The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 132

1A song of the sundial degree markings.

Remember, O Lord, David

– All his affliction suffered.

2It is he who swore to the Lord,

Who vowed to the mighty one of Jacob,

3“I most certainly will not go to the tent

Which is my house,

I most certainly will not go up to the couch

Which is my bed;

4I most certainly will not give my eyes sleep

Or my eyelids slumber

5Until I find a place for the Lord

– A site for the mighty one of Jacob.”

6Behold, we heard it in Ephrathah;

We found it in the woodland countryside.

7Let us go to his temple site;

Let us worship at his footstool.

8Arise, O Lord, to your resting place,

You and your strong ark.

9Your priests will be clothed in righteousness,

And those under your grace will shout for joy.

10For the sake of David your servant,

Do not turn the face of your anointed away.

11The Lord has sworn to David in truth;

He will not go back on it,

“From the fruit of your loins

I will appoint your throne.

12If your sons keep my covenant

And this testimony of mine which I am teaching them,

Then their sons will also sit on your throne

In all perpetuity.”

13For the Lord has chosen Zion;

He has longed for it as a dwelling place for himself.

14“This is my resting place in all perpetuity;

I will dwell here,

For I have longed for it.

15I will certainly bless its food supply;

I will satiate its poor with bread.

16And I will clothe its priests in salvation,

And those in it under grace will certainly shout for joy.

17I will make the horn of David spring up there;

I have prepared a lamp for my anointed.

18I will clothe his enemies in shame,

But on him a diadem will glitter.”

Reference(s) in Chapter 132: v.11 ↔ John 7:42.
