The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 3

1After this, Job opened his mouth and cursed his day. 2And Job began to speak and said,

3“May the day on which I was born perish,

And the night when it was said,

‘A man has been fathered.’

4May that day be darkness,

May God not care for it above,

And may no light shine on it.

5May darkness and the shadow of death stain it,

May a cloud rest on it;

Let daytime darkenings overwhelm it.

6May gloom take that night,

May it not be included in the days of the year;

May it not enter into the number of the months.

7Behold, may that night be barren;

May no rejoicing enter into it.

8May those who curse a day denounce it

– Those who are prepared to arouse Leviathan.

9May its twilight stars be darkened;

May it wait for light and there not be any,

And may it not see the aura of dawn.

10For it did not shut the gates of my mother's womb,

Nor did it hide sorrow from my eyes.

11Why did I not die in the womb?

Why did I not come out of the belly and expire?

12Why did knees prepare for me?

And why were there breasts for me to suck?

13For then I would now be lying down and be undisturbed;

For then I would be asleep and at rest,

14With kings and counsellors of the earth

Who built monuments now ruins for themselves,

15Or with princes who had gold,

Who filled their houses with silver,

16Or as a miscarriage that needs to be buried,

So that I would not now exist,

Like infants who never saw light.

17There, the wicked cease raging,

And there, those wearied by effort find rest,

18Together with prisoners who are at ease;

They do not hear the voice of the taskmaster.

19Whether small or great, there he is,

And the servant, free from his master.

20Why does he give light to the wretched,

And life to those who are melancholic?

21– Who are waiting for death

But it does not come?

– Who search for it more earnestly than for hidden treasures?

22– Who are happy, exultant even,

As they rejoice when they find the grave?

23Why does he give light to a man whose way is hidden,

Around whom God has put a hedge?

24For my sighing comes to the forefront more than my bread,

And my groaning is uttered voluminously.

25For the thing which I greatly feared has befallen me,

And that which I was afraid of has come upon me.

26I am not in comfort

And not in quietude

And not at rest,

For trouble has come.”
