The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Ezekiel Chapter 48

1And these are the names of the tribes, from the northern extremity at the course of the road to Hethlon, at the approach to Hamath and to Hazar-Enan and to the border of Damascus in the north, to the side of Hamath. Now Dan will have – from east to west – one section. 2And at the border with Dan, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Asher. 3And at the border with Asher, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Naphtali. 4And at the border with Naphtali, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Manasseh. 5And at the border with Manasseh, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Ephraim. 6And at the border with Ephraim, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Reuben. 7And at the border with Reuben, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Judah. 8And at the border with Judah, from the eastern side to the western side, there will be the section for the heave-offering which you shall make. It is twenty-five thousand units in width, and its length is the same as each of the sections from the eastern side to the western side, and the sanctuary will be in the middle of it. 9The heave-offering section which you shall make to the Lord is of length twenty-five thousand units, and its width is ten thousand units. 10And it is for these that the holy heave-offering section is: the priests. To the north it is twenty-five thousand units long, and to the west its width is ten thousand units, and to the east its width is ten thousand units, and to the south its length is twenty-five thousand units, and the sanctuary of the Lord shall be in the middle of it. 11It is for the priests, who are sanctified, from the sons of Zadok, who kept my charge, who did not go astray when the sons of Israel went astray, as when the Levites went astray. 12And they will have the heave-offering section on account of the heave-offering of the land as a holy of holies, extending to the border of the Levites. 13And the Levites will be adjoining the border of the priests in a region twenty-five thousand units in length and ten thousand units in width. The whole length is twenty-five thousand units and the width is ten thousand units. 14And they shall not sell any of it, nor exchange it, nor shall anyone remove the firstfruits of the land, for they are holy to the Lord. 15And the five thousand units which remain in the width out of the twenty-five thousand units is to be secular for the city, as a residential area and as common land, and the city will be in the middle of it. 16And these are the dimensions of the city. The northern side is four thousand five hundred units long, and the southern side is four thousand five hundred units long, and on the eastern side it is four thousand five hundred units wide, and the western side is four thousand five hundred units wide. 17And there will be common land belonging to the city to the north, two hundred and fifty units long, and to the south, two hundred and fifty units long, and to the east, two hundred and fifty units wide, and to the west, two hundred and fifty units wide. 18And the rest of the length appertaining to the holy heave-offering section is ten thousand units to the east, and ten thousand units to the west, and it appertains to the holy heave-offering section. And its produce shall be food for the workers in the city. 19And as for the workers in the city, they shall be from every tribe of Israel doing work in it. 20The whole heave-offering section is twenty-five thousand units long by twenty-five thousand units. You shall offer the holy heave-offering in a square within the territory of the city. 21And the remainder is for the prince, on each side of the holy heave-offering section. And as for the territory of the city, alongside the twenty-five thousand units width of the heave-offering section to the border on the east, and to the west, alongside the twenty-five thousand units width to the border on the west, it appertains to the prince's apportionments. So it will be a holy heave-offering section, and the sanctuary of the house will be in the middle of it. 22So part of the territory of the Levites and part of the territory of the city will be enclosed by what belongs to the prince. The remainder of the section between the border with Judah and the border with Benjamin will be for the prince. 23As for the rest of the tribes, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Benjamin. 24And at the border with Benjamin, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Simeon. 25And at the border with Simeon, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Issachar. 26And at the border with Issachar, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Zebulun. 27And at the border with Zebulun, from the eastern side to the western side, there is one section for Gad. 28And as for the border with Gad, on the southern side, the border shall be from Tamar to the water of Meribah of Kadesh, and to the torrent going to the Great Sea. 29This is the land which you will allocate by lot to the tribes of Israel according to their inheritance, and these are their apportionments, says the Lord, the Lord. 30And these are the city exits. Along the north side, which is four thousand five hundred units in length 31– for the gates of the city are according to the names of the tribes of Israel – three gates in the north: one gate of Reuben, one gate of Judah, one gate of Levi; 32and on the eastern side, which is four thousand five hundred units in width, with three gates: with one gate of Joseph, one gate of Benjamin, one gate of Dan; 33and on southern side, which is four thousand five hundred units in length, with three gates: one gate of Simeon, one gate of Issachar, one gate of Zebulun; 34and on the western side, which is four thousand five hundred units in width, three gates: one gate of Gad, one gate of Asher, one gate of Naphtali. 35The perimeter is eighteen thousand units, and the name of the city from that day shall be the Lord Is There.’ ”