The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 16

1A Golden Psalm of David.

Keep guard over me, O God,

For I have put my trust in you.

2I have said to the Lord,

“You are the Lord*,

My source of goodness.

There is nothing above you.”

3As for the holy people who are in the land

And the noble ones,

All my delight is in them.

4May the sorrows of those who hasten after another be multiplied.

I will not pour out their libations of blood,

And I will not take their names to my lips.

5The Lord is the portion of my allotment

And my cup.

You will appoint my lot.

6The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;

Indeed, the inheritance has been delightful for me.

7I will bless the Lord

Who instructs me.

Moreover, by night

My kidneys discipline me.

8I have continually placed the Lord before me,

For with him at my right hand,

I will not falter.

9That is why my heart is glad

And my mind rejoices;

My flesh also dwells in security.

10For you will not leave my being in the grave,

Nor will you allow your holy one to see decay.

11You have made the way of life known to me.

There is an abundance of joys in your presence,

And there are pleasant things in perpetuity at your right hand.

Reference(s) in Chapter 16: v.8 ↔ Acts 2:25 ● v.9 ↔ Acts 2:26 ● v.10 ↔ Acts 2:27, Acts 2:31, Acts 13:35 ● v.11 ↔ Acts 2:28.
