The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024

2 Chron.

2 Chronicles Chapter 22

1And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah his youngest son king in his place, because the troop which came with the Arabians into the camp had killed all the older ones, so Ahaziah the son of Jehoram, the king of Judah, started to reign. 2Ahaziah was forty-two years old when he started to reign, and he reigned for one year in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri. 3He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, because his mother would advise him to do wrong. 4So he did what was wrong in the eyes of the Lord, like the house of Ahab, for they would advise him, after the death of his father, with things to his detriment. 5So he walked in their advice, and he went to war with Jehoram the son of Ahab, the king of Israel, against Hazael king of Aramaea in Ramoth-Gilead. And the Aramaeans struck Joram. 6And he returned to recover in Jezreel, because of the blows which they dealt him in Ramah when he fought Hazael the king of Aramaea. And Azariah the son of Jehoram, the king of Judah, went down to see Jehoram the son of Ahab in Jezreel, because he was ill. 7Now the downfall of Ahaziah was from God, for going to Joram, and when he had gone, he came out with Jehoram against Jehu the son of Nimshi, whom the Lord had anointed to cut the house of Ahab off. 8And it came to pass, while Jehu was contending with the house of Ahab, that he found the senior officials of the house of Judah and the sons of Ahaziah's brothers who served Ahaziah, and he killed them. 9And he sought Ahaziah, and they captured him while he was hiding in Samaria, and they brought him to Jehu, and they killed him and buried him, for they said, “He is the son of Jehoshaphat who sought the Lord with all his heart.” And there was no-one of the house of Ahaziah to retain power over the kingdom. 10But when Athaliah, Ahaziah's mother, saw that her son was dead, she arose and eradicated all the royal seed of the house of Judah, 11but Jehoshabath the king's daughter had taken Joash the son of Ahaziah and had stolen him away from the king's sons who were killed, and she had put him and his nurse in the bedroom. And Jehoshabath the daughter of King Jehoram, the wife of Jehoiada the priest – for she was the sister of Ahaziah – hid him from Athaliah, and she did not kill him. 12And he was with them in the house of God, hidden for six years, while Athaliah reigned over the land.