The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024

Song of S.

Song of Solomon Chapter 1

1Solomon's Song of Songs.

2“May he kiss me with kisses of his mouth,

For your love is better than wine.

3At the fragrance of your good oils,

Your name is as oil poured out,

Which is why the virgins love you.

4Draw me after you; we will run away.

The king has brought me to his rooms.”

“We will rejoice and be glad with you;

We will remember your love more than wine.

Those who are upright love you.”

5“I am swarthy and comely,

You daughters of Jerusalem,

Like the tents of Kedar,

Like Solomon's curtains.

6Do not look at me, because I am swarthy

– Because the sun has given me a tan.

The sons of my mother have become angry with me.

They appointed me as a guardian of their vineyards;

I have not guarded my own vineyard.

7Tell me, you whom my being loves,

Where are you tending your flock?

Where do you make them lie down at noon?

For why should I be languishing

Alongside the flocks of your fellow shepherds?”

8“If you do not know,

O most beautiful among women,

Then go out along the tracks of the flock

And tend your goat-kids

By the tabernacles of the shepherds.”

9“I have compared you to my mare

Among Pharaoh's chariots, my beloved.

10How beautiful would be your cheeks

With rows of beads,

And your neck with strings of pearls!

11We will make you rows of golden beads

With studs of silver.”

12“While the king is on his couch,

My spikenard emits its fragrance.

13My lover is a bundle of myrrh to me.

He shall pass the night between my breasts.

14My lover is a bunch of henna flowers to me,

In the vineyards of En-Gedi.”

15“Behold how beautiful you are, my beloved;

Behold how beautiful you are

With your eyes of a dove.”

16“Behold how handsome you are my lover

– Indeed delightful –

Moreover our couch is fresh.”

17“The joists of our house are cedars,

And our wainscoting is of cypress.”
