The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 119

1Happy are those with integrity on the way,

Who walk in the law of the Lord.

2Happy are those who keep his testimonies;

They seek him with all their heart.

3Indeed they do not commit iniquity;

They walk in his ways.

4You have given commandment regarding your precepts,

As matters to keep scrupulously.

5If only my ways may be established

So as to keep your statutes!

6Then I would not be ashamed

When I look at all your commandments.

7I will give you thanks in uprightness of heart

As I learn your righteous judgments.

8I will keep your statutes;

Do not forsake me in the slightest.

9By what means can a youth mend his way?

– By keeping your word.

10I have sought you with all my heart;

Do not let me err from your commandments.

11I have treasured up your saying in my heart

So that I do not sin against you.

12Blessed are you, O Lord;

Teach me your statutes.

13With my lips I have related

All the judgments you have pronounced.

14I have rejoiced in the way of your testimonies,

As in all riches.

15I will meditate on your precepts,

And I will look to your paths.

16I will take delight in your statutes;

I will not forget your word.

17Recompense your servant so that I may live

And may keep your word.

18Unveil my eyes so that I may see

The wonders of your law.

19I am a foreigner on the earth;

Do not hide your commandments from me.

20My inner being is crushed in yearning

For your judgments at all times.

21You have rebuked the accursed insolent,

Who err from your commandments.

22Remove reproach and despising from me,

For I have kept your testimonies.

23Indeed, princes have been in session.

They have spoken together against me,

While your servant meditated on your statutes.

24Also, your testimonies are my delight;

They are my counsellors.

25My being cleaves to the dust;

Preserve me alive according to your word.

26I have related my ways,

And you have answered me.

Oh teach me your statutes.

27Instruct me in the way of your precepts,

And let me meditate on your wonders.

28My inner self weeps from grief;

Oh strengthen me according to your word.

29Remove any false way from me,

And graciously bestow your law on me.

30I have chosen the way of faithfulness;

I have put your judgments before me.

31I have cleaved to your testimonies.

O Lord, do not put me to shame.

32I will run the way of your commandments,

For you will encourage me.

33Educate me, O Lord,

In the way of your statutes,

And I will keep it to the end.

34Instruct me, and I will keep your law

And guard it wholeheartedly.

35Guide my steps on the path of your commandments,

For in that I delight.

36Incline my heart to your testimonies,

And not to unjust gain.

37Prevent my eyes from looking at falsity;

Preserve me alive in your way.

38Confirm your saying to your servant,

Who serves in fear of you.

39Remove my reproach of which I am afraid,

For your judgments are good.

40You see how I have longed for your precepts;

Preserve me alive in your righteousness.

41And may your kindnesses come over me, O Lord,

And your salvation according to your saying.

42Then I will be able to answer him who reproaches me,

For I will have trusted in your word.

43And do not take away the word of truth from my mouth at all,

For I have awaited your judgment.

44And may I keep your law always,

Age-abidingly and perpetually.

45And may I walk openly,

For I have sought your precepts.

46And may I speak about your testimonies before kings

And not be ashamed.

47And may I delight in your commandments,

Which I love.

48And may I lift up my hands to your commandments,

Which I love,

And meditate on your statutes.

49Mention the word to your servant

Concerning which you have had me wait.

50This is my comfort in my affliction,

For your saying has preserved me alive.

51The insolent have mocked me exceedingly,

But I have not turned aside from your law.

52I have remembered your ancient judgments, O Lord,

And I have been comforted.

53A scorching wind has seized me,

Coming from the wicked

– Those who forsake your law.

54I have melodies

– Your statutes –

In the house where I stay.

55I have remembered your name at night, O Lord,

And I have kept your law.

56This became my part,

For I have kept your precepts.

57I have said,

“My part is the Lord”,

By keeping your words.

58I have entreated you wholeheartedly;

Oh show me grace according to your saying.

59I have considered my ways

And retraced my steps to your testimonies.

60I have hastened and not delayed

In keeping your commandments.

61The snares of the wicked have surrounded me,

But I have not forgotten your law.

62I will get up at midnight to give you thanks

For your righteous judgments.

63I am a companion to all who fear you

And to those who keep your precepts.

64The earth, O Lord, is full of your kindness;

Oh teach me your statutes.

65You have done good to your servant, O Lord,

In accordance with your word.

66Teach me keen discernment and knowledge,

For I have put faith in your commandments.

67Before I was afflicted, I erred,

But now I keep your saying.

68You are good and you do good;

Oh teach me your statutes.

69The insolent have devised subterfuge against me,

But I will wholeheartedly keep your precepts.

70Their heart has become stolid like fat,

But I delight in your law.

71It was good for me that I was afflicted,

In order that I should learn your statutes.

72The law from your mouth is better for me

Than thousands of gold and silver coins.

73Your hands made me and established me;

Instruct me and let me learn your commandments.

74Those who fear you will see me and rejoice,

For I have awaited your word.

75I know, O Lord,

That your judgments are righteous,

And that you have afflicted me in faithfulness.

76Do let your kindness be comfort to me

According to your saying to your servant.

77May your compassion come over me,

So that I live,

For your law is my delight.

78May the insolent be ashamed,

For they have crookedly devised subterfuge against me.

I will meditate on your precepts.

79May those who fear you return to me

So that they may know your testimonies.

80May my heart be with integrity regarding your statutes

So that I will not be ashamed.

81My soul pines for your salvation;

I have awaited your word.

82My eyes pine for your saying, and they say,

“When will you comfort me?”

83For I have been like a wineskin in incense-smoke,

But I have not forgotten your statutes.

84How many are the days of your servant?

When will you execute judgment on those who pursue me?

85The insolent have dug pits for me,

Not being in accordance with your law.

86All your commandments are faithful.

They pursue me on false grounds;

Oh do help me.

87They have almost finished me off on the earth,

But I have not forsaken your precepts.

88Preserve me alive according to your mercy,

And may I keep the testimony of your pronouncement.

89Your word, O Lord, is age-abiding;

It stands in heaven.

90Your faithfulness is from generation to generation;

You have established the earth,

And it stands.

91They stand today according to your judgments,

For all things are your servants.

92If your law were not my delight,

Then I would have perished in my affliction.

93I will never forget your precepts,

For through them you have preserved me alive.

94I am yours;

Oh do save me,

For I have sought your precepts.

95As for me, the wicked hoped to destroy me,

But I will give attention to your testimonies.

96I have seen an end to every accomplishment,

But your commandment is very far-reaching.

97How I love your law;

All day long it is my meditation.

98You have given me more wisdom through your commandments than my enemies,

For it is age-abiding to me.

99I have acquired more skill than all my teachers,

For your testimonies are my meditation.

100I am gaining more understanding than elders,

For I keep your precepts.

101I have kept my feet away from every evil path

In order that I may keep to your word.

102I have not departed from your judgments,

For you have instructed me.

103How smooth your saying is to my palate

– More so than honey to my mouth.

104I am gaining understanding from your precepts,

Which is why I hate every false path.

105Your word is a lamp to my feet

And a light to my path.

106I have sworn, and I will uphold it,

To keep your righteous judgments.

107I have been afflicted very much.

O Lord, preserve me alive according to your word.

108O Lord, do accept the freewill-offerings of my mouth,

And teach me your judgments.

109My life is continually in the palm of my hand,

But I have not forgotten your law.

110The wicked have set a trap for me,

But I have not strayed from your precepts.

111I have inherited your testimonies age-abidingly,

For they are a joy to my heart.

112I have disposed my heart to perform your statutes,

Age-abidingly, and to the end.

113I have hated the doubters,

But I have loved your law.

114You are my hiding place and my shield;

I have awaited your word.

115Depart from me, you evildoers,

While I keep the commandments of my God.

116Support me according to your saying

So that I may live

And do not put me to shame in my expectation.

117Uphold me, and I will be saved,

And I will look to your statutes continually.

118You carry away all those who stray from your statutes,

For their deceit is a false thing.

119You put an end to dross

– All the wicked of the earth.

For that reason I love your testimonies.

120My flesh shudders in awe of you,

And I fear your judgments.

121I have executed justice and righteousness;

Do not abandon me to those who oppress me.

122Pledge good for your servant;

Do not let the insolent oppress me.

123My eyes pine for your salvation

And for your righteous saying.

124Treat your servant according to your kindness,

And teach me your statutes.

125I am your servant;

Oh give me understanding

So that I may know your testimonies.

126It is time for the Lord to act.

They have violated your law.

127That is why I love your commandments

More than gold and than fine gold.

128That is why I consider all your universal precepts to be right,

Whilst I hate every false path.

129Your testimonies are wondrous,

Which is why my being has kept them.

130The opening up of your words gives enlightenment;

It gives understanding to the simple-minded.

131I have opened my mouth wide

And drawn breath,

For I have longed for your commandments.

132Turn to me and be gracious to me,

According to the judgment for those who love your name.

133Establish my steps by your saying,

And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.

134Deliver me from man's oppression,

And may I keep your precepts.

135Let your face shine on your servant,

And teach me your statutes.

136Streams of water run down my eyes,

Because they do not keep your law.

137You, O Lord, are righteous,

And your judgments are upright.

138You have commanded the righteousness of your testimonies

And much faithfulness.

139My zeal has eaten me up,

For my adversaries have forgotten your words.

140Your saying is highly refined,

And your servant loves it.

141I am lowly and despised,

But I have not forgotten your precepts.

142Your righteousness is age-abiding righteousness,

And your law is truth.

143Adversity and distress have encountered me,

But your commandments are my delight.

144The righteousness of your testimonies is age-abiding.

Give me understanding, and I will live.

145I have called out with all my heart;

Oh answer me, O Lord.

Let me keep your statutes.

146I have called on you;

Oh save me,

And let me keep your testimonies.

147I have been up earlier than the morning twilight

And cried out;

I have awaited your words.

148My eyes have been open earlier than night-watches

To meditate on your saying.

149Oh hear my voice according to your kindness, O Lord;

Preserve me alive according to your judgment.

150Those who pursue deceit have drawn near,

And they are far from your law.

151You are near, O Lord,

And all your commandments are truth.

152I have known from your testimonies from long ago

That you founded them age-abidingly.

153Oh see my affliction and deliver me,

For I have not forgotten your law.

154Plead my case and redeem me,

And preserve me alive according to your saying.

155Salvation is far from the wicked,

For they have not sought your statutes.

156Your mercies are great, O Lord;

Oh preserve me alive according to your judgments.

157Many are those who pursue me and who are my adversaries,

But I have not turned away from your testimonies.

158I have seen those who deal treacherously

And loathed them

Those who have not kept your saying.

159See how I love your precepts;

O Lord, do preserve me alive according to your kindness.

160The principle of your word is truth,

And all your righteous judgment is age-abiding.

161Princes have pursued me gratuitously,

But my heart is in awe at your words.

162I rejoice at your saying,

Like someone finding great spoil.

163I hate falsehood, and I abominate it,

But I love your law.

164I praise you seven times per day

For your righteous judgments.

165Those who love your law have great peace,

And they have no occasion to stumble.

166I have awaited your salvation, O Lord,

And I have carried out your commandments.

167My being has kept your testimonies,

And I love them very much.

168I have kept your precepts and your testimonies,

For all my ways are before you.

169Let my shouting draw near to your presence, O Lord,

And give me understanding according to your word.

170May my supplication come before you;

Oh deliver me according to your saying.

171My lips will effuse praise,

For you will teach me your statutes.

172May my tongue answer with your saying,

For all your commandments are righteous.

173May your hand be to help me,

For I have chosen your precepts.

174I have longed for your salvation, O Lord,

And your law is my delight.

175May my being live and praise you,

And may your judgment help me.

176I have strayed like a sheep getting lost;

Oh seek your servant,

For I have not forgotten your commandments.
