The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024

Song of S.

Song of Solomon Chapter 3

1On my couch at night I sought him

Whom my whole being loves;

I sought him,

But I did not find him.

2Let me get up, then,

And I will go around the city;

In the squares and the streets,

I will seek him

Whom my whole being loves.

I sought him,

But I did not find him.

3The watchmen who patrol the city found me.

I asked, ‘Have you seen the one

Whom my whole being loves?’

4I had hardly passed on from them

When I found him

Whom my whole being loves.

I held on to him

And would not let him go

Until I had brought him to my mother's house,

And to the room of her who conceived me.

5I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem,

By the wild gazelles and deer hinds,

Do not by any means awaken or arouse love,

Until it is willing.”

6“Who is this coming up from the desert,

Like pillars of smoke,

Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense,

With all the aromatic powder of the merchant?”

7“Behold Solomon's bed.

There are sixty warriors around it

From the warriors of Israel.

8They are all wielding a sword

And are trained in warfare.

Each has his sword on his thigh

Because of fear at night.”

9“King Solomon has made himself a litter

From the wood of Lebanon.

10He made its posts of silver

And its backing of gold

And its seat of purple material.

Its inside is a mosaic of love themes

From the daughters of Jerusalem.”

11“Come out, O daughters of Zion,

And look at King Solomon,

With the crown with which his mother crowned him

On his wedding day,

And on the day of joy in his heart.”
