The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 23

1Then Job answered and said,

2“Today, too, my complaint is bitter;

My vitality has become listless with all my sighing.

3If only I knew where I could find him,

I would go to his judgment seat.

4I would set out my case before him

And fill my mouth with arguments.

5I would acknowledge the words

Which he would answer me,

And I would understand

What he would say to me.

6Would he contend with me with great power?

No; he would certainly consider me.

7There, the upright disputes with him,

And I would be delivered in perpetuity from my judge.

8If I go forwards,

He is not there,

And if backwards,

I do not discern him,

9Or to the left where he is at work,

I do not behold him;

If he envelops himself on the right,

I do not see him.

10However, he knows the way I take.

When he examines me,

I will come out as gold.

11My foot takes hold of his step;

I keep his way

And do not turn aside.

12As for his commandment which he has uttered,

I have not drawn back from what was appointed me.

I have treasured up the words which he has pronounced.

13But he is of one mind,

And who can make him go back on it?

His will desires a thing,

And he performs it.

14For he will carry out

What has been appointed for me,

And many such things

He has in store.

15That is why I will fear his presence.

When I consider the matter,

I am fearful of him.

16But God makes my heart faint,

And the Almighty causes me alarm,

17For I have not been cut off in the face of darkness,

Nor has he put a covering of gloom over my face.
