The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Proverbs Chapter 31

1The words of Lemuel the king – the burden which his mother taught him.

2What, my son?

And what, O son of my womb?

And what, O son of my vows?

3Do not give your strength to women,

Or engage on ways

Liable to wipe out kings.

4It is not fitting for kings, Lemuel,

It is not fitting for kings to drink wine,

Nor for princes to drink any strong liquor,

5Lest he should drink and forget what is decreed,

And he subverts the justice of any of the afflicted.

6Give strong liquor to him who is perishing,

And wine to the inwardly bitter.

7Let him drink and forget his poverty,

And no longer remember his sorrow.

8Open your mouth to the mute

And for the justice of all those passing away.

9Open your mouth,

Judge righteously,

And defend the poor and needy.

10Who can find a virtuous wife,

Whose value is far above red corals?

11Her husband's heart will put trust in her,

And gain will not be lacking.

12She will bestow good on him, and not evil,

All the days of her life.

13She asks for wool and flax,

And works with her hands with pleasure.

14She is like a merchant's ships;

She brings her food in from a long way off.

15And she arises while it is still night

And gives food to her household

And instructions to her maidservants.

16She considers a field

And acquires it;

By the fruitful work of her hands

A vineyard is planted.

17She girds her loins with strength

And puts energy into her arms.

18She verifies that her merchandise is good,

And her lamp does not go out at night.

19She applies her arm to the distaff,

And her hand holds the spindle.

20Her hand distributes to the poor,

And she extends her arms to the needy.

21She does not fear snow in her house,

For all her household are clothed in scarlet.

22She makes herself drapery;

Fine linen and purple are her attire.

23Her husband is known at the gates

When he sits with the elders of the land.

24She makes linen and sells it,

And she supplies the merchant with girdles.

25Strength and dignity are her attire,

And she will laugh on the last day.

26She opens her mouth with wisdom,

And the law of kindness is on her tongue.

27She watches the proceedings of her household closely,

And she does not eat the bread of laziness.

28Her sons arise and call her blessed,

As does her husband,

And he praises her.

29Many daughters have conducted themselves virtuously,

But you have surpassed them all.

30Elegance is a delusion,

And beauty is a vain thing,

But it is a woman who fears the Lord

Who will be praised.

31Give her the fruit of her hands,

And may her deeds occasion her praise at the gates.
