The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Deuteronomy Chapter 28

1And it will be the case, if you rigorously obey the voice of the Lord your God by ensuring to carry out all his commandments which I am commanding you today, that the Lord your God will set you above all the nations of the earth. 2And all the following blessings will come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. 3Blessed you will be in the town, and blessed you will be in the country. 4Blessed will be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land and the fruit of your cattle – the offspring of your oxen and the issue of your flock animals. 5Blessed will be your basket and your store. 6Blessed you will be in your coming, and blessed you will be in your going. 7The Lord will grant that your enemies who rise up against you will be struck down before you. They will come out towards you in one direction, and they will flee in seven directions before you. 8The Lord will command the blessing to be with you in your storehouses and in every undertaking of yours, and he will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you. 9The Lord will raise you up to be a holy people to him, as he has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God, and you walk in his ways. 10And all the various peoples of the earth will see that the name of the Lord is what you are called after, and they will be afraid of you. 11And the Lord will cause you to abound in good things – in the fruit of your womb, and in the fruit of your cattle, and in the fruit of your ground on the ground about which the Lord swore to your fathers that he would give it to you. 12The Lord will open his good treasury to you – the heavens to give rain to your land in its season and to bless every work of your hands – and you will lend to great nations, but you shall not borrow. 13And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, and you will be only high up, and you will not be low down, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I am commanding you today to keep and to carry out. 14And you shall not depart from any of the words which I am commanding you today, neither to the right nor to the left, in going after other gods to serve them. 15But it will come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, in ensuring to carry out all his commandments and his statutes which I am commanding you today, then all the following curses will come upon you, and they will overtake you. 16Cursed you will be in the town, and cursed you will be in the country. 17Cursed will be your basket and your store. 18Cursed will be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground – the offspring of your oxen and the issue of your flock animals. 19Cursed you will be in your coming, and cursed you will be in your going. 20The Lord will send the curse on you – turbulence and rebuke at every undertaking of yours which you do, until you are destroyed and until you perish swiftly on account of the wickedness of your deeds, in that you abandoned me. 21The Lord will cause a plague to keep a hold on you until it finishes you off in the land to which you are going, to take possession of it. 22The Lord will strike you with tuberculosis and with fever and with inflammation and with burning and with dehydration, and with blight and with mildew, and they will pursue you until you perish. 23And your sky that is over your head will be copper, and the land that is underneath you will be iron. 24The Lord will make the rain of your land powder and dust. It will come down on you from the sky until you have been destroyed. 25The Lord will arrange that you are struck down before your enemies. You will go out in one direction towards them, but you will flee in seven directions before them, and you will be a target of atrocity to all the kingdoms of the earth. 26And your corpse will be food for all the birds of the sky and the beasts of the earth, and there will be no-one to frighten them away. 27The Lord will strike you with the ulcers of Egypt and with haemorrhoids, and with scurvy and with an itch, which you will not be able to be cured of. 28The Lord will strike you with madness and blindness and a bewildered heart. 29And you will be groping around at noon, as a blind man gropes around in thick darkness, and you will not prosper in your ways, and you will be nothing but oppressed and spoiled every day, and there will be no-one to save you. 30You will betroth a woman, but another man will ravish her; you will build a house but not live in it; you will plant a vineyard, but you will not gather its vintage. 31Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will not eat any of it; your donkey will be snatched away in front of you, and it will not return to you; your sheep will be given to your enemies, and there will be no-one to save them for you. 32Your sons and your daughters will be given to another people, and your eyes will look and pine for them all day long, and there will be nothing in the power of your hand. 33A people whom you have not known will eat the fruit of your ground, and all your toil, and you will be nothing but oppressed and crushed every day. 34And you will become mad at the sight in front of your eyes which you will see. 35The Lord will strike you with a severe ulcer on the knees and on the legs, which you will not be able to be cured of, from the sole of your foot to the crown of your head. 36The Lord will lead both you and the king whom you set up over you, to a people whom you and your fathers have not known, and you will serve other gods there – wood and stone. 37And you will be an object of astonishment, the butt of proverbs and taunts among all the various peoples where the Lord will lead you. 38You will take out much seed to the field, but you will gather little, because the swarming locust will devour it. 39You will plant vineyards and cultivate them, but you will not drink the wine, and you will not gather the vintage, for the grub will eat it. 40You will have olive trees throughout your territory, but you will not anoint yourself with the oil, for your olives will fall off prematurely. 41You will beget sons and daughters, but they will not be with you, for they will go into captivity. 42The chirping locust will take possession of all your trees and the fruit of the land. 43The foreigner who is among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will descend lower and lower. 44He will lend to you, but you will not lend to him. He will become the head, and you will become the tail. 45And all these curses will come upon you, and they will pursue you and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God by keeping his commandments and his statutes which he commanded you. 46And they will be a sign and a wonder against you, and against your seed, age-abidingly, 47because you did not serve the Lord your God, with joy and cheerfulness at the abundance of everything. 48And you will serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you, in hunger and in thirst and in nakedness and in need of everything, and he will put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you. 49The Lord will mobilize a people from afar against you, from the end of the earth, as the eagle flies – a people whose language you will not understand – 50a people of fierce appearance who do not respect the aged, nor do they show compassion to a boy. 51And they will eat the fruit of your cattle and the fruit of your land until you have been destroyed, and they will not leave you corn or new wine or new oil, offspring of your oxen or issue of your sheep, until they have destroyed you. 52And they will besiege you at all your gates until your high and fortified walls come down in which you trust throughout your land, and they will besiege you at all your gates throughout your land which the Lord your God has given you. 53And you will eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of your sons and your daughters whom the Lord your God has given you, in the siege and in the oppression with which your enemy will oppress you. 54The tender man among you, and the very delicate man, will be malevolently disposed towards his brother, and towards the wife of his bosom, and towards the remnant of his sons whom he has remaining, 55so that he will not give to any of them any of the flesh of the sons whom he eats, because he will not have anything remaining in the siege and in the oppression with which your enemy will oppress you at all your gates. 56The tender woman among you, and the delicate woman who does not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground on account of her being delicate or because of her softness, will be malevolently disposed towards the husband of her bosom and towards her son and towards her daughter, 57and towards her placenta which comes out from between her legs, and towards her sons whom she bears, because she will eat them in a lack of everything, in secret, in the siege and in the oppression with which your enemy will oppress you at your gates, 58if you do not ensure to carry out all the words of this law, which are written in this book, in fearing this glorious and awesome name, the Lord your God. 59And the Lord will go to extraordinary lengths in striking you and in striking your seed – with great and firm striking and with harmful and tenacious diseases. 60And he will bring on you all the ailments of Egypt, of which you are fearful, and they will cling to you. 61Moreover the Lord will bring on you every disease and every blow which is not written in the book of this law, until you have been destroyed. 62And you will be left with few people, instead of being like the stars of the sky in multitude, because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God. 63And it shall come to pass that as the Lord rejoices over you in doing you good and in increasing you, so shall the Lord rejoice over you in causing you to perish and in destroying you, and you will be plucked up off the land to which you are going, to inherit it. 64And the Lord will scatter you among all the various peoples, from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth, and you will serve other gods there which you and your fathers have not known – wood and stone. 65And you will not have quiet among those nations, and the sole of your foot will not have rest, and the Lord will give you a trembling heart there, and failing eyes, and a fainting spirit. 66And your life will hang in suspense before you, and you will be in fear by night and by day, and you will not be sure of your life. 67In the morning you will say, ‘If only it were evening!’ and in the evening you will say, ‘If only it were morning!’ because of fear in your heart with which you will be afraid, and for the sight of your eyes which you will see. 68And the Lord will bring you back to Egypt in ships, by the route about which I said to you, ‘You will not see it again’, and you will sell yourselves there to your enemies as menservants and maidservants, and no-one will buy you out.”