The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Lamentations Chapter 3

1I am the man who has seen affliction

By the rod of his wrath.

2He has driven me and removed me

Into darkness, and not light.

3Surely he has turned against me;

His hand is adverse to me all day long.

4He has caused my flesh and my skin to waste away;

He has shattered my bones.

5He has built the case against me

And surrounded me with noxiousness and weariness.

6He has made me sit in darkness,

Like the age-abidingly dead.

7He has fenced me in

And I cannot go out.

He has made my fetter heavy.

8Although I cry out and shout,

He shuts out my prayer.

9He has blocked my ways with hewn stones;

He has overturned my paths.

10He is a bear in ambush to me

– A lion in a covert place.

11He has deflected me from my ways

And torn me to pieces;

He has made me desolate.

12He has drawn his bow

And set me as a target for the arrow.

13He has shot the contents of his quiver into my kidneys.

14I have become a laughing stock to all my people,

In their song all day long.

15He has filled me with bitter herbs;

He has given me wormwood to drink.

16And he has crushed my teeth with gravel;

He has covered me with ash.

17And you have been averse to my well-being;

I have forgotten what goodness is.

18And I said, “My endurance and my hope in the Lord

Have faded away.”

19Remember my affliction and wandering,

The wormwood and the venom.

20Oh do remember,

And may your soul sink down onto me.

21I will lay this to heart;

This is why I will be in expectation:

22The Lord's kind deeds are such

That we are not finished

– That his mercies have not come to an end.

23The mornings bring these anew;

Great is your faithfulness.

24“My portion is the Lord,”

My inner being has said,

“Which is why I will await him.”

25The Lord is good to those who put their hope in him

– To the person who seeks him.

26It is good to be in expectation and quiet for the Lord's salvation.

27It is good for a man

That he bears his yoke in his youth.

28He sits alone and is silent,

For he laid it on him.

29He puts his mouth in the dust

And says,

“Perhaps there is hope.”

30He gives his cheek to him who strikes him;

He is steeped in reproach.

31For the Lord* will not repudiate us age-abidingly.

32Although he causes grief,

Yet he shows mercy

According to the abundance of his kindness.

33For he does not afflict wholeheartedly

Nor so grieve the sons of men.

34Neither on crushing all the prisoners of the earth under one's feet,

35Nor on perverting the course of justice of a man

Against the intention of the Most High,

36Nor on doing violence to a man's contention

Does the Lord* look favourably.

37Who is it who spoke, and it came to pass,

If the Lord* did not command it?

38Do not bad things and good

Issue from the mouth of the Most High?

39How a man who is alive complains!

– A man confronted by his sin.

40Let us search our ways and investigate

And return to the Lord.

41Let us lift up our hearts on our hands

To God in the heavens.

42We have transgressed and rebelled,

And you have not forgiven us.

43You have covered us with anger and pursued us;

You have killed us and not shown pity.

44You have covered yourself with a cloud,

So that a prayer cannot pass through.

45You have made us an offscouring

And a reject in the company of the nations.

46All our enemies gape at us.

47Fear and ruin are our lot

With desolation and devastation.

48Streams of water run down my eye

At the devastation of the daughter of my people.

49My eye is flowing and will not become quiet,

With no respite,

50Until the Lord peers down

And looks from heaven.

51My eye is wearing on my spiritual condition

Because of all the daughters of the city.

52My enemies have relentlessly hunted me,

Gratuitously, like a bird.

53They have knocked my life down into the pit,

And they have thrown stones at me.

54Waters overwhelmed me above my head.

I said, “I have been cut off.”

55I called on your name, O Lord,

From the lowest pit.

56You have heard my voice.

Do not turn a deaf ear to relieving me at my cry.

57You drew near on the day

When I called on you,

And you said,

“Do not fear.”

58You, O Lord*, have defended the indictments against my person,

You have redeemed my life.

59O Lord, you have seen my oppression;

Do defend my case.

60You have seen all their vengeance

– All their thoughts concerning me.

61You have heard their reproach,

O Lord – all their thoughts against me.

62The lips of those who rise up against me

And their meditation

Are against me all day long.

63Observe their sitting down and their rising up;

I am their derisive song.

64Bring retribution on them, O Lord,

According to the work of their hands.

65Give them a veiled heart

– Your curse on them.

66Pursue them in anger,

And destroy them,

Under the heavens of the Lord.
