The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 55

1aTo the choirmaster in singing set to stringed music.↑

An Instructive Psalm of David.

1bListen, O God, to my prayer,

And do not hide from my supplication.

2Hearken to me, and answer me.

I wander in my speech,

And I am in turmoil,

3At the sound of the enemy

– In the face of oppression of the wicked –

For they cause havoc to rain down on me,

And they beleaguer me in anger.

4My heart reels inside me,

And the dread of death has fallen on me.

5Fear and trembling come upon me,

And fright has enveloped me.

6Then I said,

“If only I had flight feathers like a dove,

I would fly away and come to rest.

7Behold, I would fly far away;

I would lodge in the desert.


8I would be quick with my escape,

From the sweeping wind

– From the storm.”

9O Lord*, swallow them up;

Divide their tongue,

For I have seen violence and strife in the city.

10Day and night they go around it on its walls,

Whilst iniquity and vice are inside it.

11Inside it are perversities,

Whilst violence and deceit do not depart from its streets.

12For it is not an enemy that reproaches me,

Which I could have borne;

It is not one who hates me who defies me,

From whom I could have hidden,

13But you – a man of my own standing –

My friend and my acquaintance,

14With whom we sweetly took joint counsel.

We went to the house of God in a bustling crowd.

15May death suddenly come upon them;

May they go down to the grave alive,

For there are wicked things in their dwellings,

And in their midst.

16As for me, I will call to God

That the Lord may save me.

17Evening and morning, and at noon,

I will lament and sigh,

And he will hear my voice.

18He has redeemed my life in peace,

From my battle,

For there were many of them in conflict with me.

19God will hear them and answer them,

For he has been abiding from ancient time.


Since they have no change of mind,

They do not fear God.

20He shot out his hands

Against those at peace with him;

He violated his covenant.

21The buttered words of his mouth were flattery,

Whilst battle was in his heart.

His words were softer than oil,

Whilst they were with daggers drawn.

22Cast your burden on the Lord,

And he will sustain you.

He will not allow the righteous to totter for ever.

23But you, O God, will bring them down to the pit of decay;

Men of blood and deceit will not have half their days.

But I will trust in you.
