The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 79

1A Psalm of Asaph.

O God, the Gentiles have come into your inheritance,

They have defiled your holy temple;

They have made Jerusalem heaps of ruins.

2They have given the corpses of your servants

As food for the birds of the sky,

And the flesh of those under your grace

To the beasts of the earth.

3They have shed their blood like water around Jerusalem,

And there is no-one to bury them.

4We were a reproach to our neighbours

– Derision and ridicule to those around us.

5How long, O Lord, will you constantly be angry,

And will your zeal burn like fire?

6Pour out your wrath on the Gentiles

Who have not known you,

And on the kingdoms

Which have not called on your name.

7For he has devoured Jacob,

And they have devastated his abode.

8Do not call former iniquities to remembrance to our account.

May your mercies go swiftly in front of us,

For we have been very much weakened.

9Help us, O God of our salvation,

For the sake of the glory of your name,

And deliver us and atone for our sins,

For your name's sake.

10Why should the Gentiles say,

“Where is their God?”

Let him be known among the Gentiles in our sight

By vengeance for the blood of your servants

Which has been shed.

11May the prisoner's groan come before you.

According to the greatness of your power,

Preserve those condemned to die.

12Pay our neighbours back sevenfold in their bosom

The reproach with which they have reproached you, O Lord*.

13But we, your people and the sheep of your pasture,

Will thank you age-abidingly;

From generation to generation

We will relate your praise.
