The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 109

1To the choirmaster.↑

A Psalm of David.

O God of my praise,

Do not be silent.

2For a wicked mouth

And a deceitful mouth

Have opened against me.

They have spoken against me

With a lying tongue.

3And words of hatred surround me,

And they battle against me gratuitously.

4In return for my love they oppose me,

And I am all prayer.

5And they have plotted wickedness against me in return for goodness,

And hatred in return for my love.

6Appoint a wicked one over him,

So that Satan stands at his right hand.

7When he is judged,

Let condemnation be pronounced,

And let his prayer become sin.

8May his days be few;

Let another person take his office.

9May his sons become orphans,

And his wife a widow.

10May his sons wander about unremittingly

And beg,

And seek their needs from their desolate places.

11May the creditor ensnare everything he has,

And may foreigners plunder his hard-earned wealth.

12May there not be anyone who extends him kindness,

And let there not be anyone showing compassion to his orphans.

13May his posterity be destined to be cut off;

May their name be obliterated in the next generation.

14May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by the Lord,

And may the sin of his mother not be wiped out.

15May they be before the Lord continually,

And may he cut off memory of them from the earth,

16Because he did not remember to show kindness,

And he pursued a poor and needy man,

And one of dejected heart,

To have him put to death.

17Now he loved cursing,

So let it come over him,

And he did not take delight in a blessing,

So let it be far from him.

18And he clothed himself in cursing as in his vesture,

So let it come like water into his innards,

And like oil into his bones.

19Let it be to him

Like a garment that covers him,

And like a girdle,

So that he constantly girds himself with it.

20These are the wages from the Lord

Of those who oppose me

And of those who speak evil

About my character.

21But you, O Lord my Lord,

Act with me for your name's sake,

For your kindness is good,

And deliver me,

22For I am poor and needy,

And my heart is wounded inside me.

23I am passing away

Like a shadow when it becomes long.

I am thrown about

Like a locust.

24My knees are languid from fasting,

And my flesh is wasting away losing fatness.

25And I have become a reproach to them;

They see me,

And they shake their head.

26Help me, O Lord my God;

Save me according to your kindness,

27So that they may know that this is your hand at work

That you the Lord brought it about.

28They may curse,

But you bless.

When they rise up,

Let them be ashamed,

But let your servant be glad.

29May those who oppose me

Be clothed in ignominy

And be covered in their shame

Like a robe.

30I will give great thanks to the Lord with my mouth,

And in the midst of many,

I will praise him.

31For he will stand on the right hand side of the poor

To save him from those who judge the capital case against him.

Reference(s) in Chapter 109: v.8 ↔ Acts 1:20.
