The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 6

1Then Job answered and said,

2“If only my grief were thoroughly weighed

And my hardship were laid in the scales together with it.

3For now it is heavier than the sand of the sea,

Which is why my words are wild.

4For the Almighty's arrows are in me

– My spirit has to drink their payload;

The terrors of God are arrayed against me.

5Does the wild ass bray over grass,

Or does the ox low over its fodder?

6Is bland food eaten without salt,

Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?

7I have no appetite for such things;

They are my uninviting food.

8If only my request might be considered,

And that God would grant my wish.

9If God were to be pleased to crush me,

To loosen his grip

And to cut me off,

10It would nevertheless be comfort to me,

And I would endure in writhing,

Which he would not spare,

For I have not concealed the holy one's words.

11What strength do I have,

That I should have hope?

And what is my final condition,

That I should prolong my life?

12Is my strength the strength of stones?

Is my flesh brazen?

13Is it not the case that I have no help in my own resources?

– And that competence has been driven away from me?

14To him who is in low spirits,

Kindness is due from his friend,

Even if he has abandoned fear of the Almighty.

15But my brothers have acted treacherously

Like a torrent,

Then like torrent tributaries,

They vanished.

16They are inhospitable, because of ice,

And in them snow is hidden.

17When they are exposed to scorching conditions,

They vanish;

In the heat,

They dry up on the spot.

18Their course is brought to a standstill;

They evaporate and are lost.

19The travelling companies of Tema looked on;

The caravans of Sheba put hope in them,

20But they were put to shame

For where each put his trust.

They arrived there

And were confounded.

21For now you are no comfort;

You see a terrible thing

And are afraid.

22Did I say, ‘Give me support’?

Or, ‘Offer me some of your wealth’?

23Or, ‘Deliver me from the clutches of adversity’?

Or, ‘Redeem me from the grip of fierce men’?

24Teach me,

And I will be silent,

And cause me to understand

In what way I have erred.

25How forcible words of uprightness are,

And how strongly reproving your reproof is!

26Do you think you have reproved my words?

Or scattered to the wind the words of one in despair?

27Indeed, you cast down orphans

And undermine your neighbour.

28So now, be willing to turn to me,

And it will be evident to you

If I lie.

29Reconsider, I pray,

Let there be no more injustice.

And reconsider also

Whether I am right about this.

30Is there any injustice in my tongue?

Can my palate not discern perverse things?”
