The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Leviticus Chapter 22

1Then the Lord spoke to Moses and said, 2“Speak to Aaron and to his sons, and tell them that they should separate themselves from the holy things of the sons of Israel, and not profane my holy name, inasmuch as they are sanctifying things to me. I am the Lord. 3Say to them, ‘In your generations, every man of any of your seed who is in an unclean state, who approaches the holy things which the sons of Israel are sanctifying to the Lord, that person will be cut off from my presence. I am the Lord. 4Any man of the seed of Aaron who is leprous or with a discharge shall not eat in the holy places until he is clean, and whoever touches any person who is unclean, or a man from whom semen is emitted, 5or a man who touches any reptile by which one is defiled, or a man by whom he is defiled – by any uncleanness of his – 6the person who has touched him will be unclean until the evening, and he will not eat of the holy things, but he will wash his body with water. 7And when the sun has set, he will be clean, and after that he will partake of the holy things, for it is his bread. 8He shall not eat from a carcase or savaged animal, which would defile him. I am the Lord. 9And they will keep my charge, so as not to bear sin on its account, and they will die in it if they have profaned it. I am the Lord who sanctifies them. 10And no foreigner will eat any holy thing; no resident with the priest, nor a hired labourer will eat any holy thing. 11But if a priest buys a person as a purchase with his own money, that person may eat of it, as may anyone born in his house; they may partake of his bread. 12Neither will a priest's daughter, if she is wife to a foreigner, partake of the heave-offering of the holy things. 13And as for the daughter of a priest who becomes a widow or is divorced, and has no offspring, she will return to the house of her father, as in her youth. She will partake of her father's bread, and no foreigner will eat it. 14And if a man eats a holy thing in ignorance, then he will add one fifth to it, and he will give the holy thing to the priest. 15And they will not profane the holy things of the sons of Israel which they heave to the Lord. 16Nor shall they cause them to bear iniquity, entailing guilt, which they would incur if they were to eat their holy things, for I am the Lord who sanctifies them.’ ” 17Then the Lord spoke to Moses and said, 18“Speak to Aaron and to his sons, and to all the sons of Israel, and say to them, ‘Any man of the house of Israel or of foreign residents in Israel who offers his oblation according to all their vows, or according to all their freewill-offerings which they make to the Lord as a burnt offering, 19let him offer for your acceptance, a male without blemish, among the oxen, lambs, or goats. 20You shall not offer any animal that has a blemish, for it will not be accepted on your behalf. 21And if a man offers a peace-sacrifice to the Lord, to fulfil a vow or as a freewill-offering, it will be an animal without blemish from the oxen or the sheep offered for acceptance; there will not be any blemish in it. 22As for animals suffering blindness, or which are fractured or lacerated, or which have a festering sore, or scurvy, or scabs – you will not offer these to the Lord, and you will not make a fire-offering of any of them to the Lord on the altar. 23A bull or a lamb with anything overgrown or undergrown you may offer as a freewill-offering, but it will not be accepted for a vow. 24And you will not offer to the Lord any animal that is bruised or crushed or castrated or with anything cut off, and you shall not offer it in your land. 25And you will not offer the bread of your God from the hand of a foreigner, with any of these offerings, for they are inherently defiled – there is a blemish in them. They will not be accepted for you.’ ” 26Then the Lord spoke to Moses and said, 27“A bull or a lamb or a goat, when it is born, will be kept for seven days with its mother, but from the eighth day onwards it will be accepted as an oblation of a fire-offering to the Lord. 28And you shall not kill both a bull or a sheep and its young in one day. 29And when you offer the sacrifice of a thank-offering to the Lord, you will make the sacrifice for your acceptance. 30It must be eaten on that very day; you shall not leave any of it until the morning. I am the Lord. 31And you shall keep my commandments, and you shall carry them out. I am the Lord. 32And you will not profane my holy name, and I will be sanctified among the sons of Israel. I am the Lord who sanctifies you, 33who brought you out from the land of Egypt, to be God to you. I am the Lord.”