The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Hosea Chapter 2

1Say to your brothers, ‘Ammi’, and to your sisters, ‘Ruhamah.’

2Contend with your mother, contend with her,

For she is not my wife,

And I am not her husband.

And let her put her prostitution away,

And her adulteries from between her breasts,

3Lest I strip her naked,

And I make her like the day she was born,

And I make her like a desert,

And I make her like a dry land,

And I kill her through thirst,

4And I do not have compassion on her sons,

Because they are the sons of prostitution,

5For their mother has committed prostitution.

She acted shamefully when she conceived them,

For she said, ‘I will go after my lovers,

Who give me my bread and my water,

My wool and my flax,

My oil and my drink.’

6Therefore I am about to hedge your way in with thorns

And put up her walling,

And she will not find her paths.

7And she will pursue her lovers,

But she will not catch up with them,

And she will seek them

But will not find them,

And she will say, ‘Let me go,

And I will return to my first husband,

For it was better with me then than now.’

8For she did not know that it was I

Who gave her her corn and new wine and new oil,

And who increased her silver and gold,

Which they fashioned for Baal.

9That is why I will take my corn back again on its day,

And my new wine in its season,

And I will recall my wool and my flax,

Which were used to cover her nakedness.

10And now I will reveal her obscenity

In the eyes of her lovers,

And no-one will be able to deliver her from my hand.

11And I will put a stop to all her rejoicing,

Her celebration of feasts,

Her new moons, and her Sabbaths,

And all her festivals.

12And I will lay her vines and her fig trees waste,

Of which she said,

‘They are my reward which my lovers gave me.’

And I will make them a woodland,

And the beasts of the field will devour them.

13And I will visit on her the days of the Baalim,

When she burnt incense to them

And adorned herself with her earring and her necklace

And went after her lovers,

But she forgot me,

Says the Lord.

14So look, I will allure her

And make her go to the desert,

Where I will speak kindly to her.

15And I will give her back her vineyards

When she comes from there,

And the Valley of Achor as a door of hope.

And she will sing there, as in the days of her youth,

And as on the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

16And it will come to pass on that day,

Says the Lord,

That you will call me, ‘My husband’,

And you will no longer call me, ‘My Baal’.

17And I will remove the names of the Baalim from her mouth,

And they will no longer be remembered by their name.

18I will make a covenant with them on that day,

With the wild animals and with the birds of the sky

And the creeping things of the ground,

And I will break the bow and sword, and war from the land,

And I will enable them to lie down in security.

19And I will betroth you to myself for an age-abiding marriage,

And I will betroth you to myself in righteousness and in judgment

And in kindness and in compassion.

20And I will betroth you to myself in faithfulness,

And you will know the Lord.

21And it will come to pass on that day

That I will answer,

Says the Lord.

I will answer the heavens,

And they will answer the earth.

22And the earth will answer the corn,

And the new wine and the new oil,

And they will answer Jezreel.

23And I will sow her to myself in the land,

And I will have compassion on Lo-Ruhamah,

And I will say to Lo-Ammi,

‘You are my people’,

And he will say,

You are my God.’ ”

Reference(s) in Chapter 2: v.1 ↔ 1 Peter 2:10 ● v.23 ↔ Romans 9:26, 2 Corinthians 6:16.
