The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Hosea Chapter 8

1Put the ramshorn to your mouth;

War is coming like an eagle against the house of the Lord,

Because they have transgressed my covenant

And violated my law.

2To me they will cry,

“We – Israel – know you,

O God of mine.”

3Israel has cast off that which is good;

The enemy will pursue him.

4They have appointed kings,

But not from me;

They have appointed princes,

But I did not acknowledge it.

With their silver and their gold

They have made themselves idols,

Which is why they will be cut off.

5He has rejected your calf, Samaria.

My anger is kindled against them.

How long will they fail to attain to innocence?

6For the artificer who made it was from Israel

A man, who is not God.

For Samaria's calf will become splinters.

7For they have sown wind,

But they will reap a hurricane.

It has no standing corn;

It is a shoot without yielding anything

By which one can make flour.

If perchance it does yield anything,

Strangers will swallow it up.

8Israel is swallowed up.

Now they are among the Gentiles,

Like an item in which there is no pleasure.

9For they went to Assyria,

Like a wild donkey on its own.

And Ephraim hired lovers.

10Even though they have hired lovers among the Gentiles,

Now I will gather them,

But they will profane themselves for a while,

Under the burden of the king of princes.

11For Ephraim has increased the number of altars

With which to sin.

They have become altars

For him to sin.

12I have written down for him

The great things in my law,

But they were considered

Something strange.

13They offer the sacrifices which are gifts to me,

And they eat the flesh,

But the Lord does not accept them.

Now he will remember their iniquity,

And he will visit their sins.

They will return to Egypt.

14And Israel has forgotten its maker

And has built temples,

And Judah has increased its fortified cities.

So I shall send fire into its cities,

Which will devour her palaces.
