The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 40

1“Take comfort, take comfort, my people”,

Says your God.

2“Speak kindly to Jerusalem,

And proclaim to her

That her warfare has been concluded,

That her iniquity has been propitiated;

That she has received double at the hand of the Lord

For all her sins.”

3A voice calling in the desert,

“Clear the way of the Lord;

Make a straight highway in the arid land

For our God.

4Every valley will be raised,

And every mountain and hill will be lowered,

And what is steep will become level,

And the rugged places a low plain.

5And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,

And all flesh will see it together,

For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

6A voice said,

“Make a proclamation.”

And he said,

“What shall I proclaim?”

“All flesh is grass,

And all its grace

Is like a wild flower.

7The grass dries up,

And the flower fades,

For the spirit of the Lord blows on it.


The people are grass.

8The grass dries up,

And the flower fades,

But the word of our God

Will stand age-abidingly.”

9Get up onto a high mountain,

Zion, which announces good news.

Raise your voice strongly,

Jerusalem, which announces good news.

Raise it; do not fear.

Say to the cities of Judah,

“Behold your God.”

10Behold, my Lord the Lord

Will come with strength,

And his arm will rule for him.

Behold, his reward is with him,

And his recompense is before him.

11He will tend his flock like a shepherd

And gather lambs in his arm,

And he will carry them in his bosom

And lead dairy cattle along.

12Who has measured the waters in the palm of his hand

Or sized up the heavens by the span?

Or calculated the volume of the dust of the earth

With a third-ephah container

Or weighed in a balance the mountains,

And the hills in scales?

13Who has assessed the spirit of the Lord,

And what man has imparted knowledge to him

With his counsel?

14With whom does he confer who can instruct him

And teach him in the way of justice,

And teach him knowledge

And indicate to him the way of understanding?

15Look, the nations are like a drop from a bucket,

And they are counted as dust in the balance.

Look, he can lift up the coastlands

Like fine powder.

16Even Lebanon isn't enough to burn,

And its animals aren't enough as a burnt offering.

17All the nations are like nothing before him;

They are considered less than nothing and desolation by him.

18So to whom will you liken God,

And with what comparison

Will you draw a parallel with him?

19The artisan casts an idol,

And refines gold and overlays it,

And refines silver for chains.

20As for the heave-offering of the impoverished,

He selects some wood which will not rot,

And finds himself a skilled artisan

To prepare an idol

Which will not be shaken.

21Have you not known,

Have you not heard,

Has it not been told you from the beginning?

Have you not understood

The foundations of the earth?

22It is he who sits above the earth's sphere,

Whose inhabitants are like grasshoppers;

It is he who stretches out the heavens like fine cloth,

And spans them like a tent to dwell in,

23Who reduces princes to nothing,

And makes the judges of the world desolate.

24They certainly won't be planted,

They simply won't be sown;

Their main stem just will not strike root.

Also a wind will blow on them

And they will dry up,

And a storm will carry them away

Like chaff.

25“So to whom will you liken me,

So that I will be comparable?”

Says the holy one.

26“Raise your eyes and look.

Who created these things?

He who produced the array of them by number

– He calls them all by name –

By great strength and mighty power;

Not one is missing.

27Jacob, why do you say,

And Israel, why do you declare,

‘My way is hidden from the Lord,

And my just deserts

Will be overlooked by my God?’

28Have you not known,

Or have you not heard,

That the age-abiding God

– The Lord,

The creator of the ends of the earth –

Does not become exhausted

And does not become weary,

And that there is no fathoming

Of his understanding?

29He gives the exhausted strength,

And he increases the vigour

Of those who have no energy.

30But youths will become exhausted and weary,

And young men will surely stumble.

31But those who confide in the Lord

Will revive in strength;

They will soar in flight like eagles.

They will run

And not grow weary,

They will proceed

And not become exhausted.

Reference(s) in Chapter 40: v.3 ↔ Matthew 3:3, Mark 1:2, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, John 1:23 ● v.4 ↔ Luke 3:5 ● v.5 ↔ Luke 3:6 ● v.6 ↔ 1 Peter 1:24 ● v.7 ↔ 1 Peter 1:24 ● v.8 ↔ 1 Peter 1:24, 1 Peter 1:25 ● v.13 ↔ Romans 11:34, 1 Corinthians 2:16.
