The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Exodus Chapter 21

1And these are the principles of justice which you will set out before them. 2If you acquire a Hebrew servant, he will serve for six years, then in the seventh year, he will go out free, without any claim on him. 3If he comes on his own, he will go out on his own; if he is the husband of a wife, then his wife will go out with him. 4If his master gives him a wife, and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children will be her master's, and he will go out on his own. 5If the servant positively says, ‘I love my master, my wife and my sons; I will not go out free’, 6then his master will bring him to the representatives of God, then he will bring him to the door or to the doorpost, and his master will bore through his ear with an awl, and he will serve him indefinitely. 7And if a man sells his daughter as a maidservant, she will not go out as menservants go out. 8If she is bad in the sight of her master who appointed her to himself, then he will have her redeemed. He shall not have authority to sell her to a foreign nation in his deceitful dealing with her. 9And if he appoints her for his son, he will deal with her according to the custom for daughters. 10If he takes another woman to wife, he shall not diminish her food and clothing and marital rights. 11If he does not do these three things for her, she shall go out without claim on her, without financial consequences. 12He who strikes a man so that he dies shall certainly be put to death. 13But if he did not deliberately kill him, but God caused him to cross paths with him, then I will appoint you a place to which he can flee. 14But when a man is incensed against his neighbour to the point of deliberately killing him, you will take him from my altar to be put to death. 15And he who strikes his father or his mother will certainly be put to death. 16And he who abducts a man and sells him, or if the man is found in his power, he will certainly be put to death. 17And he who curses his father or his mother will certainly be put to death. 18And if men argue, and a man strikes his neighbour with a stone or with his fist, and he doesn't die, but becomes bed-ridden, 19then if he recovers and can walk about outside with his stick, then he who struck him will be acquitted, except that he will compensate him for his time recovering, and he will see to a complete recovery. 20And if a man strikes his manservant or his maidservant with a stick, and he or she dies when under his charge, he will certainly be avenged. 21But if after a day or two he can stand, he will not be avenged, because he is his source of income. 22And if men quarrel and strike a pregnant woman and her unborn baby miscarries, but there is no further injury, he will certainly be punished according to what the husband of the woman imposes on him, and he will pay in the presence of the judges. 23If there is further injury, you will impose life for life, 24an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, 25a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound, scarring for scarring. 26If a man strikes his manservant's eye or his maidservant's eye and ruins it, he shall let him go free as compensation for his eye. 27If he knocks out a tooth of his manservant's or a tooth of his maidservant's, he will let him go free as compensation for his tooth. 28And if an ox butts a man or a woman and he or she dies, the ox will certainly be stoned and its flesh will not be eaten, and the owner of the ox will be innocent. 29But if the ox had been prone to butting for some time, and it had been solemnly stated to its owner, but he did not keep it securely, and the ox killed a man or a woman, it shall be stoned, and also its owner shall be put to death. 30If bail is imposed on him, then he must make the bail payment for his life according to everything that was imposed on him. 31Whether it butts a son or butts a daughter, the matter will be dealt with for him according to this law. 32If the ox butts a manservant or a maidservant, the owner shall give thirty shekels of silver to the servant's master and the ox will be stoned. 33And if a man opens up a pit or a man digs a pit and does not cover it, and an ox or donkey falls into it, 34the owner of the pit shall pay money in compensation to its owner, and the dead animal will be his. 35And if a man's ox butts a neighbour's ox, and it dies, they shall sell the ox that is alive, and they will divide the proceeds of it, and they will also share the dead animal. 36But if it was known that the ox had been prone to butting for some time, and its owner had not kept it securely, he shall certainly pay an ox for an ox, and the dead ox will be his.

Reference(s) in Chapter 21: v.17 ↔ Matthew 15:4, Mark 7:10 ● v.24 ↔ Matthew 5:38.
