The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 86

1A prayer of David.

Incline, O Lord, your ear,

And answer me,

For I am poor and needy.

2Guard my soul,

For I am under your grace.

You who are my God,

Save your servant

Who trusts in you.

3Have mercy on me, O Lord*,

For I cry out to you all day long.

4Gladden the heart of your servant,

For to you, O Lord*,

I lift up my being.

5For you, O Lord*, are good and forgiving,

And abundant in kindness to all who call on you.

6Listen, O Lord, to my prayer,

And hearken to the sound of my supplications.

7On the day of my adversity,

I will call on you,

For you will answer me.

8There is none like you among the gods, O Lord*,

And there is nothing like your works.

9All the nations which you made

Will come and worship before you, O Lord*,

And they will glorify your name.

10For you are great,

And you perform wonders.

You alone are God.

11Teach me, O Lord, your way;

I will walk in your truth.

Unite my heart to fear your name.

12I will praise you, O Lord* my God, with all my heart,

And I will glorify your name age-abidingly.

13For your kindness towards me is great,

And you have delivered my being from the lowest underworld.

14O God, the insolent have risen up against me,

And the congregation of the violent seek my life,

And they have not placed you before them.

15But you, O Lord*, are a God of mercy and grace,

Forbearing, and abundant in kindness and truth.

16Turn to me and be merciful to me;

Give your strength to your servant,

And save the son of your maidservant.

17Give me a favourable sign,

So that those who hate me

May see it and be ashamed,

Because you are the Lord

Who helped me and comforted me.

Reference(s) in Chapter 86: v.9 ↔ Revelation 15:3 ● v.10 ↔ Revelation 15:3 ● v.11 ↔ Revelation 15:3.
