The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Genesis Chapter 49

1Then Jacob called his sons and said, “Gather round and I will tell you what will happen to you in the last days.

2Assemble and listen,

You sons of Jacob,

And listen to Israel your father.

3Reuben, you are my firstborn,

My strength and the beginning of my vigour

– A profusion of high-standing

And a profusion of power.

4As unrestrained as water,

Do not overflow,

For you went up to your father's bed,

Then you defiled it.

He went up to my couch.

5Simeon and Levi are brothers

– Vessels of violence by their swords.

6Let my being not enter into their counsel.

Let my honour not be united with their convocation,

For in their anger they killed a man,

And for their pleasure they hamstrung an ox.

7Cursed be their anger,

For it was fierce,

And their wrath,

For it was harsh.

I will divide them in Jacob

And scatter them in Israel.

8Judah, as for you,

Your brothers will praise you.

Your hand will be on your enemies' neck,

And the sons of your father will bow down to you.

9Judah is a lion's cub.

From the prey, my son, you went up.

He crouched,

He lay like a lion,

And like a great lion

– Who dares to arouse him?

10The sceptre will not depart from Judah,

Nor the statute maker from between his legs,

Until Shiloh comes,

And obedience of the nations

Will be to him.

11Binding his ass-colt to the vine,

And his young of a she-ass to the choice vine,

He washed his clothes in wine

And his garment in the juice of grapes.

12The red of his eyes will be from wine,

And the white of his teeth will be from milk.

13Zebulun will dwell at the coast of the sea,

And he will be a coast-line for ships.

And his border will be up to Sidon.

14Issachar is a well-built ass

Lying between two folds.

15And he saw that the resting place was good,

And that the land was pleasant.

So he set his shoulder to bear the burden

And became a tribute-paying servant.

16Dan will judge his people,

As one of the tribes of Israel.

17Dan will become a serpent on the way

– An adder on the road –

That bites the heels of a horse,

So the rider falls off backwards.

18O Lord,

I have put my hope in your salvation.

19As for Gad,

A troop will press on him,

But he will press on the heel.

20From Asher comes his rich bread,

And he will supply royal delicacies.

21Naphtali is a hind let loose,

Who bears words of beauty.

22Joseph is a fruitful bough,

A fruitful bough at a water-source,

With branches where each shoots over a wall.

23The archers provoked him

And shot at him

And hated him.

24But his bow remained in place firmly,

And the strength of his hands was with agility,

From the hands of the mighty one of Jacob,

From where the shepherd comes

– The stone of Israel.

25This is from the God of your father,

Who will help you,

And with the Almighty,

Who will bless you with heavenly blessings above,

Blessings from the deep which lies below

– Blessings of the breasts and womb.

26The blessings of your father

Have been mightier than the blessings of my parents,

Extending to the limits of the age-old hills.

They will be for Joseph's head

And for the crown of the head of the Nazarite

Among his brothers.

27Benjamin is a wolf

Which will tear quarry apart.

In the morning he will eat prey

And in the evening he will divide spoil.”

28All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said to them. And he blessed them. He blessed them individually, each according to his blessing. 29And he instructed them, and he said to them, “I am being gathered to my people. Bury me with my fathers in the cave which is in the field of Ephron the Hittite, 30in the cave which is in the field of Machpelah, which is before Mamre in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite as an acquisition for a burial ground. 31That is where they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife. That is where they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife. And that is where I buried Leah. 32It is the field, and the cave which is in it, which were acquired from the sons of Heth.” 33Then Jacob finished instructing his sons, and he drew back his feet into the bed, and he expired and was gathered to his people.

Reference(s) in Chapter 49: v.9 ↔ Revelation 5:5.
