The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Ezekiel Chapter 32

1Then it came to pass in the twelfth year, in the twelfth month, on the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came to me and said, 2“Son of Adam, deliver a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and say to him,

‘You resemble a lion cub among the nations,

And you are like a serpent in the seas,

And you have broken through into your rivers,

And you have made the water turbid with your feet,

And you have stirred up mud in their rivers.’

3This is what my Lord the Lord says:

‘So I will spread my net over you

With an assembly of many peoples,

And they will bring you up in my netting.

4And I will abandon you in the land;

I will dump you in the open country,

And I will cause all kinds of birds of the sky to settle on you,

And I will satisfy the animals of all the land with you.

5And I will put your flesh on the mountains,

And I will fill the valleys with your lofty person.

6And I will give drink to the land

Which will flow with you

– With your blood –

On the mountains.

And the channels will be filled with you.

7And I will veil the sky

When I extinguish you

And I obscure its stars.

I will cover the sun with a cloud,

And the moon will not shine its light.

8I will obscure all sources of light in the sky over you,

And I will put darkness over your land,

Says the Lord, the Lord.

9And I will provoke the heart of many nations to anger,

When I bring your demise about

Among the nations in the countries

Which you have not known.

10And I will make many nations astonished at you,

And their kings will shudder in horror at you

When I brandish my sword in front of them.

And they will tremble all the time

– Each man for his life –

On the day of your demise.

11For this is what the Lord, the Lord, says: «The king of Babylon's sword will come to you.

12I will cause the fall of your horde by the swords of warriors

– All of them being fierce people from the Gentiles –

And they will plunder the splendour of Egypt,

And all its horde will be destroyed.

13And I will obliterate all its cattle from places at much water,

And no man's foot will make it turbid any more,

Nor will hooves of cattle make it turbid.

14Then I will make their water subside,

And I will make their rivers flow like oil

– Says the Lord, the Lord –

15When I make the land of Egypt a desolation,

And the land is made devoid of its fulness,

When I strike all those who live in it.

And they will know that I am the Lord.

16That is the lamentation

With which they shall lament it;

The daughters of the nations will lament it.

They will lament it

– Egypt and all its horde –

Says the Lord, the Lord.» ’ ”

17Then it came to pass in the twelfth year, on the fifteenth day of the month, that the word of the Lord came to me and said,

18“Son of Adam, bewail the horde of Egypt,

And lament its descent

– It and the daughters of the noble nations –

To the underworld,

With those who go down to the pit.

19Who is there,

That you are more of a delight than they?

Descend and be laid down with the uncircumcised.

20They will fall among those struck through by the sword.

It has been delivered to the sword.

Drag it and all its hordes away.

21The mighty among the warriors will speak to him

From inside the grave with his helpers.

They have descended;

They lie uncircumcised,

Struck through by the sword.

22Assyria is there

With all its assembled people.

Around him are his graves.

All of them are those struck through,

Who fell by the sword.

23And its sepulchres were made at the sides of the pit,

And its assembled people are around its burial place.

They are all those who were struck through,

Who fell by the sword,

Who struck terror in the land of the living.

24Elam is there

With all its horde around its burial place.

They were all struck through,

Who fell by the sword,

Who descended uncircumcised to the underworld,

Who struck terror in the land of the living,

But they bore their ignominy

With those who descend into the pit.

25Its bed was appointed among those struck through,

Among all its horde.

Around it are its graves.

They are all uncircumcised,

Struck through by the sword,

For they struck terror in the land of the living,

But they bore their ignominy with those who descend into the pit.

He is consigned to the company of those struck through.

26Meshech, Tubal, and all its horde are there.

Around him are its sepulchres.

They are all uncircumcised,

Struck through by the sword,

For they struck terror in the land of the living.

27And they will not lie with the warriors who fell

– Those of the uncircumcised

Who have descended to the grave with their weapons of war.

For their swords were put under their heads,

But their iniquities are in their bones,

For they were the terror of warriors in the land of the living.

28And as for you, you will be overthrown among the uncircumcised,

And you will lie with those struck through by the sword.

29Edom is there,

As are its kings and all its princes

Who for their valour have been placed

With those struck through by the sword.

They will lie with the uncircumcised

And with those who descend into the pit.

30All the princes of the north are there

And all the Sidonians

Who descended with those struck through.

On account of their campaign of terror,

They are ashamed of their show of strength,

And they will lie uncircumcised

With those struck through by the sword.

And they will bear their ignominy

With those who descend into the pit.

31Pharaoh will see them,

And he will be comforted over all his horde

– Those struck through with the sword,

Pharaoh and all his forces –

Says the Lord, the Lord.

32For I have put my terror in the land of the living,

And he will be laid among the uncircumcised,

With those struck through by the sword

– Pharaoh and all his horde –

Says the Lord, the Lord.”
