The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 4

1Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said,

2“If we offer you some words,

Will you take offence?

For to withhold words

– Who can do it?

3Look, you have instructed many

And strengthened weak hands.

4Your words have lifted up him who was stumbling,

And you have strengthened failing knees.

5But now it has come upon you,

And you take offence;

It has touched you,

And you are agitated.

6Is not your godly fear your confidence?

And is not the integrity of your ways your hope?

7Remember, please, who being innocent ever perished?

And where were the innocent ever annihilated?

8According to what I have seen,

Those who plough falsehood and sow iniquity

Reap it again.

9By the breath of God they perish,

And by the blast of his nostrils they are destroyed.

10The roaring of the lion

And the sound of the fierce lion

And the teeth of the young lions

Are knocked out.

11The old lion perishes for want of prey,

And the whelps of the strong lion are scattered.

12And a word has come furtively to me,

And my ear has picked up a whisper of it,

13In the thoughts from the visions of the night,

When slumber falls on men.

14Dread came upon me, and trembling,

And filled the bulk of my bones with foreboding.

15And a spirit passed by my face,

And the hair on my flesh bristled up.

16It stood still,

But I could not recognize its appearance;

It was an image before my eyes.

There was silence,

Then I heard a voice, which said,

17Can man be more righteous than God?

Or can a man be more pure than his maker?’

18Behold, he does not put trust in his servants,

And he charges his angels with folly.

19How much less does he trust dwellers in houses of mortar,

Whose foundation is in the dust?

They could be crushed more easily than a moth.

20From morning to evening they could be pounded

Without anyone ever caring

That they had perished.

21Would their illustriousness not be removed?

They would die,

And not in wisdom.
