The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 59

1aTo the choirmaster, Al-tashcheth.↑

A Golden Psalm of David when Saul sent men to watch his house and to kill him.

1bDeliver me from my enemies, O God of mine;

Set me on high ground

Against those who rise up against me.

2Deliver me from perpetrators of iniquity,

And save me from men of blood.

3For behold, they lie in wait for my life.

Cruel men are in league against me,

Not for my transgression and not for my sin,

O Lord.

4Without iniquity on my part,

They run and prepare themselves.

Arise to meet me and see.

5But you, O Lord God of hosts,

God of Israel,

Awake to visit all the Gentiles.

Do not show mercy

To any who treacherously deal in iniquity.


6They return in the evening;

They growl like a dog

And go around the city.

7Look, they babble with their mouth.

Swords are on their lips,

But who is listening?

8But you, O Lord, will laugh at them;

You will mock all the Gentiles.

9As for his strength,

I will keep to you,

For God is my high stronghold.

10The God of kindness to me will precede me;

God will show me satisfaction over my adversaries.

11Do not kill them,

Lest my people forget.

Make them wander about by your power,

And bring them down,

O Lord* our shield.

12As for the sin of their mouth

– The word of their lips –

They will be taken in their pride,

And for the cursing and falsehood

Which they speak.

13Consume them in fury,

Consume them so that they are no more.

And they will know that God rules in Jacob

And to the ends of the earth.


14And they will return in the evening

And growl like a dog,

And go around the city.

15They will wander around for food.

If they are not satiated,

They will complain.

16But I will sing of your strength

And celebrate your kindness in the morning,

For you have been a high stronghold to me

And a place of refuge on the day when I was in a strait.

17I will make psalm melody to you,

O my strength,

For God is my high stronghold

– The God of kindness to me.
