The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 35

1A Psalm of David.

O Lord, contend with my adversaries;

Do battle with those who do battle with me.

2Take hold of buckler and shield,

And rise up to my assistance.

3And draw out the spear,

And close in on those who pursue me.

Say to my being,

“I am your salvation.”

4Let those who seek my life

Be ashamed and suffer ignominy;

Let those who devise my harm

Be driven back and be disgraced.

5Let them be like chaff before the wind,

With the angel of the Lord driving them.

6Let their way consist of darkness and slippery places,

With the angel of the Lord pursuing them.

7For they secretly prepared without cause

A pit with their net for me.

Without cause they dug it for my life.

8Let destruction come upon him,

Which he will be unaware of,

And let his net which he hid

Catch him.

Let him fall into it

To his destruction.

9Then my being will rejoice in the Lord;

It will exult in his salvation.

10All my bones say,

“O Lord, who is like you?

– Delivering the afflicted

From him who is stronger than he,

And the afflicted and poor

From him who exploits them.”

11False witnesses rise up

And interrogate me concerning things

Which I do not know about.

12They repay me evil for good,

Leaving me destitute.

13Whilst I, when they were sick,

Wore sackcloth for my clothing.

I afflicted myself with fasting,

But my prayer returned to my own bosom.

14I conducted myself as to a friend or as to a brother of mine;

I was downcast in melancholy,

As one mourning for his mother.

15When I keeled over,

They rejoiced,

And slanderers gathered themselves against me more and more.

And I did not recognize their accusations

As they tore at me without stopping,

16With profane cake mockers,

Who gnash their teeth at me instead.

17O Lord*, how long will you look on?

Rescue my life from their devastations;

Rescue my most dear from the lion cubs.

18I will give you thanks in a great convocation;

I will praise you among a numerous people.

19Do not let my enemies rejoice over me on the basis of falsehood,

Nor let those who hate me without cause gloat over me.

20For they do not speak peace,

But they conceive deceitful words

Against those who are quiet in the land.

21And they have railed at me;

They have said,

“Ha, ha! Our eye has seen it.”

22You have seen it, O Lord;

Do not be silent.

O Lord*, do not be far from me.

23Rouse yourself

And awaken to my case,

O God of mine and my Lord

– For my cause.

24Judge me according to your righteousness,

O Lord my God,

And do not let them rejoice over me.

25Do not let them say in their heart,

“Ha, we have our desire.”

Do not let them say,

“We have swallowed him up.”

26Let those who rejoice in me being harmed

Be completely put to shame and disgraced.

And let those who triumph over me

Be clothed in shame and ignominy.

27Let those who delight in my justice

Shout for joy and rejoice

And continually say,

“Let the Lord, who delights in his servant's peace,

Be magnified.”

28And my tongue will utter your righteousness

And your praise, all day long.

Reference(s) in Chapter 35: v.19 ↔ John 15:25.
