The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Ezekiel Chapter 27

1And the word of the Lord came to me and said, 2“And you, son of Adam, deliver a lamentation for Tyre, 3And say to Tyre,

You who dwell at the entrance routes from the sea,

The merchant of the various peoples,

Trading with many maritime countries,

This is what my Lord the Lord says:

«Tyre, you have said,

‹I am the perfection of beauty.›

4Your borders are in the heart of the seas;

Your builders have perfected your beauty.

5They have constructed all your hull planks from cypress from Senir;

They have taken cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for you.

6They made your oars from terebinths from Bashan.

The daughters of the Assyrians made your benches with ivory from the islands of Chittim.

7Your material to be made into your sail

Was fine linen with embroidery from Egypt;

Your dress

Was blue and purple from the islands of Elishah.

8The inhabitants of Sidon and Arvad were your rowers.

Your skilled men, O Tyre,

Were present in your precincts;

They were your ships' captains.

9The elders of Gebal and its skilled men were present in your precincts,

Sealing your ships' leaks.

All the ships of the sea and their sailors were present in your confines

To trade your wares.

10Men from Persia and Lud and Put were in your forces

– Your men of war.

They hung shield and helmet on display in you;

They gave you your dignity.

11The sons of Arvad and your forces were stationed on your walls round about,

And there were bold warriors on your towers.

They hung their shields on your walls round about;

They perfected your beauty.

12Tarshish was your trading partner, because of the abundance of all kinds of wealth. They traded for your merchandise with silver, iron, tin and lead. 13Javan, Tubal, and Meshech were your trading partners, trading in people, and they traded articles of copper for your wares. 14Those from the house of Togarmah traded horses and horsemen and mules for your merchandise. 15The sons of Dedan were trading partners of yours; many maritime countries traded the merchandise you deal in. They offered horns of ivory, and ebony as a gift to you. 16Aramaea was your trading partner, because of the abundance of your products, in chrysoprase, purple material and embroidery and fine linen, and precious things and rubies, which they traded for your merchandise. 17Judah and the land of Israel were trading partners of yours; they traded with you in wheat from Minnith and Pannag, and honey and oil and balsam resin for your wares. 18Damascus was your trading partner in the abundance of your products, because of all the wealth in the wine of Helbon and the brilliant white wool. 19And Dan and Javan traded spun products for your merchandise. Forged iron, cassia and calamus were among your wares. 20Dedan was your trading partner in elegant clothes for riding. 21Arabia and all the princes of Kedar were trading partners in your produce, for lambs and rams and he-goats. In these things they were your trading partners. 22The merchants from Sheba and Raamah were your trading partners, foremost in all balsam resin and all gemstones and gold. They traded in your market places. 23Haran and Canneh and Eden, the traders of Sheba, Assyria and Chilmad were your trading partners. 24They were your trading partners in luxury items, in mantles made from blue material, and embroidery and in chests of multi-coloured cloth, bound in cords and made secure, in your market.

25The ships of Tarshish were your transportation with your wares,

And you were accomplished

And very honoured in the heart of the seas.

26Those who rowed you

Have brought you to tempestuous water.

The east wind has broken you in the heart of the seas.

27Your wealth and your merchandise and your wares

And your sailors and your ships' captains,

Those who repair your leaks,

And your negotiators in trading,

And all your men of war who are in your confines,

And people throughout your community

Who are within your precincts

Will fall in the heart of the seas

On the day of your demise.

28At the sound of the cry of your ships' captains,

The open areas will shake.

29All who handle the oar,

Sailors and all ships' captains on the sea,

Will disembark from their ships.

They will stand on land,

30And they will vociferate against you

And shout bitterly,

And they will throw dust up over their heads;

They will roll around in ash.

31And they will make themselves bald for you,

And they will bind sackcloth on,

And they will weep for you with bitter feelings

And bitter mourning.

32And they will deliver in their lamenting over you

A dirge,

And they will lament over you,

And say, ‹Who is like Tyre,

Like desolation

In the middle of the sea?›

33When your merchandise went out by sea,

You satisfied many peoples with the abundance of your wealth and wares;

You enriched the kings of the earth.

34It is the time when you are broken off from the seas

With their depths of water.

Your trade

And the whole of the community in your confines

Will collapse.

35All the inhabitants of the maritime countries will be astounded at you,

When their kings shudder in horror

And their faces palpitate.

36Traders among the various peoples will whistle at you.

You will be a dreadful scene,

And you will be no more,

Age-abidingly.» ’ ”

Reference(s) in Chapter 27: v.13 ↔ Revelation 18:13.
