The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Nahum Chapter 1

1The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.

2God is jealous

And the Lord is vengeful.

The Lord is vengeful,

And he is a person of fury.

The Lord takes vengeance on his adversaries,

And he reserves judgment on his enemies.

3The Lord is longsuffering and great in power,

And he will certainly not acquit the guilty.

The Lord's way is in a whirlwind and in a storm,

And the clouds are the fine dust of his feet.

4He rebukes the sea and makes it dry,

And he dries up all the rivers.

Bashan languishes, and Carmel too,

And the flower of Lebanon languishes as well.

5Mountains tremble before him,

And hills melt,

And the land is upheaved in his presence,

As is the world and all its inhabitants.

6Who can stand before his indignation,

And who can endure the fury of his anger?

His wrath is poured out like fire,

And the rocks are demolished by him.

7The Lord is good;

He is a stronghold on the day of adversity,

And he knows those

Who trust in him.

8And with a flood passing over,

He will make an end of its site;

Darkness will pursue his enemies.

9What do you imagine against the Lord?

He will make an end;

Adversity will not rise up a second time.

10For the end will come to the entwined thorns,

And this will happen when they are drunk from their drinking bout.

They will be consumed like chaff fully dry.

11From you one will come out

Imagining evil against the Lord

– A worthless counsellor.

12This is what the Lord says:

Even if they are in full number,

And ever so numerous,

Nevertheless, they will be cut down,

And the event will pass.

Although I have afflicted you,

I will not afflict you any more.

13And now I will break his yoke off you,

And I will undo your bonds.

14And the Lord will give commandment concerning you;

No-one of your name will be propagated any more.

I will cut off the carved image and the cast image from the house of your gods;

I will appoint your grave,

For you are despised.

15Behold on the mountains

The feet of him who brings good tidings,

Who proclaims peace.

Celebrate your feasts, Judah,

And fulfil your vows,

For the worthless one will no longer pass through you;

He will have been completely cut off.
