The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 21

1The burden of the Desert of the Sea.

Like the passing of whirlwinds in the south,

It is coming from the desert

– From a fearsome country.

2A harsh vision has been shown to me:

The traitor betraying, and the plunderer plundering.

Go up, Elam! Besiege, Media!

I have put a stop to all sighing.

3This is why my waist is in pain:

Writhings have seized me,

Like the writhings of a woman giving birth.

I am bent with pain at hearing it;

I am terrified at seeing it.

4My heart is distraught.

Something horrible has terrified me;

It has made my pleasant night

My time of trepidation.

5Prepare the table,

Let the watch keep watch,

Eat and drink,

Arise, you commanders;

Anoint the shield.

6For this is what the Lord* says to me:

“Go and appoint a watchman

Who will report what he sees.”

7And he saw a chariot fleet

– Horsemen in pairs,

A chariot fleet with donkeys,

A chariot fleet with camels –

And he listened attentively,

Very attentively.

8And he called out, “A lion.

O Lord*.

I stand continually on the watchtower by day,

And I am stationed at my guard post every night.

9And here is what is coming:

A manned chariot fleet and horsemen in pairs.”

And he answered and said,

Babylon has fallen; it has fallen.

And he has torn all the carved images of its gods

Down to the ground.”

10O threshed people of mine,

And my product of the threshing floor,

I have reported to you

What I have heard from the Lord of hosts

– The God of Israel.

11The burden of Idumea.

He is calling out to me from Seir,

“Watchman, what is there to report from the night?

Watchman, what is there to report from the night?”

12The watchman said,

“The morning is coming,

And also the night.

If you will inquire,

Do inquire.

Return and come.”

13The burden in Arabia.

You will lodge in the forest in Arabia,

You Dedanite travelling companies.

14The inhabitants of the land of Tema

Brought water to him who is thirsty;

They met the fugitive

With food for him.

15For they flee from swords,

From the drawn sword

And from the drawn bow,

And from the violence of war.

16For this is what the Lord* said to me:

“In another year

According to the contractual years of a hired worker,

All the glory of Kedar

Will come to an end.

17And the number of archers remaining

– The warriors from among the sons of Kedar –

Will become few,

For the Lord God of Israel has spoken.”

Reference(s) in Chapter 21: v.9 ↔ Revelation 14:8, Revelation 18:2.
