The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 94

1O Lord God of vengeance,

O God of vengeance,

Shine forth.

2Be exalted, O judge of the earth;

Bring retribution to the proud.

3How long, O Lord, will the wicked ...

– How long will the wicked exult?

4They babble and speak insolently;

All those who commit iniquity are boasting.

5O Lord, they crush your people,

And they afflict your inheritance.

6They kill the widow and the foreigner,

And they murder orphans.

7And they have said,

“The Lord will not see”,

And, “The God of Jacob will not take notice.”

8Understand, you unscrupulous ones among the people;

And you fools,

When will you become wise?

9He who planted the ear

Can he not hear?

Or he who formed the eye

Can he not see?

10He who chastises the Gentiles

– Will he who teaches man knowledge

Not reprove?

11The Lord knows the thoughts of man

– That they are vacuous.

12Happy is the man whom you, O Lord, chastise,

And whom you teach from your law,

13So as to give him rest from evil days,

Until a pit is dug for the wicked.

14For the Lord will not desert his people,

And he will not forsake his inheritance.

15For judgment will again become justice,

And all upright in heart will follow it.

16Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?

Who will take a stand for me

Against those who commit iniquity?

17If the Lord had not been a help to me,

My being would soon have dwelt in silence.

18Whenever I said,

“My foot is slipping”,

Your kindness, O Lord, supported me.

19In the profusion of perplexities within me,

Your consolations delighted my being.

20Is the throne of cupidity associated with you

As it fashions vice by statute?

21They press down on the life of the righteous

And condemn innocent blood.

22But the Lord became a high stronghold to me,

And my God the rock of my refuge.

23And he requited them with their iniquity,

And he will cut them off in their wickedness;

The Lord our God will cut them off.

Reference(s) in Chapter 94: v.11 ↔ 1 Corinthians 3:20 ● v.14 ↔ Romans 11:2.
