You shall not bring any meat out from the house outside, and you shall not break any bone in it. John 19:36. John 19:36 870Ege/neto ga_r tau=ta i3na h9 grafh\ plhrwqh|=, 870Ostou=n ou0 suntribh/setai {RP: a)p'} [P1904 TR: - ] au0tou=. For these things took place in order that the scripture might be fulfilled: “Not a bone of him shall be crushed.” a)p', from (him): present in RP F1853=8/18 F1859=3/9 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=10/18 F1859=6/9. A disparity with RP, R=11:18.

Ex 12:46, Num 9:12 (of the Passover lamb, compare 1 Cor 5:7); Ps 34:21MT (Ps 34:20AV); Ps 22:18MT (Ps 22:17AV) (I can count my bones).
Ex 13:2 ‫קַדֶּשׁ־לִ֨י כָל־בְּכ֜וֹר פֶּ֤טֶר כָּל־רֶ֙חֶם֙ בִּבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל בָּאָדָ֖ם וּבַבְּהֵמָ֑ה לִ֖י הֽוּא׃‬ Sanctify to me every firstborn, that opens any womb, among the sons of Israel, among man and among cattle; he is for me.” Luke 2:23.

any ← every.
Luke 2:23 kaqw_j ge/graptai e0n no/mw% kuri/ou o3ti Pa~n a!rsen dianoi=gon mh/tran a#gion tw%~ kuri/w% klhqh/setai - as it stands written in the law of the Lord: “Every male who opens the womb will be called holy to the Lord”, Ex 13:2.

who opens the womb: indicating the firstborn.
Ex 15:18 ‫יְהוָ֥ה ׀ יִמְלֹ֖ךְ לְעֹלָ֥ם וָעֶֽד׃‬

The Lord will reign

Age-abidingly and timelessly.

Rev 11:15.

timelessly: or (to) eternity.
Rev 11:15 Kai\ o9 e3bdomoj a!ggeloj e0sa&lpisen, kai\ e0ge/nonto fwnai\ mega&lai e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, le/gousai, {RP P1904: 870Ege/neto h9 basilei/a} [TR: 870Ege/nonto ai9 basilei=ai] tou= ko/smou, tou= kuri/ou h9mw~n, kai\ tou= xristou= au0tou=, kai\ basileu/sei ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. Then the seventh angel sounded the trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, and they said, “The {RP P1904: kingdom of the world has} [TR: kingdoms of the world have] become {RP P1904: the kingdom} [TR: the kingdoms] of our Lord and his Christ, and he will reign throughout the durations of the ages.” e0ge/neto h9 basilei/a, the kingdom became, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. e0ge/nonto ai9 basilei=ai, the kingdoms became, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). AV differs textually.

Ex 15:18, Ps 146:10.
Ex 16:18 ‫וַיָּמֹ֣דּוּ בָעֹ֔מֶר וְלֹ֤א הֶעְדִּיף֙ הַמַּרְבֶּ֔ה וְהַמַּמְעִ֖יט לֹ֣א הֶחְסִ֑יר אִ֥ישׁ לְפִֽי־אָכְל֖וֹ לָקָֽטוּ׃‬ And they measured it in omers, and he who had gathered a lot had no surplus, and he who had gathered a little had no lack. Each man gathered according to his nutritional requirement. 2 Cor 8:15.

in omers ← by the omer. An omer is about 5 pints or 2.7 litres.
2 Cor 8:15 kaqw_j ge/graptai, 879O to\ polu/, ou0k e0pleo/nasen: kai\ o9 to\ o0li/gon, ou0k h0latto/nhsen. as it stands written: “He who had much did not have surplus, and he who had little did not suffer a lack.” Ex 16:18.
Ex 19:6 ‫וְאַתֶּ֧ם תִּהְיוּ־לִ֛י מַמְלֶ֥כֶת כֹּהֲנִ֖ים וְג֣וֹי קָד֑וֹשׁ אֵ֚לֶּה הַדְּבָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר תְּדַבֵּ֖ר אֶל־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃‬ And you will be a kingdom of priests to me, and a holy nation.’ Those are the things which you will speak to the sons of Israel.” Rev 1:6, Rev 5:10, Rev 20:6. Rev 1:6 kai\ e0poi/hsen h9ma~j {RP P1904: basilei/an,} [TR: basilei=j kai\] i9erei=j tw%~ qew%~ kai\ patri\ au0tou=: au0tw%~ h9 do/ca kai\ to\ kra&toj ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. 870Amh/n. and who made us {RP P1904: into a kingdom,} [TR: kings and] priests to his God and father, to him be glory and might throughout the durations of the ages. Amen. basilei/an, a kingdom, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. basilei=j kai\, kings and, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's fn). AV differs textually.

Ex 19:6, Isa 61:6.

to his God and father: AV differs somewhat (unto God and his Father).

throughout the durations of the ages ← throughout the ages of the ages.
Ex 19:6 ‫וְאַתֶּ֧ם תִּהְיוּ־לִ֛י מַמְלֶ֥כֶת כֹּהֲנִ֖ים וְג֣וֹי קָד֑וֹשׁ אֵ֚לֶּה הַדְּבָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר תְּדַבֵּ֖ר אֶל־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃‬ And you will be a kingdom of priests to me, and a holy nation.’ Those are the things which you will speak to the sons of Israel.” Rev 1:6, Rev 5:10, Rev 20:6. Rev 5:10 kai\ e0poi/hsaj {RP P1904: au0tou\j} [TR: h9ma~j] tw%~ qew%~ h9mw~n basilei=j kai\ i9erei=j, kai\ {RP P1904: basileu/sousin} [TR: basileu/somen] e0pi\ th=j gh=j. And

You made {RP P1904: them} [TR: us] kings and priests to our God,

And {RP P1904: they} [TR: we] will reign over the earth.”

au0tou\j, them, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. h9ma~j, us, TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

basileu/sousin, they will reign, RP P1904 F1859=6/13 vs. basileu/somen, we will reign, TR F1859=0/13 vs. basileu/ousin, they reign, F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7. AV differs textually.

Isa 61:6, Ex 19:6.
Ex 19:6 ‫וְאַתֶּ֧ם תִּהְיוּ־לִ֛י מַמְלֶ֥כֶת כֹּהֲנִ֖ים וְג֣וֹי קָד֑וֹשׁ אֵ֚לֶּה הַדְּבָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר תְּדַבֵּ֖ר אֶל־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃‬ And you will be a kingdom of priests to me, and a holy nation.’ Those are the things which you will speak to the sons of Israel.” Rev 1:6, Rev 5:10, Rev 20:6. Rev 20:6 Maka&rioj kai\ a#gioj o9 e1xwn me/roj e0n th|= a)nasta&sei th|= prw&th|: e0pi\ tou/twn {RP P1904: o9 deu/teroj qa&natoj} [TR: o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/teroj] ou0k e1xei e0cousi/an, a)ll' e1sontai i9erei=j tou= qeou= kai\ tou= xristou=, kai\ basileu/sousin met' au0tou= xi/lia e1th. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection; the second death has no authority over these, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years. o9 deu/teroj qa&natoj, the second + death, RP P1904 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[JW, also Griesbach, but Mill silent]) vs. o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/teroj, the death + the second, TR F1859=0/11.

Ex 19:6. Isa 61:6.
Ex 19:13 ‫לֹא־תִגַּ֨ע בּ֜וֹ יָ֗ד כִּֽי־סָק֤וֹל יִסָּקֵל֙ אוֹ־יָרֹ֣ה יִיָּרֶ֔ה אִם־בְּהֵמָ֥ה אִם־אִ֖ישׁ לֹ֣א יִחְיֶ֑ה בִּמְשֹׁךְ֙ הַיֹּבֵ֔ל הֵ֖מָּה יַעֲל֥וּ בָהָֽר׃‬ Let no hand touch it, otherwise he will certainly be stoned or shot through; whether beast or man, he shall not live.’ When the horn is sounded then they will go up into the mountain.” Heb 12:20.

will certainly be stoned ... or shot through: both infinitive absolute.

horn is sounded ← protracted-sound (of the horn) is drawn out.
Heb 12:20 ou0k e1feron ga_r to\ diastello/menon, Ka@n qhri/on qi/gh| tou= o1rouj, liqobolhqh/setai {RP P1904: - } [TR: h2 boli/di katatoceuqh/setai]: For they could not bear what was ordered: “If even a wild animal touches the mountain, it shall be stoned {RP P1904: - } [TR: or struck down with a lance].” h2 boli/di katatoceuqh/setai, or be shot down by a missile: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's o). AV differs textually.

Ex 19:13. The TR reading is in Ex 19:13, but it has minimal NT support.

[TR: lance ← javelin, suggesting killing from a distance].
Ex 20:7 ‫לֹ֥א תִשָּׂ֛א אֶת־שֵֽׁם־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ לַשָּׁ֑וְא כִּ֣י לֹ֤א יְנַקֶּה֙ יְהוָ֔ה אֵ֛ת אֲשֶׁר־יִשָּׂ֥א אֶת־שְׁמ֖וֹ לַשָּֽׁוְא׃ פ‬ You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him who takes his name in vain innocent. Matt 5:33.

|| Deut 5:11. Commandment 3.

vain (2x): or falsity.
Matt 5:33 Pa&lin h0kou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh toi=j a)rxai/oij, Ou0k e0piorkh/seij, a)podw&seij de\ tw%~ kuri/w% tou\j o3rkouj sou: Again, you have heard that it was said by the ancients, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but you will perform your oaths to the Lord’, Ex 20:7, Lev 19:12, Num 30:3MT (Num 30:2AV), Deut 23:22MT (Deut 23:21AV).

by: or to, as in Matt 5:21, Matt 5:27.
Ex 20:12 ‫כַּבֵּ֥ד אֶת־אָבִ֖יךָ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֑ךָ לְמַ֙עַן֙ יַאֲרִכ֣וּן יָמֶ֔יךָ עַ֚ל הָאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, in order that your days may be long on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Deut 5:16. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Matt 15:4 879O ga_r qeo\j e0netei/lato, le/gwn, Ti/ma to\n pate/ra {RP P1904: - } [TR: sou] kai\ th\n mhte/ra: kai/, 879O kakologw~n pate/ra h2 mhte/ra qana&tw% teleuta&tw: For God gave commandment, saying, ‘Honour {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] father and your mother’, and, ‘He who speaks ill of his father or mother must certainly die.’ sou=, your (father): absent in RP P1904 F1853=14/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in TR F1853=6/20 F1859=2/6.

Ex 20:12, Ex 21:17, Deut 5:16.
Ex 20:12 ‫כַּבֵּ֥ד אֶת־אָבִ֖יךָ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֑ךָ לְמַ֙עַן֙ יַאֲרִכ֣וּן יָמֶ֔יךָ עַ֚ל הָאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, in order that your days may be long on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Deut 5:16. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Matt 19:19 ti/ma to\n pate/ra {RP P1904: - } [TR: sou] kai\ th\n mhte/ra: kai/, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto/n. Honour {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] father and your mother’, and, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ ” sou, your: absent in RP P1904 F1853=15/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=6/21 F1859=3/7. Compare Matt 15:4.

Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16, Lev 19:18.
Ex 20:12 ‫כַּבֵּ֥ד אֶת־אָבִ֖יךָ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֑ךָ לְמַ֙עַן֙ יַאֲרִכ֣וּן יָמֶ֔יךָ עַ֚ל הָאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, in order that your days may be long on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Deut 5:16. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Mark 7:10 {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] ga_r ei]pen, Ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou: kai/, 879O kakologw~n pate/ra h2 mhte/ra qana&tw% teleuta&tw: For Moses said, ‘Honour your father and your mother’, and, ‘He who speaks ill of his father or mother must certainly die.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=2/6 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's de) F1859=4/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=8.3 PV=0.4%.

Ex 20:12, Ex 21:17, Deut 5:16.
Ex 20:12 ‫כַּבֵּ֥ד אֶת־אָבִ֖יךָ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֑ךָ לְמַ֙עַן֙ יַאֲרִכ֣וּן יָמֶ֔יךָ עַ֚ל הָאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, in order that your days may be long on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Deut 5:16. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Ex 20:12 ‫כַּבֵּ֥ד אֶת־אָבִ֖יךָ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֑ךָ לְמַ֙עַן֙ יַאֲרִכ֣וּן יָמֶ֔יךָ עַ֚ל הָאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, in order that your days may be long on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Deut 5:16. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Ex 20:12 ‫כַּבֵּ֥ד אֶת־אָבִ֖יךָ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֑ךָ לְמַ֙עַן֙ יַאֲרִכ֣וּן יָמֶ֔יךָ עַ֚ל הָאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, in order that your days may be long on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Deut 5:16. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Eph 6:2 Ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra h3tij e0sti\n e0ntolh\ prw&th e0n e0paggeli/a%, Honour your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16.
Ex 20:12 ‫כַּבֵּ֥ד אֶת־אָבִ֖יךָ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֑ךָ לְמַ֙עַן֙ יַאֲרִכ֣וּן יָמֶ֔יךָ עַ֚ל הָאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, in order that your days may be long on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Deut 5:16. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Eph 6:3 i3na eu] soi ge/nhtai, kai\ e1sh| makroxro/nioj e0pi\ th=j gh=j. so that it may be well with you and so that you may live long on the earth. Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16.
Ex 20:13 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽ֖ח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:17. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Matt 5:21 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh toi=j a)rxai/oij, Ou0 foneu/seij: o4j d' a@n foneu/sh|, e1noxoj e1stai th|= kri/sei: You have heard that it was said by the ancients, ‘You shall not commit murder’, and whoever commits murder shall be liable to judgment, Ex 20:13, Deut 5:17.

by: or to (the dative, typically indirect object, can also be the agent of the passive, especially in past tenses).
Ex 20:13 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽ֖ח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:17. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Matt 19:18 Le/gei au0tw%~, Poi/aj; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, To\ Ou0 foneu/seij: ou0 moixeu/seij: ou0 kle/yeij: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij: He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “I quote, ‘You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Ex 20:13-16, Deut 5:17-20.

I quote: the article (to\) is used to introduce a quote.
Ex 20:13 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽ֖ח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:17. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Ex 20:13 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽ֖ח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:17. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Ex 20:13 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽ֖ח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:17. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Rom 13:9 To\ ga&r, Ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 foneu/seij, ou0 kle/yeij, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij,] ou0k e0piqumh/seij, kai\ ei1 tij e9te/ra e0ntolh/, e0n tou/tw% tw%~ lo/gw% a)nakefalaiou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP P1904: seauto/n} [TR: e9auto/n]. For the injunctions are, “You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: You shall not give false testimony.] You shall not covet.” And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this formula: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ou0 yeudomarturh/seij, you shall not give false witness: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgl) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's adfhkmno). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:10. AV differs textually.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdg*ho, though g* reads sauto/n) vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical third person pronoun for second), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's afg**klmn). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:8.

Ex 20:13-15, {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: Ex 20:16,] Ex 20:17, Lev 19:18, Deut 5:17-19 {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: , Deut 5:20].
Ex 20:13 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽ֖ח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:17. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
James 2:11 879O ga_r ei0pw&n, Mh\ {RP: moixeu/seij} [P1904 TR: moixeu/sh|j], ei]pen kai/, Mh\ {RP: foneu/seij} [P1904 TR: foneu/sh|j]: ei0 de\ ou0 moixeu/seij, foneu/seij de/, ge/gonaj paraba&thj no/mou. For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery, also said, “You shall not commit murder.” And if you do not commit adultery, but you do commit murder, you become culpable of breaking the law. moixeu/seij, (do not) commit adultery (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. moixeu/sh|j, (do not) commit adultery (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. other readings, F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's acf). A strong disparity (#1) with RP, R=1:10.

foneu/seij, (do not) commit murder (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. foneu/sh|j, (do not) commit murder (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=9/12 vs. other readings, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ac). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=1:11.

Ex 20:13-14, Deut 5:17-18.

become ← have become.
Ex 20:14 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:18. Commandment 7.
Matt 5:27 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh {RP: - } [P1904 TR: toi=j a)rxai/oij], Ou0 moixeu/seij: You have heard that it has been said {RP: - } [P1904 TR: by the ancients], ‘You shall not commit adultery’, toi=j a)rxai/oij, by the ancients: absent in RP F1853=15/18 F1859=3/6 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's bsx) F1859=3/6. AV differs textually.

Ex 20:14, Deut 5:18.

by: or to, as in Matt 5:21.
Ex 20:14 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:18. Commandment 7.
Matt 19:18 Le/gei au0tw%~, Poi/aj; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, To\ Ou0 foneu/seij: ou0 moixeu/seij: ou0 kle/yeij: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij: He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “I quote, ‘You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Ex 20:13-16, Deut 5:17-20.

I quote: the article (to\) is used to introduce a quote.
Ex 20:14 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:18. Commandment 7.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Ex 20:14 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:18. Commandment 7.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Ex 20:14 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:18. Commandment 7.
Rom 13:9 To\ ga&r, Ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 foneu/seij, ou0 kle/yeij, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij,] ou0k e0piqumh/seij, kai\ ei1 tij e9te/ra e0ntolh/, e0n tou/tw% tw%~ lo/gw% a)nakefalaiou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP P1904: seauto/n} [TR: e9auto/n]. For the injunctions are, “You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: You shall not give false testimony.] You shall not covet.” And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this formula: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ou0 yeudomarturh/seij, you shall not give false witness: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgl) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's adfhkmno). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:10. AV differs textually.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdg*ho, though g* reads sauto/n) vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical third person pronoun for second), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's afg**klmn). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:8.

Ex 20:13-15, {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: Ex 20:16,] Ex 20:17, Lev 19:18, Deut 5:17-19 {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: , Deut 5:20].
Ex 20:14 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Deut 5:18. Commandment 7.
James 2:11 879O ga_r ei0pw&n, Mh\ {RP: moixeu/seij} [P1904 TR: moixeu/sh|j], ei]pen kai/, Mh\ {RP: foneu/seij} [P1904 TR: foneu/sh|j]: ei0 de\ ou0 moixeu/seij, foneu/seij de/, ge/gonaj paraba&thj no/mou. For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery, also said, “You shall not commit murder.” And if you do not commit adultery, but you do commit murder, you become culpable of breaking the law. moixeu/seij, (do not) commit adultery (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. moixeu/sh|j, (do not) commit adultery (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. other readings, F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's acf). A strong disparity (#1) with RP, R=1:10.

foneu/seij, (do not) commit murder (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. foneu/sh|j, (do not) commit murder (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=9/12 vs. other readings, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ac). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=1:11.

Ex 20:13-14, Deut 5:17-18.

become ← have become.
Ex 20:15 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿגְנֹֽ֔ב׃ ס‬ You shall not steal. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9.

|| Deut 5:19. Commandment 8.
Matt 19:18 Le/gei au0tw%~, Poi/aj; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, To\ Ou0 foneu/seij: ou0 moixeu/seij: ou0 kle/yeij: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij: He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “I quote, ‘You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Ex 20:13-16, Deut 5:17-20.

I quote: the article (to\) is used to introduce a quote.
Ex 20:15 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿגְנֹֽ֔ב׃ ס‬ You shall not steal. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9.

|| Deut 5:19. Commandment 8.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Ex 20:15 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿגְנֹֽ֔ב׃ ס‬ You shall not steal. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9.

|| Deut 5:19. Commandment 8.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Ex 20:15 ‫לֹ֣֖א תִּֿגְנֹֽ֔ב׃ ס‬ You shall not steal. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9.

|| Deut 5:19. Commandment 8.
Rom 13:9 To\ ga&r, Ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 foneu/seij, ou0 kle/yeij, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij,] ou0k e0piqumh/seij, kai\ ei1 tij e9te/ra e0ntolh/, e0n tou/tw% tw%~ lo/gw% a)nakefalaiou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP P1904: seauto/n} [TR: e9auto/n]. For the injunctions are, “You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: You shall not give false testimony.] You shall not covet.” And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this formula: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ou0 yeudomarturh/seij, you shall not give false witness: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgl) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's adfhkmno). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:10. AV differs textually.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdg*ho, though g* reads sauto/n) vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical third person pronoun for second), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's afg**klmn). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:8.

Ex 20:13-15, {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: Ex 20:16,] Ex 20:17, Lev 19:18, Deut 5:17-19 {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: , Deut 5:20].
Ex 20:16 ‫לֹֽא־תַעֲנֶ֥ה בְרֵעֲךָ֖ עֵ֥ד שָֽׁקֶר׃ ס‬ You shall not give a false testimony against your neighbour. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9RP‑marg,TR.

|| Deut 5:20. Commandment 9.

give ← testify.
Matt 19:18 Le/gei au0tw%~, Poi/aj; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, To\ Ou0 foneu/seij: ou0 moixeu/seij: ou0 kle/yeij: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij: He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “I quote, ‘You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Ex 20:13-16, Deut 5:17-20.

I quote: the article (to\) is used to introduce a quote.
Ex 20:16 ‫לֹֽא־תַעֲנֶ֥ה בְרֵעֲךָ֖ עֵ֥ד שָֽׁקֶר׃ ס‬ You shall not give a false testimony against your neighbour. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9RP‑marg,TR.

|| Deut 5:20. Commandment 9.

give ← testify.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Ex 20:16 ‫לֹֽא־תַעֲנֶ֥ה בְרֵעֲךָ֖ עֵ֥ד שָֽׁקֶר׃ ס‬ You shall not give a false testimony against your neighbour. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9RP‑marg,TR.

|| Deut 5:20. Commandment 9.

give ← testify.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Ex 20:17 ‫לֹ֥א תַחְמֹ֖ד בֵּ֣ית רֵעֶ֑ךָ לֹֽא־תַחְמֹ֞ד אֵ֣שֶׁת רֵעֶ֗ךָ וְעַבְדּ֤וֹ וַאֲמָתוֹ֙ וְשׁוֹר֣וֹ וַחֲמֹר֔וֹ וְכֹ֖ל אֲשֶׁ֥ר לְרֵעֶֽךָ׃ פ‬ You shall not covet your neighbour's house; you shall not covet your neighbour's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything which is your neighbour's.” Rom 7:7, Rom 13:9.

|| Deut 5:21. Commandment 10.

anything ← everything.
Rom 7:7 Ti/ ou]n e0rou=men; 879O no/moj a(marti/a; Mh\ ge/noito: a)lla_ th\n a(marti/an ou0k e1gnwn, ei0 mh\ dia_ no/mou: th/n te ga_r e0piqumi/an ou0k h|1dein, ei0 mh\ o9 no/moj e1legen, Ou0k e0piqumh/seij: What, then, shall we say? Is the law sin? Far from it. But I would not have known sin, except through the law. For indeed I would not have known covetousness if the law had not said, “You shall not covet.” Ex 20:17, Deut 5:21.

far from it ← may it not become / be.

if: an unreal condition, without a!n.
Ex 20:17 ‫לֹ֥א תַחְמֹ֖ד בֵּ֣ית רֵעֶ֑ךָ לֹֽא־תַחְמֹ֞ד אֵ֣שֶׁת רֵעֶ֗ךָ וְעַבְדּ֤וֹ וַאֲמָתוֹ֙ וְשׁוֹר֣וֹ וַחֲמֹר֔וֹ וְכֹ֖ל אֲשֶׁ֥ר לְרֵעֶֽךָ׃ פ‬ You shall not covet your neighbour's house; you shall not covet your neighbour's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything which is your neighbour's.” Rom 7:7, Rom 13:9.

|| Deut 5:21. Commandment 10.

anything ← everything.
Rom 13:9 To\ ga&r, Ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 foneu/seij, ou0 kle/yeij, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij,] ou0k e0piqumh/seij, kai\ ei1 tij e9te/ra e0ntolh/, e0n tou/tw% tw%~ lo/gw% a)nakefalaiou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP P1904: seauto/n} [TR: e9auto/n]. For the injunctions are, “You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: You shall not give false testimony.] You shall not covet.” And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this formula: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ou0 yeudomarturh/seij, you shall not give false witness: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgl) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's adfhkmno). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:10. AV differs textually.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdg*ho, though g* reads sauto/n) vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical third person pronoun for second), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's afg**klmn). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:8.

Ex 20:13-15, {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: Ex 20:16,] Ex 20:17, Lev 19:18, Deut 5:17-19 {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: , Deut 5:20].
Ex 21:17 ‫וּמְקַלֵּ֥ל אָבִ֛יו וְאִמּ֖וֹ מ֥וֹת יוּמָֽת׃ ס‬ And he who curses his father or his mother will certainly be put to death. Matt 15:4, Mark 7:10.

will certainly be put to death: infinitive absolute.
Matt 15:4 879O ga_r qeo\j e0netei/lato, le/gwn, Ti/ma to\n pate/ra {RP P1904: - } [TR: sou] kai\ th\n mhte/ra: kai/, 879O kakologw~n pate/ra h2 mhte/ra qana&tw% teleuta&tw: For God gave commandment, saying, ‘Honour {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] father and your mother’, and, ‘He who speaks ill of his father or mother must certainly die.’ sou=, your (father): absent in RP P1904 F1853=14/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in TR F1853=6/20 F1859=2/6.

Ex 20:12, Ex 21:17, Deut 5:16.
Ex 21:17 ‫וּמְקַלֵּ֥ל אָבִ֛יו וְאִמּ֖וֹ מ֥וֹת יוּמָֽת׃ ס‬ And he who curses his father or his mother will certainly be put to death. Matt 15:4, Mark 7:10.

will certainly be put to death: infinitive absolute.
Mark 7:10 {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] ga_r ei]pen, Ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou: kai/, 879O kakologw~n pate/ra h2 mhte/ra qana&tw% teleuta&tw: For Moses said, ‘Honour your father and your mother’, and, ‘He who speaks ill of his father or mother must certainly die.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=2/6 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's de) F1859=4/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=8.3 PV=0.4%.

Ex 20:12, Ex 21:17, Deut 5:16.
Ex 21:24 ‫עַ֚יִן תַּ֣חַת עַ֔יִן שֵׁ֖ן תַּ֣חַת שֵׁ֑ן יָ֚ד תַּ֣חַת יָ֔ד רֶ֖גֶל תַּ֥חַת רָֽגֶל׃‬ an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, Matt 5:38. Matt 5:38 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh, 870Ofqalmo\n a)nti\ o0fqalmou=, kai/, 870Odo/nta a)nti\ o0do/ntoj: You have heard that it has been said, ‘An eye for an eye’ and, ‘A tooth for a tooth’, Ex 21:24.
Ex 22:27
Ex 22:28AV
‫אֱלֹהִ֖ים לֹ֣א תְקַלֵּ֑ל וְנָשִׂ֥יא בְעַמְּךָ֖ לֹ֥א תָאֹֽר׃‬ You shall not despise the representatives of God, nor curse a leader among your people. Acts 23:5.

the representatives of God: or God. Compare Ex 21:6, and Ex 22:8 (Ex 22:9AV) where the verb is plural.
Acts 23:5 871Efh te o9 Pau=loj, Ou0k h|1dein, a)delfoi/, o3ti e0sti\n a)rxiereu/j: ge/graptai ga&r, 871Arxonta tou= laou= sou ou0k e0rei=j kakw~j. Then Paul said, “I did not know, brothers, that it was the high priest. For it stands written: ‘You shall not speak ill of the ruler of your people.’ ” Ex 22:27MT (Ex 22:28AV).

The reason Paul did not know that it was the high priest is probably because he had very poor eyesight. See 2 Cor 12:7, Gal 4:15, Gal 6:11.
Ex 24:8 ‫וַיִּקַּ֤ח מֹשֶׁה֙ אֶת־הַדָּ֔ם וַיִּזְרֹ֖ק עַל־הָעָ֑ם וַיֹּ֗אמֶר הִנֵּ֤ה דַֽם־הַבְּרִית֙ אֲשֶׁ֨ר כָּרַ֤ת יְהוָה֙ עִמָּכֶ֔ם עַ֥ל כָּל־הַדְּבָרִ֖ים הָאֵֽלֶּה׃‬ Then Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people and said, “Behold the blood of the covenant which the Lord has made with you concerning all these things.” Heb 9:20. Heb 9:20 le/gwn, Tou=to to\ ai[ma th=j diaqh/khj h[j e0netei/lato pro\j u9ma~j o9 qeo/j. saying, “This is the blood of the covenant which God commanded you.” Ex 24:8.
Ex 25:9 ‫כְּכֹ֗ל אֲשֶׁ֤ר אֲנִי֙ מַרְאֶ֣ה אוֹתְךָ֔ אֵ֚ת תַּבְנִ֣ית הַמִּשְׁכָּ֔ן וְאֵ֖ת תַּבְנִ֣ית כָּל־כֵּלָ֑יו וְכֵ֖ן תַּעֲשֽׂוּ׃ ס‬ according to everything that I am about to show you – the model of the tabernacle and the model of all its equipment – and that is how you shall make it. Acts 7:44, Heb 8:5.

equipment: or accessories; articles.

that is howthus.
Acts 7:44 879H skhnh\ tou= marturi/ou h]n {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: e0n] toi=j patra&sin h9mw~n e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, kaqw_j dieta&cato o9 lalw~n tw%~ {RP TR: Mwsh|=} [P1904: Mwu+sh|=], poih=sai au0th\n kata_ to\n tu/pon o4n e9wra&kei. {RP P1904 S1894: Our fathers had the tent of the testimony} [S1550 E1624: The tent of the testimony was among our fathers] in the desert, as he who spoke to Moses commanded, to make it according to the model which he had seen. e0n, in, among: absent in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. present in S1550 E1624 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k**).

Mwsh|=, Moses, RP TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. Mwu+sh|=, Moüses, P1904 F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's acefghklop) vs. other spellings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*b**). A strong disparity with RP, R=2:11.

Ex 25:9, Ex 25:40, Ex 26:30.
Ex 25:9 ‫כְּכֹ֗ל אֲשֶׁ֤ר אֲנִי֙ מַרְאֶ֣ה אוֹתְךָ֔ אֵ֚ת תַּבְנִ֣ית הַמִּשְׁכָּ֔ן וְאֵ֖ת תַּבְנִ֣ית כָּל־כֵּלָ֑יו וְכֵ֖ן תַּעֲשֽׂוּ׃ ס‬ according to everything that I am about to show you – the model of the tabernacle and the model of all its equipment – and that is how you shall make it. Acts 7:44, Heb 8:5.

equipment: or accessories; articles.

that is howthus.
Heb 8:5 oi3tinej u9podei/gmati kai\ skia%~ latreu/ousin tw~n e0pourani/wn, kaqw_j kexrhma&tistai {RP P1904: Mwu+sh=j} [TR: Mwsh=j] me/llwn e0pitelei=n th\n skhnh/n, 873Ora, ga&r fhsin, {RP P1904: poih/seij} [TR: poih/sh|j] pa&nta kata_ to\n tu/pon to\n deixqe/nta soi e0n tw%~ o1rei. who minister by example and foreshadowing of upper-heavenly things, as Moses was oracularly instructed when he was about to take the tabernacle through to completion. For he said, {RP P1904: Look, you shall make} [TR: See that you make] everything according to the model shown to you on the mountain.” Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=10/11 vs. Mwsh=j, Moses, TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's m).

poih/seij, you will make, RP P1904 F1859=11/11 vs. poih/sh|j, that you make (subjunctive), TR F1859=0/11.

Ex 25:9, Ex 25:40, Ex 26:30.

on ← in, but also upon.
Ex 25:40 ‫וּרְאֵ֖ה וַעֲשֵׂ֑ה בְּתַ֨בְנִיתָ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּ֥ה מָרְאֶ֖ה בָּהָֽר׃ ס‬ And see that you make them according to the model of them which you were shown on the mountain. Acts 7:44, Heb 8:5. Acts 7:44 879H skhnh\ tou= marturi/ou h]n {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: e0n] toi=j patra&sin h9mw~n e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, kaqw_j dieta&cato o9 lalw~n tw%~ {RP TR: Mwsh|=} [P1904: Mwu+sh|=], poih=sai au0th\n kata_ to\n tu/pon o4n e9wra&kei. {RP P1904 S1894: Our fathers had the tent of the testimony} [S1550 E1624: The tent of the testimony was among our fathers] in the desert, as he who spoke to Moses commanded, to make it according to the model which he had seen. e0n, in, among: absent in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. present in S1550 E1624 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k**).

Mwsh|=, Moses, RP TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. Mwu+sh|=, Moüses, P1904 F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's acefghklop) vs. other spellings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*b**). A strong disparity with RP, R=2:11.

Ex 25:9, Ex 25:40, Ex 26:30.
Ex 25:40 ‫וּרְאֵ֖ה וַעֲשֵׂ֑ה בְּתַ֨בְנִיתָ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּ֥ה מָרְאֶ֖ה בָּהָֽר׃ ס‬ And see that you make them according to the model of them which you were shown on the mountain. Acts 7:44, Heb 8:5. Heb 8:5 oi3tinej u9podei/gmati kai\ skia%~ latreu/ousin tw~n e0pourani/wn, kaqw_j kexrhma&tistai {RP P1904: Mwu+sh=j} [TR: Mwsh=j] me/llwn e0pitelei=n th\n skhnh/n, 873Ora, ga&r fhsin, {RP P1904: poih/seij} [TR: poih/sh|j] pa&nta kata_ to\n tu/pon to\n deixqe/nta soi e0n tw%~ o1rei. who minister by example and foreshadowing of upper-heavenly things, as Moses was oracularly instructed when he was about to take the tabernacle through to completion. For he said, {RP P1904: Look, you shall make} [TR: See that you make] everything according to the model shown to you on the mountain.” Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=10/11 vs. Mwsh=j, Moses, TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's m).

poih/seij, you will make, RP P1904 F1859=11/11 vs. poih/sh|j, that you make (subjunctive), TR F1859=0/11.

Ex 25:9, Ex 25:40, Ex 26:30.

on ← in, but also upon.
Ex 26:30 ‫וַהֲקֵמֹתָ֖ אֶת־הַמִּשְׁכָּ֑ן כְּמִ֨שְׁפָּט֔וֹ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הָרְאֵ֖יתָ בָּהָֽר׃ ס‬ So you will set up the tabernacle according to its blueprint which you were shown on the mountain. Acts 7:44, Heb 8:5.

blueprint ← judgment, custom.
Acts 7:44 879H skhnh\ tou= marturi/ou h]n {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: e0n] toi=j patra&sin h9mw~n e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, kaqw_j dieta&cato o9 lalw~n tw%~ {RP TR: Mwsh|=} [P1904: Mwu+sh|=], poih=sai au0th\n kata_ to\n tu/pon o4n e9wra&kei. {RP P1904 S1894: Our fathers had the tent of the testimony} [S1550 E1624: The tent of the testimony was among our fathers] in the desert, as he who spoke to Moses commanded, to make it according to the model which he had seen. e0n, in, among: absent in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. present in S1550 E1624 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k**).

Mwsh|=, Moses, RP TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. Mwu+sh|=, Moüses, P1904 F1859=10/13 (Scrivener's acefghklop) vs. other spellings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*b**). A strong disparity with RP, R=2:11.

Ex 25:9, Ex 25:40, Ex 26:30.
Ex 26:30 ‫וַהֲקֵמֹתָ֖ אֶת־הַמִּשְׁכָּ֑ן כְּמִ֨שְׁפָּט֔וֹ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הָרְאֵ֖יתָ בָּהָֽר׃ ס‬ So you will set up the tabernacle according to its blueprint which you were shown on the mountain. Acts 7:44, Heb 8:5.

blueprint ← judgment, custom.
Heb 8:5 oi3tinej u9podei/gmati kai\ skia%~ latreu/ousin tw~n e0pourani/wn, kaqw_j kexrhma&tistai {RP P1904: Mwu+sh=j} [TR: Mwsh=j] me/llwn e0pitelei=n th\n skhnh/n, 873Ora, ga&r fhsin, {RP P1904: poih/seij} [TR: poih/sh|j] pa&nta kata_ to\n tu/pon to\n deixqe/nta soi e0n tw%~ o1rei. who minister by example and foreshadowing of upper-heavenly things, as Moses was oracularly instructed when he was about to take the tabernacle through to completion. For he said, {RP P1904: Look, you shall make} [TR: See that you make] everything according to the model shown to you on the mountain.” Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=10/11 vs. Mwsh=j, Moses, TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's m).

poih/seij, you will make, RP P1904 F1859=11/11 vs. poih/sh|j, that you make (subjunctive), TR F1859=0/11.

Ex 25:9, Ex 25:40, Ex 26:30.

on ← in, but also upon.
Ex 29:45 ‫וְשָׁ֣כַנְתִּ֔י בְּת֖וֹךְ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וְהָיִ֥יתִי לָהֶ֖ם לֵאלֹהִֽים׃‬ And I will dwell among the sons of Israel, and I will be their God. 2 Cor 6:16. 2 Cor 6:16 Ti/j de\ sugkata&qesij naw%~ qeou= meta_ ei0dw&lwn; 879Umei=j ga_r nao\j qeou= e0ste zw~ntoj, kaqw_j ei]pen o9 qeo\j o3ti 870Enoikh/sw e0n au0toi=j, kai\ e0mperipath/sw: kai\ e1somai au0tw~n qeo/j, kai\ au0toi\ e1sontai/ moi lao/j. And what compatibility is there between the sanctuary of God and idols? For you are the sanctuary of the living God, as God has said,

“I will dwell among them

And walk among them,

And I will be their God,

And they will be my people.”

Ex 29:45, Lev 26:12, Jer 30:22, Jer 31:1, Jer 32:38, Ezek 37:27, Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV), Zech 8:8.
Ex 32:1 ‫וַיַּ֣רְא הָעָ֔ם כִּֽי־בֹשֵׁ֥שׁ מֹשֶׁ֖ה לָרֶ֣דֶת מִן־הָהָ֑ר וַיִּקָּהֵ֨ל הָעָ֜ם עַֽל־אַהֲרֹ֗ן וַיֹּאמְר֤וּ אֵלָיו֙ ק֣וּם ׀ עֲשֵׂה־לָ֣נוּ אֱלֹהִ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֤ר יֵֽלְכוּ֙ לְפָנֵ֔ינוּ כִּי־זֶ֣ה ׀ מֹשֶׁ֣ה הָאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֤ר הֶֽעֱלָ֙נוּ֙ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַ֔יִם לֹ֥א יָדַ֖עְנוּ מֶה־הָ֥יָה לֽוֹ׃‬ But when people saw that Moses had delayed in coming down from the mountain, the people assembled to Aaron and said to him, “Get up and make us gods which will go before us. For as for this man Moses – who brought us up out of the land of Egypt – we do not know what has become of him.” Acts 7:40.

in coming down: gerundial use of the infinitive.
Acts 7:40 ei0po/ntej tw%~ 870Aarw&n, Poi/hson h9mi=n qeou\j oi4 proporeu/sontai h9mw~n: o9 ga_r {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] ou[toj, o4j e0ch/gagen h9ma~j e0k gh=j Ai0gu/ptou, ou0k oi1damen ti/ ge/gonen au0tw%~. as they said to Aaron, ‘Make us gods which will go before us. For as for this Moses – who led us out of Egypt – we do not know what has become of him.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*m) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=11/13 (Scrivener's ab**cefghklop). A strong disparity with RP, R=3:12.

Ex 32:1.
Ex 32:6 ‫וַיַּשְׁכִּ֙ימוּ֙ מִֽמָּחֳרָ֔ת וַיַּעֲל֣וּ עֹלֹ֔ת וַיַּגִּ֖שׁוּ שְׁלָמִ֑ים וַיֵּ֤שֶׁב הָעָם֙ לֶֽאֱכֹ֣ל וְשָׁת֔וֹ וַיָּקֻ֖מוּ לְצַחֵֽק׃ פ‬ Then they got up early on the next day and made burnt offerings and presented peace-offerings, and the people sat to eat and to drink, and they arose to make sport. 1 Cor 10:7.

to drink: infinitive absolute in the role of an infinitive construct.
1 Cor 10:7 Mhde\ ei0dwlola&trai gi/nesqe, kaqw&j tinej au0tw~n: {RP: w#sper} [P1904 TR: w(j] ge/graptai, 870Eka&qisen o9 lao\j fagei=n kai\ piei=n, kai\ a)ne/sthsan pai/zein. And do not become idolaters, as some of them did, {RP: as indeed} [P1904 TR: as] it stands written: “The people sat down to eat and drink, and they stood up to make sport.” w#sper, as (strengthened form), RP F1859=10/12 vs. w(j, as, P1904 TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's dk).

Ex 32:6.
Ex 32:13 ‫זְכֹ֡ר לְאַבְרָהָם֩ לְיִצְחָ֨ק וּלְיִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל עֲבָדֶ֗יךָ אֲשֶׁ֨ר נִשְׁבַּ֣עְתָּ לָהֶם֮ בָּךְ֒ וַתְּדַבֵּ֣ר אֲלֵהֶ֔ם אַרְבֶּה֙ אֶֽת־זַרְעֲכֶ֔ם כְּכוֹכְבֵ֖י הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם וְכָל־הָאָ֨רֶץ הַזֹּ֜את אֲשֶׁ֣ר אָמַ֗רְתִּי אֶתֵּן֙ לְזַרְעֲכֶ֔ם וְנָחֲל֖וּ לְעֹלָֽם׃‬ Remember Abraham, Isaac and Israel your servants to whom you swore by yourself and said to them, ‘I will increase your seed like the stars of the sky, and I will give to your seed all this land of which I have spoken, and they will inherit it age-abidingly.’ ” Heb 11:12. Heb 11:12 Dio\ kai\ a)f' e9no\j e0gennh/qhsan, kai\ tau=ta nenekrwme/nou, kaqw_j ta_ a!stra tou= ou0ranou= tw%~ plh/qei, kai\ {RP P1904: w(j} [TR: w(sei\] {RP P1904: h9} [TR: - ] a!mmoj h9 para_ to\ xei=loj th=j qala&sshj h9 a)nari/qmhtoj. which is also why there were begotten from one – who was in these respects considered dead – as many as the stars of the sky in abundance and as {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] sand of the sea-shore which is uncountable. w(j, as (1), RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. w(sei\, as (2), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

h9, the (sand): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

Gen 15:5, Gen 22:17, Gen 26:4, Ex 32:13.

which is also why ← on account of which also.
Ex 32:32 ‫וְעַתָּ֖ה אִם־תִּשָּׂ֣א חַטָּאתָ֑ם וְאִם־אַ֕יִן מְחֵ֣נִי נָ֔א מִֽסִּפְרְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁ֥ר כָּתָֽבְתָּ׃‬ And now, if you will forgive their sin ... ; but if not, please blot me out of your book which you have written.” book which you have written: if we take this as the book of life, compare Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27. Some other references: Deut 9:14, Deut 25:19, Deut 29:20 (Deut 29:21AV), Ps 56:9 (Ps 56:8AV), Ps 69:29 (Ps 69:28AV), Ps 139:16, Ezek 13:9.

The conditional construction ↴
Phil 4:3 {RP P1904: Nai/,} [TR: Kai\] e0rwtw~ kai/ se, su/zuge gnh/sie, sullamba&nou au0tai=j, ai3tinej e0n tw%~ eu0aggeli/w% sunh/qlhsa&n moi, meta_ kai\ Klh/mentoj, kai\ tw~n loipw~n sunergw~n mou, w{n ta_ o0no/mata e0n bi/blw% zwh=j. {RP P1904: Yes,} [TR: And] I ask you too, my genuine yokefellow, help these women who strove with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and my other co-workers, whose names are in the book of life. nai\, yes, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. kai\, and, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

these womenthem.

other ← remaining.
Ex 32:32 ‫וְעַתָּ֖ה אִם־תִּשָּׂ֣א חַטָּאתָ֑ם וְאִם־אַ֕יִן מְחֵ֣נִי נָ֔א מִֽסִּפְרְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁ֥ר כָּתָֽבְתָּ׃‬ And now, if you will forgive their sin ... ; but if not, please blot me out of your book which you have written.” book which you have written: if we take this as the book of life, compare Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27. Some other references: Deut 9:14, Deut 25:19, Deut 29:20 (Deut 29:21AV), Ps 56:9 (Ps 56:8AV), Ps 69:29 (Ps 69:28AV), Ps 139:16, Ezek 13:9.

The conditional construction ↴
Rev 3:5 879O nikw~n, {RP TR: ou[toj} [P1904: ou3twj] peribalei=tai e0n i9mati/oij leukoi=j: kai\ ou0 mh\ e0calei/yw to\ o1noma au0tou= e0k th=j bi/blou th=j zwh=j, kai\ {RP P1904: o9mologh/sw} [TR: e0comologh/somai] to\ o1noma au0tou= e0nw&pion tou= patro/j mou, kai\ e0nw&pion tw~n a)gge/lwn au0tou=. {RP TR: It is he who overcomes who} [P1904: As for him who overcomes, thus he] will be clothed in white garments, and I will certainly not expunge his name from the book of life, and I will vouch for his name before my father and before his angels.’ ou[toj, this, RP TR F1859=11/13 vs. ou3twj, thus, P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ah).

o9mologh/sw, I will confess (future active), RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. e0comologh/somai, I will confess (with strengthened prefix; deponent future), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

{RP TR: who ← this (one).}
Ex 32:32 ‫וְעַתָּ֖ה אִם־תִּשָּׂ֣א חַטָּאתָ֑ם וְאִם־אַ֕יִן מְחֵ֣נִי נָ֔א מִֽסִּפְרְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁ֥ר כָּתָֽבְתָּ׃‬ And now, if you will forgive their sin ... ; but if not, please blot me out of your book which you have written.” book which you have written: if we take this as the book of life, compare Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27. Some other references: Deut 9:14, Deut 25:19, Deut 29:20 (Deut 29:21AV), Ps 56:9 (Ps 56:8AV), Ps 69:29 (Ps 69:28AV), Ps 139:16, Ezek 13:9.

The conditional construction ↴
Rev 13:8 Kai\ proskunh/sousin {RP-text TR: au0tw%~} [RP-marg P1904: au0to\n] pa&ntej oi9 katoikou=ntej e0pi\ th=j gh=j, w{n ou0 ge/graptai {RP P1904: to\ o1noma} [TR: ta_ o0no/mata] e0n {RP P1904: tw%~ bibli/w%} [TR: th|= bi/blw%] th=j zwh=j tou= a)rni/ou {RP P1904: tou=} [TR: - ] e0sfagme/nou a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou. And all those who dwell on the earth will worship him, those whose {RP P1904: name is} [TR: names are] not written in the book of life of the lamb slain since the overthrow of the world. au0tw%~, him (dative), RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's eghlm) vs. au0to\n, him (accusative), RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

to\ o1noma, the name, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. ta_ o0no/mata, the names, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

tw%~ bibli/w%, the book (diminutive form but not emphatic), RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. th|= bi/blw%, the book, TR F1859=0/13.

tou=, the (one slaughtered): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Ex 32:32 ‫וְעַתָּ֖ה אִם־תִּשָּׂ֣א חַטָּאתָ֑ם וְאִם־אַ֕יִן מְחֵ֣נִי נָ֔א מִֽסִּפְרְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁ֥ר כָּתָֽבְתָּ׃‬ And now, if you will forgive their sin ... ; but if not, please blot me out of your book which you have written.” book which you have written: if we take this as the book of life, compare Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27. Some other references: Deut 9:14, Deut 25:19, Deut 29:20 (Deut 29:21AV), Ps 56:9 (Ps 56:8AV), Ps 69:29 (Ps 69:28AV), Ps 139:16, Ezek 13:9.

The conditional construction ↴
Rev 17:8 {RP P1904 S1894: To\ qhri/on} [S1550 E1624: Qhri/on], o4 ei]dej, h]n, kai\ ou0k e1stin, kai\ me/llei a)nabai/nein e0k th=j a)bu/ssou, kai\ ei0j a)pw&leian u9pa&gein. Kai\ qauma&sontai oi9 katoikou=ntej {RP-text P1904 TR: e0pi\ th=j gh=j} [RP-marg: th\n gh=n], w{n ou0 ge/graptai {RP-text TR: ta_ o0no/mata} [RP-marg P1904c: to\ o1noma] [P1904u: ta_ o1noma] e0pi\ {RP-text P1904 TR: to\ bibli/on} [RP-marg: tou= bibli/ou] th=j zwh=j a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou, {RP P1904: blepo/ntwn} [TR: ble/pontej] {RP-text: o3ti h]n to\ qhri/on} [RP-marg P1904: to\ qhri/on o3ti h]n] [TR: to\ qhri/on o3, ti h]n], kai\ ou0k e1stin, {RP P1904: kai\ pare/stai} [TR: kai/per e1stin]. {RP P1904 S1894: The} [S1550 E1624: The] beast whom you saw was, but is not, but is about to ascend out of the abyss and go away to destruction. And those {RP-text P1904 TR: dwelling on} [RP-marg: who inhabit] the earth will marvel, those whose {RP-text TR: names have not been} [RP-marg P1904: name has not been] written in the book of life since the overthrow of the world, {RP P1904: when they see} [TR: who see] that the beast was, and is not, {RP P1904: but will be present} [TR: although he is]. to\, the (beast): present in RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in S1894 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k).

e0pi\ th=j gh=j, (dwelling) on the earth, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cdghl) vs. th\n gh=n, (inhabiting) the earth, RP-marg F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abefjkm). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:7.

ta_ o0no/mata, the names, RP-text TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. to\ o1noma, the name, RP-marg P1904 F1859=9/12. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:10.

to\ bibli/on, (into) the book, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ch) vs. tou= bibli/ou, (in) the book, RP-marg F1859=9/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). A disparity (#3) with RP-text, R=4:9.

blepo/ntwn, seeing (agreeing with w{n), RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. ble/pontej, seeing (agreeing with katoikou=ntej), TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n).

o3ti h]n to\ qhri/on, because + was + the beast, RP-text F1859=10/12 vs. to\ qhri/on, o3ti h]n, the beast + that / because it was, RP-marg P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. to\ qhri/on o3, ti h]n, the beast + which was, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gh). A disparity (#4) with RP-marg (zero count).

kai\ pare/stai, and will be present, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. kai/per e1stin, although it is, TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV); Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Ex 32:32 ‫וְעַתָּ֖ה אִם־תִּשָּׂ֣א חַטָּאתָ֑ם וְאִם־אַ֕יִן מְחֵ֣נִי נָ֔א מִֽסִּפְרְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁ֥ר כָּתָֽבְתָּ׃‬ And now, if you will forgive their sin ... ; but if not, please blot me out of your book which you have written.” book which you have written: if we take this as the book of life, compare Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27. Some other references: Deut 9:14, Deut 25:19, Deut 29:20 (Deut 29:21AV), Ps 56:9 (Ps 56:8AV), Ps 69:29 (Ps 69:28AV), Ps 139:16, Ezek 13:9.

The conditional construction ↴
Rev 20:12 Kai\ ei]don tou\j nekrou/j, {RP P1904: tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j} [TR: mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj], e9stw~taj e0nw&pion tou= {RP P1904: qro/nou} [TR: qeou=], kai\ bibli/a {RP-text TR: h0new%&xqhsan} [RP-marg: h1noican] [P1904: h0noi/xqhsan]: kai\ {RP P1904: a!llo bibli/on} [TR: bibli/on a!llo] {RP TR: h0new%&xqh} [P1904: h0noi/xqh], o3 e0stin th=j zwh=j: kai\ e0kri/qhsan oi9 nekroi\ e0k tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n toi=j bibli/oij, kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And I saw the dead, {RP P1904: the great and the small} [TR: small and great], standing before {RP P1904: the throne} [TR: God], and {RP-text P1904 TR: the books were opened} [RP-marg: they opened the books]. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by the things written in the books according to their works. tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j, the great + and the small, RP P1904 F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]hlm) vs. mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj, small + and great, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's c, with phrase moved) vs. words absent (but tou\j, the (ones standing) retained), F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:5.

qro/nou, throne, RP P1904 F1859=9/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. qeou=, God, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's k). AV differs textually.

h0new%&xqhsan, they were opened (triple augment), RP-text TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl) vs. h1noican, they opened, RP-marg F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. h0noi/xqhsan, they were opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]m). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:5.

a!llo bibli/on, another + book, RP P1904 F1859=7/10 (Scrivener's bdef[MJW]jkm) vs. bibli/on a!llo, book + another, TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl).

h0new%&xqh, was opened (triple augment), RP TR F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkl) vs. h0noi/xqh, was opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's em) vs. a)new%&xqh, was opened (double augment), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Ex 32:32 ‫וְעַתָּ֖ה אִם־תִּשָּׂ֣א חַטָּאתָ֑ם וְאִם־אַ֕יִן מְחֵ֣נִי נָ֔א מִֽסִּפְרְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁ֥ר כָּתָֽבְתָּ׃‬ And now, if you will forgive their sin ... ; but if not, please blot me out of your book which you have written.” book which you have written: if we take this as the book of life, compare Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27. Some other references: Deut 9:14, Deut 25:19, Deut 29:20 (Deut 29:21AV), Ps 56:9 (Ps 56:8AV), Ps 69:29 (Ps 69:28AV), Ps 139:16, Ezek 13:9.

The conditional construction ↴
Rev 20:15 Kai\ ei1 tij ou0x eu9re/qh e0n {RP-text: tw%~ bibli/w%} [RP-marg P1904 TR: th|= bi/blw%] th=j zwh=j gegramme/noj, e0blh/qh ei0j th\n li/mnhn tou= puro/j. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire. tw%~ bibli/w%, the book (diminutive form, but not emphatic), RP-text F1859=8/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. th|= bi/blw%, the book, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's hl).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Dan 7:11 (allusions).
Ex 32:32 ‫וְעַתָּ֖ה אִם־תִּשָּׂ֣א חַטָּאתָ֑ם וְאִם־אַ֕יִן מְחֵ֣נִי נָ֔א מִֽסִּפְרְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁ֥ר כָּתָֽבְתָּ׃‬ And now, if you will forgive their sin ... ; but if not, please blot me out of your book which you have written.” book which you have written: if we take this as the book of life, compare Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27. Some other references: Deut 9:14, Deut 25:19, Deut 29:20 (Deut 29:21AV), Ps 56:9 (Ps 56:8AV), Ps 69:29 (Ps 69:28AV), Ps 139:16, Ezek 13:9.

The conditional construction ↴
Rev 21:27 kai\ ou0 mh\ ei0se/lqh| ei0j au0th\n pa~n {RP P1904: koino/n} [TR: koinou=n], kai\ {RP-text TR: poiou=n} [RP-marg P1904: o9 poiw~n] bde/lugma kai\ yeu=doj: ei0 mh\ oi9 gegramme/noi e0n tw%~ bibli/w% th=j zwh=j tou= a)rni/ou. And nothing {RP P1904: profane} [TR: that profanes] or anyone committing an abomination or lie will enter into it at all, but rather those written in the book of life of the lamb. koino/n, profane, RP P1904 F1859=8/8 vs. koinou=n, profaning, TR F1859=0/8.

poiou=n, committing, RP-text TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's ch) vs. o9 poiw~n, he who commits, RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:7.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.
Ex 33:19 ‫וַיֹּ֗אמֶר אֲנִ֨י אַעֲבִ֤יר כָּל־טוּבִי֙ עַל־פָּנֶ֔יךָ וְקָרָ֧אתִֽי בְשֵׁ֛ם יְהוָ֖ה לְפָנֶ֑יךָ וְחַנֹּתִי֙ אֶת־אֲשֶׁ֣ר אָחֹ֔ן וְרִחַמְתִּ֖י אֶת־אֲשֶׁ֥ר אֲרַחֵֽם׃‬ And he said, “I will bring all my goodness upon you, and I will make proclamation in the name of the Lord before you, and I will show grace to whom I will show grace, and I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.” Rom 9:15.

upon you ← upon your face.
Rom 9:15 Tw%~ ga_r {RP-text P1904: Mwu+sh|=} [RP-marg TR: Mwsh|=] le/gei, 870Eleh/sw o4n a@n e0lew~, kai\ oi0kteirh/sw o4n a@n oi0ktei/rw. For he says to Moses, “I will show mercy to whomever I will show mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” Mwu+sh|=, Moüses, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. Mwsh|=, Moses, RP-marg TR F1859=0/12 vs. Mwu+sei=, Moüses, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's cd) vs. Mwsei=, Moses, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). A disparity with RP-marg (low count) for the reading chosen.

Ex 33:19.
Ex 40:34 ‫וַיְכַ֥ס הֶעָנָ֖ן אֶת־אֹ֣הֶל מוֹעֵ֑ד וּכְב֣וֹד יְהוָ֔ה מָלֵ֖א אֶת־הַמִּשְׁכָּֽן׃‬ Then a cloud covered the tent of contact, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Rev 15:8.

a cloud ← the cloud.
Rev 15:8 Kai\ e0gemi/sqh o9 nao\j {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0k tou=] kapnou= e0k th=j do/chj tou= qeou=, kai\ e0k th=j duna&mewj au0tou=: kai\ ou0dei\j {RP-text P1904: e0du/nato} [RP-marg TR: h0du/nato] ei0selqei=n ei0j to\n nao/n, a!xri telesqw~sin ai9 e9pta_ plhgai\ tw~n e9pta_ a)gge/lwn. and the sanctuary was filled {RP-text TR: with smoke from} [RP-marg P1904: by the smoke of] the glory of God and from his power, and no-one could enter into the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed. e0k tou=, out of → with (smoke): absent in RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bghln) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

e0du/nato, could (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. h0du/nato, could (2), RP-marg TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's fghmn).

Ex 40:34, 1 Ki 8:10, Isa 6:4, 2 Chr 5:13.
Lev 11:44 ‫כִּ֣י אֲנִ֣י יְהוָה֮ אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶם֒ וְהִתְקַדִּשְׁתֶּם֙ וִהְיִיתֶ֣ם קְדֹשִׁ֔ים כִּ֥י קָד֖וֹשׁ אָ֑נִי וְלֹ֤א תְטַמְּאוּ֙ אֶת־נַפְשֹׁ֣תֵיכֶ֔ם בְּכָל־הַשֶּׁ֖רֶץ הָרֹמֵ֥שׂ עַל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃‬ For I am the Lord your God, and you will sanctify yourselves, and you shall be holy, for I am holy, and you will not make yourselves unclean with any creeping thing that crawls on the earth. 1 Pet 1:16.

make yourselves unclean ← pollute your souls.

any ← every.
1 Pet 1:16 dio/ti ge/graptai, 873Agioi {RP P1904: gi/nesqe} [TR: ge/nesqe], o3ti e0gw_ a#gio/j ei0mi. For it stands written: Be holy, for I am holy.” gi/nesqe, become (present, so imperfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's b**hjkm) vs. ge/nesqe, become (aorist, so perfective aspect), TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b*cfglo) vs. another reading, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ad). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:7.

Lev 11:44, Lev 11:45, Lev 19:2.
Lev 11:45 ‫כִּ֣י ׀ אֲנִ֣י יְהוָ֗ה הַֽמַּעֲלֶ֤ה אֶתְכֶם֙ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַ֔יִם לִהְיֹ֥ת לָכֶ֖ם לֵאלֹהִ֑ים וִהְיִיתֶ֣ם קְדֹשִׁ֔ים כִּ֥י קָד֖וֹשׁ אָֽנִי׃‬ For I am the Lord who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be God to you, and you shall be holy, for I am holy. 1 Pet 1:16.

brought ← brings.
1 Pet 1:16 dio/ti ge/graptai, 873Agioi {RP P1904: gi/nesqe} [TR: ge/nesqe], o3ti e0gw_ a#gio/j ei0mi. For it stands written: Be holy, for I am holy.” gi/nesqe, become (present, so imperfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's b**hjkm) vs. ge/nesqe, become (aorist, so perfective aspect), TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b*cfglo) vs. another reading, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ad). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:7.

Lev 11:44, Lev 11:45, Lev 19:2.
Lev 12:6 ‫וּבִמְלֹ֣את ׀ יְמֵ֣י טָהֳרָ֗הּ לְבֵן֮ א֣וֹ לְבַת֒ תָּבִ֞יא כֶּ֤בֶשׂ בֶּן־שְׁנָתוֹ֙ לְעֹלָ֔ה וּבֶן־יוֹנָ֥ה אוֹ־תֹ֖ר לְחַטָּ֑את אֶל־פֶּ֥תַח אֹֽהֶל־מוֹעֵ֖ד אֶל־הַכֹּהֵֽן׃‬ And when the days of her purification have been completed, for a son or for a daughter, she will bring to the priest a one-year-old lamb as a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtle-dove, as a sin-offering, at the entrance to the tent of contact. Luke 2:24. Luke 2:24 kai\ tou= dou=nai qusi/an kata_ to\ ei0rhme/non e0n no/mw% kuri/ou, Zeu=goj trugo/nwn h2 du/o neossou\j peristerw~n. and to offer a sacrifice according to what has been spoken in the law of the Lord: “A pair of turtle-doves or two fledgling pigeons.” Lev 12:6.

offer ← give.

fledgling ← nestling.
Lev 18:5 ‫וּשְׁמַרְתֶּ֤ם אֶת־חֻקֹּתַי֙ וְאֶת־מִשְׁפָּטַ֔י אֲשֶׁ֨ר יַעֲשֶׂ֥ה אֹתָ֛ם הָאָדָ֖ם וָחַ֣י בָּהֶ֑ם אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃ ס‬ And you will keep my statutes and my regulations, which a man shall do and live by. I am the Lord. Rom 10:5, Gal 3:12. Rom 10:5 {RP P1904: Mwu+sh=j} [TR: Mwsh=j] ga_r gra&fei th\n dikaiosu/nhn th\n e0k tou= no/mou, o3ti o9 poih/saj au0ta_ a!nqrwpoj zh/setai e0n au0toi=j. For Moses describes the righteousness which is of the law, that the man who does the requirements will live by them. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's bcfkmo) vs. Mwsh=j, Moses, TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's adghln). Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7.

Lev 18:5.

the requirementsthem (neuter).
Lev 18:5 ‫וּשְׁמַרְתֶּ֤ם אֶת־חֻקֹּתַי֙ וְאֶת־מִשְׁפָּטַ֔י אֲשֶׁ֨ר יַעֲשֶׂ֥ה אֹתָ֛ם הָאָדָ֖ם וָחַ֣י בָּהֶ֑ם אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃ ס‬ And you will keep my statutes and my regulations, which a man shall do and live by. I am the Lord. Rom 10:5, Gal 3:12. Gal 3:12 o9 de\ no/moj ou0k e1stin e0k pi/stewj, a)ll' 879O poih/saj au0ta_ a!nqrwpoj zh/setai e0n au0toi=j. However, the law is not by faith, but the man who does the requirements will live by them. RP TBS-TR make the quotation direct speech; we and P1904 take it as indirect speech.

Lev 18:5.

the requirementsthem (neuter).
Lev 19:2 ‫דַּבֵּ֞ר אֶל־כָּל־עֲדַ֧ת בְּנֵי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל וְאָמַרְתָּ֥ אֲלֵהֶ֖ם קְדֹשִׁ֣ים תִּהְי֑וּ כִּ֣י קָד֔וֹשׁ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶֽם׃‬ “Speak to the whole congregation of the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘You will be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy. 1 Pet 1:16. 1 Pet 1:16 dio/ti ge/graptai, 873Agioi {RP P1904: gi/nesqe} [TR: ge/nesqe], o3ti e0gw_ a#gio/j ei0mi. For it stands written: Be holy, for I am holy.” gi/nesqe, become (present, so imperfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's b**hjkm) vs. ge/nesqe, become (aorist, so perfective aspect), TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b*cfglo) vs. another reading, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ad). A weak disparity with RP, R=6:7.

Lev 11:44, Lev 11:45, Lev 19:2.
Lev 19:12 ‫וְלֹֽא־תִשָּׁבְע֥וּ בִשְׁמִ֖י לַשָּׁ֑קֶר וְחִלַּלְתָּ֛ אֶת־שֵׁ֥ם אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ אֲנִ֥י יְהוָֽה׃‬ And you will not swear in my name falsely, so profaning the name of your God. I am the Lord. Matt 5:33.

so profaning ← and you (would) profane. AV differs (neither shalt thou profane), introducing another prohibition.
Matt 5:33 Pa&lin h0kou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh toi=j a)rxai/oij, Ou0k e0piorkh/seij, a)podw&seij de\ tw%~ kuri/w% tou\j o3rkouj sou: Again, you have heard that it was said by the ancients, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but you will perform your oaths to the Lord’, Ex 20:7, Lev 19:12, Num 30:3MT (Num 30:2AV), Deut 23:22MT (Deut 23:21AV).

by: or to, as in Matt 5:21, Matt 5:27.
Lev 19:18 ‫לֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃‬ You will not take revenge, and you will not bear a grudge against the sons of your people, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Matt 5:43, Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, James 2:8.

bear a grudge against ← keep (anger implied), as in Ps 103:9, Jer 3:5.
Matt 5:43 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou, kai/, Mish/seij to\n e0xqro/n sou: You have heard that it has been said, ‘You shall love your neighbour’, and, You shall hate your enemy, Lev 19:18.

you shall hate your enemy: there is the sense of this in, e.g., Ps 139:21, Ps 139:22.
Lev 19:18 ‫לֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃‬ You will not take revenge, and you will not bear a grudge against the sons of your people, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Matt 5:43, Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, James 2:8.

bear a grudge against ← keep (anger implied), as in Ps 103:9, Jer 3:5.
Matt 19:19 ti/ma to\n pate/ra {RP P1904: - } [TR: sou] kai\ th\n mhte/ra: kai/, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto/n. Honour {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] father and your mother’, and, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ ” sou, your: absent in RP P1904 F1853=15/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=6/21 F1859=3/7. Compare Matt 15:4.

Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16, Lev 19:18.
Lev 19:18 ‫לֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃‬ You will not take revenge, and you will not bear a grudge against the sons of your people, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Matt 5:43, Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, James 2:8.

bear a grudge against ← keep (anger implied), as in Ps 103:9, Jer 3:5.
Matt 22:39 Deute/ra de\ o9moi/a {RP-text P1904 TR: au0th|=} [RP-marg: au3th], 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto/n. {RP-text P1904 TR: And the second is like it} [RP-marg: And the second, which is similar, is this]: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. au0th|=, to it, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=9/20 F1859=0/7 vs. au3th, this, RP-marg F1853=9/20 F1859=6/7 vs. another reading, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's ce) F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=11:15. This is only a matter of choice of diacritics by scribes and editors.

Lev 19:18.
Lev 19:18 ‫לֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃‬ You will not take revenge, and you will not bear a grudge against the sons of your people, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Matt 5:43, Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, James 2:8.

bear a grudge against ← keep (anger implied), as in Ps 103:9, Jer 3:5.
Mark 12:31 Kai\ deute/ra o9moi/a au3th, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP TR: seauto/n} [P1904: e9auto/n]. Mei/zwn tou/twn a!llh e0ntolh\ ou0k e1stin. And the second is similar – this: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Lev 19:18.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP TR F1853=12/21 F1859=3/7 vs. e9auto/n, oneself, yourself (non-classical form), P1904 F1853=9/21 F1859=4/7.
Lev 19:18 ‫לֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃‬ You will not take revenge, and you will not bear a grudge against the sons of your people, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Matt 5:43, Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, James 2:8.

bear a grudge against ← keep (anger implied), as in Ps 103:9, Jer 3:5.
Mark 12:33 kai\ to\ a)gapa~n au0to\n e0c o3lhj th=j kardi/aj, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j sune/sewj, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j yuxh=j, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j i0sxu/oj, kai\ to\ a)gapa~n to\n plhsi/on w(j e9auto/n, plei=o/n e0stin pa&ntwn tw~n o9lokautwma&twn kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tw~n] qusiw~n. And, ‘To love him with all your heart and with all your understanding and with all your soul and with all your strength, and to love one's neighbour as oneself is greater than all the whole burnt offerings and {RP P1904: - } [TR: the] sacrifices.’ ” tw~n, the (sacrifices): absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's au, u being very doubtful, and indeed Scrivener remarks that only a contains the word) F1859=1/7.

Deut 6:5; Lev 19:18; allusions to 1 Sam 15:22, Isa 1:11.
Lev 19:18 ‫לֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃‬ You will not take revenge, and you will not bear a grudge against the sons of your people, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Matt 5:43, Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, James 2:8.

bear a grudge against ← keep (anger implied), as in Ps 103:9, Jer 3:5.
Luke 10:27 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, 870Agaph/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou, e0c o3lhj th=j kardi/aj sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j yuxh=j sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j i0sxu/oj sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j dianoi/aj sou: kai\ to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP TR: seauto/n} [P1904: e9auto/n]. He then replied and said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.” seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP TR F1853=10/19 F1859=3/7 vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical form), P1904 F1853=9/19 F1859=4/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.

Lev 19:18, Deut 6:5.

soul: i.e. inner being, existence.
Lev 19:18 ‫לֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃‬ You will not take revenge, and you will not bear a grudge against the sons of your people, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Matt 5:43, Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, James 2:8.

bear a grudge against ← keep (anger implied), as in Ps 103:9, Jer 3:5.
Rom 13:9 To\ ga&r, Ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 foneu/seij, ou0 kle/yeij, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij,] ou0k e0piqumh/seij, kai\ ei1 tij e9te/ra e0ntolh/, e0n tou/tw% tw%~ lo/gw% a)nakefalaiou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP P1904: seauto/n} [TR: e9auto/n]. For the injunctions are, “You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: You shall not give false testimony.] You shall not covet.” And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this formula: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ou0 yeudomarturh/seij, you shall not give false witness: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgl) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's adfhkmno). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:10. AV differs textually.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdg*ho, though g* reads sauto/n) vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical third person pronoun for second), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's afg**klmn). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:8.

Ex 20:13-15, {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: Ex 20:16,] Ex 20:17, Lev 19:18, Deut 5:17-19 {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: , Deut 5:20].
Lev 19:18 ‫לֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃‬ You will not take revenge, and you will not bear a grudge against the sons of your people, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Matt 5:43, Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, James 2:8.

bear a grudge against ← keep (anger implied), as in Ps 103:9, Jer 3:5.
Gal 5:14 879O ga_r pa~j no/moj e0n e9ni\ lo/gw% plhrou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP TR: e9auto/n} [P1904: seauto/n]. For the whole law is fulfilled in one saying, in, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” e9auto/n, self (non-classical third person for second person reflexive pronoun), RP TR F1859=7/13 vs. seauto/n, yourself (classical second person), P1904 F1859=6/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

Lev 19:18.
Lev 19:18 ‫לֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֽה׃‬ You will not take revenge, and you will not bear a grudge against the sons of your people, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Matt 5:43, Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, James 2:8.

bear a grudge against ← keep (anger implied), as in Ps 103:9, Jer 3:5.
James 2:8 Ei0 me/ntoi no/mon telei=te basiliko/n, kata_ th\n grafh/n, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto/n, kalw~j poiei=te: If, however, you keep the royal law according to the scripture, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself”, you do well. Lev 19:18.
Lev 26:12 ‫וְהִתְהַלַּכְתִּי֙ בְּת֣וֹכְכֶ֔ם וְהָיִ֥יתִי לָכֶ֖ם לֵֽאלֹהִ֑ים וְאַתֶּ֖ם תִּהְיוּ־לִ֥י לְעָֽם׃‬ And I will walk around in your midst, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. 2 Cor 6:16. 2 Cor 6:16 Ti/j de\ sugkata&qesij naw%~ qeou= meta_ ei0dw&lwn; 879Umei=j ga_r nao\j qeou= e0ste zw~ntoj, kaqw_j ei]pen o9 qeo\j o3ti 870Enoikh/sw e0n au0toi=j, kai\ e0mperipath/sw: kai\ e1somai au0tw~n qeo/j, kai\ au0toi\ e1sontai/ moi lao/j. And what compatibility is there between the sanctuary of God and idols? For you are the sanctuary of the living God, as God has said,

“I will dwell among them

And walk among them,

And I will be their God,

And they will be my people.”

Ex 29:45, Lev 26:12, Jer 30:22, Jer 31:1, Jer 32:38, Ezek 37:27, Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV), Zech 8:8.
Num 5:23 ‫וְ֠כָתַב אֶת־הָאָלֹ֥ת הָאֵ֛לֶּה הַכֹּהֵ֖ן בַּסֵּ֑פֶר וּמָחָ֖ה אֶל־מֵ֥י הַמָּרִֽים׃‬ And the priest will write these curses in a book, and he will blot them out with the bitter water. Compare John 8:6, where Jesus ... inscribed on the ground. John 8:6 Tou=to de\ {RP TR: e1legon} [P1904: ei]pon] {RP TR: peira&zontej} [P1904: e0kpeira&zontej] au0to/n, i3na {RP TR: e1xwsin} [P1904: sxw~si] {RP TR: kathgorei=n} [P1904: kathgori/an kat'] au0tou=. 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ka&tw ku/yaj, tw%~ daktu/lw% {RP-text P1904 TR: e1grafen} [RP-marg: kate/grafen] ei0j th\n gh=n, {RP S1894: mh\ prospoiou/menoj} [P1904 S1550 E1624: - ]. But they said this testing him, so that they might have {RP TR: something to accuse him with} [P1904: an accusation against him]. But Jesus stooped and {RP-text P1904 TR: wrote} [RP-marg: inscribed] on the ground with his finger {RP S1894: , not acting in pretence} [P1904 S1550 E1624: - ]. e1legon, they were saying, RP TR F1853=16/18 F1859=4/6 vs. ei]pon, they said, P1904 F1853=2/18 (Scrivener's fk) F1859=2/6.

peira&zontej, testing, tempting (1), RP TR F1853=17/18 F1859=4/6 vs. e0kpeira&zontej, testing, tempting (2), P1904 F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's k) F1859=2/6.

e1xwsin, that they might have (pres. subj.), RP TR F1853=16/18 F1859=5/6 vs. sxw~si, that they might have (aor. subj.), P1904 F1853=2/18 (Scrivener's kv) F1859=1/6.

kathgorei=n, (something) to accuse, RP TR F1853=7/18 F1859=4/6 vs. kathgori/an kat', an accusation against, P1904 F1853=11/18 F1859=2/6. A weak disparity with RP, R=12:14.

e1grafe¨n©, was writing, RP-text P1904 TR F1853=15/18 F1859=6/6 vs. kate/grafen, was inscribing, RP-marg F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's acg) F1859=0/6.

mh\ prospoiou/menoj, not acting in pretence: present in RP S1894 F1853=14/18 F1859=2/6 vs. absent in P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's eks) F1859=4/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's r) F1859=0/6. AV differs textually, but it supplies the RP reading italicized.

Compare Num 5:23.
Num 9:12 ‫לֹֽא־יַשְׁאִ֤ירוּ מִמֶּ֙נּוּ֙ עַד־בֹּ֔קֶר וְעֶ֖צֶם לֹ֣א יִשְׁבְּרוּ־ב֑וֹ כְּכָל־חֻקַּ֥ת הַפֶּ֖סַח יַעֲשׂ֥וּ אֹתֽוֹ׃‬ They will not leave any of it until the morning, and they will not break a bone of it. They will keep it according to every statute of the Passover. John 19:36.

of it ← in it.
John 19:36 870Ege/neto ga_r tau=ta i3na h9 grafh\ plhrwqh|=, 870Ostou=n ou0 suntribh/setai {RP: a)p'} [P1904 TR: - ] au0tou=. For these things took place in order that the scripture might be fulfilled: “Not a bone of him shall be crushed.” a)p', from (him): present in RP F1853=8/18 F1859=3/9 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=10/18 F1859=6/9. A disparity with RP, R=11:18.

Ex 12:46, Num 9:12 (of the Passover lamb, compare 1 Cor 5:7); Ps 34:21MT (Ps 34:20AV); Ps 22:18MT (Ps 22:17AV) (I can count my bones).
Num 16:1 ‫וַיִּקַּ֣ח קֹ֔רַח בֶּן־יִצְהָ֥ר בֶּן־קְהָ֖ת בֶּן־לֵוִ֑י וְדָתָ֨ן וַאֲבִירָ֜ם בְּנֵ֧י אֱלִיאָ֛ב וְא֥וֹן בֶּן־פֶּ֖לֶת בְּנֵ֥י רְאוּבֵֽן׃‬ Then Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram the sons of Eliab, and On the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took matters into their own hands Korah: mentioned in Jude 1:11.

Izhar: see Num 3:19, but AV= Izhar here.

Kohath: see Gen 46:11.

The prefixed copula (וְ) to Dathan militates ↴
Jude 1:11 Ou0ai\ au0toi=j: o3ti th|= o9dw%~ tou= Ka&i+n e0poreu/qhsan, kai\ th|= pla&nh| tou= Balaa_m misqou= e0cexu/qhsan, kai\ th|= a)ntilogi/a% tou= Ko/re a)pw&lonto. Woe to them, because they went the way of Cain and abandoned themselves in the error of Balaam's remuneration, and they perished by the refractoriness of Korah. abandoned themselveswere poured out.

Korah: this is the traditional spelling in Num 16:1. The AV spelling in this verse is Core, reflecting the Greek.
Num 16:5 ‫וַיְדַבֵּ֨ר אֶל־קֹ֜רַח וְאֶֽל־כָּל־עֲדָתוֹ֮ לֵאמֹר֒ בֹּ֠קֶר וְיֹדַ֨ע יְהוָ֧ה אֶת־אֲשֶׁר־ל֛וֹ וְאֶת־הַקָּד֖וֹשׁ וְהִקְרִ֣יב אֵלָ֑יו וְאֵ֛ת אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִבְחַר־בּ֖וֹ יַקְרִ֥יב אֵלָֽיו׃‬ And he spoke to Korah and to the whole of his company and said, “In the morning, let the Lord make known who are his, and who is holy, and he will bring them near to him. So he will bring near to himself him whom he has chosen for himself. 2 Tim 2:19.

company ← congregation.

him whom: or whoever, so potentially plural in sense, as 2 Tim 2:19.
2 Tim 2:19 879O me/ntoi stereo\j qeme/lioj tou= qeou= e3sthken, e1xwn th\n sfragi=da tau/thn, 871Egnw ku/rioj tou\j o1ntaj au0tou=, kai/, 870Aposth/tw a)po\ a)diki/aj pa~j o9 o0noma&zwn to\ o1noma {RP P1904: kuri/ou} [TR: xristou=]. However, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal: the Lord knows those who are his. And let everyone who names the name of {RP P1904: the Lord} [TR: Christ] avoid iniquity. kuri/ou, of the Lord, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. xristou=, of Christ, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ce). AV differs textually.

Num 16:5. [CB] considers the subsequent sentence possibly to be an allusion to Num 16:26.
Num 21:9 ‫וַיַּ֤עַשׂ מֹשֶׁה֙ נְחַ֣שׁ נְחֹ֔שֶׁת וַיְשִׂמֵ֖הוּ עַל־הַנֵּ֑ס וְהָיָ֗ה אִם־נָשַׁ֤ךְ הַנָּחָשׁ֙ אֶת־אִ֔ישׁ וְהִבִּ֛יט אֶל־נְחַ֥שׁ הַנְּחֹ֖שֶׁת וָחָֽי׃‬ So Moses made a copper serpent and put it on the standard, and it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten a man, and he beheld the copper serpent, he lived. John 3:14.

copper serpent: the two words are from the same root, נחש, or from two homonymic roots.
John 3:14 Kai\ kaqw_j {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] u3ywsen to\n o1fin e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, ou3twj u9ywqh=nai dei= to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the son of man be lifted up, Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=6/7 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's e) F1859=1/7.

Num 21:9.
Num 30:3
Num 30:2AV
‫אִישׁ֩ כִּֽי־יִדֹּ֨ר נֶ֜דֶר לַֽיהוָ֗ה אֽוֹ־הִשָּׁ֤בַע שְׁבֻעָה֙ לֶאְסֹ֤ר אִסָּר֙ עַל־נַפְשׁ֔וֹ לֹ֥א יַחֵ֖ל דְּבָר֑וֹ כְּכָל־הַיֹּצֵ֥א מִפִּ֖יו יַעֲשֶֽׂה׃‬ If a man makes a vow to the Lord or swears an oath, so imposing an obligation on himself, he shall not break his word – he shall act according to everything that comes out of his mouth. Matt 5:33.

makes a vow ← vows a vow.

himself ← his soul.
Matt 5:33 Pa&lin h0kou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh toi=j a)rxai/oij, Ou0k e0piorkh/seij, a)podw&seij de\ tw%~ kuri/w% tou\j o3rkouj sou: Again, you have heard that it was said by the ancients, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but you will perform your oaths to the Lord’, Ex 20:7, Lev 19:12, Num 30:3MT (Num 30:2AV), Deut 23:22MT (Deut 23:21AV).

by: or to, as in Matt 5:21, Matt 5:27.
Deut 4:2 ‫לֹ֣א תֹסִ֗פוּ עַל־הַדָּבָר֙ אֲשֶׁ֤ר אָנֹכִי֙ מְצַוֶּ֣ה אֶתְכֶ֔ם וְלֹ֥א תִגְרְע֖וּ מִמֶּ֑נּוּ לִשְׁמֹ֗ר אֶת־מִצְוֺת֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר אָנֹכִ֖י מְצַוֶּ֥ה אֶתְכֶֽם׃‬ You shall not add to the injunction which I am commanding you, and you shall not take anything out of it, so that you keep the commandments of the Lord your God with which I am commanding you. Rev 22:18, Rev 22:19.

injunction ← word, matter.
Rev 22:18 {RP P1904: Marturw~ e0gw_} [TR: Summarturou=mai ga_r] panti\ {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] a)kou/onti tou\j lo/gouj th=j profhtei/aj tou= bibli/ou tou/tou, e0a&n tij {RP P1904: e0piqh|=} [TR: e0pitiqh|=] {RP: e0p' au0ta&} [P1904: e0pi\ tau=ta] [TR: pro\j tau=ta], {RP-text: e0piqh/sai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0piqh/sei] {RP-text P1904 TR: o9 qeo\j e0p' au0to\n} [RP-marg: e0p' au0to\n o9 qeo\j] ta_j {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: e9pta_] plhga_j ta_j gegramme/naj e0n {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] bibli/w% tou/tw%: {RP P1904: - } [TR: For] I testify to everyone {RP P1904: who} [TR: who] hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to {RP: them} [P1904 TR: these things], {RP-text: may God} [RP-marg P1904 TR: God will] add to him the {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: seven] plagues written in this book, marturw~ e0gw_, I (emphatic) testify (1), RP P1904 F1859=6/7 (Scrivener's bdhjkl, j with marturw%~) vs. summarturou=mai ga_r, for I (jointly → solemnly) testify, TR F1859=0/7 vs. martu/romai e0gw_, I (emphatic) testify (2), F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's c).

tw%~, to the (hearer): present in RP P1904 F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bcjkl) vs. absent in TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's dh).

e0piqh|=, adds (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=7/7 (Scrivener's bcdhjkl, misspelled in l) vs. e0pitiqh|=, adds (present, so imperfective aspect), TR F1859=0/7.

e0p' au0ta&, to (apocopated) these (things), RP F1859=6/7 vs. e0pi\ tau=ta, to these (things), P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. pro\j tau=ta, to these (things), TR F1859=0/7 vs. au0tw%~, to him / it, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's k).

e0piqh/sai, should add (irregular form, perhaps optative), RP-text F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdhjk) vs. e0piqh/sei, will add, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's cl). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:4.

o9 qeo\j e0p' au0to\n, God (will add) to him, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/7 vs. e0p' au0to\n o9 qeo\j, to him God (will add), RP-marg F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).

e9pta_, seven: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdjkl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's ch).

tw%~, the → this: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/7.

Deut 4:2, Deut 13:1MT (Deut 12:32AV), Deut 13:1, Prov 30:6.
Deut 4:2 ‫לֹ֣א תֹסִ֗פוּ עַל־הַדָּבָר֙ אֲשֶׁ֤ר אָנֹכִי֙ מְצַוֶּ֣ה אֶתְכֶ֔ם וְלֹ֥א תִגְרְע֖וּ מִמֶּ֑נּוּ לִשְׁמֹ֗ר אֶת־מִצְוֺת֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר אָנֹכִ֖י מְצַוֶּ֥ה אֶתְכֶֽם׃‬ You shall not add to the injunction which I am commanding you, and you shall not take anything out of it, so that you keep the commandments of the Lord your God with which I am commanding you. Rev 22:18, Rev 22:19.

injunction ← word, matter.
Rev 22:19 kai\ e0a&n tij {RP P1904: a)fe/lh|} [TR: a)fairh|=] a)po\ tw~n lo/gwn {RP P1904: tou= bibli/ou} [TR: bi/blou] th=j profhtei/aj tau/thj, {RP-text: a)fe/loi} [RP-marg P1904: a)felei=] [TR: a)fairh/sei] o9 qeo\j to\ me/roj au0tou= a)po\ {RP P1904: tou= cu/lou} [TR: bi/blou] th=j zwh=j, kai\ e0k th=j po/lewj th=j a(gi/aj, {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] bibli/w% tou/tw%. and if anyone removes anything from the words of {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] book of this prophecy, {RP-text: may God} [RP-marg P1904 TR: God will] remove his part from {RP P1904: the tree} [TR: the book] of life and from the holy city {RP P1904: –} [TR: and] the things written in this book.” a)fe/lh|, takes away (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=8/8 (Scrivener's bcdehjkl) vs. a)fairh|=, takes away (present, so imperfective aspect), TR F1859=0/8.

tou= bibli/ou, of the book (diminutive force not emphatic), RP P1904 F1859=8/9 (Scrivener's bcde*hjkl) vs. bi/blou, of (the) book, TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e**).

a)fe/loi, may (God) take away (aorist optative), RP-text F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's bdh) vs. a)felei=, (God) will take away (first future), RP-marg P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's cl) vs. a)fairh/sei, (God) will take away (alternative future), TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e**) vs. a)felh|=, that (God) take away (subjunctive, or misspelled future), F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's e*k) vs. a)fe/lai, may (God) take away (non-classical optative), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=3:3. AV differs textually.

tou= cu/lou, (from) the tree, RP P1904 VulgS (ligno) F1859=8/9 (Scrivener's bcde*hjkl) vs. bi/blou, (from the) book, TR VulgC (libro) F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e**). AV differs textually.

kai\, and: absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 (Scrivener's bce*hjkl) vs. present in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's e**).

tw%~, the → this: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 (Scrivener's bce*hjkl) vs. absent in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's e**).

Deut 4:2, Deut 13:1MT (Deut 12:32AV), Deut 13:1.
Deut 4:26 ‫הַעִידֹתִי֩ בָכֶ֨ם הַיּ֜וֹם אֶת־הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם וְאֶת־הָאָ֗רֶץ כִּֽי־אָבֹ֣ד תֹּאבֵדוּן֮ מַהֵר֒ מֵעַ֣ל הָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֨ר אַתֶּ֜ם עֹבְרִ֧ים אֶת־הַיַּרְדֵּ֛ן שָׁ֖מָּה לְרִשְׁתָּ֑הּ לֹֽא־תַאֲרִיכֻ֤ן יָמִים֙ עָלֶ֔יהָ כִּ֥י הִשָּׁמֵ֖ד תִּשָּׁמֵדֽוּן׃‬ I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that you will certainly perish swiftly in the land which you are crossing the Jordan to inherit – you will not have a long time in it, but be utterly destroyed. today: adding solemnity, which is also its function in Luke 23:43. See also Deut 8:19.

you will certainly perish: infinitive absolute.

in the land ← from the land.

have a long time ← prolong days.

be utterly destroyed: infinitive absolute.
Luke 23:43 Kai\ ei]pen au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 870Amh\n le/gw soi, sh/meron met' e0mou= e1sh| e0n tw%~ paradei/sw%. At which Jesus said to him, “Truly, I say to you this day, you will be with me in paradise.” I say to you this day: RP P1904 TBS-TR punctuate I say to you, this day .... See Deut 4:26, Deut 8:19, where this day adds solemnity to the utterance.
Deut 5:16 ‫כַּבֵּ֤ד אֶת־אָבִ֙יךָ֙ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֔ךָ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוְּךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ לְמַ֣עַן ׀ יַאֲרִיכֻ֣ן יָמֶ֗יךָ וּלְמַ֙עַן֙ יִ֣יטַב לָ֔ךְ עַ֚ל הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, according to what the Lord your God has commanded you, in order that your days may be long, and in order that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Ex 20:12. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Matt 15:4 879O ga_r qeo\j e0netei/lato, le/gwn, Ti/ma to\n pate/ra {RP P1904: - } [TR: sou] kai\ th\n mhte/ra: kai/, 879O kakologw~n pate/ra h2 mhte/ra qana&tw% teleuta&tw: For God gave commandment, saying, ‘Honour {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] father and your mother’, and, ‘He who speaks ill of his father or mother must certainly die.’ sou=, your (father): absent in RP P1904 F1853=14/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in TR F1853=6/20 F1859=2/6.

Ex 20:12, Ex 21:17, Deut 5:16.
Deut 5:16 ‫כַּבֵּ֤ד אֶת־אָבִ֙יךָ֙ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֔ךָ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוְּךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ לְמַ֣עַן ׀ יַאֲרִיכֻ֣ן יָמֶ֗יךָ וּלְמַ֙עַן֙ יִ֣יטַב לָ֔ךְ עַ֚ל הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, according to what the Lord your God has commanded you, in order that your days may be long, and in order that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Ex 20:12. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Matt 19:19 ti/ma to\n pate/ra {RP P1904: - } [TR: sou] kai\ th\n mhte/ra: kai/, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto/n. Honour {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] father and your mother’, and, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ ” sou, your: absent in RP P1904 F1853=15/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=6/21 F1859=3/7. Compare Matt 15:4.

Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16, Lev 19:18.
Deut 5:16 ‫כַּבֵּ֤ד אֶת־אָבִ֙יךָ֙ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֔ךָ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוְּךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ לְמַ֣עַן ׀ יַאֲרִיכֻ֣ן יָמֶ֗יךָ וּלְמַ֙עַן֙ יִ֣יטַב לָ֔ךְ עַ֚ל הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, according to what the Lord your God has commanded you, in order that your days may be long, and in order that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Ex 20:12. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Mark 7:10 {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] ga_r ei]pen, Ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou: kai/, 879O kakologw~n pate/ra h2 mhte/ra qana&tw% teleuta&tw: For Moses said, ‘Honour your father and your mother’, and, ‘He who speaks ill of his father or mother must certainly die.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=2/6 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's de) F1859=4/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=8.3 PV=0.4%.

Ex 20:12, Ex 21:17, Deut 5:16.
Deut 5:16 ‫כַּבֵּ֤ד אֶת־אָבִ֙יךָ֙ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֔ךָ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוְּךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ לְמַ֣עַן ׀ יַאֲרִיכֻ֣ן יָמֶ֗יךָ וּלְמַ֙עַן֙ יִ֣יטַב לָ֔ךְ עַ֚ל הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, according to what the Lord your God has commanded you, in order that your days may be long, and in order that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Ex 20:12. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Deut 5:16 ‫כַּבֵּ֤ד אֶת־אָבִ֙יךָ֙ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֔ךָ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוְּךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ לְמַ֣עַן ׀ יַאֲרִיכֻ֣ן יָמֶ֗יךָ וּלְמַ֙עַן֙ יִ֣יטַב לָ֔ךְ עַ֚ל הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, according to what the Lord your God has commanded you, in order that your days may be long, and in order that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Ex 20:12. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Deut 5:16 ‫כַּבֵּ֤ד אֶת־אָבִ֙יךָ֙ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֔ךָ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוְּךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ לְמַ֣עַן ׀ יַאֲרִיכֻ֣ן יָמֶ֗יךָ וּלְמַ֙עַן֙ יִ֣יטַב לָ֔ךְ עַ֚ל הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, according to what the Lord your God has commanded you, in order that your days may be long, and in order that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Ex 20:12. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Eph 6:2 Ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra h3tij e0sti\n e0ntolh\ prw&th e0n e0paggeli/a%, Honour your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16.
Deut 5:16 ‫כַּבֵּ֤ד אֶת־אָבִ֙יךָ֙ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֔ךָ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוְּךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ לְמַ֣עַן ׀ יַאֲרִיכֻ֣ן יָמֶ֗יךָ וּלְמַ֙עַן֙ יִ֣יטַב לָ֔ךְ עַ֚ל הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃ ס‬ Honour your father and your mother, according to what the Lord your God has commanded you, in order that your days may be long, and in order that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Matt 15:4, Matt 19:19, Mark 7:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Eph 6:2, Eph 6:3.

|| Ex 20:12. Commandment 5.

be long ← lengthen.

land ← ground.
Eph 6:3 i3na eu] soi ge/nhtai, kai\ e1sh| makroxro/nioj e0pi\ th=j gh=j. so that it may be well with you and so that you may live long on the earth. Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16.
Deut 5:17 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:13. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Matt 5:21 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh toi=j a)rxai/oij, Ou0 foneu/seij: o4j d' a@n foneu/sh|, e1noxoj e1stai th|= kri/sei: You have heard that it was said by the ancients, ‘You shall not commit murder’, and whoever commits murder shall be liable to judgment, Ex 20:13, Deut 5:17.

by: or to (the dative, typically indirect object, can also be the agent of the passive, especially in past tenses).
Deut 5:17 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:13. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Matt 19:18 Le/gei au0tw%~, Poi/aj; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, To\ Ou0 foneu/seij: ou0 moixeu/seij: ou0 kle/yeij: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij: He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “I quote, ‘You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Ex 20:13-16, Deut 5:17-20.

I quote: the article (to\) is used to introduce a quote.
Deut 5:17 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:13. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Deut 5:17 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:13. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Deut 5:17 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:13. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
Rom 13:9 To\ ga&r, Ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 foneu/seij, ou0 kle/yeij, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij,] ou0k e0piqumh/seij, kai\ ei1 tij e9te/ra e0ntolh/, e0n tou/tw% tw%~ lo/gw% a)nakefalaiou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP P1904: seauto/n} [TR: e9auto/n]. For the injunctions are, “You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: You shall not give false testimony.] You shall not covet.” And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this formula: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ou0 yeudomarturh/seij, you shall not give false witness: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgl) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's adfhkmno). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:10. AV differs textually.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdg*ho, though g* reads sauto/n) vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical third person pronoun for second), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's afg**klmn). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:8.

Ex 20:13-15, {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: Ex 20:16,] Ex 20:17, Lev 19:18, Deut 5:17-19 {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: , Deut 5:20].
Deut 5:17 ‫לֹ֥֖א תִּֿרְצָֽח׃ ס‬ You shall not commit murder. Matt 5:21, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:13. Commandment 6.

commit murder: AV differs (kill), suggesting a wider application.
James 2:11 879O ga_r ei0pw&n, Mh\ {RP: moixeu/seij} [P1904 TR: moixeu/sh|j], ei]pen kai/, Mh\ {RP: foneu/seij} [P1904 TR: foneu/sh|j]: ei0 de\ ou0 moixeu/seij, foneu/seij de/, ge/gonaj paraba&thj no/mou. For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery, also said, “You shall not commit murder.” And if you do not commit adultery, but you do commit murder, you become culpable of breaking the law. moixeu/seij, (do not) commit adultery (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. moixeu/sh|j, (do not) commit adultery (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. other readings, F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's acf). A strong disparity (#1) with RP, R=1:10.

foneu/seij, (do not) commit murder (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. foneu/sh|j, (do not) commit murder (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=9/12 vs. other readings, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ac). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=1:11.

Ex 20:13-14, Deut 5:17-18.

become ← have become.
Deut 5:18 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:14. Commandment 7.
Matt 5:27 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh {RP: - } [P1904 TR: toi=j a)rxai/oij], Ou0 moixeu/seij: You have heard that it has been said {RP: - } [P1904 TR: by the ancients], ‘You shall not commit adultery’, toi=j a)rxai/oij, by the ancients: absent in RP F1853=15/18 F1859=3/6 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=3/18 (Scrivener's bsx) F1859=3/6. AV differs textually.

Ex 20:14, Deut 5:18.

by: or to, as in Matt 5:21.
Deut 5:18 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:14. Commandment 7.
Matt 19:18 Le/gei au0tw%~, Poi/aj; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, To\ Ou0 foneu/seij: ou0 moixeu/seij: ou0 kle/yeij: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij: He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “I quote, ‘You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Ex 20:13-16, Deut 5:17-20.

I quote: the article (to\) is used to introduce a quote.
Deut 5:18 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:14. Commandment 7.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Deut 5:18 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:14. Commandment 7.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Deut 5:18 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:14. Commandment 7.
Rom 13:9 To\ ga&r, Ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 foneu/seij, ou0 kle/yeij, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij,] ou0k e0piqumh/seij, kai\ ei1 tij e9te/ra e0ntolh/, e0n tou/tw% tw%~ lo/gw% a)nakefalaiou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP P1904: seauto/n} [TR: e9auto/n]. For the injunctions are, “You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: You shall not give false testimony.] You shall not covet.” And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this formula: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ou0 yeudomarturh/seij, you shall not give false witness: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgl) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's adfhkmno). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:10. AV differs textually.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdg*ho, though g* reads sauto/n) vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical third person pronoun for second), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's afg**klmn). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:8.

Ex 20:13-15, {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: Ex 20:16,] Ex 20:17, Lev 19:18, Deut 5:17-19 {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: , Deut 5:20].
Deut 5:18 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿנְאָֽ֑ף׃ ס‬ You shall not commit adultery. Matt 5:27, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, James 2:11.

|| Ex 20:14. Commandment 7.
James 2:11 879O ga_r ei0pw&n, Mh\ {RP: moixeu/seij} [P1904 TR: moixeu/sh|j], ei]pen kai/, Mh\ {RP: foneu/seij} [P1904 TR: foneu/sh|j]: ei0 de\ ou0 moixeu/seij, foneu/seij de/, ge/gonaj paraba&thj no/mou. For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery, also said, “You shall not commit murder.” And if you do not commit adultery, but you do commit murder, you become culpable of breaking the law. moixeu/seij, (do not) commit adultery (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. moixeu/sh|j, (do not) commit adultery (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. other readings, F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's acf). A strong disparity (#1) with RP, R=1:10.

foneu/seij, (do not) commit murder (non-classical future indicative), RP F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. foneu/sh|j, (do not) commit murder (classical aorist subjunctive), P1904 TR F1859=9/12 vs. other readings, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ac). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=1:11.

Ex 20:13-14, Deut 5:17-18.

become ← have become.
Deut 5:19 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿגְנֹֽ֔ב׃ ס‬ You shall not steal. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9.

|| Ex 20:15. Commandment 8.
Matt 19:18 Le/gei au0tw%~, Poi/aj; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, To\ Ou0 foneu/seij: ou0 moixeu/seij: ou0 kle/yeij: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij: He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “I quote, ‘You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Ex 20:13-16, Deut 5:17-20.

I quote: the article (to\) is used to introduce a quote.
Deut 5:19 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿגְנֹֽ֔ב׃ ס‬ You shall not steal. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9.

|| Ex 20:15. Commandment 8.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Deut 5:19 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿגְנֹֽ֔ב׃ ס‬ You shall not steal. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9.

|| Ex 20:15. Commandment 8.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Deut 5:19 ‫וְלֹ֖֣א תִּֿגְנֹֽ֔ב׃ ס‬ You shall not steal. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9.

|| Ex 20:15. Commandment 8.
Rom 13:9 To\ ga&r, Ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 foneu/seij, ou0 kle/yeij, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij,] ou0k e0piqumh/seij, kai\ ei1 tij e9te/ra e0ntolh/, e0n tou/tw% tw%~ lo/gw% a)nakefalaiou=tai, e0n tw%~, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP P1904: seauto/n} [TR: e9auto/n]. For the injunctions are, “You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: You shall not give false testimony.] You shall not covet.” And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this formula: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ou0 yeudomarturh/seij, you shall not give false witness: absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgl) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=9/12 (Scrivener's adfhkmno). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=4:10. AV differs textually.

seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's bcdg*ho, though g* reads sauto/n) vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical third person pronoun for second), TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's afg**klmn). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:8.

Ex 20:13-15, {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: Ex 20:16,] Ex 20:17, Lev 19:18, Deut 5:17-19 {RP: - } [RP-marg TR: , Deut 5:20].
Deut 5:20 ‫וְלֹֽא־תַעֲנֶ֥ה בְרֵֽעֲךָ֖ עֵ֥ד שָֽׁוְא׃ ס‬ You shall not give a false testimony against your neighbour. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9RP‑marg,TR.

|| Ex 20:16. Commandment 9.

give ← testify.
Matt 19:18 Le/gei au0tw%~, Poi/aj; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j ei]pen, To\ Ou0 foneu/seij: ou0 moixeu/seij: ou0 kle/yeij: ou0 yeudomarturh/seij: He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “I quote, ‘You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Ex 20:13-16, Deut 5:17-20.

I quote: the article (to\) is used to introduce a quote.
Deut 5:20 ‫וְלֹֽא־תַעֲנֶ֥ה בְרֵֽעֲךָ֖ עֵ֥ד שָֽׁוְא׃ ס‬ You shall not give a false testimony against your neighbour. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9RP‑marg,TR.

|| Ex 20:16. Commandment 9.

give ← testify.
Mark 10:19 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, mh\ a)posterh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. You shall not defraud. Honour your father and your mother.” Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20.
Deut 5:20 ‫וְלֹֽא־תַעֲנֶ֥ה בְרֵֽעֲךָ֖ עֵ֥ד שָֽׁוְא׃ ס‬ You shall not give a false testimony against your neighbour. Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9RP‑marg,TR.

|| Ex 20:16. Commandment 9.

give ← testify.
Luke 18:20 Ta_j e0ntola_j oi]daj, Mh\ moixeu/sh|j, mh\ foneu/sh|j, mh\ kle/yh|j, mh\ yeudomarturh/sh|j, ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou. You know the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony. Honour your father and your mother. Ex 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20,.
Deut 5:21 ‫וְלֹ֥א תַחְמֹ֖ד אֵ֣שֶׁת רֵעֶ֑ךָ ס וְלֹ֨א תִתְאַוֶּ֜ה בֵּ֣ית רֵעֶ֗ךָ שָׂדֵ֜הוּ וְעַבְדּ֤וֹ וַאֲמָתוֹ֙ שׁוֹר֣וֹ וַחֲמֹר֔וֹ וְכֹ֖ל אֲשֶׁ֥ר לְרֵעֶֽךָ׃ ס‬ You shall not covet your neighbour's wife, and you shall not be desirous of your neighbour's house, his field or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything which is your neighbour's.’ Rom 7:7.

|| Ex 20:17. Commandment 10.

desirous: or envious.

anything ← everything.
Rom 7:7 Ti/ ou]n e0rou=men; 879O no/moj a(marti/a; Mh\ ge/noito: a)lla_ th\n a(marti/an ou0k e1gnwn, ei0 mh\ dia_ no/mou: th/n te ga_r e0piqumi/an ou0k h|1dein, ei0 mh\ o9 no/moj e1legen, Ou0k e0piqumh/seij: What, then, shall we say? Is the law sin? Far from it. But I would not have known sin, except through the law. For indeed I would not have known covetousness if the law had not said, “You shall not covet.” Ex 20:17, Deut 5:21.

far from it ← may it not become / be.

if: an unreal condition, without a!n.
Deut 6:4 ‫שְׁמַ֖ע יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יְהוָ֥ה ׀ אֶחָֽד׃‬ Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord. Mark 12:29, Mark 12:32. Mark 12:29 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j a)pekri/qh au0tw%~ o3ti Prw&th {RP P1904: pa&ntwn} [TR: pasw~n] {RP TR: tw~n e0ntolw~n} [P1904: e0ntolh/], 871Akoue, 870Israh/l: ku/rioj o9 qeo\j h9mw~n, ku/rioj ei[j e0sti/n: And Jesus answered him, “The first {RP TR: of all the commandments} [P1904: commandment of all] is, ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.’ pa&ntwn, of all (masculine / neuter), RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=7/7 vs. pasw~n, of all (feminine, agrees with commandments), TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's lmnq**) F1859=0/7.

tw~n e0ntolw~n, of the commandments, RP TR F1853=15/20 F1859=6/7 vs. e0ntolh/, commandment, P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=1/7.

Deut 6:4.
Deut 6:4 ‫שְׁמַ֖ע יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יְהוָ֥ה ׀ אֶחָֽד׃‬ Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord. Mark 12:29, Mark 12:32. Mark 12:32 Kai\ ei]pen au0tw%~ o9 grammateu/j, Kalw~j, dida&skale, e0p' a)lhqei/aj ei]paj o3ti ei[j e0stin, {RP P1904: - } [TR: qeo/j] kai\ ou0k e1stin a!lloj plh\n au0tou=: Then the scribe said to him, “Well said, teacher. You have spoken truly in that, {RP P1904: He} [TR: God] is one and there is no other apart from him.’ qeo/j, God: absent in RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=4/8 vs. present in TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's cfgq**) F1859=4/8. AV differs textually.

Deut 6:4, 2 Sam 22:32, Isa 45:5, Ps 18:32MT (Ps 18:31AV).
Deut 6:5 ‫וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּכָל־לְבָבְךָ֥ וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶֽךָ׃‬ And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Matt 22:37, Mark 12:30, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27. Matt 22:37 o9 de\ 870Ihsou=j {RP P1904: e1fh} [TR: ei]pen] au0tw%~, 870Agaph/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou, e0n o3lh| {RP: - } [P1904 TR: th|=] kardi/a% sou, kai\ e0n o3lh| {RP: - } [P1904 TR: th|=] yuxh|= sou, kai\ e0n o3lh| th|= dianoi/a% sou. And Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. e1fh, he said (1), RP P1904 F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. ei]pen, he said (2), TR F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.

1st th|=, the (heart of you): absent in RP F1853=12/22 F1859=6/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=10/22 F1859=1/7.

2nd th|=, the (soul of you): absent in RP F1853=8/23 F1859=3/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=15/23 F1859=4/7. A disparity with RP, R=11:21.

Deut 6:5.
Deut 6:5 ‫וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּכָל־לְבָבְךָ֥ וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶֽךָ׃‬ And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Matt 22:37, Mark 12:30, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27. Mark 12:30 kai\ a)gaph/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou e0c o3lhj th=j kardi/aj sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j yuxh=j sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j dianoi/aj sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j i0sxu/oj sou. Au3th prw&th e0ntolh/. And, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. Deut 6:5.
Deut 6:5 ‫וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּכָל־לְבָבְךָ֥ וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶֽךָ׃‬ And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Matt 22:37, Mark 12:30, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27. Mark 12:33 kai\ to\ a)gapa~n au0to\n e0c o3lhj th=j kardi/aj, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j sune/sewj, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j yuxh=j, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j i0sxu/oj, kai\ to\ a)gapa~n to\n plhsi/on w(j e9auto/n, plei=o/n e0stin pa&ntwn tw~n o9lokautwma&twn kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tw~n] qusiw~n. And, ‘To love him with all your heart and with all your understanding and with all your soul and with all your strength, and to love one's neighbour as oneself is greater than all the whole burnt offerings and {RP P1904: - } [TR: the] sacrifices.’ ” tw~n, the (sacrifices): absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's au, u being very doubtful, and indeed Scrivener remarks that only a contains the word) F1859=1/7.

Deut 6:5; Lev 19:18; allusions to 1 Sam 15:22, Isa 1:11.
Deut 6:5 ‫וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּכָל־לְבָבְךָ֥ וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶֽךָ׃‬ And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Matt 22:37, Mark 12:30, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27. Luke 10:27 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, 870Agaph/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou, e0c o3lhj th=j kardi/aj sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j yuxh=j sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j i0sxu/oj sou, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j dianoi/aj sou: kai\ to\n plhsi/on sou w(j {RP TR: seauto/n} [P1904: e9auto/n]. He then replied and said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.” seauto/n, yourself (classical form), RP TR F1853=10/19 F1859=3/7 vs. e9auto/n, yourself (non-classical form), P1904 F1853=9/19 F1859=4/7. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=14:14.

Lev 19:18, Deut 6:5.

soul: i.e. inner being, existence.
Deut 6:13 ‫אֶת־יְהוָ֧ה אֱלֹהֶ֛יךָ תִּירָ֖א וְאֹת֣וֹ תַעֲבֹ֑ד וּבִשְׁמ֖וֹ תִּשָּׁבֵֽעַ׃‬ You shall fear the Lord your God and serve him, and you shall swear by his name. Matt 4:10, Luke 4:8. Matt 4:10 To/te le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 873Upage {RP P1904: o0pi/sw mou} [TR: - ], Satana~: ge/graptai ga&r, Ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou proskunh/seij, kai\ au0tw%~ mo/nw% latreu/seij. Then Jesus said to him, “Be off {RP P1904: behind me} [TR: - ], Satan, for it stands written: ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and you shall serve him only.’ ” o0pi/sw mou, behind me: present in RP P1904 F1853=14/18 F1859=4/7 vs. absent in TR F1853=4/18 (Scrivener's bkou, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/7 vs. o0pi/sw, behind, F1853=0/18 F1859=2/7.

Deut 6:13.
Deut 6:13 ‫אֶת־יְהוָ֧ה אֱלֹהֶ֛יךָ תִּירָ֖א וְאֹת֣וֹ תַעֲבֹ֑ד וּבִשְׁמ֖וֹ תִּשָּׁבֵֽעַ׃‬ You shall fear the Lord your God and serve him, and you shall swear by his name. Matt 4:10, Luke 4:8. Luke 4:8 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j au0tw%~ ei]pen o9 870Ihsou=j, 873Upage o0pi/sw mou, Satana~: ge/graptai {RP: - } [P1904 TR: ga&r], {RP TR: Proskunh/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou} [P1904: Ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou proskunh/seij], kai\ au0tw%~ mo/nw% latreu/seij. Then Jesus answered him and said, “Off with you behind me, Satan. {RP: It} [P1904 TR: For it] stands written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and you shall serve him only.’ ” ga&r, for, after all: absent in RP F1853=15/19 F1859=2/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's chxy) F1859=5/7.

proskunh/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou, you will worship + the Lord your God, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=3/7 vs. ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou proskunh/seij, the Lord your God + you will worship, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=4/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=12.8 PV=0.03%.

Deut 6:13, Deut 10:20.

off with you ← go away.
Deut 6:16 ‫לֹ֣א תְנַסּ֔וּ אֶת־יְהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶ֑ם כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר נִסִּיתֶ֖ם בַּמַּסָּֽה׃‬ You shall not tempt the Lord your God, as you tempted him in Massah. Matt 4:7, Luke 4:12.

Massah: i.e. temptation.
Matt 4:7 871Efh au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, Pa&lin ge/graptai, Ou0k e0kpeira&seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou. Jesus said to him, “Again, it stands written: ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ” Deut 6:16.
Deut 6:16 ‫לֹ֣א תְנַסּ֔וּ אֶת־יְהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶ֑ם כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר נִסִּיתֶ֖ם בַּמַּסָּֽה׃‬ You shall not tempt the Lord your God, as you tempted him in Massah. Matt 4:7, Luke 4:12.

Massah: i.e. temptation.
Luke 4:12 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j o3ti Ei1rhtai, Ou0k e0kpeira&seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou. At this Jesus responded and said to him, “It has been spoken: ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ” Deut 6:16.
Deut 8:3 ‫וַֽיְעַנְּךָ֮ וַיַּרְעִבֶךָ֒ וַיַּֽאֲכִֽלְךָ֤ אֶת הַמָּן֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹא־יָדַ֔עְתָּ וְלֹ֥א יָדְע֖וּן אֲבֹתֶ֑יךָ לְמַ֣עַן הוֹדִֽעֲךָ֗ כִּ֠י לֹ֣א עַל־הַלֶּ֤חֶם לְבַדּוֹ֙ יִחְיֶ֣ה הָֽאָדָ֔ם כִּ֛י עַל־כָּל־מוֹצָ֥א פִֽי־יְהוָ֖ה יִחְיֶ֥ה הָאָדָֽם׃‬ And he humbled you, and he allowed you to hunger, then he fed you with manna which you did not know, nor have your fathers known it, so as to make it known to you that man shall not live by bread alone, but man shall live by every utterance of the mouth of the Lord. Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4. Matt 4:4 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen, Ge/graptai, Ou0k e0p' a!rtw% mo/nw% zh/setai a!nqrwpoj, a)ll' e0pi\ panti\ r(h/mati e0kporeuome/nw% dia_ sto/matoj qeou=. But he answered and said, “It stands written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word issuing through the mouth of God.’ ” Deut 8:3.
Deut 8:3 ‫וַֽיְעַנְּךָ֮ וַיַּרְעִבֶךָ֒ וַיַּֽאֲכִֽלְךָ֤ אֶת הַמָּן֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹא־יָדַ֔עְתָּ וְלֹ֥א יָדְע֖וּן אֲבֹתֶ֑יךָ לְמַ֣עַן הוֹדִֽעֲךָ֗ כִּ֠י לֹ֣א עַל־הַלֶּ֤חֶם לְבַדּוֹ֙ יִחְיֶ֣ה הָֽאָדָ֔ם כִּ֛י עַל־כָּל־מוֹצָ֥א פִֽי־יְהוָ֖ה יִחְיֶ֥ה הָאָדָֽם׃‬ And he humbled you, and he allowed you to hunger, then he fed you with manna which you did not know, nor have your fathers known it, so as to make it known to you that man shall not live by bread alone, but man shall live by every utterance of the mouth of the Lord. Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4. Luke 4:4 Kai\ a)pekri/qh {RP TR: - } [P1904: o9] 870Ihsou=j pro\j au0to/n, le/gwn, Ge/graptai o3ti Ou0k e0p' a!rtw% mo/nw% zh/setai {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: o9] a!nqrwpoj, a)ll' e0pi\ panti\ r(h/mati {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0kporeuome/nw% dia_ sto/matoj] qeou=. At this Jesus answered him and said, “It stands written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word {RP TR: - } [P1904: issuing through the mouth] of God.’ ” o9, the (Jesus): absent in RP TR F1853=15/19 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's cfgy) F1859=3/7.

o9, the (man): absent in RP-text P1904 F1853=14/19 F1859=5/7 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1853=5/19 F1859=2/7.

e0kporeuome/nw% dia_ sto/matoj, issuing through the mouth: absent in RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=5/8 vs. present in P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's gr) F1859=3/8.

Deut 8:3.
Deut 8:19 ‫וְהָיָ֗ה אִם־שָׁכֹ֤חַ תִּשְׁכַּח֙ אֶת־יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ וְהָֽלַכְתָּ֗ אַחֲרֵי֙ אֱלֹהִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֔ים וַעֲבַדְתָּ֖ם וְהִשְׁתַּחֲוִ֣יתָ לָהֶ֑ם הַעִדֹ֤תִי בָכֶם֙ הַיּ֔וֹם כִּ֥י אָבֹ֖ד תֹּאבֵדֽוּן׃‬ But it will come to pass, if you clean forget the Lord your God, and you follow after other gods, and you serve them and worship them – I testify against you today – you will certainly perish. clean forget: infinitive absolute. Perhaps to be read in any way forget.

today: see Deut 4:26 and Luke 23:43.

certainly perish: infinitive absolute.
Luke 23:43 Kai\ ei]pen au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, 870Amh\n le/gw soi, sh/meron met' e0mou= e1sh| e0n tw%~ paradei/sw%. At which Jesus said to him, “Truly, I say to you this day, you will be with me in paradise.” I say to you this day: RP P1904 TBS-TR punctuate I say to you, this day .... See Deut 4:26, Deut 8:19, where this day adds solemnity to the utterance.
Deut 10:20 ‫אֶת־יְהוָ֧ה אֱלֹהֶ֛יךָ תִּירָ֖א אֹת֣וֹ תַעֲבֹ֑ד וּב֣וֹ תִדְבָּ֔ק וּבִשְׁמ֖וֹ תִּשָּׁבֵֽעַ׃‬ You shall fear the Lord your God; you shall serve him and cleave to him and swear by his name. Luke 4:8. Luke 4:8 Kai\ a)pokriqei\j au0tw%~ ei]pen o9 870Ihsou=j, 873Upage o0pi/sw mou, Satana~: ge/graptai {RP: - } [P1904 TR: ga&r], {RP TR: Proskunh/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou} [P1904: Ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou proskunh/seij], kai\ au0tw%~ mo/nw% latreu/seij. Then Jesus answered him and said, “Off with you behind me, Satan. {RP: It} [P1904 TR: For it] stands written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and you shall serve him only.’ ” ga&r, for, after all: absent in RP F1853=15/19 F1859=2/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=4/19 (Scrivener's chxy) F1859=5/7.

proskunh/seij ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou, you will worship + the Lord your God, RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=3/7 vs. ku/rion to\n qeo/n sou proskunh/seij, the Lord your God + you will worship, P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=4/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=12.8 PV=0.03%.

Deut 6:13, Deut 10:20.

off with you ← go away.
Deut 13:1
Deut 12:32AV
‫אֵ֣ת כָּל־הַדָּבָ֗ר אֲשֶׁ֤ר אָנֹכִי֙ מְצַוֶּ֣ה אֶתְכֶ֔ם אֹת֥וֹ תִשְׁמְר֖וּ לַעֲשׂ֑וֹת לֹא־תֹסֵ֣ף עָלָ֔יו וְלֹ֥א תִגְרַ֖ע מִמֶּֽנּוּ׃ פ‬ As regards the whole injunction which I am commanding you, you will ensure you carry it out. You shall not add to it, and you shall not take anything from it. Rev 22:18, Rev 22:19.

injunction ← word, matter.

ensure ← guard.
Rev 22:18 {RP P1904: Marturw~ e0gw_} [TR: Summarturou=mai ga_r] panti\ {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] a)kou/onti tou\j lo/gouj th=j profhtei/aj tou= bibli/ou tou/tou, e0a&n tij {RP P1904: e0piqh|=} [TR: e0pitiqh|=] {RP: e0p' au0ta&} [P1904: e0pi\ tau=ta] [TR: pro\j tau=ta], {RP-text: e0piqh/sai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0piqh/sei] {RP-text P1904 TR: o9 qeo\j e0p' au0to\n} [RP-marg: e0p' au0to\n o9 qeo\j] ta_j {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: e9pta_] plhga_j ta_j gegramme/naj e0n {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] bibli/w% tou/tw%: {RP P1904: - } [TR: For] I testify to everyone {RP P1904: who} [TR: who] hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to {RP: them} [P1904 TR: these things], {RP-text: may God} [RP-marg P1904 TR: God will] add to him the {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: seven] plagues written in this book, marturw~ e0gw_, I (emphatic) testify (1), RP P1904 F1859=6/7 (Scrivener's bdhjkl, j with marturw%~) vs. summarturou=mai ga_r, for I (jointly → solemnly) testify, TR F1859=0/7 vs. martu/romai e0gw_, I (emphatic) testify (2), F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's c).

tw%~, to the (hearer): present in RP P1904 F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bcjkl) vs. absent in TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's dh).

e0piqh|=, adds (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=7/7 (Scrivener's bcdhjkl, misspelled in l) vs. e0pitiqh|=, adds (present, so imperfective aspect), TR F1859=0/7.

e0p' au0ta&, to (apocopated) these (things), RP F1859=6/7 vs. e0pi\ tau=ta, to these (things), P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. pro\j tau=ta, to these (things), TR F1859=0/7 vs. au0tw%~, to him / it, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's k).

e0piqh/sai, should add (irregular form, perhaps optative), RP-text F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdhjk) vs. e0piqh/sei, will add, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's cl). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:4.

o9 qeo\j e0p' au0to\n, God (will add) to him, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/7 vs. e0p' au0to\n o9 qeo\j, to him God (will add), RP-marg F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).

e9pta_, seven: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdjkl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's ch).

tw%~, the → this: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/7.

Deut 4:2, Deut 13:1MT (Deut 12:32AV), Deut 13:1, Prov 30:6.
Deut 13:1
Deut 12:32AV
‫אֵ֣ת כָּל־הַדָּבָ֗ר אֲשֶׁ֤ר אָנֹכִי֙ מְצַוֶּ֣ה אֶתְכֶ֔ם אֹת֥וֹ תִשְׁמְר֖וּ לַעֲשׂ֑וֹת לֹא־תֹסֵ֣ף עָלָ֔יו וְלֹ֥א תִגְרַ֖ע מִמֶּֽנּוּ׃ פ‬ As regards the whole injunction which I am commanding you, you will ensure you carry it out. You shall not add to it, and you shall not take anything from it. Rev 22:18, Rev 22:19.

injunction ← word, matter.

ensure ← guard.
Rev 22:19 kai\ e0a&n tij {RP P1904: a)fe/lh|} [TR: a)fairh|=] a)po\ tw~n lo/gwn {RP P1904: tou= bibli/ou} [TR: bi/blou] th=j profhtei/aj tau/thj, {RP-text: a)fe/loi} [RP-marg P1904: a)felei=] [TR: a)fairh/sei] o9 qeo\j to\ me/roj au0tou= a)po\ {RP P1904: tou= cu/lou} [TR: bi/blou] th=j zwh=j, kai\ e0k th=j po/lewj th=j a(gi/aj, {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] bibli/w% tou/tw%. and if anyone removes anything from the words of {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] book of this prophecy, {RP-text: may God} [RP-marg P1904 TR: God will] remove his part from {RP P1904: the tree} [TR: the book] of life and from the holy city {RP P1904: –} [TR: and] the things written in this book.” a)fe/lh|, takes away (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=8/8 (Scrivener's bcdehjkl) vs. a)fairh|=, takes away (present, so imperfective aspect), TR F1859=0/8.

tou= bibli/ou, of the book (diminutive force not emphatic), RP P1904 F1859=8/9 (Scrivener's bcde*hjkl) vs. bi/blou, of (the) book, TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e**).

a)fe/loi, may (God) take away (aorist optative), RP-text F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's bdh) vs. a)felei=, (God) will take away (first future), RP-marg P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's cl) vs. a)fairh/sei, (God) will take away (alternative future), TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e**) vs. a)felh|=, that (God) take away (subjunctive, or misspelled future), F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's e*k) vs. a)fe/lai, may (God) take away (non-classical optative), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=3:3. AV differs textually.

tou= cu/lou, (from) the tree, RP P1904 VulgS (ligno) F1859=8/9 (Scrivener's bcde*hjkl) vs. bi/blou, (from the) book, TR VulgC (libro) F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e**). AV differs textually.

kai\, and: absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 (Scrivener's bce*hjkl) vs. present in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's e**).

tw%~, the → this: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 (Scrivener's bce*hjkl) vs. absent in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's e**).

Deut 4:2, Deut 13:1MT (Deut 12:32AV), Deut 13:1.
Deut 13:2
Deut 13:1AV
‫כִּֽי־יָק֤וּם בְּקִרְבְּךָ֙ נָבִ֔יא א֖וֹ חֹלֵ֣ם חֲל֑וֹם וְנָתַ֥ן אֵלֶ֛יךָ א֖וֹת א֥וֹ מוֹפֵֽת׃‬ If a prophet arises in your midst, or one who has a dream, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, Mark 13:22.

has a dream ← dreams a dream.
Mark 13:22 870Egerqh/sontai ga_r yeudo/xristoi kai\ yeudoprofh=tai, kai\ dw&sousin shmei=a kai\ te/rata, pro\j to\ a)poplana~n, ei0 dunato/n, kai\ tou\j e0klektou/j. For false Christs and false prophets will rise up, and they will give signs and wonders with the intention of deceiving, if possible, even the elect. Deut 13:2MT (Deut 13:1AV).
Deut 18:15 ‫נָבִ֨יא מִקִּרְבְּךָ֤ מֵאַחֶ֙יךָ֙ כָּמֹ֔נִי יָקִ֥ים לְךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ אֵלָ֖יו תִּשְׁמָעֽוּן׃‬ The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your midst, from your brothers. Him you will hear, John 1:21, Acts 3:22, Acts 7:37. John 1:21 Kai\ h0rw&thsan au0to/n, Ti/ ou]n; 870Hli/aj ei] su/; Kai\ le/gei, Ou0k ei0mi/. 879O profh/thj ei] su/; Kai\ a)pekri/qh, Ou1. Then they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” And he said, “No, I am not.” – “Are you the prophet?” And he answered, “No.” the prophet: A reference to Deut 18:15, Deut 18:18, quoted in Acts 3:22, Acts 3:23, which shows that “the prophet” is the Messiah, but this is not recognized by the priests and Levites in John 1:25.

Elijah ← Elias.
Deut 18:15 ‫נָבִ֨יא מִקִּרְבְּךָ֤ מֵאַחֶ֙יךָ֙ כָּמֹ֔נִי יָקִ֥ים לְךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ אֵלָ֖יו תִּשְׁמָעֽוּן׃‬ The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your midst, from your brothers. Him you will hear, John 1:21, Acts 3:22, Acts 7:37. Acts 3:22 {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] me\n ga_r pro\j tou\j pate/raj ei]pen o3ti Profh/thn u9mi=n a)nasth/sei ku/rioj o9 qeo\j {RP: h9mw~n} [P1904 TR: u9mw~n] e0k tw~n a)delfw~n u9mw~n w(j e0me/: au0tou= a)kou/sesqe kata_ pa&nta o3sa a@n lalh/sh| pro\j u9ma~j. For Moses said to the fathers, The Lord {RP: our} [P1904 TR: your] God will raise up a prophet to you from your brothers like me. You will hear him in regard to whatever he says to you. Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=6/14 (Scrivener's cefh**km) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=8/14 (Scrivener's abdgh*lop). A weak disparity (#1) with RP, R=7:9.

h9mw~n, our, RP F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's abcefhlo) vs. u9mw~n, your, P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's dgkmp). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP, R=8:7. AV differs textually.

Deut 18:15, Deut 18:18.
Deut 18:15 ‫נָבִ֨יא מִקִּרְבְּךָ֤ מֵאַחֶ֙יךָ֙ כָּמֹ֔נִי יָקִ֥ים לְךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ אֵלָ֖יו תִּשְׁמָעֽוּן׃‬ The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your midst, from your brothers. Him you will hear, John 1:21, Acts 3:22, Acts 7:37. Acts 7:37 Ou[to/j e0stin {RP P1904 TR: o9} [MISC: - ] {RP: Mwsh=j} [P1904 TR: Mwu+sh=j] o9 ei0pw_n toi=j ui9oi=j 870Israh/l, Profh/thn u9mi=n a)nasth/sei ku/rioj o9 qeo\j {RP: h9mw~n} [P1904 TR: u9mw~n] e0k tw~n a)delfw~n u9mw~n w(j e0me/ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: : au0tou= a)kou/sesqe]. This is Moses who said to the sons of Israel, The Lord {RP: our} [P1904 TR: your] God will raise up a prophet to you from among your brothers like me. {RP: - } [P1904 TR: You will hear him.] o9, the (Moses): present in RP P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b*gklmp) vs. absent in F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's ab**cefho). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=8:7.

Mwsh=j, Moses, RP F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*m) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 TR F1859=11/13 (Scrivener's ab**cefghklop). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=2:13.

h9mw~n, our, RP F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's acfghklo) vs. u9mw~n, your, P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's bem) vs. word absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's p). AV differs textually.

au0tou= a)kou/sesqe, you will hear him: absent in RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's afghlmp) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's bceko). Nearly a disparity (#3) with RP, R=7:7. AV differs textually.

Deut 18:15, Deut 18:18.
Deut 18:18 ‫נָבִ֨יא אָקִ֥ים לָהֶ֛ם מִקֶּ֥רֶב אֲחֵיהֶ֖ם כָּמ֑וֹךָ וְנָתַתִּ֤י דְבָרַי֙ בְּפִ֔יו וְדִבֶּ֣ר אֲלֵיהֶ֔ם אֵ֖ת כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֥ר אֲצַוֶּֽנּוּ׃‬ I will raise up to them a prophet from the midst of their brothers like you, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them everything that I command him. a prophet: John 1:21, Acts 3:22, Acts 7:37 refer to this, showing that the prophet referred to is the Messiah. John 1:21 Kai\ h0rw&thsan au0to/n, Ti/ ou]n; 870Hli/aj ei] su/; Kai\ le/gei, Ou0k ei0mi/. 879O profh/thj ei] su/; Kai\ a)pekri/qh, Ou1. Then they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” And he said, “No, I am not.” – “Are you the prophet?” And he answered, “No.” the prophet: A reference to Deut 18:15, Deut 18:18, quoted in Acts 3:22, Acts 3:23, which shows that “the prophet” is the Messiah, but this is not recognized by the priests and Levites in John 1:25.

Elijah ← Elias.
Deut 18:18 ‫נָבִ֨יא אָקִ֥ים לָהֶ֛ם מִקֶּ֥רֶב אֲחֵיהֶ֖ם כָּמ֑וֹךָ וְנָתַתִּ֤י דְבָרַי֙ בְּפִ֔יו וְדִבֶּ֣ר אֲלֵיהֶ֔ם אֵ֖ת כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֥ר אֲצַוֶּֽנּוּ׃‬ I will raise up to them a prophet from the midst of their brothers like you, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them everything that I command him. a prophet: John 1:21, Acts 3:22, Acts 7:37 refer to this, showing that the prophet referred to is the Messiah. Acts 3:22 {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] me\n ga_r pro\j tou\j pate/raj ei]pen o3ti Profh/thn u9mi=n a)nasth/sei ku/rioj o9 qeo\j {RP: h9mw~n} [P1904 TR: u9mw~n] e0k tw~n a)delfw~n u9mw~n w(j e0me/: au0tou= a)kou/sesqe kata_ pa&nta o3sa a@n lalh/sh| pro\j u9ma~j. For Moses said to the fathers, The Lord {RP: our} [P1904 TR: your] God will raise up a prophet to you from your brothers like me. You will hear him in regard to whatever he says to you. Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1859=6/14 (Scrivener's cefh**km) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1859=8/14 (Scrivener's abdgh*lop). A weak disparity (#1) with RP, R=7:9.

h9mw~n, our, RP F1859=8/13 (Scrivener's abcefhlo) vs. u9mw~n, your, P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's dgkmp). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP, R=8:7. AV differs textually.

Deut 18:15, Deut 18:18.
Deut 18:18 ‫נָבִ֨יא אָקִ֥ים לָהֶ֛ם מִקֶּ֥רֶב אֲחֵיהֶ֖ם כָּמ֑וֹךָ וְנָתַתִּ֤י דְבָרַי֙ בְּפִ֔יו וְדִבֶּ֣ר אֲלֵיהֶ֔ם אֵ֖ת כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֥ר אֲצַוֶּֽנּוּ׃‬ I will raise up to them a prophet from the midst of their brothers like you, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them everything that I command him. a prophet: John 1:21, Acts 3:22, Acts 7:37 refer to this, showing that the prophet referred to is the Messiah. Acts 7:37 Ou[to/j e0stin {RP P1904 TR: o9} [MISC: - ] {RP: Mwsh=j} [P1904 TR: Mwu+sh=j] o9 ei0pw_n toi=j ui9oi=j 870Israh/l, Profh/thn u9mi=n a)nasth/sei ku/rioj o9 qeo\j {RP: h9mw~n} [P1904 TR: u9mw~n] e0k tw~n a)delfw~n u9mw~n w(j e0me/ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: : au0tou= a)kou/sesqe]. This is Moses who said to the sons of Israel, The Lord {RP: our} [P1904 TR: your] God will raise up a prophet to you from among your brothers like me. {RP: - } [P1904 TR: You will hear him.] o9, the (Moses): present in RP P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's b*gklmp) vs. absent in F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's ab**cefho). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=8:7.

Mwsh=j, Moses, RP F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's b*m) vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 TR F1859=11/13 (Scrivener's ab**cefghklop). A strong disparity (#2) with RP, R=2:13.

h9mw~n, our, RP F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's acfghklo) vs. u9mw~n, your, P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's bem) vs. word absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's p). AV differs textually.

au0tou= a)kou/sesqe, you will hear him: absent in RP F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's afghlmp) vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's bceko). Nearly a disparity (#3) with RP, R=7:7. AV differs textually.

Deut 18:15, Deut 18:18.
Deut 18:19 ‫וְהָיָ֗ה הָאִישׁ֙ אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־יִשְׁמַע֙ אֶל־דְּבָרַ֔י אֲשֶׁ֥ר יְדַבֵּ֖ר בִּשְׁמִ֑י אָנֹכִ֖י אֶדְרֹ֥שׁ מֵעִמּֽוֹ׃‬ And it will come to pass for any man who does not listen to my words which he shall speak in my name, that I will require justice from him. Acts 3:23. Acts 3:23 871Estai de/, pa~sa yuxh/, h3tij {RP-text P1904: e0a_n} [RP-marg TR: a@n] mh\ a)kou/sh| tou= profh/tou e0kei/nou, e0coloqreuqh/setai e0k tou= laou=. And it will come to pass that anyone who does not hear that prophet will be utterly eradicated from the people.’ e0a_n, (who)ever (non-classical form), RP-text P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. a@n, (who)ever (classical form), RP-marg TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's ahk).

Deut 18:19, adapted a little.

anyone who does not ← every soul whatever which does not.
Deut 19:15 ‫לֹֽא־יָקוּם֩ עֵ֨ד אֶחָ֜ד בְּאִ֗ישׁ לְכָל־עָוֺן֙ וּלְכָל־חַטָּ֔את בְּכָל־חֵ֖טְא אֲשֶׁ֣ר יֶֽחֱטָ֑א עַל־פִּ֣י ׀ שְׁנֵ֣י עֵדִ֗ים א֛וֹ עַל־פִּ֥י שְׁלֹשָֽׁה־עֵדִ֖ים יָק֥וּם דָּבָֽר׃‬ One witness against a man shall not stand for any iniquity or any sin – for any sinfulness by which he sins. A case will stand at the attestation of two witnesses or at the attestation of three witnesses. Matt 18:16, John 8:17, 2 Cor 13:1.

any (3x)all.

attestation (2x)mouth.
Matt 18:16 e0a_n de\ mh\ a)kou/sh|, para&labe meta_ sou= e1ti e3na h2 du/o, i3na e0pi\ sto/matoj du/o martu/rwn h2 triw~n staqh|= pa~n r(h=ma: But if he does not heed you, take one or two people with you in order that by the attestation of two or three witnesses, every matter may be established. Deut 19:15.

one or two ← one or two more.

attestation ← mouth.
Deut 19:15 ‫לֹֽא־יָקוּם֩ עֵ֨ד אֶחָ֜ד בְּאִ֗ישׁ לְכָל־עָוֺן֙ וּלְכָל־חַטָּ֔את בְּכָל־חֵ֖טְא אֲשֶׁ֣ר יֶֽחֱטָ֑א עַל־פִּ֣י ׀ שְׁנֵ֣י עֵדִ֗ים א֛וֹ עַל־פִּ֥י שְׁלֹשָֽׁה־עֵדִ֖ים יָק֥וּם דָּבָֽר׃‬ One witness against a man shall not stand for any iniquity or any sin – for any sinfulness by which he sins. A case will stand at the attestation of two witnesses or at the attestation of three witnesses. Matt 18:16, John 8:17, 2 Cor 13:1.

any (3x)all.

attestation (2x)mouth.
John 8:17 Kai\ e0n tw%~ no/mw% de\ tw%~ u9mete/rw% ge/graptai o3ti du/o a)nqrw&pwn h9 marturi/a a)lhqh/j e0stin. And in your law it stands written that the testimony of two men is true. Deut 19:15.
Deut 19:15 ‫לֹֽא־יָקוּם֩ עֵ֨ד אֶחָ֜ד בְּאִ֗ישׁ לְכָל־עָוֺן֙ וּלְכָל־חַטָּ֔את בְּכָל־חֵ֖טְא אֲשֶׁ֣ר יֶֽחֱטָ֑א עַל־פִּ֣י ׀ שְׁנֵ֣י עֵדִ֗ים א֛וֹ עַל־פִּ֥י שְׁלֹשָֽׁה־עֵדִ֖ים יָק֥וּם דָּבָֽר׃‬ One witness against a man shall not stand for any iniquity or any sin – for any sinfulness by which he sins. A case will stand at the attestation of two witnesses or at the attestation of three witnesses. Matt 18:16, John 8:17, 2 Cor 13:1.

any (3x)all.

attestation (2x)mouth.
2 Cor 13:1 Tri/ton tou=to e1rxomai pro\j u9ma~j. 870Epi\ sto/matoj du/o martu/rwn kai\ triw~n staqh/setai pa~n r(h=ma. I am coming to you this third time. Every matter shall be established at the attestation of two or three witnesses. Deut 19:15.

attestation ← mouth.
Deut 21:15 ‫כִּֽי־תִהְיֶ֨יןָ לְאִ֜ישׁ שְׁתֵּ֣י נָשִׁ֗ים הָאַחַ֤ת אֲהוּבָה֙ וְהָאַחַ֣ת שְׂנוּאָ֔ה וְיָֽלְדוּ־ל֣וֹ בָנִ֔ים הָאֲהוּבָ֖ה וְהַשְּׂנוּאָ֑ה וְהָיָ֛ה הַבֵּ֥ן הַבְּכ֖וֹר לַשְּׂנִיאָֽה׃‬ If a man has two wives, one loved and one hated, and they bare him sons – the one loved and the one hated – and the firstborn son is of the one hated, Compare the linguistic usage with Rom 9:13. Rom 9:13 Kaqw_j ge/graptai, To\n 870Iakw_b h0ga&phsa, to\n de\ 870Hsau= e0mi/shsa. As it stands written: “I have loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau.” Mal 1:2, Mal 1:3. See also for the linguistic usage Deut 21:15.
Deut 21:23 ‫לֹא־תָלִ֨ין נִבְלָת֜וֹ עַל־הָעֵ֗ץ כִּֽי־קָב֤וֹר תִּקְבְּרֶ֙נּוּ֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא כִּֽי־קִלְלַ֥ת אֱלֹהִ֖ים תָּל֑וּי וְלֹ֤א תְטַמֵּא֙ אֶת־אַדְמָ֣תְךָ֔ אֲשֶׁר֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לְךָ֖ נַחֲלָֽה׃ ס‬ His corpse will not remain on the tree all night, but you will make a point of burying him on that day, for a person hanging is an object of curse to God, and you will not defile your land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. Gal 3:13.

make a point of burying: infinitive absolute.

curse to God ← curse of God. Wider use of the construct state.

land ← ground.
Gal 3:13 Xristo\j h9ma~j e0chgo/rasen e0k th=j kata&raj tou= no/mou, geno/menoj u9pe\r h9mw~n kata&ra: ge/graptai ga&r, 870Epikata&ratoj pa~j o9 krema&menoj e0pi\ cu/lou: Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for our sakes. For it stands written: “Cursed is everyone who hangs on wood”, Deut 21:23.

hangs ← is hung, is suspended.
Deut 22:24 ‫וְהוֹצֵאתֶ֨ם אֶת־שְׁנֵיהֶ֜ם אֶל־שַׁ֣עַר ׀ הָעִ֣יר הַהִ֗וא וּסְקַלְתֶּ֨ם אֹתָ֥ם בָּאֲבָנִים֮ וָמֵתוּ֒ אֶת־*הנער **הַֽנַּעֲרָ֗ה עַל־דְּבַר֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹא־צָעֲקָ֣ה בָעִ֔יר וְאֶ֨ת־הָאִ֔ישׁ עַל־דְּבַ֥ר אֲשֶׁר־עִנָּ֖ה אֶת־אֵ֣שֶׁת רֵעֵ֑הוּ וּבִֽעַרְתָּ֥ הָרָ֖ע מִקִּרְבֶּֽךָ׃ ס‬ then you will bring both of them out to the gate of that city and stone them, and they will die: the girl because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he ravished his neighbour's future wife, and you will eradicate the evil from your midst. girl: see v.15.

John 8:5.

stone: see Deut 13:11 (Deut 13:10AV).

eradicate ← burn.
John 8:5 {RP TR: 870En de\} [P1904: Kai\ e0n] tw%~ no/mw% {RP TR: - } [P1904: h9mw~n] {RP-text TR: Mwsh=j} [RP-marg P1904: Mwu+sh=j] {RP TR: h9mi=n} [P1904: - ] e0netei/lato ta_j toiau/taj {RP TR: liqobolei=sqai} [P1904: liqa&zein]: su\ ou]n ti/ le/geij; and in {RP TR: the} [P1904: our] law, Moses commanded {RP TR: us} [P1904: - ] {RP TR: that such people are to be stoned} [P1904: to stone such people]. ¶ So what do you say?” ¶ Verse division: in P1904 numbering, John 8:6 begins here.

e0n de\, in + and / but, RP TR F1853=18/18 F1859=5/6 vs. kai\ e0n, and + in, P1904 F1853=0/18 F1859=1/6.

h9mw~n, our (law): absent in RP TR F1853=11/19 F1859=4/7 vs. present in P1904 F1853=8/19 F1859=3/7.

Mwsh=j, Moses, RP-text TR F1853=13/18 F1859=5/6 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, RP-marg P1904 F1853=5/18 F1859=1/6.

h9mi=n, (commanded) us: present in RP TR F1853=8/18 F1859=3/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=9/18 F1859=3/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/18 (Scrivener's p) F1859=0/6. A weak disparity with RP, R=12:13.

liqobolei=sqai, to be stoned, RP TR F1853=11/19 F1859=2/6 vs. liqa&zein, to stone, P1904 F1853=8/19 F1859=3/6 vs. another reading, F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.

Deut 22:24, but applied to a betrothed virgin there. The “spirit of jealousy” procedure includes writing the curses in a book and blotting them out; see Num 5:14-31, especially Num 5:23.
Deut 23:22
Deut 23:21AV
‫כִּֽי־תִדֹּ֥ר נֶ֙דֶר֙ לַיהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ לֹ֥א תְאַחֵ֖ר לְשַׁלְּמ֑וֹ כִּֽי־דָּרֹ֨שׁ יִדְרְשֶׁ֜נּוּ יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ מֵֽעִמָּ֔ךְ וְהָיָ֥ה בְךָ֖ חֵֽטְא׃‬ When you make a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not be tardy in fulfilling it, for the Lord your God will certainly claim it from you, otherwise there will be sin in you. Matt 5:33.

in fulfilling: gerundial use of the infinitive.

certainly claim: infinitive absolute.

otherwise: contrastive use of the vav.
Matt 5:33 Pa&lin h0kou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh toi=j a)rxai/oij, Ou0k e0piorkh/seij, a)podw&seij de\ tw%~ kuri/w% tou\j o3rkouj sou: Again, you have heard that it was said by the ancients, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but you will perform your oaths to the Lord’, Ex 20:7, Lev 19:12, Num 30:3MT (Num 30:2AV), Deut 23:22MT (Deut 23:21AV).

by: or to, as in Matt 5:21, Matt 5:27.
Deut 24:1 ‫כִּֽי־יִקַּ֥ח אִ֛ישׁ אִשָּׁ֖ה וּבְעָלָ֑הּ וְהָיָ֞ה אִם־לֹ֧א תִמְצָא־חֵ֣ן בְּעֵינָ֗יו כִּי־מָ֤צָא בָהּ֙ עֶרְוַ֣ת דָּבָ֔ר וְכָ֨תַב לָ֜הּ סֵ֤פֶר כְּרִיתֻת֙ וְנָתַ֣ן בְּיָדָ֔הּ וְשִׁלְּחָ֖הּ מִבֵּיתֽוֹ׃‬ If a man takes a wife and marries her, it will be the case that if she does not find grace in his eyes, because he finds something shameful about her, then he shall write her a deed of divorce and place it in her hand, and he shall dismiss her from his house. Matt 5:31, Matt 19:7, Mark 10:4.

something shameful about her ← nakedness of a matter in her.

deed ← book.
Matt 5:31 870Erre/qh de\ {RP TR: o3ti} [P1904: - ] 874Oj a@n a)polu/sh| th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, do/tw au0th|= a)posta&sion: And it has been said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a deed of divorce’, o3ti, (said) that (but simply introduces direct speech here): present in RP TR F1853=19/19 F1859=5/6 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=1/6.

Deut 24:1.
Deut 24:1 ‫כִּֽי־יִקַּ֥ח אִ֛ישׁ אִשָּׁ֖ה וּבְעָלָ֑הּ וְהָיָ֞ה אִם־לֹ֧א תִמְצָא־חֵ֣ן בְּעֵינָ֗יו כִּי־מָ֤צָא בָהּ֙ עֶרְוַ֣ת דָּבָ֔ר וְכָ֨תַב לָ֜הּ סֵ֤פֶר כְּרִיתֻת֙ וְנָתַ֣ן בְּיָדָ֔הּ וְשִׁלְּחָ֖הּ מִבֵּיתֽוֹ׃‬ If a man takes a wife and marries her, it will be the case that if she does not find grace in his eyes, because he finds something shameful about her, then he shall write her a deed of divorce and place it in her hand, and he shall dismiss her from his house. Matt 5:31, Matt 19:7, Mark 10:4.

something shameful about her ← nakedness of a matter in her.

deed ← book.
Matt 19:7 Le/gousin au0tw%~, Ti/ ou]n Mwsh=j e0netei/lato dou=nai bibli/on a)postasi/ou, kai\ a)polu=sai au0th/n; Then they said to him, “Why, then, did Moses give commandment to give a deed of divorce and to divorce her?” Deut 24:1.

deed ← book.
Deut 24:1 ‫כִּֽי־יִקַּ֥ח אִ֛ישׁ אִשָּׁ֖ה וּבְעָלָ֑הּ וְהָיָ֞ה אִם־לֹ֧א תִמְצָא־חֵ֣ן בְּעֵינָ֗יו כִּי־מָ֤צָא בָהּ֙ עֶרְוַ֣ת דָּבָ֔ר וְכָ֨תַב לָ֜הּ סֵ֤פֶר כְּרִיתֻת֙ וְנָתַ֣ן בְּיָדָ֔הּ וְשִׁלְּחָ֖הּ מִבֵּיתֽוֹ׃‬ If a man takes a wife and marries her, it will be the case that if she does not find grace in his eyes, because he finds something shameful about her, then he shall write her a deed of divorce and place it in her hand, and he shall dismiss her from his house. Matt 5:31, Matt 19:7, Mark 10:4.

something shameful about her ← nakedness of a matter in her.

deed ← book.
Mark 10:4 Oi9 de\ ei]pon, {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0pe/treyen] {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] {RP TR: e0pe/treyen} [P1904: - ] bibli/on a)postasi/ou gra&yai, kai\ a)polu=sai. Then they said, “Moses permitted us to write a deed of divorce and to divorce.” e0pe/treye¨n©, permitted: after Moses, RP TR F1853=19/20 F1859=5/8 vs. before Moses, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y) F1859=2/8 vs. verse absent, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/8.

Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=17/20 F1859=7/8 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's aeg) F1859=0/8 vs. verse absent, F1853=0/20 F1859=1/8.

Deut 24:1.

deed ← book.
Deut 25:4 ‫לֹא־תַחְסֹ֥ם שׁ֖וֹר בְּדִישֽׁוֹ׃ ס‬ You shall not muzzle the ox when it is threshing. 1 Cor 9:9, 1 Tim 5:18. 1 Cor 9:9 870En ga_r tw%~ {RP-text: Mwu+se/wj} [RP-marg P1904 TR: Mwse/wj] no/mw% ge/graptai, Ou0 fimw&seij bou=n a)low~nta. Mh\ tw~n bow~n me/lei tw%~ qew%~; For in the law of Moses it stands written: “You shall not muzzle an ox which threshes.” Is God really concerned about oxen? Mwu+se/wj, of Moüses, RP-text F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k) vs. Mwse/wj, of Moses, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=9/12 vs. Mwu+se/oj, of Moses, F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gl). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=1:11. But a reversal of the balance in 1 Cor 10:2.

Deut 25:4.

is God really concerned ← is it really a concern to God.
Deut 25:4 ‫לֹא־תַחְסֹ֥ם שׁ֖וֹר בְּדִישֽׁוֹ׃ ס‬ You shall not muzzle the ox when it is threshing. 1 Cor 9:9, 1 Tim 5:18. 1 Tim 5:18 Le/gei ga_r h9 grafh/, Bou=n a)low~nta ou0 fimw&seij: kai/, 871Acioj o9 e0rga&thj tou= misqou= au0tou=. for the scripture says, “You shall not muzzle the ox that threshes”, and, “The worker is worthy of his wages.” Deut 25:4. For the second quote, see Matt 10:10.
Deut 25:5 ‫כִּֽי־יֵשְׁב֨וּ אַחִ֜ים יַחְדָּ֗ו וּמֵ֨ת אַחַ֤ד מֵהֶם֙ וּבֵ֣ן אֵֽין־ל֔וֹ לֹֽא־תִהְיֶ֧ה אֵֽשֶׁת־הַמֵּ֛ת הַח֖וּצָה לְאִ֣ישׁ זָ֑ר יְבָמָהּ֙ יָבֹ֣א עָלֶ֔יהָ וּלְקָחָ֥הּ ל֛וֹ לְאִשָּׁ֖ה וְיִבְּמָֽהּ׃‬ If some brothers live together and one of them dies, and he has no son, the wife of the deceased shall not become the wife of a foreigner outside. Her brother-in-law will go in to her and take her as his wife, and he will marry her in the capacity of the deceased husband's brother. Matt 22:24, Mark 12:19, Luke 20:28.

and he will marry her in the capacity of the deceased husband's brother: one word in Hebrew.
Matt 22:24 le/gontej, Dida&skale, Mwsh=j ei]pen, 870Ea&n tij a)poqa&nh| mh\ e1xwn te/kna, e0pigambreu/sei o9 a)delfo\j au0tou= th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, kai\ a)nasth/sei spe/rma tw%~ a)delfw%~ au0tou=. saying, “Teacher, Moses said, ‘If someone dies, not having children, his brother shall marry his wife in the capacity of the deceased's brother and raise seed to his brother.’ Deut 25:5.

marry ... in the capacity of the deceased's brother: all one word in Greek.

seed: implying more continuity than just offspring.
Deut 25:5 ‫כִּֽי־יֵשְׁב֨וּ אַחִ֜ים יַחְדָּ֗ו וּמֵ֨ת אַחַ֤ד מֵהֶם֙ וּבֵ֣ן אֵֽין־ל֔וֹ לֹֽא־תִהְיֶ֧ה אֵֽשֶׁת־הַמֵּ֛ת הַח֖וּצָה לְאִ֣ישׁ זָ֑ר יְבָמָהּ֙ יָבֹ֣א עָלֶ֔יהָ וּלְקָחָ֥הּ ל֛וֹ לְאִשָּׁ֖ה וְיִבְּמָֽהּ׃‬ If some brothers live together and one of them dies, and he has no son, the wife of the deceased shall not become the wife of a foreigner outside. Her brother-in-law will go in to her and take her as his wife, and he will marry her in the capacity of the deceased husband's brother. Matt 22:24, Mark 12:19, Luke 20:28.

and he will marry her in the capacity of the deceased husband's brother: one word in Hebrew.
Mark 12:19 Dida&skale, {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] e1grayen h9mi=n, o3ti e0a&n tinoj a)delfo\j a)poqa&nh|, kai\ katali/ph| gunai=ka, kai\ te/kna mh\ a)fh|=, i3na la&bh| o9 a)delfo\j au0tou= th\n gunai=ka au0tou=, kai\ e0canasth/sh| spe/rma tw%~ a)delfw%~ au0tou=: “Teacher, Moses wrote for us, ‘If someone's brother dies, and he leaves a wife, but he does not leave children, that his brother is to take his wife and raise up seed to his brother.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=16/21 F1859=3/7 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=5/21 F1859=4/7.

Deut 25:5.

seed: implying more continuity than just offspring.
Deut 25:5 ‫כִּֽי־יֵשְׁב֨וּ אַחִ֜ים יַחְדָּ֗ו וּמֵ֨ת אַחַ֤ד מֵהֶם֙ וּבֵ֣ן אֵֽין־ל֔וֹ לֹֽא־תִהְיֶ֧ה אֵֽשֶׁת־הַמֵּ֛ת הַח֖וּצָה לְאִ֣ישׁ זָ֑ר יְבָמָהּ֙ יָבֹ֣א עָלֶ֔יהָ וּלְקָחָ֥הּ ל֛וֹ לְאִשָּׁ֖ה וְיִבְּמָֽהּ׃‬ If some brothers live together and one of them dies, and he has no son, the wife of the deceased shall not become the wife of a foreigner outside. Her brother-in-law will go in to her and take her as his wife, and he will marry her in the capacity of the deceased husband's brother. Matt 22:24, Mark 12:19, Luke 20:28.

and he will marry her in the capacity of the deceased husband's brother: one word in Hebrew.
Luke 20:28 le/gontej, Dida&skale, {RP TR: Mwsh=j} [P1904: Mwu+sh=j] e1grayen h9mi=n, e0a&n tinoj a)delfo\j a)poqa&nh| e1xwn gunai=ka, kai\ ou[toj a!teknoj a)poqa&nh|, i3na la&bh| o9 a)delfo\j au0tou= th\n gunai=ka, kai\ e0canasth/sh| spe/rma tw%~ a)delfw%~ au0tou=. and they said, “Teacher, Moses wrote to us, ‘If someone's brother dies, having a wife, and he dies without children, that his brother is to take the wife and raise up seed to his brother.’ Mwsh=j, Moses, RP TR F1853=8/18 F1859=1/6 vs. Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, P1904 F1853=10/18 F1859=5/6. A disparity with RP, R=10:16.

Deut 25:5.

he ← this (man).

seed: implying more continuity than just offspring.
Deut 27:26 ‫אָר֗וּר אֲשֶׁ֧ר לֹא־יָקִ֛ים אֶת־דִּבְרֵ֥י הַתּוֹרָֽה־הַזֹּ֖את לַעֲשׂ֣וֹת אוֹתָ֑ם וְאָמַ֥ר כָּל־הָעָ֖ם אָמֵֽן׃ פ‬ ‘Cursed is he who does not establish the words of this law, by doing them.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’ Gal 3:10.

by doing: gerundial use of the infinitive.
Gal 3:10 873Osoi ga_r e0c e1rgwn no/mou ei0si/n, u9po\ kata&ran ei0si/n: ge/graptai ga&r, 870Epikata&ratoj pa~j o4j ou0k e0mme/nei e0n pa~sin toi=j gegramme/noij e0n tw%~ bibli/w% tou= no/mou, tou= poih=sai au0ta&. For all who are of works of the law are under a curse, for it stands written: “Cursed is everyone who does not remain in all the things written in the book of the law, to do them.” Deut 27:26.

all ← as many as.
Deut 30:4 ‫אִם־יִהְיֶ֥ה נִֽדַּחֲךָ֖ בִּקְצֵ֣ה הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם מִשָּׁ֗ם יְקַבֶּצְךָ֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ וּמִשָּׁ֖ם יִקָּחֶֽךָ׃‬ If one of you has been driven to the end of sky, the Lord your God will gather you from there, and he will fetch you from there. Matt 24:31.

one of you has been driven ← your driven one.
Matt 24:31 Kai\ a)postelei= tou\j a)gge/louj au0tou= meta_ sa&lpiggoj fwnh=j mega&lhj, kai\ e0pisuna&cousin tou\j e0klektou\j au0tou= e0k tw~n tessa&rwn a)ne/mwn, a)p' a!krwn ou0ranw~n e3wj a!krwn au0tw~n. And he will send his angels, with a loud sound of a trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of the skies to the other. Deut 30:4.

from one end of the skies to the other ← from ends of heaven up to ends of them.
Deut 30:12 ‫לֹ֥א בַשָּׁמַ֖יִם הִ֑וא לֵאמֹ֗ר מִ֣י יַעֲלֶה־לָּ֤נוּ הַשָּׁמַ֙יְמָה֙ וְיִקָּחֶ֣הָ לָּ֔נוּ וְיַשְׁמִעֵ֥נוּ אֹתָ֖הּ וְנַעֲשֶֽׂנָּה׃‬ It is not in heaven, with you saying, ‘Who will go up to heaven for us and fetch it for us, and proclaim it to us so that we can carry it out?’ Rom 10:6.

proclaim it to us: AV differs somewhat (that we may hear it), translating loosely.
Rom 10:6 879H de\ e0k pi/stewj dikaiosu/nh ou3twj le/gei, Mh\ ei1ph|j e0n {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: th|=} [E1624: - ] kardi/a% sou, Ti/j a)nabh/setai ei0j to\n ou0rano/n; - tou=t' e1stin xristo\n katagagei=n - But the righteousness which is of faith speaks like this: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will go up to heaven?’ ” – that is, to bring Christ down – th|=, the (with “of you” = your): present in RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=11/12 (incl. c(tacite)) vs. absent in E1624 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's b).

Deut 30:12.
Deut 30:13 ‫וְלֹֽא־מֵעֵ֥בֶר לַיָּ֖ם הִ֑וא לֵאמֹ֗ר מִ֣י יַעֲבָר־לָ֜נוּ אֶל־עֵ֤בֶר הַיָּם֙ וְיִקָּחֶ֣הָ לָּ֔נוּ וְיַשְׁמִעֵ֥נוּ אֹתָ֖הּ וְנַעֲשֶֽׂנָּה׃‬ And it is not across the sea, with you saying, ‘Who will go across to the other side of the sea for us, to fetch it for us, and proclaim it to us, so that we can carry it out?’ Rom 10:7.

proclaim it to us: as in Deut 30:12.
Rom 10:7 h1, Ti/j katabh/setai ei0j th\n a!busson; - tou=t' e1stin xristo\n e0k nekrw~n a)nagagei=n. “or, ‘Who will go down to the abyss?’ ” – that is, to bring Christ up from the dead. Deut 30:13.
Deut 30:14 ‫כִּֽי־קָר֥וֹב אֵלֶ֛יךָ הַדָּבָ֖ר מְאֹ֑ד בְּפִ֥יךָ וּבִֽלְבָבְךָ֖ לַעֲשֹׂתֽוֹ׃ ס‬ For the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, for you to carry it out. Rom 10:8. Rom 10:8 870Alla_ ti/ le/gei; 870Eggu/j sou to\ r(h=ma& e0stin, e0n tw%~ sto/mati/ sou kai\ e0n th|= kardi/a% sou: tou=t' e1stin to\ r(h=ma th=j pi/stewj o4 khru/ssomen: But what does it say? “The word is near to you, in your mouth and in your heart” – that is, the word of faith which we proclaim, Deut 30:14.
Deut 31:6 ‫חִזְק֣וּ וְאִמְצ֔וּ אַל־תִּֽירְא֥וּ וְאַל־תַּעַרְצ֖וּ מִפְּנֵיהֶ֑ם כִּ֣י ׀ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֗יךָ ה֚וּא הַהֹלֵ֣ךְ עִמָּ֔ךְ לֹ֥א יַרְפְּךָ֖ וְלֹ֥א יַעַזְבֶֽךָּ׃ פ‬ Be strong and take courage; do not fear and do not be terrified of them, for it is the Lord your God who is going with you. He will not desert you nor forsake you. Heb 13:5. Heb 13:5 870Afila&rguroj o9 tro/poj, a)rkou/menoi toi=j parou=sin: au0to\j ga_r ei1rhken, Ou0 mh/ se a)nw~, ou0d' ou0 mh/ se {RP: e0gkatalei/pw} [P1904 TR: e0gkatali/pw]. Let your way of life not be avaricious, being content with what you have, for he himself said, “I will certainly not desert you nor forsake you.” e0gkatalei/pw, leave (present subjunctive, so imperfective aspect), RP F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's cdfkmo) vs. e0gkatali/pw, leave (aorist subjunctive, so perfective aspect), P1904 TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abeghjl). A disparity with RP, R=6:9.

Deut 31:6, Josh 1:5.

what you have ← (things) present.
Deut 32:17 ‫יִזְבְּח֗וּ לַשֵּׁדִים֙ לֹ֣א אֱלֹ֔הַ אֱלֹהִ֖ים לֹ֣א יְדָע֑וּם חֲדָשִׁים֙ מִקָּרֹ֣ב בָּ֔אוּ לֹ֥א שְׂעָר֖וּם אֲבֹתֵיכֶֽם׃‬

They sacrificed to demons,

– Not to God –

To gods that they had not known

– New ones that had recently arrived –

Whom your fathers never reverenced.

1 Cor 10:20.

never reverenced ← did not reverence.
1 Cor 10:20 870All' o3ti a$ qu/ei ta_ e1qnh, daimoni/oij qu/ei, kai\ ou0 qew%~: ou0 qe/lw de\ u9ma~j koinwnou\j tw~n daimoni/wn gi/nesqai. No, but I say that what the Gentiles offer, they offer to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to become involved with the demons. Deut 32:17.

involved with ← partners of, or in fellowship with.
Deut 32:21 ‫הֵ֚ם קִנְא֣וּנִי בְלֹא־אֵ֔ל כִּעֲס֖וּנִי בְּהַבְלֵיהֶ֑ם וַאֲנִי֙ אַקְנִיאֵ֣ם בְּלֹא־עָ֔ם בְּג֥וֹי נָבָ֖ל אַכְעִיסֵֽם׃‬

They have provoked me to jealousy

With that which is not God.

They have provoked me to anger

With their idols.

So I shall provoke them to jealousy

With those who are not a people.

By a foolish nation

I will provoke them to anger.

Rom 10:19. Rom 10:19 870Alla_ le/gw, mh\ ou0k e1gnw 870Israh/l; Prw~toj {RP P1904: Mwu+sh=j} [TR: Mwsh=j] le/gei, 870Egw_ parazhlw&sw u9ma~j e0p' ou0k e1qnei, e0pi\ e1qnei a)sune/tw% parorgiw~ u9ma~j. But I say, “Did Israel not know?” Firstly, Moses says,

“I will provoke you to jealousy by a non-nation,

By a foolish nation I will provoke you to anger.”

Mwu+sh=j, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. Mwsh=j, Moses, TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's g**hn).

Deut 32:21.
Deut 32:35 ‫לִ֤י נָקָם֙ וְשִׁלֵּ֔ם לְעֵ֖ת תָּמ֣וּט רַגְלָ֑ם כִּ֤י קָרוֹב֙ י֣וֹם אֵידָ֔ם וְחָ֖שׁ עֲתִדֹ֥ת לָֽמוֹ׃‬

Vengeance and retribution are mine.

Their foot will totter in due course,

For the day of their calamity is near,

And their future hastens on.

Rom 12:19, Heb 10:30. Rom 12:19 Mh\ e9autou\j e0kdikou=ntej, a)gaphtoi/, a)lla_ do/te to/pon th|= o0rgh|=: ge/graptai ga&r, 870Emoi\ e0kdi/khsij, e0gw_ a)ntapodw&sw, le/gei ku/rioj. Do not take revenge on each other, beloved, but leave room for anger, for it stands written: “Vengeance is mine. I will repay”, says the Lord. Deut 32:35. See also Prov 20:22, Prov 24:29, Prov 25:22.

leave ← give.

anger: i.e. God's anger, as noted by [CB], [MG].
Deut 32:35 ‫לִ֤י נָקָם֙ וְשִׁלֵּ֔ם לְעֵ֖ת תָּמ֣וּט רַגְלָ֑ם כִּ֤י קָרוֹב֙ י֣וֹם אֵידָ֔ם וְחָ֖שׁ עֲתִדֹ֥ת לָֽמוֹ׃‬

Vengeance and retribution are mine.

Their foot will totter in due course,

For the day of their calamity is near,

And their future hastens on.

Rom 12:19, Heb 10:30. Heb 10:30 Oi1damen ga_r to\n ei0po/nta, 870Emoi\ e0kdi/khsij, e0gw_ a)ntapodw&sw, le/gei ku/rioj: kai\ pa&lin, ku/rioj krinei= to\n lao\n au0tou=. For we know him who has said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”, says the Lord, and again, The Lord will judge his people.” Deut 32:35, Deut 32:36.
Deut 32:36 ‫כִּֽי־יָדִ֤ין יְהוָה֙ עַמּ֔וֹ וְעַל־עֲבָדָ֖יו יִתְנֶחָ֑ם כִּ֤י יִרְאֶה֙ כִּי־אָ֣זְלַת יָ֔ד וְאֶ֖פֶס עָצ֥וּר וְעָזֽוּב׃‬

For the Lord will judge his people,

And he will have compassion on his servants,

For he will see that their power has gone,

And that they are nothing but shut in

And abandoned.

Heb 10:30.

the Lord will judge his people (etc.): compare Ps 135:14.

power ← hand.

has gone: in an Aramaic form.

nothing but shut in and abandoned: or not defended and protected. See ↴
Heb 10:30 Oi1damen ga_r to\n ei0po/nta, 870Emoi\ e0kdi/khsij, e0gw_ a)ntapodw&sw, le/gei ku/rioj: kai\ pa&lin, ku/rioj krinei= to\n lao\n au0tou=. For we know him who has said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”, says the Lord, and again, The Lord will judge his people.” Deut 32:35, Deut 32:36.
Deut 32:43 ‫הַרְנִ֤ינוּ גוֹיִם֙ עַמּ֔וֹ כִּ֥י דַם־עֲבָדָ֖יו יִקּ֑וֹם וְנָקָם֙ יָשִׁ֣יב לְצָרָ֔יו וְכִפֶּ֥ר אַדְמָת֖וֹ עַמּֽוֹ׃ פ‬

Shout for joy,

O nations and his people,

For he will avenge

The blood of his servants,

And he will retribute vengeance

On his adversaries,

And he will reconcile his land,

And his people.”

Rom 15:10, Rev 19:2. The LXX includes let all the angels of God worship him in this verse, which is present in Heb 1:6. Rom 15:10 Kai\ pa&lin le/gei, Eu0fra&nqhte, e1qnh, meta_ tou= laou= au0tou=. And again he says,

“Rejoice, you Gentiles,

With his people.”

Deut 32:43.
Deut 32:43 ‫הַרְנִ֤ינוּ גוֹיִם֙ עַמּ֔וֹ כִּ֥י דַם־עֲבָדָ֖יו יִקּ֑וֹם וְנָקָם֙ יָשִׁ֣יב לְצָרָ֔יו וְכִפֶּ֥ר אַדְמָת֖וֹ עַמּֽוֹ׃ פ‬

Shout for joy,

O nations and his people,

For he will avenge

The blood of his servants,

And he will retribute vengeance

On his adversaries,

And he will reconcile his land,

And his people.”

Rom 15:10, Rev 19:2. The LXX includes let all the angels of God worship him in this verse, which is present in Heb 1:6. Rev 19:2 o3ti a)lhqinai\ kai\ di/kaiai ai9 kri/seij au0tou=: o3ti e1krinen th\n po/rnhn th\n mega&lhn, h3tij {RP P1904: die/fqeiren} [TR: e/fqeiren] th\n gh=n e0n th|= pornei/a% au0th=j, kai\ e0cedi/khsen to\ ai[ma tw~n dou/lwn au0tou= e0k {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: th=j] xeiro\j au0th=j.

For his judgments are true and righteous,

For he has judged the great whore,

Who brought the earth to ruin with her fornication,

And he has avenged the blood of his servants

Which was shed at her instigation.”

die/fqeire¨n©, brought to ruin (intensified by the prefix di-), RP P1904 F1859=10/12 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. e/fqeiren, brought to ruin, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gm).

th=j, of the (hand of her) → her (instigation): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=12/12 (incl. f) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=0/12.

Deut 32:43.

instigation ← hand.
Deut 32:43 ‫הַרְנִ֤ינוּ גוֹיִם֙ עַמּ֔וֹ כִּ֥י דַם־עֲבָדָ֖יו יִקּ֑וֹם וְנָקָם֙ יָשִׁ֣יב לְצָרָ֔יו וְכִפֶּ֥ר אַדְמָת֖וֹ עַמּֽוֹ׃ פ‬

Shout for joy,

O nations and his people,

For he will avenge

The blood of his servants,

And he will retribute vengeance

On his adversaries,

And he will reconcile his land,

And his people.”

Rom 15:10, Rev 19:2. The LXX includes let all the angels of God worship him in this verse, which is present in Heb 1:6. Heb 1:6 873Otan de\ pa&lin ei0saga&gh| to\n prwto/tokon ei0j th\n oi0koume/nhn le/gei, Kai\ proskunhsa&twsan au0tw%~ pa&ntej a!ggeloi qeou=. And when again he brings the firstborn into the world, he says,

“And let all the angels of God worship him.”

The quote is as Deut 32:43 in the Septuagint, but not the Masoretic Hebrew. The Dutch Statenvertaling refers this quote (or allusion) to Ps 97:7 (Worship him all you “gods”).
Deut 33:2 ‫וַיֹּאמַ֗ר יְהוָ֞ה מִסִּינַ֥י בָּא֙ וְזָרַ֤ח מִשֵּׂעִיר֙ לָ֔מוֹ הוֹפִ֙יעַ֙ מֵהַ֣ר פָּארָ֔ן וְאָתָ֖ה מֵרִבְבֹ֣ת קֹ֑דֶשׁ מִֽימִינ֕וֹ *אשדת **אֵ֥שׁ **דָּ֖ת לָֽמוֹ׃‬ And he said,

The Lord came from Sinai,

And he arose to them from Seir.

He shone from Mount Paran,

And he came from tens of thousands of holy ones.

On his right hand side

Was a fiery mandate for them.

fiery mandate ← a fire of a mandate, a reverse Hebraic genitive. The ketiv writes this as one word, the qeré as two.

Jude 1:14.
Jude 1:14 Proefh/teusen de\ kai\ tou/toij e3bdomoj a)po\ 870Ada_m 879Enw&x, le/gwn, 870Idou/, h]lqen ku/rioj e0n {RP P1904: a(gi/aij muria&sin} [TR: muria&sin a(gi/aij] au0tou=, And moreover Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied to these and said, “Look, the Lord has come with tens of thousands of his holy ones, a(gi/aij muria&sin, with holy + tens of thousands, RP P1904 F1859=10/10 vs. muria&sin a(gi/aij, with tens of thousands + holy, TR F1859=0/10.

Deut 33:2.

has come ← came. See Matt 2:2. AV differs somewhat (cometh). A present or future timeframe can hardly be justified grammatically.
Josh 1:5 ‫לֹֽא־יִתְיַצֵּ֥ב אִישׁ֙ לְפָנֶ֔יךָ כֹּ֖ל יְמֵ֣י חַיֶּ֑יךָ כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֨ר הָיִ֤יתִי עִם־מֹשֶׁה֙ אֶהְיֶ֣ה עִמָּ֔ךְ לֹ֥א אַרְפְּךָ֖ וְלֹ֥א אֶעֶזְבֶֽךָּ׃‬ No man will be able to stand confronting you for all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I shall be with you: I will not desert you, and I will not forsake you. Heb 13:5.

confronting ← before.
Heb 13:5 870Afila&rguroj o9 tro/poj, a)rkou/menoi toi=j parou=sin: au0to\j ga_r ei1rhken, Ou0 mh/ se a)nw~, ou0d' ou0 mh/ se {RP: e0gkatalei/pw} [P1904 TR: e0gkatali/pw]. Let your way of life not be avaricious, being content with what you have, for he himself said, “I will certainly not desert you nor forsake you.” e0gkatalei/pw, leave (present subjunctive, so imperfective aspect), RP F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's cdfkmo) vs. e0gkatali/pw, leave (aorist subjunctive, so perfective aspect), P1904 TR F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abeghjl). A disparity with RP, R=6:9.

Deut 31:6, Josh 1:5.

what you have ← (things) present.
1 Sam 13:14 ‫וְעַתָּ֖ה מַמְלַכְתְּךָ֣ לֹא־תָק֑וּם בִּקֵּשׁ֩ יְהוָ֨ה ל֜וֹ אִ֣ישׁ כִּלְבָב֗וֹ וַיְצַוֵּ֨הוּ יְהוָ֤ה לְנָגִיד֙ עַל־עַמּ֔וֹ כִּ֚י לֹ֣א שָׁמַ֔רְתָּ אֵ֥ת אֲשֶֽׁר־צִוְּךָ֖ יְהוָֽה׃ פ‬ But now your kingdom will not stand. The Lord has sought a man for himself according to his heart, and the Lord will command him as leader of his people, for you have not kept what the Lord commanded you.” Acts 13:22. Acts 13:22 Kai\ metasth/saj au0to/n, h1geiren au0toi=j to\n {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] ei0j basile/a, w%{ kai\ ei]pen marturh/saj, Eu[ron {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] to\n tou= 870Iessai/, a!ndra kata_ th\n kardi/an mou, o4j poih/sei pa&nta ta_ qelh/mata& mou. Then he removed him and raised up David to them as king, to whom he also gave witness and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after my heart who will carry out all my will.’ David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:21MT (Ps 89:20AV), Ruth 4:17, 1 Sam 13:14.

will ← wills.
1 Sam 15:22 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר שְׁמוּאֵ֗ל הַחֵ֤פֶץ לַֽיהוָה֙ בְּעֹל֣וֹת וּזְבָחִ֔ים כִּשְׁמֹ֖עַ בְּק֣וֹל יְהוָ֑ה הִנֵּ֤ה שְׁמֹ֙עַ֙ מִזֶּ֣בַח ט֔וֹב לְהַקְשִׁ֖יב מֵחֵ֥לֶב אֵילִֽים׃‬ Then Samuel said,

“The Lord's pleasure in the offering of sacrifices

Is as that of obeying the Lord's voice.

Look, to obey is better than a sacrifice,

And heeding him is better than the fat of rams.

Mark 12:33 (allusion).

obeying: gerundial use of the infinitive.
Mark 12:33 kai\ to\ a)gapa~n au0to\n e0c o3lhj th=j kardi/aj, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j sune/sewj, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j yuxh=j, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j i0sxu/oj, kai\ to\ a)gapa~n to\n plhsi/on w(j e9auto/n, plei=o/n e0stin pa&ntwn tw~n o9lokautwma&twn kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tw~n] qusiw~n. And, ‘To love him with all your heart and with all your understanding and with all your soul and with all your strength, and to love one's neighbour as oneself is greater than all the whole burnt offerings and {RP P1904: - } [TR: the] sacrifices.’ ” tw~n, the (sacrifices): absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's au, u being very doubtful, and indeed Scrivener remarks that only a contains the word) F1859=1/7.

Deut 6:5; Lev 19:18; allusions to 1 Sam 15:22, Isa 1:11.
1 Sam 16:7 ‫וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה אֶל־שְׁמוּאֵ֗ל אַל־תַּבֵּ֧ט אֶל־מַרְאֵ֛הוּ וְאֶל־גְּבֹ֥הַּ קוֹמָת֖וֹ כִּ֣י מְאַסְתִּ֑יהוּ כִּ֣י ׀ לֹ֗א אֲשֶׁ֤ר יִרְאֶה֙ הָאָדָ֔ם כִּ֤י הָֽאָדָם֙ יִרְאֶ֣ה לַעֵינַ֔יִם וַיהוָ֖ה יִרְאֶ֥ה לַלֵּבָֽב׃‬ But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance and the height of his stature, for I have rejected him, for it is not a matter of how man sees it, for man sees with his eyes, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Rev 2:23. Rev 2:23 Kai\ ta_ te/kna au0th=j a)poktenw~ e0n qana&tw%: kai\ gnw&sontai pa~sai ai9 e0kklhsi/ai o3ti e0gw& ei0mi o9 e0reunw~n nefrou\j kai\ kardi/aj: kai\ dw&sw u9mi=n e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga u9mw~n. And I will kill her children with a death blow, and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches kidneys and hearts, and I will give each of you what is appropriate according to your works. Jer 11:20, Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12, Jer 32:19; 1 Sam 16:7, 1 Chr 28:9, 1 Chr 29:17, Ps 139:13, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. See Ps 139:13.

your: as the Greek. Strict English grammar mandates his.
2 Sam 7:12 ‫כִּ֣י ׀ יִמְלְא֣וּ יָמֶ֗יךָ וְשָֽׁכַבְתָּ֙ אֶת־אֲבֹתֶ֔יךָ וַהֲקִימֹתִ֤י אֶֽת־זַרְעֲךָ֙ אַחֲרֶ֔יךָ אֲשֶׁ֥ר יֵצֵ֖א מִמֵּעֶ֑יךָ וַהֲכִינֹתִ֖י אֶת־מַמְלַכְתּֽוֹ׃‬ When your days are fulfilled, and you lie with your fathers, I will raise up your seed after you, who will come from your loins, and I will establish his kingdom. Acts 2:30. Compare also this and the following two verses with John 12:34.

|| 1 Chr 17:11.

loins ← bowels.
Acts 2:30 Profh/thj ou]n u9pa&rxwn, kai\ ei0dw_j o3ti o3rkw% w!mosen au0tw%~ o9 qeo/j, e0k karpou= th=j o0sfu/oj au0tou= to\ kata_ sa&rka a)nasth/sein to\n xristo/n, kaqi/sai e0pi\ tou= qro/nou au0tou=, Now since he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him by an oath that he would raise up the Christ from the fruit of his loins according to the flesh to sit on his throne, 2 Sam 7:12, 1 Chr 17:11, Ps 89:37MT (Ps 89:36AV).

now ← therefore.

since: causal use of the participle.

the fruit of his loins according to the flesh: i.e. his descendants, fulfilled in Mary, the Lord's mother, Matt 1:18-1:25, traced back to David in Luke 3:23-3:31.
2 Sam 7:14 ‫אֲנִי֙ אֶהְיֶה־לּ֣וֹ לְאָ֔ב וְה֖וּא יִהְיֶה־לִּ֣י לְבֵ֑ן אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּהַ֣עֲוֺת֔וֹ וְהֹֽכַחְתִּיו֙ בְּשֵׁ֣בֶט אֲנָשִׁ֔ים וּבְנִגְעֵ֖י בְּנֵ֥י אָדָֽם׃‬ I will be a father to him, and he will be a son to me. When he acts iniquitously, I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the beatings of the sons of Adam. 2 Cor 6:18, Heb 1:5.

|| 1 Chr 17:13.
2 Cor 6:18 kai\ e1somai u9mi=n ei0j pate/ra, kai\ u9mei=j e1sesqe/ moi ei0j ui9ou\j kai\ qugate/raj, le/gei ku/rioj pantokra&twr.

And I will be a father to you,

And you will be sons and daughters to me”,

says the Lord Almighty.
2 Sam 7:14, 1 Chr 17:13.
2 Sam 7:14 ‫אֲנִי֙ אֶהְיֶה־לּ֣וֹ לְאָ֔ב וְה֖וּא יִהְיֶה־לִּ֣י לְבֵ֑ן אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּהַ֣עֲוֺת֔וֹ וְהֹֽכַחְתִּיו֙ בְּשֵׁ֣בֶט אֲנָשִׁ֔ים וּבְנִגְעֵ֖י בְּנֵ֥י אָדָֽם׃‬ I will be a father to him, and he will be a son to me. When he acts iniquitously, I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the beatings of the sons of Adam. 2 Cor 6:18, Heb 1:5.

|| 1 Chr 17:13.
Heb 1:5 Ti/ni ga_r ei]pe/n pote tw~n a)gge/lwn, Ui9o/j mou ei] su/, e0gw_ sh/meron gege/nnhka& se; Kai\ pa&lin, 870Egw_ e1somai au0tw%~ ei0j pate/ra, kai\ au0to\j e1stai moi ei0j ui9o/n; For to whom of the angels has he said at any time,

“You are my son;

Today I have begotten you”?

Or again,

“I will be a father to him,

And he will be a son to me”?

Ps 2:7. Also quoted in Acts 13:33 where the context is Christ's resurrection, not his conception or birth in the flesh. That could be the context here too.

2 Sam 7:14, 1 Chr 17:13.
2 Sam 22:3 ‫אֱלֹהֵ֥י צוּרִ֖י אֶחֱסֶה־בּ֑וֹ מָגִנִּ֞י וְקֶ֣רֶן יִשְׁעִ֗י מִשְׂגַּבִּי֙ וּמְנוּסִ֔י מֹשִׁעִ֕י מֵחָמָ֖ס תֹּשִׁעֵֽנִי׃‬

The God of my rock;

I will put my trust in him

– My shield and the horn of my salvation,

My high stronghold and my refuge,

My saviour.

You save me from violence.

the God of my rock: alternative pointing, אֱלֺהַי, Elohai, would give my God (is) my rock.

Heb 2:13.

|| Ps 18:3 (Ps 18:2AV).
Heb 2:13 Kai\ pa&lin, 870Egw_ e1somai pepoiqw_j e0p' au0tw%~. Kai\ pa&lin, 870Idou\ e0gw_ kai\ ta_ paidi/a a# moi e1dwken o9 qeo/j. And again,

“I will be confident in him.”

And again,

“Here am I

And the children whom God has given me.”

2 Sam 22:3, Ps 18:3MT (Ps 18:2AV); Isa 8:18.
2 Sam 22:32 ‫כִּ֥י מִי־אֵ֖ל מִבַּלְעֲדֵ֣י יְהוָ֑ה וּמִ֥י צ֖וּר מִֽבַּלְעֲדֵ֥י אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ׃‬

For who is God

Apart from the Lord?

And who is a rock

Apart from our God?

Mark 12:32.

|| Ps 18:32 (Ps 18:31AV).
Mark 12:32 Kai\ ei]pen au0tw%~ o9 grammateu/j, Kalw~j, dida&skale, e0p' a)lhqei/aj ei]paj o3ti ei[j e0stin, {RP P1904: - } [TR: qeo/j] kai\ ou0k e1stin a!lloj plh\n au0tou=: Then the scribe said to him, “Well said, teacher. You have spoken truly in that, {RP P1904: He} [TR: God] is one and there is no other apart from him.’ qeo/j, God: absent in RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=4/8 vs. present in TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's cfgq**) F1859=4/8. AV differs textually.

Deut 6:4, 2 Sam 22:32, Isa 45:5, Ps 18:32MT (Ps 18:31AV).
2 Sam 22:50 ‫עַל־כֵּ֛ן אוֹדְךָ֥ יְהוָ֖ה בַּגּוֹיִ֑ם וּלְשִׁמְךָ֖ אֲזַמֵּֽר׃‬

That is why I will praise you,

O Lord, among the nations,

And I will sing psalms to your name.

Rom 15:9.

|| Ps 18:50 (Ps 18:49AV).
Rom 15:9 ta_ de\ e1qnh u9pe\r e0le/ouj doca&sai to\n qeo/n, kaqw_j ge/graptai, Dia_ tou=to e0comologh/somai/ soi e0n e1qnesin, {RP TR: - } [P1904: ku/rie,] kai\ tw%~ o0no/mati/ sou yalw~. and for the Gentiles to glorify God for his mercy, as it stands written:

“On account of this I will confess you among the Gentiles, {RP TR: - } [P1904: O Lord,]

And I will sing praises to your name.”

ku/rie, O Lord: absent in RP TR F1859=10/12 vs. present in P1904 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ch).

2 Sam 22:50, Ps 18:50MT (Ps 18:49AV).
1 Ki 8:10 ‫וַיְהִ֕י בְּצֵ֥את הַכֹּהֲנִ֖ים מִן־הַקֹּ֑דֶשׁ וְהֶעָנָ֥ן מָלֵ֖א אֶת־בֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃‬ Then it came to pass when the priests came out of the sanctuary that a cloud filled the house of the Lord. Rev 15:8.

|| 2 Chr 5:11, 2 Chr 5:13.

a cloud ← the cloud, i.e. the cloud which the Lord uses.
Rev 15:8 Kai\ e0gemi/sqh o9 nao\j {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0k tou=] kapnou= e0k th=j do/chj tou= qeou=, kai\ e0k th=j duna&mewj au0tou=: kai\ ou0dei\j {RP-text P1904: e0du/nato} [RP-marg TR: h0du/nato] ei0selqei=n ei0j to\n nao/n, a!xri telesqw~sin ai9 e9pta_ plhgai\ tw~n e9pta_ a)gge/lwn. and the sanctuary was filled {RP-text TR: with smoke from} [RP-marg P1904: by the smoke of] the glory of God and from his power, and no-one could enter into the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed. e0k tou=, out of → with (smoke): absent in RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bghln) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

e0du/nato, could (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. h0du/nato, could (2), RP-marg TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's fghmn).

Ex 40:34, 1 Ki 8:10, Isa 6:4, 2 Chr 5:13.
1 Ki 16:31 ‫וַיְהִי֙ הֲנָקֵ֣ל לֶכְתּ֔וֹ בְּחַטֹּ֖אות יָרָבְעָ֣ם בֶּן־נְבָ֑ט וַיִּקַּ֨ח אִשָּׁ֜ה אֶת־אִיזֶ֗בֶל בַּת־אֶתְבַּ֙עַל֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ צִידֹנִ֔ים וַיֵּ֙לֶךְ֙ וַֽיַּעֲבֹ֣ד אֶת־הַבַּ֔עַל וַיִּשְׁתַּ֖חוּ לֽוֹ׃‬ For it really was insufficient for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and he took as his wife Jezebel, the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and he went his way and served Baal, and he worshipped him. Rev 2:20.

really: from the ↴

insufficient ← slight.

Jezebel ← Izebel, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.

Sidonians: see Gen 10:15.
Rev 2:20 {RP-text TR: 870All'} [RP-marg P1904: 870Alla_] e1xw kata_ sou= {RP: - } [P1904 TR: o0li/ga] o3ti {RP P1904: a)fei=j} [TR: e0a%~j] th\n {RP P1904: gunai=ka& sou} [TR: gunai=ka] {RP P1904: 870Ieza&bel} [TR: 870Iezabh/l], {RP P1904: h4 le/gei} [TR: th\n le/gousan] e9auth\n profh=tin, {RP P1904: kai\} [TR: - ] {RP P1904: dida&skei} [TR: dida&skein] kai\ {RP P1904: plana%~} [TR: plana~sqai] {RP P1904: tou\j} [TR: - ] e0mou\j dou/louj porneu=sai kai\ {RP P1904: fagei=n ei0dwlo/quta} [TR: ei0dwlo/quta fagei=n]. but I have {RP: some} [P1904 TR: a few] things against you, in that you condone {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] wife Jezebel, who says she is a prophetess, {RP P1904: and who teaches and leads} [TR: appointed to teach and lead] my servants astray into fornicating and eating things offered to idols. a)ll', but (apocopated), RP-text TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cefhln) vs. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), RP-marg P1904 F1859 F1859=6/12. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:7.

o0li/ga, a few (things): absent in RP F1859=11/12 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n). AV differs textually.

a)fei=j, permit, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. e0a%~j, allow, TR F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

sou, your (wife): present in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's l).

870Ieza&bel, Jezebel (1), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 (incl. mss. fm with rough breathing) vs. 870Iezabh/l, Jezebel (2), TR F1859=0/12.

h4 le/gei, who says, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. th\n le/gousan, the (one) saying, TR F1859=0/12.

kai\, (prophetess) and: present in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/12.

dida&skei, teaches, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. dida&skein, to teach, TR F1859=0/12.

plana%~, misleads (active), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. plana~sqai, to mislead (middle), TR F1859=0/12.

tou\j, the (+ my servants): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/12.

fagei=n ei0dwlo/quta, to eat + (things) sacrificed to idols, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 (incl. g with rough breathing) vs. ei0dwlo/quta fagei=n, (things) sacrificed to idols + to eat, TR F1859=0/12.

1 Ki 16:31, 2 Ki 9:7.
1 Ki 17:1 ‫וַיֹּאמֶר֩ אֵלִיָּ֨הוּ הַתִּשְׁבִּ֜י מִתֹּשָׁבֵ֣י גִלְעָד֮ אֶל־אַחְאָב֒ חַי־יְהוָ֞ה אֱלֹהֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָמַ֣דְתִּי לְפָנָ֔יו אִם־יִהְיֶ֛ה הַשָּׁנִ֥ים הָאֵ֖לֶּה טַ֣ל וּמָטָ֑ר כִּ֖י אִם־לְפִ֥י דְבָרִֽי׃ ס‬ And Elijah the Tishbite, an inhabitant of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there certainly will not be any dew or rain for the coming years, but it will be according to my word.” Rev 11:6.

an inhabitant of ← from the inhabitants of, a play on words with Tishbite.

Gilead: see Gen 31:21.

there certainly will not be ← if there is, standing ↴

the coming ← these.
Rev 11:6 Ou[toi e1xousin {RP-text: to\n ou0rano\n e0cousi/an klei=sai} [RP-marg TR: e0cousi/an klei=sai to\n ou0rano/n] [P1904: e0cousi/an to\n ou0rano\n klei=sai], i3na mh\ {RP P1904: u9eto\j bre/xh|} [TR: bre/xh| u9eto\j] {RP P1904: ta_j h9me/raj} [TR: e0n h9me/raij] {RP P1904: th=j profhtei/aj au0tw~n} [TR: au0tw~n th=j profhtei/aj]: kai\ e0cousi/an e1xousin e0pi\ tw~n u9da&twn, stre/fein au0ta_ ei0j ai[ma, kai\ pata&cai th\n gh=n {RP-text: o9sa&kij e0a_n qelh/swsin e0n pa&sh| plhgh|=} [RP-marg P1904: e0n pa&sh| plhgh|= o9sa&kij e0a_n qelh/swsin] [TR: pa&sh| plhgh|= o9sa&kij e0a_n qelh/swsin]. These have authority to shut up the sky so that no rain falls {RP P1904: for the duration} [TR: in the days] of their prophecy, and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every kind of plague, as often as they wish. to\n ou0rano\n e0cousi/an klei=sai, heaven + authority to shut, RP-text F1859=9/13 (l misspelled) vs. e0cousi/an klei=sai to\n ou0rano\n, authority to shut + heaven, RP-marg TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn) vs. e0cousi/an to\n ou0rano\n klei=sai, authority + heaven + to shut, P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's j) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

u9eto\j bre/xh|, rain + precipitates, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 (kjn with minor variations) vs. bre/xh| u9eto\j, precipitates + rain, TR F1859=0/13.

ta_j h9me/raj, for the days, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. e0n h9me/raij, in (the) days, TR F1859=0/13.

th=j profhtei/aj au0tw~n, of the prophecy + their, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. au0tw~n th=j profhtei/aj, their + of the prophecy, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g).

o9sa&kij e0a_n qelh/swsin e0n pa&sh| plhgh|=, as often as they wish + in every plague, RP-text F1859=8/13 (but fj read qe/lwsin) vs. e0n pa&sh| plhgh|= o9sa&kij e0a_n qelh/swsin, in every plague + as often as they wish, RP-marg P1904 F1859=0/13 vs. pa&sh| plhgh|= o9sa&kij e0a_n qelh/swsin, (with) every plague + as often as they wish, TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's ghn) vs. other readings, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's kl).

1 Ki 17:1, Ex 7-12 (plagues of Egypt).

{RP P1904: duration ← days.}

power ← authority.
1 Ki 17:9 ‫ק֣וּם לֵ֤ךְ צָרְפַ֙תָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לְצִיד֔וֹן וְיָשַׁבְתָּ֖ שָׁ֑ם הִנֵּ֨ה צִוִּ֥יתִי שָׁ֛ם אִשָּׁ֥ה אַלְמָנָ֖ה לְכַלְכְּלֶֽךָ׃‬ “Arise and go to Zarephath, which is subservient to Sidon, and stay there. Look, I have instructed a widow there to sustain you.” Zarephath: Sarepta in Luke 4:26, where this incident is mentioned.

Sidon: see Gen 10:15.

widow ← widow woman.
Luke 4:26 kai\ pro\j ou0demi/an au0tw~n e0pe/mfqh 870Hli/aj, ei0 mh\ ei0j {RP TR: Sa&repta} [P1904: Sa&rapta] th=j {RP TR: Sidw~noj} [P1904: Sidwni/aj] pro\j gunai=ka xh/ran. and Elijah was not sent to any of them except to {RP TR: Sarepta} [P1904: Sarapta] in Sidon, to a widowed woman. Sidw~noj, Sidon (1), RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=4/8 vs. Sidwni/aj, Sidon (2), P1904 F1853=0/19 F1859=3/8 vs. other spellings, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's p) F1859=1/8. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.5 PV=0.6%.

Sa&repta, Sarepta, RP TR F1853=10/20 F1859=1/9 vs. Sa&rapta, Sarapta, P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=0/9 vs. other spellings, F1853=10/20 (Scrivener's adex,g,hq*ry,q**) F1859=8/9.

Sarepta / Sarapta: Zarephath in 1 Ki 17:9.
1 Ki 19:10 ‫וַיֹּאמֶר֩ קַנֹּ֨א קִנֵּ֜אתִי לַיהוָ֣ה ׀ אֱלֹהֵ֣י צְבָא֗וֹת כִּֽי־עָזְב֤וּ בְרִֽיתְךָ֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶת־מִזְבְּחֹתֶ֣יךָ הָרָ֔סוּ וְאֶת־נְבִיאֶ֖יךָ הָרְג֣וּ בֶחָ֑רֶב וָֽאִוָּתֵ֤ר אֲנִי֙ לְבַדִּ֔י וַיְבַקְשׁ֥וּ אֶת־נַפְשִׁ֖י לְקַחְתָּֽהּ׃‬ And he said, “I have been extremely zealous for the Lord God of hosts, but the sons of Israel have forsaken your covenant. They have demolished your altars, and they have killed your prophets by the sword, and I remain on my own, and they are trying to take my life.” Rom 11:3.

I have been extremely zealous: infinitive absolute.

but: or for.

trying to take my life ← seeking my soul, to take it.
Rom 11:3 Ku/rie, tou\j profh/taj sou a)pe/kteinan, kai\ ta_ qusiasth/ria& sou kate/skayan: ka)gw_ u9pelei/fqhn mo/noj, kai\ zhtou=sin th\n yuxh/n mou. “Lord, they have killed your prophets and demolished your altars, and I am left remaining on my own, and they seek my life? 1 Ki 19:10, 1 Ki 19:14.

life ← soul.
1 Ki 19:14 ‫וַיֹּאמֶר֩ קַנֹּ֨א קִנֵּ֜אתִי לַיהוָ֣ה ׀ אֱלֹהֵ֣י צְבָא֗וֹת כִּֽי־עָזְב֤וּ בְרִֽיתְךָ֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶת־מִזְבְּחֹתֶ֣יךָ הָרָ֔סוּ וְאֶת־נְבִיאֶ֖יךָ הָרְג֣וּ בֶחָ֑רֶב וָאִוָּתֵ֤ר אֲנִי֙ לְבַדִּ֔י וַיְבַקְשׁ֥וּ אֶת־נַפְשִׁ֖י לְקַחְתָּֽהּ׃ ס‬ And he said, “I have been extremely zealous for the Lord God of hosts, but the sons of Israel have forsaken your covenant. They have demolished your altars and killed your prophets by the sword, and I remain on my own, and they are trying to take my life. Rom 11:3.

I have been extremely zealous: infinitive absolute.

but: or for.

trying to take my life ← seeking my soul to take it.
Rom 11:3 Ku/rie, tou\j profh/taj sou a)pe/kteinan, kai\ ta_ qusiasth/ria& sou kate/skayan: ka)gw_ u9pelei/fqhn mo/noj, kai\ zhtou=sin th\n yuxh/n mou. “Lord, they have killed your prophets and demolished your altars, and I am left remaining on my own, and they seek my life? 1 Ki 19:10, 1 Ki 19:14.

life ← soul.
1 Ki 19:18 ‫וְהִשְׁאַרְתִּ֥י בְיִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל שִׁבְעַ֣ת אֲלָפִ֑ים כָּל־הַבִּרְכַּ֗יִם אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־כָֽרְעוּ֙ לַבַּ֔עַל וְכָ֨ל־הַפֶּ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־נָשַׁ֖ק לֽוֹ׃‬ But I have retained seven thousand in Israel – all the knees which did not bow to Baal, and every mouth which did not kiss him.” Rom 11:4.

have retained: the MT pointing is will retain, but the consonantal form supports the NT quotation (past tense).
Rom 11:4 870Alla_ ti/ le/gei au0tw%~ o9 xrhmatismo/j; Kate/lipon e0mautw%~ e9ptakisxili/ouj a!ndraj, oi3tinej ou0k e1kamyan go/nu th|= Ba&al. But what does the oracle say to him? – “I have kept myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” 1 Ki 19:18.

Baal: [MG] explains the feminine as through the custom of reading the execrable name as bosheth (בֹּשֶׁת), LXX ai0sxu/nh (shame), both of which are feminine.
2 Ki 9:7 ‫וְהִ֨כִּיתָ֔ה אֶת־בֵּ֥ית אַחְאָ֖ב אֲדֹנֶ֑יךָ וְנִקַּמְתִּ֞י דְּמֵ֣י ׀ עֲבָדַ֣י הַנְּבִיאִ֗ים וּדְמֵ֛י כָּל־עַבְדֵ֥י יְהוָ֖ה מִיַּ֥ד אִיזָֽבֶל׃‬ And you will attack the house of Ahab your master, so that I am avenged of the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the Lord's servants at the hand of Jezebel. Rev 2:20. Rev 2:20 {RP-text TR: 870All'} [RP-marg P1904: 870Alla_] e1xw kata_ sou= {RP: - } [P1904 TR: o0li/ga] o3ti {RP P1904: a)fei=j} [TR: e0a%~j] th\n {RP P1904: gunai=ka& sou} [TR: gunai=ka] {RP P1904: 870Ieza&bel} [TR: 870Iezabh/l], {RP P1904: h4 le/gei} [TR: th\n le/gousan] e9auth\n profh=tin, {RP P1904: kai\} [TR: - ] {RP P1904: dida&skei} [TR: dida&skein] kai\ {RP P1904: plana%~} [TR: plana~sqai] {RP P1904: tou\j} [TR: - ] e0mou\j dou/louj porneu=sai kai\ {RP P1904: fagei=n ei0dwlo/quta} [TR: ei0dwlo/quta fagei=n]. but I have {RP: some} [P1904 TR: a few] things against you, in that you condone {RP P1904: your} [TR: your] wife Jezebel, who says she is a prophetess, {RP P1904: and who teaches and leads} [TR: appointed to teach and lead] my servants astray into fornicating and eating things offered to idols. a)ll', but (apocopated), RP-text TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cefhln) vs. a)lla_, but (unapocopated), RP-marg P1904 F1859 F1859=6/12. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=7:7.

o0li/ga, a few (things): absent in RP F1859=11/12 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n). AV differs textually.

a)fei=j, permit, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. e0a%~j, allow, TR F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

sou, your (wife): present in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's l).

870Ieza&bel, Jezebel (1), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 (incl. mss. fm with rough breathing) vs. 870Iezabh/l, Jezebel (2), TR F1859=0/12.

h4 le/gei, who says, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. th\n le/gousan, the (one) saying, TR F1859=0/12.

kai\, (prophetess) and: present in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/12.

dida&skei, teaches, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. dida&skein, to teach, TR F1859=0/12.

plana%~, misleads (active), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. plana~sqai, to mislead (middle), TR F1859=0/12.

tou\j, the (+ my servants): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/12.

fagei=n ei0dwlo/quta, to eat + (things) sacrificed to idols, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 (incl. g with rough breathing) vs. ei0dwlo/quta fagei=n, (things) sacrificed to idols + to eat, TR F1859=0/12.

1 Ki 16:31, 2 Ki 9:7.
Isa 1:9 ‫לוּלֵי֙ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֔וֹת הוֹתִ֥יר לָ֛נוּ שָׂרִ֖יד כִּמְעָ֑ט כִּסְדֹ֣ם הָיִ֔ינוּ לַעֲמֹרָ֖ה דָּמִֽינוּ׃ ס‬

If the Lord of hosts had not left us a very small remnant,

We would be like Sodom;

We would resemble Gomorrah.

Rom 9:29.

very small: the ke denoting intensity. Compare [AnLx] כְּ II (c). Compare also Gen 24:28, Neh 7:2.
Rom 9:29 Kai\ kaqw_j proei/rhken 870Hsai+/aj, Ei0 mh\ ku/rioj Sabaw_q e0gkate/lipen h9mi=n spe/rma, w(j So/doma a@n e0genh/qhmen, kai\ w(j Go/morra a@n w(moiw&qhmen. And as Isaiah foretold,

“If the Lord of hosts had not left us a seed,

We would have become like Sodom,

And we would have been made to resemble Gomorrah.”

Isa 1:9.

hosts: or armies, which could be of angels.
Isa 1:11 ‫לָמָּה־לִּ֤י רֹב־זִבְחֵיכֶם֙ יֹאמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה שָׂבַ֛עְתִּי עֹל֥וֹת אֵילִ֖ים וְחֵ֣לֶב מְרִיאִ֑ים וְדַ֨ם פָּרִ֧ים וּכְבָשִׂ֛ים וְעַתּוּדִ֖ים לֹ֥א חָפָֽצְתִּי׃‬

“To what end is the abundance of your sacrifices to me?

Says the Lord.

I am replete with burnt offerings of rams

And the fat of fatted calves,

And I do not take pleasure in the blood of bulls

And lambs and he-goats.

The verse is alluded to in Mark 12:33. Mark 12:33 kai\ to\ a)gapa~n au0to\n e0c o3lhj th=j kardi/aj, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j sune/sewj, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j yuxh=j, kai\ e0c o3lhj th=j i0sxu/oj, kai\ to\ a)gapa~n to\n plhsi/on w(j e9auto/n, plei=o/n e0stin pa&ntwn tw~n o9lokautwma&twn kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tw~n] qusiw~n. And, ‘To love him with all your heart and with all your understanding and with all your soul and with all your strength, and to love one's neighbour as oneself is greater than all the whole burnt offerings and {RP P1904: - } [TR: the] sacrifices.’ ” tw~n, the (sacrifices): absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's au, u being very doubtful, and indeed Scrivener remarks that only a contains the word) F1859=1/7.

Deut 6:5; Lev 19:18; allusions to 1 Sam 15:22, Isa 1:11.
Isa 2:12 ‫כִּ֣י י֞וֹם לַיהוָ֧ה צְבָא֛וֹת עַ֥ל כָּל־גֵּאֶ֖ה וָרָ֑ם וְעַ֖ל כָּל־נִשָּׂ֥א וְשָׁפֵֽל׃‬

For the day of the Lord of hosts

Is against all the proud and haughty,

And against everyone exalted,

And each one will be humbled,

Rev 1:10. Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Isa 2:19 ‫וּבָ֙אוּ֙ בִּמְעָר֣וֹת צֻרִ֔ים וּבִמְחִלּ֖וֹת עָפָ֑ר מִפְּנֵ֞י פַּ֤חַד יְהוָה֙ וּמֵהֲדַ֣ר גְּאוֹנ֔וֹ בְּקוּמ֖וֹ לַעֲרֹ֥ץ הָאָֽרֶץ׃‬

And they will go into the caves in the rocks

And the caverns of the ground,

For fear of the Lord

And because of the splendour of his majesty

When he arises to terrify the earth.

Rev 6:15.

in the rocks ← of the rocks.

ground ← dust.
Rev 6:15 Kai\ oi9 basilei=j th=j gh=j, kai\ oi9 megista~nej, kai\ {RP P1904: oi9 xili/arxoi, kai\ oi9 plou/sioi} [TR: oi9 plou/sioi, kai\ oi9 xili/arxoi], kai\ {RP P1904: oi9 i0sxuroi/} [TR: oi9 dunatoi/], kai\ pa~j dou=loj kai\ {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: pa~j] e0leu/qeroj, e1kruyan e9autou\j ei0j ta_ sph/laia kai\ ei0j ta_j pe/traj tw~n o0re/wn, And the kings of the earth and the high-ranking people and {RP P1904: the cohort commanders and the rich} [TR: the rich and the cohort commanders] and {RP P1904: the strong} [TR: the powerful], and every slave and {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: every] free man hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, oi9 xili/arxoi, kai\ oi9 plou/sioi, the cohort commanders + and the rich, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. oi9 plou/sioi, kai\ oi9 xili/arxoi, the rich + and the cohort commanders, TR F1859=0/12.

kai\ oi9 i0sxuroi/, and the strong, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 (one with a minor variation) vs. kai\ oi9 dunatoi/, and the powerful, TR F1859=0/12.

pa~j, every (free man): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn).

Isa 2:19.
Isa 6:3 ‫וְקָרָ֨א זֶ֤ה אֶל־זֶה֙ וְאָמַ֔ר קָד֧וֹשׁ ׀ קָד֛וֹשׁ קָד֖וֹשׁ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת מְלֹ֥א כָל־הָאָ֖רֶץ כְּבוֹדֽוֹ׃‬ And one called to another and said,

“Holy, holy, holy,

Is the Lord of hosts.

His glory is the fulness

Of all the earth.”

Rev 4:8. Rev 4:8 Kai\ {RP-text P1904: ta_} [RP-marg TR: - ] te/ssara zw%~a, e4n kaq' {RP P1904: e4n} [TR: e9auto\] {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: au0tw~n] {RP P1904: e1xon} [TR: ei1xon] a)na_ pte/rugaj e4c kuklo/qen, kai\ e1swqen {RP P1904: ge/mousin} [TR: ge/monta] o0fqalmw~n, kai\ a)na&pausin ou0k e1xousin h9me/raj kai\ nukto/j, {RP P1904: le/gontej} [TR: le/gonta], {RP-text P1904 TR: 873Agioj, a#gioj, a#gioj,} [RP-marg: 873Agioj, a#gioj, a#gioj, a#gioj, a#gioj, a#gioj, a#gioj, a#gioj, a#gioj,] ku/rioj o9 qeo\j o9 pantokra&twr, o9 h]n kai\ o9 w@n kai\ o9 e0rxo/menoj. And as for {RP-text P1904: the} [RP-marg TR: the] four living beings, each one {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: of them] {RP P1904: had} [TR: had] six wings; around and inside they {RP P1904: were} [TR: were] full of eyes, and they did not have a break day and night from saying,

{RP-text P1904 TR: “Holy, holy, holy,} [RP-marg: “Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy,]

Lord God the Almighty,

Who was,

And who is,

And who is to come.”

ta_, the (four): present in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's bdjk, but d practically illegible).

e4n, (one by) one, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. e9auto\, (one by) oneself, TR F1859=0/12.

au0tw~n, of them: absent in RP-text TR F1859=9/13 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's hlmn).

e1xon, having (neuter singular particle), RP P1904 F1859=6/13 vs. ei1xon, they had (imperfect), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's d, but probably illegible) vs. absent or other readings, F1859=6/13.

ge/mousin, they were full, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. ge/monta, being full, TR F1859=0/12.

le/gontej, saying (masculine), RP P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. le/gonta, saying (neuter), TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's adeh, but d probably illegible).

a#gioj, holy: present 3 times in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=7/13 vs. a#gioj, holy: present 9 times in RP-marg F1859=5/13 vs. a#gioj, holy: present 8 times in F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's e).

RP AV punctuation associates six wings with around (each). So AV differs.

Isa 6:3.

{RP P1904: had (six wings) ← having.}

did not have ← do not have.

is to come ← is coming.
Isa 6:4 ‫וַיָּנֻ֙עוּ֙ אַמּ֣וֹת הַסִּפִּ֔ים מִקּ֖וֹל הַקּוֹרֵ֑א וְהַבַּ֖יִת יִמָּלֵ֥א עָשָֽׁן׃‬ And the bases of the thresholds moved at the sound of the one calling, and the house became filled with smoke. Rev 15:8. Rev 15:8 Kai\ e0gemi/sqh o9 nao\j {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0k tou=] kapnou= e0k th=j do/chj tou= qeou=, kai\ e0k th=j duna&mewj au0tou=: kai\ ou0dei\j {RP-text P1904: e0du/nato} [RP-marg TR: h0du/nato] ei0selqei=n ei0j to\n nao/n, a!xri telesqw~sin ai9 e9pta_ plhgai\ tw~n e9pta_ a)gge/lwn. and the sanctuary was filled {RP-text TR: with smoke from} [RP-marg P1904: by the smoke of] the glory of God and from his power, and no-one could enter into the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed. e0k tou=, out of → with (smoke): absent in RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bghln) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

e0du/nato, could (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. h0du/nato, could (2), RP-marg TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's fghmn).

Ex 40:34, 1 Ki 8:10, Isa 6:4, 2 Chr 5:13.
Isa 6:9 ‫וַיֹּ֕אמֶר לֵ֥ךְ וְאָמַרְתָּ֖ לָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֑ה שִׁמְע֤וּ שָׁמ֙וֹעַ֙ וְאַל־תָּבִ֔ינוּ וּרְא֥וּ רָא֖וֹ וְאַל־תֵּדָֽעוּ׃‬ And he said,

“Go and say to this people,

‘You will definitely hear

But certainly not understand,

And you will definitely see

But certainly not discern.

Matt 13:14, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:26, Rom 11:8.

definitely hear ... definitely see: both infinitive absolute.

certainly not (2x): strong negation, the negating particle also being used for prohibitions.
Matt 13:14 Kai\ {RP: a)naplhrou=tai} [P1904: to/te plhrwqh/setai] [TR: a)naplhrou=tai e0p'] au0toi=j h9 profhtei/a 870Hsai+/ou, h9 le/gousa, 870Akoh|= a)kou/sete, kai\ ou0 mh\ sunh=te: kai\ ble/pontej ble/yete, kai\ ou0 mh\ i1dhte. And {RP TR: - } [P1904: then] the prophecy of Isaiah {RP TR: is being} [P1904: will be] fulfilled in them, which says,

‘You will definitely hear

But certainly not understand,

And you will definitely see

But certainly not perceive,

a)naplhrou=tai, is being fulfilled, RP F1853=14/20 F1859=5/6 vs. to/te plhrwqh/setai, then will be fulfilled, P1904 F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's y, but without to/te) F1859=0/6 vs. a)naplhrou=tai e0p', is being fulfilled in, TR F1853=3/20 (Scrivener's cux) F1859=1/6 vs. another reading, F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's s*y) F1859=0/6.

Isa 6:9.
Isa 6:9 ‫וַיֹּ֕אמֶר לֵ֥ךְ וְאָמַרְתָּ֖ לָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֑ה שִׁמְע֤וּ שָׁמ֙וֹעַ֙ וְאַל־תָּבִ֔ינוּ וּרְא֥וּ רָא֖וֹ וְאַל־תֵּדָֽעוּ׃‬ And he said,

“Go and say to this people,

‘You will definitely hear

But certainly not understand,

And you will definitely see

But certainly not discern.

Matt 13:14, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:26, Rom 11:8.

definitely hear ... definitely see: both infinitive absolute.

certainly not (2x): strong negation, the negating particle also being used for prohibitions.
Mark 4:12 i3na ble/pontej ble/pwsin, kai\ mh\ i1dwsin: kai\ a)kou/ontej a)kou/wsin, kai\ mh\ suniw~sin: mh/pote e0pistre/ywsin, kai\ a)feqh|= au0toi=j ta_ a(marth/mata.

In order that they should definitely see

But not perceive,

And they will definitely hear

But not understand,

Lest they should repent,

And they should be forgiven their sins.”

Isa 6:9, Isa 6:10.

definitely see ← looking look.

definitely hear ← hearing hear.

repent ← return.

they should be forgiven their sins ← their sins should be forgiven them.
Isa 6:9 ‫וַיֹּ֕אמֶר לֵ֥ךְ וְאָמַרְתָּ֖ לָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֑ה שִׁמְע֤וּ שָׁמ֙וֹעַ֙ וְאַל־תָּבִ֔ינוּ וּרְא֥וּ רָא֖וֹ וְאַל־תֵּדָֽעוּ׃‬ And he said,

“Go and say to this people,

‘You will definitely hear

But certainly not understand,

And you will definitely see

But certainly not discern.

Matt 13:14, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:26, Rom 11:8.

definitely hear ... definitely see: both infinitive absolute.

certainly not (2x): strong negation, the negating particle also being used for prohibitions.
Luke 8:10 879O de\ ei]pen, 879Umi=n de/dotai gnw~nai ta_ musth/ria th=j basilei/aj tou= qeou=: toi=j de\ loipoi=j e0n parabolai=j, i3na ble/pontej mh\ ble/pwsin, kai\ a)kou/ontej mh\ suniw~sin. Then he said, “To you it is granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest they are described in parables,

In order that they might see

But not have an eye to them,

And hear

But not understand.

Isa 6:9, Isa 6:10.

see ... but not have an eye ← see but not see.
Isa 6:9 ‫וַיֹּ֕אמֶר לֵ֥ךְ וְאָמַרְתָּ֖ לָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֑ה שִׁמְע֤וּ שָׁמ֙וֹעַ֙ וְאַל־תָּבִ֔ינוּ וּרְא֥וּ רָא֖וֹ וְאַל־תֵּדָֽעוּ׃‬ And he said,

“Go and say to this people,

‘You will definitely hear

But certainly not understand,

And you will definitely see

But certainly not discern.

Matt 13:14, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:26, Rom 11:8.

definitely hear ... definitely see: both infinitive absolute.

certainly not (2x): strong negation, the negating particle also being used for prohibitions.
John 12:40 Tetu/flwken au0tw~n tou\j o0fqalmou/j, kai\ pepw&rwken au0tw~n th\n kardi/an: i3na mh\ i1dwsin toi=j o0fqalmoi=j, kai\ noh/swsin th|= kardi/a%, kai\ e0pistrafw~sin, kai\ {RP-text TR: i0a&swmai} [RP-marg P1904: i0a&somai] au0tou/j.

“He has blinded their eyes

And hardened their heart,

In order that they should not see with their eyes,

And understand with their heart,

And repent,

And I {RP-text TR: should} [RP-marg P1904: would] heal them.”

i0a&swmai, should heal, RP-text TR F1853=12/18 (incl. one misspelled) F1859=3/7 vs. i0a&somai, will heal, but standing for should heal, RP-marg P1904 F1853=6/18 F1859=4/7.

Isa 6:9, Isa 6:10.

repent ← return.
Isa 6:9 ‫וַיֹּ֕אמֶר לֵ֥ךְ וְאָמַרְתָּ֖ לָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֑ה שִׁמְע֤וּ שָׁמ֙וֹעַ֙ וְאַל־תָּבִ֔ינוּ וּרְא֥וּ רָא֖וֹ וְאַל־תֵּדָֽעוּ׃‬ And he said,

“Go and say to this people,

‘You will definitely hear

But certainly not understand,

And you will definitely see

But certainly not discern.

Matt 13:14, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:26, Rom 11:8.

definitely hear ... definitely see: both infinitive absolute.

certainly not (2x): strong negation, the negating particle also being used for prohibitions.
Acts 28:26 le/gon, Poreu/qhti pro\j to\n lao\n tou=ton kai\ {RP P1904: ei0po/n} [TR: ei0pe/], 870Akoh|= a)kou/sete, kai\ ou0 mh\ sunh=te: kai\ ble/pontej ble/yete, kai\ ou0 mh\ i1dhte: saying,

‘Go to this people and say,

«You will definitely hear

But certainly not understand,

And you will definitely see

But certainly not perceive,

ei0po/n, say (imperative from mixed aorist ei]pa), or theoretically it having said; saying (neuter participle), RP P1904 F1859=10/11 (Scrivener's abdfghlmop + k?) vs. ei]pe/, say (regular strong aorist imperative), TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's c). Scrivener's k not included, as it is doubtful.

Isa 6:9.
Isa 6:9 ‫וַיֹּ֕אמֶר לֵ֥ךְ וְאָמַרְתָּ֖ לָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֑ה שִׁמְע֤וּ שָׁמ֙וֹעַ֙ וְאַל־תָּבִ֔ינוּ וּרְא֥וּ רָא֖וֹ וְאַל־תֵּדָֽעוּ׃‬ And he said,

“Go and say to this people,

‘You will definitely hear

But certainly not understand,

And you will definitely see

But certainly not discern.

Matt 13:14, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:26, Rom 11:8.

definitely hear ... definitely see: both infinitive absolute.

certainly not (2x): strong negation, the negating particle also being used for prohibitions.
Rom 11:8 kaqw_j ge/graptai, 871Edwken au0toi=j o9 qeo\j pneu=ma katanu/cewj, o0fqalmou\j tou= mh\ ble/pein, kai\ w}ta tou= mh\ a)kou/ein, e3wj th=j sh/meron h9me/raj. As it stands written:

“God gave them a slumbering spirit –

Eyes not for seeing

And ears not for hearing”,

which holds up to this day.
Isa 29:10; Isa 6:9. See also Ezek 12:2.
Isa 6:10 ‫הַשְׁמֵן֙ לֵב־הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה וְאָזְנָ֥יו הַכְבֵּ֖ד וְעֵינָ֣יו הָשַׁ֑ע פֶּן־יִרְאֶ֨ה בְעֵינָ֜יו וּבְאָזְנָ֣יו יִשְׁמָ֗ע וּלְבָב֥וֹ יָבִ֛ין וָשָׁ֖ב וְרָ֥פָא לֽוֹ׃‬

Make the heart of this people obtuse,

And make their ears dull,

And cover their eyes,

Lest they should see with their eyes,

Or hear with their ears,

And their heart would understand,

And they would come back,

And it would heal them.’ ”

Matt 13:15, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:27.

obtuse ← fat.

dull ← heavy.

cover their eyes: from root שׁעע. Or turn their eyes away, from root שׁעה.

The imperatives in this verse could ↴
Matt 13:15 870Epaxu/nqh ga_r h9 kardi/a tou= laou= tou/tou, kai\ toi=j w)si\n bare/wj h1kousan, kai\ tou\j o0fqalmou\j au0tw~n e0ka&mmusan: mh/pote i1dwsin toi=j o0fqalmoi=j, kai\ toi=j w)si\n a)kou/swsin, kai\ th|= kardi/a% sunw~sin, kai\ e0pistre/ywsin, kai\ {RP-text P1904: i0a&somai} [RP-marg TR: i0a&swmai] au0tou/j.

For the heart of this people has become obtuse,

And with their ears they hear with difficulty,

And they have shut their eyes,

Lest they should see with their eyes,

And hear with their ears,

And understand with their heart,

And repent,

And I {RP-text P1904: would heal} [RP-marg TR: should heal] them.’

i0a&somai, will heal, RP-text P1904 F1853=9/19 F1859=5/6 vs. i0a&swmai, should heal, RP-marg TR F1853=10/19 F1859=1/6.

Isa 6:10.

obtuse ← fat.

repent ← return.

{RP: and I would heal: or but I will heal; kai/ can be adversative, as in Matt 13:17. The verb is not in the subjunctive, so apparently not governed by lest.}
Isa 6:10 ‫הַשְׁמֵן֙ לֵב־הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה וְאָזְנָ֥יו הַכְבֵּ֖ד וְעֵינָ֣יו הָשַׁ֑ע פֶּן־יִרְאֶ֨ה בְעֵינָ֜יו וּבְאָזְנָ֣יו יִשְׁמָ֗ע וּלְבָב֥וֹ יָבִ֛ין וָשָׁ֖ב וְרָ֥פָא לֽוֹ׃‬

Make the heart of this people obtuse,

And make their ears dull,

And cover their eyes,

Lest they should see with their eyes,

Or hear with their ears,

And their heart would understand,

And they would come back,

And it would heal them.’ ”

Matt 13:15, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:27.

obtuse ← fat.

dull ← heavy.

cover their eyes: from root שׁעע. Or turn their eyes away, from root שׁעה.

The imperatives in this verse could ↴
Mark 4:12 i3na ble/pontej ble/pwsin, kai\ mh\ i1dwsin: kai\ a)kou/ontej a)kou/wsin, kai\ mh\ suniw~sin: mh/pote e0pistre/ywsin, kai\ a)feqh|= au0toi=j ta_ a(marth/mata.

In order that they should definitely see

But not perceive,

And they will definitely hear

But not understand,

Lest they should repent,

And they should be forgiven their sins.”

Isa 6:9, Isa 6:10.

definitely see ← looking look.

definitely hear ← hearing hear.

repent ← return.

they should be forgiven their sins ← their sins should be forgiven them.
Isa 6:10 ‫הַשְׁמֵן֙ לֵב־הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה וְאָזְנָ֥יו הַכְבֵּ֖ד וְעֵינָ֣יו הָשַׁ֑ע פֶּן־יִרְאֶ֨ה בְעֵינָ֜יו וּבְאָזְנָ֣יו יִשְׁמָ֗ע וּלְבָב֥וֹ יָבִ֛ין וָשָׁ֖ב וְרָ֥פָא לֽוֹ׃‬

Make the heart of this people obtuse,

And make their ears dull,

And cover their eyes,

Lest they should see with their eyes,

Or hear with their ears,

And their heart would understand,

And they would come back,

And it would heal them.’ ”

Matt 13:15, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:27.

obtuse ← fat.

dull ← heavy.

cover their eyes: from root שׁעע. Or turn their eyes away, from root שׁעה.

The imperatives in this verse could ↴
Luke 8:10 879O de\ ei]pen, 879Umi=n de/dotai gnw~nai ta_ musth/ria th=j basilei/aj tou= qeou=: toi=j de\ loipoi=j e0n parabolai=j, i3na ble/pontej mh\ ble/pwsin, kai\ a)kou/ontej mh\ suniw~sin. Then he said, “To you it is granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest they are described in parables,

In order that they might see

But not have an eye to them,

And hear

But not understand.

Isa 6:9, Isa 6:10.

see ... but not have an eye ← see but not see.
Isa 6:10 ‫הַשְׁמֵן֙ לֵב־הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה וְאָזְנָ֥יו הַכְבֵּ֖ד וְעֵינָ֣יו הָשַׁ֑ע פֶּן־יִרְאֶ֨ה בְעֵינָ֜יו וּבְאָזְנָ֣יו יִשְׁמָ֗ע וּלְבָב֥וֹ יָבִ֛ין וָשָׁ֖ב וְרָ֥פָא לֽוֹ׃‬

Make the heart of this people obtuse,

And make their ears dull,

And cover their eyes,

Lest they should see with their eyes,

Or hear with their ears,

And their heart would understand,

And they would come back,

And it would heal them.’ ”

Matt 13:15, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:27.

obtuse ← fat.

dull ← heavy.

cover their eyes: from root שׁעע. Or turn their eyes away, from root שׁעה.

The imperatives in this verse could ↴
John 12:40 Tetu/flwken au0tw~n tou\j o0fqalmou/j, kai\ pepw&rwken au0tw~n th\n kardi/an: i3na mh\ i1dwsin toi=j o0fqalmoi=j, kai\ noh/swsin th|= kardi/a%, kai\ e0pistrafw~sin, kai\ {RP-text TR: i0a&swmai} [RP-marg P1904: i0a&somai] au0tou/j.

“He has blinded their eyes

And hardened their heart,

In order that they should not see with their eyes,

And understand with their heart,

And repent,

And I {RP-text TR: should} [RP-marg P1904: would] heal them.”

i0a&swmai, should heal, RP-text TR F1853=12/18 (incl. one misspelled) F1859=3/7 vs. i0a&somai, will heal, but standing for should heal, RP-marg P1904 F1853=6/18 F1859=4/7.

Isa 6:9, Isa 6:10.

repent ← return.
Isa 6:10 ‫הַשְׁמֵן֙ לֵב־הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה וְאָזְנָ֥יו הַכְבֵּ֖ד וְעֵינָ֣יו הָשַׁ֑ע פֶּן־יִרְאֶ֨ה בְעֵינָ֜יו וּבְאָזְנָ֣יו יִשְׁמָ֗ע וּלְבָב֥וֹ יָבִ֛ין וָשָׁ֖ב וְרָ֥פָא לֽוֹ׃‬

Make the heart of this people obtuse,

And make their ears dull,

And cover their eyes,

Lest they should see with their eyes,

Or hear with their ears,

And their heart would understand,

And they would come back,

And it would heal them.’ ”

Matt 13:15, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40, Acts 28:27.

obtuse ← fat.

dull ← heavy.

cover their eyes: from root שׁעע. Or turn their eyes away, from root שׁעה.

The imperatives in this verse could ↴
Acts 28:27 e0paxu/nqh ga_r h9 kardi/a tou= laou= tou/tou, kai\ toi=j w)si\n bare/wj h1kousan, kai\ tou\j o0fqalmou\j au0tw~n e0ka&mmusan: mh/pote i1dwsin toi=j o0fqalmoi=j, kai\ toi=j w)si\n a)kou/swsin, kai\ th|= kardi/a% sunw~sin, kai\ e0pistre/ywsin, kai\ {RP-text P1904: i0a&somai} [RP-marg TR: i0a&swmai] au0tou/j.

For the heart of this people has become obtuse,

And with their ears they hear in a dull way,

And they have closed their eyes,

Lest they should see with their eyes,

And hear with their ears,

And understand with their heart,

And repent,

And I {RP-text P1904: would} [RP-marg TR: should] heal them.» ’

i0a&somai, I will heal (future indicative), RP-text P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's g*l) vs. i0a&swmai, I should heal (aorist subjunctive), RP-marg TR F1859=11/13 (Scrivener's abcdfg**hkmop, although p misspelled). A strong disparity with RP-text, R=3:12.

Isa 6:10.

obtuse ← fattened.

in a dull way ← heavily.

{RP-text P1904: would ← will, the clause being conditional rather than of purpose.}
Isa 7:14 ‫לָ֠כֵן יִתֵּ֨ן אֲדֹנָ֥י ה֛וּא לָכֶ֖ם א֑וֹת הִנֵּ֣ה הָעַלְמָ֗ה הָרָה֙ וְיֹלֶ֣דֶת בֵּ֔ן וְקָרָ֥את שְׁמ֖וֹ עִמָּ֥נוּ אֵֽל׃‬ Therefore the Lord* himself will give you a sign. Behold, a virgin will conceive and bear a son, and she will call him Immanuel. Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Matt 1:23.

virgin ← the virgin. Although there is another word for virgin (בְּתוּלָה), it is inconceivable that this word (עַלְמָה), implying marriageability, should not also imply virginity, considering God's strict laws in place and the necessarily miraculous nature of the sign.

she will call: in an Aramaic form.

Immanuel: God with us.
Matt 1:23 870Idou/, h9 parqe/noj e0n gastri\ e3cei kai\ te/cetai ui9o/n, kai\ kale/sousin to\ o1noma au0tou= 870Emmanouh/l, o3 e0stin meqermhneuo/menon, Meq' h9mw~n o9 qeo/j. “Behold, a virgin will be with child and will bear a son, and they will call him Emmanuel, which when translated is ‘God with us.’ ” Isa 7:14.

a virgin ← the virgin. An unexpected definite article, a frequent phenomenon in Hebrew, including in Isa 7:14. See Gen 22:9.
Isa 8:12 ‫לֹא־תֹאמְר֣וּן קֶ֔שֶׁר לְכֹ֧ל אֲשֶׁר־יֹאמַ֛ר הָעָ֥ם הַזֶּ֖ה קָ֑שֶׁר וְאֶת־מוֹרָא֥וֹ לֹֽא־תִֽירְא֖וּ וְלֹ֥א תַעֲרִֽיצוּ׃‬

You shall not say, ‘A conspiracy’,

To everything where the people say, ‘A conspiracy.’

And do not fear their fearsomeness,

And do not be afraid.

1 Pet 3:14.

you: plural.

their fearsomeness: i.e. their show of being fearsome, a subjective genitive, relating to causing fear. Compare the next verse.
1 Pet 3:14 870All' ei0 kai\ pa&sxoite dia_ dikaiosu/nhn, maka&rioi: to\n de\ fo/bon au0tw~n mh\ fobhqh=te, mhde\ taraxqh=te: But even if you were to suffer on account of righteousness, you would be blessed. And do not fear their fearsomeness, nor be disturbed. Isa 8:12.

fearsomeness ← fear their fear, i.e. their show of being fearsome. Subjective genitive, relating to causing fear.
Isa 8:13 ‫אֶת־יְהוָ֥ה צְבָא֖וֹת אֹת֣וֹ תַקְדִּ֑ישׁוּ וְה֥וּא מוֹרַאֲכֶ֖ם וְה֥וּא מַֽעֲרִֽצְכֶֽם׃‬

Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself,

For he is to be your fearfulness,

And he is to be your trepidation.

1 Pet 3:15.

your fearfulness: a subjective genitive of feeling fear, which is why we choose a different but cognate word in this verse compared with fearsomeness above.
1 Pet 3:15 ku/rion de\ to\n qeo\n a(gia&sate e0n tai=j kardi/aij u9mw~n: e3toimoi de\ a)ei\ pro\j a)pologi/an panti\ tw%~ ai0tou=nti u9ma~j lo/gon peri\ th=j e0n u9mi=n e0lpi/doj, meta_ pra%u+/thtoj kai\ fo/bou: And sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, being always ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you for an account of the hope in you, doing it with meekness and fear, Isa 8:13.
Isa 8:14 ‫וְהָיָ֖ה לְמִקְדָּ֑שׁ וּלְאֶ֣בֶן נֶ֠גֶף וּלְצ֨וּר מִכְשׁ֜וֹל לִשְׁנֵ֨י בָתֵּ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ לְפַ֣ח וּלְמוֹקֵ֔שׁ לְיוֹשֵׁ֖ב יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃‬

And he will become a sanctuary,

But a stumbling block and a rock of offence

To the two houses of Israel,

And a trap and a snare

To the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Rom 9:33, 1 Pet 2:8.

but: adversative use of the vav.

block ← stone.
Rom 9:33 kaqw_j ge/graptai, 870Idou\ ti/qhmi e0n Siw_n li/qon prosko/mmatoj kai\ pe/tran skanda&lou: kai\ pa~j o9 pisteu/wn e0p' au0tw%~ ou0 kataisxunqh/setai. as it stands written:

“Behold, I put a stumbling block in Zion

And a rock of offence,

But no-one who believes in it

Will be put to shame.”

Isa 8:14, Isa 28:16. See also Ps 118:22.

block ← stone.

Zion: Greek and AV, Sion.

no-one ... will ← everyone ... will not.
Isa 8:14 ‫וְהָיָ֖ה לְמִקְדָּ֑שׁ וּלְאֶ֣בֶן נֶ֠גֶף וּלְצ֨וּר מִכְשׁ֜וֹל לִשְׁנֵ֨י בָתֵּ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ לְפַ֣ח וּלְמוֹקֵ֔שׁ לְיוֹשֵׁ֖ב יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃‬

And he will become a sanctuary,

But a stumbling block and a rock of offence

To the two houses of Israel,

And a trap and a snare

To the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Rom 9:33, 1 Pet 2:8.

but: adversative use of the vav.

block ← stone.
1 Pet 2:8 kai/, Li/qoj prosko/mmatoj kai\ pe/tra skanda&lou: oi4 prosko/ptousin tw%~ lo/gw% a)peiqou=ntej: ei0j o4 kai\ e0te/qhsan. and,

“A stumbling stone and a rock of offence.”

¶ And they stumble at the word in disbelieving, to which they for their part were appointed.
¶ Verse division: in P1904 numbering, 1 Pet 2:8 begins here.

Isa 8:14.

in disbelieving: AV differs (being disobedient), but better taken as balancing those who believe.

for their part ← also.
Isa 8:15 ‫וְכָ֥שְׁלוּ בָ֖ם רַבִּ֑ים וְנָפְל֣וּ וְנִשְׁבָּ֔רוּ וְנוֹקְשׁ֖וּ וְנִלְכָּֽדוּ׃ ס‬

And many will stumble at them,

And they will fall and be broken,

And be ensnared and be caught.

Matt 24:10. Matt 24:10 Kai\ to/te skandalisqh/sontai polloi/, kai\ a)llh/louj paradw&sousin, kai\ mish/sousin a)llh/louj. And then many will stumble and will deliver each other up and will hate each other. Isa 8:15.

stumble: or be offended. The Hebrew in Isa 8:15 is כָּשַׁל, kashal, stumble.
Isa 8:18 ‫הִנֵּ֣ה אָנֹכִ֗י וְהַיְלָדִים֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר נָֽתַן־לִ֣י יְהוָ֔ה לְאֹת֥וֹת וּלְמוֹפְתִ֖ים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל מֵעִם֙ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֔וֹת הַשֹּׁכֵ֖ן בְּהַ֥ר צִיּֽוֹן׃ ס‬

Here am I,

And the children whom the Lord has given me,

As signs and as miracles in Israel

From the Lord of hosts,

Who dwells in Mount Zion.

Heb 2:13.

here am I ← behold me.
Heb 2:13 Kai\ pa&lin, 870Egw_ e1somai pepoiqw_j e0p' au0tw%~. Kai\ pa&lin, 870Idou\ e0gw_ kai\ ta_ paidi/a a# moi e1dwken o9 qeo/j. And again,

“I will be confident in him.”

And again,

“Here am I

And the children whom God has given me.”

2 Sam 22:3, Ps 18:3MT (Ps 18:2AV); Isa 8:18.
Isa 8:23
Isa 9:1AV
‫כִּ֣י לֹ֣א מוּעָף֮ לַאֲשֶׁ֣ר מוּצָ֣ק לָהּ֒ כָּעֵ֣ת הָרִאשׁ֗וֹן הֵקַ֞ל אַ֤רְצָה זְבֻלוּן֙ וְאַ֣רְצָה נַפְתָּלִ֔י וְהָאַחֲר֖וֹן הִכְבִּ֑יד דֶּ֤רֶךְ הַיָּם֙ עֵ֣בֶר הַיַּרְדֵּ֔ן גְּלִ֖יל הַגּוֹיִֽם׃‬ For it will not be faint, as regards the land's straitness, as on the first occasion when he brought the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali into contempt, and later made it more grievous, on the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, in Galilee of the Gentiles. Matt 4:15.

faint: we take this as hophal from root יעף, not the noun from root עוף.

the land'sher / its.
Matt 4:15 Gh= Zaboulw_n kai\ gh= Nefqalei/m, o9do\n qala&sshj, pe/ran tou= 870Iorda&nou, Galilai/a tw~n e0qnw~n,

The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,

The road to the sea,

Across the Jordan,

Galilee of the Gentiles –

Isa 8:23MT (Isa 9:1AV).

to ← of.
Isa 9:1
Isa 9:2AV
‫הָעָם֙ הַהֹלְכִ֣ים בַּחֹ֔שֶׁךְ רָא֖וּ א֣וֹר גָּד֑וֹל יֹשְׁבֵי֙ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ צַלְמָ֔וֶת א֖וֹר נָגַ֥הּ עֲלֵיהֶֽם׃‬

The people who walked in darkness

Have seen a great light,

And on those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death

A light has shone.

Matt 4:16. Matt 4:16 o9 lao\j o9 kaqh/menoj e0n sko/tei ei]den fw~j me/ga, kai\ toi=j kaqhme/noij e0n xw&ra% kai\ skia%~ qana&tou, fw~j a)ne/teilen au0toi=j.

The people who sat in darkness

Have seen a great light,

And on those who were dwelling in a region and shadow of death

A light has risen.”

Isa 9:1MT (Isa 9:2AV).

on ← to.

dwelling ← sitting, a Hebraism (יָשַׁב, yashav).
Isa 9:5
Isa 9:6AV
‫כִּי־יֶ֣לֶד יֻלַּד־לָ֗נוּ בֵּ֚ן נִתַּן־לָ֔נוּ וַתְּהִ֥י הַמִּשְׂרָ֖ה עַל־שִׁכְמ֑וֹ וַיִּקְרָ֨א שְׁמ֜וֹ פֶּ֠לֶא יוֹעֵץ֙ אֵ֣ל גִּבּ֔וֹר אֲבִיעַ֖ד שַׂר־שָׁלֽוֹם׃‬

For a child is to be born for us,

A son is to be given to us,

And he will shoulder government,

And he will be called Wonderful, Counsellor,

Mighty God, Father of Perpetuity,

Prince of Peace.

Alluded to in Luke 2:11.

he will shoulder government ← government will be on his shoulder.

Wonderful: see Judg 13:18.
Luke 2:11 o3ti e0te/xqh u9mi=n sh/meron swth/r, o3j e0stin xristo\j ku/rioj, e0n po/lei {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. for today a saviour, who is Christ the Lord, was born to you in the city of David. David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

An allusion to Isa 9:5MT (Isa 9:6AV).
Isa 10:22 ‫כִּ֣י אִם־יִהְיֶ֞ה עַמְּךָ֤ יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ כְּח֣וֹל הַיָּ֔ם שְׁאָ֖ר יָשׁ֣וּב בּ֑וֹ כִּלָּי֥וֹן חָר֖וּץ שׁוֹטֵ֥ף צְדָקָֽה׃‬

Even if your people Israel

Are like the sand of the sea,

A remainder of them will return,

And the conclusion determined

Will overflow with righteousness.

Rom 9:27, Rom 9:28. Rom 9:27 870Hsai+/aj de\ kra&zei u9pe\r tou= 870Israh/l, 870Ea_n h|] o9 a)riqmo\j tw~n ui9w~n 870Israh\l w(j h9 a!mmoj th=j qala&sshj, to\ kata&leimma swqh/setai: And Isaiah cries out concerning Israel,

Even if the number of the sons of Israel

Is like the sand of the sea,

The remnant will be saved.

Isa 10:22.
Isa 10:22 ‫כִּ֣י אִם־יִהְיֶ֞ה עַמְּךָ֤ יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ כְּח֣וֹל הַיָּ֔ם שְׁאָ֖ר יָשׁ֣וּב בּ֑וֹ כִּלָּי֥וֹן חָר֖וּץ שׁוֹטֵ֥ף צְדָקָֽה׃‬

Even if your people Israel

Are like the sand of the sea,

A remainder of them will return,

And the conclusion determined

Will overflow with righteousness.

Rom 9:27, Rom 9:28. Rom 9:28 lo/gon ga_r suntelw~n kai\ sunte/mnwn e0n dikaiosu/nh|: o3ti lo/gon suntetmhme/non poih/sei ku/rioj e0pi\ th=j gh=j.

For he will conclude the matter

And make decrees in righteousness,

Because the Lord will carry out the pronouncement

Which has been decreed on the earth.”

Isa 10:22, Isa 10:23.

make decrees ... decreed ← cut, cut short, but by a Hebraism (גזר, כרת, חקק, חרץ) decrees and covenants are “cut”. AV differs, not having the metaphorical sense.
Isa 10:23 ‫כִּ֥י כָלָ֖ה וְנֶחֱרָצָ֑ה אֲדֹנָ֤י יְהוִה֙ צְבָא֔וֹת עֹשֶׂ֖ה בְּקֶ֥רֶב כָּל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃ ס‬

For my Lord the Lord of hosts

Will bring about the conclusion

And what has been determined

In the precincts of the whole land.

Rom 9:28.

what: relative use of the vav.

precincts ← midst.
Rom 9:28 lo/gon ga_r suntelw~n kai\ sunte/mnwn e0n dikaiosu/nh|: o3ti lo/gon suntetmhme/non poih/sei ku/rioj e0pi\ th=j gh=j.

For he will conclude the matter

And make decrees in righteousness,

Because the Lord will carry out the pronouncement

Which has been decreed on the earth.”

Isa 10:22, Isa 10:23.

make decrees ... decreed ← cut, cut short, but by a Hebraism (גזר, כרת, חקק, חרץ) decrees and covenants are “cut”. AV differs, not having the metaphorical sense.
Isa 11:1 ‫וְיָצָ֥א חֹ֖טֶר מִגֵּ֣זַע יִשָׁ֑י וְנֵ֖צֶר מִשָּׁרָשָׁ֥יו יִפְרֶֽה׃‬

And a shoot will come out of the stem of Jesse,

And a branch from his roots will become fruitful.

John 7:42.

shoot ... of the stem of Jesse: Christ, as Jesse's descendant. Contrast Isa 11:10.

branch: Hebrew nezer, in modern pronunciation netser; perhaps the reference to Nazarene in Matt 2:23.
John 7:42 Ou0xi\ h9 grafh\ ei]pen o3ti e0k tou= spe/rmatoj {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], kai\ a)po\ Bhqlee/m, th=j kw&mhj o3pou h]n {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], o9 xristo\j e1rxetai; Does not the scripture say that the Christ comes from the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was? David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:30MT-37MT (Ps 89:29AV-36AV), Ps 132:11, Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10, Jer 23:5, Jer 33:15, Mic 5:1MT (Mic 5:2AV).

does ← did.
Isa 11:1 ‫וְיָצָ֥א חֹ֖טֶר מִגֵּ֣זַע יִשָׁ֑י וְנֵ֖צֶר מִשָּׁרָשָׁ֥יו יִפְרֶֽה׃‬

And a shoot will come out of the stem of Jesse,

And a branch from his roots will become fruitful.

John 7:42.

shoot ... of the stem of Jesse: Christ, as Jesse's descendant. Contrast Isa 11:10.

branch: Hebrew nezer, in modern pronunciation netser; perhaps the reference to Nazarene in Matt 2:23.
Matt 2:23 kai\ e0lqw_n katw%&khsen ei0j po/lin legome/nhn {RP P1904 S1550 E1624: Nazare/t} [S1894: Nazare/q]: o3pwj plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n dia_ tw~n profhtw~n, o3ti Nazwrai=oj klhqh/setai. and when he arrived, he settled in a town called Nazareth, in order that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, that he should be called a Nazarene. Nazare/t, Nazaret, RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1853=16/19 F1859=4/6 vs. Nazare/q, Nazareth, S1894 F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's cdx) F1859=2/6.

In other verses, RP P1904 S1550 always read Nazare/t, S1894 always reads Nazare/q, and E1624 is variable. Our English is the traditional English name, though not an exact transliteration of RP.

Perhaps the references to Nazarene are to the branch, נֵצֶר, nezer, in Isa 11:1 and / or the ↴
Isa 11:10 ‫וְהָיָה֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא שֹׁ֣רֶשׁ יִשַׁ֗י אֲשֶׁ֤ר עֹמֵד֙ לְנֵ֣ס עַמִּ֔ים אֵלָ֖יו גּוֹיִ֣ם יִדְרֹ֑שׁוּ וְהָיְתָ֥ה מְנֻחָת֖וֹ כָּבֽוֹד׃ פ‬

And it will come to pass on that day

That the Gentiles will seek the root of Jesse,

Which will stand as a sign to the nations.

And rest in him will be glorious.

Matt 12:21, Rom 15:12, John 7:42, Rev 5:5, Rev 22:16 (Jesse being David's father).

root of Jesse: Christ as Jesse's forbear as creator. Contrast Isa 11:1, and compare Rev 22:10 (root and offspring of David).

rest in him ← his rest.

glorious ← glory.
Matt 12:21 Kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0n] tw%~ o0no/mati au0tou= e1qnh e0lpiou=sin.

And the Gentiles will set their hope in his name.”

Isa 11:10.

e0n, in (his name): absent (so plain dative) in RP P1904 F1853=18/19 F1859=6/6 vs. present (so with this preposition) in TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/6. No difference in our English.
Isa 11:10 ‫וְהָיָה֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא שֹׁ֣רֶשׁ יִשַׁ֗י אֲשֶׁ֤ר עֹמֵד֙ לְנֵ֣ס עַמִּ֔ים אֵלָ֖יו גּוֹיִ֣ם יִדְרֹ֑שׁוּ וְהָיְתָ֥ה מְנֻחָת֖וֹ כָּבֽוֹד׃ פ‬

And it will come to pass on that day

That the Gentiles will seek the root of Jesse,

Which will stand as a sign to the nations.

And rest in him will be glorious.

Matt 12:21, Rom 15:12, John 7:42, Rev 5:5, Rev 22:16 (Jesse being David's father).

root of Jesse: Christ as Jesse's forbear as creator. Contrast Isa 11:1, and compare Rev 22:10 (root and offspring of David).

rest in him ← his rest.

glorious ← glory.
Rom 15:12 Kai\ pa&lin 870Hsai+/aj le/gei, 871Estai h9 r(i/za tou= 870Iessai/, kai\ o9 a)nista&menoj a!rxein e0qnw~n: e0p' au0tw%~ e1qnh e0lpiou=sin. And again, Isaiah says,

“There will be the root of Jesse

And the one who rises to rule over the Gentiles.

In him the Gentiles will hope.”

Isa 11:10.

and: conjoining two descriptions of the same person (Christ).
Isa 11:10 ‫וְהָיָה֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא שֹׁ֣רֶשׁ יִשַׁ֗י אֲשֶׁ֤ר עֹמֵד֙ לְנֵ֣ס עַמִּ֔ים אֵלָ֖יו גּוֹיִ֣ם יִדְרֹ֑שׁוּ וְהָיְתָ֥ה מְנֻחָת֖וֹ כָּבֽוֹד׃ פ‬

And it will come to pass on that day

That the Gentiles will seek the root of Jesse,

Which will stand as a sign to the nations.

And rest in him will be glorious.

Matt 12:21, Rom 15:12, John 7:42, Rev 5:5, Rev 22:16 (Jesse being David's father).

root of Jesse: Christ as Jesse's forbear as creator. Contrast Isa 11:1, and compare Rev 22:10 (root and offspring of David).

rest in him ← his rest.

glorious ← glory.
John 7:42 Ou0xi\ h9 grafh\ ei]pen o3ti e0k tou= spe/rmatoj {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], kai\ a)po\ Bhqlee/m, th=j kw&mhj o3pou h]n {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], o9 xristo\j e1rxetai; Does not the scripture say that the Christ comes from the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was? David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:30MT-37MT (Ps 89:29AV-36AV), Ps 132:11, Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10, Jer 23:5, Jer 33:15, Mic 5:1MT (Mic 5:2AV).

does ← did.
Isa 11:10 ‫וְהָיָה֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא שֹׁ֣רֶשׁ יִשַׁ֗י אֲשֶׁ֤ר עֹמֵד֙ לְנֵ֣ס עַמִּ֔ים אֵלָ֖יו גּוֹיִ֣ם יִדְרֹ֑שׁוּ וְהָיְתָ֥ה מְנֻחָת֖וֹ כָּבֽוֹד׃ פ‬

And it will come to pass on that day

That the Gentiles will seek the root of Jesse,

Which will stand as a sign to the nations.

And rest in him will be glorious.

Matt 12:21, Rom 15:12, John 7:42, Rev 5:5, Rev 22:16 (Jesse being David's father).

root of Jesse: Christ as Jesse's forbear as creator. Contrast Isa 11:1, and compare Rev 22:10 (root and offspring of David).

rest in him ← his rest.

glorious ← glory.
Rev 5:5 Kai\ ei[j e0k tw~n presbute/rwn le/gei moi, Mh\ klai=e: i0dou/, e0ni/khsen o9 le/wn o9 {RP P1904: - } [TR: w@n] e0k th=j fulh=j 870Iou/da, h9 r(i/za {RP-text P1904: Daui/d} [RP-marg: D6A6D6] [TR: Dabi/d], {RP-text: o9 a)noi/gwn} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)noi=cai] to\ bibli/on kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: lu=sai] ta_j e9pta_ sfragi=daj au0tou=. Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion {RP P1904: - } [TR: which is] of the tribe of Judah – the root of David – has been victorious {RP-text: and is opening} [RP-marg P1904 TR: in opening] the book and {RP P1904: - } [TR: breaking] its seven seals.” w_n, being: absent in RP P1904 F1859=14/14 vs. present in TR F1859=0/14.

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1. Here we also have the RP-marg reading D6A6D6, D̅A̅D̅, an abbreviation for David. Scrivener does not give variants here.

o9 a)noi/gwn, the one opening, RP-text F1859=10/14 vs. a)noi=cai, to open, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's hlnn2).

lu=sai, to loosen: absent in RP P1904 F1859=14/14 vs. present in TR F1859=0/14.

Gen 49:9, Isa 11:10 (Jesse being David's father).

[TR: breaking ← loosening.]
Isa 11:10 ‫וְהָיָה֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא שֹׁ֣רֶשׁ יִשַׁ֗י אֲשֶׁ֤ר עֹמֵד֙ לְנֵ֣ס עַמִּ֔ים אֵלָ֖יו גּוֹיִ֣ם יִדְרֹ֑שׁוּ וְהָיְתָ֥ה מְנֻחָת֖וֹ כָּבֽוֹד׃ פ‬

And it will come to pass on that day

That the Gentiles will seek the root of Jesse,

Which will stand as a sign to the nations.

And rest in him will be glorious.

Matt 12:21, Rom 15:12, John 7:42, Rev 5:5, Rev 22:16 (Jesse being David's father).

root of Jesse: Christ as Jesse's forbear as creator. Contrast Isa 11:1, and compare Rev 22:10 (root and offspring of David).

rest in him ← his rest.

glorious ← glory.
Rev 22:16 870Egw_ 870Ihsou=j e1pemya to\n a!ggelo/n mou marturh=sai u9mi=n tau=ta e0pi\ tai=j e0kklhsi/aij. 870Egw& ei0mi h9 r(i/za kai\ to\ ge/noj {RP-text P1904: Daui/d} [RP-marg: D6A6D6] [TR: tou= Dabi/d], o9 a)sth\r o9 lampro\j {RP P1904: o9 prwi+no/j} [TR: kai\ o0rqrino/j]. “I Jesus have sent my angel to testify these things to you concerning the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star. David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1. Here we also have the RP-marg reading D6A6D6, D̅A̅D̅, an abbreviation for David, supported by Scrivener's b.

o9 prwi+no/j, the morning (connotations of earliness), RP P1904 F1859=7/7 (Scrivener's bcdhjkl, though cd have neighbouring differences) vs. kai\ o0rqrino/j, and morning (connotations of dawn), TR F1859=0/7.

The TR of Rev 22:16 - end is said to be a translation from the Vulgate; see the Wikipedia article Textus Receptus.

Isa 11:10 (Jesse being David's father).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.
Isa 12:3 ‫וּשְׁאַבְתֶּם־מַ֖יִם בְּשָׂשׂ֑וֹן מִמַּעַיְנֵ֖י הַיְשׁוּעָֽה׃‬

And you will draw water with joy,

From the springs of this salvation.

John 7:38 (allusion).

this salvation ← the salvation.
John 7:38 879O pisteu/wn ei0j e0me/, kaqw_j ei]pen h9 grafh/, potamoi\ e0k th=j koili/aj au0tou= r(eu/sousin u3datoj zw~ntoj. As regards him who believes in me, as the scripture says, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his inside.’ ” Various allusions: Isa 12:3, Isa 55:1, Isa 58:11; Ezek 47:1; Joel 4:18MT (Joel 3:18AV), Zech 13:1, Zech 14:8.

inside ← belly.
Isa 13:6 ‫הֵילִ֕ילוּ כִּ֥י קָר֖וֹב י֣וֹם יְהוָ֑ה כְּשֹׁ֖ד מִשַּׁדַּ֥י יָבֽוֹא׃‬

Howl, for the day of the Lord is near.

It will come as devastation from the Almighty.

Rev 1:10. Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Isa 13:9 ‫הִנֵּ֤ה יוֹם־יְהוָה֙ בָּ֔א אַכְזָרִ֥י וְעֶבְרָ֖ה וַחֲר֣וֹן אָ֑ף לָשׂ֤וּם הָאָ֙רֶץ֙ לְשַׁמָּ֔ה וְחַטָּאֶ֖יהָ יַשְׁמִ֥יד מִמֶּֽנָּה׃‬

Behold, the day of the Lord is coming,

Cruel in wrath and furious anger,

To make the land a desolation,

And he will obliterate its sinners from it.

Rev 1:10.

wrath and ← both wrath and.
Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Isa 13:10 ‫כִּֽי־כוֹכְבֵ֤י הַשָּׁמַ֙יִם֙ וּכְסִ֣ילֵיהֶ֔ם לֹ֥א יָהֵ֖לּוּ אוֹרָ֑ם חָשַׁ֤ךְ הַשֶּׁ֙מֶשׁ֙ בְּצֵאת֔וֹ וְיָרֵ֖חַ לֹֽא־יַגִּ֥יהַ אוֹרֽוֹ׃‬

For the stars of heaven and their constellations

Will not shine their light;

The sun will become dark as it rises,

And the moon will not beam its radiance.

Matt 24:29, Mark 13:24, Mark 13:25.

light ... radiance ← light ... light. Otiose, but it is not necessarily inelegant in Hebrew. Compare Gen 12:5.
Matt 24:29 Eu0qe/wj de\ meta_ th\n qli/yin tw~n h9merw~n e0kei/nwn, o9 h3lioj skotisqh/setai, kai\ h9 selh/nh ou0 dw&sei to\ fe/ggoj au0th=j, kai\ oi9 a)ste/rej pesou=ntai a)po\ tou= ou0ranou=, kai\ ai9 duna&meij tw~n ou0ranw~n saleuqh/sontai. But immediately after the tribulation of those days,

The sun will be darkened,

And the moon will not give its lustre,

And the stars will fall from the sky,

And the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Isa 13:10, Isa 34:4.

sky ← heaven, but the word is used of the sky in the next verse too and elsewhere, e.g. Matt 13:32 (birds of the sky).
Isa 13:10 ‫כִּֽי־כוֹכְבֵ֤י הַשָּׁמַ֙יִם֙ וּכְסִ֣ילֵיהֶ֔ם לֹ֥א יָהֵ֖לּוּ אוֹרָ֑ם חָשַׁ֤ךְ הַשֶּׁ֙מֶשׁ֙ בְּצֵאת֔וֹ וְיָרֵ֖חַ לֹֽא־יַגִּ֥יהַ אוֹרֽוֹ׃‬

For the stars of heaven and their constellations

Will not shine their light;

The sun will become dark as it rises,

And the moon will not beam its radiance.

Matt 24:29, Mark 13:24, Mark 13:25.

light ... radiance ← light ... light. Otiose, but it is not necessarily inelegant in Hebrew. Compare Gen 12:5.
Mark 13:24 870All' e0n e0kei/naij tai=j h9me/raij, meta_ th\n qli/yin e0kei/nhn, o9 h3lioj skotisqh/setai, kai\ h9 selh/nh ou0 dw&sei to\ fe/ggoj au0th=j, But in those days, after that tribulation,

The sun will be darkened,

And the moon will not give its gleam,

Isa 13:10.
Isa 13:10 ‫כִּֽי־כוֹכְבֵ֤י הַשָּׁמַ֙יִם֙ וּכְסִ֣ילֵיהֶ֔ם לֹ֥א יָהֵ֖לּוּ אוֹרָ֑ם חָשַׁ֤ךְ הַשֶּׁ֙מֶשׁ֙ בְּצֵאת֔וֹ וְיָרֵ֖חַ לֹֽא־יַגִּ֥יהַ אוֹרֽוֹ׃‬

For the stars of heaven and their constellations

Will not shine their light;

The sun will become dark as it rises,

And the moon will not beam its radiance.

Matt 24:29, Mark 13:24, Mark 13:25.

light ... radiance ← light ... light. Otiose, but it is not necessarily inelegant in Hebrew. Compare Gen 12:5.
Mark 13:25 kai\ oi9 a)ste/rej {RP TR: tou= ou0ranou= e1sontai e0kpi/ptontej} [P1904: e1sontai e0k tou= ou0ranou= pi/ptontej], kai\ ai9 duna&meij ai9 e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j saleuqh/sontai.

And the stars {RP TR: of heaven will be falling down,} [P1904: will be falling down from heaven,]

And the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

tou= ou0ranou= e1sontai e0kpi/ptontej, (the stars) of heaven will be falling out, RP TR F1853=18/20 (preceded by e0k in Scrivener's cd) F1859=4/7 vs. e1sontai e0k tou= ou0ranou= pi/ptontej, (the stars) will be out of the heavens falling, P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's py) F1859=3/7.

Isa 13:10, Isa 34:4.
Isa 13:21 ‫וְרָבְצוּ־שָׁ֣ם צִיִּ֔ים וּמָלְא֥וּ בָתֵּיהֶ֖ם אֹחִ֑ים וְשָׁ֤כְנוּ שָׁם֙ בְּנ֣וֹת יַֽעֲנָ֔ה וּשְׂעִירִ֖ים יְרַקְּדוּ־שָֽׁם׃‬

But desert creatures will rest there,

And their houses will be full of howling animals.

And ostriches will dwell there,

And demons will dance there.

Rev 18:2 (allusion).

|| Jer 50:39.
Rev 18:2 Kai\ e1kracen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0n] {RP P1904: i0sxura%~} [TR: i0sxu/i+] fwnh|= {RP P1904: - } [TR: mega&lh|], le/gwn, 871Epesen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e1pesen] Babulw_n h9 mega&lh, kai\ e0ge/neto katoikhth/rion {RP TR: daimo/nwn} [P1904: daimoni/wn], kai\ fulakh\ panto\j pneu/matoj a)kaqa&rtou, kai\ fulakh\ panto\j o0rne/ou a)kaqa&rtou kai\ memishme/nou. and he cried out {RP P1904: - } [TR: strongly] in a {RP P1904: strong} [TR: loud] voice and said, “Babylon the great has fallen, {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: it has fallen,] and it has become an abode of demons, and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and detested bird, e0n, with (strength): absent in RP-text F1859=11/12 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h).

i0sxura%~, a strong, RP P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. i0sxu/i+, strength, TR F1859=0/12 vs. i0sxura_n, a strong (accusative), F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's aek).

mega&lh, loud: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12.

e1pese¨n©, fell: absent in RP-text F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's abcdefjk) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's ghlm). TR reads e1pesen e1pese; we enumerate under absent the manuscripts containing one e1pese¨n©.

daimo/nwn, of demons, RP TR F1859=11/12 vs. daimoni/wn, of demons (diminutive form, usual in NT, probably not significant), P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). Compare Rev 16:14.

Isa 21:9, Jer 51:8; Isa 13:21, Jer 50:39; Isa 34:11 etc. Largely alluded to. Not necessarily in the context of Babylon.

{RP: strong: i0sxuro/j, not the usual word for loud (me/gaj)}.
Isa 19:2 ‫וְסִכְסַכְתִּ֤י מִצְרַ֙יִם֙ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם וְנִלְחֲמ֥וּ אִישׁ־בְּאָחִ֖יו וְאִ֣ישׁ בְּרֵעֵ֑הוּ עִ֣יר בְּעִ֔יר מַמְלָכָ֖ה בְּמַמְלָכָֽה׃‬

And I will incite Egypt against Egypt,

And a man will fight his brother,

And a man his neighbour,

And a city a city,

And a kingdom a kingdom.

Matt 24:7, Mark 13:8, Luke 21:10, loosely. Matt 24:7 870Egerqh/setai ga_r e1qnoj e0pi\ e1qnoj, kai\ basilei/a e0pi\ basilei/an: kai\ e1sontai limoi\ kai\ loimoi\ kai\ seismoi\ kata_ to/pouj. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in various places. Isa 19:2, loosely.
Isa 19:2 ‫וְסִכְסַכְתִּ֤י מִצְרַ֙יִם֙ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם וְנִלְחֲמ֥וּ אִישׁ־בְּאָחִ֖יו וְאִ֣ישׁ בְּרֵעֵ֑הוּ עִ֣יר בְּעִ֔יר מַמְלָכָ֖ה בְּמַמְלָכָֽה׃‬

And I will incite Egypt against Egypt,

And a man will fight his brother,

And a man his neighbour,

And a city a city,

And a kingdom a kingdom.

Matt 24:7, Mark 13:8, Luke 21:10, loosely. Mark 13:8 870Egerqh/setai ga_r e1qnoj e0pi\ e1qnoj, kai\ basilei/a e0pi\ basilei/an: kai\ e1sontai seismoi\ kata_ to/pouj, kai\ e1sontai limoi\ kai\ taraxai/: a)rxai\ w)di/nwn tau=ta. For nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and disorders. ¶ These things are the beginnings of birth pains. ¶ Verse division: in P1904 numbering, Mark 13:9 begins here.

Isa 19:2, loosely.
Isa 19:2 ‫וְסִכְסַכְתִּ֤י מִצְרַ֙יִם֙ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם וְנִלְחֲמ֥וּ אִישׁ־בְּאָחִ֖יו וְאִ֣ישׁ בְּרֵעֵ֑הוּ עִ֣יר בְּעִ֔יר מַמְלָכָ֖ה בְּמַמְלָכָֽה׃‬

And I will incite Egypt against Egypt,

And a man will fight his brother,

And a man his neighbour,

And a city a city,

And a kingdom a kingdom.

Matt 24:7, Mark 13:8, Luke 21:10, loosely. Luke 21:10 To/te e1legen au0toi=j, 870Egerqh/setai e1qnoj e0pi\ e1qnoj, kai\ basilei/a e0pi\ basilei/an: Then he said to them, “Nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, Isa 19:2, loosely.
Isa 21:9 ‫וְהִנֵּה־זֶ֥ה בָא֙ רֶ֣כֶב אִ֔ישׁ צֶ֖מֶד פָּֽרָשִׁ֑ים וַיַּ֣עַן וַיֹּ֗אמֶר נָפְלָ֤ה נָֽפְלָה֙ בָּבֶ֔ל וְכָל־פְּסִילֵ֥י אֱלֹהֶ֖יהָ שִׁבַּ֥ר לָאָֽרֶץ׃‬

And here is what is coming:

A manned chariot fleet and horsemen in pairs.”

And he answered and said,

Babylon has fallen; it has fallen.

And he has torn all the carved images of its gods

Down to the ground.”

Rev 14:8, Rev 18:2.

here isbehold this.

pairs ← a pair, but we take it as collective usage.

torn ... down ← broken.
Rev 14:8 Kai\ a!lloj {RP-text P1904: deu/teroj a!ggeloj} [RP-marg: a!ggeloj deu/teroj] [TR: a!ggeloj] h0kolou/qhsen, le/gwn, 871Epesen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e1pesen] {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: Babulw_n} [E1624: Baboulw_n] {RP P1904: - } [TR: h9 po/lij] h9 mega&lh, {RP: - } [P1904: h9] [TR: o3ti] e0k tou= oi1nou tou= qumou= th=j pornei/aj au0th=j pepo/tiken pa&nta {RP: ta_} [P1904 TR: - ] e1qnh. Then {RP-text P1904: another, a second angel,} [RP-marg: another angel, a second one,] [TR: another angel] followed and said, “Babylon the great {RP-text: has fallen. It} [RP-marg: has fallen, it has fallen. It] [P1904: has fallen, it has fallen, which] [TR: city has fallen, it has fallen, because it] made all {RP: the} [P1904 TR: the] nations drink from the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” deu/teroj a!ggeloj, second + angel, RP-text P1904 F1859=8/12 vs. a!ggeloj deu/teroj, angel + second, RP-marg F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn) vs. a!ggeloj, angel, TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's f) vs. deu/teroj, second, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). AV differs textually.

e1pesen, fell (second occurrence in verse): absent, so with one e1pese¨n©, in RP-text F1859=9/12 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghn).

Babulw_n, Babylon, RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=12/12 vs. Baboulw_n, Baboulon (→ Babylon), E1624 F1859=0/12.

h9 po/lij, the city: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

words below absent, RP F1859=10/11 vs. h9, the (one), P1904 F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's g) vs. o3ti, because, TR F1859=0/11.

ta_, the (nations): present in RP F1859=11/12 (though n in a variation) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k).

Isa 21:9, Jer 51:8.
Isa 21:9 ‫וְהִנֵּה־זֶ֥ה בָא֙ רֶ֣כֶב אִ֔ישׁ צֶ֖מֶד פָּֽרָשִׁ֑ים וַיַּ֣עַן וַיֹּ֗אמֶר נָפְלָ֤ה נָֽפְלָה֙ בָּבֶ֔ל וְכָל־פְּסִילֵ֥י אֱלֹהֶ֖יהָ שִׁבַּ֥ר לָאָֽרֶץ׃‬

And here is what is coming:

A manned chariot fleet and horsemen in pairs.”

And he answered and said,

Babylon has fallen; it has fallen.

And he has torn all the carved images of its gods

Down to the ground.”

Rev 14:8, Rev 18:2.

here isbehold this.

pairs ← a pair, but we take it as collective usage.

torn ... down ← broken.
Rev 18:2 Kai\ e1kracen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0n] {RP P1904: i0sxura%~} [TR: i0sxu/i+] fwnh|= {RP P1904: - } [TR: mega&lh|], le/gwn, 871Epesen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e1pesen] Babulw_n h9 mega&lh, kai\ e0ge/neto katoikhth/rion {RP TR: daimo/nwn} [P1904: daimoni/wn], kai\ fulakh\ panto\j pneu/matoj a)kaqa&rtou, kai\ fulakh\ panto\j o0rne/ou a)kaqa&rtou kai\ memishme/nou. and he cried out {RP P1904: - } [TR: strongly] in a {RP P1904: strong} [TR: loud] voice and said, “Babylon the great has fallen, {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: it has fallen,] and it has become an abode of demons, and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and detested bird, e0n, with (strength): absent in RP-text F1859=11/12 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h).

i0sxura%~, a strong, RP P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. i0sxu/i+, strength, TR F1859=0/12 vs. i0sxura_n, a strong (accusative), F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's aek).

mega&lh, loud: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12.

e1pese¨n©, fell: absent in RP-text F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's abcdefjk) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's ghlm). TR reads e1pesen e1pese; we enumerate under absent the manuscripts containing one e1pese¨n©.

daimo/nwn, of demons, RP TR F1859=11/12 vs. daimoni/wn, of demons (diminutive form, usual in NT, probably not significant), P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). Compare Rev 16:14.

Isa 21:9, Jer 51:8; Isa 13:21, Jer 50:39; Isa 34:11 etc. Largely alluded to. Not necessarily in the context of Babylon.

{RP: strong: i0sxuro/j, not the usual word for loud (me/gaj)}.
Isa 22:13 ‫וְהִנֵּ֣ה ׀ שָׂשׂ֣וֹן וְשִׂמְחָ֗ה הָרֹ֤ג ׀ בָּקָר֙ וְשָׁחֹ֣ט צֹ֔אן אָכֹ֥ל בָּשָׂ֖ר וְשָׁת֣וֹת יָ֑יִן אָכ֣וֹל וְשָׁת֔וֹ כִּ֥י מָחָ֖ר נָמֽוּת׃‬

But what he saw was

Rejoicing and merrymaking,

Killing the ox and slaughtering the sheep,

Eating meat and drinking wine, saying,

Eat and drink,

For tomorrow we die.

1 Cor 15:32.

but what he saw wasand behold.

killing ... slaughtering ... eating ... drinking ... eat ... drink: all infinitive absolute in the role of finite verbs.
1 Cor 15:32 Ei0 kata_ a!nqrwpon e0qhrioma&xhsa e0n 870Efe/sw%, ti/ moi to\ o1feloj, ei0 nekroi\ ou0k e0gei/rontai; Fa&gwmen kai\ pi/wmen, au1rion ga_r a)poqnh|/skomen. If I, humanly speaking, have done battle with wild beasts in Ephesus, what advantage do I have if the dead are not raised? Then let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. Isa 22:13.
Isa 22:22 ‫וְנָתַתִּ֛י מַפְתֵּ֥חַ בֵּית־דָּוִ֖ד עַל־שִׁכְמ֑וֹ וּפָתַח֙ וְאֵ֣ין סֹגֵ֔ר וְסָגַ֖ר וְאֵ֥ין פֹּתֵֽחַ׃‬

And I will put the key to the house of David on his shoulder,

And he will open and no-one will shut,

And he will shut, and no-one will open.

Rev 3:7. Rev 3:7 Kai\ tw%~ a)gge/lw% th=j e0n Filadelfei/a% e0kklhsi/aj gra&yon, Ta&de le/gei o9 a#gioj, o9 a)lhqino/j, o9 e1xwn th\n {RP P1904: klei=n} [TR: klei=da] tou= {RP-text P1904: Daui/d} [RP-marg: D6A6D6] [TR: Dabi/d], o9 a)noi/gwn kai\ ou0dei\j {RP P1904: klei/sei} [TR: klei/ei] {RP-text: au0th/n, ei0 mh\ o9 a)noi/gwn} [RP-marg P1904: kai\ klei/wn] [TR: kai\ klei/ei]: kai\ ou0dei\j {RP P1904: a)noi/cei} [TR: a)noi/gei]. And write to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, ‘The holy one, the true one, who holds the key of David, who, when he {RP-text: opens it, no-one can close it, except he who opens (and no-one can open it either)} [RP-marg P1904: opens, no-one can close, and when he closes, no-one can open] [TR: opens, no-one closes, and he closes, and no-one opens] – he says this: klei=n, key (1), RP P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. klei=da, key (2), TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fmn).

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1. Here we also have the RP-marg reading D6A6D6.

klei/sei, will close, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 (incl. 2 misspelled) vs. klei/ei, closes, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

au0th/n, ei0 mh\ o9 a)noi/gwn, it, except he who opens, RP-text F1859=10/13 vs. kai\ klei/wn, and closes (participle), RP-marg P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's cm) vs. kai\ klei/ei, and closes, TR, F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). AV differs textually.

a)noi/cei, will open, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 (incl. 2 misspelled) vs. a)noi/gei, opens, TR F1859=0/13 vs. absent or another reading, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's mn).

Isa 22:22, Job 12:14.

church: see Matt 16:18.

{RP P1904: can ← will, a Hebraism.}

this ← these (things).
Isa 25:8 ‫בִּלַּ֤ע הַמָּ֙וֶת֙ לָנֶ֔צַח וּמָחָ֨ה אֲדֹנָ֧י יְהוִ֛ה דִּמְעָ֖ה מֵעַ֣ל כָּל־פָּנִ֑ים וְחֶרְפַּ֣ת עַמּ֗וֹ יָסִיר֙ מֵעַ֣ל כָּל־הָאָ֔רֶץ כִּ֥י יְהוָ֖ה דִּבֵּֽר׃ פ‬

He will swallow up death for ever,

And my Lord the Lord

Will wipe away the tears from every face,

And he will remove the reproach on his people

From the whole world,

For the Lord has spoken.

1 Cor 15:54, Rev 7:17, Rev 21:4.

for ever: AV differs (victory), which accords with 1 Cor 15:54, but it appears to be Chaldee rather than Hebrew (see [AnLx]). 1 Cor 15:54 could ↴

tears ← tear. Collective usage.
1 Cor 15:54 873Otan de\ to\ fqarto\n tou=to e0ndu/shtai a)fqarsi/an, kai\ to\ qnhto\n tou=to e0ndu/shtai a)qanasi/an, to/te genh/setai o9 lo/goj o9 gegramme/noj, Katepo/qh o9 qa&natoj ei0j ni=koj. And when this perishable state puts on indefectibility, and this mortal state puts on immortality, then the word which stands written will apply:

“Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

Isa 25:8.

apply ← happen.
Isa 25:8 ‫בִּלַּ֤ע הַמָּ֙וֶת֙ לָנֶ֔צַח וּמָחָ֨ה אֲדֹנָ֧י יְהוִ֛ה דִּמְעָ֖ה מֵעַ֣ל כָּל־פָּנִ֑ים וְחֶרְפַּ֣ת עַמּ֗וֹ יָסִיר֙ מֵעַ֣ל כָּל־הָאָ֔רֶץ כִּ֥י יְהוָ֖ה דִּבֵּֽר׃ פ‬

He will swallow up death for ever,

And my Lord the Lord

Will wipe away the tears from every face,

And he will remove the reproach on his people

From the whole world,

For the Lord has spoken.

1 Cor 15:54, Rev 7:17, Rev 21:4.

for ever: AV differs (victory), which accords with 1 Cor 15:54, but it appears to be Chaldee rather than Hebrew (see [AnLx]). 1 Cor 15:54 could ↴

tears ← tear. Collective usage.
Rev 7:17 o3ti to\ a)rni/on to\ a)na_ me/son tou= qro/nou {RP-text P1904: poimai/nei} [RP-marg TR: poimanei=] au0tou/j, kai\ {RP-text: o9dhgei=} [RP-marg P1904 TR: o9dhgh/sei] au0tou\j e0pi\ {RP P1904: zwh=j} [TR: zw&saj] phga_j u9da&twn, kai\ e0calei/yei o9 qeo\j pa~n da&kruon {RP P1904: e0k} [TR: a)po\] tw~n o0fqalmw~n au0tw~n.

For the lamb which is in the middle of the throne

{RP-text P1904: Is} [RP-marg TR: Will be] a shepherd to them,

And he {RP-text: guides} [RP-marg P1904 TR: will guide] them to the sources of {RP P1904: waters of life} [TR: living waters],

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

poimai/nei, tends, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. poimanei=, will tend, RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fh*ln). AV differs textually.

o9dhgei=, guides, RP-text F1859=10/13 (incl. l misspelled) vs. o9dhgh/sei, will guide, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fh*n). AV differs textually.

zwh=j, of life, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. zw&saj, living, TR F1859=0/12.

e0k, out of, RP P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. a)po\, from, TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's fgn).

Isa 49:10, Isa 25:8, Jer 31:9 etc.

in the middle of ← between, among.
Isa 25:8 ‫בִּלַּ֤ע הַמָּ֙וֶת֙ לָנֶ֔צַח וּמָחָ֨ה אֲדֹנָ֧י יְהוִ֛ה דִּמְעָ֖ה מֵעַ֣ל כָּל־פָּנִ֑ים וְחֶרְפַּ֣ת עַמּ֗וֹ יָסִיר֙ מֵעַ֣ל כָּל־הָאָ֔רֶץ כִּ֥י יְהוָ֖ה דִּבֵּֽר׃ פ‬

He will swallow up death for ever,

And my Lord the Lord

Will wipe away the tears from every face,

And he will remove the reproach on his people

From the whole world,

For the Lord has spoken.

1 Cor 15:54, Rev 7:17, Rev 21:4.

for ever: AV differs (victory), which accords with 1 Cor 15:54, but it appears to be Chaldee rather than Hebrew (see [AnLx]). 1 Cor 15:54 could ↴

tears ← tear. Collective usage.
Rev 21:4 kai\ e0calei/yei {RP-text: - } [RP-marg: a)p' au0tw~n] [P1904: a)p' au0tw~n o9 qeo\j] [TR: o9 qeo\j] pa~n da&kruon a)po\ tw~n o0fqalmw~n au0tw~n, kai\ o9 qa&natoj ou0k e1stai e1ti: ou1te pe/nqoj, ou1te kraugh/, ou1te po/noj ou0k e1stai e1ti: o3ti ta_ prw~ta {RP-text P1904 TR: a)ph=lqon} [RP-marg: a)ph=lqen]. And {RP-text: he will wipe} [RP-marg: he will wipe from them] [P1904: God will wipe from them] [TR: God will wipe] every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, nor mourning, nor wailing, nor will there be any toil any more, for the former things will have passed away.” words below absent, RP-text F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's chl) vs. a)p' au0tw~n, from them, RP-marg F1859=4/9 (Scrivener's bejm) vs. a)p' au0tw~n o9 qeo\j, God + from them, P1904 F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's d) vs. o9 qeo\j, God, TR F1859=0/9 vs. e0c au0tw~n, out of them, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's k). A weak disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=3:4. AV differs textually.

a)ph=lqon, departed (non-classical form), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/8 (Scrivener's hlm) vs. a)ph=lqe¨n©, departed (classical form), RP-marg F1859=5/8 (Scrivener's bcejk). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:5.

Isa 25:8.
Isa 27:9 ‫לָכֵ֗ן בְּזֹאת֙ יְכֻפַּ֣ר עֲוֺֽן־יַעֲקֹ֔ב וְזֶ֕ה כָּל־פְּרִ֖י הָסִ֣ר חַטָּאת֑וֹ בְּשׂוּמ֣וֹ ׀ כָּל־אַבְנֵ֣י מִזְבֵּ֗חַ כְּאַבְנֵי־גִר֙ מְנֻפָּצ֔וֹת לֹֽא־יָקֻ֥מוּ אֲשֵׁרִ֖ים וְחַמָּנִֽים׃‬

So by this means,

Jacob's iniquity will be atoned for,

And this is all the fruit of removing his sin,

When he makes all the stones of the altar

Like chalk stones which are dashed to pieces.

The phallic parks and the sun-images

Shall not stand.

Rom 11:27.

of removing: gerundial use of the infinitive.
Rom 11:27 kai\ au3th au0toi=j h9 par' e0mou= diaqh/kh, o3tan a)fe/lwmai ta_j a(marti/aj au0tw~n.

And this is my covenant with them

When I take away their sins.”

Isa 27:9, Isa 59:21.

my covenant ← the covenant from alongside me.
Isa 28:11 ‫כִּ֚י בְּלַעֲגֵ֣י שָׂפָ֔ה וּבְלָשׁ֖וֹן אַחֶ֑רֶת יְדַבֵּ֖ר אֶל־הָעָ֥ם הַזֶּֽה׃‬

For he will speak to this people

In jabbering foreign speech,

And in a different language

1 Cor 14:21.

jabbering foreign speech ← jabberings / derisions of lips, [Ges-HCL] supporting foreign.
1 Cor 14:21 870En tw%~ no/mw% ge/graptai o3ti 870En e9teroglw&ssoij kai\ e0n xei/lesin e9te/roij lalh/sw tw%~ law%~ tou/tw%, kai\ ou0d' ou3twj ei0sakou/sontai/ mou, le/gei ku/rioj. In the law it stands written:

“By those of another language

And by foreign lips

I will speak to this people,

And not even in this way will they listen to me,

Says the Lord.”

Isa 28:11, Isa 28:12.
Isa 28:12 ‫אֲשֶׁ֣ר ׀ אָמַ֣ר אֲלֵיהֶ֗ם זֹ֤את הַמְּנוּחָה֙ הָנִ֣יחוּ לֶֽעָיֵ֔ף וְזֹ֖את הַמַּרְגֵּעָ֑ה וְלֹ֥א אָב֖וּא שְׁמֽוֹעַ׃‬

To this people to whom he said,

“This is the rest;

Give the weary rest”,

And, “This is the tranquillity.”

But they were unwilling to hear.

1 Cor 14:21. 1 Cor 14:21 870En tw%~ no/mw% ge/graptai o3ti 870En e9teroglw&ssoij kai\ e0n xei/lesin e9te/roij lalh/sw tw%~ law%~ tou/tw%, kai\ ou0d' ou3twj ei0sakou/sontai/ mou, le/gei ku/rioj. In the law it stands written:

“By those of another language

And by foreign lips

I will speak to this people,

And not even in this way will they listen to me,

Says the Lord.”

Isa 28:11, Isa 28:12.
Isa 28:16 ‫לָכֵ֗ן כֹּ֤ה אָמַר֙ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֔ה הִנְנִ֛י יִסַּ֥ד בְּצִיּ֖וֹן אָ֑בֶן אֶ֣בֶן בֹּ֜חַן פִּנַּ֤ת יִקְרַת֙ מוּסָ֣ד מוּסָּ֔ד הַֽמַּאֲמִ֖ין לֹ֥א יָחִֽישׁ׃‬

This is why my Lord the Lord says,

“Behold, I am about to lay as a foundation

A stone in Zion,

A stone for testing,

A cornerstone, precious as a well-founded foundation,

And he who believes in it will not blunder.

Rom 9:33, Rom 10:11, 1 Pet 2:6.

I am about to ← behold me.

cornerstone, precious as a well-founded foundation ← corner of precious of founded foundation.
Rom 9:33 kaqw_j ge/graptai, 870Idou\ ti/qhmi e0n Siw_n li/qon prosko/mmatoj kai\ pe/tran skanda&lou: kai\ pa~j o9 pisteu/wn e0p' au0tw%~ ou0 kataisxunqh/setai. as it stands written:

“Behold, I put a stumbling block in Zion

And a rock of offence,

But no-one who believes in it

Will be put to shame.”

Isa 8:14, Isa 28:16. See also Ps 118:22.

block ← stone.

Zion: Greek and AV, Sion.

no-one ... will ← everyone ... will not.
Isa 28:16 ‫לָכֵ֗ן כֹּ֤ה אָמַר֙ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֔ה הִנְנִ֛י יִסַּ֥ד בְּצִיּ֖וֹן אָ֑בֶן אֶ֣בֶן בֹּ֜חַן פִּנַּ֤ת יִקְרַת֙ מוּסָ֣ד מוּסָּ֔ד הַֽמַּאֲמִ֖ין לֹ֥א יָחִֽישׁ׃‬

This is why my Lord the Lord says,

“Behold, I am about to lay as a foundation

A stone in Zion,

A stone for testing,

A cornerstone, precious as a well-founded foundation,

And he who believes in it will not blunder.

Rom 9:33, Rom 10:11, 1 Pet 2:6.

I am about to ← behold me.

cornerstone, precious as a well-founded foundation ← corner of precious of founded foundation.
Rom 10:11 Le/gei ga_r h9 grafh/, Pa~j o9 pisteu/wn e0p' au0tw%~ ou0 kataisxunqh/setai. For the scripture says, No-one who believes in him will be put to shame.” Isa 28:16.

no-one ... will ← everyone ... won't.
Isa 28:16 ‫לָכֵ֗ן כֹּ֤ה אָמַר֙ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֔ה הִנְנִ֛י יִסַּ֥ד בְּצִיּ֖וֹן אָ֑בֶן אֶ֣בֶן בֹּ֜חַן פִּנַּ֤ת יִקְרַת֙ מוּסָ֣ד מוּסָּ֔ד הַֽמַּאֲמִ֖ין לֹ֥א יָחִֽישׁ׃‬

This is why my Lord the Lord says,

“Behold, I am about to lay as a foundation

A stone in Zion,

A stone for testing,

A cornerstone, precious as a well-founded foundation,

And he who believes in it will not blunder.

Rom 9:33, Rom 10:11, 1 Pet 2:6.

I am about to ← behold me.

cornerstone, precious as a well-founded foundation ← corner of precious of founded foundation.
1 Pet 2:6 {RP P1904: Dio/ti} [TR: Dio\ kai\] perie/xei e0n th|= grafh|=, 870Idou/, ti/qhmi e0n Siw_n li/qon a)krogwniai=on, e0klekto/n, e1ntimon: kai\ o9 pisteu/wn e0p' au0tw%~ ou0 mh\ kataisxunqh|=. {RP P1904: Therefore} [TR: And therefore] it says in the scripture,

“Behold, I place in Zion a cornerstone,

Select and honoured,

And he who believes in him

Will certainly not be put to shame.”

dio/ti, because, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. dio\ kai\, and therefore, TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's b).

Isa 28:16.

says ← encompasses, comprises.

honoured: AV differs somewhat, precious, which is also possible.
Isa 29:10 ‫כִּֽי־נָסַ֨ךְ עֲלֵיכֶ֤ם יְהוָה֙ ר֣וּחַ תַּרְדֵּמָ֔ה וַיְעַצֵּ֖ם אֶת־עֵֽינֵיכֶ֑ם אֶת־הַנְּבִיאִ֛ים וְאֶת־רָאשֵׁיכֶ֥ם הַחֹזִ֖ים כִּסָּֽה׃‬

For the Lord has poured a spirit of deep sleep over you,

And he has closed your eyes.

He has covered over the prophets,

And your leaders, the seers.

Rom 11:8. Rom 11:8 kaqw_j ge/graptai, 871Edwken au0toi=j o9 qeo\j pneu=ma katanu/cewj, o0fqalmou\j tou= mh\ ble/pein, kai\ w}ta tou= mh\ a)kou/ein, e3wj th=j sh/meron h9me/raj. As it stands written:

“God gave them a slumbering spirit –

Eyes not for seeing

And ears not for hearing”,

which holds up to this day.
Isa 29:10; Isa 6:9. See also Ezek 12:2.
Isa 29:13 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֲדֹנָ֗י יַ֚עַן כִּ֤י נִגַּשׁ֙ הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה בְּפִ֤יו וּבִשְׂפָתָיו֙ כִּבְּד֔וּנִי וְלִבּ֖וֹ רִחַ֣ק מִמֶּ֑נִּי וַתְּהִ֤י יִרְאָתָם֙ אֹתִ֔י מִצְוַ֥ת אֲנָשִׁ֖ים מְלֻמָּדָֽה׃‬ And the Lord* said,

“Since this people approaches with their mouth,

And with their lips they honour me,

But they have put their heart far from me,

And their fear of me is a commandment of men

Which has been taught them,

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Matt 15:8, Matt 15:9, Mark 7:6, Mark 7:7.
Matt 15:8 870Eggi/zei moi o9 lao\j ou[toj tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n, kai\ toi=j xei/lesi/n me tima%~: h9 de\ kardi/a au0tw~n po/rrw a)pe/xei a)p' e0mou=.

‘This people approaches me with their mouth,

And with their lips they honour me,

But their heart is far removed from me.

Isa 29:13.
Isa 29:13 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֲדֹנָ֗י יַ֚עַן כִּ֤י נִגַּשׁ֙ הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה בְּפִ֤יו וּבִשְׂפָתָיו֙ כִּבְּד֔וּנִי וְלִבּ֖וֹ רִחַ֣ק מִמֶּ֑נִּי וַתְּהִ֤י יִרְאָתָם֙ אֹתִ֔י מִצְוַ֥ת אֲנָשִׁ֖ים מְלֻמָּדָֽה׃‬ And the Lord* said,

“Since this people approaches with their mouth,

And with their lips they honour me,

But they have put their heart far from me,

And their fear of me is a commandment of men

Which has been taught them,

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Matt 15:8, Matt 15:9, Mark 7:6, Mark 7:7.
Matt 15:9 Ma&thn de\ se/bontai/ me, dida&skontej didaskali/aj e0nta&lmata a)nqrw&pwn.

They worship me vainly,

Teaching as doctrines

The commandments of men.’ ”

Isa 29:13.
Isa 29:13 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֲדֹנָ֗י יַ֚עַן כִּ֤י נִגַּשׁ֙ הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה בְּפִ֤יו וּבִשְׂפָתָיו֙ כִּבְּד֔וּנִי וְלִבּ֖וֹ רִחַ֣ק מִמֶּ֑נִּי וַתְּהִ֤י יִרְאָתָם֙ אֹתִ֔י מִצְוַ֥ת אֲנָשִׁ֖ים מְלֻמָּדָֽה׃‬ And the Lord* said,

“Since this people approaches with their mouth,

And with their lips they honour me,

But they have put their heart far from me,

And their fear of me is a commandment of men

Which has been taught them,

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Matt 15:8, Matt 15:9, Mark 7:6, Mark 7:7.
Mark 7:6 879O de\ a)pokriqei\j ei]pen au0toi=j o3ti Kalw~j proefh/teusen 870Hsai+/aj peri\ u9mw~n tw~n u9pokritw~n, w(j ge/graptai, Ou[toj o9 lao\j toi=j xei/lesi/n me tima%~, h9 de\ kardi/a au0tw~n po/rrw a)pe/xei a)p' e0mou=. To which he answered and said to them, “Isaiah prophesied well about you, you hypocrites, as it stands written:

‘This people honours me with their lips,

But their heart is far removed from me.

Isa 29:13.
Isa 29:13 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֲדֹנָ֗י יַ֚עַן כִּ֤י נִגַּשׁ֙ הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה בְּפִ֤יו וּבִשְׂפָתָיו֙ כִּבְּד֔וּנִי וְלִבּ֖וֹ רִחַ֣ק מִמֶּ֑נִּי וַתְּהִ֤י יִרְאָתָם֙ אֹתִ֔י מִצְוַ֥ת אֲנָשִׁ֖ים מְלֻמָּדָֽה׃‬ And the Lord* said,

“Since this people approaches with their mouth,

And with their lips they honour me,

But they have put their heart far from me,

And their fear of me is a commandment of men

Which has been taught them,

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Matt 15:8, Matt 15:9, Mark 7:6, Mark 7:7.
Mark 7:7 Ma&thn de\ se/bontai/ me, dida&skontej didaskali/aj e0nta&lmata a)nqrw&pwn.

And they worship me vainly,

Teaching as doctrines

The commandments of men.’

Isa 29:13.
Isa 29:14 ‫לָכֵ֗ן הִנְנִ֥י יוֹסִ֛ף לְהַפְלִ֥יא אֶת־הָֽעָם־הַזֶּ֖ה הַפְלֵ֣א וָפֶ֑לֶא וְאָֽבְדָה֙ חָכְמַ֣ת חֲכָמָ֔יו וּבִינַ֥ת נְבֹנָ֖יו תִּסְתַּתָּֽר׃ ס‬

Watch out for me doing more wonders with this people

Doing wondrous wonders –

As the wisdom of their wise men comes to nothing,

And the intelligence of their intellectuals

Goes into hiding.”

1 Cor 1:19.

watch out for me ← behold me.

doing wondrous wonders ← acting wondrously and a wonder, with an infinitive absolute.
1 Cor 1:19 Ge/graptai ga&r, 870Apolw~ th\n sofi/an tw~n sofw~n, kai\ th\n su/nesin tw~n sunetw~n a)qeth/sw. For it stands written:

“I will demolish the wisdom of the wise

And dismiss the intelligence of the intellectuals.”

Isa 29:14.
Isa 29:16 ‫הַ֨פְכְּכֶ֔ם אִם־כְּחֹ֥מֶר הַיֹּצֵ֖ר יֵֽחָשֵׁ֑ב כִּֽי־יֹאמַ֨ר מַעֲשֶׂ֤ה לְעֹשֵׂ֙הוּ֙ לֹ֣א עָשָׂ֔נִי וְיֵ֛צֶר אָמַ֥ר לְיוֹצְר֖וֹ לֹ֥א הֵבִֽין׃‬

Such is your perverseness.

Will the potter be considered as clay?

For will the product say of its maker,

“He didn't make me”?

Or will the artefact say of its fashioner,

He doesn't have any understanding”?

Rom 9:20.

AV differs in the first two lines (Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay).
Rom 9:20 Menou=nge, w} a!nqrwpe, su\ ti/j ei] o9 a)ntapokrino/menoj tw%~ qew%~; Mh\ e0rei= to\ pla&sma tw%~ pla&santi, Ti/ me e0poi/hsaj ou3twj; Rather, O man, who are you to answer back to God? Will the artefact say to the fashioner, “Why did you make me like this?”? Isa 29:16, Isa 45:9.

will: the particle mh/ puts pressure for an answer of no, classically at least, but we do not consider that this needs emphasizing here.
Isa 34:4 ‫וְנָמַ֙קּוּ֙ כָּל־צְבָ֣א הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְנָגֹ֥לּוּ כַסֵּ֖פֶר הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם וְכָל־צְבָאָ֣ם יִבּ֔וֹל כִּנְבֹ֤ל עָלֶה֙ מִגֶּ֔פֶן וּכְנֹבֶ֖לֶת מִתְּאֵנָֽה׃‬

And all the array of heaven will dissolve,

And the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll,

And all their array will fall away,

Like the falling off of foliage from a vine,

Or like a fig falling from a fig tree.

Matt 24:29, Mark 13:25, Heb 1:12, Rev 6:13-14.

dissolve ← melt.

scroll ← book.
Matt 24:29 Eu0qe/wj de\ meta_ th\n qli/yin tw~n h9merw~n e0kei/nwn, o9 h3lioj skotisqh/setai, kai\ h9 selh/nh ou0 dw&sei to\ fe/ggoj au0th=j, kai\ oi9 a)ste/rej pesou=ntai a)po\ tou= ou0ranou=, kai\ ai9 duna&meij tw~n ou0ranw~n saleuqh/sontai. But immediately after the tribulation of those days,

The sun will be darkened,

And the moon will not give its lustre,

And the stars will fall from the sky,

And the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Isa 13:10, Isa 34:4.

sky ← heaven, but the word is used of the sky in the next verse too and elsewhere, e.g. Matt 13:32 (birds of the sky).
Isa 34:4 ‫וְנָמַ֙קּוּ֙ כָּל־צְבָ֣א הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְנָגֹ֥לּוּ כַסֵּ֖פֶר הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם וְכָל־צְבָאָ֣ם יִבּ֔וֹל כִּנְבֹ֤ל עָלֶה֙ מִגֶּ֔פֶן וּכְנֹבֶ֖לֶת מִתְּאֵנָֽה׃‬

And all the array of heaven will dissolve,

And the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll,

And all their array will fall away,

Like the falling off of foliage from a vine,

Or like a fig falling from a fig tree.

Matt 24:29, Mark 13:25, Heb 1:12, Rev 6:13-14.

dissolve ← melt.

scroll ← book.
Mark 13:25 kai\ oi9 a)ste/rej {RP TR: tou= ou0ranou= e1sontai e0kpi/ptontej} [P1904: e1sontai e0k tou= ou0ranou= pi/ptontej], kai\ ai9 duna&meij ai9 e0n toi=j ou0ranoi=j saleuqh/sontai.

And the stars {RP TR: of heaven will be falling down,} [P1904: will be falling down from heaven,]

And the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

tou= ou0ranou= e1sontai e0kpi/ptontej, (the stars) of heaven will be falling out, RP TR F1853=18/20 (preceded by e0k in Scrivener's cd) F1859=4/7 vs. e1sontai e0k tou= ou0ranou= pi/ptontej, (the stars) will be out of the heavens falling, P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's py) F1859=3/7.

Isa 13:10, Isa 34:4.
Isa 34:4 ‫וְנָמַ֙קּוּ֙ כָּל־צְבָ֣א הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְנָגֹ֥לּוּ כַסֵּ֖פֶר הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם וְכָל־צְבָאָ֣ם יִבּ֔וֹל כִּנְבֹ֤ל עָלֶה֙ מִגֶּ֔פֶן וּכְנֹבֶ֖לֶת מִתְּאֵנָֽה׃‬

And all the array of heaven will dissolve,

And the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll,

And all their array will fall away,

Like the falling off of foliage from a vine,

Or like a fig falling from a fig tree.

Matt 24:29, Mark 13:25, Heb 1:12, Rev 6:13-14.

dissolve ← melt.

scroll ← book.
Heb 1:12 kai\ w(sei\ peribo/laion e9li/ceij au0tou/j, kai\ a)llagh/sontai: su\ de\ o9 au0to\j ei], kai\ ta_ e1th sou ou0k e0klei/yousin.

And you will roll them up like a cloak,

And they will be changed,

But you are the same,

And your years will not fail.”

Isa 34:4, Ps 102:27MT (Ps 102:26AV), Ps 102:28MT (Ps 102:27AV).
Isa 34:4 ‫וְנָמַ֙קּוּ֙ כָּל־צְבָ֣א הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְנָגֹ֥לּוּ כַסֵּ֖פֶר הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם וְכָל־צְבָאָ֣ם יִבּ֔וֹל כִּנְבֹ֤ל עָלֶה֙ מִגֶּ֔פֶן וּכְנֹבֶ֖לֶת מִתְּאֵנָֽה׃‬

And all the array of heaven will dissolve,

And the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll,

And all their array will fall away,

Like the falling off of foliage from a vine,

Or like a fig falling from a fig tree.

Matt 24:29, Mark 13:25, Heb 1:12, Rev 6:13-14.

dissolve ← melt.

scroll ← book.
Rev 6:13 kai\ oi9 a)ste/rej tou= ou0ranou= {RP: e1peson} [P1904 TR: e1pesan] ei0j th\n gh=n, w(j sukh= {RP-text: balou=sa} [RP-marg TR: ba&llei] [P1904: ba&llousa] tou\j o0lu/nqouj au0th=j, u9po\ {RP P1904: a)ne/mou mega&lou} [TR: mega&lou a)ne/mou] seiome/nh. And the stars of the sky fell to the earth, like a fig tree shedding its winter figs when shaken by a strong wind, e1peson, they fell (classical form), RP F1859=11/12 vs. e1pesan, they fell (non-classical form), P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's l).

balou=sa, having shed, RP-text F1859=8/13 vs. ba&llei, sheds, RP-marg TR F1859=0/13 vs. ba&llousa, shedding, P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's jm) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

a)ne/mou mega&lou, a wind + great, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. mega&lou a)ne/mou, a great + wind, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

Isa 34:4.

the sky: or heaven.

[RP-marg TR: shedding ← sheds.]
Isa 34:4 ‫וְנָמַ֙קּוּ֙ כָּל־צְבָ֣א הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְנָגֹ֥לּוּ כַסֵּ֖פֶר הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם וְכָל־צְבָאָ֣ם יִבּ֔וֹל כִּנְבֹ֤ל עָלֶה֙ מִגֶּ֔פֶן וּכְנֹבֶ֖לֶת מִתְּאֵנָֽה׃‬

And all the array of heaven will dissolve,

And the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll,

And all their array will fall away,

Like the falling off of foliage from a vine,

Or like a fig falling from a fig tree.

Matt 24:29, Mark 13:25, Heb 1:12, Rev 6:13-14.

dissolve ← melt.

scroll ← book.
Rev 6:14 Kai\ {RP P1904: o9} [TR: - ] ou0rano\j a)pexwri/sqh w(j bibli/on {RP-text P1904: e9lisso/menon} [RP-marg: e9lisso/menoj] [TR: ei9lisso/menon], kai\ pa~n o1roj kai\ nh=soj e0k tw~n to/pwn au0tw~n e0kinh/qhsan. and {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] sky was parted asunder, like a rolled up scroll, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. o9, the (heaven): present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k, but ou0rano\j is also absent).

e9lisso/menon, being rolled up (1) (agreeing with book), RP-text P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhlm) vs. e9lisso/menoj, being rolled up (1) (agreeing with heaven), RP-marg F1859=7/13 (Scrivener's abcegjk) vs. ei9lisso/menon, being rolled up (2) (agreeing with book), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's d) We take Scrivener's, not Mill's, reading of d. A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.

Isa 34:4.

sky: or heaven.

its place ← their places.
Isa 34:10 ‫לַ֤יְלָה וְיוֹמָם֙ לֹ֣א תִכְבֶּ֔ה לְעוֹלָ֖ם יַעֲלֶ֣ה עֲשָׁנָ֑הּ מִדּ֤וֹר לָדוֹר֙ תֶּחֱרָ֔ב לְנֵ֣צַח נְצָחִ֔ים אֵ֥ין עֹבֵ֖ר בָּֽהּ׃‬

Night and day it will not be extinguished;

Its smoke will rise up age-abidingly.

From generation to generation it will be desolate;

In all perpetuity

No-one will pass through it.

Rev 14:11, Rev 19:3.

desolate ← dried up, but [AnLx] gives laid waste.

in all perpetuity ← in perpetuity of perpetuities.
Rev 14:11 kai\ o9 kapno\j tou= basanismou= au0tw~n {RP P1904: ei0j ai0w~naj ai0w&nwn a)nabai/nei} [TR: a)nabai/nei ei0j ai0w~naj ai0w&nwn]: kai\ ou0k e1xousin a)na&pausin h9me/raj kai\ nukto\j oi9 proskunou=ntej to\ qhri/on kai\ th\n ei0ko/na au0tou=, kai\ ei1 tij lamba&nei to\ xa&ragma tou= o0no/matoj au0tou=. And the smoke of their torment will ascend throughout the durations of the ages, and those who worship the beast or his image, or anyone who takes the mark of his name, have no rest day or night.” ei0j ai0w~naj ai0w&nwn a)nabai/nei, in ages of ages + ascends, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 (with minor variations in fgln) vs. a)nabai/nei ei0j ai0w~naj ai0w&nwn, ascends + in ages of ages, TR F1859=0/12.

will ascend ← ascends.

or (2x): disjunctive use of kai/. See Rev 14:9.

who ← if he.

Isa 34:10.
Isa 34:10 ‫לַ֤יְלָה וְיוֹמָם֙ לֹ֣א תִכְבֶּ֔ה לְעוֹלָ֖ם יַעֲלֶ֣ה עֲשָׁנָ֑הּ מִדּ֤וֹר לָדוֹר֙ תֶּחֱרָ֔ב לְנֵ֣צַח נְצָחִ֔ים אֵ֥ין עֹבֵ֖ר בָּֽהּ׃‬

Night and day it will not be extinguished;

Its smoke will rise up age-abidingly.

From generation to generation it will be desolate;

In all perpetuity

No-one will pass through it.

Rev 14:11, Rev 19:3.

desolate ← dried up, but [AnLx] gives laid waste.

in all perpetuity ← in perpetuity of perpetuities.
Rev 19:3 Kai\ deu/teron {RP: ei1rhken} [P1904 TR: ei1rhkan], 879Allhlou/i+a: kai\ o9 kapno\j au0th=j a)nabai/nei ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. And {RP: he} [P1904 TR: they] spoke a second time: “Alleluia. And her smoke will ascend throughout the durations of the ages.” ei1rhken, he has said, RP F1859=7/11 vs. ei1rhkan, they have said (non-classical form), P1904 TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's m) vs. ei0rh/kasin, they have said (classical form), F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's bf[MJW]g). AV differs textually.

Isa 34:10.

alleluia: see Rev 19:1.
Isa 34:11 ‫וִירֵשׁ֙וּהָ֙ קָאַ֣ת וְקִפּ֔וֹד וְיַנְשׁ֥וֹף וְעֹרֵ֖ב יִשְׁכְּנוּ־בָ֑הּ וְנָטָ֥ה עָלֶ֛יהָ קַֽו־תֹ֖הוּ וְאַבְנֵי־בֹֽהוּ׃‬

And the pelican and the hedgehog will inherit it,

And the owl and the crow will inhabit it,

And it is delineated as desolate,

And it is marked off as forlorn.

Alluded to in Rev 18:2.

it is delineated as desolate ← the line of desolation extends over it.

it is marked off as forlorn ← the (boundary) stones of forlornness.
Rev 18:2 Kai\ e1kracen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0n] {RP P1904: i0sxura%~} [TR: i0sxu/i+] fwnh|= {RP P1904: - } [TR: mega&lh|], le/gwn, 871Epesen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e1pesen] Babulw_n h9 mega&lh, kai\ e0ge/neto katoikhth/rion {RP TR: daimo/nwn} [P1904: daimoni/wn], kai\ fulakh\ panto\j pneu/matoj a)kaqa&rtou, kai\ fulakh\ panto\j o0rne/ou a)kaqa&rtou kai\ memishme/nou. and he cried out {RP P1904: - } [TR: strongly] in a {RP P1904: strong} [TR: loud] voice and said, “Babylon the great has fallen, {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: it has fallen,] and it has become an abode of demons, and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and detested bird, e0n, with (strength): absent in RP-text F1859=11/12 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h).

i0sxura%~, a strong, RP P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. i0sxu/i+, strength, TR F1859=0/12 vs. i0sxura_n, a strong (accusative), F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's aek).

mega&lh, loud: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12.

e1pese¨n©, fell: absent in RP-text F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's abcdefjk) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's ghlm). TR reads e1pesen e1pese; we enumerate under absent the manuscripts containing one e1pese¨n©.

daimo/nwn, of demons, RP TR F1859=11/12 vs. daimoni/wn, of demons (diminutive form, usual in NT, probably not significant), P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). Compare Rev 16:14.

Isa 21:9, Jer 51:8; Isa 13:21, Jer 50:39; Isa 34:11 etc. Largely alluded to. Not necessarily in the context of Babylon.

{RP: strong: i0sxuro/j, not the usual word for loud (me/gaj)}.
Isa 35:3 ‫חַזְּק֖וּ יָדַ֣יִם רָפ֑וֹת וּבִרְכַּ֥יִם כֹּשְׁל֖וֹת אַמֵּֽצוּ׃‬

Strengthen weak hands,

And embolden faltering knees.

Heb 12:12.

Compare this verse with Job 4:3, Job 4:4.
Heb 12:12 Dio\ ta_j pareime/naj xei=raj kai\ ta_ paralelume/na go/nata a)norqw&sate: So straighten up drooping hands and infirm knees, Isa 35:3.

infirm ← paralysed.
Isa 35:5 ‫אָ֥ז תִּפָּקַ֖חְנָה עֵינֵ֣י עִוְרִ֑ים וְאָזְנֵ֥י חֵרְשִׁ֖ים תִּפָּתַֽחְנָה׃‬

Then the eyes of the blind will be opened,

And opened will be the ears of the deaf.

Matt 15:31, Luke 4:18; Matt 11:5 (allusion).

opened ... opened: different verbs in Hebrew, so not otiose.
Matt 15:31 w#ste tou\j o1xlouj qauma&sai, ble/pontaj kwfou\j {RP TR: - } [P1904: a)kou/ontaj, a)la&louj] lalou=ntaj, kullou\j u9giei=j, xwlou\j peripatou=ntaj, kai\ tuflou\j ble/pontaj: kai\ e0do/casan to\n qeo\n 870Israh/l. so that the crowds were amazed, seeing {RP TR: - } [P1904: the deaf hearing,] the mute speaking, the maimed restored, the lame walking and the blind seeing, and they glorified the God of Israel. a)kou/ontaj, a)la&louj, the deaf hearing: absent in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.2 PV=0.7%. Note how kwfou\j is the mute or the deaf according to the reading taken.

An allusion to Isa 35:5, Isa 35:6.

restored ← healthy.
Isa 35:5 ‫אָ֥ז תִּפָּקַ֖חְנָה עֵינֵ֣י עִוְרִ֑ים וְאָזְנֵ֥י חֵרְשִׁ֖ים תִּפָּתַֽחְנָה׃‬

Then the eyes of the blind will be opened,

And opened will be the ears of the deaf.

Matt 15:31, Luke 4:18; Matt 11:5 (allusion).

opened ... opened: different verbs in Hebrew, so not otiose.
Luke 4:18 Pneu=ma kuri/ou e0p' e0me/, ou[ {RP P1904: ei3neken} [TR: e3neken] e1xrise/n me {RP P1904: eu0aggeli/sasqai} [TR: eu0aggeli/zesqai] ptwxoi=j: a)pe/stalke/n me i0a&sasqai tou\j suntetrimme/nouj th\n kardi/an: khru/cai ai0xmalw&toij a!fesin, kai\ tufloi=j a)na&bleyin, a)postei=lai teqrausme/nouj e0n a)fe/sei,

The spirit of the Lord is on me,

On account of which he has anointed me

To bring good tidings to the poor.

He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim release to captives,

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To send the wounded off discharged,

ei3neken, on account of (1), RP P1904 F1853=12/19 F1859=4/7 vs. e3neken, on account of (2), TR F1853=5/19 F1859=1/7 vs. other spellings, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's bc) F1859=2/7.

eu0aggeli/sasqai, to proclaim good news (aorist), RP P1904 F1853=17/19 F1859=6/7 vs. eu0aggeli/zesqai, to proclaim good news (present), TR F1853=0/19 F1859=0/7 vs. another reading, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's cs) F1859=1/7.

Isa 61:1, Isa 58:6, Isa 35:5.
Isa 35:5 ‫אָ֥ז תִּפָּקַ֖חְנָה עֵינֵ֣י עִוְרִ֑ים וְאָזְנֵ֥י חֵרְשִׁ֖ים תִּפָּתַֽחְנָה׃‬

Then the eyes of the blind will be opened,

And opened will be the ears of the deaf.

Matt 15:31, Luke 4:18; Matt 11:5 (allusion).

opened ... opened: different verbs in Hebrew, so not otiose.
Matt 11:5 tufloi\ a)nable/pousin, kai\ xwloi\ peripatou=sin, leproi\ kaqari/zontai, kai\ kwfoi\ a)kou/ousin, nekroi\ e0gei/rontai, kai\ ptwxoi\ eu0aggeli/zontai: The blind see again and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor have the gospel preached to them, Allusions to Isa 35:5, Isa 35:6, Isa 61:1.
Isa 35:6 ‫אָ֣ז יְדַלֵּ֤ג כָּֽאַיָּל֙ פִּסֵּ֔חַ וְתָרֹ֖ן לְשׁ֣וֹן אִלֵּ֑ם כִּֽי־נִבְקְע֤וּ בַמִּדְבָּר֙ מַ֔יִם וּנְחָלִ֖ים בָּעֲרָבָֽה׃‬

Then the lame will leap like the deer,

And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy,

At a time when water will be laid open in the desert,

As will streams in the arid tracts.

Alluded to in Matt 11:5, Matt 15:31.

laid open: with connotations of cracking open.

the arid tracts ← an arid tract.
Matt 11:5 tufloi\ a)nable/pousin, kai\ xwloi\ peripatou=sin, leproi\ kaqari/zontai, kai\ kwfoi\ a)kou/ousin, nekroi\ e0gei/rontai, kai\ ptwxoi\ eu0aggeli/zontai: The blind see again and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor have the gospel preached to them, Allusions to Isa 35:5, Isa 35:6, Isa 61:1.
Isa 35:6 ‫אָ֣ז יְדַלֵּ֤ג כָּֽאַיָּל֙ פִּסֵּ֔חַ וְתָרֹ֖ן לְשׁ֣וֹן אִלֵּ֑ם כִּֽי־נִבְקְע֤וּ בַמִּדְבָּר֙ מַ֔יִם וּנְחָלִ֖ים בָּעֲרָבָֽה׃‬

Then the lame will leap like the deer,

And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy,

At a time when water will be laid open in the desert,

As will streams in the arid tracts.

Alluded to in Matt 11:5, Matt 15:31.

laid open: with connotations of cracking open.

the arid tracts ← an arid tract.
Matt 15:31 w#ste tou\j o1xlouj qauma&sai, ble/pontaj kwfou\j {RP TR: - } [P1904: a)kou/ontaj, a)la&louj] lalou=ntaj, kullou\j u9giei=j, xwlou\j peripatou=ntaj, kai\ tuflou\j ble/pontaj: kai\ e0do/casan to\n qeo\n 870Israh/l. so that the crowds were amazed, seeing {RP TR: - } [P1904: the deaf hearing,] the mute speaking, the maimed restored, the lame walking and the blind seeing, and they glorified the God of Israel. a)kou/ontaj, a)la&louj, the deaf hearing: absent in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=2/6. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.2 PV=0.7%. Note how kwfou\j is the mute or the deaf according to the reading taken.

An allusion to Isa 35:5, Isa 35:6.

restored ← healthy.
Isa 40:3 ‫ק֣וֹל קוֹרֵ֔א בַּמִּדְבָּ֕ר פַּנּ֖וּ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֑ה יַשְּׁרוּ֙ בָּעֲרָבָ֔ה מְסִלָּ֖ה לֵאלֹהֵֽינוּ׃‬

A voice calling in the desert,

“Clear the way of the Lord;

Make a straight highway in the arid land

For our God.

Matt 3:3, Mark 1:2, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, John 1:23.

in the desert: MT probably associates this phrase with clear the way, the zaqef qaton being a stronger disjunctive than the zaqef gadol, [Ges-HG], though both are strong. Such adverbial ↴
Matt 3:3 Ou[toj ga&r e0stin o9 r(hqei\j u9po\ 870Hsai+/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Fwnh\ bow~ntoj e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, 879Etoima&sate th\n o9do\n kuri/ou: eu0qei/aj poiei=te ta_j tri/bouj au0tou=. For this man is the one spoken of by Isaiah the prophet, who said,

The voice of one crying out in the desert,

‘Prepare the way of the Lord.

Make his paths straight.’ ”

Our punctuation agrees with RP P1904 TBS-TR AV, but not HF, who read: crying out, ‘In the desert prepare ...’

Isa 40:3.

Isaiah: Greek and AV, Esaias.
Isa 40:3 ‫ק֣וֹל קוֹרֵ֔א בַּמִּדְבָּ֕ר פַּנּ֖וּ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֑ה יַשְּׁרוּ֙ בָּעֲרָבָ֔ה מְסִלָּ֖ה לֵאלֹהֵֽינוּ׃‬

A voice calling in the desert,

“Clear the way of the Lord;

Make a straight highway in the arid land

For our God.

Matt 3:3, Mark 1:2, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, John 1:23.

in the desert: MT probably associates this phrase with clear the way, the zaqef qaton being a stronger disjunctive than the zaqef gadol, [Ges-HG], though both are strong. Such adverbial ↴
Mark 1:2 w(j ge/graptai e0n toi=j profh/taij, 870Idou/, e0gw_ a)poste/llw to\n a!ggelo/n mou pro\ prosw&pou sou, o4j kataskeua&sei th\n o9do/n sou e1mprosqe/n sou. as it stands written in the prophets:

See how I am sending my messenger in front of you,

Who will prepare your way ahead of you.

Isa 40:3, Mal 3:1.

See how ← behold.
Isa 40:3 ‫ק֣וֹל קוֹרֵ֔א בַּמִּדְבָּ֕ר פַּנּ֖וּ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֑ה יַשְּׁרוּ֙ בָּעֲרָבָ֔ה מְסִלָּ֖ה לֵאלֹהֵֽינוּ׃‬

A voice calling in the desert,

“Clear the way of the Lord;

Make a straight highway in the arid land

For our God.

Matt 3:3, Mark 1:2, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, John 1:23.

in the desert: MT probably associates this phrase with clear the way, the zaqef qaton being a stronger disjunctive than the zaqef gadol, [Ges-HG], though both are strong. Such adverbial ↴
Mark 1:3 Fwnh\ bow~ntoj e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, 879Etoima&sate th\n o9do\n kuri/ou: eu0qei/aj poiei=te ta_j tri/bouj au0tou=.

The voice of one crying out in the desert,

‘Prepare the way of the Lord;

Make his paths straight.’ ”

Our punctuation agrees with RP P1904 TBS-TR AV, but not HF, who read: crying out, ‘In the desert prepare ...’

Isa 40:3.
Isa 40:3 ‫ק֣וֹל קוֹרֵ֔א בַּמִּדְבָּ֕ר פַּנּ֖וּ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֑ה יַשְּׁרוּ֙ בָּעֲרָבָ֔ה מְסִלָּ֖ה לֵאלֹהֵֽינוּ׃‬

A voice calling in the desert,

“Clear the way of the Lord;

Make a straight highway in the arid land

For our God.

Matt 3:3, Mark 1:2, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, John 1:23.

in the desert: MT probably associates this phrase with clear the way, the zaqef qaton being a stronger disjunctive than the zaqef gadol, [Ges-HG], though both are strong. Such adverbial ↴
Luke 3:4 w(j ge/graptai e0n bi/blw% lo/gwn 870Hsai+/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Fwnh\ bow~ntoj e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, 879Etoima&sate th\n o9do\n kuri/ou: eu0qei/aj poiei=te ta_j tri/bouj au0tou=. as it stands written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, where he says,

The voice of one crying out in the desert,

‘Prepare the way of the Lord;

Make his paths straight.

Our punctuation agrees with RP P1904 TBS-TR AV, but not HF, who read: crying out, ‘In the desert prepare ...’

Isa 40:3.
Isa 40:3 ‫ק֣וֹל קוֹרֵ֔א בַּמִּדְבָּ֕ר פַּנּ֖וּ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֑ה יַשְּׁרוּ֙ בָּעֲרָבָ֔ה מְסִלָּ֖ה לֵאלֹהֵֽינוּ׃‬

A voice calling in the desert,

“Clear the way of the Lord;

Make a straight highway in the arid land

For our God.

Matt 3:3, Mark 1:2, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, John 1:23.

in the desert: MT probably associates this phrase with clear the way, the zaqef qaton being a stronger disjunctive than the zaqef gadol, [Ges-HG], though both are strong. Such adverbial ↴
John 1:23 871Efh, 870Egw_ fwnh\ bow~ntoj e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, Eu0qu/nate th\n o9do\n kuri/ou, kaqw_j ei]pen 870Hsai+/aj o9 profh/thj. He said, “I am

The voice of one crying in the desert,

‘Make straight the way of the Lord’,

as Isaiah the prophet said.”
Our punctuation agrees with RP P1904 TBS-TR AV, but not HF, who read: crying out, ‘In the desert prepare ...’

Isa 40:3.
Isa 40:4 ‫כָּל־גֶּיא֙ יִנָּשֵׂ֔א וְכָל־הַ֥ר וְגִבְעָ֖ה יִשְׁפָּ֑לוּ וְהָיָ֤ה הֶֽעָקֹב֙ לְמִישׁ֔וֹר וְהָרְכָסִ֖ים לְבִקְעָֽה׃‬

Every valley will be raised,

And every mountain and hill will be lowered,

And what is steep will become level,

And the rugged places a low plain.

↳ phrases usually follow the main verb, as with in the arid land. There is little difference in meaning, because the desert is metaphorical for lack of godliness in society.

Luke 3:5.

steep: or crooked.
Luke 3:5 Pa~sa fa&ragc plhrwqh/setai, kai\ pa~n o1roj kai\ bouno\j tapeinwqh/setai: kai\ e1stai ta_ skolia_ ei0j eu0qei=an, kai\ ai9 traxei=ai ei0j o9dou\j lei/aj:

Every ravine will be filled in,

And every mountain and hill will be made level,

And the crooked places will be made straight,

And the rough tracks will be made smooth roads.

Isa 40:4.

made level ← laid low.
Isa 40:5 ‫וְנִגְלָ֖ה כְּב֣וֹד יְהוָ֑ה וְרָא֤וּ כָל־בָּשָׂר֙ יַחְדָּ֔ו כִּ֛י פִּ֥י יְהוָ֖ה דִּבֵּֽר׃ ס‬

And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,

And all flesh will see it together,

For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

Luke 3:6. Luke 3:6 kai\ o1yetai pa~sa sa_rc to\ swth/rion tou= qeou=.

And all flesh will see the salvation of God.’ ”

Isa 40:5.
Isa 40:6 ‫ק֚וֹל אֹמֵ֣ר קְרָ֔א וְאָמַ֖ר מָ֣ה אֶקְרָ֑א כָּל־הַבָּשָׂ֣ר חָצִ֔יר וְכָל־חַסְדּ֖וֹ כְּצִ֥יץ הַשָּׂדֶֽה׃‬

A voice said,

“Make a proclamation.”

And he said,

“What shall I proclaim?”

“All flesh is grass,

And all its grace

Is like a wild flower.

1 Pet 1:24.

wild ← of the field.
1 Pet 1:24 Dio/ti, Pa~sa sa_rc w(j xo/rtoj, kai\ pa~sa do/ca a)nqrw&pou w(j a!nqoj xo/rtou. 870Echra&nqh o9 xo/rtoj, kai\ to\ a!nqoj au0tou= e0ce/pesen: For

All flesh is as grass,

And all glory of man is like a herbaceous flower.

The grass dries up,

And its flower withers,

Isa 40:6, Isa 40:7, Isa 40:8.

grass (2x): standing for flowering vegetation, since grass does not have a prominent flower.
Isa 40:7 ‫יָבֵ֤שׁ חָצִיר֙ נָ֣בֵֽל צִ֔יץ כִּ֛י ר֥וּחַ יְהוָ֖ה נָ֣שְׁבָה בּ֑וֹ אָכֵ֥ן חָצִ֖יר הָעָֽם׃‬

The grass dries up,

And the flower fades,

For the spirit of the Lord blows on it.


The people are grass.

1 Pet 1:24. 1 Pet 1:24 Dio/ti, Pa~sa sa_rc w(j xo/rtoj, kai\ pa~sa do/ca a)nqrw&pou w(j a!nqoj xo/rtou. 870Echra&nqh o9 xo/rtoj, kai\ to\ a!nqoj au0tou= e0ce/pesen: For

All flesh is as grass,

And all glory of man is like a herbaceous flower.

The grass dries up,

And its flower withers,

Isa 40:6, Isa 40:7, Isa 40:8.

grass (2x): standing for flowering vegetation, since grass does not have a prominent flower.
Isa 40:8 ‫יָבֵ֥שׁ חָצִ֖יר נָ֣בֵֽל צִ֑יץ וּדְבַר־אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יָק֥וּם לְעוֹלָֽם׃ ס‬

The grass dries up,

And the flower fades,

But the word of our God

Will stand age-abidingly.”

1 Pet 1:24, 1 Pet 1:25.

but: adversative use of the vav.
1 Pet 1:24 Dio/ti, Pa~sa sa_rc w(j xo/rtoj, kai\ pa~sa do/ca a)nqrw&pou w(j a!nqoj xo/rtou. 870Echra&nqh o9 xo/rtoj, kai\ to\ a!nqoj au0tou= e0ce/pesen: For

All flesh is as grass,

And all glory of man is like a herbaceous flower.

The grass dries up,

And its flower withers,

Isa 40:6, Isa 40:7, Isa 40:8.

grass (2x): standing for flowering vegetation, since grass does not have a prominent flower.
Isa 40:8 ‫יָבֵ֥שׁ חָצִ֖יר נָ֣בֵֽל צִ֑יץ וּדְבַר־אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יָק֥וּם לְעוֹלָֽם׃ ס‬

The grass dries up,

And the flower fades,

But the word of our God

Will stand age-abidingly.”

1 Pet 1:24, 1 Pet 1:25.

but: adversative use of the vav.
1 Pet 1:25 to\ de\ r(h=ma kuri/ou me/nei ei0j to\n ai0w~na. Tou=to de/ e0stin to\ r(h=ma to\ eu0aggelisqe\n ei0j u9ma~j.

But the word of the Lord

Remains throughout the age.

And this is the word which has been preached to you.
Isa 40:8.
Isa 40:13 ‫מִֽי־תִכֵּ֥ן אֶת־ר֖וּחַ יְהוָ֑ה וְאִ֥ישׁ עֲצָת֖וֹ יוֹדִיעֶֽנּוּ׃‬

Who has assessed the spirit of the Lord,

And what man has imparted knowledge to him

With his counsel?

Rom 11:34, 1 Cor 2:16. Rom 11:34 Ti/j ga_r e1gnw nou=n kuri/ou; 872H ti/j su/mbouloj au0tou= e0ge/neto;

For who has known the mind of the Lord?

Or who has been his counsellor?

Isa 40:13.
Isa 40:13 ‫מִֽי־תִכֵּ֥ן אֶת־ר֖וּחַ יְהוָ֑ה וְאִ֥ישׁ עֲצָת֖וֹ יוֹדִיעֶֽנּוּ׃‬

Who has assessed the spirit of the Lord,

And what man has imparted knowledge to him

With his counsel?

Rom 11:34, 1 Cor 2:16. 1 Cor 2:16 Ti/j ga_r e1gnw nou=n kuri/ou, o4j sumbiba&sei au0to/n; 879Hmei=j de\ nou=n xristou= e1xomen.

For who has known the mind of the Lord

And can instruct him?

But we have the mind of Christ.
Isa 40:13.

can ← will, a Hebraism.
Isa 41:4 ‫מִֽי־פָעַ֣ל וְעָשָׂ֔ה קֹרֵ֥א הַדֹּר֖וֹת מֵרֹ֑אשׁ אֲנִ֤י יְהוָה֙ רִאשׁ֔וֹן וְאֶת־אַחֲרֹנִ֖ים אֲנִי־הֽוּא׃‬

Who has performed it and accomplished it,

Calling generations from the beginning?

I, the Lord,

The first and with the last;

I am he.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904. Rev 1:8 870Egw& ei0mi to\ {RP: 871Alfa} [P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, {RP P1904: - } [TR: a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj,] le/gei {RP P1904: ku/rioj o9 qeo/j} [TR: o9 ku/rioj], o9 w@n kai\ o9 h]n kai\ o9 e0rxo/menoj, o9 pantokra&twr. I am the Alpha and the Omega, {RP P1904: - } [TR: the beginning and the ending,] says {RP P1904: the Lord God} [TR: the Lord], who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty. 871Alfa, Alpha, RP F1859=11/13 vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's el).

a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, beginning and end: absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. present in TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's mn). AV differs textually.

ku/rioj o9 qeo/j, (the) Lord God, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. o9 ku/rioj, the Lord, TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.

I am: referring to Ex 3:14. See also Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

is to come ← is coming.
Isa 41:4 ‫מִֽי־פָעַ֣ל וְעָשָׂ֔ה קֹרֵ֥א הַדֹּר֖וֹת מֵרֹ֑אשׁ אֲנִ֤י יְהוָה֙ רִאשׁ֔וֹן וְאֶת־אַחֲרֹנִ֖ים אֲנִי־הֽוּא׃‬

Who has performed it and accomplished it,

Calling generations from the beginning?

I, the Lord,

The first and with the last;

I am he.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904. Rev 1:17 Kai\ o3te ei]don au0to/n, {RP P1904 TR: e1pesa} [MISC: e1peson] pro\j tou\j po/daj au0tou= w(j nekro/j: kai\ {RP-text P1904: e1qhken} [RP-marg TR: e0pe/qhken] th\n decia_n au0tou= {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: xei=ra] e0p' e0me/, le/gwn {RP P1904: - } [TR: moi], Mh\ fobou=: e0gw& ei0mi o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as if dead, but he put his right {RP-text: hand} [RP-marg P1904 TR: hand] on me and said {RP P1904: - } [TR: to me], “Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last, e1pesa, I fell (non-classical form), RP P1904 TR F1859=6/13 vs. e1peson, I fell (classical form), F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

e1qhke¨n©, put, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/14 vs. e0pe/qhken, put (with on compounding the verb), RP-marg TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's ghl**n).

xei=ra, hand (but implicitly so if absent): absent in RP-text F1859=11/13 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

moi, to me: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

The direct speech started here ends at Rev 3:22.
Isa 41:4 ‫מִֽי־פָעַ֣ל וְעָשָׂ֔ה קֹרֵ֥א הַדֹּר֖וֹת מֵרֹ֑אשׁ אֲנִ֤י יְהוָה֙ רִאשׁ֔וֹן וְאֶת־אַחֲרֹנִ֖ים אֲנִי־הֽוּא׃‬

Who has performed it and accomplished it,

Calling generations from the beginning?

I, the Lord,

The first and with the last;

I am he.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904. Rev 2:8 Kai\ tw%~ a)gge/lw% th=j {RP P1904: e0n Smu/rnh| e0kklhsi/aj} [TR: e0kklhsi/aj Smurnai/wn] gra&yon, Ta&de le/gei o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, o4j e0ge/neto nekro\j kai\ e1zhsen: And write to the angel of the church {RP P1904: in Smyrna} [TR: of the Smyrnans], ‘The first and the last, who was dead but came to life, says this: Smu/rnh| e0kklhsi/aj, church in Smyrna, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 (with 1 minor variation) vs. e0kklhsi/aj Smurnai/wn, church of (the) Smyrnans, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.

church: see Matt 16:18.

this ← these (things).
Isa 41:4 ‫מִֽי־פָעַ֣ל וְעָשָׂ֔ה קֹרֵ֥א הַדֹּר֖וֹת מֵרֹ֑אשׁ אֲנִ֤י יְהוָה֙ רִאשׁ֔וֹן וְאֶת־אַחֲרֹנִ֖ים אֲנִי־הֽוּא׃‬

Who has performed it and accomplished it,

Calling generations from the beginning?

I, the Lord,

The first and with the last;

I am he.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904. Rev 21:6 Kai\ ei]pe/n moi, {RP: Ge/gona} [P1904 TR: Ge/gonen]: {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0gw_] [TR: e0gw& ei0mi] to\ {RP: 871Alfa} [P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj. 870Egw_ tw%~ diyw~nti dw&sw {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0tw%~] e0k th=j phgh=j tou= u3datoj th=j zwh=j dwrea&n. And he said to me, {RP: “I have become} [P1904: “It has come about. I am] [TR: “It has come about. I am] the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him who is thirsty drink from the source of the water of life, freely. ge/gona, I have become, RP F1859=8/9 vs. ge/gonen, it has taken place, P1904 TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's b). AV differs textually.

words below absent, RP-text F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bdehjk) vs. e0gw_, I, RP-marg P1904 F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's clm) vs. e0gw& ei0mi, I (emphatically) am, TR F1859=0/9.

872Alfa, Alpha, RP F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkm) vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), P1904 TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's ejl). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=6:5.

au0tw%~, to him: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's hkl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdejm). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:6.

Punctuation: we ignore the raised dot after Ge/gona of RP AV. So AV differs. A disparity (#3) with RP: the raised dot is appropriate to the marginal reading only.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6; Isa 55:1.

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]
Isa 41:4 ‫מִֽי־פָעַ֣ל וְעָשָׂ֔ה קֹרֵ֥א הַדֹּר֖וֹת מֵרֹ֑אשׁ אֲנִ֤י יְהוָה֙ רִאשׁ֔וֹן וְאֶת־אַחֲרֹנִ֖ים אֲנִי־הֽוּא׃‬

Who has performed it and accomplished it,

Calling generations from the beginning?

I, the Lord,

The first and with the last;

I am he.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904. Rev 22:13 {RP P1904: 870Egw_} [TR: 870Egw& ei0mi] to\ {RP-text: 871Alfa} [RP-marg P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, {RP-text: o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj} [RP-marg TR: a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj] [P1904: o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj]. {RP P1904: I am} [TR: I am] the Alpha and the Omega, {RP-text: the first and the last, the beginning and the end} [RP-marg TR: the beginning and the end, the first and the last] [P1904: the first and the last, the beginning and the end]. ei0mi, I am (emphatic): absent in RP P1904 F1859=4/6 (Scrivener's hjkl) vs. present in TR F1859=2/6 (Scrivener's bc). AV differs textually.

871Alfa, Alpha, RP-text F1859=6/7 vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's k).

o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, RP-text F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdjkl) vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, RP-marg TR F1859=0/7 vs. o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, the first and the last, beginning and end, P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h) vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, prw~toj kai\ e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's d). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6, Isa 48:12.

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]
Isa 41:4 ‫מִֽי־פָעַ֣ל וְעָשָׂ֔ה קֹרֵ֥א הַדֹּר֖וֹת מֵרֹ֑אשׁ אֲנִ֤י יְהוָה֙ רִאשׁ֔וֹן וְאֶת־אַחֲרֹנִ֖ים אֲנִי־הֽוּא׃‬

Who has performed it and accomplished it,

Calling generations from the beginning?

I, the Lord,

The first and with the last;

I am he.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904. Rev 1:11 legou/shj, {RP P1904: - } [TR: 870Egw& ei0mi to\ 872A kai\ to\ 87]W, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, kai\,] 874O ble/peij gra&yon ei0j bibli/on, kai\ pe/myon tai=j {RP P1904 S1894: e9pta_} [S1550 E1624: - ] e0kklhsi/aij, {RP P1904: - } [TR: tai=j e0n 870Asi/a%,] ei0j 871Efeson, kai\ ei0j Smu/rnan, kai\ ei0j Pe/rgamon, kai\ ei0j Qua&teira, kai\ ei0j Sa&rdeij, kai\ ei0j Filade/lfeian, kai\ ei0j Laodi/keian. and it said, {RP P1904: - } [TR: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last”, and,] “Write what you see in a book and send it to the {RP P1904 S1894: seven} [S1550 E1624: - ] churches, {RP P1904: - } [TR: which are in Asia,] to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.” e0gw& ei0mi to\ 872A kai\ to\ 87]W, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, kai\, I am the Alpha and the Omega”, and: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13 vs. another reading similar to TR, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). AV differs textually.

e9pta_, seven (churches): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13.

tai=j e0n 870Asi/a%, which are (in) Asia: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

[TR: Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.]

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]

churches: see Matt 16:18.

Pergamum: the ancient city in modern-day Turkey [LHG], not the modern Pergamos of Cyprus. AV differs (Pergamos).
Isa 41:8 ‫וְאַתָּה֙ יִשְׂרָאֵ֣ל עַבְדִּ֔י יַעֲקֹ֖ב אֲשֶׁ֣ר בְּחַרְתִּ֑יךָ זֶ֖רַע אַבְרָהָ֥ם אֹהֲבִֽי׃‬

But you, Israel, are my servant,

And Jacob, you whom I chose,

Are the seed of my friend Abraham,

Matt 12:18, James 2:23.

you: from the verbal suffix.
Matt 12:18 870Idou/, o9 pai=j mou o4n h|9re/tisa: o9 a)gaphto/j mou ei0j o4n eu0do/khsen h9 yuxh/ mou: qh/sw to\ pneu=ma& mou e0p' au0to/n, kai\ kri/sin toi=j e1qnesin a)paggelei=.

“Behold my servant, whom I have chosen,

My beloved, with whom my being is very pleased.

I will put my spirit on him,

And he will announce judgment to the Gentiles.

Isa 41:8, Isa 42:1.

with ← in, into.

being ← soul.
Isa 41:8 ‫וְאַתָּה֙ יִשְׂרָאֵ֣ל עַבְדִּ֔י יַעֲקֹ֖ב אֲשֶׁ֣ר בְּחַרְתִּ֑יךָ זֶ֖רַע אַבְרָהָ֥ם אֹהֲבִֽי׃‬

But you, Israel, are my servant,

And Jacob, you whom I chose,

Are the seed of my friend Abraham,

Matt 12:18, James 2:23.

you: from the verbal suffix.
James 2:23 Kai\ e0plhrw&qh h9 grafh\ h9 le/gousa, 870Epi/steusen de\ 870Abraa_m tw%~ qew%~, kai\ e0logi/sqh au0tw%~ ei0j dikaiosu/nhn, kai\ fi/loj qeou= e0klh/qh. And the scripture was fulfilled which says, “And Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him as righteousness”, and he was called the friend of God. Gen 15:6, 2 Chr 20:7, Isa 41:8.
Isa 41:23 ‫הַגִּ֙ידוּ֙ הָאֹתִיּ֣וֹת לְאָח֔וֹר וְנֵ֣דְעָ֔ה כִּ֥י אֱלֹהִ֖ים אַתֶּ֑ם אַף־תֵּיטִ֣יבוּ וְתָרֵ֔עוּ וְנִשְׁתָּ֖עָה *ונרא **וְנִרְאֶ֥ה יַחְדָּֽו׃‬

Tell us the things

Which are going to happen in the future,

So that we may know,

For you are gods,

And also do good or do evil,

So we can be overawed

And {K: fear} [Q: see it] together.

John 10:34.

in the future ← afterwards.

you are gods: ironic here. But see Ps 82:6.
John 10:34 870Apekri/qh au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Ou0k e1stin gegramme/non e0n tw%~ no/mw% u9mw~n, 870Egw_ ei]pa, Qeoi/ e0ste; Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law: ‘I have said, «You are gods» ’? Ps 82:6; Isa 41:23.

gods: possibly standing for judges, as apparently in Ex 22:8MT (Ex 22:9AV), Ex 22:9MT (Ex 22:10AV). Ironic in Isa 41:23.
Isa 42:1 ‫הֵ֤ן עַבְדִּי֙ אֶתְמָךְ־בּ֔וֹ בְּחִירִ֖י רָצְתָ֣ה נַפְשִׁ֑י נָתַ֤תִּי רוּחִי֙ עָלָ֔יו מִשְׁפָּ֖ט לַגּוֹיִ֥ם יוֹצִֽיא׃‬

Behold my servant whom I will sustain

– My chosen one in whom my being delights.

I have cast my spirit over him;

He will bring justice

To the Gentiles.

Matt 12:18.

being ← soul.

bring ← bring out.
Matt 12:18 870Idou/, o9 pai=j mou o4n h|9re/tisa: o9 a)gaphto/j mou ei0j o4n eu0do/khsen h9 yuxh/ mou: qh/sw to\ pneu=ma& mou e0p' au0to/n, kai\ kri/sin toi=j e1qnesin a)paggelei=.

“Behold my servant, whom I have chosen,

My beloved, with whom my being is very pleased.

I will put my spirit on him,

And he will announce judgment to the Gentiles.

Isa 41:8, Isa 42:1.

with ← in, into.

being ← soul.
Isa 42:2 ‫לֹ֥א יִצְעַ֖ק וְלֹ֣א יִשָּׂ֑א וְלֹֽא־יַשְׁמִ֥יעַ בַּח֖וּץ קוֹלֽוֹ׃‬

He will not shout, and he will not act high-handedly,

Nor make his voice heard in the street.

Matt 12:19.

high-handedly ← be lifted.

nor make ... heard: i.e. not clamorously.
Matt 12:19 Ou0k e0ri/sei, ou0de\ krauga&sei: ou0de\ a)kou/sei tij e0n tai=j platei/aij th\n fwnh\n au0tou=.

He will not strive or shout,

Nor will anyone in the streets hear his voice.

Isa 42:2.
Isa 42:3 ‫קָנֶ֤ה רָצוּץ֙ לֹ֣א יִשְׁבּ֔וֹר וּפִשְׁתָּ֥ה כֵהָ֖ה לֹ֣א יְכַבֶּ֑נָּה לֶאֱמֶ֖ת יוֹצִ֥יא מִשְׁפָּֽט׃‬

He will not break a buckled reed,

And he will not extinguish a smouldering wick.

He will bring justice

In accordance with truth.

Matt 12:20.

smouldering wick ← dim flax.

bring ← bring out.
Matt 12:20 Ka&lamon suntetrimme/non ou0 katea&cei, kai\ li/non tufo/menon ou0 sbe/sei: e3wj a@n e0kba&lh| ei0j ni=koj th\n kri/sin.

He will not break a buckled reed

Nor extinguish a smouldering wick

Until he brings judgment to a victory.

Isa 42:3.

wick ← flax.

brings ← casts out, throws to an issue.
Isa 42:6 ‫אֲנִ֧י יְהוָ֛ה קְרָאתִ֥יךָֽ בְצֶ֖דֶק וְאַחְזֵ֣ק בְּיָדֶ֑ךָ וְאֶצָּרְךָ֗ וְאֶתֶּנְךָ֛ לִבְרִ֥ית עָ֖ם לְא֥וֹר גּוֹיִֽם׃‬

“I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness,

And I will hold your hand,

And I will guard you,

And I will make you into a covenant people

A light of the Gentiles –

Luke 2:32.

a covenant people ← a covenant of people. A reverse Hebraic genitive; compare Isa 49:8, Dan 11:20.
Luke 2:32 fw~j ei0j a)poka&luyin e0qnw~n, kai\ do/can laou= sou 870Israh/l.

A light for revelation to the Gentiles

And for the glory of your people Israel.”

Isa 42:6, Isa 49:6.

to ← of.

for the glory: we take the word as governed by ei0j; AV differs, taking it as the object of h9toi/masaj.
Isa 43:19 ‫הִנְנִ֨י עֹשֶׂ֤ה חֲדָשָׁה֙ עַתָּ֣ה תִצְמָ֔ח הֲל֖וֹא תֵֽדָע֑וּהָ אַ֣ף אָשִׂ֤ים בַּמִּדְבָּר֙ דֶּ֔רֶךְ בִּֽישִׁמ֖וֹן נְהָרֽוֹת׃‬

I am about to make something new

– It will spring up now.

Do you not know it?

Indeed, I will build a road in the desert

And establish rivers in the wasteland.

Rev 21:5.

I am about to ← behold me.

build ← lay.
Rev 21:5 Kai\ ei]pen o9 kaqh/menoj e0pi\ {RP P1904: tw%~ qro/nw%} [TR: tou= qro/nou], 870Idou/, {RP-text: pa&nta kaina_ poiw~} [RP-marg P1904: kaina_ poiw~ pa&nta] [TR: kaina_ pa&nta poiw~]. Kai\ le/gei moi, Gra&yon: o3ti ou[toi oi9 lo/goi {RP-text TR: a)lhqinoi\ kai\ pistoi/} [RP-marg P1904: pistoi\ kai\ a)lhqinoi\] {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: tou= qeou=] ei0sin. And he who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I am making everything afresh.” And he said to me, “Write it down, for these words {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: of God] are {RP-text TR: true and faithful} [RP-marg P1904: faithful and true].” tw%~ qro/nw%, (at → on) the throne, RP P1904 F1859=8/9 (incl. m which is preceded by e0n, in) vs. tou= qro/nou, (on) the throne, TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h).

pa&nta kaina_ poiw~, everything + new + I make, RP-text F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdejl) vs. kaina_ poiw~ pa&nta, new + I make + everything, RP-marg P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's hm) vs. kaina_ pa&nta poiw~, new + everything + I make, TR F1859=0/9 vs. pa&nta kaina_ poih/sw, everything + new + I will make, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's k).

a)lhqinoi\ kai\ pistoi/, true + and faithful, RP-text TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's ch) vs. pistoi\ kai\ a)lhqinoi\, faithful + and true, RP-marg P1904 F1859=7/9 (Scrivener's bdejklm). A disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=3:8.

tou= qeou=, of God: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=8/9 (Scrivener's bcdejklm) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).

Isa 43:19.
Isa 44:6 ‫כֹּֽה־אָמַ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה מֶֽלֶךְ־יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל וְגֹאֲל֖וֹ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת אֲנִ֤י רִאשׁוֹן֙ וַאֲנִ֣י אַחֲר֔וֹן וּמִבַּלְעָדַ֖י אֵ֥ין אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

This is what the Lord

– The king of Israel,

And his kinsman redeemer,

The Lord of hosts – says:

“I am the first

And I am the last,

And besides me there is no God.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904.

this is whatthus.
Rev 1:8 870Egw& ei0mi to\ {RP: 871Alfa} [P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, {RP P1904: - } [TR: a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj,] le/gei {RP P1904: ku/rioj o9 qeo/j} [TR: o9 ku/rioj], o9 w@n kai\ o9 h]n kai\ o9 e0rxo/menoj, o9 pantokra&twr. I am the Alpha and the Omega, {RP P1904: - } [TR: the beginning and the ending,] says {RP P1904: the Lord God} [TR: the Lord], who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty. 871Alfa, Alpha, RP F1859=11/13 vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's el).

a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, beginning and end: absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. present in TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's mn). AV differs textually.

ku/rioj o9 qeo/j, (the) Lord God, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. o9 ku/rioj, the Lord, TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.

I am: referring to Ex 3:14. See also Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

is to come ← is coming.
Isa 44:6 ‫כֹּֽה־אָמַ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה מֶֽלֶךְ־יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל וְגֹאֲל֖וֹ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת אֲנִ֤י רִאשׁוֹן֙ וַאֲנִ֣י אַחֲר֔וֹן וּמִבַּלְעָדַ֖י אֵ֥ין אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

This is what the Lord

– The king of Israel,

And his kinsman redeemer,

The Lord of hosts – says:

“I am the first

And I am the last,

And besides me there is no God.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904.

this is whatthus.
Rev 1:17 Kai\ o3te ei]don au0to/n, {RP P1904 TR: e1pesa} [MISC: e1peson] pro\j tou\j po/daj au0tou= w(j nekro/j: kai\ {RP-text P1904: e1qhken} [RP-marg TR: e0pe/qhken] th\n decia_n au0tou= {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: xei=ra] e0p' e0me/, le/gwn {RP P1904: - } [TR: moi], Mh\ fobou=: e0gw& ei0mi o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as if dead, but he put his right {RP-text: hand} [RP-marg P1904 TR: hand] on me and said {RP P1904: - } [TR: to me], “Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last, e1pesa, I fell (non-classical form), RP P1904 TR F1859=6/13 vs. e1peson, I fell (classical form), F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=8:7.

e1qhke¨n©, put, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/14 vs. e0pe/qhken, put (with on compounding the verb), RP-marg TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's ghl**n).

xei=ra, hand (but implicitly so if absent): absent in RP-text F1859=11/13 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

moi, to me: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

The direct speech started here ends at Rev 3:22.
Isa 44:6 ‫כֹּֽה־אָמַ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה מֶֽלֶךְ־יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל וְגֹאֲל֖וֹ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת אֲנִ֤י רִאשׁוֹן֙ וַאֲנִ֣י אַחֲר֔וֹן וּמִבַּלְעָדַ֖י אֵ֥ין אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

This is what the Lord

– The king of Israel,

And his kinsman redeemer,

The Lord of hosts – says:

“I am the first

And I am the last,

And besides me there is no God.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904.

this is whatthus.
Rev 2:8 Kai\ tw%~ a)gge/lw% th=j {RP P1904: e0n Smu/rnh| e0kklhsi/aj} [TR: e0kklhsi/aj Smurnai/wn] gra&yon, Ta&de le/gei o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, o4j e0ge/neto nekro\j kai\ e1zhsen: And write to the angel of the church {RP P1904: in Smyrna} [TR: of the Smyrnans], ‘The first and the last, who was dead but came to life, says this: Smu/rnh| e0kklhsi/aj, church in Smyrna, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 (with 1 minor variation) vs. e0kklhsi/aj Smurnai/wn, church of (the) Smyrnans, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.

church: see Matt 16:18.

this ← these (things).
Isa 44:6 ‫כֹּֽה־אָמַ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה מֶֽלֶךְ־יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל וְגֹאֲל֖וֹ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת אֲנִ֤י רִאשׁוֹן֙ וַאֲנִ֣י אַחֲר֔וֹן וּמִבַּלְעָדַ֖י אֵ֥ין אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

This is what the Lord

– The king of Israel,

And his kinsman redeemer,

The Lord of hosts – says:

“I am the first

And I am the last,

And besides me there is no God.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904.

this is whatthus.
Rev 21:6 Kai\ ei]pe/n moi, {RP: Ge/gona} [P1904 TR: Ge/gonen]: {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0gw_] [TR: e0gw& ei0mi] to\ {RP: 871Alfa} [P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj. 870Egw_ tw%~ diyw~nti dw&sw {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0tw%~] e0k th=j phgh=j tou= u3datoj th=j zwh=j dwrea&n. And he said to me, {RP: “I have become} [P1904: “It has come about. I am] [TR: “It has come about. I am] the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him who is thirsty drink from the source of the water of life, freely. ge/gona, I have become, RP F1859=8/9 vs. ge/gonen, it has taken place, P1904 TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's b). AV differs textually.

words below absent, RP-text F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bdehjk) vs. e0gw_, I, RP-marg P1904 F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's clm) vs. e0gw& ei0mi, I (emphatically) am, TR F1859=0/9.

872Alfa, Alpha, RP F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkm) vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), P1904 TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's ejl). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=6:5.

au0tw%~, to him: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's hkl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdejm). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:6.

Punctuation: we ignore the raised dot after Ge/gona of RP AV. So AV differs. A disparity (#3) with RP: the raised dot is appropriate to the marginal reading only.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6; Isa 55:1.

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]
Isa 44:6 ‫כֹּֽה־אָמַ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה מֶֽלֶךְ־יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל וְגֹאֲל֖וֹ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת אֲנִ֤י רִאשׁוֹן֙ וַאֲנִ֣י אַחֲר֔וֹן וּמִבַּלְעָדַ֖י אֵ֥ין אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

This is what the Lord

– The king of Israel,

And his kinsman redeemer,

The Lord of hosts – says:

“I am the first

And I am the last,

And besides me there is no God.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904.

this is whatthus.
Rev 22:13 {RP P1904: 870Egw_} [TR: 870Egw& ei0mi] to\ {RP-text: 871Alfa} [RP-marg P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, {RP-text: o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj} [RP-marg TR: a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj] [P1904: o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj]. {RP P1904: I am} [TR: I am] the Alpha and the Omega, {RP-text: the first and the last, the beginning and the end} [RP-marg TR: the beginning and the end, the first and the last] [P1904: the first and the last, the beginning and the end]. ei0mi, I am (emphatic): absent in RP P1904 F1859=4/6 (Scrivener's hjkl) vs. present in TR F1859=2/6 (Scrivener's bc). AV differs textually.

871Alfa, Alpha, RP-text F1859=6/7 vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's k).

o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, RP-text F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdjkl) vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, RP-marg TR F1859=0/7 vs. o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, the first and the last, beginning and end, P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h) vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, prw~toj kai\ e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's d). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6, Isa 48:12.

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]
Isa 44:6 ‫כֹּֽה־אָמַ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה מֶֽלֶךְ־יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל וְגֹאֲל֖וֹ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת אֲנִ֤י רִאשׁוֹן֙ וַאֲנִ֣י אַחֲר֔וֹן וּמִבַּלְעָדַ֖י אֵ֥ין אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

This is what the Lord

– The king of Israel,

And his kinsman redeemer,

The Lord of hosts – says:

“I am the first

And I am the last,

And besides me there is no God.

Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 2:8, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13; also Rev 1:11 in TR, but not RP or P1904.

this is whatthus.
Rev 1:11 legou/shj, {RP P1904: - } [TR: 870Egw& ei0mi to\ 872A kai\ to\ 87]W, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, kai\,] 874O ble/peij gra&yon ei0j bibli/on, kai\ pe/myon tai=j {RP P1904 S1894: e9pta_} [S1550 E1624: - ] e0kklhsi/aij, {RP P1904: - } [TR: tai=j e0n 870Asi/a%,] ei0j 871Efeson, kai\ ei0j Smu/rnan, kai\ ei0j Pe/rgamon, kai\ ei0j Qua&teira, kai\ ei0j Sa&rdeij, kai\ ei0j Filade/lfeian, kai\ ei0j Laodi/keian. and it said, {RP P1904: - } [TR: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last”, and,] “Write what you see in a book and send it to the {RP P1904 S1894: seven} [S1550 E1624: - ] churches, {RP P1904: - } [TR: which are in Asia,] to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.” e0gw& ei0mi to\ 872A kai\ to\ 87]W, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, kai\, I am the Alpha and the Omega”, and: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13 vs. another reading similar to TR, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). AV differs textually.

e9pta_, seven (churches): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13.

tai=j e0n 870Asi/a%, which are (in) Asia: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

[TR: Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6.]

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]

churches: see Matt 16:18.

Pergamum: the ancient city in modern-day Turkey [LHG], not the modern Pergamos of Cyprus. AV differs (Pergamos).
Isa 45:5 ‫אֲנִ֤י יְהוָה֙ וְאֵ֣ין ע֔וֹד זוּלָתִ֖י אֵ֣ין אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֲאַזֶּרְךָ֖ וְלֹ֥א יְדַעְתָּֽנִי׃‬

I am the Lord,

And there is no other;

There is no God apart from me.

I gird you up,

But you haven't known me.

Mark 12:32. Mark 12:32 Kai\ ei]pen au0tw%~ o9 grammateu/j, Kalw~j, dida&skale, e0p' a)lhqei/aj ei]paj o3ti ei[j e0stin, {RP P1904: - } [TR: qeo/j] kai\ ou0k e1stin a!lloj plh\n au0tou=: Then the scribe said to him, “Well said, teacher. You have spoken truly in that, {RP P1904: He} [TR: God] is one and there is no other apart from him.’ qeo/j, God: absent in RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=4/8 vs. present in TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's cfgq**) F1859=4/8. AV differs textually.

Deut 6:4, 2 Sam 22:32, Isa 45:5, Ps 18:32MT (Ps 18:31AV).
Isa 45:9 ‫ה֗וֹי רָ֚ב אֶת־יֹ֣צְר֔וֹ חֶ֖רֶשׂ אֶת־חַרְשֵׂ֣י אֲדָמָ֑ה הֲיֹאמַ֨ר חֹ֤מֶר לְיֹֽצְרוֹ֙ מַֽה־תַּעֲשֶׂ֔ה וּפָעָלְךָ֖ אֵין־יָדַ֥יִם לֽוֹ׃ ס‬

Woe to him who quarrels with the one who fashioned him,

In the way a potsherd quarrels with the potsherds of the ground.

Shall the clay say to its fashioner,

«What are you making?»?

Or shall your work say,

«He has no hands»?

potsherds of the ground: re-pointed, this could read artificers of clay, but it is not the usual word for clay (the usual word being in the next clause).

Rom 9:20.
Rom 9:20 Menou=nge, w} a!nqrwpe, su\ ti/j ei] o9 a)ntapokrino/menoj tw%~ qew%~; Mh\ e0rei= to\ pla&sma tw%~ pla&santi, Ti/ me e0poi/hsaj ou3twj; Rather, O man, who are you to answer back to God? Will the artefact say to the fashioner, “Why did you make me like this?”? Isa 29:16, Isa 45:9.

will: the particle mh/ puts pressure for an answer of no, classically at least, but we do not consider that this needs emphasizing here.
Isa 45:23 ‫בִּ֣י נִשְׁבַּ֔עְתִּי יָצָ֨א מִפִּ֧י צְדָקָ֛ה דָּבָ֖ר וְלֹ֣א יָשׁ֑וּב כִּי־לִי֙ תִּכְרַ֣ע כָּל־בֶּ֔רֶךְ תִּשָּׁבַ֖ע כָּל־לָשֽׁוֹן׃‬

I have sworn by myself

– The utterance has gone out of my mouth righteously

And will not be revoked –

For every knee will bow to me,

And every tongue will swear.

Rom 14:11, Phil 2:10, Phil 2:11.

utterance ← word.

be revoked ← return.
Rom 14:11 Ge/graptai ga&r, Zw~ e0gw&, le/gei ku/rioj: o3ti e0moi\ ka&myei pa~n go/nu, kai\ pa~sa glw~ssa e0comologh/setai tw%~ qew%~. For it stands written:

“ ‘As I live’, says the Lord,

‘To me every knee shall bow,

And every tongue will confess to God.’ ”

Isa 45:23.
Isa 45:23 ‫בִּ֣י נִשְׁבַּ֔עְתִּי יָצָ֨א מִפִּ֧י צְדָקָ֛ה דָּבָ֖ר וְלֹ֣א יָשׁ֑וּב כִּי־לִי֙ תִּכְרַ֣ע כָּל־בֶּ֔רֶךְ תִּשָּׁבַ֖ע כָּל־לָשֽׁוֹן׃‬

I have sworn by myself

– The utterance has gone out of my mouth righteously

And will not be revoked –

For every knee will bow to me,

And every tongue will swear.

Rom 14:11, Phil 2:10, Phil 2:11.

utterance ← word.

be revoked ← return.
Phil 2:10 i3na e0n tw%~ o0no/mati 870Ihsou= pa~n go/nu ka&myh| e0pourani/wn kai\ e0pigei/wn kai\ kataxqoni/wn, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in the upper-heavens and on earth and underground, Isa 45:23.

in ← of.

on ← of.

upper-heavens etc.: in more elevated style, super-celestial, and terrestrial, and subterranean.
Isa 45:23 ‫בִּ֣י נִשְׁבַּ֔עְתִּי יָצָ֨א מִפִּ֧י צְדָקָ֛ה דָּבָ֖ר וְלֹ֣א יָשׁ֑וּב כִּי־לִי֙ תִּכְרַ֣ע כָּל־בֶּ֔רֶךְ תִּשָּׁבַ֖ע כָּל־לָשֽׁוֹן׃‬

I have sworn by myself

– The utterance has gone out of my mouth righteously

And will not be revoked –

For every knee will bow to me,

And every tongue will swear.

Rom 14:11, Phil 2:10, Phil 2:11.

utterance ← word.

be revoked ← return.
Phil 2:11 kai\ pa~sa glw~ssa e0comologh/shtai o3ti ku/rioj 870Ihsou=j xristo/j, ei0j do/can qeou= patro/j. and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father. Isa 45:23.

Lord: or the Lord, where if we supply in the mind the verb to be after ku/rioj, the definite article with ku/rioj is dropped because the predicate precedes the verb.
Isa 47:8 ‫וְעַתָּ֞ה שִׁמְעִי־זֹ֤את עֲדִינָה֙ הַיּוֹשֶׁ֣בֶת לָבֶ֔טַח הָאֹֽמְרָה֙ בִּלְבָ֔בָהּ אֲנִ֖י וְאַפְסִ֣י ע֑וֹד לֹ֤א אֵשֵׁב֙ אַלְמָנָ֔ה וְלֹ֥א אֵדַ֖ע שְׁכֽוֹל׃‬

And now, hear this, you delicate one,

Who sits in security,

Who says in her heart,

‘I am the one,

And there is no-one besides me.

I shall not sit as a widow,

And I shall not know bereavement of children.’

Rev 18:7.

sits ... says ... her: taking who as third person, despite the second person hear, because of the third person her. Discordance is permissible in Hebrew.

Compare the verse with Zeph 2:15.
Rev 18:7 873Osa e0do/casen {RP-text: au0th\n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e9auth\n] kai\ e0strhni/asen, tosou=ton do/te au0th|= basanismo\n kai\ pe/nqoj: o3ti e0n th|= kardi/a% au0th=j le/gei {RP P1904: o3ti} [TR: - ] Ka&qhmai {RP TR: - } [P1904: kaqw_j] basi/lissa, kai\ xh/ra ou0k ei0mi/, kai\ pe/nqoj ou0 mh\ i1dw. Give her the equivalent torment and mourning of the extent to which she glorified herself and lived voluptuously, for she says in her heart, ‘I sit {RP TR: as} [P1904: as] a queen, and I am not a widow, and I will never see mourning.’ au0th\n, her → herself, RP-text F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abejkl) vs. e9auth\n, herself (classically correct), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cdfghm). A weak disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=6:8.

o3ti, that (introducing direct speech): present in RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's 1).

kaqw_j, (sit) as (1), absent in RP TR F1859=6/12 vs. present in P1904 F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's abdek) vs. w(j, as (2), F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's j). Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP, R=7:6.

Isa 47:8.

voluptuously: AV differs somewhat, deliciously.

never ← certainly not.
Isa 48:12 ‫שְׁמַ֤ע אֵלַי֙ יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב וְיִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל מְקֹרָאִ֑י אֲנִי־הוּא֙ אֲנִ֣י רִאשׁ֔וֹן אַ֖ף אֲנִ֥י אַחֲרֽוֹן׃‬

Hear me, Jacob,

And Israel, my called out people:

I am he.

I am the first;

I am also the last.

Rev 22:13. Rev 22:13 {RP P1904: 870Egw_} [TR: 870Egw& ei0mi] to\ {RP-text: 871Alfa} [RP-marg P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, {RP-text: o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj} [RP-marg TR: a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj] [P1904: o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj]. {RP P1904: I am} [TR: I am] the Alpha and the Omega, {RP-text: the first and the last, the beginning and the end} [RP-marg TR: the beginning and the end, the first and the last] [P1904: the first and the last, the beginning and the end]. ei0mi, I am (emphatic): absent in RP P1904 F1859=4/6 (Scrivener's hjkl) vs. present in TR F1859=2/6 (Scrivener's bc). AV differs textually.

871Alfa, Alpha, RP-text F1859=6/7 vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's k).

o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, RP-text F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdjkl) vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, RP-marg TR F1859=0/7 vs. o9 prw~toj kai\ o9 e1sxatoj, a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, the first and the last, beginning and end, P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, o9 prw~toj kai\ e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h) vs. a)rxh\ kai\ te/loj, prw~toj kai\ e1sxatoj, beginning and end, the first and the last, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's d). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6, Isa 48:12.

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]
Isa 48:20 ‫צְא֣וּ מִבָּבֶל֮ בִּרְח֣וּ מִכַּשְׂדִּים֒ בְּק֣וֹל רִנָּ֗ה הַגִּ֤ידוּ הַשְׁמִ֙יעוּ֙ זֹ֔את הוֹצִיא֖וּהָ עַד־קְצֵ֣ה הָאָ֑רֶץ אִמְר֕וּ גָּאַ֥ל יְהוָ֖ה עַבְדּ֥וֹ יַעֲקֹֽב׃‬

Go out of Babylon;

Flee from the Chaldeans with a jubilant voice.

Announce this, proclaim this,

Utter it as far as the end of the earth.

Say, ‘The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob.’

Rev 18:4.

jubilant voice ← voice of jubilation, a Hebraic genitive.
Rev 18:4 Kai\ h1kousa a!llhn fwnh\n e0k tou= ou0ranou=, le/gousan, {RP-text P1904: 871Ecelqe} [RP-marg TR: 870Ece/lqete] e0c au0th=j o9 lao/j mou, i3na mh\ sugkoinwnh/shte tai=j a(marti/aij au0th=j, kai\ {RP: e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j i3na mh\ la&bhte} [P1904: i3na e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j mh\ la&bhte] [TR: i3na mh\ la&bhte e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j]: Then I heard another voice from heaven say, “My people, get out of her, so that you don't become party to her sins, and so you don't receive any of her plagues, e1celqe, go out (singular), RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. e0ce/lqete, go out (plural), RP-marg TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h) vs. another reading, perhaps intended as the TR one, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j i3na mh\ la&bhte, of her plagues + in order that + you do not receive, RP F1859=12/12 (with some variations in bjkl) vs. i3na e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j mh\ la&bhte, in order that + of her plagues + you do not receive, P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. i3na mh\ la&bhte e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j, in order that + you do not receive + of her plagues, TR F1859=0/12.

Isa 48:20, Isa 52:11, Jer 51:6.
Isa 49:2 ‫וַיָּ֤שֶׂם פִּי֙ כְּחֶ֣רֶב חַדָּ֔ה בְּצֵ֥ל יָד֖וֹ הֶחְבִּיאָ֑נִי וַיְשִׂימֵ֙נִי֙ לְחֵ֣ץ בָּר֔וּר בְּאַשְׁפָּת֖וֹ הִסְתִּירָֽנִי׃‬

And he has made my mouth like a sharp sword;

He has hidden me in the shadow of his hand,

He has made me as a perfected arrow,

And he has hidden me in his quiver.

Rev 1:16, Rev 2:16, Rev 19:15. Rev 1:16 Kai\ e1xwn e0n th|= decia%~ {RP-text TR: au0tou= xeiri\} [RP-marg P1904: xeiri\ au0tou=] a)ste/raj e9pta&: kai\ e0k tou= sto/matoj au0tou= r(omfai/a di/stomoj o0cei=a e0kporeuome/nh: kai\ h9 o1yij au0tou=, w(j o9 h3lioj fai/nei e0n th|= duna&mei au0tou=. And he was holding seven stars in his right hand, and out of his mouth a sharp double-edged sword was coming, and his appearance was as the sun shining with all its power. au0tou= xeiri\, his + hand, RP-text TR F1859=7/13 vs. xeiri\ au0tou=, hand + his, RP-marg P1904 F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's cfhm) vs. another reading, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

Isa 49:2.

shining ← shines.
Isa 49:2 ‫וַיָּ֤שֶׂם פִּי֙ כְּחֶ֣רֶב חַדָּ֔ה בְּצֵ֥ל יָד֖וֹ הֶחְבִּיאָ֑נִי וַיְשִׂימֵ֙נִי֙ לְחֵ֣ץ בָּר֔וּר בְּאַשְׁפָּת֖וֹ הִסְתִּירָֽנִי׃‬

And he has made my mouth like a sharp sword;

He has hidden me in the shadow of his hand,

He has made me as a perfected arrow,

And he has hidden me in his quiver.

Rev 1:16, Rev 2:16, Rev 19:15. Rev 2:16 Metano/hson {RP-text P1904: ou]n} [RP-marg TR: - ]: ei0 de\ mh/, e1rxomai/ soi taxu/, kai\ polemh/sw met' au0tw~n e0n th|= r(omfai/a% tou= sto/mato/j mou. {RP-text P1904: So repent} [RP-marg TR: Repent]. For if you don't, I will come to you quickly and will wage war on them with the sword of my mouth.’ ou]n, therefore / so: present in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's fhn).

Isa 49:2.

for ← but.

wage war on ← make war with.
Isa 49:2 ‫וַיָּ֤שֶׂם פִּי֙ כְּחֶ֣רֶב חַדָּ֔ה בְּצֵ֥ל יָד֖וֹ הֶחְבִּיאָ֑נִי וַיְשִׂימֵ֙נִי֙ לְחֵ֣ץ בָּר֔וּר בְּאַשְׁפָּת֖וֹ הִסְתִּירָֽנִי׃‬

And he has made my mouth like a sharp sword;

He has hidden me in the shadow of his hand,

He has made me as a perfected arrow,

And he has hidden me in his quiver.

Rev 1:16, Rev 2:16, Rev 19:15. Rev 19:15 Kai\ e0k tou= sto/matoj au0tou= e0kporeu/etai r(omfai/a {RP: di/stomoj o0cei=a} [P1904: o0cei=a di/stomoj] [TR: o0cei=a], i3na e0n au0th|= {RP: pata&ch|} [P1904 TR: pata&ssh|] ta_ e1qnh: kai\ au0to\j poimanei= au0tou\j e0n r(a&bdw% sidhra%~: kai\ au0to\j patei= th\n lhno\n tou= oi1nou tou= qumou= {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] th=j o0rgh=j tou= qeou= tou= pantokra&toroj. And out of his mouth came a sharp {RP P1904: double-edged} [TR: - ] sword with which to strike the nations. And he himself will tend them with an iron rod, and he himself treads the wine vat of the wine of the wrath {RP P1904: - } [TR: and] of the anger of God the Almighty. di/stomoj o0cei=a, double-edged + sharp, RP F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. o0cei=a di/stomoj, sharp + double-edged, P1904 F1859=0/11 vs. o0cei=a, sharp, TR F1859=0/11. AV differs textually.

pata&ch|, strike (aorist subjunctive, so perfective aspect), RP F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. pata&ssh|, strike (present subjunctive, so imperfective aspect), P1904 TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's k) vs. pata&cei, will strike (non-classical future), F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's el).

kai\, and: absent in RP P1904 F1859=10/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's g).

Isa 49:2, Ps 2:9, Isa 63:3.

tend: see Rev 2:27.

wine vat of the wine of: AV differs somewhat (wine press of).
Isa 49:6 ‫וַיֹּ֗אמֶר נָקֵ֨ל מִֽהְיוֹתְךָ֥ לִי֙ עֶ֔בֶד לְהָקִים֙ אֶת־שִׁבְטֵ֣י יַעֲקֹ֔ב *ונצירי **וּנְצוּרֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לְהָשִׁ֑יב וּנְתַתִּ֙יךָ֙ לְא֣וֹר גּוֹיִ֔ם לִֽהְי֥וֹת יְשׁוּעָתִ֖י עַד־קְצֵ֥ה הָאָֽרֶץ׃ ס‬

And he said,

“Is it a trivial matter to be my servant,

To establish the tribes of Jacob,

And to restore those preserved of Israel?

And I will make you a light of the Gentiles

To be my salvation

As far as the end of the earth.

preserved: the ketiv and qeré are similar words with the same meaning.

Luke 2:32, Acts 13:47.
Luke 2:32 fw~j ei0j a)poka&luyin e0qnw~n, kai\ do/can laou= sou 870Israh/l.

A light for revelation to the Gentiles

And for the glory of your people Israel.”

Isa 42:6, Isa 49:6.

to ← of.

for the glory: we take the word as governed by ei0j; AV differs, taking it as the object of h9toi/masaj.
Isa 49:6 ‫וַיֹּ֗אמֶר נָקֵ֨ל מִֽהְיוֹתְךָ֥ לִי֙ עֶ֔בֶד לְהָקִים֙ אֶת־שִׁבְטֵ֣י יַעֲקֹ֔ב *ונצירי **וּנְצוּרֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לְהָשִׁ֑יב וּנְתַתִּ֙יךָ֙ לְא֣וֹר גּוֹיִ֔ם לִֽהְי֥וֹת יְשׁוּעָתִ֖י עַד־קְצֵ֥ה הָאָֽרֶץ׃ ס‬

And he said,

“Is it a trivial matter to be my servant,

To establish the tribes of Jacob,

And to restore those preserved of Israel?

And I will make you a light of the Gentiles

To be my salvation

As far as the end of the earth.

preserved: the ketiv and qeré are similar words with the same meaning.

Luke 2:32, Acts 13:47.
Acts 13:47 Ou3twj ga_r e0nte/taltai h9mi=n o9 ku/rioj, Te/qeika& se ei0j fw~j e0qnw~n, tou= ei]nai/ se ei0j swthri/an e3wj e0sxa&tou th=j gh=j. For this is what the Lord has commanded us:

‘I have appointed you as a light to the Gentiles,

For you to be for salvation

As far as the end of the earth.’ ”

Isa 49:6.

this is whatthus.

you (2x): singular.

to the Gentiles ← of Gentiles.

as ... for ← ei0j (introducing a predicate) ... ei0j (denoting purpose).
Isa 49:8 ‫כֹּ֣ה ׀ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֗ה בְּעֵ֤ת רָצוֹן֙ עֲנִיתִ֔יךָ וּבְי֥וֹם יְשׁוּעָ֖ה עֲזַרְתִּ֑יךָ וְאֶצָּרְךָ֗ וְאֶתֶּנְךָ֙ לִבְרִ֣ית עָ֔ם לְהָקִ֣ים אֶ֔רֶץ לְהַנְחִ֖יל נְחָל֥וֹת שֹׁמֵמֽוֹת׃‬

This is what the Lord says:

“At an acceptable time, I answered you,

And on the day of salvation, I helped you,

And I will preserve you and make you a covenant people,

To establish the earth,

By giving desolate places an inheritance,

2 Cor 6:2.

this is whatthus.

a covenant people ← a covenant of people. A reverse Hebraic genitive; compare Isa 42:6, Dan 11:20.

by giving ← by legating. Gerundial use of the infinitive.
2 Cor 6:2 le/gei ga&r, Kairw%~ dektw%~ e0ph/kousa& sou, kai\ e0n h9me/ra% swthri/aj e0boh/qhsa& soi: i0dou/, nu=n kairo\j eu0pro/sdektoj, i0dou/, nu=n h9me/ra swthri/aj - for he says,

“At an acceptable time I heard you,

And on the day of salvation I helped you.”

Behold, the time is now most acceptable; behold, now is the day of salvation –
Isa 49:8.

behold (etc.): the main verb of this long sentence is we are alive in 2 Cor 6:9.
Isa 49:10 ‫לֹ֤א יִרְעָ֙בוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א יִצְמָ֔אוּ וְלֹא־יַכֵּ֥ם שָׁרָ֖ב וָשָׁ֑מֶשׁ כִּי־מְרַחֲמָ֣ם יְנַהֲגֵ֔ם וְעַל־מַבּ֥וּעֵי מַ֖יִם יְנַהֲלֵֽם׃‬

They will not hunger, and they will not thirst,

And neither a dry heat wave nor the sun will harm them,

For as he has mercy on them,

He will guide them,

And he will lead them to springs of water.

Rev 7:16, Rev 7:17.

harm ← strike.
Rev 7:16 Ou0 peina&sousin e1ti, ou0de\ diyh/sousin e1ti, {RP P1904: ou0d' ou0} [TR: ou0de\] mh\ pe/sh| e0p' au0tou\j o9 h3lioj, ou0de\ pa~n kau=ma:

They will no longer hunger

Or thirst any longer,

Nor will the sunlight fall on them at all,

Nor any scorching heat,

ou0d' ou0, nor (1), RP P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. ou0de\, nor (2), TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's fn. We judge from [csntm.org GA69_0206b.jpg] f** to read ou0qe, Scrivener's d mutat.).

Isa 49:10.

any ← every.
Isa 49:10 ‫לֹ֤א יִרְעָ֙בוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א יִצְמָ֔אוּ וְלֹא־יַכֵּ֥ם שָׁרָ֖ב וָשָׁ֑מֶשׁ כִּי־מְרַחֲמָ֣ם יְנַהֲגֵ֔ם וְעַל־מַבּ֥וּעֵי מַ֖יִם יְנַהֲלֵֽם׃‬

They will not hunger, and they will not thirst,

And neither a dry heat wave nor the sun will harm them,

For as he has mercy on them,

He will guide them,

And he will lead them to springs of water.

Rev 7:16, Rev 7:17.

harm ← strike.
Rev 7:17 o3ti to\ a)rni/on to\ a)na_ me/son tou= qro/nou {RP-text P1904: poimai/nei} [RP-marg TR: poimanei=] au0tou/j, kai\ {RP-text: o9dhgei=} [RP-marg P1904 TR: o9dhgh/sei] au0tou\j e0pi\ {RP P1904: zwh=j} [TR: zw&saj] phga_j u9da&twn, kai\ e0calei/yei o9 qeo\j pa~n da&kruon {RP P1904: e0k} [TR: a)po\] tw~n o0fqalmw~n au0tw~n.

For the lamb which is in the middle of the throne

{RP-text P1904: Is} [RP-marg TR: Will be] a shepherd to them,

And he {RP-text: guides} [RP-marg P1904 TR: will guide] them to the sources of {RP P1904: waters of life} [TR: living waters],

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

poimai/nei, tends, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. poimanei=, will tend, RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fh*ln). AV differs textually.

o9dhgei=, guides, RP-text F1859=10/13 (incl. l misspelled) vs. o9dhgh/sei, will guide, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fh*n). AV differs textually.

zwh=j, of life, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. zw&saj, living, TR F1859=0/12.

e0k, out of, RP P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. a)po\, from, TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's fgn).

Isa 49:10, Isa 25:8, Jer 31:9 etc.

in the middle of ← between, among.
Isa 49:13 ‫רָנּ֤וּ שָׁמַ֙יִם֙ וְגִ֣ילִי אָ֔רֶץ *יפצחו **וּפִצְח֥וּ הָרִ֖ים רִנָּ֑ה כִּֽי־נִחַ֤ם יְהוָה֙ עַמּ֔וֹ וַעֲנִיָּ֖ו יְרַחֵֽם׃ ס‬

Be jubilant, O heavens,

And rejoice, O earth.

{Q: And break out into jubilation, O mountains,} [K: Let the mountains break out into jubilation,]

For the Lord has comforted his people,

And has mercy on his needy.

Rev 12:12. Rev 12:12 Dia_ tou=to eu0frai/nesqe, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: oi9] ou0ranoi\ kai\ oi9 e0n au0toi=j skhnou=ntej: Ou0ai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: toi=j katoikou=sin] {RP: th|= gh|= kai\ th|= qala&ssh|} [P1904 TR: th\n gh=n kai\ th\n qa&lassan], o3ti kate/bh o9 dia&boloj pro\j u9ma~j e1xwn qumo\n me/gan, ei0dw_j o3ti o0li/gon kairo\n e1xei. On account of this, “Be jubilant, {RP-text P1904: O} [RP-marg TR: O] heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to {RP P1904: - } [TR: those who inhabit] the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, harbouring great wrath, knowing that he has little time.” oi9, O (heavens): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's cgmn).

toi=j katoikou=sin, to those who dwell: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

th|= gh|= kai\ th|= qala&ssh|, in / to the land and the sea (dative), RP F1859=11/13 vs. th\n gh=n kai\ th\n qa&lassan, (by) the land and the sea (accusative, as used in oaths), P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

Ps 96:11, Isa 49:13, 1 Chr 16:31.

knowing: causal use of the participle, but no causal word needed in English.
Isa 52:5 ‫וְעַתָּ֤ה *מי־*לי־**מַה־**לִּי־פֹה֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה כִּֽי־לֻקַּ֥ח עַמִּ֖י חִנָּ֑ם *משלו **מֹשְׁלָ֤יו יְהֵילִ֙ילוּ֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה וְתָמִ֥יד כָּל־הַיּ֖וֹם שְׁמִ֥י מִנֹּאָֽץ׃‬

And now {K: who} [Q: what] do I have here?

Says the Lord,

For my people were taken undeservedly.

Those ruling them make them howl,

Says the Lord,

And my name is continuously despised

All day long.

those ruling them: the ketiv has a singular object suffix, as a collective reference to my people.

Rom 2:24.
Rom 2:24 To\ ga_r o1noma tou= qeou= di' u9ma~j blasfhmei=tai e0n toi=j e1qnesin, kaqw_j ge/graptai. “For the name of God is blasphemed because of you among the Gentiles”, as it stands written. See Ezek 36:20-21, Ezek 36:23, Isa 52:5.
Isa 52:7 ‫מַה־נָּאו֨וּ עַל־הֶהָרִ֜ים רַגְלֵ֣י מְבַשֵּׂ֗ר מַשְׁמִ֧יעַ שָׁל֛וֹם מְבַשֵּׂ֥ר ט֖וֹב מַשְׁמִ֣יעַ יְשׁוּעָ֑ה אֹמֵ֥ר לְצִיּ֖וֹן מָלַ֥ךְ אֱלֹהָֽיִךְ׃‬

How becoming on the mountains

Are the feet of him who brings good news,

Who proclaims peace,

Who brings good news of well-being,

Who proclaims salvation,

Who says to Zion,

“Your God reigns.”

Rom 10:15. Compare also Nah 2:1 (Nah 1:15AV). Rom 10:15 Pw~j de\ khru/cousin e0a_n mh\ a)postalw~sin; Kaqw_j ge/graptai, 879Wj w(rai=oi oi9 po/dej tw~n eu0aggelizome/nwn ei0rh/nhn, tw~n eu0aggelizome/nwn ta_ a)gaqa&. And how will they do the proclaiming if they are not sent? As it stands written:

“How beautiful are the feet

Of those who preach the gospel of peace,

Of those who preach the gospel of good things!”

Isa 52:7.
Isa 52:11 ‫ס֤וּרוּ ס֙וּרוּ֙ צְא֣וּ מִשָּׁ֔ם טָמֵ֖א אַל־תִּגָּ֑עוּ צְא֣וּ מִתּוֹכָ֔הּ הִבָּ֕רוּ נֹשְׂאֵ֖י כְּלֵ֥י יְהוָֽה׃‬

Depart, depart,

Get out of there;

Do not touch any unclean thing.

Go away from her,

Be purified,

You who carry the Lord's equipment.

2 Cor 6:17, Rev 18:4.

go away from her ← go out from her midst.
2 Cor 6:17 Dio/, {RP TR: 870Ece/lqete} [P1904: 870Ece/lqate] e0k me/sou au0tw~n kai\ a)fori/sqhte, le/gei ku/rioj, kai\ a)kaqa&rtou mh\ a#ptesqe: ka)gw_ ei0sde/comai u9ma~j, So

Go away from them

And be separate”,

Says the Lord,

“And do not touch anything unclean,

and I will receive you,
e0ce/lqete, go out (classical form), RP TR F1859=13/13 vs. e0ce/lqate, go out (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=0/13.

Isa 52:11.

away from them ← from their midst.
Isa 52:11 ‫ס֤וּרוּ ס֙וּרוּ֙ צְא֣וּ מִשָּׁ֔ם טָמֵ֖א אַל־תִּגָּ֑עוּ צְא֣וּ מִתּוֹכָ֔הּ הִבָּ֕רוּ נֹשְׂאֵ֖י כְּלֵ֥י יְהוָֽה׃‬

Depart, depart,

Get out of there;

Do not touch any unclean thing.

Go away from her,

Be purified,

You who carry the Lord's equipment.

2 Cor 6:17, Rev 18:4.

go away from her ← go out from her midst.
Rev 18:4 Kai\ h1kousa a!llhn fwnh\n e0k tou= ou0ranou=, le/gousan, {RP-text P1904: 871Ecelqe} [RP-marg TR: 870Ece/lqete] e0c au0th=j o9 lao/j mou, i3na mh\ sugkoinwnh/shte tai=j a(marti/aij au0th=j, kai\ {RP: e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j i3na mh\ la&bhte} [P1904: i3na e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j mh\ la&bhte] [TR: i3na mh\ la&bhte e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j]: Then I heard another voice from heaven say, “My people, get out of her, so that you don't become party to her sins, and so you don't receive any of her plagues, e1celqe, go out (singular), RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. e0ce/lqete, go out (plural), RP-marg TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h) vs. another reading, perhaps intended as the TR one, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j i3na mh\ la&bhte, of her plagues + in order that + you do not receive, RP F1859=12/12 (with some variations in bjkl) vs. i3na e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j mh\ la&bhte, in order that + of her plagues + you do not receive, P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. i3na mh\ la&bhte e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j, in order that + you do not receive + of her plagues, TR F1859=0/12.

Isa 48:20, Isa 52:11, Jer 51:6.
Isa 52:15 ‫כֵּ֤ן יַזֶּה֙ גּוֹיִ֣ם רַבִּ֔ים עָלָ֛יו יִקְפְּצ֥וּ מְלָכִ֖ים פִּיהֶ֑ם כִּ֠י אֲשֶׁ֨ר לֹֽא־סֻפַּ֤ר לָהֶם֙ רָא֔וּ וַאֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־שָׁמְע֖וּ הִתְבּוֹנָֽנוּ׃‬

So he will sprinkle many nations;

Kings will shut their mouths at him,

For they will see what was never told them,

And they will contemplate

What they had never heard before.

Rom 15:21.

sprinkle: the word is common in Leviticus for sprinkling blood for atonement.

never (2x)not.
Rom 15:21 a)lla&, kaqw_j ge/graptai, Oi[j ou0k a)nhgge/lh peri\ au0tou=, o1yontai: kai\ oi4 ou0k a)khko/asin sunh/sousin. but as it stands written:

Those to whom no announcement about him was made

Shall see,

And those who have not heard

Will understand.”

Isa 52:15.

no announcement about him was made ← it has not been announced about him.
Isa 53:1 ‫מִ֥י הֶאֱמִ֖ין לִשְׁמֻעָתֵ֑נוּ וּזְר֥וֹעַ יְהוָ֖ה עַל־מִ֥י נִגְלָֽתָה׃‬

Who has believed our account,

And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

John 12:38, Rom 10:16.

account ← thing heard.
John 12:38 i3na o9 lo/goj 870Hsai+/ou tou= profh/tou plhrwqh|=, o4n ei]pen, Ku/rie, ti/j e0pi/steusen th|= a)koh|= h9mw~n; Kai\ o9 braxi/wn kuri/ou ti/ni a)pekalu/fqh; so that the word of Isaiah the prophet, which he spoke, might be fulfilled:

“Lord, who has believed our account?

And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?”

Isa 53:1.

account ← thing heard.
Isa 53:1 ‫מִ֥י הֶאֱמִ֖ין לִשְׁמֻעָתֵ֑נוּ וּזְר֥וֹעַ יְהוָ֖ה עַל־מִ֥י נִגְלָֽתָה׃‬

Who has believed our account,

And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

John 12:38, Rom 10:16.

account ← thing heard.
Rom 10:16 870All' ou0 pa&ntej u9ph/kousan tw%~ eu0aggeli/w%. 870Hsai+/aj ga_r le/gei, Ku/rie, ti/j e0pi/steusen th|= a)koh|= h9mw~n; But not all have responded to the gospel. For Isaiah says,

“Lord, who has believed our account?”

Isa 53:1.

responded to ← obeyed.

account ← thing heard.
Isa 53:4 ‫אָכֵ֤ן חֳלָיֵ֙נוּ֙ ה֣וּא נָשָׂ֔א וּמַכְאֹבֵ֖ינוּ סְבָלָ֑ם וַאֲנַ֣חְנוּ חֲשַׁבְנֻ֔הוּ נָג֛וּעַ מֻכֵּ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים וּמְעֻנֶּֽה׃‬

Surely he has borne our ailments

And taken the weight of our sorrows,

But we considered him stricken

– Struck by God and afflicted.

Matt 8:17. Alluded to in 1 Pet 2:24.

sorrows: or pains.
Matt 8:17 o3pwj plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n dia_ 870Hsai+/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Au0to\j ta_j a)sqenei/aj h9mw~n e1laben, kai\ ta_j no/souj e0ba&stasen. in order that that which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet should be fulfilled, where he says,

“He took our ailments

And bore our sicknesses.”

Isa 53:4.
Isa 53:4 ‫אָכֵ֤ן חֳלָיֵ֙נוּ֙ ה֣וּא נָשָׂ֔א וּמַכְאֹבֵ֖ינוּ סְבָלָ֑ם וַאֲנַ֣חְנוּ חֲשַׁבְנֻ֔הוּ נָג֛וּעַ מֻכֵּ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים וּמְעֻנֶּֽה׃‬

Surely he has borne our ailments

And taken the weight of our sorrows,

But we considered him stricken

– Struck by God and afflicted.

Matt 8:17. Alluded to in 1 Pet 2:24.

sorrows: or pains.
1 Pet 2:24 o4j ta_j a(marti/aj h9mw~n au0to\j a)nh/negken e0n tw%~ sw&mati au0tou= e0pi\ to\ cu/lon, i3na, tai=j a(marti/aij a)pogeno/menoi, th|= dikaiosu/nh| zh/swmen: ou[ tw%~ mw&lwpi au0tou= i0a&qhte. who himself took up our sins in his body on the wood, in order that we, having died to sins, should live to righteousness:

By whose weal you were healed.

Isa 53:5. The verse also alludes to Isa 53:4.

having died: or having been removed, but the contrast is with should live.

weal: or welt, the linear scar or bruise after, e.g., flogging or whipping.
Isa 53:5 ‫וְהוּא֙ מְחֹלָ֣ל מִפְּשָׁעֵ֔נוּ מְדֻכָּ֖א מֵעֲוֺנֹתֵ֑ינוּ מוּסַ֤ר שְׁלוֹמֵ֙נוּ֙ עָלָ֔יו וּבַחֲבֻרָת֖וֹ נִרְפָּא־לָֽנוּ׃‬

He was wounded for our transgressions;

He was bruised for our iniquities.

The punishment for our peace was on him,

And by his weals

Our healing came.

1 Pet 2:24.

wounded: or pierced, but not the same word as in Zech 12:10.

our healing came ← it was healed for us.
1 Pet 2:24 o4j ta_j a(marti/aj h9mw~n au0to\j a)nh/negken e0n tw%~ sw&mati au0tou= e0pi\ to\ cu/lon, i3na, tai=j a(marti/aij a)pogeno/menoi, th|= dikaiosu/nh| zh/swmen: ou[ tw%~ mw&lwpi au0tou= i0a&qhte. who himself took up our sins in his body on the wood, in order that we, having died to sins, should live to righteousness:

By whose weal you were healed.

Isa 53:5. The verse also alludes to Isa 53:4.

having died: or having been removed, but the contrast is with should live.

weal: or welt, the linear scar or bruise after, e.g., flogging or whipping.
Isa 53:6 ‫כֻּלָּ֙נוּ֙ כַּצֹּ֣אן תָּעִ֔ינוּ אִ֥ישׁ לְדַרְכּ֖וֹ פָּנִ֑ינוּ וַֽיהוָה֙ הִפְגִּ֣יעַ בּ֔וֹ אֵ֖ת עֲוֺ֥ן כֻּלָּֽנוּ׃‬

We like sheep have all gone astray;

We have each turned our own way.

But the Lord has laid on him

The iniquity of us all.

1 Pet 2:25.

our own way ← his (own) way.
1 Pet 2:25 87]Hte ga_r w(j pro/bata planw&mena: a)ll' e0pestra&fhte nu=n e0pi\ to\n poime/na kai\ e0pi/skopon tw~n yuxw~n u9mw~n.

For you were like sheep going astray,

but you have now returned to the shepherd and overseer of your beings.
Isa 53:6.

beings ← souls.
Isa 53:7 ‫נִגַּ֨שׂ וְה֣וּא נַעֲנֶה֮ וְלֹ֣א יִפְתַּח־פִּיו֒ כַּשֶּׂה֙ לַטֶּ֣בַח יוּבָ֔ל וּכְרָחֵ֕ל לִפְנֵ֥י גֹזְזֶ֖יהָ נֶאֱלָ֑מָה וְלֹ֥א יִפְתַּ֖ח פִּֽיו׃‬

He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,

But he did not open his mouth.

He was led like a lamb to the slaughter,

And as a ewe before its shearers is silent

He did not open his mouth.

Acts 8:32. Alluded to in 1 Pet 2:23. Acts 8:32 879H de\ perioxh\ th=j grafh=j h4n a)negi/nwsken h]n au3th, 879Wj pro/baton e0pi\ sfagh\n h1xqh, kai\ w(j a)mno\j e0nanti/on tou= kei/rontoj au0to\n a!fwnoj, ou3twj ou0k a)noi/gei to\ sto/ma au0tou=. Now the passage of scripture which he was reading was this:

“He was led like a sheep to the slaughter,

And as a lamb mute before its shearer,

So he did not open his mouth.

Isa 53:7.

did ← does.
Isa 53:7 ‫נִגַּ֨שׂ וְה֣וּא נַעֲנֶה֮ וְלֹ֣א יִפְתַּח־פִּיו֒ כַּשֶּׂה֙ לַטֶּ֣בַח יוּבָ֔ל וּכְרָחֵ֕ל לִפְנֵ֥י גֹזְזֶ֖יהָ נֶאֱלָ֑מָה וְלֹ֥א יִפְתַּ֖ח פִּֽיו׃‬

He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,

But he did not open his mouth.

He was led like a lamb to the slaughter,

And as a ewe before its shearers is silent

He did not open his mouth.

Acts 8:32. Alluded to in 1 Pet 2:23. 1 Pet 2:23 o4j loidorou/menoj ou0k a)nteloido/rei, pa&sxwn ou0k h0pei/lei, paredi/dou de\ tw%~ kri/nonti dikai/wj: who, when railed at, did not rail back; when suffering, did not make threats, but committed himself to him who judges righteously, An allusion to Isa 53:7.

himself: from the middle voice (for reflexive pronoun).
Isa 53:8 ‫מֵעֹ֤צֶר וּמִמִּשְׁפָּט֙ לֻקָּ֔ח וְאֶת־דּוֹר֖וֹ מִ֣י יְשׂוֹחֵ֑חַ כִּ֤י נִגְזַר֙ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ חַיִּ֔ים מִפֶּ֥שַׁע עַמִּ֖י נֶ֥גַע לָֽמוֹ׃‬

He was taken under compulsion and by sentencing,

And who can describe what his posterity is?

For he was cut off from the land of the living;

For the transgression of my people

He was struck down.

Acts 8:33.

under compulsion ← from retention.

posterity ← generation.

he was struck down ← a strike on him.
Acts 8:33 870En th|= tapeinw&sei au0tou= h9 kri/sij au0tou= h1rqh, th\n de\ genea_n au0tou= ti/j dihgh/setai; 873Oti ai1retai a)po\ th=j gh=j h9 zwh\ au0tou=.

While he was in his lowly state,

His justice was denied him.

But who can describe what his posterity is?

For his life is taken from the earth.”

Isa 53:8.

denied himremoved.

can ← will, a Hebraism.

posterity ← generation.
Isa 53:9 ‫וַיִּתֵּ֤ן אֶת־רְשָׁעִים֙ קִבְר֔וֹ וְאֶת־עָשִׁ֖יר בְּמֹתָ֑יו עַ֚ל לֹא־חָמָ֣ס עָשָׂ֔ה וְלֹ֥א מִרְמָ֖ה בְּפִֽיו׃‬

And his grave was appointed with the wicked,

But with a rich man in his death,

Because he did no violence,

And there was no deceit in his mouth.

1 Pet 2:22.

his grave was appointed ← one / he appointed his grave. Avoidance of the passive. But possibly he (the Lord, or even the servant) appointed his grave.
1 Pet 2:22 o4j a(marti/an ou0k e0poi/hsen, ou0de\ eu9re/qh do/loj e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tou=:

Who did not commit sin,

Nor was any deceit found in his mouth,

Isa 53:9.
Isa 53:12 ‫לָכֵ֞ן אֲחַלֶּק־ל֣וֹ בָרַבִּ֗ים וְאֶת־עֲצוּמִים֮ יְחַלֵּ֣ק שָׁלָל֒ תַּ֗חַת אֲשֶׁ֨ר הֶעֱרָ֤ה לַמָּ֙וֶת֙ נַפְשׁ֔וֹ וְאֶת־פֹּשְׁעִ֖ים נִמְנָ֑ה וְהוּא֙ חֵטְא־רַבִּ֣ים נָשָׂ֔א וְלַפֹּשְׁעִ֖ים יַפְגִּֽיעַ׃ ס‬

That is why I will apportion him among the great,

And he will share spoil with the mighty,

Because he poured out his being to death,

And he was counted with the transgressors,

And he bore the sin of many,

And he pleaded for the transgressors.

Mark 15:28, Luke 22:37.

being ← soul.

transgressors ... transgressors: otiose, but see Gen 12:5.

pleaded: or will plead, but we take it as contemporaneous with the preceding verb.
Mark 15:28 Kai\ e0plhrw&qh h9 grafh\ h9 le/gousa, Kai\ meta_ a)no/mwn e0logi/sqh. So the scripture was fulfilled which says, “And he was reckoned with lawless ones.” Isa 53:12.
Isa 53:12 ‫לָכֵ֞ן אֲחַלֶּק־ל֣וֹ בָרַבִּ֗ים וְאֶת־עֲצוּמִים֮ יְחַלֵּ֣ק שָׁלָל֒ תַּ֗חַת אֲשֶׁ֨ר הֶעֱרָ֤ה לַמָּ֙וֶת֙ נַפְשׁ֔וֹ וְאֶת־פֹּשְׁעִ֖ים נִמְנָ֑ה וְהוּא֙ חֵטְא־רַבִּ֣ים נָשָׂ֔א וְלַפֹּשְׁעִ֖ים יַפְגִּֽיעַ׃ ס‬

That is why I will apportion him among the great,

And he will share spoil with the mighty,

Because he poured out his being to death,

And he was counted with the transgressors,

And he bore the sin of many,

And he pleaded for the transgressors.

Mark 15:28, Luke 22:37.

being ← soul.

transgressors ... transgressors: otiose, but see Gen 12:5.

pleaded: or will plead, but we take it as contemporaneous with the preceding verb.
Luke 22:37 Le/gw ga_r u9mi=n o3ti e1ti tou=to to\ gegramme/non dei= telesqh=nai e0n e0moi/, to\ Kai\ meta_ a)no/mwn e0logi/sqh: kai\ ga_r ta_ peri\ e0mou= te/loj e1xei. For I say to you that this scripture must still be fulfilled in me: the passage, ‘And he was reckoned among the lawless.’ And indeed, the things concerning me are coming to completion.” Isa 53:12.

coming to completion ← have an end.
Isa 54:1 ‫רָנִּ֥י עֲקָרָ֖ה לֹ֣א יָלָ֑דָה פִּצְחִ֨י רִנָּ֤ה וְצַהֲלִי֙ לֹא־חָ֔לָה כִּֽי־רַבִּ֧ים בְּֽנֵי־שׁוֹמֵמָ֛ה מִבְּנֵ֥י בְעוּלָ֖ה אָמַ֥ר יְהוָֽה׃‬

“Be jubilant, you who are barren

And have not given birth.

Break out into jubilation,

And shout for joy,

You who have not been through labour,

For the sons of her who was desolate will be more

Than the sons of her who is married,

Says the Lord.

Gal 4:27.

shout for joy ← neigh. Compare Isa 10:30.
Gal 4:27 ge/graptai ga&r, Eu0fra&nqhti, stei=ra, h9 ou0 ti/ktousa: r(h=con kai\ bo/hson, h9 ou0k w)di/nousa: o3ti polla_ ta_ te/kna th=j e0rh/mou ma~llon h2 th=j e0xou/shj to\n a!ndra. For it stands written:

“Rejoice, you who are barren

And cannot give birth;

Break out and cry out,

You who cannot go into labour,

Because the children of the desolate will be many more

Than those of her who has a husband.”

Isa 54:1.
Isa 54:13 ‫וְכָל־בָּנַ֖יִךְ לִמּוּדֵ֣י יְהוָ֑ה וְרַ֖ב שְׁל֥וֹם בָּנָֽיִךְ׃‬

And all your sons will be the Lord's disciples,

And the peace of your sons

Will be great.

John 6:45.

disciples: perhaps, having learnt, scholars.
John 6:45 871Estin gegramme/non e0n toi=j profh/taij, Kai\ e1sontai pa&ntej didaktoi\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tou=] qeou=. Pa~j {RP TR: ou]n} [P1904: - ] o9 {RP P1904: a)kou/wn} [TR: a)kou/saj] para_ tou= patro\j kai\ maqw&n, e1rxetai pro/j me. It stands written in the prophets: ‘And they will all be taught by God.’ {RP TR: So everyone} [P1904: Everyone] who {RP P1904: hears} [TR: has heard] from the father and has learnt comes to me. tou=, of the (God): absent in RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's ct*xy) F1859=3/7.

ou]n, therefore: present in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.

a)kou/wn, hearing, RP P1904 F1853=15/20 F1859=1/7 vs. a)kou/saj, having heard, TR F1853=5/20 F1859=6/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.9 PV=0.5%.

Isa 54:13, Jer 31:33-34.
Isa 55:1 ‫ה֤וֹי כָּל־צָמֵא֙ לְכ֣וּ לַמַּ֔יִם וַאֲשֶׁ֥ר אֵֽין־ל֖וֹ כָּ֑סֶף לְכ֤וּ שִׁבְרוּ֙ וֶֽאֱכֹ֔לוּ וּלְכ֣וּ שִׁבְר֗וּ בְּלוֹא־כֶ֛סֶף וּבְל֥וֹא מְחִ֖יר יַ֥יִן וְחָלָֽב׃‬

“Hey, everyone who is thirsty,

Come to the water,

Including him who has no money.

Come and buy something, and eat,

And come and buy wine and milk,

Without money and without a price.

Rev 21:6, Rev 22:17; John 7:38 (allusion).

buy (2x)broker.
Rev 21:6 Kai\ ei]pe/n moi, {RP: Ge/gona} [P1904 TR: Ge/gonen]: {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0gw_] [TR: e0gw& ei0mi] to\ {RP: 871Alfa} [P1904 TR: 872A] kai\ to\ 87]W, h9 a)rxh\ kai\ to\ te/loj. 870Egw_ tw%~ diyw~nti dw&sw {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0tw%~] e0k th=j phgh=j tou= u3datoj th=j zwh=j dwrea&n. And he said to me, {RP: “I have become} [P1904: “It has come about. I am] [TR: “It has come about. I am] the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him who is thirsty drink from the source of the water of life, freely. ge/gona, I have become, RP F1859=8/9 vs. ge/gonen, it has taken place, P1904 TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's b). AV differs textually.

words below absent, RP-text F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bdehjk) vs. e0gw_, I, RP-marg P1904 F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's clm) vs. e0gw& ei0mi, I (emphatically) am, TR F1859=0/9.

872Alfa, Alpha, RP F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkm) vs. 872A, A (initial letter only), P1904 TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's ejl). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=6:5.

au0tw%~, to him: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's hkl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdejm). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:6.

Punctuation: we ignore the raised dot after Ge/gona of RP AV. So AV differs. A disparity (#3) with RP: the raised dot is appropriate to the marginal reading only.

Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6; Isa 55:1.

[TR: I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.]
Isa 55:1 ‫ה֤וֹי כָּל־צָמֵא֙ לְכ֣וּ לַמַּ֔יִם וַאֲשֶׁ֥ר אֵֽין־ל֖וֹ כָּ֑סֶף לְכ֤וּ שִׁבְרוּ֙ וֶֽאֱכֹ֔לוּ וּלְכ֣וּ שִׁבְר֗וּ בְּלוֹא־כֶ֛סֶף וּבְל֥וֹא מְחִ֖יר יַ֥יִן וְחָלָֽב׃‬

“Hey, everyone who is thirsty,

Come to the water,

Including him who has no money.

Come and buy something, and eat,

And come and buy wine and milk,

Without money and without a price.

Rev 21:6, Rev 22:17; John 7:38 (allusion).

buy (2x)broker.
Rev 22:17 Kai\ to\ pneu=ma kai\ h9 nu/mfh le/gousin, {RP P1904: 871Erxou} [TR: 870Elqe/]. Kai\ o9 a)kou/wn ei0pa&tw, {RP P1904: 871Erxou} [TR: 870Elqe/]. Kai\ o9 diyw~n {RP P1904: e0rxe/sqw} [TR: e0lqe/tw]: {RP: - } [P1904 TR: kai\] o9 qe/lwn {RP P1904: labe/tw} [TR: lambane/tw] {RP P1904: - } [TR: to\] u3dwr zwh=j dwrea&n. And the spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let him who is thirsty come; {RP: - } [P1904 TR: and] let him who wishes take {RP P1904: the} [TR: the] water of life freely. e1rxou (2x), come (present, so imperfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. e0lqe/, come (aorist, so perfective aspect), TR F1859=0/7.

e0rxe/sqw, let him come (present, so imperfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. e0lqe/tw, let him come (aorist, so perfective aspect), TR F1859=0/7.

kai\, and (he who wishes): absent in RP F1859=6/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's d).

labe/tw, let him take (present, so imperfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. lambane/tw, let him take (aorist, so perfective aspect), TR F1859=0/7.

to\, the (water): absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. present in TR F1859=0/7.

Isa 55:1.
Isa 55:1 ‫ה֤וֹי כָּל־צָמֵא֙ לְכ֣וּ לַמַּ֔יִם וַאֲשֶׁ֥ר אֵֽין־ל֖וֹ כָּ֑סֶף לְכ֤וּ שִׁבְרוּ֙ וֶֽאֱכֹ֔לוּ וּלְכ֣וּ שִׁבְר֗וּ בְּלוֹא־כֶ֛סֶף וּבְל֥וֹא מְחִ֖יר יַ֥יִן וְחָלָֽב׃‬

“Hey, everyone who is thirsty,

Come to the water,

Including him who has no money.

Come and buy something, and eat,

And come and buy wine and milk,

Without money and without a price.

Rev 21:6, Rev 22:17; John 7:38 (allusion).

buy (2x)broker.
John 7:38 879O pisteu/wn ei0j e0me/, kaqw_j ei]pen h9 grafh/, potamoi\ e0k th=j koili/aj au0tou= r(eu/sousin u3datoj zw~ntoj. As regards him who believes in me, as the scripture says, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his inside.’ ” Various allusions: Isa 12:3, Isa 55:1, Isa 58:11; Ezek 47:1; Joel 4:18MT (Joel 3:18AV), Zech 13:1, Zech 14:8.

inside ← belly.
Isa 55:3 ‫הַטּ֤וּ אָזְנְכֶם֙ וּלְכ֣וּ אֵלַ֔י שִׁמְע֖וּ וּתְחִ֣י נַפְשְׁכֶ֑ם וְאֶכְרְתָ֤ה לָכֶם֙ בְּרִ֣ית עוֹלָ֔ם חַֽסְדֵ֥י דָוִ֖ד הַנֶּאֱמָנִֽים׃‬

Incline your ears and come to me.

Listen, and let yourself live,

And I will make an age-abiding covenant for you

The faithful kindnesses of David.

Acts 13:34.

ears ← ear. Singular in Hebrew because one ear per person to be inclined. Compare Ezek 33:26.

yourself ← your soul.

make ← cut.
Acts 13:34 873Oti de\ a)ne/sthsen au0to\n e0k nekrw~n, mhke/ti me/llonta u9postre/fein ei0j diafqora&n, ou3twj ei1rhken o3ti Dw&sw u9mi=n ta_ o3sia {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] ta_ pista&. And in that he raised him from the dead, no longer destined to return to decay, he has spoken as follows:

‘I will give you the faithful sacred things of David.

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Isa 55:3.

as follows ← thus that.

sacred things: In the Masoretic Text of Isa 55:3, kindnesses, mercies (חַסְדֵי).
Isa 55:10 ‫כִּ֡י כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר יֵרֵד֩ הַגֶּ֨שֶׁם וְהַשֶּׁ֜לֶג מִן־הַשָּׁמַ֗יִם וְשָׁ֙מָּה֙ לֹ֣א יָשׁ֔וּב כִּ֚י אִם־הִרְוָ֣ה אֶת־הָאָ֔רֶץ וְהוֹלִידָ֖הּ וְהִצְמִיחָ֑הּ וְנָ֤תַן זֶ֙רַע֙ לַזֹּרֵ֔עַ וְלֶ֖חֶם לָאֹכֵֽל׃‬

For as the rain and the snow fall from the heavens

And do not return there,

But saturate the land

And cause it to be fertile,

And give growth and yield seed for the sower,

And bread for him who eats,

2 Cor 9:10.

to be fertile ← to beget, but also, to make beget.
2 Cor 9:10 879O de\ e0pixorhgw~n spe/rma tw%~ spei/ronti, kai\ a!rton ei0j brw~sin xorhgh/sai, kai\ plhqu/nai to\n spo/ron u9mw~n, kai\ au0ch/sai ta_ {RP P1904: genh/mata} [TR: gennh/mata] th=j dikaiosu/nhj u9mw~n: Now may he who supplies seed to the sower also supply bread for food, and may he multiply your seed sown and increase the yield of your righteousness, genh/mata, that which comes into being, produce (1- non-classical spelling, as if from gi/nomai), RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. gennh/mata, that which is begotten, produce (2- classical spelling, from genna&w), TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ck). Compare Luke 12:18.

Isa 55:10.

yield of your righteousness: subjective genitive of righteousness, what your righteousness yields.
Isa 56:7 ‫וַהֲבִיאוֹתִ֞ים אֶל־הַ֣ר קָדְשִׁ֗י וְשִׂמַּחְתִּים֙ בְּבֵ֣ית תְּפִלָּתִ֔י עוֹלֹתֵיהֶ֧ם וְזִבְחֵיהֶ֛ם לְרָצ֖וֹן עַֽל־מִזְבְּחִ֑י כִּ֣י בֵיתִ֔י בֵּית־תְּפִלָּ֥ה יִקָּרֵ֖א לְכָל־הָעַמִּֽים׃‬

And I will bring them to my holy mountain,

And I will make them joyful in my house of prayer.

Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices

Will be a delight on my altar,

And my house will be called

A house of prayer for all the nations.”

Matt 21:13, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46.

my holy mountain ← the mountain of my holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Matt 21:13 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Ge/graptai, 879O oi]ko/j mou oi]koj proseuxh=j klhqh/setai: u9mei=j de\ au0to\n e0poih/sate sph/laion lh|stw~n. and he said to them, “It stands written:

‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,

But you have made it a den of thieves.’ ”

Isa 56:7, Jer 7:11.

den of thieves ← cave of plunderers.
Isa 56:7 ‫וַהֲבִיאוֹתִ֞ים אֶל־הַ֣ר קָדְשִׁ֗י וְשִׂמַּחְתִּים֙ בְּבֵ֣ית תְּפִלָּתִ֔י עוֹלֹתֵיהֶ֧ם וְזִבְחֵיהֶ֛ם לְרָצ֖וֹן עַֽל־מִזְבְּחִ֑י כִּ֣י בֵיתִ֔י בֵּית־תְּפִלָּ֥ה יִקָּרֵ֖א לְכָל־הָעַמִּֽים׃‬

And I will bring them to my holy mountain,

And I will make them joyful in my house of prayer.

Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices

Will be a delight on my altar,

And my house will be called

A house of prayer for all the nations.”

Matt 21:13, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46.

my holy mountain ← the mountain of my holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Mark 11:17 Kai\ e0di/dasken, le/gwn au0toi=j, Ou0 ge/graptai o3ti 879O oi]ko/j mou oi]koj proseuxh=j klhqh/setai pa~sin toi=j e1qnesin; 879Umei=j de\ {RP TR: e0poih/sate au0to\n} [P1904: au0to\n e0poih/sate] sph/laion lh|stw~n. Then he gave some teaching and said to them, “Does it not stand written that

My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations,

But you have made it a den of thieves?”

e0poih/sate au0to\n, you made + it, RP TR F1853=16/20 F1859=4/7 vs. au0to\n e0poih/sate, it + you made, P1904 F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's eqry) F1859=3/7.

Isa 56:7, Jer 7:11.

den of thieves ← cave of plunderers.
Isa 56:7 ‫וַהֲבִיאוֹתִ֞ים אֶל־הַ֣ר קָדְשִׁ֗י וְשִׂמַּחְתִּים֙ בְּבֵ֣ית תְּפִלָּתִ֔י עוֹלֹתֵיהֶ֧ם וְזִבְחֵיהֶ֛ם לְרָצ֖וֹן עַֽל־מִזְבְּחִ֑י כִּ֣י בֵיתִ֔י בֵּית־תְּפִלָּ֥ה יִקָּרֵ֖א לְכָל־הָעַמִּֽים׃‬

And I will bring them to my holy mountain,

And I will make them joyful in my house of prayer.

Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices

Will be a delight on my altar,

And my house will be called

A house of prayer for all the nations.”

Matt 21:13, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46.

my holy mountain ← the mountain of my holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Luke 19:46 le/gwn au0toi=j, Ge/graptai {RP TR: ,} [P1904: o3ti] 879O oi]ko/j mou oi]koj proseuxh=j e0sti/n: u9mei=j de\ au0to\n e0poih/sate sph/laion lh|stw~n. saying to them, “It stands written:

‘My house is a house of prayer,

But you have made it a den of thieves.’ ”

o3ti, (it stands written) that: absent in RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=3/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's gp) F1859=3/6.

Isa 56:7, Jer 7:11.

den of thieves ← cave of plunderers.
Isa 57:19 ‫בּוֹרֵ֖א *נוב **נִ֣יב שְׂפָתָ֑יִם שָׁל֨וֹם ׀ שָׁל֜וֹם לָרָח֧וֹק וְלַקָּר֛וֹב אָמַ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה וּרְפָאתִֽיו׃‬

I create the fruit of the lips:

Peace, peace to him who is far off

And to him who is near,

Says the Lord,

And I will heal him.

the fruit: the ketiv and qeré are similar words with the same meaning.

Eph 2:17.
Eph 2:17 kai\ e0lqw_n eu0hggeli/sato ei0rh/nhn u9mi=n toi=j makra_n kai\ toi=j e0ggu/j: And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and to those who were near, Isa 57:19.
Isa 58:6 ‫הֲל֣וֹא זֶה֮ צ֣וֹם אֶבְחָרֵהוּ֒ פַּתֵּ֙חַ֙ חַרְצֻבּ֣וֹת רֶ֔שַׁע הַתֵּ֖ר אֲגֻדּ֣וֹת מוֹטָ֑ה וְשַׁלַּ֤ח רְצוּצִים֙ חָפְשִׁ֔ים וְכָל־מוֹטָ֖ה תְּנַתֵּֽקוּ׃‬

Is not this the fast that I approve of:

To loosen tight bonds of wickedness,

To unfasten the straps of the yoke,

And to send the oppressed away free,

And that you detach every yoke?

Alluded to in Luke 4:18.

I approve of ← I will choose it.

oppressed ← crushed, buckled.
Luke 4:18 Pneu=ma kuri/ou e0p' e0me/, ou[ {RP P1904: ei3neken} [TR: e3neken] e1xrise/n me {RP P1904: eu0aggeli/sasqai} [TR: eu0aggeli/zesqai] ptwxoi=j: a)pe/stalke/n me i0a&sasqai tou\j suntetrimme/nouj th\n kardi/an: khru/cai ai0xmalw&toij a!fesin, kai\ tufloi=j a)na&bleyin, a)postei=lai teqrausme/nouj e0n a)fe/sei,

The spirit of the Lord is on me,

On account of which he has anointed me

To bring good tidings to the poor.

He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim release to captives,

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To send the wounded off discharged,

ei3neken, on account of (1), RP P1904 F1853=12/19 F1859=4/7 vs. e3neken, on account of (2), TR F1853=5/19 F1859=1/7 vs. other spellings, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's bc) F1859=2/7.

eu0aggeli/sasqai, to proclaim good news (aorist), RP P1904 F1853=17/19 F1859=6/7 vs. eu0aggeli/zesqai, to proclaim good news (present), TR F1853=0/19 F1859=0/7 vs. another reading, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's cs) F1859=1/7.

Isa 61:1, Isa 58:6, Isa 35:5.
Isa 58:11 ‫וְנָחֲךָ֣ יְהוָה֮ תָּמִיד֒ וְהִשְׂבִּ֤יעַ בְּצַחְצָחוֹת֙ נַפְשֶׁ֔ךָ וְעַצְמֹתֶ֖יךָ יַחֲלִ֑יץ וְהָיִ֙יתָ֙ כְּגַ֣ן רָוֶ֔ה וּכְמוֹצָ֣א מַ֔יִם אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹא־יְכַזְּב֖וּ מֵימָֽיו׃‬

And the Lord will always lead you,

And he will satisfy your appetite in dry places,

And make your joints pliant,

And you will become like a well-watered garden,

And like a fount of water

Whose water does not fail.

John 7:38 (allusion).

appetite ← soul.

joints pliant: or bones strong.

fail ← deceive.
John 7:38 879O pisteu/wn ei0j e0me/, kaqw_j ei]pen h9 grafh/, potamoi\ e0k th=j koili/aj au0tou= r(eu/sousin u3datoj zw~ntoj. As regards him who believes in me, as the scripture says, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his inside.’ ” Various allusions: Isa 12:3, Isa 55:1, Isa 58:11; Ezek 47:1; Joel 4:18MT (Joel 3:18AV), Zech 13:1, Zech 14:8.

inside ← belly.
Isa 59:7 ‫רַגְלֵיהֶם֙ לָרַ֣ע יָרֻ֔צוּ וִֽימַהֲר֔וּ לִשְׁפֹּ֖ךְ דָּ֣ם נָקִ֑י מַחְשְׁבֽוֹתֵיהֶם֙ מַחְשְׁב֣וֹת אָ֔וֶן שֹׁ֥ד וָשֶׁ֖בֶר בִּמְסִלּוֹתָֽם׃‬

Their feet run to evil,

And they are quick to shed innocent blood.

Their thoughts are vain thoughts;

Oppression and wreckage

Are in their ways.

Rom 3:15, Rom 3:16.

vain thoughts ← thoughts of vanity.
Rom 3:15 o0cei=j oi9 po/dej au0tw~n e0kxe/ai ai[ma:

Their feet are swift to shed blood.

Isa 59:7.

swift ← sharp.
Isa 59:7 ‫רַגְלֵיהֶם֙ לָרַ֣ע יָרֻ֔צוּ וִֽימַהֲר֔וּ לִשְׁפֹּ֖ךְ דָּ֣ם נָקִ֑י מַחְשְׁבֽוֹתֵיהֶם֙ מַחְשְׁב֣וֹת אָ֔וֶן שֹׁ֥ד וָשֶׁ֖בֶר בִּמְסִלּוֹתָֽם׃‬

Their feet run to evil,

And they are quick to shed innocent blood.

Their thoughts are vain thoughts;

Oppression and wreckage

Are in their ways.

Rom 3:15, Rom 3:16.

vain thoughts ← thoughts of vanity.
Rom 3:16 su/ntrimma kai\ talaipwri/a e0n tai=j o9doi=j au0tw~n,

Ruin and hardship are in their ways,

Isa 59:7.
Isa 59:8 ‫דֶּ֤רֶךְ שָׁלוֹם֙ לֹ֣א יָדָ֔עוּ וְאֵ֥ין מִשְׁפָּ֖ט בְּמַעְגְּלוֹתָ֑ם נְתִיבֽוֹתֵיהֶם֙ עִקְּשׁ֣וּ לָהֶ֔ם כֹּ֚ל דֹּרֵ֣ךְ בָּ֔הּ לֹ֥א יָדַ֖ע שָׁלֽוֹם׃‬

They have not known the way of peace,

And there is no justice in their paths.

They have made a perverse course for themselves;

No-one who follows it

Will know peace.

Rom 3:17.

course ← trodden path.

follows ← treads in.
Rom 3:17 kai\ o9do\n ei0rh/nhj ou0k e1gnwsan:

But they do not know the way of peace.

Isa 59:8.

they do not know ← they have not known, but the sense can be they have not come to know, from which they do not know.
Isa 59:17 ‫וַיִּלְבַּ֤שׁ צְדָקָה֙ כַּשִּׁרְיָ֔ן וְכ֥וֹבַע יְשׁוּעָ֖ה בְּרֹאשׁ֑וֹ וַיִּלְבַּ֞שׁ בִּגְדֵ֤י נָקָם֙ תִּלְבֹּ֔שֶׁת וַיַּ֥עַט כַּמְעִ֖יל קִנְאָֽה׃‬

For he wore righteousness as armour,

And he had a helmet of salvation on his head,

And he wore garments of vengeance as his clothing,

And he wrapped himself in zeal as a coat.

Eph 6:17. Eph 6:17 Kai\ th\n perikefalai/an tou= swthri/ou {RP: de/casqai} [P1904 TR: de/casqe], kai\ th\n ma&xairan tou= pneu/matoj, o3 e0stin r(h=ma qeou=: and {RP: to take} [P1904 TR: take] the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, the spirit being the word of God, de/casqai, to take, RP F1859=11/12 vs. de/casqe, take, singular (!), P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k). A case of collusion between P1904 and TR?

Isa 59:17.

the spirit being ← which is, but ↴
Isa 59:20 ‫וּבָ֤א לְצִיּוֹן֙ גּוֹאֵ֔ל וּלְשָׁבֵ֥י פֶ֖שַׁע בְּיַֽעֲקֹ֑ב נְאֻ֖ם יְהוָֽה׃‬

“And the redeemer will come to Zion,

And to those among Jacob

Who are to turn away from transgression”,

Says the Lord.

Rom 11:26. Rom 11:26 kai\ ou3twj pa~j 870Israh\l swqh/setai: kaqw_j ge/graptai, 873Hcei e0k Siw_n o9 r(uo/menoj, kai\ a)postre/yei a)sebei/aj a)po\ 870Iakw&b: And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it stands written:

“The deliverer will come out of Zion

And will turn ungodliness away from Jacob,

Isa 59:20.

ungodliness ← ungodlinesses, suggesting acts of ungodliness.
Isa 59:21 ‫וַאֲנִ֗י זֹ֣את בְּרִיתִ֤י אוֹתָם֙ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה רוּחִי֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָלֶ֔יךָ וּדְבָרַ֖י אֲשֶׁר־שַׂ֣מְתִּי בְּפִ֑יךָ לֹֽא־יָמ֡וּשׁוּ מִפִּיךָ֩ וּמִפִּ֨י זַרְעֲךָ֜ וּמִפִּ֨י זֶ֤רַע זַרְעֲךָ֙ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה מֵעַתָּ֖ה וְעַד־עוֹלָֽם׃ ס‬

“And as for me,

This is my covenant with them,

Says the Lord:

My spirit which is upon you,

And my words which I have put in your mouth

Will not depart from your mouth,

Or from the mouth of your seed,

Or from the mouth of your seed's seed,

Says the Lord,

From now and age-abidingly.”

Rom 11:27. Rom 11:27 kai\ au3th au0toi=j h9 par' e0mou= diaqh/kh, o3tan a)fe/lwmai ta_j a(marti/aj au0tw~n.

And this is my covenant with them

When I take away their sins.”

Isa 27:9, Isa 59:21.

my covenant ← the covenant from alongside me.
Isa 60:1 ‫ק֥וּמִי א֖וֹרִי כִּ֣י בָ֣א אוֹרֵ֑ךְ וּכְב֥וֹד יְהוָ֖ה עָלַ֥יִךְ זָרָֽח׃‬

“Arise, shine,

For your light has come,

And the glory of the Lord has risen over you.

Alluded to in Eph 5:14. Eph 5:14 Dio\ le/gei, {RP P1904: 871Egeire} [TR: 871Egeirai] o9 kaqeu/dwn kai\ a)na&sta e0k tw~n nekrw~n, kai\ e0pifau/sei soi o9 xristo/j. Therefore he says,

Awake, you who are asleep,

And arise from the dead,

And Christ will shine on you.”

e1geire, arise; awake (present active), RP P1904 HF F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's en) vs. e1geirai, arise; awake (aorist middle), TR F1859=10/12. A strong disparity with RP, R=3:11.

Isa 60:1, Isa 60:2 (allusion).

you: singular, from the verb.
Isa 60:2 ‫כִּֽי־הִנֵּ֤ה הַחֹ֙שֶׁךְ֙ יְכַסֶּה־אֶ֔רֶץ וַעֲרָפֶ֖ל לְאֻמִּ֑ים וְעָלַ֙יִךְ֙ יִזְרַ֣ח יְהוָ֔ה וּכְבוֹד֖וֹ עָלַ֥יִךְ יֵרָאֶֽה׃‬

For behold,

Darkness will cover the earth,

And thick clouds the various peoples,

But over you the Lord will rise,

And his glory will be seen upon you.

Alluded to in Eph 5:14.

darkness ← the darkness. An unexpected definite article. See Gen 22:9.

but: adversative use of the vav.
Eph 5:14 Dio\ le/gei, {RP P1904: 871Egeire} [TR: 871Egeirai] o9 kaqeu/dwn kai\ a)na&sta e0k tw~n nekrw~n, kai\ e0pifau/sei soi o9 xristo/j. Therefore he says,

Awake, you who are asleep,

And arise from the dead,

And Christ will shine on you.”

e1geire, arise; awake (present active), RP P1904 HF F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's en) vs. e1geirai, arise; awake (aorist middle), TR F1859=10/12. A strong disparity with RP, R=3:11.

Isa 60:1, Isa 60:2 (allusion).

you: singular, from the verb.
Isa 60:3 ‫וְהָלְכ֥וּ גוֹיִ֖ם לְאוֹרֵ֑ךְ וּמְלָכִ֖ים לְנֹ֥גַהּ זַרְחֵֽךְ׃‬

And Gentiles will go to your light,

And kings to your bright rising.

Rev 21:24.

your bright rising ← the brightness of your rising. A reverse Hebraic genitive; compare Dan 11:20.
Rev 21:24 Kai\ {RP P1904: peripath/sousin ta_ e1qnh dia_ tou= fwto\j au0th=j} [TR: ta_ e1qnh tw~n swzome/nwn e0n tw%~ fwti\ au0th=j peripath/sousin]: kai\ oi9 basilei=j th=j gh=j fe/rousin {RP-text: au0tw%~} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] {RP-text: do/can kai\ timh\n} [RP-marg: th\n do/can] [RP-marg2 P1904 TR: th\n do/can kai\ th\n timh\n] {RP-text: tw~n e0qnw~n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: au0tw~n] ei0j au0th/n. And the nations {RP P1904: will walk through} [TR: of those who are saved will walk in] its light, and the kings of the earth will bring into it {RP-text: to him the glory and honour of the nations} [RP-marg: their glory] [RP-marg2 P1904 TR: their glory and their honour]. peripath/sousin ta_ e1qnh dia_ tou= fwto\j au0th=j, the nations will walk through its light, RP P1904 F1859=8/8 vs. ta_ e1qnh tw~n swzome/nwn e0n tw%~ fwti\ au0th=j peripath/sousin, the nations of those saved will walk in its light, TR F1859=0/8. AV differs textually.

au0tw%~, to him: present in RP-text F1859=6/8 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl).

do/can kai\ timh\n, glory and honour, RP-text F1859=6/8 vs. th\n do/can, the glory, RP-marg F1859=0/8 vs. th\n do/can kai\ th\n timh\n, the glory and the honour, RP-marg2 P1904 TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl). A disparity with RP-marg (zero count).

tw~n e0qnw~n, of the nations, RP-text F1859=6/8 vs. au0tw~n, their, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's hl). AV differs textually.

Isa 60:3.
Isa 60:11 ‫וּפִתְּח֨וּ שְׁעָרַ֧יִךְ תָּמִ֛יד יוֹמָ֥ם וָלַ֖יְלָה לֹ֣א יִסָּגֵ֑רוּ לְהָבִ֤יא אֵלַ֙יִךְ֙ חֵ֣יל גּוֹיִ֔ם וּמַלְכֵיהֶ֖ם נְהוּגִֽים׃‬

And your gates will always be open;

They will not be closed by day or night,

So as to allow a host of Gentiles to be brought to you,

With their kings being led.

Rev 21:25.

your gates will always be open ... a host of Gentiles to be brought ← they always open your gates ... to bring a host of Gentiles. Avoidance of the passive.
Rev 21:25 Kai\ oi9 pulw~nej au0th=j ou0 mh\ kleisqw~sin h9me/raj - nu\c ga_r ou0k e1stai e0kei= - And its gates will not be closed at all by day – for there will be no night there – Isa 60:11.
Isa 60:19 ‫לֹא־יִֽהְיֶה־לָּ֨ךְ ע֤וֹד הַשֶּׁ֙מֶשׁ֙ לְא֣וֹר יוֹמָ֔ם וּלְנֹ֕גַהּ הַיָּרֵ֖חַ לֹא־יָאִ֣יר לָ֑ךְ וְהָיָה־לָ֤ךְ יְהוָה֙ לְא֣וֹר עוֹלָ֔ם וֵאלֹהַ֖יִךְ לְתִפְאַרְתֵּֽךְ׃‬

You will no longer have the sun for light by day,

And the moon will not illuminate you by shining,

But the Lord will be your age-abiding light,

And your God will be your majesty.

Rev 21:23, Rev 22:5. Rev 21:23 Kai\ h9 po/lij ou0 xrei/an e1xei tou= h9li/ou, ou0de\ th=j selh/nhj, i3na fai/nwsin {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0n] au0th|=: h9 ga_r do/ca tou= qeou= e0fw&tisen au0th/n, kai\ o9 lu/xnoj au0th=j to\ a)rni/on. And the city did not need the sun or moon to shine {RP P1904: on} [TR: in] it, for the glory of God illuminated it, and its lamp is the lamb. e0n, (to shine) in: absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 (Scrivener's bcdejkl) vs. present in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's h).

Isa 60:19.
Isa 60:19 ‫לֹא־יִֽהְיֶה־לָּ֨ךְ ע֤וֹד הַשֶּׁ֙מֶשׁ֙ לְא֣וֹר יוֹמָ֔ם וּלְנֹ֕גַהּ הַיָּרֵ֖חַ לֹא־יָאִ֣יר לָ֑ךְ וְהָיָה־לָ֤ךְ יְהוָה֙ לְא֣וֹר עוֹלָ֔ם וֵאלֹהַ֖יִךְ לְתִפְאַרְתֵּֽךְ׃‬

You will no longer have the sun for light by day,

And the moon will not illuminate you by shining,

But the Lord will be your age-abiding light,

And your God will be your majesty.

Rev 21:23, Rev 22:5. Rev 22:5 Kai\ nu\c ou0k e1stai {RP TR: e0kei=} [P1904: e1ti], kai\ {RP-text TR: xrei/an ou0k e1xousin} [RP-marg P1904: ou0 xrei/a] lu/xnou kai\ fwto\j h9li/ou, o3ti ku/rioj o9 qeo\j {RP P1904: fwtiei=} [TR: fwti/zei] au0tou/j: kai\ basileu/sousin ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. And there will not be any night {RP TR: there} [P1904: any more], and {RP-text TR: they will not need} [RP-marg P1904: there will not be any need of] a lamp or sunlight, because the Lord God {RP P1904: will} [TR: will] illuminate them, and they will reign throughout the durations of the ages. e0kei=, there, RP TR F1859=3/7 (Scrivener's chl) vs. e1ti, (not) any longer, P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. word absent, F1859=4/7 (Scrivener's bdjk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=4:4.

xrei/an ou0k e1xousin, they do not have need of, RP-text TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's ch) vs. ou0 xrei/a, no need, RP-marg P1904 F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdkjl). A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=3:6.

fwtiei=, will shine, RP P1904 F1859=6/7 vs. fwti/zei, shines, TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's c).

Isa 60:19.
Isa 61:1 ‫ר֛וּחַ אֲדֹנָ֥י יְהוִ֖ה עָלָ֑י יַ֡עַן מָשַׁח֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֹתִ֜י לְבַשֵּׂ֣ר עֲנָוִ֗ים שְׁלָחַ֙נִי֙ לַחֲבֹ֣שׁ לְנִשְׁבְּרֵי־לֵ֔ב לִקְרֹ֤א לִשְׁבוּיִם֙ דְּר֔וֹר וְלַאֲסוּרִ֖ים פְּקַח־קֽוֹחַ׃‬

The spirit of my Lord the Lord is upon me,

Because the Lord has anointed me

To declare good news to the meek.

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,

To proclaim freedom to captives,

And release to prisoners,

Luke 4:18, Matt 11:5 (allusion).

release ← opening, i.e. of prison.

prisoners ← bound ones.
Luke 4:18 Pneu=ma kuri/ou e0p' e0me/, ou[ {RP P1904: ei3neken} [TR: e3neken] e1xrise/n me {RP P1904: eu0aggeli/sasqai} [TR: eu0aggeli/zesqai] ptwxoi=j: a)pe/stalke/n me i0a&sasqai tou\j suntetrimme/nouj th\n kardi/an: khru/cai ai0xmalw&toij a!fesin, kai\ tufloi=j a)na&bleyin, a)postei=lai teqrausme/nouj e0n a)fe/sei,

The spirit of the Lord is on me,

On account of which he has anointed me

To bring good tidings to the poor.

He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim release to captives,

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To send the wounded off discharged,

ei3neken, on account of (1), RP P1904 F1853=12/19 F1859=4/7 vs. e3neken, on account of (2), TR F1853=5/19 F1859=1/7 vs. other spellings, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's bc) F1859=2/7.

eu0aggeli/sasqai, to proclaim good news (aorist), RP P1904 F1853=17/19 F1859=6/7 vs. eu0aggeli/zesqai, to proclaim good news (present), TR F1853=0/19 F1859=0/7 vs. another reading, F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's cs) F1859=1/7.

Isa 61:1, Isa 58:6, Isa 35:5.
Isa 61:1 ‫ר֛וּחַ אֲדֹנָ֥י יְהוִ֖ה עָלָ֑י יַ֡עַן מָשַׁח֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֹתִ֜י לְבַשֵּׂ֣ר עֲנָוִ֗ים שְׁלָחַ֙נִי֙ לַחֲבֹ֣שׁ לְנִשְׁבְּרֵי־לֵ֔ב לִקְרֹ֤א לִשְׁבוּיִם֙ דְּר֔וֹר וְלַאֲסוּרִ֖ים פְּקַח־קֽוֹחַ׃‬

The spirit of my Lord the Lord is upon me,

Because the Lord has anointed me

To declare good news to the meek.

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,

To proclaim freedom to captives,

And release to prisoners,

Luke 4:18, Matt 11:5 (allusion).

release ← opening, i.e. of prison.

prisoners ← bound ones.
Matt 11:5 tufloi\ a)nable/pousin, kai\ xwloi\ peripatou=sin, leproi\ kaqari/zontai, kai\ kwfoi\ a)kou/ousin, nekroi\ e0gei/rontai, kai\ ptwxoi\ eu0aggeli/zontai: The blind see again and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor have the gospel preached to them, Allusions to Isa 35:5, Isa 35:6, Isa 61:1.
Isa 61:2 ‫לִקְרֹ֤א שְׁנַת־רָצוֹן֙ לַֽיהוָ֔ה וְי֥וֹם נָקָ֖ם לֵאלֹהֵ֑ינוּ לְנַחֵ֖ם כָּל־אֲבֵלִֽים׃‬

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,

And the day of vengeance of our God,

To comfort all who mourn,

Luke 4:19, Luke 21:22.

acceptable year ← year of acceptance, a Hebraic genitive.
Luke 4:19 khru/cai e0niauto\n kuri/ou dekto/n.

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Isa 61:2. The rest of Isa 61:2 is quoted at Luke 21:22, in a very different context / dispensation.
Isa 61:2 ‫לִקְרֹ֤א שְׁנַת־רָצוֹן֙ לַֽיהוָ֔ה וְי֥וֹם נָקָ֖ם לֵאלֹהֵ֑ינוּ לְנַחֵ֖ם כָּל־אֲבֵלִֽים׃‬

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,

And the day of vengeance of our God,

To comfort all who mourn,

Luke 4:19, Luke 21:22.

acceptable year ← year of acceptance, a Hebraic genitive.
Luke 21:22 873Oti h9me/rai e0kdikh/sewj au[tai/ ei0sin, tou= {RP-text: plhsqh=nai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: plhrwqh=nai] pa&nta ta_ gegramme/na. For these are the days of vengeance, in order for all the things that stand written to be fulfilled. plhsqh=nai, to be fulfilled (1), RP-text F1853=9/22 F1859=3/7 vs. plhrwqh=nai, to be fulfilled (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=13/22 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/22 F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:18.

Isa 61:2, Isa 63:4, Hos 9:7. See Luke 4:19.
Isa 61:6 ‫וְאַתֶּ֗ם כֹּהֲנֵ֤י יְהוָה֙ תִּקָּרֵ֔אוּ מְשָׁרְתֵ֣י אֱלֹהֵ֔ינוּ יֵאָמֵ֖ר לָכֶ֑ם חֵ֤יל גּוֹיִם֙ תֹּאכֵ֔לוּ וּבִכְבוֹדָ֖ם תִּתְיַמָּֽרוּ׃‬

Whereas you will be called priests of the Lord

– You will be spoken of as the servants of our God.

You will eat from the resources of the Gentiles,

And you will obtain their glory by way of exchange.

Rev 1:6, Rev 5:10, Rev 20:6.

resources ← forces.

obtain their glory by way of exchange: AV differs (shall ye boast yourselves), perhaps from the Vulgate (superbietis).
Rev 1:6 kai\ e0poi/hsen h9ma~j {RP P1904: basilei/an,} [TR: basilei=j kai\] i9erei=j tw%~ qew%~ kai\ patri\ au0tou=: au0tw%~ h9 do/ca kai\ to\ kra&toj ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. 870Amh/n. and who made us {RP P1904: into a kingdom,} [TR: kings and] priests to his God and father, to him be glory and might throughout the durations of the ages. Amen. basilei/an, a kingdom, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. basilei=j kai\, kings and, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's fn). AV differs textually.

Ex 19:6, Isa 61:6.

to his God and father: AV differs somewhat (unto God and his Father).

throughout the durations of the ages ← throughout the ages of the ages.
Isa 61:6 ‫וְאַתֶּ֗ם כֹּהֲנֵ֤י יְהוָה֙ תִּקָּרֵ֔אוּ מְשָׁרְתֵ֣י אֱלֹהֵ֔ינוּ יֵאָמֵ֖ר לָכֶ֑ם חֵ֤יל גּוֹיִם֙ תֹּאכֵ֔לוּ וּבִכְבוֹדָ֖ם תִּתְיַמָּֽרוּ׃‬

Whereas you will be called priests of the Lord

– You will be spoken of as the servants of our God.

You will eat from the resources of the Gentiles,

And you will obtain their glory by way of exchange.

Rev 1:6, Rev 5:10, Rev 20:6.

resources ← forces.

obtain their glory by way of exchange: AV differs (shall ye boast yourselves), perhaps from the Vulgate (superbietis).
Rev 5:10 kai\ e0poi/hsaj {RP P1904: au0tou\j} [TR: h9ma~j] tw%~ qew%~ h9mw~n basilei=j kai\ i9erei=j, kai\ {RP P1904: basileu/sousin} [TR: basileu/somen] e0pi\ th=j gh=j. And

You made {RP P1904: them} [TR: us] kings and priests to our God,

And {RP P1904: they} [TR: we] will reign over the earth.”

au0tou\j, them, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. h9ma~j, us, TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

basileu/sousin, they will reign, RP P1904 F1859=6/13 vs. basileu/somen, we will reign, TR F1859=0/13 vs. basileu/ousin, they reign, F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=7:7. AV differs textually.

Isa 61:6, Ex 19:6.
Isa 61:6 ‫וְאַתֶּ֗ם כֹּהֲנֵ֤י יְהוָה֙ תִּקָּרֵ֔אוּ מְשָׁרְתֵ֣י אֱלֹהֵ֔ינוּ יֵאָמֵ֖ר לָכֶ֑ם חֵ֤יל גּוֹיִם֙ תֹּאכֵ֔לוּ וּבִכְבוֹדָ֖ם תִּתְיַמָּֽרוּ׃‬

Whereas you will be called priests of the Lord

– You will be spoken of as the servants of our God.

You will eat from the resources of the Gentiles,

And you will obtain their glory by way of exchange.

Rev 1:6, Rev 5:10, Rev 20:6.

resources ← forces.

obtain their glory by way of exchange: AV differs (shall ye boast yourselves), perhaps from the Vulgate (superbietis).
Rev 20:6 Maka&rioj kai\ a#gioj o9 e1xwn me/roj e0n th|= a)nasta&sei th|= prw&th|: e0pi\ tou/twn {RP P1904: o9 deu/teroj qa&natoj} [TR: o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/teroj] ou0k e1xei e0cousi/an, a)ll' e1sontai i9erei=j tou= qeou= kai\ tou= xristou=, kai\ basileu/sousin met' au0tou= xi/lia e1th. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection; the second death has no authority over these, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years. o9 deu/teroj qa&natoj, the second + death, RP P1904 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[JW, also Griesbach, but Mill silent]) vs. o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/teroj, the death + the second, TR F1859=0/11.

Ex 19:6. Isa 61:6.
Isa 63:1 ‫מִי־זֶ֣ה ׀ בָּ֣א מֵאֱד֗וֹם חֲמ֤וּץ בְּגָדִים֙ מִבָּצְרָ֔ה זֶ֚ה הָד֣וּר בִּלְבוּשׁ֔וֹ צֹעֶ֖ה בְּרֹ֣ב כֹּח֑וֹ אֲנִ֛י מְדַבֵּ֥ר בִּצְדָקָ֖ה רַ֥ב לְהוֹשִֽׁיעַ׃‬

Who is this

Who has come from Edom,

In reddened clothes from Bozrah?

– He who is adorned in his attire?

He strides in his great might.

It is I who speak in righteousness,

Powerful to save.”

Rev 19:13.

in reddened clothes ← splendid (in scarlet) of clothes, but the root meaning is to be leavened. The colour is explicitly red in Isa 63:2, with juice metaphorically referring to blood.
Rev 19:13 kai\ peribeblhme/noj i9ma&tion bebamme/non {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0n] ai3mati: kai\ {RP-text TR: kalei=tai} [RP-marg P1904: ke/klhtai] to\ o1noma au0tou=, 879O lo/goj tou= qeou=. and he was clothed in a garment dipped in blood, and his name was The Word of God. e0n, in (blood): absent in RP TR F1859=10/11 (incl. f[~MJW]) vs. present in P1904 F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's c).

kalei=tai, is called → name was, RP-text TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's chl) vs. ke/klhtai, has been called, RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A disparity with RP-text, R=4:9.

We, with AV, but not RP P1904 TBS-TR, capitalize The Word.

Isa 63:1; juice / blood on the garments in Isa 63:3.

{RP-text TR: his name was ← his name is called.} [RP-marg P1904: his name was ← his name has been called.]
Isa 63:3 ‫פּוּרָ֣ה ׀ דָּרַ֣כְתִּי לְבַדִּ֗י וּמֵֽעַמִּים֙ אֵֽין־אִ֣ישׁ אִתִּ֔י וְאֶדְרְכֵ֣ם בְּאַפִּ֔י וְאֶרְמְסֵ֖ם בַּחֲמָתִ֑י וְיֵ֤ז נִצְחָם֙ עַל־בְּגָדַ֔י וְכָל־מַלְבּוּשַׁ֖י אֶגְאָֽלְתִּי׃‬

I have trodden the wine press on my own,

And there was no man from the various peoples with me.

And I trod them in my anger,

And I trampled on them in my fury,

And their juice was spattered on my garments,

And I stained all my articles of clothing.

Rev 14:20, Rev 19:13, Rev 19:15.

I have trodden (etc.): these verses are written from a future perspective, looking back.

juice: AV differs (blood), which is the figurative meaning.

I stained: in an Aramaic form.
Rev 14:20 Kai\ e0path/qh h9 lhno\j {RP: e1cwqen} [P1904 TR: e1cw] th=j po/lewj, kai\ e0ch=lqen ai[ma e0k th=j lhnou= a!xri tw~n xalinw~n tw~n i3ppwn, a)po\ stadi/wn {RP-text P1904 TR: xili/wn e9cakosi/wn} [RP-marg: A6X6]. And the wine press was trodden outside the city, and blood came out of the wine vat up to a horse's bridle height over a radius of one thousand six hundred stades. e1cwqen, (from) outside, RP F1859=11/12 vs. e1cw, outside, P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n).

xili/wn e9cakosi/wn, one thousand six hundred, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. A6X6, 1600, RP-marg F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's dfjn).

Isa 63:3.

one thousand six hundred stades: about 160 miles (260 km.).
Isa 63:3 ‫פּוּרָ֣ה ׀ דָּרַ֣כְתִּי לְבַדִּ֗י וּמֵֽעַמִּים֙ אֵֽין־אִ֣ישׁ אִתִּ֔י וְאֶדְרְכֵ֣ם בְּאַפִּ֔י וְאֶרְמְסֵ֖ם בַּחֲמָתִ֑י וְיֵ֤ז נִצְחָם֙ עַל־בְּגָדַ֔י וְכָל־מַלְבּוּשַׁ֖י אֶגְאָֽלְתִּי׃‬

I have trodden the wine press on my own,

And there was no man from the various peoples with me.

And I trod them in my anger,

And I trampled on them in my fury,

And their juice was spattered on my garments,

And I stained all my articles of clothing.

Rev 14:20, Rev 19:13, Rev 19:15.

I have trodden (etc.): these verses are written from a future perspective, looking back.

juice: AV differs (blood), which is the figurative meaning.

I stained: in an Aramaic form.
Rev 19:13 kai\ peribeblhme/noj i9ma&tion bebamme/non {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0n] ai3mati: kai\ {RP-text TR: kalei=tai} [RP-marg P1904: ke/klhtai] to\ o1noma au0tou=, 879O lo/goj tou= qeou=. and he was clothed in a garment dipped in blood, and his name was The Word of God. e0n, in (blood): absent in RP TR F1859=10/11 (incl. f[~MJW]) vs. present in P1904 F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's c).

kalei=tai, is called → name was, RP-text TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's chl) vs. ke/klhtai, has been called, RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A disparity with RP-text, R=4:9.

We, with AV, but not RP P1904 TBS-TR, capitalize The Word.

Isa 63:1; juice / blood on the garments in Isa 63:3.

{RP-text TR: his name was ← his name is called.} [RP-marg P1904: his name was ← his name has been called.]
Isa 63:3 ‫פּוּרָ֣ה ׀ דָּרַ֣כְתִּי לְבַדִּ֗י וּמֵֽעַמִּים֙ אֵֽין־אִ֣ישׁ אִתִּ֔י וְאֶדְרְכֵ֣ם בְּאַפִּ֔י וְאֶרְמְסֵ֖ם בַּחֲמָתִ֑י וְיֵ֤ז נִצְחָם֙ עַל־בְּגָדַ֔י וְכָל־מַלְבּוּשַׁ֖י אֶגְאָֽלְתִּי׃‬

I have trodden the wine press on my own,

And there was no man from the various peoples with me.

And I trod them in my anger,

And I trampled on them in my fury,

And their juice was spattered on my garments,

And I stained all my articles of clothing.

Rev 14:20, Rev 19:13, Rev 19:15.

I have trodden (etc.): these verses are written from a future perspective, looking back.

juice: AV differs (blood), which is the figurative meaning.

I stained: in an Aramaic form.
Rev 19:15 Kai\ e0k tou= sto/matoj au0tou= e0kporeu/etai r(omfai/a {RP: di/stomoj o0cei=a} [P1904: o0cei=a di/stomoj] [TR: o0cei=a], i3na e0n au0th|= {RP: pata&ch|} [P1904 TR: pata&ssh|] ta_ e1qnh: kai\ au0to\j poimanei= au0tou\j e0n r(a&bdw% sidhra%~: kai\ au0to\j patei= th\n lhno\n tou= oi1nou tou= qumou= {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] th=j o0rgh=j tou= qeou= tou= pantokra&toroj. And out of his mouth came a sharp {RP P1904: double-edged} [TR: - ] sword with which to strike the nations. And he himself will tend them with an iron rod, and he himself treads the wine vat of the wine of the wrath {RP P1904: - } [TR: and] of the anger of God the Almighty. di/stomoj o0cei=a, double-edged + sharp, RP F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. o0cei=a di/stomoj, sharp + double-edged, P1904 F1859=0/11 vs. o0cei=a, sharp, TR F1859=0/11. AV differs textually.

pata&ch|, strike (aorist subjunctive, so perfective aspect), RP F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. pata&ssh|, strike (present subjunctive, so imperfective aspect), P1904 TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's k) vs. pata&cei, will strike (non-classical future), F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's el).

kai\, and: absent in RP P1904 F1859=10/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's g).

Isa 49:2, Ps 2:9, Isa 63:3.

tend: see Rev 2:27.

wine vat of the wine of: AV differs somewhat (wine press of).
Isa 63:4 ‫כִּ֛י י֥וֹם נָקָ֖ם בְּלִבִּ֑י וּשְׁנַ֥ת גְּאוּלַ֖י בָּֽאָה׃‬

For the day of vengeance is in my heart,

And the year of my redeemed has come.

Luke 21:22. Luke 21:22 873Oti h9me/rai e0kdikh/sewj au[tai/ ei0sin, tou= {RP-text: plhsqh=nai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: plhrwqh=nai] pa&nta ta_ gegramme/na. For these are the days of vengeance, in order for all the things that stand written to be fulfilled. plhsqh=nai, to be fulfilled (1), RP-text F1853=9/22 F1859=3/7 vs. plhrwqh=nai, to be fulfilled (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=13/22 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/22 F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:18.

Isa 61:2, Isa 63:4, Hos 9:7. See Luke 4:19.
Isa 64:3
Isa 64:4AV
‫וּמֵעוֹלָ֥ם לֹא־שָׁמְע֖וּ לֹ֣א הֶאֱזִ֑ינוּ עַ֣יִן לֹֽא־רָאָ֗תָה אֱלֹהִים֙ זוּלָ֣תְךָ֔ יַעֲשֶׂ֖ה לִמְחַכֵּה־לֽוֹ׃‬

For they have never heard,

Nor have they given ear,

Nor has an eye seen,

O God, except you,

What he will do

For him who awaits him.

1 Cor 2:9.

never ← not from an age.

he will do: standing for you will do. A change of grammatical person from the second person; compare Isa 44:23.
1 Cor 2:9 a)lla_ kaqw_j ge/graptai, 874A o0fqalmo\j ou0k ei]den, kai\ ou]j ou0k h1kousen, kai\ e0pi\ kardi/an a)nqrw&pou ou0k a)ne/bh, a$ h9toi/masen o9 qeo\j toi=j a)gapw~sin au0to/n. But, as it stands written:

“What the eye has not seen

And the ear has not heard

And what has not arisen in the heart of man

Are what God has prepared

For those who love him.”

Isa 64:3MT (Isa 64:4AV).
Isa 65:1 ‫נִדְרַ֙שְׁתִּי֙ לְל֣וֹא שָׁאָ֔לוּ נִמְצֵ֖אתִי לְלֹ֣א בִקְשֻׁ֑נִי אָמַ֙רְתִּי֙ הִנֵּ֣נִי הִנֵּ֔נִי אֶל־גּ֖וֹי לֹֽא־קֹרָ֥א בִשְׁמִֽי׃‬

“I have been consulted

By those who did not ask for me;

I have been found

By those who did not seek me.

I said, ‘Here I am, here I am

To a nation

Which was not called by my name.

Rom 10:20.

here I am (2x)behold me.
Rom 10:20 870Hsai+/aj de\ a)potolma%~ kai\ le/gei, Eu9re/qhn toi=j e0me\ mh\ zhtou=sin, e0mfanh\j e0geno/mhn toi=j e0me\ mh\ e0perwtw~sin. But Isaiah shows boldness and says,

“I have been found

By those who were not seeking me;

I have become evident

To those who were not inquiring after me.”

Isa 65:1.
Isa 65:2 ‫פֵּרַ֧שְׂתִּי יָדַ֛י כָּל־הַיּ֖וֹם אֶל־עַ֣ם סוֹרֵ֑ר הַהֹלְכִים֙ הַדֶּ֣רֶךְ לֹא־ט֔וֹב אַחַ֖ר מַחְשְׁבֹתֵיהֶֽם׃‬

I have stretched out my hands all day long

To a recalcitrant people

Who walk in a way which is not good,

After their own thoughts.

Rom 10:21. Rom 10:21 Pro\j de\ to\n 870Israh\l le/gei, 873Olhn th\n h9me/ran e0cepe/tasa ta_j xei=ra&j mou pro\j lao\n a)peiqou=nta kai\ a)ntile/gonta. But to Israel he says,

“All day long I have stretched out my hands

To a disbelieving and refractory people.”

Isa 65:2.

disbelieving: or, possibly, disobedient, but clearly disbelieving in John 3:36.
Isa 65:17 ‫כִּֽי־הִנְנִ֥י בוֹרֵ֛א שָׁמַ֥יִם חֲדָשִׁ֖ים וָאָ֣רֶץ חֲדָשָׁ֑ה וְלֹ֤א תִזָּכַ֙רְנָה֙ הָרִ֣אשֹׁנ֔וֹת וְלֹ֥א תַעֲלֶ֖ינָה עַל־לֵֽב׃‬

For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth,

And the former things will not be remembered,

And they will not arise in the heart.

2 Pet 3:13, Rev 21:1.

I am about to ← behold me.
2 Pet 3:13 Kainou\j de\ ou0ranou\j kai\ gh=n kainh\n kata_ to\ e0pa&ggelma au0tou= prosdokw~men, e0n oi[j dikaiosu/nh katoikei=. But we await new heavens and a new earth, according to his promise, places in which righteousness dwells. Isa 65:17, Isa 66:22. See also Rev 21:1.

which: the antecedent is new heavens and a new earth (which we bring out by supplying the word places).
Isa 65:17 ‫כִּֽי־הִנְנִ֥י בוֹרֵ֛א שָׁמַ֥יִם חֲדָשִׁ֖ים וָאָ֣רֶץ חֲדָשָׁ֑ה וְלֹ֤א תִזָּכַ֙רְנָה֙ הָרִ֣אשֹׁנ֔וֹת וְלֹ֥א תַעֲלֶ֖ינָה עַל־לֵֽב׃‬

For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth,

And the former things will not be remembered,

And they will not arise in the heart.

2 Pet 3:13, Rev 21:1.

I am about to ← behold me.
Rev 21:1 Kai\ ei]don ou0rano\n kaino\n kai\ gh=n kainh/n: o9 ga_r prw~toj ou0rano\j kai\ h9 prw&th gh= {RP-text P1904: a)ph=lqon} [RP-marg TR: parh=lqen], kai\ h9 qa&lassa ou0k e1stin e1ti. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. a)ph=lqon, they departed, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/9 vs. parh=lqe¨n©, it passed by → passed away, RP-marg TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's lh).

Isa 65:17, Isa 66:22. See also 2 Pet 3:13.

was ← is.
Isa 66:1 ‫כֹּ֚ה אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם כִּסְאִ֔י וְהָאָ֖רֶץ הֲדֹ֣ם רַגְלָ֑י אֵי־זֶ֥ה בַ֙יִת֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּבְנוּ־לִ֔י וְאֵי־זֶ֥ה מָק֖וֹם מְנוּחָתִֽי׃‬

This is what the Lord says:

Heaven is my throne,

And the earth is my footstool.

What house is it which you will build me,

And what resting place of mine will you build?

Matt 5:34, Matt 5:35, Acts 7:49.

this is whatthus.
Matt 5:34 e0gw_ de\ le/gw u9mi=n mh\ o0mo/sai o3lwj: mh/te e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, o3ti qro/noj e0sti\n tou= qeou=: but I say to you, do not swear at all, neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God, Isa 66:1.
Isa 66:1 ‫כֹּ֚ה אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם כִּסְאִ֔י וְהָאָ֖רֶץ הֲדֹ֣ם רַגְלָ֑י אֵי־זֶ֥ה בַ֙יִת֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּבְנוּ־לִ֔י וְאֵי־זֶ֥ה מָק֖וֹם מְנוּחָתִֽי׃‬

This is what the Lord says:

Heaven is my throne,

And the earth is my footstool.

What house is it which you will build me,

And what resting place of mine will you build?

Matt 5:34, Matt 5:35, Acts 7:49.

this is whatthus.
Matt 5:35 mh/te e0n th|= gh|=, o3ti u9popo/dio/n e0stin tw~n podw~n au0tou=: mh/te ei0j 879Ieroso/luma, o3ti po/lij e0sti\n tou= mega&lou basile/wj: nor by the earth, for it is his footstool, nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king. Isa 66:1.

his footstool ← a footstool of his feet.
Isa 66:1 ‫כֹּ֚ה אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם כִּסְאִ֔י וְהָאָ֖רֶץ הֲדֹ֣ם רַגְלָ֑י אֵי־זֶ֥ה בַ֙יִת֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּבְנוּ־לִ֔י וְאֵי־זֶ֥ה מָק֖וֹם מְנוּחָתִֽי׃‬

This is what the Lord says:

Heaven is my throne,

And the earth is my footstool.

What house is it which you will build me,

And what resting place of mine will you build?

Matt 5:34, Matt 5:35, Acts 7:49.

this is whatthus.
Acts 7:49 879O ou0rano/j moi qro/noj, h9 de\ gh= u9popo/dion tw~n podw~n mou: poi=on oi]kon oi0kodomh/sete/ moi; le/gei ku/rioj: h2 ti/j to/poj th=j katapau/sew&j mou;

‘Heaven is my throne,

But the earth is my footstool.

What kind of a house will you build for me?’

Says the Lord,

‘Or what is my resting place?

Isa 66:1.

my footstool ← a footstool of my feet.
Isa 66:2 ‫וְאֶת־כָּל־אֵ֙לֶּה֙ יָדִ֣י עָשָׂ֔תָה וַיִּהְי֥וּ כָל־אֵ֖לֶּה נְאֻם־יְהוָ֑ה וְאֶל־זֶ֣ה אַבִּ֔יט אֶל־עָנִי֙ וּנְכֵה־ר֔וּחַ וְחָרֵ֖ד עַל־דְּבָרִֽי׃‬

For my hand made all these things,

And all these things have come to pass,

Says the Lord,

But here are those whom I will watch over:

The poor, and the contrite,

And him who trembles at my word.

Acts 7:50.

my hand: in a Hebrew “OSV” (object-subject-verb) sentence.

are those(is) this.

contrite ← struck of spirit.
Acts 7:50 Ou0xi\ h9 xei/r mou e0poi/hsen tau=ta pa&nta;

Did not my hand make all these things?’

Isa 66:2.
Isa 66:22 ‫כִּ֣י כַאֲשֶׁ֣ר הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם הַ֠חֳדָשִׁים וְהָאָ֨רֶץ הַחֲדָשָׁ֜ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֲנִ֥י עֹשֶׂ֛ה עֹמְדִ֥ים לְפָנַ֖י נְאֻם־יְהוָ֑ה כֵּ֛ן יַעֲמֹ֥ד זַרְעֲכֶ֖ם וְשִׁמְכֶֽם׃‬

“For as the new heavens and the new earth,

Which I will make,

Shall stand before me,

Says the Lord,

So your seed and your name will stand.

2 Pet 3:13, Rev 21:1. 2 Pet 3:13 Kainou\j de\ ou0ranou\j kai\ gh=n kainh\n kata_ to\ e0pa&ggelma au0tou= prosdokw~men, e0n oi[j dikaiosu/nh katoikei=. But we await new heavens and a new earth, according to his promise, places in which righteousness dwells. Isa 65:17, Isa 66:22. See also Rev 21:1.

which: the antecedent is new heavens and a new earth (which we bring out by supplying the word places).
Isa 66:22 ‫כִּ֣י כַאֲשֶׁ֣ר הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם הַ֠חֳדָשִׁים וְהָאָ֨רֶץ הַחֲדָשָׁ֜ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֲנִ֥י עֹשֶׂ֛ה עֹמְדִ֥ים לְפָנַ֖י נְאֻם־יְהוָ֑ה כֵּ֛ן יַעֲמֹ֥ד זַרְעֲכֶ֖ם וְשִׁמְכֶֽם׃‬

“For as the new heavens and the new earth,

Which I will make,

Shall stand before me,

Says the Lord,

So your seed and your name will stand.

2 Pet 3:13, Rev 21:1. Rev 21:1 Kai\ ei]don ou0rano\n kaino\n kai\ gh=n kainh/n: o9 ga_r prw~toj ou0rano\j kai\ h9 prw&th gh= {RP-text P1904: a)ph=lqon} [RP-marg TR: parh=lqen], kai\ h9 qa&lassa ou0k e1stin e1ti. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. a)ph=lqon, they departed, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/9 vs. parh=lqe¨n©, it passed by → passed away, RP-marg TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's lh).

Isa 65:17, Isa 66:22. See also 2 Pet 3:13.

was ← is.
Isa 66:24 ‫וְיָצְא֣וּ וְרָא֔וּ בְּפִגְרֵי֙ הָאֲנָשִׁ֔ים הַפֹּשְׁעִ֖ים בִּ֑י כִּ֣י תוֹלַעְתָּ֞ם לֹ֣א תָמ֗וּת וְאִשָּׁם֙ לֹ֣א תִכְבֶּ֔ה וְהָי֥וּ דֵרָא֖וֹן לְכָל־בָּשָֽׂר׃‬

“And they will go out

And see the carcases of the men who have transgressed against me,

For their worm will not die,

And their fire will not be extinguished,

And they will be an abhorrence

To all flesh.”

Mark 9:44, Mark 9:46, Mark 9:48. Mark 9:44 o3pou o9 skw&lhc au0tw~n ou0 teleuta%~, kai\ to\ pu=r ou0 sbe/nnutai.

Where their worm does not die,

And the fire is not extinguished.

Isa 66:24.
Isa 66:24 ‫וְיָצְא֣וּ וְרָא֔וּ בְּפִגְרֵי֙ הָאֲנָשִׁ֔ים הַפֹּשְׁעִ֖ים בִּ֑י כִּ֣י תוֹלַעְתָּ֞ם לֹ֣א תָמ֗וּת וְאִשָּׁם֙ לֹ֣א תִכְבֶּ֔ה וְהָי֥וּ דֵרָא֖וֹן לְכָל־בָּשָֽׂר׃‬

“And they will go out

And see the carcases of the men who have transgressed against me,

For their worm will not die,

And their fire will not be extinguished,

And they will be an abhorrence

To all flesh.”

Mark 9:44, Mark 9:46, Mark 9:48. Mark 9:46 o3pou o9 skw&lhc au0tw~n ou0 teleuta%~, kai\ to\ pu=r ou0 sbe/nnutai.

Where their worm does not die,

And the fire is not extinguished.

Isa 66:24.
Isa 66:24 ‫וְיָצְא֣וּ וְרָא֔וּ בְּפִגְרֵי֙ הָאֲנָשִׁ֔ים הַפֹּשְׁעִ֖ים בִּ֑י כִּ֣י תוֹלַעְתָּ֞ם לֹ֣א תָמ֗וּת וְאִשָּׁם֙ לֹ֣א תִכְבֶּ֔ה וְהָי֥וּ דֵרָא֖וֹן לְכָל־בָּשָֽׂר׃‬

“And they will go out

And see the carcases of the men who have transgressed against me,

For their worm will not die,

And their fire will not be extinguished,

And they will be an abhorrence

To all flesh.”

Mark 9:44, Mark 9:46, Mark 9:48. Mark 9:48 o3pou o9 skw&lhc au0tw~n ou0 teleuta%~, kai\ to\ pu=r ou0 sbe/nnutai.

Where their worm does not die,

And the fire is not extinguished.

Isa 66:24.
Jer 5:21 ‫שִׁמְעוּ־נָ֣א זֹ֔את עַ֥ם סָכָ֖ל וְאֵ֣ין לֵ֑ב עֵינַ֤יִם לָהֶם֙ וְלֹ֣א יִרְא֔וּ אָזְנַ֥יִם לָהֶ֖ם וְלֹ֥א יִשְׁמָֽעוּ׃‬

‘Now hear this, you foolish people,

And without a heart,

Who have eyes,

But will not see;

Who have ears,

But will not hear,

Mark 8:18. Mark 8:18 870Ofqalmou\j e1xontej ou0 ble/pete; Kai\ w}ta e1xontej ou0k a)kou/ete; Kai\ ou0 mnhmoneu/ete; Do you not see, although you have eyes? And do you not hear, although you have ears? And do you not remember? Jer 5:21.

although (2x): concessive use of the participle.
Jer 7:11 ‫הַמְעָרַ֣ת פָּרִצִ֗ים הָיָ֨ה הַבַּ֧יִת הַזֶּ֛ה אֲשֶׁר־נִקְרָֽא־שְׁמִ֥י עָלָ֖יו בְּעֵינֵיכֶ֑ם גַּ֧ם אָנֹכִ֛י הִנֵּ֥ה רָאִ֖יתִי נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃ ס‬ Has this house, at which my name is called on in your sight, become a den of thieves? Look, I for my part have seen it, says the Lord. Matt 21:13, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46.

den of thieves ← cave of burglars.
Matt 21:13 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j, Ge/graptai, 879O oi]ko/j mou oi]koj proseuxh=j klhqh/setai: u9mei=j de\ au0to\n e0poih/sate sph/laion lh|stw~n. and he said to them, “It stands written:

‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,

But you have made it a den of thieves.’ ”

Isa 56:7, Jer 7:11.

den of thieves ← cave of plunderers.
Jer 7:11 ‫הַמְעָרַ֣ת פָּרִצִ֗ים הָיָ֨ה הַבַּ֧יִת הַזֶּ֛ה אֲשֶׁר־נִקְרָֽא־שְׁמִ֥י עָלָ֖יו בְּעֵינֵיכֶ֑ם גַּ֧ם אָנֹכִ֛י הִנֵּ֥ה רָאִ֖יתִי נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃ ס‬ Has this house, at which my name is called on in your sight, become a den of thieves? Look, I for my part have seen it, says the Lord. Matt 21:13, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46.

den of thieves ← cave of burglars.
Mark 11:17 Kai\ e0di/dasken, le/gwn au0toi=j, Ou0 ge/graptai o3ti 879O oi]ko/j mou oi]koj proseuxh=j klhqh/setai pa~sin toi=j e1qnesin; 879Umei=j de\ {RP TR: e0poih/sate au0to\n} [P1904: au0to\n e0poih/sate] sph/laion lh|stw~n. Then he gave some teaching and said to them, “Does it not stand written that

My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations,

But you have made it a den of thieves?”

e0poih/sate au0to\n, you made + it, RP TR F1853=16/20 F1859=4/7 vs. au0to\n e0poih/sate, it + you made, P1904 F1853=4/20 (Scrivener's eqry) F1859=3/7.

Isa 56:7, Jer 7:11.

den of thieves ← cave of plunderers.
Jer 7:11 ‫הַמְעָרַ֣ת פָּרִצִ֗ים הָיָ֨ה הַבַּ֧יִת הַזֶּ֛ה אֲשֶׁר־נִקְרָֽא־שְׁמִ֥י עָלָ֖יו בְּעֵינֵיכֶ֑ם גַּ֧ם אָנֹכִ֛י הִנֵּ֥ה רָאִ֖יתִי נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃ ס‬ Has this house, at which my name is called on in your sight, become a den of thieves? Look, I for my part have seen it, says the Lord. Matt 21:13, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46.

den of thieves ← cave of burglars.
Luke 19:46 le/gwn au0toi=j, Ge/graptai {RP TR: ,} [P1904: o3ti] 879O oi]ko/j mou oi]koj proseuxh=j e0sti/n: u9mei=j de\ au0to\n e0poih/sate sph/laion lh|stw~n. saying to them, “It stands written:

‘My house is a house of prayer,

But you have made it a den of thieves.’ ”

o3ti, (it stands written) that: absent in RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=3/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's gp) F1859=3/6.

Isa 56:7, Jer 7:11.

den of thieves ← cave of plunderers.
Jer 7:34 ‫וְהִשְׁבַּתִּ֣י ׀ מֵעָרֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֗ה וּמֵֽחֻצוֹת֙ יְר֣וּשָׁלִַ֔ם ק֤וֹל שָׂשׂוֹן֙ וְק֣וֹל שִׂמְחָ֔ה ק֥וֹל חָתָ֖ן וְק֣וֹל כַּלָּ֑ה כִּ֥י לְחָרְבָּ֖ה תִּהְיֶ֥ה הָאָֽרֶץ׃‬ And in the cities of Judah and the open places of Jerusalem I will put a stop to the sound of rejoicing and the sound of happiness, the sound of a bridegroom and the sound of a bride, for the land will become a desolation. Rev 18:23. Rev 18:23 kai\ fw~j lu/xnou ou0 mh\ fanh|= e0n soi\ e1ti, kai\ fwnh\ numfi/ou kai\ nu/mfhj ou0 mh\ a)kousqh|= e0n soi\ e1ti: o3ti oi9 e1mporoi/ sou h]san oi9 megista~nej th=j gh=j: o3ti e0n th|= farmakei/a% sou e0planh/qhsan pa&nta ta_ e1qnh. and no light of a lamp will shine in you any more at all, and no sound of a bridegroom and bride will be heard in you any more at all, because your merchants were the magnates of the earth, for all the nations were led astray by your sorcery.” Jer 7:34, Jer 16:9.
Jer 9:23
Jer 9:24AV
‫כִּ֣י אִם־בְּזֹ֞את יִתְהַלֵּ֣ל הַמִּתְהַלֵּ֗ל הַשְׂכֵּל֮ וְיָדֹ֣עַ אוֹתִי֒ כִּ֚י אֲנִ֣י יְהוָ֔ה עֹ֥שֶׂה חֶ֛סֶד מִשְׁפָּ֥ט וּצְדָקָ֖ה בָּאָ֑רֶץ כִּֽי־בְאֵ֥לֶּה חָפַ֖צְתִּי נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃ ס‬

But rather let the boaster boast in this:

Being instructed and knowing me,

For I, the Lord,

Act with kindness, justice and righteousness in the land,

For it is in these that I delight,

Says the Lord.

1 Cor 1:31, 2 Cor 10:17, where it is adapted a little.

being instructed ... knowing: gerundial infinitives, here the infinitive absolute.
1 Cor 1:31 i3na, kaqw_j ge/graptai, 879O kauxw&menoj, e0n kuri/w% kauxa&sqw. in order that, as it stands written: “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.” Jer 9:23MT (Jer 9:24AV), adapted a little.
Jer 9:23
Jer 9:24AV
‫כִּ֣י אִם־בְּזֹ֞את יִתְהַלֵּ֣ל הַמִּתְהַלֵּ֗ל הַשְׂכֵּל֮ וְיָדֹ֣עַ אוֹתִי֒ כִּ֚י אֲנִ֣י יְהוָ֔ה עֹ֥שֶׂה חֶ֛סֶד מִשְׁפָּ֥ט וּצְדָקָ֖ה בָּאָ֑רֶץ כִּֽי־בְאֵ֥לֶּה חָפַ֖צְתִּי נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃ ס‬

But rather let the boaster boast in this:

Being instructed and knowing me,

For I, the Lord,

Act with kindness, justice and righteousness in the land,

For it is in these that I delight,

Says the Lord.

1 Cor 1:31, 2 Cor 10:17, where it is adapted a little.

being instructed ... knowing: gerundial infinitives, here the infinitive absolute.
2 Cor 10:17 879O de\ kauxw&menoj, e0n kuri/w% kauxa&sqw. But let him who boasts boast in the Lord. Jer 9:23MT (Jer 9:24AV).
Jer 10:7 ‫מִ֣י לֹ֤א יִֽרָאֲךָ֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ הַגּוֹיִ֔ם כִּ֥י לְךָ֖ יָאָ֑תָה כִּ֣י בְכָל־חַכְמֵ֧י הַגּוֹיִ֛ם וּבְכָל־מַלְכוּתָ֖ם מֵאֵ֥ין כָּמֽוֹךָ׃‬

Who does not fear you,

O king of the nations?

For it is fitting for you,

In that among all the wise men of the nations

And in all their kingdoms,

There is no-one like you.

Rev 15:4.

kingdoms ← kingdom.

there is no-one ← from / because no-one.
Rev 15:4 Ti/j ou0 mh\ fobhqh|= {RP TR: se} [P1904: - ], ku/rie, kai\ {RP-text P1904 TR: doca&sh|} [RP-marg: doca&sei] to\ o1noma& sou; 873Oti mo/noj {RP: a#gioj} [P1904 TR: o3sioj]: o3ti {RP-text P1904 TR: pa&nta ta_ e1qnh} [RP-marg: pa&ntej] h3cousin kai\ proskunh/sousin e0nw&pio/n sou, o3ti ta_ dikaiw&mata& sou e0fanerw&qhsan.

Who can possibly not fear {RP TR: you} [P1904: you], O Lord,

And not glorify your name?

For you alone are {RP: holy} [P1904 TR: sacred],

For {RP-text P1904 TR: all the nations} [RP-marg: all] will come and worship before you,

For your righteous decrees have been made manifest.”

se, (fear) you: present in RP TR F1859=11/12 vs. absent in P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's f, also lacking ku/rie).

doca&sh|, glorify (aorist subjunctive, governed by ou0 mh\), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=9/12 vs. doca&sei, will glorify (future indicative), RP-marg F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's gmn).

a#gioj, holy, RP F1859=11/12 vs. o3sioj, sacred, P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n).

pa&nta ta_ e1qnh, all the nations, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's bhn) vs. pa&ntej, everyone, RP-marg F1859=7/11 vs. another reading, F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's g). A weak disparity with RP-text, R=5:7.

Jer 10:7.
Jer 11:20 ‫וַֽיהוָ֤ה צְבָאוֹת֙ שֹׁפֵ֣ט צֶ֔דֶק בֹּחֵ֥ן כְּלָי֖וֹת וָלֵ֑ב אֶרְאֶ֤ה נִקְמָֽתְךָ֙ מֵהֶ֔ם כִּ֥י אֵלֶ֖יךָ גִּלִּ֥יתִי אֶת־רִיבִֽי׃ ס‬

But, O Lord of hosts,

You who judge righteously,

You who test kidneys and heart,

I will see your vengeance on them,

For I have revealed my contention to you.

Rev 2:23.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. Compare Ps 139:13, Prov 23:16.
Rev 2:23 Kai\ ta_ te/kna au0th=j a)poktenw~ e0n qana&tw%: kai\ gnw&sontai pa~sai ai9 e0kklhsi/ai o3ti e0gw& ei0mi o9 e0reunw~n nefrou\j kai\ kardi/aj: kai\ dw&sw u9mi=n e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga u9mw~n. And I will kill her children with a death blow, and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches kidneys and hearts, and I will give each of you what is appropriate according to your works. Jer 11:20, Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12, Jer 32:19; 1 Sam 16:7, 1 Chr 28:9, 1 Chr 29:17, Ps 139:13, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. See Ps 139:13.

your: as the Greek. Strict English grammar mandates his.
Jer 16:9 ‫כִּי֩ כֹ֨ה אָמַ֜ר יְהוָ֤ה צְבָאוֹת֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל הִנְנִ֨י מַשְׁבִּ֜ית מִן־הַמָּק֥וֹם הַזֶּ֛ה לְעֵינֵיכֶ֖ם וּבִֽימֵיכֶ֑ם ק֤וֹל שָׂשׂוֹן֙ וְק֣וֹל שִׂמְחָ֔ה ק֥וֹל חָתָ֖ן וְק֥וֹל כַּלָּֽה׃‬ For this is what the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel says: «I am about to put an end to this place before your eyes and in your days – the sound of joy and the sound of happiness and the sound of the bridegroom and the sound of the bride.» ’ Rev 18:23.

this is whatthus.

I am about to ← behold me.

an end to ← an end from.
Rev 18:23 kai\ fw~j lu/xnou ou0 mh\ fanh|= e0n soi\ e1ti, kai\ fwnh\ numfi/ou kai\ nu/mfhj ou0 mh\ a)kousqh|= e0n soi\ e1ti: o3ti oi9 e1mporoi/ sou h]san oi9 megista~nej th=j gh=j: o3ti e0n th|= farmakei/a% sou e0planh/qhsan pa&nta ta_ e1qnh. and no light of a lamp will shine in you any more at all, and no sound of a bridegroom and bride will be heard in you any more at all, because your merchants were the magnates of the earth, for all the nations were led astray by your sorcery.” Jer 7:34, Jer 16:9.
Jer 17:9 ‫עָקֹ֥ב הַלֵּ֛ב מִכֹּ֖ל וְאָנֻ֣שׁ ה֑וּא מִ֖י יֵדָעֶֽנּוּ׃‬

The heart is more deceitful than anything,

And it is incurable

– Who can discern it?

See note on James 4:5, where this verse may be alluded to.

anything ← everything.

discern ← know.
James 4:5 872H dokei=te o3ti kenw~j h9 grafh\ le/gei; Pro\j fqo/non e0pipoqei= to\ pneu=ma o4 katw%&khsen e0n h9mi=n. Or do you think that the scripture speaks vacuously? The spirit which dwells in us yearns with proneness to envy. RP punctuates differently to TBS-TR P1904 AV, which read Or do you think that the scripture vacuously says, “...” In any case, as [CB] comments, the general testimony of scripture supports the assertion. See Gen 6:5, Gen 8:21, Jer 17:9, John 2:25.

dwells ← dwelt. A gnomic aorist.
Jer 17:10 ‫אֲנִ֧י יְהוָ֛ה חֹקֵ֥ר לֵ֖ב בֹּחֵ֣ן כְּלָי֑וֹת וְלָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ *כדרכו **כִּדְרָכָ֔יו כִּפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃ ס‬

I, the Lord, search the heart

And examine the kidneys,

So as to give to a man according to his {K: way} [Q: ways],

And according to the fruit of his works.

Rom 2:6, Rom 8:27, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings.
Rom 2:6 o4j a)podw&sei e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tou=: who will render to each person according to his works, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV). See also Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Jer 17:10 ‫אֲנִ֧י יְהוָ֛ה חֹקֵ֥ר לֵ֖ב בֹּחֵ֣ן כְּלָי֑וֹת וְלָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ *כדרכו **כִּדְרָכָ֔יו כִּפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃ ס‬

I, the Lord, search the heart

And examine the kidneys,

So as to give to a man according to his {K: way} [Q: ways],

And according to the fruit of his works.

Rom 2:6, Rom 8:27, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings.
Rom 8:27 o9 de\ e0reunw~n ta_j kardi/aj oi]den ti/ to\ fro/nhma tou= pneu/matoj, o3ti kata_ qeo\n e0ntugxa&nei u9pe\r a(gi/wn. And he who searches hearts knows what the mindset of the spirit is, because it intercedes for the saints in God's way. Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12. See also Rev 2:23.

saints: see Matt 27:52.
Jer 17:10 ‫אֲנִ֧י יְהוָ֛ה חֹקֵ֥ר לֵ֖ב בֹּחֵ֣ן כְּלָי֑וֹת וְלָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ *כדרכו **כִּדְרָכָ֔יו כִּפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃ ס‬

I, the Lord, search the heart

And examine the kidneys,

So as to give to a man according to his {K: way} [Q: ways],

And according to the fruit of his works.

Rom 2:6, Rom 8:27, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings.
Rev 2:23 Kai\ ta_ te/kna au0th=j a)poktenw~ e0n qana&tw%: kai\ gnw&sontai pa~sai ai9 e0kklhsi/ai o3ti e0gw& ei0mi o9 e0reunw~n nefrou\j kai\ kardi/aj: kai\ dw&sw u9mi=n e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga u9mw~n. And I will kill her children with a death blow, and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches kidneys and hearts, and I will give each of you what is appropriate according to your works. Jer 11:20, Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12, Jer 32:19; 1 Sam 16:7, 1 Chr 28:9, 1 Chr 29:17, Ps 139:13, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. See Ps 139:13.

your: as the Greek. Strict English grammar mandates his.
Jer 17:10 ‫אֲנִ֧י יְהוָ֛ה חֹקֵ֥ר לֵ֖ב בֹּחֵ֣ן כְּלָי֑וֹת וְלָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ *כדרכו **כִּדְרָכָ֔יו כִּפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃ ס‬

I, the Lord, search the heart

And examine the kidneys,

So as to give to a man according to his {K: way} [Q: ways],

And according to the fruit of his works.

Rom 2:6, Rom 8:27, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings.
Rev 18:6 870Apo/dote au0th|= w(j kai\ au0th\ a)pe/dwken {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: u9mi=n], kai\ diplw&sate au0th|= dipla~ kata_ ta_ e1rga au0th=j: e0n tw%~ pothri/w% {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0th=j] w%{ e0ke/rasen kera&sate au0th|= diplou=n. Requite her as she for her part requited {RP-text P1904: others} [RP-marg TR: you], and pay her back double according to her works. In {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: her] cup in which she made a mixture, mix her double. u9mi=n, to you (with requited): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's chm). AV differs textually.

We do not understand Scrivener's entry for kata_ ta_ e1rga, which is present in E1624 and Scrivener's ch. A challenge (#1) to F1859.

au0th=j, her (cup): absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=9/12. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:9.

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

for her part ← also.

pay her back double ← double her double.
Jer 17:10 ‫אֲנִ֧י יְהוָ֛ה חֹקֵ֥ר לֵ֖ב בֹּחֵ֣ן כְּלָי֑וֹת וְלָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ *כדרכו **כִּדְרָכָ֔יו כִּפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃ ס‬

I, the Lord, search the heart

And examine the kidneys,

So as to give to a man according to his {K: way} [Q: ways],

And according to the fruit of his works.

Rom 2:6, Rom 8:27, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings.
Rev 20:12 Kai\ ei]don tou\j nekrou/j, {RP P1904: tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j} [TR: mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj], e9stw~taj e0nw&pion tou= {RP P1904: qro/nou} [TR: qeou=], kai\ bibli/a {RP-text TR: h0new%&xqhsan} [RP-marg: h1noican] [P1904: h0noi/xqhsan]: kai\ {RP P1904: a!llo bibli/on} [TR: bibli/on a!llo] {RP TR: h0new%&xqh} [P1904: h0noi/xqh], o3 e0stin th=j zwh=j: kai\ e0kri/qhsan oi9 nekroi\ e0k tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n toi=j bibli/oij, kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And I saw the dead, {RP P1904: the great and the small} [TR: small and great], standing before {RP P1904: the throne} [TR: God], and {RP-text P1904 TR: the books were opened} [RP-marg: they opened the books]. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by the things written in the books according to their works. tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j, the great + and the small, RP P1904 F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]hlm) vs. mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj, small + and great, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's c, with phrase moved) vs. words absent (but tou\j, the (ones standing) retained), F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:5.

qro/nou, throne, RP P1904 F1859=9/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. qeou=, God, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's k). AV differs textually.

h0new%&xqhsan, they were opened (triple augment), RP-text TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl) vs. h1noican, they opened, RP-marg F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. h0noi/xqhsan, they were opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]m). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:5.

a!llo bibli/on, another + book, RP P1904 F1859=7/10 (Scrivener's bdef[MJW]jkm) vs. bibli/on a!llo, book + another, TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl).

h0new%&xqh, was opened (triple augment), RP TR F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkl) vs. h0noi/xqh, was opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's em) vs. a)new%&xqh, was opened (double augment), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Jer 17:10 ‫אֲנִ֧י יְהוָ֛ה חֹקֵ֥ר לֵ֖ב בֹּחֵ֣ן כְּלָי֑וֹת וְלָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ *כדרכו **כִּדְרָכָ֔יו כִּפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃ ס‬

I, the Lord, search the heart

And examine the kidneys,

So as to give to a man according to his {K: way} [Q: ways],

And according to the fruit of his works.

Rom 2:6, Rom 8:27, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings.
Rev 20:13 Kai\ e1dwken h9 qa&lassa tou\j {RP-text P1904: nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0th|=} [RP-marg TR: e0n au0th|= nekrou/j], kai\ o9 Qa&natoj kai\ o9 873A|dhj e1dwkan tou\j {RP-text P1904: nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0toi=j} [RP-marg TR: e0n au0toi=j nekrou/j]: kai\ e0kri/qhsan e3kastoj kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead in them, and each one was judged according to his works. nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0th|=, (the) dead the (ones) + in it, RP-text P1904 F1859=8/9 vs. e0n au0th|= nekrou/j, (the) in it + dead, RP-marg TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0toi=j, (the) dead + the (ones) + in them, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/9 vs. e0n au0toi=j nekrou/j, (the) in them + dead, RP-marg TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h) vs. another reading, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's l). The testimony of f[MJW] is very inconsistent and is excluded.

We, with AV P1904 TBS-TR, but not RP, do not capitalize death. But we do, with RP, but not AV P1904 TBS-TR, capitalize Hades.

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

Hades: the place of the dead.

his ← their.
Jer 17:10 ‫אֲנִ֧י יְהוָ֛ה חֹקֵ֥ר לֵ֖ב בֹּחֵ֣ן כְּלָי֑וֹת וְלָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ *כדרכו **כִּדְרָכָ֔יו כִּפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃ ס‬

I, the Lord, search the heart

And examine the kidneys,

So as to give to a man according to his {K: way} [Q: ways],

And according to the fruit of his works.

Rom 2:6, Rom 8:27, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings.
Rev 22:12 {RP P1904: 870Idou/} [TR: Kai\ i0dou/], e1rxomai taxu/, kai\ o9 misqo/j mou met' e0mou=, a)podou=nai e9ka&stw% w(j to\ e1rgon {RP-text P1904: e1stai au0tou=} [RP-marg TR: au0tou= e1stai]. {RP P1904: Behold} [TR: And behold], I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give what is due to each one as his work proves to be. kai\, and (behold): absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. present in TR F1859=0/7.

e1stai au0tou=, will be + his → proves to be, RP-text P1904 F1859=4/6 (Scrivener's bhjk) vs. au0tou= e1stai, his + will be, RP-marg TR F1859=2/6 (Scrivener's cl).

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

to give what is due: the whole of this sense is contained in a)podou=nai.

proves to be ← will be.
Jer 20:12 ‫וַיהוָ֤ה צְבָאוֹת֙ בֹּחֵ֣ן צַדִּ֔יק רֹאֶ֥ה כְלָי֖וֹת וָלֵ֑ב אֶרְאֶ֤ה נִקְמָֽתְךָ֙ מֵהֶ֔ם כִּ֥י אֵלֶ֖יךָ גִּלִּ֥יתִי אֶת־רִיבִֽי׃ ס‬

But the Lord of hosts tests the righteous

And sees the kidneys and the heart.

I will see your vengeance on them,

For I have disclosed my contention to you.

Rom 8:27, Rev 2:23. See also Jer 17:10.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings.
Rom 8:27 o9 de\ e0reunw~n ta_j kardi/aj oi]den ti/ to\ fro/nhma tou= pneu/matoj, o3ti kata_ qeo\n e0ntugxa&nei u9pe\r a(gi/wn. And he who searches hearts knows what the mindset of the spirit is, because it intercedes for the saints in God's way. Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12. See also Rev 2:23.

saints: see Matt 27:52.
Jer 20:12 ‫וַיהוָ֤ה צְבָאוֹת֙ בֹּחֵ֣ן צַדִּ֔יק רֹאֶ֥ה כְלָי֖וֹת וָלֵ֑ב אֶרְאֶ֤ה נִקְמָֽתְךָ֙ מֵהֶ֔ם כִּ֥י אֵלֶ֖יךָ גִּלִּ֥יתִי אֶת־רִיבִֽי׃ ס‬

But the Lord of hosts tests the righteous

And sees the kidneys and the heart.

I will see your vengeance on them,

For I have disclosed my contention to you.

Rom 8:27, Rev 2:23. See also Jer 17:10.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings.
Rev 2:23 Kai\ ta_ te/kna au0th=j a)poktenw~ e0n qana&tw%: kai\ gnw&sontai pa~sai ai9 e0kklhsi/ai o3ti e0gw& ei0mi o9 e0reunw~n nefrou\j kai\ kardi/aj: kai\ dw&sw u9mi=n e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga u9mw~n. And I will kill her children with a death blow, and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches kidneys and hearts, and I will give each of you what is appropriate according to your works. Jer 11:20, Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12, Jer 32:19; 1 Sam 16:7, 1 Chr 28:9, 1 Chr 29:17, Ps 139:13, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. See Ps 139:13.

your: as the Greek. Strict English grammar mandates his.
Jer 23:5 ‫הִנֵּ֨ה יָמִ֤ים בָּאִים֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה וַהֲקִמֹתִ֥י לְדָוִ֖ד צֶ֣מַח צַדִּ֑יק וּמָ֤לַךְ מֶ֙לֶךְ֙ וְהִשְׂכִּ֔יל וְעָשָׂ֛ה מִשְׁפָּ֥ט וּצְדָקָ֖ה בָּאָֽרֶץ׃‬

Behold, the days are coming,

Says the Lord,

When I will raise a righteous branch to David,

And he will reign as king,

And he will act wisely

And administer justice and righteousness in the land.

John 7:42.

|| Jer 33:14, Jer 33:15.
John 7:42 Ou0xi\ h9 grafh\ ei]pen o3ti e0k tou= spe/rmatoj {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], kai\ a)po\ Bhqlee/m, th=j kw&mhj o3pou h]n {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], o9 xristo\j e1rxetai; Does not the scripture say that the Christ comes from the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was? David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:30MT-37MT (Ps 89:29AV-36AV), Ps 132:11, Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10, Jer 23:5, Jer 33:15, Mic 5:1MT (Mic 5:2AV).

does ← did.
Jer 25:10 ‫וְהַאֲבַדְתִּ֣י מֵהֶ֗ם ק֤וֹל שָׂשׂוֹן֙ וְק֣וֹל שִׂמְחָ֔ה ק֥וֹל חָתָ֖ן וְק֣וֹל כַּלָּ֑ה ק֥וֹל רֵחַ֖יִם וְא֥וֹר נֵֽר׃‬ And I will remove from them the sound of joy and the sound of happiness, and the sound of a bridegroom and the sound of a bride, and the sound of millstones and the light of a lamp. Rev 18:22.

remove ← cause to perish.

lamp: or candle.
Rev 18:22 Kai\ fwnh\ kiqarw%dw~n kai\ mousikw~n kai\ au0lhtw~n kai\ salpistw~n ou0 mh\ a)kousqh|= e0n soi\ e1ti, kai\ pa~j texni/thj pa&shj te/xnhj ou0 mh\ eu9reqh|= e0n soi\ e1ti, kai\ fwnh\ mu/lou ou0 mh\ a)kousqh|= e0n soi\ e1ti, And no sound of harpists and musicians and flautists and trumpet-players will be heard in you any more at all, and no craftsmen of any craft will be found in you any more at all, nor will the sound of the millstone ever be heard in you any more, Ezek 26:13, Jer 25:10.

any (craft) ← every.

ever: this sense is conveyed by ou0 mh\ in the context.
Jer 25:15 ‫כִּ֣י כֹה֩ אָמַ֨ר יְהוָ֜ה אֱלֹהֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ אֵלַ֔י קַ֠ח אֶת־כּ֨וֹס הַיַּ֧יִן הַחֵמָ֛ה הַזֹּ֖את מִיָּדִ֑י וְהִשְׁקִיתָ֤ה אֹתוֹ֙ אֶת־כָּל־הַגּוֹיִ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֧ר אָנֹכִ֛י שֹׁלֵ֥חַ אוֹתְךָ֖ אֲלֵיהֶֽם׃‬ For this is what the Lord God of Israel says to me: “Take this wine cup of fury from my hand and give it to drink to all the nations to which I send you. Rev 16:19.

this is whatthus.
Rev 16:19 Kai\ e0ge/neto h9 po/lij h9 mega&lh ei0j tri/a me/rh, kai\ ai9 po/leij tw~n e0qnw~n {RP TR: e1peson} [P1904: e1pesan]: kai\ Babulw_n h9 mega&lh e0mnh/sqh e0nw&pion tou= qeou=, dou=nai au0th|= to\ poth/rion tou= oi1nou tou= qumou= th=j o0rgh=j au0tou=. And the great city became split into three parts, and the cities of the Gentiles collapsed. Then Babylon the great was remembered before God by giving it the cup of the wine of the wrath of his anger. e1peson, fell (classical form), RP TR F1859=9/14 vs. e1pesan, fell (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=5/14 (Scrivener's dh**jln).

Jer 25:15.
Jer 30:22 ‫וִהְיִ֥יתֶם לִ֖י לְעָ֑ם וְאָ֣נֹכִ֔י אֶהְיֶ֥ה לָכֶ֖ם לֵאלֹהִֽים׃ ס‬

And you will be a people to me,

And I will be God to you.

2 Cor 6:16. 2 Cor 6:16 Ti/j de\ sugkata&qesij naw%~ qeou= meta_ ei0dw&lwn; 879Umei=j ga_r nao\j qeou= e0ste zw~ntoj, kaqw_j ei]pen o9 qeo\j o3ti 870Enoikh/sw e0n au0toi=j, kai\ e0mperipath/sw: kai\ e1somai au0tw~n qeo/j, kai\ au0toi\ e1sontai/ moi lao/j. And what compatibility is there between the sanctuary of God and idols? For you are the sanctuary of the living God, as God has said,

“I will dwell among them

And walk among them,

And I will be their God,

And they will be my people.”

Ex 29:45, Lev 26:12, Jer 30:22, Jer 31:1, Jer 32:38, Ezek 37:27, Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV), Zech 8:8.
Jer 31:1 ‫בָּעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶה֙ לֵֽאלֹהִ֔ים לְכֹ֖ל מִשְׁפְּח֣וֹת יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וְהֵ֖מָּה יִֽהְיוּ־לִ֥י לְעָֽם׃ ס‬ At that time, says the Lord, I will be God to all the families of Israel, and they will be a people to me.” 2 Cor 6:16. 2 Cor 6:16 Ti/j de\ sugkata&qesij naw%~ qeou= meta_ ei0dw&lwn; 879Umei=j ga_r nao\j qeou= e0ste zw~ntoj, kaqw_j ei]pen o9 qeo\j o3ti 870Enoikh/sw e0n au0toi=j, kai\ e0mperipath/sw: kai\ e1somai au0tw~n qeo/j, kai\ au0toi\ e1sontai/ moi lao/j. And what compatibility is there between the sanctuary of God and idols? For you are the sanctuary of the living God, as God has said,

“I will dwell among them

And walk among them,

And I will be their God,

And they will be my people.”

Ex 29:45, Lev 26:12, Jer 30:22, Jer 31:1, Jer 32:38, Ezek 37:27, Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV), Zech 8:8.
Jer 31:9 ‫בִּבְכִ֣י יָבֹ֗אוּ וּֽבְתַחֲנוּנִים֮ אֽוֹבִילֵם֒ אֽוֹלִיכֵם֙ אֶל־נַ֣חֲלֵי מַ֔יִם בְּדֶ֣רֶךְ יָשָׁ֔ר לֹ֥א יִכָּשְׁל֖וּ בָּ֑הּ כִּֽי־הָיִ֤יתִי לְיִשְׂרָאֵל֙ לְאָ֔ב וְאֶפְרַ֖יִם בְּכֹ֥רִי הֽוּא׃ ס‬

They will come with weeping,

And I will lead them with their supplications;

I will conduct them to brooks of water

By a straight way on which they will not stumble,

For I will be a father to Israel,

And Ephraim is my firstborn.

Rev 7:17. Rev 7:17 o3ti to\ a)rni/on to\ a)na_ me/son tou= qro/nou {RP-text P1904: poimai/nei} [RP-marg TR: poimanei=] au0tou/j, kai\ {RP-text: o9dhgei=} [RP-marg P1904 TR: o9dhgh/sei] au0tou\j e0pi\ {RP P1904: zwh=j} [TR: zw&saj] phga_j u9da&twn, kai\ e0calei/yei o9 qeo\j pa~n da&kruon {RP P1904: e0k} [TR: a)po\] tw~n o0fqalmw~n au0tw~n.

For the lamb which is in the middle of the throne

{RP-text P1904: Is} [RP-marg TR: Will be] a shepherd to them,

And he {RP-text: guides} [RP-marg P1904 TR: will guide] them to the sources of {RP P1904: waters of life} [TR: living waters],

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

poimai/nei, tends, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. poimanei=, will tend, RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fh*ln). AV differs textually.

o9dhgei=, guides, RP-text F1859=10/13 (incl. l misspelled) vs. o9dhgh/sei, will guide, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fh*n). AV differs textually.

zwh=j, of life, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. zw&saj, living, TR F1859=0/12.

e0k, out of, RP P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. a)po\, from, TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's fgn).

Isa 49:10, Isa 25:8, Jer 31:9 etc.

in the middle of ← between, among.
Jer 31:15 ‫כֹּ֣ה ׀ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֗ה ק֣וֹל בְּרָמָ֤ה נִשְׁמָע֙ נְהִי֙ בְּכִ֣י תַמְרוּרִ֔ים רָחֵ֖ל מְבַכָּ֣ה עַל־בָּנֶ֑יהָ מֵאֲנָ֛ה לְהִנָּחֵ֥ם עַל־בָּנֶ֖יהָ כִּ֥י אֵינֶֽנּוּ׃ ס‬ This is what the Lord says:

“A sound is heard in Ramah

– Lamentation and very bitter weeping –

Rachel grieving for her sons.

She refuses to be comforted for her sons,

For they are no more.”

Matt 2:18.

this is whatthus.

very bitter weeping ← weeping of bitternesses.

Rachel: AV= Rahel here.

they ← he / it.
Matt 2:18 Fwnh\ e0n 879Rama~ h0kou/sqh, qrh=noj kai\ klauqmo\j kai\ o0durmo\j polu/j, 879Raxh\l klai/ousa ta_ te/kna au0th=j, kai\ ou0k h1qelen paraklhqh=nai, o3ti ou0k ei0si/n.

“A cry was heard in Ramah

– Lamentation and weeping and much mourning –

Rachel weeping for her children,

And she refused to be comforted,

For they were no more.”

Jer 31:15.

Ramah: AV= Rama, as the Greek, but we align it with the Hebrew name.

were no moreare not (in existence).
Jer 31:31 ‫הִנֵּ֛ה יָמִ֥ים בָּאִ֖ים נְאֻם־יְהוָ֑ה וְכָרַתִּ֗י אֶת־בֵּ֧ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל וְאֶת־בֵּ֥ית יְהוּדָ֖ה בְּרִ֥ית חֲדָשָֽׁה׃‬ Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Heb 8:8. See also 1 John 3:6.

make ← cut.
Heb 8:8 Memfo/menoj ga_r au0toi=j le/gei, 870Idou/, h9me/rai e1rxontai, le/gei ku/rioj, kai\ suntele/sw e0pi\ to\n oi]kon 870Israh\l kai\ e0pi\ to\n oi]kon 870Iou/da diaqh/khn kainh/n: For finding fault with those people, he says, “ ‘Behold, the days are coming’, says the Lord, ‘when I will thoroughly bring a new covenant about with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, Jer 31:31.

those peoplethem (masculine; possibly neuter), but we cannot translate “them”, as in English the word would appear to refer to the covenants (feminine in Greek), which would make it look as though the second covenant were faulty.
Jer 31:32 ‫לֹ֣א כַבְּרִ֗ית אֲשֶׁ֤ר כָּרַ֙תִּי֙ אֶת־אֲבוֹתָ֔ם בְּיוֹם֙ הֶחֱזִיקִ֣י בְיָדָ֔ם לְהוֹצִיאָ֖ם מֵאֶ֖רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם אֲשֶׁר־הֵ֜מָּה הֵפֵ֣רוּ אֶת־בְּרִיתִ֗י וְאָנֹכִ֛י בָּעַ֥לְתִּי בָ֖ם נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃‬ Not like the covenant which I made with their fathers on the day when I held them by their hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt – my covenant which they broke, although I had been a husband to them – says the Lord. Heb 8:9.

made ← cut.

although: concessive use of the vav.
Heb 8:9 ou0 kata_ th\n diaqh/khn h4n e0poi/hsa toi=j patra&sin au0tw~n e0n h9me/ra% e0pilabome/nou {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: mou} [E1624: - ] th=j xeiro\j au0tw~n e0cagagei=n au0tou\j e0k gh=j Ai0gu/ptou: o3ti au0toi\ ou0k e0ne/meinan e0n th|= diaqh/kh| mou, ka)gw_ h0me/lhsa au0tw~n, le/gei ku/rioj. not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers on the day when took them by their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, since they did not remain in my covenant, and I let them have their way’, says the Lord. mou, I (in the genitive): present in RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=11/12 (incl. c(tacite) and m** of a recent hand) vs. absent in E1624 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's m*).

let them have their way: or disregarded them, or disdained them.

Jer 31:32.
Jer 31:33 ‫כִּ֣י זֹ֣את הַבְּרִ֡ית אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶכְרֹת֩ אֶת־בֵּ֨ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל אַחֲרֵ֨י הַיָּמִ֤ים הָהֵם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה נָתַ֤תִּי אֶת־תּֽוֹרָתִי֙ בְּקִרְבָּ֔ם וְעַל־לִבָּ֖ם אֶכְתֲּבֶ֑נָּה וְהָיִ֤יתִי לָהֶם֙ לֵֽאלֹהִ֔ים וְהֵ֖מָּה יִֽהְיוּ־לִ֥י לְעָֽם׃‬ For this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: ‘I will put my law in their inner parts, and I will write it on their heart, and I will be God to them, and they will be a people to me. John 6:45, Heb 8:10, Heb 10:16. See also 1 John 2:20.

make ← cut.
John 6:45 871Estin gegramme/non e0n toi=j profh/taij, Kai\ e1sontai pa&ntej didaktoi\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tou=] qeou=. Pa~j {RP TR: ou]n} [P1904: - ] o9 {RP P1904: a)kou/wn} [TR: a)kou/saj] para_ tou= patro\j kai\ maqw&n, e1rxetai pro/j me. It stands written in the prophets: ‘And they will all be taught by God.’ {RP TR: So everyone} [P1904: Everyone] who {RP P1904: hears} [TR: has heard] from the father and has learnt comes to me. tou=, of the (God): absent in RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's ct*xy) F1859=3/7.

ou]n, therefore: present in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.

a)kou/wn, hearing, RP P1904 F1853=15/20 F1859=1/7 vs. a)kou/saj, having heard, TR F1853=5/20 F1859=6/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.9 PV=0.5%.

Isa 54:13, Jer 31:33-34.
Jer 31:33 ‫כִּ֣י זֹ֣את הַבְּרִ֡ית אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶכְרֹת֩ אֶת־בֵּ֨ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל אַחֲרֵ֨י הַיָּמִ֤ים הָהֵם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה נָתַ֤תִּי אֶת־תּֽוֹרָתִי֙ בְּקִרְבָּ֔ם וְעַל־לִבָּ֖ם אֶכְתֲּבֶ֑נָּה וְהָיִ֤יתִי לָהֶם֙ לֵֽאלֹהִ֔ים וְהֵ֖מָּה יִֽהְיוּ־לִ֥י לְעָֽם׃‬ For this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: ‘I will put my law in their inner parts, and I will write it on their heart, and I will be God to them, and they will be a people to me. John 6:45, Heb 8:10, Heb 10:16. See also 1 John 2:20.

make ← cut.
Heb 8:10 873Oti au3th h9 diaqh/kh h4n diaqh/somai tw%~ oi1kw% 870Israh\l meta_ ta_j h9me/raj e0kei/naj, le/gei ku/rioj, didou\j no/mouj mou ei0j th\n dia&noian au0tw~n, kai\ e0pi\ kardi/aj au0tw~n e0pigra&yw au0tou/j: kai\ e1somai au0toi=j ei0j qeo/n, kai\ au0toi\ e1sontai/ moi ei0j lao/n. For this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel, after those days’, says the Lord: ‘I will put my laws in their mind, and I will write them on their hearts, and I will be God to them, and they will be a people to me. Jer 31:33.

I will put: temporal use of the participle, taking its time frame form the main verb (I will write ... on).
Jer 31:33 ‫כִּ֣י זֹ֣את הַבְּרִ֡ית אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶכְרֹת֩ אֶת־בֵּ֨ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל אַחֲרֵ֨י הַיָּמִ֤ים הָהֵם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה נָתַ֤תִּי אֶת־תּֽוֹרָתִי֙ בְּקִרְבָּ֔ם וְעַל־לִבָּ֖ם אֶכְתֲּבֶ֑נָּה וְהָיִ֤יתִי לָהֶם֙ לֵֽאלֹהִ֔ים וְהֵ֖מָּה יִֽהְיוּ־לִ֥י לְעָֽם׃‬ For this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: ‘I will put my law in their inner parts, and I will write it on their heart, and I will be God to them, and they will be a people to me. John 6:45, Heb 8:10, Heb 10:16. See also 1 John 2:20.

make ← cut.
Heb 10:16 Au3th h9 diaqh/kh h4n diaqh/somai pro\j au0tou\j meta_ ta_j h9me/raj e0kei/naj, le/gei ku/rioj, didou\j no/mouj mou e0pi\ kardi/aj au0tw~n, kai\ e0pi\ tw~n dianoiw~n au0tw~n e0pigra&yw au0tou/j: “This is the covenant which I will make with them after those days”, says the Lord: “I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them in their minds, Jer 31:33.

I will put: see Heb 8:10.
Jer 31:33 ‫כִּ֣י זֹ֣את הַבְּרִ֡ית אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶכְרֹת֩ אֶת־בֵּ֨ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל אַחֲרֵ֨י הַיָּמִ֤ים הָהֵם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה נָתַ֤תִּי אֶת־תּֽוֹרָתִי֙ בְּקִרְבָּ֔ם וְעַל־לִבָּ֖ם אֶכְתֲּבֶ֑נָּה וְהָיִ֤יתִי לָהֶם֙ לֵֽאלֹהִ֔ים וְהֵ֖מָּה יִֽהְיוּ־לִ֥י לְעָֽם׃‬ For this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: ‘I will put my law in their inner parts, and I will write it on their heart, and I will be God to them, and they will be a people to me. John 6:45, Heb 8:10, Heb 10:16. See also 1 John 2:20.

make ← cut.
1 John 2:20 Kai\ u9mei=j xri/sma e1xete a)po\ tou= a(gi/ou, kai\ oi1date pa&nta. But you have an anointing from the holy one, and you know all things. you know all things: reminiscent of Jer 31:33, so connected with the new covenant, which operates on the house of Israel and the house of Judah (Jer 31:31). See also 1 John 2:27.
Jer 31:34 ‫וְלֹ֧א יְלַמְּד֣וּ ע֗וֹד אִ֣ישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵ֜הוּ וְאִ֤ישׁ אֶת־אָחִיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר דְּע֖וּ אֶת־יְהוָ֑ה כִּֽי־כוּלָּם֩ יֵדְע֨וּ אוֹתִ֜י לְמִקְטַנָּ֤ם וְעַד־גְּדוֹלָם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֤י אֶסְלַח֙ לַֽעֲוֺנָ֔ם וּלְחַטָּאתָ֖ם לֹ֥א אֶזְכָּר־עֽוֹד׃ ס‬ And no longer will each teach his neighbour, and each his brother, saying, «Know the Lord», for they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord, for I will pardon their iniquity, and I will no longer remember their sins.’ ” John 6:45, Heb 8:11, Heb 8:12, Heb 10:17. See also 1 John 2:10, 1 John 2:27. John 6:45 871Estin gegramme/non e0n toi=j profh/taij, Kai\ e1sontai pa&ntej didaktoi\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: tou=] qeou=. Pa~j {RP TR: ou]n} [P1904: - ] o9 {RP P1904: a)kou/wn} [TR: a)kou/saj] para_ tou= patro\j kai\ maqw&n, e1rxetai pro/j me. It stands written in the prophets: ‘And they will all be taught by God.’ {RP TR: So everyone} [P1904: Everyone] who {RP P1904: hears} [TR: has heard] from the father and has learnt comes to me. tou=, of the (God): absent in RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=4/7 vs. present in TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's ct*xy) F1859=3/7.

ou]n, therefore: present in RP TR F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. absent in P1904 F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7.

a)kou/wn, hearing, RP P1904 F1853=15/20 F1859=1/7 vs. a)kou/saj, having heard, TR F1853=5/20 F1859=6/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.9 PV=0.5%.

Isa 54:13, Jer 31:33-34.
Jer 31:34 ‫וְלֹ֧א יְלַמְּד֣וּ ע֗וֹד אִ֣ישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵ֜הוּ וְאִ֤ישׁ אֶת־אָחִיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר דְּע֖וּ אֶת־יְהוָ֑ה כִּֽי־כוּלָּם֩ יֵדְע֨וּ אוֹתִ֜י לְמִקְטַנָּ֤ם וְעַד־גְּדוֹלָם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֤י אֶסְלַח֙ לַֽעֲוֺנָ֔ם וּלְחַטָּאתָ֖ם לֹ֥א אֶזְכָּר־עֽוֹד׃ ס‬ And no longer will each teach his neighbour, and each his brother, saying, «Know the Lord», for they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord, for I will pardon their iniquity, and I will no longer remember their sins.’ ” John 6:45, Heb 8:11, Heb 8:12, Heb 10:17. See also 1 John 2:10, 1 John 2:27. Heb 8:11 Kai\ ou0 mh\ dida&cwsin e3kastoj to\n {RP P1904: poli/thn} [TR: plhsi/on] au0tou=, kai\ e3kastoj to\n a)delfo\n au0tou=, le/gwn, Gnw~qi to\n ku/rion: o3ti pa&ntej ei0dh/sousi/n me, a)po\ mikrou= au0tw~n e3wj mega&lou au0tw~n. And not a single one of them will have to teach his {RP P1904: fellow citizen} [TR: neighbour] at all, nor a single one of them his brother, saying, «Know the Lord», because all will know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, poli/thn, citizen, RP P1904 F1859=7/11 vs. plhsi/on, neighbour, TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's acfh).

Jer 31:34.

not ... nor a single one of them (two occurrences) ← each ... not.

least ... greatest ← small ... great. Positive degree for superlative.
Jer 31:34 ‫וְלֹ֧א יְלַמְּד֣וּ ע֗וֹד אִ֣ישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵ֜הוּ וְאִ֤ישׁ אֶת־אָחִיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר דְּע֖וּ אֶת־יְהוָ֑ה כִּֽי־כוּלָּם֩ יֵדְע֨וּ אוֹתִ֜י לְמִקְטַנָּ֤ם וְעַד־גְּדוֹלָם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֤י אֶסְלַח֙ לַֽעֲוֺנָ֔ם וּלְחַטָּאתָ֖ם לֹ֥א אֶזְכָּר־עֽוֹד׃ ס‬ And no longer will each teach his neighbour, and each his brother, saying, «Know the Lord», for they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord, for I will pardon their iniquity, and I will no longer remember their sins.’ ” John 6:45, Heb 8:11, Heb 8:12, Heb 10:17. See also 1 John 2:10, 1 John 2:27. Heb 8:12 873Oti i3lewj e1somai tai=j a)diki/aij au0tw~n, kai\ tw~n a(martiw~n au0tw~n kai\ tw~n a)nomiw~n au0tw~n ou0 mh\ mnhsqw~ e1ti. because I will be propitious with their wrongdoings, and I will no longer remember their sins and their lawless deeds at all.’ ” Jer 31:34.
Jer 31:34 ‫וְלֹ֧א יְלַמְּד֣וּ ע֗וֹד אִ֣ישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵ֜הוּ וְאִ֤ישׁ אֶת־אָחִיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר דְּע֖וּ אֶת־יְהוָ֑ה כִּֽי־כוּלָּם֩ יֵדְע֨וּ אוֹתִ֜י לְמִקְטַנָּ֤ם וְעַד־גְּדוֹלָם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֤י אֶסְלַח֙ לַֽעֲוֺנָ֔ם וּלְחַטָּאתָ֖ם לֹ֥א אֶזְכָּר־עֽוֹד׃ ס‬ And no longer will each teach his neighbour, and each his brother, saying, «Know the Lord», for they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord, for I will pardon their iniquity, and I will no longer remember their sins.’ ” John 6:45, Heb 8:11, Heb 8:12, Heb 10:17. See also 1 John 2:10, 1 John 2:27. Heb 10:17 kai\ tw~n a(martiw~n au0tw~n kai\ tw~n a)nomiw~n au0tw~n ou0 mh\ mnhsqw~ e1ti. and I will no longer remember their sins and their lawless deeds at all.” Jer 31:34.
Jer 31:34 ‫וְלֹ֧א יְלַמְּד֣וּ ע֗וֹד אִ֣ישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵ֜הוּ וְאִ֤ישׁ אֶת־אָחִיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר דְּע֖וּ אֶת־יְהוָ֑ה כִּֽי־כוּלָּם֩ יֵדְע֨וּ אוֹתִ֜י לְמִקְטַנָּ֤ם וְעַד־גְּדוֹלָם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֤י אֶסְלַח֙ לַֽעֲוֺנָ֔ם וּלְחַטָּאתָ֖ם לֹ֥א אֶזְכָּר־עֽוֹד׃ ס‬ And no longer will each teach his neighbour, and each his brother, saying, «Know the Lord», for they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord, for I will pardon their iniquity, and I will no longer remember their sins.’ ” John 6:45, Heb 8:11, Heb 8:12, Heb 10:17. See also 1 John 2:10, 1 John 2:27. 1 John 2:10 879O a)gapw~n to\n a)delfo\n au0tou= e0n tw%~ fwti\ me/nei, kai\ ska&ndalon e0n au0tw%~ ou0k e1stin. He who loves his brother remains in the light, and there is no offensiveness in him. brother: perhaps in the sense of Jer 31:34. See 1 John 2:20, 1 John 2:27.
Jer 31:34 ‫וְלֹ֧א יְלַמְּד֣וּ ע֗וֹד אִ֣ישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵ֜הוּ וְאִ֤ישׁ אֶת־אָחִיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר דְּע֖וּ אֶת־יְהוָ֑ה כִּֽי־כוּלָּם֩ יֵדְע֨וּ אוֹתִ֜י לְמִקְטַנָּ֤ם וְעַד־גְּדוֹלָם֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֤י אֶסְלַח֙ לַֽעֲוֺנָ֔ם וּלְחַטָּאתָ֖ם לֹ֥א אֶזְכָּר־עֽוֹד׃ ס‬ And no longer will each teach his neighbour, and each his brother, saying, «Know the Lord», for they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord, for I will pardon their iniquity, and I will no longer remember their sins.’ ” John 6:45, Heb 8:11, Heb 8:12, Heb 10:17. See also 1 John 2:10, 1 John 2:27. 1 John 2:27 Kai\ u9mei=j, to\ xri/sma o4 e0la&bete a)p' au0tou= e0n u9mi=n me/nei, kai\ ou0 xrei/an e1xete i3na tij dida&skh| u9ma~j: a)ll' w(j to\ au0to\ xri/sma dida&skei u9ma~j peri\ pa&ntwn, kai\ a)lhqe/j e0stin, kai\ ou0k e1stin yeu=doj, kai\ kaqw_j e0di/dacen u9ma~j, menei=te e0n au0tw%~. And as for you, the anointing which you received from him remains in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you about all things, and is true, and is not a lie, so just as it has taught you, you will remain in him. you have no need for anyone to teach you: another reference to the new covenant, Jer 31:34.

in him: or in it.
Jer 32:19 ‫גְּדֹל֙ הָֽעֵצָ֔ה וְרַ֖ב הָעֲלִֽילִיָּ֑ה אֲשֶׁר־עֵינֶ֣יךָ פְקֻח֗וֹת עַל־כָּל־דַּרְכֵי֙ בְּנֵ֣י אָדָ֔ם לָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ כִּדְרָכָ֔יו וְכִפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃‬ You are great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are alert to all the ways of the sons of Adam, to render to a man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his works, Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

alert ← open.
Rom 2:6 o4j a)podw&sei e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tou=: who will render to each person according to his works, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV). See also Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Jer 32:19 ‫גְּדֹל֙ הָֽעֵצָ֔ה וְרַ֖ב הָעֲלִֽילִיָּ֑ה אֲשֶׁר־עֵינֶ֣יךָ פְקֻח֗וֹת עַל־כָּל־דַּרְכֵי֙ בְּנֵ֣י אָדָ֔ם לָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ כִּדְרָכָ֔יו וְכִפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃‬ You are great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are alert to all the ways of the sons of Adam, to render to a man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his works, Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

alert ← open.
Rev 2:23 Kai\ ta_ te/kna au0th=j a)poktenw~ e0n qana&tw%: kai\ gnw&sontai pa~sai ai9 e0kklhsi/ai o3ti e0gw& ei0mi o9 e0reunw~n nefrou\j kai\ kardi/aj: kai\ dw&sw u9mi=n e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga u9mw~n. And I will kill her children with a death blow, and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches kidneys and hearts, and I will give each of you what is appropriate according to your works. Jer 11:20, Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12, Jer 32:19; 1 Sam 16:7, 1 Chr 28:9, 1 Chr 29:17, Ps 139:13, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. See Ps 139:13.

your: as the Greek. Strict English grammar mandates his.
Jer 32:19 ‫גְּדֹל֙ הָֽעֵצָ֔ה וְרַ֖ב הָעֲלִֽילִיָּ֑ה אֲשֶׁר־עֵינֶ֣יךָ פְקֻח֗וֹת עַל־כָּל־דַּרְכֵי֙ בְּנֵ֣י אָדָ֔ם לָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ כִּדְרָכָ֔יו וְכִפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃‬ You are great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are alert to all the ways of the sons of Adam, to render to a man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his works, Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

alert ← open.
Rev 18:6 870Apo/dote au0th|= w(j kai\ au0th\ a)pe/dwken {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: u9mi=n], kai\ diplw&sate au0th|= dipla~ kata_ ta_ e1rga au0th=j: e0n tw%~ pothri/w% {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0th=j] w%{ e0ke/rasen kera&sate au0th|= diplou=n. Requite her as she for her part requited {RP-text P1904: others} [RP-marg TR: you], and pay her back double according to her works. In {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: her] cup in which she made a mixture, mix her double. u9mi=n, to you (with requited): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's chm). AV differs textually.

We do not understand Scrivener's entry for kata_ ta_ e1rga, which is present in E1624 and Scrivener's ch. A challenge (#1) to F1859.

au0th=j, her (cup): absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=9/12. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:9.

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

for her part ← also.

pay her back double ← double her double.
Jer 32:19 ‫גְּדֹל֙ הָֽעֵצָ֔ה וְרַ֖ב הָעֲלִֽילִיָּ֑ה אֲשֶׁר־עֵינֶ֣יךָ פְקֻח֗וֹת עַל־כָּל־דַּרְכֵי֙ בְּנֵ֣י אָדָ֔ם לָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ כִּדְרָכָ֔יו וְכִפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃‬ You are great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are alert to all the ways of the sons of Adam, to render to a man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his works, Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

alert ← open.
Rev 20:12 Kai\ ei]don tou\j nekrou/j, {RP P1904: tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j} [TR: mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj], e9stw~taj e0nw&pion tou= {RP P1904: qro/nou} [TR: qeou=], kai\ bibli/a {RP-text TR: h0new%&xqhsan} [RP-marg: h1noican] [P1904: h0noi/xqhsan]: kai\ {RP P1904: a!llo bibli/on} [TR: bibli/on a!llo] {RP TR: h0new%&xqh} [P1904: h0noi/xqh], o3 e0stin th=j zwh=j: kai\ e0kri/qhsan oi9 nekroi\ e0k tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n toi=j bibli/oij, kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And I saw the dead, {RP P1904: the great and the small} [TR: small and great], standing before {RP P1904: the throne} [TR: God], and {RP-text P1904 TR: the books were opened} [RP-marg: they opened the books]. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by the things written in the books according to their works. tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j, the great + and the small, RP P1904 F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]hlm) vs. mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj, small + and great, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's c, with phrase moved) vs. words absent (but tou\j, the (ones standing) retained), F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:5.

qro/nou, throne, RP P1904 F1859=9/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. qeou=, God, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's k). AV differs textually.

h0new%&xqhsan, they were opened (triple augment), RP-text TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl) vs. h1noican, they opened, RP-marg F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. h0noi/xqhsan, they were opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]m). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:5.

a!llo bibli/on, another + book, RP P1904 F1859=7/10 (Scrivener's bdef[MJW]jkm) vs. bibli/on a!llo, book + another, TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl).

h0new%&xqh, was opened (triple augment), RP TR F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkl) vs. h0noi/xqh, was opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's em) vs. a)new%&xqh, was opened (double augment), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Jer 32:19 ‫גְּדֹל֙ הָֽעֵצָ֔ה וְרַ֖ב הָעֲלִֽילִיָּ֑ה אֲשֶׁר־עֵינֶ֣יךָ פְקֻח֗וֹת עַל־כָּל־דַּרְכֵי֙ בְּנֵ֣י אָדָ֔ם לָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ כִּדְרָכָ֔יו וְכִפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃‬ You are great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are alert to all the ways of the sons of Adam, to render to a man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his works, Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

alert ← open.
Rev 20:13 Kai\ e1dwken h9 qa&lassa tou\j {RP-text P1904: nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0th|=} [RP-marg TR: e0n au0th|= nekrou/j], kai\ o9 Qa&natoj kai\ o9 873A|dhj e1dwkan tou\j {RP-text P1904: nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0toi=j} [RP-marg TR: e0n au0toi=j nekrou/j]: kai\ e0kri/qhsan e3kastoj kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead in them, and each one was judged according to his works. nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0th|=, (the) dead the (ones) + in it, RP-text P1904 F1859=8/9 vs. e0n au0th|= nekrou/j, (the) in it + dead, RP-marg TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0toi=j, (the) dead + the (ones) + in them, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/9 vs. e0n au0toi=j nekrou/j, (the) in them + dead, RP-marg TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h) vs. another reading, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's l). The testimony of f[MJW] is very inconsistent and is excluded.

We, with AV P1904 TBS-TR, but not RP, do not capitalize death. But we do, with RP, but not AV P1904 TBS-TR, capitalize Hades.

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

Hades: the place of the dead.

his ← their.
Jer 32:19 ‫גְּדֹל֙ הָֽעֵצָ֔ה וְרַ֖ב הָעֲלִֽילִיָּ֑ה אֲשֶׁר־עֵינֶ֣יךָ פְקֻח֗וֹת עַל־כָּל־דַּרְכֵי֙ בְּנֵ֣י אָדָ֔ם לָתֵ֤ת לְאִישׁ֙ כִּדְרָכָ֔יו וְכִפְרִ֖י מַעֲלָלָֽיו׃‬ You are great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are alert to all the ways of the sons of Adam, to render to a man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his works, Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.

alert ← open.
Rev 22:12 {RP P1904: 870Idou/} [TR: Kai\ i0dou/], e1rxomai taxu/, kai\ o9 misqo/j mou met' e0mou=, a)podou=nai e9ka&stw% w(j to\ e1rgon {RP-text P1904: e1stai au0tou=} [RP-marg TR: au0tou= e1stai]. {RP P1904: Behold} [TR: And behold], I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give what is due to each one as his work proves to be. kai\, and (behold): absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. present in TR F1859=0/7.

e1stai au0tou=, will be + his → proves to be, RP-text P1904 F1859=4/6 (Scrivener's bhjk) vs. au0tou= e1stai, his + will be, RP-marg TR F1859=2/6 (Scrivener's cl).

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

to give what is due: the whole of this sense is contained in a)podou=nai.

proves to be ← will be.
Jer 32:25 ‫וְאַתָּ֞ה אָמַ֤רְתָּ אֵלַי֙ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֔ה קְנֵֽה־לְךָ֧ הַשָּׂדֶ֛ה בַּכֶּ֖סֶף וְהָעֵ֣ד עֵדִ֑ים וְהָעִ֥יר נִתְּנָ֖ה בְּיַ֥ד הַכַּשְׂדִּֽים׃‬ And you have said to me, my Lord the Lord, ‘Buy yourself the field for silver, and have witnesses witness it’, and the city has been delivered into the hands of the Chaldeans.” Matt 27:9.

hands ← hand.
Matt 27:9 To/te e0plhrw&qh to\ r(hqe\n dia_ 870Ieremi/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Kai\ e1labon ta_ tria&konta a)rgu/ria, th\n timh\n tou= {RP P1904c TR: tetimhme/nou} [P1904u: tetimhmhme/nou], o4n e0timh/santo a)po\ ui9w~n 870Israh/l: Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, where he says, “And they took thirty silver coins, the price of him who was valuedhim from the sons of Israel whom they valued. Jer 32:25 (You have said to my Lord the Lord, “Buy yourself the field for silver”).

Jer 32:44 (they will buy fields for silver).

Zech 11:12-13 (So they weighed for my price thirty silver coins. And I took the thirty silver coins, and I cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord).

[CB] proposes that the words were spoken, but not written, by Jeremiah.
Jer 32:38 ‫וְהָ֥יוּ לִ֖י לְעָ֑ם וַאֲנִ֕י אֶהְיֶ֥ה לָהֶ֖ם לֵאלֹהִֽים׃‬ And they will be my people, and I will be their God. 2 Cor 6:16. 2 Cor 6:16 Ti/j de\ sugkata&qesij naw%~ qeou= meta_ ei0dw&lwn; 879Umei=j ga_r nao\j qeou= e0ste zw~ntoj, kaqw_j ei]pen o9 qeo\j o3ti 870Enoikh/sw e0n au0toi=j, kai\ e0mperipath/sw: kai\ e1somai au0tw~n qeo/j, kai\ au0toi\ e1sontai/ moi lao/j. And what compatibility is there between the sanctuary of God and idols? For you are the sanctuary of the living God, as God has said,

“I will dwell among them

And walk among them,

And I will be their God,

And they will be my people.”

Ex 29:45, Lev 26:12, Jer 30:22, Jer 31:1, Jer 32:38, Ezek 37:27, Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV), Zech 8:8.
Jer 32:44 ‫שָׂד֞וֹת בַּכֶּ֣סֶף יִקְנ֗וּ וְכָת֨וֹב בַּסֵּ֥פֶר ׀ וְחָתוֹם֮ וְהָעֵ֣ד עֵדִים֒ בְּאֶ֨רֶץ בִּנְיָמִ֜ן וּבִסְבִיבֵ֣י יְרוּשָׁלִַ֗ם וּבְעָרֵ֤י יְהוּדָה֙ וּבְעָרֵ֣י הָהָ֔ר וּבְעָרֵ֥י הַשְּׁפֵלָ֖ה וּבְעָרֵ֣י הַנֶּ֑גֶב כִּֽי־אָשִׁ֥יב אֶת־שְׁבוּתָ֖ם נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃ פ‬ They will buy fields for silver, and write in the deeds and seal it, and have witnesses witness it, in the land of Benjamin and in the surrounding areas of Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah and in the cities in the mountain range, and in the cities of the lowlands, and in the cities of the south, for I will reverse their captivity, says the Lord.» ’ ” Matt 27:9.

write ... seal ... have witnesses witness: all infinitive absolute in the role of finite verbs.
Matt 27:9 To/te e0plhrw&qh to\ r(hqe\n dia_ 870Ieremi/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Kai\ e1labon ta_ tria&konta a)rgu/ria, th\n timh\n tou= {RP P1904c TR: tetimhme/nou} [P1904u: tetimhmhme/nou], o4n e0timh/santo a)po\ ui9w~n 870Israh/l: Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, where he says, “And they took thirty silver coins, the price of him who was valuedhim from the sons of Israel whom they valued. Jer 32:25 (You have said to my Lord the Lord, “Buy yourself the field for silver”).

Jer 32:44 (they will buy fields for silver).

Zech 11:12-13 (So they weighed for my price thirty silver coins. And I took the thirty silver coins, and I cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord).

[CB] proposes that the words were spoken, but not written, by Jeremiah.
Jer 33:15 ‫בַּיָּמִ֤ים הָהֵם֙ וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֔יא אַצְמִ֥יחַ לְדָוִ֖ד צֶ֣מַח צְדָקָ֑ה וְעָשָׂ֛ה מִשְׁפָּ֥ט וּצְדָקָ֖ה בָּאָֽרֶץ׃‬

In those days and at that time,

I will cause a righteous branch to spring up to David,

And he will execute justice and righteousness in the land.

John 7:42.

|| Jer 23:5.

righteous branch ← a branch of righteousness, a Hebraic genitive.
John 7:42 Ou0xi\ h9 grafh\ ei]pen o3ti e0k tou= spe/rmatoj {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], kai\ a)po\ Bhqlee/m, th=j kw&mhj o3pou h]n {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], o9 xristo\j e1rxetai; Does not the scripture say that the Christ comes from the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was? David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:30MT-37MT (Ps 89:29AV-36AV), Ps 132:11, Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10, Jer 23:5, Jer 33:15, Mic 5:1MT (Mic 5:2AV).

does ← did.
Jer 50:39 ‫לָכֵ֗ן יֵשְׁב֤וּ צִיִּים֙ אֶת־אִיִּ֔ים וְיָ֥שְׁבוּ בָ֖הּ בְּנ֣וֹת יַֽעֲנָ֑ה וְלֹֽא־תֵשֵׁ֥ב עוֹד֙ לָנֶ֔צַח וְלֹ֥א תִשְׁכּ֖וֹן עַד־דּ֥וֹר וָדֽוֹר׃‬

So the desert creatures will live

With the animals of the coastlands,

And ostriches will live in it.

And it will never be inhabited any more,

And it will not be dwelt in from generation to generation.

Rev 18:2, loosely.

|| Isa 13:20, Isa 13:21.

live (2x)sit; dwell.

animals of the coastlands: or (animals of) the islands, or jackals.

never ← not in perpetuity.
Rev 18:2 Kai\ e1kracen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0n] {RP P1904: i0sxura%~} [TR: i0sxu/i+] fwnh|= {RP P1904: - } [TR: mega&lh|], le/gwn, 871Epesen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e1pesen] Babulw_n h9 mega&lh, kai\ e0ge/neto katoikhth/rion {RP TR: daimo/nwn} [P1904: daimoni/wn], kai\ fulakh\ panto\j pneu/matoj a)kaqa&rtou, kai\ fulakh\ panto\j o0rne/ou a)kaqa&rtou kai\ memishme/nou. and he cried out {RP P1904: - } [TR: strongly] in a {RP P1904: strong} [TR: loud] voice and said, “Babylon the great has fallen, {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: it has fallen,] and it has become an abode of demons, and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and detested bird, e0n, with (strength): absent in RP-text F1859=11/12 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h).

i0sxura%~, a strong, RP P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. i0sxu/i+, strength, TR F1859=0/12 vs. i0sxura_n, a strong (accusative), F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's aek).

mega&lh, loud: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12.

e1pese¨n©, fell: absent in RP-text F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's abcdefjk) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's ghlm). TR reads e1pesen e1pese; we enumerate under absent the manuscripts containing one e1pese¨n©.

daimo/nwn, of demons, RP TR F1859=11/12 vs. daimoni/wn, of demons (diminutive form, usual in NT, probably not significant), P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). Compare Rev 16:14.

Isa 21:9, Jer 51:8; Isa 13:21, Jer 50:39; Isa 34:11 etc. Largely alluded to. Not necessarily in the context of Babylon.

{RP: strong: i0sxuro/j, not the usual word for loud (me/gaj)}.
Jer 51:6 ‫נֻ֣סוּ ׀ מִתּ֣וֹךְ בָּבֶ֗ל וּמַלְּטוּ֙ אִ֣ישׁ נַפְשׁ֔וֹ אַל־תִּדַּ֖מּוּ בַּעֲוֺנָ֑הּ כִּי֩ עֵ֨ת נְקָמָ֥ה הִיא֙ לַֽיהוָ֔ה גְּמ֕וּל ה֥וּא מְשַׁלֵּ֖ם לָֽהּ׃‬

Flee from Babylon,

And let each save his life.

Do not be cut down in its iniquity,

For it is the time of the Lord's vengeance,

When he requites it with retribution.

Rev 18:4.

from ← from the midst of.

save ← let escape.

life ← soul.
Rev 18:4 Kai\ h1kousa a!llhn fwnh\n e0k tou= ou0ranou=, le/gousan, {RP-text P1904: 871Ecelqe} [RP-marg TR: 870Ece/lqete] e0c au0th=j o9 lao/j mou, i3na mh\ sugkoinwnh/shte tai=j a(marti/aij au0th=j, kai\ {RP: e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j i3na mh\ la&bhte} [P1904: i3na e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j mh\ la&bhte] [TR: i3na mh\ la&bhte e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j]: Then I heard another voice from heaven say, “My people, get out of her, so that you don't become party to her sins, and so you don't receive any of her plagues, e1celqe, go out (singular), RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. e0ce/lqete, go out (plural), RP-marg TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h) vs. another reading, perhaps intended as the TR one, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j i3na mh\ la&bhte, of her plagues + in order that + you do not receive, RP F1859=12/12 (with some variations in bjkl) vs. i3na e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j mh\ la&bhte, in order that + of her plagues + you do not receive, P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. i3na mh\ la&bhte e0k tw~n plhgw~n au0th=j, in order that + you do not receive + of her plagues, TR F1859=0/12.

Isa 48:20, Isa 52:11, Jer 51:6.
Jer 51:8 ‫פִּתְאֹ֛ם נָפְלָ֥ה בָבֶ֖ל וַתִּשָּׁבֵ֑ר הֵילִ֣ילוּ עָלֶ֗יהָ קְח֤וּ צֳרִי֙ לְמַכְאוֹבָ֔הּ אוּלַ֖י תֵּרָפֵֽא׃‬

Babylon will fall suddenly,

And it will collapse.

Wail for it,

Fetch balsam for its wounds;

Maybe it can be healed.

Rev 14:8, Rev 18:2.

collapse ← be broken.

wounds ← pain, but with a root meaning also of to mar, to destroy.
Rev 14:8 Kai\ a!lloj {RP-text P1904: deu/teroj a!ggeloj} [RP-marg: a!ggeloj deu/teroj] [TR: a!ggeloj] h0kolou/qhsen, le/gwn, 871Epesen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e1pesen] {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: Babulw_n} [E1624: Baboulw_n] {RP P1904: - } [TR: h9 po/lij] h9 mega&lh, {RP: - } [P1904: h9] [TR: o3ti] e0k tou= oi1nou tou= qumou= th=j pornei/aj au0th=j pepo/tiken pa&nta {RP: ta_} [P1904 TR: - ] e1qnh. Then {RP-text P1904: another, a second angel,} [RP-marg: another angel, a second one,] [TR: another angel] followed and said, “Babylon the great {RP-text: has fallen. It} [RP-marg: has fallen, it has fallen. It] [P1904: has fallen, it has fallen, which] [TR: city has fallen, it has fallen, because it] made all {RP: the} [P1904 TR: the] nations drink from the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” deu/teroj a!ggeloj, second + angel, RP-text P1904 F1859=8/12 vs. a!ggeloj deu/teroj, angel + second, RP-marg F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn) vs. a!ggeloj, angel, TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's f) vs. deu/teroj, second, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). AV differs textually.

e1pesen, fell (second occurrence in verse): absent, so with one e1pese¨n©, in RP-text F1859=9/12 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghn).

Babulw_n, Babylon, RP P1904 S1550 S1894 F1859=12/12 vs. Baboulw_n, Baboulon (→ Babylon), E1624 F1859=0/12.

h9 po/lij, the city: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

words below absent, RP F1859=10/11 vs. h9, the (one), P1904 F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's g) vs. o3ti, because, TR F1859=0/11.

ta_, the (nations): present in RP F1859=11/12 (though n in a variation) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k).

Isa 21:9, Jer 51:8.
Jer 51:8 ‫פִּתְאֹ֛ם נָפְלָ֥ה בָבֶ֖ל וַתִּשָּׁבֵ֑ר הֵילִ֣ילוּ עָלֶ֗יהָ קְח֤וּ צֳרִי֙ לְמַכְאוֹבָ֔הּ אוּלַ֖י תֵּרָפֵֽא׃‬

Babylon will fall suddenly,

And it will collapse.

Wail for it,

Fetch balsam for its wounds;

Maybe it can be healed.

Rev 14:8, Rev 18:2.

collapse ← be broken.

wounds ← pain, but with a root meaning also of to mar, to destroy.
Rev 18:2 Kai\ e1kracen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0n] {RP P1904: i0sxura%~} [TR: i0sxu/i+] fwnh|= {RP P1904: - } [TR: mega&lh|], le/gwn, 871Epesen {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e1pesen] Babulw_n h9 mega&lh, kai\ e0ge/neto katoikhth/rion {RP TR: daimo/nwn} [P1904: daimoni/wn], kai\ fulakh\ panto\j pneu/matoj a)kaqa&rtou, kai\ fulakh\ panto\j o0rne/ou a)kaqa&rtou kai\ memishme/nou. and he cried out {RP P1904: - } [TR: strongly] in a {RP P1904: strong} [TR: loud] voice and said, “Babylon the great has fallen, {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: it has fallen,] and it has become an abode of demons, and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and detested bird, e0n, with (strength): absent in RP-text F1859=11/12 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's h).

i0sxura%~, a strong, RP P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. i0sxu/i+, strength, TR F1859=0/12 vs. i0sxura_n, a strong (accusative), F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's aek).

mega&lh, loud: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12.

e1pese¨n©, fell: absent in RP-text F1859=8/12 (Scrivener's abcdefjk) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's ghlm). TR reads e1pesen e1pese; we enumerate under absent the manuscripts containing one e1pese¨n©.

daimo/nwn, of demons, RP TR F1859=11/12 vs. daimoni/wn, of demons (diminutive form, usual in NT, probably not significant), P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). Compare Rev 16:14.

Isa 21:9, Jer 51:8; Isa 13:21, Jer 50:39; Isa 34:11 etc. Largely alluded to. Not necessarily in the context of Babylon.

{RP: strong: i0sxuro/j, not the usual word for loud (me/gaj)}.
Jer 51:61 ‫וַיֹּ֥אמֶר יִרְמְיָ֖הוּ אֶל־שְׂרָיָ֑ה כְּבֹאֲךָ֣ בָבֶ֔ל וְֽרָאִ֔יתָ וְֽקָרָ֔אתָ אֵ֥ת כָּל־הַדְּבָרִ֖ים הָאֵֽלֶּה׃‬ And Jeremiah said to Seraiah, “When you arrive in Babylon, then look and read all these words. This and the following verses are alluded to in Rev 18:21. Rev 18:21 Kai\ h]ren ei[j a!ggeloj i0sxuro\j li/qon w(j mu/lon me/gan, kai\ e1balen ei0j th\n qa&lassan, le/gwn, Ou3twj o9rmh/mati blhqh/setai Babulw_n h9 mega&lh po/lij, kai\ ou0 mh\ eu9reqh|= e1ti. Then one strong angel lifted up a stone like a large millstone and cast it into the sea and said, “In this way Babylon the great city will be cast away with a heave and will not be found any more at all. Jer 51:61-64 (allusion).
Jer 51:62 ‫וְאָמַרְתָּ֗ יְהוָה֙ אַתָּ֨ה דִבַּ֜רְתָּ אֶל־הַמָּק֤וֹם הַזֶּה֙ לְהַכְרִית֔וֹ לְבִלְתִּ֤י הֱיֽוֹת־בּוֹ֙ יוֹשֵׁ֔ב לְמֵאָדָ֖ם וְעַד־בְּהֵמָ֑ה כִּֽי־שִׁמְמ֥וֹת עוֹלָ֖ם תִּֽהְיֶֽה׃‬ And say, ‘Lord, you have spoken against this place, that you will cut it off so that it has no inhabitant, neither man nor beast, for it will be an age-abiding desolation.’ The verse is alluded to in Rev 18:21.

neither man nor beast: see Gen 6:7.
Rev 18:21 Kai\ h]ren ei[j a!ggeloj i0sxuro\j li/qon w(j mu/lon me/gan, kai\ e1balen ei0j th\n qa&lassan, le/gwn, Ou3twj o9rmh/mati blhqh/setai Babulw_n h9 mega&lh po/lij, kai\ ou0 mh\ eu9reqh|= e1ti. Then one strong angel lifted up a stone like a large millstone and cast it into the sea and said, “In this way Babylon the great city will be cast away with a heave and will not be found any more at all. Jer 51:61-64 (allusion).
Jer 51:63 ‫וְהָיָה֙ כְּכַלֹּ֣תְךָ֔ לִקְרֹ֖א אֶת־הַסֵּ֣פֶר הַזֶּ֑ה תִּקְשֹׁ֤ר עָלָיו֙ אֶ֔בֶן וְהִשְׁלַכְתּ֖וֹ אֶל־תּ֥וֹךְ פְּרָֽת׃‬ And it will come to pass, when you have finished reading this book, that you will bind a stone to it, and you will cast it into the Euphrates. The verse is alluded to in Rev 18:21. Rev 18:21 Kai\ h]ren ei[j a!ggeloj i0sxuro\j li/qon w(j mu/lon me/gan, kai\ e1balen ei0j th\n qa&lassan, le/gwn, Ou3twj o9rmh/mati blhqh/setai Babulw_n h9 mega&lh po/lij, kai\ ou0 mh\ eu9reqh|= e1ti. Then one strong angel lifted up a stone like a large millstone and cast it into the sea and said, “In this way Babylon the great city will be cast away with a heave and will not be found any more at all. Jer 51:61-64 (allusion).
Jer 51:64 ‫וְאָמַרְתָּ֗ כָּ֠כָה תִּשְׁקַ֨ע בָּבֶ֤ל וְלֹֽא־תָקוּם֙ מִפְּנֵ֣י הָרָעָ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֧ר אָנֹכִ֛י מֵבִ֥יא עָלֶ֖יהָ וְיָעֵ֑פוּ עַד־הֵ֖נָּה דִּבְרֵ֥י יִרְמְיָֽהוּ׃ ס‬ And you will say, ‘This is how Babylon will sink and will not rise, because of the trouble which I am bringing on it, and they will become weary.’ ” Those were the words of Jeremiah. The verse is alluded to in Rev 18:21.

this is how ← thus.

those wereup to here. Compare Jer 48:47.
Rev 18:21 Kai\ h]ren ei[j a!ggeloj i0sxuro\j li/qon w(j mu/lon me/gan, kai\ e1balen ei0j th\n qa&lassan, le/gwn, Ou3twj o9rmh/mati blhqh/setai Babulw_n h9 mega&lh po/lij, kai\ ou0 mh\ eu9reqh|= e1ti. Then one strong angel lifted up a stone like a large millstone and cast it into the sea and said, “In this way Babylon the great city will be cast away with a heave and will not be found any more at all. Jer 51:61-64 (allusion).
Ezek 2:9 ‫וָאֶרְאֶ֕ה וְהִנֵּה־יָ֖ד שְׁלוּחָ֣ה אֵלָ֑י וְהִנֵּה־ב֖וֹ מְגִלַּת־סֵֽפֶר׃‬ And I looked, and what I saw was a hand stretched out towards me, and there was a book-scroll in it. Rev 5:1.

what I saw wasbehold.

there wasbehold.
Rev 5:1 Kai\ ei]don e0pi\ th\n decia_n tou= kaqhme/nou e0pi\ tou= qro/nou bibli/on gegramme/non e1swqen kai\ {RP P1904: e1cwqen} [TR: o1pisqen], katesfragisme/non sfragi=sin e9pta&. And I saw on the right hand side of him who was sitting on the throne a book written on the inside and {RP P1904: outside} [TR: the back], sealed up with seven seals. e1cwqen, on the outside, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. o1pisqen, on the back, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

Ezek 2:9, Ezek 2:10.
Ezek 2:10 ‫וַיִּפְרֹ֤שׂ אוֹתָהּ֙ לְפָנַ֔י וְהִ֥יא כְתוּבָ֖ה פָּנִ֣ים וְאָח֑וֹר וְכָת֣וּב אֵלֶ֔יהָ קִנִ֥ים וָהֶ֖גֶה וָהִֽי׃ ס‬ And he spread it out in front of me, and it was written on, on the inside and on the back. And lamentations and grieving and mourning were written on it. Rev 5:1. Rev 5:1 Kai\ ei]don e0pi\ th\n decia_n tou= kaqhme/nou e0pi\ tou= qro/nou bibli/on gegramme/non e1swqen kai\ {RP P1904: e1cwqen} [TR: o1pisqen], katesfragisme/non sfragi=sin e9pta&. And I saw on the right hand side of him who was sitting on the throne a book written on the inside and {RP P1904: outside} [TR: the back], sealed up with seven seals. e1cwqen, on the outside, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. o1pisqen, on the back, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

Ezek 2:9, Ezek 2:10.
Ezek 3:1 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֵלַ֔י בֶּן־אָדָ֕ם אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־תִּמְצָ֖א אֱכ֑וֹל אֱכוֹל֙ אֶת־הַמְּגִלָּ֣ה הַזֹּ֔את וְלֵ֥ךְ דַּבֵּ֖ר אֶל־בֵּ֥ית יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃‬ And he said to me, “Son of Adam, eat what you find; eat this scroll, then go and speak to the house of Israel.” Rev 10:9. Rev 10:9 Kai\ {RP TR: a)ph=lqon} [P1904: a)ph=lqa] pro\j to\n a!ggelon, le/gwn au0tw%~ {RP-text P1904: dou=nai/} [RP-marg TR: , Do/j] moi to\ {RP P1904: biblida&rion} [TR: biblari/dion]. Kai\ le/gei moi, La&be kai\ kata&fage au0to/: kai\ pikranei= sou th\n koili/an, a)ll' e0n tw%~ sto/mati/ sou e1stai gluku\ w(j me/li. So I set off to the angel {RP-text P1904: to tell him to give me the book,} [RP-marg TR: and I said to him, “Give me the book”,] and he said to me, “Take it and consume it, and it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.” a)ph=lqon, I departed (classical form), RP TR F1859=11/13 vs. a)ph=lqa, I departed (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's j) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's d).

dou=nai/, (telling) him to give (me), RP-text P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. do/j, saying to him, “Give (me) ... ”, RP-marg TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

biblida&rion, little book (double diminutive 1), RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. biblari/dion, little book (double diminutive 2), TR F1859=0/13.

Ezek 3:1, Ezek 3:3.

{RP-text P1904: to tell ← telling, present participle for classical future participle of purpose.}
Ezek 3:3 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֵלַ֗י בֶּן־אָדָם֙ בִּטְנְךָ֤ תַֽאֲכֵל֙ וּמֵעֶ֣יךָ תְמַלֵּ֔א אֵ֚ת הַמְּגִלָּ֣ה הַזֹּ֔את אֲשֶׁ֥ר אֲנִ֖י נֹתֵ֣ן אֵלֶ֑יךָ וָאֹ֣כְלָ֔ה וַתְּהִ֥י בְּפִ֖י כִּדְבַ֥שׁ לְמָתֽוֹק׃ פ‬ Then he said to me, “Son of Adam, feed your stomach and fill your bowels with this scroll which I am giving you.” So I ate it, and it was like honey in my mouth because of its sweetness. Rev 10:9. Rev 10:9 Kai\ {RP TR: a)ph=lqon} [P1904: a)ph=lqa] pro\j to\n a!ggelon, le/gwn au0tw%~ {RP-text P1904: dou=nai/} [RP-marg TR: , Do/j] moi to\ {RP P1904: biblida&rion} [TR: biblari/dion]. Kai\ le/gei moi, La&be kai\ kata&fage au0to/: kai\ pikranei= sou th\n koili/an, a)ll' e0n tw%~ sto/mati/ sou e1stai gluku\ w(j me/li. So I set off to the angel {RP-text P1904: to tell him to give me the book,} [RP-marg TR: and I said to him, “Give me the book”,] and he said to me, “Take it and consume it, and it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.” a)ph=lqon, I departed (classical form), RP TR F1859=11/13 vs. a)ph=lqa, I departed (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's j) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's d).

dou=nai/, (telling) him to give (me), RP-text P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. do/j, saying to him, “Give (me) ... ”, RP-marg TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

biblida&rion, little book (double diminutive 1), RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. biblari/dion, little book (double diminutive 2), TR F1859=0/13.

Ezek 3:1, Ezek 3:3.

{RP-text P1904: to tell ← telling, present participle for classical future participle of purpose.}
Ezek 9:4 ‫וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהוָה֙ *אלו **אֵלָ֔יו עֲבֹר֙ בְּת֣וֹךְ הָעִ֔יר בְּת֖וֹךְ יְרֽוּשָׁלִָ֑ם וְהִתְוִ֨יתָ תָּ֜ו עַל־מִצְח֣וֹת הָאֲנָשִׁ֗ים הַנֶּֽאֱנָחִים֙ וְהַנֶּ֣אֱנָקִ֔ים עַ֚ל כָּל־הַתּ֣וֹעֵב֔וֹת הַֽנַּעֲשׂ֖וֹת בְּתוֹכָֽהּ׃‬ and the Lord said to him, “Pass through the middle of the city – through the middle of Jerusalem – and put a mark on the foreheads of those men who are sighing and groaning about all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.” to him: the ketiv has to be regarded as an irregular equivalent to the qeré.

Rev 7:3, Rev 9:4.

committed: or (physically) made.
Rev 7:3 le/gwn, Mh\ a)dikh/shte th\n gh=n, mh/te th\n qa&lassan, mh/te ta_ de/ndra, a!xri ou[ {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: sfragi/swmen} [S1550: sfragi/zwmen] tou\j dou/louj tou= qeou= h9mw~n e0pi\ tw~n metw&pwn au0tw~n. and he said, “Do not harm the earth, or the sea, or the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.” sfragi/swmen, (until) we seal (aorist subjunctive, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=11/12 vs. sfragi/zwmen, (until) we seal (present subjunctive, so imperfective aspect), S1550 F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c).

Ezek 9:4.
Ezek 9:4 ‫וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהוָה֙ *אלו **אֵלָ֔יו עֲבֹר֙ בְּת֣וֹךְ הָעִ֔יר בְּת֖וֹךְ יְרֽוּשָׁלִָ֑ם וְהִתְוִ֨יתָ תָּ֜ו עַל־מִצְח֣וֹת הָאֲנָשִׁ֗ים הַנֶּֽאֱנָחִים֙ וְהַנֶּ֣אֱנָקִ֔ים עַ֚ל כָּל־הַתּ֣וֹעֵב֔וֹת הַֽנַּעֲשׂ֖וֹת בְּתוֹכָֽהּ׃‬ and the Lord said to him, “Pass through the middle of the city – through the middle of Jerusalem – and put a mark on the foreheads of those men who are sighing and groaning about all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.” to him: the ketiv has to be regarded as an irregular equivalent to the qeré.

Rev 7:3, Rev 9:4.

committed: or (physically) made.
Rev 9:4 Kai\ e0rre/qh au0tai=j i3na mh\ a)dikh/swsin to\n xo/rton th=j gh=j, ou0de\ pa~n xlwro/n, ou0de\ pa~n de/ndron, ei0 mh\ tou\j a)nqrw&pouj {RP P1904: - } [TR: mo/nouj] oi3tinej ou0k e1xousin th\n sfragi=da tou= qeou= e0pi\ tw~n metw&pwn au0tw~n. but they were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any greenery or any tree, nothing {RP P1904: except} [TR: with the sole exception of] the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. mo/nouj, alone, only: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h).

they were told ← it was said to them.

any (2x)every.

[TR: with the sole exception of ← except alone.]

Ezek 9:4.
Ezek 12:2 ‫בֶּן־אָדָ֕ם בְּת֥וֹךְ בֵּית־הַמֶּ֖רִי אַתָּ֣ה יֹשֵׁ֑ב אֲשֶׁ֣ר עֵינַיִם֩ לָהֶ֨ם לִרְא֜וֹת וְלֹ֣א רָא֗וּ אָזְנַ֨יִם לָהֶ֤ם לִשְׁמֹ֙עַ֙ וְלֹ֣א שָׁמֵ֔עוּ כִּ֛י בֵּ֥ית מְרִ֖י הֵֽם׃‬ “Son of Adam, you are living among a rebellious housethose who have eyes to see but do not see, and who have ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious house. Rom 11:8.

a rebellious house (2x)a house of rebellion, a Hebraic genitive.
Rom 11:8 kaqw_j ge/graptai, 871Edwken au0toi=j o9 qeo\j pneu=ma katanu/cewj, o0fqalmou\j tou= mh\ ble/pein, kai\ w}ta tou= mh\ a)kou/ein, e3wj th=j sh/meron h9me/raj. As it stands written:

“God gave them a slumbering spirit –

Eyes not for seeing

And ears not for hearing”,

which holds up to this day.
Isa 29:10; Isa 6:9. See also Ezek 12:2.
Ezek 13:5 ‫לֹ֤א עֲלִיתֶם֙ בַּפְּרָצ֔וֹת וַתִּגְדְּר֥וּ גָדֵ֖ר עַל־בֵּ֣ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל לַעֲמֹ֥ד בַּמִּלְחָמָ֖ה בְּי֥וֹם יְהוָֽה׃‬ You have not gone up to the breaches, nor have you made a fence around the house of Israel so as to stand in battle on the day of the Lord. Rev 1:10.

nor: negatory use of the vav, as in Deut 33:6.
Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Ezek 26:13 ‫וְהִשְׁבַּתִּ֖י הֲמ֣וֹן שִׁירָ֑יִךְ וְק֣וֹל כִּנּוֹרַ֔יִךְ לֹ֥א יִשָּׁמַ֖ע עֽוֹד׃‬ And I will put a stop to the sound of your songs, and the tones of your harps will not be heard any more. Rev 18:22.

tones ← voice.
Rev 18:22 Kai\ fwnh\ kiqarw%dw~n kai\ mousikw~n kai\ au0lhtw~n kai\ salpistw~n ou0 mh\ a)kousqh|= e0n soi\ e1ti, kai\ pa~j texni/thj pa&shj te/xnhj ou0 mh\ eu9reqh|= e0n soi\ e1ti, kai\ fwnh\ mu/lou ou0 mh\ a)kousqh|= e0n soi\ e1ti, And no sound of harpists and musicians and flautists and trumpet-players will be heard in you any more at all, and no craftsmen of any craft will be found in you any more at all, nor will the sound of the millstone ever be heard in you any more, Ezek 26:13, Jer 25:10.

any (craft) ← every.

ever: this sense is conveyed by ou0 mh\ in the context.
Ezek 27:13 ‫יָוָ֤ן תֻּבַל֙ וָמֶ֔שֶׁךְ הֵ֖מָּה רֹֽכְלָ֑יִךְ בְּנֶ֤פֶשׁ אָדָם֙ וּכְלֵ֣י נְחֹ֔שֶׁת נָתְנ֖וּ מַעֲרָבֵֽךְ׃‬ Javan, Tubal, and Meshech were your trading partners, trading in people, and they traded articles of copper for your wares. Rev 18:13.

Javan: i.e. Ionia.

people ← souls of men, i.e. slaves.

traded ← gave.
Rev 18:13 kai\ {RP P1904 TR: kina&mwmon} [MISC: kinna&mwmon], {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\ a!mwmon,] kai\ qumia&mata, kai\ mu/ron, kai\ li/banon, kai\ oi]non, kai\ e1laion, kai\ semi/dalin, kai\ si=ton, kai\ {RP-text: pro/bata, kai\ kth/nh} [RP-marg P1904 TR: kth/nh, kai\ pro/bata]: kai\ i3ppwn, kai\ {RP-text: r(aidw~n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: r(edw~n], kai\ swma&twn, kai\ yuxa_j a)nqrw&pwn. and cinnamon {RP TR: - } [P1904: and amomum] and incense and ointment and frankincense, and wine and olive oil, and fine wheat flour and wheat, and {RP-text: sheep and cattle,} [RP-marg P1904 TR: cattle and sheep,] and horses and carriages, and slaves and trafficked people. kina&mwmon, cinnamon (1), RP P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's dhj*m) vs. kinna&mwmou, of cinnamon (2), F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's abcej**l) vs. kina&mwmou, of cinnamon (1), F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's kf[MJW]) vs. kinna&mwmon, cinnamon (2), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's g). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=6:6.

kai\ a!mwmon, and spice: absent in RP TR F1859=10/12 (incl. f[~MJW]) vs. present in P1904 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's cm).

pro/bata, kai\ kth/nh, sheep + and cattle, RP-text F1859=11/13 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. kth/nh, kai\ pro/bata, cattle + and sheep, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gh).

r(aidw~n, carriage (1), RP-text F1859=6/11 (Scrivener's bcghjl) vs. r(edw~n, carriage (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's aekm) vs. another spelling, F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's f[MJW]). From Latin raeda. Nearly a disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=6:6.

Ezek 27:13.

incense ← incenses.

slaves ← bodies.

trafficked people ← souls of men.
Ezek 30:3 ‫כִּֽי־קָר֣וֹב י֔וֹם וְקָר֥וֹב י֖וֹם לַֽיהוָ֑ה י֣וֹם עָנָ֔ן עֵ֥ת גּוֹיִ֖ם יִֽהְיֶֽה׃‬

For the day is near,

Yes, the day of the Lord is near.

It will be a day of cloud,

A time of the Gentiles.

Rev 1:10.

yes: wider use of the vav.

a time: i.e. a time of judgment.
Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Ezek 36:20 ‫וַיָּב֗וֹא אֶל־הַגּוֹיִם֙ אֲשֶׁר־בָּ֣אוּ שָׁ֔ם וַֽיְחַלְּל֖וּ אֶת־שֵׁ֣ם קָדְשִׁ֑י בֶּאֱמֹ֤ר לָהֶם֙ עַם־יְהוָ֣ה אֵ֔לֶּה וּמֵאַרְצ֖וֹ יָצָֽאוּ׃‬ And when it had come to the Gentiles, where they went, the Gentiles profaned my holy name, when they said of them, ‘These are the Lord's people, but they have come out of his land.’ Rom 2:24. Romans interprets as the Gentiles. Elsewhere in this chapter it is the house of Israel who profane.

it had come: referring to ↴

my holy name ← the name of my holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Rom 2:24 To\ ga_r o1noma tou= qeou= di' u9ma~j blasfhmei=tai e0n toi=j e1qnesin, kaqw_j ge/graptai. “For the name of God is blasphemed because of you among the Gentiles”, as it stands written. See Ezek 36:20-21, Ezek 36:23, Isa 52:5.
Ezek 36:21 ‫וָאֶחְמֹ֖ל עַל־שֵׁ֣ם קָדְשִׁ֑י אֲשֶׁ֤ר חִלְּל֙וּהוּ֙ בֵּ֣ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל בַּגּוֹיִ֖ם אֲשֶׁר־בָּ֥אוּ שָֽׁמָּה׃ ס‬ Then I had pity on my holy name which the house of Israel had profaned among the Gentiles to whom they went. ↳ the house of Israel. A few manuscripts, the Targum [BHS-CA], LXX and Vulgate read they.

Rom 2:24.

to whom ← to where.
Rom 2:24 To\ ga_r o1noma tou= qeou= di' u9ma~j blasfhmei=tai e0n toi=j e1qnesin, kaqw_j ge/graptai. “For the name of God is blasphemed because of you among the Gentiles”, as it stands written. See Ezek 36:20-21, Ezek 36:23, Isa 52:5.
Ezek 36:23 ‫וְקִדַּשְׁתִּ֞י אֶת־שְׁמִ֣י הַגָּד֗וֹל הַֽמְחֻלָּל֙ בַּגּוֹיִ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר חִלַּלְתֶּ֖ם בְּתוֹכָ֑ם וְיָדְע֨וּ הַגּוֹיִ֜ם כִּי־אֲנִ֣י יְהוָ֗ה נְאֻם֙ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֔ה בְּהִקָּדְשִׁ֥י בָכֶ֖ם לְעֵינֵיהֶֽם׃‬ And I will sanctify my great name, which has been profaned among the Gentiles, which you profaned among them, and the Gentiles will know that I am the Lord, says the Lord, the Lord, when I am sanctified among them in their sight. Rom 2:24. Rom 2:24 To\ ga_r o1noma tou= qeou= di' u9ma~j blasfhmei=tai e0n toi=j e1qnesin, kaqw_j ge/graptai. “For the name of God is blasphemed because of you among the Gentiles”, as it stands written. See Ezek 36:20-21, Ezek 36:23, Isa 52:5.
Ezek 37:27 ‫וְהָיָ֤ה מִשְׁכָּנִי֙ עֲלֵיהֶ֔ם וְהָיִ֥יתִי לָהֶ֖ם לֵֽאלֹהִ֑ים וְהֵ֖מָּה יִֽהְיוּ־לִ֥י לְעָֽם׃‬ And my tabernacle will be with them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. 2 Cor 6:16.

tabernacle: i.e. abode, here.
2 Cor 6:16 Ti/j de\ sugkata&qesij naw%~ qeou= meta_ ei0dw&lwn; 879Umei=j ga_r nao\j qeou= e0ste zw~ntoj, kaqw_j ei]pen o9 qeo\j o3ti 870Enoikh/sw e0n au0toi=j, kai\ e0mperipath/sw: kai\ e1somai au0tw~n qeo/j, kai\ au0toi\ e1sontai/ moi lao/j. And what compatibility is there between the sanctuary of God and idols? For you are the sanctuary of the living God, as God has said,

“I will dwell among them

And walk among them,

And I will be their God,

And they will be my people.”

Ex 29:45, Lev 26:12, Jer 30:22, Jer 31:1, Jer 32:38, Ezek 37:27, Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV), Zech 8:8.
Ezek 38:2 ‫בֶּן־אָדָ֗ם שִׂ֤ים פָּנֶ֙יךָ֙ אֶל־גּוֹג֙ אֶ֣רֶץ הַמָּג֔וֹג נְשִׂ֕יא רֹ֖אשׁ מֶ֣שֶׁךְ וְתֻבָ֑ל וְהִנָּבֵ֖א עָלָֽיו׃‬ “Son of Adam, direct your attention to Gog, the land of Magog, the foremost prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, Rev 20:8.

direct your attention ← set your face. See Ezek 35:2.
Rev 20:8 kai\ e0celeu/setai planh=sai ta_ e1qnh ta_ e0n tai=j te/ssarsin gwni/aij th=j gh=j, to\n Gw_g kai\ to\n Magw&g, sunagagei=n au0tou\j ei0j {RP P1904: to\n} [TR: - ] po/lemon: w{n o9 a)riqmo\j {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: au0tw~n] w(j h9 a!mmoj th=j qala&sshj. and he will go out to lead astray the nations who are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them to {RP P1904: the} [TR: - ] war, whose number is as the sand of the sea. to\n, the (war): present in RP P1904 F1859=10/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. absent in TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's c).

au0tw~n, their (number) → whose: absent in RP-text TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's chj) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]). A disparity with RP-text, R=4:9.

Ezek 38:2.
Ezek 39:17 ‫וְאַתָּ֨ה בֶן־אָדָ֜ם כֹּֽה־אָמַ֣ר ׀ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהֹוִ֗ה אֱמֹר֩ לְצִפּ֨וֹר כָּל־כָּנָ֜ף וּלְכֹ֣ל ׀ חַיַּ֣ת הַשָּׂדֶ֗ה הִקָּבְצ֤וּ וָבֹ֙אוּ֙ הֵאָסְפ֣וּ מִסָּבִ֔יב עַל־זִבְחִ֗י אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֲנִ֜י זֹבֵ֤חַ לָכֶם֙ זֶ֣בַח גָּד֔וֹל עַ֖ל הָרֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַאֲכַלְתֶּ֥ם בָּשָׂ֖ר וּשְׁתִ֥יתֶם דָּֽם׃‬ And as for you, son of Adam, this is what the Lord, the Lord, says: ‘Say to the birds of every kind and to all the wild animals,

«Gather and come,

And congregate round about at my sacrifice

Which I am making for you

A great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel –

And you will eat flesh and drink blood.

Rev 19:17, Rev 19:18.

this is whatthus.

kind ← wing. A more poetic word in English would be feather.

making ← sacrificing.
Rev 19:17 Kai\ ei]don {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: e3na] a!ggelon e9stw~ta e0n tw%~ h9li/w%: kai\ e1kracen {RP TR: - } [P1904: e0n] fwnh|= mega&lh|, le/gwn pa~sin toi=j o0rne/oij toi=j {RP P1904: petome/noij} [TR: petwme/noij] e0n mesouranh/mati, Deu=te, {RP P1904: suna&xqhte} [TR: kai\ suna&gesqe] ei0j {RP-text P1904: to\ dei=pnon to\ me/ga} [RP-marg: to\n dei=pnon to\n me/gan] [RP-marg2 TR: to\ dei=pnon] tou= {RP P1904: - } [TR: mega&lou] qeou=, Then I saw {RP-text: an} [RP-marg P1904 TR: an] angel standing on the sun, and he cried out in a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly high overhead, “Come {RP P1904: and} [TR: and] congregate at the {RP-text RP-marg P1904: great supper of} [RP-marg2: the supper of] [TR: the supper of the great] God, e3na, one (angel): absent in RP-text F1859=7/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's ghlm). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:6.

e0n, in (a loud voice) (strengthening the dative): absent in RP TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. present in P1904 F1859=7/10 (incl. f[MJW]). Scrivener's d illegible. A disparity (#2) with RP, R=4:8.

petome/noij, flying (1), RP P1904 F1859=7/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. petwme/noij, flying (2), TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's ckl).

suna&xqhte, be gathered (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. kai\ suna&gesqe, be gathered (present, so imperfective aspect), TR F1859=0/11.

to\ dei=pnon to\ me/ga, the great supper (neuter), RP-text P1904 F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's f[MJW]jl) vs. to\n dei=pnon to\n me/gan, the great supper (masculine), RP-marg F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's bcm) vs. to\ dei=pnon, the supper, RP-marg2 TR F1859=0/11 vs. to\n dei=pnon to\ me/ga, the great supper (masculine and neuter), F1859=4/11 (Scrivener's degh) vs. to\n dei=pnon tou= me/ga, the great supper (mixed case), F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's k). Nearly a disparity (#3) with RP-text, R=4:4. A disparity (#4) with RP-marg2 (zero count). AV differs textually.

mega&lou, great (God): absent in RP P1904 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in TR F1859=0/11. AV differs textually.

Ezek 39:17 (take with Rev 19:18).

[RP-marg P1904 TR: an ← one.]

on ← in.
Ezek 39:17 ‫וְאַתָּ֨ה בֶן־אָדָ֜ם כֹּֽה־אָמַ֣ר ׀ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהֹוִ֗ה אֱמֹר֩ לְצִפּ֨וֹר כָּל־כָּנָ֜ף וּלְכֹ֣ל ׀ חַיַּ֣ת הַשָּׂדֶ֗ה הִקָּבְצ֤וּ וָבֹ֙אוּ֙ הֵאָסְפ֣וּ מִסָּבִ֔יב עַל־זִבְחִ֗י אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֲנִ֜י זֹבֵ֤חַ לָכֶם֙ זֶ֣בַח גָּד֔וֹל עַ֖ל הָרֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַאֲכַלְתֶּ֥ם בָּשָׂ֖ר וּשְׁתִ֥יתֶם דָּֽם׃‬ And as for you, son of Adam, this is what the Lord, the Lord, says: ‘Say to the birds of every kind and to all the wild animals,

«Gather and come,

And congregate round about at my sacrifice

Which I am making for you

A great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel –

And you will eat flesh and drink blood.

Rev 19:17, Rev 19:18.

this is whatthus.

kind ← wing. A more poetic word in English would be feather.

making ← sacrificing.
Rev 19:18 i3na fa&ghte sa&rkaj basile/wn, kai\ sa&rkaj xilia&rxwn, kai\ sa&rkaj i0sxurw~n, kai\ sa&rkaj i3ppwn kai\ tw~n kaqhme/nwn e0p' au0tw~n, kai\ sa&rkaj pa&ntwn, e0leuqe/rwn {RP P1904 S1894: te} [S1550 E1624: - ] kai\ dou/lwn, kai\ mikrw~n {RP-text P1904: te} [RP-marg TR: - ] kai\ mega&lwn. to eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of cohort commanders and the flesh of the mighty, and the flesh of horses and of those sitting on them, and the flesh of all, {RP P1904 S1894: both} [S1550 E1624: - ] free and in bond-service, and {RP-text P1904: both} [RP-marg TR: - ] small and great.” te, both (free and slave): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=0/11. A challenge to S1894, as AV italicizes both (first occurrence in verse).

te, both (small and large): present in RP-text P1904 F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's dgm, d hardly belonging above).

Ezek 39:17 (take with Rev 19.17).
Ezek 43:7 ‫וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֵלַ֗י בֶּן־אָדָם֙ אֶת־מְק֣וֹם כִּסְאִ֗י וְאֶת־מְקוֹם֙ כַּפּ֣וֹת רַגְלַ֔י אֲשֶׁ֧ר אֶשְׁכָּן־שָׁ֛ם בְּת֥וֹךְ בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לְעוֹלָ֑ם וְלֹ֣א יְטַמְּא֣וּ ע֣וֹד בֵּֽית־יִ֠שְׂרָאֵל שֵׁ֣ם קָדְשִׁ֞י הֵ֤מָּה וּמַלְכֵיהֶם֙ בִּזְנוּתָ֔ם וּבְפִגְרֵ֥י מַלְכֵיהֶ֖ם בָּמוֹתָֽם׃‬ And he said to me, “Son of Adam, observe the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet, where I will dwell among the sons of Israel age-abidingly. And the house of Israel will no longer defile my holy name, neither they, nor their kings with their prostitution, nor by the corpses of their kings and their idolatrous raised sites, and their idolatrous raised sites: or, re-pointing as בְּמוֹתָם, in their death.

Rev 21:3.

my holy name ← the name of my holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Rev 21:3 Kai\ h1kousa fwnh=j mega&lhj e0k tou= ou0ranou=, legou/shj, 870Idou/, h9 skhnh\ tou= qeou= meta_ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, kai\ skhnw&sei met' au0tw~n, kai\ au0toi\ {RP P1904: lao\j} [TR: laoi\] au0tou= e1sontai, kai\ au0to\j o9 qeo\j {RP-text TR: e1stai met' au0tw~n} [RP-marg P1904: met' au0tw~n e1stai] {RP P1904: - } [TR: , qeo\j au0tw~n]: And I heard a loud voice from heaven say, “Behold, God's home is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and he will be God with them {RP P1904: - } [TR: – their God]. lao\j, people, RP P1904 F1859=9/9 vs. laoi\, peoples, TR F1859=0/9.

e1stai met' au0tw~n, (God) will be + with them, RP-text TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's ch) vs. met' au0tw~n e1stai, with them + will be, RP-marg P1904 F1859=7/9. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:8.

qeo\j au0tw~n, their God: absent in RP P1904 F1859=5/7 vs. present in TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's cj). AV differs textually.

Ezek 43:7, Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV).

home ← tent, tabernacle.

dwell ← dwell in a tent, tabernacle.
Ezek 47:1 ‫וַיְשִׁבֵנִי֮ אֶל־פֶּ֣תַח הַבַּיִת֒ וְהִנֵּה־מַ֣יִם יֹצְאִ֗ים מִתַּ֨חַת מִפְתַּ֤ן הַבַּ֙יִת֙ קָדִ֔ימָה כִּֽי־פְנֵ֥י הַבַּ֖יִת קָדִ֑ים וְהַמַּ֣יִם יֹרְדִ֗ים מִתַּ֜חַת מִכֶּ֤תֶף הַבַּ֙יִת֙ הַיְמָנִ֔ית מִנֶּ֖גֶב לַמִּזְבֵּֽחַ׃‬ Then he brought me back to the entrance of the house, and what I saw was water coming out from under the threshold of the house towards the east, for the house faces east. And the water ran down from under the right hand side of the house, to the south of the altar. Alluded to in John 7:38, Rev 22:1.

what I saw wasbehold.

side ← shoulder.
John 7:38 879O pisteu/wn ei0j e0me/, kaqw_j ei]pen h9 grafh/, potamoi\ e0k th=j koili/aj au0tou= r(eu/sousin u3datoj zw~ntoj. As regards him who believes in me, as the scripture says, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his inside.’ ” Various allusions: Isa 12:3, Isa 55:1, Isa 58:11; Ezek 47:1; Joel 4:18MT (Joel 3:18AV), Zech 13:1, Zech 14:8.

inside ← belly.
Ezek 47:1 ‫וַיְשִׁבֵנִי֮ אֶל־פֶּ֣תַח הַבַּיִת֒ וְהִנֵּה־מַ֣יִם יֹצְאִ֗ים מִתַּ֨חַת מִפְתַּ֤ן הַבַּ֙יִת֙ קָדִ֔ימָה כִּֽי־פְנֵ֥י הַבַּ֖יִת קָדִ֑ים וְהַמַּ֣יִם יֹרְדִ֗ים מִתַּ֜חַת מִכֶּ֤תֶף הַבַּ֙יִת֙ הַיְמָנִ֔ית מִנֶּ֖גֶב לַמִּזְבֵּֽחַ׃‬ Then he brought me back to the entrance of the house, and what I saw was water coming out from under the threshold of the house towards the east, for the house faces east. And the water ran down from under the right hand side of the house, to the south of the altar. Alluded to in John 7:38, Rev 22:1.

what I saw wasbehold.

side ← shoulder.
Rev 22:1 Kai\ e1deice/n moi {RP-text: potamo\n kaqaro\n} [RP-marg P1904: potamo\n] [TR: kaqaro\n potamo\n] u3datoj zwh=j, lampro\n w(j kru/stallon, e0kporeuo/menon e0k tou= qro/nou tou= qeou= kai\ tou= a)rni/ou. And he showed me the {RP-text TR: pure} [RP-marg P1904: - ] river of water of life, as bright as crystal, issuing out of the throne of God ¶ and of the lamb. ¶ Verse division: in Scrivener's bcjkl, a new sentence begins here.

potamo\n kaqaro\n, a river + pure, RP-text F1859=3/8 (Scrivener's chl; l misspelled) vs. potamo\n, a river, RP-marg P1904 F1859=5/8 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. kaqaro\n potamo\n, a pure + river, TR F1859=0/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:6.

Ezek 47:1, Zech 14:8.
Hos 1:6 ‫וַתַּ֤הַר עוֹד֙ וַתֵּ֣לֶד בַּ֔ת וַיֹּ֣אמֶר ל֔וֹ קְרָ֥א שְׁמָ֖הּ לֹ֣א רֻחָ֑מָה כִּי֩ לֹ֨א אוֹסִ֜יף ע֗וֹד אֲרַחֵם֙ אֶת־בֵּ֣ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל כִּֽי־נָשֹׂ֥א אֶשָּׂ֖א לָהֶֽם׃‬ Then she conceived again and bore a daughter, and he said to him, “Call her Lo-Ruhamah, for I will not have compassion any more on the house of Israel, for I will utterly carry them away. 1 Pet 2:10.

utterly carry: infinitive absolute.
1 Pet 2:10 oi3 pote ou0 lao/j, nu=n de\ lao\j qeou=: oi9 ou0k h0lehme/noi, nu=n de\ e0lehqe/ntej. – you who were at one time not a people, but are now God's people, who were not shown mercy, but have now been shown mercy. Hos 1:6, Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV), Hos 2:3MT (Hos 2:1AV). (Lo-) ruhamah means (not) shown mercy.
Hos 1:9 ‫וַיֹּ֕אמֶר קְרָ֥א שְׁמ֖וֹ לֹ֣א עַמִּ֑י כִּ֤י אַתֶּם֙ לֹ֣א עַמִּ֔י וְאָנֹכִ֖י לֹֽא־אֶהְיֶ֥ה לָכֶֽם׃ ס‬ And he said, “Call him Lo-Ammi, because you will not be my people, and I will not belong to you. Rom 9:25.

belong ← be.
Rom 9:25 879Wj kai\ e0n tw%~ 879Wshe\ le/gei, Kale/sw to\n ou0 lao/n mou lao/n mou: kai\ th\n ou0k h0gaphme/nhn h0gaphme/nhn. As he also says in Hosea,

“I will call those who are not my people

‘My people’,

And her who was not beloved


Hos 1:9, Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV).

he: or it.

Hosea: Greek and AV, Osee.
Hos 2:1
Hos 1:10AV
‫וְֽ֠הָיָה מִסְפַּ֤ר בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ כְּח֣וֹל הַיָּ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־יִמַּ֖ד וְלֹ֣א יִסָּפֵ֑ר וְֽ֠הָיָה בִּמְק֞וֹם אֲשֶׁר־יֵאָמֵ֤ר לָהֶם֙ לֹֽא־עַמִּ֣י אַתֶּ֔ם יֵאָמֵ֥ר לָהֶ֖ם בְּנֵ֥י אֵֽל־חָֽי׃‬ And the number of the sons of Israel will be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured and cannot be counted, and it will come to pass that in the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people’, it will be said to them, ‘You are the sons of the living God.’ Rom 9:25, Rom 9:26, 1 Pet 2:10, Rev 21:3. Rom 9:25 879Wj kai\ e0n tw%~ 879Wshe\ le/gei, Kale/sw to\n ou0 lao/n mou lao/n mou: kai\ th\n ou0k h0gaphme/nhn h0gaphme/nhn. As he also says in Hosea,

“I will call those who are not my people

‘My people’,

And her who was not beloved


Hos 1:9, Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV).

he: or it.

Hosea: Greek and AV, Osee.
Hos 2:1
Hos 1:10AV
‫וְֽ֠הָיָה מִסְפַּ֤ר בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ כְּח֣וֹל הַיָּ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־יִמַּ֖ד וְלֹ֣א יִסָּפֵ֑ר וְֽ֠הָיָה בִּמְק֞וֹם אֲשֶׁר־יֵאָמֵ֤ר לָהֶם֙ לֹֽא־עַמִּ֣י אַתֶּ֔ם יֵאָמֵ֥ר לָהֶ֖ם בְּנֵ֥י אֵֽל־חָֽי׃‬ And the number of the sons of Israel will be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured and cannot be counted, and it will come to pass that in the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people’, it will be said to them, ‘You are the sons of the living God.’ Rom 9:25, Rom 9:26, 1 Pet 2:10, Rev 21:3. Rom 9:26 Kai\ e1stai, e0n tw%~ to/pw% ou[ {RP TR: e0rrh/qh} [P1904: e0rre/qh] au0toi=j, Ou0 lao/j mou u9mei=j, e0kei= klhqh/sontai ui9oi\ qeou= zw~ntoj.

And it will be the case

That in the place where it was said to them,

‘You are not my people’,

There they will be called

The sons of the living God.’ ”

e0rrh/qh, it was spoken (classical form), RP TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's abgmo) vs. e0rre/qh, it was spoken (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's dfhkl**n) vs. e0rh/qh, it was spoken (misspelled, but close to classical form), F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c). Scrivener's l*, apparently another reading, is excluded, as it is doubtful. A weak disparity with RP, R=6:7. Compare Rom 9:12.

Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV), Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV).
Hos 2:1
Hos 1:10AV
‫וְֽ֠הָיָה מִסְפַּ֤ר בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ כְּח֣וֹל הַיָּ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־יִמַּ֖ד וְלֹ֣א יִסָּפֵ֑ר וְֽ֠הָיָה בִּמְק֞וֹם אֲשֶׁר־יֵאָמֵ֤ר לָהֶם֙ לֹֽא־עַמִּ֣י אַתֶּ֔ם יֵאָמֵ֥ר לָהֶ֖ם בְּנֵ֥י אֵֽל־חָֽי׃‬ And the number of the sons of Israel will be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured and cannot be counted, and it will come to pass that in the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people’, it will be said to them, ‘You are the sons of the living God.’ Rom 9:25, Rom 9:26, 1 Pet 2:10, Rev 21:3. 1 Pet 2:10 oi3 pote ou0 lao/j, nu=n de\ lao\j qeou=: oi9 ou0k h0lehme/noi, nu=n de\ e0lehqe/ntej. – you who were at one time not a people, but are now God's people, who were not shown mercy, but have now been shown mercy. Hos 1:6, Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV), Hos 2:3MT (Hos 2:1AV). (Lo-) ruhamah means (not) shown mercy.
Hos 2:1
Hos 1:10AV
‫וְֽ֠הָיָה מִסְפַּ֤ר בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ כְּח֣וֹל הַיָּ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־יִמַּ֖ד וְלֹ֣א יִסָּפֵ֑ר וְֽ֠הָיָה בִּמְק֞וֹם אֲשֶׁר־יֵאָמֵ֤ר לָהֶם֙ לֹֽא־עַמִּ֣י אַתֶּ֔ם יֵאָמֵ֥ר לָהֶ֖ם בְּנֵ֥י אֵֽל־חָֽי׃‬ And the number of the sons of Israel will be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured and cannot be counted, and it will come to pass that in the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people’, it will be said to them, ‘You are the sons of the living God.’ Rom 9:25, Rom 9:26, 1 Pet 2:10, Rev 21:3. Rev 21:3 Kai\ h1kousa fwnh=j mega&lhj e0k tou= ou0ranou=, legou/shj, 870Idou/, h9 skhnh\ tou= qeou= meta_ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, kai\ skhnw&sei met' au0tw~n, kai\ au0toi\ {RP P1904: lao\j} [TR: laoi\] au0tou= e1sontai, kai\ au0to\j o9 qeo\j {RP-text TR: e1stai met' au0tw~n} [RP-marg P1904: met' au0tw~n e1stai] {RP P1904: - } [TR: , qeo\j au0tw~n]: And I heard a loud voice from heaven say, “Behold, God's home is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and he will be God with them {RP P1904: - } [TR: – their God]. lao\j, people, RP P1904 F1859=9/9 vs. laoi\, peoples, TR F1859=0/9.

e1stai met' au0tw~n, (God) will be + with them, RP-text TR F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's ch) vs. met' au0tw~n e1stai, with them + will be, RP-marg P1904 F1859=7/9. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:8.

qeo\j au0tw~n, their God: absent in RP P1904 F1859=5/7 vs. present in TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's cj). AV differs textually.

Ezek 43:7, Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV).

home ← tent, tabernacle.

dwell ← dwell in a tent, tabernacle.
Hos 2:3
Hos 2:1AV
‫אִמְר֥וּ לַאֲחֵיכֶ֖ם עַמִּ֑י וְלַאֲחֽוֹתֵיכֶ֖ם רֻחָֽמָה׃‬ Say to your brothers, ‘Ammi’, and to your sisters, ‘Ruhamah.’ 1 Pet 2:10.

Ammi ← my people.

Ruhamah ← receiving compassion.
1 Pet 2:10 oi3 pote ou0 lao/j, nu=n de\ lao\j qeou=: oi9 ou0k h0lehme/noi, nu=n de\ e0lehqe/ntej. – you who were at one time not a people, but are now God's people, who were not shown mercy, but have now been shown mercy. Hos 1:6, Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV), Hos 2:3MT (Hos 2:1AV). (Lo-) ruhamah means (not) shown mercy.
Hos 2:25
Hos 2:23AV
‫וּזְרַעְתִּ֤יהָ לִּי֙ בָּאָ֔רֶץ וְרִֽחַמְתִּ֖י אֶת־לֹ֣א רֻחָ֑מָה וְאָמַרְתִּ֤י לְלֹֽא־עַמִּי֙ עַמִּי־אַ֔תָּה וְה֖וּא יֹאמַ֥ר אֱלֹהָֽי׃ פ‬

And I will sow her to myself in the land,

And I will have compassion on Lo-Ruhamah,

And I will say to Lo-Ammi,

‘You are my people’,

And he will say,

You are my God.’ ”

Rom 9:26, 2 Cor 6:16.

he: the man standing for the entire people.
Rom 9:26 Kai\ e1stai, e0n tw%~ to/pw% ou[ {RP TR: e0rrh/qh} [P1904: e0rre/qh] au0toi=j, Ou0 lao/j mou u9mei=j, e0kei= klhqh/sontai ui9oi\ qeou= zw~ntoj.

And it will be the case

That in the place where it was said to them,

‘You are not my people’,

There they will be called

The sons of the living God.’ ”

e0rrh/qh, it was spoken (classical form), RP TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's abgmo) vs. e0rre/qh, it was spoken (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's dfhkl**n) vs. e0rh/qh, it was spoken (misspelled, but close to classical form), F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's c). Scrivener's l*, apparently another reading, is excluded, as it is doubtful. A weak disparity with RP, R=6:7. Compare Rom 9:12.

Hos 2:1MT (Hos 1:10AV), Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV).
Hos 2:25
Hos 2:23AV
‫וּזְרַעְתִּ֤יהָ לִּי֙ בָּאָ֔רֶץ וְרִֽחַמְתִּ֖י אֶת־לֹ֣א רֻחָ֑מָה וְאָמַרְתִּ֤י לְלֹֽא־עַמִּי֙ עַמִּי־אַ֔תָּה וְה֖וּא יֹאמַ֥ר אֱלֹהָֽי׃ פ‬

And I will sow her to myself in the land,

And I will have compassion on Lo-Ruhamah,

And I will say to Lo-Ammi,

‘You are my people’,

And he will say,

You are my God.’ ”

Rom 9:26, 2 Cor 6:16.

he: the man standing for the entire people.
2 Cor 6:16 Ti/j de\ sugkata&qesij naw%~ qeou= meta_ ei0dw&lwn; 879Umei=j ga_r nao\j qeou= e0ste zw~ntoj, kaqw_j ei]pen o9 qeo\j o3ti 870Enoikh/sw e0n au0toi=j, kai\ e0mperipath/sw: kai\ e1somai au0tw~n qeo/j, kai\ au0toi\ e1sontai/ moi lao/j. And what compatibility is there between the sanctuary of God and idols? For you are the sanctuary of the living God, as God has said,

“I will dwell among them

And walk among them,

And I will be their God,

And they will be my people.”

Ex 29:45, Lev 26:12, Jer 30:22, Jer 31:1, Jer 32:38, Ezek 37:27, Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV), Zech 8:8.
Hos 6:6 ‫כִּ֛י חֶ֥סֶד חָפַ֖צְתִּי וְלֹא־זָ֑בַח וְדַ֥עַת אֱלֹהִ֖ים מֵעֹלֽוֹת׃‬

For I desired mercy

And not sacrifice,

And knowledge of God

Rather than burnt offerings.

Matt 9:13, Matt 12:7.

mercy: or kindness. The NT quotes use ἔλεος.
Matt 9:13 Poreuqe/ntej de\ ma&qete ti/ e0stin, 871Eleon qe/lw, kai\ ou0 qusi/an: ou0 ga_r h]lqon kale/sai dikai/ouj, {RP P1904: a)lla_} [TR: a)ll'] a(martwlou\j ei0j meta&noian. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” a)lla_, but (unapocopated form), RP P1904 F1853=18/19 F1859=5/6 vs. a)ll', but (apocopated form), TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=1/6.

Hos 6:6.

go: imperatival use of the participle.

means ← is.
Hos 6:6 ‫כִּ֛י חֶ֥סֶד חָפַ֖צְתִּי וְלֹא־זָ֑בַח וְדַ֥עַת אֱלֹהִ֖ים מֵעֹלֽוֹת׃‬

For I desired mercy

And not sacrifice,

And knowledge of God

Rather than burnt offerings.

Matt 9:13, Matt 12:7.

mercy: or kindness. The NT quotes use ἔλεος.
Matt 12:7 Ei0 de\ e0gnw&keite ti/ e0stin, 871Eleon qe/lw kai\ ou0 qusi/an, ou0k a@n katedika&sate tou\j a)naiti/ouj. And if you had known what ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice’ means, you would not have condemned the innocent, Hos 6:6.

means ← is.
Hos 9:7 ‫בָּ֣אוּ ׀ יְמֵ֣י הַפְּקֻדָּ֗ה בָּ֚אוּ יְמֵ֣י הַשִׁלֻּ֔ם יֵדְע֖וּ יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל אֱוִ֣יל הַנָּבִ֗יא מְשֻׁגָּע֙ אִ֣ישׁ הָר֔וּחַ עַ֚ל רֹ֣ב עֲוֺנְךָ֔ וְרַבָּ֖ה מַשְׂטֵמָֽה׃‬

The days of visitation are coming,

The days of retribution are coming,

And Israel will know it.

The prophet is a fool;

The spiritual man is mad,

Because of the abundance of your iniquity

And the great enmity.

Luke 21:22. Luke 21:22 873Oti h9me/rai e0kdikh/sewj au[tai/ ei0sin, tou= {RP-text: plhsqh=nai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: plhrwqh=nai] pa&nta ta_ gegramme/na. For these are the days of vengeance, in order for all the things that stand written to be fulfilled. plhsqh=nai, to be fulfilled (1), RP-text F1853=9/22 F1859=3/7 vs. plhrwqh=nai, to be fulfilled (2), RP-marg P1904 TR F1853=13/22 F1859=3/7 vs. another reading, F1853=0/22 F1859=1/7. A disparity with RP-text, R=12:18.

Isa 61:2, Isa 63:4, Hos 9:7. See Luke 4:19.
Hos 10:8 ‫וְנִשְׁמְד֞וּ בָּמ֣וֹת אָ֗וֶן חַטַּאת֙ יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל ק֣וֹץ וְדַרְדַּ֔ר יַעֲלֶ֖ה עַל־מִזְבְּחוֹתָ֑ם וְאָמְר֤וּ לֶֽהָרִים֙ כַּסּ֔וּנוּ וְלַגְּבָע֖וֹת נִפְל֥וּ עָלֵֽינוּ׃ ס‬

And the idolatrous raised sites of Aven will be destroyed.

They are Israel's sin.

Thorns and brambles will come up on their altars.

And they will say to the mountains,

Cover us”,

And to the hills,

Fall on us.

Luke 23:30, Rev 6:16. Luke 23:30 To/te a!rcontai le/gein toi=j o1resin, Pe/sete e0f' h9ma~j: kai\ toi=j bounoi=j, Kalu/yate h9ma~j. Then they will go on

To say to the mountains,

‘Fall on us’,

And to the hills,

‘Hide us.’

Hos 10:8.

will go on ← will start, but here merely indicating transition.
Hos 10:8 ‫וְנִשְׁמְד֞וּ בָּמ֣וֹת אָ֗וֶן חַטַּאת֙ יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל ק֣וֹץ וְדַרְדַּ֔ר יַעֲלֶ֖ה עַל־מִזְבְּחוֹתָ֑ם וְאָמְר֤וּ לֶֽהָרִים֙ כַּסּ֔וּנוּ וְלַגְּבָע֖וֹת נִפְל֥וּ עָלֵֽינוּ׃ ס‬

And the idolatrous raised sites of Aven will be destroyed.

They are Israel's sin.

Thorns and brambles will come up on their altars.

And they will say to the mountains,

Cover us”,

And to the hills,

Fall on us.

Luke 23:30, Rev 6:16. Rev 6:16 kai\ le/gousin toi=j o1resin kai\ tai=j pe/traij, {RP TR: Pe/sete} [P1904: Pe/sate] e0f' h9ma~j, kai\ kru/yate h9ma~j a)po\ prosw&pou tou= kaqhme/nou e0pi\ {RP-text P1904 TR: tou= qro/nou} [RP-marg: tw%~ qro/nw%], kai\ a)po\ th=j o0rgh=j tou= a)rni/ou: and they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the presence of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the lamb, pe/sete, fall (classical form), RP TR F1859=10/12 vs. pe/sate, fall (non-classical form), P1904 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ln).

tou= qro/nou, (on) the throne (1), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/13 vs. tw%~ qro/nw%, (on) the throne (2), RP-marg F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Hos 10:8.
Hos 11:1 ‫כִּ֛י נַ֥עַר יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל וָאֹהֲבֵ֑הוּ וּמִמִּצְרַ֖יִם קָרָ֥אתִי לִבְנִֽי׃‬

When Israel was a child,

I loved him,

And I called my son from Egypt.

Matt 2:15. Matt 2:15 kai\ h]n e0kei= e3wj th=j teleuth=j 879Hrw%&dou: i3na plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n u9po\ tou= kuri/ou dia_ tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, 870Ec Ai0gu/ptou e0ka&lesa to\n ui9o/n mou. and he stayed there until the death of Herod, in order that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, when he said, “I have called my son out of Egypt. Hos 11:1.

stayed ← was.
Hos 13:14 ‫מִיַּ֤ד שְׁאוֹל֙ אֶפְדֵּ֔ם מִמָּ֖וֶת אֶגְאָלֵ֑ם אֱהִ֨י דְבָרֶיךָ֜ מָ֗וֶת אֱהִ֤י קָֽטָבְךָ֙ שְׁא֔וֹל נֹ֖חַם יִסָּתֵ֥ר מֵעֵינָֽי׃‬

I will deliver them from the power of the grave;

I will redeem them from death.

O death, I will be a plague on you;

O grave, I will be your destruction.

Repentance will be hidden from my eyes.

1 Cor 15:55.

power ← hand.

a plague ← plagues.

repentance will be hidden from my eyes: i.e. I will not repent of this.
1 Cor 15:55 Pou= sou, Qa&nate, to\ ke/ntron; Pou= sou, 873A|dh, to\ ni=koj;

“Where, O death, is your sting?

Where, O Hades, is your victory?”

Hos 13:14.

Hades: the place of the dead. The AV's grave also conveys the sense well.
Joel 1:15 ‫אֲהָ֖הּ לַיּ֑וֹם כִּ֤י קָרוֹב֙ י֣וֹם יְהוָ֔ה וּכְשֹׁ֖ד מִשַׁדַּ֥י יָבֽוֹא׃‬

Alas for the day!

For the day of the Lord is near,

And it will come as devastation from the Almighty.

Rev 1:10. Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Joel 2:1 ‫תִּקְע֨וּ שׁוֹפָ֜ר בְּצִיּ֗וֹן וְהָרִ֙יעוּ֙ בְּהַ֣ר קָדְשִׁ֔י יִרְגְּז֕וּ כֹּ֖ל יֹשְׁבֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ כִּֽי־בָ֥א יוֹם־יְהוָ֖ה כִּ֥י קָרֽוֹב׃‬

Blow the ramshorn in Zion,

And sound the alarm on my holy mountain.

Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble,

For the day of the Lord is coming,

For it is near.

Rev 1:10.

my holy mountain ← the mountain of my holiness, a Hebraic genitive.

tremble: or stand in awe.
Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Joel 2:11 ‫וַֽיהוָ֗ה נָתַ֤ן קוֹלוֹ֙ לִפְנֵ֣י חֵיל֔וֹ כִּ֣י רַ֤ב מְאֹד֙ מַחֲנֵ֔הוּ כִּ֥י עָצ֖וּם עֹשֵׂ֣ה דְבָר֑וֹ כִּֽי־גָד֧וֹל יוֹם־יְהוָ֛ה וְנוֹרָ֥א מְאֹ֖ד וּמִ֥י יְכִילֶֽנּוּ׃‬

And the Lord will sound his voice before his army

(For his camp is very mighty),

And he who gives his word is powerful.

For great is the day of the Lord,

And quite terrible,

And who can endure it?

Rev 1:10. Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Joel 3:1
Joel 2:28AV
‫וְהָיָ֣ה אַֽחֲרֵי־כֵ֗ן אֶשְׁפּ֤וֹךְ אֶת־רוּחִי֙ עַל־כָּל־בָּשָׂ֔ר וְנִבְּא֖וּ בְּנֵיכֶ֣ם וּבְנֽוֹתֵיכֶ֑ם זִקְנֵיכֶם֙ חֲלֹמ֣וֹת יַחֲלֹמ֔וּן בַּח֣וּרֵיכֶ֔ם חֶזְיֹנ֖וֹת יִרְאֽוּ׃‬

“And it will come to pass after that,

That I will pour out my spirit on all flesh,

And your sons and your daughters will prophesy,

And your old people will have dreams,

And your young men will see visions.

Acts 2:17.

have dreams ← dream dreams.
Acts 2:17 Kai\ e1stai e0n tai=j e0sxa&taij h9me/raij, le/gei o9 qeo/j, e0kxew~ a)po\ tou= pneu/mato/j mou e0pi\ pa~san sa&rka: kai\ profhteu/sousin oi9 ui9oi\ u9mw~n kai\ ai9 qugate/rej u9mw~n, kai\ oi9 neani/skoi u9mw~n o9ra&seij o1yontai, kai\ oi9 presbu/teroi u9mw~n e0nu/pnia e0nupniasqh/sontai:

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days’,

Says God,

That I will pour out some of my spirit on all flesh,

And your sons and your daughters will prophesy,

And your youths will see visions,

And your old men will dream dreams,

Joel 3:1MT (Joel 2:28AV).

come to pass ← be.
Joel 3:2
Joel 2:29AV
‫וְגַ֥ם עַל־הָֽעֲבָדִ֖ים וְעַל־הַשְּׁפָח֑וֹת בַּיָּמִ֣ים הָהֵ֔מָּה אֶשְׁפּ֖וֹךְ אֶת־רוּחִֽי׃‬

And I will also pour out my spirit

On menservants and maidservants in those days.

Acts 2:18. Acts 2:18 kai/ ge e0pi\ tou\j dou/louj mou kai\ e0pi\ ta_j dou/laj mou e0n tai=j h9me/raij e0kei/naij e0kxew~ a)po\ tou= pneu/mato/j mou, kai\ profhteu/sousin.

And I will indeed pour out some of my spirit

On my servants and on my maidservants

In those days,

And they will prophesy.

Joel 3:2MT (Joel 2:29AV).
Joel 3:3
Joel 2:30AV
‫וְנָֽתַתִּי֙ מֽוֹפְתִ֔ים בַּשָּׁמַ֖יִם וּבָאָ֑רֶץ דָּ֣ם וָאֵ֔שׁ וְתִֽימֲר֖וֹת עָשָֽׁן׃‬

And I will show wonders in the sky and on the earth

– Blood and fire,

And pillars of smoke.

Acts 2:19.

in the sky: or in heaven.
Acts 2:19 Kai\ dw&sw te/rata e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~ a!nw, kai\ shmei=a e0pi\ th=j gh=j ka&tw, ai[ma kai\ pu=r kai\ a)tmi/da kapnou=:

And I will show miracles in heaven above

And signs on earth below

– Blood and fire and a smoky vapour.

Joel 3:3MT (Joel 2:30AV).

show ← give.

smoky vapour ← vapour of smoke, a Hebraic genitive.
Joel 3:4
Joel 2:31AV
‫הַשֶּׁ֙מֶשׁ֙ יֵהָפֵ֣ךְ לְחֹ֔שֶׁךְ וְהַיָּרֵ֖חַ לְדָ֑ם לִפְנֵ֗י בּ֚וֹא י֣וֹם יְהוָ֔ה הַגָּד֖וֹל וְהַנּוֹרָֽא׃‬

The sun will be turned to darkness,

And the moon to blood,

Before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.

Acts 2:20, Rev 6:12. Acts 2:20 o9 h3lioj metastrafh/setai ei0j sko/toj, kai\ h9 selh/nh ei0j ai[ma, pri\n h2 e0lqei=n th\n h9me/ran kuri/ou th\n mega&lhn kai\ e0pifanh=:

The sun will be turned into darkness

And the moon to blood

Before the great and illustrious day of the Lord comes.

Joel 3:4MT (Joel 2:31AV), Joel 4:15MT (Joel 3:15AV).

illustrious ← notable, whence distinguished, renowned, illustrious.
Joel 3:4
Joel 2:31AV
‫הַשֶּׁ֙מֶשׁ֙ יֵהָפֵ֣ךְ לְחֹ֔שֶׁךְ וְהַיָּרֵ֖חַ לְדָ֑ם לִפְנֵ֗י בּ֚וֹא י֣וֹם יְהוָ֔ה הַגָּד֖וֹל וְהַנּוֹרָֽא׃‬

The sun will be turned to darkness,

And the moon to blood,

Before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.

Acts 2:20, Rev 6:12. Rev 6:12 Kai\ ei]don o3te h1noicen th\n sfragi=da th\n e3kthn, kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: i0dou/,] seismo\j me/gaj e0ge/neto, kai\ o9 h3lioj {RP P1904: me/laj e0ge/neto} [TR: e0ge/neto me/laj] w(j sa&kkoj tri/xinoj, kai\ h9 selh/nh {RP-text P1904: o3lh} [RP-marg TR: - ] e0ge/neto w(j ai[ma, And I looked when he had opened the sixth seal, and {RP P1904: - } [TR: behold,] a great earthquake took place, and the sun became black like sackcloth made from hair, and the {RP-text P1904: whole} [RP-marg TR: - ] moon became like blood. i0dou/, behold: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

me/laj e0ge/neto, black + became, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. e0ge/neto me/laj, became + black, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

o3lh, whole: present in RP-text P1904 F1859=11/13 (one misspelled) vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hm).

Joel 3:4MT (Joel 2:31AV), Joel 4:15MT (Joel 3:15AV).
Joel 3:5
Joel 2:32AV
‫וְהָיָ֗ה כֹּ֧ל אֲשֶׁר־יִקְרָ֛א בְּשֵׁ֥ם יְהוָ֖ה יִמָּלֵ֑ט כִּ֠י בְּהַר־צִיּ֨וֹן וּבִירוּשָׁלִַ֜ם תִּֽהְיֶ֣ה פְלֵיטָ֗ה כַּֽאֲשֶׁר֙ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה וּבַ֨שְּׂרִידִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה קֹרֵֽא׃‬

And it shall come to pass

That everyone who calls on the name of the Lord

Will be delivered,

For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance,

As the Lord has said,

And for the remnants whom the Lord calls.

Acts 2:21, Rom 10:13.

remnants ← escapees.
Acts 2:21 kai\ e1stai, pa~j o4j a@n e0pikale/shtai to\ o1noma kuri/ou swqh/setai.

And it will come to pass

That everyone who calls on the name of the Lord

Will be saved.’

Joel 3:5MT (Joel 2:32AV).

everyone ← everyone whoever. Pleonastic, perhaps for emphasis.
Joel 3:5
Joel 2:32AV
‫וְהָיָ֗ה כֹּ֧ל אֲשֶׁר־יִקְרָ֛א בְּשֵׁ֥ם יְהוָ֖ה יִמָּלֵ֑ט כִּ֠י בְּהַר־צִיּ֨וֹן וּבִירוּשָׁלִַ֜ם תִּֽהְיֶ֣ה פְלֵיטָ֗ה כַּֽאֲשֶׁר֙ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה וּבַ֨שְּׂרִידִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה קֹרֵֽא׃‬

And it shall come to pass

That everyone who calls on the name of the Lord

Will be delivered,

For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance,

As the Lord has said,

And for the remnants whom the Lord calls.

Acts 2:21, Rom 10:13.

remnants ← escapees.
Rom 10:13 Pa~j ga_r o4j a@n e0pikale/shtai to\ o1noma kuri/ou swqh/setai. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Joel 3:5MT (Joel 2:32AV).

everyone who ← everyone whoever. Pleonastic, perhaps for emphasis.
Joel 4:13
Joel 3:13AV
‫שִׁלְח֣וּ מַגָּ֔ל כִּ֥י בָשַׁ֖ל קָצִ֑יר בֹּ֤אֽוּ רְדוּ֙ כִּֽי־מָ֣לְאָה גַּ֔ת הֵשִׁ֙יקוּ֙ הַיְקָבִ֔ים כִּ֥י רַבָּ֖ה רָעָתָֽם׃‬

Send in the sickle,

For the harvest is ripe;

Come and tread,

For the wine press is full.

The wine vats are overflowing,

For great is their wickedness.

Rev 14:15.

tread: from root רָדָה. AV differs (get you down), from root יָרַד.
Rev 14:15 Kai\ a!lloj a!ggeloj e0ch=lqen e0k tou= naou=, kra&zwn e0n {RP P1904: fwnh|= mega&lh|} [TR: mega&lh| fwnh|=] tw%~ kaqhme/nw% e0pi\ th=j nefe/lhj, Pe/myon to\ dre/pano/n sou kai\ qe/rison: o3ti {RP P1904: h]lqen} [TR: h]lqe/n soi] h9 w#ra {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: tou=] qeri/sai, o3ti e0chra&nqh o9 qerismo\j th=j gh=j. And another angel went out of the sanctuary, crying out in a loud voice to the one sitting on the cloud, “Thrust in your sickle and reap, because the time {RP P1904: of reaping} [TR: for you to reap] has come, because the harvest of the earth has become dry.” fwnh|= mega&lh|, a voice + loud, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. mega&lh| fwnh|=, a loud + voice, TR F1859=0/13.

soi, for / of you: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). AV differs textually.

tou=, (of) the (reaping): absent in RP-text F1859=8/13 vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's aeghk). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Joel 4:13MT (Joel 3:13AV).

dry: AV differs somewhat (ripe).
Joel 4:15
Joel 3:15AV
‫שֶׁ֥מֶשׁ וְיָרֵ֖חַ קָדָ֑רוּ וְכוֹכָבִ֖ים אָסְפ֥וּ נָגְהָֽם׃‬

The sun and moon will be darkened,

And the stars will withdraw their brightness.

Acts 2:20, Rev 6:12.

withdraw: as Joel 2:10.
Acts 2:20 o9 h3lioj metastrafh/setai ei0j sko/toj, kai\ h9 selh/nh ei0j ai[ma, pri\n h2 e0lqei=n th\n h9me/ran kuri/ou th\n mega&lhn kai\ e0pifanh=:

The sun will be turned into darkness

And the moon to blood

Before the great and illustrious day of the Lord comes.

Joel 3:4MT (Joel 2:31AV), Joel 4:15MT (Joel 3:15AV).

illustrious ← notable, whence distinguished, renowned, illustrious.
Joel 4:15
Joel 3:15AV
‫שֶׁ֥מֶשׁ וְיָרֵ֖חַ קָדָ֑רוּ וְכוֹכָבִ֖ים אָסְפ֥וּ נָגְהָֽם׃‬

The sun and moon will be darkened,

And the stars will withdraw their brightness.

Acts 2:20, Rev 6:12.

withdraw: as Joel 2:10.
Rev 6:12 Kai\ ei]don o3te h1noicen th\n sfragi=da th\n e3kthn, kai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: i0dou/,] seismo\j me/gaj e0ge/neto, kai\ o9 h3lioj {RP P1904: me/laj e0ge/neto} [TR: e0ge/neto me/laj] w(j sa&kkoj tri/xinoj, kai\ h9 selh/nh {RP-text P1904: o3lh} [RP-marg TR: - ] e0ge/neto w(j ai[ma, And I looked when he had opened the sixth seal, and {RP P1904: - } [TR: behold,] a great earthquake took place, and the sun became black like sackcloth made from hair, and the {RP-text P1904: whole} [RP-marg TR: - ] moon became like blood. i0dou/, behold: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

me/laj e0ge/neto, black + became, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. e0ge/neto me/laj, became + black, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

o3lh, whole: present in RP-text P1904 F1859=11/13 (one misspelled) vs. absent in RP-marg TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hm).

Joel 3:4MT (Joel 2:31AV), Joel 4:15MT (Joel 3:15AV).
Joel 4:18
Joel 3:18AV
‫וְהָיָה֩ בַיּ֨וֹם הַה֜וּא יִטְּפ֧וּ הֶהָרִ֣ים עָסִ֗יס וְהַגְּבָעוֹת֙ תֵּלַ֣כְנָה חָלָ֔ב וְכָל־אֲפִיקֵ֥י יְהוּדָ֖ה יֵ֣לְכוּ מָ֑יִם וּמַעְיָ֗ן מִבֵּ֤ית יְהוָה֙ יֵצֵ֔א וְהִשְׁקָ֖ה אֶת־נַ֥חַל הַשִּׁטִּֽים׃‬

And it will come to pass on that day

That the mountains will distil new wine,

And the hills will run with milk,

And all the brooks of Judah will run with water,

And a spring will come out at the house of the Lord,

And it will feed the stream of Shittim.

Alluded to in John 7:38.

feed ← water.

Shittim: i.e. Acacias.
John 7:38 879O pisteu/wn ei0j e0me/, kaqw_j ei]pen h9 grafh/, potamoi\ e0k th=j koili/aj au0tou= r(eu/sousin u3datoj zw~ntoj. As regards him who believes in me, as the scripture says, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his inside.’ ” Various allusions: Isa 12:3, Isa 55:1, Isa 58:11; Ezek 47:1; Joel 4:18MT (Joel 3:18AV), Zech 13:1, Zech 14:8.

inside ← belly.
Amos 5:18 ‫ה֥וֹי הַמִּתְאַוִּ֖ים אֶת־י֣וֹם יְהוָ֑ה לָמָּה־זֶּ֥ה לָכֶ֛ם י֥וֹם יְהוָ֖ה הוּא־חֹ֥שֶׁךְ וְלֹא־אֽוֹר׃‬

Woe to those who long for the day of the Lord.

What is it to you?

The day of the Lord is darkness

And not light.

Rev 1:10.

what is it ← why (is) this. The sense is What (good news) (is) it ...?
Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Amos 5:20 ‫הֲלֹא־חֹ֛שֶׁךְ י֥וֹם יְהוָ֖ה וְלֹא־א֑וֹר וְאָפֵ֖ל וְלֹא־נֹ֥גַֽהּ לֽוֹ׃‬

Is not the day of the Lord darkness and not light?

And is it not gloomy

With no brightness in it?

Rev 1:10. Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Amos 5:25 ‫הַזְּבָחִ֨ים וּמִנְחָ֜ה הִֽגַּשְׁתֶּם־לִ֧י בַמִּדְבָּ֛ר אַרְבָּעִ֥ים שָׁנָ֖ה בֵּ֥ית יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃‬

For forty years you offered me sacrifices and meal-offerings in the desert,

O house of Israel.

Acts 7:42.

meal-offerings ← meal-offering.
Acts 7:42 871Estreyen de\ o9 qeo/j, kai\ pare/dwken au0tou\j latreu/ein th|= stratia%~ tou= ou0ranou=: kaqw_j ge/graptai e0n bi/blw% tw~n profhtw~n, Mh\ sfa&gia kai\ qusi/aj proshne/gkate/ moi e1th tessara&konta e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, oi]koj 870Israh/l; And God turned away and gave them up to do service to the array of the sky, as it stands written in the book of the prophets:

‘Did you really offer me slaughtered animals and sacrifices for forty years in the desert,

O house of Israel?’

Amos 5:25.

the sky: or heaven.
Amos 5:26 ‫וּנְשָׂאתֶ֗ם אֵ֚ת סִכּ֣וּת מַלְכְּכֶ֔ם וְאֵ֖ת כִּיּ֣וּן צַלְמֵיכֶ֑ם כּוֹכַב֙ אֱלֹ֣הֵיכֶ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר עֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם לָכֶֽם׃‬

But you raised up the shrine of your king,

And Saturn, your images and the star of your gods

Which you made for yourselves.

your king: this could be re-pointed to your Moloch, as in Acts 7:43.

Acts 7:43.

Saturn: Hebrew Chiun, the Egyptian / Greek god Remphan.

gods: or god.
Acts 7:43 Kai\ a)nela&bete th\n skhnh\n tou= Molo/x, kai\ to\ a!stron tou= qeou= u9mw~n {RP-text P1904 TR: 879Remfa&n} [RP-marg: 879Refa&n], tou\j tu/pouj ou4j e0poih/sate proskunei=n au0toi=j: kai\ metoikiw~ u9ma~j e0pe/keina Babulw~noj.

And you took up the tent of Moloch

And the star of your god {RP-text P1904 TR: Remphan} [RP-marg: Rephan]

– Images which you made in order to worship them –

So I will deport you to beyond Babylon.

879Remfa&n, Remphan, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/12 vs. 879Refa&n, Rephan, RP-marg F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g) vs. three other spellings, F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's hklop).

Amos 5:26, Amos 5:27, where the city mentioned is Damascus.
Amos 5:27 ‫וְהִגְלֵיתִ֥י אֶתְכֶ֖ם מֵהָ֣לְאָה לְדַמָּ֑שֶׂק אָמַ֛ר יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵֽי־צְבָא֖וֹת שְׁמֽוֹ׃ פ‬

So I will deport you to beyond Damascus,

Says the Lord

– The God of hosts is his name.

Acts 7:43, where the city mentioned is Babylon. Acts 7:43 Kai\ a)nela&bete th\n skhnh\n tou= Molo/x, kai\ to\ a!stron tou= qeou= u9mw~n {RP-text P1904 TR: 879Remfa&n} [RP-marg: 879Refa&n], tou\j tu/pouj ou4j e0poih/sate proskunei=n au0toi=j: kai\ metoikiw~ u9ma~j e0pe/keina Babulw~noj.

And you took up the tent of Moloch

And the star of your god {RP-text P1904 TR: Remphan} [RP-marg: Rephan]

– Images which you made in order to worship them –

So I will deport you to beyond Babylon.

879Remfa&n, Remphan, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/12 vs. 879Refa&n, Rephan, RP-marg F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g) vs. three other spellings, F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's hklop).

Amos 5:26, Amos 5:27, where the city mentioned is Damascus.
Amos 9:11 ‫בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא אָקִ֛ים אֶת־סֻכַּ֥ת דָּוִ֖יד הַנֹּפֶ֑לֶת וְגָדַרְתִּ֣י אֶת־פִּרְצֵיהֶ֗ן וַהֲרִֽסֹתָיו֙ אָקִ֔ים וּבְנִיתִ֖יהָ כִּימֵ֥י עוֹלָֽם׃‬

On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David,

Which has fallen down,

And I will wall up their breaches,

And I will raise up its ruins,

And I will build her up

As in days of old,

Acts 15:16.

tabernacle ← booth. Not the same word as the one for the tabernacle.

its ... her: referring to the house (masculine) of Jacob and the tabernacle (feminine) of David.

of old ← of the age.
Acts 15:16 Meta_ tau=ta a)nastre/yw, kai\ a)noikodomh/sw th\n skhnh\n {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] th\n peptwkui=an: kai\ ta_ kateskamme/na au0th=j a)noikodomh/sw, kai\ a)norqw&sw au0th/n:

‘After these things I will return

And build up the tabernacle of David,

Which has fallen down,

And I will rebuild its ruins and restore it,

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Amos 9:11.

which has fallen down: our italicization here indicates the supplying of a finite verb, not a tense change, aorist to perfect, as might be suspected. See the Introduction.
Amos 9:12 ‫לְמַ֨עַן יִֽירְשׁ֜וּ אֶת־שְׁאֵרִ֤ית אֱדוֹם֙ וְכָל־הַגּוֹיִ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־נִקְרָ֥א שְׁמִ֖י עֲלֵיהֶ֑ם נְאֻם־יְהוָ֖ה עֹ֥שֶׂה זֹּֽאת׃ פ‬

In order that they who are called after my name

May inherit the remnant of Edom

And all the Gentiles,

Says the Lord

Who is doing this.

Acts 15:17, James 2:7.

who are called after my name ← on whom my name has been called. See James 2:7.

One could construe this verse with they and all the Gentiles among whom my name is called as the subject of the verb may inherit. The absence of a second אֶת־, infixed in וְכָל, militates for this; compare Gen 1:1 (אֶת־ repeated).
Acts 15:17 o3pwj a@n e0kzhth/swsin oi9 kata&loipoi tw~n a)nqrw&pwn to\n ku/rion, kai\ pa&nta ta_ e1qnh, e0f' ou4j e0pike/klhtai to\ o1noma& mou e0p' au0tou/j, le/gei ku/rioj o9 poiw~n tau=ta pa&nta.

In order that the rest of men might seek out the Lord,

Including all the Gentiles

Who are called after my name,

Says the Lord,

Who does all these things.’

Amos 9:12, but apparently adapted somewhat (not that that need be a problem).

including ← and.

who are called after my name ← on whom my name has been called. See James 2:7.
Amos 9:12 ‫לְמַ֨עַן יִֽירְשׁ֜וּ אֶת־שְׁאֵרִ֤ית אֱדוֹם֙ וְכָל־הַגּוֹיִ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־נִקְרָ֥א שְׁמִ֖י עֲלֵיהֶ֑ם נְאֻם־יְהוָ֖ה עֹ֥שֶׂה זֹּֽאת׃ פ‬

In order that they who are called after my name

May inherit the remnant of Edom

And all the Gentiles,

Says the Lord

Who is doing this.

Acts 15:17, James 2:7.

who are called after my name ← on whom my name has been called. See James 2:7.

One could construe this verse with they and all the Gentiles among whom my name is called as the subject of the verb may inherit. The absence of a second אֶת־, infixed in וְכָל, militates for this; compare Gen 1:1 (אֶת־ repeated).
James 2:7 Ou0k au0toi\ blasfhmou=sin to\ kalo\n o1noma to\ e0piklhqe\n e0f' u9ma~j; Do they not blaspheme the good name which you are called after? Amos 9:12 (אֲשֶׁר־נִקְרָא שְׁמִי עֲלֵיהֶם).

name which you are called after ← name which (was) called on over you. [MG] interprets as God giving his name to his people. See also Gen 48:16, Deut 28:10, 2 Sam 12:28, Isa 63:19, Jer 14:9, Amos 9:12, Acts 15:17.
Obad 1:15 ‫כִּֽי־קָר֥וֹב יוֹם־יְהוָ֖ה עַל־כָּל־הַגּוֹיִ֑ם כַּאֲשֶׁ֤ר עָשִׂ֙יתָ֙ יֵעָ֣שֶׂה לָּ֔ךְ גְּמֻלְךָ֖ יָשׁ֥וּב בְּרֹאשֶֽׁךָ׃‬

For the day of the Lord is near,

Coming upon all nations.

As you have done,

So it shall be done to you;

Your recompense will return onto your head.

Rev 1:10. Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Jonah 2:1
Jonah 1:17AV
‫וַיְמַ֤ן יְהוָה֙ דָּ֣ג גָּד֔וֹל לִבְלֹ֖עַ אֶת־יוֹנָ֑ה וַיְהִ֤י יוֹנָה֙ בִּמְעֵ֣י הַדָּ֔ג שְׁלֹשָׁ֥ה יָמִ֖ים וּשְׁלֹשָׁ֥ה לֵילֽוֹת׃‬ Then the Lord appointed a large fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the inner parts of the fish for three days and three nights. Matt 12:40. Matt 12:40 873Wsper ga_r {RP TR: h]n} [P1904: e0ge/neto] 870Iwna~j {RP TR: - } [P1904: o9 profh/thj] e0n th|= koili/a% tou= kh/touj trei=j h9me/raj kai\ trei=j nu/ktaj, ou3twj e1stai {RP TR: - } [P1904: kai\] o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou e0n th|= kardi/a% th=j gh=j trei=j h9me/raj kai\ trei=j nu/ktaj. For as Jonah {RP TR: - } [P1904: the prophet] was in the stomach of the whale for three days and three nights, so {RP TR: - } [P1904: also] the son of man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. h]n, was, RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=6/6 vs. e0ge/neto, became, P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6 vs. another reading, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's c) F1859=0/6.

o9 profh/thj, the prophet: absent in RP TR F1853=18/19 F1859=6/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's y) F1859=0/6.

kai\, also: absent in RP TR F1853=13/20 F1859=4/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=7/20 F1859=2/6.

Jonah 2:1MT (Jonah 1:17AV). Greek: Jonas.

whale: or sea-monster.
Mic 5:1
Mic 5:2AV
‫וְאַתָּ֞ה בֵּֽית־לֶ֣חֶם אֶפְרָ֗תָה צָעִיר֙ לִֽהְיוֹת֙ בְּאַלְפֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֔ה מִמְּךָ֙ לִ֣י יֵצֵ֔א לִֽהְי֥וֹת מוֹשֵׁ֖ל בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וּמוֹצָאֹתָ֥יו מִקֶּ֖דֶם מִימֵ֥י עוֹלָֽם׃‬

“But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,

Although you are small among the thousands of Judah,

From you he who is mine will come out,

To be a ruler in Israel,

Yet his goings are of age-old time.

Matt 2:6, John 7:42.

Bethlehem: see Gen 35:19.

yet: concessive use of the vav.

goings ← goings out.

time ← days.
Matt 2:6 Kai\ su\ Bhqlee/m, gh= 870Iou/da, ou0damw~j e0laxi/sth ei] e0n toi=j h9gemo/sin 870Iou/da: e0k sou= ga_r e0celeu/setai h9gou/menoj, o3stij poimanei= to\n lao/n mou to\n 870Israh/l.

‘And you, Bethlehem, of the land of Judah,

Are by no means the least among the governmental towns of Judah,

For from you will come a governor

Who will be shepherd to my people Israel.’ ”

Mic 5:1MT (Mic 5:2AV).
Mic 5:1
Mic 5:2AV
‫וְאַתָּ֞ה בֵּֽית־לֶ֣חֶם אֶפְרָ֗תָה צָעִיר֙ לִֽהְיוֹת֙ בְּאַלְפֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֔ה מִמְּךָ֙ לִ֣י יֵצֵ֔א לִֽהְי֥וֹת מוֹשֵׁ֖ל בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וּמוֹצָאֹתָ֥יו מִקֶּ֖דֶם מִימֵ֥י עוֹלָֽם׃‬

“But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,

Although you are small among the thousands of Judah,

From you he who is mine will come out,

To be a ruler in Israel,

Yet his goings are of age-old time.

Matt 2:6, John 7:42.

Bethlehem: see Gen 35:19.

yet: concessive use of the vav.

goings ← goings out.

time ← days.
John 7:42 Ou0xi\ h9 grafh\ ei]pen o3ti e0k tou= spe/rmatoj {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], kai\ a)po\ Bhqlee/m, th=j kw&mhj o3pou h]n {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], o9 xristo\j e1rxetai; Does not the scripture say that the Christ comes from the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was? David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:30MT-37MT (Ps 89:29AV-36AV), Ps 132:11, Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10, Jer 23:5, Jer 33:15, Mic 5:1MT (Mic 5:2AV).

does ← did.
Mic 7:6 ‫כִּֽי־בֵן֙ מְנַבֵּ֣ל אָ֔ב בַּ֚ת קָמָ֣ה בְאִמָּ֔הּ כַּלָּ֖ה בַּחֲמֹתָ֑הּ אֹיְבֵ֥י אִ֖ישׁ אַנְשֵׁ֥י בֵיתֽוֹ׃‬

For the son despises his father,

And the daughter rises up against her mother,

And the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

A man's enemies are the men of his household.

Matt 10:35, Matt 10:36, Mark 13:12, Luke 12:53.

daughter-in-law: or bride.
Matt 10:35 87]Hlqon ga_r dixa&sai a!nqrwpon kata_ tou= patro\j au0tou=, kai\ qugate/ra kata_ th=j mhtro\j au0th=j, kai\ nu/mfhn kata_ th=j penqera~j au0th=j: For I have come to set a man apart against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, Mic 7:6.
Mic 7:6 ‫כִּֽי־בֵן֙ מְנַבֵּ֣ל אָ֔ב בַּ֚ת קָמָ֣ה בְאִמָּ֔הּ כַּלָּ֖ה בַּחֲמֹתָ֑הּ אֹיְבֵ֥י אִ֖ישׁ אַנְשֵׁ֥י בֵיתֽוֹ׃‬

For the son despises his father,

And the daughter rises up against her mother,

And the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

A man's enemies are the men of his household.

Matt 10:35, Matt 10:36, Mark 13:12, Luke 12:53.

daughter-in-law: or bride.
Matt 10:36 kai\ e0xqroi\ tou= a)nqrw&pou oi9 {RP: oi0keiakoi\} [P1904 TR: oi0kiakoi\] au0tou=. and the enemies of the man will be those of his household. oi0keiakoi\, those of the household (1), RP F1853=13/19 F1859=4/6 vs. oi0kiakoi\, those of the household (2), P1904 TR F1853=6/19 F1859=2/6.

Mic 7:6.
Mic 7:6 ‫כִּֽי־בֵן֙ מְנַבֵּ֣ל אָ֔ב בַּ֚ת קָמָ֣ה בְאִמָּ֔הּ כַּלָּ֖ה בַּחֲמֹתָ֑הּ אֹיְבֵ֥י אִ֖ישׁ אַנְשֵׁ֥י בֵיתֽוֹ׃‬

For the son despises his father,

And the daughter rises up against her mother,

And the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

A man's enemies are the men of his household.

Matt 10:35, Matt 10:36, Mark 13:12, Luke 12:53.

daughter-in-law: or bride.
Mark 13:12 Paradw&sei de\ a)delfo\j a)delfo\n ei0j qa&naton, kai\ path\r te/knon: kai\ e0panasth/sontai te/kna e0pi\ gonei=j, kai\ qanatw&sousin au0tou/j: And brother will betray brother to death, and father child, and children will rise up against their parents and will have them put to death. Mic 7:6.
Mic 7:6 ‫כִּֽי־בֵן֙ מְנַבֵּ֣ל אָ֔ב בַּ֚ת קָמָ֣ה בְאִמָּ֔הּ כַּלָּ֖ה בַּחֲמֹתָ֑הּ אֹיְבֵ֥י אִ֖ישׁ אַנְשֵׁ֥י בֵיתֽוֹ׃‬

For the son despises his father,

And the daughter rises up against her mother,

And the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

A man's enemies are the men of his household.

Matt 10:35, Matt 10:36, Mark 13:12, Luke 12:53.

daughter-in-law: or bride.
Luke 12:53 {RP TR: Diamerisqh/setai} [P1904: Diamerisqh/sontai] path\r {RP P1904: e0pi\} [TR: e0f'] ui9w%~, kai\ ui9o\j e0pi\ patri/: mh/thr e0pi\ qugatri/, kai\ quga&thr e0pi\ mhtri/: penqera_ e0pi\ th\n nu/mfhn au0th=j, kai\ nu/mfh e0pi\ th\n penqera_n au0th=j. A father will be at variance with his son, and a son with his father; a mother with her daughter and a daughter with her mother; a mother-in-law will be against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” diamerisqh/setai, he will be at variance, RP TR F1853=18/18 F1859=5/7 vs. diamerisqh/sontai, they will be at variance, P1904 F1853=0/18 F1859=2/7.

e0pi\, (at variance) with (unapocopated), RP P1904 F1853=14/18 F1859=4/7 vs. e0f', (at variance) with (apocopated), TR F1853=4/18 (Scrivener's fopx) F1859=3/7.

Mic 7:6.
Hab 1:5 ‫רְא֤וּ בַגּוֹיִם֙ וְֽהַבִּ֔יטוּ וְהִֽתַּמְּה֖וּ תְּמָ֑הוּ כִּי־פֹ֙עַל֙ פֹּעֵ֣ל בִּֽימֵיכֶ֔ם לֹ֥א תַאֲמִ֖ינוּ כִּ֥י יְסֻפָּֽר׃‬

“Look among the Gentiles and see,

And be amazingly amazed.

For there is one carrying out a work in your days

Which you will not believe

When it is told you.

Acts 13:41. Acts 13:41 871Idete, oi9 katafronhtai/, kai\ qauma&sate, kai\ a)fani/sqhte: o3ti e1rgon e0gw_ e0rga&zomai e0n tai=j h9me/raij u9mw~n, {RP: - } [P1904 TR: e1rgon] {RP: o4} [P1904 TR: w%{] ou0 mh\ pisteu/shte, e0a&n tij e0kdihgh=tai u9mi=n.

‘Behold, you haughty ones,

And be amazed and vanish,

For I am carrying out a work in your {RP: days} [P1904 TR: days,]

{RP: Which} [P1904 TR: A work which] you certainly would not believe

If someone declared it to you.’ ”

e1rgon, a work: absent in RP F1859=9/12 vs. present in P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's aep).

o4, which, RP F1859=8/12 vs. w%{, in which (dative, common with pisteu/w), P1904 TR F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's cdhl).

Hab 1:5, somewhat adapted.

would ← will.
Hab 2:3 ‫כִּ֣י ע֤וֹד חָזוֹן֙ לַמּוֹעֵ֔ד וְיָפֵ֥חַ לַקֵּ֖ץ וְלֹ֣א יְכַזֵּ֑ב אִם־יִתְמַהְמָהּ֙ חַכֵּה־ל֔וֹ כִּֽי־בֹ֥א יָבֹ֖א לֹ֥א יְאַחֵֽר׃‬

For there is still a vision for the appointed time,

And he will inspire it for the end time,

And he will not lie.

If it delays, wait for it,

For it will certainly come;

It will not linger.

Heb 10:37.

inspire ← breathe out.

it will certainly come: infinitive absolute.
Heb 10:37 871Eti ga_r mikro\n o3son o3son, 879O e0rxo/menoj h3cei, kai\ ou0 xroniei=. For in just a very little while he who is to come will come and will not delay. Dan 7:13, Hagg 2:7, Hab 2:3.

is to come ← is coming.
Hab 2:4 ‫הִנֵּ֣ה עֻפְּלָ֔ה לֹא־יָשְׁרָ֥ה נַפְשׁ֖וֹ בּ֑וֹ וְצַדִּ֖יק בֶּאֱמוּנָת֥וֹ יִחְיֶֽה׃‬

Behold someone whose mind in him is puffed up;

It is not upright,

But the just shall live by his faith.

Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38.

mind ← soul.
Rom 1:17 Dikaiosu/nh ga_r qeou= e0n au0tw%~ a)pokalu/ptetai e0k pi/stewj ei0j pi/stin, kaqw_j ge/graptai, 879O de\ di/kaioj e0k pi/stewj zh/setai. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed, by faith, in faith, as it stands written: “And the righteous shall live by faith.” Hab 2:4.

it: neuter, referring to the gospel.

by faith (2x)out of faith.

in faith ← into faith.
Hab 2:4 ‫הִנֵּ֣ה עֻפְּלָ֔ה לֹא־יָשְׁרָ֥ה נַפְשׁ֖וֹ בּ֑וֹ וְצַדִּ֖יק בֶּאֱמוּנָת֥וֹ יִחְיֶֽה׃‬

Behold someone whose mind in him is puffed up;

It is not upright,

But the just shall live by his faith.

Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38.

mind ← soul.
Gal 3:11 873Oti de\ e0n no/mw% ou0dei\j dikaiou=tai para_ tw%~ qew%~, dh=lon: o3ti 879O di/kaioj e0k pi/stewj zh/setai: But that no-one is justified with God by the law is clear, because the righteous shall live by faith. Hab 2:4.
Hab 2:4 ‫הִנֵּ֣ה עֻפְּלָ֔ה לֹא־יָשְׁרָ֥ה נַפְשׁ֖וֹ בּ֑וֹ וְצַדִּ֖יק בֶּאֱמוּנָת֥וֹ יִחְיֶֽה׃‬

Behold someone whose mind in him is puffed up;

It is not upright,

But the just shall live by his faith.

Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38.

mind ← soul.
Heb 10:38 879O de\ di/kaioj e0k pi/stewj zh/setai: kai\ e0a_n u9postei/lhtai, ou0k eu0dokei= h9 yuxh/ mou e0n au0tw%~. And the righteous shall live by faith, but if he draws back, my being shall not be pleased with him. Hab 2:4.

being ← soul.
Zeph 1:7 ‫הַ֕ס מִפְּנֵ֖י אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֑ה כִּ֤י קָרוֹב֙ י֣וֹם יְהוָ֔ה כִּֽי־הֵכִ֧ין יְהוָ֛ה זֶ֖בַח הִקְדִּ֥ישׁ קְרֻאָֽיו׃‬

Be silent before the Lord, the Lord,

For the day of the Lord is near,

For the Lord has prepared a sacrifice;

He has sanctified those he has invited.

Rev 1:10. Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Zeph 1:14 ‫קָר֤וֹב יוֹם־יְהוָה֙ הַגָּד֔וֹל קָר֖וֹב וּמַהֵ֣ר מְאֹ֑ד ק֚וֹל י֣וֹם יְהוָ֔ה מַ֥ר צֹרֵ֖חַ שָׁ֥ם גִּבּֽוֹר׃‬

The great day of the Lord is near,

It is near,

And it is very hasty.

At the sound of the day of the Lord,

The warrior will shout out there bitterly.

Rev 1:10. Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Zeph 3:13 ‫שְׁאֵרִ֨ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל לֹֽא־יַעֲשׂ֤וּ עַוְלָה֙ וְלֹא־יְדַבְּר֣וּ כָזָ֔ב וְלֹֽא־יִמָּצֵ֥א בְּפִיהֶ֖ם לְשׁ֣וֹן תַּרְמִ֑ית כִּֽי־הֵ֛מָּה יִרְע֥וּ וְרָבְצ֖וּ וְאֵ֥ין מַחֲרִֽיד׃ ס‬

The remnant of Israel will not commit iniquity

And will not speak lies,

And there will not be found in their mouth a deceitful tongue,

For they will pasture and lie down,

And there will be no-one to make them afraid.

Rev 14:5.

a deceitful tongue ← a tongue of deceit, a Hebraic genitive.

to make them afraid ← making them afraid.

Compare this verse with Lev 26:6, Job 11:19, Isa 17:2, Mic 4:4, Ezek 34:28.
Rev 14:5 Kai\ {RP-text: ou0x eu9re/qh e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n yeu=doj} [RP-marg: e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n ou0x eu9re/qh yeu=doj] [P1904: ou0x eu9re/qh yeu=doj e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n] [TR: e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n ou0x eu9re/qh do/loj]: a!mwmoi ga&r ei0sin {RP P1904: - } [TR: e0nw&pion tou= qro/nou tou= qeou=]. And {RP-text P1904: no falsehood was found in their mouth} [RP-marg: in their mouth no falsehood was found] [TR: in their mouth no deceit was found], for they are without blemish {RP P1904: - } [TR: before the throne of God]. ou0x eu9re/qh e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n yeu=doj, not was found + in their mouth + falsehood, RP-text F1859=9/12 vs. e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n ou0x eu9re/qh yeu=doj, in their mouth + not was found + falsehood, RP-marg F1859=0/12 vs. ou0x eu9re/qh yeu=doj e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n, not was found + falsehood + in their mouth, P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n ou0x eu9re/qh do/loj, in their mouth + not was found + deceit, TR F1859=0/12 vs. ou0x eu9re/qh e0n tw%~ sto/mati au0tw~n do/loj, not was found + in their mouth + deceit, F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghn). A disparity with RP-marg (zero count).

e0nw&pion tou= qro/nou tou= qeou=, in the presence of the throne of God: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. present in TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

Zeph 3:13.
Hagg 2:6 ‫כִּ֣י כֹ֤ה אָמַר֙ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֔וֹת ע֥וֹד אַחַ֖ת מְעַ֣ט הִ֑יא וַאֲנִ֗י מַרְעִישׁ֙ אֶת־הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם וְאֶת־הָאָ֔רֶץ וְאֶת־הַיָּ֖ם וְאֶת־הֶחָרָבָֽה׃‬ For this is what the Lord of hosts says: «Just once more, and it will be in a little while, and I will shake heaven and the earth, both the sea and the dry land, Heb 12:26, Heb 12:27.

this is whatthus.
Heb 12:26 ou[ h9 fwnh\ th\n gh=n e0sa&leusen to/te, nu=n de\ e0ph/ggeltai, le/gwn, 871Eti a#pac e0gw_ sei/w ou0 mo/non th\n gh=n, a)lla_ kai\ to\n ou0rano/n. whose voice shook the world at that time, but has now made a promise, saying, “Yet one more time will I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.” Hagg 2:6.
Hagg 2:6 ‫כִּ֣י כֹ֤ה אָמַר֙ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֔וֹת ע֥וֹד אַחַ֖ת מְעַ֣ט הִ֑יא וַאֲנִ֗י מַרְעִישׁ֙ אֶת־הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם וְאֶת־הָאָ֔רֶץ וְאֶת־הַיָּ֖ם וְאֶת־הֶחָרָבָֽה׃‬ For this is what the Lord of hosts says: «Just once more, and it will be in a little while, and I will shake heaven and the earth, both the sea and the dry land, Heb 12:26, Heb 12:27.

this is whatthus.
Heb 12:27 To\ de/, 871Eti a#pac, dhloi= tw~n saleuome/nwn th\n meta&qesin, w(j pepoihme/nwn, i3na mei/nh| ta_ mh\ saleuo/mena. And the phrase “Yet one more time” indicates the removal of the things shaken, that is, the things physically made, in order that the things not shaken should remain. Hagg 2:6.
Hagg 2:7 ‫וְהִרְעַשְׁתִּי֙ אֶת־כָּל־הַגּוֹיִ֔ם וּבָ֖אוּ חֶמְדַּ֣ת כָּל־הַגּוֹיִ֑ם וּמִלֵּאתִ֞י אֶת־הַבַּ֤יִת הַזֶּה֙ כָּב֔וֹד אָמַ֖ר יְהוָ֥ה צְבָאֽוֹת׃‬ and I will shake all the nations. Then the desire of all the nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts. Heb 10:37. By implication, the subject of to come is one who is expected.

desire of all the nations: see note in [CB]. For other examples of a discordant plural verb, see the Hebrew of Ps 140:10 (Ps 140:9AV) ketiv, Jer 2:34, Jer 46:9.
Heb 10:37 871Eti ga_r mikro\n o3son o3son, 879O e0rxo/menoj h3cei, kai\ ou0 xroniei=. For in just a very little while he who is to come will come and will not delay. Dan 7:13, Hagg 2:7, Hab 2:3.

is to come ← is coming.
Zech 2:5
Zech 2:1AV
‫וָאֶשָּׂ֥א עֵינַ֛י וָאֵ֖רֶא וְהִנֵּה־אִ֑ישׁ וּבְיָד֖וֹ חֶ֥בֶל מִדָּֽה׃‬ And I lifted up my eyes and looked, and what I saw was a man, and in his hand was a measuring cord. Rev 21:15.

what I saw wasbehold.
Rev 21:15 Kai\ o9 lalw~n met' e0mou= ei]xen {RP P1904: me/tron} [TR: - ] ka&lamon xrusou=n, i3na metrh/sh| th\n po/lin, kai\ tou\j pulw~naj au0th=j {RP-text P1904 TR: , kai\ to\ tei=xoj au0th=j} [RP-marg: - ]. And he who spoke with me had a golden {RP P1904: measuring} [TR: - ] reed for him to measure the city and its gates {RP-text P1904 TR: and its wall} [RP-marg: - ]. me/tron, measure → measuring: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/8 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's k). AV differs textually.

kai\ to\ tei=xoj au0th=j, and its wall: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=1/8 (Scrivener's c) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=7/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:7.

Zech 2:5MT (Zech 2:1AV).

{RP P1904: measuring ← measure.}
Zech 3:9 ‫כִּ֣י ׀ הִנֵּ֣ה הָאֶ֗בֶן אֲשֶׁ֤ר נָתַ֙תִּי֙ לִפְנֵ֣י יְהוֹשֻׁ֔עַ עַל־אֶ֥בֶן אַחַ֖ת שִׁבְעָ֣ה עֵינָ֑יִם הִנְנִ֧י מְפַתֵּ֣חַ פִּתֻּחָ֗הּ נְאֻם֙ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֔וֹת וּמַשְׁתִּ֛י אֶת־עֲוֺ֥ן הָאָֽרֶץ־הַהִ֖יא בְּי֥וֹם אֶחָֽד׃‬ For here is the stone which I have put before Joshua. There will be seven eyes on one stone. I am about to incise its engraving, says the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of this land in one day. Rev 5:6.

here isbehold.

I am about to ← behold me.

this land ← that land.
Rev 5:6 Kai\ ei]don {RP P1904: - } [TR: , kai\ i0dou/,] e0n me/sw% tou= qro/nou kai\ tw~n tessa&rwn zw%&wn, kai\ e0n me/sw% tw~n presbute/rwn, a)rni/on e9sthko\j w(j e0sfagme/non, e1xon ke/rata e9pta_ kai\ o0fqalmou\j e9pta&, {RP P1904: a#} [TR: oi3] ei0sin ta_ e9pta_ {RP P1904: pneu/mata tou= qeou=} [TR: tou= qeou= pneu/mata] {RP P1904: a)postello/mena} [TR: ta_ a)pestalme/na] ei0j pa~san th\n gh=n. {RP P1904: And I saw} [TR: And I looked, and behold,] between the throne, along with the four living beings and the {RP P1904: elders,} [TR: elders was] a lamb standing as slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God {RP P1904: which are being sent} [TR: which have been sent] into the whole earth. kai\ i0dou/, and behold: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h).

a#, which (agreeing with “horns”), RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. oi3, which (agreeing with “eyes”), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's j).

pneu/mata tou= qeou=, spirits + of God, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. tou= qeou= pneu/mata, of God + spirits, TR F1859=0/13.

a)postello/mena, sent, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. ta_ a)pestalme/na, the ones having been sent, TR F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l) vs. word(s) absent, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

Zech 3:9, Zech 4:10.

between ... and ← in (the) midst of ... and in the midst of (= בֵּן...וּבֵן).

as ← as if, but w(j does not necessarily carry the notion of unrealness; see Luke 2:37.
Zech 4:3 ‫וּשְׁנַ֥יִם זֵיתִ֖ים עָלֶ֑יהָ אֶחָד֙ מִימִ֣ין הַגֻּלָּ֔ה וְאֶחָ֖ד עַל־שְׂמֹאלָֽהּ׃‬ And there were two olive trees on it – one to the right of the bowl and one to its left.” Rev 11:4. Rev 11:4 Ou[toi/ ei0sin ai9 du/o e0lai=ai, kai\ {RP P1904 S1894: ai9} [S1550 E1624: - ] du/o luxni/ai ai9 e0nw&pion tou= {RP P1904: kuri/ou} [TR: qeou=] th=j gh=j {RP-text P1904 TR: e9stw~sai} [RP-marg: e9stw~tej]. These are {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] two olive trees and the two lampstands which stand before the {RP P1904: Lord} [TR: God] of the earth. ai9, the (two lampstands): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13.

kuri/ou, Lord, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. qeou=, God, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). AV differs textually.

e9stw~sai, standing (feminine, agreeing with olive trees and lampstands), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's eghjln, but gln with smooth breathing) vs. e9stw~tej, standing (masculine, agreeing with these), RP-marg F1859=7/13 (dk with smooth breathing). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Zech 4:3.
Zech 4:10 ‫כִּ֣י מִ֣י בַז֮ לְי֣וֹם קְטַנּוֹת֒ וְשָׂמְח֗וּ וְרָא֞וּ אֶת־הָאֶ֧בֶן הַבְּדִ֛יל בְּיַ֥ד זְרֻבָּבֶ֖ל שִׁבְעָה־אֵ֑לֶּה עֵינֵ֣י יְהוָ֔ה הֵ֥מָּה מְשׁוֹטְטִ֖ים בְּכָל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃‬ For who despises the day of small matters? For they will rejoice and see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel. These seven are the eyes of the Lord, scrutinizing the whole world.” Rev 5:6.

small matters: the start of building did not seem impressive.

the eyes of the Lord (etc.): compare Prov 15:3 and 2 Chr 16:9.
Rev 5:6 Kai\ ei]don {RP P1904: - } [TR: , kai\ i0dou/,] e0n me/sw% tou= qro/nou kai\ tw~n tessa&rwn zw%&wn, kai\ e0n me/sw% tw~n presbute/rwn, a)rni/on e9sthko\j w(j e0sfagme/non, e1xon ke/rata e9pta_ kai\ o0fqalmou\j e9pta&, {RP P1904: a#} [TR: oi3] ei0sin ta_ e9pta_ {RP P1904: pneu/mata tou= qeou=} [TR: tou= qeou= pneu/mata] {RP P1904: a)postello/mena} [TR: ta_ a)pestalme/na] ei0j pa~san th\n gh=n. {RP P1904: And I saw} [TR: And I looked, and behold,] between the throne, along with the four living beings and the {RP P1904: elders,} [TR: elders was] a lamb standing as slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God {RP P1904: which are being sent} [TR: which have been sent] into the whole earth. kai\ i0dou/, and behold: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h).

a#, which (agreeing with “horns”), RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. oi3, which (agreeing with “eyes”), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's j).

pneu/mata tou= qeou=, spirits + of God, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. tou= qeou= pneu/mata, of God + spirits, TR F1859=0/13.

a)postello/mena, sent, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. ta_ a)pestalme/na, the ones having been sent, TR F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l) vs. word(s) absent, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

Zech 3:9, Zech 4:10.

between ... and ← in (the) midst of ... and in the midst of (= בֵּן...וּבֵן).

as ← as if, but w(j does not necessarily carry the notion of unrealness; see Luke 2:37.
Zech 8:8 ‫וְהֵבֵאתִ֣י אֹתָ֔ם וְשָׁכְנ֖וּ בְּת֣וֹךְ יְרוּשָׁלִָ֑ם וְהָיוּ־לִ֣י לְעָ֗ם וַֽאֲנִי֙ אֶהְיֶ֤ה לָהֶם֙ לֵֽאלֹהִ֔ים בֶּאֱמֶ֖ת וּבִצְדָקָֽה׃ ס‬ And I will bring them, and they will dwell in the precincts of Jerusalem, and they will be a people to me, and I will be God to them, in truth and righteousness.’ 2 Cor 6:16, Rev 21:7.

precincts ← midst.
2 Cor 6:16 Ti/j de\ sugkata&qesij naw%~ qeou= meta_ ei0dw&lwn; 879Umei=j ga_r nao\j qeou= e0ste zw~ntoj, kaqw_j ei]pen o9 qeo\j o3ti 870Enoikh/sw e0n au0toi=j, kai\ e0mperipath/sw: kai\ e1somai au0tw~n qeo/j, kai\ au0toi\ e1sontai/ moi lao/j. And what compatibility is there between the sanctuary of God and idols? For you are the sanctuary of the living God, as God has said,

“I will dwell among them

And walk among them,

And I will be their God,

And they will be my people.”

Ex 29:45, Lev 26:12, Jer 30:22, Jer 31:1, Jer 32:38, Ezek 37:27, Hos 2:25MT (Hos 2:23AV), Zech 8:8.
Zech 8:8 ‫וְהֵבֵאתִ֣י אֹתָ֔ם וְשָׁכְנ֖וּ בְּת֣וֹךְ יְרוּשָׁלִָ֑ם וְהָיוּ־לִ֣י לְעָ֗ם וַֽאֲנִי֙ אֶהְיֶ֤ה לָהֶם֙ לֵֽאלֹהִ֔ים בֶּאֱמֶ֖ת וּבִצְדָקָֽה׃ ס‬ And I will bring them, and they will dwell in the precincts of Jerusalem, and they will be a people to me, and I will be God to them, in truth and righteousness.’ 2 Cor 6:16, Rev 21:7.

precincts ← midst.
Rev 21:7 879O nikw~n {RP-text TR: klhronomh/sei} [RP-marg: dw&sw au0tw%~] [P1904: e1stai au0tw%~] {RP P1904: tau=ta} [TR: pa&nta], kai\ e1somai au0tw%~ qeo/j, kai\ au0to\j e1stai moi {RP P1904: - } [TR: o9] ui9o/j. {RP-text: He who overcomes will inherit these} [RP-marg: As for him who overcomes, I will give him these] [P1904: He who overcomes will have these] [TR: He who overcomes will inherit all] things, and I will be God to him, and he will be {RP P1904: a} [TR: the] son to me. klhronomh/sei, he will inherit, RP-text TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h) vs. dw&sw au0tw%~, I will give him, RP-marg F1859=7/9 vs. e1stai au0tw%~, will be his, P1904 F1859=0/9 vs. klhronomh/sh ¯ klhronomh/sh|, he may / will inherit, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's l, perhaps a misspelling for klhronomh/sei). A disparity with RP-text, R=2:7.

tau=ta, these (things), RP P1904 F1859=8/9 vs. pa&nta, all (things), TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's e). AV differs textually.

o9, the (son): absent in RP P1904 F1859=6/9 vs. present in TR F1859=0/9 vs. ¨e0©mou, my, F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's bdk).

Zech 8:8.
Zech 8:16 ‫אֵ֥לֶּה הַדְּבָרִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר תַּֽעֲשׂ֑וּ דַּבְּר֤וּ אֱמֶת֙ אִ֣ישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵ֔הוּ אֱמֶת֙ וּמִשְׁפַּ֣ט שָׁל֔וֹם שִׁפְט֖וּ בְּשַׁעֲרֵיכֶֽם׃‬ These are the things which you are to do: speak the truth, each one with his neighbour, and judge in your courts with truth and sound judgment. Eph 4:25.

courts ← gates.

sound ← of peace, but with wider scope.
Eph 4:25 Dio\ a)poqe/menoi to\ yeu=doj lalei=te a)lh/qeian e3kastoj meta_ tou= plhsi/on au0tou=: o3ti e0sme\n a)llh/lwn me/lh. Therefore, having put away the lie, speak the truth, each one with his neighbour, for we are members of one another. Zech 8:16.
Zech 9:9 ‫גִּילִ֨י מְאֹ֜ד בַּת־צִיּ֗וֹן הָרִ֙יעִי֙ בַּ֣ת יְרוּשָׁלִַ֔ם הִנֵּ֤ה מַלְכֵּךְ֙ יָ֣בוֹא לָ֔ךְ צַדִּ֥יק וְנוֹשָׁ֖ע ה֑וּא עָנִי֙ וְרֹכֵ֣ב עַל־חֲמ֔וֹר וְעַל־עַ֖יִר בֶּן־אֲתֹנֽוֹת׃‬

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion,

Shout out, O daughter of Jerusalem.

Behold, your king is coming to you;

He is righteous and saved.

He is lowly,

And riding on a donkey,

And on a colt

– The foal of an ass.

Matt 21:5, John 12:15.

and saved: AV differs somewhat (having salvation). Theoretically possibly gerundival use of the participle, and (needing) to be saved, but at the time of the second coming of Christ (equally in view by the prophets), a ↴

ass ← she-asses, i.e. one of the she-asses.
Matt 21:5 Ei1pate th|= qugatri\ Siw&n, 870Idou/, o9 basileu/j sou e1rxetai/ soi, pra%u+\j kai\ e0pibebhkw_j e0pi\ o1non kai\ pw~lon ui9o\n u9pozugi/ou. “Say to the daughter of Zion,

‘Behold, your king is coming to you,

Meek and riding on a donkey

And a foal,

The young of a beast of burden.’ ”

Zech 9:9.

riding ← having mounted.

young ← son.
Zech 9:9 ‫גִּילִ֨י מְאֹ֜ד בַּת־צִיּ֗וֹן הָרִ֙יעִי֙ בַּ֣ת יְרוּשָׁלִַ֔ם הִנֵּ֤ה מַלְכֵּךְ֙ יָ֣בוֹא לָ֔ךְ צַדִּ֥יק וְנוֹשָׁ֖ע ה֑וּא עָנִי֙ וְרֹכֵ֣ב עַל־חֲמ֔וֹר וְעַל־עַ֖יִר בֶּן־אֲתֹנֽוֹת׃‬

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion,

Shout out, O daughter of Jerusalem.

Behold, your king is coming to you;

He is righteous and saved.

He is lowly,

And riding on a donkey,

And on a colt

– The foal of an ass.

Matt 21:5, John 12:15.

and saved: AV differs somewhat (having salvation). Theoretically possibly gerundival use of the participle, and (needing) to be saved, but at the time of the second coming of Christ (equally in view by the prophets), a ↴

ass ← she-asses, i.e. one of the she-asses.
John 12:15 Mh\ fobou=, qu/gater Siw&n: i0dou/, o9 basileu/j sou e1rxetai, kaqh/menoj e0pi\ pw~lon o1nou.

“Do not fear, daughter of Zion;

Behold, your king is coming,

Sitting on the foal of a donkey.”

Zech 9:9.
Zech 11:12 ‫וָאֹמַ֣ר אֲלֵיהֶ֗ם אִם־ט֧וֹב בְּעֵינֵיכֶ֛ם הָב֥וּ שְׂכָרִ֖י וְאִם־לֹ֣א ׀ חֲדָ֑לוּ וַיִּשְׁקְל֥וּ אֶת־שְׂכָרִ֖י שְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים כָּֽסֶף׃‬ And I said to them, ‘If it is good in your sight, give me my wages, and if not, then decline. And they weighed out my wages: thirty silver coins.’ ” Matt 27:9. Matt 27:9 To/te e0plhrw&qh to\ r(hqe\n dia_ 870Ieremi/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Kai\ e1labon ta_ tria&konta a)rgu/ria, th\n timh\n tou= {RP P1904c TR: tetimhme/nou} [P1904u: tetimhmhme/nou], o4n e0timh/santo a)po\ ui9w~n 870Israh/l: Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, where he says, “And they took thirty silver coins, the price of him who was valuedhim from the sons of Israel whom they valued. Jer 32:25 (You have said to my Lord the Lord, “Buy yourself the field for silver”).

Jer 32:44 (they will buy fields for silver).

Zech 11:12-13 (So they weighed for my price thirty silver coins. And I took the thirty silver coins, and I cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord).

[CB] proposes that the words were spoken, but not written, by Jeremiah.
Zech 11:13 ‫וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה אֵלַ֗י הַשְׁלִיכֵ֙הוּ֙ אֶל־הַיּוֹצֵ֔ר אֶ֣דֶר הַיְקָ֔ר אֲשֶׁ֥ר יָקַ֖רְתִּי מֵֽעֲלֵיהֶ֑ם וָֽאֶקְחָה֙ שְׁלֹשִׁ֣ים הַכֶּ֔סֶף וָאַשְׁלִ֥יךְ אֹת֛וֹ בֵּ֥ית יְהוָ֖ה אֶל־הַיּוֹצֵֽר׃‬ And the Lord said to me, “Throw it to the potter, the grand sum of the valuation at which I was valued by them.” So I took the thirty silver coins, and I threw them to the potter in the house of the Lord. Matt 27:9-10.

grand sum ← splendour of price. Ironic. Compensation for (fatal) injury to a servant; see Ex 21:32.
Matt 27:9 To/te e0plhrw&qh to\ r(hqe\n dia_ 870Ieremi/ou tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, Kai\ e1labon ta_ tria&konta a)rgu/ria, th\n timh\n tou= {RP P1904c TR: tetimhme/nou} [P1904u: tetimhmhme/nou], o4n e0timh/santo a)po\ ui9w~n 870Israh/l: Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, where he says, “And they took thirty silver coins, the price of him who was valuedhim from the sons of Israel whom they valued. Jer 32:25 (You have said to my Lord the Lord, “Buy yourself the field for silver”).

Jer 32:44 (they will buy fields for silver).

Zech 11:12-13 (So they weighed for my price thirty silver coins. And I took the thirty silver coins, and I cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord).

[CB] proposes that the words were spoken, but not written, by Jeremiah.
Zech 11:13 ‫וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה אֵלַ֗י הַשְׁלִיכֵ֙הוּ֙ אֶל־הַיּוֹצֵ֔ר אֶ֣דֶר הַיְקָ֔ר אֲשֶׁ֥ר יָקַ֖רְתִּי מֵֽעֲלֵיהֶ֑ם וָֽאֶקְחָה֙ שְׁלֹשִׁ֣ים הַכֶּ֔סֶף וָאַשְׁלִ֥יךְ אֹת֛וֹ בֵּ֥ית יְהוָ֖ה אֶל־הַיּוֹצֵֽר׃‬ And the Lord said to me, “Throw it to the potter, the grand sum of the valuation at which I was valued by them.” So I took the thirty silver coins, and I threw them to the potter in the house of the Lord. Matt 27:9-10.

grand sum ← splendour of price. Ironic. Compensation for (fatal) injury to a servant; see Ex 21:32.
Matt 27:10 kai\ e1dwkan au0ta_ ei0j to\n a)gro\n tou= kerame/wj, kaqa_ sune/tace/n moi ku/rioj. And they gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord commanded me.” potter's: Zech 11:13 uses the word יוֹצֵר, yotser, = fashioner, applicable to a silversmith or potter.
Zech 12:10 ‫וְשָׁפַכְתִּי֩ עַל־בֵּ֨ית דָּוִ֜יד וְעַ֣ל ׀ יוֹשֵׁ֣ב יְרוּשָׁלִַ֗ם ר֤וּחַ חֵן֙ וְתַ֣חֲנוּנִ֔ים וְהִבִּ֥יטוּ אֵלַ֖י אֵ֣ת אֲשֶׁר־דָּקָ֑רוּ וְסָפְד֣וּ עָלָ֗יו כְּמִסְפֵּד֙ עַל־הַיָּחִ֔יד וְהָמֵ֥ר עָלָ֖יו כְּהָמֵ֥ר עַֽל־הַבְּכֽוֹר׃‬ And I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplications, and they will look on me whom they pierced, and they will mourn for him as the mourning for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over him, as one weeps bitterly for a firstborn son. John 19:37, Rev 1:7.

inhabitants: see Zech 12:7.

they will weep bitterly: infinitive absolute in the role of a finite verb.
John 19:37 Kai\ pa&lin e9te/ra grafh\ le/gei, 871Oyontai ei0j o4n e0ceke/nthsan. And again, another scripture says, “They shall look at him whom they pierced through.” Zech 12:10.
Zech 12:10 ‫וְשָׁפַכְתִּי֩ עַל־בֵּ֨ית דָּוִ֜יד וְעַ֣ל ׀ יוֹשֵׁ֣ב יְרוּשָׁלִַ֗ם ר֤וּחַ חֵן֙ וְתַ֣חֲנוּנִ֔ים וְהִבִּ֥יטוּ אֵלַ֖י אֵ֣ת אֲשֶׁר־דָּקָ֑רוּ וְסָפְד֣וּ עָלָ֗יו כְּמִסְפֵּד֙ עַל־הַיָּחִ֔יד וְהָמֵ֥ר עָלָ֖יו כְּהָמֵ֥ר עַֽל־הַבְּכֽוֹר׃‬ And I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplications, and they will look on me whom they pierced, and they will mourn for him as the mourning for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over him, as one weeps bitterly for a firstborn son. John 19:37, Rev 1:7.

inhabitants: see Zech 12:7.

they will weep bitterly: infinitive absolute in the role of a finite verb.
Rev 1:7 870Idou/, e1rxetai meta_ tw~n nefelw~n, kai\ o1yetai au0to\n pa~j o0fqalmo/j, kai\ oi3tinej au0to\n e0ceke/nthsan: kai\ ko/yontai e0p' au0to\n pa~sai ai9 fulai\ th=j gh=j. Nai/, a)mh/n. Behold, he is coming with clouds, and every eye will see him, including those who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn for him. Indeed so; amen. Dan 7:13, Zech 12:10.

clouds ← the clouds. See Gen 22:9.

for ← aton.
Zech 12:12 ‫וְסָפְדָ֣ה הָאָ֔רֶץ מִשְׁפָּח֥וֹת מִשְׁפָּח֖וֹת לְבָ֑ד מִשְׁפַּ֨חַת בֵּית־דָּוִ֤יד לְבָד֙ וּנְשֵׁיהֶ֣ם לְבָ֔ד מִשְׁפַּ֤חַת בֵּית־נָתָן֙ לְבָ֔ד וּנְשֵׁיהֶ֖ם לְבָֽד׃‬ And the land will mourn, each family apart – the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart, and the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart, Matt 24:30.

each family ← families (and) families.

Nathan: see 2 Sam 5:14 and Luke 3:31, representing the royal line.
Matt 24:30 Kai\ to/te fanh/setai to\ shmei=on tou= ui9ou= tou= a)nqrw&pou e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~: kai\ to/te ko/yontai pa~sai ai9 fulai\ th=j gh=j, kai\ o1yontai to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou e0rxo/menon e0pi\ tw~n nefelw~n tou= ou0ranou= meta_ duna&mewj kai\ do/chj pollh=j. And then the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Dan 7:13, Zech 12:12.

the sky: or heaven.

heaven: or the sky.

great ← much.
Zech 13:1 ‫בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יִֽהְיֶה֙ מָק֣וֹר נִפְתָּ֔ח לְבֵ֥ית דָּוִ֖יד וּלְיֹשְׁבֵ֣י יְרֽוּשָׁלִָ֑ם לְחַטַּ֖את וּלְנִדָּֽה׃‬ On that day a fountain will be opened for the house of David, and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness. Alluded to in John 7:38.

for sin and for uncleanness: i.e. as a means for removal of sin and uncleanness [DB-VPZ].
John 7:38 879O pisteu/wn ei0j e0me/, kaqw_j ei]pen h9 grafh/, potamoi\ e0k th=j koili/aj au0tou= r(eu/sousin u3datoj zw~ntoj. As regards him who believes in me, as the scripture says, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his inside.’ ” Various allusions: Isa 12:3, Isa 55:1, Isa 58:11; Ezek 47:1; Joel 4:18MT (Joel 3:18AV), Zech 13:1, Zech 14:8.

inside ← belly.
Zech 13:7 ‫חֶ֗רֶב עוּרִ֤י עַל־רֹעִי֙ וְעַל־גֶּ֣בֶר עֲמִיתִ֔י נְאֻ֖ם יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת הַ֤ךְ אֶת־הָֽרֹעֶה֙ וּתְפוּצֶ֣יןָ הַצֹּ֔אן וַהֲשִׁבֹתִ֥י יָדִ֖י עַל־הַצֹּעֲרִֽים׃‬

O sword, awake against my shepherd

And against the man who is my colleague,

Says the Lord of hosts.

Strike the shepherd,

And let the sheep be scattered,

And I will turn my hand to those who are little.

Matt 26:31, Mark 14:27. Matt 26:31 To/te le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Pa&ntej u9mei=j skandalisqh/sesqe e0n e0moi\ e0n th|= nukti\ tau/th|: ge/graptai ga&r, Pata&cw to\n poime/na, kai\ {RP TR: diaskorpisqh/setai} [P1904: diaskorpisqh/sontai] ta_ pro/bata th=j poi/mnhj. Then Jesus said to them, “All of you will stumble at me this very night. For it stands written:

‘I will strike the shepherd,

And the sheep of the flock will be scattered’,

diaskorpisqh/setai, will be scattered (classical form), RP TR F1853=15/20 F1859=5/8 vs. diaskorpisqh/sontai, will be scattered (non-classical form), P1904 F1853=5/20 F1859=3/8.

Zech 13:7.

stumble: or be offended.
Zech 13:7 ‫חֶ֗רֶב עוּרִ֤י עַל־רֹעִי֙ וְעַל־גֶּ֣בֶר עֲמִיתִ֔י נְאֻ֖ם יְהוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת הַ֤ךְ אֶת־הָֽרֹעֶה֙ וּתְפוּצֶ֣יןָ הַצֹּ֔אן וַהֲשִׁבֹתִ֥י יָדִ֖י עַל־הַצֹּעֲרִֽים׃‬

O sword, awake against my shepherd

And against the man who is my colleague,

Says the Lord of hosts.

Strike the shepherd,

And let the sheep be scattered,

And I will turn my hand to those who are little.

Matt 26:31, Mark 14:27. Mark 14:27 Kai\ le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j o3ti Pa&ntej skandalisqh/sesqe e0n e0moi\ e0n th|= nukti\ tau/th|: o3ti ge/graptai, Pata&cw to\n poime/na, kai\ {RP TR: diaskorpisqh/setai} [P1904: diaskorpisqh/sontai] ta_ pro/bata. Then Jesus said to them, “You will all take offence at me this night, in that it stands written:

‘I will strike the shepherd,

And the sheep will be scattered’,

diaskorpisqh/setai, will be scattered (classical form), RP TR F1853=18/20 F1859=4/6 vs. diaskorpisqh/sontai, will be scattered (non-classical form), P1904 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's cu) F1859=2/6.

Zech 13:7.
Zech 14:1 ‫הִנֵּ֥ה יֽוֹם־בָּ֖א לַֽיהוָ֑ה וְחֻלַּ֥ק שְׁלָלֵ֖ךְ בְּקִרְבֵּֽךְ׃‬ Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst. Rev 1:10.

your midst: reference to Jerusalem.
Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Zech 14:7 ‫וְהָיָ֣ה יוֹם־אֶחָ֗ד ה֛וּא יִוָּדַ֥ע לַֽיהוָ֖ה לֹא־י֣וֹם וְלֹא־לָ֑יְלָה וְהָיָ֥ה לְעֵֽת־עֶ֖רֶב יִֽהְיֶה־אֽוֹר׃‬ And it will come to pass on a certain day – it is known to the Lord that there will be no day and no night. Then it will come to pass in the evening that there will be light. Rev 1:10.

a certain ← one.
Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Zech 14:8 ‫וְהָיָ֣ה ׀ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יֵצְא֤וּ מַֽיִם־חַיִּים֙ מִיר֣וּשָׁלִַ֔ם חֶצְיָ֗ם אֶל־הַיָּם֙ הַקַּדְמוֹנִ֔י וְחֶצְיָ֖ם אֶל־הַיָּ֣ם הָאַחֲר֑וֹן בַּקַּ֥יִץ וּבָחֹ֖רֶף יִֽהְיֶֽה׃‬ And it will come to pass on that day that living water will go out from Jerusalem, half of it to the eastern sea and half of it to the western sea. This will be in summer and in winter. Alluded to in John 7:38, Rev 22:1.

eastern ← early, i.e. the direction of the sun early in the day. The Dead (Sea).

western ← last, i.e. the direction of the sun late in the day. The Mediterranean (Sea).
John 7:38 879O pisteu/wn ei0j e0me/, kaqw_j ei]pen h9 grafh/, potamoi\ e0k th=j koili/aj au0tou= r(eu/sousin u3datoj zw~ntoj. As regards him who believes in me, as the scripture says, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his inside.’ ” Various allusions: Isa 12:3, Isa 55:1, Isa 58:11; Ezek 47:1; Joel 4:18MT (Joel 3:18AV), Zech 13:1, Zech 14:8.

inside ← belly.
Zech 14:8 ‫וְהָיָ֣ה ׀ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יֵצְא֤וּ מַֽיִם־חַיִּים֙ מִיר֣וּשָׁלִַ֔ם חֶצְיָ֗ם אֶל־הַיָּם֙ הַקַּדְמוֹנִ֔י וְחֶצְיָ֖ם אֶל־הַיָּ֣ם הָאַחֲר֑וֹן בַּקַּ֥יִץ וּבָחֹ֖רֶף יִֽהְיֶֽה׃‬ And it will come to pass on that day that living water will go out from Jerusalem, half of it to the eastern sea and half of it to the western sea. This will be in summer and in winter. Alluded to in John 7:38, Rev 22:1.

eastern ← early, i.e. the direction of the sun early in the day. The Dead (Sea).

western ← last, i.e. the direction of the sun late in the day. The Mediterranean (Sea).
Rev 22:1 Kai\ e1deice/n moi {RP-text: potamo\n kaqaro\n} [RP-marg P1904: potamo\n] [TR: kaqaro\n potamo\n] u3datoj zwh=j, lampro\n w(j kru/stallon, e0kporeuo/menon e0k tou= qro/nou tou= qeou= kai\ tou= a)rni/ou. And he showed me the {RP-text TR: pure} [RP-marg P1904: - ] river of water of life, as bright as crystal, issuing out of the throne of God ¶ and of the lamb. ¶ Verse division: in Scrivener's bcjkl, a new sentence begins here.

potamo\n kaqaro\n, a river + pure, RP-text F1859=3/8 (Scrivener's chl; l misspelled) vs. potamo\n, a river, RP-marg P1904 F1859=5/8 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. kaqaro\n potamo\n, a pure + river, TR F1859=0/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:6.

Ezek 47:1, Zech 14:8.
Mal 1:2 ‫אָהַ֤בְתִּי אֶתְכֶם֙ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה וַאֲמַרְתֶּ֖ם בַּמָּ֣ה אֲהַבְתָּ֑נוּ הֲלוֹא־אָ֨ח עֵשָׂ֤ו לְיַֽעֲקֹב֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה וָאֹהַ֖ב אֶֽת־יַעֲקֹֽב׃‬ “I have loved you, says the Lord, but you say, ‘In what way have you loved us?’ Was not Esau Jacob's brother? says the Lord, and I loved Jacob, Rom 9:13. Rom 9:13 Kaqw_j ge/graptai, To\n 870Iakw_b h0ga&phsa, to\n de\ 870Hsau= e0mi/shsa. As it stands written: “I have loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau.” Mal 1:2, Mal 1:3. See also for the linguistic usage Deut 21:15.
Mal 1:3 ‫וְאֶת־עֵשָׂ֖ו שָׂנֵ֑אתִי וָאָשִׂ֤ים אֶת־הָרָיו֙ שְׁמָמָ֔ה וְאֶת־נַחֲלָת֖וֹ לְתַנּ֥וֹת מִדְבָּֽר׃‬ but I hated Esau, and I have made his mountains a desolation, and I have given his inheritance to the desert jackals. Rom 9:13. Rom 9:13 Kaqw_j ge/graptai, To\n 870Iakw_b h0ga&phsa, to\n de\ 870Hsau= e0mi/shsa. As it stands written: “I have loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau.” Mal 1:2, Mal 1:3. See also for the linguistic usage Deut 21:15.
Mal 3:1 ‫הִנְנִ֤י שֹׁלֵחַ֙ מַלְאָכִ֔י וּפִנָּה־דֶ֖רֶךְ לְפָנָ֑י וּפִתְאֹם֩ יָב֨וֹא אֶל־הֵיכָל֜וֹ הָאָד֣וֹן ׀ אֲשֶׁר־אַתֶּ֣ם מְבַקְשִׁ֗ים וּמַלְאַ֨ךְ הַבְּרִ֜ית אֲשֶׁר־אַתֶּ֤ם חֲפֵצִים֙ הִנֵּה־בָ֔א אָמַ֖ר יְהוָ֥ה צְבָאֽוֹת׃‬ I am about to send my messenger, and he will prepare a way before me. Then the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight. Behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. Matt 11:10, Mark 1:2, Luke 1:17, Luke 7:27.

I am about to ← behold me.

and the messenger: or as (will) the messenger.

whom: or which.
Matt 11:10 ou[toj ga&r e0stin peri\ ou[ ge/graptai, 870Idou/, e0gw_ a)poste/llw to\n a!ggelo/n mou pro\ prosw&pou sou, o4j kataskeua&sei th\n o9do/n sou e1mprosqe/n sou. For this man is he of whom it stands written:

See how I am sending my messenger in front of you,

Who will prepare your way ahead of you.’

Mal 3:1.

see how ← behold.
Mal 3:1 ‫הִנְנִ֤י שֹׁלֵחַ֙ מַלְאָכִ֔י וּפִנָּה־דֶ֖רֶךְ לְפָנָ֑י וּפִתְאֹם֩ יָב֨וֹא אֶל־הֵיכָל֜וֹ הָאָד֣וֹן ׀ אֲשֶׁר־אַתֶּ֣ם מְבַקְשִׁ֗ים וּמַלְאַ֨ךְ הַבְּרִ֜ית אֲשֶׁר־אַתֶּ֤ם חֲפֵצִים֙ הִנֵּה־בָ֔א אָמַ֖ר יְהוָ֥ה צְבָאֽוֹת׃‬ I am about to send my messenger, and he will prepare a way before me. Then the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight. Behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. Matt 11:10, Mark 1:2, Luke 1:17, Luke 7:27.

I am about to ← behold me.

and the messenger: or as (will) the messenger.

whom: or which.
Mark 1:2 w(j ge/graptai e0n toi=j profh/taij, 870Idou/, e0gw_ a)poste/llw to\n a!ggelo/n mou pro\ prosw&pou sou, o4j kataskeua&sei th\n o9do/n sou e1mprosqe/n sou. as it stands written in the prophets:

See how I am sending my messenger in front of you,

Who will prepare your way ahead of you.

Isa 40:3, Mal 3:1.

See how ← behold.
Mal 3:1 ‫הִנְנִ֤י שֹׁלֵחַ֙ מַלְאָכִ֔י וּפִנָּה־דֶ֖רֶךְ לְפָנָ֑י וּפִתְאֹם֩ יָב֨וֹא אֶל־הֵיכָל֜וֹ הָאָד֣וֹן ׀ אֲשֶׁר־אַתֶּ֣ם מְבַקְשִׁ֗ים וּמַלְאַ֨ךְ הַבְּרִ֜ית אֲשֶׁר־אַתֶּ֤ם חֲפֵצִים֙ הִנֵּה־בָ֔א אָמַ֖ר יְהוָ֥ה צְבָאֽוֹת׃‬ I am about to send my messenger, and he will prepare a way before me. Then the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight. Behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. Matt 11:10, Mark 1:2, Luke 1:17, Luke 7:27.

I am about to ← behold me.

and the messenger: or as (will) the messenger.

whom: or which.
Luke 1:17 kai\ au0to\j proeleu/setai e0nw&pion au0tou= e0n pneu/mati kai\ duna&mei 870Hli/ou, e0pistre/yai kardi/aj pate/rwn e0pi\ te/kna, kai\ a)peiqei=j e0n fronh/sei dikai/wn, e9toima&sai kuri/w% lao\n kateskeuasme/non. And he will go ahead of him in the spirit and power of Elijah, in order to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the prudence of the righteous, to prepare a people equipped for the Lord.” Mal 3:1, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV), Mal 3:24MT (Mal 4:6AV).

go ahead ← go before ahead.

Elijah ← Elias.
Mal 3:1 ‫הִנְנִ֤י שֹׁלֵחַ֙ מַלְאָכִ֔י וּפִנָּה־דֶ֖רֶךְ לְפָנָ֑י וּפִתְאֹם֩ יָב֨וֹא אֶל־הֵיכָל֜וֹ הָאָד֣וֹן ׀ אֲשֶׁר־אַתֶּ֣ם מְבַקְשִׁ֗ים וּמַלְאַ֨ךְ הַבְּרִ֜ית אֲשֶׁר־אַתֶּ֤ם חֲפֵצִים֙ הִנֵּה־בָ֔א אָמַ֖ר יְהוָ֥ה צְבָאֽוֹת׃‬ I am about to send my messenger, and he will prepare a way before me. Then the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight. Behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. Matt 11:10, Mark 1:2, Luke 1:17, Luke 7:27.

I am about to ← behold me.

and the messenger: or as (will) the messenger.

whom: or which.
Luke 7:27 Ou[to/j e0stin peri\ ou[ ge/graptai, 870Idou/, e0gw_ a)poste/llw to\n a!ggelo/n mou pro\ prosw&pou sou, o4j kataskeua&sei th\n o9do/n sou e1mprosqe/n sou. This man is he about whom it stands written:

See how I am sending my messenger in front of you,

And he will prepare your way ahead of you.’

Mal 3:1.

see how ← behold.
Mal 3:2 ‫וּמִ֤י מְכַלְכֵּל֙ אֶת־י֣וֹם בּוֹא֔וֹ וּמִ֥י הָעֹמֵ֖ד בְּהֵרָֽאוֹת֑וֹ כִּֽי־הוּא֙ כְּאֵ֣שׁ מְצָרֵ֔ף וּכְבֹרִ֖ית מְכַבְּסִֽים׃‬ And

Who can endure the day of his coming?

And who can stand at his appearing?

For he is like a refiner's fire,

And like fullers' lye.

Rev 6:17.

lye: a caustic substance used to make soap, which can be used in fulling.
Rev 6:17 o3ti h]lqen h9 h9me/ra h9 mega&lh th=j o0rgh=j au0tou=, kai\ ti/j du/natai staqh=nai; for the great day of his wrath has come, and who is able to stand fast?” Mal 3:2.
Mal 3:23
Mal 4:5AV
‫הִנֵּ֤ה אָֽנֹכִי֙ שֹׁלֵ֣חַ לָכֶ֔ם אֵ֖ת אֵלִיָּ֣ה הַנָּבִ֑יא לִפְנֵ֗י בּ֚וֹא י֣וֹם יְהוָ֔ה הַגָּד֖וֹל וְהַנּוֹרָֽא׃‬ Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord, Luke 1:17, Rev 1:10.

Elijah: compare Mal 3:1.
Luke 1:17 kai\ au0to\j proeleu/setai e0nw&pion au0tou= e0n pneu/mati kai\ duna&mei 870Hli/ou, e0pistre/yai kardi/aj pate/rwn e0pi\ te/kna, kai\ a)peiqei=j e0n fronh/sei dikai/wn, e9toima&sai kuri/w% lao\n kateskeuasme/non. And he will go ahead of him in the spirit and power of Elijah, in order to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the prudence of the righteous, to prepare a people equipped for the Lord.” Mal 3:1, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV), Mal 3:24MT (Mal 4:6AV).

go ahead ← go before ahead.

Elijah ← Elias.
Mal 3:23
Mal 4:5AV
‫הִנֵּ֤ה אָֽנֹכִי֙ שֹׁלֵ֣חַ לָכֶ֔ם אֵ֖ת אֵלִיָּ֣ה הַנָּבִ֑יא לִפְנֵ֗י בּ֚וֹא י֣וֹם יְהוָ֔ה הַגָּד֖וֹל וְהַנּוֹרָֽא׃‬ Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord, Luke 1:17, Rev 1:10.

Elijah: compare Mal 3:1.
Rev 1:10 870Egeno/mhn e0n pneu/mati e0n th|= kuriakh|= h9me/ra%: kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou} [TR: o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n] mega&lhn w(j sa&lpiggoj, I came to be in the power of the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard a voice behind me, loud like a trumpet, fwnh\n o0pi/sw mou, a voice + behind me, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o0pi/sw mou fwnh\n, behind me + a voice, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n) vs. fwnh\n o0pi/sw, a voice + behind, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

The day of the Lord is referred to in Isa 13:6, Isa 13:9, Ezek 13:5, Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Amos 5:20, Obad 1:15, Zeph 1:7, Zeph 1:14, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV); Also Isa 2:12, Ezek 30:3, Zech 14:1, Zech 14:7. In NT: Acts 2:20, 1 Thes 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10. See [CHW-AA] part 1, p.190. AV differs in formulation here (the Lord's day), the Greek also being different from the other references.

came to be in the power of the spirit: or arrived by (the agency of the) spirit. gi/nomai = to arrive in Luke 22:40.
Mal 3:24
Mal 4:6AV
‫וְהֵשִׁ֤יב לֵב־אָבוֹת֙ עַל־בָּנִ֔ים וְלֵ֥ב בָּנִ֖ים עַל־אֲבוֹתָ֑ם פֶּן־אָב֕וֹא וְהִכֵּיתִ֥י אֶת־הָאָ֖רֶץ חֵֽרֶם׃‬ and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons, and the hearts of the sons to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with sacred destruction.” Luke 1:17.

hearts (2x)heart.
Luke 1:17 kai\ au0to\j proeleu/setai e0nw&pion au0tou= e0n pneu/mati kai\ duna&mei 870Hli/ou, e0pistre/yai kardi/aj pate/rwn e0pi\ te/kna, kai\ a)peiqei=j e0n fronh/sei dikai/wn, e9toima&sai kuri/w% lao\n kateskeuasme/non. And he will go ahead of him in the spirit and power of Elijah, in order to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the prudence of the righteous, to prepare a people equipped for the Lord.” Mal 3:1, Mal 3:23MT (Mal 4:5AV), Mal 3:24MT (Mal 4:6AV).

go ahead ← go before ahead.

Elijah ← Elias.
1 Chr 16:31 ‫יִשְׂמְח֤וּ הַשָּׁמַ֙יִם֙ וְתָגֵ֣ל הָאָ֔רֶץ וְיֹאמְר֥וּ בַגּוֹיִ֖ם יְהוָ֥ה מָלָֽךְ׃‬

Let the heavens rejoice

And the earth be glad,

And let them say among the nations,

“The Lord reigns.”

Rev 12:12.

|| Ps 96:11.
Rev 12:12 Dia_ tou=to eu0frai/nesqe, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: oi9] ou0ranoi\ kai\ oi9 e0n au0toi=j skhnou=ntej: Ou0ai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: toi=j katoikou=sin] {RP: th|= gh|= kai\ th|= qala&ssh|} [P1904 TR: th\n gh=n kai\ th\n qa&lassan], o3ti kate/bh o9 dia&boloj pro\j u9ma~j e1xwn qumo\n me/gan, ei0dw_j o3ti o0li/gon kairo\n e1xei. On account of this, “Be jubilant, {RP-text P1904: O} [RP-marg TR: O] heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to {RP P1904: - } [TR: those who inhabit] the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, harbouring great wrath, knowing that he has little time.” oi9, O (heavens): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's cgmn).

toi=j katoikou=sin, to those who dwell: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

th|= gh|= kai\ th|= qala&ssh|, in / to the land and the sea (dative), RP F1859=11/13 vs. th\n gh=n kai\ th\n qa&lassan, (by) the land and the sea (accusative, as used in oaths), P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

Ps 96:11, Isa 49:13, 1 Chr 16:31.

knowing: causal use of the participle, but no causal word needed in English.
1 Chr 17:11 ‫וְהָיָ֗ה כִּֽי־מָלְא֤וּ יָמֶ֙יךָ֙ לָלֶ֣כֶת עִם־אֲבֹתֶ֔יךָ וַהֲקִֽימוֹתִ֤י אֶֽת־זַרְעֲךָ֙ אַחֲרֶ֔יךָ אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִהְיֶ֖ה מִבָּנֶ֑יךָ וַהֲכִינוֹתִ֖י אֶת־מַלְכוּתֽוֹ׃‬ And it will come to pass that your days will be fulfilled for you to go to your fathers, but I will raise up your seed after you, who will be one of your sons, and I will establish his kingdom. Acts 2:30.

|| 2 Sam 7:12.

to your fathers ← with your fathers.
Acts 2:30 Profh/thj ou]n u9pa&rxwn, kai\ ei0dw_j o3ti o3rkw% w!mosen au0tw%~ o9 qeo/j, e0k karpou= th=j o0sfu/oj au0tou= to\ kata_ sa&rka a)nasth/sein to\n xristo/n, kaqi/sai e0pi\ tou= qro/nou au0tou=, Now since he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him by an oath that he would raise up the Christ from the fruit of his loins according to the flesh to sit on his throne, 2 Sam 7:12, 1 Chr 17:11, Ps 89:37MT (Ps 89:36AV).

now ← therefore.

since: causal use of the participle.

the fruit of his loins according to the flesh: i.e. his descendants, fulfilled in Mary, the Lord's mother, Matt 1:18-1:25, traced back to David in Luke 3:23-3:31.
1 Chr 17:13 ‫אֲנִי֙ אֶֽהְיֶה־לּ֣וֹ לְאָ֔ב וְה֖וּא יִֽהְיֶה־לִּ֣י לְבֵ֑ן וְחַסְדִּי֙ לֹא־אָסִ֣יר מֵֽעִמּ֔וֹ כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר הֲסִיר֔וֹתִי מֵאֲשֶׁ֥ר הָיָ֖ה לְפָנֶֽיךָ׃‬ I will be a father to him, and he will be a son to me, and I will not withdraw my kindness from him, as I withdrew it from him who was before you. 2 Cor 6:18, Heb 1:5.

|| 2 Sam 7:14, 2 Sam 7:15.

him: i.e. Saul.
2 Cor 6:18 kai\ e1somai u9mi=n ei0j pate/ra, kai\ u9mei=j e1sesqe/ moi ei0j ui9ou\j kai\ qugate/raj, le/gei ku/rioj pantokra&twr.

And I will be a father to you,

And you will be sons and daughters to me”,

says the Lord Almighty.
2 Sam 7:14, 1 Chr 17:13.
1 Chr 17:13 ‫אֲנִי֙ אֶֽהְיֶה־לּ֣וֹ לְאָ֔ב וְה֖וּא יִֽהְיֶה־לִּ֣י לְבֵ֑ן וְחַסְדִּי֙ לֹא־אָסִ֣יר מֵֽעִמּ֔וֹ כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר הֲסִיר֔וֹתִי מֵאֲשֶׁ֥ר הָיָ֖ה לְפָנֶֽיךָ׃‬ I will be a father to him, and he will be a son to me, and I will not withdraw my kindness from him, as I withdrew it from him who was before you. 2 Cor 6:18, Heb 1:5.

|| 2 Sam 7:14, 2 Sam 7:15.

him: i.e. Saul.
Heb 1:5 Ti/ni ga_r ei]pe/n pote tw~n a)gge/lwn, Ui9o/j mou ei] su/, e0gw_ sh/meron gege/nnhka& se; Kai\ pa&lin, 870Egw_ e1somai au0tw%~ ei0j pate/ra, kai\ au0to\j e1stai moi ei0j ui9o/n; For to whom of the angels has he said at any time,

“You are my son;

Today I have begotten you”?

Or again,

“I will be a father to him,

And he will be a son to me”?

Ps 2:7. Also quoted in Acts 13:33 where the context is Christ's resurrection, not his conception or birth in the flesh. That could be the context here too.

2 Sam 7:14, 1 Chr 17:13.
1 Chr 28:9 ‫וְאַתָּ֣ה שְׁלֹמֹֽה־בְנִ֡י דַּע֩ אֶת־אֱלֹהֵ֨י אָבִ֜יךָ וְעָבְדֵ֗הוּ בְּלֵ֤ב שָׁלֵם֙ וּבְנֶ֣פֶשׁ חֲפֵצָ֔ה כִּ֤י כָל־לְבָבוֹת֙ דּוֹרֵ֣שׁ יְהוָ֔ה וְכָל־יֵ֥צֶר מַחֲשָׁב֖וֹת מֵבִ֑ין אִֽם־תִּדְרְשֶׁ֙נּוּ֙ יִמָּ֣צֵא לָ֔ךְ וְאִם־תַּֽעַזְבֶ֖נּוּ יַזְנִיחֲךָ֥ לָעַֽד׃‬ And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him wholeheartedly, and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts, and he understands every thought which presents itself. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you desert him, he will reject you throughout the age. Rev 2:23.

know ... serve: imperatives.

mind ← soul.

thought which presents itself ← formation of thoughts.
Rev 2:23 Kai\ ta_ te/kna au0th=j a)poktenw~ e0n qana&tw%: kai\ gnw&sontai pa~sai ai9 e0kklhsi/ai o3ti e0gw& ei0mi o9 e0reunw~n nefrou\j kai\ kardi/aj: kai\ dw&sw u9mi=n e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga u9mw~n. And I will kill her children with a death blow, and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches kidneys and hearts, and I will give each of you what is appropriate according to your works. Jer 11:20, Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12, Jer 32:19; 1 Sam 16:7, 1 Chr 28:9, 1 Chr 29:17, Ps 139:13, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. See Ps 139:13.

your: as the Greek. Strict English grammar mandates his.
1 Chr 29:15 ‫כִּֽי־גֵרִ֨ים אֲנַ֧חְנוּ לְפָנֶ֛יךָ וְתוֹשָׁבִ֖ים כְּכָל־אֲבֹתֵ֑ינוּ כַּצֵּ֧ל ׀ יָמֵ֛ינוּ עַל־הָאָ֖רֶץ וְאֵ֥ין מִקְוֶֽה׃‬ For we are foreigners before you, and temporary residents like all our fathers. Our days on earth are like a shadow, and there is no hope. Heb 11:13.

no hope: i.e. no hope from man's resources. Compare 2 Chr 36:16, Eccl 2:24, Eccl 12:12. But also Isa 11:10 quoted in Matt 12:21 etc., Acts 28:20, 1 Cor 15:19, Eph 1:12, Col 1:5, 1 Tim 1:1.
Heb 11:13 Kata_ pi/stin a)pe/qanon ou[toi pa&ntej, mh\ labo/ntej ta_j e0paggeli/aj, a)lla_ po/rrwqen au0ta_j i0do/ntej, {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\ peisqe/ntej,] kai\ a)spasa&menoi, kai\ o9mologh/santej o3ti ce/noi kai\ parepi/dhmoi/ ei0sin e0pi\ th=j gh=j. In faith these all died, not having received the promises, but having seen them from afar, {RP P1904: - } [TR: and having been persuaded of them,] and having embraced them, and they confessed that they were foreigners and outsiders on the earth. kai\ peisqe/ntej, and having been persuaded: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c). AV differs textually.

Gen 23:4, Ex 2:22, Ps 39:13MT (Ps 39:12AV), 1 Chr 29:15.
1 Chr 29:17 ‫וְיָדַ֣עְתִּי אֱלֹהַ֔י כִּ֤י אַתָּה֙ בֹּחֵ֣ן לֵבָ֔ב וּמֵישָׁרִ֖ים תִּרְצֶ֑ה אֲנִ֗י בְּיֹ֤שֶׁר לְבָבִי֙ הִתְנַדַּ֣בְתִּי כָל־אֵ֔לֶּה וְעַתָּ֗ה עַמְּךָ֙ הַנִּמְצְאוּ־פֹ֔ה רָאִ֥יתִי בְשִׂמְחָ֖ה לְהִֽתְנַדֶּב־לָֽךְ׃‬ And I know, O God of mine, that you test the heart and take pleasure in uprightness, and as for me, I have done all these things willingly, with a sincere heart, and now I see with joy your people who are present here voluntarily for you. Rev 2:23.

with a sincere heart ← in the uprightness of my heart.

are present ← are found.

voluntarily ← to volunteer, in volunteering.
Rev 2:23 Kai\ ta_ te/kna au0th=j a)poktenw~ e0n qana&tw%: kai\ gnw&sontai pa~sai ai9 e0kklhsi/ai o3ti e0gw& ei0mi o9 e0reunw~n nefrou\j kai\ kardi/aj: kai\ dw&sw u9mi=n e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga u9mw~n. And I will kill her children with a death blow, and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches kidneys and hearts, and I will give each of you what is appropriate according to your works. Jer 11:20, Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12, Jer 32:19; 1 Sam 16:7, 1 Chr 28:9, 1 Chr 29:17, Ps 139:13, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. See Ps 139:13.

your: as the Greek. Strict English grammar mandates his.
2 Chr 5:13 ‫וַיְהִ֣י כְ֠אֶחָד *למחצצרים **לַמְחַצְּרִ֨ים וְלַמְשֹֽׁרֲרִ֜ים לְהַשְׁמִ֣יעַ קוֹל־אֶחָ֗ד לְהַלֵּ֣ל וּלְהֹדוֹת֮ לַיהוָה֒ וּכְהָרִ֣ים ק֠וֹל בַּחֲצֹצְר֨וֹת וּבִמְצִלְתַּ֜יִם וּבִכְלֵ֣י הַשִּׁ֗יר וּבְהַלֵּ֤ל לַיהוָה֙ כִּ֣י ט֔וֹב כִּ֥י לְעוֹלָ֖ם חַסְדּ֑וֹ וְהַבַּ֛יִת מָלֵ֥א עָנָ֖ן בֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃‬ And it came to pass, as the trumpeters and the singers were in unison in producing a harmonious sound, in praising and giving thanks to the Lord, and in raising their voice with trumpets and timbrels and musical instruments, and in praising the Lord that he is good, that his kindness is age-abiding, that the building – the house of the Lord – filled with a cloud. trumpeters: the ketiv and qeré are similar words with the same meaning.

Rev 15:8.

|| 1 Ki 8:10.

in producing ... in praising ... giving thanks ... in raising ... in praising: gerundial use of the infinitive.

a harmonious sound ← one sound.
Rev 15:8 Kai\ e0gemi/sqh o9 nao\j {RP-text TR: - } [RP-marg P1904: e0k tou=] kapnou= e0k th=j do/chj tou= qeou=, kai\ e0k th=j duna&mewj au0tou=: kai\ ou0dei\j {RP-text P1904: e0du/nato} [RP-marg TR: h0du/nato] ei0selqei=n ei0j to\n nao/n, a!xri telesqw~sin ai9 e9pta_ plhgai\ tw~n e9pta_ a)gge/lwn. and the sanctuary was filled {RP-text TR: with smoke from} [RP-marg P1904: by the smoke of] the glory of God and from his power, and no-one could enter into the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed. e0k tou=, out of → with (smoke): absent in RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's bghln) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

e0du/nato, could (1), RP-text P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. h0du/nato, could (2), RP-marg TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's fghmn).

Ex 40:34, 1 Ki 8:10, Isa 6:4, 2 Chr 5:13.
2 Chr 20:7 ‫הֲלֹ֣א ׀ אַתָּ֣ה אֱלֹהֵ֗ינוּ הוֹרַ֙שְׁתָּ֙ אֶת־יֹשְׁבֵי֙ הָאָ֣רֶץ הַזֹּ֔את מִלִּפְנֵ֖י עַמְּךָ֣ יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַֽתִּתְּנָ֗הּ לְזֶ֛רַע אַבְרָהָ֥ם אֹֽהַבְךָ֖ לְעוֹלָֽם׃‬ Are you not our God, who disinherited the inhabitants of this land in the presence of your people Israel and gave it to the seed of Abraham your friend age-abidingly? James 2:23. James 2:23 Kai\ e0plhrw&qh h9 grafh\ h9 le/gousa, 870Epi/steusen de\ 870Abraa_m tw%~ qew%~, kai\ e0logi/sqh au0tw%~ ei0j dikaiosu/nhn, kai\ fi/loj qeou= e0klh/qh. And the scripture was fulfilled which says, “And Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him as righteousness”, and he was called the friend of God. Gen 15:6, 2 Chr 20:7, Isa 41:8.
Ps 2:1 ‫לָ֭מָּה רָגְשׁ֣וּ גוֹיִ֑ם וּ֝לְאֻמִּ֗ים יֶהְגּוּ־רִֽיק׃‬

Why do the Gentiles rage,

And the nations contemplate a vain thing?

Acts 4:25, where the psalm is attributed to David. Acts 4:25 o9 dia_ sto/matoj {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] {RP P1904: - } [TR: tou=] paido/j sou ei0pw&n, 873Ina ti/ e0fru/acan e1qnh, kai\ laoi\ e0mele/thsan kena&; you who said through the mouth of David your servant,

‘Why do the nations rage,

And the peoples exercise themselves with vain concerns?

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

tou=, the (servant of you): absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/12 vs. present in TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's beflo).

Ps 2:1.

do ← did, perfect tense in Hebrew, frequently translatable by the present tense.

rage ← neigh and prance.
Ps 2:2 ‫יִ֥תְיַצְּב֨וּ ׀ מַלְכֵי־אֶ֗רֶץ וְרוֹזְנִ֥ים נֽוֹסְדוּ־יָ֑חַד עַל־יְ֝הוָה וְעַל־מְשִׁיחֽוֹ׃‬

The kings of the earth take their stand,

And the potentates plot together against the Lord

And against his messiah,

Acts 4:26. Acts 4:26 Pare/sthsan oi9 basilei=j th=j gh=j, kai\ oi9 a!rxontej sunh/xqhsan e0pi\ to\ au0to\ kata_ tou= kuri/ou, kai\ kata_ tou= xristou= au0tou=:

The kings of the earth have taken a stand,

And the rulers have gathered together against the Lord

And against his Christ.’

Ps 2:2.
Ps 2:7 ‫אֲסַפְּרָ֗ה אֶֽ֫ל חֹ֥ק יְֽהוָ֗ה אָמַ֘ר אֵלַ֥י בְּנִ֥י אַ֑תָּה אֲ֝נִ֗י הַיּ֥וֹם יְלִדְתִּֽיךָ׃‬

I will relate the Lord's statute.

He has said to me,

“You are my son;

Today I begot you.

Acts 13:33, Heb 1:5, Heb 5:5.

the Lord's statute: AV differs in word association.
Acts 13:33 w(j kai\ e0n tw%~ yalmw%~ tw%~ deute/rw% ge/graptai, Ui9o/j mou ei] su/, e0gw_ sh/meron gege/nnhka& se. as it also stands written in the second psalm:

‘You are my son;

Today I have begotten you.’

Ps 2:7.
Ps 2:7 ‫אֲסַפְּרָ֗ה אֶֽ֫ל חֹ֥ק יְֽהוָ֗ה אָמַ֘ר אֵלַ֥י בְּנִ֥י אַ֑תָּה אֲ֝נִ֗י הַיּ֥וֹם יְלִדְתִּֽיךָ׃‬

I will relate the Lord's statute.

He has said to me,

“You are my son;

Today I begot you.

Acts 13:33, Heb 1:5, Heb 5:5.

the Lord's statute: AV differs in word association.
Heb 1:5 Ti/ni ga_r ei]pe/n pote tw~n a)gge/lwn, Ui9o/j mou ei] su/, e0gw_ sh/meron gege/nnhka& se; Kai\ pa&lin, 870Egw_ e1somai au0tw%~ ei0j pate/ra, kai\ au0to\j e1stai moi ei0j ui9o/n; For to whom of the angels has he said at any time,

“You are my son;

Today I have begotten you”?

Or again,

“I will be a father to him,

And he will be a son to me”?

Ps 2:7. Also quoted in Acts 13:33 where the context is Christ's resurrection, not his conception or birth in the flesh. That could be the context here too.

2 Sam 7:14, 1 Chr 17:13.
Ps 2:7 ‫אֲסַפְּרָ֗ה אֶֽ֫ל חֹ֥ק יְֽהוָ֗ה אָמַ֘ר אֵלַ֥י בְּנִ֥י אַ֑תָּה אֲ֝נִ֗י הַיּ֥וֹם יְלִדְתִּֽיךָ׃‬

I will relate the Lord's statute.

He has said to me,

“You are my son;

Today I begot you.

Acts 13:33, Heb 1:5, Heb 5:5.

the Lord's statute: AV differs in word association.
Heb 5:5 Ou3twj kai\ o9 xristo\j ou0x e9auto\n e0do/casen genhqh=nai a)rxiere/a, a)ll' o9 lalh/saj pro\j au0to/n, Ui9o/j mou ei] su/, e0gw_ sh/meron gege/nnhka& se. So also Christ did not glorify himself in becoming a high priest, but it happened by him who said to him,

“You are my son;

Today I have begotten you.”

Ps 2:7. See also Heb 1:5, Acts 13:33.
Ps 2:8 ‫שְׁאַ֤ל מִמֶּ֗נִּי וְאֶתְּנָ֣ה ג֭וֹיִם נַחֲלָתֶ֑ךָ וַ֝אֲחֻזָּתְךָ֗ אַפְסֵי־אָֽרֶץ׃‬

Ask me,

And I will give nations as your inheritance

And the ends of the earth as your possession.

Rev 2:26. Rev 2:26 Kai\ o9 nikw~n kai\ o9 thrw~n a!xri te/louj ta_ e1rga mou, dw&sw au0tw%~ e0cousi/an e0pi\ tw~n e0qnw~n: And as for him who overcomes, and him who keeps my works up to the end,

I will give him authority over the nations,

Ps 2:8.
Ps 2:9 ‫תְּ֭רֹעֵם בְּשֵׁ֣בֶט בַּרְזֶ֑ל כִּכְלִ֖י יוֹצֵ֣ר תְּנַפְּצֵֽם׃‬

You will break them with a rod of iron;

You will dash them to pieces like a potter's jar.”

you will break them: re-pointing as תִּרְעֵם, it reads you will shepherd / rule them, as in Rev 2:27.

Rev 2:27, Rev 12:5, Rev 19:15.
Rev 2:27 kai\ poimanei= au0tou\j e0n r(a&bdw% sidhra%~: w(j ta_ skeu/h ta_ keramika&, {RP P1904: suntribh/setai} [TR: suntri/betai]: w(j ka)gw_ ei1lhfa para_ tou= patro/j mou:

And he will tend them with an iron rod.

They {RP P1904: will} [TR: will] be shattered like clay vessels,

as I for my part have received from my father.
suntribh/setai, he → they will be shattered, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. suntri/betai, he → they are shattered, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l).

Ps 2:9.

tend ← shepherd, and although the meaning in the context is rule, we keep the incongruous combination tend with an iron rod. Compare the incongruous wrath of the lamb, Rev 6:16.

for my part ← also.
Ps 2:9 ‫תְּ֭רֹעֵם בְּשֵׁ֣בֶט בַּרְזֶ֑ל כִּכְלִ֖י יוֹצֵ֣ר תְּנַפְּצֵֽם׃‬

You will break them with a rod of iron;

You will dash them to pieces like a potter's jar.”

you will break them: re-pointing as תִּרְעֵם, it reads you will shepherd / rule them, as in Rev 2:27.

Rev 2:27, Rev 12:5, Rev 19:15.
Rev 12:5 Kai\ e1teken ui9o\n a!rrena, o4j me/llei poimai/nein pa&nta ta_ e1qnh e0n r(a&bdw% sidhra%~: kai\ h9rpa&sqh to\ te/knon au0th=j pro\j to\n qeo\n kai\ {RP P1904: pro\j} [TR: - ] to\n qro/non au0tou=. And she bore a son, a male, who was destined to tend all the nations with a rod of iron. Then her child was carried off to God and {RP P1904: to} [TR: to] his throne. pro\j, to (his throne): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

Ps 2:9.

tend: or rule. See Rev 2:27.
Ps 2:9 ‫תְּ֭רֹעֵם בְּשֵׁ֣בֶט בַּרְזֶ֑ל כִּכְלִ֖י יוֹצֵ֣ר תְּנַפְּצֵֽם׃‬

You will break them with a rod of iron;

You will dash them to pieces like a potter's jar.”

you will break them: re-pointing as תִּרְעֵם, it reads you will shepherd / rule them, as in Rev 2:27.

Rev 2:27, Rev 12:5, Rev 19:15.
Rev 19:15 Kai\ e0k tou= sto/matoj au0tou= e0kporeu/etai r(omfai/a {RP: di/stomoj o0cei=a} [P1904: o0cei=a di/stomoj] [TR: o0cei=a], i3na e0n au0th|= {RP: pata&ch|} [P1904 TR: pata&ssh|] ta_ e1qnh: kai\ au0to\j poimanei= au0tou\j e0n r(a&bdw% sidhra%~: kai\ au0to\j patei= th\n lhno\n tou= oi1nou tou= qumou= {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\] th=j o0rgh=j tou= qeou= tou= pantokra&toroj. And out of his mouth came a sharp {RP P1904: double-edged} [TR: - ] sword with which to strike the nations. And he himself will tend them with an iron rod, and he himself treads the wine vat of the wine of the wrath {RP P1904: - } [TR: and] of the anger of God the Almighty. di/stomoj o0cei=a, double-edged + sharp, RP F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. o0cei=a di/stomoj, sharp + double-edged, P1904 F1859=0/11 vs. o0cei=a, sharp, TR F1859=0/11. AV differs textually.

pata&ch|, strike (aorist subjunctive, so perfective aspect), RP F1859=8/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. pata&ssh|, strike (present subjunctive, so imperfective aspect), P1904 TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's k) vs. pata&cei, will strike (non-classical future), F1859=2/11 (Scrivener's el).

kai\, and: absent in RP P1904 F1859=10/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in TR F1859=1/11 (Scrivener's g).

Isa 49:2, Ps 2:9, Isa 63:3.

tend: see Rev 2:27.

wine vat of the wine of: AV differs somewhat (wine press of).
Ps 4:5
Ps 4:4AV
‫רִגְז֗וּ וְֽאַל־תֶּ֫חֱטָ֥אוּ אִמְר֣וּ בִ֭לְבַבְכֶם עַֽל־מִשְׁכַּבְכֶ֗ם וְדֹ֣מּוּ סֶֽלָה׃‬

Be overawed and do not sin,

Speaking in your heart on your bed,

And be silent.


be overawed: NT (Eph 4:26) and LXX= ὀργίζεσθε. The Hebrew and Greek have the same root letters רגז (r-g-z) suggesting that the Greek here and in Eph 4:26 is ↴ Eph 4:26 870Orgi/zesqe kai\ mh\ a(marta&nete: o9 h3lioj mh\ e0pidue/tw e0pi\ tw%~ parorgismw%~ u9mw~n: Stand in awe and do not sin. Don't let the sun go down on your anger, Ps 4:5MT (Ps 4:4AV).

stand in awe and do not sin: AV differs (be ye angry and sin not). By classical Greek standards, Eph 4:26a does read be angry and do not sin, but such a translation is totally incompatible with the rest of the verse and Eph 4:31, Col 3:8, Ps 37:8 etc., which is why we also reject the idea of man's righteous anger, or ↴
Ps 5:10
Ps 5:9AV
‫כִּ֤י אֵ֪ין בְּפִ֡יהוּ נְכוֹנָה֮ קִרְבָּ֪ם הַ֫וּ֥וֹת קֶֽבֶר־פָּת֥וּחַ גְּרוֹנָ֑ם לְ֝שׁוֹנָ֗ם יַחֲלִֽיקוּן׃‬

For there is no rectitude in his mouth;

Their inner heart consists of lusts.

Their throat is an open sepulchre;

They flatter with their tongue.

Rom 3:13.

his mouth: [CB] refers this to the man of Ps 5:7 (Ps 5:6AV).
Rom 3:13 ta&foj a)new%gme/noj o9 la&rugc au0tw~n, tai=j glw&ssaij au0tw~n e0doliou=san: i0o\j a)spi/dwn u9po\ ta_ xei/lh au0tw~n:

Their throat is an open sepulchre;

With their tongues they have been deceitful;

Vipers' venom is under their lips,

Ps 5:10MT (Ps 5:9AV), Ps 140:4MT (Ps 140:3AV).

they have been deceitful ← they were deceitful, an Alexandrian dialectical form, as in Ps 5:9 LXX.
Ps 6:9
Ps 6:8AV
‫ס֣וּרוּ מִ֭מֶּנִּי כָּל־פֹּ֣עֲלֵי אָ֑וֶן כִּֽי־שָׁמַ֥ע יְ֝הוָ֗ה ק֣וֹל בִּכְיִֽי׃‬

Depart from me, all you who are engaged in iniquity,

For the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping.

Luke 13:27. Luke 13:27 Kai\ e0rei=, Le/gw u9mi=n, ou0k oi]da u9ma~j po/qen e0ste/: a)po/sthte a)p' e0mou= pa&ntej oi9 e0rga&tai th=j a)diki/aj. Then he will say, ‘I say to you, I do not know where you are from. Keep away from me, all you perpetrators of iniquity.’ Ps 6:9MT (Ps 6:8AV).
Ps 8:3
Ps 8:2AV
‫מִפִּ֤י עֽוֹלְלִ֨ים ׀ וְֽיֹנְקִים֮ יִסַּ֪דְתָּ֫ עֹ֥ז לְמַ֥עַן צוֹרְרֶ֑יךָ לְהַשְׁבִּ֥ית א֝וֹיֵ֗ב וּמִתְנַקֵּֽם׃‬

You have decreed strength from the mouth of infants and babies,

Because of your adversaries,

To silence the enemy and avenger.

Matt 21:16.

decreed ← founded, but also decreed.

babies ← sucklings.

silence ← make rest / stop.
Matt 21:16 kai\ ei]pon au0tw%~, 870Akou/eij ti/ ou[toi le/gousin; 879O de\ 870Ihsou=j le/gei au0toi=j, Nai/: ou0de/pote a)ne/gnwte o3ti 870Ek sto/matoj nhpi/wn kai\ qhlazo/ntwn kathrti/sw ai]non; and they said to him, “Do you hear what these people are saying?” Then Jesus said to them, “Yes. Have you never read that

‘Out of the mouth of infants and babies

You have furnished praise’?”

Ps 8:3MT (Ps 8:2AV).

babies ← sucklings.

furnished: or prepared for yourself (middle voice).
Ps 8:5
Ps 8:4AV
‫מָֽה־אֱנ֥וֹשׁ כִּֽי־תִזְכְּרֶ֑נּוּ וּבֶן־אָ֝דָ֗ם כִּ֣י תִפְקְדֶֽנּוּ׃‬

I ask, “What is man,

That you should remember him?

Or the son of Adam,

That you should visit him?”

Heb 2:6.

|| Ps 144:3.

man ... Adam ← (mortal) mankind ... Adam.
Heb 2:6 Diemartu/rato de/ pou/ tij le/gwn, Ti/ e0stin a!nqrwpoj, o3ti mimnh/skh| au0tou=; 872H ui9o\j a)nqrw&pou, o3ti e0piske/pth| au0to/n; but someone solemnly testified in a certain place and said,

“What is man,

That you should remember him?

Or the son of man,

That you should watch over him?

Ps 8:5MT (Ps 8:4AV), Ps 144:3.

watch over: or visit.
Ps 8:6
Ps 8:5AV
‫וַתְּחַסְּרֵ֣הוּ מְּ֭עַט מֵאֱלֹהִ֑ים וְכָב֖וֹד וְהָדָ֣ר תְּעַטְּרֵֽהוּ׃‬

For you made him a little lower than God,

But you have crowned him with honour and majesty.

Heb 2:7.

made him a little lower than ← caused him to lack little from (being).

God: AV differs (angels), perhaps taken from Heb 2:7.
Heb 2:7 870Hla&ttwsaj au0to\n braxu/ ti par' a)gge/louj: do/ch| kai\ timh|= e0stefa&nwsaj au0to/n: {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\ kate/sthsaj au0to\n e0pi\ ta_ e1rga tw~n xeirw~n sou,]

You made him lower than the angels for a short while;

You crowned him with glory and honour,

{RP P1904: - }

And you appointed him over the works of your hands,

kai\ ... xeirw~n sou, and ... your hands: absent in RP P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. present in TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's bmo). AV differs textually.

Ps 8:6MT (Ps 8:5AV) {RP P1904: - } [TR: , Ps 8:7MT (Ps 8:6AV)].

lower ← less.

for a short while: or a little (with lower), as AV, so AV differs.
Ps 8:7
Ps 8:6AV
‫תַּ֭מְשִׁילֵהוּ בְּמַעֲשֵׂ֣י יָדֶ֑יךָ כֹּ֝ל שַׁ֣תָּה תַֽחַת־רַגְלָֽיו׃‬

You put him in charge of the works of your hands;

You placed everything under his feet:

1 Cor 15:25, 1 Cor 15:27, Eph 1:22, Heb 2:7TR, Heb 2:8. 1 Cor 15:25 Dei= ga_r au0to\n basileu/ein, a!xri ou[ a@n qh|= pa&ntaj tou\j e0xqrou\j u9po\ tou\j po/daj au0tou=. For he must reign until he has put all the enemies under his feet. Ps 8:7MT (Ps 8:6AV).
Ps 8:7
Ps 8:6AV
‫תַּ֭מְשִׁילֵהוּ בְּמַעֲשֵׂ֣י יָדֶ֑יךָ כֹּ֝ל שַׁ֣תָּה תַֽחַת־רַגְלָֽיו׃‬

You put him in charge of the works of your hands;

You placed everything under his feet:

1 Cor 15:25, 1 Cor 15:27, Eph 1:22, Heb 2:7TR, Heb 2:8. 1 Cor 15:27 Pa&nta ga_r u9pe/tacen u9po\ tou\j po/daj au0tou=. 873Otan de\ ei1ph| o3ti Pa&nta u9pote/taktai, dh=lon o3ti e0kto\j tou= u9pota&cantoj au0tw%~ ta_ pa&nta. For he has put everything in subjection under his feet. And when he says, “Everything has been subjected”, it is evident that it is with the exception of him who made everything subject to him. Ps 8:7MT (Ps 8:6AV).
Ps 8:7
Ps 8:6AV
‫תַּ֭מְשִׁילֵהוּ בְּמַעֲשֵׂ֣י יָדֶ֑יךָ כֹּ֝ל שַׁ֣תָּה תַֽחַת־רַגְלָֽיו׃‬

You put him in charge of the works of your hands;

You placed everything under his feet:

1 Cor 15:25, 1 Cor 15:27, Eph 1:22, Heb 2:7TR, Heb 2:8. Eph 1:22 kai\ pa&nta u9pe/tacen u9po\ tou\j po/daj au0tou=, kai\ au0to\n e1dwken kefalh\n u9pe\r pa&nta th|= e0kklhsi/a%, and when he put everything in subjection under his feet and made him head over all things to the church, Ps 8:7MT (Ps 8:6AV).

church: see Matt 16:18 and the next verse.
Ps 8:7
Ps 8:6AV
‫תַּ֭מְשִׁילֵהוּ בְּמַעֲשֵׂ֣י יָדֶ֑יךָ כֹּ֝ל שַׁ֣תָּה תַֽחַת־רַגְלָֽיו׃‬

You put him in charge of the works of your hands;

You placed everything under his feet:

1 Cor 15:25, 1 Cor 15:27, Eph 1:22, Heb 2:7TR, Heb 2:8. Heb 2:8 pa&nta u9pe/tacaj u9poka&tw tw~n podw~n au0tou=. 870En ga_r tw%~ u9pota&cai au0tw%~ ta_ pa&nta, ou0de\n a)fh=ken au0tw%~ a)nupo/takton. Nu=n de\ ou1pw o9rw~men au0tw%~ ta_ pa&nta u9potetagme/na.

And you put everything in subjection under his feet.”

Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left him nothing unsubjected to him. But right now we do not yet see everything subjected to him.
Ps 8:7MT (Ps 8:6AV).
Ps 10:7 ‫אָלָ֤ה פִּ֣יהוּ מָ֭לֵא וּמִרְמ֣וֹת וָתֹ֑ךְ תַּ֥חַת לְ֝שׁוֹנ֗וֹ עָמָ֥ל וָאָֽוֶן׃‬

His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and vehemence;

Under his tongue are vice and iniquity.

Rom 3:14. Rom 3:14 w{n to\ sto/ma a)ra~j kai\ pikri/aj ge/mei:

Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.

Ps 10:7.
Ps 14:1 ‫לַמְנַצֵּ֗חַ לְדָ֫וִ֥ד אָ֘מַ֤ר נָבָ֣ל בְּ֭לִבּוֹ אֵ֣ין אֱלֹהִ֑ים הִֽשְׁחִ֗יתוּ הִֽתְעִ֥יבוּ עֲלִילָ֗ה אֵ֣ין עֹֽשֵׂה־טֽוֹב׃‬ To the choirmaster.↑

A Psalm of David.

The fool has said in his heart,

There is no God*.”

They have acted corruptly;

They have acted abominably in deed.

There is no-one who does good.

to the choirmaster: see Ps 4:1.

God*: [CB] App. 32, citing Ginsburg, alleges a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֱלֺהִים, Elohim, but this is only an inference, and we do not reverse it.

Rom 3:10.

|| Ps 53:2 (Ps 53:1AV).
Rom 3:10 kaqw_j ge/graptai {RP-text P1904 TR: o3ti} [RP-marg: - ] Ou0k e1stin di/kaioj ou0de\ ei[j: As it stands written:

“Not even one is righteous.

o3ti, that (introducing indirect or direct speech): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's achl).

Ps 14:1, Ps 53:2MT (Ps 53:1AV), Eccl 7:20.
Ps 14:2 ‫יְֽהוָ֗ה מִשָּׁמַיִם֮ הִשְׁקִ֪יף עַֽל־בְּנֵי־אָ֫דָ֥ם לִ֭רְאוֹת הֲיֵ֣שׁ מַשְׂכִּ֑יל דֹּ֝רֵשׁ אֶת־אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

The Lord peered down from heaven

At the sons of Adam,

To see if there was anyone who was prudent

Anyone who was seeking God*.

God*: [CB] App. 32, citing Ginsburg, alleges a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֱלֺהִים, Elohim, but this is only an inference, and we do not reverse it.

Rom 3:11.

|| Ps 53:3 (Ps 53:2AV).
Rom 3:11 ou0k e1stin o9 suniw~n, ou0k e1stin o9 e0kzhtw~n to\n qeo/n:

There is no-one who understands;

There is no-one who seeks God.

Ps 14:2, Ps 53:3MT (Ps 53:2AV).
Ps 14:3 ‫הַכֹּ֥ל סָר֮ יַחְדָּ֪ו נֶ֫אֱלָ֥חוּ אֵ֤ין עֹֽשֵׂה־ט֑וֹב אֵ֝֗ין גַּם־אֶחָֽד׃‬

The whole has departed,

They have become corrupt together;

There is no-one who does good

There is not even one.

Rom 3:12.

|| Ps 53:4 (Ps 53:3AV).
Rom 3:12 pa&ntej e0ce/klinan, a#ma h0xreiw&qhsan: ou0k e1stin poiw~n xrhsto/thta, ou0k e1stin e3wj e9no/j:

All have turned aside;

They have become altogether useless.

There is no-one who shows kindness

– There is not even one.

Ps 14:3, Ps 53:4MT (Ps 53:3AV).
Ps 16:8 ‫שִׁוִּ֬יתִי יְהוָ֣ה לְנֶגְדִּ֣י תָמִ֑יד כִּ֥י מִֽ֝ימִינִ֗י בַּל־אֶמּֽוֹט׃‬

I have continually placed the Lord before me,

For with him at my right hand,

I will not falter.

Acts 2:25. Acts 2:25 {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] ga_r le/gei ei0j au0to/n, Prowrw&mhn to\n ku/rion e0nw&pio/n mou dia_ panto/j: o3ti e0k deciw~n mou e0sti/n, i3na mh\ saleuqw~: For David speaks with reference to him,

‘I saw the Lord before me continually,

That he was on my right hand side,

So that I might not be shaken.

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 16:8.
Ps 16:9 ‫לָכֵ֤ן ׀ שָׂמַ֣ח לִ֭בִּי וַיָּ֣גֶל כְּבוֹדִ֑י אַף־בְּ֝שָׂרִ֗י יִשְׁכֹּ֥ן לָבֶֽטַח׃‬

That is why my heart is glad

And my mind rejoices;

My flesh also dwells in security.

Acts 2:26.

mind ← glory, but also heart, mind.
Acts 2:26 dia_ tou=to eu0fra&nqh h9 kardi/a mou, kai\ h0gallia&sato h9 glw~ssa& mou: e1ti de\ kai\ h9 sa&rc mou kataskhnw&sei e0p' e0lpi/di:

On account of this my heart was glad

And my tongue rejoiced;

Moreover my flesh will dwell in hope.

Ps 16:9.
Ps 16:10 ‫כִּ֤י ׀ לֹא־תַעֲזֹ֣ב נַפְשִׁ֣י לִשְׁא֑וֹל לֹֽא־תִתֵּ֥ן חֲ֝סִידְךָ֗ לִרְא֥וֹת שָֽׁחַת׃‬

For you will not leave my being in the grave,

Nor will you allow your holy one to see decay.

Acts 2:27, Acts 2:31, Acts 13:35.

being ← soul.

holy: not the usual word, with root meanings of kindness and grace.
Acts 2:27 o3ti ou0k e0gkatalei/yeij th\n yuxh/n mou ei0j 873A|dou, ou0de\ dw&seij to\n o3sio/n sou i0dei=n diafqora&n.

For you will not leave my being in Hades,

Nor will you allow your holy one to see decay.

Ps 16:10.

being ← soul.

in Hades ← to Hades (the place of the dead). Pregnant use of the preposition.
Ps 16:10 ‫כִּ֤י ׀ לֹא־תַעֲזֹ֣ב נַפְשִׁ֣י לִשְׁא֑וֹל לֹֽא־תִתֵּ֥ן חֲ֝סִידְךָ֗ לִרְא֥וֹת שָֽׁחַת׃‬

For you will not leave my being in the grave,

Nor will you allow your holy one to see decay.

Acts 2:27, Acts 2:31, Acts 13:35.

being ← soul.

holy: not the usual word, with root meanings of kindness and grace.
Acts 2:31 proi+dw_n e0la&lhsen peri\ th=j a)nasta&sewj tou= xristou=, o3ti ou0 katelei/fqh h9 yuxh\ au0tou= ei0j 873A|dou, ou0de\ h9 sa_rc au0tou= ei]den diafqora&n. foreseeing this, he spoke about the resurrection of Christ: that his being was not left in Hades, nor did his flesh see decay. Ps 16:10.

foreseeing ← having foreseen. See Matt 23:20.

being ← soul.

in Hades: see Acts 2:27.
Ps 16:10 ‫כִּ֤י ׀ לֹא־תַעֲזֹ֣ב נַפְשִׁ֣י לִשְׁא֑וֹל לֹֽא־תִתֵּ֥ן חֲ֝סִידְךָ֗ לִרְא֥וֹת שָֽׁחַת׃‬

For you will not leave my being in the grave,

Nor will you allow your holy one to see decay.

Acts 2:27, Acts 2:31, Acts 13:35.

being ← soul.

holy: not the usual word, with root meanings of kindness and grace.
Acts 13:35 Dio\ kai\ e0n e9te/rw% le/gei, Ou0 dw&seij to\n o3sio/n sou i0dei=n diafqora&n: On account of this he also says in another place,

‘You will not permit your holy one to see decay.’

Ps 16:10.

this ← which.
Ps 16:11 ‫תּֽוֹדִיעֵנִי֮ אֹ֤רַח חַ֫יִּ֥ים שֹׂ֣בַע שְׂ֭מָחוֹת אֶת־פָּנֶ֑יךָ נְעִמ֖וֹת בִּימִינְךָ֣ נֶֽצַח׃‬

You have made the way of life known to me.

There is an abundance of joys in your presence,

And there are pleasant things in perpetuity at your right hand.

Acts 2:28. Acts 2:28 870Egnw&risa&j moi o9dou\j zwh=j: plhrw&seij me eu0frosu/nhj meta_ tou= prosw&pou sou.

You have made the paths of life known to me;

You will fill me with joy at your presence.’

Ps 16:11.

at ← with.

presence ← face.
Ps 18:3
Ps 18:2AV
‫יְהוָ֤ה ׀ סַֽלְעִ֥י וּמְצוּדָתִ֗י וּמְפַ֫לְטִ֥י אֵלִ֣י צ֭וּרִי אֶֽחֱסֶה־בּ֑וֹ מָֽגִנִּ֥י וְקֶֽרֶן־יִ֝שְׁעִ֗י מִשְׂגַּבִּֽי׃‬

The Lord is my rock and my fortress

And my deliverer,

My God and my firm ground.

I will put my trust in him

– My shield and the horn of my salvation

And my high stronghold.

Heb 2:13.

|| 2 Sam 22:2, 2 Sam 22:3.
Heb 2:13 Kai\ pa&lin, 870Egw_ e1somai pepoiqw_j e0p' au0tw%~. Kai\ pa&lin, 870Idou\ e0gw_ kai\ ta_ paidi/a a# moi e1dwken o9 qeo/j. And again,

“I will be confident in him.”

And again,

“Here am I

And the children whom God has given me.”

2 Sam 22:3, Ps 18:3MT (Ps 18:2AV); Isa 8:18.
Ps 18:32
Ps 18:31AV
‫כִּ֤י מִ֣י אֱ֭לוֹהַּ מִבַּלְעֲדֵ֣י יְהוָ֑ה וּמִ֥י צ֝֗וּר זוּלָתִ֥י אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ׃‬

For who is God

Apart from the Lord?

And who is a rock,

Except for our God?

Mark 12:32.

|| 2 Sam 22:32.
Mark 12:32 Kai\ ei]pen au0tw%~ o9 grammateu/j, Kalw~j, dida&skale, e0p' a)lhqei/aj ei]paj o3ti ei[j e0stin, {RP P1904: - } [TR: qeo/j] kai\ ou0k e1stin a!lloj plh\n au0tou=: Then the scribe said to him, “Well said, teacher. You have spoken truly in that, {RP P1904: He} [TR: God] is one and there is no other apart from him.’ qeo/j, God: absent in RP P1904 F1853=17/21 F1859=4/8 vs. present in TR F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's cfgq**) F1859=4/8. AV differs textually.

Deut 6:4, 2 Sam 22:32, Isa 45:5, Ps 18:32MT (Ps 18:31AV).
Ps 18:50
Ps 18:49AV
‫עַל־כֵּ֤ן ׀ אוֹדְךָ֖ בַגּוֹיִ֥ם ׀ יְהוָ֑ה וּלְשִׁמְךָ֥ אֲזַמֵּֽרָה׃‬

That is why I will praise you

Among the nations, O Lord,

And I will sing psalms to your name.

Rom 15:9.

|| 2 Sam 22:50.
Rom 15:9 ta_ de\ e1qnh u9pe\r e0le/ouj doca&sai to\n qeo/n, kaqw_j ge/graptai, Dia_ tou=to e0comologh/somai/ soi e0n e1qnesin, {RP TR: - } [P1904: ku/rie,] kai\ tw%~ o0no/mati/ sou yalw~. and for the Gentiles to glorify God for his mercy, as it stands written:

“On account of this I will confess you among the Gentiles, {RP TR: - } [P1904: O Lord,]

And I will sing praises to your name.”

ku/rie, O Lord: absent in RP TR F1859=10/12 vs. present in P1904 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ch).

2 Sam 22:50, Ps 18:50MT (Ps 18:49AV).
Ps 19:5
Ps 19:4AV
‫בְּכָל־הָאָ֨רֶץ ׀ יָ֘צָ֤א קַוָּ֗ם וּבִקְצֵ֣ה תֵ֭בֵל מִלֵּיהֶ֑ם לַ֝שֶּׁ֗מֶשׁ שָֽׂם־אֹ֥הֶל בָּהֶֽם׃‬

Their signification goes out into the whole earth,

And their statements to the end of the world.

Throughout the seasons he has assigned an abode for the sun.

Rom 10:18.

signification ← line, but also rule, which we take as applicable to words.

the seasonsthem, the antecedent being the days and nights.

an abode ← a tent, standing for a sign of the zodiac.
Rom 10:18 870Alla_ le/gw, mh\ ou0k h1kousan; Menou=nge: Ei0j pa~san th\n gh=n e0ch=lqen o9 fqo/ggoj au0tw~n, kai\ ei0j ta_ pe/rata th=j oi0koume/nhj ta_ r(h/mata au0tw~n. But I say, “Have they not heard?” They certainly have –

Their speech went out into all the earth,

And their words to the ends of the world.

Ps 19:5MT (Ps 19:4AV).

earth: or land.
Ps 22:2
Ps 22:1AV
‫אֵלִ֣י אֵ֭לִי לָמָ֣ה עֲזַבְתָּ֑נִי רָח֥וֹק מִֽ֝ישׁוּעָתִ֗י דִּבְרֵ֥י שַׁאֲגָתִֽי׃‬

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Why are you far from my salvation at my roaring words?

Matt 27:46, Mark 15:34.

This psalm is about the crucifixion.

my roaring words ← the words of my roaring, a Hebraic genitive.
Matt 27:46 peri\ de\ th\n {RP P1904: e0na&thn} [TR: e0nna&thn] w#ran a)nebo/hsen o9 870Ihsou=j fwnh|= mega&lh|, le/gwn, 870Hli/, 870Hli/, {RP P1904: lima_} [TR: lama_] [MISC: leima_] sabaxqani/; Tou=t' e1stin, Qee/ mou, Qee/ mou, i3na ti/ me e0gkate/lipej; And at about the ninth hour, Jesus shouted out with a loud voice and said, “Eli, Eli, lima sabachthani?” This means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” e0na&thj, ninth (1), RP P1904 F1853=13/21 F1859=2/8 vs. e0nna&thj, ninth (2), TR F1853=8/21 F1859=6/8. Nearly a disparity with RP, R=16:15.

lima_, lima, why (1), RP P1904 F1853=16/21 F1859=5/8 vs. lama_, why (2), TR F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's u, so very doubtful) F1859=0/8 vs. leima_, why (3), F1853=4/21 (Scrivener's bfox) F1859=3/8.

Ps 22:2MT (Ps 22:1AV).

ninth hour: 3 p.m.

sabachthani: see Mark 15:34.

means ← is.

have you forsaken ← did you forsake. See Matt 2:2.
Ps 22:2
Ps 22:1AV
‫אֵלִ֣י אֵ֭לִי לָמָ֣ה עֲזַבְתָּ֑נִי רָח֥וֹק מִֽ֝ישׁוּעָתִ֗י דִּבְרֵ֥י שַׁאֲגָתִֽי׃‬

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Why are you far from my salvation at my roaring words?

Matt 27:46, Mark 15:34.

This psalm is about the crucifixion.

my roaring words ← the words of my roaring, a Hebraic genitive.
Mark 15:34 Kai\ th|= w#ra% th|= {RP P1904: e0na&th|} [TR: e0nna&th|] e0bo/hsen o9 870Ihsou=j fwnh|= mega&lh|, le/gwn, 870Elwi+/, 870Elwi+/, {RP P1904: lima_} [TR: lamma~] sabaxqani/; 873O e0stin meqermhneuo/menon, 879O qeo/j mou, o9 qeo/j mou, ei0j ti/ me e0gkate/lipej; And at the ninth hour, Jesus shouted in a loud voice and said, “Eloi Eloi, {RP P1904: lima} [TR: lamma] sabachthani, which in translation is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” e0na&thj, ninth (1), RP P1904 F1853=11/20 F1859=3/7 vs. e0nna&thj, ninth (2), TR F1853=8/20 F1859=4/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's e) F1859=0/7.

lima_, why (1), RP P1904 F1853=14/22 F1859=3/9 vs. lamma~, why (2), TR F1853=2/22 (Scrivener's f**u, u being very doubtful) F1859=1/9 vs. other readings (absent, leima, leimaj), F1853=6/22 F1859=5/9.

Ps 22:2MT (Ps 22:1AV).

ninth hour: 3 p.m.

sabachthani: Aramaic, root שׁבק, as in Dan 2:44, not Hebrew, which is עֲזַבְתָּנִי, azabtani.

in translation ← having been translated.
Ps 22:18
Ps 22:17AV
‫אֲסַפֵּ֥ר כָּל־עַצְמוֹתָ֑י הֵ֥מָּה יַ֝בִּ֗יטוּ יִרְאוּ־בִֽי׃‬

I can count all my bones.

They look on,

And stare at me.

John 19:36. John 19:36 870Ege/neto ga_r tau=ta i3na h9 grafh\ plhrwqh|=, 870Ostou=n ou0 suntribh/setai {RP: a)p'} [P1904 TR: - ] au0tou=. For these things took place in order that the scripture might be fulfilled: “Not a bone of him shall be crushed.” a)p', from (him): present in RP F1853=8/18 F1859=3/9 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=10/18 F1859=6/9. A disparity with RP, R=11:18.

Ex 12:46, Num 9:12 (of the Passover lamb, compare 1 Cor 5:7); Ps 34:21MT (Ps 34:20AV); Ps 22:18MT (Ps 22:17AV) (I can count my bones).
Ps 22:19
Ps 22:18AV
‫יְחַלְּק֣וּ בְגָדַ֣י לָהֶ֑ם וְעַל־לְ֝בוּשִׁ֗י יַפִּ֥ילוּ גוֹרָֽל׃‬

They share out my clothes among themselves

And cast a lot for my garment.

Matt 27:35, John 19:24. Matt 27:35 Staurw&santej de\ au0to/n, diemeri/santo ta_ i9ma&tia au0tou=, {RP TR: ba&llontej} [P1904: balo/ntej] klh=ron {RP P1904: - } [TR: i3na plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n u9po\ tou= profh/tou: Diemeri/santo ta_ i9ma&tia& mou e9autoi=j, kai\ e0pi\ to\n i9matismo/n mou e1balon klh=ron]. And when they had started the crucifixion, they shared out his clothes,
{RP: casting a lot.} [P1904: having cast a lot.] [TR: casting a lot,]
{RP P1904: - }
[TR: in order that that which was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled:

They shared out my clothes among themselves

And cast a lot for my garment.

ba&llontej, throwing, RP TR F1853=16/22 F1859=7/9 vs. balo/ntej, having thrown, P1904 F1853=6/22 F1859=2/9.

i3na plhrwqh|= ... klh=ron., in order ... be fulfilled: absent in RP P1904 F1853=20/20 F1859=6/7 vs. present in TR F1853=0/20 F1859=1/7. John 19:24 contains a fully attested statement very similar to this one. AV differs textually.

Ps 22:19MT (Ps 22:18AV).

started the crucifixion: inceptive aorist. This ↴
Ps 22:19
Ps 22:18AV
‫יְחַלְּק֣וּ בְגָדַ֣י לָהֶ֑ם וְעַל־לְ֝בוּשִׁ֗י יַפִּ֥ילוּ גוֹרָֽל׃‬

They share out my clothes among themselves

And cast a lot for my garment.

Matt 27:35, John 19:24. John 19:24 Ei]pon ou]n pro\j a)llh/louj, Mh\ sxi/swmen au0to/n, a)lla_ la&xwmen peri\ au0tou=, ti/noj e1stai: i3na h9 grafh\ plhrwqh|= h9 le/gousa, Diemeri/santo ta_ i9ma&tia& mou e9autoi=j, kai\ e0pi\ to\n i9matismo/n mou e1balon klh=ron. Oi9 me\n ou]n stratiw~tai tau=ta e0poi/hsan. So they said to each other, “Let us not split it, but cast lots for it as to whose it will be”, so that the scripture might be fulfilled which says,

“They shared out my clothes among themselves,

And for my garment they cast a lot.”

¶ So the soldiers did these things.
¶ Verse division: in P1904 numbering, John 19:25 begins here.

Ps 22:19MT (Ps 22:18AV).
Ps 22:23
Ps 22:22AV
‫אֲסַפְּרָ֣ה שִׁמְךָ֣ לְאֶחָ֑י בְּת֖וֹךְ קָהָ֣ל אֲהַלְלֶֽךָּ׃‬

I will declare your name to my brothers;

In the midst of the convocation

I will praise you.

Heb 2:12. Heb 2:12 le/gwn, 870Apaggelw~ to\ o1noma& sou toi=j a)delfoi=j mou, e0n me/sw% e0kklhsi/aj u9mnh/sw se. and he says,

“I will declare your name to my brothers;

In the heart of the assembly

I will sing praises to you.”

Ps 22:23MT (Ps 22:22AV).

heart ← midst.

assembly ← churchoutcalling. See Matt 16:18.
Ps 24:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר לַֽ֭יהוָה הָאָ֣רֶץ וּמְלוֹאָ֑הּ תֵּ֝בֵ֗ל וְיֹ֣שְׁבֵי בָֽהּ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The earth is the Lord's and the fulness of it

– The world and those who live in it.

1 Cor 10:26, 1 Cor 10:28. 1 Cor 10:26 Tou= ga_r kuri/ou h9 gh= kai\ to\ plh/rwma au0th=j. For the earth is the Lord's and the fulness of it. Ps 24:1.
Ps 24:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר לַֽ֭יהוָה הָאָ֣רֶץ וּמְלוֹאָ֑הּ תֵּ֝בֵ֗ל וְיֹ֣שְׁבֵי בָֽהּ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The earth is the Lord's and the fulness of it

– The world and those who live in it.

1 Cor 10:26, 1 Cor 10:28. 1 Cor 10:28 870Ea_n de/ tij u9mi=n ei1ph|, Tou=to ei0dwlo/quto/n e0stin, mh\ e0sqi/ete di' e0kei=non to\n mhnu/santa kai\ th\n sunei/dhsin: Tou= ga_r kuri/ou h9 gh= kai\ to\ plh/rwma au0th=j. But if anyone says to you, “This has been offered to idols”, do not eat it, on account of him who informed you and conscience. For the earth is the Lord's and the fulness of it. Ps 24:1.

him ← that (one).
Ps 32:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מַ֫שְׂכִּ֥יל אַשְׁרֵ֥י נְֽשׂוּי־פֶּ֗שַׁע כְּס֣וּי חֲטָאָֽה׃‬ An Instructive Psalm of David.

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven

Whose sin is covered over.

Rom 4:7.

Instructive Psalm: AV differs, transliterating (Maschil).

whose transgression is forgiven ← who (is) forgiven (regarding) transgression.

whose sin is covered over ← who (is) covered over (regarding) sin.
Rom 4:7 Maka&rioi w{n a)fe/qhsan ai9 a)nomi/ai, kai\ w{n e0pekalu/fqhsan ai9 a(marti/ai.

“Blessed are they whose lawless deeds have been forgiven

And whose sins have been covered over.

Ps 32:1.
Ps 32:2 ‫אַ֥שְֽׁרֵי אָדָ֗ם לֹ֤א יַחְשֹׁ֬ב יְהוָ֣ה ל֣וֹ עָוֺ֑ן וְאֵ֖ין בְּרוּח֣וֹ רְמִיָּה׃‬

Blessed is the man

To whom the Lord will not impute iniquity

And in whose spirit is no deceit.

Rom 4:8. Rom 4:8 Maka&rioj a)nh\r w%{ ou0 mh\ logi/shtai ku/rioj a(marti/an.

Blessed is the man

To whom the Lord will not impute sin at all.”

Ps 32:2.
Ps 33:6 ‫בִּדְבַ֣ר יְ֭הוָה שָׁמַ֣יִם נַעֲשׂ֑וּ וּבְר֥וּחַ פִּ֝֗יו כָּל־צְבָאָֽם׃‬

By the word of the Lord,

The heavens were made,

And by the spirit of his mouth,

All their array.

Rev 14:7. Rev 14:7 {RP P1904: le/gwn} [TR: le/gonta] e0n fwnh|= mega&lh|, Fobh/qhte to\n {RP-text P1904: ku/rion} [RP-marg TR: qeo/n], kai\ do/te au0tw%~ do/can, o3ti h]lqen h9 w#ra th=j kri/sewj au0tou=, kai\ proskunh/sate {RP-text: au0to\n to\n poih/santa} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tw%~ poih/santi] to\n ou0rano\n kai\ th\n gh=n kai\ {RP P1904 S1894: th\n} [S1550 E1624: - ] qa&lassan kai\ phga_j u9da&twn. saying in a loud voice, “Fear {RP-text P1904: the Lord} [RP-marg TR: God] and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come. And worship him {RP-text: who} [RP-marg P1904 TR: who] made heaven and earth and {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] sea and the sources of water.” le/gwn, saying (nominative), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. le/gonta, saying (accusative, concordant with the angel of the previous verse), TR F1859=0/12.

ku/rion, Lord, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. qeo/n, God, RP-marg TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghn). AV differs textually.

au0to\n to\n poih/santa, him who made, RP-text F1859=9/12 vs. tw%~ poih/santi, the (one) who made, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghl).

th\n, the (sea): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

Gen 1:1, Ps 33:6, Ps 124:8.
Ps 34:9
Ps 34:8AV
‫טַעֲמ֣וּ וּ֭רְאוּ כִּי־ט֣וֹב יְהוָ֑ה אַֽשְׁרֵ֥י הַ֝גֶּ֗בֶר יֶחֱסֶה־בּֽוֹ׃‬

Taste, and see that the Lord is good;

Happy is the man who trusts in him.

1 Pet 2:3. 1 Pet 2:3 ei1per e0geu/sasqe o3ti xrhsto\j o9 ku/rioj: assuming you have tasted that the Lord is kindly disposed. Ps 34:9MT (Ps 34:8AV).
Ps 34:13
Ps 34:12AV
‫מִֽי־הָ֭אִישׁ הֶחָפֵ֣ץ חַיִּ֑ים אֹהֵ֥ב יָ֝מִ֗ים לִרְא֥וֹת טֽוֹב׃‬

Who is the man who delights in life?

– Who loves days so as to see good?

1 Pet 3:10. 1 Pet 3:10 879O ga_r qe/lwn zwh\n a)gapa~n, kai\ i0dei=n h9me/raj a)gaqa&j, pausa&tw th\n glw~ssan au0tou= a)po\ kakou=, kai\ xei/lh au0tou= tou= mh\ lalh=sai do/lon:

For let him who wishes to love life

And see good days

Restrain his tongue from evil

And his lips from speaking deceit.

Ps 34:13MT, Ps 34:14MT (Ps 34:12AV, Ps 34:13AV).
Ps 34:14
Ps 34:13AV
‫נְצֹ֣ר לְשׁוֹנְךָ֣ מֵרָ֑ע וּ֝שְׂפָתֶ֗יךָ מִדַּבֵּ֥ר מִרְמָֽה׃‬

Keep your tongue from evil

And your lips from speaking deceit.

1 Pet 3:10. 1 Pet 3:10 879O ga_r qe/lwn zwh\n a)gapa~n, kai\ i0dei=n h9me/raj a)gaqa&j, pausa&tw th\n glw~ssan au0tou= a)po\ kakou=, kai\ xei/lh au0tou= tou= mh\ lalh=sai do/lon:

For let him who wishes to love life

And see good days

Restrain his tongue from evil

And his lips from speaking deceit.

Ps 34:13MT, Ps 34:14MT (Ps 34:12AV, Ps 34:13AV).
Ps 34:15
Ps 34:14AV
‫ס֣וּר מֵ֭רָע וַעֲשֵׂה־ט֑וֹב בַּקֵּ֖שׁ שָׁל֣וֹם וְרָדְפֵֽהוּ׃‬

Depart from evil

And do good;

Seek peace

And pursue it.

1 Pet 3:11. 1 Pet 3:11 e0kklina&tw a)po\ kakou=, kai\ poihsa&tw a)gaqo/n: zhthsa&tw ei0rh/nhn, kai\ diwca&tw au0th/n.

Let him turn away from evil

And do good.

Let him seek peace

And pursue it.

Ps 34:15MT (Ps 34:14AV).
Ps 34:16
Ps 34:15AV
‫עֵינֵ֣י יְ֭הוָה אֶל־צַדִּיקִ֑ים וְ֝אָזְנָ֗יו אֶל־שַׁוְעָתָֽם׃‬

The eyes of the Lord are directed to the righteous,

And his ears to their crying out.

1 Pet 3:12. 1 Pet 3:12 873Oti {RP P1904: - } [TR: oi9] o0fqalmoi\ kuri/ou e0pi\ dikai/ouj, kai\ w}ta au0tou= ei0j de/hsin au0tw~n: pro/swpon de\ kuri/ou e0pi\ poiou=ntaj kaka&. For

{RP P1904: The} [TR: The] eyes of the Lord are fixed on the righteous,

And his ears are directed to their entreaties,

But the face of the Lord is set against

Those who do evil.

oi9, the (eyes): absent in RP P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. present in TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's cj).

Ps 34:16MT, Ps 34:17MT (Ps 34:15AV, Ps 34:16AV).
Ps 34:17
Ps 34:16AV
‫פְּנֵ֣י יְ֭הוָה בְּעֹ֣שֵׂי רָ֑ע לְהַכְרִ֖ית מֵאֶ֣רֶץ זִכְרָֽם׃‬

The face of the Lord is against those who do evil,

To cut off the memory of them from the earth.

1 Pet 3:12.

earth: or land.
1 Pet 3:12 873Oti {RP P1904: - } [TR: oi9] o0fqalmoi\ kuri/ou e0pi\ dikai/ouj, kai\ w}ta au0tou= ei0j de/hsin au0tw~n: pro/swpon de\ kuri/ou e0pi\ poiou=ntaj kaka&. For

{RP P1904: The} [TR: The] eyes of the Lord are fixed on the righteous,

And his ears are directed to their entreaties,

But the face of the Lord is set against

Those who do evil.

oi9, the (eyes): absent in RP P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. present in TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's cj).

Ps 34:16MT, Ps 34:17MT (Ps 34:15AV, Ps 34:16AV).
Ps 34:21
Ps 34:20AV
‫שֹׁמֵ֥ר כָּל־עַצְמוֹתָ֑יו אַחַ֥ת מֵ֝הֵ֗נָּה לֹ֣א נִשְׁבָּֽרָה׃‬

He keeps all his bones;

Not one of them becomes broken.

John 19:36. John 19:36 870Ege/neto ga_r tau=ta i3na h9 grafh\ plhrwqh|=, 870Ostou=n ou0 suntribh/setai {RP: a)p'} [P1904 TR: - ] au0tou=. For these things took place in order that the scripture might be fulfilled: “Not a bone of him shall be crushed.” a)p', from (him): present in RP F1853=8/18 F1859=3/9 vs. absent in P1904 TR F1853=10/18 F1859=6/9. A disparity with RP, R=11:18.

Ex 12:46, Num 9:12 (of the Passover lamb, compare 1 Cor 5:7); Ps 34:21MT (Ps 34:20AV); Ps 22:18MT (Ps 22:17AV) (I can count my bones).
Ps 35:19 ‫אַֽל־יִשְׂמְחוּ־לִ֣י אֹיְבַ֣י שֶׁ֑קֶר שֹׂנְאַ֥י חִ֝נָּ֗ם יִקְרְצוּ־עָֽיִן׃‬

Do not let my enemies rejoice over me on the basis of falsehood,

Nor let those who hate me without cause gloat over me.

John 15:25. John 15:25 870All' i3na plhrwqh|= o9 lo/goj o9 gegramme/noj e0n tw%~ no/mw% au0tw~n o3ti 870Emi/shsa&n me dwrea&n. But this is so that the word written in their law might be fulfilled: ‘They hated me gratuitously.’ Ps 35:19, Ps 69:5MT (Ps 69:4AV).
Ps 36:2
Ps 36:1AV
‫נְאֻֽם־פֶּ֣שַׁע לָ֭רָשָׁע בְּקֶ֣רֶב לִבִּ֑י אֵֽין־פַּ֥חַד אֱ֝לֹהִ֗ים לְנֶ֣גֶד עֵינָֽיו׃‬

The transgressive speech of the wicked man is,

In my heart there is no fear of God before his eyes.”

Rom 3:18.

transgressive speech ← speech of transgression, a Hebraic genitive.

in my heart ← in the middle of my heart.
Rom 3:18 ou0k e1stin fo/boj qeou= a)pe/nanti tw~n o0fqalmw~n au0tw~n.

There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Ps 36:2MT (Ps 36:1AV).
Ps 37:11 ‫וַעֲנָוִ֥ים יִֽירְשׁוּ־אָ֑רֶץ וְ֝הִתְעַנְּג֗וּ עַל־רֹ֥ב שָׁלֽוֹם׃‬

But the meek shall inherit the earth

And delight in great peace.

Matt 5:5.

earth: or land.

great peace ← greatness of peace. A reverse Hebraic genitive; compare Dan 11:20.
Matt 5:5 Maka&rioi oi9 pra%ei=j: o3ti au0toi\ klhronomh/sousin th\n gh=n.

Blessed are the meek,

For they shall inherit the earth.

Ps 37:11.
Ps 39:13
Ps 39:12AV
‫שִֽׁמְעָ֥ה־תְפִלָּתִ֨י ׀ יְהוָ֡ה וְשַׁוְעָתִ֨י ׀ הַאֲזִינָה֮ אֶֽל־דִּמְעָתִ֗י אַֽל־תֶּ֫חֱרַ֥שׁ כִּ֤י גֵ֣ר אָנֹכִ֣י עִמָּ֑ךְ תּ֝וֹשָׁ֗ב כְּכָל־אֲבוֹתָֽי׃‬

Hear my prayer, O Lord,

And listen to my crying out.

Do not be indifferent to my tears,

For I am a foreigner with you

– A temporary resident, like all my fathers.

Heb 11:13.

indifferent ← deaf.

tears ← tear.
Heb 11:13 Kata_ pi/stin a)pe/qanon ou[toi pa&ntej, mh\ labo/ntej ta_j e0paggeli/aj, a)lla_ po/rrwqen au0ta_j i0do/ntej, {RP P1904: - } [TR: kai\ peisqe/ntej,] kai\ a)spasa&menoi, kai\ o9mologh/santej o3ti ce/noi kai\ parepi/dhmoi/ ei0sin e0pi\ th=j gh=j. In faith these all died, not having received the promises, but having seen them from afar, {RP P1904: - } [TR: and having been persuaded of them,] and having embraced them, and they confessed that they were foreigners and outsiders on the earth. kai\ peisqe/ntej, and having been persuaded: absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c). AV differs textually.

Gen 23:4, Ex 2:22, Ps 39:13MT (Ps 39:12AV), 1 Chr 29:15.
Ps 40:7
Ps 40:6AV
‫זֶ֤בַח וּמִנְחָ֨ה ׀ לֹֽא־חָפַ֗צְתָּ אָ֭זְנַיִם כָּרִ֣יתָ לִּ֑י עוֹלָ֥ה וַ֝חֲטָאָ֗ה לֹ֣א שָׁאָֽלְתָּ׃‬

You do not desire sacrifice or offering;

You have opened my ears.

You have not asked for burnt offering or sin-offering.

Heb 10:5, Heb 10:6, Heb 10:8.

opened ← dug.
Heb 10:5 Dio\ ei0serxo/menoj ei0j to\n ko/smon le/gei, Qusi/an kai\ prosfora_n ou0k h0qe/lhsaj, sw~ma de\ kathrti/sw moi: which is why, on coming into the world, he says,

“You did not desire sacrifice and offering,

But you have prepared a body for me.

Ps 40:7MT (Ps 40:6AV).

which is why ← on account of which.
Ps 40:7
Ps 40:6AV
‫זֶ֤בַח וּמִנְחָ֨ה ׀ לֹֽא־חָפַ֗צְתָּ אָ֭זְנַיִם כָּרִ֣יתָ לִּ֑י עוֹלָ֥ה וַ֝חֲטָאָ֗ה לֹ֣א שָׁאָֽלְתָּ׃‬

You do not desire sacrifice or offering;

You have opened my ears.

You have not asked for burnt offering or sin-offering.

Heb 10:5, Heb 10:6, Heb 10:8.

opened ← dug.
Heb 10:6 o9lokautw&mata kai\ peri\ a(marti/aj ou0k eu0do/khsaj:

You did not take pleasure in burnt offerings and sin-offerings.

Ps 40:7MT (Ps 40:6AV).
Ps 40:7
Ps 40:6AV
‫זֶ֤בַח וּמִנְחָ֨ה ׀ לֹֽא־חָפַ֗צְתָּ אָ֭זְנַיִם כָּרִ֣יתָ לִּ֑י עוֹלָ֥ה וַ֝חֲטָאָ֗ה לֹ֣א שָׁאָֽלְתָּ׃‬

You do not desire sacrifice or offering;

You have opened my ears.

You have not asked for burnt offering or sin-offering.

Heb 10:5, Heb 10:6, Heb 10:8.

opened ← dug.
Heb 10:8 870Anw&teron le/gwn o3ti Qusi/an kai\ prosfora_n kai\ o9lokautw&mata kai\ peri\ a(marti/aj ou0k h0qe/lhsaj, ou0de\ eu0do/khsaj - ai3tinej kata_ to\n no/mon prosfe/rontai - Having said above,

“You did not desire or take pleasure in sacrifice and offering

And burnt offerings and offerings for sin”

– which are offered according to the law –
Ps 40:7MT (Ps 40:6AV).

having said ← saying.
Ps 40:8
Ps 40:7AV
‫אָ֣ז אָ֭מַרְתִּי הִנֵּה־בָ֑אתִי בִּמְגִלַּת־סֵ֝֗פֶר כָּת֥וּב עָלָֽי׃‬

Then I said,

“Behold, I have come.

In the scroll of the book it stands written concerning me:

Heb 10:7, Heb 10:9. Heb 10:7 to/te ei]pon, 870Idou/, h3kw - e0n kefali/di bibli/ou ge/graptai peri\ e0mou= - tou= poih=sai, o9 qeo/j, to\ qe/lhma& sou.

Then I said,

‘Behold, I have come

– In the scroll of the book it stands written concerning me –

To do your will, O God.’ ”

Ps 40:8MT (Ps 40:7AV).

scroll: or chapter. The Hebrew reads scroll (מְגִלָּה).
Ps 40:8
Ps 40:7AV
‫אָ֣ז אָ֭מַרְתִּי הִנֵּה־בָ֑אתִי בִּמְגִלַּת־סֵ֝֗פֶר כָּת֥וּב עָלָֽי׃‬

Then I said,

“Behold, I have come.

In the scroll of the book it stands written concerning me:

Heb 10:7, Heb 10:9. Heb 10:9 to/te ei1rhken, 870Idou/, h3kw tou= poih=sai, o9 qeo/j, to\ qe/lhma& sou. 870Anairei= to\ prw~ton, i3na to\ deu/teron sth/sh|. he then said,

“Behold, I have come to do your will,

O God.”

So he removes the first in order to establish the second.
Ps 40:8MT (Ps 40:7AV), Ps 40:9MT (Ps 40:8AV).
Ps 40:9
Ps 40:8AV
‫לַֽעֲשֽׂוֹת־רְצוֹנְךָ֣ אֱלֹהַ֣י חָפָ֑צְתִּי וְ֝ת֥וֹרָתְךָ֗ בְּת֣וֹךְ מֵעָֽי׃‬

‘I delight to do your will,

O God of mine,

And your law is in my inner parts.’ ”

Heb 10:9. Heb 10:9 to/te ei1rhken, 870Idou/, h3kw tou= poih=sai, o9 qeo/j, to\ qe/lhma& sou. 870Anairei= to\ prw~ton, i3na to\ deu/teron sth/sh|. he then said,

“Behold, I have come to do your will,

O God.”

So he removes the first in order to establish the second.
Ps 40:8MT (Ps 40:7AV), Ps 40:9MT (Ps 40:8AV).
Ps 41:10
Ps 41:9AV
‫גַּם־אִ֤ישׁ שְׁלוֹמִ֨י ׀ אֲשֶׁר־בָּטַ֣חְתִּי ב֭וֹ אוֹכֵ֣ל לַחְמִ֑י הִגְדִּ֖יל עָלַ֣י עָקֵֽב׃‬

Even a man at peace with me,

In whom I trusted

One who partook of my bread –

Has lifted up his heel against me.

John 13:18.

lifted up ← made great.
John 13:18 Ou0 peri\ pa&ntwn u9mw~n le/gw: e0gw_ oi]da ou4j e0celeca&mhn: a)ll' i3na h9 grafh\ plhrwqh|=, 879O trw&gwn met' e0mou= to\n a!rton e0ph=ren e0p' e0me\ th\n pte/rnan au0tou=. I do not speak of all of you. I know those whom I have chosen, but let the scripture be fulfilled: ‘He who partakes of bread with me has lifted up his heel against me.’ Ps 41:10MT (Ps 41:9AV).

let ← in order that. See Mark 14:49.
Ps 44:23
Ps 44:22AV
‫כִּֽי־עָ֭לֶיךָ הֹרַ֣גְנוּ כָל־הַיּ֑וֹם נֶ֝חְשַׁ֗בְנוּ כְּצֹ֣אן טִבְחָֽה׃‬

Indeed for your sake we are killed all day long;

We are considered as sheep for slaughter.

Rom 8:36. Rom 8:36 Kaqw_j ge/graptai o3ti {RP: 873Eneke/n} [P1904 TR: 873Eneka&] sou qanatou/meqa o3lhn th\n h9me/ran: e0logi/sqhmen w(j pro/bata sfagh=j. As it stands written:

For your sake we are killed all day long.

We have been considered as sheep for slaughter.”

e3neke/n, for your sake (1), RP F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's mn) vs. e3neka&, for your sake (2), P1904 TR F1859=10/12 (Scrivener's abcdfghklo). A strong disparity with RP, R=2:12.

Ps 44:23MT (Ps 44:22AV).
Ps 45:7
Ps 45:6AV
‫כִּסְאֲךָ֣ אֱ֭לֹהִים עוֹלָ֣ם וָעֶ֑ד שֵׁ֥בֶט מִ֝ישֹׁ֗ר שֵׁ֣בֶט מַלְכוּתֶֽךָ׃‬

Your throne, O God, is age-abiding and in perpetuity;

The sceptre of your kingdom is an upright sceptre.

Heb 1:8.

an upright sceptre ← a sceptre of uprightness, a Hebraic genitive.
Heb 1:8 pro\j de\ to\n ui9o/n, 879O qro/noj sou, o9 qeo/j, ei0j to\n ai0w~na tou= ai0w~noj: r(a&bdoj eu0qu/thtoj h9 r(a&bdoj th=j basilei/aj sou. but to the son,

“Your throne, O God, is throughout the duration of the age.

The sceptre of your kingdom is an upright sceptre.

Ps 45:7MT (Ps 45:6AV).

an upright sceptre ← a sceptre of uprightness, a Hebraic genitive.
Ps 45:8
Ps 45:7AV
‫אָהַ֣בְתָּ צֶּדֶק֮ וַתִּשְׂנָ֫א רֶ֥שַׁע עַל־כֵּ֤ן ׀ מְשָׁחֲךָ֡ אֱלֹהִ֣ים אֱ֭לֹהֶיךָ שֶׁ֥מֶן שָׂשׂ֗וֹן מֵֽחֲבֵרֶֽיךָ׃‬

You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness,

Which is why God, your God,

Has anointed you with the oil of gladness

More than your companions.

Heb 1:9. Heb 1:9 870Hga&phsaj dikaiosu/nhn, kai\ e0mi/shsaj a)nomi/an: dia_ tou=to e1xrise/n se o9 qeo/j, o9 qeo/j sou, e1laion a)gallia&sewj para_ tou\j meto/xouj sou.

You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness.

That is why God, your God,

Has anointed you with the oil of gladness,

More than your fellow men”,

Ps 45:8MT (Ps 45:7AV).

that is why ← on account of this.

more than: or rather than.
Ps 51:6
Ps 51:4AV
‫לְךָ֤ לְבַדְּךָ֨ ׀ חָטָאתִי֮ וְהָרַ֥ע בְּעֵינֶ֗יךָ עָ֫שִׂ֥יתִי לְ֭מַעַן תִּצְדַּ֥ק בְּדָבְרֶ֗ךָ תִּזְכֶּ֥ה בְשָׁפְטֶֽךָ׃‬

Against you, you only, I have sinned,

And I have done what is wrong in your sight,

So you are righteous when you speak,

And you are pure when you judge.

Rom 3:4. Rom 3:4 Mh\ ge/noito: gine/sqw de\ o9 qeo\j a)lhqh/j, pa~j de\ a!nqrwpoj yeu/sthj, kaqw_j ge/graptai, 873Opwj a@n dikaiwqh|=j e0n toi=j lo/goij sou, kai\ {RP-text TR: nikh/sh|j} [RP-marg P1904: nikh/seij] e0n tw%~ kri/nesqai/ se. May it not be so. But let God be true and every man a liar, as it stands written:

“In order that you may be justified with your words,

And {RP-text TR: that you may} [RP-marg P1904: you will] be vindicated

When you are judged.”

nikh/sh|j, you may conquer, be vindicated, RP-text TR F1859=11/12 vs. nikh/seij, you will conquer, be vindicated, RP-marg P1904 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

Ps 51:6MT (Ps 51:4AV).

be vindicated ← conquer.
Ps 53:2
Ps 53:1AV
‫אָ֘מַ֤ר נָבָ֣ל בְּ֭לִבּוֹ אֵ֣ין אֱלֹהִ֑ים הִֽ֝שְׁחִ֗יתוּ וְהִֽתְעִ֥יבוּ עָ֝֗וֶל אֵ֣ין עֹֽשֵׂה־טֽוֹב׃‬

The fool has said in his heart,

There is no God*.”

And they have acted corruptly;

They have committed abominable iniquity.

There is no-one who does good.

God*: [CB] App. 32, citing Ginsburg, alleges a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֱלֺהִים, Elohim, but this is only an inference, and we do not reverse it.

Rom 3:10.

|| Ps 14:1.
Rom 3:10 kaqw_j ge/graptai {RP-text P1904 TR: o3ti} [RP-marg: - ] Ou0k e1stin di/kaioj ou0de\ ei[j: As it stands written:

“Not even one is righteous.

o3ti, that (introducing indirect or direct speech): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's achl).

Ps 14:1, Ps 53:2MT (Ps 53:1AV), Eccl 7:20.
Ps 53:3
Ps 53:2AV
‫אֱ‍ֽלֹהִ֗ים מִשָּׁמַיִם֮ הִשְׁקִ֪יף עַֽל־בְּנֵ֫י אָדָ֥ם לִ֭רְאוֹת הֲיֵ֣שׁ מַשְׂכִּ֑יל דֹּ֝רֵ֗שׁ אֶת־אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

God* peered down from heaven

At the sons of Adam

To see if there was anyone who was prudent

Anyone who was seeking God.

God*: [CB] App. 32, citing Ginsburg, alleges a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֱלֺהִים, Elohim, but this is only an inference, and we do not reverse it.

Rom 3:11.

|| Ps 14:2.
Rom 3:11 ou0k e1stin o9 suniw~n, ou0k e1stin o9 e0kzhtw~n to\n qeo/n:

There is no-one who understands;

There is no-one who seeks God.

Ps 14:2, Ps 53:3MT (Ps 53:2AV).
Ps 53:4
Ps 53:3AV
‫כֻּלּ֥וֹ סָג֮ יַחְדָּ֪ו נֶ֫אֱלָ֥חוּ אֵ֤ין עֹֽשֵׂה־ט֑וֹב אֵ֝֗ין גַּם־אֶחָֽד׃‬

They have all slidden back;

They have become corrupt together.

There is no-one who does good

There is not even one.

Rom 3:12.

|| Ps 14:3.
Rom 3:12 pa&ntej e0ce/klinan, a#ma h0xreiw&qhsan: ou0k e1stin poiw~n xrhsto/thta, ou0k e1stin e3wj e9no/j:

All have turned aside;

They have become altogether useless.

There is no-one who shows kindness

– There is not even one.

Ps 14:3, Ps 53:4MT (Ps 53:3AV).
Ps 56:5
Ps 56:4AV
‫בֵּאלֹהִים֮ אֲהַלֵּ֪ל דְּבָ֫ר֥וֹ בֵּאלֹהִ֣ים בָּ֭טַחְתִּי לֹ֣א אִירָ֑א מַה־יַּעֲשֶׂ֖ה בָשָׂ֣ר לִֽי׃‬

Through God I will praise his word;

In God I trust and do not fear.

What can flesh do to me?

Heb 13:6. Heb 13:6 873Wste qarrou=ntaj h9ma~j le/gein, Ku/rioj e0moi\ bohqo/j, kai\ ou0 fobhqh/somai ti/ poih/sei moi a!nqrwpoj. As a result we can be of good courage and say,

The Lord is my helper,

And I shall not be afraid

Of what man might do to me.”

Ps 56:5MT (Ps 56:4AV), Ps 118:6.

might do ← will do.
Ps 62:13
Ps 62:12AV
‫וּלְךָֽ־אֲדֹנָ֥י חָ֑סֶד כִּֽי־אַתָּ֨ה תְשַׁלֵּ֖ם לְאִ֣ישׁ כְּֽמַעֲשֵֽׂהוּ׃‬

And kindness belongs to you, O Lord*,

For you will repay man according to his works.

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.
Rom 2:6 o4j a)podw&sei e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tou=: who will render to each person according to his works, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV). See also Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Ps 62:13
Ps 62:12AV
‫וּלְךָֽ־אֲדֹנָ֥י חָ֑סֶד כִּֽי־אַתָּ֨ה תְשַׁלֵּ֖ם לְאִ֣ישׁ כְּֽמַעֲשֵֽׂהוּ׃‬

And kindness belongs to you, O Lord*,

For you will repay man according to his works.

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.
Rev 2:23 Kai\ ta_ te/kna au0th=j a)poktenw~ e0n qana&tw%: kai\ gnw&sontai pa~sai ai9 e0kklhsi/ai o3ti e0gw& ei0mi o9 e0reunw~n nefrou\j kai\ kardi/aj: kai\ dw&sw u9mi=n e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga u9mw~n. And I will kill her children with a death blow, and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches kidneys and hearts, and I will give each of you what is appropriate according to your works. Jer 11:20, Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12, Jer 32:19; 1 Sam 16:7, 1 Chr 28:9, 1 Chr 29:17, Ps 139:13, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. See Ps 139:13.

your: as the Greek. Strict English grammar mandates his.
Ps 62:13
Ps 62:12AV
‫וּלְךָֽ־אֲדֹנָ֥י חָ֑סֶד כִּֽי־אַתָּ֨ה תְשַׁלֵּ֖ם לְאִ֣ישׁ כְּֽמַעֲשֵֽׂהוּ׃‬

And kindness belongs to you, O Lord*,

For you will repay man according to his works.

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.
Rev 18:6 870Apo/dote au0th|= w(j kai\ au0th\ a)pe/dwken {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: u9mi=n], kai\ diplw&sate au0th|= dipla~ kata_ ta_ e1rga au0th=j: e0n tw%~ pothri/w% {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: au0th=j] w%{ e0ke/rasen kera&sate au0th|= diplou=n. Requite her as she for her part requited {RP-text P1904: others} [RP-marg TR: you], and pay her back double according to her works. In {RP-text P1904 TR: the} [RP-marg: her] cup in which she made a mixture, mix her double. u9mi=n, to you (with requited): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's chm). AV differs textually.

We do not understand Scrivener's entry for kata_ ta_ e1rga, which is present in E1624 and Scrivener's ch. A challenge (#1) to F1859.

au0th=j, her (cup): absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=9/12. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=5:9.

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

for her part ← also.

pay her back double ← double her double.
Ps 62:13
Ps 62:12AV
‫וּלְךָֽ־אֲדֹנָ֥י חָ֑סֶד כִּֽי־אַתָּ֨ה תְשַׁלֵּ֖ם לְאִ֣ישׁ כְּֽמַעֲשֵֽׂהוּ׃‬

And kindness belongs to you, O Lord*,

For you will repay man according to his works.

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.
Rev 20:12 Kai\ ei]don tou\j nekrou/j, {RP P1904: tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j} [TR: mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj], e9stw~taj e0nw&pion tou= {RP P1904: qro/nou} [TR: qeou=], kai\ bibli/a {RP-text TR: h0new%&xqhsan} [RP-marg: h1noican] [P1904: h0noi/xqhsan]: kai\ {RP P1904: a!llo bibli/on} [TR: bibli/on a!llo] {RP TR: h0new%&xqh} [P1904: h0noi/xqh], o3 e0stin th=j zwh=j: kai\ e0kri/qhsan oi9 nekroi\ e0k tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n toi=j bibli/oij, kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And I saw the dead, {RP P1904: the great and the small} [TR: small and great], standing before {RP P1904: the throne} [TR: God], and {RP-text P1904 TR: the books were opened} [RP-marg: they opened the books]. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by the things written in the books according to their works. tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j, the great + and the small, RP P1904 F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]hlm) vs. mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj, small + and great, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's c, with phrase moved) vs. words absent (but tou\j, the (ones standing) retained), F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:5.

qro/nou, throne, RP P1904 F1859=9/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. qeou=, God, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's k). AV differs textually.

h0new%&xqhsan, they were opened (triple augment), RP-text TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl) vs. h1noican, they opened, RP-marg F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. h0noi/xqhsan, they were opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]m). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:5.

a!llo bibli/on, another + book, RP P1904 F1859=7/10 (Scrivener's bdef[MJW]jkm) vs. bibli/on a!llo, book + another, TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl).

h0new%&xqh, was opened (triple augment), RP TR F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkl) vs. h0noi/xqh, was opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's em) vs. a)new%&xqh, was opened (double augment), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Ps 62:13
Ps 62:12AV
‫וּלְךָֽ־אֲדֹנָ֥י חָ֑סֶד כִּֽי־אַתָּ֨ה תְשַׁלֵּ֖ם לְאִ֣ישׁ כְּֽמַעֲשֵֽׂהוּ׃‬

And kindness belongs to you, O Lord*,

For you will repay man according to his works.

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.
Rev 20:13 Kai\ e1dwken h9 qa&lassa tou\j {RP-text P1904: nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0th|=} [RP-marg TR: e0n au0th|= nekrou/j], kai\ o9 Qa&natoj kai\ o9 873A|dhj e1dwkan tou\j {RP-text P1904: nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0toi=j} [RP-marg TR: e0n au0toi=j nekrou/j]: kai\ e0kri/qhsan e3kastoj kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead in them, and each one was judged according to his works. nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0th|=, (the) dead the (ones) + in it, RP-text P1904 F1859=8/9 vs. e0n au0th|= nekrou/j, (the) in it + dead, RP-marg TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

nekrou\j tou\j e0n au0toi=j, (the) dead + the (ones) + in them, RP-text P1904 F1859=7/9 vs. e0n au0toi=j nekrou/j, (the) in them + dead, RP-marg TR F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's h) vs. another reading, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's l). The testimony of f[MJW] is very inconsistent and is excluded.

We, with AV P1904 TBS-TR, but not RP, do not capitalize death. But we do, with RP, but not AV P1904 TBS-TR, capitalize Hades.

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

Hades: the place of the dead.

his ← their.
Ps 62:13
Ps 62:12AV
‫וּלְךָֽ־אֲדֹנָ֥י חָ֑סֶד כִּֽי־אַתָּ֨ה תְשַׁלֵּ֖ם לְאִ֣ישׁ כְּֽמַעֲשֵֽׂהוּ׃‬

And kindness belongs to you, O Lord*,

For you will repay man according to his works.

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

Rom 2:6, Rev 2:23, Rev 18:6, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13, Rev 22:12.
Rev 22:12 {RP P1904: 870Idou/} [TR: Kai\ i0dou/], e1rxomai taxu/, kai\ o9 misqo/j mou met' e0mou=, a)podou=nai e9ka&stw% w(j to\ e1rgon {RP-text P1904: e1stai au0tou=} [RP-marg TR: au0tou= e1stai]. {RP P1904: Behold} [TR: And behold], I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give what is due to each one as his work proves to be. kai\, and (behold): absent in RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. present in TR F1859=0/7.

e1stai au0tou=, will be + his → proves to be, RP-text P1904 F1859=4/6 (Scrivener's bhjk) vs. au0tou= e1stai, his + will be, RP-marg TR F1859=2/6 (Scrivener's cl).

Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.

to give what is due: the whole of this sense is contained in a)podou=nai.

proves to be ← will be.
Ps 68:19
Ps 68:18AV
‫עָ֘לִ֤יתָ לַמָּר֨וֹם ׀ שָׁ֘בִ֤יתָ שֶּׁ֗בִי לָקַ֣חְתָּ מַ֭תָּנוֹת בָּאָדָ֑ם וְאַ֥ף ס֝וֹרְרִ֗ים לִשְׁכֹּ֤ן ׀ יָ֬הּ אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

You have ascended high up,

You have taken captivity captive;

You have accepted gifts among men

– Indeed the rebellious –

So that the Lord God may take up a dwelling.

Eph 4:8. See also Judg 5:12. Eph 4:8 Dio\ le/gei, 870Anaba_j ei0j u3yoj h|0xmalw&teusen ai0xmalwsi/an, kai\ e1dwken do/mata toi=j a)nqrw&poij. Therefore he says,

“When he ascended on high,

He took captivity captive

And gave gifts to men.”

Ps 68:19MT (Ps 68:18AV). See also Judg 5:12.
Ps 69:5
Ps 69:4AV
‫רַבּ֤וּ ׀ מִשַּׂעֲר֣וֹת רֹאשִׁי֮ שֹׂנְאַ֪י חִ֫נָּ֥ם עָצְמ֣וּ מַ֭צְמִיתַי אֹיְבַ֣י שֶׁ֑קֶר אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹא־גָ֝זַ֗לְתִּי אָ֣ז אָשִֽׁיב׃‬

They that hate me for no reason

Are more numerous than the hairs of my head.

Those who would kill me

– My enemies on false grounds –

Are mighty,

But I have not exploited them,

Otherwise I would restore it.

John 15:25.

exploited: or plundered.

otherwise I would restore it: AV differs (then I restored ...).
John 15:25 870All' i3na plhrwqh|= o9 lo/goj o9 gegramme/noj e0n tw%~ no/mw% au0tw~n o3ti 870Emi/shsa&n me dwrea&n. But this is so that the word written in their law might be fulfilled: ‘They hated me gratuitously.’ Ps 35:19, Ps 69:5MT (Ps 69:4AV).
Ps 69:10
Ps 69:9AV
‫כִּֽי־קִנְאַ֣ת בֵּיתְךָ֣ אֲכָלָ֑תְנִי וְחֶרְפּ֥וֹת ח֝וֹרְפֶ֗יךָ נָפְל֥וּ עָלָֽי׃‬

For the zeal of your house has consumed me,

And the reproaches of those who reproach you

Have fallen on me.

John 2:17, Rom 15:3. John 2:17 870Emnh/sqhsan de\ oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= o3ti gegramme/non e0sti/n, 879O zh=loj tou= oi1kou sou {RP P1904: katafa&getai/} [TR: kate/fage/n] me. His disciples then remembered that it stands written: “The zeal of your house {RP P1904: will consume} [TR: has consumed] me.” katafa&getai/, will consume, RP P1904 F1853=18/21 F1859=5/7 vs. kate/fage/n, consumed, TR F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's cg*y) F1859=2/7. AV differs textually.

Ps 69:10MT (Ps 69:9AV).
Ps 69:10
Ps 69:9AV
‫כִּֽי־קִנְאַ֣ת בֵּיתְךָ֣ אֲכָלָ֑תְנִי וְחֶרְפּ֥וֹת ח֝וֹרְפֶ֗יךָ נָפְל֥וּ עָלָֽי׃‬

For the zeal of your house has consumed me,

And the reproaches of those who reproach you

Have fallen on me.

John 2:17, Rom 15:3. Rom 15:3 Kai\ ga_r o9 xristo\j ou0x e9autw%~ h1resen, a)lla&, kaqw_j ge/graptai, Oi9 o0neidismoi\ tw~n o0neidizo/ntwn se e0pe/peson e0p' e0me/. For indeed, Christ did not please himself, but as it stands written: “The reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.” Ps 69:10MT (Ps 69:9AV).
Ps 69:22
Ps 69:21AV
‫וַיִּתְּנ֣וּ בְּבָרוּתִ֣י רֹ֑אשׁ וְ֝לִצְמָאִ֗י יַשְׁק֥וּנִי חֹֽמֶץ׃‬

And they gave me hemlock for my food,

And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

John 19:28, John 19:29. John 19:28 Meta_ tou=to {RP: i0dw_n} [P1904 TR: ei0dw_j] o9 870Ihsou=j o3ti pa&nta h1dh tete/lestai, i3na teleiwqh|= h9 grafh/, le/gei, Diyw~. After this, {RP: Jesus saw} [P1904 TR: Jesus, knowing] that everything had already been completed, {RP: and} [P1904 TR: - ] in order that the scripture be fulfilled: {RP: he} [P1904 TR: - ] said, “I am thirsty.” i0dw_n, having seen, RP F1853=8/18 F1859=5/10 vs. ei0dw_j, knowing, P1904 TR F1853=10/18 F1859=5/10. A disparity with RP, R=13:17. AV differs textually.

Ps 69:22MT (Ps 69:21AV) (for my thirst).
Ps 69:22
Ps 69:21AV
‫וַיִּתְּנ֣וּ בְּבָרוּתִ֣י רֹ֑אשׁ וְ֝לִצְמָאִ֗י יַשְׁק֥וּנִי חֹֽמֶץ׃‬

And they gave me hemlock for my food,

And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

John 19:28, John 19:29. John 19:29 Skeu=oj ou]n e1keito o1couj mesto/n: oi9 de/, plh/santej spo/ggon o1couj, kai\ u9ssw&pw% periqe/ntej, prosh/negkan au0tou= tw%~ sto/mati. Accordingly, a jar full of vinegar was standing there. Then they filled a sponge with vinegar and put it round a hyssop plant and brought it to his mouth. Ps 69:22MT (Ps 69:21AV) (they gave me vinegar to drink).
Ps 69:23
Ps 69:22AV
‫יְהִֽי־שֻׁלְחָנָ֣ם לִפְנֵיהֶ֣ם לְפָ֑ח וְלִשְׁלוֹמִ֥ים לְמוֹקֵֽשׁ׃‬

May their table in front of them become a snare,

And things pertinent to their welfare, a trap.

Rom 11:9. Rom 11:9 Kai\ {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] le/gei, Genhqh/tw h9 tra&peza au0tw~n ei0j pagi/da kai\ ei0j qh/ran, kai\ ei0j ska&ndalon, kai\ ei0j a)ntapo/doma au0toi=j: And David says,

Make their table become a snare

And a trap,

And a stumbling block

And a requital to them;

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 69:23MT (Ps 69:22AV).

make their table become ← their table must be made, third person passive imperative (not optative).

trap ← hunt.
Ps 69:24
Ps 69:23AV
‫תֶּחְשַׁ֣כְנָה עֵ֭ינֵיהֶם מֵרְא֑וֹת וּ֝מָתְנֵ֗יהֶם תָּמִ֥יד הַמְעַֽד׃‬

May their eyes become too dark to see,

And make their hips falter continually.

Rom 11:10.

hips ← loins, waist.
Rom 11:10 skotisqh/twsan oi9 o0fqalmoi\ au0tw~n tou= mh\ ble/pein, kai\ to\n nw~ton au0tw~n dia_ panto\j su/gkamyon.

Make their eyes darkened

So as not to see,

And bend their back continually.”

Ps 69:24MT (Ps 69:23AV).

make their eyes darkened ← their eyes must be darkened, third person passive imperative, as in the previous verse.

bend: second person active imperative.
Ps 69:26
Ps 69:25AV
‫תְּהִי־טִֽירָתָ֥ם נְשַׁמָּ֑ה בְּ֝אָהֳלֵיהֶ֗ם אַל־יְהִ֥י יֹשֵֽׁב׃‬

May their castle become desolate;

Let there be no inhabitant in their tents.

Acts 1:20. Acts 1:20 Ge/graptai ga_r e0n bi/blw% Yalmw~n, Genhqh/tw h9 e1paulij au0tou= e1rhmoj, kai\ mh\ e1stw o9 katoikw~n e0n au0th|=: kai/, Th\n e0piskoph\n au0tou= la&boi e3teroj. For it stands written in the book of Psalms:

‘Let his dwelling become desolate,

And let there be no inhabitant in it’


‘May another person take his office.’

↳ his abdomen open and his innards came out. Not being dead, he decided to finish himself off by hanging himself. Compare Xenophon's Anabasis, 2:5:33.

Ps 69:26MT (Ps 69:25AV), Ps 109:8.
Ps 69:29
Ps 69:28AV
‫יִ֭מָּחֽוּ מִסֵּ֣פֶר חַיִּ֑ים וְעִ֥ם צַ֝דִּיקִ֗ים אַל־יִכָּתֵֽבוּ׃‬

May they be blotted out of the book of the living,

And not be written with the righteous.

Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

the living: or life.
Phil 4:3 {RP P1904: Nai/,} [TR: Kai\] e0rwtw~ kai/ se, su/zuge gnh/sie, sullamba&nou au0tai=j, ai3tinej e0n tw%~ eu0aggeli/w% sunh/qlhsa&n moi, meta_ kai\ Klh/mentoj, kai\ tw~n loipw~n sunergw~n mou, w{n ta_ o0no/mata e0n bi/blw% zwh=j. {RP P1904: Yes,} [TR: And] I ask you too, my genuine yokefellow, help these women who strove with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and my other co-workers, whose names are in the book of life. nai\, yes, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. kai\, and, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

these womenthem.

other ← remaining.
Ps 69:29
Ps 69:28AV
‫יִ֭מָּחֽוּ מִסֵּ֣פֶר חַיִּ֑ים וְעִ֥ם צַ֝דִּיקִ֗ים אַל־יִכָּתֵֽבוּ׃‬

May they be blotted out of the book of the living,

And not be written with the righteous.

Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

the living: or life.
Rev 3:5 879O nikw~n, {RP TR: ou[toj} [P1904: ou3twj] peribalei=tai e0n i9mati/oij leukoi=j: kai\ ou0 mh\ e0calei/yw to\ o1noma au0tou= e0k th=j bi/blou th=j zwh=j, kai\ {RP P1904: o9mologh/sw} [TR: e0comologh/somai] to\ o1noma au0tou= e0nw&pion tou= patro/j mou, kai\ e0nw&pion tw~n a)gge/lwn au0tou=. {RP TR: It is he who overcomes who} [P1904: As for him who overcomes, thus he] will be clothed in white garments, and I will certainly not expunge his name from the book of life, and I will vouch for his name before my father and before his angels.’ ou[toj, this, RP TR F1859=11/13 vs. ou3twj, thus, P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ah).

o9mologh/sw, I will confess (future active), RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. e0comologh/somai, I will confess (with strengthened prefix; deponent future), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

{RP TR: who ← this (one).}
Ps 69:29
Ps 69:28AV
‫יִ֭מָּחֽוּ מִסֵּ֣פֶר חַיִּ֑ים וְעִ֥ם צַ֝דִּיקִ֗ים אַל־יִכָּתֵֽבוּ׃‬

May they be blotted out of the book of the living,

And not be written with the righteous.

Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

the living: or life.
Rev 13:8 Kai\ proskunh/sousin {RP-text TR: au0tw%~} [RP-marg P1904: au0to\n] pa&ntej oi9 katoikou=ntej e0pi\ th=j gh=j, w{n ou0 ge/graptai {RP P1904: to\ o1noma} [TR: ta_ o0no/mata] e0n {RP P1904: tw%~ bibli/w%} [TR: th|= bi/blw%] th=j zwh=j tou= a)rni/ou {RP P1904: tou=} [TR: - ] e0sfagme/nou a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou. And all those who dwell on the earth will worship him, those whose {RP P1904: name is} [TR: names are] not written in the book of life of the lamb slain since the overthrow of the world. au0tw%~, him (dative), RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's eghlm) vs. au0to\n, him (accusative), RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

to\ o1noma, the name, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. ta_ o0no/mata, the names, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

tw%~ bibli/w%, the book (diminutive form but not emphatic), RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. th|= bi/blw%, the book, TR F1859=0/13.

tou=, the (one slaughtered): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Ps 69:29
Ps 69:28AV
‫יִ֭מָּחֽוּ מִסֵּ֣פֶר חַיִּ֑ים וְעִ֥ם צַ֝דִּיקִ֗ים אַל־יִכָּתֵֽבוּ׃‬

May they be blotted out of the book of the living,

And not be written with the righteous.

Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

the living: or life.
Rev 17:8 {RP P1904 S1894: To\ qhri/on} [S1550 E1624: Qhri/on], o4 ei]dej, h]n, kai\ ou0k e1stin, kai\ me/llei a)nabai/nein e0k th=j a)bu/ssou, kai\ ei0j a)pw&leian u9pa&gein. Kai\ qauma&sontai oi9 katoikou=ntej {RP-text P1904 TR: e0pi\ th=j gh=j} [RP-marg: th\n gh=n], w{n ou0 ge/graptai {RP-text TR: ta_ o0no/mata} [RP-marg P1904c: to\ o1noma] [P1904u: ta_ o1noma] e0pi\ {RP-text P1904 TR: to\ bibli/on} [RP-marg: tou= bibli/ou] th=j zwh=j a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou, {RP P1904: blepo/ntwn} [TR: ble/pontej] {RP-text: o3ti h]n to\ qhri/on} [RP-marg P1904: to\ qhri/on o3ti h]n] [TR: to\ qhri/on o3, ti h]n], kai\ ou0k e1stin, {RP P1904: kai\ pare/stai} [TR: kai/per e1stin]. {RP P1904 S1894: The} [S1550 E1624: The] beast whom you saw was, but is not, but is about to ascend out of the abyss and go away to destruction. And those {RP-text P1904 TR: dwelling on} [RP-marg: who inhabit] the earth will marvel, those whose {RP-text TR: names have not been} [RP-marg P1904: name has not been] written in the book of life since the overthrow of the world, {RP P1904: when they see} [TR: who see] that the beast was, and is not, {RP P1904: but will be present} [TR: although he is]. to\, the (beast): present in RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in S1894 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k).

e0pi\ th=j gh=j, (dwelling) on the earth, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cdghl) vs. th\n gh=n, (inhabiting) the earth, RP-marg F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abefjkm). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:7.

ta_ o0no/mata, the names, RP-text TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. to\ o1noma, the name, RP-marg P1904 F1859=9/12. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:10.

to\ bibli/on, (into) the book, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ch) vs. tou= bibli/ou, (in) the book, RP-marg F1859=9/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). A disparity (#3) with RP-text, R=4:9.

blepo/ntwn, seeing (agreeing with w{n), RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. ble/pontej, seeing (agreeing with katoikou=ntej), TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n).

o3ti h]n to\ qhri/on, because + was + the beast, RP-text F1859=10/12 vs. to\ qhri/on, o3ti h]n, the beast + that / because it was, RP-marg P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. to\ qhri/on o3, ti h]n, the beast + which was, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gh). A disparity (#4) with RP-marg (zero count).

kai\ pare/stai, and will be present, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. kai/per e1stin, although it is, TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV); Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Ps 69:29
Ps 69:28AV
‫יִ֭מָּחֽוּ מִסֵּ֣פֶר חַיִּ֑ים וְעִ֥ם צַ֝דִּיקִ֗ים אַל־יִכָּתֵֽבוּ׃‬

May they be blotted out of the book of the living,

And not be written with the righteous.

Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

the living: or life.
Rev 20:12 Kai\ ei]don tou\j nekrou/j, {RP P1904: tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j} [TR: mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj], e9stw~taj e0nw&pion tou= {RP P1904: qro/nou} [TR: qeou=], kai\ bibli/a {RP-text TR: h0new%&xqhsan} [RP-marg: h1noican] [P1904: h0noi/xqhsan]: kai\ {RP P1904: a!llo bibli/on} [TR: bibli/on a!llo] {RP TR: h0new%&xqh} [P1904: h0noi/xqh], o3 e0stin th=j zwh=j: kai\ e0kri/qhsan oi9 nekroi\ e0k tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n toi=j bibli/oij, kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And I saw the dead, {RP P1904: the great and the small} [TR: small and great], standing before {RP P1904: the throne} [TR: God], and {RP-text P1904 TR: the books were opened} [RP-marg: they opened the books]. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by the things written in the books according to their works. tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j, the great + and the small, RP P1904 F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]hlm) vs. mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj, small + and great, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's c, with phrase moved) vs. words absent (but tou\j, the (ones standing) retained), F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:5.

qro/nou, throne, RP P1904 F1859=9/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. qeou=, God, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's k). AV differs textually.

h0new%&xqhsan, they were opened (triple augment), RP-text TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl) vs. h1noican, they opened, RP-marg F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. h0noi/xqhsan, they were opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]m). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:5.

a!llo bibli/on, another + book, RP P1904 F1859=7/10 (Scrivener's bdef[MJW]jkm) vs. bibli/on a!llo, book + another, TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl).

h0new%&xqh, was opened (triple augment), RP TR F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkl) vs. h0noi/xqh, was opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's em) vs. a)new%&xqh, was opened (double augment), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Ps 69:29
Ps 69:28AV
‫יִ֭מָּחֽוּ מִסֵּ֣פֶר חַיִּ֑ים וְעִ֥ם צַ֝דִּיקִ֗ים אַל־יִכָּתֵֽבוּ׃‬

May they be blotted out of the book of the living,

And not be written with the righteous.

Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

the living: or life.
Rev 20:15 Kai\ ei1 tij ou0x eu9re/qh e0n {RP-text: tw%~ bibli/w%} [RP-marg P1904 TR: th|= bi/blw%] th=j zwh=j gegramme/noj, e0blh/qh ei0j th\n li/mnhn tou= puro/j. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire. tw%~ bibli/w%, the book (diminutive form, but not emphatic), RP-text F1859=8/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. th|= bi/blw%, the book, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's hl).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Dan 7:11 (allusions).
Ps 69:29
Ps 69:28AV
‫יִ֭מָּחֽוּ מִסֵּ֣פֶר חַיִּ֑ים וְעִ֥ם צַ֝דִּיקִ֗ים אַל־יִכָּתֵֽבוּ׃‬

May they be blotted out of the book of the living,

And not be written with the righteous.

Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

the living: or life.
Rev 21:27 kai\ ou0 mh\ ei0se/lqh| ei0j au0th\n pa~n {RP P1904: koino/n} [TR: koinou=n], kai\ {RP-text TR: poiou=n} [RP-marg P1904: o9 poiw~n] bde/lugma kai\ yeu=doj: ei0 mh\ oi9 gegramme/noi e0n tw%~ bibli/w% th=j zwh=j tou= a)rni/ou. And nothing {RP P1904: profane} [TR: that profanes] or anyone committing an abomination or lie will enter into it at all, but rather those written in the book of life of the lamb. koino/n, profane, RP P1904 F1859=8/8 vs. koinou=n, profaning, TR F1859=0/8.

poiou=n, committing, RP-text TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's ch) vs. o9 poiw~n, he who commits, RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:7.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.
Ps 78:2 ‫אֶפְתְּחָ֣ה בְמָשָׁ֣ל פִּ֑י אַבִּ֥יעָה חִ֝יד֗וֹת מִנִּי־קֶֽדֶם׃‬

I will open my mouth with a proverb;

I will utter riddles of ancient time,

Matt 13:35. Matt 13:35 o3pwj plhrwqh|= to\ r(hqe\n dia_ tou= profh/tou, le/gontoj, 870Anoi/cw e0n parabolai=j to\ sto/ma mou, e0reu/comai kekrumme/na a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou. in order that that which was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled, when he said,

“I will open my mouth in parables;

I will utter things hidden

Since the overthrow of the world.”

Ps 78:2.

overthrow: AV differs. Classical (see kataba&llw in [LS]) and especially Septuagintal use of the word supports overthrow, rather than AV's foundation, which is qeme/lioj / qeme/lion. See our Translation Issues study, and [CB] Appendix 146. Christ undoes the works of the devil; see 1 John 3:8 and also Eph 2:2, John 12:31.
Ps 78:24 ‫וַיַּמְטֵ֬ר עֲלֵיהֶ֣ם מָ֣ן לֶאֱכֹ֑ל וּדְגַן־שָׁ֝מַ֗יִם נָ֣תַן לָֽמוֹ׃‬

And he rained manna on them to eat,

And he gave them heavenly grain.

John 6:31.

heavenly grain ← grain of heaven, a Hebraic genitive.
John 6:31 Oi9 pate/rej h9mw~n to\ ma&nna e1fagon e0n th|= e0rh/mw%, kaqw&j e0stin gegramme/non, 871Arton e0k tou= ou0ranou= e1dwken au0toi=j fagei=n. Our fathers ate manna in the desert, as it stands written: ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ ” Ps 78:24.
Ps 82:6 ‫אֲ‍ֽנִי־אָ֭מַרְתִּי אֱלֹהִ֣ים אַתֶּ֑ם וּבְנֵ֖י עֶלְי֣וֹן כֻּלְּכֶֽם׃‬

I have said,

“You are gods

And you are all sons of the Most High.”

John 10:34.

gods: perhaps judges; compare Ps 82:1 and Ps 8:6 (Ps 8:5AV) (God), and Heb 2:7, where quoted (angels). See also Isa 41:23.
John 10:34 870Apekri/qh au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Ou0k e1stin gegramme/non e0n tw%~ no/mw% u9mw~n, 870Egw_ ei]pa, Qeoi/ e0ste; Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law: ‘I have said, «You are gods» ’? Ps 82:6; Isa 41:23.

gods: possibly standing for judges, as apparently in Ex 22:8MT (Ex 22:9AV), Ex 22:9MT (Ex 22:10AV). Ironic in Isa 41:23.
Ps 86:9 ‫כָּל־גּוֹיִ֤ם ׀ אֲשֶׁ֥ר עָשִׂ֗יתָ יָב֤וֹאוּ ׀ וְיִשְׁתַּחֲו֣וּ לְפָנֶ֣יךָ אֲדֹנָ֑י וִֽיכַבְּד֣וּ לִשְׁמֶֽךָ׃‬

All the nations which you made

Will come and worship before you, O Lord*,

And they will glorify your name.

Lord*: a change by the Sopherim from יהוה, Yhvh, to אֲדֹנָי, Adonai. See Gen 18:3 and [CB] App. 32.

This song, up to Ps 86:11, is alluded to in Rev 15:3.
Rev 15:3 Kai\ a%!dousin th\n w%)dh\n {RP P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [TR: Mwse/wj] {RP P1904 S1894: tou=} [S1550 E1624: - ] dou/lou tou= qeou=, kai\ th\n w%)dh\n tou= a)rni/ou, le/gontej, Mega&la kai\ qaumasta_ ta_ e1rga sou, ku/rie o9 qeo\j o9 pantokra&twr: di/kaiai kai\ a)lhqinai\ ai9 o9doi/ sou, o9 basileu\j tw~n {RP P1904: e0qnw~n} [TR: a(gi/wn]. and they sang the Song of Moses {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] servant of God, and the song of the lamb, which reads,

Great and wondrous are your works,

O Lord God Almighty.

Righteous and true are your ways,

O king of the {RP P1904: nations} [TR: saints].

Mwu+se/wj, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=5/12 vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gn) vs. another spelling, F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's behj) vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d).

tou=, of the (servant): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn) vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=9/12 vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d). A disparity with RP, R=4:10.

e0qnw~n, of nations, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. a(gi/wn, of saints, TR F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). AV differs textually.

Deut 32 (Song of Moses); Ps 86:9-11 (allusion); Ps 145:17.

which reads ← saying.

[TR: saints: see Matt 27:52.]
Ps 86:10 ‫כִּֽי־גָד֣וֹל אַ֭תָּה וְעֹשֵׂ֣ה נִפְלָא֑וֹת אַתָּ֖ה אֱלֹהִ֣ים לְבַדֶּֽךָ׃‬

For you are great,

And you perform wonders.

You alone are God.

Rev 15:3.

Compare Ps 86:8 and this verse with Ex 15:11.
Rev 15:3 Kai\ a%!dousin th\n w%)dh\n {RP P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [TR: Mwse/wj] {RP P1904 S1894: tou=} [S1550 E1624: - ] dou/lou tou= qeou=, kai\ th\n w%)dh\n tou= a)rni/ou, le/gontej, Mega&la kai\ qaumasta_ ta_ e1rga sou, ku/rie o9 qeo\j o9 pantokra&twr: di/kaiai kai\ a)lhqinai\ ai9 o9doi/ sou, o9 basileu\j tw~n {RP P1904: e0qnw~n} [TR: a(gi/wn]. and they sang the Song of Moses {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] servant of God, and the song of the lamb, which reads,

Great and wondrous are your works,

O Lord God Almighty.

Righteous and true are your ways,

O king of the {RP P1904: nations} [TR: saints].

Mwu+se/wj, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=5/12 vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gn) vs. another spelling, F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's behj) vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d).

tou=, of the (servant): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn) vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=9/12 vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d). A disparity with RP, R=4:10.

e0qnw~n, of nations, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. a(gi/wn, of saints, TR F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). AV differs textually.

Deut 32 (Song of Moses); Ps 86:9-11 (allusion); Ps 145:17.

which reads ← saying.

[TR: saints: see Matt 27:52.]
Ps 86:11 ‫ה֘וֹרֵ֤נִי יְהוָ֨ה ׀ דַּרְכֶּ֗ךָ אֲהַלֵּ֥ךְ בַּאֲמִתֶּ֑ךָ יַחֵ֥ד לְ֝בָבִ֗י לְיִרְאָ֥ה שְׁמֶֽךָ׃‬

Teach me, O Lord, your way;

I will walk in your truth.

Unite my heart to fear your name.

Rev 15:3.

unite my heart: perhaps supply with you.
Rev 15:3 Kai\ a%!dousin th\n w%)dh\n {RP P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [TR: Mwse/wj] {RP P1904 S1894: tou=} [S1550 E1624: - ] dou/lou tou= qeou=, kai\ th\n w%)dh\n tou= a)rni/ou, le/gontej, Mega&la kai\ qaumasta_ ta_ e1rga sou, ku/rie o9 qeo\j o9 pantokra&twr: di/kaiai kai\ a)lhqinai\ ai9 o9doi/ sou, o9 basileu\j tw~n {RP P1904: e0qnw~n} [TR: a(gi/wn]. and they sang the Song of Moses {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] servant of God, and the song of the lamb, which reads,

Great and wondrous are your works,

O Lord God Almighty.

Righteous and true are your ways,

O king of the {RP P1904: nations} [TR: saints].

Mwu+se/wj, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=5/12 vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gn) vs. another spelling, F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's behj) vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d).

tou=, of the (servant): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn) vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=9/12 vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d). A disparity with RP, R=4:10.

e0qnw~n, of nations, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. a(gi/wn, of saints, TR F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). AV differs textually.

Deut 32 (Song of Moses); Ps 86:9-11 (allusion); Ps 145:17.

which reads ← saying.

[TR: saints: see Matt 27:52.]
Ps 89:21
Ps 89:20AV
‫מָ֭צָאתִי דָּוִ֣ד עַבְדִּ֑י בְּשֶׁ֖מֶן קָדְשִׁ֣י מְשַׁחְתִּֽיו׃‬

I have found David my servant;

I have anointed him with my holy oil,

Acts 13:22.

my holy oil ← the oil of my holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Acts 13:22 Kai\ metasth/saj au0to/n, h1geiren au0toi=j to\n {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] ei0j basile/a, w%{ kai\ ei]pen marturh/saj, Eu[ron {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] to\n tou= 870Iessai/, a!ndra kata_ th\n kardi/an mou, o4j poih/sei pa&nta ta_ qelh/mata& mou. Then he removed him and raised up David to them as king, to whom he also gave witness and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after my heart who will carry out all my will.’ David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:21MT (Ps 89:20AV), Ruth 4:17, 1 Sam 13:14.

will ← wills.
Ps 89:30
Ps 89:29AV
‫וְשַׂמְתִּ֣י לָעַ֣ד זַרְע֑וֹ וְ֝כִסְא֗וֹ כִּימֵ֥י שָׁמָֽיִם׃‬

And I will appoint his seed in perpetuity,

And his throne as the days of heaven.

This passage up to Ps 89:37 (Ps 89:36AV) is alluded to in John 7:42. John 7:42 Ou0xi\ h9 grafh\ ei]pen o3ti e0k tou= spe/rmatoj {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], kai\ a)po\ Bhqlee/m, th=j kw&mhj o3pou h]n {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], o9 xristo\j e1rxetai; Does not the scripture say that the Christ comes from the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was? David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:30MT-37MT (Ps 89:29AV-36AV), Ps 132:11, Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10, Jer 23:5, Jer 33:15, Mic 5:1MT (Mic 5:2AV).

does ← did.
Ps 89:37
Ps 89:36AV
‫זַ֭רְעוֹ לְעוֹלָ֣ם יִהְיֶ֑ה וְכִסְא֖וֹ כַשֶּׁ֣מֶשׁ נֶגְדִּֽי׃‬

His seed will abide for the age,

And his throne like the sun before me,

Alluded to in John 12:34, Acts 2:30.

abide ← be; become.
John 12:34 870Apekri/qh au0tw%~ o9 o1xloj, 879Hmei=j h0kou/samen e0k tou= no/mou o3ti o9 xristo\j me/nei ei0j to\n ai0w~na: kai\ pw~j su\ le/geij, {RP P1904: - } [TR: o3ti] Dei= u9ywqh=nai to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou; Ti/j e0stin ou[toj o9 ui9o\j tou= a)nqrw&pou; The crowd replied to him, “We have heard from the law that Christ remains throughout the age, so how can you say, ‘The son of man must be lifted up’? Who is this son of man?” o3ti, (say) that (introducing indirect or direct speech): absent in RP P1904 F1853=14/19 F1859=5/8 vs. present in TR F1853=5/19 F1859=3/8.

Ps 89:37MT (Ps 89:36AV) (taking David's seed to stand for Christ. See also 2 Sam 7:12, 2 Sam 7:13, 2 Sam 7:14).
Ps 89:37
Ps 89:36AV
‫זַ֭רְעוֹ לְעוֹלָ֣ם יִהְיֶ֑ה וְכִסְא֖וֹ כַשֶּׁ֣מֶשׁ נֶגְדִּֽי׃‬

His seed will abide for the age,

And his throne like the sun before me,

Alluded to in John 12:34, Acts 2:30.

abide ← be; become.
Acts 2:30 Profh/thj ou]n u9pa&rxwn, kai\ ei0dw_j o3ti o3rkw% w!mosen au0tw%~ o9 qeo/j, e0k karpou= th=j o0sfu/oj au0tou= to\ kata_ sa&rka a)nasth/sein to\n xristo/n, kaqi/sai e0pi\ tou= qro/nou au0tou=, Now since he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him by an oath that he would raise up the Christ from the fruit of his loins according to the flesh to sit on his throne, 2 Sam 7:12, 1 Chr 17:11, Ps 89:37MT (Ps 89:36AV).

now ← therefore.

since: causal use of the participle.

the fruit of his loins according to the flesh: i.e. his descendants, fulfilled in Mary, the Lord's mother, Matt 1:18-1:25, traced back to David in Luke 3:23-3:31.
Ps 90:4 ‫כִּ֤י אֶ֪לֶף שָׁנִ֡ים בְּֽעֵינֶ֗יךָ כְּי֣וֹם אֶ֭תְמוֹל כִּ֣י יַעֲבֹ֑ר וְאַשְׁמוּרָ֥ה בַלָּֽיְלָה׃‬

For a thousand years in your eyes

Are as a day,

Like yesterday that has passed,

And a watch in the night.

2 Pet 3:8. 2 Pet 3:8 874En de\ tou=to mh\ lanqane/tw u9ma~j, a)gaphtoi/, o3ti mi/a h9me/ra para_ kuri/w% w(j xi/lia e1th, kai\ xi/lia e1th w(j h9me/ra mi/a. Let not one of you fail to notice this one fact, beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day. An allusion to Ps 90:4.
Ps 91:11 ‫כִּ֣י מַ֭לְאָכָיו יְצַוֶּה־לָּ֑ךְ לִ֝שְׁמָרְךָ֗ בְּכָל־דְּרָכֶֽיךָ׃‬

For he will command his angels concerning you

To protect you in all your ways.

Matt 4:6, Luke 4:10. Matt 4:6 kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, Ei0 ui9o\j ei] tou= qeou=, ba&le seauto\n ka&tw: ge/graptai ga_r o3ti Toi=j a)gge/loij au0tou= e0ntelei=tai peri\ sou=, kai\ e0pi\ xeirw~n a)rou=si/n se, mh/pote prosko/yh|j pro\j li/qon to\n po/da sou=. and he said to him, “If you are the son of God, throw yourself down. For it stands written:

‘He will command his angels concerning you,


They will lift you up in their hands

In case at any time

You should strike your foot against a stone.’ ”

Ps 91:11, Ps 91:12.

in ← on.
Ps 91:11 ‫כִּ֣י מַ֭לְאָכָיו יְצַוֶּה־לָּ֑ךְ לִ֝שְׁמָרְךָ֗ בְּכָל־דְּרָכֶֽיךָ׃‬

For he will command his angels concerning you

To protect you in all your ways.

Matt 4:6, Luke 4:10. Luke 4:10 ge/graptai ga_r o3ti Toi=j a)gge/loij au0tou= e0ntelei=tai peri\ sou=, tou= diafula&cai se: for it stands written:

‘He will command his angels concerning you

To protect you’,

Ps 91:11.
Ps 91:12 ‫עַל־כַּפַּ֥יִם יִשָּׂא֑וּנְךָ פֶּן־תִּגֹּ֖ף בָּאֶ֣בֶן רַגְלֶֽךָ׃‬

They will bear you upon their hands

Lest you strike your foot on a stone.

Matt 4:6, Luke 4:11. Matt 4:6 kai\ le/gei au0tw%~, Ei0 ui9o\j ei] tou= qeou=, ba&le seauto\n ka&tw: ge/graptai ga_r o3ti Toi=j a)gge/loij au0tou= e0ntelei=tai peri\ sou=, kai\ e0pi\ xeirw~n a)rou=si/n se, mh/pote prosko/yh|j pro\j li/qon to\n po/da sou=. and he said to him, “If you are the son of God, throw yourself down. For it stands written:

‘He will command his angels concerning you,


They will lift you up in their hands

In case at any time

You should strike your foot against a stone.’ ”

Ps 91:11, Ps 91:12.

in ← on.
Ps 91:12 ‫עַל־כַּפַּ֥יִם יִשָּׂא֑וּנְךָ פֶּן־תִּגֹּ֖ף בָּאֶ֣בֶן רַגְלֶֽךָ׃‬

They will bear you upon their hands

Lest you strike your foot on a stone.

Matt 4:6, Luke 4:11. Luke 4:11 kai/ {RP: - } [P1904 TR: o3ti], 870Epi\ xeirw~n a)rou=si/n se, mh/pote prosko/yh|j pro\j li/qon to\n po/da sou. and {RP: - } [P1904 TR: that],

‘They will bear you on their hands

So that you don't strike your foot against a stone.’ ”

o3ti, that (introducing direct or indirect speech): absent in RP F1853=16/19 F1859=2/7 vs. present in P1904 TR F1853=3/19 (Scrivener's acx) F1859=5/7. F1853 and F1859 are very significantly disparate, X2=7.4 PV=0.6%.

Ps 91:12.
Ps 94:11 ‫יְֽהוָ֗ה יֹ֭דֵעַ מַחְשְׁב֣וֹת אָדָ֑ם כִּי־הֵ֥מָּה הָֽבֶל׃‬

The Lord knows the thoughts of man

– That they are vacuous.

1 Cor 3:20.

vacuous ← vacuity.
1 Cor 3:20 Kai\ pa&lin, Ku/rioj ginw&skei tou\j dialogismou\j tw~n sofw~n, o3ti ei0si\n ma&taioi. And again: The Lord knows the reasonings of the wise – that they are vain.” Ps 94:11.
Ps 94:14 ‫כִּ֤י ׀ לֹא־יִטֹּ֣שׁ יְהוָ֣ה עַמּ֑וֹ וְ֝נַחֲלָת֗וֹ לֹ֣א יַעֲזֹֽב׃‬

For the Lord will not desert his people,

And he will not forsake his inheritance.

Rom 11:2. Rom 11:2 Ou0k a)pw&sato o9 qeo\j to\n lao\n au0tou= o4n proe/gnw. 872H ou0k oi1date e0n 870Hli/a% ti/ le/gei h9 grafh/; 879Wj e0ntugxa&nei tw%~ qew%~ kata_ tou= 870Israh/l, le/gwn, God has not rejected his people whom he knew beforehand. Or do you not know what the scripture says in the passage about Elijah, when he intercedes to God against Israel, and says, Punctuation: RP P1904 TBS-TR close the question at grafh/. RP, but not P1904 or TBS-TR, capitalizes the next word. We conclude the question at the end of verse 3.

Ps 94:14, slightly adapted.

Elijah ← Elias.
Ps 95:7 ‫כִּ֘י ה֤וּא אֱלֹהֵ֗ינוּ וַאֲנַ֤חְנוּ עַ֣ם מַ֭רְעִיתוֹ וְצֹ֣אן יָד֑וֹ הַ֝יּ֗וֹם אִֽם־בְּקֹל֥וֹ תִשְׁמָֽעוּ׃‬

For he is our God,

And we are the people of his pasture

And the sheep of his hand.

Today, if you will heed his voice,

Heb 3:7, Heb 3:15, Heb 4:7.

heed ← hear.
Heb 3:7 Dio/, kaqw_j le/gei to\ pneu=ma to\ a#gion, Sh/meron e0a_n th=j fwnh=j au0tou= a)kou/shte, For that reason – as the holy spirit says,

“Today, if you heed his voice,

Ps 95:7.

heed ← hear.
Ps 95:7 ‫כִּ֘י ה֤וּא אֱלֹהֵ֗ינוּ וַאֲנַ֤חְנוּ עַ֣ם מַ֭רְעִיתוֹ וְצֹ֣אן יָד֑וֹ הַ֝יּ֗וֹם אִֽם־בְּקֹל֥וֹ תִשְׁמָֽעוּ׃‬

For he is our God,

And we are the people of his pasture

And the sheep of his hand.

Today, if you will heed his voice,

Heb 3:7, Heb 3:15, Heb 4:7.

heed ← hear.
Heb 3:15 e0n tw%~ le/gesqai, Sh/meron e0a_n th=j fwnh=j au0tou= a)kou/shte, mh\ sklhru/nhte ta_j kardi/aj u9mw~n, w(j e0n tw%~ parapikrasmw%~. with it being said,

“Today, if you will heed his voice,

Do not harden your hearts

As in the provocation.”

↳ the meaning of property, valuation of property, declaration of property, in view of which [MM] proposes title-deed for u9po/stasij in Heb 11:1.

Ps 95:7, Ps 95:8.

heed ← hear.
Ps 95:7 ‫כִּ֘י ה֤וּא אֱלֹהֵ֗ינוּ וַאֲנַ֤חְנוּ עַ֣ם מַ֭רְעִיתוֹ וְצֹ֣אן יָד֑וֹ הַ֝יּ֗וֹם אִֽם־בְּקֹל֥וֹ תִשְׁמָֽעוּ׃‬

For he is our God,

And we are the people of his pasture

And the sheep of his hand.

Today, if you will heed his voice,

Heb 3:7, Heb 3:15, Heb 4:7.

heed ← hear.
Heb 4:7 pa&lin tina_ o9ri/zei h9me/ran, Sh/meron, e0n {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] le/gwn, meta_ tosou=ton xro/non, kaqw_j ei1rhtai, Sh/meron e0a_n th=j fwnh=j au0tou= a)kou/shte, mh\ sklhru/nhte ta_j kardi/aj u9mw~n. he has again appointed a day, “today”, speaking by means of David, after so much time, as has been said,

“Today, if you will heed his voice,

Do not harden your hearts.”

appointed ← appoints.

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 95:7, Ps 95:8.

heed ← hear.
Ps 95:8 ‫אַל־תַּקְשׁ֣וּ לְ֭בַבְכֶם כִּמְרִיבָ֑ה כְּי֥וֹם מַ֝סָּ֗ה בַּמִּדְבָּֽר׃‬

Do not harden your heart,

As in the contention

– As on the day of testing in the desert –

Heb 3:8, Heb 3:15, Heb 4:7.

contention: or the place, Meribah.
Heb 3:8 mh\ sklhru/nhte ta_j kardi/aj u9mw~n, w(j e0n tw%~ parapikrasmw%~, kata_ th\n h9me/ran tou= peirasmou= e0n th|= e0rh/mw%,

Do not harden your hearts

As in the provocation,

As on the day of testing in the desert,

Ps 95:8.

as on ← according to.
Ps 95:8 ‫אַל־תַּקְשׁ֣וּ לְ֭בַבְכֶם כִּמְרִיבָ֑ה כְּי֥וֹם מַ֝סָּ֗ה בַּמִּדְבָּֽר׃‬

Do not harden your heart,

As in the contention

– As on the day of testing in the desert –

Heb 3:8, Heb 3:15, Heb 4:7.

contention: or the place, Meribah.
Heb 3:15 e0n tw%~ le/gesqai, Sh/meron e0a_n th=j fwnh=j au0tou= a)kou/shte, mh\ sklhru/nhte ta_j kardi/aj u9mw~n, w(j e0n tw%~ parapikrasmw%~. with it being said,

“Today, if you will heed his voice,

Do not harden your hearts

As in the provocation.”

↳ the meaning of property, valuation of property, declaration of property, in view of which [MM] proposes title-deed for u9po/stasij in Heb 11:1.

Ps 95:7, Ps 95:8.

heed ← hear.
Ps 95:8 ‫אַל־תַּקְשׁ֣וּ לְ֭בַבְכֶם כִּמְרִיבָ֑ה כְּי֥וֹם מַ֝סָּ֗ה בַּמִּדְבָּֽר׃‬

Do not harden your heart,

As in the contention

– As on the day of testing in the desert –

Heb 3:8, Heb 3:15, Heb 4:7.

contention: or the place, Meribah.
Heb 4:7 pa&lin tina_ o9ri/zei h9me/ran, Sh/meron, e0n {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] le/gwn, meta_ tosou=ton xro/non, kaqw_j ei1rhtai, Sh/meron e0a_n th=j fwnh=j au0tou= a)kou/shte, mh\ sklhru/nhte ta_j kardi/aj u9mw~n. he has again appointed a day, “today”, speaking by means of David, after so much time, as has been said,

“Today, if you will heed his voice,

Do not harden your hearts.”

appointed ← appoints.

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 95:7, Ps 95:8.

heed ← hear.
Ps 95:9 ‫אֲשֶׁ֣ר נִ֭סּוּנִי אֲבוֹתֵיכֶ֑ם בְּ֝חָנ֗וּנִי גַּם־רָא֥וּ פָעֳלִֽי׃‬

When your fathers tested me.

They put me to the proof,

Then they duly saw my works.

Heb 3:9.

duly ← also, but with wider scope.
Heb 3:9 ou[ e0pei/rasa&n me oi9 pate/rej u9mw~n, e0doki/masa&n me, kai\ ei]don ta_ e1rga mou tessara&konta e1th.

Where your fathers put me to the proof

And tested me

And saw my works for forty years –

Ps 95:9, Ps 95:10.
Ps 95:10 ‫אַרְבָּ֘עִ֤ים שָׁנָ֨ה ׀ אָ֘ק֤וּט בְּד֗וֹר וָאֹמַ֗ר עַ֤ם תֹּעֵ֣י לֵבָ֣ב הֵ֑ם וְ֝הֵ֗ם לֹא־יָדְע֥וּ דְרָכָֽי׃‬

For forty years I abhorred that generation,

And I said,

“They are a people who are erring in their heart,

And they do not know my ways.”

Heb 3:9, Heb 3:10. Heb 3:9 ou[ e0pei/rasa&n me oi9 pate/rej u9mw~n, e0doki/masa&n me, kai\ ei]don ta_ e1rga mou tessara&konta e1th.

Where your fathers put me to the proof

And tested me

And saw my works for forty years –

Ps 95:9, Ps 95:10.
Ps 95:10 ‫אַרְבָּ֘עִ֤ים שָׁנָ֨ה ׀ אָ֘ק֤וּט בְּד֗וֹר וָאֹמַ֗ר עַ֤ם תֹּעֵ֣י לֵבָ֣ב הֵ֑ם וְ֝הֵ֗ם לֹא־יָדְע֥וּ דְרָכָֽי׃‬

For forty years I abhorred that generation,

And I said,

“They are a people who are erring in their heart,

And they do not know my ways.”

Heb 3:9, Heb 3:10. Heb 3:10 Dio\ prosw&xqisa th|= genea%~ e0kei/nh|, kai\ ei]pon, 870Aei\ planw~ntai th|= kardi/a%: au0toi\ de\ ou0k e1gnwsan ta_j o9dou/j mou:

For that reason I became angry with that generation,

And I said,

‘They are always erring in their heart,

And they do not know my ways.’

Ps 95:10.
Ps 95:11 ‫אֲשֶׁר־נִשְׁבַּ֥עְתִּי בְאַפִּ֑י אִם־יְ֝בֹא֗וּן אֶל־מְנוּחָתִֽי׃‬

So I swore in my anger

That they certainly would not enter into my resting place.

Heb 3:11, Heb 4:3, Heb 4:5.

in my anger: or by my anger.

they certainly would not enter: strong denial using an abbreviation of the oath formula of 2 Sam 3:35.

resting place: or rest.
Heb 3:11 w(j w!mosa e0n th|= o0rgh|= mou, Ei0 ei0seleu/sontai ei0j th\n kata&pausi/n mou.

So I swore in my anger,

They shall certainly not enter into my rest.’ ”

Ps 95:11.

so: or as.

they shall certainly not ← if, a Hebraism, אִם, as an oath formula: if ... may God do this (harm) to me and add this (harm) to me (compare 2 Sam 3:35).
Ps 95:11 ‫אֲשֶׁר־נִשְׁבַּ֥עְתִּי בְאַפִּ֑י אִם־יְ֝בֹא֗וּן אֶל־מְנוּחָתִֽי׃‬

So I swore in my anger

That they certainly would not enter into my resting place.

Heb 3:11, Heb 4:3, Heb 4:5.

in my anger: or by my anger.

they certainly would not enter: strong denial using an abbreviation of the oath formula of 2 Sam 3:35.

resting place: or rest.
Heb 4:3 Ei0serxo/meqa ga_r ei0j th\n kata&pausin oi9 pisteu/santej, kaqw_j ei1rhken, 879Wj w!mosa e0n th|= o0rgh|= mou, Ei0 ei0seleu/sontai ei0j th\n kata&pausi/n mou: kai/toi tw~n e1rgwn a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou genhqe/ntwn. For we who have believed are entering into the rest, as he has said,

“As I have sworn in my anger,

They shall certainly not enter into my rest’ ”,

and yet the works were completed after the overthrow of the world.
Ps 95:11.

they shall certainly not: see Heb 3:11.

were completed ← took place.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Ps 95:11 ‫אֲשֶׁר־נִשְׁבַּ֥עְתִּי בְאַפִּ֑י אִם־יְ֝בֹא֗וּן אֶל־מְנוּחָתִֽי׃‬

So I swore in my anger

That they certainly would not enter into my resting place.

Heb 3:11, Heb 4:3, Heb 4:5.

in my anger: or by my anger.

they certainly would not enter: strong denial using an abbreviation of the oath formula of 2 Sam 3:35.

resting place: or rest.
Heb 4:5 kai\ e0n tou/tw% pa&lin, Ei0 ei0seleu/sontai ei0j th\n kata&pausi/n mou. And in this context again,

They shall certainly not enter into my rest.”

Ps 95:11.

they shall certainly not: see Heb 3:11.
Ps 96:11 ‫יִשְׂמְח֣וּ הַ֭שָּׁמַיִם וְתָגֵ֣ל הָאָ֑רֶץ יִֽרְעַ֥ם הַ֝יָּ֗ם וּמְלֹאֽוֹ׃‬

Let the heavens rejoice

And the earth be glad;

Let the sea roar

With its fulness.

Rev 12:12.

|| 1 Chr 16:31, 1 Chr 16:32.

with its fulness ← and its fulness.
Rev 12:12 Dia_ tou=to eu0frai/nesqe, {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: oi9] ou0ranoi\ kai\ oi9 e0n au0toi=j skhnou=ntej: Ou0ai\ {RP P1904: - } [TR: toi=j katoikou=sin] {RP: th|= gh|= kai\ th|= qala&ssh|} [P1904 TR: th\n gh=n kai\ th\n qa&lassan], o3ti kate/bh o9 dia&boloj pro\j u9ma~j e1xwn qumo\n me/gan, ei0dw_j o3ti o0li/gon kairo\n e1xei. On account of this, “Be jubilant, {RP-text P1904: O} [RP-marg TR: O] heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to {RP P1904: - } [TR: those who inhabit] the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, harbouring great wrath, knowing that he has little time.” oi9, O (heavens): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's cgmn).

toi=j katoikou=sin, to those who dwell: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

th|= gh|= kai\ th|= qala&ssh|, in / to the land and the sea (dative), RP F1859=11/13 vs. th\n gh=n kai\ th\n qa&lassan, (by) the land and the sea (accusative, as used in oaths), P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

Ps 96:11, Isa 49:13, 1 Chr 16:31.

knowing: causal use of the participle, but no causal word needed in English.
Ps 97:7 ‫יֵבֹ֤שׁוּ ׀ כָּל־עֹ֬בְדֵי פֶ֗סֶל הַמִּֽתְהַלְלִ֥ים בָּאֱלִילִ֑ים הִשְׁתַּחֲווּ־ל֝וֹ כָּל־אֱלֹהִֽים׃‬

All who serve carved images will be ashamed

– Those who boast in idols.

Worship him, all you gods.

Perhaps this is what is referred or alluded to in Heb 1:6.

gods: or judges. Compare Ps 82:6, Ps 82:1, and compare Heb 1:6.
Heb 1:6 873Otan de\ pa&lin ei0saga&gh| to\n prwto/tokon ei0j th\n oi0koume/nhn le/gei, Kai\ proskunhsa&twsan au0tw%~ pa&ntej a!ggeloi qeou=. And when again he brings the firstborn into the world, he says,

“And let all the angels of God worship him.”

The quote is as Deut 32:43 in the Septuagint, but not the Masoretic Hebrew. The Dutch Statenvertaling refers this quote (or allusion) to Ps 97:7 (Worship him all you “gods”).
Ps 102:26
Ps 102:25AV
‫לְ֭פָנִים הָאָ֣רֶץ יָסַ֑דְתָּ וּֽמַעֲשֵׂ֖ה יָדֶ֣יךָ שָׁמָֽיִם׃‬

In past time you founded the earth,

And the heavens are the work of your hands.

Heb 1:10. Heb 1:10 Kai/, Su\ kat' a)rxa&j, ku/rie, th\n gh=n e0qemeli/wsaj, kai\ e1rga tw~n xeirw~n sou/ ei0sin oi9 ou0ranoi/: and,

“You, at the beginning, Lord, founded the earth,

And the heavens are the works of your hands.

Ps 102:26MT (Ps 102:25AV).
Ps 102:27
Ps 102:26AV
‫הֵ֤מָּה ׀ יֹאבֵדוּ֮ וְאַתָּ֪ה תַ֫עֲמֹ֥ד וְ֭כֻלָּם כַּבֶּ֣גֶד יִבְל֑וּ כַּלְּב֖וּשׁ תַּחֲלִיפֵ֣ם וְֽיַחֲלֹֽפוּ׃‬

They shall perish,

But you will remain,

And they will all wear out like a garment.

You will change them like clothing,

And they will undergo change.

Heb 1:11, Heb 1:12. Heb 1:11 au0toi\ a)polou=ntai, su\ de\ diame/neij: kai\ pa&ntej w(j i9ma&tion palaiwqh/sontai,

They will perish,

But you remain,

And they will all become old like a garment,

Ps 102:27MT (Ps 102:26AV).
Ps 102:27
Ps 102:26AV
‫הֵ֤מָּה ׀ יֹאבֵדוּ֮ וְאַתָּ֪ה תַ֫עֲמֹ֥ד וְ֭כֻלָּם כַּבֶּ֣גֶד יִבְל֑וּ כַּלְּב֖וּשׁ תַּחֲלִיפֵ֣ם וְֽיַחֲלֹֽפוּ׃‬

They shall perish,

But you will remain,

And they will all wear out like a garment.

You will change them like clothing,

And they will undergo change.

Heb 1:11, Heb 1:12. Heb 1:12 kai\ w(sei\ peribo/laion e9li/ceij au0tou/j, kai\ a)llagh/sontai: su\ de\ o9 au0to\j ei], kai\ ta_ e1th sou ou0k e0klei/yousin.

And you will roll them up like a cloak,

And they will be changed,

But you are the same,

And your years will not fail.”

Isa 34:4, Ps 102:27MT (Ps 102:26AV), Ps 102:28MT (Ps 102:27AV).
Ps 102:28
Ps 102:27AV
‫וְאַתָּה־ה֑וּא וּ֝שְׁנוֹתֶ֗יךָ לֹ֣א יִתָּֽמּוּ׃‬

But you are the same,

And your years will not come to an end.

Heb 1:12.

you are the same ← you (are) he.

come to an end: in an Aramaic form.
Heb 1:12 kai\ w(sei\ peribo/laion e9li/ceij au0tou/j, kai\ a)llagh/sontai: su\ de\ o9 au0to\j ei], kai\ ta_ e1th sou ou0k e0klei/yousin.

And you will roll them up like a cloak,

And they will be changed,

But you are the same,

And your years will not fail.”

Isa 34:4, Ps 102:27MT (Ps 102:26AV), Ps 102:28MT (Ps 102:27AV).
Ps 104:4 ‫עֹשֶׂ֣ה מַלְאָכָ֣יו רוּח֑וֹת מְ֝שָׁרְתָ֗יו אֵ֣שׁ לֹהֵֽט׃‬

Who makes his angels spirits,

And his servants a flaming fire

Heb 1:7. Heb 1:7 Kai\ pro\j me\n tou\j a)gge/louj le/gei, 879O poiw~n tou\j a)gge/louj au0tou= pneu/mata, kai\ tou\j leitourgou\j au0tou= puro\j flo/ga: And to the angels he says,

“He who makes his angels spirits

And his servants a fiery flame”,

Ps 104:4.

fiery flame ← flame of fire, a Hebraic genitive.
Job 5:13 ‫לֹכֵ֣ד חֲכָמִ֣ים בְּעָרְמָ֑ם וַעֲצַ֖ת נִפְתָּלִ֣ים נִמְהָֽרָה׃‬

Taking the wise in their own cunning,

So that the counsel of the deceitful is forestalled.

1 Cor 3:19.

forestalled ← hastened, i.e., here, outrun.
1 Cor 3:19 879H ga_r sofi/a tou= ko/smou tou/tou mwri/a para_ tw%~ qew%~ e0stin. Ge/graptai ga&r, 879O drasso/menoj tou\j sofou\j e0n th|= panourgi/a% au0tw~n. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it stands written: “He catches the wise in their own cunning.” Job 5:13.

in: or by or with.
Ps 109:8 ‫יִֽהְיֽוּ־יָמָ֥יו מְעַטִּ֑ים פְּ֝קֻדָּת֗וֹ יִקַּ֥ח אַחֵֽר׃‬

May his days be few;

Let another person take his office.

Acts 1:20.

office: or office of oversight.
Acts 1:20 Ge/graptai ga_r e0n bi/blw% Yalmw~n, Genhqh/tw h9 e1paulij au0tou= e1rhmoj, kai\ mh\ e1stw o9 katoikw~n e0n au0th|=: kai/, Th\n e0piskoph\n au0tou= la&boi e3teroj. For it stands written in the book of Psalms:

‘Let his dwelling become desolate,

And let there be no inhabitant in it’


‘May another person take his office.’

↳ his abdomen open and his innards came out. Not being dead, he decided to finish himself off by hanging himself. Compare Xenophon's Anabasis, 2:5:33.

Ps 69:26MT (Ps 69:25AV), Ps 109:8.
Ps 110:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר נְאֻ֤ם יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לַֽאדֹנִ֗י שֵׁ֥ב לִֽימִינִ֑י עַד־אָשִׁ֥ית אֹ֝יְבֶ֗יךָ הֲדֹ֣ם לְרַגְלֶֽיךָ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Matt 22:44, Matt 26:64, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13.

your footstool ← a footstool for your feet.
Matt 22:44 Ei]pen o9 ku/rioj tw%~ kuri/w% mou, Ka&qou e0k deciw~n mou, e3wj a@n qw~ tou\j e0xqrou/j sou u9popo/dion tw~n podw~n sou;

‘The Lord said to my Lord,

«Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool» ’?

Ps 110:1.

your footstool ← a footstool of your feet.
Ps 110:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר נְאֻ֤ם יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לַֽאדֹנִ֗י שֵׁ֥ב לִֽימִינִ֑י עַד־אָשִׁ֥ית אֹ֝יְבֶ֗יךָ הֲדֹ֣ם לְרַגְלֶֽיךָ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Matt 22:44, Matt 26:64, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13.

your footstool ← a footstool for your feet.
Matt 26:64 Le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, Su\ ei]paj. Plh\n le/gw u9mi=n, a)p' a!rti o1yesqe to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou kaqh/menon e0k deciw~n th=j duna&mewj kai\ e0rxo/menon e0pi\ tw~n nefelw~n tou= ou0ranou=. Jesus said to him, “It is as you have stated. But I say to you, in the future you will see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven. Ps 110:1, Dan 7:13.

in the future ← from now.

heaven: or the sky.
Ps 110:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר נְאֻ֤ם יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לַֽאדֹנִ֗י שֵׁ֥ב לִֽימִינִ֑י עַד־אָשִׁ֥ית אֹ֝יְבֶ֗יךָ הֲדֹ֣ם לְרַגְלֶֽיךָ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Matt 22:44, Matt 26:64, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13.

your footstool ← a footstool for your feet.
Mark 12:36 Au0to\j ga_r {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] ei]pen e0n {RP P1904: pneu/mati a(gi/w%} [TR: tw%~ pneu/mati tw%~ a(gi/w%], {RP P1904: Le/gei} [TR: Ei]pen] o9 ku/rioj tw%~ kuri/w% mou, Ka&qou e0k deciw~n mou, e3wj a@n qw~ tou\j e0xqrou/j sou u9popo/dion tw~n podw~n sou. For David himself said by {RP P1904: holy spirit} [TR: the holy spirit],

‘The Lord said to my Lord,

«Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool.» ’

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

pneu/mati a(gi/w%:, holy spirit, RP P1904 F1853=17/20 F1859=6/7 vs. tw%~ pneu/mati tw%~ a(gi/w%:, the holy spirit, TR F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's xy) F1859=1/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/20 (Scrivener's u) F1859=0/7.

le/gei, says, RP P1904 F1853=13/20 F1859=2/7 vs. ei]pen, said, TR F1853=7/20 (Scrivener's bdxy; os; u) F1859=5/7.

Ps 110:1.

your footstool ← a footstool of your feet.
Ps 110:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר נְאֻ֤ם יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לַֽאדֹנִ֗י שֵׁ֥ב לִֽימִינִ֑י עַד־אָשִׁ֥ית אֹ֝יְבֶ֗יךָ הֲדֹ֣ם לְרַגְלֶֽיךָ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Matt 22:44, Matt 26:64, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13.

your footstool ← a footstool for your feet.
Luke 20:42 Kai\ au0to\j {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] le/gei e0n bi/blw% {RP TR: - } [P1904: tw~n] yalmw~n, Ei]pen o9 ku/rioj tw%~ kuri/w% mou, Ka&qou e0k deciw~n mou, when David himself says in the book of {RP TR: the} [P1904: the] Psalms,

‘The Lord said to my Lord,

«Sit on my right hand side

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

tw~n, of the (psalms): absent in RP TR F1853=17/19 F1859=3/6 vs. present in P1904 F1853=2/19 (Scrivener's gy) F1859=3/6.

Ps 110:1.
Ps 110:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר נְאֻ֤ם יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לַֽאדֹנִ֗י שֵׁ֥ב לִֽימִינִ֑י עַד־אָשִׁ֥ית אֹ֝יְבֶ֗יךָ הֲדֹ֣ם לְרַגְלֶֽיךָ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Matt 22:44, Matt 26:64, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13.

your footstool ← a footstool for your feet.
Luke 20:43 e3wj a@n qw~ tou\j e0xqrou/j sou u9popo/dion tw~n podw~n sou.

Until I make your enemies your footstool» ’?

Ps 110:1.

your footstool ← a footstool of your feet.
Ps 110:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר נְאֻ֤ם יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לַֽאדֹנִ֗י שֵׁ֥ב לִֽימִינִ֑י עַד־אָשִׁ֥ית אֹ֝יְבֶ֗יךָ הֲדֹ֣ם לְרַגְלֶֽיךָ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Matt 22:44, Matt 26:64, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13.

your footstool ← a footstool for your feet.
Acts 2:34 Ou0 ga_r {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] a)ne/bh ei0j tou\j ou0ranou/j, le/gei de\ au0to/j, Ei]pen o9 ku/rioj tw%~ kuri/w% mou, Ka&qou e0k deciw~n mou, For David has not ascended into the heavens, but he himself says,

‘The Lord said to my Lord,

«Sit on my right hand side

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 110:1.
Ps 110:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר נְאֻ֤ם יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לַֽאדֹנִ֗י שֵׁ֥ב לִֽימִינִ֑י עַד־אָשִׁ֥ית אֹ֝יְבֶ֗יךָ הֲדֹ֣ם לְרַגְלֶֽיךָ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Matt 22:44, Matt 26:64, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13.

your footstool ← a footstool for your feet.
Acts 2:35 e3wj a@n qw~ tou\j e0xqrou/j sou u9popo/dion tw~n podw~n sou.

Until I make your enemies your footstool.» ’

Ps 110:1.

your footstool ← a footstool of your feet.
Ps 110:1 ‫לְדָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמ֥וֹר נְאֻ֤ם יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לַֽאדֹנִ֗י שֵׁ֥ב לִֽימִינִ֑י עַד־אָשִׁ֥ית אֹ֝יְבֶ֗יךָ הֲדֹ֣ם לְרַגְלֶֽיךָ׃‬ A Psalm of David.

The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Matt 22:44, Matt 26:64, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13.

your footstool ← a footstool for your feet.
Heb 1:13 Pro\j ti/na de\ tw~n a)gge/lwn ei1rhke/n pote, Ka&qou e0k deciw~n mou, e3wj a@n qw~ tou\j e0xqrou/j sou u9popo/dion tw~n podw~n sou; But to which of the angels has he ever said,

“Sit on my right hand side

Until I make your enemies your footstool?

Ps 110:1.

your footstool ← a footstool of your feet.
Ps 110:4 ‫נִשְׁבַּ֤ע יְהוָ֨ה ׀ וְלֹ֥א יִנָּחֵ֗ם אַתָּֽה־כֹהֵ֥ן לְעוֹלָ֑ם עַל־דִּ֝בְרָתִ֗י מַלְכִּי־צֶֽדֶק׃‬

The Lord has sworn

And will not recant,

“You are an age-abiding priest

According to the order of Melchizedek.”

Heb 5:6, Heb 7:17, Heb 7:21. Melchizedek also mentioned in Gen 14:18. Heb 5:6 Kaqw_j kai\ e0n e9te/rw% le/gei, Su\ i9ereu\j ei0j to\n ai0w~na kata_ th\n ta&cin Melxisede/k. As he also says in another place,

“You are a priest throughout the age

According to the order of Melchizedek.”

Ps 110:4. Melchizedek also mentioned in Gen 14:18. In the NT, the AV spelling is Melchisedec, following the Greek.
Ps 110:4 ‫נִשְׁבַּ֤ע יְהוָ֨ה ׀ וְלֹ֥א יִנָּחֵ֗ם אַתָּֽה־כֹהֵ֥ן לְעוֹלָ֑ם עַל־דִּ֝בְרָתִ֗י מַלְכִּי־צֶֽדֶק׃‬

The Lord has sworn

And will not recant,

“You are an age-abiding priest

According to the order of Melchizedek.”

Heb 5:6, Heb 7:17, Heb 7:21. Melchizedek also mentioned in Gen 14:18. Heb 7:17 marturei= ga_r o3ti Su\ i9ereu\j ei0j to\n ai0w~na kata_ th\n ta&cin Melxisede/k. For he testifies,

“You are a priest throughout the age

According to the order of Melchizedek.”

Ps 110:4. Melchizedek also mentioned in Gen 14:18. See also Heb 5:6.
Ps 110:4 ‫נִשְׁבַּ֤ע יְהוָ֨ה ׀ וְלֹ֥א יִנָּחֵ֗ם אַתָּֽה־כֹהֵ֥ן לְעוֹלָ֑ם עַל־דִּ֝בְרָתִ֗י מַלְכִּי־צֶֽדֶק׃‬

The Lord has sworn

And will not recant,

“You are an age-abiding priest

According to the order of Melchizedek.”

Heb 5:6, Heb 7:17, Heb 7:21. Melchizedek also mentioned in Gen 14:18. Heb 7:21 o9 de\ meta_ o9rkwmosi/aj, dia_ tou= le/gontoj pro\j au0to/n, 871Wmosen ku/rioj kai\ ou0 metamelhqh/setai, Su\ i9ereu\j ei0j to\n ai0w~na kata_ th\n ta&cin Melxisede/k - but he was appointed with the swearing of an oath, by saying to him,

The Lord has sworn

And will not change his mind,

‘You are a priest throughout the age

According to the order of Melchizedek’ ” –

Ps 110:4. Melchizedek also mentioned in Gen 14:18. See also Heb 5:6.

by saying ← by the (one) saying.
Ps 112:9 ‫פִּזַּ֤ר ׀ נָ֘תַ֤ן לָאֶבְיוֹנִ֗ים צִ֭דְקָתוֹ עֹמֶ֣דֶת לָעַ֑ד קַ֝רְנ֗וֹ תָּר֥וּם בְּכָבֽוֹד׃‬

He has made distributions;

He has given to the poor.

His righteousness stands perpetually;

His horn will be raised in glory.

2 Cor 9:9.

will be raised: qal for passive of hiphil.
2 Cor 9:9 kaqw_j ge/graptai, 870Esko/rpisen, e1dwken toi=j pe/nhsin: h9 dikaiosu/nh au0tou= me/nei ei0j to\n ai0w~na. As it stands written:

“He has distributed;

He has given to the poor.

His righteousness remains throughout the age.”

Ps 112:9.
Job 12:14 ‫הֵ֣ן יַ֭הֲרוֹס וְלֹ֣א יִבָּנֶ֑ה יִסְגֹּ֥ר עַל־אִ֝֗ישׁ וְלֹ֣א יִפָּתֵֽחַ׃‬

Behold, he demolishes a building

So that it cannot be built up.

He shuts off a way to a man,

And it cannot be opened again.

Rev 3:7.

so that: purposive use of the vav.
Rev 3:7 Kai\ tw%~ a)gge/lw% th=j e0n Filadelfei/a% e0kklhsi/aj gra&yon, Ta&de le/gei o9 a#gioj, o9 a)lhqino/j, o9 e1xwn th\n {RP P1904: klei=n} [TR: klei=da] tou= {RP-text P1904: Daui/d} [RP-marg: D6A6D6] [TR: Dabi/d], o9 a)noi/gwn kai\ ou0dei\j {RP P1904: klei/sei} [TR: klei/ei] {RP-text: au0th/n, ei0 mh\ o9 a)noi/gwn} [RP-marg P1904: kai\ klei/wn] [TR: kai\ klei/ei]: kai\ ou0dei\j {RP P1904: a)noi/cei} [TR: a)noi/gei]. And write to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, ‘The holy one, the true one, who holds the key of David, who, when he {RP-text: opens it, no-one can close it, except he who opens (and no-one can open it either)} [RP-marg P1904: opens, no-one can close, and when he closes, no-one can open] [TR: opens, no-one closes, and he closes, and no-one opens] – he says this: klei=n, key (1), RP P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. klei=da, key (2), TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fmn).

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1. Here we also have the RP-marg reading D6A6D6.

klei/sei, will close, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 (incl. 2 misspelled) vs. klei/ei, closes, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

au0th/n, ei0 mh\ o9 a)noi/gwn, it, except he who opens, RP-text F1859=10/13 vs. kai\ klei/wn, and closes (participle), RP-marg P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's cm) vs. kai\ klei/ei, and closes, TR, F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n). AV differs textually.

a)noi/cei, will open, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 (incl. 2 misspelled) vs. a)noi/gei, opens, TR F1859=0/13 vs. absent or another reading, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's mn).

Isa 22:22, Job 12:14.

church: see Matt 16:18.

{RP P1904: can ← will, a Hebraism.}

this ← these (things).
Ps 115:4 ‫עֲ‍ֽ֭צַבֵּיהֶם כֶּ֣סֶף וְזָהָ֑ב מַ֝עֲשֵׂ֗ה יְדֵ֣י אָדָֽם׃‬

Their idols are of silver and gold;

They are the work of the hands of men.

Rev 9:20.

|| Ps 135:15.

men ← Adam.
Rev 9:20 Kai\ oi9 loipoi\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, oi4 ou0k a)pekta&nqhsan e0n tai=j plhgai=j tau/taij, {RP P1904 S1894: ou0} [S1550 E1624: ou1te] meteno/hsan e0k tw~n e1rgwn tw~n xeirw~n au0tw~n, i3na mh\ proskunh/swsin ta_ daimo/nia, kai\ {RP P1904: ta_} [TR: - ] ei1dwla ta_ xrusa~ kai\ ta_ a)rgura~ {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\ ta_ xalka~} [RP-marg: - ] kai\ ta_ li/qina kai\ ta_ cu/lina, a$ ou1te ble/pein {RP-text P1904 TR: du/natai} [RP-marg: du/nantai], ou1te a)kou/ein, ou1te peripatei=n: But the rest of men, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: either] of the works of their hands, so as not to worship the demons and {RP P1904: the} [TR: - ] golden and silver {RP-text P1904 TR: and bronze} [RP-marg: - ] and stone and wooden idols, which can neither see nor hear nor walk around. ou0, (did) not, RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. ou1te, and (did) not, S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). As AV reads yet (from ou1te?), we have a challenge to S1894.

ta_, the (idols): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

kai\ ta_ xalka~, and the bronze: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

du/natai, can (classical singular with neuter plural subject), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=10/13 vs. du/nantai, can (non-classical plural form), RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's lmn).

Ps 115:4-5, Ps 115:7, Ps 135:15-16 (and elsewhere).
Ps 115:5 ‫פֶּֽה־לָ֭הֶם וְלֹ֣א יְדַבֵּ֑רוּ עֵינַ֥יִם לָ֝הֶ֗ם וְלֹ֣א יִרְאֽוּ׃‬

They have a mouth,

But they cannot speak;

They have eyes,

But they cannot see.

Rev 9:20.

|| Ps 135:16.
Rev 9:20 Kai\ oi9 loipoi\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, oi4 ou0k a)pekta&nqhsan e0n tai=j plhgai=j tau/taij, {RP P1904 S1894: ou0} [S1550 E1624: ou1te] meteno/hsan e0k tw~n e1rgwn tw~n xeirw~n au0tw~n, i3na mh\ proskunh/swsin ta_ daimo/nia, kai\ {RP P1904: ta_} [TR: - ] ei1dwla ta_ xrusa~ kai\ ta_ a)rgura~ {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\ ta_ xalka~} [RP-marg: - ] kai\ ta_ li/qina kai\ ta_ cu/lina, a$ ou1te ble/pein {RP-text P1904 TR: du/natai} [RP-marg: du/nantai], ou1te a)kou/ein, ou1te peripatei=n: But the rest of men, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: either] of the works of their hands, so as not to worship the demons and {RP P1904: the} [TR: - ] golden and silver {RP-text P1904 TR: and bronze} [RP-marg: - ] and stone and wooden idols, which can neither see nor hear nor walk around. ou0, (did) not, RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. ou1te, and (did) not, S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). As AV reads yet (from ou1te?), we have a challenge to S1894.

ta_, the (idols): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

kai\ ta_ xalka~, and the bronze: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

du/natai, can (classical singular with neuter plural subject), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=10/13 vs. du/nantai, can (non-classical plural form), RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's lmn).

Ps 115:4-5, Ps 115:7, Ps 135:15-16 (and elsewhere).
Ps 115:7 ‫יְדֵיהֶ֤ם ׀ וְלֹ֬א יְמִישׁ֗וּן רַ֭גְלֵיהֶם וְלֹ֣א יְהַלֵּ֑כוּ לֹֽא־יֶ֝הְגּ֗וּ בִּגְרוֹנָֽם׃‬

They have hands,

But they cannot feel;

They have legs,

But they cannot walk.

They cannot articulate in their throat.

Rev 9:20. Rev 9:20 Kai\ oi9 loipoi\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, oi4 ou0k a)pekta&nqhsan e0n tai=j plhgai=j tau/taij, {RP P1904 S1894: ou0} [S1550 E1624: ou1te] meteno/hsan e0k tw~n e1rgwn tw~n xeirw~n au0tw~n, i3na mh\ proskunh/swsin ta_ daimo/nia, kai\ {RP P1904: ta_} [TR: - ] ei1dwla ta_ xrusa~ kai\ ta_ a)rgura~ {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\ ta_ xalka~} [RP-marg: - ] kai\ ta_ li/qina kai\ ta_ cu/lina, a$ ou1te ble/pein {RP-text P1904 TR: du/natai} [RP-marg: du/nantai], ou1te a)kou/ein, ou1te peripatei=n: But the rest of men, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: either] of the works of their hands, so as not to worship the demons and {RP P1904: the} [TR: - ] golden and silver {RP-text P1904 TR: and bronze} [RP-marg: - ] and stone and wooden idols, which can neither see nor hear nor walk around. ou0, (did) not, RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. ou1te, and (did) not, S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). As AV reads yet (from ou1te?), we have a challenge to S1894.

ta_, the (idols): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

kai\ ta_ xalka~, and the bronze: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

du/natai, can (classical singular with neuter plural subject), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=10/13 vs. du/nantai, can (non-classical plural form), RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's lmn).

Ps 115:4-5, Ps 115:7, Ps 135:15-16 (and elsewhere).
Ps 116:10 ‫הֶ֭אֱמַנְתִּי כִּ֣י אֲדַבֵּ֑ר אֲ֝נִ֗י עָנִ֥יתִי מְאֹֽד׃‬

I have believed,

Therefore I speak.

I have been very much afflicted.

2 Cor 4:13. 2 Cor 4:13 871Exontej de\ to\ au0to\ pneu=ma th=j pi/stewj, kata_ to\ gegramme/non, 870Epi/steusa, dio\ e0la&lhsa, kai\ h9mei=j pisteu/omen, dio\ kai\ lalou=men: But having the same spirit of faith according to what stands written: “I have believed, therefore I have spoken”, we also believe and therefore also speak, Ps 116:10.
Ps 117:1 ‫הַֽלְל֣וּ אֶת־יְ֭הוָה כָּל־גּוֹיִ֑ם שַׁ֝בְּח֗וּהוּ כָּל־הָאֻמִּֽים׃‬

Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles;

Laud him, all you peoples.

Rom 15:11. Rom 15:11 Kai\ pa&lin, Ai0nei=te to\n ku/rion pa&nta ta_ e1qnh, kai/, 870Epaine/sate au0to\n pa&ntej oi9 laoi/. And again,

“Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles”


“Laud him, all you peoples.”

Ps 117:1.
Ps 118:6 ‫יְהוָ֣ה לִ֭י לֹ֣א אִירָ֑א מַה־יַּעֲשֶׂ֖ה לִ֣י אָדָֽם׃‬

The Lord is for me;

I will not fear.

What can man do to me?

Heb 13:6.

man ← Adam.
Heb 13:6 873Wste qarrou=ntaj h9ma~j le/gein, Ku/rioj e0moi\ bohqo/j, kai\ ou0 fobhqh/somai ti/ poih/sei moi a!nqrwpoj. As a result we can be of good courage and say,

The Lord is my helper,

And I shall not be afraid

Of what man might do to me.”

Ps 56:5MT (Ps 56:4AV), Ps 118:6.

might do ← will do.
Ps 118:22 ‫אֶ֭בֶן מָאֲס֣וּ הַבּוֹנִ֑ים הָ֝יְתָ֗ה לְרֹ֣אשׁ פִּנָּֽה׃‬

The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the keystone.

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, 1 Pet 2:7. See also Rom 9:33.

keystone ← head of the corner.
Matt 21:42 Le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Ou0de/pote a)ne/gnwte e0n tai=j grafai=j, Li/qon o4n a)pedoki/masan oi9 oi0kodomou=ntej, ou[toj e0genh/qh ei0j kefalh\n gwni/aj: para_ kuri/ou e0ge/neto au3th, kai\ e1stin qaumasth\ e0n o0fqalmoi=j h9mw~n; Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the scriptures:

The stone which the builders rejected

Is what has become the keystone.

This came about from the Lord,

And it is wondrous in our eyes’?

Ps 118:22, Ps 118:23.

is what ← this.

keystone ← head of (the) corner / angle.
Ps 118:22 ‫אֶ֭בֶן מָאֲס֣וּ הַבּוֹנִ֑ים הָ֝יְתָ֗ה לְרֹ֣אשׁ פִּנָּֽה׃‬

The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the keystone.

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, 1 Pet 2:7. See also Rom 9:33.

keystone ← head of the corner.
Mark 12:10 Ou0de\ th\n grafh\n tau/thn a)ne/gnwte, Li/qon o4n a)pedoki/masan oi9 oi0kodomou=ntej, ou[toj e0genh/qh ei0j kefalh\n gwni/aj: And have you not read this scripture:

The stone which the builders rejected

Is what has become the keystone.

Ps 118:22.

is what ← this.

keystone ← head of (the) corner / angle.
Ps 118:22 ‫אֶ֭בֶן מָאֲס֣וּ הַבּוֹנִ֑ים הָ֝יְתָ֗ה לְרֹ֣אשׁ פִּנָּֽה׃‬

The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the keystone.

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, 1 Pet 2:7. See also Rom 9:33.

keystone ← head of the corner.
Luke 20:17 879O de\ e0mble/yaj au0toi=j ei]pen, Ti/ ou]n e0stin to\ gegramme/non tou=to, Li/qon o4n a)pedoki/masan oi9 oi0kodomou=ntej, ou[toj e0genh/qh ei0j kefalh\n gwni/aj; But he looked straight at them and said, “What does this scripture mean:

The stone which the builders rejected

Is what has become the keystone?

Ps 118:22.

does ... mean ← is.

is what ← this.

keystone ← head of (the) corner / angle.
Ps 118:22 ‫אֶ֭בֶן מָאֲס֣וּ הַבּוֹנִ֑ים הָ֝יְתָ֗ה לְרֹ֣אשׁ פִּנָּֽה׃‬

The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the keystone.

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, 1 Pet 2:7. See also Rom 9:33.

keystone ← head of the corner.
Acts 4:11 Ou[to/j e0stin o9 li/qoj o9 e0couqenhqei\j u9f' u9mw~n tw~n oi0kodomou/ntwn, o9 geno/menoj ei0j kefalh\n gwni/aj. He is

The stone which was rejected by you builders,

But which has become the keystone.

Ps 118:22.

he ← this (man).

keystone ← head of (the) corner / angle.
Ps 118:22 ‫אֶ֭בֶן מָאֲס֣וּ הַבּוֹנִ֑ים הָ֝יְתָ֗ה לְרֹ֣אשׁ פִּנָּֽה׃‬

The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the keystone.

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, 1 Pet 2:7. See also Rom 9:33.

keystone ← head of the corner.
Eph 2:20 e0poikodomhqe/ntej e0pi\ tw%~ qemeli/w% tw~n a)posto/lwn kai\ profhtw~n, o1ntoj a)krogwniai/ou au0tou= 870Ihsou= xristou=, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the keystone, Ps 118:22.

keystone ← main corner / angle.
Ps 118:22 ‫אֶ֭בֶן מָאֲס֣וּ הַבּוֹנִ֑ים הָ֝יְתָ֗ה לְרֹ֣אשׁ פִּנָּֽה׃‬

The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the keystone.

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, 1 Pet 2:7. See also Rom 9:33.

keystone ← head of the corner.
1 Pet 2:7 879Umi=n ou]n h9 timh\ toi=j pisteu/ousin: a)peiqou=sin de/, Li/qon o4n a)pedoki/masan oi9 oi0kodomou=ntej, ou[toj e0genh/qh ei0j kefalh\n gwni/aj, So you who believe have the honour, but to those who do not believe, the scripture says,

The stone which the builders rejected

Is what has become the keystone”,

Ps 118:22.

you who believe have the honour: AV differs (unto you ... which believe, he is precious).

is what ← this.

keystone ← head of (the) corner / angle.
Ps 118:22 ‫אֶ֭בֶן מָאֲס֣וּ הַבּוֹנִ֑ים הָ֝יְתָ֗ה לְרֹ֣אשׁ פִּנָּֽה׃‬

The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the keystone.

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, 1 Pet 2:7. See also Rom 9:33.

keystone ← head of the corner.
Rom 9:33 kaqw_j ge/graptai, 870Idou\ ti/qhmi e0n Siw_n li/qon prosko/mmatoj kai\ pe/tran skanda&lou: kai\ pa~j o9 pisteu/wn e0p' au0tw%~ ou0 kataisxunqh/setai. as it stands written:

“Behold, I put a stumbling block in Zion

And a rock of offence,

But no-one who believes in it

Will be put to shame.”

Isa 8:14, Isa 28:16. See also Ps 118:22.

block ← stone.

Zion: Greek and AV, Sion.

no-one ... will ← everyone ... will not.
Ps 118:23 ‫מֵאֵ֣ת יְ֭הוָה הָ֣יְתָה זֹּ֑את הִ֖יא נִפְלָ֣את בְּעֵינֵֽינוּ׃‬

This came about from the Lord;

It is wondrous in our eyes.

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:11.

wondrous: in an Aramaic form.
Matt 21:42 Le/gei au0toi=j o9 870Ihsou=j, Ou0de/pote a)ne/gnwte e0n tai=j grafai=j, Li/qon o4n a)pedoki/masan oi9 oi0kodomou=ntej, ou[toj e0genh/qh ei0j kefalh\n gwni/aj: para_ kuri/ou e0ge/neto au3th, kai\ e1stin qaumasth\ e0n o0fqalmoi=j h9mw~n; Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the scriptures:

The stone which the builders rejected

Is what has become the keystone.

This came about from the Lord,

And it is wondrous in our eyes’?

Ps 118:22, Ps 118:23.

is what ← this.

keystone ← head of (the) corner / angle.
Ps 118:23 ‫מֵאֵ֣ת יְ֭הוָה הָ֣יְתָה זֹּ֑את הִ֖יא נִפְלָ֣את בְּעֵינֵֽינוּ׃‬

This came about from the Lord;

It is wondrous in our eyes.

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:11.

wondrous: in an Aramaic form.
Mark 12:11 para_ kuri/ou e0ge/neto au3th, kai\ e1stin qaumasth\ e0n o0fqalmoi=j h9mw~n;

This came about from the Lord,

And it is wonderful in our eyes’?”

Ps 118:23.

this: feminine, a Hebraism (זֹאת).
Ps 118:25 ‫אָנָּ֣א יְ֭הוָה הוֹשִׁ֘יעָ֥ה נָּ֑א אָֽנָּ֥א יְ֝הוָ֗ה הַצְלִ֘יחָ֥ה נָּֽא׃‬

Please, O Lord, please save;

Please, O Lord, make us prosperous.

Matt 21:9, Matt 21:15, Mark 11:9, Mark 11:10, John 12:13. Matt 21:9 Oi9 de\ o1xloi oi9 proa&gontej kai\ oi9 a)kolouqou=ntej e1krazon, le/gontej, 879Wsanna_ tw%~ ui9w%~ {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. Eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou. 879Wsanna_ e0n toi=j u9yi/stoij. And the crowds which went in front and those following kept shouting and saying,

Hosanna to the son of David.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest realms!”

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 118:25, Ps 118:26.

kept shouting and saying: iterative imperfects, but not necessarily so – see Matt 5:2.

Hosanna (2x)w(sanna&הוֹשִׁיעָה נָא = save, please; see Ps 118:25.
Ps 118:25 ‫אָנָּ֣א יְ֭הוָה הוֹשִׁ֘יעָ֥ה נָּ֑א אָֽנָּ֥א יְ֝הוָ֗ה הַצְלִ֘יחָ֥ה נָּֽא׃‬

Please, O Lord, please save;

Please, O Lord, make us prosperous.

Matt 21:9, Matt 21:15, Mark 11:9, Mark 11:10, John 12:13. Matt 21:15 870Ido/ntej de\ oi9 a)rxierei=j kai\ oi9 grammatei=j ta_ qauma&sia a$ e0poi/hsen, kai\ tou\j pai=daj kra&zontaj e0n tw%~ i9erw%~, kai\ le/gontaj, 879Wsanna_ tw%~ ui9w%~ {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], h0gana&kthsan, but when the senior priests and the scribes saw the wonders which he performed, and the children in the temple shouting and saying, Hosanna to the son of David!”, they were indignant, David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 118:25.

Hosanna: see Matt 21:9.
Ps 118:25 ‫אָנָּ֣א יְ֭הוָה הוֹשִׁ֘יעָ֥ה נָּ֑א אָֽנָּ֥א יְ֝הוָ֗ה הַצְלִ֘יחָ֥ה נָּֽא׃‬

Please, O Lord, please save;

Please, O Lord, make us prosperous.

Matt 21:9, Matt 21:15, Mark 11:9, Mark 11:10, John 12:13. Mark 11:9 Kai\ oi9 proa&gontej kai\ oi9 a)kolouqou=ntej e1krazon, le/gontej, 879Wsanna&: eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou. Both those who were going in front and those following shouted and said,


Blessed is he

Who comes in the name of the Lord.

Ps 118:25, Ps 118:26.

Hosanna: See Matt 21:9.
Ps 118:25 ‫אָנָּ֣א יְ֭הוָה הוֹשִׁ֘יעָ֥ה נָּ֑א אָֽנָּ֥א יְ֝הוָ֗ה הַצְלִ֘יחָ֥ה נָּֽא׃‬

Please, O Lord, please save;

Please, O Lord, make us prosperous.

Matt 21:9, Matt 21:15, Mark 11:9, Mark 11:10, John 12:13. Mark 11:10 Eu0loghme/nh h9 e0rxome/nh basilei/a e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou tou= patro\j h9mw~n {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. 879Wsanna_ e0n toi=j u9yi/stoij.

Blessed is the kingdom of our father David,

Which comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest realms.”

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 118:25.

Hosanna: See Matt 21:9.

The Greek could be read as: Blessed is the coming kingdom in the name of the Lord (of) our father David. However, word order is flexible in Greek, and we (and AV) have chosen to associate words reflecting the established concept of the kingdom of our father David.
Ps 118:25 ‫אָנָּ֣א יְ֭הוָה הוֹשִׁ֘יעָ֥ה נָּ֑א אָֽנָּ֥א יְ֝הוָ֗ה הַצְלִ֘יחָ֥ה נָּֽא׃‬

Please, O Lord, please save;

Please, O Lord, make us prosperous.

Matt 21:9, Matt 21:15, Mark 11:9, Mark 11:10, John 12:13. John 12:13 e1labon ta_ bai+/a tw~n foini/kwn, kai\ e0ch=lqon ei0j u9pa&nthsin au0tw%~, kai\ e1krazon, 879Wsanna&: eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou, {RP P1904: - } [TR: o9] basileu\j tou= 870Israh/l. and they took branches of palm trees, and they went out to meet him, and they shouted,


Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,

{RP P1904: The} [TR: The] king of Israel.”

o9, the (king): absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/19 F1859=7/7 vs. present in TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's p) F1859=0/7.

Ps 118:25, Ps 118:26.

Hosanna: see Matt 21:9.
Ps 118:26 ‫בָּר֣וּךְ הַ֭בָּא בְּשֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֑ה בֵּ֝רַֽכְנוּכֶ֗ם מִבֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃‬

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

We bless you from the house of the Lord.

Matt 21:9, Matt 23:39, Mark 11:9, Luke 13:35, Luke 19:38, John 12:13. Matt 21:9 Oi9 de\ o1xloi oi9 proa&gontej kai\ oi9 a)kolouqou=ntej e1krazon, le/gontej, 879Wsanna_ tw%~ ui9w%~ {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d]. Eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou. 879Wsanna_ e0n toi=j u9yi/stoij. And the crowds which went in front and those following kept shouting and saying,

Hosanna to the son of David.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest realms!”

David: on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 118:25, Ps 118:26.

kept shouting and saying: iterative imperfects, but not necessarily so – see Matt 5:2.

Hosanna (2x)w(sanna&הוֹשִׁיעָה נָא = save, please; see Ps 118:25.
Ps 118:26 ‫בָּר֣וּךְ הַ֭בָּא בְּשֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֑ה בֵּ֝רַֽכְנוּכֶ֗ם מִבֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃‬

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

We bless you from the house of the Lord.

Matt 21:9, Matt 23:39, Mark 11:9, Luke 13:35, Luke 19:38, John 12:13. Matt 23:39 Le/gw ga_r u9mi=n, ou0 mh/ me {RP TR: i1dhte} [P1904: i1dete] a)p' a!rti, e3wj a@n ei1phte, Eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou. For I say to you, you certainly will not see me from now until you say,

‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ”

i1dhte, see (classical subjunctive), RP TR F1853=20/21 F1859=7/7 vs. i1dete, see (non-classical imperative), P1904 F1853=0/21 F1859=0/7 vs. another reading, F1853=1/21 (Scrivener's xonce) F1859=0/7.

Ps 118:26.
Ps 118:26 ‫בָּר֣וּךְ הַ֭בָּא בְּשֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֑ה בֵּ֝רַֽכְנוּכֶ֗ם מִבֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃‬

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

We bless you from the house of the Lord.

Matt 21:9, Matt 23:39, Mark 11:9, Luke 13:35, Luke 19:38, John 12:13. Mark 11:9 Kai\ oi9 proa&gontej kai\ oi9 a)kolouqou=ntej e1krazon, le/gontej, 879Wsanna&: eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou. Both those who were going in front and those following shouted and said,


Blessed is he

Who comes in the name of the Lord.

Ps 118:25, Ps 118:26.

Hosanna: See Matt 21:9.
Ps 118:26 ‫בָּר֣וּךְ הַ֭בָּא בְּשֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֑ה בֵּ֝רַֽכְנוּכֶ֗ם מִבֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃‬

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

We bless you from the house of the Lord.

Matt 21:9, Matt 23:39, Mark 11:9, Luke 13:35, Luke 19:38, John 12:13. Luke 13:35 870Idou/, a)fi/etai u9mi=n o9 oi]koj u9mw~n e1rhmoj: {RP P1904: le/gw de\} [TR: a)mh\n de\ le/gw] u9mi=n o3ti ou0 mh/ me i1dhte e3wj a@n {RP: h3cei} [P1904 TR: h3ch|], o3te ei1phte, Eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou. See how your house is left to you desolate. And {RP P1904: - } [TR: truly,] I say to you that you will not see me at all until the time comes when you say,

‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ”

le/gw de\, but I say, RP P1904 F1853=17/19 F1859=6/7 vs. a)mh\n de\ le/gw, truly indeed I say, TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's o) F1859=1/7 vs. words absent F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's x) F1859=0/7. AV differs textually.

h3cei, comes (classical subjunctive), RP F1853=10/19 F1859=3/8 vs. h3ch|, will come (non-classical future indicative), P1904 TR F1853=8/19 F1859=4/8 vs. absent, F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's g) F1859=1/8. A weak disparity with RP, R=13:14.

Ps 118:26.

see how ← behold.
Ps 118:26 ‫בָּר֣וּךְ הַ֭בָּא בְּשֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֑ה בֵּ֝רַֽכְנוּכֶ֗ם מִבֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃‬

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

We bless you from the house of the Lord.

Matt 21:9, Matt 23:39, Mark 11:9, Luke 13:35, Luke 19:38, John 12:13. Luke 19:38 le/gontej, Eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj basileu\j e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou: ei0rh/nh e0n ou0ranw%~, kai\ do/ca e0n u9yi/stoij. saying,

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord.

Peace in heaven and glory in the highest realms.”

Ps 118:26.
Ps 118:26 ‫בָּר֣וּךְ הַ֭בָּא בְּשֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֑ה בֵּ֝רַֽכְנוּכֶ֗ם מִבֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃‬

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

We bless you from the house of the Lord.

Matt 21:9, Matt 23:39, Mark 11:9, Luke 13:35, Luke 19:38, John 12:13. John 12:13 e1labon ta_ bai+/a tw~n foini/kwn, kai\ e0ch=lqon ei0j u9pa&nthsin au0tw%~, kai\ e1krazon, 879Wsanna&: eu0loghme/noj o9 e0rxo/menoj e0n o0no/mati kuri/ou, {RP P1904: - } [TR: o9] basileu\j tou= 870Israh/l. and they took branches of palm trees, and they went out to meet him, and they shouted,


Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,

{RP P1904: The} [TR: The] king of Israel.”

o9, the (king): absent in RP P1904 F1853=18/19 F1859=7/7 vs. present in TR F1853=1/19 (Scrivener's p) F1859=0/7.

Ps 118:25, Ps 118:26.

Hosanna: see Matt 21:9.
Ps 124:8 ‫עֶ֭זְרֵנוּ בְּשֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֑ה עֹ֝שֵׂ֗ה שָׁמַ֥יִם וָאָֽרֶץ׃‬

Our help is in the name of the Lord,

The maker of heaven and earth.

Rev 14:7. Rev 14:7 {RP P1904: le/gwn} [TR: le/gonta] e0n fwnh|= mega&lh|, Fobh/qhte to\n {RP-text P1904: ku/rion} [RP-marg TR: qeo/n], kai\ do/te au0tw%~ do/can, o3ti h]lqen h9 w#ra th=j kri/sewj au0tou=, kai\ proskunh/sate {RP-text: au0to\n to\n poih/santa} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tw%~ poih/santi] to\n ou0rano\n kai\ th\n gh=n kai\ {RP P1904 S1894: th\n} [S1550 E1624: - ] qa&lassan kai\ phga_j u9da&twn. saying in a loud voice, “Fear {RP-text P1904: the Lord} [RP-marg TR: God] and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come. And worship him {RP-text: who} [RP-marg P1904 TR: who] made heaven and earth and {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] sea and the sources of water.” le/gwn, saying (nominative), RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. le/gonta, saying (accusative, concordant with the angel of the previous verse), TR F1859=0/12.

ku/rion, Lord, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/12 vs. qeo/n, God, RP-marg TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghn). AV differs textually.

au0to\n to\n poih/santa, him who made, RP-text F1859=9/12 vs. tw%~ poih/santi, the (one) who made, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's ghl).

th\n, the (sea): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g).

Gen 1:1, Ps 33:6, Ps 124:8.
Ps 132:11 ‫נִשְׁבַּֽע־יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לְדָוִ֡ד אֱמֶת֮ לֹֽא־יָשׁ֪וּב מִ֫מֶּ֥נָּה מִפְּרִ֥י בִטְנְךָ֑ אָ֝שִׁ֗ית לְכִסֵּא־לָֽךְ׃‬

The Lord has sworn to David in truth;

He will not go back on it,

“From the fruit of your loins

I will appoint your throne.

This verse is alluded to in John 7:42. John 7:42 Ou0xi\ h9 grafh\ ei]pen o3ti e0k tou= spe/rmatoj {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], kai\ a)po\ Bhqlee/m, th=j kw&mhj o3pou h]n {RP P1904: Daui/d} [TR: Dabi/d], o9 xristo\j e1rxetai; Does not the scripture say that the Christ comes from the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was? David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:30MT-37MT (Ps 89:29AV-36AV), Ps 132:11, Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10, Jer 23:5, Jer 33:15, Mic 5:1MT (Mic 5:2AV).

does ← did.
Ps 135:15 ‫עֲצַבֵּ֣י הַ֭גּוֹיִם כֶּ֣סֶף וְזָהָ֑ב מַ֝עֲשֵׂ֗ה יְדֵ֣י אָדָֽם׃‬

The idols of the Gentiles are of silver and gold;

They are the works of the hands of man.

Rev 9:20.

|| Ps 115:4.

man ← Adam.
Rev 9:20 Kai\ oi9 loipoi\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, oi4 ou0k a)pekta&nqhsan e0n tai=j plhgai=j tau/taij, {RP P1904 S1894: ou0} [S1550 E1624: ou1te] meteno/hsan e0k tw~n e1rgwn tw~n xeirw~n au0tw~n, i3na mh\ proskunh/swsin ta_ daimo/nia, kai\ {RP P1904: ta_} [TR: - ] ei1dwla ta_ xrusa~ kai\ ta_ a)rgura~ {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\ ta_ xalka~} [RP-marg: - ] kai\ ta_ li/qina kai\ ta_ cu/lina, a$ ou1te ble/pein {RP-text P1904 TR: du/natai} [RP-marg: du/nantai], ou1te a)kou/ein, ou1te peripatei=n: But the rest of men, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: either] of the works of their hands, so as not to worship the demons and {RP P1904: the} [TR: - ] golden and silver {RP-text P1904 TR: and bronze} [RP-marg: - ] and stone and wooden idols, which can neither see nor hear nor walk around. ou0, (did) not, RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. ou1te, and (did) not, S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). As AV reads yet (from ou1te?), we have a challenge to S1894.

ta_, the (idols): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

kai\ ta_ xalka~, and the bronze: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

du/natai, can (classical singular with neuter plural subject), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=10/13 vs. du/nantai, can (non-classical plural form), RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's lmn).

Ps 115:4-5, Ps 115:7, Ps 135:15-16 (and elsewhere).
Ps 135:16 ‫פֶּֽה־לָ֭הֶם וְלֹ֣א יְדַבֵּ֑רוּ עֵינַ֥יִם לָ֝הֶ֗ם וְלֹ֣א יִרְאֽוּ׃‬

They have a mouth,

But they cannot speak;

They have eyes,

But they cannot see.

Rev 9:20.

|| Ps 115:5.
Rev 9:20 Kai\ oi9 loipoi\ tw~n a)nqrw&pwn, oi4 ou0k a)pekta&nqhsan e0n tai=j plhgai=j tau/taij, {RP P1904 S1894: ou0} [S1550 E1624: ou1te] meteno/hsan e0k tw~n e1rgwn tw~n xeirw~n au0tw~n, i3na mh\ proskunh/swsin ta_ daimo/nia, kai\ {RP P1904: ta_} [TR: - ] ei1dwla ta_ xrusa~ kai\ ta_ a)rgura~ {RP-text P1904 TR: kai\ ta_ xalka~} [RP-marg: - ] kai\ ta_ li/qina kai\ ta_ cu/lina, a$ ou1te ble/pein {RP-text P1904 TR: du/natai} [RP-marg: du/nantai], ou1te a)kou/ein, ou1te peripatei=n: But the rest of men, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent {RP P1904 S1894: - } [S1550 E1624: either] of the works of their hands, so as not to worship the demons and {RP P1904: the} [TR: - ] golden and silver {RP-text P1904 TR: and bronze} [RP-marg: - ] and stone and wooden idols, which can neither see nor hear nor walk around. ou0, (did) not, RP P1904 S1894 F1859=12/13 vs. ou1te, and (did) not, S1550 E1624 F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). As AV reads yet (from ou1te?), we have a challenge to S1894.

ta_, the (idols): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

kai\ ta_ xalka~, and the bronze: present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhmn) vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=9/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

du/natai, can (classical singular with neuter plural subject), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=10/13 vs. du/nantai, can (non-classical plural form), RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's lmn).

Ps 115:4-5, Ps 115:7, Ps 135:15-16 (and elsewhere).
Ps 139:13 ‫כִּֽי־אַ֭תָּה קָנִ֣יתָ כִלְיֹתָ֑י תְּ֝סֻכֵּ֗נִי בְּבֶ֣טֶן אִמִּֽי׃‬

For you have taken possession of my kidneys;

You wove me together in my mother's womb.

Rev 2:23.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. Compare Prov 23:16, Jer 11:20.
Rev 2:23 Kai\ ta_ te/kna au0th=j a)poktenw~ e0n qana&tw%: kai\ gnw&sontai pa~sai ai9 e0kklhsi/ai o3ti e0gw& ei0mi o9 e0reunw~n nefrou\j kai\ kardi/aj: kai\ dw&sw u9mi=n e9ka&stw% kata_ ta_ e1rga u9mw~n. And I will kill her children with a death blow, and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches kidneys and hearts, and I will give each of you what is appropriate according to your works. Jer 11:20, Jer 17:10, Jer 20:12, Jer 32:19; 1 Sam 16:7, 1 Chr 28:9, 1 Chr 29:17, Ps 139:13, Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV).

churches: see Matt 16:18.

I am: see Rev 1:4, John 18:5-6.

kidneys: i.e. inward feelings. See Ps 139:13.

your: as the Greek. Strict English grammar mandates his.
Ps 139:21 ‫הֲלֽוֹא־מְשַׂנְאֶ֖יךָ יְהוָ֥ה ׀ אֶשְׂנָ֑א וּ֝בִתְקוֹמְמֶ֗יךָ אֶתְקוֹטָֽט׃‬

Do I not hate, O Lord,

Those who hate you?

And do I not loathe

Those who rise up against you?

There is the sense of this verse in Matt 5:43. Matt 5:43 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou, kai/, Mish/seij to\n e0xqro/n sou: You have heard that it has been said, ‘You shall love your neighbour’, and, You shall hate your enemy, Lev 19:18.

you shall hate your enemy: there is the sense of this in, e.g., Ps 139:21, Ps 139:22.
Ps 139:22 ‫תַּכְלִ֣ית שִׂנְאָ֣ה שְׂנֵאתִ֑ים לְ֝אוֹיְבִ֗ים הָ֣יוּ לִֽי׃‬

I have hated them with perfect hatred;

They have become enemies of mine.

perfect hatred ← perfection of hatred.

There is the sense of this verse in Matt 5:43.
Matt 5:43 870Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh, 870Agaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou, kai/, Mish/seij to\n e0xqro/n sou: You have heard that it has been said, ‘You shall love your neighbour’, and, You shall hate your enemy, Lev 19:18.

you shall hate your enemy: there is the sense of this in, e.g., Ps 139:21, Ps 139:22.
Ps 140:4
Ps 140:3AV
‫שָֽׁנֲנ֣וּ לְשׁוֹנָם֮ כְּֽמוֹ־נָ֫חָ֥שׁ חֲמַ֥ת עַכְשׁ֑וּב תַּ֖חַת שְׂפָתֵ֣ימוֹ סֶֽלָה׃‬

They have sharpened their tongue like a serpent;

Vipers' venom is under their lips.


Rom 3:13. Rom 3:13 ta&foj a)new%gme/noj o9 la&rugc au0tw~n, tai=j glw&ssaij au0tw~n e0doliou=san: i0o\j a)spi/dwn u9po\ ta_ xei/lh au0tw~n:

Their throat is an open sepulchre;

With their tongues they have been deceitful;

Vipers' venom is under their lips,

Ps 5:10MT (Ps 5:9AV), Ps 140:4MT (Ps 140:3AV).

they have been deceitful ← they were deceitful, an Alexandrian dialectical form, as in Ps 5:9 LXX.
Ps 141:2 ‫תִּכּ֤וֹן תְּפִלָּתִ֣י קְטֹ֣רֶת לְפָנֶ֑יךָ מַֽשְׂאַ֥ת כַּ֝פַּ֗י מִנְחַת־עָֽרֶב׃‬

Let my prayer be considered as incense in your presence,

And the lifting up of hands

As the evening meal-offering.

Rev 5:8, Rev 8:4.

considered ← established.
Rev 5:8 Kai\ o3te e1laben to\ bibli/on, ta_ te/ssara zw%~a kai\ oi9 {RP-text P1904 TR: ei1kosi te/ssarej} [RP-marg: K6D6] presbu/teroi {RP TR: e1peson} [P1904: e1pesan] e0nw&pion tou= a)rni/ou, e1xontej e3kastoj {RP-text P1904: kiqa&ran} [RP-marg TR: kiqa&raj], kai\ fia&laj xrusa~j gemou/saj qumiama&twn, ai3 ei0sin {RP-text: - } [RP-marg P1904 TR: ai9] proseuxai\ tw~n a(gi/wn. and when he had taken the book, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the lamb, each having {RP-text P1904: a harp} [RP-marg TR: harps] and golden bowls full of incense, which are {RP-text: the} [RP-marg P1904 TR: the] prayers of the saints. ei1kosi te/ssarej, twenty-four, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/13 vs. K6D6, 24, RP-marg F1859=7/13. Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

e1peson, they fell (classical form), RP TR F1859=12/13 vs. e1pesan, they fell (post-classical form), P1904 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l).

kiqa&ran, a harp, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. kiqa&raj, harps, RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's ehjl). AV differs textually.

ai9, the (prayers): absent in RP-text F1859=11/13 (though 4 with a different word following) vs. present in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

Ps 141:2.

saints: see Matt 27:52.
Ps 141:2 ‫תִּכּ֤וֹן תְּפִלָּתִ֣י קְטֹ֣רֶת לְפָנֶ֑יךָ מַֽשְׂאַ֥ת כַּ֝פַּ֗י מִנְחַת־עָֽרֶב׃‬

Let my prayer be considered as incense in your presence,

And the lifting up of hands

As the evening meal-offering.

Rev 5:8, Rev 8:4.

considered ← established.
Rev 8:4 Kai\ a)ne/bh o9 kapno\j tw~n qumiama&twn tai=j proseuxai=j tw~n a(gi/wn e0k xeiro\j tou= a)gge/lou e0nw&pion tou= qeou=. and the smoke of the incense went up with the prayers of the saints out of the hand of the angel in the presence of God. Ps 141:2.

saints: see Matt 27:52.
Job 41:3
Job 41:11AV
‫מִ֣י הִ֭קְדִּימַנִי וַאֲשַׁלֵּ֑ם תַּ֖חַת כָּל־הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם לִי־הֽוּא׃‬

Who existed before me?

Tell me, and I will pay what is due.

Everything under the whole of heaven is mine.

Rom 11:35, where it is adapted. Rom 11:35 872H ti/j proe/dwken au0tw%~, kai\ a)ntapodoqh/setai au0tw%~;

Or who has given him anything beforehand,

And it will be repaid to him?

Job 41:3MT (Job 41:11AV).

it will be repaid to him: or he will be repaid by him.
Ps 144:3 ‫יְֽהוָ֗ה מָה־אָ֭דָם וַתֵּדָעֵ֑הוּ בֶּן־אֱ֝נ֗וֹשׁ וַֽתְּחַשְּׁבֵֽהוּ׃‬

O Lord, what is man,

That you should know him?

– The son of man,

That you should consider him?

Heb 2:6.

|| Ps 8:5 (Ps 8:4AV).

man ... man ← Adam ... (mortal) mankind.
Heb 2:6 Diemartu/rato de/ pou/ tij le/gwn, Ti/ e0stin a!nqrwpoj, o3ti mimnh/skh| au0tou=; 872H ui9o\j a)nqrw&pou, o3ti e0piske/pth| au0to/n; but someone solemnly testified in a certain place and said,

“What is man,

That you should remember him?

Or the son of man,

That you should watch over him?

Ps 8:5MT (Ps 8:4AV), Ps 144:3.

watch over: or visit.
Ps 145:17 ‫צַדִּ֣יק יְ֭הוָה בְּכָל־דְּרָכָ֑יו וְ֝חָסִ֗יד בְּכָל־מַעֲשָֽׂיו׃‬

The Lord is righteous in all his ways

And benevolent in all his works.

Rev 15:3, adapted. Rev 15:3 Kai\ a%!dousin th\n w%)dh\n {RP P1904: Mwu+se/wj} [TR: Mwse/wj] {RP P1904 S1894: tou=} [S1550 E1624: - ] dou/lou tou= qeou=, kai\ th\n w%)dh\n tou= a)rni/ou, le/gontej, Mega&la kai\ qaumasta_ ta_ e1rga sou, ku/rie o9 qeo\j o9 pantokra&twr: di/kaiai kai\ a)lhqinai\ ai9 o9doi/ sou, o9 basileu\j tw~n {RP P1904: e0qnw~n} [TR: a(gi/wn]. and they sang the Song of Moses {RP P1904 S1894: the} [S1550 E1624: the] servant of God, and the song of the lamb, which reads,

Great and wondrous are your works,

O Lord God Almighty.

Righteous and true are your ways,

O king of the {RP P1904: nations} [TR: saints].

Mwu+se/wj, Moüses, RP P1904 F1859=5/12 vs. Mwse/wj, Moses, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gn) vs. another spelling, F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's behj) vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d).

tou=, of the (servant): present in RP P1904 S1894 F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's hn) vs. absent in S1550 E1624 F1859=9/12 vs. whole phrase absent, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's d). A disparity with RP, R=4:10.

e0qnw~n, of nations, RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. a(gi/wn, of saints, TR F1859=0/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). AV differs textually.

Deut 32 (Song of Moses); Ps 86:9-11 (allusion); Ps 145:17.

which reads ← saying.

[TR: saints: see Matt 27:52.]
Ps 146:10 ‫יִמְלֹ֤ךְ יְהוָ֨ה ׀ לְעוֹלָ֗ם אֱלֹהַ֣יִךְ צִ֭יּוֹן לְדֹ֥ר וָדֹ֗ר הַֽלְלוּ־יָֽהּ׃‬

The Lord will reign age-abidingly;

Your God, O Zion, is from generation to generation.

Praise the Lord.

Rev 11:15.

from generation to generation ← for generation and generation.
Rev 11:15 Kai\ o9 e3bdomoj a!ggeloj e0sa&lpisen, kai\ e0ge/nonto fwnai\ mega&lai e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, le/gousai, {RP P1904: 870Ege/neto h9 basilei/a} [TR: 870Ege/nonto ai9 basilei=ai] tou= ko/smou, tou= kuri/ou h9mw~n, kai\ tou= xristou= au0tou=, kai\ basileu/sei ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. Then the seventh angel sounded the trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, and they said, “The {RP P1904: kingdom of the world has} [TR: kingdoms of the world have] become {RP P1904: the kingdom} [TR: the kingdoms] of our Lord and his Christ, and he will reign throughout the durations of the ages.” e0ge/neto h9 basilei/a, the kingdom became, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. e0ge/nonto ai9 basilei=ai, the kingdoms became, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's l). AV differs textually.

Ex 15:18, Ps 146:10.
Prov 3:4 ‫וּמְצָא־חֵ֖ן וְשֵֽׂכֶל־ט֑וֹב בְּעֵינֵ֖י אֱלֹהִ֣ים וְאָדָֽם׃ פ‬

And find grace and recognition of sound intellect

In the eyes of God and man.

Alluded to in Rom 12:17. Rom 12:17 Mhdeni\ kako\n a)nti\ kakou= a)podido/ntej. Pronoou/menoi kala_ e0nw&pion pa&ntwn a)nqrw&pwn. Let no-one render evil for evil. Have a predisposition for good things in the presence of all men. Prov 3:4 (allusion).

let no-one render: imperatival use of the participle.
Prov 3:7 ‫אַל־תְּהִ֣י חָכָ֣ם בְּעֵינֶ֑יךָ יְרָ֥א אֶת־יְ֝הוָ֗ה וְס֣וּר מֵרָֽע׃‬

Do not be wise in your own eyes;

Fear the Lord,

And depart from evil.

Rom 12:16. Rom 12:16 To\ au0to\ ei0j a)llh/louj fronou=ntej. Mh\ ta_ u9yhla_ fronou=ntej, a)lla_ toi=j tapeinoi=j sunapago/menoi. Mh\ gi/nesqe fro/nimoi par' e9autoi=j. Be of the same mind towards each other. Do not be high-minded, but sympathize with those who are low-ranking. Do not become wise-minded in your own estimation. Prov 3:7.

wise-minded ← (right-, prudent-) minded. Compare the play on words in Rom 12:3.

your own estimationyourselves.
Prov 3:11 ‫מוּסַ֣ר יְ֭הוָה בְּנִ֣י אַל־תִּמְאָ֑ס וְאַל־תָּ֝קֹ֗ץ בְּתוֹכַחְתּֽוֹ׃‬

My son, do not reject the Lord's correction,

And do not be averse to his reproof,

Heb 12:5.

Compare this verse with Job 5:17.
Heb 12:5 kai\ e0kle/lhsqe th=j paraklh/sewj, h3tij u9mi=n w(j ui9oi=j diale/getai, Ui9e/ mou, mh\ o0ligw&rei paidei/aj kuri/ou, mhde\ e0klu/ou u9p' au0tou= e0legxo/menoj: And you have completely forgotten the exhortation which treats you as sons,

“My son, do not make light of the discipline of the Lord,

Nor lose heart when you are reproved by him.

Prov 3:11.

treats ← discusses, argues with.
Prov 3:12 ‫כִּ֤י אֶ֥ת אֲשֶׁ֣ר יֶאֱהַ֣ב יְהוָ֣ה יוֹכִ֑יחַ וּ֝כְאָ֗ב אֶת־בֵּ֥ן יִרְצֶֽה׃‬

For the Lord reproves those he loves,

Just as a father does with a son in whom he delights.

Heb 12:6, Rev 3:19, adapted.

just as ← and as.
Heb 12:6 o4n ga_r a)gapa%~ ku/rioj paideu/ei: mastigoi= de\ pa&nta ui9o\n o4n parade/xetai.

For whom the Lord loves,

He disciplines,

And he scourges every son whom he receives.”

Prov 3:12, adapted.
Prov 3:12 ‫כִּ֤י אֶ֥ת אֲשֶׁ֣ר יֶאֱהַ֣ב יְהוָ֣ה יוֹכִ֑יחַ וּ֝כְאָ֗ב אֶת־בֵּ֥ן יִרְצֶֽה׃‬

For the Lord reproves those he loves,

Just as a father does with a son in whom he delights.

Heb 12:6, Rev 3:19, adapted.

just as ← and as.
Rev 3:19 870Egw_ o3souj e0a_n filw~, e0le/gxw kai\ paideu/w: {RP-text TR: zh/lwson} [RP-marg P1904: zh/leue] ou]n kai\ metano/hson. As for me, all whom I love, I reprove and chasten. So be zealous and repent. zh/lwson, be zealous (aorist of zhlo/w), RP-text TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's dhln) vs. zh/leue, be zealous (present of zhleu/w), RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c). A disparity with RP-text, R=5:9.

Prov 3:12, adapted.

all ← as many as.
Prov 3:34 ‫אִם־לַלֵּצִ֥ים הֽוּא־יָלִ֑יץ *ולעניים **וְ֝לַעֲנָוִ֗ים יִתֶּן־חֵֽן׃‬

Whereas he will mock the mockers,

He will give grace to the {Q: meek} [K: poor].

The ketiv / qeré issue is a yod / vav issue.

1 Pet 5:5, James 4:6.
1 Pet 5:5 879Omoi/wj, new&teroi, u9pota&ghte presbute/roij: pa&ntej de\ a)llh/loij u9potasso/menoi, th\n tapeinofrosu/nhn e0gkombw&sasqe: o3ti o9 qeo\j u9perhfa&noij a)ntita&ssetai, tapeinoi=j de\ di/dwsin xa&rin. Similarly you younger ones, be subject to the elders, and, all being subject to each other, gird yourselves with humility, for

God opposes the arrogant

But gives grace to the lowly.

Prov 3:34.
Prov 3:34 ‫אִם־לַלֵּצִ֥ים הֽוּא־יָלִ֑יץ *ולעניים **וְ֝לַעֲנָוִ֗ים יִתֶּן־חֵֽן׃‬

Whereas he will mock the mockers,

He will give grace to the {Q: meek} [K: poor].

The ketiv / qeré issue is a yod / vav issue.

1 Pet 5:5, James 4:6.
James 4:6 Mei/zona de\ di/dwsin xa&rin: dio\ le/gei, 879O qeo\j u9perhfa&noij a)ntita&ssetai, tapeinoi=j de\ di/dwsin xa&rin. But he gives a greater grace. That is why he says,

“God opposes the arrogant

But gives grace to the lowly.”

Prov 3:34.

that is why ← on account of which.
Prov 10:12 ‫שִׂ֭נְאָה תְּעוֹרֵ֣ר מְדָנִ֑ים וְעַ֥ל כָּל־פְּ֝שָׁעִ֗ים תְּכַסֶּ֥ה אַהֲבָֽה׃‬

Hatred arouses strife,

But love covers all transgressions.

1 Pet 4:8.

strife ← strifes.
1 Pet 4:8 pro\ pa&ntwn de\ th\n ei0j e9autou\j a)ga&phn e0ktenh= e1xontej, o3ti {RP S1550: - } [P1904 E1624 S1894: h9] a)ga&ph kalu/yei plh=qoj a(martiw~n: And above all have intense love towards one another, because love will cover a multitude of sins. h9, the (love): absent in RP S1550 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's cdjklo) vs. present in P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=6/12 (Scrivener's abfghm). A weak disparity with RP, R=7:8.

Prov 10:12.

one another: reflexive pronoun for reciprocal.
Prov 20:22 ‫אַל־תֹּאמַ֥ר אֲשַׁלְּמָה־רָ֑ע קַוֵּ֥ה לַֽ֝יהוָ֗ה וְיֹ֣שַֽׁע לָֽךְ׃‬

Do not say,

“I will repay evil.”

Put your hope in the Lord,

And he will save you.

Alluded to in Rom 12:19.

he will save: or let him save.
Rom 12:19 Mh\ e9autou\j e0kdikou=ntej, a)gaphtoi/, a)lla_ do/te to/pon th|= o0rgh|=: ge/graptai ga&r, 870Emoi\ e0kdi/khsij, e0gw_ a)ntapodw&sw, le/gei ku/rioj. Do not take revenge on each other, beloved, but leave room for anger, for it stands written: “Vengeance is mine. I will repay”, says the Lord. Deut 32:35. See also Prov 20:22, Prov 24:29, Prov 25:22.

leave ← give.

anger: i.e. God's anger, as noted by [CB], [MG].
Prov 22:9 ‫טֽוֹב־עַ֭יִן ה֣וּא יְבֹרָ֑ךְ כִּֽי־נָתַ֖ן מִלַּחְמ֣וֹ לַדָּֽל׃‬

He who is generous will be blessed,

For he gives some of his bread to the poor.

2 Cor 9:7, adapted.

generous ← good of eye.
2 Cor 9:7 873Ekastoj kaqw_j proairei=tai th|= kardi/a%: mh\ e0k lu/phj h2 e0c a)na&gkhj: i9laro\n ga_r do/thn a)gapa%~ o9 qeo/j. Each person should give as he has decided beforehand in his heart, not grudgingly or under constraint, for God loves a cheerful giver. Prov 22:9, adapted.

has decided ← decides.
Prov 24:29 ‫אַל־תֹּאמַ֗ר כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר עָֽשָׂה־לִ֭י כֵּ֤ן אֶֽעֱשֶׂה־לּ֑וֹ אָשִׁ֖יב לָאִ֣ישׁ כְּפָעֳלֽוֹ׃‬

Do not say,

“As he has done to me,

So I will do to him.

I will requite the man according to his deed.”

Alluded to in Rom 12:19. Rom 12:19 Mh\ e9autou\j e0kdikou=ntej, a)gaphtoi/, a)lla_ do/te to/pon th|= o0rgh|=: ge/graptai ga&r, 870Emoi\ e0kdi/khsij, e0gw_ a)ntapodw&sw, le/gei ku/rioj. Do not take revenge on each other, beloved, but leave room for anger, for it stands written: “Vengeance is mine. I will repay”, says the Lord. Deut 32:35. See also Prov 20:22, Prov 24:29, Prov 25:22.

leave ← give.

anger: i.e. God's anger, as noted by [CB], [MG].
Prov 25:21 ‫אִם־רָעֵ֣ב שֹׂ֭נַאֲךָ הַאֲכִלֵ֣הוּ לָ֑חֶם וְאִם־צָ֝מֵ֗א הַשְׁקֵ֥הוּ מָֽיִם׃‬

If he who hates you is hungry,

Give him food;

And if he is thirsty,

Give him water to drink,

Rom 12:20.

give him food ← feed him bread, standing for food in general. See 1 Sam 28:22-24.
Rom 12:20 870Ea_n ou]n peina%~ o9 e0xqro/j sou, yw&mize au0to/n: e0a_n diya%~, po/tize au0to/n: tou=to ga_r poiw~n, a!nqrakaj puro\j swreu/seij e0pi\ th\n kefalh\n au0tou=.

“So if your enemy is hungry,

Feed him.

If he is thirsty,

Give him a drink.

For by doing this

You will heap fiery coals on his head.”

Prov 25:21, Prov 25:22.

by doing: gerundial use of the participle.

fiery coals ← coals of fire, a Hebraic genitive.
Prov 25:22 ‫כִּ֤י גֶֽחָלִ֗ים אַ֭תָּה חֹתֶ֣ה עַל־רֹאשׁ֑וֹ וַֽ֝יהוָ֗ה יְשַׁלֶּם־לָֽךְ׃‬

For then you are heaping burning coals on his head,

And the Lord will repay you.

Rom 12:19, Rom 12:20.

heaping ← shovelling.
Rom 12:19 Mh\ e9autou\j e0kdikou=ntej, a)gaphtoi/, a)lla_ do/te to/pon th|= o0rgh|=: ge/graptai ga&r, 870Emoi\ e0kdi/khsij, e0gw_ a)ntapodw&sw, le/gei ku/rioj. Do not take revenge on each other, beloved, but leave room for anger, for it stands written: “Vengeance is mine. I will repay”, says the Lord. Deut 32:35. See also Prov 20:22, Prov 24:29, Prov 25:22.

leave ← give.

anger: i.e. God's anger, as noted by [CB], [MG].
Prov 25:22 ‫כִּ֤י גֶֽחָלִ֗ים אַ֭תָּה חֹתֶ֣ה עַל־רֹאשׁ֑וֹ וַֽ֝יהוָ֗ה יְשַׁלֶּם־לָֽךְ׃‬

For then you are heaping burning coals on his head,

And the Lord will repay you.

Rom 12:19, Rom 12:20.

heaping ← shovelling.
Rom 12:20 870Ea_n ou]n peina%~ o9 e0xqro/j sou, yw&mize au0to/n: e0a_n diya%~, po/tize au0to/n: tou=to ga_r poiw~n, a!nqrakaj puro\j swreu/seij e0pi\ th\n kefalh\n au0tou=.

“So if your enemy is hungry,

Feed him.

If he is thirsty,

Give him a drink.

For by doing this

You will heap fiery coals on his head.”

Prov 25:21, Prov 25:22.

by doing: gerundial use of the participle.

fiery coals ← coals of fire, a Hebraic genitive.
Prov 26:11 ‫כְּ֭כֶלֶב שָׁ֣ב עַל־קֵא֑וֹ כְּ֝סִ֗יל שׁוֹנֶ֥ה בְאִוַּלְתּֽוֹ׃‬

Like a dog which returns to its own vomit,

Is a fool who repeats his stupidity.

2 Pet 2:22. 2 Pet 2:22 Sumbe/bhken de\ au0toi=j to\ th=j a)lhqou=j paroimi/aj, Ku/wn e0pistre/yaj e0pi\ to\ i1dion e0ce/rama, kai\ u[j lousame/nh ei0j ku/lisma borbo/rou. And the enactment of the true proverb has happened to them: a dog which has returned to its own vomit, and a washed sow to wallowing in the mud. Prov 26:11.
Prov 30:6 ‫אַל־תּ֥וֹסְףְּ עַל־דְּבָרָ֑יו פֶּן־יוֹכִ֖יחַ בְּךָ֣ וְנִכְזָֽבְתָּ׃ פ‬

Do not add to his words,

Lest he reprove you,

And you are proved false.

Rev 22:18. Rev 22:18 {RP P1904: Marturw~ e0gw_} [TR: Summarturou=mai ga_r] panti\ {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] a)kou/onti tou\j lo/gouj th=j profhtei/aj tou= bibli/ou tou/tou, e0a&n tij {RP P1904: e0piqh|=} [TR: e0pitiqh|=] {RP: e0p' au0ta&} [P1904: e0pi\ tau=ta] [TR: pro\j tau=ta], {RP-text: e0piqh/sai} [RP-marg P1904 TR: e0piqh/sei] {RP-text P1904 TR: o9 qeo\j e0p' au0to\n} [RP-marg: e0p' au0to\n o9 qeo\j] ta_j {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: e9pta_] plhga_j ta_j gegramme/naj e0n {RP P1904: tw%~} [TR: - ] bibli/w% tou/tw%: {RP P1904: - } [TR: For] I testify to everyone {RP P1904: who} [TR: who] hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to {RP: them} [P1904 TR: these things], {RP-text: may God} [RP-marg P1904 TR: God will] add to him the {RP-text P1904 TR: - } [RP-marg: seven] plagues written in this book, marturw~ e0gw_, I (emphatic) testify (1), RP P1904 F1859=6/7 (Scrivener's bdhjkl, j with marturw%~) vs. summarturou=mai ga_r, for I (jointly → solemnly) testify, TR F1859=0/7 vs. martu/romai e0gw_, I (emphatic) testify (2), F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's c).

tw%~, to the (hearer): present in RP P1904 F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bcjkl) vs. absent in TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's dh).

e0piqh|=, adds (aorist, so perfective aspect), RP P1904 F1859=7/7 (Scrivener's bcdhjkl, misspelled in l) vs. e0pitiqh|=, adds (present, so imperfective aspect), TR F1859=0/7.

e0p' au0ta&, to (apocopated) these (things), RP F1859=6/7 vs. e0pi\ tau=ta, to these (things), P1904 F1859=0/7 vs. pro\j tau=ta, to these (things), TR F1859=0/7 vs. au0tw%~, to him / it, F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's k).

e0piqh/sai, should add (irregular form, perhaps optative), RP-text F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdhjk) vs. e0piqh/sei, will add, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's cl). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=5:4.

o9 qeo\j e0p' au0to\n, God (will add) to him, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=6/7 vs. e0p' au0to\n o9 qeo\j, to him God (will add), RP-marg F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h). A disparity (#2) with RP-marg (low count).

e9pta_, seven: absent in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/7 (Scrivener's bdjkl) vs. present in RP-marg F1859=2/7 (Scrivener's ch).

tw%~, the → this: present in RP P1904 F1859=7/7 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/7.

Deut 4:2, Deut 13:1MT (Deut 12:32AV), Deut 13:1, Prov 30:6.
Ruth 4:17 ‫וַתִּקְרֶאנָה֩ ל֨וֹ הַשְּׁכֵנ֥וֹת שֵׁם֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר יֻלַּד־בֵּ֖ן לְנָעֳמִ֑י וַתִּקְרֶ֤אנָֽה שְׁמוֹ֙ עוֹבֵ֔ד ה֥וּא אֲבִי־יִשַׁ֖י אֲבִ֥י דָוִֽד׃ פ‬ And the neighbouring women proclaimed his fame and said, “A son has been born to Naomi.” And they called him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David. Acts 13:22.

son: standing for nephew-in-law, via her brother-in-law Boaz, but by the system of raising up seed to the deceased, Obed counts as Elimelech's son, so also Naomi's son.

Jesse ← Jishai, but we retain the AV / traditional English name.
Acts 13:22 Kai\ metasth/saj au0to/n, h1geiren au0toi=j to\n {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] ei0j basile/a, w%{ kai\ ei]pen marturh/saj, Eu[ron {RP P1904: Daui\d} [TR: Dabi\d] to\n tou= 870Iessai/, a!ndra kata_ th\n kardi/an mou, o4j poih/sei pa&nta ta_ qelh/mata& mou. Then he removed him and raised up David to them as king, to whom he also gave witness and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after my heart who will carry out all my will.’ David (2x): on Daui/d vs. Dabi/d, see Matt 1:1.

Ps 89:21MT (Ps 89:20AV), Ruth 4:17, 1 Sam 13:14.

will ← wills.
Eccl 7:20 ‫כִּ֣י אָדָ֔ם אֵ֥ין צַדִּ֖יק בָּאָ֑רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר יַעֲשֶׂה־טּ֖וֹב וְלֹ֥א יֶחֱטָֽא׃‬

For there is not a just man on the earth

Who does good and does not sin.

Rom 3:10. Rom 3:10 kaqw_j ge/graptai {RP-text P1904 TR: o3ti} [RP-marg: - ] Ou0k e1stin di/kaioj ou0de\ ei[j: As it stands written:

“Not even one is righteous.

o3ti, that (introducing indirect or direct speech): present in RP-text P1904 TR F1859=8/12 vs. absent in RP-marg F1859=4/12 (Scrivener's achl).

Ps 14:1, Ps 53:2MT (Ps 53:1AV), Eccl 7:20.
Dan 2:35 ‫בֵּאדַ֣יִן דָּ֣קוּ כַחֲדָ֡ה פַּרְזְלָא֩ חַסְפָּ֨א נְחָשָׁ֜א כַּסְפָּ֣א וְדַהֲבָ֗א וַהֲווֹ֙ כְּע֣וּר מִן־אִדְּרֵי־קַ֔יִט וּנְשָׂ֤א הִמּוֹן֙ רוּחָ֔א וְכָל־אֲתַ֖ר לָא־הִשְׁתֲּכַ֣ח לְה֑וֹן וְאַבְנָ֣א ׀ דִּֽי־מְחָ֣ת לְצַלְמָ֗א הֲוָ֛ת לְט֥וּר רַ֖ב וּמְלָ֥ת כָּל־אַרְעָֽא׃‬ Then the iron and the clay, copper, silver and gold were shattered together, and they became like chaff from the summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away, and no place was found for them, but the stone which struck the image became a great mountain, and it filled the whole earth. Rev 12:8.

no ← not every.
Rev 12:8 kai\ ou0k {RP-text P1904: i1sxusen} [RP-marg TR: i1sxusan], {RP P1904: ou0de\} [TR: ou1te] to/poj eu9re/qh {RP P1904: au0tw%~} [TR: au0tw~n] e1ti e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~. but {RP-text P1904: he did not prevail,} [RP-marg TR: they did not prevail,] nor was room found for {RP P1904: him} [TR: them] in heaven any longer. i1sxusen, he did (not) prevail, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. i1sxusan, they did (not) prevail, RP-marg TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). AV differs textually.

ou0de\, nor, not even, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. ou1te, and not, TR F1859=0/13.

au0tw%~, for him, RP P1904 F1859=10/13 vs. au0tw~n, their, TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's fgn). AV differs textually.

Dan 2:35.
Dan 3:31
Dan 4:1AV
‫נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֣ר מַלְכָּ֗א לְֽכָל־עַֽמְמַיָּ֞א אֻמַיָּ֧א וְלִשָּׁנַיָּ֛א דִּֽי־*דארין **דָיְרִ֥ין בְּכָל־אַרְעָ֖א שְׁלָמְכ֥וֹן יִשְׂגֵּֽא׃‬ From Nebuchadnezzar the king to all peoples and nations and languages who dwell in all the earth, may your peace increase. dwell: the ketiv and qeré are different spellings of the same word.

1 Pet 1:2.

languages: see Dan 3:4.

earth: or land.
1 Pet 1:2 kata_ pro/gnwsin qeou= patro/j, e0n a(giasmw%~ pneu/matoj, ei0j u9pakoh\n kai\ r(antismo\n ai3matoj 870Ihsou= xristou=: xa&rij u9mi=n kai\ ei0rh/nh plhqunqei/h. elect according to the foreknowledge of God the father, in sanctification of the spirit, in obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace to you, and may peace be plentiful. in (obedience etc.) ← into, for.

may peace be plentiful ← may peace be made plentiful, reminiscent of Dan 3:31MT (Dan 4:1AV), Dan 6:26MT (Dan 6:25AV).
Dan 6:26
Dan 6:25AV
‫בֵּאדַ֜יִן דָּרְיָ֣וֶשׁ מַלְכָּ֗א כְּ֠תַב לְֽכָל־עַֽמְמַיָּ֞א אֻמַיָּ֧א וְלִשָּׁנַיָּ֛א דִּֽי־*דארין **דָיְרִ֥ין בְּכָל־אַרְעָ֖א שְׁלָמְכ֥וֹן יִשְׂגֵּֽא׃‬ Then Darius the king wrote to all the peoples, nations and languages who lived in the whole earth, “May your peace increase. lived: the ketiv and qeré are different spellings of the same word.

1 Pet 1:2.

languages: see Dan 3:4.

earth: or land.
1 Pet 1:2 kata_ pro/gnwsin qeou= patro/j, e0n a(giasmw%~ pneu/matoj, ei0j u9pakoh\n kai\ r(antismo\n ai3matoj 870Ihsou= xristou=: xa&rij u9mi=n kai\ ei0rh/nh plhqunqei/h. elect according to the foreknowledge of God the father, in sanctification of the spirit, in obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace to you, and may peace be plentiful. in (obedience etc.) ← into, for.

may peace be plentiful ← may peace be made plentiful, reminiscent of Dan 3:31MT (Dan 4:1AV), Dan 6:26MT (Dan 6:25AV).
Dan 7:10 ‫נְהַ֣ר דִּי־נ֗וּר נָגֵ֤ד וְנָפֵק֙ מִן־קֳדָמ֔וֹהִי אֶ֤לֶף *אלפים **אַלְפִין֙ יְשַׁמְּשׁוּנֵּ֔הּ וְרִבּ֥וֹ *רבון **רִבְבָ֖ן קָֽדָמ֣וֹהִי יְקוּמ֑וּן דִּינָ֥א יְתִ֖ב וְסִפְרִ֥ין פְּתִֽיחוּ׃‬

A river of fire flowed and issued from him;

A million served him,

And a hundred million arose in his presence.

The court sat, and the books were opened.

million ← thousand thousands, the thousands in the ketiv being Hebrew rather than Aramaic.

hundred million ← ten thousand ten thousands. The ketiv and qeré are similar words with the same meaning.

Rev 5:11.

from him ← from his presence.

served: or will serve.

arose ← will arise.
Rev 5:11 Kai\ ei]don, kai\ h1kousa {RP P1904: w(j} [TR: - ] fwnh\n a)gge/lwn pollw~n {RP P1904: ku/klw%} [TR: kuklo/qen] tou= qro/nou kai\ tw~n zw%&wn kai\ tw~n presbute/rwn: {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: kai\ h]n o9 a)riqmo\j au0tw~n muria&dej muria&dwn,} [S1550: - ] kai\ xilia&dej xilia&dwn, And I looked, and I heard the sound of many angels around the throne, and of the living beings and of the elders, {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: and the number of them was tens of thousands of tens of thousands} [S1550: - ] and thousands of thousands, w(j, as (sound): present in RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's fn).

ku/klw%, around, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. kuklo/qen, from around, TR F1859=0/13 vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k).

kai\ h]n o9 a)riqmo\j au0tw~n muria&dej muria&dwn, and the number of them was myriads of myriads: present in RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in S1550 F1859=0/13.

{RP P1904 E1624 S1894: Dan 7:10.}

{RP P1904: the sound ← as a sound (or voice), but the word w(j, as, is often redundant; see Luke 2:37.}
Dan 7:11 ‫חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֔ית בֵּאדַ֗יִן מִן־קָל֙ מִלַּיָּ֣א רַבְרְבָתָ֔א דִּ֥י קַרְנָ֖א מְמַלֱּלָ֑ה חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֡ית עַד֩ דִּ֨י קְטִילַ֤ת חֵֽיוְתָא֙ וְהוּבַ֣ד גִּשְׁמַ֔הּ וִיהִיבַ֖ת לִיקֵדַ֥ת אֶשָּֽׁא׃‬ I continued seeing, and then from a voice there came presumptuous words which the horn spoke. I continued seeing and then the animal was killed, and its body was destroyed and consigned to the burning of a fire. Rev 19:20, Rev 20:10, Rev 20:14, Rev 20:15 (allusions).

continued seeing (2x)was seeing.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

and then: see Dan 7:9.

a fire ← the fire.
Rev 19:20 Kai\ e0pia&sqh to\ qhri/on, kai\ {RP-text P1904: o9 met' au0tou=} [RP-marg: met' au0tou= o9] [TR: meta_ tou/tou o9] yeudoprofh/thj o9 poih/saj ta_ shmei=a e0nw&pion au0tou=, e0n oi[j e0pla&nhsen tou\j labo/ntaj to\ xa&ragma tou= qhri/ou, kai\ tou\j proskunou=ntaj th|= ei0ko/ni au0tou=: zw~ntej e0blh/qhsan oi9 du/o ei0j th\n li/mnhn tou= puro\j th\n kaiome/nhn e0n {RP-text P1904: - } [RP-marg TR: tw%~] qei/w%: But the beast was seized, as was the false prophet with him, who performed the signs in his presence by which he deceived those who took the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image. The two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which was burning with sulphur. o9 met' au0tou=, the (false prophet) + with him, RP-text P1904 F1859=9/10 vs. met' au0tou= o9, with him + the, RP-marg F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's h) vs. meta_ tou/tou o9, with this (one) + the, TR F1859=0/10. The testimony of f[MJW] is inconsistent and is excluded. A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

tw%~, the (sulphur): absent in RP-text P1904 F1859=8/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. present in RP-marg TR F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's cm, and perhaps d). We exclude d as it is doubtful.

Dan 7:11 (allusion).
Dan 7:11 ‫חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֔ית בֵּאדַ֗יִן מִן־קָל֙ מִלַּיָּ֣א רַבְרְבָתָ֔א דִּ֥י קַרְנָ֖א מְמַלֱּלָ֑ה חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֡ית עַד֩ דִּ֨י קְטִילַ֤ת חֵֽיוְתָא֙ וְהוּבַ֣ד גִּשְׁמַ֔הּ וִיהִיבַ֖ת לִיקֵדַ֥ת אֶשָּֽׁא׃‬ I continued seeing, and then from a voice there came presumptuous words which the horn spoke. I continued seeing and then the animal was killed, and its body was destroyed and consigned to the burning of a fire. Rev 19:20, Rev 20:10, Rev 20:14, Rev 20:15 (allusions).

continued seeing (2x)was seeing.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

and then: see Dan 7:9.

a fire ← the fire.
Rev 20:10 Kai\ o9 dia&boloj o9 planw~n au0tou\j e0blh/qh ei0j th\n li/mnhn tou= puro\j kai\ {RP TR: - } [P1904: tou=] qei/ou, o3pou {RP P1904: kai\} [TR: - ] to\ qhri/on kai\ o9 yeudoprofh/thj: kai\ basanisqh/sontai h9me/raj kai\ nukto\j ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. And the devil who led them astray was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur where {RP P1904: both} [TR: - ] the beast and the false prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night throughout the durations of the ages. tou=, of the (sulphur): absent in RP TR F1859=8/11 (incl. f[~MJW]) vs. present in P1904 F1859=3/11 (Scrivener's glm).

kai\, and, also → both: present in RP P1904 F1859=11/11 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. absent in TR F1859=0/11.

led ← leads.

Dan 7:11 (allusion).
Dan 7:11 ‫חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֔ית בֵּאדַ֗יִן מִן־קָל֙ מִלַּיָּ֣א רַבְרְבָתָ֔א דִּ֥י קַרְנָ֖א מְמַלֱּלָ֑ה חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֡ית עַד֩ דִּ֨י קְטִילַ֤ת חֵֽיוְתָא֙ וְהוּבַ֣ד גִּשְׁמַ֔הּ וִיהִיבַ֖ת לִיקֵדַ֥ת אֶשָּֽׁא׃‬ I continued seeing, and then from a voice there came presumptuous words which the horn spoke. I continued seeing and then the animal was killed, and its body was destroyed and consigned to the burning of a fire. Rev 19:20, Rev 20:10, Rev 20:14, Rev 20:15 (allusions).

continued seeing (2x)was seeing.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

and then: see Dan 7:9.

a fire ← the fire.
Rev 20:14 Kai\ o9 Qa&natoj kai\ o9 873A|dhj e0blh/qhsan ei0j th\n li/mnhn tou= puro/j: {RP P1904: ou[toj o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/tero/j e0stin} [TR: ou[to/j e0stin o9 deu/teroj qa&natoj] {RP: , h9 li/mnh tou= puro/j} [P1904 TR: - ]. And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death {RP: , the lake of fire} [P1904 TR: - ]. The testimony of f[MJW] is inconsistent in this verse and is excluded.

ou[toj o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/tero/j e0stin, this + the second death + is, RP P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's dm) vs. ou[to/j e0stin o9 deu/teroj qa&natoj, this + is + the second death, TR F1859=0/9 vs. ou[toj o9 qa&natoj o9 deu/tero/j, this + the second death, F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's l) vs. words absent, F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's bcj) vs. other readings, F1859=3/9 (Scrivener's ehk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=3:3, but RP also supported by similar readings.

h9 li/mnh tou= puro/j, the lake of the fire: present in RP F1859=5/9 (Scrivener's dehlm) vs. absent in P1904 TR F1859=4/9 (Scrivener's bcjk). A weak disparity (#2) with RP, R=5:6. AV differs textually.

Dan 7:11 (allusion).

Hades: the place of the dead.
Dan 7:11 ‫חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֔ית בֵּאדַ֗יִן מִן־קָל֙ מִלַּיָּ֣א רַבְרְבָתָ֔א דִּ֥י קַרְנָ֖א מְמַלֱּלָ֑ה חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֡ית עַד֩ דִּ֨י קְטִילַ֤ת חֵֽיוְתָא֙ וְהוּבַ֣ד גִּשְׁמַ֔הּ וִיהִיבַ֖ת לִיקֵדַ֥ת אֶשָּֽׁא׃‬ I continued seeing, and then from a voice there came presumptuous words which the horn spoke. I continued seeing and then the animal was killed, and its body was destroyed and consigned to the burning of a fire. Rev 19:20, Rev 20:10, Rev 20:14, Rev 20:15 (allusions).

continued seeing (2x)was seeing.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

and then: see Dan 7:9.

a fire ← the fire.
Rev 20:15 Kai\ ei1 tij ou0x eu9re/qh e0n {RP-text: tw%~ bibli/w%} [RP-marg P1904 TR: th|= bi/blw%] th=j zwh=j gegramme/noj, e0blh/qh ei0j th\n li/mnhn tou= puro/j. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire. tw%~ bibli/w%, the book (diminutive form, but not emphatic), RP-text F1859=8/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. th|= bi/blw%, the book, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's hl).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Dan 7:11 (allusions).
Dan 7:13 ‫חָזֵ֤ה הֲוֵית֙ בְּחֶזְוֵ֣י לֵֽילְיָ֔א וַאֲרוּ֙ עִם־עֲנָנֵ֣י שְׁמַיָּ֔א כְּבַ֥ר אֱנָ֖שׁ אָתֵ֣ה הֲוָ֑ה וְעַד־עַתִּ֤יק יֽוֹמַיָּא֙ מְטָ֔ה וּקְדָמ֖וֹהִי הַקְרְבֽוּהִי׃‬

And I continued seeing in the visions of the night,

And what I saw was,

With clouds of the sky,

One like a son of man coming,

And he went up to the Ancient of Days,

And he was brought near him.

Matt 24:30, Matt 26:64, Mark 13:26, Heb 10:37, Rev 1:7, Rev 1:13, Rev 14:14.

continued seeing ← was seeing.

what I saw wasbehold.

he was brought ← they brought him. Avoidance of the passive.
Matt 24:30 Kai\ to/te fanh/setai to\ shmei=on tou= ui9ou= tou= a)nqrw&pou e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~: kai\ to/te ko/yontai pa~sai ai9 fulai\ th=j gh=j, kai\ o1yontai to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou e0rxo/menon e0pi\ tw~n nefelw~n tou= ou0ranou= meta_ duna&mewj kai\ do/chj pollh=j. And then the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Dan 7:13, Zech 12:12.

the sky: or heaven.

heaven: or the sky.

great ← much.
Dan 7:13 ‫חָזֵ֤ה הֲוֵית֙ בְּחֶזְוֵ֣י לֵֽילְיָ֔א וַאֲרוּ֙ עִם־עֲנָנֵ֣י שְׁמַיָּ֔א כְּבַ֥ר אֱנָ֖שׁ אָתֵ֣ה הֲוָ֑ה וְעַד־עַתִּ֤יק יֽוֹמַיָּא֙ מְטָ֔ה וּקְדָמ֖וֹהִי הַקְרְבֽוּהִי׃‬

And I continued seeing in the visions of the night,

And what I saw was,

With clouds of the sky,

One like a son of man coming,

And he went up to the Ancient of Days,

And he was brought near him.

Matt 24:30, Matt 26:64, Mark 13:26, Heb 10:37, Rev 1:7, Rev 1:13, Rev 14:14.

continued seeing ← was seeing.

what I saw wasbehold.

he was brought ← they brought him. Avoidance of the passive.
Matt 26:64 Le/gei au0tw%~ o9 870Ihsou=j, Su\ ei]paj. Plh\n le/gw u9mi=n, a)p' a!rti o1yesqe to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou kaqh/menon e0k deciw~n th=j duna&mewj kai\ e0rxo/menon e0pi\ tw~n nefelw~n tou= ou0ranou=. Jesus said to him, “It is as you have stated. But I say to you, in the future you will see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven. Ps 110:1, Dan 7:13.

in the future ← from now.

heaven: or the sky.
Dan 7:13 ‫חָזֵ֤ה הֲוֵית֙ בְּחֶזְוֵ֣י לֵֽילְיָ֔א וַאֲרוּ֙ עִם־עֲנָנֵ֣י שְׁמַיָּ֔א כְּבַ֥ר אֱנָ֖שׁ אָתֵ֣ה הֲוָ֑ה וְעַד־עַתִּ֤יק יֽוֹמַיָּא֙ מְטָ֔ה וּקְדָמ֖וֹהִי הַקְרְבֽוּהִי׃‬

And I continued seeing in the visions of the night,

And what I saw was,

With clouds of the sky,

One like a son of man coming,

And he went up to the Ancient of Days,

And he was brought near him.

Matt 24:30, Matt 26:64, Mark 13:26, Heb 10:37, Rev 1:7, Rev 1:13, Rev 14:14.

continued seeing ← was seeing.

what I saw wasbehold.

he was brought ← they brought him. Avoidance of the passive.
Mark 13:26 Kai\ to/te o1yontai to\n ui9o\n tou= a)nqrw&pou e0rxo/menon e0n nefe/laij meta_ duna&mewj pollh=j kai\ do/chj. And then they will see the son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Dan 7:13.
Dan 7:13 ‫חָזֵ֤ה הֲוֵית֙ בְּחֶזְוֵ֣י לֵֽילְיָ֔א וַאֲרוּ֙ עִם־עֲנָנֵ֣י שְׁמַיָּ֔א כְּבַ֥ר אֱנָ֖שׁ אָתֵ֣ה הֲוָ֑ה וְעַד־עַתִּ֤יק יֽוֹמַיָּא֙ מְטָ֔ה וּקְדָמ֖וֹהִי הַקְרְבֽוּהִי׃‬

And I continued seeing in the visions of the night,

And what I saw was,

With clouds of the sky,

One like a son of man coming,

And he went up to the Ancient of Days,

And he was brought near him.

Matt 24:30, Matt 26:64, Mark 13:26, Heb 10:37, Rev 1:7, Rev 1:13, Rev 14:14.

continued seeing ← was seeing.

what I saw wasbehold.

he was brought ← they brought him. Avoidance of the passive.
Heb 10:37 871Eti ga_r mikro\n o3son o3son, 879O e0rxo/menoj h3cei, kai\ ou0 xroniei=. For in just a very little while he who is to come will come and will not delay. Dan 7:13, Hagg 2:7, Hab 2:3.

is to come ← is coming.
Dan 7:13 ‫חָזֵ֤ה הֲוֵית֙ בְּחֶזְוֵ֣י לֵֽילְיָ֔א וַאֲרוּ֙ עִם־עֲנָנֵ֣י שְׁמַיָּ֔א כְּבַ֥ר אֱנָ֖שׁ אָתֵ֣ה הֲוָ֑ה וְעַד־עַתִּ֤יק יֽוֹמַיָּא֙ מְטָ֔ה וּקְדָמ֖וֹהִי הַקְרְבֽוּהִי׃‬

And I continued seeing in the visions of the night,

And what I saw was,

With clouds of the sky,

One like a son of man coming,

And he went up to the Ancient of Days,

And he was brought near him.

Matt 24:30, Matt 26:64, Mark 13:26, Heb 10:37, Rev 1:7, Rev 1:13, Rev 14:14.

continued seeing ← was seeing.

what I saw wasbehold.

he was brought ← they brought him. Avoidance of the passive.
Rev 1:7 870Idou/, e1rxetai meta_ tw~n nefelw~n, kai\ o1yetai au0to\n pa~j o0fqalmo/j, kai\ oi3tinej au0to\n e0ceke/nthsan: kai\ ko/yontai e0p' au0to\n pa~sai ai9 fulai\ th=j gh=j. Nai/, a)mh/n. Behold, he is coming with clouds, and every eye will see him, including those who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn for him. Indeed so; amen. Dan 7:13, Zech 12:10.

clouds ← the clouds. See Gen 22:9.

for ← aton.
Dan 7:13 ‫חָזֵ֤ה הֲוֵית֙ בְּחֶזְוֵ֣י לֵֽילְיָ֔א וַאֲרוּ֙ עִם־עֲנָנֵ֣י שְׁמַיָּ֔א כְּבַ֥ר אֱנָ֖שׁ אָתֵ֣ה הֲוָ֑ה וְעַד־עַתִּ֤יק יֽוֹמַיָּא֙ מְטָ֔ה וּקְדָמ֖וֹהִי הַקְרְבֽוּהִי׃‬

And I continued seeing in the visions of the night,

And what I saw was,

With clouds of the sky,

One like a son of man coming,

And he went up to the Ancient of Days,

And he was brought near him.

Matt 24:30, Matt 26:64, Mark 13:26, Heb 10:37, Rev 1:7, Rev 1:13, Rev 14:14.

continued seeing ← was seeing.

what I saw wasbehold.

he was brought ← they brought him. Avoidance of the passive.
Rev 1:13 kai\ e0n me/sw% tw~n e9pta_ luxniw~n o3moion {RP-text P1904 TR: ui9w%~} [RP-marg: ui9o\n] a)nqrw&pou, e0ndedume/non podh/rh, kai\ periezwsme/non pro\j toi=j mastoi=j zw&nhn xrush=n. and in the middle of the seven lampstands I saw a figure like the son of man, clothed down to the feet and girded round at the chest with a golden girdle. ui9w%~, son (classical dative after “like”), RP-text P1904 TR F1859=7/13 vs. ui9o\n, son (accusative, object of ei]don in previous verse), RP-marg F1859=6/13 (Scrivener's aeghjk).

Dan 7:13.
Dan 7:13 ‫חָזֵ֤ה הֲוֵית֙ בְּחֶזְוֵ֣י לֵֽילְיָ֔א וַאֲרוּ֙ עִם־עֲנָנֵ֣י שְׁמַיָּ֔א כְּבַ֥ר אֱנָ֖שׁ אָתֵ֣ה הֲוָ֑ה וְעַד־עַתִּ֤יק יֽוֹמַיָּא֙ מְטָ֔ה וּקְדָמ֖וֹהִי הַקְרְבֽוּהִי׃‬

And I continued seeing in the visions of the night,

And what I saw was,

With clouds of the sky,

One like a son of man coming,

And he went up to the Ancient of Days,

And he was brought near him.

Matt 24:30, Matt 26:64, Mark 13:26, Heb 10:37, Rev 1:7, Rev 1:13, Rev 14:14.

continued seeing ← was seeing.

what I saw wasbehold.

he was brought ← they brought him. Avoidance of the passive.
Rev 14:14 Kai\ ei]don, kai\ i0dou/, nefe/lh leukh/, kai\ e0pi\ th\n nefe/lhn {RP: kaqh/menon} [P1904 TR: kaqh/menoj] {RP: o3moion} [P1904 TR: o3moioj] ui9w%~ a)nqrw&pou, e1xwn e0pi\ th=j kefalh=j au0tou= ste/fanon xrusou=n, kai\ e0n th|= xeiri\ au0tou= dre/panon o0cu/. And I looked, and there was a white cloud, and on the cloud {RP: I saw someone} [P1904 TR: there was someone] with the appearance of the son of man sitting, having a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand. kaqh/menon, sitting (accusative, object of I saw), RP F1859=10/14 vs. kaqh/menoj, sitting (nominative, after behold), P1904 TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's ah**jl).

o3moion, like → with the appearance of (accusative, object of I saw), RP F1859=10/14 vs. o3moioj, like (nominative, after behold), P1904 TR F1859=4/14 (Scrivener's h**jlm).

Dan 7:13.

there wasbehold.

sickle: or scythe, but for grapes (Rev 14:18), sickle.
Dan 7:19 ‫אֱדַ֗יִן צְבִית֙ לְיַצָּבָ֔א עַל־חֵֽיוְתָא֙ רְבִיעָ֣יְתָ֔א דִּֽי־הֲוָ֥ת שָֽׁנְיָ֖ה מִן־*כלהון **כָּלְּהֵ֑ין דְּחִילָ֣ה יַתִּ֗ירָה *שניה **שִׁנַּ֤הּ דִּֽי־פַרְזֶל֙ וְטִפְרַ֣יהּ דִּֽי־נְחָ֔שׁ אָֽכְלָ֣ה מַדֲּקָ֔ה וּשְׁאָרָ֖א בְּרַגְלַ֥יהּ רָֽפְסָֽה׃‬ Then I wished to know precisely about the fourth animal, which was different from all the others, being exceedingly frightful. Its teeth were of iron, and its claws were of copper. It devoured and crushed, and it trampled on the rest with its feet. all the othersall of them. The ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with animals.

teeth: a textual issue as in Dan 7:5.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7.
Rev 12:3 Kai\ w!fqh a!llo shmei=on e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, kai\ i0dou/, dra&kwn {RP-text: puro\j me/gaj} [RP-marg: me/gaj puro/j] [RP-marg2 TR: me/gaj purro/j] [RP-marg3 P1904: purro\j me/gaj], e1xwn kefala_j e9pta_ kai\ ke/rata de/ka, kai\ e0pi\ ta_j kefala_j au0tou= {RP P1904: e9pta_ diadh/mata} [TR: diadh/mata e9pta&]. Then another sign appeared in the sky, and there was a large {RP-text RP-marg: fiery} [RP-marg2 RP-marg3 P1904 TR: flame-coloured] dragon which had seven heads and ten horns, with seven diadems on its heads. puro\j me/gaj, of fire + large, RP-text F1859=9/13 vs. me/gaj puro/j, large + of fire, RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's gmn) vs. me/gaj purro/j, large fire-coloured / red, RP-marg2 TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h) vs. purro\j me/gaj, fire-coloured / red + large, RP-marg3 P1904 F1859=0/13. A disparity with RP-marg2, RP-marg3 (low manuscript counts).

e9pta_ diadh/mata, seven + diadems, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. diadh/mata e9pta&, diadems + seven, TR F1859=0/13.

Dan 7:19-20.

there wasbehold.

which: the question arises as to whether to ↴
Dan 7:19 ‫אֱדַ֗יִן צְבִית֙ לְיַצָּבָ֔א עַל־חֵֽיוְתָא֙ רְבִיעָ֣יְתָ֔א דִּֽי־הֲוָ֥ת שָֽׁנְיָ֖ה מִן־*כלהון **כָּלְּהֵ֑ין דְּחִילָ֣ה יַתִּ֗ירָה *שניה **שִׁנַּ֤הּ דִּֽי־פַרְזֶל֙ וְטִפְרַ֣יהּ דִּֽי־נְחָ֔שׁ אָֽכְלָ֣ה מַדֲּקָ֔ה וּשְׁאָרָ֖א בְּרַגְלַ֥יהּ רָֽפְסָֽה׃‬ Then I wished to know precisely about the fourth animal, which was different from all the others, being exceedingly frightful. Its teeth were of iron, and its claws were of copper. It devoured and crushed, and it trampled on the rest with its feet. all the othersall of them. The ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with animals.

teeth: a textual issue as in Dan 7:5.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7.
Rev 13:1 Kai\ e0sta&qhn e0pi\ th\n a!mmon th=j qala&sshj: kai\ ei]don e0k th=j qala&sshj qhri/on a)nabai=non, e1xon {RP P1904: ke/rata de/ka kai\ kefala_j e9pta&} [TR: kefala_j e9pta& kai\ ke/rata de/ka], kai\ e0pi\ tw~n kera&twn au0tou= de/ka diadh/mata, kai\ e0pi\ ta_j kefala_j au0tou= {RP P1904: o0no/mata} [TR: o1noma] blasfhmi/aj. Then I stood on the sand of the sea, ¶ and I saw a beast come up out of the sea, having {RP P1904: ten horns and seven heads,} [TR: seven heads and ten horns,] and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads {RP P1904: were} [TR: was a] blasphemous {RP P1904: names.} [TR: name.] ¶ Verse division: In S1550 E1624 numbering, Rev 13:1 begins here.

ke/rata de/ka kai\ kefala_j e9pta&, ten horns + and seven heads, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. kefala_j e9pta& kai\ ke/rata de/ka, seven heads + and ten horns, TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

o0no/mata, names, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o1noma, a name, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

Dan 7:19-20.

his: although the Greek for the beast is neuter, this is a grammatical matter, and we opt for masculine pronouns in English from the start (notwithstanding his supernatural nature). At Rev 13:8, RP-marg, well supported from our sources, uses a Greek masculine pronoun. Everywhere else in RP, the pronoun for him, being genitive or dative, has the same form in the masculine and neuter.
Dan 7:19 ‫אֱדַ֗יִן צְבִית֙ לְיַצָּבָ֔א עַל־חֵֽיוְתָא֙ רְבִיעָ֣יְתָ֔א דִּֽי־הֲוָ֥ת שָֽׁנְיָ֖ה מִן־*כלהון **כָּלְּהֵ֑ין דְּחִילָ֣ה יַתִּ֗ירָה *שניה **שִׁנַּ֤הּ דִּֽי־פַרְזֶל֙ וְטִפְרַ֣יהּ דִּֽי־נְחָ֔שׁ אָֽכְלָ֣ה מַדֲּקָ֔ה וּשְׁאָרָ֖א בְּרַגְלַ֥יהּ רָֽפְסָֽה׃‬ Then I wished to know precisely about the fourth animal, which was different from all the others, being exceedingly frightful. Its teeth were of iron, and its claws were of copper. It devoured and crushed, and it trampled on the rest with its feet. all the othersall of them. The ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with animals.

teeth: a textual issue as in Dan 7:5.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7.
Rev 17:3 Kai\ a)ph/negke/n me ei0j e1rhmon e0n pneu/mati: kai\ ei]don gunai=ka kaqhme/nhn e0pi\ {RP TR: - } [P1904: to\] qhri/on {RP TR: - } [P1904: to\] ko/kkinon, ge/mon {RP-text P1904: o0no/mata} [RP-marg TR: o0noma&twn] blasfhmi/aj, e1xon kefala_j e9pta_ kai\ ke/rata de/ka. And he carried me away into the desert in the spirit, and I saw a woman sitting on {RP TR: a} [P1904: the] scarlet beast, the beast being full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. to\, the (beast): absent in RP TR F1859=13/13 vs. present in P1904 F1859=0/13.

to\, the (scarlet one): absent in RP TR F1859=8/13 vs. present in P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's abejk).

o0no/mata, (full of) names (accusative), RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 (incl. g with rough breathing) vs. o0noma&twn, (full of) names (genitive), RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's chmn).

Dan 7:19-20.
Dan 7:19 ‫אֱדַ֗יִן צְבִית֙ לְיַצָּבָ֔א עַל־חֵֽיוְתָא֙ רְבִיעָ֣יְתָ֔א דִּֽי־הֲוָ֥ת שָֽׁנְיָ֖ה מִן־*כלהון **כָּלְּהֵ֑ין דְּחִילָ֣ה יַתִּ֗ירָה *שניה **שִׁנַּ֤הּ דִּֽי־פַרְזֶל֙ וְטִפְרַ֣יהּ דִּֽי־נְחָ֔שׁ אָֽכְלָ֣ה מַדֲּקָ֔ה וּשְׁאָרָ֖א בְּרַגְלַ֥יהּ רָֽפְסָֽה׃‬ Then I wished to know precisely about the fourth animal, which was different from all the others, being exceedingly frightful. Its teeth were of iron, and its claws were of copper. It devoured and crushed, and it trampled on the rest with its feet. all the othersall of them. The ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with animals.

teeth: a textual issue as in Dan 7:5.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7.
Rev 17:7 Kai\ ei]pe/n moi o9 a!ggeloj, Dia_ ti/ e0qau/masaj; {RP-text P1904: 870Egw_ e0rw~ soi} [RP-marg TR: 870Egw& soi e0rw~] to\ musth/rion th=j gunaiko/j, kai\ tou= qhri/ou tou= basta&zontoj au0th/n, tou= e1xontoj ta_j e9pta_ kefala_j kai\ ta_ de/ka ke/rata. Then the angel said to me, “Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast who is carrying her, who has the seven heads and the ten horns. ↳ manuscripts are against RP-text over e0k above, and with RP-text over kai\. This is a disparity (#3) in itself, militating that one disparity, as a reading, excludes the other.

e0rw~ soi, I will say + to you, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. soi e0rw~, to you + I will say, RP-marg TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's fh).

Dan 7:19-20.
Dan 7:20 ‫וְעַל־קַרְנַיָּ֤א עֲשַׂר֙ דִּ֣י בְרֵאשַׁ֔הּ וְאָחֳרִי֙ דִּ֣י סִלְקַ֔ת *ונפלו **וּנְפַ֥לָה מִן־*קדמיה **קֳדָמַ֖הּ תְּלָ֑ת וְקַרְנָ֨א דִכֵּ֜ן וְעַיְנִ֣ין לַ֗הּ וְפֻם֙ מְמַלִּ֣ל רַבְרְבָ֔ן וְחֶזְוַ֖הּ רַ֥ב מִן־חַבְרָתַֽהּ׃‬ And concerning the ten horns on its head, and the other one which arose, and before which the three fell, now that horn had eyes and a mouth speaking presumptuous words, and its appearance was more imposing than that of those accompanying it. before: the ketiv and qeré are different declined forms of the same word, with the same meaning. See Dan 7:8.

fell: the ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with horns.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7, Rev 17:12, Rev 17:16.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

those accompanying it ← its companions.
Rev 12:3 Kai\ w!fqh a!llo shmei=on e0n tw%~ ou0ranw%~, kai\ i0dou/, dra&kwn {RP-text: puro\j me/gaj} [RP-marg: me/gaj puro/j] [RP-marg2 TR: me/gaj purro/j] [RP-marg3 P1904: purro\j me/gaj], e1xwn kefala_j e9pta_ kai\ ke/rata de/ka, kai\ e0pi\ ta_j kefala_j au0tou= {RP P1904: e9pta_ diadh/mata} [TR: diadh/mata e9pta&]. Then another sign appeared in the sky, and there was a large {RP-text RP-marg: fiery} [RP-marg2 RP-marg3 P1904 TR: flame-coloured] dragon which had seven heads and ten horns, with seven diadems on its heads. puro\j me/gaj, of fire + large, RP-text F1859=9/13 vs. me/gaj puro/j, large + of fire, RP-marg F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's gmn) vs. me/gaj purro/j, large fire-coloured / red, RP-marg2 TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h) vs. purro\j me/gaj, fire-coloured / red + large, RP-marg3 P1904 F1859=0/13. A disparity with RP-marg2, RP-marg3 (low manuscript counts).

e9pta_ diadh/mata, seven + diadems, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. diadh/mata e9pta&, diadems + seven, TR F1859=0/13.

Dan 7:19-20.

there wasbehold.

which: the question arises as to whether to ↴
Dan 7:20 ‫וְעַל־קַרְנַיָּ֤א עֲשַׂר֙ דִּ֣י בְרֵאשַׁ֔הּ וְאָחֳרִי֙ דִּ֣י סִלְקַ֔ת *ונפלו **וּנְפַ֥לָה מִן־*קדמיה **קֳדָמַ֖הּ תְּלָ֑ת וְקַרְנָ֨א דִכֵּ֜ן וְעַיְנִ֣ין לַ֗הּ וְפֻם֙ מְמַלִּ֣ל רַבְרְבָ֔ן וְחֶזְוַ֖הּ רַ֥ב מִן־חַבְרָתַֽהּ׃‬ And concerning the ten horns on its head, and the other one which arose, and before which the three fell, now that horn had eyes and a mouth speaking presumptuous words, and its appearance was more imposing than that of those accompanying it. before: the ketiv and qeré are different declined forms of the same word, with the same meaning. See Dan 7:8.

fell: the ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with horns.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7, Rev 17:12, Rev 17:16.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

those accompanying it ← its companions.
Rev 13:1 Kai\ e0sta&qhn e0pi\ th\n a!mmon th=j qala&sshj: kai\ ei]don e0k th=j qala&sshj qhri/on a)nabai=non, e1xon {RP P1904: ke/rata de/ka kai\ kefala_j e9pta&} [TR: kefala_j e9pta& kai\ ke/rata de/ka], kai\ e0pi\ tw~n kera&twn au0tou= de/ka diadh/mata, kai\ e0pi\ ta_j kefala_j au0tou= {RP P1904: o0no/mata} [TR: o1noma] blasfhmi/aj. Then I stood on the sand of the sea, ¶ and I saw a beast come up out of the sea, having {RP P1904: ten horns and seven heads,} [TR: seven heads and ten horns,] and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads {RP P1904: were} [TR: was a] blasphemous {RP P1904: names.} [TR: name.] ¶ Verse division: In S1550 E1624 numbering, Rev 13:1 begins here.

ke/rata de/ka kai\ kefala_j e9pta&, ten horns + and seven heads, RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. kefala_j e9pta& kai\ ke/rata de/ka, seven heads + and ten horns, TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

o0no/mata, names, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. o1noma, a name, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

Dan 7:19-20.

his: although the Greek for the beast is neuter, this is a grammatical matter, and we opt for masculine pronouns in English from the start (notwithstanding his supernatural nature). At Rev 13:8, RP-marg, well supported from our sources, uses a Greek masculine pronoun. Everywhere else in RP, the pronoun for him, being genitive or dative, has the same form in the masculine and neuter.
Dan 7:20 ‫וְעַל־קַרְנַיָּ֤א עֲשַׂר֙ דִּ֣י בְרֵאשַׁ֔הּ וְאָחֳרִי֙ דִּ֣י סִלְקַ֔ת *ונפלו **וּנְפַ֥לָה מִן־*קדמיה **קֳדָמַ֖הּ תְּלָ֑ת וְקַרְנָ֨א דִכֵּ֜ן וְעַיְנִ֣ין לַ֗הּ וְפֻם֙ מְמַלִּ֣ל רַבְרְבָ֔ן וְחֶזְוַ֖הּ רַ֥ב מִן־חַבְרָתַֽהּ׃‬ And concerning the ten horns on its head, and the other one which arose, and before which the three fell, now that horn had eyes and a mouth speaking presumptuous words, and its appearance was more imposing than that of those accompanying it. before: the ketiv and qeré are different declined forms of the same word, with the same meaning. See Dan 7:8.

fell: the ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with horns.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7, Rev 17:12, Rev 17:16.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

those accompanying it ← its companions.
Rev 17:3 Kai\ a)ph/negke/n me ei0j e1rhmon e0n pneu/mati: kai\ ei]don gunai=ka kaqhme/nhn e0pi\ {RP TR: - } [P1904: to\] qhri/on {RP TR: - } [P1904: to\] ko/kkinon, ge/mon {RP-text P1904: o0no/mata} [RP-marg TR: o0noma&twn] blasfhmi/aj, e1xon kefala_j e9pta_ kai\ ke/rata de/ka. And he carried me away into the desert in the spirit, and I saw a woman sitting on {RP TR: a} [P1904: the] scarlet beast, the beast being full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. to\, the (beast): absent in RP TR F1859=13/13 vs. present in P1904 F1859=0/13.

to\, the (scarlet one): absent in RP TR F1859=8/13 vs. present in P1904 F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's abejk).

o0no/mata, (full of) names (accusative), RP-text P1904 F1859=9/13 (incl. g with rough breathing) vs. o0noma&twn, (full of) names (genitive), RP-marg TR F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's chmn).

Dan 7:19-20.
Dan 7:20 ‫וְעַל־קַרְנַיָּ֤א עֲשַׂר֙ דִּ֣י בְרֵאשַׁ֔הּ וְאָחֳרִי֙ דִּ֣י סִלְקַ֔ת *ונפלו **וּנְפַ֥לָה מִן־*קדמיה **קֳדָמַ֖הּ תְּלָ֑ת וְקַרְנָ֨א דִכֵּ֜ן וְעַיְנִ֣ין לַ֗הּ וְפֻם֙ מְמַלִּ֣ל רַבְרְבָ֔ן וְחֶזְוַ֖הּ רַ֥ב מִן־חַבְרָתַֽהּ׃‬ And concerning the ten horns on its head, and the other one which arose, and before which the three fell, now that horn had eyes and a mouth speaking presumptuous words, and its appearance was more imposing than that of those accompanying it. before: the ketiv and qeré are different declined forms of the same word, with the same meaning. See Dan 7:8.

fell: the ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with horns.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7, Rev 17:12, Rev 17:16.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

those accompanying it ← its companions.
Rev 17:7 Kai\ ei]pe/n moi o9 a!ggeloj, Dia_ ti/ e0qau/masaj; {RP-text P1904: 870Egw_ e0rw~ soi} [RP-marg TR: 870Egw& soi e0rw~] to\ musth/rion th=j gunaiko/j, kai\ tou= qhri/ou tou= basta&zontoj au0th/n, tou= e1xontoj ta_j e9pta_ kefala_j kai\ ta_ de/ka ke/rata. Then the angel said to me, “Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast who is carrying her, who has the seven heads and the ten horns. ↳ manuscripts are against RP-text over e0k above, and with RP-text over kai\. This is a disparity (#3) in itself, militating that one disparity, as a reading, excludes the other.

e0rw~ soi, I will say + to you, RP-text P1904 F1859=10/12 vs. soi e0rw~, to you + I will say, RP-marg TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's fh).

Dan 7:19-20.
Dan 7:20 ‫וְעַל־קַרְנַיָּ֤א עֲשַׂר֙ דִּ֣י בְרֵאשַׁ֔הּ וְאָחֳרִי֙ דִּ֣י סִלְקַ֔ת *ונפלו **וּנְפַ֥לָה מִן־*קדמיה **קֳדָמַ֖הּ תְּלָ֑ת וְקַרְנָ֨א דִכֵּ֜ן וְעַיְנִ֣ין לַ֗הּ וְפֻם֙ מְמַלִּ֣ל רַבְרְבָ֔ן וְחֶזְוַ֖הּ רַ֥ב מִן־חַבְרָתַֽהּ׃‬ And concerning the ten horns on its head, and the other one which arose, and before which the three fell, now that horn had eyes and a mouth speaking presumptuous words, and its appearance was more imposing than that of those accompanying it. before: the ketiv and qeré are different declined forms of the same word, with the same meaning. See Dan 7:8.

fell: the ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with horns.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7, Rev 17:12, Rev 17:16.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

those accompanying it ← its companions.
Rev 17:12 Kai\ ta_ de/ka ke/rata, a$ ei]dej, de/ka basilei=j ei0si/n, oi3tinej basilei/an ou1pw e1labon, a)ll' e0cousi/an w(j basilei=j mi/an w#ran lamba&nousin meta_ tou= qhri/ou. And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received their kingdom, but who will receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour. Dan 7:20.
Dan 7:20 ‫וְעַל־קַרְנַיָּ֤א עֲשַׂר֙ דִּ֣י בְרֵאשַׁ֔הּ וְאָחֳרִי֙ דִּ֣י סִלְקַ֔ת *ונפלו **וּנְפַ֥לָה מִן־*קדמיה **קֳדָמַ֖הּ תְּלָ֑ת וְקַרְנָ֨א דִכֵּ֜ן וְעַיְנִ֣ין לַ֗הּ וְפֻם֙ מְמַלִּ֣ל רַבְרְבָ֔ן וְחֶזְוַ֖הּ רַ֥ב מִן־חַבְרָתַֽהּ׃‬ And concerning the ten horns on its head, and the other one which arose, and before which the three fell, now that horn had eyes and a mouth speaking presumptuous words, and its appearance was more imposing than that of those accompanying it. before: the ketiv and qeré are different declined forms of the same word, with the same meaning. See Dan 7:8.

fell: the ketiv is masculine; the qeré feminine, agreeing with horns.

Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7, Rev 17:12, Rev 17:16.

presumptuous: see Dan 7:8.

those accompanying it ← its companions.
Rev 17:16 Kai\ ta_ de/ka ke/rata, a$ ei]dej, {RP P1904: kai\} [TR: e0pi\] to\ qhri/on, ou[toi mish/sousin th\n po/rnhn, kai\ h0rhmwme/nhn poih/sousin au0th\n kai\ gumnh\n {RP-text: poih/sousin au0th/n} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ], kai\ ta_j sa&rkaj au0th=j fa&gontai, kai\ au0th\n katakau/sousin e0n puri/. And as for the ten horns which you saw {RP P1904: , and} [TR: on] the beast, these will hate the whore and make her desolate and {RP-text: make her} [RP-marg P1904 TR: - ] naked, and they will eat her flesh and burn her up with fire. kai\, and, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. e0pi\, on, TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

poih/sousin au0th/n, they will make her (with naked): present in RP-text F1859=9/12 vs. absent in RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgj, cj lacking kai\ gumnh\n too).

Dan 7:20.

flesh ← fleshes. The plural is poetic classical Greek rather than a Hebraism.
Dan 7:21 ‫חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֔ית וְקַרְנָ֣א דִכֵּ֔ן עָבְדָ֥ה קְרָ֖ב עִם־קַדִּישִׁ֑ין וְיָכְלָ֖ה לְהֽוֹן׃‬ I continued seeing, and that horn waged a war on the holy ones, and it prevailed over them, Rev 11:7, Rev 13:7.

continued seeing ← was seeing.
Rev 11:7 Kai\ o3tan tele/swsin th\n marturi/an au0tw~n, to\ qhri/on to\ a)nabai=non e0k th=j a)bu/ssou poih/sei {RP P1904: met' au0tw~n po/lemon} [TR: po/lemon met' au0tw~n], kai\ nikh/sei au0tou/j, kai\ a)poktenei= au0tou/j. And when they complete their testimony, the beast who will come up out of the abyss will wage war on them and will overcome them and will kill them. met' au0tw~n po/lemon, with them + war, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. po/lemon met' au0tw~n, war + with them, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's k).

Dan 7:21.

will come up ← coming up.

wage war on ← make war with.
Dan 7:21 ‫חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֔ית וְקַרְנָ֣א דִכֵּ֔ן עָבְדָ֥ה קְרָ֖ב עִם־קַדִּישִׁ֑ין וְיָכְלָ֖ה לְהֽוֹן׃‬ I continued seeing, and that horn waged a war on the holy ones, and it prevailed over them, Rev 11:7, Rev 13:7.

continued seeing ← was seeing.
Rev 13:7 Kai\ e0do/qh au0tw%~ {RP: poih=sai po/lemon} [P1904 TR: po/lemon poih=sai] meta_ tw~n a(gi/wn, kai\ nikh=sai au0tou/j: kai\ e0do/qh au0tw%~ e0cousi/a e0pi\ pa~san fulh\n {RP P1904: kai\ lao\n} [TR: - ] kai\ glw~ssan kai\ e1qnoj. And he was granted to wage war against the saints and to overcome them, and he was given authority over every tribe {RP P1904: and people} [TR: - ] and tongue and nation. poih=sai po/lemon, to make + war, RP F1859=11/13 vs. po/lemon poih=sai, war + to make, P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's fm).

kai\ lao\n, and people: present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h). AV differs textually.

Dan 7:21.

he was granted ← it was given to him.

saints: see Matt 27:52.

he was given authority ← authority was given to him.
Dan 7:25 ‫וּמִלִּ֗ין לְצַ֤ד *עליא **עִלָּאָה֙ יְמַלִּ֔ל וּלְקַדִּישֵׁ֥י עֶלְיוֹנִ֖ין יְבַלֵּ֑א וְיִסְבַּ֗ר לְהַשְׁנָיָה֙ זִמְנִ֣ין וְדָ֔ת וְיִתְיַהֲב֣וּן בִּידֵ֔הּ עַד־עִדָּ֥ן וְעִדָּנִ֖ין וּפְלַ֥ג עִדָּֽן׃‬ And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will wear out the holy ones of the Most High, and he will contrive to change times and the law. And they will be delivered into his hand until a time, times, and half a time have passed. Most High: see Dan 3:26.

Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5. “A time, times, and half a time” stands for 3½ years, which is 42 months or 1260 days. Compare Dan 8:14, Dan 12:7, Dan 12:11, Dan 12:12.

against ← to the side of. Alternatively, (making accusations) to.

wear out: as [FR], [BDB]. [AnLx] has destroy.
Rev 11:2 Kai\ th\n au0lh\n th\n {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e1cwqen} [S1550: e1swqen] tou= naou= e1kbale {RP-text P1904 TR: e1cw} [RP-marg: e1cwqen], kai\ mh\ au0th\n metrh/sh|j, o3ti e0do/qh toi=j e1qnesin: kai\ th\n po/lin th\n a(gi/an path/sousin mh=naj {RP-text: tessara&konta kai\ du/o} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tessara&konta du/o] [RP-marg2: M6B6]. but omit the courtyard {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: outside} [S1550: inside] the sanctuary, and do not measure it, because it is given to the Gentiles, and they will trample on the holy city for forty-two months. e1cwqen, (from) outside, RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=12/13 (misspelled in f) vs. e1swqen, (from) inside, S1550 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

e1cw, outside → (leave / omit) out, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=9/13 vs. e1cwqen, from outside → (leave / omit) out, RP-marg F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhmn).

tessara&konta kai\ du/o, forty and two, RP-text F1859=9/13 vs. tessara&konta du/o, forty-two, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's fm) vs. M6B6, 42, RP-marg2 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).
Dan 7:25 ‫וּמִלִּ֗ין לְצַ֤ד *עליא **עִלָּאָה֙ יְמַלִּ֔ל וּלְקַדִּישֵׁ֥י עֶלְיוֹנִ֖ין יְבַלֵּ֑א וְיִסְבַּ֗ר לְהַשְׁנָיָה֙ זִמְנִ֣ין וְדָ֔ת וְיִתְיַהֲב֣וּן בִּידֵ֔הּ עַד־עִדָּ֥ן וְעִדָּנִ֖ין וּפְלַ֥ג עִדָּֽן׃‬ And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will wear out the holy ones of the Most High, and he will contrive to change times and the law. And they will be delivered into his hand until a time, times, and half a time have passed. Most High: see Dan 3:26.

Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5. “A time, times, and half a time” stands for 3½ years, which is 42 months or 1260 days. Compare Dan 8:14, Dan 12:7, Dan 12:11, Dan 12:12.

against ← to the side of. Alternatively, (making accusations) to.

wear out: as [FR], [BDB]. [AnLx] has destroy.
Rev 11:3 Kai\ dw&sw toi=j dusi\n ma&rtusi/n mou, kai\ profhteu/sousin h9me/raj xili/aj diakosi/aj e9ch/konta peribeblhme/noi sa&kkouj. But I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. empower ← give to; permit.

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).
Dan 7:25 ‫וּמִלִּ֗ין לְצַ֤ד *עליא **עִלָּאָה֙ יְמַלִּ֔ל וּלְקַדִּישֵׁ֥י עֶלְיוֹנִ֖ין יְבַלֵּ֑א וְיִסְבַּ֗ר לְהַשְׁנָיָה֙ זִמְנִ֣ין וְדָ֔ת וְיִתְיַהֲב֣וּן בִּידֵ֔הּ עַד־עִדָּ֥ן וְעִדָּנִ֖ין וּפְלַ֥ג עִדָּֽן׃‬ And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will wear out the holy ones of the Most High, and he will contrive to change times and the law. And they will be delivered into his hand until a time, times, and half a time have passed. Most High: see Dan 3:26.

Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5. “A time, times, and half a time” stands for 3½ years, which is 42 months or 1260 days. Compare Dan 8:14, Dan 12:7, Dan 12:11, Dan 12:12.

against ← to the side of. Alternatively, (making accusations) to.

wear out: as [FR], [BDB]. [AnLx] has destroy.
Rev 12:6 Kai\ h9 gunh\ e1fugen ei0j th\n e1rhmon, o3pou e1xei {RP P1904: e0kei=} [TR: - ] to/pon h9toimasme/non {RP-text: u9po\} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)po\] tou= qeou=, i3na e0kei= {RP-text: e0ktre/fwsin} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tre/fwsin] au0th\n h9me/raj xili/aj diakosi/aj e9ch/konta. And the woman fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God in order to feed her there for one thousand two hundred and sixty days. e0kei=, there → where: present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

u9po\, by, RP-text F1859=10/12 vs. a)po\, from → by, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gh).

e0ktre/fwsin, feed (strengthened by the prefix e0k), RP-text F1859=8/13 (incl. e0ktre/fousin k) vs. tre/fwsin, feed, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's efgmn). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).

to feed ← that they should feed.
Dan 7:25 ‫וּמִלִּ֗ין לְצַ֤ד *עליא **עִלָּאָה֙ יְמַלִּ֔ל וּלְקַדִּישֵׁ֥י עֶלְיוֹנִ֖ין יְבַלֵּ֑א וְיִסְבַּ֗ר לְהַשְׁנָיָה֙ זִמְנִ֣ין וְדָ֔ת וְיִתְיַהֲב֣וּן בִּידֵ֔הּ עַד־עִדָּ֥ן וְעִדָּנִ֖ין וּפְלַ֥ג עִדָּֽן׃‬ And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will wear out the holy ones of the Most High, and he will contrive to change times and the law. And they will be delivered into his hand until a time, times, and half a time have passed. Most High: see Dan 3:26.

Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5. “A time, times, and half a time” stands for 3½ years, which is 42 months or 1260 days. Compare Dan 8:14, Dan 12:7, Dan 12:11, Dan 12:12.

against ← to the side of. Alternatively, (making accusations) to.

wear out: as [FR], [BDB]. [AnLx] has destroy.
Rev 12:14 Kai\ e0do/qhsan th|= gunaiki\ du/o pte/rugej tou= a)etou= tou= mega&lou, i3na pe/thtai ei0j th\n e1rhmon ei0j to\n to/pon au0th=j, {RP P1904: o3pwj tre/fhtai} [TR: o3pou tre/fetai] e0kei= kairo/n, kai\ kairou/j, kai\ h3misu kairou=, a)po\ prosw&pou tou= o1fewj. But the woman was given a pair of a great eagle's wings, in order to fly into the desert, to her place, {RP P1904: in order to be fed there} [TR: where she was fed] for a time, and times, and half a time, away from the presence of the serpent. o3pwj tre/fhtai, in order that she might be fed, RP P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. o3pou tre/fetai, where she is fed, TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's bgn) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).

the woman was given a pair of a great eagle's wings ← to the woman two wings of the great eagle were given.
Dan 7:25 ‫וּמִלִּ֗ין לְצַ֤ד *עליא **עִלָּאָה֙ יְמַלִּ֔ל וּלְקַדִּישֵׁ֥י עֶלְיוֹנִ֖ין יְבַלֵּ֑א וְיִסְבַּ֗ר לְהַשְׁנָיָה֙ זִמְנִ֣ין וְדָ֔ת וְיִתְיַהֲב֣וּן בִּידֵ֔הּ עַד־עִדָּ֥ן וְעִדָּנִ֖ין וּפְלַ֥ג עִדָּֽן׃‬ And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will wear out the holy ones of the Most High, and he will contrive to change times and the law. And they will be delivered into his hand until a time, times, and half a time have passed. Most High: see Dan 3:26.

Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5. “A time, times, and half a time” stands for 3½ years, which is 42 months or 1260 days. Compare Dan 8:14, Dan 12:7, Dan 12:11, Dan 12:12.

against ← to the side of. Alternatively, (making accusations) to.

wear out: as [FR], [BDB]. [AnLx] has destroy.
Rev 13:5 Kai\ e0do/qh au0tw%~ sto/ma lalou=n mega&la kai\ {RP P1904: blasfhmi/an} [TR: blasfhmi/aj]: kai\ e0do/qh au0tw%~ e0cousi/a {RP P1904 E1624: po/lemon} [S1550 S1894: - ] poih=sai mh=naj tessara&konta du/o. Also, he was given a mouth speaking presumptuous things and {RP P1904: blasphemy,} [TR: blasphemies,] and he was given authority {RP P1904 E1624: to wage war} [S1550 S1894: to act] for forty-two months. blasfhmi/an, blasphemy, RP P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. blasfhmi/aj, blasphemies, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's bg) vs. another reading, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's mn) vs. whole clause absent, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

po/lemon, war: present in RP P1904 E1624 F1859=10/13 vs. absent in S1550 S1894 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). AV differs textually.

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).

he was given a mouth ← a mouth was given to him.

presumptuous ← great.

he was given authority ← authority was given to him.
Dan 8:26 ‫וּמַרְאֵ֨ה הָעֶ֧רֶב וְהַבֹּ֛קֶר אֲשֶׁ֥ר נֶאֱמַ֖ר אֱמֶ֣ת ה֑וּא וְאַתָּה֙ סְתֹ֣ם הֶֽחָז֔וֹן כִּ֖י לְיָמִ֥ים רַבִּֽים׃‬ Now the vision of the evening and the morning which was declared is true, but you close the vision, for it is for many days from now.” Rev 10:4, Rev 22:10.

from now: or, less probably, in duration.
Rev 10:4 Kai\ o3te e0la&lhsan ai9 e9pta_ brontai/ {RP P1904: - } [TR: ta_j fwna_j e9autw~n], e1mellon gra&fein: kai\ h1kousa fwnh\n e0k tou= ou0ranou=, {RP P1904: le/gousan} [TR: le/gousa&n moi], Sfra&gison a$ e0la&lhsan ai9 e9pta_ brontai/, kai\ mh\ {RP P1904: au0ta_} [TR: tau=ta] gra&yh|j. Then when the seven thunders {RP P1904: had spoken} [TR: uttered their sounds], I was about to write {RP P1904: it} [TR: them] down. But I heard a voice from heaven say {RP P1904: - } [TR: to me], “Seal up the things that the seven thunders uttered, and do not write {RP P1904: them} [TR: these things] down.” ta_j fwna_j e9autw~n, their own voices (1): absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13 (but a similar reading below) vs. ta_j e9autw~n fwna_j, their own voices (2), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

moi, (say) to me: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

au0ta_, them, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. tau=ta, these (things), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h).

Dan 8:26, Dan 12:4.
Dan 8:26 ‫וּמַרְאֵ֨ה הָעֶ֧רֶב וְהַבֹּ֛קֶר אֲשֶׁ֥ר נֶאֱמַ֖ר אֱמֶ֣ת ה֑וּא וְאַתָּה֙ סְתֹ֣ם הֶֽחָז֔וֹן כִּ֖י לְיָמִ֥ים רַבִּֽים׃‬ Now the vision of the evening and the morning which was declared is true, but you close the vision, for it is for many days from now.” Rev 10:4, Rev 22:10.

from now: or, less probably, in duration.
Rev 22:10 Kai\ le/gei moi, Mh\ sfragi/sh|j tou\j lo/gouj th=j profhtei/aj tou= bibli/ou tou/tou: {RP-text P1904: o9 kairo\j ga_r} [RP-marg TR: o3ti o9 kairo\j] e0ggu/j e0stin. And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, {RP-text P1904: for} [RP-marg TR: because] the time is near. o9 kairo\j ga_r, for the time, RP-text P1904 F1859=6/7 vs. o3ti o9 kairo\j, because the time, RP-marg TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

Dan 8:26, Dan 12:4 (allusions), where the books are sealed, but here in Revelation they are open.

the time is near: see James 5:3, Rev 1:3.
Dan 9:27 ‫וְהִגְבִּ֥יר בְּרִ֛ית לָרַבִּ֖ים שָׁב֣וּעַ אֶחָ֑ד וַחֲצִ֨י הַשָּׁב֜וּעַ יַשְׁבִּ֣ית ׀ זֶ֣בַח וּמִנְחָ֗ה וְעַ֨ל כְּנַ֤ף שִׁקּוּצִים֙ מְשֹׁמֵ֔ם וְעַד־כָּלָה֙ וְנֶ֣חֱרָצָ֔ה תִּתַּ֖ךְ עַל־שֹׁמֵֽם׃ פ‬ And he will confirm a covenant with many for one year-week, and after half of the year-week he will put a stop to sacrifice and meal-offering, and he who makes desolate will stand on the pinnacle of abominations, and this will be until the conclusion. Then what is determined will be poured out on the desolator.” Matt 24:15, Mark 13:14.

year-week (2x): see Dan 9:24.

he who makes desolate (etc.): AV differs in several respects.

pinnacle: or wing. Perhaps a high place symbolizing the epitome of abominations.
Matt 24:15 873Otan ou]n i1dhte to\ bde/lugma th=j e0rhmw&sewj, to\ r(hqe\n dia_ Danih\l tou= profh/tou, {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e9stw_j} [S1550: e9sto\j] e0n to/pw% a(gi/w% - o9 a)naginw&skwn noei/tw - So when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place – may the reader understand – e9stw_j, standing (masculine), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1853=18/21 F1859=4/7 vs. e9sto\j, standing (neuter, agreeing with abomination), S1550 F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's gks) F1859=3/7. Scrivener appears to have collated in F1859 (but not F1853) against S1550, since he ↴

Dan 9:27, Dan 11:31, Dan 12:11.
Dan 9:27 ‫וְהִגְבִּ֥יר בְּרִ֛ית לָרַבִּ֖ים שָׁב֣וּעַ אֶחָ֑ד וַחֲצִ֨י הַשָּׁב֜וּעַ יַשְׁבִּ֣ית ׀ זֶ֣בַח וּמִנְחָ֗ה וְעַ֨ל כְּנַ֤ף שִׁקּוּצִים֙ מְשֹׁמֵ֔ם וְעַד־כָּלָה֙ וְנֶ֣חֱרָצָ֔ה תִּתַּ֖ךְ עַל־שֹׁמֵֽם׃ פ‬ And he will confirm a covenant with many for one year-week, and after half of the year-week he will put a stop to sacrifice and meal-offering, and he who makes desolate will stand on the pinnacle of abominations, and this will be until the conclusion. Then what is determined will be poured out on the desolator.” Matt 24:15, Mark 13:14.

year-week (2x): see Dan 9:24.

he who makes desolate (etc.): AV differs in several respects.

pinnacle: or wing. Perhaps a high place symbolizing the epitome of abominations.
Mark 13:14 873Otan de\ i1dhte to\ bde/lugma th=j e0rhmw&sewj, to\ r(hqe\n u9po\ Danih\l tou= profh/tou, {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e9stw_j} [S1550: e9sto\j] o3pou ou0 dei= - o9 a)naginw&skwn noei/tw - to/te oi9 e0n th|= 870Ioudai/a% feuge/twsan ei0j ta_ o1rh: Then when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it should not – let him who reads take note – then those in Judaea must flee to the mountains. e9stw_j, standing (masculine, classically incorrect), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1853=18/20 F1859=5/7 vs. e9sto\j, standing (neuter, classically correct), S1550 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's fk) F1859=2/7.

Dan 9:27, Dan 11:31, Dan 12:11.
Dan 11:31 ‫וּזְרֹעִ֖ים מִמֶּ֣נּוּ יַעֲמֹ֑דוּ וְחִלְּל֞וּ הַמִּקְדָּ֤שׁ הַמָּעוֹז֙ וְהֵסִ֣ירוּ הַתָּמִ֔יד וְנָתְנ֖וּ הַשִּׁקּ֥וּץ מְשׁוֹמֵֽם׃‬ And brigades from him will arise and desecrate the sanctuary – the place of strength – and they will put a stop to the perpetual sacrifice, and they will set up the desolating abomination. Matt 24:15, Mark 13:14.

brigades from him will arise ← arms (of the body) from him will stand.
Matt 24:15 873Otan ou]n i1dhte to\ bde/lugma th=j e0rhmw&sewj, to\ r(hqe\n dia_ Danih\l tou= profh/tou, {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e9stw_j} [S1550: e9sto\j] e0n to/pw% a(gi/w% - o9 a)naginw&skwn noei/tw - So when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place – may the reader understand – e9stw_j, standing (masculine), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1853=18/21 F1859=4/7 vs. e9sto\j, standing (neuter, agreeing with abomination), S1550 F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's gks) F1859=3/7. Scrivener appears to have collated in F1859 (but not F1853) against S1550, since he ↴

Dan 9:27, Dan 11:31, Dan 12:11.
Dan 11:31 ‫וּזְרֹעִ֖ים מִמֶּ֣נּוּ יַעֲמֹ֑דוּ וְחִלְּל֞וּ הַמִּקְדָּ֤שׁ הַמָּעוֹז֙ וְהֵסִ֣ירוּ הַתָּמִ֔יד וְנָתְנ֖וּ הַשִּׁקּ֥וּץ מְשׁוֹמֵֽם׃‬ And brigades from him will arise and desecrate the sanctuary – the place of strength – and they will put a stop to the perpetual sacrifice, and they will set up the desolating abomination. Matt 24:15, Mark 13:14.

brigades from him will arise ← arms (of the body) from him will stand.
Mark 13:14 873Otan de\ i1dhte to\ bde/lugma th=j e0rhmw&sewj, to\ r(hqe\n u9po\ Danih\l tou= profh/tou, {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e9stw_j} [S1550: e9sto\j] o3pou ou0 dei= - o9 a)naginw&skwn noei/tw - to/te oi9 e0n th|= 870Ioudai/a% feuge/twsan ei0j ta_ o1rh: Then when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it should not – let him who reads take note – then those in Judaea must flee to the mountains. e9stw_j, standing (masculine, classically incorrect), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1853=18/20 F1859=5/7 vs. e9sto\j, standing (neuter, classically correct), S1550 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's fk) F1859=2/7.

Dan 9:27, Dan 11:31, Dan 12:11.
Dan 12:1 ‫וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּד֗וֹל הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְי֣וֹת גּ֔וֹי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃‬ And at that time Michael will stand up – the great prince who stands for the sons of your people – and there will be a time of tribulation such as there never has been since the coming into existence of a nation up to that time, and at that time your people will be delivered – everyone who is found written in the book. Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19; Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

stands for: see Dan 11:14.
Matt 24:21 871Estai ga_r to/te qli/yij mega&lh, oi3a ou0 ge/gonen a)p' a)rxh=j ko/smou e3wj tou= nu=n, ou0d' ou0 mh\ ge/nhtai. for then there will be a great tribulation, the like of which has not taken place since the beginning of the world up until now, nor ever will take place, Dan 12:1.

ever: this sense is present in ou0 mh\.
Dan 12:1 ‫וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּד֗וֹל הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְי֣וֹת גּ֔וֹי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃‬ And at that time Michael will stand up – the great prince who stands for the sons of your people – and there will be a time of tribulation such as there never has been since the coming into existence of a nation up to that time, and at that time your people will be delivered – everyone who is found written in the book. Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19; Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

stands for: see Dan 11:14.
Mark 13:19 871Esontai ga_r ai9 h9me/rai e0kei=nai qli/yij, oi3a ou0 ge/gonen toiau/th a)p' a)rxh=j kti/sewj h[j e1ktisen o9 qeo\j e3wj tou= nu=n, kai\ ou0 mh\ ge/nhtai. For those days will be a tribulation such as has never taken place since the beginning of creation which God created, up to now, and never will be again, Dan 12:1.

never (2x)not.
Dan 12:1 ‫וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּד֗וֹל הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְי֣וֹת גּ֔וֹי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃‬ And at that time Michael will stand up – the great prince who stands for the sons of your people – and there will be a time of tribulation such as there never has been since the coming into existence of a nation up to that time, and at that time your people will be delivered – everyone who is found written in the book. Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19; Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

stands for: see Dan 11:14.
Phil 4:3 {RP P1904: Nai/,} [TR: Kai\] e0rwtw~ kai/ se, su/zuge gnh/sie, sullamba&nou au0tai=j, ai3tinej e0n tw%~ eu0aggeli/w% sunh/qlhsa&n moi, meta_ kai\ Klh/mentoj, kai\ tw~n loipw~n sunergw~n mou, w{n ta_ o0no/mata e0n bi/blw% zwh=j. {RP P1904: Yes,} [TR: And] I ask you too, my genuine yokefellow, help these women who strove with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and my other co-workers, whose names are in the book of life. nai\, yes, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. kai\, and, TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

these womenthem.

other ← remaining.
Dan 12:1 ‫וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּד֗וֹל הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְי֣וֹת גּ֔וֹי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃‬ And at that time Michael will stand up – the great prince who stands for the sons of your people – and there will be a time of tribulation such as there never has been since the coming into existence of a nation up to that time, and at that time your people will be delivered – everyone who is found written in the book. Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19; Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

stands for: see Dan 11:14.
Rev 3:5 879O nikw~n, {RP TR: ou[toj} [P1904: ou3twj] peribalei=tai e0n i9mati/oij leukoi=j: kai\ ou0 mh\ e0calei/yw to\ o1noma au0tou= e0k th=j bi/blou th=j zwh=j, kai\ {RP P1904: o9mologh/sw} [TR: e0comologh/somai] to\ o1noma au0tou= e0nw&pion tou= patro/j mou, kai\ e0nw&pion tw~n a)gge/lwn au0tou=. {RP TR: It is he who overcomes who} [P1904: As for him who overcomes, thus he] will be clothed in white garments, and I will certainly not expunge his name from the book of life, and I will vouch for his name before my father and before his angels.’ ou[toj, this, RP TR F1859=11/13 vs. ou3twj, thus, P1904 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's ah).

o9mologh/sw, I will confess (future active), RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. e0comologh/somai, I will confess (with strengthened prefix; deponent future), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's n).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

{RP TR: who ← this (one).}
Dan 12:1 ‫וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּד֗וֹל הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְי֣וֹת גּ֔וֹי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃‬ And at that time Michael will stand up – the great prince who stands for the sons of your people – and there will be a time of tribulation such as there never has been since the coming into existence of a nation up to that time, and at that time your people will be delivered – everyone who is found written in the book. Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19; Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

stands for: see Dan 11:14.
Rev 13:8 Kai\ proskunh/sousin {RP-text TR: au0tw%~} [RP-marg P1904: au0to\n] pa&ntej oi9 katoikou=ntej e0pi\ th=j gh=j, w{n ou0 ge/graptai {RP P1904: to\ o1noma} [TR: ta_ o0no/mata] e0n {RP P1904: tw%~ bibli/w%} [TR: th|= bi/blw%] th=j zwh=j tou= a)rni/ou {RP P1904: tou=} [TR: - ] e0sfagme/nou a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou. And all those who dwell on the earth will worship him, those whose {RP P1904: name is} [TR: names are] not written in the book of life of the lamb slain since the overthrow of the world. au0tw%~, him (dative), RP-text TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's eghlm) vs. au0to\n, him (accusative), RP-marg P1904 F1859=8/13. A disparity with RP-text, R=6:9.

to\ o1noma, the name, RP P1904 F1859=11/13 vs. ta_ o0no/mata, the names, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn).

tw%~ bibli/w%, the book (diminutive form but not emphatic), RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. th|= bi/blw%, the book, TR F1859=0/13.

tou=, the (one slaughtered): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Dan 12:1 ‫וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּד֗וֹל הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְי֣וֹת גּ֔וֹי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃‬ And at that time Michael will stand up – the great prince who stands for the sons of your people – and there will be a time of tribulation such as there never has been since the coming into existence of a nation up to that time, and at that time your people will be delivered – everyone who is found written in the book. Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19; Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

stands for: see Dan 11:14.
Rev 17:8 {RP P1904 S1894: To\ qhri/on} [S1550 E1624: Qhri/on], o4 ei]dej, h]n, kai\ ou0k e1stin, kai\ me/llei a)nabai/nein e0k th=j a)bu/ssou, kai\ ei0j a)pw&leian u9pa&gein. Kai\ qauma&sontai oi9 katoikou=ntej {RP-text P1904 TR: e0pi\ th=j gh=j} [RP-marg: th\n gh=n], w{n ou0 ge/graptai {RP-text TR: ta_ o0no/mata} [RP-marg P1904c: to\ o1noma] [P1904u: ta_ o1noma] e0pi\ {RP-text P1904 TR: to\ bibli/on} [RP-marg: tou= bibli/ou] th=j zwh=j a)po\ katabolh=j ko/smou, {RP P1904: blepo/ntwn} [TR: ble/pontej] {RP-text: o3ti h]n to\ qhri/on} [RP-marg P1904: to\ qhri/on o3ti h]n] [TR: to\ qhri/on o3, ti h]n], kai\ ou0k e1stin, {RP P1904: kai\ pare/stai} [TR: kai/per e1stin]. {RP P1904 S1894: The} [S1550 E1624: The] beast whom you saw was, but is not, but is about to ascend out of the abyss and go away to destruction. And those {RP-text P1904 TR: dwelling on} [RP-marg: who inhabit] the earth will marvel, those whose {RP-text TR: names have not been} [RP-marg P1904: name has not been] written in the book of life since the overthrow of the world, {RP P1904: when they see} [TR: who see] that the beast was, and is not, {RP P1904: but will be present} [TR: although he is]. to\, the (beast): present in RP P1904 S1550 E1624 F1859=11/12 vs. absent in S1894 F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's k).

e0pi\ th=j gh=j, (dwelling) on the earth, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=5/12 (Scrivener's cdghl) vs. th\n gh=n, (inhabiting) the earth, RP-marg F1859=7/12 (Scrivener's abefjkm). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP-text, R=7:7.

ta_ o0no/mata, the names, RP-text TR F1859=3/12 (Scrivener's cgh) vs. to\ o1noma, the name, RP-marg P1904 F1859=9/12. A disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:10.

to\ bibli/on, (into) the book, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's ch) vs. tou= bibli/ou, (in) the book, RP-marg F1859=9/12 vs. another reading, F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's g). A disparity (#3) with RP-text, R=4:9.

blepo/ntwn, seeing (agreeing with w{n), RP P1904 F1859=11/12 vs. ble/pontej, seeing (agreeing with katoikou=ntej), TR F1859=1/12 (Scrivener's n).

o3ti h]n to\ qhri/on, because + was + the beast, RP-text F1859=10/12 vs. to\ qhri/on, o3ti h]n, the beast + that / because it was, RP-marg P1904 F1859=0/12 vs. to\ qhri/on o3, ti h]n, the beast + which was, TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gh). A disparity (#4) with RP-marg (zero count).

kai\ pare/stai, and will be present, RP P1904 F1859=12/12 vs. kai/per e1stin, although it is, TR F1859=0/12. AV differs textually.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV); Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.

overthrow: AV differs; see Matt 13:35.
Dan 12:1 ‫וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּד֗וֹל הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְי֣וֹת גּ֔וֹי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃‬ And at that time Michael will stand up – the great prince who stands for the sons of your people – and there will be a time of tribulation such as there never has been since the coming into existence of a nation up to that time, and at that time your people will be delivered – everyone who is found written in the book. Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19; Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

stands for: see Dan 11:14.
Rev 20:12 Kai\ ei]don tou\j nekrou/j, {RP P1904: tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j} [TR: mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj], e9stw~taj e0nw&pion tou= {RP P1904: qro/nou} [TR: qeou=], kai\ bibli/a {RP-text TR: h0new%&xqhsan} [RP-marg: h1noican] [P1904: h0noi/xqhsan]: kai\ {RP P1904: a!llo bibli/on} [TR: bibli/on a!llo] {RP TR: h0new%&xqh} [P1904: h0noi/xqh], o3 e0stin th=j zwh=j: kai\ e0kri/qhsan oi9 nekroi\ e0k tw~n gegramme/nwn e0n toi=j bibli/oij, kata_ ta_ e1rga au0tw~n. And I saw the dead, {RP P1904: the great and the small} [TR: small and great], standing before {RP P1904: the throne} [TR: God], and {RP-text P1904 TR: the books were opened} [RP-marg: they opened the books]. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by the things written in the books according to their works. tou\j mega&louj kai\ tou\j mikrou/j, the great + and the small, RP P1904 F1859=4/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]hlm) vs. mikrou\j kai\ mega&louj, small + and great, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's c, with phrase moved) vs. words absent (but tou\j, the (ones standing) retained), F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk). Nearly a disparity (#1) with RP, R=5:5.

qro/nou, throne, RP P1904 F1859=9/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. qeou=, God, TR F1859=1/10 (Scrivener's k). AV differs textually.

h0new%&xqhsan, they were opened (triple augment), RP-text TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl) vs. h1noican, they opened, RP-marg F1859=5/10 (Scrivener's bdejk) vs. h0noi/xqhsan, they were opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's f[MJW]m). A weak disparity (#2) with RP-text, R=4:5.

a!llo bibli/on, another + book, RP P1904 F1859=7/10 (Scrivener's bdef[MJW]jkm) vs. bibli/on a!llo, book + another, TR F1859=3/10 (Scrivener's chl).

h0new%&xqh, was opened (triple augment), RP TR F1859=6/9 (Scrivener's bcdhkl) vs. h0noi/xqh, was opened (single augment), P1904 F1859=2/9 (Scrivener's em) vs. a)new%&xqh, was opened (double augment), F1859=1/9 (Scrivener's j).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Ps 62:13MT (Ps 62:12AV), Jer 17:10, Jer 32:19.
Dan 12:1 ‫וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּד֗וֹל הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְי֣וֹת גּ֔וֹי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃‬ And at that time Michael will stand up – the great prince who stands for the sons of your people – and there will be a time of tribulation such as there never has been since the coming into existence of a nation up to that time, and at that time your people will be delivered – everyone who is found written in the book. Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19; Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

stands for: see Dan 11:14.
Rev 20:15 Kai\ ei1 tij ou0x eu9re/qh e0n {RP-text: tw%~ bibli/w%} [RP-marg P1904 TR: th|= bi/blw%] th=j zwh=j gegramme/noj, e0blh/qh ei0j th\n li/mnhn tou= puro/j. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire. tw%~ bibli/w%, the book (diminutive form, but not emphatic), RP-text F1859=8/10 (incl. f[MJW]) vs. th|= bi/blw%, the book, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/10 (Scrivener's hl).

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32; Dan 7:11 (allusions).
Dan 12:1 ‫וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּד֗וֹל הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְי֣וֹת גּ֔וֹי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃‬ And at that time Michael will stand up – the great prince who stands for the sons of your people – and there will be a time of tribulation such as there never has been since the coming into existence of a nation up to that time, and at that time your people will be delivered – everyone who is found written in the book. Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19; Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8, Rev 20:12, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27.

stands for: see Dan 11:14.
Rev 21:27 kai\ ou0 mh\ ei0se/lqh| ei0j au0th\n pa~n {RP P1904: koino/n} [TR: koinou=n], kai\ {RP-text TR: poiou=n} [RP-marg P1904: o9 poiw~n] bde/lugma kai\ yeu=doj: ei0 mh\ oi9 gegramme/noi e0n tw%~ bibli/w% th=j zwh=j tou= a)rni/ou. And nothing {RP P1904: profane} [TR: that profanes] or anyone committing an abomination or lie will enter into it at all, but rather those written in the book of life of the lamb. koino/n, profane, RP P1904 F1859=8/8 vs. koinou=n, profaning, TR F1859=0/8.

poiou=n, committing, RP-text TR F1859=2/8 (Scrivener's ch) vs. o9 poiw~n, he who commits, RP-marg P1904 F1859=6/8. A disparity with RP-text, R=3:7.

Ps 69:29MT (Ps 69:28AV), Dan 12:1, Ex 32:32.
Dan 12:4 ‫וְאַתָּ֣ה דָֽנִיֵּ֗אל סְתֹ֧ם הַדְּבָרִ֛ים וַחֲתֹ֥ם הַסֵּ֖פֶר עַד־עֵ֣ת קֵ֑ץ יְשֹׁטְט֥וּ רַבִּ֖ים וְתִרְבֶּ֥ה הַדָּֽעַת׃‬ But you, Daniel, close up the words and seal up the book, until the end time. Many will run to and fro, and knowledge will increase.” Rev 10:4, Rev 22:10.

run to and fro: either positively, scour, scrutinize, explore (the book), or negatively, be chaotic, go wild with.
Rev 10:4 Kai\ o3te e0la&lhsan ai9 e9pta_ brontai/ {RP P1904: - } [TR: ta_j fwna_j e9autw~n], e1mellon gra&fein: kai\ h1kousa fwnh\n e0k tou= ou0ranou=, {RP P1904: le/gousan} [TR: le/gousa&n moi], Sfra&gison a$ e0la&lhsan ai9 e9pta_ brontai/, kai\ mh\ {RP P1904: au0ta_} [TR: tau=ta] gra&yh|j. Then when the seven thunders {RP P1904: had spoken} [TR: uttered their sounds], I was about to write {RP P1904: it} [TR: them] down. But I heard a voice from heaven say {RP P1904: - } [TR: to me], “Seal up the things that the seven thunders uttered, and do not write {RP P1904: them} [TR: these things] down.” ta_j fwna_j e9autw~n, their own voices (1): absent in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13 (but a similar reading below) vs. ta_j e9autw~n fwna_j, their own voices (2), F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

moi, (say) to me: absent in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. present in TR F1859=0/13.

au0ta_, them, RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. tau=ta, these (things), TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's h).

Dan 8:26, Dan 12:4.
Dan 12:4 ‫וְאַתָּ֣ה דָֽנִיֵּ֗אל סְתֹ֧ם הַדְּבָרִ֛ים וַחֲתֹ֥ם הַסֵּ֖פֶר עַד־עֵ֣ת קֵ֑ץ יְשֹׁטְט֥וּ רַבִּ֖ים וְתִרְבֶּ֥ה הַדָּֽעַת׃‬ But you, Daniel, close up the words and seal up the book, until the end time. Many will run to and fro, and knowledge will increase.” Rev 10:4, Rev 22:10.

run to and fro: either positively, scour, scrutinize, explore (the book), or negatively, be chaotic, go wild with.
Rev 22:10 Kai\ le/gei moi, Mh\ sfragi/sh|j tou\j lo/gouj th=j profhtei/aj tou= bibli/ou tou/tou: {RP-text P1904: o9 kairo\j ga_r} [RP-marg TR: o3ti o9 kairo\j] e0ggu/j e0stin. And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, {RP-text P1904: for} [RP-marg TR: because] the time is near. o9 kairo\j ga_r, for the time, RP-text P1904 F1859=6/7 vs. o3ti o9 kairo\j, because the time, RP-marg TR F1859=1/7 (Scrivener's h). A disparity with RP-marg (low count).

Dan 8:26, Dan 12:4 (allusions), where the books are sealed, but here in Revelation they are open.

the time is near: see James 5:3, Rev 1:3.
Dan 12:7 ‫וָאֶשְׁמַ֞ע אֶת־הָאִ֣ישׁ ׀ לְב֣וּשׁ הַבַּדִּ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר מִמַּעַל֮ לְמֵימֵ֣י הַיְאֹר֒ וַיָּ֨רֶם יְמִינ֤וֹ וּשְׂמֹאלוֹ֙ אֶל־הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וַיִּשָּׁבַ֖ע בְּחֵ֣י הָעוֹלָ֑ם כִּי֩ לְמוֹעֵ֨ד מֽוֹעֲדִ֜ים וָחֵ֗צִי וּכְכַלּ֛וֹת נַפֵּ֥ץ יַד־עַם־קֹ֖דֶשׁ תִּכְלֶ֥ינָה כָל־אֵֽלֶּה׃‬ And I heard the man clothed in fine linen who was above the water of the river. And he raised his right hand and his left hand towards heaven, and he swore by him who lives age-abidingly, that it was for a time, times and a half, and he swore that at the completion of the crushing of the strength of the holy people, all these things would come to an end. Rev 10:5, Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5.

a time, times and a half: i.e. three and a half years. See Dan 7:25.

strength ← hand.

holy people ← people of holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Rev 10:5 Kai\ o9 a!ggeloj o4n ei]don e9stw~ta e0pi\ th=j qala&sshj kai\ e0pi\ th=j gh=j h]ren th\n xei=ra au0tou= {RP P1904: th\n decia_n} [TR: - ] ei0j to\n ou0rano/n, Then the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his {RP P1904: right} [TR: - ] hand towards heaven, th\n decia_n, (the) right (hand one): present in RP P1904 F1859=13/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=0/13. AV differs textually.

Dan 12:7.
Dan 12:7 ‫וָאֶשְׁמַ֞ע אֶת־הָאִ֣ישׁ ׀ לְב֣וּשׁ הַבַּדִּ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר מִמַּעַל֮ לְמֵימֵ֣י הַיְאֹר֒ וַיָּ֨רֶם יְמִינ֤וֹ וּשְׂמֹאלוֹ֙ אֶל־הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וַיִּשָּׁבַ֖ע בְּחֵ֣י הָעוֹלָ֑ם כִּי֩ לְמוֹעֵ֨ד מֽוֹעֲדִ֜ים וָחֵ֗צִי וּכְכַלּ֛וֹת נַפֵּ֥ץ יַד־עַם־קֹ֖דֶשׁ תִּכְלֶ֥ינָה כָל־אֵֽלֶּה׃‬ And I heard the man clothed in fine linen who was above the water of the river. And he raised his right hand and his left hand towards heaven, and he swore by him who lives age-abidingly, that it was for a time, times and a half, and he swore that at the completion of the crushing of the strength of the holy people, all these things would come to an end. Rev 10:5, Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5.

a time, times and a half: i.e. three and a half years. See Dan 7:25.

strength ← hand.

holy people ← people of holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Rev 11:2 Kai\ th\n au0lh\n th\n {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e1cwqen} [S1550: e1swqen] tou= naou= e1kbale {RP-text P1904 TR: e1cw} [RP-marg: e1cwqen], kai\ mh\ au0th\n metrh/sh|j, o3ti e0do/qh toi=j e1qnesin: kai\ th\n po/lin th\n a(gi/an path/sousin mh=naj {RP-text: tessara&konta kai\ du/o} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tessara&konta du/o] [RP-marg2: M6B6]. but omit the courtyard {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: outside} [S1550: inside] the sanctuary, and do not measure it, because it is given to the Gentiles, and they will trample on the holy city for forty-two months. e1cwqen, (from) outside, RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1859=12/13 (misspelled in f) vs. e1swqen, (from) inside, S1550 F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's m).

e1cw, outside → (leave / omit) out, RP-text P1904 TR F1859=9/13 vs. e1cwqen, from outside → (leave / omit) out, RP-marg F1859=4/13 (Scrivener's fhmn).

tessara&konta kai\ du/o, forty and two, RP-text F1859=9/13 vs. tessara&konta du/o, forty-two, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's fm) vs. M6B6, 42, RP-marg2 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's hn).

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).
Dan 12:7 ‫וָאֶשְׁמַ֞ע אֶת־הָאִ֣ישׁ ׀ לְב֣וּשׁ הַבַּדִּ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר מִמַּעַל֮ לְמֵימֵ֣י הַיְאֹר֒ וַיָּ֨רֶם יְמִינ֤וֹ וּשְׂמֹאלוֹ֙ אֶל־הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וַיִּשָּׁבַ֖ע בְּחֵ֣י הָעוֹלָ֑ם כִּי֩ לְמוֹעֵ֨ד מֽוֹעֲדִ֜ים וָחֵ֗צִי וּכְכַלּ֛וֹת נַפֵּ֥ץ יַד־עַם־קֹ֖דֶשׁ תִּכְלֶ֥ינָה כָל־אֵֽלֶּה׃‬ And I heard the man clothed in fine linen who was above the water of the river. And he raised his right hand and his left hand towards heaven, and he swore by him who lives age-abidingly, that it was for a time, times and a half, and he swore that at the completion of the crushing of the strength of the holy people, all these things would come to an end. Rev 10:5, Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5.

a time, times and a half: i.e. three and a half years. See Dan 7:25.

strength ← hand.

holy people ← people of holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Rev 11:3 Kai\ dw&sw toi=j dusi\n ma&rtusi/n mou, kai\ profhteu/sousin h9me/raj xili/aj diakosi/aj e9ch/konta peribeblhme/noi sa&kkouj. But I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. empower ← give to; permit.

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).
Dan 12:7 ‫וָאֶשְׁמַ֞ע אֶת־הָאִ֣ישׁ ׀ לְב֣וּשׁ הַבַּדִּ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר מִמַּעַל֮ לְמֵימֵ֣י הַיְאֹר֒ וַיָּ֨רֶם יְמִינ֤וֹ וּשְׂמֹאלוֹ֙ אֶל־הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וַיִּשָּׁבַ֖ע בְּחֵ֣י הָעוֹלָ֑ם כִּי֩ לְמוֹעֵ֨ד מֽוֹעֲדִ֜ים וָחֵ֗צִי וּכְכַלּ֛וֹת נַפֵּ֥ץ יַד־עַם־קֹ֖דֶשׁ תִּכְלֶ֥ינָה כָל־אֵֽלֶּה׃‬ And I heard the man clothed in fine linen who was above the water of the river. And he raised his right hand and his left hand towards heaven, and he swore by him who lives age-abidingly, that it was for a time, times and a half, and he swore that at the completion of the crushing of the strength of the holy people, all these things would come to an end. Rev 10:5, Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5.

a time, times and a half: i.e. three and a half years. See Dan 7:25.

strength ← hand.

holy people ← people of holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Rev 12:6 Kai\ h9 gunh\ e1fugen ei0j th\n e1rhmon, o3pou e1xei {RP P1904: e0kei=} [TR: - ] to/pon h9toimasme/non {RP-text: u9po\} [RP-marg P1904 TR: a)po\] tou= qeou=, i3na e0kei= {RP-text: e0ktre/fwsin} [RP-marg P1904 TR: tre/fwsin] au0th\n h9me/raj xili/aj diakosi/aj e9ch/konta. And the woman fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God in order to feed her there for one thousand two hundred and sixty days. e0kei=, there → where: present in RP P1904 F1859=12/13 vs. absent in TR F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

u9po\, by, RP-text F1859=10/12 vs. a)po\, from → by, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=2/12 (Scrivener's gh).

e0ktre/fwsin, feed (strengthened by the prefix e0k), RP-text F1859=8/13 (incl. e0ktre/fousin k) vs. tre/fwsin, feed, RP-marg P1904 TR F1859=5/13 (Scrivener's efgmn). Nearly a disparity with RP-text, R=8:7.

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).

to feed ← that they should feed.
Dan 12:7 ‫וָאֶשְׁמַ֞ע אֶת־הָאִ֣ישׁ ׀ לְב֣וּשׁ הַבַּדִּ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר מִמַּעַל֮ לְמֵימֵ֣י הַיְאֹר֒ וַיָּ֨רֶם יְמִינ֤וֹ וּשְׂמֹאלוֹ֙ אֶל־הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וַיִּשָּׁבַ֖ע בְּחֵ֣י הָעוֹלָ֑ם כִּי֩ לְמוֹעֵ֨ד מֽוֹעֲדִ֜ים וָחֵ֗צִי וּכְכַלּ֛וֹת נַפֵּ֥ץ יַד־עַם־קֹ֖דֶשׁ תִּכְלֶ֥ינָה כָל־אֵֽלֶּה׃‬ And I heard the man clothed in fine linen who was above the water of the river. And he raised his right hand and his left hand towards heaven, and he swore by him who lives age-abidingly, that it was for a time, times and a half, and he swore that at the completion of the crushing of the strength of the holy people, all these things would come to an end. Rev 10:5, Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5.

a time, times and a half: i.e. three and a half years. See Dan 7:25.

strength ← hand.

holy people ← people of holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Rev 12:14 Kai\ e0do/qhsan th|= gunaiki\ du/o pte/rugej tou= a)etou= tou= mega&lou, i3na pe/thtai ei0j th\n e1rhmon ei0j to\n to/pon au0th=j, {RP P1904: o3pwj tre/fhtai} [TR: o3pou tre/fetai] e0kei= kairo/n, kai\ kairou/j, kai\ h3misu kairou=, a)po\ prosw&pou tou= o1fewj. But the woman was given a pair of a great eagle's wings, in order to fly into the desert, to her place, {RP P1904: in order to be fed there} [TR: where she was fed] for a time, and times, and half a time, away from the presence of the serpent. o3pwj tre/fhtai, in order that she might be fed, RP P1904 F1859=9/13 vs. o3pou tre/fetai, where she is fed, TR F1859=3/13 (Scrivener's bgn) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f).

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).

the woman was given a pair of a great eagle's wings ← to the woman two wings of the great eagle were given.
Dan 12:7 ‫וָאֶשְׁמַ֞ע אֶת־הָאִ֣ישׁ ׀ לְב֣וּשׁ הַבַּדִּ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר מִמַּעַל֮ לְמֵימֵ֣י הַיְאֹר֒ וַיָּ֨רֶם יְמִינ֤וֹ וּשְׂמֹאלוֹ֙ אֶל־הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וַיִּשָּׁבַ֖ע בְּחֵ֣י הָעוֹלָ֑ם כִּי֩ לְמוֹעֵ֨ד מֽוֹעֲדִ֜ים וָחֵ֗צִי וּכְכַלּ֛וֹת נַפֵּ֥ץ יַד־עַם־קֹ֖דֶשׁ תִּכְלֶ֥ינָה כָל־אֵֽלֶּה׃‬ And I heard the man clothed in fine linen who was above the water of the river. And he raised his right hand and his left hand towards heaven, and he swore by him who lives age-abidingly, that it was for a time, times and a half, and he swore that at the completion of the crushing of the strength of the holy people, all these things would come to an end. Rev 10:5, Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5.

a time, times and a half: i.e. three and a half years. See Dan 7:25.

strength ← hand.

holy people ← people of holiness, a Hebraic genitive.
Rev 13:5 Kai\ e0do/qh au0tw%~ sto/ma lalou=n mega&la kai\ {RP P1904: blasfhmi/an} [TR: blasfhmi/aj]: kai\ e0do/qh au0tw%~ e0cousi/a {RP P1904 E1624: po/lemon} [S1550 S1894: - ] poih=sai mh=naj tessara&konta du/o. Also, he was given a mouth speaking presumptuous things and {RP P1904: blasphemy,} [TR: blasphemies,] and he was given authority {RP P1904 E1624: to wage war} [S1550 S1894: to act] for forty-two months. blasfhmi/an, blasphemy, RP P1904 F1859=8/13 vs. blasfhmi/aj, blasphemies, TR F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's bg) vs. another reading, F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's mn) vs. whole clause absent, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's c).

po/lemon, war: present in RP P1904 E1624 F1859=10/13 vs. absent in S1550 S1894 F1859=2/13 (Scrivener's gn) vs. another reading, F1859=1/13 (Scrivener's f). AV differs textually.

Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7 (times, time and a half, i.e. 3½ years, = 42 months, = 1260 days).

he was given a mouth ← a mouth was given to him.

presumptuous ← great.

he was given authority ← authority was given to him.
Dan 12:11 ‫וּמֵעֵת֙ הוּסַ֣ר הַתָּמִ֔יד וְלָתֵ֖ת שִׁקּ֣וּץ שֹׁמֵ֑ם יָמִ֕ים אֶ֖לֶף מָאתַ֥יִם וְתִשְׁעִֽים׃‬ And from the time when the perpetual sacrifice is removed and when the desolating abomination is installed, there are one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Matt 24:15, Mark 13:14.

one thousand two hundred and ninety days: three and a half years and thirty days. See Dan 7:25.
Matt 24:15 873Otan ou]n i1dhte to\ bde/lugma th=j e0rhmw&sewj, to\ r(hqe\n dia_ Danih\l tou= profh/tou, {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e9stw_j} [S1550: e9sto\j] e0n to/pw% a(gi/w% - o9 a)naginw&skwn noei/tw - So when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place – may the reader understand – e9stw_j, standing (masculine), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1853=18/21 F1859=4/7 vs. e9sto\j, standing (neuter, agreeing with abomination), S1550 F1853=3/21 (Scrivener's gks) F1859=3/7. Scrivener appears to have collated in F1859 (but not F1853) against S1550, since he ↴

Dan 9:27, Dan 11:31, Dan 12:11.
Dan 12:11 ‫וּמֵעֵת֙ הוּסַ֣ר הַתָּמִ֔יד וְלָתֵ֖ת שִׁקּ֣וּץ שֹׁמֵ֑ם יָמִ֕ים אֶ֖לֶף מָאתַ֥יִם וְתִשְׁעִֽים׃‬ And from the time when the perpetual sacrifice is removed and when the desolating abomination is installed, there are one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Matt 24:15, Mark 13:14.

one thousand two hundred and ninety days: three and a half years and thirty days. See Dan 7:25.
Mark 13:14 873Otan de\ i1dhte to\ bde/lugma th=j e0rhmw&sewj, to\ r(hqe\n u9po\ Danih\l tou= profh/tou, {RP P1904 E1624 S1894: e9stw_j} [S1550: e9sto\j] o3pou ou0 dei= - o9 a)naginw&skwn noei/tw - to/te oi9 e0n th|= 870Ioudai/a% feuge/twsan ei0j ta_ o1rh: Then when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it should not – let him who reads take note – then those in Judaea must flee to the mountains. e9stw_j, standing (masculine, classically incorrect), RP P1904 E1624 S1894 F1853=18/20 F1859=5/7 vs. e9sto\j, standing (neuter, classically correct), S1550 F1853=2/20 (Scrivener's fk) F1859=2/7.

Dan 9:27, Dan 11:31, Dan 12:11.