The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Deuteronomy Chapter 33

1And this is the blessing with which Moses, a man of God, blessed the sons of Israel before his death. 2And he said,

The Lord came from Sinai,

And he arose to them from Seir.

He shone from Mount Paran,

And he came from tens of thousands of holy ones.

On his right hand side

Was a fiery mandate for them.

3He very much loves the various peoples;

All his holy ones are in your hand.

And they are set down at your feet,

Where one is elevated by your discourses.

4Moses commanded us a law

– A legacy of the convocation of Jacob.

5And he became king in Jeshurun,

Where the heads of the people were gathered

Together with the tribes of Israel.

6‘May Reuben live and not die,

And may his men not be few in number.’

7Now this is concerning Judah, and he said,

‘Hear, O Lord, the voice of Judah,

And bring him to his people.

May his abilities be of great service to him,

And may you be a help from his adversaries.’

8And concerning Levi he said,

May your Thummim and Urim be with your gracious man

Whom you tested at Massah,

With whom you contended

At the waters of Meribah.

9And he said concerning his father and his mother,

«I have not seen him»,

And he did not recognize his brothers,

Nor know his son.

For they kept your word

And maintained your covenant.

10They will teach your judgments to Jacob

And your law to Israel.

They will put incense to your nose

And a complete burnt offering on your altar.

11Bless, O Lord, his wealth,

And accept the works of his hands.

Crush the loins of those

Who rise up against him

And those who hate him,

So that they cannot rise up.’

12Concerning Benjamin he said,

‘The beloved of the Lord

Will dwell in safety with him,

As he protects him all day,

And he dwells between his shoulders.’

13And concerning Joseph he said,

May his land be blessed by the Lord

With the preciousness of heaven – with dew –

And with the depth which lies underneath,

14And with the preciousness

Of the produce of the sun,

And with the preciousness

Of the yield of many moons,

15From the peak of the mountains of olden time,

And from the preciousness

Of the age-old hills,

16And with the preciousness

Of the earth and its fulness,

And acceptance by him

Who dwelt in the bush.

Let this come upon Joseph's head,

And on the Nazarite crown of the head of his brothers.

17May the firstlings of his oxen

Be to his glory,

And may his horns

Be as the horns of the buffalo.

With them he shall butt

Various peoples all at once

At the ends of the earth.

And they are the tens of thousands of Ephraim

And they are the thousands of Manasseh.’

18And concerning Zebulun he said,

‘Rejoice, Zebulun, when you go out,

And Issachar, in your tents.

19They shall call various peoples to the mountain;

There they will offer righteous sacrifices,

For they will ingest the abundance of the seas,

And the hidden treasures of the sand.’

20And concerning Gad he said,

‘Blessed is he who enlarges Gad.

He dwells like a lion,

And he tears off an arm,

Or even the crown of the head.

21And he provided the first part for himself,

For there a share for the lawgiver was reserved.

And he went to the heads of the people

And carried out the Lord's justice

And his judgments with Israel.’

22And concerning Dan he said,

‘Dan is a lion's whelp;

He shall leap from Bashan.’

23And concerning Naphtali he said,

‘Naphtali is abounding in favour

And is full of the Lord's blessing.

Inherit the west and the south.’

24And concerning Asher he said,

‘Asher is blessed with sons.

May he be favourably accepted by his brothers

As he dips his foot in oil.

25Your bolts are of iron and copper,

And as your days are,

So shall your strength be.’

26There is none like God, O Jeshurun,

Riding on heaven to your help,

And in his majesty on the sky.

27The age-old God is a refuge,

And beneath are age-abiding arms.

And he will drive out the enemy at your advance,

And he has said, ‘Destroy them.’

28Then Israel will dwell safely alone,

The eye of Jacob will be on a land of corn and new wine,

And his skies will also distil dew.

29Happy is Israel

– Who is like you?

A people saved by the Lord,

Your helping shield,

Who is also your majestic sword.

And your enemies will feign obedience to you,

And you will trample on their idolatrous raised sites.”

Reference(s) in Chapter 33: v.2 ↔ Jude 1:14.
