The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 22

1aTo the choirmaster at Aijeleth Shahar.↑

A Psalm of David.

1bMy God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Why are you far from my salvation at my roaring words?

2O God of mine, I call by day,

But you do not answer,

And at night,

But I have no quietness.

3But you are holy,

You who dwell in the places of praise of Israel.

4In you our fathers trusted;

They trusted,

And you rescued them.

5They cried out to you,

And they were delivered.

They trusted in you

And were not ashamed.

6But I am a worm,

And not a man

– The reproach of men

And despised by the people.

7All those who see me, mock me.

They open their lips;

They shake their head,

And say,

8“He relied on the Lord

That he would rescue him.

Let him save him,

If he has pleasure in him.”

9For you brought me out of the womb;

From my mother's belly you caused me to trust in my mother's breasts.

10I was cast on you from the womb;

From my mother's belly

You have been my God.

11Do not be far from me,

For adversity is nearby.

For there is no-one to help.

12Many bulls have surrounded me;

Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled me.

13They gape at me,

Like a lion that tears and roars.

14I have been poured out like water,

And all my bones are out of joint.

My heart has become like wax;

It is melting in my inward parts.

15My strength has dried up like a shard,

And my tongue cleaves to my jaws.

You are about to reduce me to death's dust.

16For dogs have surrounded me;

The congregation of evildoers has hemmed me in,

Like a lion pinning down my hands and my feet.

17I can count all my bones.

They look on,

And stare at me.

18They share out my clothes among themselves

And cast a lot for my garment.

19But do not you, O Lord, be far off.

Hasten, O my strength, as my help.

20Deliver my life from the sword

– My most dear from the power of the dog.

21Save me from the mouth of the lion

And from the horns of buffaloes.

You have answered me.

22I will declare your name to my brothers;

In the midst of the convocation

I will praise you.

23Praise him, you who fear the Lord;

Honour him, all you seed of Jacob,

And revere him,

All you seed of Israel.

24For he does not disdain or loathe the affliction of the afflicted man,

And he does not hide his face from him.

And when such a one cries out to him,

He hears it.

25My praise is on account of you in a great convocation.

I will fulfil my vows

In the presence of those who fear him.

26The meek will eat and be satisfied;

Those who seek him will praise the Lord.

May your heart live in perpetuity.

27And all the ends of the land will remember

And return to the Lord,

And all the families of the Gentiles

Will worship before you.

28For the kingdom is the Lord's,

And he is ruler over the Gentiles.

29All the opulent of the earth will eat and worship;

All those who go down to the dust will bow down before him.

But he did not keep himself alive.

30A seed will serve him;

It will be related concerning the Lord* to a generation.

31They will come and declare his righteousness

To a people reborn,

For he will have accomplished this.

Reference(s) in Chapter 22: v.1b ↔ Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34 ● v.17 ↔ John 19:36 ● v.18 ↔ Matthew 27:35, John 19:24 ● v.22 ↔ Hebrews 2:12.
