The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 136

1Give thanks to the Lord,

For he is good,

For his kindness is age-abiding.

2Give thanks to the God of gods,

For his kindness is age-abiding.

3Give thanks to the Lord of lords,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

4To him who alone performed great wonders,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

5To him who is maker of heaven with competence,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

6To him who stretched out the earth over the waters,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

7To him who made great lights,

For his kindness is age-abiding

8– The sun as ruler in the daytime,

For his kindness is age-abiding

9– The moon and stars as rulers by night,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

10To him who struck Egypt in their firstborn,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

11When he brought Israel out of their midst,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

12With a strong hand and an outstretched arm,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

13To him who divided the Red Sea into two parts,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

14When he brought Israel across through the middle of it,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

15When he shook off Pharaoh and his forces in the Red Sea,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

16To him who led his people in the desert,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

17To him who struck down great kings,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

18When he killed mighty kings,

For his kindness is age-abiding

19– Sihon king of the Amorites,

For his kindness is age-abiding

20– And Og king of Bashan,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

21When he gave their land as an inheritance,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

22As an inheritance to Israel his servant,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

23In that he remembered us in our low condition,

For his kindness is age-abiding,

24And tore us away from our adversaries,

For his kindness is age-abiding.

25He gives bread to all flesh,

For his kindness is age-abiding.

26Oh give thanks to the God of the heavens,

For his kindness is age-abiding.
