The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Proverbs Chapter 4

1You sons, hear the father's correction,

And pay attention to knowing understanding,

2For I give you good learning.

Do not forsake my instruction,

3For I was a son to my father,

And tender and special in my mother's eyes.

4And he taught me, and he said to me,

“Let your heart take hold of my words;

Keep my commandments and live.

5Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding;

Do not forget,

And do not turn aside from the sayings

Which I utter.

6Do not forsake it,

And it will keep you;

Love it,

And it will guard you.

7The prime thing is wisdom.

Acquire wisdom,

And among all your acquisitions,

Acquire understanding.

8Extol it,

And it will exalt you;

It will honour you

If you embrace it.

9It will give a garland of grace to your head;

It will endow you with a crown of glory.”

10Hear, my son, and receive my sayings,

And your years of life will be many.

11I have instructed you in the way of wisdom;

I have guided you onto straight paths.

12As you walk,

Your step will not be in a strait,

And if you run,

You will not stumble.

13Take hold of correction;

Do not let go of it.

Guard it,

For it is your life.

14Do not go onto the path of the wicked,

And do not proceed on the way of the evil.

15Avoid it,

Do not cross over to it;

Turn aside from it,

And pass by.

16For they cannot sleep

Unless they act wickedly.

And their sleep eludes them

Unless they cause others to stumble.

17For they eat bread of wickedness

And drink wine of violence.

18But the way of the righteous is like a shining light;

It shines more and more

Until reaching its zenith.

19The way of the wicked is like thick darkness;

They don't know what they are stumbling on.

20My son, pay attention to my words;

Incline your ear to my sayings.

21Do not let them go out of your sight;

Keep them inside your heart.

22For they are life to those who find them

And healing to all one's flesh.

23Guard your heart most rigorously,

For from it are the ways out to life.

24Rid yourself of perverse speech,

And distance yourself from wayward talk.

25Let your eyes look straight on,

And let your eyelids point straight in front of you.

26Weigh up the path of your feet,

And let all your ways be steadfast.

27Do not deviate to the right or left;

Move your feet away from evil.
