The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 50

1A Psalm of Asaph.

God, God, the Lord has spoken

And called to the earth

From the rising of the sun

To its setting.

2God has shone from Zion

As the perfection of beauty.

3Our God will come and will not be silent.

A fire before him will consume away,

And around him it will be very tempestuous.

4He will call out to the heavens above,

And to the earth,

To judge his people.

5Gather my men of grace up to me

– Those who have carried out my covenant by sacrifice.

6And the heavens will declare his righteousness,

For God is the judge.


7Listen, my people,

And I will speak, O Israel,

And I will testify against you.

I am God – your God.

8I will not reprove you about your sacrifices,

Nor your burnt offerings

Which are continually before me.

9I will not take a bull-calf from your house,

Nor he-goats from your folds,

10For all the wild animals of the forest are mine,

As are the cattle on a thousand mountains.

11I know all the birds of the mountains,

And the wildlife of the countryside is with me.

12If I were to be hungry,

I would not tell you,

For the world and its fulness are mine.

13Would I eat beef of strong bulls,

Or drink the blood of he-goats?

14Give a sacrifice of a thank-offering to God,

And fulfil your vows to the Most High.

15And call on me on the day of anguish,

And I will deliver you,

And you will glorify me.

16But to the wicked, God has said,

“What concern is it to you to relate my statutes,

And for you to take up my covenant in your mouth,

17Seeing you hate correction,

And you cast my words behind you?

18If you saw a thief,

You delighted in being with him,

And you participated with adulterers.

19You let your mouth loose with evil,

And you yoke your tongue to deceit.

20You sit and speak against your brother,

You publish defamation of your mother's son;

21You have done these things,

And I have been silent.

Did you think

That I would in any way be like you?

I will reprove you

And make the comparison in your sight.

22Now understand this,

You who forget God,

Lest I tear you apart,

And there will be no-one to deliver you.

23He who offers a thank-offering

Honours me,

And as for him who lays the way to heart,

I will show him the salvation of God.”
