The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024

2 Samuel

2 Samuel Chapter 22

1And David spoke the words of this song to the Lord on the day when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from Saul's hand. 2And he said,

“The Lord is my rock and my fortress,

And my deliverer,

3The God of my rock;

I will put my trust in him

– My shield and the horn of my salvation,

My high stronghold and my refuge,

My saviour.

You save me from violence.

4I will call on the praiseworthy Lord,

And I will be saved from my enemies.

5For the breaker-waves of death surrounded me,

And the onslaughts of the reprobate alarmed me,

6The tightening grip of the grave encompassed me;

Deadly snares confronted me.

7When I was in a strait,

I called on the Lord,

And I called to my God,

And he heard my voice from his temple,

And my cry reached his ears.

8And the earth shook and trembled;

The foundations of heaven quaked and shook,

Because he was furious.

9Smoke went up in his nostrils,

And fire from his mouth came devouring;

Coals were kindled by him.

10And he stretched out the heavens and descended,

And thick darkness was under his feet.

11And he rode on a cherub and flew

And was seen on the wings of the wind.

12And he set darkness around him as canopies;

There were accumulations of water

And the thick clouds of the upper skies.

13At the brightness ahead of him

Were fiery coals blazing away.

14The Lord thunders from heaven,

And the Most High sounds his voice.

15And he sent his arrows,

And he scattered them,

And lightning,

And he routed them.

16Then channels of the sea appeared;

The foundations of the world were revealed

At the Lord's rebuke

– At the blast of the wind from his nostrils.

17He sent help from on high,

And he took hold of me;

He drew me out of great waters.

18He delivered me from my strong enemy

– From those who hate me –

For they were stronger than I was.

19They confronted me on my day of distress,

But the Lord became a support for me,

20And he brought me out into a wide place;

He delivered me

Because he delighted in me.

21The Lord recompensed me

According to my righteousness;

According to the cleanness of my hands

He rewarded me.

22For I have kept the ways of the Lord,

And I have not committed wickedness against my God.

23For all his injunctions were before me,

And I did not depart from any of his statutes.

24And I was perfect towards him,

And I kept myself from iniquity.

25And the Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness

– According to my cleanness

Before his eyes.

26With the kind, you will act kindly;

With the perfect warrior, you will act in perfection.

27With the pure, you will act in purity,

But with the perverse, you will act in a convoluted way.

28And you will save an afflicted people,

But your eyes are against those who are haughty;

You bring them low.

29For you, O Lord, are my lamp,

And the Lord brightens my darkness.

30For through you, I can run through a battalion;

Through my God I can leap over a wall.

31As for God, his way is perfect.

The word of the Lord has been refined.

He is a shield to all who trust in him.

32For who is God

Apart from the Lord?

And who is a rock

Apart from our God?

33God is my mighty fortress,

Who directs my perfect way,

34Who makes my feet like those of hinds,

And stands me on my heights;

35Who teaches my hands the skills of war,

So a copper bow can be drawn by my arms.

36And you gave me the shield of your salvation,

Whilst your action makes me great.

37You enlarged my step under me,

And my ankles did not slip.

38I pursued my enemies

And destroyed them,

And I did not return

Until I had made an end of them.

39And I consumed them, and I crushed them,

So that they could not get up,

And they fell under my feet.

40And you girded me with valour for war;

You brought down my opponents under me.

41And you gave me the neck of my enemies

– Those who hate me –

And I cut them down.

42They looked,

But there was no saviour;

They looked to the Lord,

But he did not answer them.

43And I pulverized them like the dust of the ground,

I ground them fine like the filth of the streets;

I trod them under foot.

44And you delivered me from the contentions of my people;

You kept me at the head of nations.

A people that I did not know

Will serve me.

45Foreigners will feign obedience to me.

At bidding coming to their ears,

They will be obedient to me.

46Foreigners will fade away;

They will be wrenched out of their confines.

47How the Lord lives,

And my rock is blessed,

And the God of the rock of my salvation is exalted

48– The God who gives me vengeance,

And who subjugates various peoples under me,

49And who extricates me from my enemies.

You also raise me up above those who rise up against me;

You rescue me from the man of violence.

50That is why I will praise you,

O Lord, among the nations,

And I will sing psalms to your name.

51He magnifies acts of salvation of his king,

Also showing kindness to his anointed

– To David and to his seed,


Reference(s) in Chapter 22: v.3 ↔ Hebrews 2:13 ● v.32 ↔ Mark 12:32 ● v.50 ↔ Romans 15:9.
