The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Zechariah Chapter 5

1Then I lifted up my eyes again and looked, and what I saw was a flying scroll. 2And he said to me, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see a flying scroll. Its length is twenty cubits, and its width is ten cubits.” 3And he said to me, “This is the curse which is going out over the face of the whole earth. For everyone who steals, as in the prohibition of one side, is being acquitted, and everyone who swears, as in the prohibition of the other side, is being acquitted. 4I will send it out, says the Lord of hosts, and it will go to the house of the thief, and the house of the one who swears by my name falsely, and it will lodge inside his house, and it will consume it, both its timbers and its stones.” 5And the angel who was speaking to me came up and said to me, “Lift up your eyes and see what this is that is setting out.” 6And I said, “What is it?” And he said, “This is the ephah which is setting out.” And he said, “This is their appearance all over the earth.” 7And what I saw was a talent of lead being lifted up. And this is a woman sitting inside the ephah. 8And he said, “This is wickedness.” And he cast her into the ephah, and he cast the block of lead over its opening. 9Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and what I saw was two women coming out, and there was wind in their wings, for they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the sky. 10And I said to the angel who was speaking to me, “Where are they taking the ephah to?” 11And he said to me, “To build for her a house in the land of Shinar. It will be established and set down there on its base.”