The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Obadiah Chapter 1

1The vision of Obadiah. This is what my Lord the Lord says to Edom:

“We have heard a report from the Lord,

And an envoy sent among the nations,

Saying, ‘Rise and let us rise against her in war.’


I have made you small among the nations;

You are greatly despised.

3The insolence of your heart has deceived you,

You who dwell in the fissures of the rock.

He who has a high dwelling place

Says in his heart,

‘Who can bring me down to earth?’

4Even if you exalt yourself like the eagle,

And even if you make your nest among the stars,

I will bring you down from there,

Says the Lord.

5If thieves were to come to you,

Or burglars in the night,

How you would be ruined!

Would they not steal as much as they want?

If grape-harvest raiders come to you,

Will they not just leave gleanings?

6How the affairs of Esau are investigated,

And how his hidden designs are searched out!

7All your allies have sent you to the border;

They have deceived you.

Those who were well-disposed to you have outwitted you;

They place your bread in a hunter's net under you,

But you have no understanding about it at all.

8Will I not destroy the wise men of Edom on that day,

Says the Lord,

And remove understanding from the mount of Esau?

9And your warriors of Teman will be afraid

Of each man being cut off

From the mount of Esau,

And they will be afraid of slaughter.

10For the violence done against your brother Jacob,

Shame will cover you,

And you will be cut off age-abidingly.

11On the day when you stood opposite Jacob,

On the day when strangers took his army captive,

And foreigners came to his gate

And cast lots over Jerusalem,

You too were one of them.

12But do not look with satisfaction

On the day of your brother,

On the day of his loss of sovereignty.

And do not rejoice over the sons of Judah

On the day when they perish,

And do not gloat

On the day of their adversity.

13Do not go to the gate of my people

On the day of their calamity,

And do not look upon their suffering

On the day of their calamity,

And do not send forces against their forces

On the day of their calamity.

14And do not stand at the road junction,

To cut off their escapees,

And do not close off their fugitives

On the day of adversity.

15For the day of the Lord is near,

Coming upon all nations.

As you have done,

So it shall be done to you;

Your recompense will return onto your head.

16For as you have drunk on my holy mountain,

So all the nations will drink continually.

And they will drink and swallow,

And they will be as if they had never existed.

17But on Mount Zion there will be deliverance,

And it will be holy,

And the house of Jacob will receive their inheritances.

18And the house of Jacob will become fire,

And the house of Joseph a flame,

But the house of Esau will become stubble.

So they will be burned and consumed,

And there will not be any escapee of the house of Esau,

For the Lord has spoken.

19And the south will inherit the mount of Esau,

And the lowlands will inherit the Philistines,

And they will inherit the territory of Ephraim,

And the territory of Samaria.

And Benjamin will inherit Gilead.

20And the captives of these forces of the sons of Israel

Who are scattered among the Canaanites

Will inherit territory as far as Zarephath.

And the captives of Jerusalem

Who are in Sepharad

Will inherit the cities of the south.

21And saviours will go to Mount Zion,

To judge the mount of Esau,

And the kingdom will be the Lord's.”

Reference(s) in Chapter 1: v.15 ↔ Revelation 1:10.
