The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 23

1The burden of Tyre.

Wail, O ships of Tarshish,

For it has been plundered,

Not leaving a house or a way in.

This was revealed to them

From the land of Chittim.

2Be silent, you inhabitants of the coastland,

You whom the merchants of Sidon,

Who cross the sea,

Have stocked up,

3Bringing over the high seas

Seed from Shihor.

The harvest from the river

Is Tyre's source of income,

So that it became the emporium of the nations.

4Sidon, be ashamed,

For the sea

– The stronghold that the sea is –

Has said, “I have not been in the pains of childbirth,

Nor have I given birth,

Nor have I raised young lads,

Nor have I brought chaste maidens up.”

5As at the report of Egypt,

So shall they writhe

At the report of Tyre.

6Cross over to Tarshish and wail,

You inhabitants of the coastland.

7Was this your joy,

Whose origin dates from ancient times?

Its feet will bring it

Somewhere far away to dwell.

8Who decided this against Tyre

Tyre who confers crowns,

Whose merchants are princes,

Whose traders are the dignitaries of the land?

9The Lord of hosts decided it,

To defame the pride in all the splendour;

To bring all the dignitaries of the land into contempt.

10Cross your country like a river,

O daughter of Tarshish,

There is no longer any girding yourself up.

11He stretched out his hand over the sea;

He shocked kingdoms.

The Lord has given commandment against Canaan

To destroy its strongholds.

12And he said,

“You will no longer exult,

You oppressed virgin daughter of Sidon.

Arise and cross over to Chittim,

But you will not be at rest there either.”

13Look at the land of the Chaldeans:

This people did not exist previously.

Assyria founded it for the inhabitants of the desert.

The attackers erected their watchtowers,

They demolished its palaces,

And he made it ruins.

14Wail, you ships of Tarshish,

For your stronghold has been laid waste.

15And it will come to pass on that day that Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, according to the days of one king, then after seventy years Tyre will very much have a prostitute's song to sing.

16Take the harp,

Go around the city,

You forgotten prostitute.

Play music well,

Do much singing,

In order that you may be remembered.

17And after seventy years, it will come to pass that the Lord will visit Tyre, and it will return to its earnings from prostitution, and it will engage in prostitution with all the kingdoms of the world over the face of the earth. 18But its profit and its earnings from prostitution will be holy to the Lord, and they will not be treasured up or hoarded away, for its profit will be for those who live before the Lord, so as to eat to satiety, and to have good quality clothing.