The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 66

1To the choirmaster.↑

A Song. A Psalm.

Shout joyfully to God,

All the earth.

2Make psalm melody of the glory of his name;

Bestow glory on his praiseworthiness.

3Say to God, “How awesome are your works!”

At the greatness of your strength,

Your enemies will feign obedience to you.

4All the earth will worship you

And will make psalm melody to you;

They will make psalm melody to your name.


5Come and see the works of God.

He is awesome in deed to the sons of Adam.

6He turned the sea into dry land;

They crossed the river on foot.

Let us rejoice in him there.

7He rules by his might age-abidingly;

His eyes are watching the Gentiles.

Do not let the rebellious vaunt themselves.


8O you various peoples,

Bless our God,

And cause the sound of his praise to be heard.

9He is the one who appoints our being to life

And does not consign our feet to faltering.

10For you have examined us, O God;

You have refined us,

Like the refining of silver.

11You have brought us into a net;

You have placed an oppressive burden on our loins.

12You caused men to ride over our heads.

We have gone through fire and through water,

But you have brought us out

Into a place of abundance.

13I will go to your house with burnt offerings;

I will fulfil my vows to you,

14Which my lips uttered,

And my mouth spoke,

When I was in a strait.

15I will offer fat burnt offerings to you

– Rams with incense;

I will offer bulls with he-goats.


16Come, all you who fear God and hear,

And I will relate

What he has done for my being.

17I cried out to him with my mouth,

And he was extolled under my tongue.

18If I have an eye to iniquity in my heart,

The Lord* will not hear me.

19Truly, God has heard me;

He has hearkened to the sound of my prayer.

20Blessed be God,

Who has not set my prayer aside

Or withdrawn his kindness from me.
