The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 1

1The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

2Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth,

For the Lord has spoken.

“I have raised sons and brought them up,

But they have rebelled against me.

3The ox knows his owner,

And the donkey his master's stall,

But Israel does not know

– My people do not understand.

4Alas, a sinful nation,

A people laden with iniquity,

A seed acting wickedly,

Sons acting corruptly.

They have deserted the Lord,

They have despised the holy one of Israel;

They have drawn back.

5Why should you be struck any more?

You would add to the apostasy.

Every head is ailing,

And every heart is faint.

6From the sole of the foot to the head

There is no health in it,

But bruising and scars and raw wounds.

They have not been bathed,

And they have not been bound up,

And they have not been dressed with oil.

7Your land is a desolation,

Your cities have been burned with fire;

As for your land in front of you,

Foreigners are devouring it,

And it is a desolation,

As overthrown by foreigners.

8And the daughter of Zion is left like a shed in a vineyard,

Like a shack in a cucumber field,

Like a besieged city.”

9If the Lord of hosts had not left us a very small remnant,

We would be like Sodom;

We would resemble Gomorrah.

10Hear the word of the Lord,

You leaders of Sodom;

Listen to the word of our God,

You people of Gomorrah.

11“To what end is the abundance of your sacrifices to me?

Says the Lord.

I am replete with burnt offerings of rams

And the fat of fatted calves,

And I do not take pleasure in the blood of bulls

And lambs and he-goats.

12When you come to see my face,

I will ask, ‘Who requested this on your part

To trample over my courtyards?’

13Do not bring a vain meal-offering any more;

Incense is an abomination to me.

I cannot bear the new moon and the Sabbath

Or the convening of a convocation.

They are iniquity,

As is the solemn assembly.

14My being hates your new moons and your festivals;

They are a burden on me,

Which I am weary of bearing.

15And when you stretch out your hands,

I will hide my eyes from you.

Even if you make much prayer,

I will not hear it.

Your hands are full of blood.

16Wash, cleanse yourselves,

Banish evil from your works in my sight;

Cease doing wrong.

17Learn to do good,

Seek justice,

Succour the oppressed,

Give the orphan justice;

Defend the case of the widow.

18Come now, and let us come to a settlement,

Says the Lord,

Even if your sins are as scarlet,

They will become as white as snow.

Even if they are as red as the cochineal worm,

They will become like wool.

19If you are willing, and you are heedful,

You will eat the goodness of the land.

20But if you refuse and rebel,

You will be consumed by the sword,

For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

21How did the faithful city become a prostitute?

She was full of justice,

Righteousness used to dwell in her,

But now – murderers.

22Your silver has become dross;

Your liquor has been adulterated

With water.

23Your officials are recalcitrant

And are friends of thieves.

Each one loves bribes

And pursues corrupt payments.

They do not give the orphan justice,

And the case of the widow does not reach them.

24“That is why,

Says the Lord

– The Lord of hosts,

The mighty one of Israel –

Alas, I will rid myself of my adversaries,

And I will avenge myself on my enemies.

25And I will draw my hand over you

And refine your dross,

As is done with potash,

And I will remove all your tin.

26And I will restore your judges as in the beginning,

And your counsellors as at the start.

After that you will be called

The City of Righteousness,

The Faithful Town.

27Zion will be redeemed justly,

As will those returning to her, righteously.

28And it will be the demise of transgressors and sinners together,

Whilst those who abandon the Lord

Will be annihilated.

29For they will be ashamed of the terebinths

Which you delighted in,

And you will be ashamed of the parks

Which you were partial to.

30For they will be like a terebinth

Whose leaves are withering,

And like a park

Which has no water.

31And he who is strong

Will be like hemp fibres,

And his work will be tinder to a spark,

And both will burn together,

And there will be no-one to put them out.”

Reference(s) in Chapter 1: v.9 ↔ Romans 9:29 ● v.11 ↔ Mark 12:33.
