The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 68

1aTo the choirmaster.↑

A Psalm of David. A Song.

1bGod will arise,

And his enemies will be scattered.

Those who hate him will flee from his presence.

2As smoke is driven away,

You will drive them away.

As wax melts in the presence of fire,

The wicked will perish in the presence of God,

3But the righteous will rejoice and exult before God,

And they will be glad with joy.

4Sing to God;

Make psalm melody to his name.

Raise up a highway

For him who rides through the arid tracts

In his name, the Lord,

And exult before him.

5A father to orphans,

One who provides justice to widows:

That is God in his holy dwelling.

6God accommodates in a household those who are alone;

He brings prisoners out into prosperity,

But the rebellious will dwell in a parched place.

7O God, when you went out before your people,

When you marched through desolate land

– Selah –

8The earth trembled

And the sky condensed precipitation

At the presence of God

– There at Sinai at the presence of God,

The God of Israel.

9O God, you sprinkled liberal showers;

When your inheritance was weary,

You invigorated it.

10Your flock dwelt in it;

You made provision through your goodness

For the afflicted, O God.

11The Lord* gave the word;

Those who brought good tidings

Were a great host.

12The kings of armies flee at every turn,

While the household at home shares out the spoil.

13Even if you lie between the sheepfolds,

You will be like the wings of a dove overlaid with silver,

With its flight feathers overlaid with yellow gold.

14When the Almighty scatters kings in it,

It will be snow-white as in Salmon.

15O mountain of God,

O mountain of Bashan,

O mountain range of many peaks,

O mountain of Bashan,

16Why do you look on with envy,

You mountain peaks,

At the mountain which God desires,

For him to live in?

Indeed the Lord will dwell there in perpetuity.

17The chariots of God are twenty thousand

– Thousands upon thousands.

The Lord* is among them,

As at Sinai, in the sanctuary.

18You have ascended high up,

You have taken captivity captive;

You have accepted gifts among men

– Indeed the rebellious –

So that the Lord God may take up a dwelling.

19Blessed is the Lord*;

Daily God bears our salvation for us.


20Our God is a God of acts of salvation,

And the Lord my Lord has the escape routes from death.

21Surely God will dash the head of his enemies in pieces

– The hairy crown of him who walks in his guilty ways.

22The Lord* said,

“I will retrieve them from Bashan;

I will retrieve them from the depths of the sea

23So that you may plunge your foot in blood,

And your dogs' tongues may lick it up

From the enemies as their portion.”

24They have seen your ways, O God,

The ways of my God

– My king in the sanctuary.

25The singers went first,

Then afterwards, the stringed instrument players,

In the midst of maidens playing drums.

26In your convocations, bless God

– The Lord –

You who are from the source of Israel.

27There is Benjamin,

Who is small, ruling them,

And the princes of Judah with their entourage,

And the princes of Zebulun

And the princes of Naphtali.

28Your God has commanded your strength.

Show strength, O God,

In what you will do for us.

29On account of your temple in Jerusalem,

Kings will bring you a gift.

30Rebuke the beasts of the reed marshland,

And the company of strong bulls against the calves of the people.

Let each submit himself with silver coins.

He will scatter the various peoples

Who take pleasure in battles.

31Nobles will come from Egypt;

Ethiopia will hasten to stretch out its hands to God.

32Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth;

Make psalm melody to the Lord*.


33Sing to him who has been riding on the heavens of heavens

Since ancient time.

Behold, he sounds his voice

– A mighty voice.

34Ascribe strength to God;

His majesty is over Israel,

And his might is in the skies.

35O God, you are awesome,

Proceeding from your sanctuaries.

It is the God of Israel

Who gives strength and power to the people.

Blessed be God.

Reference(s) in Chapter 68: v.18 ↔ Ephesians 4:8.
