The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Zephaniah Chapter 2

1Assemble yourselves, and gather,

O undesirable nation.

2Before the issuing of the statute,

The days will pass like chaff,

Until the day of the fury of the Lord's anger comes on you,

Until the day of the Lord's anger comes on you.

3Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth,

Who have acted in accordance with his justice.

Seek righteousness,

Seek meekness;

Perhaps you will be hidden

On the day of the Lord's anger.

4For Gaza will be forsaken,

And Ashkelon will be a desolation.

They will drive out Ashdod at midday,

And Ekron will be eradicated.

5Woe to the inhabitants of the tract by the sea

– The nation of Cherethites!

The word of the Lord is against you, Canaan,

Land of the Philistines,

And I will destroy you

Without leaving an inhabitant.

6And the tract by the sea will be dwelling places,

And wells, for shepherds,

And walled folds for sheep.

7And the tract will be for the remnant of the house of Judah.

They will feed on it;

They will lie down in the houses of Ashkelon in the evening,

For the Lord their God will visit them

And reverse their captivity.

8I have heard the reproach of Moab,

And the vilifications of the sons of Ammon,

Who reproach my people,

And who make themselves great on their territory.

9Therefore, as I live,

Says the Lord of hosts

– The God of Israel –

Moab will be like Sodom,

And the sons of Ammon like Gomorrah:

A domain of nettles and a pit of salt,

And an age-abiding desolation.

The remnant of my people will take them as spoil,

And the remainder of my nation will inherit them.

10This is what they will have in place of their pride,

For they reproached and acted proudly

Against the people of the Lord of hosts.

11The Lord will be terrible to them,

For he will cause all the gods of the land to waste away.

And they will worship him,

Each man in his place,

Over all the coastlands of the Gentiles.

12You Ethiopians too,

They are those to be struck by my sword.

13He will stretch his hand out to the north

And will destroy Assyria,

And he will make Nineveh a desolation

– A dry land like the desert.

14And the flocks will lie in its midst

– All the Gentiles' animals.

Also the pelican and the hedgehog will lodge in the capitals of the fallen columns,

And there will be the sound of a bird singing from the window.

There will be desolation at the threshold,

For he will expose the cedar panelling.

15This is the joyful city,

Dwelling in supposed security,

Saying in its heart,

‘I am and there is none besides me.’

How it has become a desolation

– A place for animals to lie down in.

Everyone passing through it will hiss at it,

And wave it aside with the hand.
