The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 63

1Who is this

Who has come from Edom,

In reddened clothes from Bozrah?

– He who is adorned in his attire?

He strides in his great might.

It is I who speak in righteousness,

Powerful to save.”

2Why are your clothes red,

And why are your garments

Like those of one who treads the wine press?

3I have trodden the wine press on my own,

And there was no man from the various peoples with me.

And I trod them in my anger,

And I trampled on them in my fury,

And their juice was spattered on my garments,

And I stained all my articles of clothing.

4For the day of vengeance is in my heart,

And the year of my redeemed has come.

5And I looked,

And there was no helper,

And I was astonished

That there was no-one supporting.

But my arm worked salvation for me,

And it was my fury

Which supported me.

6And I will trample various peoples in my anger,

And I will make them drunk in my fury,

And I will bring their juice down to the ground.”

7I will make mention of the Lord's kindnesses

– The Lord's praiseworthy acts –

According to everything that the Lord has recompensed us with,

And the great goodness towards the house of Israel

Which he recompensed them with,

According to his mercy

And according to his many kind deeds.

8For he said,

“Indeed, they are my people,

Sons who will not act falsely.”

And he became their saviour.

9In all their adversity

He suffered adversity,

And the angel of his presence saved them,

And in his love and in his compassion

He redeemed them

And took them up

And raised them up,

All the days of the age.

10But they rebelled

And grieved his holy spirit,

And he turned into their enemy,

And he fought against them.

11But he remembered the age-old days

– Moses and his people – and said,

“Where is he who brought them up out of the sea,

With the shepherds of his flock?

Where is he

Who put his holy spirit inside them?

12Where is he who led them by Moses' right hand,

By his magnificent arm,

Dividing water in front of them,

So making for himself an age-abiding name,

13As he led them through the depths,

Like a horse through the desert,

So that they should not flounder?”

14As cattle go down into the valley,

So the spirit of the Lord settled them down;

So you led your people

To make for yourself a magnificent name.

15Look from heaven,

And see from your holy magnificent dwelling place.

Where are your zeal and your mighty deeds?

Are your many sympathies

And your compassion towards me


16For you are our father,

For Abraham did not know us,

And Israel did not acknowledge us.

You, O Lord, are our father,

Our redeemer;

Your name is age-old.

17Why, O Lord,

Are you leading us astray from your paths,

And why are you hardening our heart from fearing you?

Return for the sake of your servants

– The tribes of your inheritance.

18For a while they took possession of your holy people

– Our adversaries who trod down your sanctuary.

19We have been from age-old time,

But you have not had rule over them.

They have not been called after your name.

Reference(s) in Chapter 63: v.1 ↔ Revelation 19:13 ● v.3 ↔ Revelation 14:20, Revelation 19:13, Revelation 19:15 ● v.4 ↔ Luke 21:22.
