The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 77

1aTo the choirmaster on Jeduthun.↑

A Psalm of Asaph.

1bMy voice is directed to God,

And I cry out.

My voice is directed to God,

And he listens to me.

2On the day of my adversity, I sought the Lord*.

My hand was spread out at night,

And it did not become weary.

My inner being refused to be comforted.

3I remember God,

But I am agitated;

I commune,

But my spirit faints.


4You have taken hold of my eyelids;

I am disturbed

And cannot speak.

5I have considered days of antiquity

And years of ancient times.

6I remember my song at night;

I commune with my heart,

And my spirit searches matters.

7Will the Lord* reject us throughout the ages

And not take pleasure in us any more?

8Will his kindness come to a complete end?

Has his communication,

Which was for generation after generation,


9Has God forgotten to be gracious?

Has he shut off his mercies in anger?


10Then I said, “This is me underrating

The years of the right hand of the Most High.

11I will make mention of the works of the Lord,

For I remember your wonder of ancient time.”

12So I meditated on all your work,

And I spoke of your deeds.

13O God, your way is to be found in the sanctuary.

Who is a great God like God?

14You are the God who works wondrously;

You have made your might known among the various peoples.

15By your arm you have redeemed your people

– The sons of Jacob and Joseph.


16The waters see you, O God;

The waters see you and swirl.

The oceans rage as well.

17The clouds pour down water;

The skies emit a noise,

And your flashes fork off all around.

18There is the sound of your rolling thunder,

Lightning flashes illuminate the world;

The earth rages and shakes.

19In the sea there is your way,

And your paths are in great waters,

But your tracks are not known.

20You have led your people like sheep,

Through the intermediacy of Moses and Aaron.
