The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Proverbs Chapter 6

1My son, if you provide security for your neighbour,

If you strike a deal with a stranger,

2If you are ensnared with the sayings you utter,

If by the sayings you utter you are caught,

3Then do this, my son, to extricate yourself:

When you have come into your neighbour's grip,

Go and humble yourself,

And act firmly with your neighbour.

4Do not allow your eyes to sleep,

Or your eyelids to slumber.

5Free yourself like a gazelle from the grip of the predator,

And like a bird from the hand of the fowler.

6Go to the ant,

You who are lazy;

Observe its ways,

And become wise.

7It does not have a superintendent,

Or overseer, or ruler,

8As it stocks up its food in the summer

And stores its provisions in the harvest season.

9How long, you who are lazy,

Will you lie down?

When will you get up from your sleep?

10After a little sleep,

A little slumber,

A little folding the arms

To lie down,

11Poverty comes on you like a vagrant,

And shortage like a man with a shield.

12An iniquitous person is a worthless man;

He walks with perverse speech.

13He winks with his eyes,

He speaks with his feet;

He points with his fingers.

14Subversive things are in his heart;

He devises evil all the time.

He sows discord,

15Which is why his downfall will suddenly come;

Suddenly he will be broken without remedy.

16The Lord hates these six things,

And seven are an abomination to his being:

17Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,

And hands which shed innocent blood;

18A heart which devises vain thoughts,

Feet which are quick to run to wrongdoing,

19A false witness who belches out lies,

And he who sows discord among brothers.

20My son, keep your father's commandment,

And do not forsake your mother's instruction.

21Bind them onto your heart at all times;

Tie them round your neck.

22As you walk around,

Let it lead you;

When you lie down,

It will guard you.

When you awaken,

It will commune with you.

23For the commandment is a lamp,

And the law is light,

And the reproofs in correction are the way of life,

24In keeping you from an evil woman

– From the flattery of an exotic tongue.

25Do not desire her beauty in your heart,

And do not let her captivate you with her eyelids,

26Because going after a prostitute

Will lead to forfeiture of everything up to a loaf of bread,

And another man's wife will hunt one's precious life.

27Can a man gather up fire in his bosom

Without his clothes being burnt?

28Can a man walk on burning coals

And his feet not be seared?

29Such is he who goes to his neighbour's wife;

No-one who touches her will be held guiltless.

30A thief may not be despised if he steals

To fill himself when he is hungry,

31But if he is caught,

He shall repay seven times over

– He may have to give all the assets of his household.

32He who commits adultery with a woman is weak-minded;

He who does it ruins himself.

33He will encounter adversity and shame,

And his reproach will not be wiped out,

34For a man's fury derives from jealousy,

And he will not show pity on the day of vengeance.

35He will not accept any payment of damages;

He will not become amenable

Even if you make the gift large.
